Newmarket Era, 1 May 1863, p. 3

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iOSb tb Aoglon- TfiE NEWMABiET ERA MAY I 1868 lib u iMoiIrd ciT ted 112 bilei ef1 collen ypRK April The New T- nKt kai 4 Vanior reiebti VcVt lul KVS lh Viniil Cantiitn on hf eoiil nf ninht thil llic trniy of lh IWinM u Vr C4p UM- MnHy itdwi rcahtttruAh I vu ut f 1 Iurifig ihe lii ihe Via wl hteKjnfrr leirAt rriim an h left Fort Monror en Si thil the titwa rejMirei fropi lb poiilli Mre prottiivofuhCTtllck oaCbitie ton The ylViVj mildfih cfrea- rondent of Oia ie woni- tora and amij rriiij for a nMHnd iedeed oee eettr ietotlliih plrre uta befor itn eloae eThH til the lroBUd ill br afraiB tT7t th bar alCbtrWon and an attack tooa eotne off lhi liiae io eooymlfoa with Ibe land furca The rrll re hd l work Mrctff- enia ibeir lanJ defne on tbe uJapd Molh of ChartcatoD Troopt haTo beD aent frota iavannab to anit IhereiD r NV April 2S A rumor hi reteh- tod ert vanl dowtt ia lh ill rd Ihii eil that a rrbcl force ia Moling j h TW elpain Mr Birga on or IitUburR i KY April iT The RiprtH j that theiih Yew York aod tbe lat New Vork hate refuted to d dutj becaate tbe loveniairnt wont tUow them their tnd n sow taiU of lhCanliti atttiDaUp tod guard ftpL veaMtl aaiklrom The UbK ptper baari thtl tbe rebel is- Tettnmi tl WaabiBa waa t feint to eoTtrtbe nrrjiing dB of all the prt Hyde eoQKtr n irbicb ibe nUU wer DtaafAl Xcw YoaK Apil Th Dtliimora Imncon of Mondty ityi tb tumor of Confederale aptosch 10 tht UalU- inore and Oliio railroad tiaumea quile a arinua tapeel On Suay night two eomptniea of iinded unaccoumed for bol t may CooTadartM caalrjr inadt htir appear- riiln terrlbt lial anct at Koletborg bul wert dritfU uff I and did not tuccMd frt damaging ih Tb lot I teawla Iftd ef to oftiiy j Clital rivtr bridge There hta alao btcn ii fl mertlr a Cilamily o fadiTid ja Cdoftierst forct for 6 tvt DM j ii II an injury o iht Pruvinca tndl faf fron Ctikbjrg ihrMleoiog an td ad Il b Bffurnad ryhr All inca on Iht rofi Mv r hia wlgf Sai MenlT ptl wft latded ofttwfd4i 02 e h twenty i board Iitr daptitb aalhat on Tueday rdi iHe Dtnile pkd 10 bMl w y P ri PP jHoROraH 1B Yognjof MontHK J ha fnil7 Th ga t to rwr apetki lhr boaj having anay oo tha poH aide lod we ihalJhM tra all now teXAtad ed Ihal lha rwiaindef of lhti r tod ert want dowit ia iha ill hp Tie elpnn Mr Birga brolbor and cectie reaing in M CV dtowlid lit wta an wamtll tnd had beo u amploYfd on ftA line rb Aolo Stdb na ooa rftbeSrai Uofl jfVriol bmi4 far 1- AVril cJ WM pprtbtBg M Gulf oo iha elewoih dtV f btr tntxe hen ah on Cipt Rte- eupp Aal ah bad 1 number of pMeogtra Thare o- nearly four bynfred oule peii5ra tnd Crei- The l oti hundroii and eighiylliree ii a bui 0 hkaly wearly two ad 10 hop thtt lh Canadita litie id ptaed through ila of diitiKr tnd ibtl heofor- H ibara would b DOlhing but pro MI and progrmt But we mini nula reeaipi of lurlbar ialalligtoet mora CiktK RXcl April 27 I Urart EincmUe Alhn Co yimtretl Tn Anfio Smon during a arnta fog ro IV 10 auuck four nrhs tai of Kara and broadiitff to ttf rocka t Ieirityl Vjnrj ia uma waa afloat aatanly e n Bf re l3nj She keeled to o B ti ill hBr atflk bolow ibo raiti Tlfif on ihepoic aidt got away rrawfjrcJ wAh number iwo boai isJ iffiyiliea people hta arried r Horvornbt o Young tid Tami- jr It uied to Lo in iha mctaing Vati Caitin fturgaaa waa dcwned Giv Boyd lafi Wirfthetier etHy llii weak Mnurea wcie imnfedialely ta ken for cliRrkmiiirig him A iltrrubur cMptieh of Is dty itlaa fnaliy eOnirtdiclnry leportt are ciftbliled tvUiiTs lo tha Confederate raidL There la no doobi iha Confedt- rrilae KaVa laen Morgantown nnd occu ly it oiih aoine tffDO lo 80f0 Ironpa under Jenkin Our ironpa ar in rmv iKn lo iniocepi hicn and artillery ia being aenl to litrruborg inotltrr detpaich fiom Viiontown laet lint ihs Coofeda- ig oter Minaiion oil ihal man women nnd children riting in til direciioni Iltiibur ia 1ougll 10 be in aome danger ihe llaliimora and Ohio railroad between Cumberland aud Orafienia dealcoyed Oeenrrenee IV lakea by Ihe ataleneat thai ihey wert endftioriag to rnprer tbe apade which had been taken Trom Ruaella premiara by the anldieU We ar not aware howem Ihal they poaltiaelr ad- mil harinK tMulled either of Ibe ol liien Thai the iiUUriUndlbfol ptnicQ lara IV beiag obtainable Mlil either t Irialor an inqUealijke place The UB fotirttte Connolly whwe aiSU n frac lur hai bn given by bolh the tainurecun he rqtioeut and atao V ofibe Cttiditn Rifi 1 eaWplty mamljig he vuit inaeoai- ble diirtbg the ftiiiioot hia eye bectne clurer pnpil bewerer pre- antilbtt eoDincled tDpemee pccnliar to ihote who are dying Trou a fractured kull Tbe poor tnao before beeoinioc inaenaible atid be knew be wafolitj to die tod eooTerted with tbijae allend- ane He ia young ted poaaet oft roboat fruie tnd good aound eoBiliru Tbe Iwo managed toni ot firlj on Sibday io Miion DV bfeaiiios barracka tbe reaull being that one will eomt W tB tthlicoely end ted lh oifecV III be wUh tttordiftg lo atribt ftiili- lary dliciplioe Vee ifiril S5 I Vbe tame ie letHi liitt it wiljaat WilUottand not wbo died tbe tS of tbe wodnd wbico he reJeired in Ibe mrlet Ao lOqatit ia DO being btld oe b body Till Caol From all MrU of th country come Ihb isoalchMringaAounta of Ibe appearnnca of iha winttr wheal The preaenl appetraoce ia nol deciaire of the fale of ihe Crop bul it thowi ihal a ery unteiiled aod uriiiaually open witier during which iliere waa frequenl- ly rery liiile proieclion of anow haadone no irj iry lo Ihe auluino town wheal Thia la much ihouiph it it nol ersry hing and if the pioapect ia ta good at It could be at thii aeaaon of llie ear ihrra i nothing more lo be deaired ihtn that iioibing ihould occur hereafter to mar Ihe preaenl promlae Lradr LxiCHATioit InicllieDce reccired from all parit of Earope iedicatei plainly Ibat Ibe enigraliee lo Catada will be more eooaidertble Ihii aetioa tbaa for teteral yeari patt There ii to doubt Ihit Ibe dislKM aiiting from lU eettoe deficieacy It Eaglasd will cauM auay lo rtnigriie asd wiib refereice lo femiey and other parti of Earope sol a few whe is ordinary eireaati rcei woald bate lovgbl a loee ia Ibe L ailed will probably io Ihe preaeat tiate of afltirt prefer lo try ikeir fortune io Casada We Iraro lliat Mr Duehanan Ihe roi- rant agea lut bimelf ia aetire eoa- nuoictlioo wilU Ibe dilTcrrest mirtlioa toeitnei lo giie tbem tbe oeeemry in ilmelioo ComaMnlkl MoitatiL ApnltHib isei IBOOrCB irltieee frai Creal Britain tJde lo iM llin InKiaoi The lenot ef eenmei- eial newa nai a wbil moie ftnMtbl tp hippera Icvm ihit tiJ lenc t lefA- iiTkon it pteerdinj repnila of dull tnd fall- ihg muVdii lieia buioeaa meeea an alowly and wiih tlimoveJ irtnquiflif la petiooa yetra Ibeia hu enaially been t litlla aoimMieo ai ihii bot itiii Tr ateryihing le- It qiiUi aa ihough we were in wiid e The ice ha eleeied away liea befibediytiot tl Qotbaeiha tea- bridge aiill lemaif loihatioppep eftnitala oos Ibe aeeVt A Uig flel iaf aaililig eee- Mla htkVaailed ftera Liiioel ldoo tnd OuWclr Ctnwiite poiia tad Ibera It atety Mbablliy of cheap freigbti fies bete fur ueV eatM- Finer t liitle weaker fifleaand tewaKgiadea in danand Fancy and Kiira s nherdtoyeia nra ISlSiottSfl Ktin4Ulet9 Fancy 14 M M tl No I 30 lo S4 40 Supcifiva No 34 S R 4JO Kina 13 90- MiainE 3 3 tO Bag Flour in dawiand t3 43 to ti SO Wlteal RecaiDta and prieea Dosiotl II C Wo IOLMC aeeordini 4 qutli- ly Wbiie Whetttl03iel 10 Oaiinaal Kcttea bat limiied ef atle 6 10 IS 35 pel 0Q Jba Buiier w II hoot change Thedentnd for beat conlmea Niak erd inreriof hard le motiv Fait 10 FJM JC O 13e Inlarior w la lie Cheeae WiibJt chlngb Selling io anall lalt Be lo 9e Oao Held ai Sfc lo SOe pei 40 Petae 76e to 75 per 66 loa loJiad vofo par 56 Ibe 66 ID sec Hotk Old and New Kfew held firmly al highetl qaoiftiiona jnd intoed daman1 3ll Meit lOSO 10 lsb NewMeaatli 13 so New Prime Meat 9 2Sul9 75 Lanl In sooil rtamand lriela 7 le c keg 7e lo 8o Sei Clatet and Timothy Seeda ei- ceedinfly doll Flat ed in Ictite re- queil al 1 eOlo l2 per S6 Iba ai a rati ly good tampla will bung 9 SO aTiFlaa Upper Canada Cloter Jlfl l oje TiBoiby II SO 10 13 per 45 Iba WILLUMKIVI Co t4iftBtiaiuw Mtrefiini Freah Seeds 1 FRCaU IlLMTWd tLO QARDEX seeds Tor Sale tl SJMPSOS 4 BOCXnTS 30 U Il OflieTlilOtt CORPORATION NtWMAIlKFT rtVitlC OTTCllaharbTrite Iialla L Haakital Cauaeil atlUa Vlllafa 6iWw matVf 111 iteel aa a Cen et Ketwiei le ike Ceen Hoaae Oa dU WAJaycJfaif not alib hoerof II ecleck ae of vli ill peneta wtlBkaietieeaftara Ibaaathaa aecereiagit NB L Cany alike Roll say be aeae ai tha reel OAea E P IRWIN fferV April 30h ISO Iwl3 Ameican H0t91 nmn J w cox MAtHn 170B BALK OK r larM It a I lyPiwaaaalte ptai tW3 eXARSIT urr ae MMieaailt lyaara ApHrlf HEWETT litJelyaaxl Ull Itl 4uaitill ou iba Kik slUBta till ifte vfa of joaAm Dax a aaiite a PrtinltiiititM yf Unraia4 by a larict rinla al Iriradi and conoactiant NEWMARKET MARKETS AHiiL 30ih 1S Fall Wheal I 85o SpTiiij Wheal 71V a T5e Flour 400a 1477 Oata 40rB4c Peaa SOe a Sir Barley HSc a 2c Butler 12 Park S0 a t3U nrlkin RICTBTa- irrufre5t nANCKM 4 SWELLED NSCR8 cn7ziB DT CBUOBBa oarkal AprT W IICl I12 B s smraf iULiiia kNTLE 6H0W BOOM win U opeaid lar the eeaaee T OM O R It O W KN Ihe aawaal tod maat raahlatabla tnkliw b idUinery Kantl Ben- Mti eA Inu ArOTeitl riMW Snrtd tullBt Jm6 0odi Q tlitf Depertmesl viH b tHlbU4 R HS k til vr iHU MM IB liirt mmt fMiokhU h thertMV Md vkjMa I mftki erer LAUJM I9n Hui Md Ao ly MocroiRf eg bail trh dljrilOnd U XUU syyraEltE 60 lou OBT ToVa TURNIP CAKKOT AsiJ Oardefl Seedi k HlfltT arf PLJCK 3igodJ U m JKNKISS Puraer Mine t lo th9r I rial for BaniliaIiler Thefaeli far u cm be aKcrtaincd airaa fvllowi TWO KMiera of ihe COrJ rcpioient went 10 Iho boQJw of one KBtll iMr AleLiide c I V c 1 oe i 5 on Sr NF April 2 ifj very iroabcsoiuc asJ Te naamer Ilaunltaaa ti 9 tnt OD I ud lucb ibrvaleniDC Unjage tbil Rat- Tieidiy piciied up two of ihV ABIOIMU crntidcred it enpedtnit To Tonoeal Stn coolaioiiig oineiy people itDclf withnul eve wailing Fo dreta TVfjiliwing liat d1 ptaeeoran are re eir 1 lie aolditra look t apade from in lb Oaunileee noH JobO the premiaea and Ivft Os obtcrriogtbij Tocog lady and aetan chitdtee one aer j KuaKH rrthWIlh procured lite afitaoce 101 Miae Hope Miaa Bartharw Mrajof a prauD nauicJ Wade t bricklayer Casum Mr Grtan mt offi- 1 Bd el o io puraait The aoldiera wt Mr Towera Uatereod Mr EeWn I luejnwhiTe had proceeded to break the aiiii Ctawdr Mrt JtckiOn tnd cbild ioJ in a hUiie near ht Thrr Ihen Mn m Vffhi John Mkrlio aad ttatll off ani uUimalrly Smred il a Jamea Kikood Mta Eliitinji place where KJOIU eolnrcJ pccjlf Caiherine Cameron Iry Anunitj there fircakin Ihe door and Tkomai Miry Aoo Adamt Ed Moir not behavins in anj violent nian- Mana Timi Cold wall Mr llMrel oer diiturbcd tli luniatcs rniidrably One of ihc Hldiert whoK head wot tlih eil bf Ou MiUiom Robert Alitn third efltce r Seoii foanh oieer Jeniea Uadr a fourth eDfiaaar ChtrleaCtttooBfth r haalatmt BleedhouDd bt gone lo Cipa Race fotWH pl rttafe WfoA Ilia followftig tiftiaage t reeeited V iheroaunaaitr General tl Quebec ST JoHiil NTLC April fin alt loci on Cepe Race 11- 6lmon2Tih All the mlla one teen 37 Lvae hMi out ef t toltl of Hi Signed T GaitK OAeer in charge of Maila kmeritiuT BvVdbtioB- Niw YotK April 4 The BifTni mal ihtt then tie prita leueri in ti citj atting ihtt the policy of tbe BfiutK Ooternoent it iow teltled vi t to raofutaly eiep ihii fitllog oul ef any nn pritaleian or vtMia of wtr ie Bri- tirii Porta IIiapitAitru AMt or FnoAe ipril27 Riiwr b beea in circtila- tioe duKag Ihe laJl fe daji Ihal the nbelj were tboUt ta tbiadot their pree- tt potilien Nothing aefinite however laynkwwn ti to thcftdetlioalion Pii- otenare brousht in tloKat daily from lie tls bfli tht UferfttlhJB W eoo- Bcliag tad anattitfatlor Wuilintfls April ST ftomt- Hu Mexican MInliier W ta ieter hh the Irwldent tlid M dnfrieadly tiUHCel hit nbotr M rKeited iA OM rtfUtal Of to Uupaonitiooi nfwtr oe Mezieto tceo4tt while tbe Frtocb were tUevd to boy ia Se Tdrk tiotlti Itid ela- ibere SV April 3T Tbe ttifk OeiieHl hoo Palocro reportl t foltowt t lih insl Ut 3707 ldog3l 13 ftt boarded I boat froBi the eblp ly col SBtred tht blood on bit owa face rcmarttlHr Thei aow 1 tm as Iriah man JiJmc little diWicoUT rred it it Iboi between Hte oilnred man and tha aoldier ibob ibv nature of the iroo- ble ii Dot known tbe wooitn merely ttal- ioi to ihe detectirea Ihalahehad witneat- ed a bip ru which look place ouuide lie ia BOW n the tl work Jnttai Ihe aoldiri ntde their exit from Ibia bouae Ibty Were eoofrooled by Raaacll tod Wade who isaiited oo lb ipade l- iog imuiellalfly rcalored t lhe Thi ibetoldien refuMrd tnd t fifbt tool place during which one of tbe wldien whoee nasie it i nndcnlod itConnoKv reeeit- ed t blow frem either ta tie or t iptde tbe taller ii n tbosgbt on the frost of bii bead which produced a aeriosa fric lore Mluliwbile a brother of Raiteira bad gone to tbe garriaoa for police tod with then tUilcd ibe epo4 where Ibe 5ght occurred howeter tbe roldira had lef bol the dirtelioo in which they had pnne bein pointed oal Ihe police fSllowed Jiacovering the unfortunate aien two milea frum Ihe aceac of action in ihe ticiniiy oftaection of tbo Grand Trunk Kail way Bbth ier proathle no Ihe ground bating fallen cthaJld by Ibe woonda taflicted on theln Thy were conteycd lo tbe mllilaty hoepiul one of ihem R- csteriiip rapidly tlie other on tbe con- trarr drooped aad manifested fna of hatidg rveeiv fatal injuries lr Ja tnicuncr Ibo Medical examined the patient and found that be waa auffer ngfrooi conprttaioo of tbe traie and foo til appeartDcei dealb wonld be the reanlc Monday nsroiag tbe mililtry utboritlei applied ta Dr C Moofv thai be would tiail Ibe boepitti tnd reeeite tbe depoaitioa of Connolly UpOB tHUIng there h found be pcwr stB io t tiaklngaiate Tbe doctor lutde teteral inquirie rcceiting ia return t coosiderabW portioa of tbe informtlion KrwBtrlltt Apfil 14 U Ifli i WrtMr newmartcet OEBBK Newmaikei Apiii 30 1863 iSELLING OFF t rjpHS Saberiber it daitraimd le eall eff tha whole af hU ateek ef Dry Oeeda iedudiag Bprin ft Sommer BrMses DUini ItUni ikf Boati ud SboM Sftti ud Ckpt AT 10 PKU CIIM DISCOUNT CASH co all puivkeaee tf O Dollar aad spwarda jioedt being kaitad LOW a rara akaeei lor Bergaita ia offcAd JOHN BENTLEY ItOmitrSttr oflketbB frolB Ctleoltti bete narrated from tbe ptlienl tnd tl for London who rprled thtt Ihe Mrtm fmn the olbr dicr It waa laj Star had been fiplored by Ihe Altba- f ml t 2 and relea after gltlOg botidj 11 toaeerocd It keep be mailer m the amount of j thought that t fjrorab le Tbr lip Ocean Iarl from Ponee re- lurn ooH lake plaCc and that Conuoll tbe AUbama arrired off that oiiiJht poWy rTcr Oo the oihe Woieereningoftbe Tth of Apl I biod netlhcr of ihe tne could g po a4 Knt I Vhoonei Under into port for I live lafbrmalion aa lo the Mart l poeifTkdjl Theaa were lopplicd 1 hieh ihey bad been tBtulUd the ooly bjiStolJrtalboriUa and tbe Altbemt rlB bcieg that the boa bere the r the taioe eight row occtirred bad t urntotrd bfoe WmisflTO April rTbe eaemy I oarked Orory Wv kits iirtnned 41 iafcrtMlion Chief of J pnw Jgmow ttej are 1500 weaker IhiH when al 1 tni Ur Moete both tadeteiMim aet out Fredenobore Ofo Lee IJ tick too jyealerday mortimg Pnday on t loar ol Ud Jtckaon U ill eommtnd tod if he diwery the rcaolt being thai lipk by Jitk MhJetil wti oUaitiH whieb tlUcb- ed iJte gaill of being the pepeirlorTt of Ihe uaetlli upon koill aad Wadei u They were iinmclijtely arrcaied ttid far- heiimrwtBdwhiTeVto work oa tbe ried the aldicrt Conaolly beiof fotifeatie Tlia Brilieb aeboooer TaiDpiee of TO iaaa Tboou Colaoa nwtcr aod S J Haaa tgaatfee tbe etrgo bolb aUiwag la be Briiiab athjeeii wti tko aapletW Tbey lokoowla ibtt ti btd fM ra tbe blwbtde it Stbite Put ill ealy tlay lick they will be 90000 Vaaketthanwbeaal Frederieabnrg Tba Riehnood fmiiur of the 32od eoaltiti 10 tdtertitfOienl for 000 1 ierentible ihe only One to ideolify them wtt bit more fortaatte eomrade abo aUt- ed poailitely that they were meo ftrt we tre oot aware that dther Rbai or Wtde deey beiog praaaat oa tbe ecet- 1 biweerlee fralia tqe tioa of Iba row but jwtiled tbemielp A is tbeptrl which fhey te toppoaedTe Jfewiaerhet J siKPsoa jADIES If yvo want Fthloeabte DRESS GOODS PARASOLS I os kid tiLdvEsi ntou HOOPt 8KIBT8I riucs xnscin ftTLta dOSIBRY k CHEAP DfiiAtNES r toy Mhtr liad erieodi g to smpsoif BooAitTS IfewnarliilUtT ui f OENTLEMEN If Voc WANT A NErt- 6llT I Call at SimiMota ic BoKmrts wir iWy hat a raelM Tiilar and Cii irraiuj ituy gtisett wamiad L fit er exjitte troaicoMiaxRCiiL ilock Mi Sff Jfimmmrkt dl Itt Zntontoee Company RIRE Ctrttti ioxiwaoa rndi ia Hfta tiwoobi HEAD LTOPOfllSlMioON Tp99t SrfuM rfcuici h nxwAto UQ lufOal Atx PAV11M0 BM anrtt BepprtSaieext T cbaay deaae if bran build lk aid alliiiarfMetipUoM ef Ary aala r DBagi by rir es l ateat hteartbit Icrmatad al the lowaatralaa ehlig- fdktaoyetod CeeiMty tiljiu Ciwa pranplly arnled wilkcnt A- dofliMordbaMtoi tad withoet rebrrae le Enfflaad Tka Urf capllil asd tjjklu rfbiaf al el ikM Csspeay iaaurea thi isaet par laa mfaty w aaeeKd XalS Tbe UlaWiBf adtialag aBaailnanr ga elhen are oArvd by ihit Compaay ta per laaelataedlac le taeneilMir Ihraa Parfcel aaeeri far tia aMMaol irflta et fetMaia le PWy kelden Patnrabia Ralaa afWealucf a hlfh rcpalaiWe fer prvdiaeaard ede stent aad iha atael literal eaaudataueaa e atrqeeeileiu eoatecIaU with itia blaraalaAf Ikaaafcrad ThlitV daya graca tlTIawrd fa T4yrBt af rawal pfleaia aad m larMtalV a peljex roiB aalatIlDealBiiaiato iKeiee lapa4 ty aanpayiBaDlef preolema guy BEO 10 aniteeMa Ikal ibat hta laeaited ibe Ibeir SPKISO ed MUMMEIi STOCK of Dry Goodi Millineryi Baatles 6 ih baa baaa penhaaed I Mr 0 C ia iha tary Ul gVROPeJf ilXEETa watild larKaapeeialaiMaia7loour MILUNEfiY jD MAATLE OEFRTVEST Thith la eadar Ike raprrtlMe el MilUear whidl b tlwaja kaw iwil op aad apara M paiea la tan tui aeaooiiBuJaia Iboaa wU aiaj ttiot ua wik a ealU la nan a large Stock al XUUj TrUdtd j REMOVAL i JBootg and Shoe jCtiEAlMR THAN EVPR f IlHk 5obcriber raplfolly iaHmHn I Ihal he hat remorail 10 hia jicprfliw 8H0PX I NMh of plelnin ja Peddlery Main SirMt apd i now erwit le eieeal ii od on ihe ahoiiaai iratea aod cl pre cea wliich ally DEFY f N BAa he ila luaiy ioeeireil lena liaSliiiee in BuildneibM iniletlsHjn ill oble by jCalung tnJ aeiiliog ibeil tecbii Ivilbwiib JOHN WILLSO Newiaaikei March II 1863 ijg ASItiNEhii op Till ikli ON- mTTtmvr NOHTII AMERICAN HOTfeL M 00 I iBilUUbWtliMed Ball II fpnRaaTale tl m i buh fawf dluwi fna lldo I uaarimbeal I HEAD DRESSES DRESS CAPS TRIMMINGS J faendteBTartaly tedanaaraJ ateck t DRY OOOM wbiek Vf fiieaa aad eaear baaarpeaaad I G ir J- tox HarehUIStl I 1 1 Alr THfi j FIRE Ik LIFE GAltALIWO MILLIONS STERG Iyeflted Funds 11800000 AI BSVENUiv SXCEEUd 780 000 DAILY INCOME FJCCEEUS 17 00 tllflbS INVEEI IN CANADA gajdOOO OffloeIdve Jl Montrtoala pRSONi bebra iaaartog wpold do wall le pay epeeiti allaeiieu lo iba tallowing iat Thtt ihe Literpoel tad LondeTorar- tnee Co itooe of TTU LurgttI Imnraitet Campaniu rt At IfoHJ 2ud Thai iheia la ad tl iha preaenl mo tl TIT Ae lirgut ntr mait in oiu ytar aay Camfamf Thai daring ibe yaar 196 the Jaiiy Fire Aaeoraoee and tlu Glebe laaar- wufiw eroBieol er eihei Pretincial Bondt 4ib Thai daring tbe pMiod of eight teara tix freia lOM lo 1862 ibinaeaied lunda htte iectetaed fiem 13961605 le MlTOOOO Ibeee Bjorea ethibii en ed lanee which ii to lie imlirtf- elJuXu 3 a hieloiy o loturance in the fere iee- OBedoilag ie yeti iSSi wtaadBiiiedinbe lUf AerfwptJ opeapiul Tih Thtl ihi oeari ktp paid In Canede wiibeui iftiaa to irpna Beerd Jhia Cjhpild lor leeeet ia CtoUa owrr J ReawW Saitl tad preiti a- jBtiiwnieof CltiBt will ater diaiingaiab ihla VMptoy Tha Direcleratkal ifcnfefa ihlt ditlag peUia witldaly ri e ate ewd Ikair fCicta t aaubliahiaji ar iha ftH C W an acaun Ja Ibia aeatiae af lU eovalrr awe lfice Oatetll Thomta 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SWINB MMPa raimed Sdh Otu IWa- AekmMcad te b tha aaaiiet wakad Ba ironoB rriBX aaderlln km ttia ikyWad b- I le partearaaipae Oaatrt UaKkataBe- d tha aana cl Beta s Sratauaa- alpbbd bubk donald suthebeand jrawMikaU April IS leei tfIO DIMOIHUMI TKC eepertaeiiUi tke Allege tt 1 aedaraigeed at Oeee iba iltia aa4 ira ef IMa day beee dMi WIlLUM ALFBED WMMaa A B leiilarft uetaalaikad laea r Pd ItaaeontUT- puiDP loe daap fbr alhar patapa AddreM trfm aiatiag depth fraa tarn le a wall fOI flat CHtRLES POWELL KewM Peop ftaarj April MleSX ie kteay Ifll AprtllO 19ft mirtiMnhip keraiii rkUtleg la raka balwaea Ike Sleca Kaapeta aedaf byfiSSir cMAStERtJa u6N ITBEE SwIO Notice is hereby Given That at tha exeiiBliea af Tweaiy Itett fivB the daieWreef tfplleeilae wiij ha Biada by Ibe eaearmidaad la Iba HenaaBU BaaiaV Haama Hartytie el ika LailKl CMetke ark Jad Pal ta b appataied naidimeolJaeai- feet Sarah Akigal Toal Ud Joke B Teal latiel eklldra J Ihe Uia Joti Toel af lla Teweabip e Kg jaemaa bSFPH STCtlKS JUNNAH LUty TtXIL mrd aiml l3 j ESTABmHHurr TBI aebadbar tettiw peiektii tbe alBib leireda oMr Keaeai Paad At beriof aaeerea w aertfcee ef Mr PwaM perMace la the trade ia te waS kaawa le ycwvARKrr tad neiatty ar waakaitaehlp derthlllty aad aiuaaa W Meade la wty aa ibe Bee aad fbee traa b t wilt M Itaaary aad Ihaialare wiD be able le aiarele tl erdeie with which Ke aty be hrered at liM to Mt tbi 1M tad wlik bia adtaalegeitiept tbn W eeelewee a Mr Praal tad I be llcgiaanlly af latiled lopte tbe aebeuiber t callheittweelaalag elaeimre THOSFbLEr Vewawiit ApL IWl IfF PklZE TBF Bebaeriher ia liill fiaaarelaHac teal Plewa Willi Iree lad Waedea Baaaa uatelaah IFIRST RRZE it Ttt TnriB OMntj k Tenwj Ihnrf LaalUl AbaRbblgliMaUilltad Oaaf 9 cultivators boao kbaperb HORSE liOES TURNIP drills And aarlaaa atLar dtacripdaaa el AgrtaallBral iBnlanealt A BHia Siaal Meeld Beardaere ate aclared Iraa heal el EStiLISH STEEl Al ftm IW tfd Mkm m fen Allkiii CuUbj ftlaetitUiUkiBf f1 Woad ark daM Is 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Saii Dafd Will WuadThainte Wlah Wiliiaa WiliNerili W AN PatftUr ffawiaerkrt April Wa W DEAtbX f M fbt ptaalaib 10 iiyr iMif FABlESS pQUl niwheraj ay lU ieel PLOWS CUIIItoOil tadpaa wtll Kiaaaely Iaaeaia4 Piew aad Cvlitva weed ereaMiwelat ti eanpeaaete e dayV Tht Artidfi uiil H B ja Lena U ed t WlTOt I Iree Sla Mea air aapenncMr aheei Ulaawtf bMrraoMraelli y fer tkaa 1r nMltWt mail wiUbitv tat eraerbarteaala 1 u WADTiw Ke V7Api 7 g-

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