c AND NORTH YORK GENERAL INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER GIVE ME THE LIBERTY TO KNOW TO UlTER AND foARUK FREELY ACCORDING TO CONSCIENCE ABOVE ALL OTHER LIBERTY VOL XII NO 8 NEWMARKET C W FRIDAY APRIL 3 1863 WHOLE NO 580 liuiiiuoo ofrtdoo- John T Stokoi ARnilTKCri- W1 atrvuJn -l- T Bishop Sod BrtuKLiius riMlrrtr inJ 11 I- it A Boultben ABUITKKi ir cn Inacft Utialncao Clrtctorn Dr McCallum cuti Aecourhrar- I AVrl oi tAU nilVMOlANtiircufi in J Acc r UII B B Moore BMiniSTrii v rorr rlnfrT Al- U Ih -WKT- Iiit I -tl- CuunlY CMte oilrt Tiiiiilo John B- Jonei RBISILUfti fAw iQ rh4 Brb irifio LT i Troi Jnau North Bichardson QMSVKVASCKfl C Hortineri PHYSICIAN 8urn nod Areurhiitir A ru A ofUui Clicui- cull t ic A ICfifi COtfUEBCIAL HOTL T- oti TlP RV IlKNUY CROXON HOLLABB JAI9BIIIS Tinfivifniriir Km iieCti K r norti l J iAuxl fur llr icconi- N H Nd t ikOltUr 4U Linaieif IC I60 Sirtctorji Br BAMSA7 1 PHYSICIAN COUONKRi- CAN rontiltti eperi ih T4riooi braecb Office at Newmarket i Kviar At tKv octocc Cirr for rniii ih M if it lf beorot Xht tit U Srrrf 2 Doort Xfyrth a r JWki REMIIXrf UOttASD LAMONO j NrirniirLrt Nat 19 IKI sr41 A LMt Chsrd UjM iK- cn trj inij iJItt J iJtj John Q Davis rrrtli LArtfl In I ContryMMr to Zexct N I ib Stkie 1 M Ad tcir whi r kr I J Bot knov vhftl I va Or hl 1 lrinMi U1 I lUuck euF rurd o inuiae ke iht ftuoJ vf ft Aiuii It th rHrnn lw1irbt Jik ih ck of an Afir AaJ a Qa mj ft OBCll ut II piil tni HIMW ll lh Nft ytviD oflr JiuriJaL tlf k Colaniul Arrival of th Staa N Y US Jri Kfria Tttm lirrponi im ilip llli iil lewti on ainxil ii Therrin o ih Htinc ol and atiriutiil icjiiciiita t Ih- Ih irlj 1 H MobU X 9 PnYlilN Hufiir Acei IT f Kl ir Charjri niarp I IiVISinCiniT IirmMiii ATTISDtn TO T H iDct BMI1TK inl All l I rir iH CorMrof Pjv j C W Kabrukry 5 IIC3 U 39 ASAX wnaov i Dnrrialcr Jkc irJ II tinkf Into r lirr Al if I I Thi I Tltrar I Aodr IMtiU all iDoanIr l Prfrt pccr lttet twtj IUtilttQ wre loth u crMr l 1 Mk l II loiclioM JiTiai friin lh oi Vlll ol7 mother n vijil aoil nccnrioOly I reriproetle Ihrm or 1ml i folhw yciur sjiicc aoJ prtpaM to go iu ready to traniftr hia opon anclher mcJiatrlj I lox it pcnlioiest that i not bom And BLTwabl Ift ihi Isltfr HfoieionJ i O heart at onoe- not can it when the fcilWinj morning I not oat Offla llio O fre he obliitaled at will but will jiirnv- cnnlinucto ercn though it be Ifd Till finl IwT hunlriil anil thirty trill wilh iliMpmnlmeut wcr- li- rail the ri iiiiininB iwcolv uilo dicouro aa ihntjRh frnia aelBal haJ Ll b aiciiiiplilea in tlio oMiion expericncf ili raid niilin- cl luiiilcriu stjii cnjih tctaal eiperienec but the A I iujiHf within tic can my i eipriane of obtraiion mind insiinclly turned to ihc kcdm of Very well 1 will not diipukjour my bojhiKxl anj ihwo happy Jayn were in iiuauiiiation UtcJ ovfr ain andj I belieta in itich a thing aa oon the iiiin- nfjrahfinrdon arc be- lo it nl aihl frc my fjncyin all lliclory ofuncoob 1 Ooe miy bo fafcinaled by the Cil Jillow lok atil difiv bare fcl 1 1 pertooal appfarauce or the wit and bril- beheld Lcr iain rTiuiing throtsjb llje icy of anotbar and tbis raaciaatinn pstric irjiiriif wild rrif cliniLitr ireta i fJi upon loalare aeuaiotaseojrov in- giin n ih ui wilh boy ile IrvJiiii in jUMt uf lirds aflccJian baf otberwiao tbaoj Plioeiiicy bumM ti mill plauni- ull a way in dUi- lote al firat aixbl ia mere dcloiioB piiiiy with the kIioi lnj hcwaain- Thia dl nnarl ai binitl in my motheralct- CUitd icr if aoiiify and are aynonyl ration moil for ihcir wan not abny intliewhuleltoo i 7 vocabulary of Ueraa- wrh iia two Riiiih lmct chool hi luccctrlully conipcte bat the time fur it cpcniDK moi to Huland m Aicri laai Ii American Bevolution- PoT itoutaron March 20 Oofi Loniix liaa vkippnd tliv eDWnjr book from liii Mm aail they are no Atll reireai le Viion Paai itfiaieli lo ihe Appeal dad PB- nla Mrcli nv lhai the FedocaU nRnitd III tli raid upon lUrnondo ho platalv atoiili- beoi iJaleXOJ i old Irooftotif ih 11 ih le I anciny liav been replaced bv o oaoo mony rim ITai Winlot Ihe Ifii irii an I ulj gnrr aiia inkoii lu Merrphla aeeeMing 10 prOfimme I 1 1 i eni led thai ihn Mirnphi lod iCUrlton liUavhbeniirdonJj yoeei ocupiri a tpucJ pi ui Men bi7l took nn pari Theroya 10 Utoine fof ihe booermfloti Th day iIay Ihtouchfiui KiiglarU aul tiuna c weiB in Iho 9ih VI In Ihe tluu if lril K ami aao iliai ih Miibile and Ohio ratd la been abaiidjjieJ Irom Jackaeo ID Ciiluiitbi Fio hundred C9iry craaaed lb Uililr iiy nilr iouiti enlof bert ihI inoe lownra lluly Sprmgi The tikii karna of no ow ma- hiaaoawer entirely tbte mo off niy Ppod I mem at Irt lludn I bad been rfiio lo dec- V lion wnaialing or the eboiecat Icrun eipiiu iht ciieinTiaiancea unk mp niJ manife T H Bull Toti lU Ilri l Iy3 Dr Pyno cealT L f inii 1 M ihAtn St lCr h i4 Yxnos m 1- i I tl jil ulir a slKr UX tM Dr Hackott riiYicuv s i irailnr frc- n A Ar ri lOfbkjll Ihl B b c B- B Joy HLIIn LOlT ISI KK 11 1 l 1lllLT tAtM J Torontrt OL 3J ISCl John McNabf BARrTTKft Aitsrufv Buliriuir io Chta trf Ac E Jackson IliSCEB OF MtKBilCB LICESBS XAtM ftTRBZT EWMAKkit ftuNTS L brr r Benj Fearton iicii M Jlrr tT4 Sf DcIoh t h ppia At I Uilftdttrf Th Two Stags Coach PaMsiigon- Aa AfrcMbls CiMppoiatment It wu uiy twcolydrl biithdiy mv r h Iw incoiroraud in my unelca uncU wlium I hadKnfd raiiLfulU in thV brcominx aMuatomed lo po- euontin nm dutin- the preuoiia Uirtc reised to think of the yeara had jul mpacd inlalliii ire aa l M or lo ten cOparlncr of the buiincM tlri of wiiich lUflintaiicc a with hiT in 3 fwl raci i in iriM anii darin maclf her dia- poaitiun of eukirw cxolvd a charoi over me Willi wo were pla malo oar conge niil pirit niinliTi m happy eouimonion and a we priw up wf imt only iwmeJ to 1a but noro riiiy aitaeheil to each oihfr and ih diy uin which I look Ic ive kr Iicr whtn tjriin fur my uoclci thcii ero aotuo Uar ahid by butJi of u criii of aineere rrret IIul allcr h 1 1 I 1 ber ilio ac riiuiniaccDCi- laat approacLin bat alta boWPly waa I to begio it now aalhoiiuc at Iheiideaii Cooelodinp howerer Ibat I wonld not j k i i 1 j 1 1 aim elimalM were debelel and allow ha matter lo U dropped tbna m- cpi j r panly I iboaicht todiaeorer by a lew I licn t inMe than a million aierlln- lamajii- iogonioai joeriei toriMlhin in regard to i ly or iba rule for giitia and aicnpa lier pUe ef rewdence that I siitbt eeo- 1 I ranwred that iltwo eimteinpUi trive aouie future pUo of operstioo lud ih Meiicu afiai iofloircd Ihe eair M Poebla A A pi i p fci- oflhePrneeofWalewlJintf She iBiwcred uoheeitalingly I Th newa ia Tp anl very con My pTmt deatiaation Oh ah I iradceiy Many altegeO rneaganenia are ye I am going alao to Oabrille Centre pioovunted Inreniiona- It i lumnrl ihai 00 a Tiait Sarah Gordon bu inriteil loeaeUeroaiaJ ihe Ruaaiana iimi Taf- DC to fpend he ncatioa with her at her a back Ic hi led 00 diepo- eilion to odvarce UeapntTlipa eiiiilnned to cnme iit tn4 I iliey laixhi iniuci tbe Koaiiaft irepvn diafleonon in hir ciaipa be Eigjih I Tbe fleet coQiiiiiwa o ul aiibt IViiil ifjr I IIH lANUA tir lurarr Curnpanij Incorporatfd by Speeal Act of Parlisoent Blatthews Uaclean CiitflisI11S lIKItCNTrt FEONT STMET T6ET0 New Tailoring Kstablihmeni CrrMf S AC n K S O E rjiiiiii ns 1 4Krv K International UfE ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF LONDON c lAllTAl M- alil n Sirrn AOHAV I II snini Age V I 4VVVK r lili I llOh fl It lJl ii rLovu III 777Ki josurin a lortuoe which liud beco ueij cd Uriin till and aj njiiiiiig oTcr tin bappy thought that my itidowcd iuot1i would thus bo codbled tbjougb Djy in atrumentiIiiT to dwvll al length in a home lurrouodcd witli luxuriu wliich worth iocra dcmicdcd V n tTTlx wcli diapatdi lN 15 liMlmi fhMlila1l ahouid cvnljiu wheo JAMES H WILLSON bo a the 0or mcmUr and I bad met that tic aehangi mother V bTtVpJdiiW cbecrfully and gratefully aaacsKd to the Kb be cxerung a beocial iuSucnce Tfcp ft propitioM and tfieday nw it h nitable m make corn gcncroui propcal 1 cr character Uat 1 will aolanti- tBpWoo thong I and eoBefldej noni lo ihe Ialea ualii alirr ihs iniuriac I wa uicntilly conpraloUting oiyfcif my alorj r present with the informj- on ta aobalded cn the faxornblc proeji iu the way t I he e jfs rattled on haltinc at the no- lion aa I ioaM bre an abaodance ofj will eoter no wnfegaioeac Hutiona akm- the ruutf ipoc tf allowing pomtigcra i illi f for the opportunity to impiore the acnaainlanCM but w lo aIightldy1BdQr5DgiyiUyaWakMllol- ne lrdandloupply tbo j cVntre thewCel of U a rot With wc- d and water till at length rererted to doribg tbe remaladcr ai iheiun wj approachiog tbe weatern I of oar jaqreey horiiun lie iraio amieJ at WoodrUle I will pau orcr the reoalolng aeenei pitlBiing unto the tertuinaliiin o niy jonrney by nil I ineidfot gppa og joarvey remarking forta whieh it lii I fl ijh d i however by the way of aaliafying the rcadcra curioeity tliat OakTille Ceotir Krwmaifci Oct 13 IrCS Ifj lyl John T 9nke Cl lyIIl Kit iakii- akh ch0toflin llncl flh tiMat Virk ari1 l ci roi r 3 1 Sha- tflf Messrs Sullivan Sullivan I I sMi mri R ir I BanUtats aAd AUorneyi at Law I H AVIM I l a Ha am Orrirr ir AUROBA -ircn- 111 hr T HALLEN AND WILLSON ClVn EKGINEEBS ARClllTKCTS 4o rrelaJal Laid SnrTrjsrs KM4BhT C W rkl Jauv X lM7 STEPHEN WEBSTEB George B Halchcrofl NrmtSl I ii lrrtrh t Yh r ij iij ail 11 K Cr Bealley plTiriAN sro IK WIIL 0 TU rOKUMU CLOTHiNO FIJVCHS James HcClure I il XjlooixjMOd tloiaoor B K S l 1 L C E rptU JAS MrCMKi April 3 1la If- HoHand LAnl B TBACY M D BrtClAN I B ifiiN AMI Ati Ul CIM t II REPinrsT-Tt- rfivfif i i-i- pixt C T Soi1- I ruttonGtooTKlnA Sepiib y fJ 1 3U TlIK iilSlUKill Life Assurance Compy J4TABLI5nDir l3 VVM- STKtCHAN McMIKHV AfnaniaiklC JniarlJi IHIU t3 Messrs Grant ft Landy flARRIsTtRS AT101NEYS I Ornrc T4 riirrh iri IWiarh oHa ivnwrit Wlli v Ori h iJ riT QUALITY o ZX B L T JQ S S Tif r IC lR2 1lll William ivin A Co Forwardiog fc ifnfral Ascnl5 i N I 8ash BUa4s DMrslldla Wli Praaett elCi stcx COHFHfMILt RAfHSSTS NEWMARKET C W WiAd PwS Al Vi r Hia4i pr pAir 1H cU 9h7S S II All kiG4i vf Iui1dia frerlH n f f eJ Ol S rrtl 9f plalocm Uai ottr flmArkt rcb7 2 Batfl that are Bats S p COLEMAN Tub LooiiMi pArljel HMUr acti Furrier KiRf Tefeabi C W Irirlv Taofre I7 HArCAfliiABil PfMed Fcu CIMB d amI CAR If 1AtP POft RAW rru Tiweib tteld The ftueens Hotel LiU lUvet lUwwi B the polLoY drup ubiuit luoinin 1 jw my trunll ped into tbo couniin room wilh bit i sritl cuiiy upn li e rcir of the customed IVony lir Landed me alt lip hih wa to ter I bad tacrtjj lolauea at the aupsr- iiiIi e- my mthir and aa the Hsvirg aetn my female trarelling com PuliU fioaiier Menoiti aribetdi eon of tbe jenermi baa gone lo feland Tlie Oih batihc litea obaeieerl aa a huluUy 11 all ijie Imding maikeia Ihe M- lowing ipielligeflee refoa only loone d buMBeae Monday be 9ih initani Lirxafjou Mar Ilili a-is- The eotUHi to roney mo to theinn tbe way of a romanlie character I my Iiithit and aa the Hirir aeen mT female IrareliniF com- aeriplion to learn at once Irom wbeoc ii ctcUl hia h preparatory tn paniuo together with ber bapgap aaftly bad cnuie ila autlior was thai moher 1 iinL- 1 aprae within ibe coach A depoiled io tlio accbboarbood of Mr then dwelling wiihiu ilif lapill alniej fl iir and acatid tnyaelf 1 jCordooi rceidcnce Irepaircd imuMdiate vf Uiy ibouLtand aa 1 Mieiided the oli l and aw that but one other Jy jq the boae of my toother I will earriur hia reward I srjieJ Ibc letter o oer and I ipirc the reader a repetition of theteenea with a beartfrll pleaaurc or waa a female A teil waiij of welcome therein enacted fwCce it lo That iiiiiher I had not acen at anyl face yet 1 waa abictiOj ihat aiy mothera dernooatraliona of line darin the three jcjra that I bad t 1 counleoancr ger my arriral exeeedcd thil which purr and an raav eraec ehiraeieriftog h polur ojadc ite jodgc that rhe waa icry bcauiilal The ituation of affair5 I imagined to bc0 domiciled within my uaclea coQntjK entiilintd with a aymmetrical 6- iog ruo poaliag tlic laltera boola ber nlaec of rciidetiCG Uing about two buojtcd spd fifty miles dikijnt from hia pUee of biioe and her fortane and my alary beiax loj amall lo auffcr Ihe omaulic and Uganfrom the penae of tialting each othr I lacnjlj thus iTnid to luild a maeai- I immediiuly broke tbcacal ol iheUl ter aad gUaced mcr iLo cuoteola Ii opeued with ibo aiual ttcrioivpl vlei Hin I ic dI olir youog peculiar to ibe old fhmndpeTli rF f Iling foraiinK oic of tbe Ucaaing which Irovi- S rpaanngly beau dcDCo waa tbeo iO richly beatowiag upon f ooj cotuponion W ho Lr in the lemUanc of goil health and V K hia 7 hoping ibat I waa likewise lavured will I lerriUo accident may bap- much more oointetealin to any oil er 1 P be fato ahall b than mywif and concluding by urgin i to extrieato this fair datiKl from me to obUiQ a brief repiio from i i peril lima awakeoinga cara incombeol upon the ailuatiun tlat grstitude within hrr bcwni tbat I waa oeeopying and paying her a iii ivenlually grow into aaonl atbiog pleading among many other arguinuii- affcclion faioriog auchacoarae on my pari i nc tlia jnnelure howercr ere tny ca- that atruck my farcy al lb Ume aa l- a finiahrd I was brought back lUvt f i laV f niK knltifairilu ul liiuniiei llwdw A TJ rt TgpTbi ativANCrH viDt ox cosaicsitTa lJiUrJ i lj3 liKllANMA Life Oo 1 V hS iiiMLrail 1 ibemiMl m Jrala ralM U UAMSAV M r I JfnU rmkrt 1 THOMAS DICK TixoniuJuM SS ly amBiioK and I culd not reeiat lli pulie of enjoy in i- a lutle juiel laughh r li- myvlf My unci waa aiaodin nrr and aa be utscrved my rUiog cuciien reeiarVed That letter cootaini aomc rtihei ifC pleaaasi items duca it nul James I I replied I wa liuhing at OOC rta- liar rrn wliicli iniyllier had deemeu iiu FroTiiolal Inraranoe i P IjBiV tl Itiu prtculir nine upoa i L Fsterson Harrison Hodgins Barrut iy ticiUn in CAuaeery i 0Taaio ItaLL TOKOKTO Have har1 ill Jas L C Sirptenicr WiD Xoiley COifVEVANCKRaad lvit C aiasi Biu twv Uick Olhcv Taaee Aurara JJih Sdaj T Vrrmh r 81 BibU Depotitory BIBtK and Ttamraeaa bhal i riptya piicra upD appiieatua J al II liail ll Srwiuarkel M Uibla llrpllel Mppoaila ailfi iMH SAMUEL MACHELL COMriST Of CASADA RiSKSjiaJIVST SEukea an allpro- psrlr at Low KaiM WM S RACHAN McMURRAY 5oleiiar Aiani al Newaiarkai CW NrwmarkX Ja7 Id Ipj it33 Nswiaarket Iran reudrr- JAMK ALA kftateraten itiaska f- faefad lo mtlniaia Itiat hia er- par ta aaal lltaiaa 6var kauira ilackiiir Ottkiiar- aad aiAar artKlaa aually rauirr1 10 Viiahaa u busa A auroUer Bsfar Set Ilea Maeea aad ilaviia kaad foraate Felv 10 fn tM vill be Aario Kill isc iil4 lf3 WM HA1I MIRRUGE LICENSES Bsase Slsi ai4 Carrlag Paliur Gl2Ia 40 AC Sfutlr o lntinut ihe eili- NIAII iiiNij srAtiON DEO raapaelfglli 10 Intimalata Ihi inj faUuary 4 I D aa of Sawttiariat aedaartoaadlag LAW Oorge Wallace arir e leiM avi BARURR IUirrrnr vara knAi iwaabcr 99 10 BIa Account Books trST aBCEIVCl smv a u Ofte Ala Minaleaad Poekai Lgera Sawaaikt jaaT IKU XOUTil VOItK Aegistry Office TKakaMOAe will baopca X K Bcxi tke 3rd prao- 1 the Iti th CV0 dallni 1 PBOsPECT ST NRWMABKET- tka anal i JAS IKAHSUN I lwarfcaJasKhl8X 51 w MCMIRBAY ATfllMNKV AT I m liaacnj Laofryaceat fuiajy Jubhe Camuiaauta U MwMAKtar Nsaiisaikel kVU 1163 Hi Wrapping Paper 1 Md aupply ram attha NEW ERA OtFICE teakltCa Edward C- Campbell SOLICifUi U NEWMAKKET OrftCi atitdwcSouili ei- NewmvtM fab ST S- KS Wy ikaika has jiflENEP A PAINT SHOP I la ihia VilUfe aad ia aav praparad la aza I eata all ord eitK whieh bp nay be fatorad aa iHf ikoiiaal Biea aad meat MTaatagaMS iscina MawiBarbalSapiS9lKa ifS rrsT RHCCIVEP Uru a lUaai awaida at ti OacUtratei Blaaks iidaciiptioaoa baadferMla 0 siiv ikJ oyti 5iiielJiifl f41 Apph ncE X B VAXtoa HIS hia Sboa u bia naideoM WATBK 9T iiynuaxer Bctweaa McXaatara Staea aad Prsapaat AnM wfcare a t aiMRant af CLOCKS WATCHES k JEWELRY Ab aod tbat pecaliar ecsjcclurc aright aumeeiitly coi Indeed Ileaae lo czplaii DUDded in mock mqiriae tj tiu wi rld of reality by the fair obeot ut my niuin- deniandiac in a rniea by III II i 3i ireiiiotuua ret anfl end mufical 1 II what part of the country aie yon iritjirT and a4 she ipoke the bruab- I t lie wil from bctvre her face Jirecliog lir iiju at l inquiriofcly lirr renl batity ihoa made folly appa- leii 1 thonght by far tranaeended the J In-ini- id 1 wljch my fancy bad been akctchiog viti V euiieiiaDcc waa bcajiing upoo mv n It i al c bloum uutriiaUcd ihu June roa ic I 11 ol features that were ojoatcxqui- 1 do Biiriy iiimrd eyes of deep Uue and parllin with energy aAd bonoar tbe Read the paragraph alud said I nle surrounded with bar rieh aboa- eraively dance of eluatering goldaa hoet ringkU Wilh the greatni pleaaurc And I anwered her query by sajia loreiog u tbe kiur 1 cvmiaeoccd rvad- j Iy dotioativn ia Uakrille Cenle log 1 liidrni ahe rtclaimcd ber fealatct Kext week Farah Gurdoe roturoa belraiu aa eipreivion ol aarprisa from boarding school aod will retuaiu a ihte yiU any rclatirca in thai place 7 bone during iba taeatioo which aa ynu she naked rtgcily I replied are aware will ba oaly the abort ioterral 1 have a mother there whom I am of oae week iberefore if you will eome on niy way lo ay a brief virit at oaee you will bare an opportuoity ofl And her njiue ia- renewiag the allacbuout whiih fonucily Mra llaicuiC existed between run and ber Sarabu And yoiua- James Ilarooorl a amart aod gwn girl aod aa beautiful Indeed iluw caiue yoa thus ta- s cTcr braed f I aaked in suioe surprise Good I interposed the argnojcot A room mate of miae at Woodrille yoowill admit tery weak wbeolez- Semioarr named Sarab Gorduo has aei plaialhafaellhattbeatuehmentapcikeo qnainledme h pur hisJ r were my wortbioeit really luarited After the deBoostratioDS bad sobei- ded lolo aometliiag like a ealaa ay tooth er serrej me wilh mom rctreahDcals which I psrtook of rfariogly bsTios a particular horror of nightmare and hid eous dftam aod ibea retired l dram of Sarah Ciordms eisitor AfW 1 bad partakeo obreakfaat ea the fullowiogJoornioc a tAskfaal wbieh 1 had duubly reliabed from tbe fact tbat it was prepared by mothera own band 1 brushed op my toilet preparatory to goini OBi wbea hat taauraal ote demaadtd- Are yea goioK lo oall poo Saiab 7 I replied by aakiog Aro you certain tbat abe has retaro- cd from tbe Setoiouy 7 Her mother rxpecled ber ihe earliest part of hii week Here siy Bother foUowed op with re- coBoUng he masy Tirtosa which ahe b Uered Sarah lo posaess to all of wbieb I Ualeocd with palienldisgiut uatil the list wu complated sod la took my hai and falM forth io the direetios of Mrs Qordnna Ssrsb Gordon I matterrd I ca my way the little barrfnot yellow haired imo I Wbal caa niothar be tbiokiag of to M deelaimiag the peaisei of aooh aa oalamed htdeoM little frighl Lgb I If it were aot for Ibe porcoa of sgaia feastiag my eyes opoo tbe beaute of bet fair sad aceompUsbed riittor 1 would abun the young absdo of Sslsa silo- gtlher Indulgiog io releetioM somewhat simUu to ibM abore 1 appreaahed tbe house aad knocked al tbe door 1 heud a Tuice from wilhin exclaim Sarab go to tbe front door some 0B bujiul knocked- I heard tbe patter of light feet ap proaching and cxpecled tbe next ioitaot to be face to face with tbe barrid obyeet of my ungrneroua reScctiona The doer opened and eoold I betiere my aeoaa there alood iKe beautiful female who had been my trarelling cvmpaoioo of tbe day pretioos She regarded oy looks of larpriae with a isWiieroBS tkile sayiou Salk iaU tbe parlor Janie toother aataoaTvrri naaitr Biebardaee Ii a aod otbara lepoil fliur belecirJ kVheatiu moderali tlrmaiiJ al ule Ciin ni lather beliei ivipiral at 4J per 400 pgunda for pnme OUSlJ erely that of pUymatea ton ahe anwered with some degree of 71 aioee For oeee la her hia aha had be- sjoov sor oQcv iMr 11 is MIV nau w be reputed ujctwu- henUlwa iB tier miooftr trade r 1 J blob i bad jusiprofa 10 I N mon I usait joa I wo- uiJ i jr U Aioene Aranl of the BobaBuu- PoartiKC March n The alaaouii foAcmiin liin Iicrpugl un the IJih ti Idviijeriy on ih ITh ioat aiiireJ itiia Dtofaiaj wiib see days laiai iieaia Tlw nawa la onnnperlanl The aalea vl eitton for th week weie SOnO bale ibe market ekain with an ad vance t OreaOaJbtf ocminaUy lifmer Corn baa an aJraocini teudain jr Pietiaicria afv dell The lAJUmtan lapeita expeiwneiac ationg aiiu y aiMl aogitiaeuly iiii and paaini Taral ievtNirfa in Ivnj 49 Tns fMemiati repufia aa flleai- Oa tbe 14i0 spoke ihesieaaec A hgDiid eaal On the ISib the brrg uaciu booiiJ weal Oe Ihe 20b a atearner aap- poMi lu s lha fihrrsiaia boanU aaal 0x1 ihe Oll a alaamef auppoaeU lo be the SI Aidrricr boendvaai On ih 4ih aleamer aupiioaed to be Ihe Amftb Sunrm bevad eaai On iheoncaaion of tbe wedJui illuini nalion aeven women ware efUbel lo dvll a lb crowd and opwaada o 100 persona liaJ limtM Uku bareral riMaalavea- cgueiJ eauaed by Ihe eseetness oi U orowili ti ratrEl a ol ibe bride anil Kaxa Tfte tris leerral tunes had o claaed by lhafi4w atihe iwiutul lU bayunel lh pirate Alabama ha l been apoken to by ao eesMl ana lepenl Uaring daJueU 34 raaaela Aiiirsl of the SszodI Ntw Y Hsrcb 26 The Sasoeia trieed to day Nrwt an liripeied bbe haa a daaafed screw aad aa lowed up tbe barbou Tbe liriiiab abip Clyde of tUiIai from Cardif atruck oi Sandy lluok yelerday aoraio billed aad ii full of water ianaiaa ade per tbe Ariel state Ibal auolker liie lad occuxrd iWle deatrnyiug all tbe haJa seal Ibe radoaJ ataiiou Moieeri hal pardioed all diiaiaaU but tie Covri refue l sc knowledge hn ngbl to oaVe aueb a leeep iBg amaety I be IJtcrala appear dnui kM wih Minuera aad oSer biia a pea aion of XJD to refga iath Americae irw ra aol ioporfaet Tlie oew correacy law ia Ibe piiKiia tnpie lu lcru The Krencli bare beae aeiimg Prj nan tewela enpged la tbe rtngrsliob Uidicaloaa lUiW old piaymaica eery highlr- I ibould isiagloe tecf wbes I kft borne aaid 1 beaiui- reran me lo aak your opinion coo- i wa but eijcbtoeti aod Sarah four- ccrnin- her t v hip tireuada arfited at Valperaiao aad iwul remark thai Ibe bas a dUpoa- p i tbat lb abip lieda while o Uon tathcr as oae tral ber cbar- i yea I while ber eyes eoogb aiiae with of mora tban trust aad htter dfFeb- ISthaay liocncau eoinioeice llire ia lal hemj direrteO te Eegi baiiofoa Jiiiti Daii late male of the Dmt jngiy- Justas Well it is my opiaaoo that I aeter ing opon Ihe object Uforeie I waa con- JOB had baUtf 60 NohctWr opportaai- 1 at all crasU wiO ofcr itself thao the pcMfBi aad hik Ttaiuag yoar KMhOT jaft taaji aa wail aeeaua a uatiawal fartat tbua aroiJiog the oewaaiqr f nttirfiit ow liminmi for tbe inrpoaa rfUfeodiag U aoeb eoae last AawaccJaay lat uo lavfpiciuBa tio Tbat i r uaieaa a wondfd Stb 1 observe thai it ia lo dicosi tioe n- B MT E V K nf M O M the jitcalioo wuhyon aaid Ig-a- ttbair change baa been wrought therein Very fund of practicsl juke Thai I beliero aleo lUtiter aegligcsl io attire aaj Bore- fioeJ ia manaura I baee not tbe kaaldoabL Dot bar gteateat faalt ia mj aadna able aarpriae Uii abip cetliaf ber aearly a iwo he oad male aad stesrd were laalaatly ff Aa iiAMatial m tea beea hUM aad Dania bed bu r ka briAa held le Loedua la bear Ibe npaei of OataB acoll aad cceia drifted la be ilai ea lea Tbe Cteaeellor ol tbe boata foar dara aad sigbia wiibeut food Eicbrqeer bai giree tbe sMeraaee ifait if or water wbea Ibey were pxked ep by a IB the prvaaat or aef feiwre year ha bal- Brhiah abip boend for See hrstaco Met af rteaaae aad bate ahall eppear ta fb toimr waa afoaea by a farwtiaa ba aaeb a U allew ef eay redeatoa tte bnt aad lsa pel aa heard rtitiag at iiimdU blU raal asaiired thai Wiaa A very fooliah idea that abe eoter- taaes oa ate jraal ariieWs of aaaieplj Vaipaawo gu II n I I vu meetf beeeac a ma- 1 uioa of being io lot c isaeie4telf aeeaeetad with tte eemieei MJRRUCE UCEA8ESfitonlruum4mwa HaraeerIi Gojr AURORA C W iawre In wtrtKl toil beings loluokily it u not gwJ I belieee tere ef lU atlaabte af bar Msjesay a ome fOOW tvuugh lhderuLoa io Arrinyl0 lAtacarreocy The ii xaielaoboie hereura been alowly iremng np ihe fier They Iiitiie niid rii d wii a few wlee of the telagrapli line CiritxATii March 28 Ccnrnt Uurnaiile bat iaaeed in er4er aaauraiag esmisanil of Ibe pepetlat af UiKi It la piiMitbeJ tliia laoroing aad geaecal utafsioa laduaa is made a separate miliury dialriet aadir Gcrirali Cjrriiigli n aod Rbeta the ehief coiniBjsd of which ii girea lo Ceo ileraaide Tbere we contiJeraUeakirfayiayaa lertlay aad iIm d before belwaea wr caislry snd Ibe Confrderate adf0saah if Ilia Keiilaeky riirr About pIt era wen jkei Tle Coafederar ad aiiee force fsrioualr eliiaaled al fraA JV0 to lUfiOii Ojr iraope am e eeotraliHg rapidly CooSdesea ia feU ii tbe abihiy of our militarf eoioiUpdeis W the meibt Ibey bare at band lo repil CaCederale iaraoa Tba Cammrraat baa a despatch fraa Meiapbia l tbe Mlewieg rffiet Fhrra guta icikI dicofeird Ihe ladiaaala al tlard Teiei liend aud reapved ber withnel any reilaoe 1 ka Coafederatai bed beea al work ea Kr dhs waa aeST- ly ready fur aerre Tbe lera of Ibe Weal u aptb DjUck rirer nui of ihe reach nf oar teeaela The lekaon Apfll ef Ibe IStb sal Ifesertl ISaiikt biit failed le auke t lud altaek and Ibtr Panagei wea ia jIsM an paard Ibe Ceeladoale batUritetl Lxt lledeea ai arxht uader a lartils cannole I wat runortd lhal Ilaiaei Bhf ad beea disked througti to the vittf aate PliitaoibruMaRh Tba Prtu bee a deapalth af the Bmti weod Teoaeaee fibt wbicbMysW SO Coefederatea were buried kf Pft iroopt 100 were wouaded i wa look IfS prieeeere Oerlev letiSOkintdWMN ed aad BlniaftMladiaf 4 afiean NxwVoaK blareh 28 pacila eeniaio tba follaarita i Rebel ay miMihiseraaiai Ihat thai fsM leaders are praparia to eMaittrata hole arailable force Dear ChallMaOSf where they will die n ihe last dileb ll aaient lhai ihe rabeti era feallitf Iba outer lines af the Arasf of Iba PoMM mao ioibcaliig snaiiaek upon Mr aeaaff Our siAMKa uu ihe J4ib reported ihs emv moving institry iu the dirctoa0 CupeVper The rebel General Lee bs revoked all furlUihe Thn IreaideftI br decided to saji k firat disfi iuMi dcoieul lu quoMB Oii Duller willeuua baae a CoOkV mtii CicisATt Mar 27 Tbo Coafeder- ale force in Kraioekyls belleead teb lioul tiOUO utiderdlen rrraoi Itiaraporied that WoolfiMda earalrj captnreil UO CiMlUerBta yisfrrday Cliika ixSerillia rlill borer arooad luual StairUoi Orar 1KI ef hia Vaa yir bovn captared aince ljuoday N iprelietiunt kru fell for tba aaip ly nf Ieiinlin TbeKolml wasan iCM camp aijuipan fruta UaaTilie aad Hieb uiooil bate rvifltuxl ieijnitMi ia mitfi Aiu IV the priauoers reeently lakao are wi iijora one a paymaster with 16000 in Confederate money Telciramsia late Tea federate paMS indicate tliat Gen lBlreet vilk Urc army it lualuug rapidly inUl Kr Hitly On handrH prisoner al Camp Thaaa hare aiiSed Ibeir wrlliognes to tau oath otallaiiaace i Ma Uaoi Uauaaw OmecTke Gall JUfumtr aay u ta ant g kii WM iliM the jteaaoC Admiaialralieii priT to Ilrerng ili Chancelloeahlp of the Inirerlity of 7ipir Cansds to Mr Joalice Oonrtor reie4 iie ll iiipisiMie upuo the iloo roi lirowa bM ikM gsuiieman reepeetluJly daeiMted iU PttSLie KxpMBrmt- TbeQiabe Mereurt eeya Ihst ttte steieBiat tl aa opptMiUijii jujrnai ibst tbe tM00P4 veto I lui aeasun for work apva the Oltav btiildifla aad the 900000 Toied tot the tuilirli hare been eipevded Ibr otker parpus IS wholly aotna Of ttehaJA Qiilliuo Ibr Uluwa B dUv baa hji exodvd exeeM lo eoaaeeoa with the C MnmiuiOQ or sidry Md ar- raarefamia laceeasaTy far the im ef liaa boildioea tUriDs tb wisMR oi tbe iiurMriuiiis aptNOffisled the uiiliua fuUt oaebalf raaie ln eSect to plana derived by tbe for the tuare cCocTfru orgaeltalioa ef llAI Tolaoieer rne So sisA ef Ihe a pfiatioa aa haa bees MUed baa hats dial uUd WrtljilifseuilseealatiiaHdlfE iPadiatBOU bcs lha