Newmarket Era, 13 Mar 1863, p. 1

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AND NORTH YORK GENERAL INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER GIVE ME THE LIDERTY TO KNOW TO UTTER AND TO ARGUE FREELY ACCORDING TO CONSCKNCE ABOV B ALL OTHER LJBERTV VOL XIl NO 5 NEWMARKET C W FRIDAY MARCH 18 1863 WHOLE NO 577 Sttaiiuis mrttor Joha T Stokei RCHITECTif lSfi SuBlntoi Sirtctory i Dr McCallum ci4U niiYsi r KI nfffiin UKIAYEliS HYSICIAS Sure 1 Mtwot Albil Twnhip D birr saiMi DuilntBi aicrctorjr Dr ftAJCT l AMohfr- niYSICIAN CORONER CAN b coorill apvti th brock MefHil Pwftw libit The Tilae of leinM it oot to maiitth cd b iu prutiul dlilitj lb ladeB7 irf this iii if la dende KiBe fVoa tb bib pMition it tboald ocvapjr SieiK bu far hishtr nd holier aimi thte bia it dTntc wir knowledgt of attare tod tifDg tbinp for joar coeqaerar lo rrflet bow perihibl li ibe nelal hiob b bimiserf wiib aeh violenw bow thn kitd vtrib will moo iwtUow op bii bloody foot prisU tod ill bit h ichiet- td nd tkillfgllT piled togctbtr will bt I Ailentjr Gvowal Meooaald oid I No Mr Fergufon Mid ihal iho Goram I men aoamM lo htra mitds bargain I wiih Rlaekburn Ktd Shaard lo abuaa mfmban of ha Houac and pfocd m IU Jtft u A Btfultbofl TJARRlSTtB r B Moore H o oci I tojuv lo JohnB Joaes fVo r 14- W I C Vortifflar it0D rHVlrlANa B jrfroB ftd i Aofo AfrMlmarpIjfUrupa CbfRii- Chrj f To iv a North BichardaoB Aurt Mich IC CD tlJ COHMESCIAL HOTEL Lirt BltJ LP tuso RY MKNIIV CROXON HS1LAHI LABiinC TH EK UiAr httn tKorocK- IT rrnMVri t XhehccorW m9ifttion f 8 Onl ubhnf ftod ft Arful IB ACttHnlASC HOIB4 Uftrth 14 lfw H lobU 11 Da 1 UYfOl AN 8uroii to AfCoafKjr 1 asr- r W THE FABXEB8 SOVd fftfTMl I JHJ J a I Lh 4 is T H BulU 1 nRrirpvi Aum IBVi- A n HAK ChujTf I wr- 1 I Torw If 1- Ih Pyno PVSK JOU 1 toil IV- toMf ifthr hi T a iDc BVRRJTFR till Atltrr It Lw Solifi rr IB 04nrcrT Srur Ilfii Af 4r v 11 Mar I 11 pnvr Ac VvrV OKDitn ofvpcMiiftb eI Omr Trir C- w yo6i WKLIJNOrON IIOTfL A I R R A iIEO L liRAllVM Cl SI KifioM l M It r rs Pt m xax titrpHr iS Mcimmolfi of IT HH I AOI AMII I- I ktriidril In Opr Strrtt 2 Doert Xnrth 0 Pt IWki RtsliTNcr iaiiti itsrio Sn 19 IS John 0 Dayia I AW rnrMmnr fnaoraBe ADI J lyAft AKn CAVfTtBCr Ar to XeACt i K rtl ff literal lS ectri- T KmI Charg tetxlfrAi I1 IIOH rOl RT ATTlTEP TO j Otftt rr he ffMaC Coriwr rf Prv IJ Oorbfttn Slrrri5eBAfkT C W VfhfMtrj S IICJ If ADAM WILS09 I Rnrriatrr 4cC JuMfSifffl TORONTO TAfftio OfL ar iMi John McNab b Aliarucf 8licilet ioChaa crfie-At- ADtLllC TnT TOTO J h- IJ IKJ t-nl- E Jackson ISsrEB OF fftRRUi LlteiBESi MtiN aTKKET tMRaT AfinANOrMCST ki I riM9Q 10 1 Afni n 1 lm Uf Ijf iai Fr all hi ih r4TAf n erkflh I breathe mr fh mro Vff M rvp lh W rthP in cer 7e liva n vhi t rtra And mm Saji ihm Wf baAr of aCAjriap tniniooB reunj Aad fHsJ hf lors I T livtr1vr pfindj fee I Yr iraf A veArr IU nt m koem A hour Hi n ii Th ntnhABl ihunM bi taM aUek or bAfjrir A bia Wtl Dit lH ipA Orw fDffVftl him fpr- I Why Jaui jvv lb Mil t TH ibrarH altria abi eoUj LhI a hia wilt I Whn lad and ha pl aaIh I To hia VBchr Th Pritotar bw b Bubla aoBl Ha tha And atATp it Of of To cbQr Hi Urreaf bArtb Wa i Bc iie boAir f h Flaw A I ii oltha PraM- nbl itrTimnM t Idif Viih aArh ibM TSa bOf nfrvfl ofifua fAal Af T nj9 vralih lo Iium to kind Ooa Ulla Brfnpfb Thaofiaf UjI lha aiiAL EDtJCATION N- 11 iri Dr Hackett nil rNM LI Assnriiiice Clmpanj locorportted by Spil Act of PttUiBnt Cj j II EB J07 BA1U11 Ml IfW M St N T1 tril fNnl I BMCf Sr rkti cr M KILLIin LOtM I BARIIIS TK I Ml0i- I s-r- IH VL P uTRtlT Bll niirr K 5l- I Bd feartoii CnMVISIDNKIl in il IJ Uro V 11- 1 jnrc Ciut iNj Iffivu iTr Vii 2 CI FBOHT STREET TOHONTO Nev Tailorine EstablihmeDl C4ffuife Sh 3r m A4 n K s a JAMliS II WILLSON r NU TTI 4capairk C ank t3 ih fAhKAM ilfi wmi laf Oer- iX n6S lf37 HALLEN AND WILLSON CmT ENOINEEBS AnCHlTKCTS Avu rrTlBCUI UM SirTcytrt XCWHUVKET K Nr-mifV- Jut J 1-61- iobB T StAei fit 3 A1lrl liVASTKS ml- in F Hons nvrnK nrlnp funiflfifil Ift i yuiVH other fii nhM ATIORA oi FnlaTAod of fh tciai jOiIi tiiJ Octoter noirWI Id vf m iiktu Oil IUhaiu I ConBy 0rif B- HotcbCToft DnHK Mlrm 1- Mntrril Drr y1 VV KIKh Mk M Messra Sullivan SulliTan laviSh lfpAUh Bark Kb 6 fi ToRnTi AM MROKA 0 W Or BeDiley Banlrti and Atto al Uw I tITSICIlS Hats Nl AtvrlT fyvo Bncii Oriri i- X Stwroarll Uc aifrSiol f fTORA aOfimSirMt FbJli i 3 t S PrancU WATCH OP ClK MKER oruUr T lW IM JEWELER Paftr c Xangc SitLi J 1 K 0 U I Allkitidi Clok aoJ paitJ 1 BB 4TUll i ABtir ytk trS Jnea BteClnre i Xloanot Aaxotlexxeor IIIII UJI Cuuiiof vrk td iioT 1 im r aOi AlUrJrptooi I y y 3 J Jj l P f C E ACwOJv AS McCLt Kv iivfiiff qualitt E TRACT M D I mTirus hlKS iM ACriKc mm Tronio Jiiia J J IT FJIlDrNi rTI Utl Vf pid I c T MD Ivln ic Coi XX1to-aolell- mramn 8ribf Hi 1 TUE Kinxu KOii Fofffafdio Gcicral Acols I 26il- fitivit flfil Jorii fe Assirance Comp7f TABLmiUi Irti aC- fiuUtr Por 4Ail GofrBj t rtUc Ao tr ta fafrbBB vi Q Bfriara and ADTAKCKI KADt e CaHMailMCHTa XrwBhftS lecs 17 IK iul WILL i TU TOKUMU CI I NG FIjrCHS R WM STRA MCMLBBA Ar8lSBirklCW TiBAtkrfJiiW ISlfi ISS eian Grant ft Laady ilSTKRs a Jm Ba STEPHEN WIBSTER Sash BIIbs fn Maiding Via PraMM lc etc t fKfinLL R4Z IVS7S NKIVMARKKT C W Wir d Vu Pr jigUl Plinrfa itrn ex h 1 71 S At kol f r nMinf- FrrftM Of m ha t fical afin1 wr pUtforo Aia to Fab7 Vi Bata that are Hats S p COLEMAN The IAndon prvrtKAl Htttarand fqfriar 5S Kiof EA Tarvsio C W JleaHff nMaBifa Ttvra SirtaL Cr KaVaCHAOaAAit rnwd rvAACUta- ad Atd Alta rd CSll PAIP poll RAW rCM ToMBli I IfJ I Tho Queens Hotel lUterr Ileiixl O IV T TU U 1 T THOMAS niCK PnpritloT Tonlc rr i- 162 Provincial Inattrance courtyy of cmnmi RlcKVOfVvT mf lakes 00 alpn- I1T Bi L Kai WM THACHS McMVRRA Seleac ABCAt NBiatkt CW aoArkrlJaly Ifawmarkat Iron Touixj- ramm Ihaaka fa iisara tkat kaia pn JAMES ALLAt I DAAt ftvmABA iniiiAa MIA pra paraO 10 caai 8aBt8uKar KatUaa JCaaniaa Zilverpoo FIRE rti OVf rbgreli Trotf- HecV W CAPITA annual atwmu HarrUon ft Hodgina oriiiB HALL Toaoirro fT OfUtti a TpVEHYdacH CAjaryr j JIj aclad a Ibe a rau id ZHndon IE CO 510000000 NIEI2750000 if Paalaasraoalraa rsu Mfffmmtry mtrmMf iraO 10 eaal SlateSuKar KetllM JCaaniae liiiof and aibef aaallr raqmrnl bialiaeof bnuB A niiBbrraf Harar etnieffea aad tvaon baad foraale Xavrsarki ol4a HALL Toaoirro i b brweb ulBce ib SauatkM RA MSA Y U D ri ll betaaaa Jli Va ewaducled bj I m s r V W 1 r AsCCK aad Laad 4aBl Cam- IUe ie uaaaA Bancb OAcfaal LlYd iaaarai Valle I p Bcmar iU VovatASr ii ay Biiioeout Bok JEn a saw Bulks audi ti Mpflr M lital luiuoi Bai AUea A BDDMkt WM HAL1 BMk Sisa aia CarrUf raiuar OLAiu acp c BEflS repeelftillj A intlfaaiata lha ciii- Macf Sawmarket asdaarroaadiaf caaa- ir lhai be baa OPENED A PAINT SHOP Ifl ib VII aad la aaw prparad la ae- cata Blliif bifb ba me Httnl ea iba aborlaal MUra aad aM adaaUfaaaa sliBartel St jr B Miim HiM hM SlHsp in hla fTATEK sr yewkjgrsT lbian Mr lHaafa Jinfa lad Ami wbera a eaarJ aaailaaat af CLOCKS WATCHES k JEWELRY Win ba aJwa kepi a had eUaapaf Ibaa am jSntwbefcJaaT I Il- 1 I Let ti turri oar alien I ion fnr a few cir- fnent fl effinn of tif Ciintinrnl 1 alluOc that whirh liii helareen Canada I a now deainated and the IWIiv loTin tain a aeelion wliirfi property bclanira I n ui I niil cnote from ihe iljU nfwa- paper pf Jan 22nd It ecnbraer an im a a fonipelcnt Amencin autliorily eii- malr Iirsr enniisli lo fumi li lilr I ljrjT aa Ihin The ritinen of ii loil the fllrnt pf in mineral Ircanre i- ImatuiSeent lake and riTcr naTiii 11 I make it tlie moat allraeliTe eountr rn ibe fjee of ihe ciflli yel unoceupio l eiviliie mm If CanaOa aejjirrs rfi Tcrritorr it will rie in a few yejr- fiora the pniiot nf a imill and ceak pr ie irrt i i be Ihe Etntefl colony aruon Ihe Vnpif f the enrlh The weailh of Maara railei of ttrtilofy will flow jlhrfiOih oor wter and be iraifiered b inr nierelunn nungfaeinrrr aod scti cuUiiil Our on will orupy ih chif piAcea of ibi Tact terrilorv wo wtll I ffni ii iniiliulion apply ila rulerji I lech iu achooN fiti it acorei ran iu niilN and iiariite its atreams Krery larliclfl of Koinpean manofaciore every pouBil of tropical produeo will pnaa thru our Uur eminaries of loarnin I will bo fi1le by ila people Onr eiliea I will b Ihe cnlrei of Ia baaiecai and leJootion ita wealth and irfineoiest It I will afford fields of enterprix for oar jyoath who laatead of betakio them I telTea to lbs Slate and makin tbeir loil j iwell the wealth of a foreign people will I bcatow tbetr laboar wkcra it will reiun In aferUliiin ilreamoD tba land of heir birth Tbipiclarc from tba Globtmtj be ratber bigbly colored bot tba aabjacl deaertea oor eoruidtration Tbm are one fact eoHCetad with il worth aol in on i mat 0 tba aoath of oa a Tcry lare area which tie to the east of the Hwky Mnunuins ia extremely bar rrn while thai portion which beIoDl 10 u and i now under lbs control of ibe IIudin Biy Cnuipany i of taach bel ter quality etpicially Ihnac wido aod fer lile plain which arf wiid by Iba lied Hirer tlic Anibine anl the Saakat- ehewan nlhr fad i that wertward from the brad of Lake lli iio- thumil lino beara aeTefal iy IJ de- yr oonbward and that the climato i and well adapted for tha erowth of oereali V bar tbert daciaf Bnliab ColtusLia tn tho wel Nora Scotia New Bruoawick and Caoa da with iu fertile aoil ita oiafiilecDl lake tod rirer nariliun lo theani Let Of rigblly edaoite oor ebildreo aod befon loag tball go op and aka poa- aeaaioB of ihi goodly molnl land for wa are well ible and Uw old Union Jack htll kit otr eitiea and lowni aad rii U oTtr baalet tod hall Irer towera of and hearu of oaknr a peo ple great aad free tnradiag aa iBlemptedly ftoa Ibe boituboi Allaa- lie to the calmer walen of Ibl Paeifie I bare deriaWd aostewbat vidaly from tbe liae of itaKmenl aad argomeal wbicb I laid oat to toyaelf I thjek I bara aail eoou lo otatiiab ona dadoetioa tiieh I propoaed rii maderisg tba edacaliuaal ioatilMiona and faeililica bieb we poaaeaa aoylwn who doi sot eodearor 10 edoeiM limarif aod lo be- tnv the aeaoa of W Iborongb aod liber daalioa apoo bbchiWrrfi ai bi aireoiB ilaDCM eemil faila in the diaeharfN of of ua moat iaaportaat dotico wbU HroridcMe baa pla opeo him aad tbal Ihia is irae aoaridertog edoaalioBaahaT iag rtfcreDM M the condition of naakiad oalwardly ta vbaiia phyiieal or material Tbe tipenesc ct the paat few yean baa eWrly dBoaaUld by iba proriaciat aatiooal asd ialcfoauoeal exbibiliou a pacially thai aacifiliiatioo adiaoaea ia- aUigae becaaat tbe eaij coodilioo of aapcriorily of prodaetiecL tUaaUeBcc or Mpcfiority of prodaatios of thoM lubtilo forces by which lha iDor- ctnic cnicnt arc chiagcd to orgjnic OUM KnowWj il like Ihe mystic Ltd Jcr in Ihe Patriirtha dreaia iu baae indeed rela on Ibe priaieral earth bat iU creat is ioat in the ahsdowy apteodoora of Ibe FDipyrtan Let ut teach onr children ail that we kaow of ibe works of creation let tbam learn lo romprrhend all the great lawa which enlar mindj bare drteloped antii OK endearor to make then aoder- ilAod the erideocea of tbe aeaaea aod to laarn to iaUrpret tbam correctly ballet as DOt tell Ibaa ia word or deed that he threat eod of Ibta knowledge ia to fetdi mosey in the aiarket let oa Dot make Ibem mer bockater ot troUi aod regral- ert of acicBiifio koowledge ia Ibe byway cf bumagily Rather let a teach them to ttaad on the kill top aad looking op 10 beaTea and orar ertb proclaio aload lha eneHeoey of maol iolIigraoa aa io- diealed by Iba grat Creator worka Knowledge ia power asd lo of power t inbecTot la tba bumaa hwrt Coald aoibUion always ebooae ita own path aod were will in baisan aodertak- in lynonyaioos with facalty all Irnly ambilioas men would be nea of letter If WD examiae that lore of power which enlen so laiyely inio otosl practical ealca- lalioii which aocAe atilitariaaibaTorecog nized aa tbe sole end and oiicio botb motire aod rrward of all earthly eater prie wo shall find that all other arcaas cf aruhiiioQ compared wilh this rich aad bcundleia oneof literatart acasiag there- Ly vhstercr reapeela the promolgalion of thoucbt are poor Iimiird and ioeffeclual Kcr dull aarcSoeiire merely inslioctire a a man iiiav sccni he has nercrthelcaa 3iiuueindtpcnsable appendage a head Khich in somo deprr conaidcra and com I potr a lamp or rushlight of nndar 1 ataoJins which through whaterer dies Uiuikcd media il Diav shine is cLc Qlti- Tnnle kuidiaf llfit of his whole path aod kite a well SA there now as at all limeaj in nnn bistorj Oj inion ruin the world Corioas il ia 1 0 cniItr in tlii pcct how different j appcjrjncclafrom rtalitj- ind nnJrr wbat ioular ahade and circumslanm the trq ly iscl iiapnrtant maa of any gireo pe- l riod night be f und Il is a hicli and aolemn Ihnoght fur erery indiriJual mao thil his earthly inflacnca which haj bad a eommencement will never through aU ages were he ibo Tory rucancsi of ijj have an rod The life of nnj ojjn is as llii welpriog nf a stream wbun small Soinning are indeed plain 1 all bat whao olurior coarse aad destination asl 11 winds ihrOBgh tho ezpaaaea of inflnile ypar only the ImoiMient can ditctrn Will it mingle with neichborin- rituleta a trilaUry or reeeiva hem ai their aorereiun 1 il lo be a Bamein creek aad will it tiay water uaoag a thou- 1 aand other crecki aad rills tnereawd tbe I cumnl of smie world rirer Oriaitl lo be ilKlf a Si Lawrtan or a Miaaiatipi pi whoac going forlb are to Ihe sltermoat I lands iu flood an ererUaling boondary- line and ibe bolwark aad highway of eni- pirea and eoDtiacnla 7 Wekaownol only ia either ease we kaow iU patb ia to the gtat ooeaa Aa liltl ea we pro oalicat with any rcrtaiaty be fntare iBflorooe from tlu preaeal aspect of an indiridtul How tnaoy Demagoeaaad Conqaeror fill ihcir own ago with joy or terror with a timull that promisee lo be perrnniil aod in the ncil ige die away into iniaifieanrr and oUition 7 Tbene aie Ihe foreats of nards thai orertop tba infant eeilar and olire tree bat like the Prophets Goard wither on tle third day What waa it to tbe Ibaroah of Rgypt in that old era if Jetbro tbe Medtanit- ish Priest and Grogier accepted the He brew oallaw as his htrdsmas 7 Yet the Phamahs wilh all their chariot of war are buried deep io the wreck of tine and thai Moae slill lire not aaoag his own tribe only bat ii Ibe arts aad daily bnaiBCM of all oiTiiiied Dalioe Nor is i oaly ia tho prioltir line wbea ratigioai uwk their riae aad a maa of per asd bij siod appeaird boi ooly a taaober aad bioopher bot aa a prieat aad prophet tbai oar ohaerralioo ipplic Tbe came oDeertaialy in eti- maling prtaeal tbinga aad aa holda mora or tea ia all lioxa lor ia all liaaat erea ia boa wbieb aeeiB neai ririai atkd opeB to rtaeareh HaoaB inciaty rrata oa Baacratably deep fegodatioBa wbicli ba la of all otben aiiaat aistakaB bo fas- cie ba has explored othebotloa Whes Taaterlaoa bad flaithed bondi bia Py ramid of 70000 human skull and was eea sUadiag at Ihe galaof Damaaraa glilteriag ia steel with bi battleaxe oe bi aboslder till bis Sre hoU filed oot to Bew Tidoriea and ocw aaroage be pale onlooker aigbt haft faneied ikal aa- larw waa ia her death ihroea for hareek aad daapair bad takes poaeaton of the lb aarto ba ana of Baobood aeeised etiia in aaa of blood Yet it migbt b OB tbat nry ealaday of Tamtfiaa a little boy waa playiog aiDiBa on tba atnet il Meal wboae biatory waa mora important to bmb Iban tbal of Iweely TatacrlaM Tba Tartar Kbaa wilh bia abag dttMittit of the wilderaeia paaaed away lika a whirlwind to be fotgotiM fotctcr aad tbatOermaa aniat baa wreortt beaeflt which ia yet 10- 1y npaBdiacitaalf aad willeoa alwaya it ooaHauenraeTueeeml force i ihe alillett that u ia ibe faW the mild shining of Ihe snn shall silently rcoraplisb wbsl the fierce CiliuUring of Ib tempeat has in rain atnayed Abora all it i erer lo be kepi in mind hat aot by material but by moral power are mea aod their aetioatgotrmcd j Tu b Quaaic March 5 16M OtatATtVI eOLRCtl Tba Speaker look lha cbair al tbre oclock H Mr HoUnn Billln authorixe he MeebaDiea loMiiaia of Moninal 10 raiaa a luaa for eartaia purpoae Tba Heue went inio CommiiiM en the Uflroa Collegw iBoorperatioo Bill Coealdarable diaeaaaina leek pitee Meaara Kaaeor Roaa MeMurrieh and blher adeeeaied placing a realrietioa oa the power of holding real eatate aad it wa ultimately adopted unaniinoualy The saae mambara aupponed aD aracndmenl 10 introduce the prooiaioo that bequesu must ba made aix owotba before the OAalb ol the leataor Mr Reeor trgued thai ibit wu the law of Eoglaad Sir EtianBaTacbaoppoeedth ameed mem whicn waa ullicnaiely adopted llie lolArnaiional Bridge Charter Affleadaient bill waa read a third time and pasaed Tbe Insoltanl Companiaa Relief Bill waa read a second liipe aa wre aiaolhe Ilsmilton and Port Doer Railway Ameodment llill and the Sagueaay Couly Dxision IIill The House ihen aiJjourned LaoiaLATivs ASaawaLT The took tbe chnir al tbre oclock 10 diy Ur Cockburn introduced a Hill In ax plain aeetion l9 rhaprer 20 of the Coo eoUdalad Statuiea rl Ipper Canada Mr Stieel Bill funher In amend Act retauag to Ih Niagara Ddlricl Back- Mr Sireet Bill iacorporaling tb Ilsmilton Masonic Hall Asociatlui Mr Biggsr- Bill to smeod the Act respecting fithaiiae and fishing in Cpper Canada Mr Maekensie- Dill lo enable the Great Waatern Kailwe lo eooalroct a branch line lo the EDDiskitleo Oil Spring Mr Bigpr Bill 10 ninend Ihe Iu nicipillewuf Upper Caasda ralatiog to lockup houea Hon J- 11- Cimeron Rill lo amend ihe Act incorporating the ProTlBcial In kurinea Company o Canada Mr Sireal Dill to incres ihe tapi tal stock aod furtbar 10 aniead ike Act relatiag 10 iba Gora Rank Hon J H CaiMron Bill lo iaeer porate Ihe Peal Gaoeral UantifaeluriDg Conpaoy In reply lo Mr Walsh Hon J S- Maedonald aaid II wi sol he iotesiioo of Goieromani 10 reeom- eaeod during lha preMni Sa of Par- liamest a rvaawal of graau to Mecbu- ica iDsiitula On moiioo of H Mr Caoereo tbe petiiioB of tbe Lord Diabop of Toronto and others od tbe eubject of an Inebriate AayliAn wsa referred 10 a aelecl eom miilae On molJoo of Mr Harcourt id Ad drea waa eoled for ralurna thowiog IsL A Btuemealof all roada harbour or olher works urigiaally coaairueled by Ihe Prorinc and subauently eold or traoafernd to muaicipalitia private compaaiea or iodiriduals Secondly where any Mich road berboor or other work ia owned by a company ths eamaa of the stockholder comprising aueh iMi pany aad the anounl of stock held by each Iirdly the priee and lertaa oa wbiek any luek road harbogr or alber work waa sd the aenmof tbeaoretiea if any aad aaWra of the aecurity If aay gitaa by the purcbaaer or purcbaeer for payowBi of tbe aane and wbalber any ao urly ba been diecharged or lueb aecurity cancelled aHl tf ao whea aad by wkat autbuniy Fuurihly whelbar any modificatioe of ih original laaai of purebae aod aale of any aiseh road bar bour or other work h been agreed lo by tbe Proaisce and if to wbea and fey what auborily Fifihly a ainiement of all moneys received by tle rrovinca on acoounl of the aale of etery aueh roed harbojr or other work aad the date or dsieecf Ihe reetipt uf uch payment logether wiih the aatoutits including principal and inieraal now due on sc- enunl vf every sucb eala respectively aad laatly all oibar available infornaiion relating to ch roads harbour or olber wonl ool included n ihi a- liee Mr Sicoli mofd th aecoad rwading of Ibe Bill lo aaeitd the Act revpeetiag Separate School in llppr Canada inao far lha tesie ralaiei 10 Ronun Catbolic Separate School He laid Ihe ball bad the approval of ike Chief Soperinidni of EidiwaliOD for Upper Cuada Re Dr Ryeraen aod argotd in iha aome Myte ae io previoM years In fatoor of rlio adscasioQ orernmeni just a be had dona last year He had lold the Premier of hi inlenlion lo bring up the bill and had undersiuod ihi lha Ooverniani pnlicy was the aame a wa anaoanceO last year Mr Fergusrm blamed the Crovorn menl for allowing a private member lo hive chnrge of ao imporunt a maaiura The Isle ovemmet1 had been deooufK- ed for doing the aame thiag He read from lha Jouraal the ix aMMtk boial moved by mt McDourall last year 10 the aecoad readiag of inii bill and asked had he now aubmilled 10 ibe Bill He ikd tbe premier wketker tba Double Mejoniy would preveal ikia Bill beeoca- ing liw il an Upper Canada aajorit voted againal il and eoBoloded by pout- lag eil the defrcU of the Bill Mr Harwell eaid be regardad Jie Bill ae a flap loward Iba deatruetion of ihe aatiooal acbool ayMaa aod BOvad lb aix moeiha koiil Mr Mackeazie eeoBded ike ameal meet He repadiaiad the Idea ibal maia ber who opposed Ihi Bill wer bigoled- He did aol olect to the Bill becau it wai deaigned u beaeit Rotoao Caibolica but becauae be waa unwilling 10 give tba entire control of educaltoa to any cla nf clergymen Ilecoociirred with Mr Pargoaofl in aayiog tbal the attack mad upoa bin in Ihe Afirevy uofair He did aot adoiil tbe rigbl of aay pelilieal renegade lo take raeobera tn ta for fel filling their pledgee lo ikeir eenalilcMota in Iki mailer Keferring 10 the argo meal of ike mover of ike Bill fooitded on tSe experieiKe of eeeiariao aheeola ia Bumpe be laid he did aol eoaear is the wiadom of teekiog exmpl amidal ibe old monarchiaa of Europe aid conelud ed by quoting the opinion of Lord Pal mron in favor of eeelar adoeatlon Ur Herrouri taid he would voti fnr the second reading ol the Bill but oppoe III Mig unless II were ameDdad Th diiisioa wa then taken oa the lOMBdmenl which wa lot 33 lo 80 YiAaR Belt North Lanark Bigger Burwell M C Caoiemn Cock- bum liKkion DunaCtrd Fergoaon Hauliain Hooper Jeaee Mackenzie McKellar Morrit Mooai Munro Not man Pope Scaicherd Scoble Stilb and Siinoa 2 Nsra Allayn Andereon Areham bault AuU Da Beaabiao BeaiHraeu R Bell Kusaell BeaaD Bettoil Blanch Oouraaaa Bowa Bortnaeau Buchanan J H CanwreoCerliM Car on Caniar Cauebos Ckapaia Clarke Cowan Crawford Daily Dawaoo Dea aulattr J B E Oorion DoetaUr A Iufren UufreaM Dankia Ena turel Pole Fortier Poarnier GaodM Hireourl HebatI Huol Kietowrili IAhrecbe Vigvr Laraiabeiaa Langavla A Macdonald 18 Maedooald 0 A MacdoMld WcCaaa UeDoogallt McGee Mclcblin Moaganaia Maria Morriton OUalloran Purick Povpm Powell Price Rankin ITamilltrd ttob- inaoB Robitaille Koea 1- J Roaa By- ken Scott Sberwood SicMie Sloiari Slmpenn SoeaervUla Street Sylvaln Taacheieeu Taa Walbridgi wilsoB aad Walali The Bill wAa read 1 eeeoad liaaea the aame diviaon Mr oieved iti refereMeioa eommiitaa Carried After racaae the followiag Billa were read a aecoad lima Bill talausgioiniaraaL Mr Arckaa- bault Bill to reaniie Ihe Rldiagsof Water loo for regiatruioa purpoea Mr Cow an- On Mr Burwelli Bill for aleelive Magilrie ome diecowm took pUe Il wa uliimlly alowed lo tund aalil prinird in Preach A queMico ef order w raied aboot phaiing Upper Caaada Billa ia Freocb Tbe Speaker raled ibat wken nek Bill were called it wa eaoipelent to move Ibat ibey ibouM ba printed ia French The Hooaa adjoanted al S43 pi- OUiU bsoiaLATivt eoraeii Qvtic Martb 0 Tbe Speaker ook Ibe chair at km oclock Hoa Mr Fergaaaa Blatr iatradacad a Rill ti aisead the A fer coaeoMuiag the debt ol lb towa ef Cobvrg Hoa Mr Aikiae Bill to aatad tbe Act Mparsliaf lb cily of Toiealo Iroai Ibe Uatrd Coeatwi f York aed Ieel for jedicM pvipoe Hoa Sir N Belleaa aoved fer copy of Ibe trcalf sade al Moatrcal kelweva Ike Provircial Geversaseal or tbe laperial Gottraakral aad Ike Oiuwa Chippewa Seegaeaa aeJ elber ladiae tnbe oe tb shorn ef Lak Harea or af lay wMiag ilttd by Sir Fraacia Boad Head la gaed by the ladiaatefiaid ia tbaeow of Iba year l836by wkcb ike peiea of lb Uaeilnalia lalaad was awertd lo tbfl aad Ibtir kirs aad saccener io rlra for tbe sarreader eflbeirbeelteg greaaJs ia ibe aeigbbeerbeed ef laid lak alae py ef aey aseigawei er Olber writag prauadad la ka beea balwe Maei Oaeara- tal rahMg W lie New Mieat a aMda dariag Iba lat aix Baatb b Ibe ladaa aow tsac ea lk m teeba Istaad aed tba Preiaekl 0 ditioe of III bfhif eaered iato er of the aMlM eBplored la iba eblaiaiag nf sipatare of Ibe taM writlagBad with IB iba list sit nosiba Carried Tbe followiai BilU Wefe read a bird Oa Mr Seyaoar Harea College lacorenioa Hod Mr Alexaoder TelifyiBg uadir Oalb Exeaptioa Hob Mr Cbrnli 7b followiag Bill war md a atMd lio BefaU cad Lake Heron Railway Hoa Mr Chnalie Cbiceotioi aad jagiieBay Agncaltaral Society Hoa Mr Da La Ttirier Tba HoeM bee adjearaad LzataLATirt AiazMlLT Tb Spakr ook lb Cbair a Ibrea oclock Tba Separata Sebool Bill wi rmrted with Mveral aaeedaeaU aad tbe bill aa aaeadtd wu ordered 10 be rtprialad aoVTH UUM ILtCTlOK Mr Dtaaamd oid hat be Setk Irted eeaiaill bar leave la aioata till Iba 1 Sib April bMb partiaa bavag cot aealad ta it Tbe aotiea wa adopted MiaiiUri aaaoeacad Ibat be pablia accoaal weald be dowa ia aboal tea Jlye THB iMoirtfcr ai Mr Abbott iairodaeed the Bitl iatitaled aa Ael ieit laaolveaey He aaid Ike deeira of lb Geeeraaeal wai le as sisiialed Ib laa ef betb aeeliaaa at Ibe Proviace ia regard ta aaKara ralatiag to irada bat a diScally area lo wkat la of pane tba Act abeald ba aada apali- cable Tba fceliag was pravalaat ia Up per Caaada iBa a aeaaara waa deirble to eaabia tba eatalc of laaoire aoalra dera aa well a trader to b dall wilb Tbt was aat itt ia Leatr Caaada aad Iba Gvraaal decided that bia Bill abeald oaly apply to laaelteat laJen leatiag tbe Miciter Oaaertl West to iatredac aa aaeadaeat of lb etaiia taioleal hw ef Upper Caaada ta pretMa for tba liqaldatloa m tbe laealfmi tatatea ef peraoa aot tradrr The iaaatr bae wa te be taeaid aadtr Ilia bill Ibe lialiag Cearta aad JadM nre weald ba twe adea af bnag iaeelvcat wiibia ika epetatioa ef Iba 41 tsL Oa a volaaiary aatipMai wbea lb debtor oa aarrnderiag bi ealira asacis weald be ealitled 0 a diackargt itb tbe eeaaeat ef a wjarhy f Ibe eraditor ia aaaber aad ibtarearlb ia alee i 3ad By a ceaipehwy aaiifaaaat baeb Mf b erdrd by tb JadM tbe 01 a ea Mliinelery le Ibe Coert A writ will iat atlacbiac lb 1 ef lb iatalfeal cader lb pebery asaipaear aad iba debtee will be ealitled bk wM lha aaa eeeerat f Ibe etediler a ia th eaaa ef be rilaelary aifaat BMat sraaU be weaad ap by aaani pfilalid by tbe cftditara ef Ttada ia aitw weald b caM ea ta aaaa aaarlaa aaa- bie aAeialaaigaaaadtlbld or fail to aa aa a lanaa iba Jadga kaH aiwiiaia ear eftWa tW beak- rapt alr geitiac bie diMkarga aay Ma ia aeait fer cealnMtiea ef ba doriarge 10 prebcl kiaaelf agaiaal beibtr preeeed lafs Aay citAlar aay fpa bia by bewiag mad Iw If be eradrtan r fea lha dMarge Ike Jadge ha Iba power efgraaliag iiaa gaad eaaa baia Wlk Mr Wikaa itard hal ba had beea aaxioa lhat tb what abj hoM be aabraeed ia rta bill applylif la tba wbala PravM aad bad bwaalf prapatad a aeiaara will tbat view bat leaad that a aw fee laalriat earadr wae aat raqairtd for Lower M II wa fe Opper Caaada Ha iataaded lbrNigf I ia iredaea a apaie fer Upper iiif He tbeaght aiih aKgbt altera- teaa bat tbe iaaelfeai hw aaald be iMde applicable la the caapaUefy setilaMat af tba attea ef pteaaaa aat traded Ur Cartiar tfk at aaaa taytk ay iaf lb 0 wae aow oriK te adabliak aeaM Ueaiiiy with tba abaoxiea aaata kaawa a Drapara Ati I reply te Mr Ra Mr Abbott aid Iba Ael weald fply I all periai aba vara iaaatveat at tba lia ef tba paaap cd Iba Aet a wba shea Id afterwaria Waw w Mr Job A MeOoaaM aMiitil Ibat Mr Wiaea aad Mr AaCtt BdW sbaald praaaedweipeaafc Mr Wilaaa aid b aifbi prahaWy m- eoaipU lha abject by a aparau Bi it eae laaa ayiag ttot Mr AbbaRa Al aid aay le aaaliadan a wA a tit r ta Vfftr Ckaa Mr Altorwy Gearal VadaaaU mat ed tbe coed readiag of ibe Bill to calra lb wparaiiea el Paierbere ad VWtaria aad tba precaediap relalin ibereta Tb bill wa rad a aaead liae aad it wi grfd M te p iota Cat arit of Ibe Wbot epoa it After me Tb bin wa pat ibroagb Coaailtee Srcead ra af tbe BiK ie rafereaea 0 Ibe tewaais ef tlnacealer aad Ov aede ia tba caaaly af Carlataa Mr S MatdeaaU Bill to aaead Ael pai la tba lb far of ber Mljaely reiga iaiitakd la Act I provid lar lb panlaea ef ibe cily of Tarmle frea York aad Pat for iaKWarpeeMr Wilaaa The Moea aaal bia CiaalWi to ABSapplyUhirlNaiy Te ka Taaediy aat

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