Newmarket Era , September 18, 1863, p. 2

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TBE NEWMARKET ERA SEPT 18 18fi3 Mav Adyeniwmesu FifH Arti Wm TiriI T 1 n f Wlrh I J h v K Arki Kenily HtlrA lie Krm Wat 1- Vr 1lh VnV k lUipaiil U I r k Jlain 1 Mfiuiiiarlift fnii Revniiritcl- FriJa Sfpt IBlh 1663 BY TELEGRAPH T intf at TiOKXX Quobeo TBE orroMTIQI AiD TQE niMTM AVOTUKi SXl iiNKnKNlK MOTION OFFER FBOM MONrBEAL AID TO Tin CoSyKDEKATKS I hoil liV In indprnJriit fciftiiim for ilifll iilil I inli ihr tlioA of thf Ukf mv rrtroc Slid nn il I nil- iHlih1 Ru clii ft nflrii hillU Yictil T piAUin I finrk Cilio nr Ilur gihd ino lli limcil rfiil to giiibul ihe lig li I llii inn linl a tWl o Willi Puck ti IA liuxh w met plmn rr iiiir ciir Vf pm tip iur hoir I Mr ulu p- g Inlue nf lii iish1 rJer I rnv fnenj liini r t 0 tl hrj for 1 riit in Mr rftvanii nrcmril iJ rv rnk il ft Aiil-I- m 1 n Cii hTirj5 preem tllc ic ogr rtirt 1 iliiir ind ill Imm iriKiic illv inirrTn ed if iho uiil llKiir ltllk had nnt niloiiiaksi cnnipti Suiumrr llue To 0 Kftglili ierter lliry ippenr- Tft fi but CId ciniirl or wiih 11 oprn ijiirnv inil t1i fhilliiif 8eniii lirer7A hmlirn ihounh llio iperlurM in lh lfr wn up ih tHl- llie mmnlet ml b in a perpeiofll drtfl bul ihotn tinrdv dmrenrent fih Hod Mill cuUlnvture Iiifrnni beTire lh fnilrincB of rtiinnn imnll fir nver whifh mttn iiaiiiid nri bought Uiirlw h iipMgliH in ih hip ipf ihn IUer X ioiViiig iiiiiitiU ciiiiiinii the rteninf inl whil frim lhi olier einl uiid 1 in inturn Ialihil WiliI Vuirl rinil IMirfpK reU lor fttTrinniiiic purpoet Mtnni mrtr IMH winilnK eTrn hi ell ic oar rter- t tl- nr i pr the pwci niiii prem the rv i rfivtiiiie lineJ iili irpe- inntemlv iitid wnnmn inloion nf wliiiei h Iri dir ierlv met 1 ilip n rl f mr oeeiiioii I innko hi riAl aif fined nil Mlcnl bnwr I f ih priwefcl f In ihii I nm hip ihn ehrmiii rJ iiiKr ilie himI I tv I v ihe preenulinin were unnece hnre of iho I k lrnicln m l l lril Hver n h il tnie mm did Mif jilie or ferrv Iiei liin j Ilmflf lilile lo offiCKMH M he hit htnHterehil nn ilie l p tt rmind to th firei tepenedlT nd bcn io B ilite of inimieilion w Uh furlhrr lo Mle tlmt no tUm it In tw ai- tachfvl lo anj ut ilic lUilwiir oScialt M doc nniice wai gia U fun tbe Inia left tbeiilitiaD Royjd IninraJca Company TH C4rprtlin t9ki lioMrri tnlrr hrh 11 TudZ hi Jistrc Sepl Ilh Tbc0piin Ijt nitil In km line 00 ihe oew Mililit 11 ll Tliri r ifraid lo npiolf oppje the measure Mlrdatfd br the Mionliy Lnoitieg ibr fffttt il ll bate in Ibe cnyrlr ihrj Ulk for Ibf piii cf iBiUio lojil capital TlwJcbal i Mr CocLbiroi oog Mac fflolioa beciu f Ibe ppinl stfit of IImi Mr ai comet off lo n jUl bul a diriMn il tercclj be ttkeo of nie or ait cipcelej for I iffernnenl Heo Mr Imlem fjrinilf a rarm br ol ihe nriDlaiioi liptcromeul i dtDcrflgilr lit Il II reported berr to day iLa Ibe j Hiue InfT Moalrtil pcnple bite In tbe coiaplelioo O uiTbe jiihlir butljir io ibjt city It ao mlf petmJ fr i mhi fqijil lo tlx baatCe rcw Ufuii d li f ifi- ibe pubjc Uoihlin it Olttwi Mr raiiocm i It Mmitrrnl eimii due for S ili cinili sn Mr Ic3i c Ibe fppoilicft Muitrult CModidllr tar I J Ik rlrcrd Il if reporieJ here liiil ihe tifxmpr Cn eJania ii iikmj nn coil iml jmnj 11 tet 9 lupplf a lnifelTite Sieamrr A Visit to Snake laland UtiKh Il a tree nii 1 Are t l woken llieiniie iKeir rrta Soilrfl Mill I nil ide f r u irilo 1ih ied frur eoaii nnd eitr mH tntfv nijreTve ron tijiff ur fT U1C IJ the Car llio Jn iil1I jrullr M cnviriihowiirell iriUinl ed ih itio llian iSiiI lake ml nn ll fiieiil ni qunlnuiice in tle hoatninii e well n knid friend fiir Jence 1 Kew our cMle tirrca ihe ferrv rl d ili nrl if n kini mid eriijl hlit nilie wr I ril inp1llh u on lai Jiiig on ih llind hniil ar eI our aid lej iho way Ig hia Lof lUe The cliiince from ih main Unj I- he Tlaid it atoni ori erglih iniej lre die tlo aefhru1 Ill iha Jiiaic K Ierfiii li if the fihinit ground Al ihe U hetnl iha a uido e nnne if Il r u hit jii e fnre riiind fiiiC lilt of tlie till ai d T citl wlf r ol he ltkn w i ihe 14 of Ol r eiiterriz ltiii il olf oiih ita nh I liiiileli icAlierSil And rer Airl iMiti in ha bark rrvuikli while he cnttin felting m llie loe of Ihe lliiid ciioplcied a genuine iral acene lie ri Kew hoiijlil ua lo lt hoiie iiiTrired u to hia wife niid nieretiine fiiiiiv cotiaitnfE of lito aoii 4id Iwii liiihet Aid t th luhi alan adt I fifih mimlier a raiive ahout JJ Tonti d Itio frniale portion ol ihe tannly were a air a nnv pnle Icice bui ihe imilra htd lha twarihy Ornir of Ihe red mill reiiiai haii lino laid L Ur hiwra Ill lha eiptineniol il we aIo Mi fiicii i wv neia al iiur tin In- nlr been aniinni lo vitil Sriilt laland op Inke end c ilinite if acqutifttance Wihihe lirlian reen1J aa weM na wiinet a nniii ihere fririv who hd iijiiet i Irnijio wiih ill llfti Chef Sicptn Hif lt nreaih ll Peace ve1 tUr tiij ril and eM nin lll fiJ KA on n IO grri the h iriiiir of Uei eqiieaied iho Kglhor nf ihia kalclt nwue ihan oiee in hia place and aot iming the eiigeaiirn which nolhing hul lha encd air of lh arming oiihoui an nuttide Coat wrnjld hate made hini aa not bxini if Iniliiin fram he rOfled ih wnrm fire in prefereiiea lo the dnmp ifaaiiiiuiia ruin bruihwood and gran TV 6 Xafnifteent Frlxr Tbe pfre Cloek to be awided by the d1ae of Newmiiket In lira btl lot Aoe bead of Caila Ion Wad of aad len butheli of fall Wheal can now be wen kl ibit ollir Il i goi up ia bau Ifut tlil mJ tdter breeie ind rtrf r iiKically ornamulrd bP Mr KltH of rurniilo aod it Talucd at ll il in Jerj a baiidoiiie prite orlh nf tbe ftllage and should be aal w laaha or iloubl Will be buhly appreriatad bnb bf ibe Society ind tba tocectfol coiapetifor- Nwmrkt CoanoU ilKfl tl M II I Tom OIl 6nil bfTcred nio a ance Willi he n aide cnil ail fiig in ahoulder and my J wild Ducka aid i bag 10 hold ihani in i dn when rot t trib Io ba ihere 1 ttaneJ from Na m on the en h ace fi ioronpiiil by aoH y tiiil lniiao ir riidi ieoiI the dinfer letlv htlfan hnu R iid an out thil hell over my Million Tc ah ft a mMier of cMir a a iSiuttiirul ihini itied tba fenlhered Ivkiof IH racli utIc t a half pal 111 mirienie an Ting of Iri iv ihe liy ihe iraet 4ih September Anno lmiji lSr1 jinrii rrel o Tba neil Tilltg of wih Pr- id TainpU wni o0 parrt hv aiil Ihe riiing d of yirenill alo lefl bfliii d Iho roid from Sliircm p to Siake Ulifc a mot eirel lent on Old with n Io tUil 16 inj pwbtie way in The liMpilable manalon nf Mr fiiiverwellV vat reached nheie w diimuntrd i fMt iod fftd lha bone During our itny here we hid an op portonity of aeemg a fine aieinen ofjuu the Canadian Foreat W ild Cot l wn ni cnany montba oIJ but wai reinyntmi iiui abibiting a degree of ferrciiy which i only to be met its in animalt of ihr feline apeeiaa Alihnugh the owner paueii ihe animal head nid nihbed il d iwn it recfiaed hia careaea wuh a growl inrl ecnelimee would niahean elfirt in gel er from ihechnin ohrh held il In the Wme building wai Kacnon nioiler diaagrreabla Inikmiiet I wont pre fr pela of amther kmd a Shrep a pig or i Calf would paihapa le m- rr deirble- Htaing aiibfied ihe horie ihir we atartad agKin for ur reaiinaion ihe dajr wee aery fine end the geii orb of light hating rre thie aiininrd hia geaieai ellhod ihoD out reaplendently on the broad expanaive watara ol ihai inbia Iake Simoiie ao called alter a Viceroy i f ibe Canadaa whoa ahorta and wiody tl p opened on nur y Afar a pleaaani drie of- aboui halMfh hiir through moet baeuiilul country we arriei ai tjponaAana hall llai very romfoitntjli- Hotel now kept by a jly goiMj niturej on nf Ilirim iFiire Cj J and whoee kiid anention t Ihe lraeler by himaelf nnd hia very iWlgiif family rtAM including ha ain Joeeph and a modcal jjnior lad wiihout eTineed by iheir readmrae and alit to do aoything and crerylhing rrrijireii by their gireta rendered onei ally heie tery pleaaani ond mnti igrrcahle Having arrird after dint hour and iMiing the criinga ul hunger in a very ebort time aa if bv mgic a repaai waa apreed lo which ample j iiiice wia dun A apccial incelinE took pUce on Wed- ntaday evering Uat Irmcnt Meaer Ilnidhnae Ciambte Mareden and Jack- on In the abecncc nf the Rt Mr JackuMt wat eallcd lo Ihe chair Mioalci read and confinued after winch an aoenunt from Mf J T amnuntin to 8S wai prewnlnl and read fnr prepirine plana of llriIe in t8li2 Vln from Mr C BrcUfnrd proaod rent ih Pipe of f Kntioc Uoiue for fuor jcera paat nihil ty ny SUO I oiierj entumonicalioa waa ibnmcivrd and rrad from Mr Suthcrlaod ectiin forth llrtir Cli ef of Timothy Street llg iil lg Taiioo I IJ Timber piotijiag the Council wiuld llie aaoie tad Icrel il aurmnndinpi bul thai he onuld not t the TiiiiUr rrijuired lill next winter Mr ClaJbouae picwntcd a from ibc toad and llridC Loniinitlce rrcomtiiendiiig new aidewalk on the South idr of Ontario trcct tk far aa the tlrcw- nlog and uliir aller which aiifir ihe inrihrrn pari of Ihe I f r ihr tuh whire the Carnp MeiiiiK a liiig hrld- I lir uliiieiho Cimp Meeiii J heij wan tUiui a mlr ii d a q nni fo in wSrfe e were lavng and atlain ibtH nl b a nanow liiw y alTrding n Mpaai aTireaa r cur hiil fanii- e priceeJri In i gkonl and aer j ofiiey Ibrough tl iirruiwii liiili VmiieI tu f the rrl m aome rl over heal and fum ed a abliU 9 iirriti al ihe Ctiap becom e i f nil appotiiiiity iherein by i of Hie lieahara nce and udiirnly an tiir tcene bectine preaemed 111 tfie drnaat part of the foreal in which a circular rieartnrf of atxut 40 iirla wia maue a firl ol naitiril iiiC o Kure wna f cired the brnnchM if the lately fine aid UKpa inierwme stote In fiirm nil eii rif whil4 the aiar- hiniiig fitfully through ihe nervnu loeea rendrrdlhe aiaw prewenled ol ttiia tipauijful and naural caiiapy rgneti eating when efier tn houra irmileae exarch on Wild Qunil chaie oaer Ihe prtaerrei of Ur Mituie we leturncd lu bia Man ebo nnunied our convayince atjd eeoured elnng the lea Tbe leeoer here nod from thia up to Soake laland la beautiful and pictoreMjue lb wide espinte ot weier oi the Ueke eveftging 54 milea by a breadth rartging fra three lo twenty one milea acroa with tbe Dcn Ivrkmg Mlge nf fWII Rwert tad Ihe ttaamer mi Uoy apeediiig on to Jackanni Ioiiit coo Iribwed largely lo tae eceoe The iaimenae ureti of tlae Larch Maple Cedar and Kim along the aidea of the lake iiudded here and 4tere with pretty rreidoicee of taribto aoea adaiylee ef arehilectuieaurrnurded with ereeledon Pile- each 10 Irei Inli Iirg eno gb In roat a whole IliJI ck tl iie four orneit m Ihe inclaure prraeitrd a wnrm tenipa ture 10 counrrTt llir cxil damp air il llie eveiiig tiid ileie Piihra of Kiie ware atiPiJcd lo hv lome j jvenile irem tea nf the aieriiti d I rii whn ever tiliecn niirute or en kpl up ihe liral nnd hglil by a priiiiTiil tOf ply il lnngha o Ireea f which thars appearrd lo be al iiiethaiiaiiMe ai ire Ill the ceiiro ol me arena nn a emy rary ptatfurm alMiu 10 feet high erected nn a Isle winch none Ixit an Ind nrcliIrcl Cniid dia with a canipy o Imtrfa riied oliliqiely alrJ three Wetlevao Minier and two Inlian in lerprelera the Ikriier of whuB in turn evereClv addiewil ihe coiirejM Tliei aioke in liighh eidil e dhcourt woa iiiiinrdislrlv irinlatrd by the liiier preter ii lo Iho Indian Largiage The lnieriitr lerfroied hit pan lO a moai empliiiic iiianiicr iic if I were tojiig frm hit eaneiinea m I q iick enmicia line he mide it ary irnprtive ta noi and then from the tleutive nnd larg congi gall in iho wiidt Wiujjh lUu lligh wa oitertl wliicli i bjvTo miiCKj an iaufac tion On Hinchfi comprncd of frilUn dfnfrJ 0 bnrk aiil ImM rfMly nn by riirniin uo diviii ri iK ver on on ai 160 ft mMM til J on thd ohr Alitut 140 malfi lif ftlj Munor ihf rm1n piftMuUfly mfft Aiirfti iii ih full lumfl of rh Vnbe ihy belonged to with tlftnk clofikt aM vrnnHuu whi ha mro rivfriU br in iho morfcra tfrr of the Tilt Ktct Turbtn IWu rat viiK vU and thi MuiSin And GdMbtldsfi Liy Mippontd iib ful mDture of Juop arJ Crinoline Thi mala pKtioA alj auiftd id lb Cn ndifto BtytA and U not rr ihe ttn tkroidtrij licNne VjydiDi ind knif Bl iby Vftgld pm r Kdropenn ml Uert A nuobr of cbo Jodiftut fad cnm from 0en Sound Gtorgm n4 iVirly libnl U CWpfliv HM Jid lU rr tU JSh iuvi m fav DC I W HIT larbrHil ftO ribIv irrrr rtii Willi frn lle facl Irui t An ict of iUim dcicription in ccrUinly V4ry lionourtbl tad Urspf ibo Itoji Inturancc Cooifuny vitli i chrcr of d Mr Alpbt Wit- ut for NVtriuiirkct ind lid the biheC k Jf J nciliboarhoIJ be i lie tvuHon rfaircf luoil eUvi aseat villinity any JDfur- to all who ny dciro it in rcferenoo loTitM tnl poi Editdritl 8Qmaa7 ha ailiUng ily Siond in iupior lo bit lKk Mr- Itrf numbrr 10 bit HFora loo hin igble imrerelt iH Wftai of 4 prnpily iti NVvmnrhtl Thit wamT w l u m hsA roly b r VcMa4r Thr n MlV 4f Qir lti Wr on Wlrf 6 Mr Trni nlwAyt Ui to imo an Ihp of Hl irw Fit tock in bich 1 rt rrfcTfikc ih lf ntjlf of Oatoili Knoinf artffo IC Mr Tnol will n dulK haV pUniy r calW frrn s Mr H Iavi Irfi M lii manofftrtuiof Dam TIIH ji it dTiti ri eimjeirtTl vronutxirf J ihim tf liiat qtiitny anil eihrt pvrpcMtn lo conuuc drAin KuM eltfclinjj lmSk4 brfnro Sa aJriimnT A ol ihe Co Oniitpt ap potnied ty Iho Gummar and ComrBflii Schocil Tiuito ao1 n4riJ of Mhanic fnvtMOM wih rfrirnrK lo ptoptintf joint of iheir rapriiva iihtar al ralio p1u al Iho Riilroad lloift cn Mondr niff UT Vloek bsiOART an m leceipl rl all Ihe new 12 nn the pTit- iic ia brliei ciiooe nl O Metti Sisaroi itnnnce lo ilay itial Iiey i iheir FatI Hirla- emhiac tnlea and deagti and a riple that a lomVIe ti lhit a tlniv hillm an Now ia ihe lime lo make ilieitock ia full ty Fiom iiiriimatioo iKiirel urn Ik aulh iNiiea in conneiiin Wilh the Pinio rial Asicultuitl AAiaiiDii w aie Ird n tielieTtf tbe appiiiiorfrriil lo fiiiiiy anil Towiinhip iiea will brpiyaba of or aLoiil I hi 5rai weel in KUilr nii HrancS Svieiie wauM be in makn iheir calcilaliona foi abiiui Ihe teith that monih Ihia Ciimp Merting and general eoun cil afierwarda and there wero aum bera of iMck eanoet of ail litea bauled up ran ihe ahora vf ibe laland in which cry from Mtio Street alao from Main to the lliidc 00 Mill Slrtcl alto alnn Cedar Street til of wbaeb lo be full foar feet wide The eoamiltre cootd Dot recommend the granting of the prayer of the petitioa of Tbotoat ibeon at thit Couocil had not puwcr over tbe ircci beyond the presenl year They hoKcrer bad pleaaare ia tatiBg the Northern Hailroad Company hid cornic ed Ihe croeain a Timothy Street Mr Maradan Itooi the LockLp Com- miticc preacnied t arcnod report telling forth the aaiober of Tenderi received for iia ereetioa tad changing the rile lo Sond Street The Tender ranged from 1190 te tl30 Mr Wm Cooke wat the loweal and wat teecplcd by tbe cuDimiitce Oa lootion of Mr Roadhooae aecondcd by Mr fiainble the Caaoeil went into romtuittece of the Whole on ibe accoanta cnniaanieatioDi and reports prtacDied Mr Manden in the chair In conimillj the accnunti were refer red to the Finance Couisittee Mr Sulhcilanda coniaiunieatioa waa referred 10 the iload and Krtd oomoiiitce and ibe rcporti uf ibe lload tnd UriJe and Locklp commitleet adopted Cnuimitlee rote tnd reported Couo- cil adopted the report Mr Marwicn from the Finaoce Com mittee prcMtilcd a XyIaw providing for Icyitig the ncceaaary Uxea of the year in blank which waa read a tint tioic The Cwoncil Ihen went into eommitlec nf the whole OD the tatae Mr Roadboste in ihe chair In enmnjiltoe tbe liy Law wit read a leoond tiioe and ihe blanki filled in The mtca are aa follawa Sett in the t for tillape parpoaca acrca leolba of a ocnt in Ihe for Conniy Iarpotea and 7 CIA in the for Common purpoaea Coiauiitlee rre and the ByLaw wat reported at amended The Council eoncorrcj in ba amend- menla tnd nn molinn Ihe By Law waa read a third lime and paaaed Tbe CuuBcll Ihen adjourned CorrfBfonilfnff ET W Ibii 17 otiilfMtartl iMf inHJcAi Dr Ea Huter on CbroBse Contaoptios To lk4 EJtJ9r af I At ynemjfk htd Sio Havjofi fininil out lh oual foma which ucrur jn Cooimplio t fir it I tal Oa Taetday erening laat a fatal leei dent occarred at the HoUand Laadiag Depnt It appetrt lhat a bib named IlEMtr LtaUK vhiltl ia a title of in loiiealioD uff ibe eir asd remaised ehalling with aome boyt lill Ibe Inia itaried He then nn aloog by tbe nd of il ill he reached the end of ibe plat form when he jamped and mijiiog bit rn fell belvetn the Utt two eart oae wheel o whieb p ovr both ibigbi tnd the lower pan ctf the body Oobeiag lakea ap b waa parfeetly iaaeDtiblo bat bretlbe for aboal half aa boar after Mr B tbe Stalioa Matter alooee Coroner Dr Bahiat who liay Capo Crocker and Uimi to atlau Irdered llie body to U UkeD in ebarge lill aa InaaatMoUbabald Ncztaoro ing at eight oclock a moat iBtenigeat Jarj wa eBpaieUd Ur C B CLAtKl be- wa rets e evrral kinit ihi ili- 1 noi Ke flopiiied iliai in alt eaaea ihe kame tympom eiit The moi eommri Icirm of ihi liaeate i knoan to ptiyHian by lha name af CAronic CvaaatmioR and ireneially befina with a tliilii drjf coafJk 1 itcall- eil cAronc bwcaoe dI ii uw pmret llie olil phyiiian naetl lo ie4il cotiyA a lb cafe raieaue it naiialty pi-rele- cnompfior bvl niir knfw lliai ii hnl Ihe fffecl ll woohl be ijiiieat tenn hieioaay Ihit pain eanaed decay of itie teeih aa lhat couiA prudureil iiaM oE the lun Cuuh la but a cnpnim of irii tiori in lha hnia and in lh firl ataa nl nninpiion it tcarly mma lhan a dry haekingV fit raoe ii ih preaenre J luVrera in ihvir fir aiaco of ilwelnpi meni aod if lha paiient were ro it toil denly of an injury or an aruie iliaeae we hoalil finil ihem tiodtit ihe upptr pirl tii one or txiiti Ifliifa anJ lookiii ieiry tike aiUltt teed ll i reiy cmmmi lo hii1 ihtf loniEt of Ihiae dyinp nf fereit anC iiifl imrctiiona ieI wiih fiini tuberee- aiil ihai too where ihe heahh of the lonst hal never leen aupectel Indeed niaii nf Ihnee friend with whom we are in daily ihlercoiifM and who regard ibeiailvea a peifecily healthy are lhia caiTymu abniii tjie aeeda of Iheir own Jeairuclinn depnei- led in Ihe lin4 iluiin aome rvceai cold Ild Only awaiiing aome fuiore eoeura le develop be Uiaeate ul whicti Ihey are llie Chroiie Clnumplion hegina diTeenily in ilifTeieni eatea A pertnn appoeniiy in peiferi hetlih baa an atiack of CaltjrrKitt ftrt Thmat aitl when ih tupAidea il leavea Ibe dry coef lefuie al liidd In Ilr ihe iri mp on may te a ipilling rfhlond whirh may ba coiidei- lile anil nf a bnijhl red eotafir or orily m ilifU itmk in the minont In mmy oaaea tba liti iin it a chiltf aeiaairan in ihe bark fulloweJ hv moie or lata heat rii thpoiii of ihe hand or an afivtnoon jtuaA DO the ebeekth Then again we lind II many eaaea ihe handt and fret colder than namra Al lhi aetnn the paiieui proSabty not aware of Ihit hot Ibnae in health when thakitig handt immediaey detect Ihe diirrence Sboatd ilie fliiahnii uf Ike cheeka or ihe eveiihnea of ihe banda be fotlevel by prfpiruiltmt ai nijihi the patient la ihougni lu ba ebffeung fiom miitktd AgMt Tbwtiomarh inihtjnio CiKianmpalon i nnt euatly miirh ditluibed unlil aner the Jiaeaae it firmly eatiblnhel ll ia by no oirana anoommon for the appeltie lo re- fliain good unlil diarkai aeia in when it tircomea ctiVieiioa and pnor jn female aiMAii imguiaritp ii common roia an eaity period ul ttie diaeaar and ariaea Imm lha diUfi7jr piedueed by ihe bad aiaie of ihe lunga Afief kttlie tfr arid aifi naeat are fully eaiaoune l the Inat f Heah and aarengih lakea place rapidly anl iheboty may iruiy bw aaid In ceiuaaie away I a aeere caae the jninia tov hew Ihe leae of fleeh by appaarint laiger lhan Datural ibe cheat becomet coutncied he fealorea tkarpenco aod ID eyea allain more than iheir wocied clearoeaa tad bril hancy The tinUtr ezpecterated changea with be diffrreni tiagea ef ihe diaeate In ibe commencemeni there la iio expectoaeiiua Cfae or WaiaA jlty Afier tlie ulercle- ifien Ihe poia i ainrtya ytlloit and nme pan it eiok in waiir imeiin ihe matter experinraled baa a neerfiaA atil III wheta aiiiA taie Theie i Inile mib ohen nene il all in the pari afflWle rhere ia hwever erniioiily aurne epprra sInn in breaihini and pei hapten occatun al Mfiuh IA Itie tide In ihit fom of contiirnpiinn patienta are ryi fllig btUrt il iredn iheii tTaleineiiia tlii untiiiiinaier lo Ibe eye ef itie phyain ihry eie tea lil arrwmc wnrM That ihey de apiuianii miroa front lime lo lime rtntiii be de nied boi 1 only fnr a litlla wbite and i alwaya luHnCl by ielapr duriuf wtnih Ihry nk Il a fUr coiiOiinio than tHiMe If we take ihe rac ol a patient with any frard iNri lv lie apii for a lino- hterrr I ll niA ivrilt wiih Inti ul apptliltJIk and alreBffA rtjtijfta inee- anily an I ranacainely aieep el light lha exprrioralinii tieeomet leea and Lf a belter rohnr Ihe fjver and prepinumt vanih anil he very iiatuially i naa nea hnnel iainlly siiiin welt Siiuulil he ni evera piiuiifa Iti weight WhCh lie Ipien the raae hia phyiritn conlinit Ihe erior iniu ailiirh lie baa fallen by n ni n e 1 I n efiilenre of impmvemeni un let irKirneni KoHow ui a ae In a few miih ard al ihe ntd ymfiDm le liiin- hrrlic Jerff niffht tClft CiIlA anl purulent t7pftortitffiti wii irirr rapii Jiiipear Ihe newly reruvered ili and tiierialli A lemporary imiiiovenieni in yrpixnt i Iheielnre rM evnnrH or impiiiTed hhh onleaa il be atenmpane I ty turh eliansea in the limst aa huw iha ihe liiheclefc are beini atanibcl Tlie-i- rhatie f ihe heiier take plac- in in raea of rtiriiiirloneumpiinn but ihey ai- alway loKowe by iurieKin ing rhiiL- Inc Ihe wore and al ih iie ol earli realms one Ihe rye of ihe phyatrian ceadi ll deir ihal lha eonliitiin ot the pa- iieiM i lep bf ttepairinif way Now ll will twaked why i Ihi Thr reaann la eaii eiplaine I have already eaid ia ranted by luri j in Ihe lunir end luberclea by irriitlion the air lute ronaqient Opon neiteced rnhli ralairh eore Ihroal bmiichltl exir fr u lung lirne btfuie Inberrlea arr- lepllrd but acainer III later e more tr- vrreaiirk ihaniiual la Inllowrd by llie apid ilepi tii of milliaiy luberclet The rold dltiri befoie many eek iln- irriratiriii i w iihdrawr ani ihe luhercle Ieae In furm Rear in moid hnwever hat rhne already deeaiiel reiiuria Month nav ptt ay bemie a new iiM revive llie riinn and Oauea a furlhi lepoir The luhereUa are ilepoited in neeeaive rropa anl al ilidierit timet Thne rtl fornieil are the llrat lo oen Aa anon aa ihey are ielled the paiieni irnprove iinnl the aeroed Icop becint in fen w hen agtin ha rrlapea Now ai earh fiiin2 nl luheiidea a pait ol itie lull breik dowi henceaa tti lotit are 1 iroael piere y piecc le taadji wat iviy ly aucieaive irlap- Diinnj Iiiee peioJie impMVrmvniot uaae and lileiriiMii rimiind of eveiy obranr llie rreilit ol elKCtina the errfiud- ment wtiioli laket ptac when in leilii Ihey di liarm inleal nf gOiHl by inleiler- iiia the ptpr ictiin ol nature H iirh neaiia mol patiintt are beinj rufd fnini llie diy Ihey bei One rava li1 rii Ihe ty ihey lie lani in Iheir Cuee It only ro te df clel by rarefiiH alaptirig ihe lreiimiiil t the tlaie of Ihe dearand applinic ihe vmeihet lo ihe altd till Ihia I iliall eijilani when I Iline In eak of Ireaiment Mv nei le ler will lie on irtife or fiuthpiii C niiipiin voiiotel e 1 errant ROHKIlT mNTKR M t IlVnMli ive l lle 1 inual anl It Biy meet Tvrnm XTITtiewrilei ftlee leOer drvnle lilt eirnmn atiriinn to ihe iretlmerl nl Diftiae I I fie rh1141 ami luns ainf rar re cjiiieo peiaunaliy 01 b lelier a the ive al A Hsadlog Wanted nin Aanl 32 ISOJ Tia J ilr fri Sii Hcdid but I pov joul br ifpr Ihinkm Ive forjot y intin ly bul ila BO at ill it all only Ile bn wi bifzy wid IIIC buk lirnin Vo Ino the ki Lull ilut I kr it irid me from the ould eounlhry neorrs bul Ive awilliel it all an I cm pint you out iicry chapihci in varac lak a pricher Now dont yru itiink I ni St Io ituvcrn Iho ho village nicely but bad luck to the ipallpccna iba want let me Vfihcr I mtc oie Ijat Ictthcr n jc lha cnl iJtu chap here hi cull Si tic Kathert bul Ihi aint fithcia al all al all Thcrct oud Uicheliin an all Mrl amon em an If youll bclaro me theyve made a aw fornini ambUn an tlwceo yna an I ita tnctrlf thai darnt hardly play thr fiddle feirn Ihey 11 hav me took up for camblin bill Ill tell yna utliin Mr rj if yimI hnolj ycr whitl tbout it- it miir that uflen tarfs over it when I think hnw it wia daa theyve been cot camblin theiraelrct The way of it waa ihit meaelf the odd lady an tevera mnrp nf whch it il utelma tn rile al thia preaeni goi op a btiziar to raae the wirid to btlJ a church wid an on ihe evcniai of the tail konkloded to diapnae of lb baluicc of the atnck by putiin lum cop per in an oold hat aod lettin the fellera viaitin the thn upect the hit on the table an whiehevcr got moat of the heda ip ofennrae bale the rett So yon ace ill all rite but ihe ould feller ap al he enrner ealli il cambliti bat it tint an if it wat it waa fr a food eauie Well when he time cam tex I R me aeir K I Mat youd bether gn down tn aec fast in on and look alther the cnnttrn So op I gilt an ava I gnea down aa i gnea uity tly like an would yoa believe lae the foat I aecd wat tbe Sitty Fathcrt and tha ralllin ihe ould hal like mad One of hem opaci the hal an act tba bedtd het wun an ahore cttoagb he did Ani faul do ye think it wot wh lur a rale nitey dreated baby Youd belher belave the Fatlieri wat tiekald entirely beeat the piple eonldnl tay tha waaat father any more But ihure tor ye niiut keep dark nr the olud feller beyoat will be meddln himKlf Ill not tell ye aay more aewt new bai will be aflher rilin ajain asm day ai Ive got beyond all 014 tiaddcea ao bav- enl BOt nathin elac to du Yoari till the end of iba wra airaf ter M MAVOtrftiKEi MiitC IX ViCTOBiA The TVncJ correapoAleiit wrilio frOia Victnria tay iba Iba mining protpfcd tr bo way d- beirteaiag ilie ctaaa who go ap n Ibe aiiaea tbityear are of a betiar characicr wo kmea and mining capitah lite aioe are yielding well aad an dii coreiiea coailtBtly beiBg aade bat tbe eery kigb price ol pravnioBv and every riicle ef cloihiag ire aerioat drawback fbew will every year be obviated by Ibe npening ol roadt Lirga bodiat of Btaka a alranger atond agmn ia CM Ireland nrtijityhgi while lb ripple of tbe wamCi Itka roll iO ao lb pbby ahorw atruck on iha M whb aet9tfefil7 AuricaL Tnil lha aaata extending all arouad wera erared a row uf wigwam tom eovtr- tain a liiila psint ef ytUaw or Mruw eoi- That lb deoeatad HtSKT Lcilii maiiar Still Itter tbe apoia b ao BiiA olil Sail Cloih ohara wiihl hiaiaalh b lb Cai pataiagoTer yellow Hlakeitobar Bark of Traaa wbila bit bodv bat Ihal io tU oglaioa of thial Hken BliopOker framadcf Bark woold Bot ktreoeow- Uk tire4 Large af graia aad greee crept have beta pat in a ba aitaet of Jtod aader coUifalioa cefen uey biaaaadt ot lacct liJiirlidinfntarii Provincial Parliiuneat LtllMUlTIVC cnctcil- Qacbec Sep 10 The Speaker ook Uio chair tl three oel- k In reply 0 Hon Sir K P Tache tlon Mr ITcllier taid it waa the in- trnlion of tlie linrcrnmenl iatruduca a Din to amend the law relating 10 Agri cultural Sieioties On inolinti of lion Mr McDonald he Walcrlon County niiilration Bill wai lead a Ihinl timo nnd paaaed On luniion of Hon V Duehetnay tho Hill 10 rCruUld the tlo of thingle in Iower Canada was thca rctd a Koood time Tho niac then adjourned lElTIVe taatJiniT Quebec Sept 10 The Spoiker mk the chair today at three oclock anilreportod aa apobjeciion- ible the rLcaiiiianrc attached to tho pc tilinna cninphiintni nf Ihe andue elVliun and iturn of Ml Ilaiii fnr Quebec Kil Mr llcinillird fr IMIochaaae linn Mr Iiion for IIchclai Mr Viger for Tcrrcbunno tud Mr Iorrault for lloeho- lagi Tho foUowin Billa were ioUodueed ami read a QrrI time Mr D A McDonald Rill to amend the Municipil ct o Ippcr Canada in riiid U Siatute Labor on tbccvuntry roadi Mr Webb Bill loiDcreate Ibe repre- Mntalion uf the lnitud Cnuni ca of Kich mumi tnd Wolfe in ibe LegisUtiro Vt- aeinhly Hon J II Ciirneion To amend Ihe Couiiiion Law Iroeedure Act uf tppcr Canada alto a UillJo amend ho Muui- cipil c of Ipfcr Canada In reply 0 Mr McKarlane lion VVoi MeDoOLpill eaid it wa nn tlie inleniion nf Ihu tiuycrninenl lo intro duce B Hill for Iho roeviihlithmentof the liiipiovGiurnl Kund of Lfr Canada the eoloniiiiion grants made fruta year In year bcin- intended lo aland in itt ticad In reply o Mr Parker Hon Mr Ilultnn aaid it wax not the intention of he aorerninent loiairoduce daring ibe preaenl aetaioa aay oeatant to regulate he Value aod Cirealalioo of Viiicrican tilver in hit Pmvineo or lo luako tho tame a legal tender bat the aulijecl waa undct the coBaidvratioO of the joivrnaienl Hon Mr Allcyn mnvcd fur a retara of pciition to llir Kxeellency by any er- eont indebted o tho Iruvinee under the Qubec Fire Loan Aei and of ho aoawera hereto 31 r Irion sit I he Goveromco looked upon tlie debtor to tho Qoebec Fira Loan making two clsnaea the origiaal tnr- niwrra and thnae who bad purehaacd the proierlic on whioh the Government bel l a iiinrltrage knowing of he exiKenee of ol hat burdcti upon them Tho Govern- iiient had written two weeks ago lo all of ho laKer claM intituaing that saitJ were lo be entered iaintl hem to compl pay- nitn llcplica hid oome frMi two or thru- wlueli tho Ciovernment bad not yet iiinr III etiniine All who bad not rc- plicl woold K tucxl iinuiediitely Alter luriher daciiion Mr Alyna inntiriii wat agreed lo Mr McCorikey moved A rttnluiioii lni the indemnity tn meinliet ol bKh Urancheiufthe Legiilitute ahould be re diioaid from eis hundred to four huhdrad dollar cer teaiim He thnughl the preieiii iinicmtiiiy greater than lugfit I Iji pud ll wa more tliiii nfGcirnt ti piy iii eiiencot f Iivine aiid sjrely 11 wia never inteii led lUo goilemen al ruld g iii Ievlatuie t i niike inmey l ha liniticri of ihe Prnviiicn were t jirearrv ill n depliralite state and he c iloel Ihtnp0irr mailer f r trench m nt The aviiig if hi m tinn worn cured wouM tlouni lo OtiO a year 1 xernineni wojM give ihn 1 etl natiti1e evidence nf a devil to retrench if hay nut only agreed thiti but curitiled their own aalaries alao Mr Sadfeld MirdmiM anggaled hs tle ropi r courae for Mr McConkev Il Ike wa Ill iroceed by reaolulioii in coiniinllee ul ihe Whole and lujtid ti on Ihe refeirt Mr Camer n thought il n piiy that Mr MlNmkey dnl not gn fjriher and prvpoio to aboUth the itideiniily lo iiiemtera aliogetlier If he inirudiced n Kill he lr Cnrnernn wouti propnae sn niiiei dineit lo styiiiah the indemnity iflr AfcGivrrin thnufht it would be well to nMiitt a Clmnuiiae tn lak into cotiaderniioil the whole sulijCt of Ihe pracncatjility of reducing ihe expenses uf legitl ition which 10 tbe viimita of ihit veir were tet ilown 11 66U 000 Mr A Vickenzie aaid already were iwii ciimintiiae ol tb llnua on printing nd conttngencin prooded the ma chinery fir elTeciinc the obirct tOJght by iVr VcGiverin- Ar Aljrri spoke in favnur of ra ducing lha indemniiy and thiDghl iMr Afc nkey deterv credit tur bringing the iniiirr mward Hr Tk tergetoa oppoaed tbe reiliic- lioD of the teoiooal alluwiBec Ila had DvTvr beard one of bii Coatliluenla aay a word attiutt al vinj a year Mr lluKtmgioa iBtde aaable and effec live tpeeck in reply Mr Caaeboua aault upoa tbe Govetimeat Ilie aiiivtl of til oclock atopped ibe dicaaioD Alter lha re Tbe rvperl of tbe CoiaatU of the Whole on ibe Crvdil Voncirr Bill wa eceivtd lad ordirvd to be rtad t tbiid Ilia la iBorrow Mr A Miickratie nnvetl lo rrcive Ihr report ef the of la Whole 01 Ibe Uill 10 liSeBd tbe Aaicitaeal Act ol Upper Canada la reapvel lo arreait of lasvt on liud Mr McKllar moved aa aateBdoMal to tbe affect ot maki aooreaideat laod luble flr Illation tiare Ihe 6rit of Jen eiry liik laataad of i8t3ai la lb Bill lie coiiteadvd lliat Itie laleDtioa of tbe Itw of 183 wa In lax Ibeae laada aod it wa n hrld unlil 8ll wbee Ur iiljecl wl- vxewpied by tbe decttioa of tbe Ceuri freiB paying latea ou bit leads la Keel lleargeed that ibr carryiag uni ef Ibat Jvcinoo luflicled great wraeg oa actual elilert for ibe betieSi ef iprculatort If Ibe iatevenaow retideal badttrsee 85 ere BOt legahced the reeull woaid be hat apeceUlott woald be freed freia CO Iribeting luwarda ihe cval of laproreaienla by wbicb tbey bad beaefitted leariag Ibe whole coal la be berae by Ihe bard work MiBaiB lit tepalali Ibe prolaet aSiarded o ii lahabiiaalt and olberi who bohl aroperty bera laatt be beld aecnd ill coaid aita igrte ibil ptitoat who bad boBfbt 00 tlie feiib of a deeiion af Ibr Court tbould by rwt acta letiJat on he aaUedwilbt buedrrd or a bundrrd aad lifi dollar oa each lot for arreari ol axes Mr Thofliai Fergaano aoppnrted Ibe aiweediaeal He atiJ he cpaimllee ho lied fraiavd he Bill ta makieg laialinii xleoJ back te Jteatry 8K had admil ted Ibe priaeiple of lif mvaduieB aad be kaw 00 good reaana wby lbne land boald o be laied frnm Ibe beginainj linn Mr McDougalt Mid Ibe qoettion before the Ilaua wna whether ibo fagi latere tboald recognise or override the lemn detition of ibe Cnorit of Law lie belived the inteatinn of the Lrgiilitarr llir land Act of ISV was tn make ihete Itodi litble te laiitinn lie kaew rarlhieg tboil il kivipg drawn Ibe Act lip himself for the tbei lommittioner nl Crown land bal a few worda bnrriedly dded in Coraiaillee hid been iolerpreled by tbe Ourt ta exempting ibote laodt lie behrrd hnwerer Ihe llou wnetd aol b JiitiliI in makinK tbe Ad relroipeelivr Mr Lkob laid if tbia amendmenl waa nnt cairird actual aetlers le Huron l Bruce for inproreioeota made there nild have put ibelr htnda in llieir poekct t aecond lirae end pay aeveni ihnetiad dcllara oftateidue by bob real denla Mr Drnwn taid lhi wat one of thnte atet ia wb cli it waa dficvll to tee wliat nurte tliould be purturd Il aeened iin- jxil tliat ptrliea holdiig Iheae land abouUl I bate Il pay tixva t wall at ilwn oeigLbiurt neverlbelea ihe Court had decided ia beir faveui and b did boi hiok he lgialalurr could go back aid compel Ikete pailKa lu pay lile for pat yetra ftr whiclt the Cuirt declaie beu out Itibfe Mr Snapaeu tuggeaied tn Mr Dicktan hat teveniy Ibaand ddlnari tpreid 80 OuO people w iuid be mnre eauit Uoree ibaa by a few tpeeultiori lU lboubt uu Ihe Chritlian prioeiple id neaniij one auolhert buidee Im penple Union and Bruc abnuld aul oijc In tbiBa Mr Dickon aaid ihey wnuM ant objerj 1 much la al aa by did lo hatinji I ay debts of bal litdo miterable owu Niagara Tbeaiacodmeal waa lotl Veat 24 7a IlM re report nn tbe Dll recieed and irderrd a thud readn to ra nrtw tinpooa Bill 10 amend lle Ac nrrvrporaling Ihe torl Une Uiilwa C mpaiv paaed ihrnuiib Coiniiilre aai wa ordrred In a ibnd rvai 4 tarW Tbe follewiag lillt were cad a aecoait lime Bill 10 Imead the Art reUtmx in III ShefffJ and Chaaibly lte1roal -ompanr- Ull i lacnrpnraie the Liy Aioeiatnii f the liVcli of ScotUad Dilti cnnfiia In Martaa McLend a eriain road tlmwance Bill to tiaved tho Aeta relatite 10 the City Bank Bill to smerd Ihe Ael iucarpiratin Moloaa Back Dill lo aiaeiid the Ael iaeoronling the Mercbtula Baik ndl In grtol cvrtain fWera to iLr M ddeari Fie loturaaee Compmy Dill n granl ceilaie powers In llii- rrutcia ol St Aiidiew Cbuieb Ivr JIill tn aniead tlie Art iiac irporaiinf ibe Ieel Mtnuraetansit Cjiapaay Bdla iacorpcraliag Ibe Xae llirvey ilill Lerda Uptoa tad Seulb Mining Cnipanie Ttie lle4 tljoaisrd at ba fia eleree oclock tforfigu k Cnlaninl AniTal of th City of MAschMter Cam Rtrc 8pr II TtM fvarnMpCiVy 0 ifrttkfiter from IiVerpo SpiHmtr tu QivMir ihtf 3 I pi9l lhi puiil t oclnrk frinliitf Hi1 W4 by iba di aih nf hn Awciatmi Ttie tmvrJ oot M S1 int ai 18 lo iVbtai anitfi and airaHy at 7 6i in 3l fttf in Ctrrn aloaJjr misdit 2Gi 3d lo C Ja Cr lATCT ru IjvcaptioL 3 CoMua at a lrlnf iff I 1 nejntv 9tiTnnin acid Xtw York oiU in ihf 3M1 ll W4 vjaily rtirkiHl that tho Fronih CdbiMl h tl ilb4tid be oipMlioney of i iiihiic Ibo fioal dtouvn WAM arrivml at of thrt Fcoh jtnrnalo rooninnd ih Misoro of iho Floridi 4i RrMt K JiOe4n Qnch4itfd Tli lcKidoii Myntinf fleritiJ anJor- iandihar at a FOiii Ctttot Canoil iho oiittfaljoney of ro o lb South ilittciiaiel thomaj My tiirg in favvii If iJgirg Mb tul Ital firut dciioa trr tfriio t Tho PvUti qietion romitnod iihoui banr Tiio Con4M ol Grm4n Piinrra tiad vMHUaiMl ihrt tuU aAlNloeioty it it BropHtD ff Tho Haria liicft anl iho PatU Dt Uttoix roconmoikd lhat iti floridn bo aoizoJ ai Uroi liamasei to Ftvuch popoiiy anl aa piiuihnijt lor ripvaied vioIaImi vf ti- Thd Hjfii Piij9 pittroly ihf Amoficau vutofninoDl dlirol any 0 tho Frob Miveinm or caoilr ny trftal Ciiapl4ini aiaini tb ponl ioi ol III Koiich in Moimo anu Mcivo ii profo lb al bo Guvofomtni haa no iini 1 cnaao ub a prvioai I and a a eunoa of I obt tUU tUl ll rctrtac1 biiitr fi rtpTfwii J5J inJ aecooott paed lolbviv TCiioa IS beiBg exceediagly ralue Aad afirr InSiag witb ktfSi ifa ia Ihia war for a liiaeeiibvr i2 r lbroek aiber pariie efet u 3 eb laiiat tl ante dtseoml althcM bole aminal bad beea placed lata Mi hendtmniiiba before He nigbl aMai iMier laodei of araag ta crmoeelie tiiae ilSeiaa but Iktl ttaled wot loubi tuSe n ihow tbal t cbaafi reqniird Stmag nbypctiMi wire y railed o Clerks ol Diviiow Coarit iBrmbers uf Coeoly Coeacith oa r iuiid ihi bea obliged aaaeaHy lo llie tuffisgea of pctaoai bm 111 for wbnm IlKir dutit It firftj ed It va ditlkuM if aol impniabti 1 theqilo diacharge ibxe diHie nd wilb regard lo Ihe fiinijy aiirb ptrlira in general vieclioaa Iht lal 1 u air M gare Ihem mieb gretler iwcfa ijnea ilian Ihe CwHeckoe lomt pnaaeaaed fel thnaa aa eUaaai ahiiidiuatr had yejrt tgn beei dyiii if Ihr piivitege of v and be IMw firlr In hii upinien Ih elEeen af I Mon Cmuhi alio Id be pheeO m lb loilirm Ttie bill at bow prew I great iinroreaflt upon lb tiiab aw but aa it mibt yet be impeoe p irnpoted relvriing it to a Select Ci tee liken froia b aidea of tbe 1 hj would no d give i Ibair trnlnin Carried ir On Mnrtia Claity idfl itui ltckwood wa efiuniw4f lha c jii Il take hi irtti tl a siiMiurihxMinghiiaMb so I iwi lolaniv 1 ha kXUNd i i i iicbnate i NKVMARlCIi markets FaiL Wnev TV a iSe ria VnirTOeaTii lIeLv 7CW toTSc Oara SOr TOKONTO SIAEKtra Toaoaro Str IW About COUi bushel of blri Mtp ni nn Iho alreal market l4My U 0 H- per bhl Ibo arera Wig N ir bhl few hundred ftanblll afUl ll wem aidd al 85 to 95 baU Spriug wheat wna oowiuaL MA n libt aopply at SOe per babL Ooli Jt iindersic supply at M to 30 pw Ml Kyu nntiiiual al SUo per bhL PaMMT lilciiiiful al yemerjayt ptiera fliifc butter ia iiinderalo supply al Uo ftt lb Kjs 111- per doico Wool M t JS licr lb Siriiim Coart m tfpp3r Ctiid lion Mr McMaaier moved the second readio of iIm bdl to aiaend tbe rea Bg lu Diviaioa fZoarla la Upper Oauada Ibe boa meiaber and thai be bill aow btore be llue wt in every rrspcei uDilar 10 Ibe oue be bid ietioducrd ll te ion tud wbicb bad proceeded lo oetrly Itfiualallge wbeo i wat withdrawn la cooaetjuence of ibe tuddenaesa witb wbCb tbe buioaa wet brought lo a cloae Tb innia object of the laeature wat In Iraaafer to a new 0 ri eoaipnted of fife of the piiBCipal oficiel geotteiwen la each CnuBiy lu Uprr CeDada 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