Newmarket Era, 20 Mar 1863, p. 2

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IHE NEWMAKKRT KHA MARCH iO 1803- lew Hw n AbKtMt AmlirikIvlitlC ftkMl Caiil tiitnlBi arWeJ SA Uliling Ku u a IHik Trkin Ti wnukct M k Mri Fiptm Tmn ej Uii Ttaiii l0 c3u io Marito K MiilTrc Ttiii IP JSirraiiiiirlipf 6ra wmfcrkn Fridr Mtch COih I86r 8epftrKt Schools Aitnd iht erili foreboded ben Ibt prmat oiiuittrjr ctice into povrr are rawili nt for Ihnw who ilrsire iKc ilc iruotion of out mSooI atntai lo atlick il gtlo The riAl fr our Met eonccikd lac wtdotict ife IfQv it cat be deaicd ulhf li iiWslJ etm ibat tlie Pre- 1 ir ditutuj nil the Irptr CantJian IWcriuerf fir nol nullifin pisi life and Ilr ilrtiiihijiiin tlip3iliutilit j BOW iiwiiliaii tpprrCatiadian majuriCj agaisil Liui nn ao Ipfcr Canadian itm- i i 4 aofr liofcs lo pt tL Dill liiliily mci ficd in the Tjper Housf m that noller tftt miif Iv lakcn in the Iowtr when he hopoi lo linO llir ICefwrmcr lunre plullc We cirnrsilj- hi tliat jliuuld tlic iliU fume up ill tuoli a aain our Kr rrni refrrcftlatiiri ill stand Arm naj we ni 111 Uliip lhl our Teprccnla- tpvf aal Iho llicr t 1 r atmdijri moiii ber cf ihe Cahinft whrn iKft llie pn- ilim laLcn lv llu liilriii Jartv aili themUi4 eliankio thuir Ikitu rdecliMi ll niTO hy this lime rlrnn tli O a lKh c- ir I 1 itlJi fii iKjvIlad lu lb ileiVrJ in ihn dj reijuftcd o a II Ilriiir U to frri 111 oc J M Ki lr ir lUi kl- rw I JVrriiiiii4 Ilioirintni IIJ iS irjrn ott N4ikri 1riiane hf mii in pujiic Il Ui Tpcl n irerky nublic mrfl- li- On I1 ilri KHk 01 lilt 11 111 itiiij ft TrnitiK nila uiiii llotnaii iiliula- Mr lMea nii II ailMi had a ari a uI ila rrfniiiliiv il nieaara eii Ui inemtM I oold cicai I Iait teneiiHi In I ier Caaadi Till diarDiirii icImxIs wxr eaufy ill Canir brcaute in tSt cnmrrv sIiniI aectri in inilruciion oat Kiirii tint ihe eo in lliiu- Upper Omdo Vhe let buoka iliara vera audi te wr atrrrd on by lha III JlJiicalini in IroFoJid compo I if half lVnUiTnti iil lulf llojnnn CiKnioi 111 Cjer ona- J aa biiirr iliaii nny leiii On II lurili iKe iiiulam niiciilfd sell il ile leiil lalriiriiie lUooiiij lliel the Cafidui had a lugn aain of lie iracli- whjcli prnal rto aLjamca of tigoiry L ier Ianaja aiil a larger riiorrion children lo tjliMdl ihn liwer 1 iiiiAda lie Ii TjiifiiT iii fatiitir of lln Mr Mctleo sua mfmbf prx- inMiniriv irtrtiiin in Iwour if ihi II Kriulil leik for i lie rurd 11 rmniiA ahiifd not jHfn wa NW T Kerixmon ben reiuincU ibde drat Bell ITuaicll Hciinio Benoi blc on tht lopoiod amcnduianl nC the Blaneict Itoaraau Brnujl Bucbau- Hoii J H iiueron tnilic Itoiiiao Calh- 1 an C iilrnj Cirim Cnriii r C idic parate Jebool liill II iVr CliepaU Cbre Crairfud DjnuH Da prKut Oiiuutrjr caice into pjwer ri 11- r oi 110- innluairrel j 1 lfinnin to erop otil Il hjown il he inialjl iLey iBadcig tbu H iiRtme rlohllJl iapik i J I I naaifTnij 11 i ir 1- tiiili ihi 1 1 1 l aih ilica ledilby man and fcreJ bj not a fvw ei- l Z iprni 1 0m wa ni tbat wbefi Ihe errjnnienla were cplered t Pad tieitj and uf ilie whocii jijl unilrr oihae lui urn 1 repu to oilirf 1 a imn in I lie cq ilic Hill Slid ill faror pf Mi Caiiurena ameodmrnl Ha vaa atuMre lnfafds Mr Mcv lie loenlinncd a rumur ilut the Irrujior Ltd brcaieaed lo itbc dil oot an Upper Cana da mijuii Would lliat ihreat wbip in llie auppoir Oicrnnient T lie belicTcd the ould jSa Then wa no iie in more nhout it Mr CWkburn aid nc arument ucd in fiuri f iliu ilill larjo niiiLUr of nur MIj auljccla dc- nisii ld il and lliai tlirir denjiKl pro cccdoj fniii a cotiFCcnioii concicli- In liio finl he did not lcli ihe demand Via neril aa rsprCKtilrd There wcrv bo liuona fm lliM There vaa no general demand id liii own County Thrri KeJ no aiitaiinn for it IK did nut Ihink the eiMhad been made lul Tliin II ai Mid th deii ceiJoJ ffuui confioniiou feci orrijin k tnlffnial American BATolntioa- 8a FnllClsrn Maeh 16 The hirV Ckapnin aeixed by thcoficaliyaierdT I waa II UcCaisDcnia DcMutnici A A Ioriati J II tC Dnaialcr Akx Iii1rn JoaDofrrjiw Dunlin braa- ad ilrbett Uaoi Job- Jolj Kkr- 1 here by the viiiaU The KnBlt IaWreh- ijer Ij- confe- that full IVanAoite lanm J A Macdonald brd at a J Waednoa d MIall Thty hoped McT Mclthln Mnta Morwi heynn while mulr lo Matjtlm and transfer a por- rrcw o her and re two lirt l1 I K M4k lV 1 iDrc the Taclcrcat Uh il- Taieieo AVi Vult biftrer Rrurn Brcll 1 i ri J II Cnirriiti Cockborn Ooin IlyJ Divlacn rervun IlaeoarC Ilauluin 1 Ollallu llcmillaKl Ijilick Iaiipwf 1 Itiihilalle nyeraoH Ciniia1 iiowiaiie n u Chpt an a ffcw to hei Uykcl fthrwc cott Nmard j P Nn Svll Plrnea ylvarorni treaua- ean irfDr Me Hwipef JacUoti lonct MaeLeniii Kcllar Mnrit lorrion Mnwat Miinro Sortnn Inwei J Kow Kynal J r elerd Honllf Siiiilh Slirton While taiVfiihin Maich IP IRil ic Pl al lif fa MMH Will hfl lo lalo forruing the lijjuofthe IcIoAtv j fijCOTT duiioiatralioB aome eomiro- 1 loiild ci lice ihin tlul ihc mbi of prineiplea bad berw pnd 1 P yield I i i a r OB by the rpfr Canadian oieaibera cfl to Iba GcTticaeot whereby our inlpftia Ier t anadian parir nobnefilf night isffer at tbeir baoda Wo bow- j I ihio j m held trm ia ihe belief that iferen i tb Miniatry bad aacrifieed for the time j I he Tpper Mou rhe their aeiire interet in the liepreaentation rfiijve iuirlia The feeling it had bees done under the tun- i iuila hj beto astuitU Tielioohoneiiferrociutlhat it waa f pin f rsej betwrlo abandon tbat preat ijtieelion fori uniiUy KvenahnoM tbaUaelliaa to allow the then ysiem of r Ic and return o it er mitniaaaseol lo eoolinue that in al i Ijhlly altered fsirti wt do j other rtapeela ibe rishla aud wiabea of j Hrf il thange r llflmili I rpper Canada would be the uore alrictlv i liat ihe few who i wa ai a ilnnl iin pienouly lupporltd will tbea oppoat il I The Oil Siingi Cnmp linrliaiiifnfiinj TKe Spke Qiaitc March IJ TlVf tOtMIL ook ihe chmr at lliree ih 5 iiigogD n f el hating cnieim ui IjTtnti I agaii Inkiiij inlli and flgiinil hSift lie dernpJ ihrti he wa Itirn rei ing iha prieaJy cirder lU did n M faa filial I1 thi cUiiry lh ifi9tly orler joulljel tlu iiiaeli inmer Tlo liii- dercv if ihe atil of niir iili iiimi xrjt iTi ifie liter due niiit lie nrgied lhal religioui rdn niim wi rieaarv I j i and iroiiply coliiiiicJ Ihe piifely tru lar diiciiicin Jlpilyiiie o ihe ulje ti 11 Ilal Ihe inTpnnnrm tid n t hriiihi jin ill hill he nil the member f ir ia- jwa hil brdughl m llie hill nflrn iliii II WDuIr l iiufiir III ifiba ti frum liin pipediiioii hna cajilured ateainhuAlf IS of which efe ileoyrl I he jfun Inais hafi nrrited atiui llrtinei Klulf niij wiuid tiioii eiiniiience ihn ninck The nil w Jlien reid ihird tinie i 1- linn M Foley atleiziptcd anoiplana I Ciireleran force iin iif Mr J A lladooalda cbarea of nennsMfciicy Mr il MaedoftU retlicd eBdeator- to dii hnine hia charze i d j recwlif I Ueii M jielled lo embark fi Cliilrntfa aid tniletui Gen Ilinc I iroivfie were eorv MilIiLeiiia Bend re VickilHtrg owiiig to idence riliiiii inil irciil ir oluealion ahould C tucllir riiuunl9 fell lhat aa iiiuc an Cillii- Hut he cOUiDiin Kh W3 nol itc fe lor rilticu Icachin Moiir inlrucliuQ culd du lIul bllii ihm iiniiiiL il a IjL al acliixd Tlc rroldeii i f Ihe Cnuntil had ciicd ihi- r J j Camern aked whelhef the i ca- il peron oijiciii lo lake oalli Mioitfnoenl woold poai iha liiil ajraifatj wair Th Ivlilure tlcn judged of ihc rea ie will of ihe luajnrily for Tppcr Cannda miblcnfs of ihfl rijuvel and they had Muni aked the aaiiie iuealiod a rhl In udc now lie Iwlietml llnl ltir proiiiite not lo vrliel nhiuu ciilatiir should exil JiiH pjit Uical nijjofily riiey were u parilile whi wauled to iu Atiy lieu J JandtitH l MaeJmald taid Ile- illntlfie iiicjiiilfc wia not fofteJ Mr IJov Dundas was ae1ul by On thi- ijuelion cf Ihe final pawjpe if IK fcUn aainet CalhidiM but he mui iic Bill Ally cn Alacdonaldcallcd fof npu0 aurli jjruat cuncewiiina He could ycaj jnd niya not enKiiouIy upp mcauri- Alleyn An- deiii from Mirrieero h m lloZf carrdur- aya thL Col Mnir rn jiiil reaird iiiM iiv phirt wiib Tti kiiUall Cte tiin nai e rrira of birei aid toBiI l cwllicl rraolKAs ib ihe flli hv lUi Tiiemy IV fnreet were at lOO oa 3chl The ney al lat iMk lefeje brhikd la enlrenrliail blllei lsip Bilea frnin th ford AiakeJ by nScpita and ibaiha Qea AreritI baing Mca lilied bit chject aod aeored ka piiwB ia Ihe woinded ea bjib idea a aumber of koraet recromd ibe iitir witheai itiack oe dtsoaMraliaa 9tt 1W pri r ilw lebels whn wert aa badj wlioped iliai ilie eovW ool folln er ae noy li Atnoftg Ibe priieaen ii Major Urtekeieide a couva ef iba lriierj C nreelearrfjjf Tb ieioBeri eSirae- leiie Ihe alj c nvr jail ii eae el Ibe hIrM and ml tallanily fowfht earalrr raid of Ihe wa r a4 aiiinit ihai ibtir nwa iToipa ere lolaliy Irnoiahxeil by tha aaiil abre chaise of nur eaiairr About SO Ilinntit bate bees brevKbl ia Ilie wniintted nf Ile rneey bear aeiet nil la hiT Ibat llir aabi wu Ibe ala f apjci ud nil our ide iilliuna of dul r and mixa Ihnii tne hui Ana leriiory deairnying lara worth of prujioily The gilla were comce ely drnwn ed nui A refjKN fiu Griiiii who arrived M Murlrealaim veaierdaV re pnrii terrible dtliUtinn lu Norlherti 1 abaiiia and Ueorfia A deaiaich from MurfieeaSnro li ihe A BargUr CaagbL Thia morning Serjeant MeGlajuj made ihe anot of Ihe femoua barxlar and ehurcli robber whuae adreBtamhatw nf Ijtecau ao nueli cieilemeal ia llarn- lion lie prta hit aaoM u John B reapetlad FarUier than ihia tbe Irt DMt pIcdfLui himaelf that hit pet ecbeise of a double oiajoriiy abould be fairly car ned out Me oerer beliered Ibat tbii tbeiry of coald be worked ef feetually ainply becaoje- we terer could aaderaiand it ounelica and oerer Biel anyone who oiald explain il eithfcjp bit own or oor aaiifjelion ind we bWiere il eannol be aeosiblj eijliincd by ayooe Yet tiill we hocd that fur a liiue ai lai we mihl reap ilie practieai bene- 2t of the principle acajht to be enanciat- ed ia fine that no lecislaticn aobltantial ly affeciift Ihe inicretia of Ipper Cana da alone abould be forced apoo aa io tbe face cf a majorny of rpr Canadian 0t 10 ibe atiuotl Britiib Colnabift Bui tbe rciuit hat been widely differ ant Oa na aubjecl baa Upper Canada for yeara been taore- aenaitite than on le icjprrlince of preaervinp the integrity f her achool avalcTi yel one of the firtl leaaurei we ec forced ihrouh the aembty notwitbatandin- a Caaadiaa adrerte role i Sebool Bill of aioat obnnxmua charaeler j eel Ilkaearcely neeeaary for as here todi I j ncrt Ifoin all rifts tm t ibt tanoa protujom of woold the Bill it i tb prioeiple we baet bn te j eppMef and eer thall oppoae The Bill I uff ould By perniiMion wc extract the fbllowia from a Idler ncjivcd by Mr Ptcat of thia ibrea ucll place from bia brmher in VieUieia The lelter heart dale Jany Ut 1C3 fler ooic few itlicularti of ihe loita of an nierlaiid muU- the wiitcr 3 r like llc iland very touch The cliuiaic is deiislitrul- ip lo Ihe preacni tiuie we hajK had o anow and hare aecn a thin ie no io itisrfiini- onk The lii io week have Uen eiy wel rain hariot fillcn hjlf the lime The raM li irreii and calllc lcik wdl ibt Iiare to boot for a lirinjr Vieloria la a nice little city abcur the file cf I Catharine but a lanrer populaUon every houvc being foil Ther are many diaappninled eiuigranta in Vie tnria who are now pasjine a very niiaera- blc winter then keinj little or no cm pliiynioiii unlen unloadioj rejl nu and which ii very hard woik When 1 arrived in iclmia I want d The lvia of Chaitv locnrra on llill oeie red a aecond lina The llouae ihen adjuind fHitpctTrix atfrvair The Seiler louk li chaii lo day ai I hill li the larfje Ipper ed retl and I boarded at the Irerl Separate Kolaurant for belter than two weekf at The lime pvi ifT orj linn Mr McOee praaonled a reiurn of ibe aniQunt riid for the cunvayance laf ilia Traot Ailnniie Mailt Mr- Mnred iha tbird readmit ol iha ijrparaio llill- llaaaiJihe Conimiiiea wmiI thniuh the Kill elauae by claje trin llr Kyarann and aa da- lermined upoa il met ihe approbation of all ihe iiienibera ui ilie Cuminiiiae lie ihouehi ihia auraiice ahouk con lent iba Iliper Cariadian menibera hIm niitbl ba am ihai Dr Rveraon had no Iopi li procliTiliea II ilioojrM iha ef- free III the Bill wera irMgniriad by iia opponeni Tharo wera men in iha liuuaa wbo made ioliiicnl eapiinl uui ol II and would be anrry whan il waa reiTMTea Irocu iba arena 1 he tei araie tchoyla of Upper Canadn anuM by il receialnly illKlO out tf tldi WIO j r eipeiidrd for educaiiuiial piujKHei Thia rainy loiii oaa aII The agiifiiinn waa oimirihy llie Moui He uiiderUiKM inerdmenie were lo be olTorl He houhi hi to reaia ilian aidiocill lr clbte argued Ihal Ilia Conmon Sclioal avtlein Uilerferel wi h no mna eoncirc becaute il iruxhl him iiotti ing c iliHcliiJg wjih hiaavligiouv oiiiiiiit Ha feared thit lldr wnuM alriko a terioij hinw al rho Cnmnioii Mr Sicolio aaid that the claute moi ojreeil lo ware in ilia law already It a a perfect Inri i i aay ihii iho B II wool I dektrny ihe Clmcnon School After aonin rtiluia a liiween Mr l Mr Mie loiial 1 uf l eiigirry the I louie divided on Mr Macdonalda ameidnici yrAu U ll onh Iinvk It Bell loell Kiggir 11111 liur cll CocXburii Clwaii Dickanii Iun- kin Muiiaford- IVigiaon Hircourl Hautain Hixiper Jackaon Jonea I A Macd mxld MacVeize McKellar Mor- ri Mown Muiii Nornnn Iupe J b raa Ilyinal SrarchfrJ Scollj ton SiMh Street hue aii l Urigfii I6 Nve Abioii AHevn Aideiann I Arcliambnnlj Ilabv llcauhiennetira u nchei llioriia Bkjch-iiian- J II anioon iarlint Ji rinCariirr Ca Ihifaij inki irawliird ttalv 1 ul liwriii Drii f Ihe wotld It one of ihcae loaded The iuantity ol 11 tf I twicf the Jiie of laadiag papm It nay igAee to aay that a abort permal of i will taiify kny difpaaaionale reader that irt elftrl if il lomea law will bo taoat injoriooa to our aebool ayaietn Five beadt of faiotliet aay eall a Bcetioi lo ettabliali a 9par- ata School the Irailwa they Bd aeilher bare properly nor edoetion ehantiaen eannol land in Victoria TLej seitbcraecd they bdon 0 be aeelios land at Kiuiniah 3 aiilo dioUnt V TK ha already been printed by aereral of tbe i ou can a dnnl of water I here from aliiioi all putt of the woild A day can be nt in Ihe tiah uaikl j obr night itiiout UR4 hrcd firiJior the naova leioJi o resikt A emiif card landioc nnendiieni miii lii ii rivt imai iJnjiita wuSd coti from drjnnje lo Ui HiU h Blrikirt uui fif or Uu chOM U wovM iro iti tKiH redHfa rfirvm ihe lo Cmreii on li ftrr6hdtnn Mr Morrit JiaJ lliO ji iL irQ J 1 COL rfou moc iprminc hi onio jina fxammifvj Ihi vrrv tmnr diffcrfnti i n rl ft f i liiKiu 10 int do irlrrfJ i Ai vl fth lo t fotantj m ht fiiher of l i i i j i j 1 e chiJffn ftlKulJ bo tducol losfth iiefii lU Iacific Occan Whca tide h oul frtanliijrj of ovlrpi taix l i i L I I I i OPfCJ tn orltf sHafvX 01 ibc bvacii iS rpocan ireiiiijhip and lerj lart lacr ItAfn ooch 04tri charterer I am lo JVue rehgKh waa neceaaaiy u rcucAticni hui ufon ihe pareol acd tha chuicb that dutv dreo ad 1 did itoi iHiiik ihM iha aeparaie L 1 I achoolaof UpiierCannda hild beplaead 1 yr hen iyi io tbe ereai of it deuraiai dav ia nrl fr diilant I the Iwo places will U joined in one l araet a Sebool Iloaaa paicbaaa a Kbra- 1 Qm rj 4 vilbdra tbeoaelrea iberifron I the I 1 oiia of the fineft barters on ific coa5i There are from fii to Uearuliiier A Union J II Klli non Ihitrler luninid A- Iulei ot Ihilieiiie nniurrl I tnv Ionirr Kooriiierllgnon jsuiei Helen Ho Hiiiiiiigiiu lluf Jriiii Kerlkowtki lftreche Vier ITfrani arnre aigvrn J H Mac tonaV J S Medolll1 MelJaiin Mcl njili Mc Iree jMcLncMiO llrernll Mnin Morriioii Morijn O llalloran Paliic Ioipore Powell lreit inee Ke iilliid Uuliifiille Itixe J J roai Uyeiion Iljkeit Seot cia Slrjin 1 V al1i nniJ Wily I Mr J Hilljatd Cimirnn aplie a anme lenjlli llo hail rtjtoed the iriiidiienl leciue he iltiurht ii abtul h la apirne cli ola wtre nil med IN iha they ahould nol aliuw T ilitiea Mr Hooper apoko io oppoaition lo the Bill lie waa oot dialinctly heard in llc Kitlery Ttie House ihcn divided Yea 47 oija lit Mr J 11 Cameron Ihcn moeJ ano ther amendment Thai it hall be ihe duty of ihc Council of Iubhe Intlnielion final lime lo lime to naioc tuch pertona aiihey may ihink fit iti the mipeclite eiiia and eountiea rf tpper Canada lo I crlitieale of inaliticjtion lo leaeh I cTt in Separate chool no one to be em I ployed at t teaehrr in 3 Separate Sfchonl unlii and Qiilil auch coriificati baa been oblainci Mr Scott miviil in smen iment That teachera ofepirate chcolt under thit ct thall le rubjCt to the tame cx- aininaiinn and bUiin Ihc aame eerlificalea nf nalificaiiin in Ihc aams aianneraa lomnion Sohnol teacher cenerally pro viiltd that eroi rualified ty law aa leachiT tilher In Tcperor Iner Cana i thall be coreijetxi qualified leafhcra for the iurpij If ihit el Mr J H Cameron nhjected lo Ihe prnvii in Ioier Cinad i llenlU men i 1 II ly Orih r and lidiea undrr liod tiehrr in Juer Doalahr AIM Kafwor Jt Iafrne aheibyiH Uunkin hraninrel rolcT Koriier roar- 1 nierOaVoon Gaudel Hchcn HowNnd ICThc Mnnn Hunlinton Hwt Joln Jlv Kicr- frou New Orleana arrived toiiht The ikowtiki Kniirht rabereheViJer Lv liPP f atSe frambrie Lonevin J A Mcdonald OrWana on the lh hat atrited J S laedoald McCann McDouall advicea ti lhat one of Ih TfttM Wtlflh Wilaon- 74 KATH Mcini Bnr Uown Borwell J II Cameron Cckburn i iyVa7lrJioi Cowan Daly Uickaon Ferpuaon liar- cnihad bet Huluin per JckionJjn Hd waa Huod Mackeniie McKellar Morn Morriaon Im I Jin I 1 ith achiuU fr ditMnuoiit ichocl ui jOr Onnarfa cxninoo lclioia I hev ahouM be on ihe tome bsaia Jlie for 8pala School aatil ibelco Urilitl catwar all tbetiiaelyinf ITirhlIL ltlor forTha Proteataot eoaotohy baa borne alt ibe arrival of a iinl tteamer the fnhabliann of ile nlifj and tpenae at theae latproTemenla aad hen i- iiaeiin come 10 and eiioy wiihowt recwopeaae or the fact ly iho of iheir iron vhat we have beew heaiy axed Jbr i bolldiCT Aay 6 faaiiliea wiibia a radii of aii Clolhing ein be rol hpie sscheip a Uea baio able lo foea t Serarale Canada Bacon 2 tin lantr StaoMhaef wrH I tba we ahall hJ CJ elpcrlb hoy 45 lo 0 per ton wheat rfol much rid on the iUnd all there it 1 old fir rliiekeo feed aiaillO tba way of their ova edoaatioa a rerf 7 hee liurireTUoiiiaBciitillKa lormiie Ui ear aint abai ibsSmim eiikeri ik ip biV tr dra iukrTi 55 facV k i i i ii wdi uripfact iDaaeo eoDttitote M Ibe Dumber It ibe 1 of cjnawri Khroli ui aMalry aeetioaa at laaal will b tool The writer then a Imle of hi anaila Ha deniad lhat he wat acling j Md Mall o aopport a eonpetent ttaeber Iperronal eipetieree and aliloush p i would not bo found workihla perhait Hnm nn f i peteBiIj in sod npiritn and efiicnamioff the would iUidew it- tbtf BUJ or Mr Scott e whicfa 1 rCe egamM frpare paaaad tbe lwer Hoaae ia wear- ly Wbatieal with thai brooght in by A aaae geatleaaB laat year tod whieb na ba a Bet work of tbeae tehoola oeef be hole eoaolry lo the detrimeBt of oor CotDOKro Seboola aad proTidio even io- meiit i iniroduce iha maiaura He read a eech Il Mr v1cD0ala lnw ear a rig lint the Bill ahuuUl Imve heeii a Miniieiial nieatura Uaughier I he llili It aliereO by llia CUHniiilto J ihd liil reqiira iha raiaiiig of an aouiuiii lul 10 the iJueriiineni frani The llill innde the rutat eiaminert ol j Ihe quahfieaiiun af lanehtra Ihia ona nul D aiurid pour Ml ovidaore thai he Lper Canada were noi bigtiia wat lound n h lacl l leet In grini uilifieaiioiii nirIiould require public money to b etpended fr achool purpetra only Tha nieinbera ol hia church nihl haea aeparata acboola Ji imlitiif y wriMel ihem Ha inoted an oern jmeniimnt ic ihe I5ih chiuaelakirglhe Iliwer IrnTi ihe Tiuieci h grant cerli id aliow ihetii u tpeod money Ir ehoil piiiptet onr auihnril II g lie Ciuiicil tif IMueaion m Upper Canada lo npjoiii j eitont lu gram cer l filiate Mr ndeiion aeeonded iha amend- metii M rCIni ke ripporiect Aral achoola Mr Nioii aKl Iha iriiieiU involved III ihe amendmeni hart been diacutaed be fira die Cnrmilee U ear an t aban Cjnad out cxainiinti n I lr oiri nierluenl wa eirriid on I a dnijion anj invrled ii Cnininillfe I Mr IMlyiril iijcinn then iiiin c I in iraendniM Imvi iixl alwjja ihal ihe mouiil of ih Iiil3ine irjnl li nj Srvl n any counly fr on I year rlioiilil r- t eien J the iLrale I anioutil flntribated by rale lo lhcliv j or olljer i bv iti tjpporiert of tuchi Sp3rile School m ihe aaiil year fior vnic dKuion ihc llcae di tidod nn the ainendnien tr leifni ult Biicir Ilnwni Harwell J II C imeMn Ojrlin- Cock burn fijwan Itiekcn Dnnkin FenuI ain HarcUrl Hriiiiin Hooper Jack ton Mackcniie MeKollir Mcrrii Mor- Mowat Munrii Notniao iowell JS Koat Seiicherd oblc Sujith Slirtoo While Wright 30 Second leading of ibo Bill 10 aneod Ibc law rrtpiciing rano dying in any lunsitc AIuiu in Vpper Caiuda Hon Mr McOec CarrieJ Sccond readio of iha Bill to anend the ta io ropcci lo certain ablid- ciTj Mr Sol ien ilann Mr Wil xin eipbintd that the Kill wouid antr piwer lo dimi J uniir Jodea when nfil winltd tli lopiy cirtain offieen- i f ihi Cmrit a aalaiy inirad of fce He ad ricj1vd Ihc ISlIt on llc froaBd of econo my Mr Hiiljrnd Cmeroa apoka Itrangl aalntt ihe Bill lieraoiiie lunher debale ibo Hook adjurncd al 110 Qttatc Mrh IQ LHOiaLATlVR C ItlL J Iia Speaker look iho ciiir at three orcli On motion of Hon Mr Alexnder the Iroteciion Bill waa rVid i- ibirf lime and iiaed Oniionnl Hon Mr Aikina rhe Vergv Ueerve Mrmeva triTeaiment bill reai n Viird lima and jiaaaed Tha Houte then nrjurned I Itos Uykrt llymal Seatchherd tCmaLvrit Scoble Sherwood- Sitnpwin Smith toij Th Sieaker look iha chair lo day a ervillo Siiiion White Wrihl lU ihree oclnek NjytAbbotl Alleyn Arcbambaalt I f lowng bill wera inlrodoced Baby Bcublen Beudreau Uenoii I d Illinclict lourti Broutaeau Caron arod ha Act lalat Ciilr Chapai Clake CrawfurJ Ua- 1 OUI IWn 1cCjc- Dcnit IViaul- 1 M- LaframWaa Ti annen ih Act niert J B K Horion Dnrakr Drum- lle M O lola i ond iilcne Joiih Uufre Kvanlurcl Foley lirlirr Ojnn lliu cobr IliU reapMitng wiBiaam del IleiUri Ilulnd Hunlinton Ho ot Jebin Joiy Kicrikowiki Knijihl Iahrchc ixer Lalraoibiii lanein lcBiulillier- J Maedonsld I Macdonald MeCann Mcnouiall McOee Mclaehhn Moncnai Morin Motloo OHalhiran Iuupore 1reTot Itemillard Uoliljille Hyeiron Seoll Simjfd Sl merJmenl Teheeaa Te VnCJ Un the main motion fut he third read in- Solieilir ien Wilaon uid ho cnuld Canadn M r Icob and evidence in Upper Canada Mr JobiQ Bill lo incorporata Ibe lowii of Jolieile Mr llfie Bill ts eileiid certain proviaion of Ihe Ciuuiy CHiM Act to Oivuinii Court ii Utper Cnnadi- C irMkiiafiea Sfeial Ii ll IknllJ There ia no dnull that the robala will aeon cvjcuala Viekabor if they bare not already dune to Our force hare aacceeded in dctloyin an iinpoilanl biidKC cultinj off another of tiieir eoriiniunicalioaa aad they will probably rclira fruiu Vicktbor to Jack ton where they ate atronHy fortified Tint would leave ort Uodton etwd loanailjck from i lie Upper Miaaiippi dniiiu which wunld lender thu fll ol Ihal foil ctrtain and the coolrol ol ihc river lo the Unionlata ilayor Ueo Suhl bat been piaoed in enainund nf ihe ciiire foicc ufcavaliy io float nf jroeral Biirntide i till here wailini linal iaalruclioiM in rifircnce lu the nea ind laipvriaul ooouiaBd wlieb be tiaa been saiigncd Nkw ViiflK NJarch 17- Ulchmoiii Iiajiera ol tlie i3ih aiiniuiiea Ilia arrifal of lliecapiuied Jeneral Sinngnion nttd libera l hay ware itkaii by Caplaiii Muaby nf tlisHugh Ue e xaiiiMid- Mr Conrad of botiiaiam iiaroducad reatluiKiiia hMiking la peace on the 1 llli Iiahinl ill iha rab C r grata A Vickabur telegram oi the aaya ono of Ihe aiirmya gunbot ihrawa law Tiiliik II ilbi aiwi Oiir bnlieriaa did nni replv- A MiM n ffepaieb ol tiw 7h aaya he Yankeea bava goo up Ua Tennaaaee Hit O tloieuc Ahi wiih a Iteal oi gunlioata AMst SUCT cavalry landart niid ware daalraymg all iii tliir Kwie ihmugh Piniiklin erMir and Manut countiat hiwarda Aberdeeiii Mia TacKTiiK N J Meieh ISTh Pence renluiion paaef ihn lliMiae by lo lu atirr a vary aiiinatad daUila Nkit Yoax March 9 A Hillan Head leiiar chiiad nn iha nghi if ihe I3ih ataiee laat Lieu KwCMy ami nine inen weia capmred Uy a qkdnt rebel who chieaed Ih rir aud fiwnd uor Mr yify Bdl lor iho proteetlri rif wnhout a Bink loa inieelivernua tid uilter btrde beneficial i 10 gKidlure j Thiea deaerieia from Slnhih reoi I he filoing Billa were rM e aec hn the ret ihpre amount ti 7000 and ima i- rlerred to ih Coramitie men und- r Jen Koekiier Thv have Piite lldl ihre r dan fiean gantwMa of 17 t at Lake IVo tewhara eulled iii Midaling j Liley 1 Diari a dmihtof Iiuii- 1 f3nee iSeKh the adroiloea with which Le eluded the effirit of oor policv pMe him to l an am alhia profe- lion He ia an by birth but haa lived many yon ii Canada ud i alout thirty year oTaje llefoTBer- ly worked fur Ijlmeralon of Dandu and waa al emplnjcd by Mr8aBiael F Tae- lor Ilie of Aberfoyie now ridiBB la Milton Taylur autpceled Laileyf beo- ealy and diacharKed him fmo hiaen ploynirnl ind ahonly after Mr Taylor imnery wit deatrojed by fire aopponed i be the work of an inceodiary Tb priaoncr wh it notr in tbe cella perbap k09 aomehinz about it Laiwy eooi luiincvd opcraliooa In IlaToillon 1 nth liin John atrcet Mclhoditt Choreh of a mall turn of uiooey ba proceed of a Suoday tchoul colleciion The MacNab Church waa tban Tiilad by Ihe aama individual aad left ibiow auiie and bank notea Tb priaes- er evidonily found elUirh robberie In Haiiilton a pyias bualnev rather a injiular faelfor in a few daya afier h paid hii Clmplimcnit lo Dr OroiiatM churph anl atole llO He appear tbi 10 havepne to tjall and robbM b Pm byleiian eharch iberCi lakin away wilb him a void watch belonginj le th pallor Kr Tboinpaoo Tb wal waa lound in hiy pnattaaiiip thia awraioji aad can eadly be ideniSfd boagb ba til liau haa partially effaced tb inaeriptioa coaimCDihraiive of il pretentadoa to Mr Thnmpaon by bii liiWe elat is X York ISoj ilariD rctsmed te Hanil A letter fioio Briton Knue lo the Em ttatea hat the ConFedtratta hover about pickcia there bnt are well provided I pirked tbea oppoaed by th Upper Casad of Ibe Miaiatrt witb lb exep- Haa alAXoniLii Macimtiald biiaaelf k BetMi Calbolic and tr do net ace tuiB tW qneaiiea ia ba ooft liberal MMT ak ea tia preatal ceaaaien awTfepwaaatatiw and Mbn ibanlj art lyi abald Dad he Bin btea a OotwvMst Dcuare brtaghl in tlM aaapiea of tbeir leadar fbe oaM baaa too rasMa ia ib ipaiur nian a otuifortallc houia in Ca Tcnlurea nf Vieinrla cr allORetber the wiet man il ia not all gold lhat gli iah Colnoil Tk Xastitate The Ioititii year i fjal drawiag ea proBiincDl part ia he aeaaooa amoge- taeola we isay aay wUboal on oor part or fialtery to tlac Camaiti ii b bee a denied aacena Never were belli lirpl Protaaiwi minnrity Th claua In low aeparnl achuul dialrict in eiiend ihr antla would cut up Ihre auhool jiiiaiirwiajinii lU objctd alan lo ih irutise having wwr to gram cariificatea hi leneltaia In many caae men wer eleted wh quedion Hcuoied fruia ihaapeeeno ih Aurny Ceiil agiinai Mr Bill iBrf tar nni at a propel- one He urged ihi nnver 10 accept ii He wouU gel e much largar vol from Upr Caiiadi priueiplo already irrevncably conceded 11 believed thit Bill would aellle be rjualion bivo been iron clad Koar Moksoc Mtrek 13 Thr IJill Aaaociaiion Mr Sirtai I Tamihe Aciof itnrperaiinof niekwtrr yeTerdy wer ool Ci to be irutieet Ilamoeed H wrd aay b wiuld vole ag mat n amaodmem lhai do aeparei chool be but h bad a alroiii cuoviciiod m fa oJooi kBkAiiii Ufred Wf 10 Ctneni to of ri i Bill lla would vole for il third read- He vat aorry bowcver lo ace lueli a iseawre eariini ty Lower CaotdiaB loiet ilr McDoajali aaiJ ba bad Carefully III vab be liw M It no anaaa Ifon r Camrrn To incraaa ih capital aioeV and fir- irttarlo aattitdili Acla ridaiing to Ui Use Dank Mr To iMerponi th Id nera Mnnu I be ibr tlackd Ne btro Itaf Fri- day and wre defiatrj i Ihe Biehinciid pair lb 17th aat Ibal on Oip Htb Aduiiral Fanafi tllark d IVt llulna aud waa recVil 1 1 a privat Bieaber asd at of right ibe wbal Rafbnn paKy altho aupperting Iba Miatalry voted aa they pleatad ob lU Baar and apiaft it Tb Up- fm CasadiaD ineaber of ib GererB rtt Uiag aboat the oaly Bfofinfa boMpMdlbiaBBfirea W tbat it ia tb flraC tiaa Nwth Tok a a te in fitor of Separata MmIb Md w bop il Buy b be bat W MMMasd tbat bcM BefeeiMr b tofer ih Bill profea to bava doeeae M toCMu4efapdiM7 Aguati Mtfc a w ptoUM Xo goed vrer kf aWoiwDf for noBeDi tbe ewy 0 ta eaaaa Wb Mwa fNvftMatd a pHadpla w pmtitdM MtMaiidiablr iutUaMt of bal k ritbt MM MMfiba pa a tbi m yriMifb mtUmI ft rtpritinj Bit dB lUi Ika anifiii ItHir tMd allayir Iba afit H ti4 ibatavhlk periiy another aeaaon LatI rtetiin e RtdA Bort-T- BEE Eaqon tlie Viciatitodea of Life aad Btaay wer be bm 00 of be pait be bronghl before tb aadieoe il- latratira of bi lubjeet inol Cel llaullMn aaid ihai do on ihoughi 0lor of rehgioua inatruciiun Ibati h Uid himaeir bui he had enm u ih eonclu aion lhat on accvuni of ib eiirtme dilli cully of joining relpuuand avcular edu- eaiioa ju ihit couuirv b mutt oppo appi aclioolt- Th pniiopa dijec Friday evenini it ia txpeebd tb iin h liiJ 10 aeparaie achoola lur Ca h- Kettlaby Clob will give an enerliBiot I ha did not know when jotbar cit ram aak ibn orii HHK upon what prineipl te lelua ihvm bafara Iba loatilBle ia cfatractrr ad bare j b h of Kcciei io erfrj I lo graoi cii6esi lo lieeliers idky Iif aad a taak no dovbtaill be 11 raeeind Tb iCevtMrbek bead hafa aiao bea iovtlad for tba aeeaaiea Tb leetsr teawn ill proM4y alo Iba IbllewiBg Friday aigbt aAar itb a Kuoo SoirMi lb preciaa sMua of wbiA V will be iMiter abla io gi aati vaak ty- JUoMBiber Ik BienaitxDeM ibi aveaiagia ha W MCbareb ia aid ef lb faarfa af ib Satilb Sa is PPae- Mr viahed tha Bill iopua 1 il waa n waa infbrmeO thai ihe itoman clergy irer perfeeily tafnCed ih Iba Bill H bad ae objeeitoM 0 tha IMiaaa CBBMing iha aahr Il ha dwtWiea vara aatitficd wiih iba poor taaebar wbf naad tr coaipUia I Ther waa fr bal ProMaola would dO naad parat a if bey did lb iba Haoaa VMtldaot graiK tliaoi Mr Big aaM wm iba boo men- bar abofiMd to ay tb Cakboia r tadafiad with tb Biit I Mr Patrick aadaraMnd ao Mr Ryeraoo auppiJ Ih Bill Tb Kttle Ibe qaetiioi and therefore woold gladly TOe lor it Mr JohB A MaeOoaald faid be lale Ourernaeo bad tbeir revenge after yeara of oolaany fur the Separate Scbool Act of IdUi Tby had been held Bp to acorn ad otilcKy io Upper Caada by men 1 nnendmeDl j aw wat fil il had not aerioualy iin- Mr Macdonild Kingvion aaid mem- Comtuon School ryaleni Tie bera having amendnenia altould get ihem 1 defended himaelf from he charge of in- rini4 I hey hnJ iha admitimi o the 1 eotiaiatcncy tajing tbe Bill laal aevion Ireeidenl of Ihe CouBcd iht ih wat a Ionained nxny objeclioBallo elauact fiuiii Governowni naure i an im bicb he w happy to tec were now lortaiit diffrle of opinion exialed Uack oat He ihoapht tbe Bill woald Th mover of ih Uill iul mak up hia miod whihr b vou4d accejil ib innKl maul For hiinaelf h vuuld vul agaioal i uol ccped Mr J ilillyard Canxrou replied briclly Tb liouaa adjoarsad 12 33 BCOttLaTIVB AnatllBLr Mar 13 ISe3 Th Speaker look tb their al ttiree oclock TbefoIIoviflBiila erc inCroJimJiBd read a firal lliae Hon Mr maoa Bill lo laiend the eorrvpl practleea prevention Act of On ototioB of tbe Hob J B Maedon- ald he reaolBlion adopted in ConiBitlee of tbe WbIe graaling a tspply te Ber Majeaty aa raad a tntiadieeMtiiae ana tbe IIoo agreed lo go iale Con- milte on Tuetdayr nexl lo eoB alder of be a4ply aograBied rial eatai 10 pay hi debit- un fold Id auhirri IMaire Thrg lo erict n toll hnOge over the llirtr Ynnt- ki al III villtg of St 110 Mr LtfrnrBboiae To legaizo and mak ylid by law number aev ofih riovjaacanl Corporiw lion of Ih Ciuniy n Kenaaw and the dehenlurat itued ihereunjeilr Scott on Lailcy aUoul ibre veeka ago a eea to Ih ttatiy of llev iMr IngV church ami during divine arrrie tlrjcled J2 in tilvef Here tb priaee- ert hottiliiy 0 chune prdciicilly ee ed and w next find him breakln ialo the leather atore of Mr J C Field aad tealiRIIS Breiidaoratotaaaha broken into and avbaallquanlily ofnoney den Tho pnaotxrr alleisp raaa other plicr but ftilcd lo tecespliab bit o jeel Un Situiday Liiy arned oik Uurceinba and Likli atlrantas of IM eiuporjry abieneo of the laodtiM fNi he birruom geaerooaly relieved tlitt enllenin nf oai 134 wUab b Ctead Id the eaah bnt AH Bood fortaahai turn and Lsitey baf net j exception McGlopaB got on bia trail nd finally bearded th fillian ia bia das The indafaiijrable pdie dtcelir walab ed Walkara uvem bcra Iba p f 1 alayad all day yaalarday bal ihinx ef him Thia oterBlng beeew arretd bim ia M aad m it now lyiM io Ibe ecll A MplW poaacvioB UamilM Ttwut Bebbtty of tliroo 1 Th London iVrwt ty iVa Imnr from a ctierapundM liigaraull ihni a ffriat daring rnWwrf a emu I iinlled from t1i illlc of A OHm Bae lomber inercluiiil nn th IMfbt af IM 1h cr nvtrning nf ihwMh iMl Mr Ulier i n xlaaiv maithil and carrii on cal aad ItUMc mill It eppMra ibu ib winditlb ritt nf III ulBs opened by tottt f ih burgap and ih bk dnK whkcb wa laioned b boll uahnltad Wbali Mr Oliver cam lo bla oAc In IW THirniig he Ibettd ibe doM wM opa rtdib fluer IHerallyenreeedeiUiei- ied aad nher valuable papra vbieb ware amrely lacked up in bl aaC ibe enfig bafora On th Atfr lay Iha iluor of hi targ aaf ahiah bad beeo baiierfd liy a large Uaebamilb ald ind rltak friaMaUKknltbp Dr by b tUI 4bn aw aad monev 10 lb aiaavM of 41 700 h bill nd filver hairtd- Tua perpatreiere mull have kaera the prwnit eery welt- vd ciMiy rri bae been tbmial aa avaral rolla ef cloth and elber g vide of aeleid Ne clue baa yat bea foaod of ib perpev a Unoihlre OpiatlTit Mr J A Maodonald ha gim that h will aov lb followitv reoltien le plate a gnat of w diapotal tj th Inperi GnwlMMian the rvliel of dialraa eparalivt Th 17 Af Mexico ciptureJ I MHK0 aer of tho paUMUt hy ifte YmtU j Profifioe ftt foe uiiUmmi y IltaMvr AaWf er vni Pe he diapoajl of the laipcrial CovwW TaC UaCli 18 I A BOti brilhaul caVilry filt eeearml na Ibe KappbaBiieek jealetday btyond Kelly a Fod A rreeBDoiaaiice aadi Uea vrrlll flttd I parage aver Ihe for be free aieiient therei of irened operatiTe of tb mother eealty aad thai hi Hooa plads iltelf te eCtet te aay Uilaua tbat ny beM iiBiied for he purpcaa ef eaiirieg I lle ace nf a lUin mined reailaiKC ibtf mlltiiin hentura iuihereunleiIrScoli nf ibl Uirrbol To legal UI ih ieaimm certoia j j rgy Keaeev mnneva br the lb BiU He read extracu frooi the jouraala of Ibe Uouae allowing lhat Metr Foley MeDouall and Sandfield Macdoaald bail voted tir the ahroatioB ol Separate Sbot akosetber and ezaiBal Billa for aaieadiBK law Much Uagbiar The laMuoreraaeul wore now fully jiMiSed He iioaghl tb opport- er of tbe Prmniar were aetiog ababbily io doerdeg bioi bow Tbey aboald bar told bio tbeir ieteoiou when be ick aftee Tbe Uoote tba dieided YtA Abbott AUeya AodenM Baby BMobien Bc- f pitara diy ml race wiih tbaiiit front ford admlled bui a horvvian at a tine and llw iieaia winch Onmoiin ofMAndMjoti BUetufn ifflrt w very rpul ArMij Clergy Keaerv mnneva muiiiipaliy of Malahid tMr r ano or u at nederaJ of prn what fftve taken j 1 irf etr 40 ouffilOf hcnaeotr thof the u their enlretichinenl j ht Tea Haek B Ciwflfy 6t Prince Bdwato J or eapiaing narv iheeaiire loce I i 1 0 fyttr T Ifoua wrodat aqtrniar la nrber ef hiiae j lty Pf Htn Ua UcUoiWAkU IVQbfc eerrvpodeer f hw Mirrtt writ e fa4r low lion M McUn b ike bU norre of Iki Adutiilrlia it l ew of i Upper Casad TarWa H lold ih aaw pber ia their eeUb Btad le do aad b ley it IA ibeir eker f luepteecr oa iViday abl eriitiiu2 For oiir jaft wa like 10 aM a f diiaece fr lie Uaiv AvecitiS enimhioJ leieir cbere

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