Newmarket Era, 20 Feb 1863, p. 1

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UlVi ME THE LIHERTY TO KNOW TO UTTER AND TO ARGUE FREELY ACCOllOING IX CONSCIENCE ABOVE ALL OTHER LIBERTY VOLXIL NO 2 f NEWMAUKKT FRIDAY FEBRUARY 20 1863 WHOLE NO 57i tditts Dircctoro- j9hD T Stokea tkct- Uunci Dicrctor Br iSeCaUom Xpcoarhfvr fit nHT5lClAN fiureoo I i Moubl Albert SuDfntas Dlrttor Dr BAIISAT PHYSICIAN CORONER 1AK bf rmilUl ibft Ttrloi Lrtncb THE PEIVTSK M ifieniielvei Lul tlll ciuriio prtjAied in liciog tior lidy iirrlv to eaiincliati proleiiiiig in rl lo Kiily rtmontirtncei lliil il it una prr feci fn nj M iile crrm nncl rmnTTei tind poi dor r cniilrvlinurry nnrt llii dull wiiiili cut likK iri edg kiiei to will be sufTjMiMi Whil ii iha ml liT 1 ihf ded Ther Iti ihr Yreih sir blow upon har face Tlie nubbubof rjirulnlioni nnd thriekt and exelAinttinni flntlljr blndd inlo n lui iciin ilrer a momenii urxjr Kien- ttfic fiiignring of the puIeanJ a iniiin unaout lultnitu l Ihe tip lufned ttey brifrt ilinkJ ih II for llie bomi conferrpd upon tim ILe llou iHjsurnrd tl tfCol oioulo ifler lliTM oelstk mil I fiily lotok Ike blioj of Ibt Alotifliiy on oar prorratoca ol ibe ia- rorlnI ilulift ntiicb lh CositilvtiOD of ibii Irorince liai DpoB job Quinc Ffb 12 Tb Sjiiker took ilia rhair ibrrr Itlixk- il wliicb tour Ih Hn QvKitc Feb 13 On lli r1irfmiii of llii Eiealkscy mwed 10 MKnd 11 Ktelleoey is Ibe Hon Mr Tfirf iBlroJbel pro for LfCftiiire c Clumbfr Oo ralurti mi Rill rrljlmj lo CoramoB s printer r0iy Jn I 10 Tit lint pnrrrn Ilinnhav n- Office at Newmarket rr eetocx X Bishop Son C Botloir HTSTriAN Surrto StdBi BmSB m mmm 1 be lloiMc tUti ijottricd ill MoodiT BY IIKNKY CUOXON apfticr IJii HieallriKf tbB cominind d tb alltoilioee of iba Iiliiita Jit tfmblf Ilie mrnibert of llial bolf drd bf tbrir Sveiker ilie Uoa J Kduard Tunllp tpfrdil appeared at ba bi afirr wLirh B8LLAHB LAStBIBC T i9 and trif tiny floe niKlevea and yel the auni hoped nnunlillli lnrklix brncrlru find iifcklnc lfrp nf uucimaeiouneu puacd hiiu ll lut Kiiiv did iioi ci n gUiica iord dreamlMi hijh na rta of demli- iliein wa siiliiig wiih hrr liiilej Theii for ilie firat lime aha fell Ihe ler- liiiid cir l in liar Inp id atiniaihinf- 1 ribia wrihi nf mpoiiaibiliiy lhai realed Ion Ttie UI ho i7 iiiiNaTn ritAJifirns v oilr Mfil I f R p Snilhs H EK pvrB II lro I Tre Nwmf kt l W iim Uid roliurj ft ll acMin i Munty lo Ind 4l Int rnirt c lolmil LtrlXLXTIAK JIUtaiLT Qutiic Feb 13 The Speaker lok be clnir at 3 oclock nd m obedieece to a isiwBoea proceeded lb Ilie menbtri of the Anenblr tn tbn i I- Tiu thy eel a blow out tty pify frl Tji einii I tMT4u0 Iliey wite North Bichardsooj lmi N- H iioai lleacy Ibt GeDrl Ot t UonouToIilf GtnUrmen rf iht lygtua- mmmsmm AtiifMrrrf Ht9t TORONTO XorcBTft OrL 3 161 IjJ L0 L rllAH AM rROPEttTOR Dr Eackett SrLion 4t John HcNftb tTCl AllOTuiX Siljftlor ia Chtii- ADfLAtOf STRKET TORTO E JackftOD ISSCER OP MAasUtiE LICENSES pntsinvN- s lrpelhlrlOaruKHiM I I rrlly bu re- nAUnlTl I5fiiJforthrUiKoruri Dccr4c IHK CANMA J tfui 1 tjii iwjc Life Assuraiicf Company ap i- R- B- J07 l8iporfl by Specal Att of ArM a I Ki OM ill u STniJflV l in So 0K TIIOS IIARTOy 1 c I Ji tn If V International tife assurance society of london lltlHKHT II SUini j7 J rMAl Xor 3 IC Il John T StokfJ CO VVII KH f Adiiii IhCeort t tr I tn Vv tod feelCMuoxaaeirie bha- mC V I lae Qrfe B llatcbcroft I TCS Ctfife ri VV Sleieh Mkr I AlloT- villi Deapalch Bvfaukel f 6 lj tfTialj Dr BcBtle PardlCiA tnl Aeeebear Vnitrka OftcWaur Jiireal roi t V la Street FkJO lf3 T S Fraacia WjkTCK AND CLOCK MAKER JCVSLPR raftrff te Tan Street J If ft 0 H J niiuiffi LOT lU19TKul Aloie 1 lw rimp fctrtlt I tiOi ilM Kt NVwi UcH i J New Tiiilurinj Klablishineol BcrJ Pcmon JVyjm mJrrriicAJ W IkX A XI XC XI i4MniiriCe 1B1T unifcili Viifrl Matthews Maclean PKOULCE CCiMIiIOX UKKCIIAM FBOHT STREET TOBOKTO rvi Sl IH3 Ifl hallen and WILLSON FUJlH CmJ ENGINEERS JHALS fiOfiSHU7Vnif Oih proHocc ronisried fn ir ia ly for W V Enukiilrii 104 of Oil hfninj CofTiptnj Dr1i isTEPHEN WEBSTEE ARCHirtXMN ProTlntlal Laod StrTcjrart cvcy4nKCT c w NvTntrhff Junv 9 Ifil Mesars Sullivan 4 Sullivan 8Mh lrMWlBfs Wli- ToaosTo At ACBOBA c I Frai ele tt BmUtm aad AUOTB at M ktadar CI ai4 wraaieJ Aarvrm VafCB 4 1662 Dd Walcbe rpird lf4 HaVIXO epeoeJ OrT ii ADSORA eonoeflkKi ilh Ihir To- NKWMAKKtT C W UMMed t JAS McCLihF- April 9 IH2 19 B TBACT D mrs- iiuoo asd acwcchirn THE EDLSBIRGU Wirdi m It 5i per lifril ronto lafliaeM Office ilj it Ati uMil Biiitdepe ptir nnrcrwfarrYriiynriMiwTro sjSmrasrFTPrasriwr OLOXHINO IHata thatare HaU S P COLtMAN FTC Utodon praeiial Hiiurawd PorrUr iiiiiAilta PIT QUALXTT OSS A P WIS s Taronui Jau 11 IbSJ I Wlllinm liTia Ac Co j CullVl09 WCHCBAT Forwardiai ii Griseral AeiLs 96 OFNTi Cf p Wkt flour Ahn Bnncb aSce Nevmwkel oicr Wm br ike eiebaaa ot atorKria Uwdwar aud aBi OeaeraldUree Otb M- f APVARCM KiP OS CemictjaiUTa PateraoBHarriaonHodgina I ll mi ilieed AmuiiBi life Aasorance Compy leil WM STRACI MCMUHRAV Afraiat KBMki C Vi KevaarteiJiilf l8Ilri ir9 lletara Graot ft Landy a iu- sofitiaa rraiie CAsn TAtn mil inw rriw I Tntcillu Jv 2 2 The ftueena Hotel Lit UTrr Huae SROZT MTzmw Dvritttrt finoii in Chancery ie 0tiki9 ulli tokorro TJiC a braaek oAee ia Nawmtrkel XX nare Ike huiMW will be coudwaud by Mr iei L Caeiaa Bapuwxf Icb 1 tr3 r Wm MoAtJ ViynrAHCERaaUB4j jeet V ailMMlalMaMoliaoeh UScrua trn korre WalUee fitidraaar te gcieac Ai- Wmc Mid weaal ea tba ana iaoduod RHE iNSUCE CO CPrlL SIOOOOOOO ASSlAL REVESrE12750000 Evert dewnptiea ol rir laadraeee tiaaa- rW tka lMl rale tr Offt I cptetery weeiif t 7m AM JID AeAt 19M BRIIANMA Life AMarance Oo THOMAS DICK Profrittor Trooiojicariefj- ifw Provincial Xnsnranoe COVfy OF CASADA R ivc on aUpny- ilT l Hte WMSl RACilAN McMLRRT Aetit at CW Newmarket Jaly 19 l ifSJ llvwmailiat ires rovadiy- JAMCB ALLAN ta ratnra iWaka fe- ITira ad l iiliiia ihai te i afe- iived 10 eaM 9iea Siirar KliW Nkiiie Calir l tler mpvkteaal1y riuit III hia liktol bnaiiieM A iiumtr et Sucac KeitWMattaaad flowaea kaud foiaata Kewiaarka PeU o OO WM7hai i Baisi Sifi CarrUga Palslcr OLzica AC AC DEOA rMpecirolly tu imlmveta ha elii- mmof newb4rnaddatrrobdiecui Ill Ihe piSinmeniift ra lire o f ererV crai k and corner i f Iir rii aiih fiiliil rndiaiiro M tir iir kiclien WA aa ileKinl en apan lueni D hl the perlnti in F Aetiiie inl ice aiih iia anixiy f1 and cuahion nj lockiiig cSain and h le IniKed nir AiKa aid a lor c iiia rvnlire Mr tJiTjf rv wimMiil hueniTenn fp inr Vin ae Iln n her nKirisier rUeMver ex iimded it pink lliiia in lniel ii iilir btiMlh lie warni Iwcilii g of Ihnt inie czy ainK iilrt kichen aril ihe iinnlMv riei in liie wiiiifiiw kel nji a eenailiine nt lilnoniy luneeten un tli tiletik rniny lreinir eiiiftt Nmauelick i aniJ ihe rirc n lak ing ir lu pecialea In i awav Ihe uiiwntitec dew ihat hd aell or then iteer areleootala nte ocluck hnw ilia nine d aip away li be agre And la ikiiik thai lliia Ihe Inai aTeniiig our Kiny will be wiih u for three iwinih Mind Knty ynu dont figi our old faiher eriwfig thoae ci folk- Kitty Gregory jamped up from her liiw aait in ih chimney corner and ran acroei the glowing heenh lo gite Ihe old d a itwwer nl ki which eerinui iy endangared hi blue cheeked Deck Baidkerenief and forced hm to atie be tweeii laiirhinx Tid cryiug for mercy pirli the Uft gOd bye h been reil3cJ agfiio and aain and thn Jehj wa crack lug hfa wliip impatitnI lake cere nl Kily or abea nil wee Jhen for Ihe firai lime Kilty burit in wfo anil buiieti her Ince 11 her pocket liaiiiikerrhiel aubbirig wjldty iba deft ccin aiired in ainihnent r zi iiiigii I whii til inauer t Pheisnt 1 1 1 eiriiie of aiek 1 lUi I wai afTeciiin Mra Gregnry could nnt aniwer alia Victonne drfkeiJ I nTily ruse ani threw open the fold f eateaiir ira Ooura laHing n alrrain el Iigbi llie brfrteta riUid lir mni ih- rixim where Iny a alenJer figur ami wrrmlii d tier lore j nil rje in wiiet nl nnnlin fur lii- iii wall tlo ri ol p nrl on 1 c grae wuh nnwy m acarered iin ih- Jill Iilv a 1 1 ijtilii lie eceinrd tii vert tirent and rhe fir liarl tied logihi Kiieriijii Ill alj ilml wa lejiiiul i wiih p4irly riuUili Tlie tniith il en I OHIO Kirlt luirr up lnulxl ind iol dnn Crelil lh gold df ih llie cherry iir il lnde Jrmie iti lte i ie y hair li cl riileJ in liirine inerrn loii t keep n Ii uw ail waea amwnd ilie mirljle br w Tlie irg lir4 nil iijil f ilrariin e1i4Bl for a mirTrn ihe iiij We ar iiii redy come in aaid mav atand upon whoee fatn head the Mra iiegurv Uuea nnl Kitty look acotiching thgnderboli hea fallaii ihefi awed lu iiiglii I I ha lank aeouleaa lu ihe fljor in bleaaed iweei ijiculated Uncle Jamea ihnugn momentary rtbliinn kia laat word giridf lier a kia which half the vouig ringing like a knell on Mrt Uregorya men in New Yurk would hao aold ihamjiuiiering ear bixlili In oLiiaiD abea perlecl lit i Y hoee kiilsd her70U have kill- lie n ae Leil Ijiun my work Killy that pink dreaa la the praiiicat cuBcarnyojfe ever worn Aa the carriage rolled awlfily awny ihro llie gluciny atreett U Walker necended theaiej iof iheoppoeiie miiKion wiih hia wifa leaning un hia arm Surely aoid lie pauaing abruptly id my liilla Kiity Maay a year aitar Iha crimaon leaeaa drifiad like a ram of blnod around tbe lonely farmfaouae on the hill many a night the dancing firelight illumined the raiered kilcheo where ibe nieeiideri atill bloMomedand the gray heeded old couple aat oppnaiie one aootheri ailant with the A Bill will be aebBHtied I yoB conlarn iig atMidaerita le tbe eiitiflg Mililii iaw kaiu2 for ita object lo improfe Itie atein oow rii force fur Ibe dafeatitr 6r- inutioB of Ibe people A ineaBre for tbe mnre fair djat Itient rif I repreaenlalioo in ach wclioa of tbe ProTiMe will be laid Wfiire yoii Yoii will ilo b ikrd lo craaidiir bill for tbe more rciaitable aeltleineni of Ike rrlatiou belweee debtir ami ledtoe iiid lo afford relief to iaiAlfeDl Jbiora lilier iDeaaBrea of public ttiliiy re relalift lo tbe adBtailralioA of jutiee ri ika regotratioB of title and to itie law repeeliui paleali for iBBtiooa will be aubrnitled lor your coeideralinl Shortly after lb clu of tbe laM aee- 3B of tlie Lgiilalere I appoieled CoB- niean to ebipire ibio Ibe atale of Ike public buildmgt at Oitawa aad especially loto tbe eipeadrtore alreadj ixsrrcd to retpecl le tbea Tbia ioeiiplioB ba I regret loaiy beea uuaTeadably protract ed A report boweeer ba been faceally receitad wliKb Will ba laid before yoa aod tepa bate been lakes bated upoa tbit report witb a eirw lo tbe reeesptioa aad apeedy cenpletioa of the woik Two Btabera Bf my Eiecalire CoeBcil ie H 1 rsassemriTcerrirJEi iVlJlJdlJ ttBMl niniiiiMiui debaleJMlponed till Moadaf ia erdel to gire for eftriideralioa Mr MaeDnald aid there bo ob jeelion and noted Ibal ihe iddma bd aken into rontidenliOB ta Meadtf- Afitr aoine reoierk fron Iloa Ur Caurbon Ihe moiM wa agreed to Mr MarkcflfSe preaeated a petiiiea from Ibe Coonty Coeoril of IMbtoi priying for iie renBiai of Ibe Seal ef Ooeeritment from Cebee le Toraoto al tbe eed nf the preeent aeaaiee Air Stirtoa prewsted ivilir pelitiM froiB Ike Ceaaty Coaaeil of Welliegte Mesrv Taacberaa asd Price preaealW PtiiioBa io faror of ealabliabia a buk Ctdil Fancur Tbe lioaM tbeo idjoaraed at a pail ibsr oalock OrdftAAO Aipttparalor o eooienpUUd ehaagM in tlie iDaBitenient of tlx OrdsaaM Linda the Qocbea Mcrttry fiHiiliM tbe foljowins facU The Ordnance laodi araof eottddaw ble tb no dogbt bnt tMr otte to the prorince bat bitberto bM dl- tsioUbed woefollj by ib tapeBaTaa rf the iBtDiKBCBl Tbe low Tilw the lands vitb barraekf aad otbar biM Ceriiiiilv it ia why do you ak Noiliing aaid he between hia aet among the leafleee roea traae raiog aboa eeih only that if oii kincaof murder her golden hiir B though they knew were pnperlv puniahed Mra Jainea Ihat the auMhine of one lonely hima lay Gregnry wuld deaere the halter under thai coffin lid VV liat do you mean I I And n pawed away Kitty Gregory DfflSKEHSSmaEiaxXSUialiliEDBZSaCiiHl ifc biJ jwd more to M pitid lor he coud nii cj Very nice mv dear aid nun Me dra eyeing Kliiya h w a Ik dreo and lie white rUlin raiher aii fi ilirualy na tlie Imle daoiael heldthern Inurnphaiit Iy up 10 lier aunia irapeciiin tny nice tul vou tnuat iJie liiU a diTn riMre and blea me they uro nut cut linlr law enough id the Ininmtng le old lle Ilul Madame Deprinre will are in all ihn And yon lieeiii ftny jinrt lipira and our hair l not arrinrrxJ an uecnininglv aa Viciorine cmio du it ib lUig i head of tha deHt Faaliion creature who cnme iwa momhi ago fromj the country fretier than any daily ie A Weaiern paper aaa Voting iiiw atanditig lare to lace with Dcub adiea who are accuiomed lo reading Night alier mghl 1 have aeen har come i newapapera are alwaya obeereed lo poa- ot into ihe biiier anow and wind herfairaei winning and rniat amiable diapi neck and ahouldeta proiCied only by n hi n and inariibly make eery good linn eraiiiiin of ilk and her feel inwiet p iper a lei aalin al iprra day after day I i liiive aeei nrr ttally eihnuaied by tle riighia whirl nf gayety wiili a light burn iiigon ibe cheek ihat ahowa mt her rke eorrepaeaea witb iba Secrelaey for tbe Coloniea en tbie abject will tM laid before wilboat dlay Tbeae cBllentea wire av intlrocled lo call llw alteaiioD of tbe Impeiia rrritory aB CasaOa aad Hfilitb Coambia Very fa voorable reeUi may be eipecUd from lb leprvenlatioiH Bot only in tbe de relapaient nfth raaoarce ot laternediate aod dln pmeewieat of tbe Canwn bi la iLv commercial broeAt tbat will arcrtK lo tile rririice a tbe natural outlet for Ibe prcdarlioM of Iba weat Cenferttoi of Ott Auembli TiK public aecount for tbe patt year wili be daly aebisillrd to yrm irili Willi tlie for the aMOoliea rtQnrpil ai Ihoi rien ox M Ibra a w fet- midablfl eaiincai for w aftenc eiMiallr dcToted lo tbe miaagamaBt in tM ora- nsnee property but frota bil iDuM bo deduct not lea than 1832300 rariotu ptiblie porpowa Ailtioiigii tte tea UM i loiateat ea uie vif5 iBir b the pfovincial goecmtsestWMntilig to 379C9 baa bwa inetaded ia the ra Inma of lle baaineaa nf tbe agcaey it if plain tbat Ihe tree eatitnated property managed by Iba agetiT b bal IITS200 ieta tKt3800 or 40 Striking off theo Ibe 379 aa in fairnc e muat e anire at tie real extent nf Ihe tranaacliooi of tb tKaaej aol their aoDaal coat lo Ihe pravise BeeiBsiog ith 16S9 lb pariad when Ibe Talue of Ibe property aa ta- Dot apeak to her Provinoial Parliament head Suclia cimpleitin it mkrs me think of damaak riiea and awret iea Uuaauriia VVh mv dear there inl aiciihr luch pair of cheeka In New Ynrk Mra JacfM Oregiry had pedictrd rightly wlien ha irilieid thi Kiiiy would be ihe beMa nf tha wittere cam paign She waa very phix uf the aen MiHn created byVr beiiutifBt netce aid to Kitiy 11 waa una bright dresm nf inno CMiit tnuinph- If her felher and mniher cnud otily have fCen her ia lhie cloud- like ruoea her tiny feet Clad la while kid aliipen ind her feir eima nlitiiig wi h jewele ahe would bite been uite aetia all ID a tremble wilh iha Oting feet ih iniiic nuiiding merrily from iii Ualeo nied rirrwr elnmed in wiih tha voire ol tha vHng ntid gav ard ihe rrvwie werei nil in Cuh witn eatina and telteia anl tlriiig y el I Ijiw Mautlful Mra- Orejory ia to- rnght aMl one riing men lo lin heigb- twr W hn a culnr aiie haa ii herj rheekft- Hy ove eha ia more like en i angel than a human creaitiraat llita mo I meiii Allow m madan to congratulate you on Vliea Kittt a remakable lovlina ihM evening aai l a eniranua geniiemmi of 111 old athc I to Mr- tirngi ry Hni he lind ellcltled hiaenieiice Cil la tbe IarlSBeat UaiUiBg and liarag lakee bi aal po Iba Ttirnie cominind ed 1 altendaoce of Ibe lgilelire Aa mbly iid that Hflae being pre ljdd by tlierr 4eaker Ihe Crk of Ibe Irgnlalne Cowwcil ataled on betalf til 111 EiceNency lll be dnl Ibiak fit Irelare lb aiata for wkirk be bad aum aocd Ibe prevent rirliaaient unlil a Speaker of Ibe lygialetite Cnoneil liad been elected aeeordiag to law bal tint morrow al tbiee oclock ia ike afuteooa ihe peecb eld be delittred froa Ibe Thrnoe Ilia Etcelleary tbea retired anu the C lk tlie cbtir aad annnaneed Ibe aacerta n aod reiaedy the defect of lb flei now regefatint Iba ardit of a cowal ard Ihfaynral ef miney from tlw public et bqwr aa with a tirw lol rtreiiclnQriil nf etiiendilare eo far a mi f j b found coiitaet with a dae rrgard lo eftcieoey- I lipe ikal tb feet of tir enquirie Will talredie aock a ayaten nfcantol awd ecoBOny aa luy before long bciag tbe ex- peodilure of Ibe IVoTioce wuDiB itaaaaual j laciiBe JioH Gltlenunand Oentltmen s I I b coairibaiiooa whcb have poalane ouly and lierly flowrd from ibe Iroiince j fir llie relief nl liliew ia tbe maoufactur I werr 2i210 40 whilat cxpenaea were 110467 18 tedncin net prodactireneaa of lliia valaable piiMtlr during lal year lo 115743 HI end Btk lag Ibe coat of nasaceiseot abovt 40 par rent 00 Ibe KroaamvaDt A dietioouoa hould be made bowtrei betveea U cxt of rrreivia paymaota en aceoaat t aalee and the coat of colIecliBg mU and alloirintt aa a liberal pereestag Ua per cenl on the aalee ll followa that Ika tbe renlajeaebed the eaor- raoua pMfOitinn of 51j To appreeiata Ibiarateofcxi properly ll ii aeeeaaary W rermmbet thai according lo Ihe report M lb9 the land are tbe bmm part eiiuated in tbe rat eeairal asd ellglbia jS a aaw pply at ihi Miiaie aad MaBiaraaJuai Pkel ti 4 Vrapjtaj pi that be boa 43iA

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