Newmarket Era, 4 Nov 1864, p. 2

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THE NEWMABKET ERAi NOVEMtiEE- 4 1864 Vv AdTenlMBaaU fliarM J fe Holt- TimndM Uigini Wilkwil Taht naaitO W B Tvtijr Saiioi NoiiMWm MoiMlrsan J ScIMO SiopTbtl Blaln J W KImtnd Ntomtkd Baktijr E lteakmD NMie lolin Cltbinn No ihTiai T ftlMt Far Voui TtaMRobt IVtlii AsClioD SU A B Hraell Tnln Time Kewnarket A cKiiift rtn in Urt of iftvk ibe ApiilVi l Mail Tnis Ktprvta AtranoKidtiinii il and f l im cdunirj u cH w fMli la lb Tbrona of BriUia uBVarptd bjt prrjdie tad potMHii iBcUet iDldlvoual capMily to pnpHy igb tad fall eooidcr ibe varisB pUo aad aebcBief ffcrci Tor eon- idtration To ibtm nil be feinuted tba moaldin of oar fuisre tnd aaket tbe batii be foaad Iietiag aod the laptntrQciure wilt be wonblcM ra- lalling ia diaMrd tad foafiuiao but if OQOi and prietiol ihcir Ubori will land lo tiappy ted gloriooi mallk tlcrala oor ioililalioni iborteM our aalieoil wtalib dmlop ogr ialctnil reaonreea and Biake at a pioapercu aod free peo- 1a Tho York Soads- Acfeaitrodativi fklPTM Ul flftra tl t U lu 1 liaroU 4 C0niiJrrat9 of W p ri I ooT to JjT lo llie proccediD of ihe In ma tfvU aUni li tuluiica dlTrnct eil- Tbe chicf buina fraiB ik aho iibm befvra ibfoi Tai IB refcreBee lo Ike York J Uoadi We lo our oiiigir- Cf Ifujinnrlifl fnJSiri nil aner hearing be Wanleui iDie- North Lanark Election Tha Hub PrOTiiicial Sjaeraiary baa leo Inufnihanlljr alaelod for North Ienirk hatluj a majotiijr in earjr lownaliip iu lha cuDtliiueiief Wa hara nol complria irlonu a a go lo preaa but aufficienl ha beD ncaiod lo iodi- caia ilia final reiull Nnrih Lanark will Gud io Hon Mr MeUoioaiL en nbia rapreaantativa and we luai ilia eotiieiiun will long cunlinue lo be mutually aaiiafaeiory As a Mjnialer of iheCuwjt lha Uorera- nent coulJ not alfgrd io tpara lha aer- ieaa u one an for Ma ditlio- poeiioi al tbia 4aclur ii oar aOaira Corrpsfoniifnrf Newmarket Conncil- Tbe abote Cogacil LalJ as adjeaniid DtcliD 00 Tbgrtday ereDio of laii nctk All ill membera preaeal ibe Rccva a lU ckair Mr Roadbneir fron Ibe piaaaet Cen- nlifte trporitd ibal Ike Itcpsrla prttenl Skating r fi fdber VnraarM fra Dfia Sia A 0 beta alepaW0 tha lidiea kBso Job will gia bie lanec mum lr your talaabl paper Tba lde Ma itli ditaay tba winter etBinjtaBd tM pioTialen made le fgrnlatt Iba aaBa of kaiiiiK Yob koow ihal leal wlsier we htil none lha stealer pan el tha eeHi Will you ihixervie iispim lha maiier mj ih mat wilinn of ihe iDhabiltnia of ear iltieaT Tbty delmhi in aaaisa loijf cheek- teptoaeh ui far aot takins enough u aiereiM why will they oui help oa ie ptf the ea and is lameee iba latter by pcaeHtmt wuh tbai oaealda- lichiriil ami exhrleialinff eiaie Do Mc tlctor wiite one o your meet telling and Sriiee aiielee en iba auliaci and lha ladiee will adba yon A LADY SKATER P S Deni feisal mind lewtitalbia oeek S 5 I hae gol Ihe nM taaely Skating Jreae but you moat not ay any- lj abogi iliia tl la aoarleiliiaaied wiib Oaiifa Arrirml of the CItj of Mueheeter menlof rla aud 6r furihedby jFOrpiOII 2C CDlflllillL Confederate and Local Legi ui raloUoB ram latares lappnra that frum September 1SC3 to I Juoe IStJV la period of igll inonlba I tbe earioBj lelraiiia lo iLe foUibc lollaatuoantrd loM4189J2eia and tad LeaJrr republiabed froto lima loihil tho total coil of workiag eipeiiea lime by u we have an rpilome of duria- lrt liuio wu only a Iriflc ivcr the Biaic fcalotet ol tbe new eonfcdcratiaa IHOO ll i uue aomcibing oitr 818- acUnie Il ia propoed ibat the Gotcra- OOO were expended io tvpaira dgrinjj that or General U appoinll u al preaiOl i time bul Ihia a owinj lo theeilreme- Saiu Coaaeil wera eeirccl A1o ia faier of nakiAga rvat of J lowatdillie naintanapce of Kelly i paa Icr aa prajcd fur by Ibe pelilioa ef Eh Goibaei E1 AIo Iliac hfy bad ao pewer aecerd- in lo taw to rrcmiiiend the graetiafi cf I the rrqupti of Mr Chai Drrlafod or Od U adri by lidiaten repooibe j baJ uic U roida when in- ifiiJipeiruaMtaW to tbe people and Parltimfnl aa ondcr i- ihe baud me Ourtimeol Il baa pj o ake any alteration tlr oor exlalioj ajjlem V e tcgjrd ihcw olo Uen eatiualiJ c unJcraland by a HoU ctn Littd Ibty Icel maia fealorcj s very aaliafaloty a well coinpetTt iniicfr ihit from fly rreoinTeod aa caaential to Five pertoaueney lo Ibo lo I1INJ aanaally will Ifep ihcui in lP ad iplfd Tbe ppointaeni of the Gorer- ihorvult good order and lakin the L nor General by tbc Crown will hive tbc aborc dla ai a batii of ejleolation il Uf ij Iouod Keepera aod lie trodcocy to mainlain aod petpetuile ihe will leave a balaneo of from SdOOO lo CovlciI aJjKncl bappy eoaaeclion between th Irutincca li tj pay intrrrst and ainkin fuad j Ili n ibe MolKcr Coootr wliilcihctn N tuppoM foaJt to cost SOOUO j libjaliOB the yalcui cf IVaponaibIc ibia aiil leave a net profit iBffiinl lo I Tbaiatlay SiT 10 Mr McArthnr Govimmtnl will alTtd protcetiun aod juj f r tliciii ia a trillo oxer thirleen or aceuily to the peipio poverned True luurtcco jearr aithool oiling upoB Ibe io aomc ttiltcra detail fjr Cor ricpns fr a cent while al ihe aauit fdratin ii ccnricJ we coulj have f j wuld be kepi ia njueh wiIcd il otlerwi auch fr inilancv ordir With llij data before u tL- bii ujn wllcli the aurpluj rev- 5 5 rpivd at the act on enuta arc to be dljtriLutd lo the Council in llc matter prcvinee fir Ijcal eipendituro To tliii fiu J bate on the of parehaae pviol we eilltJ aitcniioii in a proviyua puHihcl in tho Troolo papeta it w article aod wc areaiilUf the opinion the deciJrd upon will U found to cive f jg ef ihe keen ipirit in dijtiretion hod thai Ihe 5iru ich it coolwtcd Tho icw of revenue abould be dirldd lo the Kveral iliae io favur cf iiiirchiMn ihe rjjda on Proviceet io proportion to the rali cos- t1j4 teriua offered were eleaily al forth Iribuled by each provineeaod not aa f- of 10 f Newinar- fi kc who uruid with much fotro ibat in rrspejeil areordifl to r PuUiton The ihc ami apart frini nnnctarv Ipper lrovine5igrch5 more lirely Ceutiiea ahoaVl ol per boad cf tuiporleJ a any tlio riada thil ihoy arc ore cf Ihe olher Irovinecs ia Ihe CfnfcJ- ljdiii K3J ejiiducins rrlly to ibc eration aeJ by diatribatin aecordin lo uf l8 Tcuntica aa a wUc 1 I i I ir tbftl it ij cicfuiiii5 impcrtaut luit tliT the lal down not only will L p- order and lite Ivr Caoidibceol abort cl her jail r tclla rrduee J ilvnt and ihlahnuld bul ilc will be eootrituiing to the Ccineil didinclo porehisc tlieiu ihey jA- awvil tha allvtn ij be paid 10 iijo i j w uM aain fl into ibe hauda of aotni- er rrgvinova la virw however of thv iiiii hire tuju oils and bau toauj raitanal gcod atjticin itedaod m vtew Goverootaal we the adraiitaea wa ahall dciire ftoia the hjfe erery reaaoa t aipeel that wo ahall ecrrraneo cf tho uiatin unhappy union aciuii tire rmda tl a very retfonable litwecn Iprer and Ljwer Canada wc- latiaicof rcoeipU 1 1 jt lire ihv savcrntiicnt have hid eoatrol cl are rreparea l- aeepl tl as aeiledly in 1 1 1 1 lftu iloiiicnstf jiCJ that ai larpo a revc advance of the prcwnl Malrni that we may faiily Uul while tiju dcleiitoi and alu the j iOfo to pay for Ihe roadi from their on Jeadiiv jouoaU of taaadi aod tbc Mali iccipu thit pi example could be ahown lima Provlacea have been dicuain with rarf thrjujch audi a acction aeal every featare of ihe Central Auibori- I The narrow and acfirh arpjmefila pal ly to the Bew Confederation of Icrl were b ably very laile bai Uea aaid or done io refuted by Mr UvullUe who eharged reUtioa le tba loeal or IrOTiacial Oor- 1 ibeai plainly with tryioj to uofairly io anrti rroa it haa beea deeided l I Cooneil it the r matter e inav hers aay that tbet n rccommetid ibat LieslenanlCoveraorai Credit 00 La No in tba 4B Cun King ol Implencnia Hay 0iite Sr t ecinmenva al II uctoek a to J M PtircrHin Aoioner rA jNuv r 7r VVm Stoke ol KeTit Kuii Kaa an eirenviva Cred- il a v1 tiek Implcaienia ae Taim lwrva ecelit Sale to eomcnraee ai 12 uclack Dooo Thoa Aikinaou Auciioiiear Saierilay V 6 Mr A B Hynell ha a aale ol Kji and Oinameiital Traaai al Ilia Raaliead Hotel to coaiMnee at tan a m Theaa iiere ae liom Ih Veioii Nitaey iit Canadj farait caali FtiJat Np IIM Ge Fry LiH No 16 Ill lha h Cn rf Sluth Goilim bury bH art etianiM ledit aH ol Inek liiiiilrmeni ke Alto liar 0t Praa ami fotaiDa Thia t lin di mv aa Mr kir Mp fairainc puiaoita Sal to Ccm- meiice ai 10 uclock a n J M Pat leitun Aariioiieei Paiiiaa haviialheir aila tilUpiinla 1 ih ulitce will tiare tlwir aal notice aitalwve Itiruu ili coluaina uf ibi pape Cart Raetikt 99 Tba etnmar Ciiy af Manebaabir fiem Llverrool on ih I9ih ela Quaanaiown on lha iihh baa ptaaad liar oat ia rem dava laier Tlia duka ef NawealU ie dead Tba new aiaamer 0 taie went aabon naar Yataiouib and will pleea t total wiack cornrDareial pante ha oeeorrad in Rio Janom Foic bank hxa oipaodad ay nieri- liibililix illOUOOO Tbe Londun Tuna iliiok il iol tinehar labia loaippee ibt Ihe Federal aeeouou fui now arM made a gufivouiabia aa poa ibUte auit the oliiieal eiEeiganey I ileclarea the piopect ol eonilnual war ai miMI melancholy and deprraain le iht whole world and af pieteniius tba graat at rapiNclira to mankind Tba Ameian aditeea laealetJ by the ViKih Amviicaa bad as pattieulai iotaieM 10 Kiiittaud A moia hopeful fealinj prevailed in EiisliJj rornmeiciat eiClea on ine 17li boi eii thn ISiti tlicre waa reneweil ginom and deprrMion The fund wrie wellau laiiiwl but apceulatite aiecka cuoilrBad la decline Tijaia waa an inateaed darnaod for dia- eouiii at 111 Rank ol Kiilaod Tjia COitaereial iirprewion aiill eon- inoea The additiuaal failaaa ineloda iweiity Liipeol Anna inteiaated ia tba Amatieaa trade IITBJI Octebar 23 Tba politloa Bewe loilay i al as animpeitani Lharaeiei tlvaarnL Ojtiilr ISh laff alijt ilwnwaid Flour heavy Wbaal eiyduH and deelined 11 MI elilal Uel wriarn 7a 6J to 7 Hd cwd eoaih- in 9J 10 6 Com dull and daelinml Kl 10 U fr quaiier mxed 2fia SJ to 37a d Pitoitiune dull by aMiWbaeb will enable oar paopi liajr in a larK amogn of aoppliaa Tha daaeftera fpiM uur aerieill Ihen be led reiarn io order W ceeeiee ibeir pay lad bOMtable diaerp wUeh will give Bi en eddiiiunal furM of Ml 000 vatartiu- Then if boatllillta era reaotn ed ibe 8eeib ieaore ef eeeeee There fore we Ieaa nolhinff by gfuiloc Chie ex- parimeiil lo lb laokM who hare opeoly eoafeattd thi ibey era vhliiped by proeUlmieg tbe wer 09 Iheir pert a ftilare VtXOTl No 1 Quite lieely fiht oecarr beiveeo n furea of Moaebjra men uul e daiacli- menl of Federal tronpa io tbe neighbor hood of Salani Vlrgaia Maeehf est peeled lo aurpeiee our Uoopi eed aeU three detachmenta nfbia nan la mak 1 aimullannoua ailacki bet be focftd litem ready for Qoy heetile dreiontrliM The cotaeiitoeo waa lhai ibe guerjia chief waa nMUed We loel bM4we three met killed end three or foae iaeuiri ad Ttre teee wee laere ihett daui ble ihia betide ftfieeoor tareuiy priaeaen eaplurad I aay that tbeir ar- I caaiCDis limply aMiounled to thie thai no be apoiited ly tba Cvairal Poeer lo ork of Iubllc Improvcaical ahould bo prcaida over tho local irovineea Lai eariiol cul unlo ctery luan rccclved ex nothing bu beea aaid aa to Ibe beat actly the aaitc amount of direct benefit method of adoptinz t eooatiloloa fo j- e a cravellod road lo eve uiana door 7 r k Thfv diJ not iltcmtit i refute the each aeetoa of iho Coofcdention tow lloroada would it ahall be eooitilttled U betber wejfc pro6tabo lo tbc Countiea bol in ihall aituply have t LeitlaluTe aadifjcl aucatcd thil they woili be with Kiecolive or whether tbe Kxetotive J n to voo it favor of purchaio the ia e eh Jrovinee aball be repoujible to touotlM oul J be bout d 10 i i build a prapohjmfiaio jcnsiii of toq iq aa IlU Ibeatuie aa propoKd for thaj Sorry ahall we be wheo tbe Coan- redtral CovernmcnI Of eourao thai he error of Rranling extra CoefettBOa decided ibat til oatlert I faoda to one roooty beeauaeof neeeaary EdtiorUi Somnary to- A retil rneeiioji of ilia Beard e School Tieate will take plare next Mon day avaniiii al ihit RailruaJ ilotcl Chair ta betaken at buclock Mra Jame Evane al Ijnioii entreat Gwiltmbuiy will please accept aur I hank a for a Una fat left tt tbiaelliea We fuTty appiecate her kindneea pertfieisg lo the loeal powera aball be tr- raagtd by each leparate Irovioee bst it Irikc at ibey ahoald bars provided tbe oBltioe aed baaia for Ibe tlcctioo of mea ia each aeelioB charged wilb Ibe doty of fn niag a eoaatllutioa for Ibeir lopeciive Protiocee to be aftetwarda tobaitud to tbe perple or olberwlw aa might be deemed beat Ierbapa it ia intended bat the exialiog LegiilatDrea before ea- leritg apoe ibo tiew trranrtDcola aball Itke ep ibie eiatter aod lay dowa t baaia Xpendiltre in the otbrr Separation aWIuley luail lake plaeo wbeo tbal day arrivea Neglect Somewhere S Seat of aar aebrerihera bare been eem- platuigj bitterly atil the non Brutal 1 aoadclitery ef liicir papera al tbe Ketll by loatOcr Uo canal aa rraioa beyond patitive seglrcl voaiiiaiba papera hrt bees rrgulal naailrd fren iLii olSee Oor aubterber flheirertBrof eaeh bal l k bcfire lal were eteelbeotbeiaUatiopahoDld be madflTlaJ by jb coaarralal Ibat kaowB tad tbe opporlanily be IhottfI S f forded for fall and free euquiry tnd ial i 7 ttelilioa We trolt the Wading orl ere cant IB the Irorineee who have oo folly tad dirpoaaiooalely diaeoaaed the Federal aebeae 01 aow cailjbUD Ihe pahlie eu tbe peiets lo which e hart here refer- leU For ear owa part we are of tba eplaiea B thoald be eleeted ia eaeb Frovieee ehtrged with tbiiapeeial dsiy Tbe metabert coispoaing ibe exlalinj LepaUisre were eboKa ia ilie Imt of etrifa by aeerioBtl partiea iafleeBe- d largely if aot eoiely by foliiieal aeali- eatj tad besee in oiaay ett aot tbe beat aeo for tbe tmponaat duly of ituiiag oooatiiBiioa for oar falute g ware calectcd TheM at veil te olbet eoMidentioBa ferae tbe eoa- rietloB open at Ibit the prteeot aaB beald ael asdertike the daly offrtqiag mt leeel eoetitiatioo bit tbal that yetiw tbeaU be delegated to sta tpecU If a pe u for Ifce perpeae poteettieg i io lteleJgt of tbe Beiore tad retpoo- tibUitiee of tbe week tbty eederttke Thr Mtpiie iIwdU be wnpoeed of ea weU eoqetieled with lha wuu eod rireBoati ef tbe eoaetiy Aoteaghly poeted ia foUtfaial eeeeeaf espable of 9ier 10 Ibe mm ftrtku- ebere MpMwi k Ibeir deeeeeBaei aiuefcwet 0 tbt beet iotmeU ef tbe Matlera will fnlerr lo lacililaie ibe tpeedy dahvery ofhc packagei ofiea llaei we wok lale It eihl rather Ibaa diaappoiat ear reader Bad il if Ibere fore very aaaoyiag lo Bad arierwarda Ibe paper delayed M dialribaKeg oScea A liiile oere ear will antaaeeb vrx- alioat diaappoieent lo aabaaribrra aat froa aelael loaa Falera eoeaplaiaia will be followed by B reaotutrteee froia aaetbr laartrr CmfMtittiea laltate ia Toreote Tbe Uelegalea ftv llie Mariliae Pro- riaeci were reeeiied io Teroste wiib geai draplay Abesl 5000 eilitetk the To roalo Volaateera die lagether witb the Firaawa ia Tetch Ligbi Irocceiiea wa I eight tbay did eel eatieipeie weeld be t tbe depot Rtdf te rcerire iWa laal Vcdeeada efceief Yeaitrdby Ibe ei- ciieee4 ieereeaed tba alreeta ef Ibe eiiy waie gatl decked with a trewedeea dtar ef beotih The dajaeeer leja eer cerreepeaiaet wee tea tiaei to iba ball MeedHic dbfltMflhtag ilepf W Ike ItM ef Ue Prlbee efirataa flail A FaaT Arc The achievemenl ef tb Toroela 7o6e and Lenr in giving full and eamplefa reporta el iha apehaa deli v red en Saturday avaninp in Moniieal on mortlnf embracing acme ten or twelve eolumoa bf aiDall typ may be re garded aa the noit wondeiful feal of re- lioirmg an I teleifraphn in America Tha ublic aheuld Nbeially auiain aecli enter pdae acil tbaraby leatily tbrir appracia- uon t o Oil Saivrday afternnoo lait al a meeting of the Board el Oxeeiora of lb NenbVeik Az Society Mr- WoTieai on behalf of tba ciiiuna ef Nawnarkat ptaaemed Mr Benjamin Hellingabead wiib ihe Piix Clock awardod al iba lat Pliw log Maleh Ilia ramarka aenompanyiag pietenkiicn were happy ami poiniait while hairgony and good feeling ebarae- lerixd the oroeeevlinga Dorrng the meeu ing tba Reeve A- Boulibvr Eq made aa ofler cf eonaidettble impoitanea 10 ibe Ag Society and wbie wiiJ be naje pubiir and diactuaad at the proper lime We abearva by nvrexeliansea that nomeretla towna and virajee ihioeghool Piorirce are makinj heir winter pre paaicna for Skating Rioka It ia to bv bajied vol ironclada will not neglect what lUey tegraited hiving left undina lail win ler Ibat u the Ivimaiiea of a ekaiinf Club with anellicieui managing coaii te to e that the naeeaaary prapataiiena ate loade In make Ihe liik pleaautible and profiiable Tbe oiganiiatioo of CIgb eeeaia lo aa le be the Giai aiep tbon ibe aale ef efflcieni aeaaou tiekele le keep iheriukin geod akaiing ceodilioo then nexi duly other arrangetaesi will bllo aa a neceiaaty cetMqueoce Wholl Uka lha lead Tba lime ia rapidly appreeeblog for the commcneetricni ef ibe Lector Seaaon at ilie memtera to bava a geaaial meet iiigf Or will tbe coiBmlitce proceed to aecura lacluraii and tou lha riik for ailaa- iariee aad eoeeoragemeatt Hew many membera will lb laaliluie obiaia thia 1 aoaf Now ia tbe tiae for aetieB and witb an aioalUot library a aa incenilee la OMBbetehipi Ihia fillage oegbi la let aiafe 2S0 legular aBhaaibat ladead ibe puliey biiherte peieoej af aloMet open d io ear epaniea mlliutee tfaiwt ita aueaete meoeiaiilr ibeteby eiteeaaaeiib- isf aod parelytielbetianaoftbeaaeaag legceBBhtee Soaeaaaf petaaea lake ad- vtaia ef the frao aigble vbe Mead tieef wbeo Ibere ia a tiiflt te pay aa adaiatioa Thia le qeita uabeeeaisg aai to ay de eidody arlfiah Lei aaeffeti be Bade iba ceaieg ireek te eeewe a torge aMoihar- hl Cy McBlref tbe feOew who brgier ioaaly eeiered lha beeieofMri Mawben eeabieriHaMlioe eae eigbt aee aeeUe age eod eMegCeeteeed tbHMMr Mewbere a inediMd Raad gedfy e Ibe fwaeet Weateenb Auieei American Bevolatioa Va r VeaIirgion Ucl 39 To Maj irUfBeral Dix Dpebea frotn Gram received ihla eenitg inform tlie tfepirlmani of tlw adiance in fuce for Ihe purpoae of rrconnnianca mxle ycttirday by Wer- rea and Hancock In Ihe evrning the enemy aiiarke Hancock vifjtouly biifwoe repuleed ard Ibe purpo blugacomplitlied the iroope wera wtiMrawn from the advanc ed poaitionaio which ihey hadbaeepuah- ed oairer lo iheir liBO of former oecu pation Talegrama from Gen Great gie alt the detail received CiTf PoiMT 8 p m- Oel 37 lion E U Sianlon Sec ofWar I have juat reiuriied from ibe coaa ng of Ibe Biyoliin plauk road with llaichera creek Oar line now extend from ita brrnar left la Arrnairoon mill ihenee by the eoulb hank of llaielier crrvk In thia point above named Al every pMOl Ihe enemy wae fuuitd eti tretchetf and hia wurka taaanad No attack wia made during tbe day furihe than to driae pickcit and cavalry inaide if Ihe main worka Oar eaauBltiaa have been lighl probably lea than 300 The me la probably true with Ihe eaemy We captured aen loaded trama oa ihair way to lha enemy and above duztii beefcatilearrd 100 priaonera Oo our right Butler ealended hta lieea well around lowarda theYorkiown road with out 6ndiug a point uiiuardad I ehat keep eur Iroope out where Ihey are uitil tnwarda noon to laorrow ia bopee ef io ailing aa attaek D S GRANT Lleul Gee BahTiMoaBOek S9 Govemor Bradford baa juU proeialn- ed lha tew Free Siaie CeaMilulten oi Mar had- Tha Goverrtora prueleoaa Hon concludaa aa folIrw And wheree Ihe reeuli of the eircilone heve been duly cerified to rse by the proper jedg of the aid leveral eleetinna aad upon tha lecurtialy ooanliog and caaliBg ep uf lha vote to returned to me fur eod ngainat aaid ConaliiBtioe iaeluding the aoldiere vole aloreeoid it doth eppear that there ware BO 174 balloia for the ne CoBitilulioti 29709 agaiael Ibe Conalitutioo and Ibare wtre ei blank Balloa lojiorled tt given tgalnet lite Coniiiiutioi bet net counted the peraooe olTeriog ihem refoaltig lo lake the oath required by atid Cotieutatlsn j end there being tberefor ef the tggngaie tole aa cut a naprity ia farBr tba adop- lioa of aaid Cootiiatioa No iharo- fore I Augoato Hradtbrd Goveroor of tbe Slate of UarylMd to peneanee of tbe auihoriiy eie I ia no by ttM Act of Aetembiy and Ceeelliation efureaaid do by tbla my prodtmaiien deeJare aod make kaowo that ibe Mid Cnatiitatfia aid Form of tioeeroaMut eo framed aod adopted by ibe Coaeeittioa efereeald baa been adapted by aajvky of tho veiere of ihe State aod thai 111 puravaoee of tka preriiiea ibereifl eoatalMdi tbe aeme will laio efleet ea the proper CsMilio linn end Form ef Goeeenmoet if tbla StalO eaperwdiBK ihe owe bow eilattag 00 Ibo lat day of Noeeoiber laett Given oar my hand aad tba greet aeel ef tbe State of Marylaad at tbe eiiy of Aaoapoiia oa tho SOtbday ofOeteber in tbe year eif eer Lord 16M A yy BRADFOBDOoTMor W B HALIa SeeV ef SteM New YoaxNo 1 The Cbwltetea Moregiy aayes- rietideot Daaie bo bu boeaofpe od 10 sakiBg eoy omicaidGnt wbeteror to tbe epttay bae hoea Aeallj preralted pea 10 greiH aa enaietiee o tat Nenk proeMoA It ie oelUiod ia a reaswfdl iiior TW f ummtiM H frMis4 rtiaei tto Uoekede W taC Cetaty CmaoU- Snciai Mscnn ItaciKDine York Roase A apeciai aeetiac of be York tad Peel Jelled Ceeetiee Ceeecil wai bM is tbe Coeaeil Cbaiaber Coeaty Baildiega yea- lerday aftevBoee Ibe Wardee ia Ibc cbiir Tbe fallowiol eienbera were praaeat Meaara Abtee Houllbee Beryaaa Ball Bewaaa Browa Cbeyae Data go Rabletoa Oibaa liewlaad Haaaa iiaalon larlley IleaderiaB Jefery Macbel Msaaoo Perker rarabam Uaa- dall SprtKue Storii Tberae Vaoce Wbeler Scatboro WbrI Wbila cburb VVallia Webb aed Walker Tbe VVardea ea lakieg tbe chair d aiact lati apeeial aeetiag be bad tecived aa aaawer fron tbe Geveraetenl te ibeir propoaiiioe lo percbava lla Yerk Roada He bad tben agaia writlea to Ibt Cerera- ora aed bad received aaelber anawer from then wbicb weald be leid before tbe Cigncil Thera waa alae taetber roater ahicb would be laid before thea cea aecteJ with Ibe Eiplanide ie froal ef Ibe city Tbia vta belweea Iba city ef To- ronli and Coealiee Coaecil aad be thoaghl Ihe matter wai aa iaperlaat no it wt bigbly devlrable la bare il ditpeeed ef t aOB aa poaaible SeeM ether of aiaar iaiporttace Iw aeid weeld alae he braugbl far diacaaaeo He hoped Ihal all tbe bettaea woaM be gone iete eed diapoed of Tbe Wardee tbeoreada coaaealea lion foa be Clerk of ibe lowaabip of Sctrboro aaaooBcia Ibtl Mr Breavo bad beeo elected depaty reeve af ibat tewa bip ia ibe moa of Mr Crawlord Tbe lollewiagcoaaBaleatiea tegliber lib aeoN elbera ofaa eeiapnnaat ehar BCier were Ihee read by the Wtr eed laid oa tbe ttblc UiPAirMtirr or Puivie Wdos Quitcc Aeg la IMi Sit I aa iaalracled by the tloa eurable the CornaaivBer lojafnra yta that by an Oidrr ia Coervcd dated 8ih May 1884 Ibe offrr of 500u0 nade by you on bebilf of the Coealy Coeacd el Voik aaJ Peel baa beea deehncd I bare Ihe heeoir le be Sir Year obcdwal tervaal J W MAaiDR for Secretary WiLUiM TriRtLb Baq Waidru ol Yark aad PeelTsroelO t DPiaTeT or Ppttic Wet Qiiitc O 10 ISS4 I Sia VVitk rerrece la tba farther propoailin of Ike Coaaiy Coeaeil of Vok aud Pvl ai oniained ia your eire iraaieatioa ef Ibe i7ib Aag laal tbel iIht aiiiioni of peiebaae Miooy to be fliveo by aid Ciuocl for tbe Verk Roedt ahevid be eiilrd by Brbiiraiioo I bave Ibe banoer to iafora you ibat tlie lloaoarabla tbe CoiaBiMeeer ia aalbonxed lo aeioe aa arbitrator oa bebalf el t Goveraiaeat ao toon a tbe Ceaaly CobbciI of York aad lcrl will bare eaaed oae oa ila behalf Tbc two arbilralera ahall aelecl a tkird aud like award la be read by Ibe arbiirt lora or aay two ef tbra Lav aieo lo alala that before ester leg ioio tbe trbitratioa il ia devrable thai lb Cegaty abeuld faraiah Iba Gnveramat Willi ao agreeiBrat wader ila corporate aeal le parehaia iha uid retdatlltb price fixed by Ibe twrd I bat the bnaear to be Sir Year obedieat aervtal J BRAUV Sceretary WttuaM Traagi1 Riq Wardee ef Yert aed Peel Toroata Mr Graham ibought before taklag any aetioe 00 the mailer they bad bettor adjwrn and ibiok over it Mr Wheeler aeii tbe meeting bed bees called for Ibe tpeeiel porpoae ef lakinK acuoo eia ibe York lioede metter and be hojred aueh ection weald b leken wiihoot loaa ol lime It would bo right either fur Ihe CoDBcil to go ielo Cmd mittee ef tbe Whole en tbe metier or ppoini a ipeciel Comaitiee 10 report 10 the Cmikoi Mr iianaewM eppoaed lo delaying ibe tod vaatiag tltso lie did iiotwlab lo reBaln here Ibr t Mk or leo dtya whea the butioeae ought lo be diaeaeed ef a aeee Mr Hartley ibovght tbere were oihe inatlera ntarly o at ouch ioiportance a Ihe Yorlr Roade Bd Ibey ahould be el- leeded 10 Tbe Eeplanade qoeaiiea re quired iMiadfile elttJiliemBa alae did Ibe leaiiog of the old gaol Mr Utebaaa eaid ho bad aai only oead the edjwreeeei for Iho porpnee of ereetiag e daeotaoM end beriog the CoeocU M iiato b at eneo Ur Ooiiltbe tbuugbt bey eboeld et eeee go oa wtib tbe roede baeiaeet ee it we neeeaeery te dec ee aooo ee poaei bte aod aa Ihla aeetiae bed bees epoeial ly eelled for iboi perpoeo be hoped here woald be iio delay Mr Henley Ueogbt they aboM ep peiM e epeeial Coaaattoo a repen te tbe Coaaoli Obd eppeaM ea eibitretiw 1be CesMil oeeld hu Ibe effair et oaiM Oa laeiioa of Mr J P Wbeder eeooaded by Mr Ueaoe tbe Ceooeil thea arM IMO C of tbe Wbole lied been deCfdtbal lite bylaw fur purchiia7Bg the rad ahoeld Aral be tob lailted 10 Ibe rat ptyera Ho had niH aeen Al i Mei thai lu tho Q eat t ia lakin eJviee be tub nlly iMraedtbel there u no ee oeetliy ibtl ahndd put the teatter in vote f Ibe raMpjajpera lie hoped tbc cuoBiy veld f urehMo the roadai ea ti irti Suite eletr 10 Via Ihti Ibe eouMy oaila be ebl to pay for iheoi In ten yeere oul of Iba proteida of ibe roede ibeaneeleei atad after that ibe roedi would net only be aelfuatainieg boi wo p to ennotl aurpla io favor of Ibreeiaiy He thee reed a i tbel tbe reeeite from tenberlti3 to Juiie 1864 wet 89 iiowaJm dMle ae pledW SI abowi a eurploa of as Mi S3 From ibit it wa quite evideot ibtt tbe roade were aolf-eua- laiBlog Mr Jaiifiiea ihe peraoa who had preparednbe tboee tteiemenl waa 11 aequalaiad wilb tbe working of the roede a he htd htd ihem eodar hit imb jeeMrelpMb bdd fetlioack late Ihe baUi ef ibo jSoeernaaet Mr Hannt oaoatdered thu ibe War- deo had 4 wijbogrq lofoiaiog tba Govaruineni Ibetihe eielier tbould firv be aebmilted to the rtteMyert lie Mr liaoD woold aerer vote far tha purehtoe uoleee Ihe tteptyera bed firtt eoiad Ibat auob perobtee ebd he mede Mr Hariley look the aeme tiow of ibe aatttr aod eoeddered tbet ihe ra peyera ahoeld bare the pritilege ol voting oe the Manor Mr BooMbOe tbeogtat II weeld be e aa Deatore lo go 10 the trovble of geling lha rale poert to vote He thooght the Couneit weeld do Dotbing ihat woeld rtot be ia eeoerdtnee with the feeling of the mejurity of the rate pay era ef tbe eouiilia Utte Couacillor were aanl there for the aoocitl purpoae of doing the buiiea of the people and iheralore il wuuld be naeleea to eubvil the mailer to the peepla It litJ beafi ahown ihni ih roada woild pay and ibarefore tbe Council thoubool healtaia ia purchaatng them Mr Hartley aaid the penplea money ould be uad 10 percbaae ibe roede end ibereinre lliey thould be tllowed lode ctdm ibe metter 51 r J P Wbealer meeer that be appeioled arbrtraior fur lha cousliea of York and Peel to dee Ihe price ihal the eaited couullea aweld pay lha Uovernmeot for tbe Yrirk llnade In moviug tiie ceeoluioa Mr Wheeler aaid be bad At ibe eTightaai deebt ef the pro pnely uf iba oooniy leaktng the par- cbaa After be figeree ibat bed been read by Ibe Warden erery opo whi could ho eoevinced mutt kacrw that the roede woeU pay It would be great benelil 10 the eoeny lo baao the reada aiid ho aerely booed that e najtrily of le Couitcil ebould think with bim Hia motion Ould leet ibe feeliega of tbe Council and decida ihe mailor at once Mr Uauiia aaid if lha Council woel giae bln a little tiine be wnuhl ahnw ipoet oiroeiuairely bat Ibe rvede did nm pr iMr Grabam nored In eaoodmerii that the word rouniia be elroak out and lire word ooiioty of York laaorl ad in lieu iharenf Mr Grahaa aaid be did net believe Ibere waa uni aoeabcr Iroa tbe C laaty el im Ib favsr ef the pecebae ef ibe roMa 7he rojt wrre entirely er aheou ae ia the cuuely ul ead the cyuatjr ol Icel ibrrafare bad ae lalereat whatever ia ibcei It weald hi ea rveoaable to kop kai lb aaaa ol Ir J Srteegblea Oaaeialyee all tt Oee Ywo eiBrird federtlt acalpad ay art tad UancB nored an arwenlieent tc I acalpv tl Ibt eeddl bawa buJiwUeekrra wiib tevolvrr- diawn before tbe aoMier ajd begged tT tbeir livea bet wai Bhot AH tell bet oee wbe broaiib Ibe aboulJe lie tbc gearvllUt raa tbreagk tka cili cbaaH aed ired tt by bZi enwied oodrr ibe eert aed traa j oader lb depot beildiog Tbe beilliBg wt 6rM tad farced to coaa eat Ut tattgil A the aaok aad AaiM ted wi kaotked dawa two of Aoierteo fere Ibey killed baa 1 wert ibee robbed of ibeir leSjlj ry aed aeaey Oae yeeeg aaa bra way la St Joaepb witb ka I Ic dipped a buadred deliara it tbe Crewe ee et peeoewt Leewl G- r pM Ibat Ibe ceaatv of Peel aboekd- be 0 i be tpioitd by lb Coafedrrai Ur B llie ba tbet Ur Pei Hew laada beae be iaatrled io tba blank All ef Ik aboT wae wrre pal le the CneaCil bed loal Mr Pamhtn ibea ewred tbal Ihe eta f ibe Wtrdea Mr Tyrrell be ieaertrd ae ibe bleok Mr Hariley iboegbl it weeld be wrotf 10 ptaea Ibe Warde ia aeeb a poaaiiee Mr J P Wbekr took tba aaw fiaw of lk prapoted tppoielaetl 1be WtrdfO IboegM Ibel il woeld be letpeeper to tppeiel bin er toy ether reeabM ef the Ceuacll They aheald ap poial aeae diNBlerrated perly He re gretiad Ihet MrJ- ft Deeoa bed boi beea appealed tl oe beltrr taaa eeald be ebaeea Tbe WardeBa eaae w ibet wiib drawa eed the aarae of Mr P Howland agaio ptepeaed aad loat Mr Detaia neae wta tgaie prepoard aad leal Mr Uowltedt aaoae wti for the Ibird liae vabaitlad tad cbrried by tbe cealiag Tele of Ibe cbtiraaft 1 1 wtt Ibee aeved tbtt Meava Ho lead Ptrabea Boolibee Boil tad J P Wbeler be a apeeial Coaaitiee te draft a DyLtw to be aubaitled to tbe ralepaytra regarjliag Iba appoialowet of Ibe are eased arbitratioe Carried Tbe ContBillee Ibee teae tad reperled treceedioga Tbe qeeatioet paeied ia aillae were adapted ia Ibe Ceeecil ea ibe fetes Ysaa Maatr Atblee Baalibee Berryaatt Browa Deee Howhed Jef bry Mecbtll Parebta liaree WbeUr WbiUburcb WbtUr Scerboro Wtl lit tnd Wrbb 14 Nart- BowmanCbeyBe HataeHta- lao Hartlev tleedertoe Parker Raadall tad Vaace 10 Coeaeil thea tdjoariMd till Ita oclxk tbia aoniiag The ledcratua Sebeni Qiiic Cel 37 Tbe labora ef tbe Coefereace bave virtu Iy cloaed aat tbia aaraiag till ball ptl two tad aaia Ihia avrtiag Caa aiititea of the Previecet btra beet ailliog iBOat uf Ibe day Injueclioa ef aecrety art alill iapotd no merabcit and Ibt acbeoie will eot be pronalgaied till Ibe aereral legialelarn OMat 1 ea bowarer eoablrd lo gife Ibr eeilieta of Ib tcbeae eed Ibe order ef pro eecdieg Ite CeafcocBce eeaewoctd by reaolr lay that CeefedctttaaiB waa deaarablo bad weeld eoedace te Ibe ielereati ef Iba Pro iecea eed Eaglaad H il eeald be atraaged ae te le b teal le ell Seriea of ireelatioot feRewod dralinf with Ttrieaa aabjeele TbaOatilliee of ibeCoofcderale UoreraaMnt wt fora- ed Ibe aeaWraail dialribalteaefieeahera of each bav bvea cnrectly givea at fl Uiper Caaada 83 Lnwcr Cae ada 9 i re Scela 19 Mew Orune wk Ii I Newfooadteed 8 Priec RJ- werd IWaed b Tba aeabart uf Ibv Upper Hotae ere lo b eoeaMled by Ib Ciowe Ibe daraiini efibe Coefadciti Legitlatara 1 proviaioaally 6xed al fivr yrarv Soaae were la farer of exleaoiax t to ail oracfve yeara Tbe proiierly iali6eali a of aeubera to rcaaa aa a pieaeol Tbe fraocbiaa eil to be alleted tbe ef reapeeeib gevereeavat te be acted ea Tlw brad nf the Rxecti- re le be appoiated hr Ibe Crowa aad Ibr Uwa te be abtct le Ibe appravai m araapt mie hia bobi leg eed oa dtatedE over ibe balance A gatrrillt if b bed accrated toy aeaey tad nied Ibet be bad He wi laU wogid be aearcbadaoj if lioy feeed eo baa thai be woeld be tbea ackoowlcdged thai be one hendred dolltrt a kit beel ru dtrwaofby tba geNia b obteiaed tad tbe yoeeg tbe7 A gold wtleb waa feead it tbe bUtZ Cerate aad be wtt iaataolly By a law of tbe Sitle i aay peiaee wbe aball to tbe eeedbtSS llM wiectaee pleet a tro by aide iato which t alreta of Tbe Aatdeb aeid ibat id eooordaaeo witb a raatfmlea peeead by ibo GOareii el Me lea aeetibgbo bad wrtiaiiobe Goecruieoi oSencg Ibooa tMjttuO lur hadL Tbe GoaoraaaoM rofb i ptufiaWiB bad bo iben ia ticmdiiirt wldi eaotbor wrote la tho G eod prepaited otbimiiee oad tbo oMwor had oi boca iw ikaCfliM Ho wid tt de to parciua road ia ilaltea or toy liber couBly aa lo nake Ibea parebtM 0 heir heir pvliea ef ibe perclaae efike oadt le qveeiioa If Ibe tetdawete elf- utijifiieg let York bate the bearfit Peel dtd net wiab 10 boao eetbieg lo d witb lirn Sow raeabera aerd that il the made wtre paicbated by Ibe Ueiled CriiuSiea Ibe criinlj of Peel weeld re ceire aa eqniealvat ia ihe hope ef e aoor ber e aaw ridv ie Peel be did Ibiek lha woald be oe coeld be deoo He va oppoaad lo tbe purekea aad alwaya weeld beae ii wctU be ta bajettaee le lie coaa ly efPerl Mr Bewlibee wid be did eel Ibiak Mr Grabaat reolaliee eyeo rf carried caald be acted apoo aa oee ef Ibe Ueiled Ceoe- iie eeeld oel act wiibodi tbe other Aad beaidea Ihal tbe propoailioe af Ihe G ersmest wta Ibal the roeda ibaold be Har- rbaaeil by Ibe Utiled Coenliea of YoHr Bed Vel Tbeaiagte befote tbe Coeaeil WW Sbeeld Ibey er aboeid they aot parebew ibe raodat Mr Grabaa aeid ibe prieciple ceo- itiaMd io bia aBwadtMOl waa a rijt OM Aa lha oaeeey for the peickeae ef Ibe reeda wealO bare le be provided bp be nitpeytri ef ibe Ueiled Ceaeiiet abdaa tbe raid were eloee ef beeett le York Ibe ceooif of Peot aboeid bave etbaaf le de with thea or elae receare ta eqeiai- feet Tbe Wardee aid Ibe ffateaoel read by bia regerdiag Ibo receapia eed espeedrlere waa a eerreci oae aad if Ibe CoaMii wib ed itt he prodace Ibe reeripta or til tbraeery ftid eter 10 Iba Ooeentaeat aad alee prero tbe eipeediiwe Tbe tsleaual coald eel be coetradieted j ILe facte tad Igera roolaiM tberae cob eel be deaie He bed eat the tbgbteai doebt Ibal tbe reeda weeld be aelf teatiie Y- Ur Hertley eaid be Ibeogbl Ibeeaitd oaeat ee of eider tt be did eet biok owe of tbe Ueiled Ceaatiea eeeld a tecb a aalter eel wiibeet lha Mbcr He beped Ib taeedaeal wuald be wlibdrewa Grabea wjod eet agree lo with drew hia taeadioeal Seeoer Ibea oee ibe percbaae of tba reoda forced bpoe Peel be weeM ftvoer e leperelieo aad felt cootioctd Ibtt Ibe aejarity of the rttepayert ef ibat eeaely woeld aepatte at eece Tili ibia aaller Sr cea up he bed eerer kaawa the eaolr ef Yoit alteapt to do aa iejatice la Pawl bat it bow oewacd ibtl Peel we goUg In teSirr er ehe ba eeeapoUed le katra lb Ueieo Mr Ueteeo fevoered tbe percbeee ef Iba reeda ea be eooaiderei that Ibey would oel edy be teif aiteiaaag bet pay well Hr Cbeyae ibaogbl It woeld be well t adjoera la erdrr lo oblaia aowe rcliablr leleviBtlia rneadiag ba werfcieg of ike mada Nr Coltoe Ibe preteet aaperie itadeol coald be get te oeae be the Cooaefl aed pre ibea aaaoa lelieble iafer- aetioa oe ibe mailer Mr Harlle aid If k cawM be toe for the porpeeo ef e ae bfWM ibel lb reoda oeold per be weeM tarMr Wobbiatbeebeir vei foe ibe perebae bol eadar weaeni perebae bawdr pieaen etiCBaatteeaa be wte oppeeed lo Ibe per cbaae te diaeaiea the taead- aeet of Ur Gfobaa wae pat and leal The enfieelAetieo a rota nf JK ta 1 Mr J P Wbeler Ibeeaoved tbal ih Utak ia the reeeletieo be Mad ep lb atabef V WiOabetfeed Dr Pirrypp aoeed ke jM Uoeertaeal i denug tia plaaeare ef Ibe CoiJcderale Gotaraaeot to pey then Ntkriee Tbe Itwa paaaed by Ib Local leiktrea lob aabjeeted to tbe ap piaitl of Ibe Oeafcdorele GetetBaanii aad litble IB be reeled e rwapect tn edactiioa the iaaaoitiee aed pivilge of aitatilie to be getreeteed a ibey ex iti et tbe iHoe of iha fanoaiioo ef tbe Ce tderele GevereacoL The feraalioo ol tbe Local Goferoaaeot wit lft IO tbr lee Legialelerea It oel boeg tho boa acM ef Ibe Ceefeneee tn eeel wilb ibca They are 10 laUe Ibeir owe reaeate Nova Seetia bed Itew Biettwkk aey U tbey hka ceeateet tbiir aeetioe ef be lalerceloaiat railway at eoee or aey areH till Coefedeietioa ia coapleled If Ibty prefer Ibe feraer tbey will beve to ieeer aeaewbot greeldr ridi lbe preeeediega of lb Cerftretae thrpogboet wvrt ceo deeted aa beraoeieoaly aa coeld be ex peeled ib to aaey Tbe re Wit givee grobt eeiialectMoto Ibe leadieg aeabere ef tbo PmioMe eadtbty ere cue bAw bblo lo turf tbe aebotM ia ibo eofonl waWelaree Tbe reaoletaeee ef tba Ceofateto bave bore eabodied io e report wbieb wiM be r bt Mooinol Leo lUgre Xbe OMinUa llaagktv- Frea aa eye wiiaea aye e late iewe eftboStXoapbMo flereUtre Wb Ibc borriWedeieileeflbeCebMlieelibl er tooe ta Ibo trtSo tiepped Aeder- aoo wtBitd te tbe pttlfora aod ordered Ibe p a taareh eet Oar eraeiieb aid Abdcreed eppa te be e bue ebeet Cte ft lee hcbM bigb reiber alia bleek beerd leeg Meek heir iocliad to earl eed altogetber b p leebiag aee ei abeol S3 jeer of age It wt dreaeed ia t FedenI tolider caei Mack Hiet ead eeaelry kel He ordered Ibe ertaeeaaeo waaeo ead cbiMrte le aarth ia aee directiao where ibay were fitraed io llae two deep eod Ibeee drew edmeebderectethet were atiebed io ae oppoaile ducclieo le getlMg ef ibe pltlfertatwe of Ibe teidwrt bau hock ted Ulked egtiaal ebeyiag orra Tbey wtre tbel by Ao deraoa aad laa eff belwcee Iba cera nda bed tbe eCrci of eaaaiet e euapedr of pbaeeoMri wbe raabed of tbe eert i grtel eeJeaaeo Tbere wore St Bolder abaerd the ireia beteefiag le Ib S3id Sbthaed llu eld SStb Hiaeawri brfaelry Soae were waeed bed aKk rilereiag boao 00 farleagbp teae were ditcbarg ed All lb eeldi were foaed iaiu bae tad Aadem welked ep le Ibea eod Ibea addred Ibea Toe federal here je kVed h of ay aalf eeip thea eed left ibeia ee Ib prairie I ea lee bneorable e aa le peraaal iy aeo le be eeelped bet I willabooyoa Ibet I eao biM aeo witb ta aacb akill aed rapid ly ea la body Frca tbit tiae forward I tab eo qait aed ire eoae Beer Cedent aelidar oa wboa I pal ay fiiger aluti daliht a do If I get iete year eletcbea t eipect dceib Foe ere te be bdM eod aeel to bell Tbia it Ibe way evere d d eoldier tbot be aorved who Ub ioto uy ada SvoeoflbaaoUtere reaorated eed declared Ibel Ibey arerejaat froa Sber- iV eray eed bad oelbiof wtaleMr le de aiib tbr attof a aoolpiof of eo ol Ml wa AidReeo repted I treil be kepi reeeta ia eeliiM te e dedeclioo ef 9 Irea bit liSH Oiilf Tbe bridge irbicb ia te apM Obio rircrbetwaee CiocaeelitodCtt loo wdl coat t laillieoead ebelfefdiaiS Bed it Itagib win exceed the bridn aeat 400 feet Il will W ed 90 feet above high largeat ateatoera te pua aoder ficultjV BtbMlTA Do Tite Bler dL ttrvtf regrelt le laera ibel eo H Ib lOtb Mrt Creibabaektef PiMli waa bitiea OB lb elbow by 0 aod Tbe woaad ita frigblfal eet aacb aafferiag of artod pad bady te S aafovteeate aafftrer Several pipgJ Ottlle ware Wllee by ibe rabid n TtB fore be wai walreyed ia Berlie edlpsaf two aiace Kv Fiai Afire btokeootio iBjt of Mr Jspp Aurora ea Hbik evering laal ebeet 8 oeloebybal Ibi the eery eaeiytie ead pretiefcatlii ofibe rniaBera the baiWeteyiir od tbeagb eot wiibooi belqg Mty Mb rially daatgod The ftro orWaeHdA iweea the not end oeiliea of lEt UUK firat oukieeiibelfkoowabr ibeCallHS e porlioB of tbe eelliof nieed wiHlVa Bear wbere Ibe iaaetee of tbe beeeiWe aitiiag Tbe building wat faadlilS tbe amount of 6rOSaaart T Betas EiMriecWp from Ihe Uaeox Ueeord hot a otM 10 be lid al the Oxford eealiee io Mr Rankin I plainilfT end 7 Bwati Raq ShertlTof Elaek del It triarr oul nf the Itto aitetioili in Xaaex aod ia btaej epob 0 et the coairovtrted Bioctbia Akt Inwt 1b1l returuinguSeerwbo refute to eetora ibe doly ellBtd dne otey be aoed by eeeb a for a aiUD eqeal 10 twice Um M la auaiAiiiM throogb ttwlie ae Utakiii lay thia luea ei IdiOOOai fur Ooo Sceiova AoeiBBKTrX tWiut aetenteo yeereof alli Mr laaao Vnoderburg raebliB Leakey while liAlog 0 plow a waigon ibroo wUelkbaMa by wi be htd pretiooelr 11 Ibe aboar fall lo ibe gro atdl io H jeaptrf oM of tboiqu etmc lotu ojnlaci with Ibe etbiB It 10 enter Ut body eoer tbe gn ilngered from Ibo ilate oflCe Frrdey afroooa o Uib ttel MIowaj Soadey moratof dwdjMaae CT The Siou leimc the Fedorei iroopo lalo o era lerriatey areplitMMttl lag tW Bltbonir judiciao eoodooi al ibo Oonpony eod tBi BHiah Ncnb weoi towe tbo beeo eeetarpd ibat pie from eoy oerioaeaotnghl dieoe regarded tbeBritiebafjl end WMb ibo oaoepllea- q reepeeueg ibo eod e Iba jbdjeMMl whiob iM tiMoe-aoOMi- ooubioia ttwtieoAeej Briiitb af tho hoeiilo eeadeet of wardetbo rofrrgatt oilbU tod iboro ib a beeaio ohooeo MMoa log petfe ood eea Soporioriallw Baakf Me btetlirtwff fSr Hefytead taM b Sttio bafiea dedarod Wtefl amMded cooalJibliM bbatfiUit drowo ep teae tiae ego bf tloa oai tbr lit boHO two oioiad ap UI oew oilolioaa ead HMO Jtrl le s deleaeoy oe Ibe 1 S74 roiea a oeeta tn 1 eoldiere Vote Iboe for 1 lo t mVtatbiag Uio eooaiitoiiao 680 wbieb 1 it it iboeebi by aei leot tba iM H0 more Thit twoeeoaiee IboCrMdMir aeorly oee hoadrod beoeead eloe 1880 Ibe free ooiearedMpoMiaim Siaia waeabJtrt eigtuywv atatfte Ciiitm iiaa DirteioN Omr PaieMt IHS Nw StAMP A a Qeeoo ofWoodttoek Iwa letter lo tbe DimweCowiOai Cooty ef Oxford tioiM ae to be peame 0 U Oder the oew 8eap Aek Every aaaaMbabtariafi JedgBoot iaead bee aaMtjry eAer tbe bet iatUalaatt 1 euaped witb e iuieoen eBflol with tbe aaaoeat eft eble to Ibe fee aed ia eoeb eMaeaa Ueda the 14th MO tl tliere tbaatbe bo a fur tbo betriag of eeeb aiiibi eppbottieo aotlbe elewyg aaiiat tbo taoaal dflkl M toeb hMnac At tbemfor beeriacei Ktetter Ibaa the feeJbr beeitaH boded oeweead tbo ftp eMgJgf eraaeed hy ordcr ef tbo partite reoelrieg a beerieg Mrd with toQip lor Mb ocden aodJedgaooM beelWia each tbe aoaea iteai lOiH wlDbefeid-

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