AND NORTH YORK GENERAL INTELLIGE AND ADVERTISE GIVE ME TlIE LIBERTV TO KNOW TO UTTER AND TO ARGUE FREELy ACCOBDINOTO CONSCIENCE ABOVE ALL OTJIER LIBEBTY VOL Xlll NO 47 NEWMAHKhT C W FRIDAY JANUARY 6 I8C5 WHOLK NO 67 1 John T Stokes Ac Ci A BoaltbeA iiOhcryCo OIIWB fh Dr Pyoe i1if4 IK VcvMarkat Jr UlMC tft International un ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF lONOON tiriTALlli nOBKHT n 8UITU Aftt Jebn T Stoket CO YinlOXKR llMf Trk tarfNdCMTayMccrAcha- Hector ft SulliTtn AttrtffTtLwSoliciton io Chaoeery T O R 0 N T O OFFICE Wet JUolh SI4 hrtn Y n 1- ljusnca Ofcrctorv Dr ilcCalinm PHTSlCUNStnwoB tni AeMaehMr RmtKicrK MBt Albeit Tuhip AasiUt ilCI IM T H IBM BftRI5TRRMtf Auomnst Law Ballel una ChBkrarvKouiVltitltoAAc a I ahbOT m t OSr1 a B Joy BKnnCR IUirlrrfr4XiU8l X mrkt te WaUlB LOTT BMlRtSTKIlBMl Aiura7 it l Bolk iuriCtiMery eiitryMr Ae I IW9 Ir BenJ Fetnon QOMiI84lOMR In Teial IiiuraortCvmpaD7 OStosTM Hatthews Maclean PRODUCE COXMHntON MERCHANT TEONT STREET TOEOlffTO DiilK JIcLtam A Co Vonl Dr M 1860 iiriii St Coi ForwariliDg icricral AcnU 2C Si AitAaii flrttt Jfmtriai SaofntoB Dicrctorjf JaokaoD iSSrEB OP BIREI4CE LICCHSES MAIN aTKSKT NtWMAltXKT UcteWr lt IM9 I I HALLEN AND WILLSON CIVIT ENGINEEBS ARCHITKCTS alio Preriaclal Ua Sarrejort NrwRtaArt 3 lAl t The Qneena Hotel xxtoxx 0fpxizizrr THOMAS DICK Propri Iron Fonndry JAMFR AILA bUrBln rrFi aMS nr Khi JVaehiiw nkWnuilly o iri M NOBTH AUEBICAK B0TL CHAS BRELSFORD PaopiutTO THI nrlniM HcitiJhleyrtrr RoMir y raoiM k b cstnlr IT bMi Uu An Oniiait ma CMr Davison House I MAIN ST NKWMARKET ACCOMODATIOy OF GUESTS iOllS DAVISON B Tho Alkio nHTinU- Wl UCENS K D AUCTINKER i 1 lavnak 0e VralSirlfo Vfc J PaaL j i lUS If MHrtini Pnmply AlUmJUto Ctird7 Cr ParlU an Aarttoar MB if iJM arn af iba aatinUir k apiili- James UcCInre BC AUOtlC FUKliia UMa Cmi lira at WkaBd IWL Cliarcaa aianla All oiUar praaipiljr JAS McCUJiai HtttiU Lmlir Apr IxnS ir9 Wb Mwley IOXVKYA5CKUaad Ul Ca Vf niaaiaaiatkaQuataaBaaeb Ottetoa Ad TllOMAS ATKINSON j 1 i ka4 al iti Kawwarkat Bl 17C jr hanlr Y hatv kaatrii AfrintK 193 Bible Dpoiurj lla Irrpaira kj John J Landj at L SalJd- John UcNab BKUTKK Aitararr Solicjlot ia nlBLEairaamkdij ROBT ADLIWUlON nOCTE II IS NKUIClSEoflh NrwMarkalAlar iMO UaivanxT a Mrnbrr alW aTl CWWr 4 tnr Eatlaal rniupbell it Loiint j thohs hill v w 1l Cliafb 6rfinlj arcbpWd bj Mr T Ihaa4 ilalal Geo B Hogaboom Dr POETER Burgeon Dentit THE uY JAIS WOODCOCK UUifft FmrrUkt George A Wallace BAUUEa IIARDRESSER e w u 4 1 h tMO fKD la hla KUp 9 W 1 J Suti nt V UB HlrraC NW ktVILLUattka Raiiraat afMifti BHI allMlaaiMVih AUi ral4a- Wtrramltd o g Snfitfaetio or nu CAflfft ituif TMlk Pilled wlh ntt 6tM TW tf ivm If niiifnl aai Witkaaaikaiwaat flratcUM wark Ni tp- tS WW David L Bogers fiL D SMpittl Xdiei OeUff- S T Tletorla Medical College TTC PHYStCIAN 8RJlCON Bic Oi Ika RitrM4 linfl irr Spencer U Spencer BARElaTERS AND ATtUHNEYS gfCORK taCbMcnr OvmA4aiamttka Uirii oaCW- OOot V wocnbL I Ikwwrfcrt flapuSi IWt tf W Dr iCartea PflTflClASI SrgMa a4 Aaaaa rr tit ml liM Kaval CWUft eeawtn aiit albi U P V U Value jn D fnVKUHtCkOCOl AR ACCOVCHSCA fPfICBVrth Anerieaa EoUl VtwBAxket C W Qanu an BaaM OrraAt tfca M Hr- tWeae lUar kiMi t Aliwti arkara vm ai Ifetaa aaallawaa wajr ka cuall Dr 8- Lawrence Mfgeea aii Accahear j StaWiorawi aa attaMll 4 OiWait W antlroM tkt Ce Bikad Lime 00 000 BBICKS ISAAC STILK WOOD EDWABD STEPHENSON IsMcr of lUniage Liccusc o w Aarratwp4 4 IBM lf3 JJARW4T XOROlsTXO Blevina dt SeTen BARRUTKIIM AUarravUeearilan m Caaan OrriCI Comer of Yom mn HV liagtoH Streef Auivra Wnjplni Paper TU3T RBCEIVBD a roodiapj fHi J 33eUIUaBi apwart aitfcr NfW EBA OFFICE JOH BUODIi Carpenter Joiner CoatraeU TIIIOTHV ST NEWMABKCT Saii Dnt tc kc f Uttlj ccapia Commercial Hotel MILL SIJIEET C BEIL PairaUToa BE0 rpW7 ta pakltp ia irnarl ihat ka aa BKUFlNtD lU VERY MODERATE PRICES A a rarafal Hvtlrf alara aa kaad iltakl a 4 tM4 if i K N T I a T u y I W C A D AS D D S OaJd Valraaiail Appratu Aad VaUaaik- ffbKaaadlhkallttj WariTafc aaM aa W VMkaxtfd UaWxr tvilk CouiiiBana Oan wkik arvwamaird logiaaDttfa aaUalaclWa ToTMia Jalj W CO lf- Charles Dnrand BARRllER AND ATTORNEY Faaf Ttrpml ATT lfDSlA aradlnaM ia iW DivMan 0arB al NawBMiktNalMaRikind a n4akptfy e PanicMlM aUaaliM a Hiss Burns IEOft lufe lU Udiaa Ikat aka U pra- REmOtEL ft REPAJB fllT HATS AC ia Iba verv ilawcat aad ntrat FMhtoMbi- iDUaf tka 0aaaa aa Ika uat raawMU residence- mill STREET The Anrora Hotel 0fp9Ui Ui iraJrfim H CWcA ROBERT ARNOLD Ptopwwo 11MIB Uf Mt Lvlrr kiat WhAt ia a Tear- ITkat ia a Tfcb Iitfrnttirp The Uiiror Shawl and Harp A Story fcr ttM Hew Tear at BOBiMsuir Coneftideiirom ouriatt I eant mj that I am moett diup- MiDlcd after U ba olitoquiied h vallcrd io tb direction of Air Sanrorda efidePM Attot Knnic ill ka a ideais of uorn joon ladiVa tin I diti think Elleo Sanrnr waa ao cxoc ioa to feral raU bha certainly ha th appevfNn a bainz a ayibla ia l oOEiaand iaelliett fooox Uaj ant whi roold ber to itive a hundred dollar tr in iaMruBnt of ttieh aha knn notbins at th um tiwa he di likw miuia ia mora lhn I eao telL Were aha a sood performer or did abr hke moaie ih eae oald ba diffrrent No oadr Iba aohjaol u a diasreaablc Aathe jittns man walked oa enisgrd tn thaaa and other nflectinns b bmoie Awara that be u near ihe reaidene or Mia Hamnitad beenlered anJ ith ao air ol earleaaftraa which waa aSiroled hr leArd tha rvltif hta vitiii Ibelidj MijlioI ahAok bcr bead and romaiked that kbe wu aincrelj aorrj bnt hoped Perc voold be wbe enoosh nul and hich the evcniaof ont errniogbad laSccd ao render diKiaeleful to hioi vit I harp vbile watrd id a reisole corner of the apartnect wai a modeat appeannc jvant Udj whom Mr Appleton bad bird to do ht eewtnx for the family What a noite joo ara inakiniEiljr aaid bcr brother rathrr impatieotlj aa be flonf himaelf upon a low eooeb- I know it Percy bl ihta paMea la iitremel dittctliOae replied Emily lildly iha did Ufort Sbawla and u Yoa bad better enniDll Mia 9ani ford perhapf ahe em pb Kelp ymi fur 1 rfjoined Percy iroaiealljr But I poai jounK 1a4y Mr ApplatM il ia Kifen SanfKd Ellen SaBfordl eteUlm Pei aiartiflf le hia feel Tbao I bar ia deed wmned ber So I wa led to infer from tba tnna nfyoor preriooa rtaarkV added Mf Randan and if joo hare doM her tbe laaat iijMiieeco in thofJt baea u rapair yoor enw fur ahe U a noW eirl Mr Appltion addid the lidy eraeatly rcdiminf ber aaving as Emily again entered ibe room Aa dor eeJert my aappoao not amy ninatea capaet before our bero a the aide of Kllen eandidly coflfcaait t Koi aoibrbeeicUiracdhalf yneininaly Urely do deioat barpe theyre aUaya fj What A taloable parloer fur life ahc ont of tone and the bunjUng noalnled with ihe gratifying itory he haajoKt heard and hvr mer of praii ill that Waa wanted h fell optfitone of Rtleaa bappincaa fr bad b Icrey taken ooeaaion to whirper aomi thing in Iter ear wbieb valiod tlf rie blood 10 her eheeka btit which aha did alhalal reaent Ceilainly en Aoni Enniea look Mian lln I atfd ber inral d mother into ber own lae and prorldcd Ihe tormer wUh pkn ly of pvpib did not ber beart boat wiili inld jj ancrwarda heard 14 0 lainenl tlietr tni deocV lo get out of tone MU ilaAi id perfornied her proie and en the Srt dy ofwjt JaMaiy ibe yang lav yor roceived tba fair band of KIleo 8n- lya fjrd aa a uwat acoeptabta Now Yeara Ieiay i dtpeiage barpa wwld Baket Why did ahe fadrd carpel or buy cod i irenoiiy forUble armcbair for ber iovalid father Tba Cnith ii no aecoQoting for wotnana laate waa aadiy oi cerLiin I wonder what make seemed tba sertousr conlinaed Pcrcy u be ieed the hooao of Ellen 1 want n and yet I dont I haVe ben cnioniai New Yeai r ibe 1 I her a been palaed yet e I dread to bear t me to change ny rtl Well 1 Rui led Eitily a little iDCOiuistcoi tDAT coeaiblr force me to change ny aiked Eiuiy tr t Mf leajarked that they w thing and alvay ool of tnoe do ool imply ibat I do net iika the ipidly up tothe door be aonnd of ibcn lutely rang Iha bill The dour waa A diatinetion witboat diflerenc cd bj Elleo hereir wh ae awile waa f Jndtnt by yur lone Mid Kliily wiih happy M Bbe aided him into Ibe mtl j a Mnile yoa apoke ofBibr Sand- parUf She kwled ooeoBniooly bap ord I fear Ier anutance would be Ilk nd ehcc ful and iVrcy Appleoo tboabi tb Uind leading ib blind fr al doea w had never neen her sr to better not know bat Uat Y aharp u as proper biiibi eyea aparkled Ua E flat aba added wiili a aly gljuce famUia there and the approting be tboniht and abe is i ind unaaaafiitg that I shall nt I word of iha luatter onlea I bioaeb lb naifer uyaelt I baf just Wt Miaa IlaUel and ab baa beea leUing we of lb kind if bcr I of New Yu looked litiW anxious but made reply O I know all about U EUea re ied Percy playfully Aunt Euoiei trated yoa alike and I would lik iny hearta you made hap py ty her generoai gift or how nany books yoa Biay now elaia aa jour aole propriety Yoa know 1 am a privileged person and you nel not let your ujCda ly aUnd in the way tif my graliSealion Aunt HaaiBMnd bae beo Ttry kind bat I really wisb you d eXBuaa art replMd Kllen earuesily I do aot fed called upon Io do any ueb tbiog added her coaipaivo in tbe IlRiit tone who ooniinued lo think that her etident Iowiliogneaa area aim ply from a vaiy mvdesl aatiuate of ber nn woilh Well ifyou insial I bougbt that lid Ella ltatisyty aa with a filnt uiU abo poittied lo ao oljet ia au ob are onrtver of tba roo Percy walked foeward a few elepa aed I bia sarpriaa and dfp mortification di- CO re red a lara barp placed aaiuAt tbe tall A barp Ellen 7 b usclaimed look- ng IneredulouAly nt tbe youog Udy aa if dwubting tbe ertdeaoa ol bis ay a A barp Mr Appielon repeated E- ID joiatly but availing ber ajrea for i was ooeacioos af kluiing painfally A ctuiuus choice I ahoutd ibink r ladf wbo baa 00 t- au fcr muie of any detc ipoon a4id Apptloo iu a Totea be iolerded should b lb same aa ij bat wbtcb ia truth alitly Mtic Prbapa ao rrjoloed Mia Ssaford iwbat oodiy for tbe raa very aeoi- and fcU wounded at the look of Percy a lamarLa Her nanoer setmed to indicate to the latter tbat tbe sabjrcl was not an egra ble one ba made onjs irifling obeerra- Jona on noiaportBt ajttan buttle words of both bccaoM at ao loraul id eercBootooa and Kiln Metied k oeb eubarraaeed that Percy dMaed it eloea He acaoidiogly aald his adiaua with much more coldncas atid rvstraint tbaa be bad hitherto dea il p aaible and puruJ bia way boae in a rqrtaiful and diaappoiated mood disaatie BoJ with BUea blBMlf ad all tb wofld lie bad aot bel tboroaly underatMi lb aatar af kta Min tuiParda KUoa All woiMoa af nitka b ibooKbt tkij OMi kbeol Boikaag bei Irilaa but WelL wKat of h rvtorled the lal- tr that Emily bad attacked bia table o and teBjmeoced prsctUlng Mra Ap pleton entering soon after and obaerrlng her- daughters iaeffretua attsiipta to master th paMnge advised ber to desiat from fariher clurt ibat day Will you permit me to kfaiat you Mil Emil 7 aaked the yming lady we bara meniionad wming forward aa Km ily was about iearing ibe room The eoacnt of ihc latter vat gladly ires and wilb sorpriae and more pleas ure beard Ih pasasges performed with much beauty and oorreotreea While Misa Appleion was warmly ex- pretsing her ibaoks for thia aneipccted aid viaiiois were aanouocrd and lrtelf and atoiber ib room and Percy and the youag lady felt tbciutea alone 1 was ft aware that yoa played be bra Mia lUadalV b ai4 eally aad Rspectfully It M a ptty tbat saek rar latent aer aot better kaxvu aad appeecialed i fala Tb latirr ackaowledge do talrat how Ter blillisnt it may be eneoaragc ao laat New Years day I wu tb daeghtei ofa rich and inflaeatial maa now m mother Is a feeble daatitale widow am 1 am falherlea Tbe w bad tbo9 of pf frienda wbo bow abua our humble dwilliag as tbowgb a pMileaee had fallea apoa it My fatbei died deep- American Revolution New York Dee 92 Tha iernlJ haa details Orneraf Shennaoe graiid march ihroagbGeoigm llisrmy muied three kutdred niiira le taalalixg lrlytwo ejute eailuritig rur llyiaid prluirie len ihouaSMJ iegfoes firitea tbuusaud birds aiKJ tliirlaec piecne irertiltry ile ol aol a gue ami his eniWe catlua were on ly about fire buodcad planeera tnm airsfgliiig aid Iroin tlwre bondred Ui futr tiunUred ktlW or vowodediadudlag Ibe m et Fn UcAHier ianeal Killpairtrk dfrntd General Whfeler m a akumiab near Macou ard c uld ealy have lakea ibe eiiy bad tuiahed It lit rebel reeeaoe al Ocooce Bridp caused km e lew dye elav At OriawoidfilU whr lb rbU ere repotted na haig repulied u on four brifadaa Waleuli ofihelSh ri defra td ih huwdr rnbela un- dr llrlgadier teueal lhillip we hieing iy fuur hundrI Tb renel m Ima tie II Miiwlng op ih flying lu ighl I betili Oun Dy ilrn repuiei ixir waa ft H h Tral amall ars lb bt tlh which b slaned fnxw Ailanta aiiixcruRDec39Tbe fotiw poitoffje Berbfidges epcrtlioai kaa bna rectikrd t CATltTTtlURO Kr Dec 18 re i b1r le repot I ihst my d fotce 40U0 areag Beeea tiUlio Ibe I2btritet dejlf rhy mi Dvkea brigade al Kiagrt le be drew ap l OfiMtae Ihrir croa- ibe iWaioa nrrr I aeai t irgi le ppri fe Oiltem fl4nkel raroiy ralMK tkem kdhBg weeadiat I esflariag 100 trbet a lakiag a I- IM Ikns 10 IWal cb waa altackrd at 8 clHk morrlag abd eaplrid wiib 50 Iwe Iraiiis of ear S eogiMr 07- PHrnliMHl tavl ar aiNa nV My for Sigaed I lepaired derraj lite r at ibia place sed S T DURnRIDGE Orrei Maj Ceacral WaeMirr IVe Sd Thlp sislatneil publiahad iti aooie nei apar ihat Cil L C ftaker agrn r Ileiarliieai had been ronvi lud y I thr lrrnimnfrtnHI is ihi elfact lbll bev ceniKMtading wa hepi up ddniig WliiJay Tkuralay nighla aa wrii a aoere pxkat akKinlh iig along our liitas iu iha Mnmeduti Iprtit u llrrhurg Svra cxsualii are reptirtd I hre coleratla finng In fmm if llcliiniod tm WlnMay aternoa nd e I aloug the line ot th rar pieki KkI in the rebel line ntioii elong thetr u rpciing it but uwihng il Il U iHnoglii ihei ha kn Uie humtred uk fifiy princr ih oeth of aMegiatc at Ciiy Pi- TueeiUy and eni annh yu ir the eneine forces i out favouraair II lUrlr nrpi A rebel riMirisr whn Msita in a few iaVa ag dMa thni lb Mie ialatra ill lli rbrl army indicsiee railv oflen- e tteraUrB ia some dirtctioa the ire thich H uiiknwn Til nM ar tid thel Le is ebiHil uampiiog lb iHkiaiHin of a prjei bKb wii aaiont ika wwrU ten Uiiiler reiitrtieJ lo hn hcatouaf lara o the lana Rier ii WedieMlny He lefi sh lanJllorcAi f tli WlUg NSHtLLC Dec SO T1e 6rt train front CltalUnonga ai ind hre ihi eeijug llaalruad cotr lutiioAHon will be regularly kept up iMiaa whicb h baa a W ha had a stadny raio all ti TataetV nicraTKaT tire 3 IMI f Nti is hereby geii tbai th 10 40 kwil will im w ih 7th J a iiis tbaiefu S I Vsegkaa wa ly iarolrad aad o by my aeadl IS ia maate for 1 oompetent lo do but I leaded refercaeea which I waa unaM t gie aad tbat iuiueaaa which 1 aa looker Msed W bad give apeverytbiag lla exaepl one ar two artiaie wbieb Botber bcid very dar and wbicb my fatbara araditora itb aae auepiina Ttqaite willlnie wa ahoald retain lie weter was inexorable and tnoayb hia b WAS Ibe sutallael exaiag hundred dollera inakled that tbeae mentota if beiurdaya should be add eaaeil the aame Ia ibla eitrttttty a dAT friend whoee kiadi Uac I ahall alwaya remember witb grat itude caaie agaia lo oar relief She ad- raaeH tbe dcaired snn aad prereated the aarile aad at my earoaft eatraaty tonk bom tba barp lo keep naiil I euold tho atoney or at laeat procur a pla fur Its eoowaawd tor Zeicf fer SI alc balow e4 lim bat ba alipred away ia a d ftig ad made fer tbe oall works 1 diemed bia flight ia lime bead kim effat Autng doa wbtcb Uce 1 caaid aa the mikU ef Llee liib takt ea gM a lirA aaoaat Of ttatea aad aa eagiae viUi lb rulleg ttock icarra G Utm entimitti ibe porsi ef VaeUa cooHBg ap wMb bim from a tiee puaiiio aMlaanwgSO pr aoaer I teBi Cel Ufowaa bngad talk tappori of Geaaral ko agam caoM epen Ikt enemy at Meeiil Airy aad drove km la eootema caplwriag some pmoern 1 pircee it eaeona and a large wagna time Col Ikw wib km brigade lar m Ibeday rharKcdihe booM aai al Wyika till captaiieg 5 ptccea ot caaaoa aail b UarriMa ef Ibe lHh Keatacky bo be4 bera dalacbrd by wdM ef Gaa Slearow with larre baedird ptckrd mi eud koraea alrck iba Vigieia Uailrfed o lb Ibtk aear Glade Pwsa ar NCt be aontieaacd tbat tbe baadeoaa sa ia itrang ecnirkat witb lb reat ar ar poor paeacmiooa ba did Ibis merely to aatiafy a aad le gratify my aw her who atUl reuins a portioo pnd Her ooadaet wa uf tbe awet par sad beotoeat aataro ad though 1 WAS it aevre of it At tb iu I have siaae learaad thai she appro priated ibe wbola of A New Years gilt to ine ef ran gbaatlreladceaii i iMg ik lu a f Ik rarfreed drttri all Ibe bride aad depola at far as Wib I tdW aad a Urp soKMHit ef r0ig alOik aad tba greet Koaeila rear Maroa Cel Utawsdealteyrd Iba bridge far lO aHlrtibofe Wilbetille wba Ike eajwdt lira flatladM its relara aad ibe mr si bei4dbeiiigera aal came epa Bck- suiidge who atfaUitWHigaMaeegege lacat of 3d bnara e el Iba cSm i wkieb Uteebreiidjie leirraed laward batiTilW bet Caloaal BacWley witb a bf gde havHig get bia rear fetead bii wfawoalbwards North CaroliaL Cl P FKSShNKBN Beoy i4 ibe Treeaury Miw Yoni Dee SO The Time cnrraepeadeat detail lb opatetioaa of the Uad frea agaiuat Fort oAbet aa follows It sppears that the one hundred aad ffwtyecond Ne Vork first reached ib shore Tbey adieneed but short die tance whe tbey ebargad aad aarrivd tba Flag Pood Dauery ejpturiug aixtyflra We found in tha wreck one sixlyetghl pounder whleh had twen disnounied by te fluet and alao a larg quaatity ol small flra arma Tba garriaow uursadarad without firing a Mogle abot New York Dee 30 A loyal peper haa hoea aetabliebed is Seeanii eaikd liwi Ofrgiam A decpatch from W aatiingtoo Bays tbsl as arrival there brio dates froia ihe Savaanab to tbe iSth inaUaC At that time hajy flria was heard ia th direeiioo of Uroad River and it waa iboaght an dTuct wu being mad to ii terccpt Ilardc Th Richmond papers sru io great Iribulatioa eooiruing tb aiiaalioa of sffiiir ssd ibir ooutieued aad stupea- doos revarsea The Richmoud Entire sirongly argea that Jefferaou Davia I superaeed- ed as Commsaderin Chief of the Coa rdnt artniea sod that Mor0oersl Lee be made OeoeratijidM lo reply tie SeaunK JcfT Otviaa orgsa tays ihat ao important eatvrptiae has eeer been undcrlAea without flrst cousahiBj General Le Tbe Ezamifier also un lb ebaage layini that tmtb Ibe Uonfederairs and lb Federata will fwl that a strong aa4 steady land ia laid upon the wheel tba it meaaa burineas and battle aad i9 make tllttr erranoenCs scoerdiogty This saya tbe Buminar b oa the sup poailiwe that Mr Davis U capable of ly doubted e aid wiae which insy be great- A FaiciO la Nko Ut WMter IUIaui of VVlia U a frietid In tUtd Who kM4 iMt Ibuad h euroig all da ef the luuge a igba eldi and pulmonary a raliol You would kaow tha oaoa ofi dMre IM uH fWtnoa aud laat out laaii Aauap- thia dlaiBtomted Asd aau aaa qt lb sf iba tioot Chie tst wcekt a ahterraiHan like WaAt d at iba dafth iT abiol 700 eat frH which Ibe water fiiwa in a c0pi0a alfWitd- S Tba Ctar of Ilui iar f Rua54 U tniteh impmred in teinpee that h ia llinklng uf eaiiag up Pulaad a liltl mirillOy fot bvthiWt gin lnH mesarea no yard ai4 llitfw quarter arHjtHt ib wjtU Ucaat wax f hutpan ftsh er Th Montreal pspcts say that tbe so Called drifting of vJuitlocrs hsB a tun of leutl tff7t or aulhoriiy Il i a mera priral arraoeiuaat amoBg tba BDorarr noliclc th Ifb I a U dos ti the femalea he wil make a vary atteutiT and efEtiet oCeer tSr The Detmit Free Prtti aaya that th Cinadiaa gwreraurtai baa not oul aaied pmmpily bat hJy io lh laaler of tU Si Alban s raiders and ibl aa U ba done all ihat anuM rraanoaUy ba espcci Iha pewport syatcoi uoght U ba doh away ltl ti The PriblbitWT Bf bw enSniii led Ibe raiayer lb twwnh of Fniefoa in eoctrfftca wiCi th ieoK peranre Art ol 18M hta bea earned iy a mijil y ol Tft role a ne- for tha livtaw Ht egnal t37 M jirrtr SO crtMpoieJ f no RaiwMrana and li linraia ii iIm 8ob AmI 14 KPubin and 41 iVimicrata in ibe I fotw of KereMe ives all lb SiMea North and SNtib again repe- enird in CBgiaia it wAald aslai ef days la bWkaor mt ennflizrslioa e rai pin reeontly whan Uiee ilia Irs raai two eaiir waoia iwarly oog thiMaaaHil plea and thred lliniaasnJ oeren handred wsrahotsea About flvMixihi ef tbe diy was ta asbaa aad half A luillioa people ara mad houtalcea tc Tae SjnHard Weights of faio d oihar inaiket iidue as lisra by Tuieara u uw s Wheat BO lbi f u HI Ratify 49 i Ren CO in n Core M Hve M Ieaa M Clnr ied 60 TinvMbv Seed 48 Ha kha 4S P4al 80 Tero p Carrata PArnpe lUet emi O M 60 h Plas fi AO Md 44 t llloa GrBBs 8rW 44 Cbetor It aa 40 Sail 5s llr ad AiHlna 9rl Uriad vsrhranai Uaho ite WcATDUt pAKDcnoiiv la a ind by maana ofa telrab giving Iba alU et Vi ifiha weather al all poiale thvt efirteH ba weather Adnii- y bM lb duly imposed upott Luadiia iag rae detUad lel froii all pniulaeot point iWarding afl the nnt4rologies pHenomA iMofUwdvy and o aibiniag tbatw b4 ie enabled to predict witb great aeearaiiy the weatber lor tha next day or or tb nest fW day This h dM aed lete- grabht hia prhtion back for the gtltd r Twbdaya bafur ibd tera ao dniruotir ta abip iiaii coast tbe aJir pteeiad their appearanoe frm m Dortb th stnrm fl4waahuUtad aad all prroaationa taken to4aeiiae efeoaraa ba is OHaiaken es a g thiag be k iarpriingy correct Bt tbat be eM lo tbii is ceHaialy eaa of lb giaat iHuiup of tha utoderu meteofoloy 4 iciaaee ilM Pofer A 0 od Sill A frieod of eurt wb0 prides himaIf upon hi kaowledga ot siaa was eoetly uld by as old aeaaaial neTa day or two ainee Th Ullar ei ibitad an Amerieae enia r b e quarter dollar and aked bim if b4 eould distiauiab aoytbing peculiar aWai 1 be rep by d you Atk t Recauaa raplisd lb oiber tbay aaa be bed anyvbera sbwut towa for twalre ind thirteen oeail- Is it peariWe axelsimed ba jadgar orcoias 1 tboagbt it fall light For how mocb did you asy tba eould bs badr Fnr twflr aad tbir aau etttU rtd ether Ob I exclimod tbe M bd aeH begsa ti dnwn upoa blai twalre aad ihlnceo make twenty fire I ld I ar tall yoa aayt iba eorrepoiiui ei ao liu era ig tbe iDaov aJVmg lll la- 4i la aTieaye deeli m ibae battle 6 Ihiw ou th gfHid uun which lb Uaiila ol lldl KdO fooghL I aw reitypbtedetii teiagrwwlM oel of lb emiHy awmuiwfwu bMMead a Wild ro thrwuigiiie rrrliil dtJ ibrugb tb lop a iebeu Mamn druq wbtch dutilee amirtde iia laAl IB iImu bUiwly Ule 4d fcaHuinf rMb peflO Ml dfa fr ul eneipludl abeil ik bebva pAt It wa plan ed Wau l tbil peaee grawMHI Eei o shall lb iieautilui and graceul erer grow Oat of he horrid and kerbJ ibina Ibal iraa la If it rbat t 0 eea4rUfiM world Nstare corwaita bbalild td wilb vaniiar u4 wuxu teoe IJ f Ik rk I uutitc esm igue sod eu ihiig id aa- iiri ai diW abaJ work Ml tb progmsefeeekled