Newmarket Era, 3 Apr 1863, p. 2

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THE NEWMARKET ERA APRIL 8 1863 w AiTcrtiKBCsti Ooodi SiwfKi i Ptovt J FIrarv W riiin Pr IUIrf Rport K f R Ur r RciJ fnr ll vt w W Bldid Tikt P Irvin llftvdfrW C SUftv til O rwi Tbe FiasDC CommHalon ra- lioDi for ihoM dnirom of tllcndiDg ibe i chcol TliU lu fcitic txleiii it Itnl eootUrbiUnct th idrnljloAiilfpc I 1 ill I rfcollcclcf fj- our rf bfhitinx Ihf luectiJ In llicir QucWe fflrrpotidenl in hit iBidil I lludiJ to lha aboe Coia- I3ul Id tal anpllirr virir of lhar miller Iolh KiclRioid llill ind Mark- eJi f bam late Gramnaf School bat aa jel i f ltliiiniM Tbo pie- bj ar ool intorporated TilU- ndlPJ Cotnmiin Ihoarr not known aavilVnunin l JiKUJ in ihe UouM tad pally and hre not Gied t Ujundarj 1 ktrridirApl3rd8S3 i W ply pa d prccl r ihe I lcwnlup ill wLicia ibcj 4rc loealcd iQtl Leader PoUtics i j H i aivamaci of a unWuhinp ifrronlcrj Xj n Lo1 bul iho 1l r t coiialol Itiiitid that aonie alorl after Ih k UD hooKkeefio- for ll cmci I 7 bujift ineTKiup ouKteepos lor iicmiciiea I ihf nf one pf Ihe cnuntrv b LtJrr wu elbihcd ii proprietor h hi boandariea i lo enable llien lo frre Hrol chemti aipiificanlly remarked iiii papcrldify niapi pay aweetiv for iramniar pplieabl to he oUicr by appealin lo boald alwajabaon he iJe of the Setool drait tea Thenill of M- Mac- f pi f rBioentorthoday Ih far Ihe line j no proviion for Urm- f policy indicaled has bn clly fu- here localcd m ivwoahipa lowed out For reaaoo or olher j ijle hwe aU de neither d it the IfnUr bat ever lanpe ilKlf on the deiribe how he Mr Trulee lo b ap- de of power wiih a moat refrcalio flat I pointed I v lle villajc cuncil are o b tieily ed eipaoaiteneu of principle I nominjlei where no Council eiia Tba ill Datored meanwhile nol ling That the Hill aa a wlIe will hvo ihe ftiled tobiol lhal Ihi child oflle Yorklcdenc lo poptilritc the irmnar It04di depcndi to endrrly on ilt ofr land wc mkenodl for iiulesaoce at in Mnrion therewih I valuable inftiiiuUon Cotrrjponilfnrp ilj ihc wi if ur Cor till b heart ihe hen cnllimeT for while miintained llirir piiiinn Hear bear linl it wa nnl the inlention of their aaceetaora o eipcM iheir delinjuen- cic TWy bad abifher aid a nolWr duly 10 perforO lo perfect an orjaniialion which when compleUd would reduund lo tbeir ereJil fir many a jcar lo eoine New ictioDS The new Reeirrr Cttcitl Hon Mr 13 Ia herw eircird by aeelaiialion for troek JJiriioo Ir ha CouAiy of Laprain Lnwer Ctaada Mr IlxiOSML LT ilie oppoiaioa etndi dale la aaid lo hare been leturaed lo fil nC Mr JiaTicK IRAsccn lo Ibe IVaeb Tint feull cannol be lakes a4 aa lad lion adrerae lo ihe orernmeBl ho tec aa Ihe entiitiiarney hat eter been l t meelis of Ihe MaGieipai Coan- eil of ihe rillapc of Aurora lately a mo lulion wat adopted aSmio lhal tbe paa to randar it depandest for lh rery brealb jiinctioii of life 6B Mioialerial fjTora lot we mut ihcy u lorgaince o hateaiuined to doour eoleoiporary Ihe credit of aayinj but we are firmly conrirced lhal in that it not only Mrrct ilt mtalert well I cryirn- out the prfKKd bw Test in bt gildt Ibe pill It ii occaaionally furetd jatiice will be dnnc incrrporaled tillajrea lo twtllow wlh mtch akill Wbenerer j d own and by hari Hrre Tru rpi priacipla baa lo be abandoned or an 1 ppolntd by the County and three by DBcleaD act perpetfaled the war i the Villap CDunfiliLe Hoard i likely moolhly pared by aonie calmly loeomeo a dead lock whencvr aaj thing phieal dijoiilion on ihe inlcaded j likdj ncrei ihc laiaiion of the 1 iJered CoBwrtaiire ddibowing that Ihouh in arpear llocaliiict in which lheKhixlarlocated Lut J new mV yet till murk jool i Wc bare thrown out ihc general re nerttvily a lhery w delaiing can I marks hoping they will be fuily waaider- oaly prielically mull in tn habitual di- b ou rcvrentalivc In Ijrliameol reliction from principla tripped of in i nd alto to place ihc matter in il proper rtricioti clolhinc of tophilrr it ia the lhi the ill ilal the inhabi- j p of he Separate School Bill no- be- doelnaeof eipediency u qjj le mailer or relied opon by our corrMpondenl ihe j oi thrv feel inclined The aimple adrocale of Separate Sehoclain onr latl 1 nncmenl of tome thai the Jlill will be waaka iatne- a doelrine which if tctcd i iaiended before par-in- i not the proper j tipoawoaldtPoadcalroy ihetrryknowiiiginocijtj lfoaclion ledg of the difference between Ro and I be laken why should not ihe Jrcmier take it for pranud Ihe Bill i ejleulaled WehelieTehnweTerlhatlheprincipleo picate Ihe eounlrj Olher placca 00 which the crr it ccidoeted it to peliiionine either hrough Iheir conn- well nndcralood in tlc country at lo de- j or io a peneral way Shall Naw- prite ilt banrful leachinc of much of he Barkel do likcwiae weight ita elaer wriiinp would under other eircomttanee pCM The paper DWsioO CourU it the property of Mr BeaTT and within eertaia boundt he may condaet it at he Hon Mr hat ialro- fleaM bul wc do proietl aaioit llitd a Bill lo nmead ih Dititiot Sir Kalih lohJVli rv MH tot ll rpUr Kiilor tl rj Sla I bg ihroltjli ih culgmnt of yM journal lo call lha iieiiion oT lha Monio pal Aiiiboiiiiat le rha tiie of ih Foulway anil Crrvfiog on Itie ortJM alnngtila of Mr TnillponJr and now thai Ihe ipnnd i aai in 1 oma ramaly alopi0 lha lOaJ m a than nma imnaiuble Ily lha ul V cap 99 aee 324 local eiel wiih ihe Coiireil nJ Ihey can employ petom lo iwaeB anJ til ollic llikrootrir If Ih one in qatiot onv t rJ arrrMi i it voiilJ b Try iccninm i fti t boon la III inlibiiftrif of itrbuii lliH othtt iirett in IhAt lilit well w ibtf pab- he Th BfUc 4croa it0 rojH afptoihin D rriiJrArv m in mwl Jneioui titr ina ic 1 1 to PI anj ciifnT oirjr ihe iriy jgrO Of riprpftrtiaiif hv ibir remodf iK Towa uund nJ thrp obiiiin diiiiitff- All lbi j my Mbtialil by uulliy A j ui h ifk lfne I TiJti2 ibf miteri Wht b worihy ff klteniion by iti no honlifi I im ir your mil Iint Denize op Tiri ViLtAOC Maiirti IitU 1S63 ViSfiCO Cojrk kh 1 av MOl iht pv ft 9f Tw loiJorJ nur wiJ plrA mk i T r4lafr QUtr rfrrri 1 ti lUc riM f ihp Uo41 aoI nifniHir IljiOTgn k Colonial wtj tbeper precnt trcalt the Re- j Court Acl of Cpfer Canada fora Party of Ipper Canada eaeciilly Claitt repealt ib aib etealb iU RapreaenlattTet in Parliament for gllh Iealbelereaboarlrenili Afteaaih tbii organ of eecrr fTcrniseBt although twee I y I bird tecliooaeflh 19k Chap wUing iltelf Refomi jouma feemt lo CaDtolldtled Siaiulet rare ia tbe hntsilialiont we arc conpel- d Clause rnael Ihtt a coail Lall be led to lobmil lo Ila pjcs contain aiholdm ia raeh Dmiino once u etecy row of Iriutnph at every frth abadoa- 1 ihrre raoaOit or criener in ihe diKreiioa taenl of tome lon cherithed opinion and Council cf ib County tad the make BO teeret of ilt joy when tbe Pre- 1 Counly Council may appim aad nieraeckt locoerce he Heforni Party in- 1 ron limt lo lime tiler lha iimrt aad lo ealinp dirt by tupporiing ihe eparale plteet wiihin tucb Dfmon wheo tnd t1 School Bill eiea deaeendinp lalo the ri wbcb ticb Couilt tt11 ba boIdn bcldry of ealUnp be Party Copper- 3rd Clttie ecepoweii Cioriy Councilt bMdt or tome olher tlan- cmoriujin tppoxil and ffnm line lo laie lo eboiec Toeabiltry Wc nay thai il it be- joad bearing that cid Ileforrcert aboald b ttaotfd ia their hour of trial by t paper to arowcdly topporitd by the mo ney of tba people not money obtained Cnonlii by fair aaerpriie bul immente tuna re altted from ihe rent of Ihe York Itoadt n lh wage for Ihe papert rentl aopporl Farther we woald tay tncb tupport gitei no tlrengtb lo any pTemienl rather let Ibe fiotcramenl gain ju tliengtb by tBqtiiry ialo the moatlrout aboM cod- Mtad with lha iDanagement of the York Aoedt u ibey hare done olher like joba tiler Ibe numker Imila and etleol of DTltlont iib Claie proridei ia cate of epa- rtlioB of junior counhet from Iniled 6ih CItuie itet ihe Judge power to drIeiDiina tnd dirrci in whti Coarl prO ceediBt already eriercd when iW pa- itlioa or recootiruelioo cf DinttMt take place may be eoctiiard in 6ih Clavte rnacit ihtt at l1i firtt meelifg of ihe Covocil of a Ceunlf afer Ibe ittue of any proeftntlioa tepa- raling a jaoior fcoin a teaior Counly le W beliere tbalen the Ittl cccation an ar I appoint Ibe eunber and citeot ol Di fitioat wiibin ilt boundary nil lett thee nageeeiii wtt ande with Mr Biatt tbe Doaey remillfd tmounled o Tent of TbMModt of IolItra Let Dtare a CetBtBiMVoa lo eaqaire into Ibe affair DOW and tee what eiittt in the way of deeltied and tppeiaiedani iraainii a rrtrtgea and wbat Ktsrity we htre of ibe record lo the iorecnor Ibrre BO mort lua iwtlie 7ili ClacM rnaeit Ihtt ihe Coealy Clerk tball keep a record of the Diritioat P7 Ihervfor We trow if ihi were done the LtoAtr would be leee tabeerrienl in ilt policy and oore ciril lowardt rhe Reform Parly Copperbcadt wnold ihea rite IB bit ealisialbn and Clear Grita be tpered tbe iadignalioa of bit mereeatry flow or never 8ib Clauie tntcit ilm ibe Coenly CouDcit ihtll Iron liioa lo lime tppoiel tad nty at pleature remort any Citrk ot Daihff ih Ckikt bailiITt and other rCcet of PiTiiion Coarli tliall not durifig Ibeir fore ihe Legialalare would prove injuriogt to our Common 8ehoot aytlem We bare not the cztet w arding of Ihe rcaoluiion ill appear io the mioatee ofCoan- cil IB our nexl iatuc Arrinl of Um Citr of WublDfton Jul prerioat 10 going lo preit wa re eeicd Iba newt by Ibe Vttlieli which arrirrd yeatarday Ilwti repotted iliei the Coeredcrale loee of X3 000000 wat rtveerably re cored Ae importanl ballla bad takea piece ia Poland 1 be Ruttitaa were enspelled la rttieel Tbe Iowa ofLoodek wat baroad A Palib Lrgioa i foraisi ia London Maikait Ouer Samaftrj t5 The Andiiort Kepon of iba Ceoniy Agricallurai Sociaiy ia anaioidably crowj ad out of Ibit lataa It will appear iieti week Several of our latnart are now boiy making maple augar Iba aeaton hat tcarcaly eel iii howeea Titer ere alao prepeting lortpring aparaiiont Leok for ihe adtariwemtfll hetdeil 4B They ere noie leceleing ihair 5plng Good eBbiaeini all ib new da- igna atuj pUerna- Out iady riiamlt tbouM give t call King Tdwnabip Ptowing Mtlrh lakeaplacaon lha farm of Mr larTtTT CaaLar Lai So 7 in ihe Sih Con on ihe jotiani Tbe Avid may bw anleied fion ihe b or 6h Coaeetilont Tet pti- licnlaa tae bifla fjT 1 tie Itaaver Muivel m Ihe name af another Inanrance Company an tdver- iiaeineal of whicb eppaara is oar eolumna loJay Mr T ATiiNtoa it ibe Agent- U ita home company wiib iia head of fice el Toronto Rati Gwillimboiy Coaneil meet- on Ihe llih end Whnchareh on ilie I4ih intt lha former el and Ibe Itller at BofartTown King Coeocil mewtt on gg Monday net i ai Della Hoiel 9ih liae BT VVf b6 pler i pl tUo6e la noX MM of Iht Onm wtr 8chol Brd rHtdftf uitioi foot pr ill Urin Thli h m attp tin rifh dirortm kb w irwt rwvll wlJI sOP mriM ib f Beard 0 TroAtoM The Koo ADiH WiLtoi bat oar lhanka u a large noBberof Parliamenia- ry doeomaiit fsrwaided during ihe peal weak incliKlmt eeveral imnonent re t weak incliidmff aevaral impone or lo role tl or directly or indirtclly viaion Coorta Al- a trnopaia of We abMrre by oor exchange that eer- ral eiUagee Katt and Wctt aimiltrly ilatd 0 Kewmirket ire taking tclive Wttfree ariili ihe view lo hare the Bill ialredwed by the oo Ir SADriZLD MACMMiLO ia reftrd lo r Sebooie w toaesded ee lo remove the Be- mmly of ailtoo Cei lo rrtidcBU of ril- U tb UM aa for tbe CooBly Thia M bvljcM from wkaterer aUndpoint lha nay b viewed The whole Coiiatj In oo NeiVBarket it toBclbis toi tliaB tlH per tMain aad thia rtta raite the reqaired ti for ail Coaaty pnrpoa aad itperbap fearortii liaet I thaa will be raiaed ia any ob yur I a taceettor ba lake any ptrl in any pai haaeelary aaaieipal elaelioa or loaci at Jetlaeet of Ibe Petce lOib Clauie prnvidet lhal alf pertoat bow holdiog oSee csalrary to the mleei of Ibe latl preceding teclion nay com a oCce lill Ibe latl day of Dec nett bul no loeger Tbit act at will be teen by the tbote retlt Ibe power of appomliBg Cltrkt and Railia ie ibe County CeaneiU la eate of dealk or otberwire il migbl be diCceJi 10 attetnble ibe Covocil for mekieg a tim pie tppoiBloMtt 1 wc woald teggett Iberefore ibat a ctaeae te addtd le ib rflect tbal la catet of lhal kind Ibe Jadge bare pwrr lo 6ll Ibe lacaacy aaiil gularly tppiaid Tbe lb Coaaty for Grtmoar fiebeol par leBoral of Cltrkt aod Baihlft from MM Now if Ihia be tme ead we apNkiej part ia Parliainnlary or Munieipai Eleeiioet it a tiroke ie ibe right direcboa and will tare niteb bickering King Towoihip XoTlng- We eaderalaad a pwblie seeling ii b held i Keltleby Kieg ow Taday aeil at ib beer ef two pm to lake iete eosaidfralioe Ibe actroa of ihe Legit lalee wilb regard lo Separate Scbaeh aad ataa we prt lo peliliea lb Upper iUu Bel to pMt Iba BUI Wke we aad ibe obaoiioaa proviaioae Ibe Aet enatiiBed obBoiioea m far at North York wie eoeeetaed at any rale wenaOy pe Ibe Ridi thai had ertr aad ever apia applaedal tbe a pun by our 4alt laaealtd prcaealitivc Joitni HaaTKAlv Eas woaU ael let iba bill pate etbceded Wa alao Itara Ibat a iMclie far a iailar paepoee will be beld ia Gieatill tbej eaa nadil tad acewawda- pi Moaday mia aett n 7 aclptk j paal lo DeDbcn ef tbe Coaoly Cuvaeil thfongbout tbe Siding to tay if tbit cati- al it iaooercet we tay if tbiebe true Mr eeal properties apart from tbe eoaet- teataea t the adnMagea ef ibe Schoel ia m Mida oeU oaly be froaillSto 429 wbareai by lb bw propoeed Bill Wa aiiaC bare froai 1100 U IIM par ta aaa to pay asd oar raipyee atill bare la Mbait to liilimeu spoa erery child ra4 la eoMiJeralios of bariag the aeboel loealed La ew midit w woald ba aiUiaf tafay aliula sore tbaa tboaelartbar off Wl every naidact witbit eradiM of brae Baa af tbavillaga bareaqsal adraatagM tUt rwped ani aboald ba aade to Mifibta aeeardiaf Oa Ibe otber hM4 lb Coaaty raaaira aaadraataga ia lariaf tbe tabaal leatd ia a riOage trnopeu publitb elrewbere lodty CJtewfaere loduy we publiab lenfthy arceonl of ihe Marriage of ihe Prinze of Waleaand foiure Edward 5evnib of England Is lha Piiocete Aetaadra ol Denmtik which look plica in ihe Roy Chipel London oa ihe tOtb oliimo The eaibetiatia appeara U have beea elaoat boandod We call apecitl aneinien tw Mr PKiavt AJvenitemenl of Agrieelaral Implenemt- Hia Sieel MogldBeeid Plowe aie laid lo b ai exeelleol iaiple- eni aad aj ihey ire manefaclered from beet Bnglith Sleel we aebe oe deobi a calculaied to do an irtmente deal of ter vie Oar famert iboatd iamine Ibem fy We are requaiied to anneeoee ibai lb Coramiiie eppoiawd by lb Cooniy Ag Society loeelec a Beld end make ether aeeeaiary arranganene hi Ibe ienbcoming plowing maieh and tbew wiJl moot M ib Aaatietn Heael Nawmarbctr en Teetdey Dcxl IB 7ih April 1863 ki tbe bear efeoe eeleek p id Sisooirt lcUiM Jhif TVtrt dy tvoninf ip lb MMbAAic Hll Ti progrtom M rkb tad t 6oM If W mo lb pipr o TboftJtj tliboufb 94 bar m 4lurd our M tb vgaJf dtjrraMt on jood Pridj Tbi Bftdo M tMM Bigbi htmf ito ub pl4C Mtt VMk TbBr47 ArriTi of tba AiUi NY Mar 28Tht Aia arrived al 12 oVtek Th Atlim 4 on ihr 23fJ of Fbruaty U 30 ilrlhe I 4t rrpoiteu hi ill iiiJ it o f 34 ral iliir4r bof ptoiil orti0 Th Klin llAwkm haJ arjv J at itKim fAimora with SOO balM i CQon and in Tbo Kanny lii arrifM ax Qanvoo fium Wimidfloo rub eoi tun aiiJ lorpnlit Tha JipluiTiaikC correponJnca rUTo lo rhii American r4r m piiMiboi Mr Airpft letr trr principally so Iho of iba Aiabam eomplatDi of Vt Knglih couiMf IO Ibe Air Mson ictioro Apik ftir rorofpi lion and tro ib4C iho btsKka to fxiar 0 a nvhiy il ii aaiiiaJ ai I Iba iruil of bi phciiioni Tha Ttmfi m iha unution ditpUyeJ on both tiJa it prouf lhal Kijand bat no unduy incliiUd lo aiibr Il toiler aiaa iia argumantt iKtinti Bnland toing aeeoanubi fox iha Juio itia Alabama Tba Conlodtfralo luan ii X3 000000 waa aipociH 10 bo inirodaeoJ ai Paria and London iba iboek allar iS AiiaV depaunra iMkingiOii RiOf AmvMcan mtiehanit London and Liverpool bad tutpandod li aNliiio XIOOtK Tbo Padiamtfftiary naw i onimporiani Mr lmdMy tn ifto Commeos Mughl lo prcvtoi llio dmrtliy conttcuciing any miMo voodan Tefol wih troa plating Tba tftoluNoo wi iffjeciJ- It i opoiifd lUdi oitidrbU jriisanon bad pruhj up among ihe Iancatbneopcra Accoants of ibo Tclih licua The invme poieJac 60000 Cului ulu aro roprriad bul fturrMi ion con i aie now com- t wuh vanuoa lining doriaiTo- LanKiewio wat rrpuilel in poiiion for ballla Mich aritiiy rttieJ in diplomi- lic ciiclri in Iani on ihe tul jci Tliere had han a greti defliontlrAioii in MtrteiMev la firoi ot IultMil The Hutiian Contoltia wat Ihrvaivjrd by a mob A ilepulaiion had hail tn mieiview wiih Lnrd Palmaiiion uifins lha inieifaienca of knglanl in ftvor ul Hoard even al lh aipente of a war which u ouid tjO poiiglar in ttich a ctoae Itd Ptlmtrtlou related 10 commii himell Mirt wtt Thrown t hoita in rttii anJ Jier akiill Iraciaied bul the war out of lUiigr Arrival af tba Hanti Ntiv Votk March 6 The tleamihip Htnia from Soulhainiion on Ihe IS h of March hti triifed here wuh tho daya lairr newa The I III arria I at l on March I3ih- Sha refrli hivinj htn tpnken ivi Fpliroiiy i3fij in lai J1 nocih lun 4S wvti by lha Alabemi whrcb Dal on boarJ iwo Franrhmen haUiocin ro ihe Utive Care from ttorileAiik fur Nw Vvrk which had been boini h ib Alihtma on ilit 2lri The Altbimt had nii ihe veir tame Jay tatni t are vertel briun from Catifor- nia fei Queontiown Th till Bla taihd m company with the Alabama and in the morninj taw the hh- of a ttf Tae Daiiif Am tayt iho La Pitta which arriied ai Soulhampion on on I6ih btarcb report ihe Alabama aa cruiiinj oil Si L VV I and ii wai reported ha caparol iwo vcat The tame jvurotl tayt Ihe librtlier lal Sumler haJ been Ihorooittily repaired al Giikenbeid and it BOW ready for aea We have reeivd a aeoood letter lro As Eloewr topparliag lb Spar at Sebeel atevoateai bal at g I peaaa ea day verrfer ibaa aattal aad ite late r oaipt ef eeerl dw adeanitaaaaia ae ablig lo defer il llll bmI wak wbe wetbell Wiab il with pJptr A liiib ditaetilaaaaihaqaiia wiHtbowapilU prioeipl of Ibe Hill td pla bler lb I awtl tif ttmmt Erlaagsr al piari aM petblie ilt Til ieadcii Fiaakiarl J H bralir la Loodoa aad Sff Coofaleraiea week OflieitI inielligence aeyt the Levant Htraii bat hwoo received ibai S000 ttind nf iBe Kaaaian am rmenilf aiiaopied lo bameggled aomtt the prtncipaliiiea lalo Servia have been pailoined eit rove aad have found Iheirwty inio Poland Soma purchaei of Creek bondt 1 a bten made coneqaeni on a report thai Prince William of Haden it 10 b roeemnenited or Ihe ibtono About SOOOOO poanJtin AutirtUaa gold iaJee A lelesram fromTuim March 16 taya Caribalilii wsunJ rtiowa lynptosit of an aggtavaied cbanciei ritncx The debate on Polaml took place in the Senate en Toewlay M Borjoao enirraied Ihe Fiapermi Govrmment loacqntre iti- mortal glory y dtrinz lo aceompliah a gieai ael ol jiiniice and repaialion Tbe Jebeie vill coinnue on Wcdoeitliy The Parit Votron aeya ibai ihe opiniom of he Kmperor of Aumia are ineorlornny wnh ibuae enioRainol al Htria wiih regard 10 Ike diploraatic qaoalieaelhat baveariaoa from evenia in Poland A telegram roa Alhent Mereb Itih aaya the Saiional Atmbly baa by lOi uainai 71 voiet leealled ibe chief ef lb French patijr whc had boeo asileJ by ib ProvitioaalUeveinmeni A deepaieb frwa Tioana ef Mareh 18 ey tbo fKi eitlwtg of ih delepiee froa Vienna look place today ia order le d- Iibf3l en tbe icbime it graaiiag a Pro- vitiooal Cooauijltao I Veoli poLiaa Tb isanrTeeiioo ia apreadiag Eihl faiaaw Coantillora have retigned Tba Moniclpality Inleodt retigaing TbeGraad Deke CenaraBlin baa iain4 IFariaw Naliunal Pelita bank nweetMoeO Tb awa frera Ifareaw auiaa ibat the ffaiaaw Pau OSce auihotiiaewBeii- Ged yeaterday itit ib eipreta uaia en ib ffataaw aod Vieoaa Iia eeaaad raoaiBg ur lhal day Tbe raii6elion haeing ba nieid Ihe Ceafederal 7 per cent eoliaa leaa ef will be brogbi oo Thoteday Amvterilam and Krair Fteinhohn of Liverpool The couon hypoihecalod at tecarny hat 10 bo delireied 10 ihe holder ul eaeh bond ai hr opiioS aliha iaa of 511 per lis fe f eipeaeo al ite London pane either imiAVdiaiely oe with in ail muolbt afier ihe ralifibaiioo r peace The prico tl whicb ibe bondt ara la be ittued it logo wnh divijendt in eterling tnd iinkiBg fandt or ledeitpiloil al par wiihin iweBlyyeait Iivaafbot Cerroa Mtarf MaKcb I and 17 PrKet of AmevWaa tla d Bgli- Lircipoot Coin MtiicT Maioh 17 meal In fa iTemand and uriher adtano- aJ IJ o JU ptr oenial Flour neletieJ lodian corn wat in damand al 9 I ex quay for miied While Ii9i SJ lo 30i j for prime 31t Americac BoTolution- Ntvr YoKK March 30 A Fortrrat foaroe letter ol Ibel26lh repent Ibe tafe errivil of Ih ironcltd Keokuk al Iorl lloyal and ilto tltlet llitl tn eitenrive fire in Riebnond two ivek tince drtlroyed nearly 200 000 bushela of corn and thai Jamet Kiier it being alrongfy forlifird by lie Confcder- alei Fort Powhtllaa it biig cttemaled wiih railrotd iron Thr Caafediale lorce belwren lle IVtckweler and Kicbmood aambert neirly 30 000 All it quirl at Sufulk A liilioo Heed Idler tn Ibe Philadrl- phia Prm givet a detcriplion of Ibe lor- pedo removert inveoled by Krrlcn for wbich the eipediiion tgainti Ckarlealm bat been delayed- IW mcniloit in ba ecgtged ire Ibe Pataic Palapco Wee- litwkrn Ntlitnl Calkil1 Namurket Moaiiik ted Keokuk aad alto Ibe rigali Iror a det Jlie report lliat Ibe Monlink wtt injo- ed ly Ilie eipoinn of a torpedo in Ogerbe river it oairue j to it ibe report llitl Ihc Fort Sumler it ironclid New Y Maich HO The ileimer New Itruniwick from New Orletai March S3rd liat arrived 1 he ilciitttr MetJIellia tailed id company for Ihit porl Tb Bi Rio which arrived on llie S3iid froo New York tad lltviona wa loially bemed en ihat nornifig wiih all her cargo tad lugpga of ler pattengeit The ongm of Ihe fire i ueknown The advieei by the New Rruntwirk re porl ihe relotkof Gn liroiert forcet lo Ibe vicially of Ualae Uonge 300balei ofeollon lSOO lo 1iOO higbeadt of gar aod over 3000 barrelt of aotaae were tetered tad mart eta be readily obiaieed Cepiiia Voonghlood chief of GenenI ardineri tlilT aad fire aeobcrt of tbc Coofedenle tigaal cerpt were ctplared Yneegblood tayt Ibe Coafederttee hate a force in reierva which caa readily be ibrowe iBlo Port lludtoa al Vicktbarg Al lai tceooBlt Ceneral Dsdieya bri tde wat eaeaaped at Ibe bead of Praril I aland ee iroeert headquarlert are oa tbe crott road leadiDg fron Taylort hoiite 0 Utyoa Sara The Hanford and Albtlroit appear lo have bee the only Teteli whicb pitted Porl lludon ie Richmond made a gtllani allmpl to gel by but failed Tfir dclriirrinn of llie Mititippi if ronfirnied Sulyfour of her crew are mii i7 of whom are pritonert tod be halanca ar killrd ihc IliCnd New Voric had a kirmith on Ihc Clinln rMd on ibe Ifiih wilb Coofrdfrale cavalry tire Confrdrralet were kdlrd tad ihe rel ikedailJIed Thrre wia only one killed aad oat thgblly wouodrd on our tide Tb New Orletnt Era of the CSod etl reporit that over 2000 bilei of eolloa wat receired deriag Ibe l week mol el which bed beta coseealed for monlbt Tbe tletmer Colambia from New York arrived on llie 2lat Account by Ihe New nrantwick are very meagre at aoti of the paperi aod corretponece are oa board tbe Mcflcl Ita A leller Iron lldlon Head of the 2lli ttyt hit morning all the Monilon tia ie aaaber efl thn poiel Ingeiher wiih teva ral wooden gaaboalt aad balf a dozea tchnnnert Ihe Ivriom bajatl arrived here with a flaliig nondeieripl railed ilie llevil lit perpnte it to clear cbanoelt of torpe- doe tad orfir obiniclion CiWArr Marth 31 The rcbela are rctreatiB from Kenlocky rapidly ertm at latl iceoonu wai anutli of Stamford hotly puraucd aad it reported 10 have been compelled lo abandon hit cattle and train The rVrnimmiora Marfrmboro dct- patch aayt Polki eorpe eoniitlinz of Chealhamt Wilhera and McCowana di- ripiona hare advanced lo wiihin 19 inilet of M urfrteiboro Sconti ifirm Ihtt the frbelt mail attack or fall back on aeeooal lowia intelligence froBt a gcnllenan who hat jait reloraed from the rieinity of CbilUBOosa The rebob irc bttlMing itsmcnw forti- fioationt at Challanoo and already hare betweea 60 and GO tiega ggat is poeilion At Rridieprrt alto thm hare tinn coatlructed toow fine carlhworka and al Alabaait SbelbjrriOc TuUt- bona ted Deefaerd Rrax loat at the ballle of Stooe Rirer 15500 mea in killed wounded tad aita- in Tbeae are IbeoScial fignret 8Ten boedred oSeera were killed woonded tad miiag Two Oenerala were killed tod three wounded Qenerali Breekenridje and Chatham eaeaped wiihout a tcraleb The rebel army in Teaacaaee coBtitta of 199 reginwalt of iafaalry aod75 re-i- mCBlt of etralty tbe latter aader Oca Hbecler Vta Dorsa beiag aeeoad ie eomaiaDd Waqiii1Tw Mar 31 Offeial ie- forrnilioa hat beiee receired of Col Con- aor aerera batli aad tpleodid riclorj oa Bar Birer Watbiagtoa Territory After a forced sareb of MO lailea ia aiid- wiaier tbroogb deep iso io wbvb 7B of bi Ba were diaabled oj froiea feet be aad bit gallant baad or only 200 at tacked 300 Indite warriot ia tbeir ttroagboid aod afUr a bardfeogfat baltla f foor boon daatroyed lb wbol band karfag 2t4 dead opos lb ieid 0r kaawa 14 kilMaad49woaedd Tbea Isdiaea bad aereral aiawa doriag tb wieter aad wm a part ef tb tatB tend wbo b bo maeaeriBg ai- gtaata oa Ihe orerlaad aitil loal for tb laat 15 year tad ibe pritpal aotonaod leader la the borrid critsae of tb pan Tb Ifkmag of tb PrloM ef Walct TB BOTAb ranCBUtOH I IONIMK Of THE AWTAL or till psmona ALEXAItffR Io Mat 7 1SC3 Tb pablio lbrDord ihe itttvia al aa ailr hour ia the ciiy and dkold lha orBio to aa ciaaiBtlioa of b eoi ptA arraagaAentt Tbe iriQBipbtrttreh OS Iondoe Hride vat fioiibed J4M la lime and ii Uai an impoMag tad mayeatia tppcaraore Tbo taDt whit and gold corncrl of il carved roof eraimed by fotrr while hortct Tbe bronze tripoM on llic ptrapcluf the bridge and belween ihy ter art ia computed of uibl clutlert with verylartfC pcndaoU turronnding dia j tnijra lo my weildnd wifti Bond Tbe ceniro elutlcrt arc cimpoe- 1 t from ihi dtr forward f M U ed of Ihrto very fine peirhapcl petrl I wnne r rici fr rrtfln dropa the whole eonnccltd by fcloont of I tnd in bealih lo loe end le -k- diataoadt The brooch ii eompicd of diili ut do pnn tceording loGod liol accoroing lGoj u-i- uh7hp rhghl thee mj roth Ihe Prmee repealed cletrly word for word afier bat iraccih- at tm when II wat iha ism nf BMcaitcant pearla tarroBudcd by dia nonda wiih three other bctaliful pcarlt oneiBK drope The Iwo centre pearla ara indted of maichleat beaoty Theae einel aplendid aad coelly triielea are eoiapoted of iho choicetl diamondt la ai Iheir Wlowt for malch and brilliancy ttinid tery oervo The diaoiondt are til pcrfcclly new aad I To ih ijueation Who riveih thia were eat for the purpctc of woilin oul i wornn w married lo ihw man Ihe dcaign while the pcailt ire of Ihe roytl ftihtt of ihe bride only bowed tBd thelo Ihc lofty tlaad aOTOOunletf 7 I oboiaett tnd moat diheeie hue The d lowira n eront and olher rihly gilt aad occklaee tnd brooch were manofaclaffd ving her gin homrdly Then the menltl work The grand gallery round under Ihe pcriwinal agperinlcndcnce of utte jnncd ihi handt tad in cleai l Paula alto proved a great allraclion ihe Prince of Walct Thcv were com I ie fimly tad deliberiiefy repen t length Ihc ttreeta became to eroaded j ocHced toon after the Prince arritcd from od iho wnrda F m lo render it necetaary for iboee who Jermanr at Ihe clone of Ul year and ih hit ring I Oiie wed wiib ar dctired Ifi witncts the proceaaion lo Imc ihe whnle of llie limo tultcquenl to that I thee woraliip tod wilb all aw no lime in eleclio a potilion fjr the wrioj hu bn occupied in complelini orldy grwde I thee endaw it ibeaeM of iheesBBw trlde tb eold b ba only 0 tlnxHi inendiM wi1 and petrla and il would be difficuil tofind I tuSuaed wnh emntoa fluah r1 T They will probably be worn Faiher of Ih S of ih purpose The fine opa ipaee between I the wort the Roya Kichanitc Bank and Mantion ly ihe irineca Alcrtndra at ihe princi- y Jhoti Amen Iloutc wai filled with Ihooiandt rf pco- pal parlf Her lloyal tlihncta bridal 1 Ai ihen knell down while Ibe prayer pic The flblt of tlcpe leading to thel adornmenli Thit mtcnificent tnd riht commencing OKlerrtl Cd Uretlof Kichange preientod Ih appearance of a royal gift it cncluMd in khtsdd all maiikiitd Oiver af great anipbilhealre The building wa tome cmwdisj and fringed with a maaa of peo- osier p pie Tbroofa of Iho other editeea ineinwn o the ncigliborhoooj were tlo occupied The 1 Towariji 2 oclock the tky bccatne over- been pre eat tnd at thit boar rttlier a heavy pUin g thowcr cornmcnccd which lotted rereral more m1 iiiiuulct but Ihe weilher immediately the uard cleared up The ipeclalora now began device a anxioutly lo look lowardt King William- initial leltf tlrccl fjr the adrance of the Royal rain the nase tnd paaclaally at Blaekfriara tl U tnd familiar according lo ihc prograrotne the Vnneci eolorol relret caikcl oa ihejH tjnniutl gnce iho Aulhorof eT of which are Ihe cipher indillg f Ihy UoMing api Koyal lliiihnciw in gold ihet Tliy aeivanlt Ihit men and ikie jng ring and kecr hare alto j woman whom wn hle in Thy Ditat The finl ia of courae a I tolrmnly repotted end iHm Ite ng though of t aooiewhtl I rote whiU ihe rnrnaia joined Ibllr aracler than it asual but hand and aiid ihe final wordt Tbat oliorn God htili j lined ingether let m mm pm eaundtr iih ihrae word which in law eotfc pUird Ihe mnrriage caremonT ih aer Vice wat cnnlinupd li ihe Ollh Paa the toliii tiraint of which cam likei relief 10 what termed alrrtoM Ih ot wrought faaling rf all within ib cbw at Ihe worda went pealing tofily broalk llh nave and aial THE iLlVHiitariota in citLiit Vrlrrday Ibe ciiy eoniieurd a embodica a very pleatin enmpoaed of lix itoncr Ihe if ihu name of each forniinij rlie the dioiinulire end lalion lo which Ihe naiue Albertit oioally redaecd Tlietloaet d Princcts were lo reach the Manaion wbich offer the initial IcIuti ig Floute about 2 but the cirjl proccstxn are the beryl the emerald the ruhy the Ihoagh effoclive tad aplendid a a pace ariUoit Ihcjacynth ibc lieinynoay- ant uaavoidaUy acted aa a dragon lo moua fur Ihe 1 and iaally another enrr- Ihc p of the royal parly and it aid Mrira Garrard are alto making moved oa fluidity and unileadily iatlead tnr Ihe Piinceu a diarnmd liara of aiill of at as unifurui pe At tbe lanaion greater niagoifieeacc The ceolre orni- 1 1 iedj iiinc pn ia liaaor of Houte the proceaaioa wat boo forly Bjeat will be tomcwhat ia Ihe thape of I inee ol WalfiU previoutddyy Thaw minulet behind lime The people watch- the Prircc of Walrt fealhen with Terr 1 niornial archrt which tpenned Ik tirrek ed cacerly for the plumca of the life larjc diamond dropt in each The band j u fl hich guty Siird froa Ibe Guardt aod Horao Guardi which formed which foriiis the tupport cf the fcaihera e buildiogt and pnraie retideecet tiew ihe royal ctcort and when iheae were vii- it tludded with very large and fine dia bli- Ihc ctcilemenl bejaa to attain ill taoiidi Thit alto it a pictent fiotn ibo climax at the earriaj approached which Prince lo hit bride contained the Prinec tnd Princeu lhe liy command of her Majctly the tame cheera of the people beeaioe enlhotiatlie manufaclurert are alto prrparins a aiau 10 ibe eilreoMi ehctra in one elcclric nificenl parure of opalt and diamond thoui ofweleomc The effect Ibe difTereil leadirg iliorobfatet Iba gi fillingt which tent forlli tueh a bleat t light were all eoolinoed ie ibtir pUe wkile many vitiliri fiaa ibe pMiiaeea Willi ibrir Ineadt ef ike city Ihraegtd te Ircclt 1 be diy wat eaeeediaglf iae ti lie effect waa ibril- i limilar lo that detigaed by the Prince ie prerijut day and sighlLd btL ling 00 the ipcruiora bal nn tlite wbo I Contort at a weddin preaent lo ibeivvi raiaed wiibgrtal teverilr b were Ihe immediate ohjcet of ihit grand 1 Prinrent Alice Thi mhI be a pifl IMftrl aid olher pftrrt on Tattdaj i oulbarat of loyally aod tllachmenl the the Prineoa Alexandra from the jaeen Mublin wa favoured witk Ike lent emotion prodimd moil hare becqiscb ai Theac jewellers hate ahion hand a brace- itriii r which chaeged aelkiag dai oerer lo be effaced The Priooo andllclwhichtbePrinccMbrideamaiijAinlcnd ile courte ef yetirrIay Tbe Mm Princeat were at limea ritibly effected j lo pieaent Ip htr Royal Highnw and were crowded during ibe day aad partii and ao the royal proefioo predcj on which will form an czeecdiogly ialeraal- weilward aoidtt mneltaoateheen He iog tonventr of ihe royal marriaje Thit praocaaion reached the boitoa of Lndgale bracelet it in eight eomparlmenlt in cacli ilill at 330 p m In cooteqaence of il jof which it ibe initial of one of the bridea- being known that the citil portion woald i aiaida name tarmounling her fortrail leave at Teioplo Bar tbe people aaaeiabled tnd Ihe bracelet itaelf it compote of ea- in isnBCBM eaobera at f leetreei tad amel tad diamondt Tbe Lrteelel tod byjoiie oclock the pavement tad roadway brooch and the wedding ring aad keeper were thickly crowded Wbce teea froto will be in Ibe poeaeaaioa ef Meaar Gar- above between Ibe ieicrrteea left by the rard until Friday eexi and they will be large banaert from tbe bouae lope and wiodowt aad Ihe fealooa acroat tbe tlrecit particularly wbcB lakeB aa part only of ae oration nearly tix milea in leolh il pieaenudoneof the aost extra ordinary ever acta in Ibe coonlry Jitile or eo atlempt at forming a line made cierpt by Ikrce lione aoldiera ndisc abr DceaaiontUy through Ibe crowd tnd letdiog earritgea conltining to ne of the city tathori lie came clearing Iho way for tliemtelvca Abeat 540 the great olecl of attraction appeared bowing gracefully aad amiliog antably lo tbc crowd bolh far and near Tbe crowd were in thu higheat good homor The Polico had notoeeaiisn lo interfere nor bid Ihe aavalry who lined tb tide Ihe nid aay aaara diaagraeaU daly lo do 3ae tolainb tt Ihe rariet of Ibeetowd rery window every boaaalop aad each available nook wu ibiekly peopled and before Ihe ptocetaioa taioe sear vevy tamppotl had a cioaler cd tigbltecn Thjt fjr il waa a grattd oration aed tri- uiiipbinl toecaa Tbe proceaaioa tbro Uydc Park waa one of tbe ntot ialtraal ing featatea of the day The Ooardt ware drawn ap in Iwo linea and behind Ihem aiilcta ihoutand rolunleert lined he wa drawa up four deep aa abaering arat lowed and iheeonlratt ie thai n Ihe loud cheer of Ihe crowd 3 bappy to abow ibam to any peraoa pr tealin a catd wlio may call tl iheit et Itblithmcnl Lokdo March lOlb- From an etly hour iha town nf Wiiidtvr wa atiir Ai 11 oclock pre- citely aeren 0 the Royal crritgnwiih an 0011 of llorte Guerdaleri ilieCttile and proceeded 10 the dircclion of Si icurget Chtpel Al llj oVioek ex- pecltiion wai frihar graiiArd by ihe aemag Tonh ol anuilier cortege cumpm ed of intmbertuf ibe Uoyal lamily and lb QDnt HojeeboM Al a quarier lo iwelvo oclock a per- lotie tilaiii untnneunced but nol un noicd hid eom upon lb ihiMhehrtf lb ttaidy teen al St Oeorget Wiud or Ill Ibe aniiqua clotel ovarih eaw muflion lalite there appaarad babied ih Elli rait Aral a Ird in Wailing Lord lelhuan neil a Lady of th Uedchim- bar Iy Churchill nexl e Woown ol th lilchtmbr ih Hon Mr Robrt Uruce and lullytbe ntoei llluilrlout of all the lomtiet of ihit gretl hill She wia did in dep black eveo 10 lier glorot Sb wore a clna fining una- 4erned widow cap wilb long tiraaiiMrt ef lawn PurtlMrntor the wore Ihe blue ribbon of ihe garter wnh ilt gliiler al mml to 1 round bet neck whal eaem ed 10 b a lockn tuipendd froina chair rc The c a 4 llr lace looked vary very plcnd appeara and bot beyond ibia pallor lha rll iracled Uie tpeeial notace of lb Pnaeaaa IITdtJubl of t iiled Jind Ineontolabl andherfamily irrappcabatLIatholy rejoic lo My ihel no plelcly oonana lb favorable taiprtafton 1 of mil melaily were w be traced entertained IQ England Sb wore a par- j d eiueiu cnrnierMiiKe pie velvet cloak while bonnet wlh the I nue liH her nauoaal 1 and a Inb poplio dtugWere end eil ih luile chil d and charming fioe and grtce- ftl of liw eathaaam her arid then ihe mothera ditplaycd at on aeeared her the brtcH p for the eu qnalifiedadmiraiioe and of tbe j t pecyle The royal IraiB left Paddinon al DoO pm A large no ruber of Tui tor 9m lined the platform Great eulhutiaim prevailed wbiab tbe royal pair repeairdly acknowledged Tbey abowed 00 tiga ef tbe noraiogt fatigoo ADblTtOMAL AaTlCt4U The rcal piriy par the Dricklayeri Are Tb N Yark Commtniai Ad- 9Ttutr tayt tbat oa aa arcrag abovt a badrd rocratu fr tb aray art recatfed i tbal aily dariag trwy Cr day Tuc aaiBt It II needle to add ibat al tight of the Prineeta Aleitndra enlhutiaain which had beei iniente waa redoobled Her Koynl llighneet had not the eama rtook of luncheon at ofaxcileniriil on her fealuea which wu rtst Btalioa The ritdile on ili rcaaioB of ber public on- teene oa ltriog the atation waaextraor- iry but ah looked if potaiMe dinary tb liae etkald eot be kept owiag charming and winaom than oD lhal oe to the imneBt eiallitade oa both tide eatwa Iiiough aahibiling faia Irae of rwtyed ep to Ibe carriage aad reader- agilaiion in deoieanor ed progrcn diScslt Al Ibe Maatioo Hoote tbeaeeae of confoaioe wat togieat atio lhal orgeal meaauret were aent bcffiiag P Ming of thit for the ateiaUBce of caralry wbih coold 1 P not boweter b wpplied Tbceheering i- hdrawn too much aa Ue Prioeeepaj tbe city waa deaf- ening iafacl drowniag tbe peal of the churchbella Boraeu wer Ibrina from lhal direction At ihe tlmi cliinl end Bktoy wiadowt tod oppaaite Uie Adclpbi P adanc- J in the coinmu- Theatre a coroaeopia of flower isipod- i Pnroaie in a rieh ed in tbe air wtt opened ad tbowered ihrougbuiai lowcn npoa tbe Priscaa y building chir or itte lOKOOK Ssaday TheQuoeabatie- commenced ihe aervice wnh the uaual rilJ a atlat party to Wiedor Ctatle to blod w are DwetlbaPriaoeatAlexaedrm Tb Areb- gihrd hr ia lb tight of Ood tnd 111 bithop of Caeierbory the Biabop of tb Jo Dioceac ihe Uttbop of Oifefd ie htr holy been bonored with iBfitatioe Lord Tbr I a olmn paut PalaentoB aad Ear Kuaell are expected afiar ibal drdful djureiioo io wbieb at Ibe cattle toawmw aed wUI probably T i rDtio till after tba waddioe It U ex- X inpd nli petd tbat lite Qaeca will a Privy monti h Primate paeaad CoBoeU oe Wadwadty aezt Lord Pal- bae neratoa aaBoaoeed Ut aiabttolbeU hit woaaan u ihy ddd wi lo liv ceplioo CoDBltta tbat tb Pria ft onluc in th Aktaaif bai Bjaiftad bet iaUalioa of moinmony t Wilt ihou roeiriog tba ciiy praatj al Wind lov hr eomfori bor honor ad kp Castl toBorro tflcraoea i nd ttking 11 0hr ktp lh only uolo hr THI IMDAL lOtainn 0 long at y both aball lit MMtn Garrard tba Crown jewalUr To ihi ih Prine raiber bowtd iboii and goldaaiths io ht Bajmrkt Lo- rMpoDddbii iiiiaraoe vaa Invuftei doof pcvpArod a DMk 1 aftma Wilt ihotii Al Iae aad broaeb wbieb tb Princo of xaadra Carolina Mnria hnv thit man Wala will pretaal lo lb Prineeta Alex- b iby wedded huttand ihe reply wu aadxa at a weddiag gifL Tb oecklaoei aodibi but rvoihiog more ihoggh aa i a tplaodid tnampb of lb diaaoad tt- uaual Try tr wat eirainad lo cch it tiraau tad partiic ly to freia nigbllall ustd ekttaedaA Tbe almoil order tod rtgalahly ptaat d THE tomauka ILLUMIIViTiOai Tbe illumuktlioei ia Ediabarg wt a great tvccett Tba Itadiag tb were dentcly crowded all aigbt wj adiairiag tpeelalara Th p aluS prcaenlcd a tpecltcla iipttig ia Wfi fietaec anyllnag tvrr witwMtd ia Bia- birg Tbe Priaeee Sirtel Gardeaa Kb Catile aad ib Cattle Rock wre all 0 aiatled aad lb lefty boildiauia Aa lligii Sireti wtra bnlbaily ilteaiaaiid Moaument waa tatlefallr lit m wiih isaanKrable gu jett a NlMf Monuaol wat lighted ap wilb pa4A til Aadrvw beare tad Mllvillcf ta Beet were bniliaallf ilhuaiatled witbfc looat ef celeurcd lighla which alliaiWd vaifcrtal adairalia aad Ib da af Ijeorgct Chercb whicb waa aflMlaiif lighted ap afier Ik attaaar af 8t CHr af Kn A botr wa ligbld a di tep ef Arlbar aeal Firwtk tf ditplayed froiB Saliabvry Craga aad aB ll Gertraaeal efteea pabli teadiaf abepi aad place of HlaaiBaied wtllrdericcri gtt ci variegaltd Uapt eM fdIUj pataed off Ta oi MtKftY Ne oarr had dar1wtMnM daw gpoa tb city Ihaa aadtlM titf fraoi a ibaattad fir 0 mry tall of loe ntia tberbbrct atM luflieffealbengigaalic lellmi karti aad circletv wr Mttii Wigbll while Ibe aaawroat piclom e flirt of tbbeatei were lybird by tbaglan ttricgtlcd flasea la Iba caat 1 Cteorge Stvu be Scall colaMI crowaed wilb bnAiaal eatoaivd laM ki4 illscioated dericra ivhrf trtiM ep aad dowa iti Bild ablt ia atrpaatiO arret Arod lha beiloat ef Ibafilir a pewrrfei oaalaHi Ibrew ila tvaloa vff Ib coreiCM ef tb pdti IdM iMa iMiabI ibrtadt of tptrkliaf tllrw It wtt acelaia of fir riaif oat fib walery eleiaest aad lb eatraat iiriking tad aotl eStctit Ail tMfd lb tqaare the bolela warebtaaas w PotI Ofiea wtr lighted ap great ilyl aad Ibe eombieed cfrcl wat abaalettlf graod Uowa Baebaaaa Street Qaa all iV iiirnaVatia lealia Ar fk iht clir ti iifttaioaUOBt is U tsMM iralcbeaoat llulat wat a piclar tt taod line tad ill effrct wat ao Ittttlnb AB I ba etPla tiid ef Ibe Faculty Oall orgi Ibe CriiHli IJaee Cea Daak lb of Iba Edibharg aad Claiftw lUifwafa the Mricbinrt llaTI ibe Tradat Hal Ibe Polylechaie aad the DaeH ika toelh mJc aftbe river Tbrr wr aaaf eiber private iHwaiaahoM a ttry b- lifjl aad latlrfal detcnplio MiaiTtat Duaiac tOKOoa lu Mivanos In from of lb Maetiea Uow Toetday night Ib criea aad abvM men aed wtnei wer appalliag Tbraa wemen wcra fiaad dead ted aaulfcM wat dragged bal b wa llil 8b had MVed her child by Ihrewieg it iai a Ctrl Many perton bad their liabtbr- kea- Tbc Lod Mayor aad Lady Mayr- CM wiiactted lb dreadfal ac fraa tba haloey bat ae help ceald b aft In Cleifide two cbddre ar rpldl tuffocated In Ladpl Hill W wM weie luSeetted iM aaotbar raa rar Maay olbcrt war kaodud dawa vertly iajured Twtif 4r Ihc aeUopolit aad Ib ptMa f fir eagiaet lbregb tbe city ilM have led 1 0 Ferriagdoa atraei Aliegetker m city acre weaea wr killd aad 1 pertoat tertrely iejtred- 0 Rev Dr OraMW 111 potinoa of local tpavaieadt UtOjlKa achoelt oa aeeoatl f ill be CKAfraaic Dispwi Albw2 lot formtrly cf Dallyqai Heat My Kilkeany aed lata of 45 Welbagtaa tJtiiJ P dcatdbialbid tbe Proleatiat Orpkaa leatitala 1 D Iwo latt lavatiOBed am howtrtr be pivabi idl tfwt tba Uil wife

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