vUrvtluBMU Apnl ilrilA iaHnM IfM Applw T ftm lo VI J Ai J v Tnia Tta Ktwrnukti A Van uf Im4 Kvl tt4 rf ran lrt bUr Ut Sinco tlt rittttir I b i- uiupan ill t li l4t uribe Aotrieta lc1o dixjixtirjinf nwabcrt cf il kjil prefnaio froa btinj ppMct tfgtfifira bw bMB uruch eul Thi dore la ConniiiMor th bul Neithern B Employeos- Ti OrilHi Et iminff b lll t TflE KfWMjUliRAT MACn2I8M V- N Wir UitcfilMKli he FcJeril ptV moBc i Be kloicKt onlnrMllj dcao nil0 are worth wo itiilliogi led viM trnce lUrlio per dollar io Iiondot Coalcderalc fjper moacf il vorih only one tin7 dollar Iktl kK lU epWuM almrCar r Tk Fnbica nLrd li rilNa I tM IIM M v nj s h i JimwU l iii rtfr rTOl Mrlbigt y ficulf inliBl of iiiil II m x lnil cf the relilite vIImU iiaid to U InrmnWla trri I X Onlto H porpt yiirti Ih Oaeer Io h A JilttXiiUr ttU h infiimwlmi ihal awpi of AUuca rfrinM l i id k J lo corroucirt aidoflhe WlirtrtMho orpaeil Oaerepii Io Ih AW Ac- Vl Tf B W Ml H liMKU iMb a UoufHj t Jll I lb Murncwrjr 4 Vltym MUM efin Uairif erraa f joflbt IWpcc i to pSj Amon recril fm ih Tcnabtp ol V 1 c 1 it I t I Kinff of ih CUrgw Jiftert Fau4 lait 10 VorlU soeofl lilUlal 1 J557W oil an Iomihi aamTniwfcip III um e IIS7i cK uirtiltnf laxtt iinijiniriAtiiMAaTnh tt rGttrAMD CarrdBf UvtAlQC lut prfQai o Jj3ntMdUoafht m mhm kbr ahieb BIM 10 far at apptansc Mt ill prtoent bB Mr Doollbre Qb n f anoatiC lh iTljf Ifraiimrlipf Era evmbr f ilx OilUa rtliimn wt find HwmArket CoonoiL Mloltteritl CrltU ies fiiW 10 tticr lie nlieifaiuo oryt P k- rUr 1 1 Ll 1 ft trDriulllMVI VB i HI 0 CW iKej rttchcJ lo rtaputioDf wliich Ihcr dij oa Mondar bluaird liit powr of coaeepiion tad dn laM est brae llir did not pOMeu a irofcd bi faroMr fr Cm aru if fco etet wostilolionjl osjoiily cf the whoK X fc Wd to lli eoa- JIoBbQl bccaoK lllit majorlj labet rrlocti ls w Bidi III triUr I mll 11 lo baiapcr ol loiay eistedinp pid u il lut I onbarrui iLe lOTorameBt io carrjio etrt that iirooi poUer of rrlrcnehaieni isdloereaafj lazitios Ihrj eonceiTed to l alaolalr nceewary lo Lriag iLe ex- Jftdilur cf iIm IroTioM villin he m sae and thai cnaUe iba friendi of the AdoiniftKlioa lo iraltte llrir firad anlicipalisBi Kiih regard lo Gaaneial Re fMrm fl tl as icjjr upon Mr WATtOX sea of tlie eontlutict ca ilie Nortbera lilioaJ a in erety arne cf te wofd aad trlJ m Bfh ralctoi bf iW Irarrliiiin CiiUigoifJ ilw ptLapa lW plioliijrap Si il li Kfamitrr lxir bireoai ml fvkt in lii rraaai ea01l i I appraiug up K tU aiagr of U la a tt cUarac1eraid ron arrW lo pul Mr cnalatlc far aa lilt Etminrr n eoDcrraeJ it Minutea of previous meeling read bad Bownarkei Frlutj Mich 85 IBM i i oiiBraion I ca aclrrnliea cf eerfaiA proiainrnl nrn in Irat eeiialf alike obaoaioua lo ibe ft Aa ear lelrpjph intiinited aal wV of Cariir ti Co aoj tbe wfiir B Miniriil rrioa hat arrived lbI tllo- an arlial boatrfr k ia a XACDNiLtilloSiOt AdaiinialralioB bat bailor Hn JiebralMrde habia naiBrd NegniaiioBawtteenlend iotoi aaiiaralu fton a a then liaif aiaee with tha vie ioNBn te ipeclaekd rear bob ttiMpthea the M inlitr tod theoe hat 1 6ia j aateai bh rirala tad teapm on Yara tc AtorS March 1664 fXora nail ih oobliaheJ dillJ AtcounU irero hen prcwnUa from H Baehe fr aeirieta at i tii tli7i ito rrtfra lai eioJiio tlo tato Hire Iniueft i li bo iecid fom Kins rair Tiaiirr ihi velil pipbabljr ha A Woo aTaOQBting lo 330 Alao from j no rrr1 vf any eociju Jenbo on the tnb Nevioo u WBlehmjo oo lie occimob of It lalo 6re aaounliaf to I0 O Bolion of Mr MeMaalor arMnd- ed bf M Tra iho loreine aeeraalt ere referrrd to be Hinanea ConaiKee Mr MefaIr b leare of nait ArriTcl of Ibc Citjof BalUnort rracDted a Rp4il froai ho Pire and ier Conamitlae reoommendinp llie tp k CnlDnial ArriTcl of Ibc wiifi mntoxel of Jiw Chantler tolakeelitrire 7 of Ihc Enjioe e hat he time In kept n j p 6rc in Vil a darinjT Tnk napoti of he i M 4 leil pro I Th orffiiiflrf poWiha a Cliiiijoon Tb rporH el Ikeir UtUff afot awi nm I d mpitiiOB LilaiLi uill diBila p- 1 lailroideaU noaalaJ waoa all Uuir SJjch 19 Til Cljf i tKel 00 lb 6 It aiu Il aiiil ilii mmn piato of ill Cliy ol in pcrfret workinp order and keep 6rc in Vi I the Kflfiiao Uoate on eotd aihta darinjr Tnk napti of Ih S h eoeiaia lAil ai lli irinter per annam I Jmenal Mr Trent ht Iare of Couneil pro rnted a Report from Ihe Itnad Cnmmiltee rrceajmendin the com of Tinsolhy Street to aa o make it paa- He wiili ai le walk ftam Main lo Irto- ijiMiIiagii ileraifh laied oi tfc prct n1 liQ eoTialrnctlin of eol oihi t iij fr li ili hail ar rert a filfufd iwtlier erorainyi iiil Dnppi ami au aiiark on llrai ie on Main and Warr Pnepla loan pljro epi nrd Als h iom Jtt a lo pul U t pprtn an Irwreet Street Towo Ili of S not pid AiWfo eeIIIriSd iheeonrlrJliOB of al In Cnceulitgei l f4fura proeuiiun of lb vi JVTVKlbi I UUi frodt Irg ntfrfdrcrjifAi iroi hr traVMi- Uopiitfp PirtbtrtAttloM l Uw 8taiiab ie St UoMiio ir rfftfpi I Oo IbcSibisil Ibr MNMrda wrprit rd a attirMTpt at llW Mar caHuMW nbala- Ait ibrn to 1 sUL WAiir- March Mr Cle aeftt C Adrlif of arriTrd brie 4t7 bnn a rMr ttl ibo rtbt intrtd aaolbrr ioiBioG of HfJ laad tliataleairidarerntlil la aom eradeK free tU fab llial ba aiada ibe rarHeal laaoliaeeocfll bei ialtadoJ iaraiioe of MarjJiad laal Jsa SoM facta ra pai1l eerrebaralioe of iMarofon ar IbeM bele ItiabalMrad lkt ita eacay are baroiag to aWaia tha foiaf af Ga Kjriek lad lhat ubila aral Graal ia prepafiif for ibe canl f Rboioed Bill oieaia oo of bold Mftntaia abwtiad hit eovaasaica iloB oiib lb tbe ripaUl and nnb a daJi for or W lla riAr of lb Aim orilia roloRiac Uoclioft tTUe dmr tbe w fakd fMtKprocordJ Jlf aaataoail grat o eaart wMch ha tetf adiMan dwwatull J t 04frTClfhad hk So ar giir tf lU taw ngainel in4 vMaollaMied MMh lot lMn aMlMd by lb propaniButrJr aMwlh a pajr h asipBiw Pf wt rMt audlBlJeal and enal of a bd taking iofo eaaahlralnn h ijr of coUartte aaKWiUa dio from bit ar bitsdrod indtHdoala be PorWB- macl conaidarld it beller lo luduea them 10 rdan thair ifltfabid0a Mking 4 liberal darfuetio Tliia ajv erer 01 Jf lo ho erfiaal boifo 0 haibvM aamal aalllirajbjL lb uiaBod itM iboo hihai iho nwril Sr daUi and loiaraal Tta arigiofl baar bo paW in eaah bafoia ivn dat wari lo Pf iXo OD iba eapilar i lih ihoaa bo ooM nM pny iha whole looub arrangeiiionia vaia u lia mado fur roeorerins ilio am- a V t ognt in ioaialoiaHUat iHrao tlx 1at Dd eighftoa aontha Tha molt wia CHTTaRWC March J0Tbl roel i eampltied e Riagjold aad a Crtio Oriar in wtntija lodty flouneil Some hid paid In ffll Itul rn eartM in r King ieiinan4iJl ineorponio on Botrl oTCra Mr Dili laamvid eiiapltr T8 of ibonao lidaied SiMalat of Cana da rHpoilag be pnMliea ol moddaa trj Ur Slggar Dili to amend tha reml- eipal law at tgarda iha piliAeaUoii of I A lo p by a cll f00e All QUlU t P i 80 Coafedera eitair Bad a dli orr Taylor riJe rlda aad earrieil f o9 ilie cMixa- ing ofhr IWl lo atnaid ehjip Sa C- nieLlareaofltberUoBfadrrale notr r raapalog irahii md ataaaraa nr Dunkin aaid lhai hi BJI propot- aenlt Muatonaf tfltcert icor laTKe Boaberi afilm ariaj jiei leenlitlifg ai releiaai C Uarcb St TU Com nweiai naa lb fill iwiaf trriAwsrair rrafsi March 19 Tlf ire ia larja fare al nirtari Tkry probabi ooiabrr 20 i Ign cf roiuel9r Ilea l Kf Haulier er IJnkrr oi r h t Vtory loscllier wilh rarioaa olhcr The MirDOtAltvPiHON Mioulry aldr rpe omrMoei lie Iramf iporcnienli o road- and tidewalk in u i i1 nii lioeji hoUinrSee Isl a brief perin I rKie ar1 wU Lowt bvt ilie differal porit Hthe illjK Theaaioanl rr elecleit laa Ie pralitnde of tliC raotilrr for Ki ri lij lie tiatp of ili iotrJuelkn of oaaj pcrticJ riTrai in mkelbt fPoUcBkca ftrd liol lU tnantgtineot ol iojUro affars U aialed atllir Iha iotridiiclioB of piiiiBleea ajninat All aUuid and lo ciuBtr- tneh irrrolariiici ad iuipoafliona j tiaoc be irQiifae cf Ue riau et were prseticcd under licir predec- 1 m T eonlrbaia lo tl- tort Cricrineea ofiaa tUod- lag lo tbe Crawa Lasdt aod other Do parmwoU hare breo redretard eaelrat eSeiaU largely feeding at the poblic erib hare been lof d off at exeretencea I iii adasT Of aa ttfcIcM bardDa to llie asd the rtiitf cor fTHer aa ibe hippniit csmlen and lafrljr of rMert tloc tk Narllxro Tira Hnntmr Arinl of tba City of Wubioftos Tbe Now TJtary BUL Jf ika NoIIiod nerei ba coDOIOt Iban 111 lit al proesi eaa Uss cfit wil be a warce nf aatla- facteo O lU enxBi111 le Eaamin- lipraBl abate cf be patron- cf pat j t aprciil tilii 1 Ibi 3aMi aolwilb fioTcrnmrnIt cxctcd btt will j tianJic- all do pood and no OB baring Ihe ine latcTeali of Ihe coQfllry al heart bsl will erd a oede cf praiar la hem fcr what ji ha egalo inlToaead lai becB acCDplibed toring llieir tenii j hn lljjry ni toilniirj ij rato of ia- f offico jf nd ffjm tho retuli cf ha debate Uij Kxeellener itapreart i-niBedate- rr ie meaaare ill lh llou uud tbe OB reeiii5 Ile retifoalioo cf li fflingcf merrbeii ll it mjra then pro 0binel wai pljAd IP CBd forlhe Hon i tiblr ii tome alight aoierdncnta i Jlr resct-rtN-BLAlR- Ihe rtproenla iuc3mo Itw Tbe fJIgwJnj it a tire of Uinlo ia Ibe Ipper Honic I jnora of iit priiioM afiehrpelhluiitbthefroialioflofa cin li rrotidea ibal exiatinj rew Adioilran Thelelefraph olro crcnn remain in force Jflformi as Ibal Mr Hlaii at pnee pot seliin aid To IBik the aame pri- 1 iBtelf lo eMsxaaictiiko wilb Sir K 1 oid reiricilot are curnur t Tacit t wilb liie riew lo bu SBderukin rirr ihe caiiimg lai tha fonsalioa ef Ibe Iower Caasda tec- Serlinn Sr4 Cnntinmt lo Tnierine reiuirtd to eompleie llo wotl tSe WaaMte Fob IS Aft Impeiial mani ftujd aad Brnifrr ComiailteeeoBtiOcr de- faiu kruwiig ib amaneipaiion of ili jirsble lo hedooe ia tUtileigltboDdreJ paaBt wm aoleranly pimlaimd luJay I Paaia March 6 Iha fiUHian k MrnoadhoMe ly leare of ConneiLtP Vi f n cmJ to he noiiQa prf4nted a rion CTniM lUporl rxconkBtenJinf h pjjofnt of W V for voej for Unuae end rUi an acooBBl loe repair w Voaa Mareh C3TTa Ciiy ol Koiiio frim Henry Uaeet bol deelin WatMngion fnoi lircpool on iha 9 h rla in to make a crant toitardt the naiB- Qiiwwn on ihu lOib aiiiiavl al 6 ol Skr fib oe covlJ ay at scb lot emoee of R UMlley lacluck ihia afiaineuo Mr jKktoa tl laid ilpnnh laUe Appicaiwi bad boon aniad fw a aom- artport from tha ConaltU lo ho 7 1 k 1 V iiil aid cdbol wiinea al Caifi leiaiiTijIo Ibe wtt refcrrri be petitloo of W V SoaUi- h Meraey ard and othert in fa eraMtberpetlBd ali Ibal Cesrga riLtr ealtr pri nr- frje nojlciy ne ihiok lioa of Ihe Cabittel aad boa hat gen tlenan deioed ca aeeoant of hii age r f to fir ar we arc eoocemed we are Uarlilj if CiHonel Sir K J j relrkii- ia T Irlrii y tauej lo tbe od j fcDn 4 h ProtiJ Companiea and CorpiialiiDa aoiborizoo to toao oioney the aamo prieilrgaa iboy j iy rnd tui jieit ihem 10 pretoM ibal reiMl iieiaat and ia aol the mao for Ihe ircent jiMtirr The euvatry ViBta roeB wilb larje exccqtirt abltily lad poa- aeaaiig ttrieol fure ofeUaracttr to pot lulo pranice whtt ihey cseeire lua praa- ihia Act il la 4d uilawjul lo est tiieneica ofiLe eoofirj deoaed j fcr moro IhJn iceri cf tbia any Adaiiaialratioo will SacTion ih Tlia penally for apoeial agraoment ia nado til par cani aiiall ba daa 1gil iBtaratU 8etioa 6k aa reprda Dank CnipnraiioM Aie eRer iha patting of luatr rivlalinn aad eairint the Oaaaetl to appoint aoao pnoa to iaiyoaBd aoimab rVnniag at ljrp The Ropoit reaomnesded tbe snotiag of Aa prayar of tbe petition bBi ai BO parwo waa sBed it aa refer- ref baek wilh isatnieiioBa The Coonoll ibea vaat iato eaiaiDillae of lte whole no the bTa reperta Mr it Ihe ebair wbea tbej were adopt ed i shore CotBoitfaeroaei and ihoCooacil then adopledjho iepoHof the Commillee On motioB of Mr IteMaaier aeeooded by Mr Treal the Erjrineer were ip- rtractcjl to clota tL apeemeet wilh Jo- aepb Chantler lo tceordaMa with the terms fil forth MoTcd by Mr Tat by Ur McSfatler Ihal iLc ByLw Com inillce borcqBcatcd to prmire ByIwt aod rate of order for the OorerBtueBt 1 thia Cool a proeetdinip and Teport Ihe aaaebylavto tb CoseiTCarrid Afler pbaria a raelatlon for tbe pay neel ef aecwiata aentfooed ia he Fi nance Cnianilleat Report tha CoBDcil adjtnsrned EditoriaJ SoalUiy- Riitaaniber Iha Aticaltaral Sooiey of Nniih Yofk Boatd of Dlraetirt meal lo aiorro aitrertiemrni Qianady laeeii wilb lb M Cioreh Tba Oanith war wai dahaiad ia iba oue of Lot Ja on Ihe Bih boril Ruaaoll praonouncad Iba Aaaira PiaMian coora iirjivlidbta Tb aiet bf Ovmnaik iaii lo eoafeiaocet wacMeiei la aiew ilaya If ah aaeenij negaeiailona will be cui iiirncad I oihtrwlM ihe war miui un ord bhaftaabory ueJ iliai a Bmlb Uet ba aeri 10 in lUllie 10 aatah iba Aaiiiian ivMaU ilir Lord Kcm ajjil lhl lla channel qaloa waa bonoi aiul eoulil ba aeul il tlwiiabi al Iba eboiiaai aoiiea Tim AaMdaaa iieJ nada a fanlei ad- Tincs lowatda Jaalarri Tb lavoimeni ul Fiedaiiea by Iba aiiea at axpcld in a Uv clay Th HiaMaa heaJqianara war ai Mon- xild aa iha berdatt of Iaigi briial pfeparaiien wtf4irgoa on Ihe todit cf KaHliag Efglwh jrnala p5u in nrgirg a new Holy alliarcr tut ii it qomlioied ly lli cenlmenial ppett Ji lametao bat net eeefiimwt tbal the RuMun eperial Gaad wa vcdarad 10 ih gjafiaa foiillaf Tn tiid TVibM ffOn a enreial riaw coosaal jnacKao oo laa pao el Eng land The AMlaka btaXunllian csoiiMaa ai Pari Il I aaaertad ibat a loaB eaniMM be uetociaW lill ha it viiablialioJ ia Mexico UoJoA Hueti 9 fiM i9WPf i lovif S9fr Orm OBchaiised Hyo fim AmeiieftQ Bevolotion- Lrjutbt boraet ara eonCnanb Tlirre i goeraI belief lbi ibe Can frderalra iaiead lo laake a awldaa aoe- meal lato Kcalacky Nxw Yoxk Mardi 91 Tbe JemJil illo Heat leltr of tte Itib uya fiur conrtbaad arritd brrt from lb ad to lake mriy iba opilan ratertad by iha prraen laaf lo partwoio iao er not Mibay MibiagraailMttaadafdweighia and meaauie ilire aulbnriaed II waa oppad lo lakiug away ibai optloo and nuiail ibo lliree atnnlha bflial The llouto dif ided M Mr Dunkiit motim Veat 48 Stfw 44 Tha Speaker ho caaiing rote viih tha atyt Tba queatiiiii being agita pui 00 the ecoiid reading llr AiiliajKike in faor nf ilm lil Deaad ilial it wat rery adBiligio ibai pmjile ill buying or aolli g HPn MhoulJ koow ihey wo rfniig I juatieea ef the feaa Ml Mowal in Iha abaaaea nf Mf CamarM fiiil lo amend tba Act r- laiio otba ebwier of lb Caoada Coa- Mr lIKllr iDorad lbalat ofth Igbbouiboed of ChaiUaloa yetlerday j ur eaaaipl if be bought a buthal nf Tbey bring 00 aaw except Ibal aoee cfloala be Mght U know wballiar he oar ibellt reach farther ibjn lirrad airrrl bxuci 34 wxioda or 40 pound aad oaiiy of tbt iababiltMa ae rclurBirgi Mr biniih Vuronln aipporled Ibe la Iba eiy eea6dal ibit ibe Yaaknij 011 lU aaid whan iia aod a Uhel i caa neter Itkeii wheal partlM in Lower Canada be A boat lotd f daetier acTra in fbunid ibtt b Uueirl a piirchuar namber rcaolied our lst iLc lUf before 1 eljinieJ 68 Iba and in Qiatre C9 tti rotriday Tfcry werr eitiig lelegrtjil j and tickl0 ineiead nf 00 lb- whieh liaet io CkxrlrUao barbsr aad brovgUi waa the teinT bihrl Tha aanifc diver ikeir iinplt inciu wiib Ikem 11 preaailed aa to wlial wit a buthal of They ay Ibal Atlmiral Farragil ba oata alrady capfad Full Gaina wiih a gar Thd Qill wai than laad a aeeoeo iime iiaoo of 1100 eta and i oo baigng jand roferrrfto a committee Tliey bare n pstiie ay al ilic city lira and do ant ji rceein tbcif re pill aa fP fbo lluuaf aijuunadat afitariar paai Froriacial PuUunent- LxaielaTive coiiciL Quiatc Mnrch IC The Speaker took lb chair al direr oeoek Tha foilowiftg Billt were inlrodooed liofl Mr Campbell Dill lo auitior Inla of Ihe en uree aehool prhpeny to the ciiy pf Kioraion Ilea Ur Lhrifie moeed be aeoond raiding of ibe Ulll logtnl relief In pet- ana luting contcieniMxa acruplea ainal lifyiil under naih Tba mo iivii waa wgitited liy to 23 Vptt Maara Aiii AlUe Ren- neti Ferg illair ilak Campoell Cbriie DOkaon Farrier Leooard Leelle MeCraa UeDmild Motfaeler AleMurrlch Mill Moot Saaboro Skaad Satith end Vidal Nat Mettrt AleMnder Araaad Araninmg lieby Doalioo tareau Cbaffori Cormier Crawford Uoehek Bay Oordeo Oaaeeneat Ilasiillo Rinptoa La IjFlelliae de 81 JiKi Malkiot Paoati Provix Frmdhoen- me Raaaor Byaa aad 8ir B P Tacha ixotitATlvt AracuaiT Qutacc Mareb 10 1964 Bin I LCOIUATIIS eOKCiI I Qoebee Mafcb 17 TV bavara Mr Fcrgawno Bair preenleif the rper1 ef lh eooiaKlloe In abMS wi rt ferred tbe R to ameaii clajer eigbly eibt of Iba CDilalT Mtalatc hr Upper Cinada Hiaataeadaiaala rrporl d by ill eoaanitlea wtreagmd to aed Ih Hill ordered to ha Bil a IferJ tuM oa lk 311 nfMareb Mr Blake islcmlaeed a Bill giee ad litional power to the Better Fire iaaar aoc Compaay Oaaitlia oT Mr FergoMoa BUir iU Parhaiaeat Kpecial PreiiaB Dill read a ihiad liia and parted ih ConiKil bea aijMioad lill Tbur day 31al March LtChLATirt AaltMaiT Qiznic Mtck t7 Tlia aferrovi M Tac1ieiM mired ihal Iba Biockrdl ivUclisB Caaviitee bar teara lb aitjoera til Friday lie 1 5th AprtI at the reqt efbalb part e Car ricd Mr Mowat laid on tbe labia a raiara to at iddreat fer eorteapMecai be re- apecUaf tba oeeta aail aerrie Mr Towall aMted iba appoiataeat of a tetecl eaMillta ea Iba aafeject of lb cnlliag aad iBeaaareBeal of haber la comiBl of Hetwr DaatfadUaat Irriaa Jam Norlb Leeda Mclalyra Me- Kdlar Iope Wnghl Ollawa Curiier aDdl1e moTcr Carried Mr Wallhridgl Mend i addreet fir a Uil io ra6iUtt iht tpetitiooj orihejof iht U to be th forfehufo Crf ill in ifvibo Prpooi on Cooswrto bt spted Th Sker took lU ebair n ibre ypU iterMt in icri of Mfrn per Aid koi fM SAtotdtf ond Scii7e Siveo go md ordr to bo rtparXtd vbos oclock FBlarnoeal dirtebea ioforta at Ihal aoeh fLrlaiiuie 50M lo itie benlii of ihe borrower Il tacbeteaaa ahuold ba paid CB Colonel Tactic decliaing Mr R fat liiiLaelfIn coaimBoicalioo with 1 l0Bi6S late AitorweyUenml uatwbo prorecded ta eoaault M- A aad lhn with Ihe new lo forat the Lower Ciaadt Pcctios of the parily fros Ihoat tapporiio lie late llActMi- AUkSicoTTc asd the MiCoeAUnoB- ii Miy ba rauinad uut U any piincipal ten ihea wpaid Gnuid Conoert The cencrri la wbicb wt alledeO a e wrrkt tfA 0 be giren br a aember of Ileal tmaleurf nitli ifae ricw o laiie faada A4oiiaUlniooilateareeieeealfPf l- iaply aony ie dd wilhaol eqeeaaa fib coauag aeltl day of Her Utjetiy Mr Blah iedin it ivpotaiUe lo t- rtra eoDeagaea likely legirelim a work- lag tuajority la IOwer CaBaib wUboal KoiBg iata the raaka of Iha oliraCABTita ptrty iaforaod Uit of iit Cailarc aad rttigMd Iha aak catnjwed ta bra Ree tekfraii to aBotbereelBBie New Elttratlob Act The Hon 3 SA5Driri b klACBoxaui lia hlrodoced hit new Regiattalian Bil lod itboat nopplug BOW 10 giro a gen eral tyoopait of il rtriova elauaea wa my obaerta all the iotponaai praei atOMofibe praaaat Act ef Ptrllamaat ara rocaplivlaied and tddiiion ihere 1 1 it eoBttin aarertl caw dasMt im- fioaiBg reetrieiioiii on Itaghirar and In- craMiiigtbairdiitiaa ForiBtiaoceltdi prtciieiBf bariitiarailacny wt aoUeiur froa haeoaiag Ktirar or ZkfMy Eegiairtr io aoy Roflatry of- Ilea ia iha rrorioea It atto proeidae thai M Beiielrar OepMy Bejibirtr or Ctachi ia aay Rralry olBe act or fianiM aa t eoaayaMr er draw pe- parcra4riiBaallba4mrif or pre- ef toy hMtrwaaai haur wUek dwy be reghiered oedar fhia At ateoeafl oscM WiOa 1b alar ltefBMr ia vbldi im BejiMer BeahMW kept aod Ibo aya- M fwoitf Mcb efioa 01 ba akji lo iaafaeUja A4Mel diMe- HbM mbJ flrfli aa t0ke lb Boekt WiW kapttWeby fergalj iaerMa llMteitar tfagMMf Tba M- eliMaaaf AeuefhriiawM Mibina k4bralsthiaeMiMaaBrwni proea rgtMadftata tB a Mittr nf aBfawlB ewB Mktof aeidlr iib refard io rilMnliaa ia la eeaie aff Ibe Meebanica Hell Dcxt Teetday erealag Twketa hire bera filed at the low priee of 3Vlr in order tsaflord all wbe cbeoae ta npforlu ai to cealiibala towardt Ibe objaci ia riew Tbe peogTaBoe esbiacet aereral piecei of eoftaidenble meiil aad at lli Coaceit it lo be keld aider Ibe aapice cf Ihc Ftie Brigade we otke vo deabi auch aa roUrtaieaeal will be gireo ta lU aSij taeteaaol ta tU wb oiy il lead lb Bcolpmi Tmty The Cosaeice Ceaaiilea ef ihe itvoae RrptearBlairet at Waabinctn he paaaeil a rr aalbeiisini Ibe lerm oaiiee of tba Secipneiiy Titoiy 0 Ibe eaaeioleBI ef a new tieaiy la aail iie view of Ibe Federal Cern Il alae ae- Ibonxea ibe PratUeBt 0 appulat three eocaaiiieiooera to eeofar w a like naa bei wbetwrer ibey abatl be eppouUed by lliiiiah CoretBiteBl Of coonc Iba abort ie aitnply Ab i ciaioB of tba C CoatBitlao Bed nay cot bo wiKiioBad by Coegreee but appeartccaa era apiBat aoy eery leogtb- aaad cebtiMBea of tba Baaipraeity Treaty oa ii ptiitBi beila K9Tt ZffeeU of tha Wcr By tthyaph ftaa WttUagtoa ltr 4aa UBiBb tla4 n laBtB tbo iaper aat thai tbe OiBsdlaa ap ply of AMfWaa aoal b M Btoppad Tba taj The Beoetofj af the Tummj tm ffm ptrttlre etdae preblbj ibe ilpalat ef Aaoftaaa aal la C Tba NMl of thia BfttaB ba MIS MB tb fnaa ef eaad ia BB t nanjimi b anatt tiki eeat mtMbHam to bc Let BBhBpa thBnBt bmmV eA al I aVloek p m On thai eomndltee ihall be Ballad a re oclock a rrr Rr Biabepj aolstioa aathoritin aad rtqiuriD tbe J Biguiwa D D i expected Io of PrwW ci be Gortra meat of Great Brflaia that it i tbe ib I tcDiioD of the OoTtnineBt of the United Mr Wm SAtrMx tthe tiyt lie Sulci to rmintle the Reelaroeity Treaty made with Ortat Britain M Iha Rrfiiih North America Prerieeea at tb end of iwclre moethe from vxpiratk of 10 ycart fjotB the time the traaiy went into operation tix Sept 184 to the oBd Ihal the tieaty my baabrngaied Imi a tooa a it caa be aodar the I pferMofia liaiti aniea a aew ooerco- I vcBlim ahall before that time be bob- O Tb PreaWani oftbe Upper Canada between tha two Goreramtata by rfy M boHrt of 1I4 oiodb6ki t TVMubQrtli Dt lon IMO tOl to ToroD tjl 0 iMt tr Fodw oiO ralHino with tlwic i llio pfoettiA Tt VM mtdf up wool Iviflof Ho 4lw por IK fm wmi 9 4hd Iho o4baoka SIA Aa Cel O T Dtaiaoa re1 ibe pioriaiont thai he abreMMd taltrfae ng will b helit la Ihe Brljari offlea pt lory Ic both CoterBiaeata Tba Frea q ni le annoonee ihai e general aeai j or te ne4i6e4l aa lo ba BSteally tala he lOh Miltaiy CHalilci a Toranlo oi dent 14 alao afllhorixed e appoiat Ihm ihe7ih cf Apiil nex al on eWk p m eoniniiaaioBet by and with tha adriee fariheioipeofptaring the Aatoeiailon audeonaeotof lh for Ihe rtri- J ev fwo uf ile ucitT lo coBw ithotbv oaamw eteadJ foe and for the daly BBlboriaed tbeiefor eleeiNofrliM fo ibe enaoini ir il aball appear to be tbe wiali VoliaieeolRet8ieadeMjarandr Govcrorocnt of flreal ttfiuia In eeitefOiiltictAMecialraBaef Upper Caaa- ncgolalda te Iraaty betweeo ihe two deaie ioriled GoverBBenteaBdlbepeeptaoflothoeMa I iriea anaiiMtd apon the troe prieE rOr J J be U rf rceiprodly ted the tcaottloreii tioebat beea pMlieieg hi preteeaieo with marked toeeeae ka tbe Uaitad Stalaa baa reanaed lo thie ptaoeaad aa ire teqneM- ed lo tiata will remaia bete far ebi er ten ay fee ibe iraiweeiion nf pri dfiWiB riKcixiixn Mercb U Dttfaiebaa fraa Celaabae taya thai all iba rateraa rrgiaeait ia Okie beteogiag to ibt depart Dr will Oed a fceeataMe ppoilaoby le anaocB aatailird rlaiilie ralbei tbaa be ebiii 10 ifetl wilb tbaea vhem ba nay appeiol It liaoaael baalaeaa foe bia O 7 QcaaBfair ftagmwim i ibo nile ef a ow Magaikia deeaiad lo Naiiaoal Peliliat aad Paoiily LHeralefo la I aadl aed aiina Tire ftrai prrBlod by Meetea DaiBi4 Iiwaea er Mr p Caima Ed ItiM Pfoprletar at tl m aBBB aad eeaiaiaa abW 70 pdgaa ar iaieiaeiiair IM laey aanee Ir aMaataa Pweodee io lUaiHtilaeliaa ta Ftao Ta4o Tbe Xtmit CafanraaBi il oeMtMlf pmpiad wUjnaataata S oaa addtoaa iSa Bdhec al fUaihea Imi Unttf aeoaiatB eeey oteel- tew laWaa aaa d befiNo ibo adWe by Bee eaeaa tf tWo iaa B oBki TV aW to ibo tBta aw ab baadW fhoar wlaw Bd potata tad a eo amMivo a etylo aa le itaaacd pMat Hie Uaatriliafaa woia t ud ibieMi t Ma aolaclad fnB tbe BW 7 U ealoaUiad toHTBlif4rW Iba arayef ibe Peloaaae Uadrr lle latl call fer lrpa Ohio ia abon el 38000 aa The Cbatoaereiaf e tbia ciiy bat a apeeial deepelcb fron Cbatltiaaa wbch aayi Ibe rebelaaie in large force at ear frnal bal caabe 0 deaeoMealleaa SA etbel pelt lai etApedCreea C C peaea aa Maody A detpalcb tea Maridiaa aaya lhat OtB o bat foae dowa tbe Hia iteippi with bia traopa endeady ar Ibe lUdBleer Oea iMaaa bu roaigaed Iba eeai aad of bia raM Mrpa aad O Wood lakee ifaiaj si bii piM 6walwiB labaB ttmmmi ef ibB diparlaaat af iab Waaltr Vir elak CairiiHBltB BlelMMt pAraA a Gworgia oaaaoaMtef fl t HMfK The robot p Wi tiaa daaaaa- BfU Wilb mmk Tba Ueiaa prinwiit at Criialla eery atarly aade tkair aaBBf a i daye ago tf taaaeB oaL NgYoujraBb IB jUricB ftB lBa BWjit Ur Utowa preeanted iha peiiuoo of GlIeQ Goelay enle aurairingdaughinr of tbedeeaatod Kobeit F Caailay eatling larlli Ibat iu 1844 the Lagialaloro giaDl ad a peo4oo lo her treaaed faiber le eomfaocaie bina fur lotaoa euatained ic Ibe tariioe of tha eouBiry which peoaioii ha aeier drew and elaimlog ibM ahouU be girea lo her hi right In the esoia haling boea beq leaibed lo ber ly bia will Oj mlioti ef Mr X S SoIih laaea of abaiDCo or 10 deyi wai gruted b Ihe ilonT Oeurn Browo Mr Dunlin reported ihr Temperance Bill aa aaMLdad the eclaci comiaiilae u whom It wee referred aed iha BiU a eiMeded ordered to be reprlaied- Mr UBkanze Laoabion mered the adoption of the Aral report of the Joiai Commitlee en Priaiiug which roeom cneodad ilial endera ahnutd be atked fur tbe priniing printing paper tiid binding required fur bvU HiMKa fur fiio yeara to eomneuea on ibe lai bf Jaauarr 16U Mr aletpion maraJ In amandmaDi thai ibe eotiwBiire ba iiiruei to rraaw tba exiaiiBg eoBtrae fiir period of 60 yeaca oo like term eod eondiiiona Mr neekoate Eiembion aeid ihr Hiwaa iid uademad ihai aome nf Iba pteilbt contraetera were aoi vllliog o reaeir ibt axiatieg eoDirae Mr Cartier tgpporud im anend n lie iboaght tha work eoo noi ba beiur or eaiaper forfotmtd Ihin BOW Mr j B nrioo lupporled tbo Co miiiae report oa ibe grooad ibat the oorraet priadple wae to gire eul tit aiteb oili to pobiie Uttdtr T ameadiiieui area iitr by flS lo Oli aad the ciuia ooiioa wrM oa the auM dillaioa Tba SreektillB Conmiiiee oanrt were reMried yaaierday at tba labMr Tbe foUowiog Bill wfre tlM lilUo- doeods Ur EalglM BUUfo IncarporatB ihe CaciadB iba EUIWCM be CoBBefldet B Mr Wood Hill ravBAiiag indijpia dast tari wd ImUtr CoIdm- ftiw Mr Mm itfn jB ad br oOIUbb of all CMen fe Coiia eiid odiBr Aiy o eoireedea- CB or t tbe Qaebee Pira Loao triib Beminat of all lakBoaMMyaNM bnU a eoeb Orrfan ia Ctmil dffOta- BBW OkmiWW M rieea to the Cral of JBDary 1863 la explaiMd ibal wbia Mr Peataaaler licaeialSpeaee waa defratrd a place waa Btde fer Wo by reoorieg tbe Teroa IB Collecloe nf Caaloae 14 Uellerilte where to eapaata bis for Ibe chaae be rtcoreJ ait beedrtd detlart aere el- B Ibaa bit piedeeeMr eajoyed Tlie relura Ihelbake4 lar woeld briog le rht other abniPt perpcinled by ibe laie AdisinilratioB ibe ereaae deptiaeti uf llitliag lit eevH eot bi longae to tpeak tet be theegbl of Ibe daiaf of iWtato AdaiaitirBtigg Tbe nolioq wa etriird- Tiabw soTe4 ibe laBoiatoeal oT a tlec emaile lo cca ewer tbe petclicabiKly aad prtptaely ol coDiireciieg a canal beiwrea Geeigiaa Bay aad Lake Oaitric by Latct and Seegaf to coeual nf Meeea Me Uitfgall MWalMuaro Scoble BarwoH Scaicberit aid Iha raarer Carried Ur Cjckbufn laoted for a copy of he Cnrnmiaion rreenily laued la Geo MeptyiiinraUgeie oerteia ebarfn agatnal atidMber ptpri iMiobiiig taidCoamiaaiun t ffoettd- ib tbroBiider Caeriad Mr Abbblmt4 Btr aiddrate for all papbn rincB laal aaaaiaa relatlte to tbo lir of the Prorip BBttdiap et Oiiawa end aflutding ioformauon aa la ihe prcibabiliiy ef iboao twiMlnge befeg in aauffieieatir adeaaead iiage fe ntMe 4la eai of OBTtroanU to be ttatoyod tn 0im beCoN lb ehtaa of tba oariga- tiontbia etrACVritd Mr Metiao Ntored or a raiera ta to tliefreo grantt ttf luda la Upper and Lowar Ctnada iafpcttiy ii ha dale cflaai retaraa Carried Mr JoaH IfofA LpBd ftoftd an addriM fur eoriaepoctdaaeo aitd other pa pers rstfaeilsgllMslaiHBof b OtHtn tort Ibr weirk done prior ir tHs aoboftforiiaiee Aiuroey Oeo llwioa daid 01 ibere was no CftUr Ia aeil on tba of Iha BWitM but there Ind bBb aaaa Biftwpnadinai vbidb iba r erninoBt bad iw ottina lo briaig doB Mr ioAeoa OMwed Ibaport rolatire 10 tbe diwaieaa of Mr HaMmW from ibe oBoe of Beghtnu of BrsesaCrfi ed i O Iki pTJir FVy BMMded fa nr Alleya tbo liooae ai ei Veloel aoomed ia boeor of S FBnit Dax MMsuTiTa ABaaaact- Qdtsw Hsrafe 18 IMO Th Bp taafc As ebBirJt IbrsB eeaco be araDied to Ur Mecktszfe of fforib Oiidrd for les day He ekplaia thii Mr MaekeBtiehad boea eoddea- ly oelM hooM by iUoeat ia Carried On BKMion ofAiiy Gen Meed fhB Hms wsoi fata eoamlnea oa ibe Rill rBtpeding t regiatry oRi eaa tnd Ihe ngialraliOA ofUuda i Up per Caotifa A oaeaieieD of aaie ieoglh look place oa an nmandmenl cnoeed by Mr John A Maedontld lo iho 9ih clause le tlrike out tbe wcrde proridmg ih regiitrara iltould boLl olSeo duriag ibe pteaeure of Ihe Ooaaraor io Cotincil AOer di the antendaMPl vat atiib and ibe elauea potaad On tire 10 ctiuae dlacmaiqn araae aa to tbe aouMini of aceorHy ihe regialiat aud hi aoreuea ehnuld giro lioally Ibe AtlorniyGaeeral ip ih iliflctirg viewi of moMbeira by pmaid- iog Ihal 11 atiMitd nit bo Iota iban tt 000 nor iniara ihao flIO 000 ai Uie diacroUon if the G itarniaeiil Mr 1 11 ForgiMon having riaen t3 rnike aiina remaiki on Ihe 14lh c1u itliich provided that iii berriater ailor- I ey or aniieiiiar eliould be ajipo niol r g waa lufuraed Ihal il lied beev rtriiek oet The IStb cliDta baing put prTing thai regiatttra ahovid not act a cunaer- ancera Mr fliomat Fcrguloo moroJ ilc 1 t airuck out iiireel P aiid VValeli apoke agaiaat ihe elau Meaara Ally Oen M icilMalJ Well bridze and CMrebara apoka is iit a ir The ctable ma fioally carried tbe Alturkay Wi Attlng ihat al a lege bowoiJ aodify it to n eeriain oijciiuiit wlii bd bo urged There wae e gwd deal o eonreraa ijoiml dlieueaocvo the olaoto which fol lowed Oil the 2lib being reached tha cooi- nine ritre and reported pnigreae Ai Gon Unc loiiald aiered thai the Huua Jo n adJoJrn rabttoBalWagt Ottewft THt Mocacit wxDt riirea thb at tntrHSsoB voK freai U ftrmrnlki OeiaMaMr F IKirAa Tlie repbri ef tbe eooiiaiaxloe of eoqily inio satlera coenected ariib lhe Bed ing baviag beea bd in tb laller em of Jiaeary aebvily ef ed wa 4orlly eflerwardaprtaled fir tbe reautiiplioa of Iba weika apoa Ibl baaia ibio nceiaiBeadcd Aaloe drigiaal oslrael- haiT dalieer d asd prptrr large ef materi alaead Wrre felly mridd ailb lb ee pael brferotb aapeaiamef ilie Ilka in ISO i il wai deei adtpable I offer Ilea Ib cabl of U baiUaga Bpew ih lertaa lel fenb ia tba rrpirt abnre referred 10 TliiacSerbariag b acerpted by Ibea ceiiaia pr ariarjoirBi aadrj cairicla i aeeaedanei ihere w lb 18b Arl 1863 Early ili Ibe ftllewia aooi dMaweoced ea aH Ibe Buildiap tad rigoeooaly proceeded witb aalll Iba wialar aak ia wbre l beaaaa aeccfary to eaaSao epe to IbeialeeiM aa4 preparttiea ef aateritli fer aexl aoaaooa ear Tritte aoa beiag axpedilif ly pre credttf with Tbe progreat nae dariog tbe peel year iaainkieg maailiaied by Ib fm f Baildin aad ilkllrMs- r lie rbalet tte tfr filftogi habeitr aad elcaajaa peied tad Ibt ceilieei dee aaA fur platlrriw Tee diai bi wai ia rh Oaiar of Ibe ZtAnt flr hart basa tarried Ibe beigbl of Ik btaaal Werer Tija OaaAtH kai be aad ibeAalt aorrrtd wift lU Oiriaiee aalla tad trcbn aad rwwty tad fh wilb bt i beee ctrned ap M be9ltWAe ud eoBeriit ltfdaed an idea of wbal will be Ibrr elliaMie arcbiteelaral affeclbu beet largely de I be9ltWAeMw I y i Weed Uia- rOfed eliin eeatlretled the lih walla earried ip le neiire iht roof of Ibo Qftio boidifie Ground Jl or Tbe tree joialaaaa errle Soar bite bees bid ill eeeridat aarb pillart placed aad aretel tia atrucied ia taeabere lobbies latoiia tadend wtllt af bti cbeorttara cMW j op oarhe pilaaten placed tod toe laid treoad pllcricf tad wtti efK iatalif cbaaber cartM ap to baigki f roof AH be toferior wtUa bar beee carried ep 10 fall bvght- bM j Ibe ina joialt aad aooorele lMr bM broBibouL 7fae iaierior wtllt art oar I rid j and Ike cereiei laid ee tba fltoka iBdrear of Iba bildiaa Abeel SO ff i be cbiaaey topa ara ceapieted aad 4b olbera earned up abore lb ro e Pynngib araoe abool 4203 euVt yardtnfnaMBry wat bnllaraily xttfMKi of brickalaid abaut 2303 yard of coocreta lad ef M in ol iron fl lor j iili piecati aed erer j 30 I0B of lead aaedoa ika flilt of tbt tufa Bad fer olKr ppiea Oalbe iparMtilifinUiitg pk ben aada OB fce ocka in additioa le bae referred U abxe ri reHing op and lafing cnacrni flMr Prin toilirhouie aud feet reoai ejy phiioj air aod ateJaranUa eercriaf lgrt aud eafyin mp dieniaa wall laiig cooeiele flwa in Ibe irlad rt ifibi rcindtoriei riog id fia bin tb bwaeali koJ part ef ibe fiat iiriea 7 Uariag lln aeavs abeol 4M eebii f ard of aiMary ww baill ftyo4 sttf it 01 bricBa laidaadeaer tlAO eaW farJa ofeMierel j t I o a bl iaceSTeniiak aaa basam eriaaard by aia anttal ef tlabaiMMfi IrMa Bigktad for paKaflbe apfct fail andAilwfi ef Ihoietaildiagiaiid fonbSI sailer bMe Sipj bare bowerrr biM lakva 10 euaure Ibciilrlirery i Tiring ilie rariow woefcd eooaedeit wilb ytte of battiog taB eealililiM K txr carried 0 aa lpedalily aa tn taee oirid peratil Tbe amoaai paHUig Ibe ptityi hat bee aa fallaieai ris PaU la aaoraalar FarBaaieal DaUiaca 1M I aatliaelai ftapaitatat Bii4ia Paid ta eumraclar fer beallag id BUhUat apiiiaaaadaaw Adeaoiia eMiaa IUT I Ttj Mum OaraaTaear ae IaueWaaia I VJ Eteeotlotiaf SaBhiifc Th imfuHBMieirMlnal la Mj tun ruflWsd tba pebr e moraing ib frMI of 164 n Q iboe Aboirt 6 000 otten alihougS lb praoHa ta ehuirnai n Suiy adriairf ibo o iiy naaV TiM appoirli and maapnur or tb unrrtintia reiopec Tbey fora ibntMe ef a q eeaialMg aa trn ef eetrly lea aerte tsd areaitoaledapoB a roiky potat liaiBf abm 160 feel abo Ibe lersi oflba Ot uetsbitbAwi at iiabtiW Tbiteleraiioieeflmliidete aaialaiiBp- ed riew ol tb rrr Ihe chy aal ibr aurrosadbig eooalty ikea nbooeiaf lb Itableetai of Ibe ail wWeb i- Blbei reapecti an adyaaligeovt os Euletiag lb twaro fieei WalliagtOB Street ri1ttberB aoiadiey ibeoftBad wfl aMM araSiskedtiy lbs UepatiaaBiBl Ulocka aad ibe aortb tad it lortad by tbe prioapal froat efthe ParUtaeet Bedd IBf Ere fa the preiMt mCtKbed fialB of lb week il will he ika tbt Qet driodl farei of tbe Blockt tr MSciexlr dlieinlM kt oaIraB to trsU ift aotey vhieb aeob as ituaiol Bila ilyl aigbt ba ipei I oalail f bM lb are regalar IMnsoalal lioai aod ibr frtd eealnl tower ol tlw pCrbteieM Baldiigtforaa ptatwag coatr to all ibe real prodeciag a toabioed adVcl c gttndeaftaadbaraMoy bitbitiibclicrd eabbetbi tpad by aay eiber Public Beildiagt epos bit coaliatet TVaaiareefa ef lb Oeparlaralal Blaeka ate coapteted aad alalad tbeoab aat Tba rouf if ibr petecipal freat of tbe ParliaaM Uaiifiem it alaOpBt OB aad lhat pHm A irrtt ef lie Mlb ttwtr tial td Tbi roefaof lb IjegltUtira cbtaberk tad library htr tol yai beta eomaraead b laller pottioBeflfti baildiag rcMtia- iegnearly atil wfawbts Ibeaoekt were lUpetded Xb towen ofib deptrfiHBtal Block bat geacrilly beeo ctrrisJ abore tbt lerel of the rooU aad Ibea tiaporarily cerered in it hatiag beea decided to dirtcl tttefarli efwr 4be peeaapuea of lbs vorlia te premt tbe for oecBpslka St ei early a dtUai pWa for abich psr peee Ibe eotiplelieo ef lb tom alM fraa aagla owen an carried fU beight tad Ibe wHera e reefed r ahiy tbt eatrtliaatrfiya siaiMtrtbli btaboistbaaiMcaiBiBa m 6paok- rtleweeshattslMrlMa ctiWMop tad corernd iat Tb aitdlwi rtf ia piaea Bad gltted i aad II win Ibta be ittB Ihal IbB txitriar fraaivhflb Mtllagt pra ap PBataati aitb At exsoptisa ef llM ptr- SattVBfBaB4 llBarb bib abitk bsrB taa irnfiifcj aiA sfes Iba 0 ihii t a man who etdiaditM d lli n whiob ba ad but wtw bad ta B fate witb vblbahiflg teftftakl mm lira sad taaitMrMNpMptdN i o bo Mt bl ftlt by bf eplrlioai adetisra dib lb Miogbar WlMa priw the plBjaiBtagfoaitie IS tba hta of t sli HoWdBMiBMBbtsSa- ibbc hurily aftor tO o I drasaed lb Mple FraiiA aUS liah Hiai Ibt wbili be ailghlbs 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