Newmarket Era, 20 Feb 1863, p. 2

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THE NEWMARKET EHA FEBRUAM 20 1808 Nvr AUvcrtltneBli- I n T ari- irx M VV J- Iii Olli- Tiiin riiieNeaniftktl I Iiiykig on iln li 1 hiii iVtfnr ro n Ml M j titj- II Ijn 1 K V rrti M SinKi IJ Miclni i htll b h ll -I- ic ol flfrrn ri- r rirolh I 1 A I fnr all ihal I rsn McDiiiill Ko- I IlJ Tfnlui o ak lu tha rrprfkvniKimn in I anil viTpJownAn y Ir n ifft jlBirp bvlvo Itspe 1 Ij an I llrrnn in pvt rkn- In ai liih OnrBWill int jiiriii I ft anJ ul iliit ihe iuTfiimM fnay lai irriiiri i llir Currilr lii rllcl iiinfv I 1 1 bj N jcir in aii If llic Iriiir- nri T iiiiiiT pnj fnpr tlr iiiii ti lle Ue 1 rr lrfp llir Im f Mariii rrit liiiii U fiirwiriiii lo tlir projur li Vurk Ibal Ihrir iwilibora llie Ijiiiiinj IliJinf niiU can btrr 10 liy Ihfir tliilt Chrni ln In- I II kKirfi rlii In iiitin nrMr nitllt ocin 1 ly Mr McCVrel k TlieClrV wi in- lriictcil 11 foruani unlMcripitDn iiii tn ihc TrulOa nf rirU in lljii lKn- liipi IT iIr- fnirrxo ir raiin a liin III ihc rprAUj in lliial llriuin ifti n nix l pal l tn ilic ClrrV n nr ImIiti llc ll iav of liinf an ty llii ii K- IVrrtjrJcl lo lliO iript luliu ritii On iiiliin tf Mr Hiniii nfnl- 1 by Mr liCjfnioV ihr jMjf f iln pi MvKcIiaoi- aril cllicm i 11- IMfi I ili rii 11 iif ihe I Blulilil I llifffl f M marti 1 Ittcvf picftrtfl fntrifni I tiihiur Hqr anl ili ail arceuii th fljf Jlfujiiiiukft Kfmvrket FriiUy Feb 20th 1663 Oeoeral Satatcva li- ben ill Sni inrtholiilelhec pry innifinfnl ftijI iif I fry iclion Nevmarkit Council C Ti M ri IU 1 K I ly undfraiftcrf I tinilly aiiJltcd nij it- ly Mr ronAl I I Micklrm Tli it ihc r iiiiiiDPiijjlifiii I friiu iho Ilcik If AoMr1 h lij it Ih lili uniil tin ituii nc nc noil ilinrt prAViriun Il tth sul iiijiiijiiii ly Carriol tin uiliT or Mr r r wcnnJ cl V Mr lcirn TUo j rsrr lit tilicn i MLhnl Iror- an oilier wi iranKJ arj liirii m N 5 ir ihc yih iiiiJi 1 1 cnip Ji viilons N 0 and 0 nicliV ty nnil li prcvnl Nn li HM allrrid li N 7 A fiy Uw wa Ilicn inlr lifiT anJ oj alicrin crlain roi4 to arjiiliit IuunJ iLi i icr J-ini-i- xiim r r fWc n 1 Hctk or t IIii Mr inlrrvIucoI a by Uw i icn I by Ijw Vfi I in to 1 It po I llroujjli ila vari aiij Ucinir law KrcU 4 apIicjiion for rrlurr uli nit b ciilrtaincil a lln Mr lUnKcn aie The iVfririilniral Sofitif ol Nmlli Viilk aecniBraiir J bf llir I line i f Mr Ilricrk lieiiu Ibf Ilfiuk ilh ikeii Mr Iloi MCK rrplitd Tlif Iliaiinan ar Tb Aj Sntiflj nf Ivit ork ccompsriirU lih Ibf aamr of Mr Irabim Mi of Mr comptliiort IWrv lfTiIiiM irfJrfJ ina ihoil bu ete- gait lai rrceitcd Mr IltaktK gate ibe lic o Norlli ami waa ilaiik lOi all llie hnnnra NIr iitT IplirJ rr III baliliii anl Mf McMartK for Ae llrccJicta lirn rMoived lie Inlpr of l anli Mr lepNJ Siiccaa 0 WliilcSucliAc Mr WiikiN rpliJ Tie IVrat MrJacic 5N ri plifl Ike ilaoii J Aliiiher it aa a Biil ftrn IIH lile llir nhbln fniiirI fcflrfifj rrlii iin nunc linl in Ivilo Wr may inluc lo bpe lliil iIk i but lli Hr f ma Of rr umona an J ihjt Nnilli Vork ma ronlmue toltiJ ilie an rn iJ eniiinurd by Kct Mr iluJlT Mr Teriy I V Tearnn J Mollai iniJ 9ilirt A qalrirr nl la hour wxi ibrn priil la iletulioBal eiriciet au ike aect- iii aj urbeJ ir- I f 1 Uank Tfe 11 iin of the XililrcM in rjly lo llir Si vcli frnm rfio 1 lifune 3 inrcd ly Mr lUnkin iltc said he iril n oilii Mliafjctien bectOM il aecorilnj mora elnvly Ibin uioti under limilar In he etepia a pablie aeelini eircumilancca ilh tbe ihr hrd la lUe Mrrhaflca kll Tbe rreaJ- ioTemmcat had annoanceJ at the eloK dni ler Mr Ilarkrr in the ekir nf Ul lie eoalraniril llio rr- Sprerbet wte aiilf by Mfr VVm ui nf ihc Militia policy of the pffaeni Millrr J Wijren llet T traibef J wilb lhat of the lat Gorrnniint The MnlTai aod J Ifanltnv lalkr BoiKiibttandias be 5lirllin ap- IWlrrn ncli prrcti ihe Ne eal made coneernin iHe Jancr in irhich fbiir f Mouton pieMdmj al ihe Me- ilie coanlry waa pUcoi liaJ Mocceclij in lidron an n aillitm or oilier Ippf raiiriit only Ion Pr elcien llncnand nicp jinaie pure of iiiui- mptli lo Ilit granri- ubilo ihc iircacfll fifTrniiicnl liad alrcidy latioo of Ibe nrnvb y pnmllcl twonly fivo ihiuini Milunlcir Th deiiundi bpna our aparefretatt fd he IwiicreJ if ao emcrffeitty art i from enriiTiiiag our ipofl furtlier I tic Wioll bring out acvootylivo lhiUind It la ay ihe arciml dy wamrn He tpjrrticl thil n Ion a lime eiiually inlrrttlinj atilh the fiul iid in ha lin oecuici by llic Ollawi Cro Ibe eteainj of lli teeonU day al thr miwionci bul he W4 happy to rcfic Iublie inetlinjt be lltl oai codcJ auuranrc thai Ble4 liad Urn talon ilh Speeclia ere made by Mar Bod iei l ibo r4iipllon anl pofdy Olin Imn tnrli DTaldoa T l rrftin I plUn f ibc woilr lie a ft ftrfiiiii k Coloiiiol 1 1 r tini hat Uint fininj 4 Arrivt of the EtM rtUb for a iirlLirraaniilciMfcood the reoiniili eiiroriiily bclitccn Poto- B- ami IL Haph mnoek to HcUood hi4 btcn Lrcrktrt up lUTonii torn Fab j Dfliroeiic ConTiiuin Nl Yit Ieb Cia from LierprI 00 ibe jih uliiii ia Qiieentown ibe h ultimo Brred iha morniiit The ihip JritoU riint in Iha Meiroy i in h rfcelH M dincl a ry lirgel- iili aaluloa from Uiieie ainl men Ari iifni 1 koi r B Clfl Uurjwof Ficrch rreliiiion iiU cir I ITii fl recsiinj a culnie Sono Buituiniiaa i itiy txt I J I iih aur heiic nlKiily iMiiiaiel ir jrror Il ia erlrd iHal Do Ibuya b in- ariicied Ilia rMich M nlr 4 l letaMrjj Ijirin Vienna 10 auuiid tliro Courta upon iho linoaa iiol iC nieriialin but of innpO Cijn tSirli nijgu la girn ih4 bellieeiin riiMliig llirmto inno ronimiiimier hrjfd t oianuno wliti or xiiljoui The riiihui rrciuid 11 d Ccmatia CoooeU anj iifoor tlc nam il naiion uf 4 tlijiol met purauani ii adjiurnown Ir- aofU 1 rara MaraJon Umdhoiiae limit and nkn In ihe abaocao Ill il I 0 Ir Jaokain waa called 10 tha illIll itia Ifeave arrivr xery ahoniy it lier a I d preidfd Mm lira i preiioue niiing read and riiritiiloaiiin wfia reeied an roiij fiiin III Prvircial Scelarj o lioo rrgariJiii liie ilMrl Taaii- niiiinl iuiii Man fjom lha Clerll ol I Mcn ia 1 ouiiiM ouncil iequeuiig eon iTlbunm ltarltlha Lancnabira Beliefj CounoilhiJ airily liLn aclinn f i I CtiiKsalta nf liccinc ro thi A lerji Biinilarr iJt neoounia liiia lai 1 be irinUi 10 ilio taniut patiio bove meiitinid iiuLin- aj jilicaliiii On touUon of Mr It ciij Mcon Jil Lv South Oxford Tho iliQ i7iiiriik Urous aill probi- bly be famjidato fr ojili Ijfjrd id rif Jiilrr fni rofpondrnee of iU lV aled the ninjrialiin iid br n ten dered and accejlfd Lul ouli tJ a juU dunici till vtatenjont yil il biota tint Mr llii bi iin ll llernnn pjry f nnlrriand Hut irtloetoi bo niiiM ni r-i- at lib- fly tu dctllne llir Irut Vi e may tbfnforo riRjiijLly ex peel to Me lr ia tlw lloose b fiiretlie oiin jnd ofcnurv il in Iatliiiuenl will nc hj jwcrful in- llieiioe in fjvor ili ircit rdi and Alrvanderind bcteeA each ibnllie ptoapccl uf opeuio eomnunicaliin I ujiMi n hni b Try Cuinpaiy einipiaei uf iin filiy lirnili lUo KailliTotl icrritory and ingli be made t vul iMldii n Hih Vii prridir- al tin ured the iinflance nf that Khnnc in Mclodcon ang a aclecl cbol j emncction with be lalercolonijl Itai lljtBB I t- prraerte lo Briuin bo Iywcr Afirr he aaual lotei oflliaaV lh Toimce and tlio North wiihoul lard aad rybody apprareO mirliP Tbe irxl oBeiiiin will be held al niaufoidon ihe Hurl liirday and ned- nrdir mFiby ISti Mr iwlt i- the loiren r if iBanair commiitro Lcgislatiro Assombly eJr amuinii lo nTiily iJHOO inthe jfrrgaif ni jirrfiid and read t T t riur iTir Ton- f iP I n iniiur itie Cou cd weul into lumiiree of die wliula on ihe Comru iKuia aiid accouiiia Iowitad Mr- Ja ii in liie diair In einmnra 11 wsa raaoUed lo lay ier iha tjbjecl mailer ol tha coimnuni cioo 10 ea what the ultga bird al- leafy djir and lha acrounia preaeniad ere nrJerid lo be reforrad to iba fi nance Cimmiiiee Ciriiiiioa rci and reported end I 1 unril adcipfd lha report I ha Uvlaw inircjcad hy Mr Jack aon nl a meelinj relating to tatera aid Miop liepn and the du- e If Jiapflctr in regard thereto Hod hy Thr ihen aid a acnnd lima and rafvrrad o a cmniiiea uf llia r eambia III lha chair Ihe irii bnuti in lha ByFa ere filled roporiod Mr IVarain it tria leiilel ibnt when the Council adjouroa il J tjnl ailjnurn cd until Turday the llli jjy f prii then to uicol at Jirotr lltol iJil luirn aa Court of lIcvM n KOor jnstruetins the Uteie to oblain irhat Uvila and iibir duruuicnta vvrc iu tho pooim uf ihc late llccie The uuncil Bljoorned PreuQtatioa to Hajor Ste phenton Oa Tburidty eianief lal a large nura brr ef 1be berira ti ibe leatnaibitl ti Mr Mtioa ataenbleJ ai I3ro lltel n ijari Ioitn la ine n- lelbcr aaJ iaak ibe peeoation Wt obeerred anoag Ike 73 or Ijfl prevai aorat of lae eadiag ajiiealiurKlt ki ibr CooLty Tbe Tetiiiiraial eoniiled of a d lha eommiuta roaa and void Watch aoj coniaiaerl an c1 adopted lha report j iraerilio cIid flb ibe okecl of tbe wlncU no prvjt Canadian nationjiitr isiilited aa we nriw irera from both ocan could be baill op Mr Jily aeeooded the allroin Kreneh Mr Carlieraak cd fiir explanations concorDinf tbe retire mtnt of lr IVriofi and alad nf hi aab- iiiicnl Jecliiiion of office trhen differed to him lie alfl kod of Mr tnrnier lil rejMni for deelininv n enter the Iorflv and enrtiirtd imo ihcliilh rl the ttirv aHut Nlr Kureau tinini rc ceirod a pledge from tbe iJfiroTnnionl not ti iin on inili ibe Intcrcnlnnial Kailnay KUorho anl cooeorDin Lia c3doreiiient Lrcnnrivt cotcii I nf the Credtl roncier IJttaic tlB 111 Mr Sicolle 2e eipUnatims bnih in Tbe Speaker leok the chr at iLree Jronch and Knlih Mr Uririiii had ok roilrcd boeiow lie believed tbat the Hub Mr Aletaatfer aee aoliee that of bo ttiane3 rould bu permit the buiM- dsy lifprcacntalioo by IoptUrijn t ould Inquire of ihe Mionry at lo Ue inj of e IntcfCuIoial Kilay and he rannrr 11 Ihuh the Mnntroal tJecao Jtcjjncd to return to icc beciuM tbe SieaiJiliip Comrany had fulfilcd lO eoa- noiiiiirins trero mil eompMltd Mr ifaet wrti the iiTrriimeni Iorjnir declined foe the aauie rcoaon IIn M Iattliiere iboa motrd ili The uSee aaa oStreJ lo Mr itureau dJrM in reply Hia IJjcelliirya cprpted by ISm Aa 0 the rft of r Spool h finia lie Iliroae tecontjed ibe CarliorV UotiinA ihc rorornmcnl eould lion Mr Curr nnt be hiM rctpmniUo for ncitapipcr Atler lorae iJcbale Ihe fr1 pipai Jtorin lcv Durion and Loranpr aJopied and at half al fi otlnek niSV ojjnaiijej iiuiUr that of Mr Ibe llvie aJjooraed till onioro Sicotlcn Mr roriuoa Tcmarka aiere icisLATiAS reeeivcd taiili applauat Mr Carlier by Quibic Feb 10 quioninir brohterttblacllhallhc 1 Iforincial SeclrThiB tree uflered lo Tbe Speaker look ibe ebir 1 Mr Loranscr firal andV to Mt Do i i i Irion while Mr Laransora inawac b Mr I Mo n kl I ri ahoil Tuirn Iioo Woi 0iO were ub- ihird me I Mr JoBa 1 u I 1 p ili o Iglgtwil aa 1 1 i VV 111 w maV I aratoKI mPopi Ii a 11 JI ol Jlly pniailt mud fvi llc iua R M r lvfcMuVh- raliat akhr hia t-o- rl Moelinja ir Ifo ri riih in 1 lia plico Wll poa li a oimin 0 n Sillaih ofo- Mi netl ai iio r l-j- r iiiij ho Ciil- r l Maea imniaoly i III itii einnet Il 0 m ay a laio a a ona nf revival tneeiinga will ommoir 0 a Sakbah oaa lid Ihe By Law avij read ond paaaod Mr Jackann aakel leaie 10 introdure ho ilyIawof hiehbehaJ girn no- 1 1 ee fur lha ftppoinimnit of certain Mu- 1 f- lIcacocK IVetiJont of tlie Nnnl n cipol lljeira Lear granied and lha Voik Aj Soeely ibe r ee chair 1 be l aVt lima 1 Aurora lira MnH by Mr Jaekaon aacohd by Mr 1 aiioutfi I hi lha By Law for thai icj apiujijiinoiii if riTicart ba nowr read ai occann I wcoiid lime and ihni ihia Council go Aftir le rrmoral of be clth ihe inioeonirnjUce uf the whole on ihe aarno chairriian calffd upin ibe mecla 10 dnok I ilr rule of nrdor beiiig luapwded lor I fii tufio Crrd Ciuntil ConmeerlndWe III Ihe clmr Iii commiiira Mr Jaeki ebairman tben taid the lorelrpl ull If thi- divifio 00 lhl Il- I ihe ddrc in reply ti the will no doubt prniy elearlv do- tiriiiine te trrnjth o Ihe dmiiiilra lin liiiweter and eonaoijuently taiil Ki ll the matter for he tion any arc he apoeubtiona joit now of the loiiult of Mr lloWs procnee in the lluux and the feelin peemi o be ainini ground that ahnui l he adtriMate tronily ih adraoec Kof rm mejiurta he haa horetof irc ao rootcnded for Mac lurae will larjly weaken iheoiijiinj A liiiinialralion Theie can I no itoen tiiin bul alioali he pi into direct npfai lion 0 the Mitaiatry a aerioua would arie in the Hefomi Ijily On tlieothor band by tfiin lua auppcrt il would tend materially In eoniidalo and irvntlien lliori it ia in rodr Ihero- f ire cmiidirable aniiety itavikened lo kni diliuilely he ciiur he intenda pur- tUIB- Sabbath School Coaveotion Wi CCameroarrentel e fiil reporl of lb- Kal Norlbim brrland hie lion Conmillre latinj- lhat I le peinini I hiadcler ai the 0WI f Mr Hitar hd uppoet tfie -vemiei- beii witbdianaaJihaKbe paliiiet j ci pikVal inlh oa tfr d- not rifooua or teiatroaa He denied ta the iatemncat an Afrr aorae remark by ibe 11 M f Pallia he Parliament eariy Cariirr Ailriey leorral McUo I d cnlcavocd to pPk Ual the Coal bkd done rjuitc aa well nedcBOuac 1 from Ihe I broae Wit poalpoacd tOI 10 nriangomciji rd 10 lha ar An iher rccuil aiya Orioyn lf Uiuva la pripaiii a note Ui 1ranniia lull lo Waal iiigion tecomerding e 111 prJiiniae The IriTrr tnrn ana loft I ir erpivI nid llhrnu lr Naaati wiin lorge aulir of armt ninrriiiiniori Kc niid iiecrarrca f r lla la- ut which toaiel aha ia callvO r VircnTi lib The Toancll mot ycletdiyal leo doek Mr IVe i III ttiJaabjf Ihe War Ion ilie chair V Iil ifia introduofT to pJOl uraimiij Ihe Hun of to tlx fr Co nnl liiio Acrg fyl seirii ICai llij of iin cly AfQ lyI10 VleH rliO I niy Tcrl 8JO I a first aecaivd Kio lb 1 TVrnci oppo chm I III cntiruciftg I I rii n II I lurJ ihn t pfittfn f I ed r raji I mo I pi lenVr Tho rii ifihe Jiigl heay liablitio fir ha Caoad oa n railway and aaa it la bi Irr 10 wait anl ton what bocmoa of ili Americin Itepuiiio before aoilmg u luch a roav drfrnee Napoleon liilribtflel to the French I rmeil C e till I iiora llioir niaad Iram ilia lynitn I Caniiti Kihibiion ilernaderin uiiuauiNy lib Ia dC Aral and preific apeoih fia hke p- I ih- lriljtare Had ainond noala Is la 1 paraiir Ike eogntrea fiQia ile i jjIeial piifiof IIj pernio nid Ihil Ilr UtiJalure woild ata o cl n q ioH- 0 4 0 1 111 n or profjutir laying the fenue ra y eao aa iy may ort bi tbal ibt y be rhangoit fraffi tbe city to L lies or Irara ib Caitad U Ih- ciy by any Ju1 of Ibt 11 mioiioord n the abite Atl nrer t hi nef A1 Miiiiiee IImi TJi nrw A rchhtilKfnf TArif faf k d ojhce Iui Knglniid anl a fir l iiiiif ihoy 4ad prrparrd ti c follow nj i Kiarcein medialioB- A dmf of lhohch Ihey MbnulloJ in be llnaneil ad Irraa lo ilie Emjrr apree j Peliinn prijni i be allowrd lo loino a regret lliol Iheproiioaaof Krancelnr I im a on u paliuloJ lad In aincnl Ika were ttiouglil pramaiura b preii J iy law ararud liie law ia cfer- lo lli appHoime t of liiapcloa f nd 0 rnake betler profianair f ton- J MJoratio o 11 Ktceilraert I mTuT of Goternincal ad lik credit lo biuiMlf in ibai he had coBlinue our lepsrt of tb iRasaiDEt lata Reere of d Sinacoe S ri nroninn hIj teup ed the ehur and Mr Newitakel on TueaJay a rd tVeufJaj f Ist week Ine ideal Ret Mr Hacker alalel iba ar nd qiealii o of diciiio at tul ILiaJ waa ali arey li ike preaent a njoynieot ImjnJI I peel Sireei I Ihtf MeilJil Cfrarth Il aaiil It waa rnther utiforlunaia Ihi nw W31 ao worded aa to preeent ih rcl Irom naming an Aaaeaaor wh iiot raied aa hiah ai would fiualif ricll r Ciieumauncei preeened T iat waa fully aware of tbe object for whicli ihry Lad aaaeobted Thy had ntl lo eongraiuUie Mr SrfriitNtot upo bi- prceialion by a re I he prope 0 llr t ammj ilf uf fi Cily alite to Ihe irnpH lanee of Sakbalh Schor I If fat ti3W can tboy Ue otcr eslrdl Mr itKargfil openeli the diaoieioo or thi queatma No one who took Ih lroib a rtaJ the prinred report 0 laT yoart Conepntioii but miMl be eontmerd ihc people were aot aolfiienily aiiie o Ihr iinfiofiaoce of bbaili Sihit Tiie wanl of leaeheia ihe want rf nanr nfilir Ibe llouae iboo adjourned lriisLTiV coixrii yiEUir ITlh Veb Tie look the chair at three oclok fifriie nmiine preejina the de bile oa the Vddrca in reply to Eli Kt- 4lcricyi pecch froua the Ibrooa waa reauinej iln Juhn Rmi then rose an l apoke atrunsly in of UopreacnlaiiuB by IipuUtiuii ilc road froui apeeehe dc- liured in ilic Imperial Parliament al the piuin of tbe Inion Act lo ahow thai il Wjf not inlcndod lhal the Ision abould lc Federal in ila charactcr and the re- prenialioa aiwaya ooatly divided be tween rpper and Lower Canada When r Woarea- nl nn thai Mr War raa Maionor ami Uoka Hor it Ihia place haa Unhiiennneu nSioiSopreaaiira Il tma Winetir Ile monay ma kei iijtil men who fui iiiph pailum ti iht mn 1 alan 1 a por ai We uiioer Iai i lr Sieree pijrpov ea aliarhir lo loi b iiiifa ihe In U cxne 1 1 01 hy Mr IVa eaa lahopiiiietiri tfcie aoaih of 1r Warkrianl bia eeoe fTOm eonunuirag 10 act i tealnnaiaT He would eall uion Mr hile othera ihii had bri peeially A JiCKtoy itae Secretary of ihe Couaty S Iired aa not qualified for lha raaaoni 9 j a AJdreaa lo Mr Srt ibota I ha blanka in lha Hyfai nrcexarf ajplianeca anil want of niiailij il aa found by ecntua of 15 ihal if parrola waot of c nperaiiin of mn a 1 Canada bad a majnrilyof 60000 Wr all poiiiird out medial ihe niher I ihe Pjian htmbora ware debaTiiy j Ir an td4iea lo ih Kiig Ti e Sniiiali Gijern niil ha rcjpi ed lion Pnma rapnaiinn A threaiening inoracilon had broken 0t in iMiiid III ih proviioes arouid Wnraaar Simullaneoua atinelia iarr mada on ih iroopa in their ami ma ciii hinmraia- Many aodora were killrd A aecocd fnaaacra cf llirihulnmew ia aaid tohaia baen iriicnded laiaai ee iuila Irm Vpaw anya lint Iran qu d nud encrglio maaaurea ha been laken 10 lupfjreaa be rtfuU ot awhora Brtiiiff dull Meaaa Uiehirrltin Co and Ilil ai It Ca lexrl II ui biw and a ahsdo eaaier aaloa at Iii i- per tarrel t hoat inieiia da mnnd al Ul wacka f iina Ked weimi n 2d a 94 lOa aniMliem 9 lhl a 9 lid whiia tresiern I0i a II aoulberii I la a i2a per I0l Iba jotn dll and it a OJ aier niiol a 3U per 111 1liC announeemenl ollbi- rrjviriraIIeef and pork qiiei bul iteady ican dll and anil declin ing predieti d llic inadcqaaey cf the Bill wbca paMiel Ua y a bill further lo amend the Miliiia eon- Srmed bin in tbe upioioo Ihjt tbe eonrae of the prceBt Miauilry coirpartU tnnat unfavorable with dial of the Uat Iloth Moatra lorion and liranior eahibiled benevolence in aayin- lhat aei ex- planatiuna d not alter their poaitin in rcfereoee 0 he juernmeBt He al llmacbt that Mr Iloiiona ircalnienl ul Mr Sieutle in learin hiiu ao inoppor tunely when he ahoeld have knnwn aooncr about the lalercolooial Boad waa Qn- juatiGable Mr Jrieph IiifroB p4e is IfeBch aainatvo Miniatry The pat pvaaph of the adJreaa wnt ihea carried Mr T Lijlj- fiexl apoke Ie rned thai the Iue rjivuld coBralulate Ilia tud lir Tb- rrpi A bfUw li I I ID to h pal ar ik u Mr upfm It a If llaiirr morad tteOBded by Mp I Ibal tbe bylaw be amreded by ir iig the aaisra of all be lleara y iara of Nonh Vsrk a eaW J n 401111eu lur me raasuna j 9 j Hie AJdreaa lo Mr Srt- I lie iri hi hr I and make b praaentatioa e mhluliiniate were h led wilt iba follewinr trntlemaB I i rr TiiiMihy JbiitlordAasaaant I Ir JCKSei Ihea delnered ihe follow 1 MilllUDdyi y 10 be applied n Diithl hr intereli ly reael he parnt d m the rrinarka gard tl III mrninity Qiil ba IboujUl ibey giixht be aniaaed by Minilera brioiB Ibe riaim of lae inali uiion Ireqiedlly before Ihoir repeclirr faei but ih oer Lower CaDOIa 11 waa thought that KkcUcikv on tl 1iyally ij he pIo I an tlier ihiog ppef Canada miht real eoBicat with and al 00 ibe loyally ni Miniaten who i ite aehiaia hin a ihev were f ir ten yeaia Canada bad been in tbe majority for B of ihe preioua pdk aant of iiilereat by the Mr dobfl Teiry aaiJ te auppoaeJ eir rcet altered eaea and a wiib lb It The mombr f nrtire f aj- 1 1 a Elol IJ romrol il Cmp4riy 10 b i lj a Si erraiha Caniliii f bavin ina pnp Money repreeenial and Tfle Ljdrf of laal week loo ariiela aianl Mr CcMiier f inanan UiaalTaita 1 f ih tVe hall reurn lo ilimaier caT btin a oopy if Mr Mo North Sineoa haa 100 fo Parliarneiii Ncrrbeiii Kailroal iiher puTwea haJ a airnn Ihy liliarl llallia Colleciof iddreatand preaeflleJ on bllf of thr Edward Kermou and J Uoceock 1 dnanri As linie piece psrcJiaaed for tbe Iiuiid ieoar IteaiimoBial Jiuh ChiMiOft riMMh VVfwMJ Wflii t o n J J w u a- fn MAJOR liwdu ftid U bir FeM I t Vieor 1 Sir I our fricTii in you 1 al Knginaar The llihop and do Pi a lealinionMl do ttilharn MeMaaiallr i 3rd do JBfnaai it frita Hga intnniie Talae bal a maekofappreciai H l f Commiilaa rra and raporied ha r J indonritable pereveranee Law aa aniendel Repon adnpied and uful eomfrtilion in contendin the llyLaw rend nihird lima and pauad ao enrrul ffor hs Aidilor reporl waa praaeptad Pe he Kaat Biding of Vitk and n mvlHn nf Mr fickvwi aeoonded i By that el yoa etablih by Mr UiSjhroae ana reeerrd 1 JJrvlf aa a pi wman and won a lao Al a laier aige of iha meaimif on mo 1 I rth Vork fir mochaoical akili in that department of irieullutal aeicnee We trol thil letimnnial tohc valued d lo tlo Kinanca onnniiea wuh 1 iwliea ptnmptinj iu do a 10 repoft iheMon mat nee iual anrth wiHV hand n heir loom m ynar family I borho lion If Mr tiamWa secenledby Mr 1 Uoahijaa tha aboia eaporlad lack of iiieat m k 1 noik d la Ibe Sabbalb boel kter ce Il etUblihinent there appeaid I hate been a rown etereat lie ihoufjlit the emiloyreeat of Abnt aiira and eooataet care of Teaelkerv woud anon aooo awken aa mtrreat wLere none bow rxiatej Ie Mr Uidley aiJ ibe firt pari ot itiia qiielioa ttut be answered in ibe le- all e and berclvdaetrcemaiaQea ofa hiol on bia chaga ibal hiil been all oM dwindle away beea irf nine jeir When however the 1 1OW i fee nxmllw lotod againal ibe Mi lt waa cheap foe he enonlry eh infliiential individaa ln The Speech TrJer rur IpmcMiry nj nri ill b IojiiiJ rh jijTff- It Will be orMrel our Tro lobec rrtly rfhJieJ it cthXnjti t in 1 H ilfwn M ITT heirloom m ynvr ftmil I I n moion ihe npeetor waa dfiwled J imuUte Ihem to deedj aa worthy of f k bae who 10 njlify all old heeuaed ahnp niw mH and thai jour aueeen K f Igliqirht UI1 loJ Hy lowed liltle were paid tv aiurday nri ha 101 Id 1 eadeaioriog lo Irorol rn ih i r 1 of kill and ability aa will enable Uie aecceWI w rioeo ogeinat lhm nlao 10 info Iaaern Kaeiera iif lha ehnnga in iha i lly aw wuh regifd 10 iba ini ami 1 I kind uf Itjiliaaiinai to make fur a Cam ficave if licaisa Tba lie Ba jUy La waa then ordered to be uriinad and ihe ra lully peraoalei it containa mucli ol intere In ihe people The equal 1711 Whitchurch CounciL or fjlher 3jUmeie of Porlnmmiari repeeiion in eacb aretioo f ihe Proaince will ba a great deal beiiei tStn maiiinining iha liiie foreq bor- oujhj and pocket cnitiiuanuiea on ilia frontier whilalcge tracla of iha rural 1 dialncra ara There can bo no quaatin of ihia bul we are led 10 be- here iha ultimits rentka of opetiing up the aulject will be the triumph of iha greet principle of repreaaataiion nccnr- dm 10 Pnpulaiinn wiihoul regard 10 a ditiiliig hue between Lppar and Lower CaData U PTirrrviLLi Feb 17 63 The above Council net at Mr Sang- leri Hotel SlouSriile on Tueeday laal All the member prcecBt Tha Beeee ia llie ebair Minutta of laat naetng read asd firmed aAer trhieh a eirtitlar wu md froa tbe efice of tbe PrtviBeial Secreta ry retpeeiiaj tho meiMtial to tba late Irinea Coaiort alao 4 renloiioa paaaed by the Coaaiiei CoBseil ellioc upoo e mual confeaa reeou- a allyaurpralwiihih k II la Alio from tfa MQDifijtitun of Anfori ciber ietdiof joarrwl iNt no ftlbr L waa made u th promiaed raaoluiiona fur i goeartegand defining iha aeon lo be like tm lb Double Mjoniy prin ciple Thil WH euiieipated an that ha couniry mighl krww ejncily what Inter- prelaiiua wai placed upon it by the C arBmant aed thereby mbls the country lojudgtif ita soe io praeiice Shuild all ibe WealepB nnuniiriM lo retain their placee in ihe CaUaei per- hipa IpP Ctaada haa Doihig to fear bul Mintaaeiea ara aosul jact 10 ehtnge erd modification iha certain eao ba plaeej eo ibia iwDce ihe liU haeing tme trail defiaed lise of aciiun early laid don aj iba Deaibia Majori- ad foraieg part ef that tIU preriooa lo ittneorporalion A petiiioo waa preiealed from A McKechaate aod othen deairiit eertaia alWniiona ifimd diritioB No 2 in Ihe 2nd eoneenioa alao freai Peter Rakei aad othen for alteniioa ia School Sec- lioai Noe 6 aad 7 pplieaiioBf for CRiilcale of licesae vai reeeired teeoBipaaiei with tha re- qaiaita nanbier of Bamea froa the fallotr- iBgpii Meawa Wb Bfov Joba YA Jae Philipa P Battle A 8Dgt ter Joba LIim SexMiib B Cee- Joba Sktrea aad David AnaaMor Oa iBMiaa at Hr Paum teendcd by Mx MeCsmiek it m waniiit Tai linue lo hoM the lau biy wnn and bear fot arri lo victory he ataedard yoa hare ao aueceeafill raieed nmT GiKTa It iawilh feelint of soerdi nary character jccopt your handaornelea timonial and receive your heartfeU eon gratolaiioTia upon Diy recrnt leecerw in eonlcodin for the iiilter Service offered by the Kiat Ridin of Vork t Kiitv I had no reaaun to aniicipjte tbta roiu actal your baada and the doUto prompting you in makinj ihia doRalion illeteelreaaared upin myaemtir I hope tbe reaall will be all ynu dere and ibvt the Plowmea and ricutlurialj of North York iU coirlinue to naiatain a foretBOat position Tbe VicaCbair ibea prepeted he A rtcallaral ialeretla of Upper Caaada ac- eOBpaBied wiib b naioe of Mr A IU ker e Mattban Uraok onb cbeeit Mr DaBEcit replied la a aeal beiaor eat aad pracliral apcecb ia wbicb be alal- edlhat Mr SrtriiKatoii bad boeoeab y wen Iba prize aad deaerved tbe tribeie be Ibia aibl reeeited Tbe fiitftja in NuMb Vork bad fallea iaie aa error boweter with rtgard lo tbe Siltar Price IitleaJ ef it batiag bteecieea by Ibe Eaai York Ag Society il wat railed by a lew friaaah ia thai RiJieg Out wa bare boi reMi for iba ipeecbei Tbe Cbiirnaa gave Tba Meieaalile iatereati aceoiapaaied wiib tba tame of Mr W Treat Draak wnb cbaera Stn Mirtb Mr TBtirr replied my bappily aad beped iba aiaapla let by the frieadi of AffitBllBa ia Eaal Yerk be fellow hgaifd lly rtidrnl 10 hug at laal Ikal Ibey ere Bit aglEeially alie lo ihe import lee f S xkiola aod rloarly lack rl peraJDI pioly Karorl faiiLfnl w rkrra aie rrqiired lo awikea ibe bc- catir lolereat lo make peope feel tbe iiBpnrtaooe of ibt invtituiiofi Mr S- A Marling tbought tbe laai apeaker l ad loaclird upoa the ro t of ih fil N doubt ihe lo aiale of reh at one real raue uf rW want of oai III Our Sbalb Sehiola Peraoaai I waa lU ine qui nnn tn a tearher lie mut di more ihan dii harjre bia dutroa IS a formal loaniter or acl hke maelMfia sd inpeird by a hibrr moiire a bitlier riaeile lliat frliu It f aimply dacbarjiag aa irkaoae dlr lUv 1f Le aod HAe Mr Feather followed in pretty nach Ibe aaieealraia arjing peraoaai piety aeebaolxey aeeea ury IS awakea be comrasaiiy sel ibe impriaBea ef ibbab Sehooli Afirr I few reaiaiki by oikee menbera of ibe Ceaeeatiea Mr friun be Reaoluiioa Cemaillee MbBitud tM fol- lowsj eentut uf Jaouarv IStjl eslabliabad lhcf a rear Il waa haaiiliain fact lhat Ipper Canada had 3UOOOUilae Iho Crown travelliri uali mnae ilian Lower Canada tbeciae 1 he country exiiihii in knivea tape wat enliteljr cbaaEedand lle detsand fur tlo 1 to eralotis prole at llie tei4uaimeniof tbe ropreeentahon be- ad bees dooe The Iuatoiaaler Oeocral cjme univeraal in V pper Canada The ohera he uid bad abandoned their popialar iaeliiu waa now beyond the oon- priscipJea for tbe aake i ofteo Tbe trul of aav uiaa any party er any goy- juvernment Iticked braini lo ewMn the ernnionC Nd man na noar ibiak lhat country pioperly Tticy had taide die- he evulJ ail at IheCuuncil table ad over- 1 fur tindielire molitea Minia rule Ibe aeotiojent uf the onuntry ob ihiti te haiin no a in la of their own in an ijjesiion a rejrdcd tbe Mioialeriil lil orudI had pledad tbecredit letod I ineatute 10 apply the principal of Beprc of ihc cnunlry 10 the Intetcoloraial Uail acotjtiiin by iopnUlion in ttc two ace Ib nh prfifrvin retrenehment tioni acparalilv withcul appljiBj il aa The oaly lophole it afjieared by which twtween the Iwo netiinBa he could not could eaeape wai tbe ainting fund aree lo lbit The effect of auch a mea- If tlc expondiluro waa neecaary ihey jreon the IJritiah populalion of Lower J provide for ita payment Never Canada WiS very evident ami he could bifre bad iho eoonrry been placed nol iree o apply a meaauro aaiaat the iiunaitiaiias poBiiiaa He lie- British population of Lower Canada nountod the Ottawa Comnilaeion aa in- whil- the ajuic lucaaare waa denied tn vented fur tlic eipma purpose of blackeo- ih Uritiah in Ippcr Canada bacauv jt iiiCe herecter of the last Miaialry waa there in their favor lie oil nol Mr ljly created much oppoeitinn and however intend to aay much on tbo Caea- by attacking M r Foley about lion he left il lo iho elected iBembeta he Pcti oScea and nail contrael in from Upper Caaada who bad be- a u- Ferth Mr eoattadicted hia eharj- tarnod aa advaioauf the mcaaBie d Mr Ia1y pmuised lo pnva them lion Mr Seymour aappoptid ihfib- A dibato then tullowed aa lo whether ey f the Uutcrnmcat oa the Mibtia ihe Houae should meet today or adyourn bankruptcy aud tbeOllawa Cenmiaaion nil Thurviay be OppoMtioo deaiiin uetiiona In regard Iu Rrpreaenlation latter ooursa Thin howeeer wu re- by Population be freely admilled that fved and tha llnaae adogmcd until ihi there waa a iirong feetiug in Upper aa- 0 meroin Glubr di rpP laoada wai Botiaiiafied with I Qtairc Pb 18 the policy of the GovemraeBt on tbitl j 1 t i o- 1 qacaiion but Upper Canada almcaloon- 1 Coaeil Iher w po nc4 lo itt poitpoeeuient for ihj ioa it eoniidftrtlion of the Male of be tKI VtaVvniroQ a9chb M ihroarMfT WtWehortfe vIl II c ti miikty ib Wal UUiil of iw a aol iti ih IrUblion it faiilu vrth rvul i lftftleuljW w impirfiftt T U4b1e w ch Aval tireidirtf inom it leie ihrrecM circW ifncitxy u4 lenrk i brisf U pa Wcf prtTvm pMiid vhea rw9ti Vftr iht efirioiir ljni JM CkrtM te lb of Goti Um h the Amablf Ibe Speiker took iW public fiftincee The fiiio qoelioo wegll to i wai the queiuoo ofihe teuioet A fw yean igo there vei orplu cf two miU liOD of dolbrfj bol IaaI jeir MoorJioff to the atalcmenl of the late fiMnee Min Vk iaier there waa a defieieaey uf ive mil- 1 J liuna AdmilliBg thai two mtllioBi of thil wert fur eitrwrdinarx diabnrmenla I Bood maiiflciced that be mete lhat Mr ltendDCt ol tlie aimittct Some dieaaaicB enaerd wbcb broulrt evt very nary diabarrcmenla alill a deficiency of not lea than three milliooa remained on tbe ordinary trans aclioni of the year Thia is a iwott alarm- ioK aute of a4ir aod eeeded a prompt and ttaorongh remedy Hoa Mr Beaaell tjnke biieiy He aaid bt aa teat to Parliament toaopport BepRMfiUtiea bf Population and be hould do ao OB emy eeeaaioa Still be would gira the Goreramenl a fait trial Tbe several paragnpbi of tbe ddre were then leeerally adopted CJaf erpmobt TI ToiAine bnaUaal haviB VeB di- posed of Iba tfabate oa he Addceatt waa resumed aiiJ cootiBted lil ike adjoura- IBtB The dbale tbowed ittj tnnaparenty tbe wrakneia of tbe 0ipotiina Mr SiiBpaosa apeocb wai eery damaging to ba late ierermaaal by poroia su tbe wretched managemrat of ibe ablic fioao- j cea lebila io ibeir band and ibe urgent weeaaiiy fr ratrearbaen Mr J noa AComaiitlce aa then appoiaUd to J bclb auppori of tbe draft an Wdreal baaed oa Iheluuoai f jnat paiied tbe report of wbicb being el vetf roogk kii apreeb bad tba eSl ef Oa aietioa iba abora waa rceeirtd asd adopted Tbe Preaileal ibea ilaled tbe salt qaei- lioa at folotii Tbe imparlaeee of Sabbalb Scbeela ia ralaliea s ibe Cbarcb aaJ le be or Id Tbit quettiet wii epeaed by Mr nlr aboniy aflertrarda repretaaled as adopt ed The Ooaae then adjosnei ttO Tbart- day toisorrow beag Aab Wedneaday aiobt UnUUTIVS AMUrSLT Fb 17 excilng a aclinr QitAt- nib Ibe derBaeat CTio AoiisiT Cofsrr Cocscii LOU Tbe Cobeorg Su aya thai cbe H G UoaUea eoaifBenoed proeeed- in in Chwaery tiraeapal tha oetsben Tba Speaker look lbs ebair at three of tbe eoeaty aoeaetl ef kortbatberland oeloek Aaeeg tba pelilMBf pnaeated j asd Darbra te rcfbad the fet ilkUj vera a BBuber pnyisg fer tbe ettaUiih i Ukan by ham for ailaege eto Arrivtl of tbe Aiii Nw Yoa Fob 15 Thleamr la from LitiihkiI fii ti uii ria tiwena- lewn on the lai arrivoj iJy Ir la aa- aumnl ly eel taoiora ilui lie roia pcnl la a mora prolimmvry prp n m re imiaiUNi aiiioo hiJ f rlui re- einliiii If Ihe CMilrjrrirs will plal I frllfiw whrlhei Biiland joina or nii- i la rpcileJ ihSii ilie pnpul waa not aub- miIrd 10 Siiloll in aJaa ce anl ihat In and iiiher i-e-aioiiai- pririogna il eniiu ly inailmiaib1o 1 hrra are inmora of a now dilflcuhy be iwean tba Uilili sn libit WaabiiitHO Uor oinmeBra owin te ifi aoizrjia f Kngltah fela Inn noar ilie Hahirwi raaat The einaneipiiiOn itmitairarrtL al K Hall ra mual tuOoaiaaiie affair and 10 pomll oimboi aiorBlih mii im mriantarneo ihe d al I ra law leKgiia The hsil waaciainmeJand ivo oihei ateei- ina furmod oul of iba uTeflaw The Xcse- luiiois loiresi1 aanimerifa of Ibo omao ipaiion aui iey anl opeed fiea ymiMihyloc iha Vonh Ilnsnle amand mina were priimpiy veielieii and iba reaoliUona oaried afmiat iinariimoialy The London Tiiara waa defntaril arnrdat jrnaiK and hiaooa Similar mootinga were laid al Urarffarj aaJ aiher lawnae i 1 he orTMvaairl BrailoaI adifteJ a ai- morisl ttiark io Ibe reliel sl- ioral an- ugeornf aralBtire iA emi- ifaia ihora aa a more f4ecluat way ul ffoidiri toliof Tha 7fmra itidulgoa in a meal ilooiriy piciuri ol lha peait oriia in Ameiiea boih miiiacy and fiianeial Si Robeil IVel in a apoah Wlared hmrK farorable lo a aparaiJon af ihe Vnrh Squill and atrrnsly coiidemnaO Linentiwa amaneipaiisn edioi Almiral Buaa auperetra La ravier ir iho rfuch eapvliion atamat Moxioai The aiaa voted an adJraaa lo iBe Crei- pem wah so If one Itiaawalienl role Afl aIrnss naLl in Itie Uouaa ecpreaaes eoncen nn drrllii of itie Anatloan ainif- anJ logrrta ibat ibs Ciraal Puwera OiO 0I ijuiB in mdiaiioil Tfio Iroaran Chatnbirr bailvuTml an ad- drea hoaiile to the Goeelumeot Ly an oaer- whelming ajoriiy tiMlaeiau firaaainlla hoay Flunr heaay and 61 lower at Weal marro tVasloin Ua 9J to lo 9a lOJ tonihern IIU to 10a While Weier 10a lolla SUibein 41a ta I la Cn aaiuet MKau lo ai 61 White 30 I lo i Krl leciining tvik qiil anl ataady Racoo inaerite and 61 lo It luwrr Lad and Tluw alvady Aabaa sirady American OKicasu Frb 1 1 A apecial dapaicb froa CliO to sy itra eewa from Viekabar lo Salardi 1he reel ha4 eiarae from ketew ber trip down tlie iittr waa most aaeea fol be laet ibiee teamera with irotia lOBt for Ike Coefederaiet al Viehabarg aad aoeceedd io linking ihem all Mir lok priateera oBa if whrin ra a Col oarl The Qiirn wert near ennugh lo Porl Uudion to daw the Tire from t a upper balleriei CaiBs Fab 17 The Polar Star freet Vackabnrg brlaga dalea ofWedneaday Tb woiknfllbo caaal aod at Like rroiidraea ad Vara Patt laprogreainj 1be Uib WiMoaaia asd llib lllinnia Reguatalt were atiakd aear Lake lrovidence om Tueaday by tbrre rbel rgiaeata Tte atler avers repelaed lad a oumber taken priaeoera one report taytaeeniira Miaaoan retimeat The aleanor While Cloud froa St fnit for Mewipbii wat aearebed ai lataad No 10 ead a rebel aeil fosad ob board SCAMCAtTtU AtVT or TBK PoTA- iA feb 16 Two ezpediiioaa bare yM Htareed witb aaliafietery rawll and poiini idpl aa iiiridicrd and rrad a Iliiul nniaiaaioifra tapai chie a aie and bmlj a lUgiMij ofiee ia J he Nirih Riding of Vok TW bill pro3 ridd fr the aiioirled nf Meaii floji beo Iarnham and J 1 Wrila a aucb eorniniaaionert lo lay nut and tipead a ii nat eiceilii 800 fur lha par eliaae of a aile and tlie errciion nf tt giilry office Iberecn la the tJlii of Ne laakel Tba bylaw wai reeeited a MesiU iiino and Ihe tji und weal loloCamoHtlM uf lha h lie upon il Mr lliilrf mored tteoBded by Mr Boll aeriii Dep niillre fur iLe aelecden and purehate Ibe aie for Ihe llXiliy olSo taie4 Tbe bylaw la amoailed waa adop eM anil read a third lime md piavd Mr Cribam laoted aecondod by Mr Viwf id that Veaari Wella Illaiaaad IJralum be apporaied a oIee CBSaU IO acl in cohort wiili tba caiBuiiaeeeri I C3ualy properly laitU fbf eoieiaiaaiaa aofareiBilf jwoperly rub ilpier M arranee aeib iba CeipoaiM Taeaal on al maileri relaiia le lbeUiHd and atreet aewerae lae asd ibeyaMlj rinpnarrrd le take be beat IrpI npaii i 1 ofereaee le tba aame aed tepeti ett Coanel llie niiura af teeb arlilcaaalV ant Carried Oo aetiea ef Mr Bull be Ceaaak waai JDio CNDiniitee of be Wkele la take laie cmaidenuan be prnpricy af eiiirB Bg tbe CorporahoB of iIm eily 6 Toroaio rtlilite to tba Toronto alli2 railway Mr Walh ia tbe ebair j Mr llsll aaid Ibit alt wbe MM Yaagr atrial dunng ibepaf aaiar wall BWara lut owing lo tie eonaliuelioB of the atreet railwail beeorae a Buiaanca lie begeif le laf peutmn before lha CeeM lbieh ealM vpaa Ibe Corp raiioa ef iiiif ef Taraa le eomptt Ika Street lUdwiy Coiaptif te rarsa ih atreel level witb be rada beir roada aiiber with paiiig or bl alone at it would a great antere re- laady th eeil euaplaieed of Mr Matua auiported Ibe otolieaM peiiiioii and taid ibal hia owa tea broke dewa ewoe ra wlc- ewtag M tbe iiajefrc rnaiiirriion nl la read H bad mach pleaai la aeceadiag Ibe rra on Mr Blaia coatnaded 4ha ibisiruA natter wbKh rali brloaged telbaety f Treaio tie oalj iberafere Ibal Iba Coivmii4 doi Mr Doia of Aurora aaid tbit tt liilway all aUnr Vange aleel waa CdP axlrrd a BiaaBe Mr kVallia aappoied tbe prayer M Wa piiiinn and aalJ if ibeir boraea were ia jarrfl aad ibrir rabH laa daaaged by 1 bid conirseiioo of the railway il wMI mailer Ikal ibey fte la lake adtieaaia Mr Mutaaa po ntrd eat the aula eCM Queen airee railwif aad uid Ibel be tj een acteril teaggoaa bokea while paaij alnn rbe tlreel otrieg ibe rad aefl ieg lefel Mr lilaio aid be wii aol aware tbyl waa aooh a aerioat ailltr bat be traaM boweter Ihal ihey wrvild petilaea rit boy had a real gut ranee bul ba eoaU ed iha ibia waa eairely a Toroale O poration natlf lie tbooght they Id ooihing tt do wiib Ibe matler asd iee14 ibe rfote mote Ibe Ibree awalbt betat Lo Afirr tim farther diaeeiaite tbe pM lion waa adipld Tbe CsaBCil Ibea adjoarMd fsj It ie atalad lhat wiib eaa aad tweetyfira preaa tbe Xa Uepaitatent are cow jal able la anoaEb eeeabackt ie Iwo tbirdi ofa t pay Ibe eipentei of ibe GeaersatMl oae da LAXD I WIIICII TO CrinvATi CM TON CalirarDUcoiBpeBy hu MAI a laia traet of land oa tbe peeiBil Iower Califimia spea bieh s nnality of iiiliad ootlon grotr viL They propose the immediate cohtt ufeolton believing Ibat tbe ebeapU of the native popuUlioo wilt make growing profitable A EaTk PiiacTba aMi Ibe Kiag of Delhi Jeama Gokbt wkt believed lo bevi taken a perMwalakiA Ibe murder offifiy Englik wosKickft aad mto in the palace ia reidiaf al ft geea in Ibe caalody of tba OglasbC ertmebt ita aad bit baaly are alls a poaad aterlmg a nealb eirtaeJ IM witbia eefiaia limita Jaataa BakbC bi bratber Bbab AbW m Kblrt

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