MRS. CELIA (RUTLEDGE) McKAY. Mrs Celia McKay daughter of Sarah Ann (Strain) and William Rutledge was born Nov 21, 1880 at Flesherton, Ont. During her early years her family moved to Patton Township, and after Mrs Rutledge died when her daughter was 15, she looked after the remaining family of four until she married Andy McKay on Dec 22, 1920. Mr. McKay died in 1938. Mrs McKay died on Oct 11, 1957 in the hospital of the Davey Home. P Mrs McKay's family included John Rutledge, Mrs. James Martin (Mapgie), George Rutledge and Miss Aimeda Rutledge. MR. SAMUEL ROTHWELL. The eldest son of MR. & Mrs Edward Rothwell, Sam was born March 22 1867. He and his parents came to Algoma in 1889 where he married Margaret Allen fifth daughter of Robert Allen. To this marriage were born Melville, Allen and Joanna. Mr Rothwell died WILLIAM McLEOD. William McLeod was born in Bothwell, Ont on _ He and his wife Mary Agnes lived in Leeburn until 1917 when they moved to Sault Ste Marie until 1921. When they moved to Iron Bridge they began farming. They had 11 children Alex, Margaret (Mrs Duncan Grey) Tena (Mrs Wm.B. Smith) John, Jessie (Mrs Clair Carahah) Selena (Mrs RussellVillimont) Etta {Mrs Alf Martin) Campbell, George, Goldie (Mrs Bob Godson) and Bob. Mr McLeod died Dec 24_ CLIFFORD J. RUTLEDGE. Born on July 24, 1917 son of Mr & Mrs John Rutledge, Clifford was fatally shot on Nov 2, 1957 leaving his wife the former Marion Eaket and seven children. The accident occurred while Clifford wa3 at work-guiding a party of deer hunters. MRS. CLARA O'NEIL. Clara Ann Cargill was born on Nov 27, 1851 at Agarmount, Ont. She married _ O'Neil in 1883. Five daughters and two sons survived their mother. These were Martha (Mrs Cargill) Car*line (Mrs Sam Bellany) Clara (Mrs Chas Draper) Bertha (Mrs Sadler) Millie ( Mrs Robert Beharriell) Sara and Jim. Mrs O'Neil died April 16, 1929.