Newmarket Era, 12 Feb 1864, p. 2

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iwiniir Mlllllli THE NEWMARKET ERA FEBRDARY la 1864 Mv A4rfrtitta9U WmI inMn Cnn A WiNi Kwntoo NiyJotii IVeb rl Drnnnvni Ii 4 Kdinorfh Barne TmMnr Dr RtmMj I Ill lliA Hit1ien Hfi AiiyW B Rhd M Ilfcloi k LrjIp F l TnU TlM irwrket A ehtn iirn in tl hrrial Agd rfptf l- of irlna lotk rUr iMKUir IU- J IUr S IKJ AMI TttM ipma Ilpft mma lrTiT n I 9SQ Ml p PTO ji luljUlliii h I et pew hd iM hoo pinclie Thp fxt n At bc ii la lh fU vosM ireish COO pmDtb iiTiDi prrjudietd f i BildraUj tiiufti 1 foand that drne lh oinlir BildraUj iiiutt l loond that danne U lyiiMt MrMcDoiOAlI orn 300pond- inanbrror ma blniiit ute- f ww worth Mr hasdred- I hit ktniS U rr jy Aurf or n1U1 Ilf flwy rtkv tWgt in niitin tW lime CjiflSifajmorliPt Ero Vavwtrket Friaaj Feb Utb ttM Minister Dioner at Quebe Oar ieleph doptleh freo the tstt ri GoTemBret liil Kk asaoBnead that tle i ration that rrrning in lioeor rf tlia A4wDlrelioa a ise- cm Sisee llm partlealan have reirhrd Ut lbrs the enlutnM of Ibe Qatbce Mrtvrf coaSraiing ilie nnOBiiMoeiit bcDDtdr and froai vliieh jsani e pitbcr iba foIloHinj fcu ioier u KrveduiilA Made Kill tbe eapeitj r wbioh ii Kami ciedM bj aoy boild- in ia the IteTiaea Oa lUe Daio flnoi amcgd eererat laWn rxlcndiaf Ike VhoJe laogth cf Ibt tiall vLile lhre Jlef eae owapled btl ia Inewn ai tlaf The pini eapied llie ceoira taUe al ahlcb lUe Mijor of Qo- l Mr A 0 ToctANatAU prraided The oeotral coiupanj Vcn to ameoiblr about aareo oclock and aeon after erer Tailable Ktt u oeegpicd orrr 600 IiaKaatad hile kle io Ibe eTteiai not leaa Ibao Diore arrived and eon icvted tbeaaaelm itb tlandinj ia Ihe pare at lh entrsnee and aloct the riJeaiilet In Ibe pallcrj too ijuiie a lug oaabcr of lidica eootribaled intr t to the oeeaioG by ibeir prcaenca Alriibt oeljek the inailrof Ihe dsiiDialntioD eoniitiinp rf lion J Maedooald lion A A Iorioo lion 1 Holloa lion Wm McloaIi lloo O Moatt Uoo Mr Lafrjtzibciie lloo Leteliier Hon J Thibasdeao and lloD F llir Rrre iotroJoud Io tbc niicmtlj by ibe Mayor Tbe rfcaplioo of the mott 7iiifior ebarieler ond wliil tb meiuben of Ihe CorerB- iirtit defiled aloo ihe room tbe audicnce roe at esM to Ibeir frl and preetrd ibeir seala ilb roobd after roand of diecri It u indeed tbe tuoat eathaai Mie aad eilraordinai deiDoealralios cm girea is Qoebceaad perbapaexeeed- tsi anylbingof Ibe kiad erer attempwd in ibaProrincc tbe Oppoaitlus deona- ttfilioa ia Ibe Si LavrtDc Ilall aol b- in a eirtaiulaaeeta iL Sererai JeadioK nietaben of Parliimenl in the nrroapd- isB diitricta aad a Loit of Qaebna tootl ioflaeolial nea ere prtKat OD iba M- caiioa Tbe apeakiog vaa aad we mak M dosbt tbe reaalt ii b to Urf- ly dreagtbeti tbe OonrBateat ia Lower Canada T1e people are begiaaiag to Aad oatthallbe Hefora Party IbaOriti we not iba iahaoad aiooatrr Cartiar Co baTarapreaealed tbB lo be aad ibat ihej tura joM aa tiiee bb appraeiaiioti of local or aecliooal rigbla aad ai nseb r- ae for rastced i rirllcgta ai tbe 0 roAtiM Two or three uora neb do- lioabe Lowrr Caaada politically A Siogular Defence It win ba neoileeted by eat rcadm thai a MopU of weela ago w ealtad at- icatioB to Ibe very grare or at beat aa- calM fwc aad aajaatifiabla ebaigc pre- reiil by Iba Usbtidga Adtoailt agaaajrt tha lira CooBlMioiier of Crowe Laada Jd referteee at ba aya to tba aale aad prbaM of ALUUXOta Ktxvtnr Kaq at the laat claetios The editor of that priat ia bia laat iatae at- leapt B reply aad b niaerabla Bltonpt iadeed It ia for laaiead of addarinf proof or offniag aseb leatiBosy aa wosld He to afiml groaads for tbe aoeeaatioa lie iadalgea ia a few eboica apitltata aed tella ibe psblio be eoeaidert it braiaa- Xaced ItDpndeaee to be called npoo to obtaalial iaj charge and tbea ad iwci tiki criiitBoc of oMonywvttts oof rcapoBdeat aa a joatikatioil uid Wttcr vat wriitaa ia tbe iSea or not b iaulariaS aa it ihrowl uo DM Iifa upoB tba aabjeat tbe writer coalcatlag biaaelf by liaply aacrtiax that airtaU vagoa aad iedeteila rvnoora traeeabia I M nliable aeoree were pat ia nlatio abeat tbe auiur aad ap- oa wUah he bd bU prarieaa itaarta Bgaiaai Bea Mr McIccau Wa Mated abm bat tbe reply af tbe AJtoeaU aa a wiaaba oaa iadaa ad bow BB stracre it teabow bia ttyla I idioeeea l tba Ta ba aay He aaka be M m aifaaatln b M trmj lu a M ik tank mrm apaa iu aaaa mad a nJy Mt M iW aaaarllee la IW liftitW a imrahh kacaaaa tW aiwr tf kamvaS g rT tmpnpt M u Make m h uh aay ttpact ikat Mto ft la ektalauaa UW- abovt waenbU aabtarfa- a iMi Bade a Uaaal leapt to friicta of aa awkward iBMaMdMMl kiiitralb tailed tbe Hlto b JJmcoU w tba aaa Tfbm ta tba wreaf U tttSmg tor fy U aa MMNtk r Ba fatoatam ib mmc bat iba KMbfalatM if lfci irrr ira IMj briiaftd aa that ba aib MM ayaa iia BMi i bat wteriiilbe eiUaaaaf TbmaaaUb M iinfnaiy la Mag On BMMi r paiww wltiaallat tba abapfir a iLa jadga of tba endlbfli Imthfalnm The vdltor flrmly helipred that tbe rleftor et Sorlb Ontario rft llie nn ConniiaeioBet of Laadt and alert their lata New JhtV Biin a their KprMentatlre tmtil loroed not oiherwi- He aiya ha tnada m ao- aMinB jft h attempla le juMify Ibe barse ly avin relleriliathlir Imlb fularM ia ailll Miered by bimaelf end libera Nowwtiai we Baid before we aKln repeal ihe editor i boed to adJuoe proof of a aaliafactorr ciirartr to Jiwlify bia piition or withiraw Ibe ehargn and tril Ibe pablie ao Ha apain aaya Tl rai1 partarilw arfaM IS ihi iraiie haa ik upprraac af a laiuj aliiar fiapaili- wae worth per basdred wtit hey bad kat by iaproper wiater Inn nia esBerieree had bMn that ehep pad atoff aaa eat alraw would enable a larBcr to wlate bonaa and Indeed all blade of loek cheaper aed betler than by aay ether steiliod Cattle aboold hate abed aed ahelter If thfT wen rAoied to tbrire and Iheo with cot atr w and oat or pea meal aad a Iitlle flaievjd neal they will pun laalaad of lea fiaai dnrlaithe wlaler If they alaed an bandied eihl inatead ofloe- Mig two 0 r tbree tbe ditferenee io Iba ac- taal worth of tha aalaal would prore tbia naleta to ee the moat eeoeoisieal meibod rorpif 00 all grain abosld be capped M it earUed tha ioioala all tba better to digrr t what tbey cat Then too in or der to keep Bp Ihe peodaotire qoalitiaa of tbr fjrn ibey moat bare nanure and tat kiad obtaiaed fivm itocfc hirtly fed I li b lir- tl thaae tbioga iato ooBtideratloB eo far fer from oar eoteaporary Mkiag eyaipaihy they cry bo na a be wa able Io jads weilfed aloek oa ter and demand eridtnee of gailt t tbe Met ceo- Uroad aaBertloea like h abora eaatijt U takae aa either arpiweBt or proof Tle Oct ii oar eotrapnrary w m lit tie loo full ami inate of dintiy nwara p the enni hetroalo wri Die out of be awkward dikmn bU sooioal yatB Dr B laid he wootd oot at- teept a apeeeb bat being called 00 woald oBtr a Ibw qaenea Obc waawitb regard to nBir It bad been urged by aoBie ibat ia order to aiake plealy of manare tbey aaat not hare loo macb aiock in tbe TBd waa tbia a feet 7 lie toald bol nwB injtidieaotMMa kaa hi eeUtaBins the idea that Ibere waa Datinf vwk v rtrelkJ ihrtwfrbl aol fnia pnJaeiog DiUrUria eontiderable rerliua rf North Onarie aWawaieply U would like to rcnrerc4 h ir ry leading Turn i tbe Kiinf bfat tf whom cbaraeleriaed the tbargo pfel rred io ibe jiJrortir aa imply a ItO aiiiaa nolhia more and aa bin a fiir tpeeimea of lb weapon emplnyrd and aainl whieti Mr McDoiuaLl bad to eonlcnd lial ellion if tbe editor bai any bettet eviJeneo Ibas ainiply aome annnyrnnoa rorreapoBdeot anmebody net aabaned of bia naBie tbc public would like to know it i lot if not a judiciooi ilenee aihl be eoisidcrcd diaercel oa bia pait I aay tie loast ICeetiog of Parliament The collofted idoni of the rrorioee will aaaeoille on ibe J9ih inti next Kridjy knd a1lbpub ool to be iaifired a Io tbe nature ff tbe mea- urta In be fartabadoae in the Speech of Ilia KieellcBey ae bcliere we are eorrctt in aayin that Ibe ral jret of en liriseet oi car canal ao a to albiw ieela n tonipe to paatbnogb land oihcrwiae iaiproTin oar mean of of naviptioo aod Cummeree will be broubt under Ibe notice of IarliamenL Alao Ibe Bcecaiiiy of aisodiofoar eria- ioil 1j and of ainilifting tbe adaiiu- itratin of jualice u aell aa leaienlnf tbe eipeBe connectcd tbercwith will br nrped And if we are aol nlataken Bicaaare will U furobadoaed to embraee tbc recoomeadatiosa doed at a pubtte euetiog ofdeUtcs aaaenbled at Toraa- to two or Ibree yean ago for tbe tmptor meet of ibe preaeat bw goreroini Agri cultural 8ocieli tba chief feature of wbiej will be aa alteralioa in th eiod of clceliag taembcra to tbe Board of Ap ricultare tod ibercby deatroy ibe om- BopoU bitberto orcroiog aod eoefroUinp ibe PtOTiacial Aaaoetalioe Other aab- jeela will alao be toocbed upon clealalcd to ire greater facibliea to commerec aed datalope oar Kamircaa aa well aa aaiiat tbe wejtetn trade We may atao taaaeaK ably expect aa alloaioa to the iaUaded remoral of ib CoreraaicBt Io Ottawa tbe ooaiBK fall aad tbe llooae aad toaatry will doabt be eoalalaled oa lb im portaot faet bat for tbe fitat tm ir linee bee UB lea tbaa tbe iaeome Indeed oa tbi point tbe laaiarka of tbe Iloa A A Dottoa at tbe reseat Mia alciial Dieeer at Qaebee fully juatitea all lAat aay be eaid witb regard tbmto Daring b peat aiae aealha a tariag of 600000 haa baea efMtcd la ibe eea doetioB of pubRe eSain wbile Fi aaaoe Mioiater ba at b dmaed aad paid i30c00 oa ol debt iBCBrrcd by former AdiaitralioB tad fheald tbe CorerBBeat be esMaiocd we make ao doabi at another tieeiion botb per tod Lower Caoada will gir tbaa orerwbalBiinp mtica Nortli York Farmers C1q1 A regular meetiag of tbe Cliib took plaee oa Thstdy moiag uf btt week Tbc VnaiJeet Mr T L llaAOtiCK ia tbe cbair a goodly aauber of eabcra bciag praacBl Alter rtadiBg and eoetraiog tbe nia- atea prerioot mretiniE Ibe Olub pro- oeadnd to diaeuaa tbe pciaBily aaooaeeod via Tbe eioet eteeeiieal mhoil of Wiatetisg Stock Ur JottM Cicaiaa opeaad die daea ioa by atatiag tba Mibraeed aaeii of praetiaal iataraal to anrp fa Kicr Ii ciaaidcNd it waa gaad ay 10 bsTB warn Mafortable baOdia for aU Btoab A aanajt aoold tlao ba rf- fceted by uiag al fed Sbe fat ia ataoce woald katp weO oa eat p- Uw e aasrly ao aaaa bey lat kftba atraw waa tbfawa oat at it waa thmbad it woald ba Mora tbaabalftradlaa down n beliaircd alao it oU ba ftpad a ta iag ta tbttab tbeir peaa aad baea tbea ebeppad ratber tbaa flsedJag ihM ia tba mw at toM laiBV wcia4e tba babit uf doia Mr 0it laemmi aaid bt aana o bear ratber tbaa to ga laftwiBetiaa bat a it waa aaSy by aatariag MaTtilf late tbaae dieaaaioat tbak aaa aaifca ibaa pnAiabIa fa a taadtM gla bia tiM at aay lia Wa baw laiw ina- Itm ia CaMda aad la ba aaataafal yakbraadn va mM aaa lltH fca4 8a t if it TWa tba ooMiea wa M l ita laaa aaaaaaiaal Mlbed f 8aa MT ton Iba alM tba ttoaw Maab betlbla be bfd w a wme wbed fet tboaa wbeftOand tbia piaantiably Ibu4 Ibair ftPfk a tb tfrlas tt Ibe know wbetbc a farm aboold be orer or Bader atoeked to piodooe tha beat ma nor He would like to know loo fetber Coll thoold be well kept ind ia ICvKdordrorBolf Wbetber better with or wilbeat craia fir the first two year Anolbor tbiai what woald be eooaidar ed aoBsicat for oow or borte bow ma ny poaada oi chopped tatf aod cut trw woald aetre a a maal T How ofleo boald bone aod eatlla ba fed t Taking the aalriUta aahataaee of pea pwal aod Oata what tuay bo eoBiidertd Ibe rtUliT ralua of Ibejo articlca a food for atock Oata woald oaly frie aboot Iweotytwo pound of real aubaueo per boahel while peaa gare aome aixty pooeda Ta there wa aore BalrimBl io tbe akio of peaa or fljx aeed ibao ie the whole kersel uf oala Flax acad aoold DO doabt be better if it coald be enubed witb Ibe oil io It aed poaecaa mora faltenlag qtulitiea tbao the prcBCDt oil cake Tbmwaiyet aootber qocatioe Wa it adTaalagcoaa to keep up yoaag eatilo to Ibe fall pmst of almgai fatleeing or waa it betler Io keep titbar oa b leaa order f Tbeee were qaeatioea be eoaeeiTcd fallof iater- eel to erery farmer aod be would like to bear Ihe opiaioo of gaatiesMO pieesi upoa ibco Mr Juiix WiLioti laid Ibat wllb re gard to lb keep of eolte il woald dep altogether for tbe parpoee be iaieaded tScui ir foe draoxb be woald keep tlica fall IB flesh bat if for roedetar be aoald not kem tbea eo welL Mr PaAKCW SMira tid for bieown ua ha liked e general paipoaa borae practical ntetbod of reading a lo CBi up abeaf oete or Mraw with paa taeel ilxed aod whaa do at bard work in jeleur be faaa tbem chop eiar eight eod aareiog Bad gees ibara pea etraw pretty well lbrsMU feea ea danag the day He eooailersd cut fssd tbe beet fur boraea ii kept ibaa looea aitd free in lhair bowel aod tbara wa aoth ing baaiing about it In apriog durieg bBy work he gaaa cboppad usi peM nixad with cat atraw and bay Aiib regerd to Cull be kept tbaa ta the eauM Baaaer aa ha kepi bk workieg bonaa only ofcouraa ba did noi feed 0 much lo qoaetiiy Ua ibougbl it an iojury lo utsrfaed colu bai cuaaidared tbey ahould ba kept CMtetaally growing Aa 10 ibe exeet quantity lo gita a awu mue exereiea bia jedgoiaul Some sal- aela raqoira aiore iMd than uthara lo keep tbea lo a ceriain roediWD Dr UiirrbBr aed wbetber atock ahild be fed iwicw or ibrae limaa e djr t wbaiber after giviag tbecbopfead they Hire tbem anyihiug to pick at ba IwMa laaain Mr Uoraiaas aaid beafeaiila ba fed cbop laf or root tbra uma day ordinary aicdi be ouly M twice at iba eaoM liae be gera pley of atraw lo feed os durieg Iba day He coaaidefed tba ebuudaat uae of roou waa profiubia tad plaaty of oaoura wa 1 waya lta raaulk Pr Bairrir alao aaked wbeibar if eloear bay cmU aol ba fed wiib adeao- wge to ahiap io ibe epring of iba year 1 UrJaoRiiaBa aaid laoai uuqaaatioo- ably Ha did aot baltete ibey could nridoce crop witbuui growing gri Tbe feraiar wbo negbcied rouiioo of aroa wae aura to ran dowa bit lead jtaaaee produeaH vegetable wood aad ia tbia 10 a ovaaidarabla exieal would be Ibuod a recaad fut wiatarkiUing of our fall wheat Haeooaidered eo far ae feadiag waa cooearaad ibai graaaee ware bailer ibaa eiraw j bat u eoat nucb oaara uking iba ralalita falie tba aaoaat ooaegaad of bM a eonpered to puaw Wllb cbop BiaC Mr enaaidirad cloear good for ebaap but ibay would wiaiar wall aa pea alraw aad reoia wbicb weatd ba BOfw a Clerar aboaU ba gio akOBt lambiag liva Mr CuMaBA wbaa be waaabay tbey seed ta tad aSaap aa bay alugaih- eralaioei end aaa tbao ibay eeaaa tiaea bad tba Mi j bat by eatUag ap paa Draw aod boAag aa rootat ibay would ibriea all wioiar He waa ally coaelaead tbai all daeriptieaa f Meek would ikrira ban with cat aad tapped aad Witb ragard la cotla be pta oat bad I but ihtte or aa grala Ur Saira aaldwiib regard la fead iag piga ba bliaad ibay could ba wia- tarad qaita a vail aa ml aa graia aad Bueb ebaapar A daaaltary caavartatios Ibilawad oa Iba iapanaaea of auokad fod ter Mock aed ttaamlQg iba bay tod ttrav aad SoaU tba fitUowlag raaolatl ta a bractng aa lybiay of tba diiiiiMliiB of tba afaoiagi vat propotad aad adapial Raaelfed Thai Iba bael aad aoat iwiBMlcal aMbad of wbiariag tieafc la a kaap tba wall beoaad artlHad aad waf aaaa aa Iged rual cot alraw witb Bbaipi paaa aad aai aad at liaaa a Utile bay t aad Ibai iiaaid ba el gfoai adfMttfa If tba CndaaaU aeaataly tbdla Tfceaebeided ibti tba ika Ibr dliMWtaa 10 bt tabaa Bf aaat Wtat totba ba taaibgd alraMfiBf ItadlapfMidbjr grtie Wat Tha Clob Ibaa afoersod tiD ike Itib iatttti ockdk Congreffatlanal JCUiloiu The aaaeal Mitrioaary Mealiag is ae neatioe witb tbt OaegrtgiHaail Obwab of bia plaaa wtabdd oa Maadty ma Bg lut 8 A M Xaq H A tbaebair and tba aaetiag waa opaaed bj Bev Mr BAKta giTiog eat a byaa aad Rot Mr Auwoara aagaglog ia dcTOtioDtl estnimt Tbe CbalrmiB tben made a few rry appropriate rewwka relatiag te niailoa ry labor tad ooeeloded by ealUag upon ihc Cboir wbo aaag an aaOttai ia floe atyU Rev Mr BABnalb patter of tha Chonb hare tbeo made a atalement is eoaneetioa witb lltemdiaa ef Ibe bbbb- 1 report Henairked tbat tbe Caaa- dian Congregitioeal Miaaoeary Soeiely wa aeoabiaatloa ofBedt of tbe Coagra- galiooel Cbarebaa of tbia Prerioea lor the doable purpoao of aiding tbe weaker ehuicbce ia aoataieiac tkir paitor Bd of iapplyiBg th geepel to dettitale looali- tiee Ibe ColooiaT Miiaiosary Soeiely io Britain coopCTBtad with tbea ifl tbi work He further obeertad lbt it wa a prioeipl with tbe Coloeial Soeiely te aaeiat Colonica oely agd coeteqeeatly tbe Canadian MiaeioBary Society wbiUtcli is eonneciioB ilterewilb wM eoaloed in it effort to lb ioa 6eld aloaa M ioa to Ibe ladiaoa and Foreiga Ceaa trie were oondaeted by arat orvov latibn Wba tbe Coloaial Society 6rtt eateoded a band 10 tbe Casadian Chereb- ee is Ib year 1836 Ibey nambered ecly 9 tecble Cbarcbta ia tba twa Proriaoea that nsmb bad bow itiervaaed te nearly M a large proportioB of wbicb were more tbao aelfeoWaieiBg Tbe prcamt ersanixalioB of tb Canada SoeiatT wa effected in 18M by tb amatnaatioe of two aimilar sociatlee is Ibe Upper aad Lower IroTinee wbicb bad prerioady exiated 13 Teara aed 7 yean eepanlely ao that tbcir firat Iloaa Society bad bean in operation bat 23 yaara Witb rcsard lo Iba IntMca tba Coiosial Chsrchca oontribaied laatyaBrt22S3H0 and tbey had receind 442266 fraa tbe parent aoeiely cf Loadea aakiag a l tal of 670576 eta Tbit aaoest bad beea eipeaded logtlbar witb 1730 in carrying forward tbe work aad tMy bow tnuted lo tbe libarBlity peem to Bake ap tbb deSeieney aad MSB for iM preaaatyaar eparatioBa Tbe Cbeiragaiaaaag aa apprepriaie deee of Boiie aflar wbicb tUr Mr Dsitrr and Bar Mr Durr wars aereral- ly iatrodacad to ib taeat a tsade A DcpoUlioa Vca tba Sabbatb Sebaa tbea caoM forward aad presealed tbeir MiMioBaiy Box wbicb wa reeehad by Her Mr AuwotTB wbo deUrerad to iba aa appteptiaU aad aaceotagieg ad- dree Tba oaaal Toiaa of Ibaskt wcratbea teadarad totbeCbairmaaj tad Cboir tad IbaaKatiag doaed witb prayarby Be Mr Dcrr Tbe Cboir did pod aartiee and ceauibatd laigaly to tbe iateraat of tba Beating Attaek on the Xember for lHllawl Tbe BttTia JJtaatt of Ibit week bat tnTalled a loag w roaed to bara a fling at HoaerablaWa UcMttrBa aad prafait aa iapUed ebarga alike BBfoasd- sdaBtratbfal aaddBpiasblia refemec te hi actioB aad motiraa ia aadearoar iag to ttcuta eertaia aaeadBenIa te the DiTiaion Court Act of Upper Canada Tbe lale recaptioo of tbe paper eontaia- ingtbt articlt in qaaatioa pewreala oar noticing it at aay laegtb tbia weak bot wa tball aadearor te bare tOBttbisg to tay ia osr aast itBii Tb BBeediaent propoeed by tbe Bill inlredaeed by Ooe Mr MeMAetBB we auy Jaat obeerre are o reaaoaabla aad tbeir joataeaa aad dttirablaaaB e tdfevideel tbat tbey BOB Bead tbeetalree lo erery ioncai aaa iai aad tbi ia wbera tbe dig- ByLaw Mr Bacon io tbeebair Gee Bltlee roee reported ja tad aikfd lea te it apu Mr Laaa Boredi aaasaM br Mr Bteoe tbal Ibe tebool 1m fraaui oa bsedred doOarre a aiUMpal and tbat tbebairmre do ittae bitcrdtr Bacon tbat tba Cbairmaa do lean tbe Cr aatil a pait teeta etleak tbia erMlag Carried At balf B aeraa oclecb the Coaa- oil reaasea iit dtlieg Th Beete be ing retnmd look tbe abalr Tb Cd mlttee oa tb ByLaw 40 appoiet eartain ofieer reaemed lla CoaaiUM reee aad reported ByLaw witb bUak filled aa fbllowa i ABaaaor Basn Crex 00 Inapeetor J Oegb PoaodKeeper Jim MeClare FoeViewerJ B KTaaa A Diokaoo JaBca MeCiare O Polford Bd J Shcppard Mr Willaoo botm aacondod by Mr Lje that lb naBa of bbcb UcClara be troek oat aa PoaadKaenir tad that tbe name of Mr Jeehna Cbapman be hereby iaaarted iattead tbereof- Car rieid Mr WilUra tnered aseeaded by Mr Lane tbat tbe ByLaw to appoial cer tain eSoef be not read a tbird time at oor next acciiag bet forthwith and tbat tbe tbirtylbird nil be tapad for tbat parpoaa Carried Mr Willeoii Biorad aeeonded by Mr Last tbtt tbe Beef be berab retjalrtd to take immediate proeeedinga tMart Reary Cbapaaan PoaadKeeper for ae- glecUng te make tba seccatary rtpM to tbe Cotporatioa of hit aeli at Poasd- Keeear Mr MeMaater Borad io aneadBMl aeceaded by Mr Bteoe tbat Jcabaa Cbapaiaa ba aalboriiad to raqatat Heeir Cbapoua te mtkt bit retaraeat Poaao- Kecmr iBaMdialely Canied Mr MeMBBtarBieTdttcoBdedby Nr BaeoB tbat tbe Reare ba aatberited te take tbe adrica of Coantal ee tb grantiag of tb Tatera LSeaatta- Car ried Mr WillaoB botcJ teeeaded by Mr Laaa that tbe Ooaaeil go iale Cwait- tee oftha Whole to take iete eoaaidai atiea tb propriety ef graatiag a ocrlala aaa of BMaey hr tbe Baiateaaaea of Seaaaa aa a and intra Ban Car ried Mr WiDtoa ia Ib cbair Committee roe Norvpcft Mr Wilkoa preMted tba palitioo of J B Brae br lOBaaeratioB for kaepieg Stepbea Saaaaaa aad alto fbr extra aipiineea Nr Wiiltta Bored tteoaded by n Badoo tbat tbe Cooncil do go iato Cob aittee f lb Wbole oa the petitioa of J Bereriy STaaa Carried Coamittee roe aad r tb peti tioa Bepert wat adopted aad pray af petition vat graeted Mr Laot BWT tttoeded Nr hi ealty Utt with tbe AJmmet tbey ttrike ttmr to wDy pehtldaot oeoapyieg pablit poeitioa vbo are em reedy to aell tbe powor tbey aaijaire to Ibe bluest bidder or a il for tba pt beaeil of tb partiealar party vitb wbieb thay laad ideatifled Tbe rale bow erer works botb waya and lo all par tita tba oaly difiealiy beiai tbe Ad- owe apptara e atapad ba eaat at it Nora aaoa Holland Tiintitng ConneU Tba abore Coaaeil aet ra tb Qtb of Febroary I8 Piaaaet Mr WiUaoa Mr MoHatlar Mr Biooa aad Mr Laae Mr MeMatttr Bortd tteaadaJ Mr Bboob that ia tba abaem of tbe B Mr Wilbra take tb cbiirCaiiiad Mr WlQaea took tbe ebair Miaal of laat aaeting vara read aad aoafiraf Mc WiStoa pnataliJ tbe petitioa ef WUiia aad 30 oUmtb aakiag fbra Tarora littaai far HrJoha Sbt Mr Wnitoa prwatad tba patitaea ef Joba MeEeasie ead forly4vo otbara aakiag tot a Tatara Liaaaaa Beefy CroxoD Nr Baeoo prtaaalad tba petitioa ef Praaeia AyarM aad fa o alb an ttkiag tor a Taeara Liaaaaa lar B Haa- Nr MoMtrtar Moalad Ibe petitioa WilliaB TIhm aad tbiwy tight olbar aaUag fcr a Tonta UtiM fbr JtateaNcOlua Nr BaeoaMtaatadAapalidtaafC SewrriBe aad T ThtMoa mUm far a redaaiiea a tb Mwaat f Sttia Li- AiafMrf Ttet liMn be a Beak Gate pmidadflgrlbabtMCitfibaOarpantioa tbe taaM to ba kift at Ibe daMbBa tbe CoaatilMab iMiihtrvltb Ibt t bitbtioatelbs Oeaad Tbepiiat at the Baak Oaoa aal to anad taa del- W aa4 that mi MaMwlw aad Wibaa ba a OenHtaa to aceawa it Oarrisd Mr WBlNa pMaaalad a ByLav le BjLav M nai a fal tiaa lb Bava by Mr lat tiiat ftp ByJa m w aSam ba 10 aanaad ttM ftctbvilb aad Ite tha lllHf ilird fA U aw- ftadad ftr Ibat parytek wM Cete0 iNal tal OeaBittaa ea lUi W that the B do ittae der to tbe Treastner br the psyaeoi of nine Mtart Co Jama Bercajy Bnat for keepiag Sttpben Seaaao Carried Mr B laoted taeoaded by Mr MeMaater that tlM tWWa Ptraoaa foe three ntraiht bdlriaging ap to 2Snd Janaar bt paid aad that tbe Keera do iaaaa bit order for the aaBe Mr WilUoa BOted tecooded by Mr Lane that tbe Coanoil go iato Coamit- tee of tbe Whole ra tbe pelilion of Meeara Soaerrille asd Tbompaon Carried Mr Laaa in Ibe ebair Committee roee Mo report O atotioB tbe Coaaeil adjosraed Board of School Tnieta- Tbe Beard act oa Toeaday ereeieg leal Prcaaai- Ueaara Treat Setberlaad aad Elfidge Mr E Jaekaoa ia the eheir After readieg Ibe aieeiete coeple of aecoeaU wrre preeeated for Bitaary fii area abeet tbe School Heaaa wkieh oa elioe were ordered lo bepeid The Cbairaea etaled il waa aeeeaaary te take aea setiee with rofereece le ia erce Frea eoqeiry aade by dila eaber of be Board it bad bM aaeer- taiaed that Ibe beildiag coeU be iatared tfa iw new pariag ia two diflemil eoafBaie Tb mase I wbkb Ml Ha0a aea b aaBtalBd1bpriedtl Ira Ihi illage Bgaioai adeeraeeireeaiataocee UdeaariBgvell oflbe pablie pelteaage- Ordae at beib EoteHM AaarieaB poMleatiea aia aappllad with a pteatp naad refaloriiy ibal weaH beeeoaldei- e BBBdU ia plaees wbetw ibe 4e- aaad la aon tbaa doable Ibe iqaiaaai sftblalaeelity aademaada fraod Conoorf le oe tb lapia cenaecied wiib tbe Fire Btl fade wllb tbe Uw t leiM fenda ior lb oelebtBttee ef ibe enbeoBing Qea Biitb Day if ibe arfanfment aanl- plaied are raniad ool the 34ih e May eelebraled in a atyla in Nawmaikel oer before sqoalled Neiib ef Terooia Albeotieet of ibe laooeil iaieiaitefesd lor ibieporpeee we Bay expcM le aee a all boeae- We aniMird lo noiiee Ihe liaely ar ritalerihe SrUitlk Autritam Mofaaint l4ol by Meaara Reiio a AnaMa ef Teraeio Il fully maiBaina Ibe high repBla- licn ef Ibe eeily BBBberrnd ia erery way wonby ef an axieaded peireaage Tbe waot ao long fli io Ihe lileraioie ef iba Pievinoe tbia BBgazine rappliea aod ean oaly exprea th hope ibal the readiog pobliowillaelibeiallyaatitiail a le ee abl the peUirbetate ceatHee lo beelew the brge aateoal ef labaer pea ii tbey makt aeceaaailly bate deoe ia the paM Ml MaFaTBia ef Toreaie lectered laal Piiday BTeaiag bebie a laapeeuble aa- dieaee in eeoneeiioa with ibe iBMiiBiet in the Meebaniaa HalL Sabjeel Tb ie- deeeiea ef tbe age aeially and ialallae- taally TbiaateolBgwearelo baea Mr R agsia ee lb AoMrican Waabelor to toOM exteet al letal a eeellBaaliae ai hi fOTBor leeiare All who eel n io tbe Mraggle eew rffaig ia tbe aaigb beoitag RepeWie will ao doabt aak k a poiai la auend Ne aalter what aay be iba aaallaoala of ledirideali h i aJway wil to bear qoaelieae diaeaaaed apoe wbiab pebli epleiea i divided T leeiare eiSeiack CntrfspnnJifntf ibreacBd diaetbaaee vti paia reteiur teilaaiilHareftOB Speaiih eakjecl w tbe iaierier lce ba be aeia balveea Ecoadw aad Nv Oieaad HeliMtaaaa naurix Feb 6 Ia Ibe easa of the Obitapake tb Jadfl ef tb Admiralty Coart m dedd to laatore Ib nsaat aod bar eatgo le bar owBors fobaec to tbeaoBdltioa repe- liBg tb nraeat of ib oipeaaea a lb Attoreey waeral Bayonet Tbalatter deawBd Mrety ajinat at olaima wbiab Km owaer demor lo Tbe Coert ba adjMmed till Wedoatdey Vaifhat R and a naaM of Con- Cadarate oficen lafl in the iUbm Alpha todiy far tb laad of Duic Foar Mnimoi Fob 8 Tba Ricbmoad Bxamleer of today ba bea rcceirtd eoBtainiag tiia fvUoW i g CnABLoroH Feb 6 Eighty tigh tbot were fired at lb city today There waa poftriatSBa- C b a ma MeetclUlaa vbUbhira paid ftoir tba ee at a eaateeaWo tWa Yoer rna v of ieBdidootiieillrMpeodiidl bf a Urge tua aiid ihoy ror oplai ibH ibia tyatBM of aBdriiaiiUac tb ei Tflll Jr bU fully provide for ItsHr Yoar Commltte find liiM fbaTreeiv rr be paid a larja am of mooey to ib Deek of Uppar Cai durlog tb m year taiarM ead ooMaiao oo Bclo ieea tba current expcaaae of ihe eoosil tad lby are of opinioa hal tbea abooM grually Cr v KM te ftdiiil we aiarii i illli larika rf Oir Iba Babbeth BAool Coanatte Te At AUar tU iiraMrla Ia D 8iaNo deebi ibfcUiltald io Stbbeib Scboola ia yeai lewa aad ka Tiaie ily ara aaxiee te kaow wbal atape bare beeaiekesi pteparaioiy to boUlaglke oext Ceaeentioe I bare eoly te aay Ibat a CeeTeaet eftbe Coaailteete Bake lb n arranceoaeet I wteae a lb nih ef Daeeabei to iba 010 Beabera aaaiag tb SM day of tbe Moatb e lb day af Boviing I bb terry l bae le add Ibal bm ae al iboae gaaltoBea Bade their eppaiwati wiibeeeaaaepllta SIIaatth Eaq aeoeef ibaarrepIMM ai Ihceaeee ef tbeir ebeerra I tbea tried to get a laea Craaitle e take tbe tastier ep we belo oae aeetnc hieb WB bat peotly aileedaid and iben adjiaraed to see if we caeM get a larger on O aecocBt ef tba prsaa of boeioeea e mrul ibi te be iapoBihle Tbe tens al epifliee bete iatbal aldwlaMi beieg our beaieeiaaaaeaiaeMaleeaiialileilas fat beldiogaeoorentive Maoyefeetbeat eitissna baea alaled iheli willisgotee M le all lb aaiiaiBnea io their power at any keraeaaoe elib year Tb liaa ler boMieg ihe Ceaeealte w le bar Wan tbe ibud Toeaday aod Wed needay ib tbe pre aeaib a aeiiled al Iba laal BMeiing ia IMS By tiring paolieii la Ibe fw raarkk yea will aech oblife Yeeraraly EDWAilO DISSBTTS Bradfard Feb 10 16CC oreign k Cnlirainl Meted by Mr Selbtrld aeceed by Mr Elti iket eelett tSe C ia which the Sebeel Heaaa tl pretest i Itm- ed ie will uke the riak at tba aaaa leeae aa eiber coapaaiea oSrrbe TieaaereraCKl ibe riak ia aealber coMpeey Carried Moicd by Mr Trval eaeeadad by Ur Setberlaad that glS be placed at tb da poaal ef tb Tcbr te parcbaa aapa aad olbar appanta fer ibe Sebeel Car ried Afer dteidiag ea toae ether aaiter reiig le Ihe gsmaBcet ef tb Bcbeel ibe Beard adjeraed WiUriBl Imuy A aev trial baa beaa graalad ia lb Oa eese as be gru f laaaB eser eflb eridaaae addeeed le eeaftet We Bodetaiaad Mr Mbaw ha eitte baea diaaiaaed a ralgaed hie of- Oo ti ef ibe Nortbere IL lWebt todirael peeiai eaaMtaat Ibe tdrertiaatteel f tb Beyal laaimaa Ca ia aeelher oelean Tbe ssseea ai- teadiag ihia a9laila aSed the baa ar n pepalaiDy The eeeead aeaba f tbe CaaiAaA Faaaaeisi baadaad qekaeqeat ia la leaMlbsBM Jlejiiaraal It daailfd a eeeapy aa iapettaat pail iae aad paw af ieealeatable adaaiago a tbe laraiag eeiiy la eseeea ie boyaad a dtabc OTb CeBoiiae Caaadl dariedihe bill ia eeaaitiee iaredaaed br tbe Reeee af NeWBaikei M ladeoa aaba pay a wapteeeai ibo yea aad aaytbriira- eofded a Ihe oUaaiea We iball aadaae a H bate teaeibia a ay ea tbia ao fh aan w Tbe Seaiaa ati eaajydb iii att elWkiubeieb CaaeU labea piee a gexeeiib Be4ltb Ca 0 tba 90ib laat a aaiww voek Stag aad OUilabeiy Csaaaih aea aa ike mm daytba iaraer a Haagba Baal KUhaa aed 4be iaar a Ibe Maatiaa Btwa Shart A aev vak eahlad Fbtt Lea ttae a flilwiHi AgrithlMt la tbe aa a SthteiaiaadPrinM laMattiea ba bata aaNadftaa tba aAaaef MrJtaa Lwrcu Mtaaaal aad la eaa atriaa f n biib pab by tba gtailtaaa TUt vorkia adiad tf X W lUvtas LUD rJLr Matipal t MtOU Oaltaaiiy It theaU lid ba varJaa tba aad be aada eta af ia awry tfbaal Sta liaa to a U daa aaabtf aaOy factieal M wall at tdtatifie iotmalka Amriwt HwnlaMitii Nkv Yoaa Feb I Tbe tleaatr Ceieabia brift New Oritaaadsia ef heSOlh PeUtie wers at ttvr beet It wa dwegbt hat Jh Michael Ula ib aid trsckfr the Oetereerabtp CelaaWa briaga Hafsao data ef ibe Sad Yera Crox adtiea r le tba ol Jaaeary ead eily uf Metis I itB ISib Report aid Ihat ZaakTeeaa kad bB eeeepied by Ihe Fraaek bet Zecdad da eiteit Jsatui batly ara at Moatarey Hi owe wkrabet wa ekeowB Tbe taaerat aed beate at Maiorey at Md wiib rfBge frea Ttaaa Then boa bM a faw aluraiabet tbreagboei Meaiae bat ae iapertjal figbliag Tba ecewpatiea al AadolagBra aed Aj Celeaia by tbe Erebcb ia eaaCra- Adairal Mte btd bft Haraa fbr Brr aada ia be Niia wbete be iale aat hi rlief Adairal Jeaoea Hope Adairal LeBftkl atai at lltTsaa aad tairtd aaay aiteaiioaa lie aa M laaT 0 lb lad fer Naw Yerk New frea 8t Doalage reperta m tack ea tba Spaaiib aapply ttaaaw ead ada atl aieapla U raaeter ibe uwe ef 8ae Criaieba Iwslrs frea lbs C AeoearaefGeaeralavaheHet Be- taaa a tb Mib at wbiab Oea Va ga aatedtba aelbiag aeld be dae ia St Dettiaga vilbeal aMra Itaapo aad tbat etaa wkea tbe aballiea wa pa dava Sft000 aaa taaia tbete at imtt Ive yaani Vtrgai eoaoaetfeg gtoeral a at llvaaied ti etbera ibBtareWk dalhr bed iaaaipeal fM Caba aleaa aad tial tbaa ire er 000 b aaw ia Ibe beapHtlt a Be Da- Parte Bioa tad Cebajeiaibal Ibere era aa aeee ata aeaty a taa atato that taa W iparad froa tba lakad ef Ceba Bad it a detereiaBd U aaae riaKu tbe erewa u abaadaa Iba UM f St Deaitga Tbe BieeBw Caba 61a Vera Ciae bad braa a larga faMity ef enM far lbaFtaebbatlaaBydbTtad teta a rtbal ogaM M Uaaa aafl M HMapt vau b prabaUy be aadt ta ra Ibta Iba lliibili vitb tbaa Tb aaaa Aiiae vaa Mac fa Ibitpart New Teas PtbeTba idaatiap 0 Qaeaji briop CtMjOOOia Iraae- IWiia iaiiliiiaail bad loaabtd 1000 aaiaa bar baa tifea fna da rabaeftbabaaadabiKbM Btal Tbora vera naeofi Fm af a The enemy ba bea baUiw ammsn- tioa 11 day to Orgg tad Caamisat Peiat baUaria Then wu a large firs ea Folly lalaBd lday It i eeppooed to hare baee wad by tb borolng of tb Yanka boialt Agenbeaiia Ibt Bditlorittrir lying high aad dry It it baltered abo will be datreysd WAtameron Fb- 9 Tb ibilowSng ba jatt bM roeeired br NtAriUe Feb B To Htjor 0nra Hallack Oeoeral Foetor tgrapha from Kaox- rtlla aader dale ef yat that aa ex- adltioa aat agaiaa Tbosu aad tbe aod ef lodiaw aod whitaa at Qaalla Iowa baa rstoraed soapletsly oefal- Tby faiprid tbe tewa killed aad wopaiM two baedrad aad took flfty ptoat aad dttiayd tb nsaio- dar of th gaog ia tb aoaataiaa Oeiloa va twa kilM aad tis voasd- g OBAST Fo Momoa Feb 6 Tb x pediliop bttioj reteiwed v are peraii ld tottid lb fodowiM set Oa tSatuday aeraag 0a JMltr force adrVoaasd of Brig Ga Wiar aarciwd Irea Yetklewa by way ef Naw Ket Coen Heaa The arairy w rived al 9 30 yaieidty aereieg a Bet tea Bridgt area tb CbiekaboaiBy ea lata Irea Biebaad fa ibe parpoee efBeblna taidial Bbcbaoed sad davearieg by a aarpriae te bbaats our erisoaira tbcrs The avairy reach iIm bridgat tb tia ppeaaid aarcbwg ia 67 aiaa A force ef tefntry foUei ia tbair rear fa Ibe perpea a asBiegtbea tl 1 expecttd ta aarpnaitb away a Baieaa Bridge bekiBd far tea aatwnly a aaall piakat tbcra Tb wr pria fiil baeaea a tba Biehaoad aadair ef laday aya a Ttaka daaarter gat iafataaliea m Bitkaiad ef tbe a taadtd aeraBOsC Tba eaaay bad MIed a hfw aasaa ef tfabar M a te Meek Ba aadMatraat ibefardaaadatbe it iapeati- bte ear eaniry e patt Afta re- aainUg at ibe bri Irea eeleek aMil lvalveGaWialwJelihra wiib bia iefaalry asd tbc whole ebat ef tbe arpria botag beea delatBd baa Wi4r aiaead te WilkaaAatg Oa bit Mnb buk ta Mtw Ktat Ceart Hoi kia raar wa ailaked by ike eaeay belererelaed witboatioaa aa A aareb eer ielaMry three agi Beat of wboa waa SBleers sf aora tbaa BO aila woe aada ia M bsare Tbscaraby oarcbad ever 100 ailaie fif ty beat Tb abewB tbat ilia paadbia to aak a eaapaigi a Virgiait ia wialsr CiKCintATiFab Dpaubafra Cbattaaaaga deled 7tb iaat ay the rail road i opae te CWveleed Teaa aad viH epea to Kaosvill ia fin dy Bepert of a wid apread ae ia tb rebdaroqt raloai Daaatlotaltte rabda MP kap eaaBg ia The railiead depot at Cbatiaejgi beraed ea Satardoy atlOOMO Gea Lcpgeaa ea haa nteraed Heouviila witbea aaaaaliriag Ibe nia rebel aray ia aacaaped areaad Teaeel Hill Dalloa aad Baae LOM ralMl drtri wtt teg at tbe ProfOM lterb ease datsg Jaaeary Osa beadrad aad leadaaortera iete eer liaa oa Iba fled iaet change their finaiteea 0 oot a bve to pay each year a largeaoMuol of moo y io iiiiereat aod to aubmit lo paying coniminiaat to enable tbea to precai f mea their current eipaaeee aad ihii aa increea ef tax for ibrae yaa- rual lo the deficiency of the peel year would aboliah tbia interai aiw tmnii tion aeeouDt Vour ComailtM weaM rrwniiiaad u mooey will have 10 be borrowed toi meet thia ycara ipeiur that tbe Tr orer endvor 10 make arraagaaanw wiih the Daok where tbe aeeogol ta aow krpi 10 furnlab tbe raonay raqulred witb- nut a cbarp for comniaaloe aod if aoeb arrangaaaKi ciodoi be effaud ihar a endeavour to inaba aocb arrogsBM with uo ofthaaberohaNarad ia he City of Toreoiok aod if laaiafwl W ebaog the Bank aeeoual a oaob Beak Your Conmitioe do not advlae aaj grant ihla year a tbe Baye Hoae or to the Fale Houa ef Rafuga a tbera ha 001 bao aayibiag before year Ceai iniite to ahow bow ibeaB graoM laraa fore have been expended or bow ibe lo aiituiioDt have b ooodaeled Tbe Tiurr aacoaat and Meia Mat bavaeoae befora your CeoiaiUM io a regular ead orderly aaaner YourCoamitiee woiU bo plaaad W ay that the fioa ol Ibe ceaetia aa ill a aeilafectnry alaia bul ilay omaa akiog the vlawa before atprcased MAOOALiw ABTLoa AM BOTt aaai Mr Tyrrell aggeeied tha eeaa ta ai 4aoca be giveo a iha Mt Aty lam II waaaaiaailtaiieo tAiebdtarr ed aatitliBci tad il was cm tba did a gM dai of good M ealy a liKelljr MM tbe ceaeiy Tbe ipttkit tba6bX- woeld bewail w give tbia taaa aaeool a IsM ymr i Dr fierryoMB veal viib be Watdea M br bet be vaa oppooad a tba gfwt balag given te ibb InttitetiBa ia fiafci eoee a the Boyt Hoaa Mr Haeaa vaala o to gilag 10 tbe Magdalen Aeylaa if a gfOM aaa aol w tbe Boya floae Mr Hartley wa ala apaaaad to iba giving ef awoey a lbaAyia Mr Ego o the gniai Tb wardta owtrad M the tMof lbe giveo u tba tlaalea Aqrlatb Loet Mr Oralaa oaved tba tba aaa of 100aebbgrsaadlotbaBeyHaiaa and tbe Magddao Aajuob Ml Uewlaod oppotad tia graaiw tba Boya hsae a K wa purely a Tarcaa ioatiatina and ae waiamaM bad arar bea laid befara ihe Coaaeil Uikew lav Ibe itraou gvaa beretefera iNibeeaai Ibe graou gjvaa beret PtMide Or DaryaM U I DaryaM taU ibH all Biila baye were lakea to do aaiMr wbeibw tbtjr beleaged to tbe dty or the oooaty Mr J P Wer dW ea ae vbr weaiioald graai aoy BBa to bbr mi tbeeaiiDMiiutiein baeaaae if aa iavaW iawat frea the oosairy Mtae HlfW be oMoiiw bv to pay far bla Ir flerryaaB alJ tba waiiti vbleb fall fiea Ibe Ibm peabw vare adf eordiBg a laal Fa wreryM laailHiif for thar tafaiieaBoce Ha Mt perwie CoQBtlat OetinoiL ntveiBAT Fb i Tb Coaaeil aat U lea oelb FOtAaea aaa AnaauiaiiT MrHovlaad praeaiad tbe report of ibe Btaadiag CoaaiMa ea Ftotaa aad Aaeaoteat lla apert va read tad tba Ceaaall rtUead Mteif iaw a Ceaaltie ef ibe Wbole Mr Bprsgaa ia tb abair Tbe aieadieg CeaMitiae ea FI aod AaBeal aA to report m IbHew Year Coaalnee bate bad befara tbaa tia fallewiag aeeaaau aad taaaibi froa the Traatartr ef tb aaiMka via Tba bar qoortarly wefti eonaai ibr tbe ywr 1M irlibiM Toaelaa a abtatai efibe oatMpdtog ataaa nt IHbilMea to Iba Sla Deer IBM U abatracl of Ibe gaaonl aAla of iba ataatlrtjta twItiBii efibe ptabaMtai ptadiian far da year 1664 aaoaaiiag to 1 W i alta a dataibd Mtsaei ef tbe reeo br the year aateaadag to 81m ibta enhaetodnaaaot toelada fMl aapeaoa tibe O Sebeel a to Sla Deeaabar 18M aa aa- eeaai ef tbe aaanalHi had bad to SlM Saaaaba 1866 taaebar vitb a oialiaw btviB araiiabla w oath oaaidptHiy aa M- aoait eftbe wea tad aipaadiiere ef the Pneiaeial CeeaaO of FM Year Cdawiitii lad btta paid aed efcarged aadartba beedafgaeleapeatea br Btd bralibad far b aai af tW Ml aUeb aadUaa late b fe Wil bjt tba Sarataa ef tba goal a m tba bylav Isiag bi atdary pattadlOtb Fbraary UMdMaaly aya iM boia to MU wddbpatoe lU aaMeta Year Coaaae veaU eall aaa Ilea ef tbb CoaaaO to da tbera voB a Ibe eaateaaeaMet Iba year 1664 Ibe aia par- aadoebotjiesdeefi tbe aaa af tjete teaaiei fd eeaa er eare ef e i eat Aat paid eae delw ed tua far 1666 iaf Tiiaii TUa enne ir fWaa of yaar N Hbmb aM Ibet 1 aaw to tba H aed bill bad bw idatd gad paid by 4 Mr TrrroU aif tea 4Nk ebw Iba tb Tereato BoaoM vaa aal aaa aged a h abadd ba Tbera w bbm atoaaat vaaieg ia tba eteeaaMe Tbere vas a gvaei altea by reea- meat fer badly aed Ibe aeete eel tbe eauatiw sbutfd be ril vM Ai aaoaa graaad by tba Claniaaaafc s The aaaey tb be e eMgk of tbe Itofdiat ara ia a my adfial ji ditiea vw eare give 660 il a vata eleatly tba taa aaratiiliaH tbea tbe Oee tbat e eHMlevi veie gai4J Dr Betf Oeeetve tbbatfarihaaaaaify Mrlp baBatby far Soaa Iba tovMbtp by tblr kaowbdga of if aadtbaa vetet ibeTovaeblpO peyaeei Mr Wallece aaet froa U wwaiblp pad fer Mr Graft vaya tbe coee a Tareato Oota Tbe vMpdd a all tbat va I Dr Benyi gBai jaoi aev b aa be voak ftnardl a dottiM aaiieya acre Mr Grebaa Tbetapert wbeaKreaeea Tbe report a no ia aaaadd v Dr iTmyaae Ifr8a0telta to pay too tHOe to tba Ml Maara Ba otftaadie aw aetieeefi DrStfryaeaV TWCaaaaB iH to iptolle Ua eaa Iba tba aea d preaebed bebre errld aa to WtOf an baiarbeiadadpAb MtaetkaraaKaebi AVnrUMr lad 4a nSMm ibatedfeeraifi awflaet Ccbaol srass Caflaie aCipleiietftAa aatbrtteeeea arbe HliiirblibiMl TefaMkip palteto iel ittoagie amy eaB ba R t

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