Newmarket Era , September 2, 1864, p. 2

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WHM iw AatmMMsu Ufl fMrAca Ca Vrv4 Lqiei Afc wVHiii T 8Bhh LmI W RrU Wklwltth At 9tMr I- JUckUm rvtkir wTl o r iXskM N TniA Tia VewaatM k tWp cnttol icd 1 t ft irmina Uk HeftOtJ M AfriltS ilC4 m iaiTV Vtll Tfi J1 HI Mc r AMMIBCidllril EMSr Sir t A iiror f niftf rfvVoi 4H01I ffm lK tbo itp iV 1T riii illlillp lit Ht X4mtrkM FiidftT ftcpV Sad 18C4 Kortb York Ag Society A BMliof of lb Brd ef the ibo Baeiety oeK pl it Ibe Riilrd Ilslel NtvMtkft M SttsHtj latl 10 Tb Preddtat in tbe cbiir Timcni Mn J RffW B rnni lUadaQ A Phillipa J VargnMn OrUa Cbkpf Tbo LIod tod tb 9W wryTri MianUi of pmioat oMiing md nJ Adapted Comanteitinni vr then reid from be Chureita of Ibe ComBiitre of both BoMM of PulUiBiDt tnd tVoo tn Airtat ia the Bateta ef Apnealtsre DyrtHlt Qeebee rcUlinf to errltia fettm taqeirtd Alio frem tie Skn- wj of tbe Nortb lUding of Simeoe Ap Soeiely of Barrie rcqtmlinit tbe appninl- Mat of tve Jadgw for Stoek for thtir Fill Show oa the 7tk of October ot Tb Board tbea procndtd to intvrr taTff y errtiSeil 1 nblma Iirente tn kcp a tir Thern np1 rrlvnl Houo nf IabKfl KKlcrtaianietit In TJial lcn thi C vljnom Ihtl ientf J IV Mr SalCT il i utani alj njrnnl until tlif diy Apvlifalion eleo ntde by f riilfr mii it en n mcrl l Mr DoMt Uiik 1 CoOBfll t traul lilTn II Id ti loniNion Carried the Iin- 0 Kranei ioiraii of ilc Council ihrti iiij uirntil BmnnUr to Ihe epi I Arr SotaI Insuranco Company or anl tOTirda the niaintB0e er an I ladinnt bb dIilale ehiIIhoee moth- I 71 and Mantpen of Ibii r i diad and the filber U B0 in fiplont Innrance Company hire lle Herrc left H l fWilcd tlcir annual report wl eliir fr an hiir kul cifsmniicd Itrd In llic liaiHioMct on tht of H rd pf lieinv liiflor Mr Ihil- ait il tliir anninl mecling 11 in I ho flinir TI e rtnrkiblc loereu aod rapid pro- Moj Mf TW by Utai ibrda the nMt Mr Mitlill ind rfiltM 1 1 r I Thai t1 Uond nl Pctiiien pflVnld o tK aimwd- H Unl- 1 McTaraart n ippiie int for a prti6aH I and apMki ll fnr the taeTRy ibilily lod BtiM tn oltin lipcinc looprn anH Itfp 1 1 MtUly of it Minipw ind Diteeton o InUie iitcrljiiiRicnt in the Vllc deBittmenl of Ah btuIaCM of 1 J 1 i j ln lomrfcny tnaiciuoftf rar w Hry xhiX A cru finale fr afTcmd I y- rn i ptanttd upon pajm i to Ihe Ttsfui- rrojTly thoa dtmonHra- rr of Ihii corpotalin of lb mm ff f30 lin Catriid MoTfd by Mr MaehHl Keondtd by Mr Thmn ind reanlred Tlial the bnd itid pftilicn now pr fntf4 from William BilJy be ieepeJ anil that Ihe Iiecnc pranttd to Fraoeia iliwar be Iranfvtrcd lb Iho ipplitant Oirried The CTineil thea rrtosed Tbe ntr In Ihe chir MoTd br Mr Thomn eeeonded by Mr Miehctl nnd rtfihH Thil Ihe Trttrarcr be ind b herey anlhnrif d and rrnaired lo pay In Ihe or- Wer of ratrirk Flynn Ihe uit of Hfl fur i Ibe maincnanw of iWtilote child amalrtmitlooe SWITB tia of IhiMn ke il I dajlic ililire fro 8Ulet re 0 FirMBa tb lAt Ibe p1i beaaty junpera dm 1o dMfrrate deed UBAe a HaUi B of e nicil poeiiiT and Mtiafaclnry menner Ihe hlith lepulo a bich Ibe In- lliialioo il betd and tbe Bwrttl conS- denee repaasd in it for aUbilily lad t Uibknem Ia he year 159 the Pire Preisloini of ihe Cnmpsny were tlUl5T0 Islbe fear 1643 ihey were 81708340 ibew- inf la iaereiee ofioKiDS within a period nf foar ynn from thii imrre loae mnling to Or Tfty nearly SO per eent and tliij loo ffoin il legi- imale isd Kealtlifal profira wilhoal ith ioMilaliont prert- Moied Vy Mr Thmeon rwaded by in ejltoe a oms foopaniea Mr Pmeler and rtlftd hae done lo enable iJiem to bra largely TTial Ib Trcaagrer be and l hrrtby nn llie amy of 6re Ihey eeald pmeot aohoriM and rfinired tn rePaod Ihe brfV i pblk Tbe tit 00 lli point in of 17 lo Dcnald MeTRjfarc InBi J kr- nn aeeount of fi K foanl hi the imoani paid by Ihe CW open for half 1 yr Carrted i daly dorin Ibe year to the Moed by Mr Thomson iceoodtd by 7oerninenl The rutlibod report ayi Mr Maehell aad rolted 1 duly piiJ by Ibe Com That Ihe of the Arbror p theownrref the Kithalfnf 11 ro and fr Ibeycar tSGl ei4lP30 boian in the lOih n of Ihi TownMp a fir larper iere aay the report hniild rreeire fr brd laken Tt a pnlilie tbia had Uea recorded al iny previooa hijilwM ind ia hereby adnpied yeir Turn e now lo ibe LifeDepartioeBl he raiiooi tMlioB referred to ia th tral womiinieaiion read aod tbea id A BV Nv to erSrm ihe wilnin ot jooioed for diooef llhebihwTr ftom the ln AFltmoo ittbloM jlothe ol HrBTille wn then md wc find ih array of ft and figure Boaiaeea reaaoed aboot one oeWk 7 J I wrepraiifylogand aatiifielory Ia aad Iba Board raaolted to prepare a S 8 J Lifteeliiag fcrlh the premiini ben relrtd 12172350- while in 1SC3 1 e b awarded at the forlhemninff KII mniHlee of ihe whole en reaehed 1702730 The premiBoia for Sbow Tbey enpropriated aboat 16n ihe Bj Uw jnl read Ionneil in em- were C5 130 and ia 1663 120- mtier Mr Il iliip in the ehjir Cntn- iKn ani apwanU ahewing an Jnerae mitte nw and llie ehairnin riTre tlie of orer per eeal in tho 08 cue and My law witSoot tmendtnenl andwat Ihtn Ithnqt Id pri eent in the alber read a third lime and fied Uueh flaitiea albre the amrcd cannot Mored V Mr rhillip Kcded by hal feel ciofidenee In Ihe ataWllly Mr laelitll Thai Ibe CIiftcil 1 aw I rfUableae of tie Royt while rewire into commiilee of Ihe who po jg hate raaoo 10 OOfijnt- ihe aeTiral priiiii now befofelbfCoitB I q1ie ihemaclret oa theretnltof the en 11 from the Trtilee of Pehnol frtim lerrriae ai a comveRial nnJertallnf akinj to be aed for eoaiaieB ebl j The jodleinnt tBanner in wbiAiti afiairt parpom Oirried have hern Biaad aj I Cooneit la eimmille Mr TTiome fed fien the rrnuilta ef I tbat wa awarded lad year iade pel of tbe plawB match priie Oa of Mr Uandall aeennded Mr RtTiit wa decided to hold the 8how on the ISih of Delober neii at Mawrnarket and the Plowing Mileh tb foUewlafi day ihe I9ih on aoiee fane ia tbe neignbirhood of ihie plaee Oa noooa of Air Randall aeoondcd by Mr Lloyd il wa decided to proeare a teat in whieb lo exhibit root nana faatafea la artf e Uie mom a laei ymt wader limilar rcfnlationa Moiwd by Mr Itoen aeeonded by Mr Lknd that lh Fresideat be aalbor- iaid lad reqnired to mike tb eeeewwry arraoceaieBU for the test al onoe Car- tM Betwtaa wera tben eslled for with ref- ensa to Ibw Plowiac Match when il war faaad tbat abaal 70 bad already ben Nbabtd and tb Boird it OBce d didd to award preaiBm ia foar elanee M CU Mn eei 21 who ha lakn oB or note Fii Piiiea in iK RidiBf 1 pciaetl Sotde 10 Srd do tS 4bd6 Sad CU Mao ever 31 wba hte nerrr lakeai Pirl Pint inib Rilnf fibe eiin maoey pieiaiuiae aa lb atie Sid CIiM Beiweeo ihe age of 17 end 31 yain the urn noeey prm- etii Bhore 4 h CliMUnif 17 irt Ihe nne nMney prenoa wiih ih id- dillen ef a 9ib piite of SibCle Po Pileni S MeoMd Plewa 9ai seize l 6 3ad do 4 Fran ill at ea learn tbe Villere of Kwaiirket PHia of a bentiftal Med iiaa eloek werth not lo than 40 will be eflnad la be beat Pknnnin of Ibe field aD lb work to be jadged for thn prin taw MU of Jadgee and Ibe taeeeiaW viaaeMo ferfeit hi money pmiare of ftrad by lb eoeiety Tbia will taahle ettry MBta to eniapela for tbe prito ai two Mil ef jawee will te eiaploy- a ood Mtufaelioa jij be antieipetcd frsr nl Ae bilU to be iaed ia My IBwrd tbea proceeded lo appoint Am Tariona JodiM repaired for the Fill Sbow aid tbe Plowing Maieb Itwogld W qnit isproper fut i lo aaie tbeai at tiiii liaa Oa Molioi of Mr Robert amndcd by Mr Raadill tb Predeni Mr r Ssitb aad Mr T L Heteoek wr ap- psialad Jadgaa for Nonb Sintfoe Sociciy r raaart of tbai Aiaoeiaiioa Afw nderiag Iba aaeeaaary pnating atd adrertitiag lb Board proeMed 10 wiwlaata Cotaaitla to mii tb FaU mw aad Flovia Maid uTaagaateata m Mbvi PlAVIM MlTOa CaHMITTII M Bfaak DMna Msa HaadalL Ma Bapn A Philipaaad F Saiiib Show Coiiimi MMf yT la E J B Wilkin Joabaa BigWV JkaaaBfra Sewaaa Doaa Bi flaw Joba W HiAari Watly MdJaakaM Ai MtiaM 0 iHM lawlbir iilaaidU MiMadMi Aftr traaMoliaf an Iba BoaM adjo W iy boa mtt Caa ei braaab aoeiaii bit up to ibe tiaM aa word bu raaebed v vitk regard W tba Ootarement Qnal prMome Ib m ealeolata 00 tbe tM aaeasiLj K1b ConacU- Tb abota Coneil met at RalMt ea iba 27tb iaM i laMMC Tb Sam i ib ahate fiaa Ht Traataw of SewaUea BAatI Saaliaa aad Diriea 8 Sktioa pafiagAripaaial Rata la ba ketad far Oiiiiwlaibnl jiBiy Mil m Ibaa pt lUtad nd taad n amrd f tb AiUtntoia napaat fag Iba afali bigbwaj batwaao Lot SwStMdtSa lOib C I ij Mr Tbaaea aad in ihe ehsir The f tiled in Ihe Dydaw pelilioned for rb shrsre No I Cnien Whiieh 1l5h WO KS IRS bo iwm C7S sropo iopo 5noo 5Kfin vnno nrl Of K4ia m S IU M Kfr 4 0 Nft ft d K 7 m ho 9 m tSi 10 M Sf If No 12 t 11 0 tif He l 1 1 No Nr So Ji No No So H ditor who wbilopkl nf he ei kiwoaatiag mU naHag tbe wM piny ba bcaa la am a bad dAk We aaai If loK lo 1 Tote t neeiing and afifl reenllr made poeiioa of tbe tred aad doiai oberrred 1 olloeted ia retara by Thie Coomtloo eilfaj br ibapw- poee of neioioatlnj DemoarlUGaad dllM for lhCMaiteney and Vfca Fnti- deocy anembled al Chicago oa Monday la Il 1 nid ibit hmdi-d- 6oond ef inlafaated jiljeilDa arrived on Silarday while arnry Irala aad iiaemboal oo Moadaj iwallad iba number lo ti proportioot At IwU oetak 4h OopeoMea lo derby Hon A llLA5r v Ih Naiionil Commlll Wbo ihort bat lrr4ng tpMcb and cBelildd by nominiiing Ei0r IboLat Peon- for taaiporar PraaMaot nomintlioo a approrad ABid graal ehrlng Tba PraaUtnt pre Mn ibaa mad rioli a lengihy apoeeb raiaad iift poaiiion of Ihe party ittd deeooteed iha preaeiti Waabingioa AdalaUnliaa 11 anything but boBOtl mao Ila added Th urniaatlon of Isoeratie r in ihl eooDiry i e iba alaatiaa eif Mr LnciL lb 1 oTpeieeAll reli- lioni biwen th Stale and tbapaepla end in ihe ptogrea of thai wir aeo tba bolwerke of ifil libany baa baaa la- perilled i At ibe cDneliieion af hi ranarka preyer efliirad by laf Dr Ouaw- OK afier which lb dlia fro Ih Siii pTePted ihalr etadae- liala A number of roluiioM- vara ibaD tubmlliad among ihem oita by Oa IIl oI New York teiiioi fortb aa- awerving filoluy to lha Unlos urging an armnliea and eooreraaca aiitb lha Viw 10 eduit larma of pe aad fioaly a Coneaiion ol lo ael aa afbiuaiori nnd aaiite all niuere of dlfferaae vilb- 001 farther blondhd Tb Coofesitoa Ibea adjonrsad till next day Cic00 Ag 307 atiaodaai ihia neraieg both Inaid and ooliid Ibe wigwis i cTta graaler Ibaa yailtrdiy The Ceateaiiea wii cillad le order aaoa ifler 10 oeloek Aflet prarer by Ibe Rer Baknp Whilebixia Mr Ilb Cbiman ef the Coanwtilat otOrpali tioe rporled lint tb Coaiaillaa lad aniatrnMXly epeed opoa Horallo 8ey oear for PreidtBi of the Coatrallaa ProtoBged pple followed Iki ta nteBceiaeol ted Ibe report was tdepM Got Seynoar Ibea addrteeed ibe fenliAB Maivt G B MeCWIaa Pierce lad T II Seymesr batt ewb bara led tad alltmgb tb latiarl be Ibe ftVoaeia iaa i eeae feWewed flat imaibi af f Mlar ifrnaatH dariig a dAaM Wa gira ae tiMat lebM 4ar Bet the CoiMte of emoiaeWie wi beTlbltgiiNltalioa M ifilaaalH of Itiiilerprit bj larfpeai of Ibe eempai ibe ceeds oteliPfcbiiTe lrflpalof irip wMl ba te par po aad aHl dirimtfy iaferavd W Oil pianlist here twf wiH ka tpflted lo lb Chareb DMdiag To atrotdeieenioBM fromibt North aa eppoileailf lo BtitaifSlbe Tisill leare Rirrie al 4 4 aocirrag al ialer- dile- iaiioBi Tba Traia will art frf Bpaford al ft 49 4 calliag al llolltndUediilgat will lebra NewnMr kel ahertly after 6 aiB celliBg K Aurora tad atber 6itioMMb ea tbaUae lad irrire 1 Toroafo by 8 oclock party 4 1 ogee embark oa board tb iAbei ifran L cfiije Oaario to Lewuloa froai whicb ptac a trtla wii b rfedy to pro- end la Snpeajioa Rruli ed Ibe Palli Kit hoiri wafb llloaad al tbe greal Caiaraello Ihoe wh wiali to relara Ibe nme day lo isepccl all ibat caa be aeea irrangemeBti hire beta taade howater for iscb 11 eboeWte remain oter for Ibre dayi a lelors ea lha excaraioD ticket Diaaar caa be ltd el the Fallt ted at Iba Bridg al mederale chargea bel lb coAvlltee reeonHaeeded tb for- iBtlio of PicTSIe partlea Ukieg their own protitiooa We iiiil agree wiib Ibe eotniaillet ia Ibii eWHoa a Ibe gToret no Goal Mead iford aaay eoy teimi for aaeb toeial glheriB Bcla Tiek- 3M foe- Ledy aad OantleMia l0 J lad for family of Ibre 650 Tiekelimar be bad ef JUarp J Wll Wilton aod J Depo fnrd Or ol Mr McMatter jr NiBrkcU Bay yaw liekiia ia good line aod ibiu enable lb eooianiUce ts maki nliafactory arrangeawnU for all wbo may ebooie lo jola Ibe etcaiieB I tiaes the n largeat of the otben nf car eipcnaca ia of LSe oibcrt oioxe dncomcnl Froat tiiiict inJ wilb ao isinJy an luataiM jr iiiQ ptiMie ia deabt eiteod ibeir cmIT rona more tbin eecr to in the fall taonnoe of II SiOiyi OTO GooDn Coanell r ind the chaimiM rewM- ed the Hylaw aa ameaded report adopl- ed and ibe Oy liw read a third lime and pied K Hy Iiw wa then inlro1aeed by Mr Phillip in blink protiding fur icTinjr Tonbip Kate and reed On moiim ihe Crofieil then rclfed pood tny loma loilaiaed 00 into eonimillee of the whole tberfm libeaeiinD of the Director i Mr foieler in ihe etair Cmniitlee I tJje ory lo wliieb i roi and Ibe ehairmin reported the By- iibort tine ago tbowa the wining law a aBiedd in Gling np the bUnkitu wtBagesient lo tBOCf io ibe DOit wilb tbe nnn of 1200 Ifeporl adpl BriB lad baodaome manner every ed ihe llyliw wi then read i thiid cliim approximating towarda a legiliaule tisM and pined demand Farther iefomalioo aod clr A By law to diide ihe Tovnahip of niUra may be obtlincJ on applieatioa hf Kine into a ind North IHrinon ile Aseot ibore ninicJ tnd to ippoinl Collcetore of Taxe for etch of taid INriaione wat then islro Kudsw BollM ArMtAd tbb vmuia M byiNif en bT doeed by Mr Ihillipa tad read Coon eil iu eommifee of Ihe whole theteon Mr in Iho ebilr Comnlllee roe tnd tbe ebalriotB reported iho By Uw wtlh imendmenia Ihe blink being dlled with Ihe name of John egh fur the SoBihern DIriaion and for the for ihcrn Dineioo with Ihe naae of CaMn PitIi The fly liw wtt Ibea read t Ihird lime ind ptiiaed Mored by Mr Biaeljer ateonded by Il will be wiibin Iba rtcollactioo of moil of our reader tbat a gaoilereiB nairrd Baioo a few monibe ago wae cruelly tnd braially leurdered In a Rail way Carriage while oa hit vty froo lie Sietioa to lb tiibgrba of Locdaoi Eglind Th perpairAior ef tba dead PaisE Mruix tppttra lo baea beD Mr Phillip ihal Ihe Trcuarer be ad I pnwped to tha commieeion of lha crime Iba faocd ad pMlUot f JoaaU lf it hereby aulhoriied tnd rpoeftcd In pay le Tnomaon rr order Ibe amofIO towarde Ibe completion of the Bridge croinp Ihe Cold Creek Carrted Mr Maehell moved iettdd by Mr Sawlaer ted retohed Tbit Mr Tliomaon ii bereby anlborx ed lo vail en Gerr non and JoH Phillipa Eaiain order to laeerlain Ibe imoBOt they will eieh reqaicv frre etn- peofalion or land taken for road pqrpna- inform tliia Coaneil of the reaah il iu next meeting Carried Mr Phillip mored teconded by Mr Tbomaon that he Clk it hereby reqair ed topsc ibat proper aeeBrilT It cien by the CoIlecMv tM tbat their Itonda are daly eteonteH tad itoepi of he tima Carried Mored by Mr Mtebeli teeoa by Mr Ihillipa aad reeolred Iln Clerk be and it hereby anthoriMd tad rcTuired toeaplor Mr MePbillip P X lo aerrej ana coafina be mad tllowinoe Ulweea be Townahipa ef King ind Ttagban leading froai Teag Rircei to lb rear f tbe lei Coo of Ibe Town- rfiip of Vaasban in acoordinea vltb be Eighlb Cliatr of lb Ael pataad by tb Prorioeial Parliaaeat at it Ut Ma rating to aaid read aod aleo lo gir a- la lo Ibe ConBtil of tb CoroMio of ih TowBablp of Viachan ef tb aetion taken b thU Conadl ia lb ouiier Carried Mr MtobII Biored aaooadad bj Mr FbiHtpa ud rtoIad Tbat Ibe Clerk be aod ii bi tborised aod repaired to gier aodw Ibroagb tba Aarora Joumr ad New arket r hat Teedtn wiU ba raarfw- ad at hi oSoa aaUl tba Iftlh day ol Oa iebr b Ibe a et Ibaaid road vhbla tb Towoabipa of Kiag ia aeaaedaao whb lb proftiioa ef aa Aat paaad fbe aaid p il Ibolat acMiaa ef tba Pimli ilal Farliaal Tb W- fnm mercaaaty motion parely Bhonly afiar Ilia act be tat aail on board ibi rorti peekat tbip for New Yarb rtM London polioa hewarar varaepaa dily on hit track end heeiily pronrlng aiib eridese aa woold coorlei lha of- fevder look paMga in a eieaaiblp er fliariea wbr ibey arrived avra daya befbr ih Virttha Onibaarrl al ofthe teller retael ti V York Mottaa waa foond on lioard The murdered into bel asd vtieh war tosnd in hi ioaBion and aflr properly arraigriig blm before ihe Aaariean aaiboritiee the marderer wa banded eer nnder iho Trety lo lite London police wbo irgeiber rlib tbe wiinct btougbi eat to idanlify Mollu apd ib ptitonar embarked hat Saitrday fee ibe old aeuo iry wbera Iba Burderar will no doabi enSar ibe estiaoM penaUy of tbe law far bi awful erlraa Ta oidtiMa of bie gaili ppan too palpabia i adait of doubt fManUni awMd ibr H Mymoor aad rwad panyfOieke naiabili aaetdaHlot hate I J lyraat- Il ww be whonrw by whiet yooi ilabi tilirkra dawn Thai leCMIttt CoahUo tafMad aw4eb Baa i H aai aaftaii a Wai ba pnaaawd Ik the Dewiaeraita My I repeat ke lyraW- I eUDdbaniaiad him loaidtf nl ttiJtbtt ha hiM there Jho would dmy tba lli el Cenelnly ne Deaaoitfwtll lhe ba ae Ijlatai ilWaalM apea te peiea a ttfftM raWWaea offenaive ai te iouiftrf iba barmeny o ih Ceovaatiea Hr Haiiia reail fcClallaaa erJei ie4attiinal Ihe tlaryland legalara pfOeeeded le eenatsem oponibe beoenfeeieo whio giaei ibai ibeaeaaker could net be betid xepi le aav iMt al lha charge el lyiansy ihai caa be breaghi again Linoeln tad ButJer eas be atade ami labiiiniiaied agaioit McClellaa Oieat Lew by fiza- Arilf Tori apipM oofl J7tanlTad i flaitBitfpeaa Ibdaria bAM lbofbd Mfakfitbddin ibala aU la renided beholder wilb gtallBottioa loaloidof diamay Then caihB eOMioa oaln lb dinger tMogtoji ao lyWeked catand tadt atW fdltell tceit iad Cn W a d ai at ibe vain body o lcaore of Bit hMitIa a lla AihyeflheNoifr lomkrfaiemiBel iniMeeaion en he ConfrJerasf Tbe Confederaie loan adrineed 3 per oni an reoalpi altba am of Oram a polae before Peleitberg litvcc A foiilier diminoiion of foar millioB nne a ito Baak aauaJ aaaatiua The tiM ia oaailrU gaibeWr Tiie ihooreHta asrareiBWt ftplying lo PieiaiaodeaawieieapeeiiaK ibeooeopi- lioAof Ltata6uBilecfid lia nokoow- ledge of Ihe ooeapiliwil by Meaaedtlan ionpeod erMoveo tsrpfMd aieocb i Fhe- eraopetrao wat onerad irea Itp Drvadan CaWnel Tbe Plaelant prebiblied lh esport fren Jailind of boia oxaa piga aod graia danng Ibe eimltiiee- Saxony inienda Itring Ibe followlag propealiM tefetalbeOttaea pliiTbw Q iplMbMioft b dsodi ol AOiUU aaJ Eiaaeiac lafttoaea to iheir ha1u pormiilad Ihe Kiaf ef Deaaatk to cede iighilo Ukaa lo vbicb be bioaolf bad no liiu Tba pirai Fttriia deMroyeil the ahi Ittjttan off Brat boand fnal Noir Veil fK California pml ipok tTOOOOIrem br LiTBdlviiCaHoli PtMM acaltiy al Id 10 i par Ib bighar Wheal aiigbily lower plearMb tr loKoea AiK IS Is tb matkat today a ailbar deeiiof of It wia eabailad la AnifAl of the Konpa lUirtx Aag Si TIiealMmahTp o Earl OD SiiBday morbing Itai I fire htn tieetl oo tbir 90ih lia kbU Ibil gto oaralry diffapadJy dt ieg the raili aad bridM between Petera- bng ad4Hon i ae ik tvuhinsion mootiffbed tbit heCanDOt b gta iJrnd raS43Ulrfgd aid a bj ol GMia arijiyand ihM lha dirtetion e Peter and broke out lo lha Grand traak erected on the wbitf at th foot of Brock Siraet Torenia City j wrDal lell u iliai ih bolMlfig coat belweaa aeranly aod eighty ihoutand dollan which noi- wiikeleadint ibe eary graat aaenioaa made to are il wa toiailf eonaumad iogtibr wilb aboot tweuyflre or ibirly Ihoutand bualiet of grain aad aome nen er eight huadrod barrel of floor Tbe grain eontlficd prlneipalty of eorn aad oau there bciig only a few thoit- tad biuheli ef wbaai ia tba plaeaai ibt lime Th origin of tbe fire apfoert to bava been partly eeohjenitl Tb propi w incured Tor 350Kli i follow 111000 la lha Lfrpool sd Loedw i W0O i Iba Noih Brittab and Maroaa 111 aad VSBOO Tn Ui liSadOD Ami- reaee Compaoy The Glebt iaji it It uBdeiato ht Hr Sito6i popOMa la yabtiiid u ao tuif day 4boiigh b 3lai arrived el Her daiae are fooi QweaMown ea Acleek Ihie nenlag dara tiler The rioit al Belfait reeemneBead on the IJh Tlie Hsn Cbi Ktl Aaerloaa Cenaal lo F4ypt am red at Alexandra on ihe I7ih end Ihe rreenl diSeallie lr will he amicably cioieil Tbe Loodonr 4aa diiiiIftr Orant aMioUbn Pertbnrg erwdit beih ifet with ftetl TaIeoi aad winda op aa foIloaveICa fma Jhadaaaaeaf ablla e deplore tbe tieilfltf eaanol tnii alnire itt hetoMn whleb lr ikrae mewibe lAgatbo lit aiUniaeJ tbt eonfcaltnl In the detd- roggle erxt wa eacnet bni b the cbafaelar iHM Mlled late aoiieo batMaDoagbbaatifaa dona far ibii a tor Mhat paipnaat beald rioio le aaa Ibe balligelaolt pa raliof with aataal reepeel Tbe Thaie when baa Bot owda i kia al Rlfht FrowlertA penoa reeeatly froaibeland of Deele 5a wilboul eaaae eieepi prompted by lb otin e eoaait a birgiityMterad ie bMk preoiaee of Ur Wm UcMATtajr Wir St aad allboegk obaafTCd aad caBtloaed le dert pot BRtil phjiietl fbrea wai tied c Um ma b iadaced te dleaap Nail awaiag a warraat wMinatd for bit ertaat bM tba fellev baaraf be aaikarl lie vm 01 ihe iler ba aemily kfi lb plee WbiU oa Ibia poiat we Oiy Mtebaerrelbil iafermatioo bea reached aa Ihal ibe ball of nreral farmen oo Yopge Bl betweee tad Toroeto bare beea eoKrrd by a gaag wbo aitk 1 Ibeir botiaeu loaecora til Ibe booty witbia Ibeir reach Oee bean in thie pliee wu abo eslered a fc aigbia ago People tboeM be aa ibeir gaard BtlaBatWar 9aaa4EafU ElrvM ilrharek h4 aa axloeair and oorvMrvrd olSlack liBplaneoia Ac oath Cihar flaaiiaikrt ant Sab ie ewB al la edaeAaa Tart y nna of lad aadareaak Tba pnyriworfeaiaf abasl U UTB la tba aU CMairj aad a do Ineaoaidar able portiea ef lha flock ia valWbrad Ika Jatroggle erxt wa eacnet bnl bikfte al Ihe ebafaelar inkt from Ibe metal Which have ciMB Belfaal rioiewbaiM ao tba Uib remo or batial CBleeaonilf Iraa- cuiliivpftiMihaa4toatlBam Oa tbe 3wh however ka aeilog wa lanav- edariih Mbaiad FawaMMar ad abet dmiamiiMHiad BTHi ooiiamiam agaiow Hiataa ebeera aod era of Tew fetMT jHlJiJl aaeeBaai oppoMeaHy Oavi 1 pnknikiri kiL COKAOO Aog CaMtol Abaal S ecloab o Uoa day aaraiag laM aa Ibe oigbtwatebowa af Mr Gaoaoa HntT 4b Cta af Kiag ma goiag bi reudi b feolictd tba ittble door ply opaadlooiflg wllbiAw aaa of Iba bona ausdiag ia ib paaaga aiiad TWwakhaaawealiakBdladiba aateallaitaplaea wbea fraa Iba ad eeal un eat bollad lalfeetireaaa wbo ad track fpe BkBq M Ib af bi pad N dobibota ihliag wa hi obJt aad bad Ibe watabaaa a Kltta Miora ew Iba aiirt ba aigbl bare aecarad or tl t4tt bfM m ar aWa awiw lalhaelor Caniad dMlMMbMik Fraa kB m Tb ConTnt raaaaatibled at 10 oeloek tbi aorniac Tba Wigcib ia again dcoiely paokea aod b arowd o- aid giealer iban ever Tbe PreaidoiU ibeo atatad lb befor lha Coarention to ba en oft he pteriou qantioa Boaiaating Aaa diiti fa tbe Ietideaey ad II ww or- dertd wHboat dlaaenL The role wat tbea Ukea by StUta Conaeetieot aod Qbio baring beaahte ed for Iba momeat ihe roi Moof Jlw- km MeCMIan 193 allaita4 TK diffmrfl dtlegation m b la ebange their teles tod tb wat annbanecd aa Mlowa ToldlijMe Clellto SDSk TbomM H StyiaM ttf fmmediatcly after Vb aoaiMlM a baoner on whieh vat ilaJatad of MeCloIUn aad beaiAig al a If I nnaet fiifr oommaodaf M bva men let ma ibara their Ua aa llHMdBf baitla wit roa op babisd t Phai dtnta platform and wat wateaJ by tlie wildcM and neat eatbMlaalia ofthe nnliilBde The Ireudcel iben anaosaaad Ib vole wbidi wu rroeiwad wHb dfth ebMha deleMlai aad tbk raM AttdiM ritiegtba baadplg mad tbaihwii laftiag fw aararal ataotaa Tbe firat rat fcr ViaaPrHidwt Mab led a follewa Jaae Owlbria 6U Oein BiWl diatoa 4i Dtaid W Yiiniliiw 11 Oaeiga W Can Sft Aag Dadg 9 J D Caa Oow PawalL tt J SFbdaa8 Blaklk Oa U aaaoad ba aibfl data ate witbdiawa ad CFmm A Paadtetoa ofOiiigtnatiad llMlMMi OPaniaeharinf Ibelraala bilbprialtJ at IbiaeAaOt will haea thaii tain nolieeil a abeaa lAraagh ibe eolgoina of Ibit pap A- SdltoilAl Sngutry- Tba Fail AiataN far ibeea Uaiiad Cainifa will ba beU in Terealo Coan H laaaaaa oa bbadar tba 36ia ef SeplBbr O Wbiiahanb AgriEallaraJ Beatd MM l aa TpgaBal lMk av M itlaadi la aaapaia Mr RaM Tiop Priaea aaai rraaa bt Ibat Aai w aada bp lha lib i td HtoiB CK A rgal aaetiag el iIm of Sobaol Ikaiaa ik plaa ea Meaday oraoiog OAt Tba Dieuiet Sebealggfc mmIa aalbaBoittbg of Iba eaikadt ea edataai bf lakiagtMa aaanaiy ia p aod eibef Oaaeat ibtMa dM aat batia laai Maaday Dwu rou ef lb Oonmtioa m ibi eandidaU for Vtaa PriiidWt Exconton to njpm TaWeg ibal marMM jlfliitaa Ibat oa Ibt 30tb iati a gifad aawff ia le take plaea froa BradfoMta Bhnfi FaUaM tbe apleadi Wtohw SbxldLai Obtarfo Tl aa tpp atay peofdawia iata Mrer yidwf ia laeeder of ib Nartb Apartese Oiaii tin gril m te tWlb Friday aa Iba famof bfr Wiui Wbia- elMbt aadei ibeai two aad a balf iaOaaMof Auren eenlMiaia fm ef kaeiira tiiaat and aMIiiy aiaaxpaa tad I tab pan la lb pabll eerrfaea No iiiliitiai to Iba tale tf drfokt er aay ib alinr iU ba allowad aajw Sdta Its gIoa aey teaolag at iba CM Bbobf of CMCkaiy lAtaa Olii aod Paaay CbedL TW ioek i wWI ee leoledi and a paitbeeera eao ii ibab own p iltey oei lo bo able to bay Sbaep taaoaaliaialleTeiita Tb AoeiMMor oa Mk parti ifcdaiiiahiait la eaaiUo aata aad if Ihe peblie dont boy a llalraM pri- aaaifewMi bwae iwite Ue Lekia at tbmCewH Itaaaa laaigbl aad fa abat it i iiWWiTciuL BxaiBtnoxAa a aajar tba dRnMorvoftb Weal adTdfb TovMblp Ari- floaltti vfll ba bM lytln rTcfcrUAa tha aid IM Mtbib tb efctba m adMb wBaaadiMM itaiv appeiMadnvw dialoibad daeliiMaad reeaoa wilb Ihari- elraaod irylebtiag ihenlea mIomt aod baiter leeling Tbe town eoaioMd le bo pairotled by lb ffiililary 9000 diatBrbaaeo aleo ncearrod al Cork whare a fflnbperadod he iteobat the poltoo firod avvlay of blenk eaivitk iio ihea end ib toailofed aod flodM orery ditooitoa Slighl ilollog it alto lepMtod at Ouodalk ud Newrjr Tbe Vint efSpaia eeMioBed iba gooal oltheCapeiee Napnleow aad tabe ab- one ef all polilieil eieiiemai Iba papeto Indolgod la taiiooa peeulil ifanib reni tome piedicling a olonrallitooe ba- een Panee and Soto of Ihe eiiixanaol Scblaawig were aAliiiIng lor a popular role afier ibe eoo cloalDnolpaaae Th ofileial Vienna G ittU aara ihe appraaehisg viiit ufibe King of Paaaip a 00 of tlM neat aaeoiial gatianlaot fi bo peaeoof Eetope fao lateraalioDtl Ceofreit va titlltg tl Oaaaat far ih parpoa oi aiakkg ballot provifion for iHe woandod ie wartM ibon a illlendiace ea Ibem yipar yiawauaraaa BradJtiiifft niMtaly ooiifiiiigeT aad aaady Com eeiaer J Whoetateady with a deoDna of la per eantal 03 lb weak red wettere 7 9le 8 4J rd aonibern S SI lb 61 g while wnteiB aod aoatboro M lo 10 Amrlm lUTolatlox IfuDQifAifm Aurr or m Fo roxAC Ag SLITo aagagaaaM hi UkM ataoe dsoa Spwdaru tltlod ia yaaiardayi dmiob Tho amy bu fallao back to their tin tao nil fraa PetnrK vberf tbn are eeoo buy ereetiogtimg woifti itefls we eaeeeatered oa ntr atriral bm Tbay are laboriog oigfat day with a Urge oomber of bmi at ibo Ibfy were afraid ef an atlamk froa ta bar tbf Ibaa ea Tb aaia liai rau tend Mat f iba La Watba nf tba poWb dd of tbo rooil aod ia laid to be etroay defeodad tbdi aldul llB otfao oaaHy nilf of Ibeir worka viib Tidellta tbrown oat natt Oari naate Iba Hitbanad papart aekiwwUdg a baaro Ion ia ofioara and aa o SajMlarMrafagbal tbey baoa ukaa 3000 piiaaaan Oax laaw ik Ma 9tb faxapia kiHed eSeen 17 ma ISi- woaaded ofleariL 74 oMn 786 ainiag oSeen 99 Bwn a lofkflon of ifiii nae Tboraday laat Ho doobt aaay rmortad aWog wQ ye Mm ap a aoae of oar aa bar a bad b Mktr liuh remr of lcliai lolberw Of ear loai Oeoerall brCa diridon taitaiaed the gropteet pti pottios bo bariBg loot abo SOW bm noatly prioar WibROTO AM 240 iefei tioa btbeea teeoifM bati caafiig 4Twbef lb ooM rr tkai Fdrtagb Lee wat killed aad Gea A P Hdl aer- Ully woaaded ia Ite fiihl oa Soodaf oa Iba WaMaa RaBraaA SWwX AaSiTb jStamw WM ha b atsnairabeat lb iabod BeraSbvWl m airiairf NariLLB Aog ppar tiaM m ba dopriaat awA abiialpalad reaaNeablwWrdj- r rT Tb Chaliaaoofa of Iba 23ed latiaM repart b rtM Um WMIr badiag aa tb SOlb Mt aJkX t Affl Ihddiriyed eaap ilUiiltna wbile b4 Ma nBeeiBAt lint Cb laoB akWIeft Abaia oa Geo nifa Malire bgdld oeeded I ioaelire Ang S93rfa Oowmur- SotDiltoeVlbUia al anion eomniauonary are is tetoioe at Tbt aam eorreepondcat aay thai be had reeeired reportt bat iba tioa baa nnt peaoe eomisiaioaen to Riehaiond wbo were aatboiied to Under ttr kBiaiis He alvayi wbUB tbrValdpttiilioad it toully loet to tb Coofederata aootber moremeot It already oa foot will eaoA hem qlu al aaeb grief Ang 25 Tb earn hu the followiag RichnoBd papeta of Uie 19lh are re eeirod Tbey eliidi to hare oaplnred 2700 ia the attaall thet aiad oa oar fena on Iho Weldoa railraad aa Ti bot loeia to deplor tbe Iqm of tb rail road rery moch Tbe oalr iiemt of new froai HobiM ar tba fuUawiag udei data tbo 17li inrt A fore of Ibe enemy fra PeanM- la ctlimaled at 2fl000 erotied tbe Perdidl rirer ywtrdayvadranciog to- watdi iljiT A baary Yaska brae ta ia Nortb Uiniaaipp wua d tiaalioo i aappeaad Ip ba Uobtla ATtanri Ag 2i Aaolber large conSigrttioa oa AUbaaa tlrcel dealrayiag a large vareboen aari eterti dwelliagl The firt wit cttted by a ill from tbe Ytakee balteriea whieb duriag Ibt fire abelled llat poqsAf tbe cil wilb greal rapidiiy Priteaer report bat SbrBit aray eoatioaee lo b wall fad Ciliteai from Marielta report that Fed eral elGeert 0119 Ibal ibrre are la dayt proiMoa ikatplio Ttnii Aog it keo cavalry daabeil wto Redprarill oa ibcUf piara Iba Heay Hite- keli C U Shield tad egilber with 19prirlt t Tbay catmi la Iba diractioii of- Raaal tltliok CsecmAti Aag SOiTba Oam ibipateb Ireii AiUatt bieb My tbat Oca Kiipatriek detlroyed Dl Uteob milraIo tanraf olaeH tHriag p bo U aar of il I al cepleM a beraadairak ofawpbRgM lafedersle t AUiaia Oa bi retara hi aiit tb CoaMeratt ia aiftM ka otdii Oia etplaringbar iUadef elartaaaaaea aad 200 pritoeera Afierward ha onl atwaiil M Aibeta aaid waq wilb Iba lot eftlul 100 aea He ia fiieted efiid dkailM Oeatral edaiaeaiaaHeei WAwfTnerOx Aag ft Cat 7z A depalbftaa0ii0m jail teeetvod aiatad llut the Biehaaad ptr ef yeelerdey Ibe 27b leal ta aoaaee thst Fen Mergaa it ia oar pea aeetioo It if not ibether tba Vorl wt ftereaBeiM er irbadwU wa biowa ap Another dupe tab gim lb follewiag exiraot fion ib Hiilinfadfsan- of yeaterday Fort Morfl i ia tS as- emjr ponatioo wbtUiat blowQ ap or ercaaiOl ia aoi koowa Oin ffherldtai in a deefatdi dated yetterdat al S90 p m report iTba eacay my froat lat aigbt falliax baek t Xf esplmd 0I priaonert yeaterdoy tod iaMiJ a ios of ISO killed aad Teand Tbr ban been a few Ibinfa to eroai bt rirer by einlry al ffiWaaafarl bat Iblte no flrenh ibowa Tbe indiattioe ta 49 that tb ba eot of tb ralley Oibar report aiata Ibat Ibe IpM4H Hi IiIi lllay SotbiagiM8 bM r Am 0 Sharaaa fcr Iwa dy STANTON Secreury qf VFar a tbarp akiraMlMk gl WAaniMffrov A 37 lO 90 To Majofa DltrrOaTbarslky tba 3dib CitiT llteodc wiM wa tMlb ol Rcaan Sialioa w iitkcd letenf tMM daring tb diybit b rtpaittd b aaay ia vary aataidL At 9 30paLalW ai MMbvtMd wM tftar ea ef Ip aoal detpente lalllM af be war retailed te Iba may erttlfiMwiag fra tba fitld tarug ikia dead and veaad d oa Ibe grpfaj Tbe detail are girnt I die fetlowtag 2ed AaSY CAl Aag 29 Tbe aitaek abeot 6 30 p4a wtt prob ably iateeded I be aiaaliaaeoae by Wit eet da ay eeaita aad Ueetb ea ay ML Tbe eaeny foraed a tiM woods pbe4 their artiMety ia potiiiea epaaad a oaoaoaade tMiiag fiAta aiaalas aadtbea aaeeelled Milet force II raaialad I- aacioatly bl tb eaaay brohbit left Boa of GibboVt treopa were barriel over 10 repair the daMgod tbo eeeay oal gaio 7lgH fMiboM 1bey tooa alRapted at Mireaa lfi faddror Gibi boet diviMoa from bil lie Hit sea bad beaa aaeb wearied ie reih- OTr Ip Ga Mile aod btck darieg tbe repeated ataaalla Al dirk wiibdrw for lb rtaMo elaM Tb Chief ef Arillry repert b r Tbe eaeny aada a adraac bp 0 t bta boar 1 aigbt bat boMiH a eoaW ba neii mow el or aapiered goat wilb Ibeir akirmltbiag la sississairi- ceedtMre erfifieea badn Ibeailki a a aaraiM at tbe aeaaaod ia aoi yti orgtoind Ctpi DiweBofyWf Watao itftf aaadadaad diad Afriog th aaaa r Cel WncL 0it aintag Geld froa WileaaadHMK divi- b r MabeMfiridMf 4rflt tba anafii of earratifwTtUkQ do niv W A AKOOCK j lbCeeel at OkltralT ibiiyrtn STibt Sttb e withti prjogajjdi rrtrg1 oaadirfainS loanwcMllar llMarar befer ilarf 1 1 Tba iafefoard np ba waa iwm field tad it iraa coriftd with iIm aaeiiy dnd aad woasdad H hat taaa great any baldebelde bat aarcr nWteebi aigbkr Nnrly all lb eatay tad all of ear woaaded were brooght olT bet ear dead were aabariad 1 fate iaatraciad O Gregg to aake tt eforl lo eead a partf te tbe field end bary oar dead f2ixaed O C UBADSl Majer Ovr forcM WaldM railrd a deaptlcV daia B p a Graai nywibalenaf tbiaiaad tawi la b a Mow tite- l kiaad 1 I ibiek I doflot a lb bta df lb iatb latt iwe wea4lli0i OM killed tad woeoded f We bare loti bearily botean ba beai jottlXBC tei kdraittgta The ai ef r priaeaar lakaa owr aide it eet yet reported Geaeiil Oraat aikei tbe follewtagri Bori ef ea aatae aitaekby tba aat mf ea Batter pi lia oa Tbirida Yexardty my drer la BiUr fia Tb gaard ooa ralliod bo Ib ity 64ifcasdr Ibair liaa Tbe raaoll aaa oee killedi iuaa ed aad feerlaaa ii ea ear Two coaaaadieg oBMn aad 00 eabi ed aaa- caMarad froM le eaHV What Ibeir eeatjtoir ia iroended 1 do ol kaow SimdJ B WSTANTOM- f 8e of Wafji UlamscTos Aug- 89 TV tpeeial ayi ibat lb Hicbaedd papart at b aad Salanitf aaiwacda GA A J Sniih a awee ibreb EatUra Miwr itaiMi aad AIaM i f tad amoDaiiioo Oar earaUy hare doaa i rebel rtilrorfi Ge Early be beaa oidMt Mc Wr Bi Tbe rebtU dre creatl gr loefWeWoaBlraad goeral MoaebaegedSOef aarai In Cttrb ceetlyi VafcrbBaiagairiW boa reeeired ta laeta atit that AltaaUapaMeflbnn a Moaaca thai FoK Meqtaa aw Hf ear force Wilb all iU gprria iaaWiac Geeerfi Piirtihf3tlea ef nr WamnOTCM Jkig tetrad fraa tba aray af Iba PUMlwJlfjj Wttet it figbl at Beaa Oer kMaTlaaiaribt bt a fl will Ml atmd S 000 eaa I lb W We tiin bMabeat railroad ed by Ibe 2 eorae ma el ktroyed DetM lAvwk ya t liat Gaa JL HnN tM tWa of Ga Leagitteenaeqm TM alio Mali Mt railroad bU iate ar iaataiii adrtaced lo 05 aad beei B Biebeeadiiad ibairdSaar Ike rtilread Mbd ba fiplMbOtlil fraa aaar AbefiteMjmi j eeeay baraed AArdW latt Waj IWr tdmioee peereaedi If Spriep lUafiMiftKt sspr tbarp I Haatar aad i pneeati Naw Teac Mif Waabiagioa pctflaaH eonragittg aeeooBU are reeetaM iMMk every quariaiiiriflitaiiftaMirefta ertaea- beiafpbJi aylvaaia aboei MOOO nMhaMr4iMH reraiiiAaadalM aarMMji tOoHav York while New BaglaadteilMlMI TZXsMSaSSZ be efMoCo iA3StXr8 Nnr Vwdkaf Ml irae WMbiAfiM apoaW lb Muajioa lUM bile Bay dartwed real Ga SbMMflMrdtfftoaed wi Mr eVad IbeeMoiyNtfrlac n All qui yaniar ad ibdaraiaaa AtMiw dlbraatfIafdfMtfMt uu rr DaepatAaf ftan Oea tbAtLee baa reeaad la Oatft ivjl reeoarf tbe Weldea rttmda wttk ia aaapieialy la gtr awiii Sa ffflM yMda ir tbia aatal ara ia M MtM OT th valwy Cf Our eavdrp i elel pittalif lb rar af A aetraailag damva aafipta a good BMBd diragglera J Raw You- Aac 9L Tbe WitblajctoB MtU aaia tbat laaM loBUdi bt IMDe af Ue wnfcSW doe wilbibeeapttreef Fwrtjwwgi Aa iaaanaal t- tba etWiCflF niofftea veatdb it aa w5w eeiabiaed atiadk at lb mrnf mrnttth adONat aad Sharnta bare aaad r every railable aaa rt A Biebaead p tbe tt A h admit gl taek at Pritoaer ny that parpnae fk aeO

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