Newmarket Era, 23 Dec 1864, p. 2

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THE NEWMARKET ERA DECEMBER 28 1864 AdrrtiwBMt Tovein CAMiim D J G KoJ AdTriiMfnvDi O FM llfr Ailrv5imii1 Doailai ChiiMOM jifiv A HaiJrMfl SttUi QjMMnll MtchiM SbopW D WMI- mtn UlliowT PH Sl E M Bi Mi Nturiikd P 0 Tnln TIom Scwmtrket t Af Ittent il pUt UoodaT lu ktt lM HsriM Mkni Mail 9S2sn Tbregfh Mlitd IJSpai Lecti llii 80 f m orii KfTX Lnl Thtonvb MiltJ Mil fraMMftnil Aurr iiif HfeAf rNk bvl IS tT9m It liio 62 m II S9 ID 646 p m or Ifalbod LuO- ljt llfimn0rlift Era Viwarktt Dm 93r4 I8S4- Oltr TonMa Uttpalek nrvtt atsam kawm tl oarroaio Tffi QUOTA Of ValTSRmED UP- BMth sf Hob J Tnrcott DESPATCHES TKOM WASHINGTON Touan Dm IW4 Tb Mi rrviB QiMbM in Ibit aiorninfa fgrnlth lb inlllignc thai fit ef ib raklffi bT bn rs tiini- l iwa DMr Ibo CansJian Capiil and tbra 11 PuiAt Aa TivmblM iSajr wvix Ml hii wtj ih Pisvincta Tb qoola totunlMi iquiied or ae iDal niTioa an ih mniitc bat bMn filltti p Two Aompaniai hv bMQ aecaptaiJ from TeroniOi anJ vcv from lha following placM WoeJock BottbtiM SiocM Hairi Kintiao Whiibr Si Calbfrinot BoHaffiM Dunill CoNjng aed liaBifud and Snickilla Tba lioa J K Tiroii M PP fe Tha JiJ on TuMlr lii if aljriii tia wa ai aaa iiiar Spaikx el iba itiomlij A poil mauancat aciid it Qtab an Tuaolaj li Klih datptlcbaa fium iba Wathiftgian Conmnl Tba rlMiBt aaJ maittt in dipaa ba IwMo lha enniiictoia TorihaNrw lclla nam BuiUmct ai Onava ami ih Geiain manf It i ba MitloJ bv arbiraiion Tha abriar foi iba Ijovaincnonl i John Pagp Eaq oltbaBoa d bf Wobi DpaiCBni ni lha coAiricioii F W Cumbailaod irhnrci u Tutonio anl Kxiloo- aor JsJga Cowan oi la aaioaiJ at BSpira A Xeny Christmas Era loolber iaasa of tha Era tba faa- lire atuog ofChriitDaa will btre trriTad a lharafsra aoibran tba pmtbl opper- tanilj lo with ur Boinaroa readr t Mttr ChrKtuiii tod troit tbc ma looj lin lo aojoj oaej bappa rtisra of IIM da A Cbriitnat costt no Sabbath ihU jtir wa belictt it it be inlaatioo of oar bitiacat mea and tilltgrrt gcnrralljr lo barT8 Iba Mlowies dajr Jfondajp u a pnblia bolida Paopla raaidin is Iba eODotrj baring buiem to Newourkel woald do veil to btir ihit io aiod tod ilho tToid diiippoiotmaot Tte Tork Boads Aa rttj imcb axid iatading tha parcliata uf th York Roadt by Ibaaa Couniin it alingalbar apacaltiiva and a Trry Ilula baa aa appaarrrf in print upon which lo baaaealevltiiont or laad to a earrael kanwlrtjga of ibair tal- ua a tubjnln lha fuMawIng ttblaaabow in tha rcaipla of aatb Oata and coat o eollrction for lha pariod of oight nwnlht and t half eopiad frocn lha bonki ktpi bjr lha 9uparintndani Mr Jcaun whl aeiiig for lha Uoaammaot aflar paaaing in ihair bandt from lla Yirk Koada Comptojr BeiOAi aoio Raraifitt Erpandisrai Ctia No 1 IIKei 1175 i Na 3 lH46 No 3 mi 68 Na 4 941 ca CbaekioNo4 l7 6u iineiTaa tote Caia Na I Na a Na 3 Na 4 3KI6M HlRSj 469 73 4iOX Toaac anctr aaaa Uaia Va I 250 Na t Na S No 4 No 5 No 6 Ck to Na 6 3546 40 1140 67 606 91 6I9TD 394 69 3374 7S lisi inaaa ioap Cata Na I 796 63 hit rradioaat aiihar lo bacom a eandl- data or ralira aa iha party ihouhi baa to loKK a ihmw ha ctnlribulid lo da- uro ilm aniiUrMiah alaiMiil tovghl lo b atlablithad aa tha ruling powar amnnftl ut Ila iwardad lo ttiam fullr and fraaly lha full piivilrgaa tha lawt lha Itnd had gian lo ihoaa thay wara atiilrd bat baond tbit thay ihnuld not hoa 10 atpira Mr laimBt la- mailctwara rietiaad wiib gaat laiialaC tion Mr McMtrn wta nan eilled upon who ifolia of lha plaaturo and graiifie ljin il tlTvdad hiia Ik aifoi o many ai a pialimstry maairg lika tbit oflit fa- law lowntman Ii ahnwrd lha miaratl ihay louk in Monicipal alTirt and thair wjlllngnrta to tcurJ unwtaringaupporl 10 thoM who tiood by ihtm Mr JacK- aon had to fully gona iolo lha finaacat h Ihought il unnaeaataryto alluda loihai point i lut wiih rrgard lo iha fira bri- gaifa ha mighl aty ii wat in moM rfBriaiit tiata and ha waa tura ibal if paaJad tba angina would now ba found tl aM tiiiiaa av for immrdiaio aarriea T1i pro caevigt of iba Council bad baas barmn nioot aod iba mia paramoaoi daaira had baan work for lha bal Iniaria of iba Tillage Evary aiaabar of iba Coun cil bad Itrga paraonal inlaraata iL 4ha prpgraaa and proaf ariiy t tha placa and ha wta taiiafiad froa lha cbamclar and eomplaiioD ofihit naaling ihiil wbotTai 11379 ba thair attndariibaarar ihay 111 40 1 iham tlccaaafully forward lo 137 I Ha coDclvdad bj- ttaiing bit 138 30l atiilingnatt oba acanddtlaor rttira at ba Friruda ihought bail lod whoarar riigbl ba itlacird ha would do ahil ha could to carry iham tn tha baad of lha poll Loud appltuia Inanawario a qaaalioa aa to wbsi had bnan dina wiih tha Incraaiad lata linn Mr JacKtot aipltinad thai tha g bad baiwran and 100 kaa 121 CIO 191 00 iM30 139 W CM U 155 03 112 40 106 65 144 16 Tuiala 24S0iri0 Now if Vf tdd 91700 for Suparin Undaoti aalary ard oibamipaDtat to tha othar aipandilora of fcaping Galta wa ba a atal of 4320 33et and lrerMi ihun utuilihat tht Coonir by drdooing lha lailtr amount from lha incaatad IWand iht groaa rtcaipla wa bara a balaaea of ihia council had In maal adabloftlOO 920173 7Scu lo pny inlcraal aod ktap ihal oufcht lo bara baan paid thraa y lha rotda in rapsir and tbia balanca 100 00 only aight and a hlfnniht in A f I I about h If htl amooni Applauaa lha yaar Takiag iheaa 6guraa at a a rmluiion wta than moad and car daia lha Rotbt oughl lo pay far tham- 1 riod anfinimootly thai tha naaanl Coun- aairaa and til aipaaaaa connactad thara- cil l ituraitd lo again olTar Ihair wiih in laat Ihan aighi yeara fn caa and pledging iba maciing lo aup- which lime iba turplua rBuai if ap- 1 V i j j Another reaoluiioB wat alao adopted plad 10 IquidMaCoaniy aipaotea ought tha drairahliiy of a publk- to maal iha wbola County taialioa i a f meating lo anabla lha pratanl CouBcil lo tuppoaing lha rrpain Bol lo aieaad fivd tall iha pubiM ganarally iba fseta ibay or mx Iboataetd dollan at aa ancoal eoeai8d le that maating and anabla iham la maai iha groundlaaa ra porta put ie ciculatiofl by ihtir oppo- nantt filing upon Friday nigbi lb arming at iha MacbaDiea fiall Aflar raia of thaakt to lha chair lha meating broka up The Nev ConttitQtion Tha fsember for North York J P VtLLS Ktq iotinalaa throtuh oar ool- lDoa today bit williBgnraa lo bold psb- lia Baatiag throsghoot ba Riding with ba Tiew to atccrttin public aanlliDeBl in recani lo lha propoa achena of Cos iedaratioB Is ticw of tba iaporUsM of tba tsbjrtt tad Iba ttrj graat iolarcalt iatoltad wa tovmead Ibi aonrta aad vwtld aagt tbal from osa to two neat- inp ba bald ia ateh Maaiciptlity at ibe baat iDClbod of obtaiaisg Iba oorrtcl aaB- 4iMsti of Iba peepi for if oaly oaa or 4M Baatjag ttka placa is tba Riding ad large aaabar aaaaibla nry faw iSwaeea lika lha acbema propeied bet li wotld bara bo beaiiaacy la doia in iir farrevBdad by only iboae itb wboa 43uj bin men or leu iaiiawj Hesea a wod aaggart bat two aaiagi ba bM IB Kiag OBa belo lad iba olbar RidgcsLatkay aad KeUleby for intuaea two ie Wbilcburcb aiy sftilla or Laeoetill aad Ibe otlter at tb Taaparaaea Hill Piaa Orebtrd tare ia Eul GwiUiabary eaa at or QtaaoaailU aod iba otbar at Moaai aoa at Bell Viaw ia North OaiUimbBn ona at StitoB aad eoaiiay bk lake tba TiUiaa At tbia aaaaee af itba year ea bom of ibia ronia two bcm taa aoald ba beU ie a dir aad tbe opia- iada ofaaeh bi baataWied ia rctO laiioM- Ibmby obtaiBisg prelly det aitely tba iaw of ifaa tleeion Laai Bcai Bigbi doj bat if tba real taati- MXi of tba JUdiag i daaired wa balian Iba aboT te bf tb Ir wprw iAoi Tj Vp 1 Ai aaaaoa of tbe year aatanUy spet tboaa isdabtcd for tba Snt a aa aa or priatiag aad adrarttBag lo pa ap llaadteda of dollart oo Iba fm two or tbraa yaara lebaeHptioBa if ow dae aad ia erdar lo ateal ear aa- lttaaaaU a vtat iba Biaay To pat boaa to eaat iadebicd to aa va Tary anah dialifce bat aa ha aairat tt oaa- daatiac a btmaaaa witboat caab baa aoi btaa diaeotared by aa yat fear iba baakvardaaat cf a good Baay aahaariban iU ibfaa a to adopt ibit aoaraa Wa da aat siad alloviag aaoMata to raa a Uw aaatba or area a year bat Iba pariod alda bayeed tbia tba aai bwa bard Tcry faw aa ia- 4aa4 ia tba caaatrjr bai eaa aaa to faj CUMaU or araa tS daiiai tba aaMaaaf a wbaiaTaar Tbaaaoaatia bw ft tfita ta aaah bal laaa il maap budnda of MUm baa gitbawd la- sMW Wa bepa Ibaaa kalMay fimm MtytfnftviUfaMiifarlhailUlar avangr Tbia ia tha way tho garaa preterit ihrmtalraa lo tt but wa giro ham 10 the public aad thty eaa mike ibair own calculalioai we do eanify hviwarar lha abova gurat ware takan froB ibo bookt of the lala Suparinlao- den and may tharafora ba lakaa for granted at baing correct Aaothar im poiiani fael in Ihit conneeiion thould be mrntionad and Ihal ia tance tba roadt have bna in pottettion ofiha Got ccnmant uii a large prnporlioa of Ika amcuai CLIIrcied htt bean axpendad reptiira and herea they will paaa inlo rha haoOa of ha County in i much bat ler tlala ilau would olheriia have bean tha cata had ikey been purchaard a year ago and at a cnnicqurnce will largely leatao the necatterj- aipeodiiura io ta- ptiit or yetrt lo come The Campaign Opening I Lpo 1 tory tbart Lotice girra rerbil- ly 14 ibota who ebancrd to ba net apea tba tlcteit a large aad iiDuebtial oieeliof wi held tl OrtltTrdt Hotel oa Taeidjy eitoing lail ta eeerider the preeal a peel of Maakipal aStirt tad daeide span Tutor alioo Tba autsber itMnWed null Late bttn aboat 60 or 70 tad wat epoMd 01 all eUiMi of tba caaoiaiity j lad we lure no betilaliea ia tayiag that oanbrr wovid bare beee coBiidarably ia creaaed ware it aot for iba Ltdifa Oasaar baiag baliJ ibal errBiBg io aid of Iba Coa- gregilioaal Cbuccb Oa Boiioa Dr flonrta wat called apOB lo preiide wbo mde tOBa very practical reauika rasiadieg Ibaataaably of tba fact Ibal il wta iaipoMa far aay let of aea to to into tlie Coeacil tad gire Concert for the Peer A Oreai Moaical aod Drtmatlo En larlttomanl u anaouncod lo lake place Oft ateoiog next tba 33ih iBaiin tba Hall iba procaadt anting therefrom to be diMribuiad enong iKe onrof the eillnge We aadoraiaad iba ncilutt who hiT8 kiodly oWiitMred ihair arrvicaa for tba oecatlu embrace a large prnportisn of our local iirat claaa ulest hithario to well aod fivooi bly rccalfid befura Newmarket audien eaa and at tba object la really com- mtntilila we truil lo ate B crowded houte At tbia teaaoo of lha year pan ury tad want adda to lha auSiiringt of iba oor and allbough tbara are plenty of prople rriy to ajtculale God help ihrm who do Boihliig lowtrda reliatiog Ihair aeeeaaiiiaa are plinaad lo laain tba baaeeolanily diepoaeO of lha illaga are doing what thay caa to laaaan th hardabipe of Ihoaa avIfariDg amongtt u In order lo tdJ lo the ailractioa of the eniertaiomaoi a dialogue of paculiar in- lerail will ba racitad by loma of our young people AdmiaiioD 3Se and children al bBlfpriM See Coetan aod Progrimmea aboat tba place aod al the priaeipil ttorre Manlcipal Elections Kiko Tbe polliag placet ia Ibit Tvwa- abip are at foltawt Werd No t Teapenace Htll gtatnl eoaducl wii approTtd af ba coat ivBuvct mn approTta 01 M coo- I ceired tba tilUtt woald be daier ittelf il 1 gooda for tale ware a crcdil lo Iba kboer aad cral af tba ladin ia coaaeeliaa ailb tbal coflgrrgatita wbilc tba refrrtbiMBlt proTided wara ia erery way Niifictorr aadabuadtaC Wa beg le eaafraialilB ibaa tbrrt apea ibe aaceaaa alteading ibeir effaet aad Irati tba ab jeet ia riaw aay ba tpaedily rtaUaad Mr S Pbilipt Mr Gee WaHlca aad Mr Nithaa Reabeek of tbit placa cea- Irlbaled to tbe ialarial of tbe occltiea by tba perforntnei of a eeaber of piccn of Vlic tn lb riceitino Whitchoroh CoonciL Dec 17 ie6i The above Counall met ibia dey ai Mr Coaaora Hotel Billtairit All ibe memtara preaent- B Wheeler Btq Raaira In tbe chair MInotet of latt meatiag ttad aod ceo- firaied A comauoicatioa aria then taeelvad from Ueatra Patiarioa dc Beatty Sell citort io ragtrd to tail with R R Ce pany aad aaiiiDg fortb that Judgement hr immadiate tiaeutlon bad beeo oblaia- ed agaioal lb Compiay petliinn via praaeoied by tba Raere frotn tetartl iababitaata of Sioaffeille aakiag for powar to aoowaia Siituia Labor for ika purpoaaof purcbating aai epplying la the roada ie aaid tilitga a coatiijg o graeal A Oylaw waa ibaa iniroduced and pataad nakiog tome alieratioD of School Section near Aurora Alto a Byla waa inirodiicad aed paeaed ie iho regular way fixing Bogart Town at lha ilie for holding tba forth eomiog Municipal Bleciion A proteat wat reeeited from Traaiaea of School Seciion No 6 aatting forth they loleiid holding part of Lot Me 17 baratofore aeteeaed ia ihal aetioo aa part of that aariion onleaa lew dapriiea ibam ofit Tha Cooncil paated it OTir in lilanca Morad ijy Mr Rasdall arcoaded by Mr Macklem thai iha aum of M fa grafted to Jnehua Wlllaoa jr fer plaak aod erdar furniahed and laid oii the reatf io Diiaaon No A in tha 4ib Coo of ibia TowaaUp Carried Moved by Mr Ilirriaon ercended by Mr McCormlck thai the aom at tlO be paid Mr Sboefall fur woik dooa on ih Town Lin Btat aad thti ibe Reeve do itaue hit order ihervfor Carried Movrd bv Mr MackUoi aecoidaJ by Mr Randan Ihal tbe Ireaaurar ba aa thorixed lo pay lo Adam lltaiiBga Ih aum of 7kta par day af tao boait ae per biU rendered for work don oa the Big Hill in Ih 6th Con in liquidation of all ctaima agaisai tha Road UiviiioQ or Ma nicipn Illy Carried Tlie Keete on motioti iben left Ibi chair for one hour ArrcBioox Ktiio BoMarai reaaiaad abost halfput 1 p wbea Ike Iaiilioa froa Altx Stapler tad oibert e the village of Stoaffiilla wa eeaiidered Tb iUave aid tba abject ibe peiilioa era bai ie view wai la paicbua aad baal gratel tbif water for tba road It cnald tbea be doaa btapar aad I batttr id vaaiage Mr RaadatI atid be btJ ao objtciioB to tbe peliliofi bat be did aot tbisk it rigbi for tbik yeait Coaacil to appoiat or Rtd oreiteeo lor next yrar tad 1 tbe Dew Coael woeld avtl ia iBStry ibey woatd have pleaty of liaa to draw afier tbal lima Ha aovtd aecaadd by Mr McCorniiek tbat tb Mbjrcl aaUer of tb lctitiB be deferred till ibe aeii aroiog CerrJ The Towatbip nllrcltc tbea otde b ralara aad retliag loilk that bc wble aaoaal kia roll called fer bad beea callccl ed txceplBg aaa 6ie or fcix dollar ile bad bcaa obliged la atk i lew aeiitrrt i bat tb partiea bad paid ap balore tHiwiai bia le all The Rve tbea iatiodaoad i By Law ia blaak providieg for tba payaeal a Towatbip eCcert aad alto certaia billi wbwb wat lead a inl tiae Oa ailioe tba Coeacil raaeteed late a Coaailtea eif lb Whole lo fill ep Ibe bleakt Mr Htrrieea ia iba ebair Tbe fellowiaf apiorboa wat agreed to Bot wiiboBl eoae diSereece of epiaioa tmim very great lajatitce aot le r eleet tboie bcb who bad that faithfally aerved tbea Sotae bad foead ftdt wiib tbe Attett- acsl i bai tbrnegb tb wlole village of til be bid tpkeB to aot ooe bub that oow greBbled bid aide ta ippal at tb Coert of Reeiroa If aa iajmiic wat dooe tbea tbey did sot place tb Cooocil iaapOMtioa lo eorrrcl tbat iajattie iha Cooacil bava ae power or coatrel over Iba A oalata aa appeal it ada aad lo alter il witboul ibit legal fenaaily ta iavalidai tb wboli Uiog lopl thoeld Bo attach blaae wbert boo ia ckargeibl Mr JjiCKion wtt tbea called apea who ealered it coaudcrabl leaglb wte tb actiea ef tba preaeot yiartCoaacil referred lo the vitl anooai of libor ptr faraed tba aaiar ef tba public worki the aaoul eipeadd iba toercci of rcfeeve arged tba arctiag aot lo cea- ail tbratelvei lo a peficy ordtriaioe tad ihrrtby iatredeee aa elearal ii the Coea cil liMrd likaly le Ind to diMord aad cea Katioa eediag ia b isd taaitioa lo pay the tbel Mr JiCMoa aio ciplaioed why btora tMory bad braa raiKd tbit year poiatid eat Ibal while ibe eppoaaait of tba peeteai Coaaol wara iaitdioaily iryiag le prrjadice aaa portiea of lha caaiaaaily aa aecoaat ef tba paeage af tb aa peaadage Oy la that tbeaa very aa iigaad tba pefaiiea to ibe Coaaeil ukiM fer ibe BCaaare He alee aliedad le ib diScelii eacooBlared ia getnag Tiaoiby Street opeatd- aad illaalraled tbe very great dtStreace beta preCieeioa aad practic a Ibe actioet of Ba Mr BovLTact waa aatt caHad apoa who ipoka al gnat leagtb peioied oi lb great iaprovaacait aad aad lb t- aiaacy of ib werki ceoaiiacied by lb prtt Coeacil altad I ibeaWaeat aangbt 10 ba placed aa lha nlg pnwr over Ib village aaa aot bkly dr be pmBl atprci af oar rtbioaa tb Uaitrd Siaii lo prav ceaditeiee lo ib Mfly or coalribate la Ibe leyality aad deveiiaa af Ibe pptiplaiad iba dif tcBlliM aileadiBg tba ataeaiaaal of tbe vil aad a aoapariaea batweea Ibit aad torraaadag placa ia paiai af Utaiiea aad lepfeveaeaie abeeed Ibe diipamiaa al teae aea la ad tall bat af ibeir eawilliagaeai lo atuU la cerreeti tba afUMd woeladad b apraaio Ward No- 2 Teaperaace Hall Latkey Mr Jeepb Wood Rewraiag Ofieer Ward No 3 Teapcraac ttill Kal- ilfby Mr RbB Jadd Itaiaieiag Of- Sctr Ward Na 4 Tnpraac Hill SeboBberg Mr W S Lockard Relaro- iBg OSctr Waid No 5 Marbalt Woodt bp Lloydtowa Mr Utrtball Wood B- Itroiag Oficer We aadartlaad tbm ia little Or ao cileawal ia lb Towaahip except ia Ward No 2 Mr Saalar ill petteei rtpreMotaliv detiti to agata coaM far- waid Ibaa hat opeaed tbe ay ler two or ibra caedwieie WRiTCBvacB The electioe for hit TowBthip will be bcM at Broaa Hail DogarlTowaMrJi W CoUiaa Re- isrnlat OSear Wa beta aot baard af o pariicalxr mra ia tbia Toaraablp Eait GwiuptsciT Tba eleellea for thlj TonaBlp wiB be bold it ib MetropoIilaB Hall Sbaroa- Mr T Stokee Rataraiait OSeer la ibn Toa- abip loo eveiTtbiag appean le raaaia Notrn OwtiXbtBnrTbe eliaUoa ia Nortb Galliaban will ba beld It Warriara OaD lieu Tie fferatrly Pl Uosat Mr George Fry Se- tarai Ufieer We bear ihat oaa or two of tba prcaaal aea ate aboat lo re tire aad Ibal aotae tva oc ais raadidatar will ba propeaed to tU tb raaaa- bl tbia ia BMraly raaMr OsoaoiSA Not heard fba 99m Cltk far ialiBg Jaiori Pall Clark 1064 Aie Callocior AaJiien each Mem beta of Coeacil pet day earb Clik a Traaiat ii ca 4n 75 6040 3CC lao 940 00 Bdlteritl Ssmmarjr- A Reneabcr tb poblie aeetiag ia ih Slfebiaira Hall Itila eeaalvg libciU ed oB a aeqdallleB piaoaawd I lb Raat tt lb enaaldaiUaa of aaaldpal tfUa cenaeKiaf atfl eloek Rav Nr BaAPaUAW Kpiaeopal Mnkediai Mlalaaar WllkwdaU vfaited laal wrk bv aaarpeUe peny feaea hi eeogra tlioo al Kliic Hern The paratad hln oiih aqaMtilvof peaTitMusaa a aun laiabf f B Wall diwi ICIg Hen tSf A grand Voeii and lolttsmeatal al Liletar Enrialnioowl It la b rta iBiba MtlnpoDlM Hail fibaroo Pridaj fslat aex 1 Ilia Mib bil fer th hanafli of Iba Sharoa Skaiia CTib From ih asaaaaraflMM nada ie lha ellk wa daub bm It will prut lalarminc to ibaa wb allead S A Baiur aad Concert ia aid ef fvndt aflhe Laha Shara Choich Oeargla will b heU b Ssiiee oa Tbaraday Ika iaat Tie BaoLo io Mr SbapMtd Hal ta Iba Caeil in the Arbaal Hooae Ad iMoa la tba Baaaor Itto i ta th C Uc Th atjaei ia caanaadabl ao aad wo mx will ba welt adauloed Doni farfat th Eiaiciaat ii tb Oitliict Scbool tbia altoiaoen commane- ing al 1 oclotk W ondaialaad ib cbil- draa eaenvclaJ with ib Aaeialaalt O- partantwUI bxamiad Yeatardayif leiBooo aod avcaing the achalara la M AlexaaJaia Dapanaeal were laated aa ta iSair koewledga of Ib vaitaea tiadie D Itging ibeii aittoiioo duilog tb lm oow endintail vaiy gnral aalitracitoo waa atpiaaaad at ibeir piodciaoey aad iba aoc caaa ef tb axarciaai Corrfsfoniifnrf r Jtr XJilf lAt ymrHul n Kia 20 iW4 Dear Sir Expeciing viy tbanly lo b eaMd opon l attend lo my Vailiamaniaiy duiiea at iba aai of iovtiHaeat and ba- liaving il lab my duly a I an leia it my wub to aacaiiaia tb viaw of lay rn uioania oaany ooaalion likely I affivi ibir lnitiia s aoc paiiicelaily it thia iha caaa when a qoeaiieo af teeh vital impor taaca at an aaiiie chaag in ihe reoMito lion af Ibaconntiy U abwl to baaiibmitied 10 Parliament for iia appraeal Tha inielli- tani eleeteee ef Nerlh York I have no doabi have carefully cwciidered tb rele- liana alapud by im Qeetao Coatirac aad bav made up Ibeir ainda aa to tba rooraa Ibeii rapreeenialiv ahaold tik oi bia lapertant qooatioa Fioatheoppor leniii I hav aliaady had af Ibiaieg bb upinion el III fMllag aa Ibi taljeel ia tb Kidiag and I may eaytbat il lamy own fvaling alae Ibal ilihaach t hr are aoma ihiatt ia th tcbaae that w all eoeld with werediSaianl ami ate laukad apea a noi ae aaiitCaclaiy la Upper Cuoada ta w eoald dir aiill at lha aaae liae aai e iifflrieat impeitaoca to joMify irjeclion of lha aatior lakaa aa a what- that hiv ia Iba gearrat Iralint I ihitk i may ba waiianiail i i aaying And at 1 invoo to viK ai many ol my onnuiiDaait at peaaible in the thort lime tl my dltpeaal befaee ih loaaiing of Parlitmeoi I lue no toel boi Ihal Ihe opinion I bate that foemeil el lb Irali Rf Ml Ihit tuljfcl wiU b ronfirmeir and I wootd forrbei wili lo aaylht il ihe Eeonit in any pil ol iha Riling ihink ii advitable le call a PsMie Miiig I wit a moat happy 10 ml ihD an Iratn their ewi oa itit meal impoiiant tobject I lenialn Dar tir Yuai abediant aatvant JAMEa P WELIS M P P Jflrfign k Colonial irrtTal of tba Cuba N w Yaaa Do 30 Th aUamer Cobt from Liraipool Dec 3ril hat ariieed Paliiical new onrmporlant Mr Dayion Amenoan Mimtiar diad ki Ptria ea tbe Sod of appoptexy Node allt It it elated Ihat bare ire tpprahenaiont ft wholeaate daaailiona liom liiaia Nilgtiain SehUi Twaniyfiv eeamen ecaiiily g t away ami weta puneeJ la ih Duieh froatier aeet ef ihem eMaped inio Holland A maeiinf at Biiaial le fpteaa fiaiilS ciiion ai Mr Licieelnt i liian waa biekea op ia rtol by teceetioo tyapaibix- eca Tb Tiaaa diieiially Ihicka tbal Mr Lineola may new atixa iba apportsniiy 1 aaka an atlampi ta aad lb wtr by a baal daoNt if ibe teiiat will b epaable le tb Soeih It tb taall loaa aaiBtied by oar Koopa iviaciag laoog other ibiBgt tb tdnirable tkil aad ctaiioa afTtea Tboaaiia bit iIiapoMtioa of Ibe battle la ear rrjeieiag at tba dcfeel af Iba ea- eiay Ibtaki ire doe la ibeAlatgbiy for biapteteciio 10 oar gallant oficm tad aoUicr ia Ib grat aaellcl tbay bar paoed throigh HtaBQeaBTBta- CoMaiiLaav Msaa PaaRKviN De 17 8 p n Aa baea prtatad ihi enemy teda beyond Prank- lia ctpiuriBg bia boepilala eoutilalog ivar 1M0 wouadad aad about 150 of our laoiiiidad ia addition ta ibe eboee- lo adJitinn lathe etptwrei oi yaaler- day reported in aay diupalchaa of lati nighl i hate the booor to report ibe aapture Ceoerai iluektr aod ebout UO priaooeri of tba aoamya elvilry lo a flght ihil oeearred about eight oclock lait night beiwMo Geo Jucker aud Gee Hatch of our cavaliy Tbe enemy baa been prraaed lorlay bnib ia front Bad oB both ftnkt Hrig Garnl Jobnaon iucadrd in itrikng him oe tbe disk jual below PraukliO captu Ipg quite a number uf prltonara numbtr aot rapnrted The New Yoik cavalry i preaaing him cloeely through and 1 am vary much ia hope of gaiuug fnaay mnre pritunera lomorrow Signed UliO It THOMAS Mtjr Uea Oihar deepaiehet eDnficial from Naihvilla ttaia that 100 prieeeeri were ceptuied by Netton eod intl Gee Koeaeeu eommandiBg a Murfraborc reporlt Porraal killed and 1 00 of bii men capured- The SuperinioDdeat el Naihvilte re port ihii the riilroad from Nibrille ill be open to Prtnklin lonighl and It ripidly fnllow Thomtt ihua furnih ingbim with iiipitiee end enabling him lu put on ifier Signed E M STANTON Secy of Wir Wjta DtraaTiiRKT Wathiflgioa Dee 17 10 p d- To Mnjir Cea lix Deepttchae hive bean received lodey from Gen Pooler who hid a penooal interview en ibe morning of Wodoeidey he Idih inal wiih Gea ShermtD al Port Melliier lakeo by ataeuli oo the preeedieg day Savanoeh cloeely beitgad end in aaptata wii coafijently expected Il wae lo be tumanoaed in two dtyv Bad II sot grranderedSber- men would open bit batterv upon iL Geeiral Peeter raporie tael Sbrraiae rmy It ia ipaadid cadiiioa liv ed oo iu nareb a ibe tarkeya ebickeae twill poiaioe eod oabar good tbiegt b tbe ricbeM part a Georgia Nohiag baa beeo beard fran Geo oral Thoiaaa lodty Unoficlil deepatcbaa itiia ihit tba Provoal Uerahal at Naabtilln rrporll 000 prltonere and 57 pleeee of artiJlary ae being alreadr eecarad Sigoad B MSTANTON Sey of War WAajiixcrnn Dec 19Tbi follqw Bg order bat jatl tra ittad Wa DcrATMCMT AutrrAirr GgiatRaL Orrtct Dec 19 j Geaeral Ordert No 301 Eitry eSrer tad atirr ctpable of dalr it wiatfd ie Ibe IWId aad if b oa dty tbey are ordered 10 Iheir rctpe- lav eriaataalieat Al rroiottMarviiallt aad Boardi of Earoleaeal are iatliiKiad ao eaplny otaat ditigeal eaarlieat ia ferwtrdmg toldMrt lo he front ind in arrrliag dtMrlera abitk era and all fit fer duty abo are abaeat wiihobl prnper aalhorily Sargeoa ia charge ef b3pitaU are directed lo Knd forwtrd ill wb ar fit for tervice tikiag care bewcret aot lo iXo iiy bi ar ugfil Recruiiip rSceti r erjnioed In diU rate lod ibtt wbt are fnaad illy of irfleet or aveli ta AdjaltnlGeMral directed lo rvcill ianaediaiely aad iad Io Ibeir conmaadt Every effort nal be pal forta to bt op Ibe raiaht atraegtb ur arnica and aid Ibe patrialie aad gal laat Irnopt uow tmiliag tbe rechig iieay h rictorioaia blowt Alhaler ae caa go a bead W baee captared iwo baata ia tbe SavaBeah aad prevfaled Ibe gaiboalt fOB coaiag doae 1 atiaaie lb popeUiioa of tSaraaaab it 35000 aad Iba garrnoa la 11000 Ga ibrdee coaotaed J regard Sataaaak at already gaiaed Sigoed W r SHERMAN MajerGeeeral NasMnlU Dee leAddiiioBal par- ticaltra of yerdayi eefigcawni are pecttlly etediltbi lo oar civriry who eoalribsted to tbe defeat of ibe relwl by ibeir effective cnoprralioa G II M Joiiatoa ieateid ofbeiif killed ai reported hit taraed lb rbe flaak aad croetcd Ibe iltrpclb nvir II ail bac Large paabara ef rebel priteaera reach ed Ihit city lul aigbi aad ibit aeri Bf Tbe trmy to diy it aidoibledly ittick- icg the rear ef Ibe rebel aa beivv firie hit bcea heard ia th dirtclioa of lbir retreat early Ibn aoraiag Ibe loial aeabcr ef piitoaera caplared ie tlw Iwo dayt gbl ii MiaBted al 6500 Hoodt Iota ia aaa caaaot be eti tbao 1 5 000 uace be advaeced frea Cftlaabn tawarda Naabville re Tbaawt it deleraiaed to igtia Kre battle aad bat ordered tbe poalobe Iraia forwird to erott the tlreia btlwrea Ilia city aad Colaabie Reliable iaferaalioa eoafirai tbe con- tcriplioaef aereral aellkoewg cilixeat retidieg aeir Ntbille Nxw YaiC DC 20 The tltralt ooneapondent irrtling from Port MeAI- litter and Hilton Head oa ibe I4ib ityt that ba Geeeral Sberaaa arrived ii front of Savinaah after baviog airebcd three haadred milca bia tfoopa ateao- while living OB tbe very beet proviiiona be bad with bia a drove of 1300 oattlo iboofih be llarled from Alianla wiib oaly 300 Ha alto eathered apoa ibe wty over 7000 iMe bied aegrora aad ao maay horaaa oalea aed vafigoo at 10 embatraaa bim Tlie army doriog a eooiidcrabb portioo oflhinar extcad- ed over a aaeep of coaalry lixiy ailee io breadth ae moch u four mile at time iaierveaiag betweea the rihl wiagofoae eolaioe tad Iba left of ibe other but eeamaoioaiioo u at ill timet ke ap betweea two Hii whole hue io DKB from Ihe time of leaviog Alltali lo bia iriivil io froot d from voaadt ttekneai captarea airanliag aad all atbar aeaara wae oaty aboat oae iboaaead Iba areraga dally mrah wi aboat 12 aika kea Jaactiee Afler right had beearoCMvedli tbe freight itarted ea in we u rraeli ik reader bu elre en I TanlUa SsilxMd AooUUnt- Cetfuam on On O T R luar Dt- boft 7W Can Dairofid if Fin Tito ftrttnt Bimt U DtatJt A targt numbtr Injmrtd Oaa of iba ancei lerriUa railroad ae- cideate the paiiieulara of wbieh a have haea called upon lo record oceurrad ea Tturaday aaeaiiijg about eigbi adack oa lha Orasd Itunk Raileay aaerly ed W give tbe ibeve at prnbaMiT aoit rvliabte itory aad reaerra eoauMBU naU tbe Corooeri jtiy nranin pamcouaa tn lo fara iht accowiti of Ibe acideat il Dirol reey coBuderabty exaggerated Tk oaly one peraea killed tha aail eead aa baral ia the biggm Atoet foertrea pateeager era irietei au ef tbea oaly with tSgbl breaiia Tbe oaly terieoe eate it Ibal afa yeK My who ftae B bg aad aa ara brii The firtaaa woo lea oe Ibe peaeane rtie it to bidly itjeted u wei at Bnlteppeted Tbe baggage car aad ee paeweger ear are barel Ibe aiber paiM grr car wat ael iajured aeitbcr avr eagieet or tay of ibe cart tbrewa off lha trick- Tbe daage deae to Ibe a a fortuoetely eol ao aetieoi at tratai Crtt eipAled Tbe fteigbtlrM waaalaM ata Maad wbea be ealWea eaeen heting obterved Ibe paaaagw tnia apt preacbiag Tbe paweaeer Iraawttg Ipg It ceeaidetebleifMi Ibedfher fcy g tbe frrigbi traia wm a Irah gei aleag the track of the Micbigaa lii Jiifi liae which raat iloagtide oar traaL The aecideal aroea eaiiraly Ibroagh lha laeli of Ib eperaier at Port Uerea b tar aa order lo Ihe freight Inia la hatri Detroit witboai aakiag lha aaaaHf arnogeaeaie wiib Iba paiw traa tkr iit crotting at tbe Deloil im ttilwegk ja ctioi wLlch he oaighl lo bava doaa 7 riiBtaarCoapaaiaaCaUadOiti Qcxaxe Dec 19 1864 Tbe fellowiag geaeral order wtn lJ mcd lodiy lUaoQOAKTau Qeebaa Dee 19 lltS VoLViarua MturU GutaaL Q No 1 HirExtelleacy lha CoBBaadrieUkiif i pirated to ttiii that ha hit givia aeday lo call eel fjt actual lervieer aadbrh provitioav ef tba Velaitear MiKiii Ae a pat ef Ibe eetaaleer aditia af ihii Pn viae Bad Ibit the laM trill eaawl ib rty coapiaiet ef ritte or ialteu7 la be Ureafter aiaed No 2 Hit Etcelleacy dettrei tbrtlMfr Sigaed DroWNSEND A AG W D Pee 19 9 p a To Major Gea J A Dix The IllIowiBg report ef hit opintieai etierday bai received tea Major flMk fee iravelliof apBe ceiag to Teteaio en K R Sail fca 3S00 Clerk for Paatat a i 739 F- Jarkaao Ptiuiing A SiatioMiy 85 00 Cbewiii and Co Suiieoeiy i 06 Tbea iiema baeiag hB filled ie lb Coaaitlee roaeaad lb Coeacil raceiecd aad adapted their report Ibe By Law wit tbea read a third tiae aad paeaed After erderiag tb payaeel it a roepte of iteat or work oa roadt the Ceaacil adjoiiaed xuu rfte The Confretional Cliiiroh Bamr Tbe Beaaer beld ia Iba Macteatea Hitl aa Taeaday arteraoea lad iwaiag latl ia aid of ba aad fer aakiag aertain repaiii la tba Caegregaliaael Cbarcb af Ibe piece wat a decided aaecaia aad avM riitud by byga aaabera af aar taaaa- peepta Moat af Iba artidaa aad ap r lha et aa aadaniaad leara aeM vbila tba nhmhmm daparlMl ai lib anil paliaaind Tba Mahrtarad Interesting Public Meeting ArriBgaBealihivabaan conpleted i aadenlaed for an lataraatlag poblie Dieetitig ia aid af tbe Panoaiga Paad aa tb Nevaarket aad Aarora Ciraait lo Ilka la tb Weyaa Halbodiet CbarA Aarara oa Pridaj eviaiag aext tbe SOtb iatt Adaiaioe t eta Tba Hoa Wh MoMAaraa M L Os ill oeeapy tbe tbair Dr Brsaaov Uef Superialeadnl of Edaaalioa John MACtoaaU Baq M P P for Toraa- to Dr J r rtxia Bditav sT tba ffaorriMa aad atbar diatiagaiabed wv aadentaad araespcaiad ta addrcM Iba laaaHy Sboald eoSeiaat aaaberi ia Neaaarkai ripify ta Hr J J Pbab- ioa ar Mr Rnau Boainaaa by Wad- aeedey aast of ibiir iUIagae ta atted 10 warraat it aa ara tafenwd aMfeyaa caa U1 ba provided fraa not Map abort of aeiaal roeegaiii itii ja tao railea wiM of iha Detroit end Mil- wBokea Redway Juoctio Aboat the till e meatioeed above a beaivlly loaded Ight iraiobound eaat collided with a penaager expraa bod weei burling death end dealrectloa ell trouad Both traina were raoniug al fall and neither waa diacavetad la liaa lo avert tbe daiiger- Sborily after lha baggage aar look fire e qutnlliy ef powder wMob aa tMiag eapreiesd threghxploded ktov lag lite ar ao laaa aad aaeaietmg I coutanu ia etery dirrelloa eadliwiliag ha fire laia aod tbraagb tba firei peieao- gar car Mr MIIB tba nil ageat waa thrown between lha beggega car end the lender hb Irg baIng lignty aaoght beiwea lha two Wblla ialhii predi carneni be cM far aaaitiaoe ed every elTiti 1 made la reacua bia from bie petiloot poaiiioa bat in viln Hie ei- tempted reaaiwr trld lo pry the care epri ead eveo eaarebed for aa aia le eui hie leg off ao aaiioaM ma Ibay lo lava him friHti ioeviielita death The worked aald anil tha baat drave ihem Boray aad tl raliMianily leA Mai to hia late All thai reanln of tha m Ibrtanate maa ia a criipy taheraaaa jaet eatojth lodietiagaMi ibtt iba bady wa ibii of a human being Tba taiaalaa ol ihe ledy who wat burned vera noibiBg but a maa of cbariad bonat la tle eame car atMi iba laei ralerred ta aalar- iKBHa ae a Udjr hb iw ablldraa The Metniot Peel a report of ihe partial roeafoiiioo ef toe Mexieaa Em pira by ha tathinxieB GoviranMni Tb Baok of Praoc giad 19tnD000 fianec io caab dotieg th week Il ia rBmeuieat thai th qooatiea ef treepa ia tbe Dachioa will betaiiaUoliwily adjaai ad by Aatiiiaa atodiaiioa T Uedfid Epecbieaya that aedii ia biwa Spaia aad Pia i al pratoo lapoaeiM litut via uvumol BCC S Tb vsiBga awa la iBiaporlant A Si PeMttbarg dpirb tiyt a aew oan of ooe heodtod millioe luubU i bout to bo laaBcd or tUe oeotlteeltee el railway DreadMoSa Floor aoebtngad- Wbeat price meibieiaeit MeXnMac Wadaeader Da 99 Mi- Bean Ciaxea ef Heflead Laadiag ba a Caab Sale ef Heeaabald Paraiiaia atmag la- plaweai Jeaotoy 8laMae- aeeaaa ai aaa eelaeb pai- iaMa Kavaaagb AaeiieMar Panlaa beriag Ibeit lata Mile piiaiad al Ibia eAae aeill bava ibatr aalae Miiead aa BMpa tbiaagb Iba aataaae af ibi japar Aaeriean Bevolntion lIcAMCiBTKS DtrAinicitTor Ttii E Niar Yeas CrfT Dec 17 Geaeral Order No IM Tbe Pretideot efiba Uailed Se hirlag diHpproved of ibal peeUa bf De partBMatil Geaeral Order Na 97 carreea teriet hicb iaalnalt all aililary cos aaadera ea lha froaiwr iaarriaa caee ibcreia epected 10 croai the bMadery liar betweea tbe Uailed guieeaad Caa ada ead dincit paeMtii iaie aeatral trr riiery tba aaia iaairoetioa it bete by re voked Ie cata ibitafore of aay feiare aar axpediliaaa iaio aor lerriiary frea Caiada aditary coaaaadera ea it fraaiier vdl report to ibeta beadaarierv fer ordert before crotaiag Iba boaadary Kaa ia parwit ef the gailiy pertiea By ceaaaad ef Maj Gee Dix D T VANUORNB CAloael aod A A G CHAS O JSLINE WAR DxFAaTMxrr bWAMuaera Dec 17 j ijor CeaenI Jeba A Dix Tba fettei eScial rapeel of ibegtaai eicteey aabieted yvMerdty by Major Geaeral Tleaat aad lie nihil iray over Ibe rebel faaae aader Geaeral tlood ia mt af Naibriita m rtceiiad bit airaiaf Oaa af ba aeCawpriii aiicwaiia- comaaadiag betialieae aad nbadtag ceapae ael ia ballilaii ranhwiib iacrttM Iba flreaglb ef wv leverel caapaaiee ef lite ar tiAatiyfl liityfive BOB coaaaaiiaai ifjeirr tSf aro ead will bold tbeawlvae ianadiaeip f ir iaiatdiate letatl aarviaa bia hie Bk celkacy aaty lee fit tecaBo tboMM any pin lhraf Ne 3 lln Etcellcicy bta beea ptakwdia btad CiptaiB Uftartk aaapfaj af 9tb Battilioa Veaalaer Mdiia Eilai if Voltigeir de Qabee By coaetaad of Ilit EueHiiilr Iligbt Hoaaarable the Oar Gawtf BBdCoaaaader la Cbiaf Sigaed A Da SALABERRV LiaetCol DAG afAiblir Lo Caaoda WALKER POWBLL Lieal Col O A O a MJWi Upper Caaadt Tbe Ibr4y eoapiaiat ef rolaalMn a mT Billed wtl anil be deepalcbed I bp frae lieraaeooa a tbey caabagMnadir ftas toabw irtcMi TSiaeaapH to eiASt Qataec Baa II A aeeUag ef Ibe CaWaek iaiaKfi dayaad I oadermad Ihat 11 tMi 10 coaeoke Parliaaeal oa I9ib of Jiaaarj for tbe ditpaiab i Bcaa ii Tbe Govaraaeat ara adefl ataaariria ptaeeal a of aar aaalraliir bf t aoet wbo wootd eabrail la iraabia aitb Ibe Oaitadi iifrea CaoailaialMktl aa Aaaricaa larrilaijr Gilbert MaMika Eatala fer Iba aaaai ef Walaai I poiaiad a Supaadiary MifiMfWa ihat part af tb fraWiK aaat at lln deiy will ba ipiiMy faiibali naea af aar braacbaa af Iba bi I oa iaUraatMaal ralaiiea larial poarera ara airai j parpaaad PI 1 afaadefag eiatrMr- aar tatara aiMM fctfast Sprieg Hill Dee 18 J Tbe eMay baa twca vigoreatly partoed lo day bai bee itedioatly avoided aay at tack by ay troepv 1 bava toeccaM ia takieg a fc priaooin toaa 200 or 800 bl oar captarea are light i coaparieoa wnb tbe aecceaiea of the petl ihtr deyi Tbe panail will be eoatlaaed iatbeaera- log at at eirly aa boar at Iba troepe cm Birch Ne lepert ldty bit reecbed the de- parlowot except tbe followiBg wbich ii leCcial NAMrtuaTiiii Da 19 1 p a Tbia aornieg Ibe reia have baea ao beevy tbii little progran bet beea aaide Our cavaliy tkiraulKd wiib lb eoeay a tliort diaiaece toafb of Spriag Hill fiadag Perrett ia coaaead The liver it iuag rapidly WAtntiisroK Dee 19 No ialelli- gcacc frea Geo Sbtraaa baa beea r- ceiled to day A can ft drafirfer 300000 Iroape lo aaka ap ibe deficteacy accatioaed by crediu ea Ibe leti call baa beea ardered by Ibe rreetdrai E M STANTON Secretary af War WaaioiiBToa lee 18 9 p aTe Mtjw Geoeral Ihx Ae oCetaldopetcb troa Geo ttbenaaa aat receieed today dated aair aidatibl Dae I8ih ea ibt iia bait Daadelioa Otaahi Soead It waa writea bHora Qee PiUer bid reacbed bia lie raporta baaidea toaae aifataay dtailBf fetbar aparaiiaaa which era eatllcd tba Coflowiig latrliag petticeUr Bf hi eparalioaa OaBoaapTlis liniuo- Oaa- BAW Soujao lljMp a Dec 18 To dayatp a Geaaral Baeaa diriiioe ef lb firietalb eorpe carried Feel Me- awall capltvi It aaitre Major Bad A Dr glrvitao aad taerei He opeaed to at he 0abew Seoad aad I pvabed dawn lo ihie gea boat to coaaaaicaU iih iba fleet before epaatag eeaaoakalloa We had eeaetelely dcMrayed all railreedt Iradiag ie to Setaaaah aed iavekied tbe eiiy Tba Uft i aa the Savaaeab prer three ailee ebara tbe city end tba riehl ea Ibe Ogacbea al Kiagt Bridge IV iy IB order eamT la aay- laaJb tbraa dira hiag Wa reaehad San caa aaMaatad with tba libii l2 ta a Delgbbouring boaaa Tba btub ar fahity ol Iba repan a eaaU aot aaeariM tha fcaaiiwat tiiaarrAtiMiiBTii a irrfriiT lha ahared iba tarribia iaia Balow we gira a llai of iba billed and wounded eo fer aaaooW ba aacanilMd amid be axciiaatent ibet uiiarally an euad R M- Devieoo axpreei maDagar IV irolt liead aod faoa nol aarioaely Mlaa Mary Boorlingaat Oaeida Va ley N Y eoppoaad w ha batrsad lo death George W Mellaaj mail agaai Pen llodeon botaed to death Bmily B Aahley a eon aod daolar North Dartnoatb Maaa Tbe lailar had an araa brukan and waa otherwiee badly iajured hat ibe taro former aeaap ad aitb eligbt woaBda Vt aim Caaada iajered intersal ly 001 axpeeied to reeoar Ebsorier Hillyard Ui Claoteoi faea end bodjr aligbtljr Newell Avery Port Ruraa bead alight Praderick L Wellt Port llaroo bad aaJ body abglR Hubbarb Davii Detroit bead anl Beck ilight lleary tfewioa itaar Ypeiliail head aad btrh aerioualy- W8 Lloyd City Palla Iowa baed aod eboulder aeToraiy Mary W Otaea Tepahaai Maiae bead alight Martha E Maaigaaery Barliogtos WiacooaB bead alight- Joha U MMiigomary Barlingtaa Wiacoatia bead altgbt Jamee UiekeH noweboy Landoe C W era bead ad lao eaverely W L Walteti Broanaiovn Mich aboalder aligh ly Joba iw Toroeilo C- W tligfaty J Preeaoit BUndga Baat Cenaabta N Y lag aararely Tbe aadtetprta aatler aad baggjig were cnataiaed w aea ear whicb aat bara ed Maajr af iba pategera latl alt Ibe oedtibey had ia Ib werldaad net i few il it laid la caaiidarabla laa af aoaey Tbe upraea waa tavera hoan babied lioM aad wa baiag raa by lha kaggaga- aM tbe ceodaeier bariag lefl tbe tnw al part Hrao A tetegraa ai rvceied 1 tba Giaed Tiaak Jatiaa frea h efteialt ef ibit raio eariag at which plaM thsy waaM paat tba fre raplf an At tt Pli MBwia CWaaal EHWrtta appaiated Stapaadiarf caalera frialar wib llaa Mr Ualt aaal ereaiag TbeXarad7i4pl ays tbat iba Maalaaal aat approfed by tba eraacab Eilud bta Vieo Caraey Ua aU Glouaeaiar H J Aeeaapaayiag iba bay wbiA atiaabadtba wigaMH feacbi btA daepwat Is odhaaa ebild bai aaa terriWr Tbe ebild u loi A for waa taa tpaeialOfa ba a dead lalnal tOl tbay to ba a baaaa bnarbai the ebilde reaaaa Batb- off aed tbaaaal aatifriylalpa baed ibe iaib via Ian f beeidM otbar iajariaa Bi aa iaaeaMbta aoMilaa aa f Uowiag deatb eaiBid A CMIU SoaLBBb vo meltaebollj aad fatal aaaUiai aboal aooa htt Tbaredi Eliaa Aaa Bddy a KuU tin jtu old dasptar or Mr Ws Bevrrly StraH waa aadM li 8b waa aiuiag wiib bar JbMa of aba aicta Ub baiH M Ml gave way aiih bar prwaata imJ ard owa her aoAleiahei poor liuU ibiBg brMUagaart aad itbeiarabaoi diaiqar apao bcr faea aad bead a botliag eoap Bar aittb roe bat aa Iba aaaidaa MaaiariM iaMBBi aotUag aaaU ba M titaaleW Sba waadrMdAilljrM astrraalj aad iataraailT aad bar Wtf riat proved ratal Ibaagb iba meal agoaj litl Saada onawr Cattoaa aa wa Bnraa Tbiy live craft- Ibe berror af al aearaadaaia a yet ae aeafeaieat at cerlab bava alraady Mdatbeaitaf Iba iJfw piyaf Levia lbBra wa a rery aaMest af teallM lea aa Iba iliifMNTj d- A

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