Newmarket Era, 15 May 1863, p. 1

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s AND NORTH YORK GENERAL INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER GIVE ME THE LlDEHXy TO KNOW TO UTTER AND TO ATlCUE FREELY ACCORDIN TO CONSCIENCE ABOV E AL OTilER LIBERTY VOL XII NO 16 NEWMARKET C W FRIDAY MAY 15 1863 WHOLE NO 584 StuiiitsB Ofrtciorg John T Stokes AnCIIITECr te Wl irji T Bishop Son gRICKIAVKItS riiturri aad Slou A BoultbeA BAirHTKRiiii I Ner VI Sill lt ir36 B doore BARrITF1I iciiar II Al- ouyorr A Oltir ill lh Ojuti Cuuuly Csmci Tuiooto 5 Joho B JODOS su ufV siKnor in rht frr 4i4r llfhc lii i4 i tv21 North BichardsoQ ClNVKVAVCKIl UirvJ Ail Ac 111 U- llili I larfii IMS NtfiDirki ljV T H Bull BAanisTrn iid Aimv n it voL niMfoiiMiiiriioc Sllt rlif KiliTU Tnwitjrtl i J l3i Dr Pyao P iVS ICl AS 11111 t5llrK li 11 U lo bMi K nrariOii 14 ljf tM Br Backott TjJiYSirns Af 1 dnrlI0lptclSlff l ibiill Hil vmrk if- int CANADA Life yffrince Cunipany I Incorporatfd by Spal Act f PRrliimeat EITUIlini I lOlT CipiUiOrr riius 1 lUiiToy Yni 11 ll International llfEASSUfiANCE SOCUTY OF LONDON CsrlTM 11 niiiiKitr II sMini v swwikfl S 3 lt Jalin T Stoket Ci Wlsioi Kii r iivn- vffUMUii Iir Yrk oJ eelCouv4iiCc 6li- tc K Jinll-r- I UUSdKO SCCttOCQ I Dr UcCallnm PKYSirUN Sincfti Jll Arioxhor Mouu AlWtl IMt imVMvrT I C Hortimer PTlYStriS J AVtielgr Aoror A ppWsif Chran- taS Aurn Mftteh f COMMEBCZAL EOTL tifft llT ALA I HY IIKNISY IROXON IBOLLARB LASBIBS pinniiliafe lirlf Sri t00cli- 1 iv nirvtl id rCAlKU fur tlieftnii j V 11 StKiMinf And t Areful hvttir i almoin 111 lIollioM uln MtrI ICfl lf2i I H Moblc U D I PHYKt N Surfeoa luJ Af eouchf ur SJlArii L W I FiJ3Ci 1a T H low i BARItlSI CH ind Allifirr HI Ia Ssliri- lr 10 ritoi NiMiiil glJic drr Ar N II I 1 I 1111 I I tr Olif Yirl OliarWr IlliClIi IV I tV iUSl h2 Hunlutsa Dfcrrtors Dr BAMSAT IMCyslClAN CORONER CAK ih vtriunt brtceb 9ce at Newmarket ffiar iioa5i6 at t eioci Chftrgi fiir vkiu um ki if ib Toi 1ft tar ler o b Uaj In li Ofice Mlin Slrrrl 2 DoOt Xorl e fh Perk I llrtlIAND LAXDINO t ifl John 6 DaTis Law rraftilonr IftMl Irtvirvnc aJ At Ccivpviref e to ZjOAcI A1 ai r b EtVal ralalr CaArft HKKSfrur MvtMiuMCoiftT xrrvtoru TO cm Ormt Tortbr Cvttrr M atil baM 29irtta NrinafLl C W Kriturv 6 if Vi aptr THE OUICIRO FLOWES Ani lb dklacC prair iH iraekvM vio III voijr Wct A pisnl lu prltl lra iu pUe j rMU tfr 11 4m aA mr t rnl antf ftowfn furopiiciiof fert td von r Aa irulv igrn iht ib attH TVa lrirltr fcn or ilH Of ftiipaa tiar oo rbrennr rajr vih MimJ omH 1 guxla Kaf I va Ji vav 8 JourhMlnK ihrongU nfcJ m Krim he ht but io oai- nuinii h If I RocM Mif 10 no itrtnr iboujib I ucvr itw tiiij bffie Atu I figbl T Arc juu ool Mary Line She oodded her head iSnnilitel Tbcn 1 htra ofttD beaid ot and joa of QIC We ire cd friende VIicre Injiil Willtim in jail Merrifol heareiiil fwwbatT For itMling wealiki monej TSal be u ioauwDU 1 ii a bate eovard tiUvhood Yen dont belicte it tejoumainK ihloiifli k vull oT a NVUri j Uvt MJI ftSnj a Tv u tQ 1U narrow war irjTrroVr dearrt Whr cr liitarb iU iiiiiliW brtaaf I Crd liU tadietkt iocSrr I And u io ra E B Joy BAtUUt ITlrfr Ir I Kiors NVio Knivr if NfwiumrkfL St fit 40 H1LLIH LOCM CAIUlTKiuii Mlor 1 n M v btkcit diiie i jiiur irii i i Bnj Pearson i COMMISIONKR 1 lli rfn ffnl l- rryifpi tfAt TiiciMir4 r liiiAiir uu jn Il- Ii Matthews Maclean IKuuuiK PBONT STBZET TOBONTO a PVvri i floVH t yyv uni ASAK WIL05 narrixler A c XiagSfrttf U To BOS TO L IftCl Jt John HcNab V tuSjcilor in Clu Eitfratiirp BAltrHTKIl Altar rr r rifiuvv ii t iM nr fn if- Mnrril Dr II IHM Otar S UstcbcroR iior rtrz tlili uli y 1 u a in Uessrs Sullivan Suliivao TltlOMT Mi MRiSt C Banisters ud Altorneys at Law HAVjvr ori Iifn AURORA I I r ru llrt- 11 i i firirr 111 iftd nlbrikk of roiiirurius o U OrUr 14 trv APtLUnc iTAtir tORSTO Jjor Ihvi CrntH JacksoQ ISSCCB OP UCEISCS MATS KtWMAHKtT AiAViirSrrNT its Um M tfti in ir yif wKrilr Ajtl I 1 lvic r I T J lkl 1 1 UlTr NrwniiTfl onolHr li ir3r New Tijilurtn fusa MTQekrfi Car hr 23 W A R S S T I JMKS n WILLSON iTTI S Ish dikpateS I mI hi tl AKi rhiiMaH XcwrifVH Oel Q3 lt2 iM HALIEN AND VILLSON CIVr ENGINEERS ARcHUKCIv asu PrsriDclal Land Sarrryors STFHN WEBSTEB Dllods doors loldingi Hln- duw Kranes etc ttci CUKSLUf MILL 4 HMLiSSrS MiwMAKKKl C VV ih IifttUli Bfnnkl C J1 irrJiil Dr BeDtleji PHTICU Binfg t Nwnarkci iSf WtTStr li f Ui lrrl KtalU l1 lf3 James UcClnre Xlotxel uotloaeex FCIKtiM UBI11 CokLlir af Yixk lad Vm Carcra utojrie All ui Jart prnpl litadid lu JA MrCrCKK- Mallartl Laniliac Avril9lefe2 I t i7 TEAcVii7iT PBTIIcrAl RCBUKiV ANU ACCOlCOrX IK Jul U lll ll lu HIKOMU Gi0rHIN0 FICHS Ii R Y U I- S 1 I L A C E PIT QUALITY ozzaAPWBSs Tiinli Jon IJ IkCtf tl VHl7ani A Co CMiiiipr HftaceAHTm Forwardint leiieral ACDts r Ii5 II 411 kmHa f rcifvii ir lh jiUo iKornl rrai iAvr ilalferm ftikiaa cvDiUvcird ta Ult0t Nf FUV 29 W2 ifO Bats that are Hats K P COLFMN TFfP llalraid Forhf iS Kill Sirrrl Torouin C- W SrjT I flMKMO iD H4ia uVMvaaul lrMd FcftClaii The Queens Hotel llouMl m027X JB Et B 3D P The Hotol Thief Br OIACOUO CAUrANA It wMon beaaliful cTeninc inearlj umiuer that I molud a ikiivin Kell ers LowQ in which 1 Ijid butisau I hiJ my blaze laliea to tlie CaUfirnia lloaae a iare and veil appointed bu- tel and alto a rctj pnpolar one iMjr choice bowetrr ma nul to iimcli ovio to theao cunaiJeratioDi at Io tlie fact ornj Iwing itelIaeuaioled nitb the proprietor of tliu hotel aud alM villi tbe principit clerli Tlie foriuer I bad knon in the Kill Willie Wardlaw tbe clerk a a more reeeol acijuaiBtaiioe thuush ilw one of lone atandiog When I firt em to tbe Wett I had emplnjed him in nij office and aaialed hiio io an edoMlicio ife vbi iben fuilc a bciv but very inUlliircnt and vcliUdiavevl 1eclin a ilroor interval io the lid and in hii aidovrd uiulber hoe main uppori he aal I ext rud luy influcun ith Mr Ilclcit the propiiilor oC iln CalifiirDU lliu to obtain Iur hinj tlie iilgalion ahivb be then held He hid iiiirivcd I it very adanl3i li ihe uinniit and itiil liund iiii aiiiIl the arOviuundutiil in nhicii lv wan eoi ed niike uiio prori4 in iijuulal vul ture rviry diy ul hit Itfr Will Wiilii laid i n I lit cijjar Iter curainir out rcuw lea buv are uu and tbo CalifiroU UouMi ctlin aluty io Ihe wold Vvr eU lir h roplicii wiih one ciccptiiin one draw back Why ihat ia thai i We are plajard to death i by a loiierable nauanca in tbe ahapeorab lei thief a prftcl lormeflt Why duut juti rval bim Tor it Well you kou Ihe cookery booka tell ui that there ii a preliioiearj operation abxiluiely neceury in taeh cau What i that Calohinp Firalctlcb joar taoe That it lb wiy lb old receipt bep you koo If ire ooald only eaieh Uii telor w would toon find a ay to roiil hiis list be ii so ordiairy tbicf and it Dot I leir 10 be cauiibt in tbe oidioary wiy He ia uaue8li4DaUy tl nioat darioc iiupsdesl aocccaafgl myticriuua aod nndiaciiTcrablc ooe erer knuio or beard ofby Ibe oldeat iebtbitanl Doct he ateal from the bedrooma Yet tir Will Eire yoa an axample Mr Burioo a aerebaot from CbicoKO d here daT before TcalerdiT- We tercd 11 bejind all dnuU fur the money waa ftooe and gu vilboal baodt it Cvinii nol It ruut hate been tome inmate of iLc I he I Buppnae I lndnubicdiy It ii imptHtible for any I one 10 adismioo either by day or by uihl villiiBl being a and known And JOD bare bjd otbci aod timitar ia Willie V caaci I mppnv 0 rir he ii in ji I The thin hat occurred liz times and uadar pretly nearly timihr circumilan- ef In Ihe flnt two iaatanoe there I wen nol qaite to many faitcn bat i ttill aoycroe would have pronoancvd the f money at itfe at ilcoalj well be any- Not I I would ai aooo tQpeel loy- I where Io loovt eiaea it waa lakea from aelf heft aato lurpcel him T i ihc pockela of the atcepera Mr Uurlont I O 1 am filad lr bear yoa By to 1 He i lo4i wia heirier thin lhat of any of Ihe hat very fvw fricoci ej few wLo baie iclini whn peedel thoneh ooe tnanjfaihin Kia ieoocence And onlet ihe had opwarda ot nioe hndred dotlari real culffil can b found it will be tore lakes U teoka more like wiicheraftlbin lo pi bard with bim A nirn aeTQiHal aoythinj 1 bad ever tiw before whteh lefX ihe cale atill a donbtfol one It hat injured io batinea of Ibe would be aa bad n a rrrdict oTBiliy fcr bouw lomcwbat I lappOM tuni Aod ibiDp look teryTeiyIoum Well nol mocb I thiik aayeL The Willie had hoped to make jou hit wife fad i the lbin ia ao alranbe and aoyale- by tlii time I tuppoae ibii triiforttne rioot thai no one can actwae lu of oep- bi prevented hiui from pelting the RiTcr- Icct or inailrtiiioa iVIr iickcU haa done aide note at be eipeeled ercry lliit iHat man coold do to fcrrvl out aair the ihicf and Io proiect hit lodprft Tbel Well wall- Doet be call down If rublie know and acknowledse ihia aod ianoeeoce hat fair plij it aeldom faila lo I doni tliak that my one bit eer Inond Diike ilaclf felt and heard And io tlit fault wirti hini Hut if the thiss bo on ioilancfl it ihall hare fair play moch linser pooplu will beafraid to Irottj Sho tried to thank lue bat Ihofo thiir ptiiperiy in oor roomt of coorae broke onl afreak libe apolOial At bet Sqeh wta the fci io tbo eod bwt for i wcaknoa aod wilb a ttrong effort re- a loiii tir urnoftr were no incrednlonii pained har coopoture I theo aaked her thai tluy wiuld kwp tlieir uiooey with lo 11I me de natore of Ihtt ebarie and I thrui at nizhi in tpite of all the repreaen- how it oiipoaled j taliona I hit were nado lo them And You hate heard liid t1i of the I iMeril loch luffered aetefeU for their ob- j Jilerioua tbefia or buiyiatiuekUlte Cli- ttinary fvioLt lloaae laat tprinx and tooioft 7 1 reioaineil a I ttle more than a week at Vca i a there at Ibe litne Cm tlie California Uoute and during thil it be thai Willie i implicated In time two Dioro of tbeae mvaterioea ih- i mj of llicm r ilriciioni lock place One occurred in They think that be baa be Ihe giil- Ihe chittiber adjoinins niy own loem In ly triy in all i eiet bal tite par- lhat intiance ihe lM woe tnill lint ticular orLma for wbicli be it to be Iri ia iwo niKhit atlerwtrdi more ibtn a thun illcdied lo bae been comiuitted at the aand dolUr wvre itLeo Tbe Inaer bad I ranklin IToIel in elriile beeo earaeBtlv adfied lo dcpofil hit nio- Tell me iboot it nry iiiihciriniboiorthcholel hothc Will air you koow what tn excite- I had obtintulT perilH in Leep I Cilifwinia lloiue I ruinr to bclKre il pouibli that any oae Kcn iheic tome pcraout miiDtaiued that enulJ cntuT a mora o veil icuitd at that 1- prppriclor ur tbe chicf elerk muil I a The rraulc wa at I have Ialcd know tumelhins aboBl li ihcflt COmilit- It wit iliii oito I beiietv vbn lor the Icl It the hotel Such Ihint bTer tiri lioie bue the idia iliat ihc lirt- re cnly whiperiJ iu aa tuidarhand aiiiiili wli biled tle ioicniiiKt lo the way and il wii not till afier He bad kfl dtir hod wrcily ojnirncd tlcn u ihml i lhat Willie bearJ of then he liiill 01 10 aioii4ce ly bit in- l iu know ibat Mr IicVett told bit itrnciiniii c ctn and jtUL ibeni ind that then aain iilout ioAviiip anv trace whaterrr wnt lo ihe yrinklin Hnkl it WeetrHle If what had ben dime 1 here were 1 hiihir top the luyateriou ibicf fuljow- suae who inclined lo ihi opinion wbit- cd biiii and a suiuler af dcpredalioot lOilieii oniinuincd thai ihcre were br- ijuiilir lotbiec tomtuiiird at ihe Ctlifor- i ilara rzn cnruph lo open afiT imtfrta- 1 ma lloue wai tbe retuli illitm wt j able diMiT Willi iny eooccivjUo ad of itrnily annoyed it thi and Mr Wayne I iMienin i ilic npneior lold hint tbat aeteral per Ko ray pstt I had no iheory lo offer auat had tried lu penaade bioi t tie The ibin- li sjc ienied allaTiler iftel- ouit tv dituiiat tbe duik abo plieible and I wt foiccJ 10 icknuvKdiie ccttjrily hae tooie coooccliun with theM lhat I crjuld intke nolhins f it crmri which were cooimittcJ ouly where I toen ifierwirdt lel Ihe place There be wa were 1 believe bul few mire thcltaeoa Ir howeeeTpiid no atten- nted at thx California lloote and for lo lo tbate lUkjmiivaa lift had full the timpli leaMo tbat there wii oiHhins ciaadcnce in William tod at hit instance left in tb rooui wertb ilralinp Mr krpt bi eiitiiei well lichted all oibl and took Iholrooble of makinc a per- employed Irtuly waielimeii to hire Ihe aonal applieatiea le each ooe oC bit cot rooei doerv coeiiaotly to tieve Tb plan loner lo whom It ate in acouont of rtridlT carried oal eoderbie owe eye theauia of iffin aod then earoeatly ad- oon put ao end U tbe depirdatiooa rited bim to leatr hia niuoey aod lalaa- None nf Ihe rooeta tbui lighted and blej in hit carcduno tbe aibt in whieii wairhcd wwe exediilwbed aflrrwirdi cate be voold be rerpuniibie for ibeireafv on one occaiion a political eon- keepin i reation batiDp been held ia tbeplaeftbe Tbo myiteiioiu bortlan it ieh they eoom waa BODiaaliy erowdad eod ooe were beciiue 0 noloriogi that there nilit a itrinfer wia put to ileep with were very few who did not teka Mr iiaki Wiliiam io hit own bea Hit roeoi wta etaadTiec ind there waa oBecjiiesllr on ihe floor aod bol ht thai part of litlle or nolhioK kft for tbe BVMrrioiui hb hoaae wfaieb wai iighted eod watched prowler to eiereito bia ingeouity apoe I Krery mouesl of bit hue beien oeeted 8o tbe fire went out Car want of lael i ix did not think ef la enyibiiip In ahovid bate ptrled with ihtm fcr thry werseo marked and wrillen upon at to make il rerr likely that llicy WMild U reeopiiioJ if the ml owner aLoold htp- peo to jet a libt of thcoi With all llii cireututliolial etidcoce sgaioat him il it ilisoet uoieeraally thoagbt that he eanset fail to be onnel- cd We have bul little moaey and law yen aie eery expraniva thinirr Itaeemi lo me Ibat ibe diacnnry of thd real euK pri ia almoat tbe only tbiDj vbicb will eenre WiHiama aeipitlal aod Tree hitu fVoB all inaplcion Aud that aeeme iiD- poMible Our only hope i in yoo It miul hare been taiasy heart iojeed thai eould bare lettaled ihe iBiplotine iriwtfui filanoe with whici theae laat aorda wore aeeotapaaird Itkiiskthal one look nld hare enliMcd aio in Wil liam Wardlawa aerrtee eren thao 1 bad been t total ttranger to bim I rtileraied my determitutioo lo do all 1 Mid for hiu aod put forth u aineh ener in bia baiialf kt if he toald iee me like a millioaaire I faltoeodenl 1 eaid tbat ihe caoae af troth aad iiuo- eenee weald emitually triaapb Ihoogb 1 eoald set tell bow I then wrote few llnei o Willie preiti Hlisf to be wllb hin in a few diyi and uoderatandioir ibat Merjr withed lo retoro lo Wettville by tbe oeit iraia 1 weot with ber lo be depot and UT ber of 70 U ConiunuJ nrlionimtani LEUlaLAViVB C0C1C1L Qvcatc May 6 The toollie ciiiJr tday at ibrce oclock O motion of Sir N F Bellean an ad- dreawaa voted for the intlructiena lo nd corretpcndesee vlttr A C Bnchaa- ao of the Euilgratioo UepartoMt II Lirerpool Several Bilii were read a llutd ItoieeBd pasted aaioBR them the feDowiaft Bill ru amkod the lavatiogtoanrt- gafce in Ipper Canada Hon Ml Fer- gaton Blair liill lo Mnend the law reipeetiDg trida aBdoemmercc IloantaMc Mr Feruioa Blair Bin mpaling the laktat ft aS- datita io fureigo eeostriea Hoa Hr SOM The Boiiie went loto Comisitlee of tbe Whole upon the UiU to preient Ihe exe- eetion of lbs seoteno ot deatb ia ioblis Hon Mr Uixon arirad Ibat Ibe OeiB- niltee rie Tbe motion wai adopted and tbe eoBi- rote wilboul reportisg Tbe UIU waa eonaequcntly ibrown out Tbe Uouaa lbii adjwuroed LEOULATIVI AUUSLr The Speaker look lha ebairsLSoslook and afler rvatine proeeediefta the Ueaie eoalisnH to diaeeas the Bet motion till Ihe adjovrnnent LtoiaLarivK coticiL Qciaic Majrl The SpeskeF took tbe chair u three oclock Tha Uouae wat oecepied a consider- tbJs lMi ia dMCMMif a ua re- lauog 10 Ihe ul a rafiorl Aiier which Hon 8ir N K Delleaa noeed pon s long Dixlce ol moitOn etrllMMft- jcl of ihe Indian 00 ibe Mnlioblio la lod UBUl Moodn Muu Mr TeatiKr eieed upo lilaMiiona of the iiaur LinifLATiTc laefMett The Speaker look i ebeir U three einck Hm dabeie oo ihe BMCODlleiMsa Ibey worae iii agriM reapacta TbefW wae no praiena ihil Ihn Oiiprwiiiou would nieud Tlreia wt no idiniMiop iiile ihil 11 wnt io In relrerich Whan ihe laieOnrernmenl fall the am ruling of Ihe eoouirf wae lb1 of graai pl aol ily samog Ua ea of ilia ilian Oppoaiiiou but also nin iiig ibnae olio bad bean friendi of it file Ooeameii khich had been fuilty nf am enoMgh to break a dozen Ooeri- mmta rom Isiga ilrriegao 10 irBeiloaiKinary joba elaetyear he had tnued do new Iigh aljjcb abowed Je wae nii in hiiopinioD about ihe hie GovermnenL On ihe conilrT it a more tpar than ever hai na vat rinkL He uuw koew iiMre abodt Ihe 01 il ltcbaage buaisaei s Ike Monireal dalMi iu ird other ir linuaT before Ila Mr Mowai enndtfded by declaring ihii be prerarreiJ the praaent Ooeernmani lo lha laat otie or aey which eood be foried out of iUO nppotitioD aiM of Houae aod ibete fore ha hid no heaiiilion ia ble vola agninal Ihe inoiiim Col Heoltain felrihe diSteeliyef kh poahion fsr tlie reaeoa that he iMd Il6l full oooliileoca aiiher in ihe preww Uoteromiui or in ilta meo who govero ed Ifai yea If loroiing fur ibe mo- lion il wsa declared llMt he loled conlt- denca in ihfe laie GoTeramebt be voold laia ihelIoatOaiid ooteoteai iU Uie eooAdeiioe in the preeent Uowckdmi waa firti attakao by tbk epeedtfa McDounll whioh declared ao eundoq nWDl orllepreeeniitloo by Popotaribi It ateM thing 10 leeea ihe luebeyenoo ouaeeOuntOf tbe aeeeaaa- tiee uf ibe oouotry Md it wee eaoUier sad an entirely different thine le4dw a principle alloelbar He dilTered aw from Ihe policy of Minieien fur fSeM- fence of flveeouniry lleeiplainid llMt be had ainl olloiie l tbo BiU of Ihe late Ooverameul but regieiied Ibi ibe preaei1 rovenmeqi heo Dot broyebi dowAs welt eoitiideied ich brThk proper wgatilteiioa of tbe mnitia fer lb Mendi oi the Muoiry He had andptL aiourt leal eaiaa lhat s CoidHiaaiea wouij be afpoiQted lo repoft eueh ichenie II belieeed iIm TuIuiUm iji lem waa not adei tu elrtuinltui- eea of he einintry Hi ipobe ei gre leagth urging ihe oeeeeeity of wing uior for Um Meiice 4 ibe oouBlry lha ColuBial Secretary watited pointed uul objeclioni to the Militia Cill Mforo Ihe Hoove eod indieaied hit oait idesa if the meetorea vfaleh be eoin edtiecMaary Aiiarrcee Col linuliain reiorntd fier eyne furiher remerki regratiing lhai hi had i idilfar friMt hi trWDda he eotsIA v aaylAg ibai he bad eoue le Hie dco- eiutuM i be e wM not teeelbe de fence of diB eouniry iu Ibe bandeef arlw ibink ao ligly of il OppoaUioit cheeri Mr Deoxea apoke afalntt the 06 ernineiii lie ifcwghl tbekad lllhl Bring in a MilHia BiH ediqeste wanwol the eUblry U eowoeaifri OD diflenal cleutee of Uie PJH e lourisg lu abow ibie H liwit Geeeruni dlelded lo ophrfao BbojiV ft inS UIOENCKTl St luelj i I tUaeh 0 8U iik iij iKSi ifi IflteeoeldbU railvay Tbe Vfftt Cai- aadieo meal era exfeegeiiM k Iba XmV erfert- He denied HaUHiiixlil h roaii lould nipor aecuouoC tower UAade Ka deeeoneed ibe badge eefiecilljr leailiar datlea wbaeh vootd d greet ini jury to tlieeoiiiitiiy Ha oqdeed he Coraoiweiwit aa iiilended eduiiiii aiefnriner Mliiiatara Haalao Irobipms ed the conduct of Aia OovrolieOf in Aylward maiter He weUd eelb WU noiiOB MrB Dorian aaid lb MhaBbrlee BUa Account Booki SCIVED aeew tafpr fuki JwBttkij2g3 Jfco Cook lllISIi lHTilln tlna UrieK It iM CtecHl CoTr e ltL TBt MWJIABKIt lyT I3 lfl3 George i viUac WEBER lURUiESSEK lie kt tb bolKiif aQilI W 8TRACHAN McMrHRAY A at law Seiieiwr in Cavtrtrct j TuUc Ci9cniMieDr a lidfca KVHAtKffT C W tT mvt fa H fmUh Ston lbm4rkl 18 I 3 Wrapping Paper TaST RECEIVED a np1j from J 3eUsUnB yvard illha MiW ERA OFFICE- reKlieCl I- C- Cunpbeii WM HAIL- HesMs Slfi aid Ctrriige Palitcr 0L4Z1BR AC AC BB09 f to inUmaUt Iht elll MB oC MdrTV4adtaf irj Ihtl h IM FENED A PAINT SHOP In ihi Vlllaf aod il a prapared to ill eat all nnleri Hh which h- nav hp lha alunait aMica uU siaai adraaugeaua replied Tbe thief it Are you ulitfied atked I wily hi welcome lo all he can pet from me And jot in your deleroioe- tioD oot to depoell your noney is the aafe t It woold be be aafer plan I will ritk it here Thil room bad but the ooe door fait- eoed ai I bare lUted It hid aleoa aie- gle window which ma aeeorely faiteoed on Ihe iniide It iraa in the fourth itory and utterly inieeoaihle froa the ootaide creo if ih window bad been left opes B notwiihilaBdmi tbew ereeaeiiosj from that room that nighlMr Burton apocketbouk cootainingcleren hon- dred dollar ia money aod other ralas- bla ifvtDALCTIOMiiifoii SKV IHi OFfJCt- Ollufk 1 a May ii H ciVxoN nwutfial mtl lauling I fYik JU Orr Uaitiaj ei a ifcj J LftntSy 1 ltiuotijt C4uvyB VeKaM w oOfe ilnriiorkrl rb V arkiuJaae SSV Uetwaea Mr UeUaMara aa Praapael olrwi what a jasaial auKirMsl f CLOCKS WATCItKS k JEtVELRY ila isriplehsselcapaf leaaatar I AIBION HOTEL laaT HaRKcr taiARC Toiioyro c w SIONST XiSND a URGE SUM OF MONET ON litud tr lavtneai eo ImpraveU Faim Apply 10 n STbaCHAW McnR DomtoK 11 va Rone endT ihade of a abadow of a doe left by whirb to detect tke meeea need for its ibetrae- don Tbe lock wae natoeebed jet ai it bad becB left the nibt before end ao were tbe boht ebaioi end ban Tb vae oot tbe ellsbteat derasgeocnt peree tible io toy of tbe futeelsjA of be ioet or the window ifi tbe luoui bad bees difplaced Not an artieitfhid been diet arbcd ThWany ooeeeuld hare cDiAvd tt nm dniljrt Biibl aectned iVc T fff- tha clata I have ueslioned Sbo wa oeilher elderly oer tlisrp featured Os lha oootrary when the romoTsd Lerreil 1 eaw s ftca wbicb if out alxictly Ixaali ful wee el all eTeniaeaiiDeellyatlraeU aad with authio aliarp or eves anyaiar abovl it isbe could aol bate teea over laeoiy at the oataide aod bad all tbe p4asipBeaa aod rotuadity of evalwr pe caliar to tbet fatored age Net wet aha oeetflowing wiib words by asy iBeaDk After liltteg ia attCMe for a eonaidcrtble tiiae abc aaid Yoe are a lawyer lir I believe aod There aha burn into Man Moat la- diat bo uxuuli tue do aol allow tbeir iMrelu ioierlere with tlxir word bat talk sad cry aiiuolteneoaaly With thia aooTc u etary ty I cqaid IkiabofUi ealni her cxeeeetve egiiauea It- tia iOAie ties bero abe wae able taapeaki bai fisaily with a faltetiei eoioa abe lbi addiea cae X eueie ta yoe fron William ardlav ne ha la eteold find rest i phee pf verde aoai be waj again forced eo ilop Aad again 1 eweec luaooite aed cealort bar UuMfoae yenraiir 1 tK0U yoil laid 1 i ij neiny iiieep H then or reneaiber it aflarwaid Bat lbs inaa would belieie notbin lislea U nothing lie ia flimly eriHaded that Williaui haiilia moeey aod it delemin- ed lo proaceute him with tbe otBOSt of the law And ihitcharbar ofeooree reviiid ilhttwulil lluihi aliiib were hipercd eboul at Cbe Cetiforoia U aod given currency lo a number pf ndic- uloBa fibrietliont vliicfa nndet other eir- hiniianeet bo one would baee Keteoed te for a nnjjle tnomeBl A wcrk ige be wti apprrbendrd and aflei exatnioatioa oomBilted for trial at be next lerm uf tb circoit eoort of Iltu cock cooBly which eoaucncee about fire weeki from thlt Ume At the time of hit Look haaneotaiiedapdeTora to Ufoit ofile eootesla WiibaBjatya a rueircd il there ia peyaent for hoard lot it it impoaaiVletotay from wbota They are two Svra aod be remembet reiy well reiaiyiB ibcm payipg or to Mr Wayne ten doner note a btaoire io their plaoc be baTing oceaiioa to make oi of some tmall nofce Hit ir fretaioo i ihrft triey catae froma rcpilar LanJer oo rf who fd iheir killa iba i ihl tot tellra unaramaut weuk- iM iiaapwif rietfr efoae of reitf He did a tbiqk i ppioiuu wae aiBeeehsn Whan Ibey went out lha late Ula eiry left a dlten nf da mllliooa f dollsrw Uakbt MieiloBa thepraait aawheA Mlueed It 10 110 ouUiaoa aaring by the ufai do levr than tkra lailliypaf Commeiiiiiig nii Ilia oipeiidiure for Ultwe- biflldlngi 1ietldMn ginca wat duo to iha pariiallyef iiiaih iJa eoiiteadod lhat tha Mllllia Rill of Mie preaaiii Miaiatry wee itauch beiler than ibat ot iba ja GeteriMnanI lie attecktd generatly ihe iiilBtieb of the Macdunnld CeMtdi Miiiiairyl declared he aruuld rota agatnel UN liou Cm aatf Aes iabtwtao- M Mowat aaid if anything indeceni haS baeo alluded to during the detail OD ihe raeiliii of lorniog out one Ooeero- ani ind puHmgia iiiothai- it waeiba Mier juM alwdwdi bjr Mr OCoaow In ihni cats ihe vardici ut Ihe jury bad beta eanciiuned byauablaanJ ererul judc end the eoooael for tha dafepce itdot ihougM U wanh while lo apply the maOM provided ky Is if hethougbl ibe 4rdM wrongd gauiug il reieraed lo Ihe face of ail ibii iie Qppoiaiion eould not now maka uui a ease for ouii Jirmning Minieteri Tbe gontleAeo ap poelle argaed lhal il aa tbe ul oiembeca wliu waraaetleUy HlMfieJ wiUi ibe policy af the Uurarneaaat lu American Berolntlon- SraiAoriiLe III May 0 Tbeijil- lowing waa received lata led igbt G Ui M May We gaiiiel s gJurMHi tilorT el P Gibann on ihe lil The etiy ie1ri full tlreet ind oer fvrete arw Weldei puridii ihe UiinOit treop eaittpiealt Mhived wiih ih greaieet gallenlry iilisbf luiVpMienini anamiii laa in kiJld ai voeoded la nuch greeiar ihan ouraa KICHARTi TATBS NewVotx May ttianeiou doralch m Our lo iii poaed bvoMamel iom enatMiiaGor- aeaaeal aver Mr po baaoa eMa ofaU theiTauiipurMre TI qi ijeo wpa the i6rn- mni aftd iboH lihely lo aueeeed tSaa Thrre t oatjre lor paieaita dkait sAownili iheDapaeata aeoooUlllK Repreeeoialuiy Populaii Ub Ibf loieieidoiial Bavwo aod wiib Piil Satdy ehiiplhaCotern rreiil br uie 5iiVrr orpivrrelxci ti y ebavt r leC stiiii hi o ieLiiit it 11 rrporli d lUat Oeurral Lee eetft a tag al truce It Geeerit ilooker dUiai pliat fer weeaddVedil9ldriilat lag ibat hi aiiityn dreieei tUreia aad bis eaauaraicatiiM Jt n aed thai aadieal aad betpaal lappliw wera cijuuiu ubari liitJ eaat aLo at ijnUiit it a iyigaii llaaut4 w V iCO It eat itiM teue uiwa

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