3. the British sent an army from the northland to go to Albany they ware commanded by one Burgoinge and there ware many scouts thru the contry where I lived from both the Britains and Amaraca. The British went as fur sothard as Still Water on the North River and there was defatid by the Amaraca-kins. For about two years I worked oute sum by days work carid my grane to mill on my shoolders and tryd as much as posabil to not join in any party that was for war.0n the 9 day year 1778 I had a daughter born named Hanah. About this time there wase many of the servans of the Lord sente to this plas Danby and there away preching the gospil as was reveld to them by the spirit of the Lord, and I sold my land all though I was soon sorough but the man I sold to hild me to the barging so I bout another small pes of land and moved on it though giting some onesy and moved to Saratoga hired a farm and lived there about one year where I attended a friends meeting and spoke some times in the meeting......... While I lived here I had a son born name James on the 7 day 3 month year 1780. And this year I moved back to Danby about 60 mils where I lived about two years and I had a turn of mind that cosed me to thinke of going into sim newer country where I could git land cheaper and as I thought leve from the word of truth to going and I should be blessed in wildoing but if I transgressed Gods laws then destruction lay at the door. On the 22 day 5 month in 1782 I had another dator born cold Mary. Now my wife had a very poor turn and never had a well day for two years.... About this time the war between Ingland and Amacary was setold as I was going on a jurny to New Yorke to by land there I got among the small pox and was Vacalated and not long aftar my wives father in the grate nine pandnes cinched it the natarril way and died though my wife noing I did intend to move to Fervisborough thought we should be disapinted so she got slays and moved before I came home. Now the state of Vermont where I lived begin to tax land and sell it at vandes and frends in Yorke State invited me to take cair of their land. In a few years I had about one hundard rites of land to take cair of for frends, a rite containd about 350 acres. This put me in a great deal of business which took my minde sum of from truth though I soon had a stroke to pay for it from the hand of Provadens for I was lefte to by a farm and mill place and give five thousand dillars that was not worth two thirds the money, and the night I moved there I had in a camp all my ritings Note book and bonds burnt to askes and almost all our housil goods and clothes. This was on the 2 day of the 10 month 1786. This brogut me to a grate stand to know what to do. Though I had had another dartar born on the 4 day of the 6 month 1784 named Lyda there was two famales of frneds moved up here with me Wiliam Haight and Jacob Winn. We had no rods in this country. Graite was the troubel we went through and cold not go much to visit one another for we all most all had the fever and agu...... I sold in les than one year the large farme I bote and wente to Quebec on bisness. I made out to setol that betor then I did . I had another dartar born while I was in Quebec on the 26