William 1800-1847 and Margery Morrison Allen sailed from Ballysodare, Sligo Cty, Ireland arriving in Canada in July 1847 after six weeks at sea.
William died 10 days after arriving and is buried at Tullamore, Ont (Chingacousy).Robert was their eldest son and was a trained blacksmith.He married Johanna Bell. John purchased land and married Ellen Morrison and raised their family there at Farewell village near Mt. Forest.Others in the family were Margaret,(Mrs Driver) William and Sarah,(Mrs McGuire)
In 1880 William Jr. bought land from the government in Gladstone twp, cleared it and built the required home, then sent for his family...he had married Rebecca Rathwell and they had several children.Their property was where the Agaston storage business is today (2010).They had several more children after moving to northern ontario including Cyrus, Ephraim, Elsley and Nelson and raised a granddaughter Jenny as her mother, Jenny Allen Beemer had died in childbirth.
Posted by Susan Glousher, 31 December 2010 at 7:41
Correction to page 5 Tweedsmuir History, Iron Bridge Women's Institute, Volume Two
Edward Warnock died 27 Apr 1929
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William 1800-1847 and Margery Morrison Allen sailed from Ballysodare, Sligo Cty, Ireland arriving in Canada in July 1847 after six weeks at sea. William died 10 days after arriving and is buried at Tullamore, Ont (Chingacousy).Robert was their eldest son and was a trained blacksmith.He married Johanna Bell. John purchased land and married Ellen Morrison and raised their family there at Farewell village near Mt. Forest.Others in the family were Margaret,(Mrs Driver) William and Sarah,(Mrs McGuire) In 1880 William Jr. bought land from the government in Gladstone twp, cleared it and built the required home, then sent for his family...he had married Rebecca Rathwell and they had several children.Their property was where the Agaston storage business is today (2010).They had several more children after moving to northern ontario including Cyrus, Ephraim, Elsley and Nelson and raised a granddaughter Jenny as her mother, Jenny Allen Beemer had died in childbirth.
Correction to page 5 Tweedsmuir History, Iron Bridge Women's Institute, Volume Two Edward Warnock died 27 Apr 1929
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