Newmarket Era , January 6, 1865, p. 2

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THE NEWMARKET ERA JANUARY 6 18G5 AdrrtiMait- IMS A IWirMinl IV JtivW Iltf Alrti V Gihum AjitfuliJ StwijJT Sih rocTti Oiammw 2chMtS A Maclioi 9ti lMr ClrchS P 9Mn IS pn pa n 1159 n e41 p M n1Und u Holland Landing CAnMrnhW mlivnMnt u p- wwd in ibi p rftO bih r nwjtriiv of lb rM fMndl r b3vcr fccrnt Th fvlktwitig gatitUmfO Mood highMl oa Ihr 11 ki M eloM- MMtrs U T Willn tntj Htcon 0 J ThorM J ClMf 0 And n Ikaioe W ar totry oor irrfpMdnt did MM furnitb m willi llf imt of ll IIm eandidaiw rvaniag and numtor ofrcxii puldby Mcb Ae- iidiaig in K abovt UMr Chprnan id llMtnn take ikt pHcM nerupid by Mart LsDt and Btana la4l 7ral tbt Cooftcii Board t Cra ffirkt Frldtjr- Joj- Ith 188- Newmarket Election- At M aolicipaled bad tctj warn od eictlitg tUeiion in IbU plae not tm acc0nl ef aiij favlu vith iba acUoa a b Coaocil daring llw pat jear bt ea aeeottoi of tb fact tbaC tb vhoU flee lioD M madt a peraoaa aod privata atnggk M w appealed to on w- east of tbeir naUooalitj tkeir itiiston tbetr bastom eoaeeiife and Bor 1bir fatBta rnpiojmrot and meaaa of livtUbood wilb bat iba mall at tb eloM of tbt poll ckar ciplain Tb old Coeneir cooKiooa bat their aBer ef coadBCting tba aCsira of ibe Tillagt Bioit rele tba aanoiion of eterj wril regaialed ntad eoaaeiooi tbat beir poaitioa u pabi acrraBU wu aoia- paaebable paid do atieatioB to iba ra- ntora ol an oppodtioB aotil a Try abort tiaie prcriotta to tba rkoiioa aa a aooao- taScicBl aapporicn ef tbo pre CB Cooneil had boen pnvatelj aeeo and pledged for ona asd two af their oppo- aenu la pliiqaiia a brgetioa of tbe party rraBlliag ia tba dcfaBt of Ivo aad eteetiBg to alber geatWfBea la ibetr pim So far as ve ara peraoBally eoa ceraed a regret any baaiy o nadaa re- Biarka made iB tba bMt of eieiteoMBt rt- aalting fron tbe paray petaoaalaadeoBi biaod iaflaeaecB broagbt 10 bear to coa paaa oar defeat bet ao far fl Iba old CoBaeil ara eoaoeroed iba aleetioa of Ikiea of tbeir opmber ia a taeit aekaow- kdfaBt of approval fcrallfytng ctco I tbe geaikaMB defaated Aaotbcr faet eqaally aatisfatory tad eaally grilify- ing ia tbat lli dd Coancil vera aspporl ed by a wajAniy of b Mcthaniea and Martbaata of tba rillaga aad also ly a very Urge proportioa of tba real eatate aBeribreby attealiBg ia aa BBatia- takable Biaeaer tbal tbey live is ibo af fecti9B of lha people Bsoat lolerftted ia tba fataia progreaa and aaoreaa of tbe pU Mr McMaatcra defitat W pttrely OBeefaceidcat daring tba fora pert ef tbe aeortad day bee coBidnby ahead af ivat all tbo oaadidalra oa ueetiBg vitb TOlera bo bad beea indsoed to iMianxotUonIa for lb Tcry geaeroaaly iiideeed tbca to drop bit owa BaoM to eaabte ihofa to vote for be iraaler nesben pf bia parly and by tLia Baaaa b waa defeated Hovem aoeeeedaUe tbit oorw oa bis part Ibere eaa ba ae aeatiea bat it loat bi bis Eatoagb voUa vora tbaa toot to bin to plN bloa abors ailbcr of bis oppoaeala Wa sbsll aot gva tba speecbcs ssde oa tba oooaaiofl batieriag ibat by so do ing wa sboaM ab be addiag fael la tbe latae iootrad o poaHag oil apoa tbe tfo vaters iwhber abafl wa allade o partiealar eaa of eonbiaad acetioaal or rleriesl inOwaoe broaght to baor Bgtiaai tba defeat neabert of tbs old Coaaei bat nber ooBtni oaiaTca by giviag tbe tai af bo poll at ila elooa k shoald ba MMBtleaod boatr ftu- filibat Mr- Redboasa waa prctly gea- rally sapportsd ly both panka tboro- by aaooBoiisg for lha graat diCeraooe ba- tvooa tbo Totaa pnUod for bin aad tbe Mber eaadidaloii Roadboaaa 1 Whitohorcb TLe lrtioa ia lint loBbip Idrd b Ike bot ff baivdt Mr Wbe M lale RetTS deeiiaed Io beeone a c didtle Mr M Jac i propnaed iapplyki place Mr IroaMdea a alto propotrfl i bet be declWd biag a caadi data ia eaia Ibe Depaiy Raadall K weald allow liiotKtf l iaaicd Oa tba tbo of baadi being takMraaia nsttdll Mack Us McCofSKk llarritca aad Jeae rtre eUcltd Tb loregOM are Ibe par eatara to far at e bare Uaraed at Ic be MB aUcted tba abore u ibe MT Eait Owillimbnry Election Ia bit tawMfcip tit eaadidalee wer propoted all good oa aad all pol sp preliy eaMy Tbo retail bewen I ia favor of tbe reeUctioB of be Jaa Parnbaai 11 D SiU 1be fie firtl lected North Owllllmbury- A ttrong waa manifistlad la Ihb TrwMbip and atfcUliy during tboaae- day Wa bavo not Isarnsd ihe as af alt ibs csndidalM or bow cloo- ly lbs ARs rollowed lbs oibor but o on leraiand the liJlowing giwlomea wsrr ilertcd it Ueaere IlMry IVapor Tomlirtttc Glovor arrl WilirKigbhy Tbo unfirlunais difficulty sitsnding ibe nen ef ibstr Clergy Riwarvf Mno- nll caute more meo U riso aad latl ibaa anytbii else It baa diMto so in lbs paal and will probably do ao for TrsBl Boaltboe Marsdea SatbofUad MoMaaier Jaekaoa Oorbaa Doaaia Aurora ViUaga A warBi cealea waaWU io AarOra aad at a retolt wellUai fraliag na bigb Tws licksia were roa Tbo followiag h it Iba reeoli IB irl tc Mcolioatd ba ng tbe Masefat aoa Adblaa n J Aadrawa 83 M Lepper 81 R MMbrll M Br MatbeR T7 Cbaa Doaa 70 Df Onkie 9 B P lrw 8 0orfina At wat iaiiasted by a earraapaadiat prababio ia oar Utt w so eoiel la pUoa ia ibit tawaabil Ibe old CoeaoiBew 0 eleed by BeotaaaOaa liaatar fta wHb II or m wbieb Ibry aOasgrd lbs ablra of tbo lomobi Bod Ibo peapU fasrefre mimlf osaoUdtd Io Ut wed oaoagb Ow ttnnriil I tn M MM TMkip Agmliml 8 A K Bsrs aed etbm io called for loerrew nMC StTf lUH I eesider ibo Io b probabiMy ita sir IV irynllB lbs Coanci abd find legal dififuliiea aurrouhdiiig iha cDatlar lby did do pra- iouly eooeeito of aud baaro ara plac id lo a dsedBBlaga ia afaaienl aetkn rcadsrng lhaaeltat liabU to ibe barga offMliag to rulfil plrdgaagieeo The Tork Boadt WW feaorv u preacnted wilb rerd Io tbo parebaae ef Iheaa Roads by an laoeaieni ia WadDaailaya Luii tbal Mr J T and otbor iafiaoatii lepaym af tbo Coaaiiea of Torb Heel have iaatnietai Maaara Btivilia OCoimoa o Uke proeeedingi in Cbi 0 raatraia the arbilratora appoialad by tba GovcraBeat aad tbe Coaaty Coaa I for tbs psrpeso of delerviaiBg tbo list of Ibo Ymk Roada It ii aUo m Bnred ia TBrioas parte of tbo Coaaty tbat tbe Bioaey lo pay tbo eipaaaaa U i be forniahed by a geBlUfliaB lately oo aeeted with ibm Roadv bat witb wbi tralb w art aot ia a pooitioa lo say Snpper to Dr- Hnnter Aa impnmitu aoppor wat gteeo Wrdaeaday eteaiag U at lbs Railread liolel to Dr JJ llvMTKiu Towardt eaiag aa that day il wat Btcertaiaed bv ro or ibreo frWadt ibal ho waa to Ware NewBarkrI far o aeaaoa aad parpwoaJ log by Ibe Tbartday Tbey ai oaca deterNiiaed ta aark ibewap- preewliea of bia wanabeartcdaoia BB aad aetgbboarbia ablly aad Ueg- rity aa a pabia aerfaal aad bia dorotoi la Ibe progreaa aad preaporily af tba ril Uge la leaa ibaa aa bena aotica bo rea filVy aad aiity geaile4ea aaaaabUd do bia boaor Aa oytl FP cold eoilatioa waa Ofderedlaad apeedtl preportd ia very goAd alfUal tbo Rail read aad tbe frotite board tarroaaA ed by at faiibfd aad derottfd a party ai wevbed toffeiher A BocLTOtt Iba Baeve aecBpiad cbair aad Mr W McMAncB jr tbo vico cbair On iba ramoTa afiha iba rogu lar loatia were gia hi prpor atrd werawell raeoivad Tbsa CJtAwed iht taU of ibo otaeing Oor Guosl lir H 0 aball not prtuad ic giro a roiort of ihe apeacbaa mi ibo caoion bat tuRa il li say tbo laaai aa priiprsd a lbs Reooa oawal bap tylo lie rolled ibo aeooca af ibo lec bia loag iaiimacy wiib Or H tob ibat ganiUiaaiia dreolioa aa a pri- ata friood lo ibaeo wriiiag hio appnv ral his ooaaueyto iboo wbe oator ko ueysd hifli bta earBOM dotiro far ibo ptogroaa Bad prrriiy af tbo vittage ha laiegrtly ao a nfB Bid bU apngbt iteta aad ftiMuy oa a pablie ssresM The ioai wa draak vHb all lbs bMor Dr HORTiaea riaiag waa f whh load aad ooaiiaaod eppUBSO bat ao se as for a lie to proi his Biteraaaa to bio iboagbta After retarBiag tbaBks for tbo boaor tbey bad doao bio bo l la HMI happy aad loaobiBg aaBBor to I varioaa aiattcra aOadrd toia tbe rwurka ef tba Reora wbiU propeoiag tbo loai aad traaied ba aboald ovarHva aad aoti aa to Baont aad reooira tba eeBtdeaoa Bad apworJ ef ibooo aarrovadiag bia oa tbM BBBBtioa ao waO aa otbar vara baartod aad g fHoada of i ril Ugo- Dr liorrut oaiarrd Utgaly apao Ibo oeoaaa ef tba paai rreailad bio aarlr MUievoat ia thU rillaga tbo peoilioa It bM oeeapMbo aaa tboa rtUag ite it boekwBrd toadeaoj BBin pabed arward by aen of enlerprife and ndatiry who had aoitlad bora wiiliia ihe wai lee aad ffiaea years aakinfi at he aanM liae honorable eieoptioa of a Tew aotU nea who to aooa aa tbe op porianiiy praaealed iiaclf allied tbea the proreaaive parly of lha nl- r ITCitrtB alao atladed to Ibe aoaieipal eoaieaia ia wbiob be had beea engajcM here of lle deep laid aebeiiMa ky one or lo deaizning men to entrap bia of Ibe sneaviabU prwrtion thoae Rta bow oecopird today and pro pheaied tbe Biaaaare ibia rtlUpa woald yet wale lo hem He allud Is the faet that gaaiUoMa new aarroondlof Ihe tabU fir moat perl had been acting witb bim froai tlio but where wera Iba aaoa who oaeo aeied with bia and BOW aow orery oppk to uialifa and tradaeaT Oaea tbey bad iLo frieadahip of lbs part of tbe men befur him bl it waa not ao nuw And what did ihia provaT Either that aoe or two toen bad betrayed eonfidenea or ibu Urga ooapany bad betrayed flfm and ba woald f4r ooaer beliota in the infiSelily af a very liatled nBaber of da aiKning aeo tb Ibat a eoaaaaiiy woald prove falM lo ibaaL Dr Ilaa then rcilled the happy aneial rcUlic ha bad auatainad towarda lU frieada tbia rilUta bad allboatb for Ihe preaent bo u B lo i Ibaa yet it weald ooly bo for alwrt aeaaon Dariag Ibe he hoped y atsowgal them iag ar ba woatd ba prepared tojoia heart aad baoJ wilb Ibea ia aecoapuab iag tbo eUotioB of tba aaa of tbeir ebMoa Dr lianter aa frt eheered dorinj tU drtirery of hu apooeb aod ooaeladed bis apaaeb aaidat ap- plaBe of tba aaacably Volanteer toaata fJlloweJ aad wera re- aponded lo aalil tbo wet aaa boora ayaBt the iwal arrired whea the eoa paey aepa after iniftg God S tba Qeen It waa a baMy eTaaiajc and will loag be rtawaberea by all prca- The MaeSehxie Hnmeitnd A ciroalar BppBra h tW OUbt of VVrdaoaday I BBaoaaeiag tbal is bob- soqseaea of tbo aabarraaaed atU of tba Uta Mr WiLUAM LrMi MAsKcrato laaiMtal afftira at bU death Ibo hoai itead preoeBted to bia ia ae liaUa tv bo aold for aa ebligatioa iniarrod ia pb- lUbiag tbo ifeaaoye Tbe ooaaitiet therefore appeal to tbo fritsda of tbat UtiagBithe I aao for aid ia order to praaarra to hla fiaiy tba teatiaoBial be- id a ftw year age Tbe pariiemara of the oiaa art aat forth io tba foDowiag ritraet froa tbtoirealar Unlwlanaiely tSo poblia laboara o fMtrled ileaih itftMI tbvy were fontl t Holland Landing Council 7 abaea Council met oa tbe 91ai Dee B04 AU tba mombtra proaoai the Rasvs ia ibo chai Uinatoe oTpravtooa pkaoting road aad A romnranieatine from Joahua Chap- mae laadering hit reoignaiivB s ibo nf- 6ca PUod ksapMrHiiHl proteatiag hit aecoBBl waa read A potiiMB frowi Mra Sylvia Playlor relaliro to laiB waa rd A poililoa froa II Crogen atd 9S orbera arbiag to have ibo tasaa of ioba D- Wait romined waa road The peiiioa of Jae McCluro Ian koepor atklng lo bara a ponio of lb cenaa mooay paid by him rofended M read The pwlition of SvUio PUr r waa laid over The petition ef Ii oinn and othera waa granted 7 liiionofJaa MeCUre raa graalrd ConMBittoo of Ibo whole aa ibo rapori nf the ColUcior euied ita tilting Mr Wiloo in the chair 1ha roporl oflBe Cleeor tbowed ihai aiM bad been eolWced Ar kiiiul Latwr Of the giv al lBi 600 hita been eftlleced aad patd I Iiaving fo b cellert whirb i tiUbU insl lbs cbi Comnieo roae end rsprted and the CmitMil adoplMi their report O awMKtCt aeveral aetouaia wars or- dfed lo be paid Juhn Sbppard prranted a pllioQ eakiog In have a poriioa ol bit LMeftv nnney emHied which waa granted aad SIO wat tefuAdod m lim Movrd br B J Tbnrae aoeiaded by T Lena that C C SoflMrvilU be ap nAtBied School Aaditor for ibo year 1 8tU Carried Mr Wllt prraenod a Bav lo pay eeriaia btlia which waa pUd Mr WilUoa preaeaied a Bylaw for tbe paywtenl of Cuacillora wbtcb waa read a firti and aroond liao Oo aaotioo ibo CoBOdl tbea adjnero ed rOa Bcevat of tba prMaora apa nw Bow Thej Talk portiofM ef ibo preaa of lb Nonbora Staloa are doing ail la ibeii power la bring to pate oafrietidly raU ttoes beiwoea that ceaairy aad Caaada Tba fellewiBg io bal a vtaple of tb brsfgadoeiB iadalgad i aod cUorly ot bibita tbo sniaM of Ibo wriler Cano duaa ara chargaJ lib beii ibUres aad vagabonds eica appoBaiioM iodaod I aad what a frariaas aokaawlodgOBBont by way of rrtora for bo eflKta awde by tbe Caoadiat Aaiboritioa lo praorva friaodly roUiioM with tbat eeaotry Bat wo will gite tbo OBiraet Waba af I befaa eer ralara get raarfx t- hacia ta dbea Mta peiaa af laievMliMMl lav wa wiU tbfbbw Iielit aad rater talWIrvwBetbMprapriy lalcH MW frw ibf wittaiiBllibeaWaova ef oor t wi llw eM e eellreilNMM irta ft Uiwf afnU arliMTrbaMia- Omtt lUt Kasonio Oa tbo ITtb Bt beiag tbe leatival ef SL Jeba Ibo Bvtagelitt be brelbrea af Toaeaa La Ne 99 aaaeabled at iboii Han far tba parpoaa of ialaUisg elUeft for tbo carreal year at feUewa Brn Wa Biabep W M Jaara Sykea 8 K JackaM JW r eiTidgB SkT TbaaBHhof 8D SaawlSykes JD A MeCrackoo lG J TewaUy Tyler After Ibo ioeiaflBlioo ika brelbrea rai dawa u aa eeelUrft aopfor provided m ibeir reea Tbe gaod ibap Uviag beta diipaad sC be W U pre tbe Qaeoa aad Craft lraak wilb all Iba baaan Tbe atber aasal laaata falUwW aflei wbwb B aaaiber of veUalaera were girea aad rr to Allegttbor tbs evea ag was tfaal happily a tbs brttbroa relaraed ta ibrr baawt deiaraaed ta siataNi fira ibrir tda le lbs graai priaciplao ef FArm Hers Bed Catarrr Kng f iBprBBivokm tku mt hMlnU ngif Tbtayosa batro boBa ro olootod bM bare Ml hmti Ibo tbbb U Ward No S pealing le ito ptiblic gafioiatiiy to toUf Ma pioeiple U indeed aare tberoaghljr me of Cbaile Jtme Piz in ibe lai nteiy aivd ihai f Mr CaKlen in aeJern iiaet May bo cited a MablilieJ pte leni wbieb iay ba aaUly Mlewed Hon R SFKitct ia Praaidoat cf be and Vfu nBRoiaioir Raq Trearer Tbe tiae for makiag doaa- wa towards Ihb ooaBteadabU obsel U teflded aniil tba lalof April nett Local eoaaiileoa ahoaM be foraad at ICO to eJBvaaa for Bbeeripliona The Dratt Under tbe aBtpioaa of tbe Sheriff CUrk ofthePaMO aad Coaaty Jodge tbs drafl for six baltalioaa of bob I ba foraiabed by iho Uaiied Coaatioa ef Tork tad Peel is proeediBg ia Toroato Already aboat oaethird of tbt bmb art drawa aad wt tbe aamca ef those drafVedja Neaairket Aurors aad tbe owBahip of King below aeit week wo ibalJ oadeavoBr to eoaplato the liat ao far aa Kortb Yrk is eoooeraod Maay rrsona ars Bndor tba iapraaiaa that leoe BKB wbea drafUd will bo ordered i oaea a tbe froBiier bol tLu U a liatakea aeiioa The objeet U ainply I eraaiu the aililia tbroagboai ibo Prwriaos to tbat ia eaaa of invMioa or iibor diflSeotiy men coold ba erdortJ oat proaptly Tite aea now drafced will be rtMjairtd to drill ait daya ia aaab year- fiir which they will rteaiao ftOo per day ill be called to dutrflrat Ibra jp riod of thrsa foara in eaaa of ioradea or ivl by eoamaad of ITta RstUea tbo GoveiBor Geaeral Tbe foi ef psrBona retaraed Ust year as onaarriod raeawho have tinea takeo to Iheaaalvat a hollar- half will aot excapt then so wt Bodcr- ataad bat partita lateroaled aboald iko epecial eoqairioB for tbeaaelvea Below will be foaad tbs Baaea of all tbe BMB Bt praaaat reqairtd f tba reapeoiiro aiiBieipalilieB aealiooed IKWMBKtf F DaTTALioii Raaben rvwry A narren B Aihrnbad John Di I John Kelly Mwhael 0lhria S KoHtneofi Tal II S RArrAUeN Geerga Siev- Gaatge Wed Blbert Boiler AUtaador Hell Gotavaa HeMor D Plew Patrick Howard Genrga Waliaea WHUa PerBla iVaitor Irwia lloor Etoaaan Jiba Dndeoa Total It TiitaD H SaoMtalCaWwall Wlliiaa Krk Mania Magaira Heory Carroll Nalana Bolenrd Jala Swdge Samaoi Creigbloa TeUl li Pouarw BATTAueit Albert Mnob men JaerA Joboena CHaa Ltokbard WJliiam Sbahy Joka Wiibeas R M UeLaehlin Heary Irwia McDarawi rrg M- Biofta O Loat Jaaoa Wxldr Willwa Searf Toiel fl Pirra U WillUm Albert Uoiaford J i Ldr fii Ger Iiawi Patrick oggaa J loward AI v Moaio Cbarlea Poareo neorge F Cook Tboaao MeBrral J Hodge Nel too jjhoacB TmI It AtXBAtA PiBfT BtTTatiO3Bergo Raaoan iaoMS Willia WiUiaa Wataaa WiUUa Tweiar WUIiaa LawdeU Tol4 StooiiD B W OMnor A BatberUad W Paigeotar pMbdl J Ryao Total ft T BiTTALtna P Tboap- aoa Saaasl Baea Oserga Sbaaaa J Pay H Btoits Total ft Focita BATTALtoH MeOarr W SbitUa Saaael CaHigBB Tbooaas Palgtsair TbooMS Boyd Tecal ft Fim B Alox MeLeed A Bowby Jaam Liaerweod 4i Harrit J Darii Tvtal ft FtBoT BATTALies Jebo BcaaWy Arthtbaid McCallea Jaba BrB le Walor Jaa Weedrew Cobb Brewa Jea Ryaa Tbea Danaaa Bwhard trao Jabo Healer Stevea Baiaer Jb Hatbas Ed Mabar Aki Perry forge Uilebiaaea Mwbal Haoby Wa McKeaWy Ueerge Walla Wa aowt HcTaggart ClMlra UeihajttbMd Motet Ckarry J llilbera Wtllita McCallaa FraaeaMc- Job C Beeaby Cao Wa Piakertaa tiaa R Jared tUack I Sbaakx Tbea Haaderaaa Maara Leva Jeba Weed Tbea Jm Siokea Jaae MclTadjea llrare Blag Uea Meereo Kkbord WilkMeoa Bebtrt Irwia Jobb Atb Jeba Meredilb Tbeoat PbOlira Laaaia CbapfoH A ben Edward rbea Ryaa Hag1iGraWlCBaaerB JabaKKbyaee Jabt U JeaMog Wa SUaptoe Elekert Barat Wa McLieed McKraar Daaal Wood Wa Ww- M Beyaep Tbee Darnak Joba Gib- bea SU Belaa Total 61 S Rnbl i Maik Hr Ily Uartoa Oaaiot CCotaer Wa Pader Pi MeC Ua Hf Black Ilobeft Frenck Dr PiabneaJe8Grv George llalbral DeaaM Hajbe Wa llaae RAberl McKeeioa Uaoaaa Mark Halt Jeba Uayd J ba Sliaaaa J Me WillUa- Wa HarMw Sea MeWalen Joba McCkacby R H Wlti JCirol VV a Fnxer Ja Gibboas Jeba Gatawla Inyd Wdaoa Wa WilaaaB e Uayd lloWri Iyre Tbrvatt Rager C Grabea Arcb MeCetlaa Aagwlv Rgtrt Joba Martbal Maaola MciUery JaaNi gnaa Jtiaet Iloorta Williea Hoary tiMM KdWardt Baldwia JaNH wte Jnba Kaia Joba llioaptoa Job Mar Wade Wdta Pelar Draaaaad Abrabaa Caiey WiHiaa Thooa t9aa RaaBT go Boater Jaba Kaia Jae Sirreal iola Ljea Robert TilaoaJeaea Maiaball D Bewir Wa Reyaaldt CbirUa MU Sad a Tial 6 1 ibd nattaijoii- ftioea ro eo MartkallJbaGraaterAUi McKnaa Daaiel 0Ly Ricbard Taaer jr Jn BaUt ed Ditea Alfred Bagm Wa DoaalJ Jaba FUaaina Jo Wardell a Ihaur Wa Bowa Ed PriagU WaPiakert D Ktaaf Wa FUa raa lboe MeAHOUr j Milkr An- Iboay Pover Sday Ceoaard Lete At tfalvm Jaba Rtlkorferd Hagb McTartart JbB MUipa Illb9ra Ii J Cacrma Mchael Siiaaoe Robl ir Cbe Holliag Jat Mr fan jitha cnhaea beajawa HaKwga bead Lake Jaba cb m jrmpuake Tbot Shaw cut Tbaswa Sbaw aui Coaaoa Ed Bait Joe Robia Joae Dagtaa Raadall Chat nurma blatiaf Cbappell Gro IMI Heary Cop jr Sadler Pearea Mabar d MeCallaa Uwia Ralrlifo alex lto Aaroa Hy fooll Ceo Rebtaaoa Tbot MrG Jeba wilka Siepbea 61 F B Heory Sotlon aao Vandebarf Thoaaa Brooks Jaser Bariinx W Bell Thoo naBbly JaBice MeAlluier AUx MtLarta John llaab- ly Tbna Hollingaboad llarrey Haawan RoU Brisham WeiUaen Haaier 0 Ramtay J Winter fUa Maitbes Jo G Haghca Dagald Dalby J liarBS Jaa MeKeaaie Wa StapliOBSoa Wa Row land Jaaea Swaia Joaeph Croaairy John Woedrew Edward MeCotlBa Jobo Wat- I Seynioar Stoedile Palriek DoyU aCairnjon Dad Robb Coraeliot ilaoBWiq LiiltILbenRioe Joaoph Daarliog Goortt Saith W Caaaeby Jonn Csrraa Wn Reoke John Wolrera Jaa Coaleoa Isaac Sbaw Robert Brett Jaa tlobiaooB Tbotaas lrly AtUa Ana alreng DTboapaoB Lewis DIack A drw Daff Oliver Stepbent Jaeob Jack ana OeoriCB Walton Rneos Ansatrong llicbard Stowbridre Edward Kaaloa Hafih Goald ThMaa Aikina FinUy McDonald Wa E Eraoa Qilbort Fol II Toul 61 F battauowcbsrub Browa Arch Drvmaoad Aadrtw Hodglas a Crawford George bdl Jaaft MapaiBg CbarUB Aabdowo b SooMrtef Cbaa Haaiiega J Uollingaboed Heaiy Hnnler Jaaat DaU John SateiWr Joa Goodwia Joha Sbanka JotI BUek Tb Slamaaa Tboaaa Fearia Chaa Barclay CUrkaoa HaatltoB Adam Cairas Wia Halisoa JohB Walliv Jea Merray Mai- eola MeCollaa Arthar Araatronc G SmpbenooB Sepea Amttroag Joha Atkiaa lliot Welb Rubi Dower Joeeph Bailey Thoo Godaos Alfred Peter Wens Kichard Rett Thomaa DaboqaB Neil McDiBald GO Vleekei Thoa Peabock McGill Robt Ratt Lore NBthaaisI Rasi J Tboapsea Joa Terry Wa J Dicksoa Saa Sheardbora Francis OKn Mat Woodaworth Cairaa Lovi W CroaU Morria QoUt D HeCartcr J 1 boapaee W Lyi Total 61 lallrMd AecMtal Aa accidi cwrred ob lha Nortbem Railroad Satorday Utt Doaily oppoeito the Crya- lel PaUcB Torwie to tba wMdday imi d iraia moving Sooib in centrqtitneo of be brotkog of aa aiU Sumo fire relgbtod era were thrown froa the raek aad one breakowaa aoverely cM dangaroaaly Injared Il took from ibrao ocloob in ibo ansraoon till aboai ia tbe eveeiag lo cisar the ireck so MlosBBbU tbe ragalar paaoger train va Dortb ibai nibt One otaa bed bia ara btto aoMtbad wbiU oaaiailng ia raatovleg tbe wreck Atatettc rert fitib Itadrd wiib wood ihe tbe Coapooy Brae aol to oarieaa M K Might oiborwiee beva beoa 3lM Daeaber aiivad at OB the irtafl on lha J Pfeaidefii d ia iglaa4 eo ibe lah Dtal imeni ia eipecitd lo nb Mltorlal tmaary- Mr MBBcaLr baa been toooir Mayer efTaaoie ever bia apfMaawi Mi Jea Caaeren by a wiajoriiy of 1591 aa Mya Ibe Olabt- W doaM ibe reeent d nibaace la Taenia eaatrlboled larply MiaBW4ry aaiaea wiSI bo praeab d oa SabAb Bfzt aotoiaf aad ereaiaf Ibo W M Cbareb by Cterg from diataAoaj and tbo aanaal Miaat ealirtg will be held oa Tharaday evoaiag lUwieg roaaeaeing at 7 eUek bo aAee of i Otiava CM- tern wo have roooived aa eieolleni Alow- MO Jecaaeo aao Tbo ealeodar pegat an rated far aemofaada porpoaM a h alae eenlaiat aBch valeab and iaperlaal lor oaafal le eveiy btioat aao AtteaiUa U directed to be adver iltetaeel aanMaeing ibe aaaaat OMatiai eftba NY Ag- S ABeftbrt Uaew being aado o aeoto a eoaplo ef gaed Ua lorwia ht the eccaaiea aatf if tBteaMfal irly part ef Ibo T Mstnaa a aaadag ef llw leaid latb pUsa aa Wadaeeday eveaUf lal iba aaaU prtaaaL After dlapo Uf af i ailalibad battaea af iba year aa a e payaeat e aaaaeaie tbe Beard da aided uayaadveliaarer Teedea far weed aad a aeaabtae wm ef palaiad ttr that par- pass Tbey aUa dialdtd aal la mtkj aay b laratfae ia ba rata saa ngalaalatfi af the liilla sfTi Tbe BBnaal tBoelirg far the oUcM Meoa M BBppiy ibo eaa oood by ib roiiiaeaiia regaUr ardor al lawKB aod SoMhard will bo boU axt Wedaeaday Ceaaidariag Ibo pawe aiBoied w Traaieaa tbe Uatib af ibeii ra af oAee aad tbo t4f0 tataat af lax- liaa at tbeir bobbb diafoaal ii iaiapar iBt that tbo bosi oMM ftr Nm poobiaa boi Caaneillera a Itea ibe teeboldara sad baaaebatdaraaf Ibe village will awaad ia e Mt LaMoraB CbUf ef Pbliee Meaiietl aeee after Ibe ebaite af oeapli- eiry waa aaade ataiaat bia ia c wilb be II Albaaa raidaia leaJrred hie laelgnellea O ibe qaewlen ef Ha aoeapi aaee ibe Ctiy Coaaoil waa diviJed aad eaitidarableexriieBal erraieiel tbero by Ltat Twaalay nifbl howearr tbe fullewieg itpnUiUa wa aJwped en a vale afUie 11 Tbal Cbiel af Falico La mMbo acted preeipitaiely aad imptadewty IB giving op Ibe menaT aairatied labia aKboab aeibiag haa baea I lewarrani tbe belief ef bia aofUo ptAakiag efdibaoeay or certeptioa yei eoaaianeae conaidered it waa doa lirtbUteaeeapl bU retixAtiian k Colonial A FmIm Ibot Datd ia WbIUm Dwriwg laat and fwa part of thU week tbe good Mka of Wallace have boen ar oxeiledoeor Ibo aaiieipaied Feaitn ria hat aany of ihem have pneaad alerpleM aightt and aaxinwe daya Bil I are gtad to laero ibat tbey at veil ibotr oelbbMra of iho tdaia ahipa have avnvtd at ibe eoocluti tUi it no oecaaion for all ibw adr ibawt ambiag To givt a faint ii WalUe fa nit boiler half aot withoot anakinn bia If aora bowovor ibl bia aokei aeld Dot be ISiaihd wantiag in tbe boat nf Deed Ho ieid bimorlf quietly doirn altr the meal preeaalioaary wteatorw had bB laken plAcel hit abeoliog doobly by hie aile rd ptienily wiib at chwing bi ready nvar iakad orgnt of viaion AniTBl Bf Ue York- era ai 1 1 eel eb t1 indtbaMarav p U liaa wbirb ibe Pe- ifaenit poiiian twb rapidjf giawint e Tbe MoMage ffetaally deatrava a pxpecaiioae Tbe limtt lbiik Narib daea net pewtt ibapawvr ef aitiBg prapofiT Tba mere ibreat af eaiin ivat IM oaibihe atronye it 10 1 a af ibe Padral fiiancea i ibeerh I depialflti re il te aow al bafHa an teas lleaaa ef Rpra RfHhb aawraliiy bta beea aiaiiad Ill ibai iba it ay laini ia Meaaso wbieb cose ra Soslaaddirw tab Ibai tbU iarrv laaent Wa eaaael eet Hy thai neraaial fnraj rera aheold bt bronghi M Wll bO Mn Caaada and the United SiateVi ill aa pMMiip 1e 2b IBM e PaiM ppera pnbliah Jiryiaa ibe riM Uni J nf inparla li ahliabed ify ibe RiKi lha Senate fraa pliiiral c peraona want wiailed Several ended I w bia a nW ainiaiiy nm rvartrMiaaaatfo Tba Cabi J arhaated Tba wili be apoatd ea ifU TStt Tbe Qweea will inak a apaerh fram iba ihiana PaoMUTbe eafaed ia lb- Oanieli war ladWd ta BHlia anJ wa lareivpdaMbadannilty Tba Kinf Mit ibry li I ad 1 aoMlv Uf t Ibair gla lTAiTieferB danairaled iKe ne- eMty efairtei se io Ihe aainien inra af aiaiee The Radfet far tbe firai ihtae manib d I4U waa aftrii f Uaccca Tbo Pureiga Hialater baa ra- Blora ligM ratbleatly lora off la iglBing tbat the Fofiiane had arrived li araeat hajompad wpin tba twinkling of n oo Ibo wife crM Holy 8i Peier ive at ibo cbiidreo were w bb np ler tbe f dng berlied aaBfaly ibe cock crew aad tbe maaket wat dia charged and aa raloadad 4lav ng waited in brvaihloat aoiptoto f r a boar aad I m far bar noiae ibea ibo dyiag Wrwg poor vietiin oor hara crept noitaleealy iba door opened il end Ob t tbe alghi hich prtMtled ilsoir lo bia aoUwiabed iain I ibe dead bKy ef ona of bia heal Mva wat welterlDg io iu blood Oiarr- rr Mr- LUeola a tra pohii4a if the Prordeatiti Froa teat ef tbo aov aBd sptrtcly aellUd Suiot ibo rcltrBt are b fall ae that Ibe agreale vote aad rrbably Iheggiegale aejoriiy laa eefb lilile Ibaa it pablid- Tbe tablet bowertr iaclede aare iliaa 4 000000 Ut aad anrs ibta iOOOOO aajriiy for Mr LiooBla Tbere are 25 net iecladed ia Ibe bal ibe wiertaal ea ia TvaaeMte aad etieabrre betag xaladed Of tbe 3ft Slatea Hi veic fet da sad ibraa for Gea McCUl laatbe Ulier caadidate getiiag bat aae t Sittt New Jersey aad two SUt let DrUitBe tad Kratacky Mr Liacala gelt SIS eieclertt relet tad Gee MeCWfUaaiaakiac a total af 234- Tbert are eirvra State wfaicb cither did roled inferaellf Htd lied tad voted for Gea MeClellta bit oppoaeat weald atUI bsvr liirda aajKity m Ibe eleclar Mr Ltarda bst arsrly SbO 000 rt BOW Ibaa be bat wbs ftra- ileclcd aad ia tbe States where bt ba 400 000 ajmly be waa ia ly 140000 volet bebtad tbr aailed poll it bi Ihrrt appoasi eaeratly eenaideted aa I ofMbeUaaar Aaay hai Ditierbaacoa bad reeaaaea Livatpe Dee ao American Berolution PaiLaBsimia D tO Tbo BidU M of Iba dy baa ibo follewiog dea- paicb Tbowaas was preaaing rKd OB lha rive baak bo was trying to Uy bit pOB bat roald Ml mikii aay progress ae ua gaabeats wore sballiag kw workiag par- ShermBQ roaehed Deetlar wim B largo foroe aod w iBtag Hood S4ih lb TtkBW is ibBl Tboows bsd aitaekod rooted au4 oaptarad oMOt of HadB fravmanlarj aray bt it Bwodt ceaAroMtiaa W Jaa I Tbe Btry baa rareived la forflitiiaAgdPllioraptuOof ibe seboooei SewBfd oil be Uaited ateamei Cboeara pt Meade off Viliao Toxoa wilb Sil bsiss of oorioa Atsa of Ihi capture by ib Unwed Slaiot steaatn Pabioa off Draxio Sentiago of tbi UidlMd bdc Orseina off llelligoode bood fmta Liearpeol le Motamoraa Tba Staiae tMaaor Mackinaw oaptarad at sea tbo adteoDar Mary of Naaoa booad froa Uowa talot Soelb Carollaa m Natoaa viib 77 baUa el aetloa U boxoa af M BariaU at tar W J STbo rebcU aado a daab aa oar peta botwaea Farti Haward aad wadawartb ia froat af Petrra bMg aa aeniiag abeal day- ligbt aed caplared 3A aaa tageibtr will ibetr bitakets katpaacka kc It waa i torpnaOk aad tacceeded weD New YetSf J 3Hoary Lar Iba proa ftgbiar waa kiM iba tMraiag beiag klabbed io tbo aecit by Btraey Fiiery ia aa attercBtiea Friery aade IxPABTiAL Al their week lbs Ceaaiy Cewidlof iaaealy psaied a retnlaiiaa a Jeba Croater Iw- taraey a weH to aaai eifec ef C Jadgt wHh aaal eatBMMif patte olaiioo tbau la ibttr apt R- A barritUr to fM tbo aSet BMetiof l Grey obi that ia tb CaMiy A ib ibt a oloak aaoauacod the b wolva ihao t Boiao wt btard at Iht pand wiadow SEd a piece of aa U I patted Ibat the rabU frtit rote m tbt loyal IMVOO larger that t a Keaierby aad MaryUid there u blf abTe t 000- Tbta prat a pretty t Ibe reaaiwt af Mr UsyieaTiw Uia Aatrwta XaUer ta Frapeo Wrw Bd art to bo O Mr Haydea Wtart wbe coevwieo aader ibe Fofia Elitae beaa Itberaled by order e tte O Sir W F WiWaat it to bare coaaaad ef Hte Itf 9ed aed SH al aaiiittttifB ballalltM of rekaletrt IA A aUtr who rtoeaihr diti ta Loekport T Ufl bariod lo bt oelW of ha boaoe fifty thaaiaai ibmosai pieoea A doelor wita vat litdiaJ U caoat of hU uTaa looks exptaiatd fraak- ly thai ht bad practictd ao aatoooaatfaly that bt had got tBdrtly oat ef patiaata A widow of flirty OBO yewB bai jaet had htr brokea heart beaUd by a trdict of two Ihoanad dra fnm at lafaiiLfbl lortr ef 60 ia Wayoo bio I ty Deaootbet froa tba CtUaial QL e approviag af Ibt abatat af tba Qea bee Coafereace have baea kid ia be Lower PreriacBa Tbtg wete r He 87- The Tereata laocfar aUItt llU Mr Jaatt Halliaaa barrtalor sad tllor acyaltaw of tbal city caae io Ut daetb oa the I6ib iaat by a Deeeated ted a drtaipatrB aad atetaa Mb for t CMple ef yeart pott bat at tat ti btd a I ribiag baitaea ia Turate aad wat bigWy retpected by til wbe kak t A Btnber of Soilkara prieaaon- aCrapled le ecBpe froa Jobateat ltad oa Tertday Uai Peer gal eet aftbaoa clotare bat were tabeqeealy reraptaod ABlber Liett BewUt a ef Ibe PiBai ltat cf Iba LWtfilU Baak RaiBtkf last bit kft ia ibt effen le gat fret pard abHiagBtaadatABtlybiIBatU SotTTH OrTABio laBB by apeeht t the I af laat Nn reabe Il rtted lu bit iwfii tw aaaiae fWMtly eMee fnr Meadsy tad Teetj I7ib of the OMOlb Oar iriaadt bart aal aaeb liae Uft aad aaat bt actirt ty- Tk NW nu- A eiciag Ibt acltB ef Ibe Caaadaa O aeat tewarda pretectiag tbs freaiisr ayt t Tbe bsHieeao enter ef G Oit tlierefere ao Car ea K was eiasd tti lOy tapMtediafiirliiy is the Mricttat italmat ef Bairal ty na Iba part af tbr Caaadua aathAr taa ar aay diapotica Ci f Ibt C4tada peapit le fviatt ibrir typabf wib ibt rehdliaaby a via lat aa af oearal tbiigtlioa bita tbt tflf lyair PooTAOB or VobnirrBBBa LwrriMk The Montreal GmftU it iwfiaaw ibti iho prvMai regelaiioaa apytegtw ironpa io Her Majaale regaitr eoretss ill altn apply to lbs ntUitia voloasofB ring ibeIr pared ef aorvier M tbe f sr snd tbt Uilrs addrao I laa wii oAtcs end pilisisa lereloro eny bo cbafO t a pooay rnk nf Ibe aaa raeeivtag rbo U vM vs to be wriilea na it sa ao M taablB at to llw drabtab Qftoaea paf al raiaa Ita i T MiuTia Daarr no WBot af rvicf Btitatiooi froa IM aeverat refi tai anhiU eaaaeaeei reltr b the Prew P drrtdfxl earatge of Ibe war wt drti I Nerik of la popaUliee bet ibe fi Ua rWltoa ditpre lha Tbr baaalwajt ea Ibt tdrtaiate ly large eBii froa Earofe lad iaee ibe brgaaaag e iba war bat ea yed that adraaltge ta a greatrr etteai pae erer before Tbef Uel arctiial fe M icreae ia Ibt aaber ef aea ii NtflK Tba eaMxraali ef ibe pi d to or throe JW pui help la fill ap 0 aray wbiU Ibeao l foraer yeara ai ilaraliBed tad twetl be aray at votei tikely I The Nnrtb ia fttb aacb aeodia be eall fraa wi ef ioa ao eawilltaga Tvt BATTLB Fiau AT NAsnTtLLs Tbt b rreepideet ef tbe Cieciaatti Toartfc ibM de ibe field after lb tecoad dtya fibt aear NabvlU I pad ever tbr bloody pBib wbab ear ibad iroddea ia Ibeir aataccrai at their oaceetJoi elarl l Nerer did I ace Iba drtd tad dyiag ae tb oktr alrtwa ep a baiUe fi Wbtt teoal bare bled abera Tber tad died ia ilade tket ibe ifltagiaalioa aid teecaro le aao pUet at tba foH a aaall ataaip twe de b dita of cat red veldiert Uy aereat iho dead hoiiy al third Pateieg op tbe UU tbe tUbrii e tba dead bediet of tbooe who bat aOBWata Mora bad leaded tad fired bea Uaaerd ibell aaiaata balU wtn catlercd a every dirJiB tad eaaf liaa wat pBgh iitWd wilb tbalterad bttU tad fragaee Tbt greood ia erer iaio farrewt by I tret wert crtrywbtrt bttrotty ibiver- STBtKi CoiiiciDXiaciB ABohawT- jt vriur bM the IblloviBg OtDtnl WaabiagtoB aad Priaot Albert did oa tbotatM dsycftboyaar day of tbo ooib id MOM day of t week tod tbt bbbio boar ef tb iT lod of tba MBO oaBBB O Waob- iofftoa B wot iBok a stTtra oeld tad diadofuuaiitBlinB of tba taaga B Satar day Dliaba 1ft 1T99 atlZookiok Bk Priaeo Albert got wot took a ta vtra oeU tod diad of eea of tbe laogt oa Batardty iba Iftib day cf D Bt 1861 at IS ooloek Tbo UiataBBfoBob oodorod mi a days Bad both rtfotad to Ukt apdiaBt In tbit atHy augt of bi eopUloL TW Aatrieaat oenwdaltb baartfiritaiaf tba ef Watbtagioa loaM vith Biaitar aiattioa oaraod f r Albert a tribaio paid to groet eadataa ii baib ooBtk OT A Beatoa paportpOBkBol No York rogtaOMl wbicb dariag ita ibroe yoBTt aareae bao iraeeliod by aarebed ibmegh Maice and bB aoec awdor neeoraU Harnalda Sberaaai MoCUllBfl Pope MOeU Mpdo ead Tbe btlMtlbr I of Y aad P ebirh oik rr bMiatitaa or iTIO aeo ik paet U Ibn city iw ila Ceaaiy CUrkt Oftre im peee nf Htr B SWnff Jarrt aad Mr Tyfvti ardB of York aad Peel Orer M aea wre diawa joerdBy TbtbM he Iioat fr m day to day tSl il io eoa- hedGirote PxACS M Tba New T papers bare dpiteb fra Weagia g thai Me Fraac t P- Bla7aj- ltd bt tea MHigaery bavegaotM Ric tad i ia aa tbU raad ia ee af peace U ether aeffib aea if aaf tetaiaatina ef tbo Ktrtbaa i ae atlaiaikla TbB Jhif Yark Tritun aByWt pnaadi be aitet ie eel terat tAeal bal k wert abord to preiead t iby are tad kBi art tbeir pomttl b- latioat 10 Ibt PrtBidtat tbat it aBBBa theriBBd KI ty- r BnC Praii Hffik F jn CMHM ieb rittt le a bt of ftft Cast aac jeeitiBt a OOO eittiegs AeoeelMdoBf bgblieg bf pt bat km ad a apM efabeetBletbabM Vft betweeaM aater pUa gUa wiedawt aod lbs iajf auiaed glatti tbaipBco baaftsoe proriT d V lb the Booeaary iagrra al Um rgreat sf bal sir aad Iba gat bBrMI tH bore placed after the aoaaer of tia iff tooU Ibat sretdag ibo gUro aad h predecod by pt Tbt ligbt diitad GBOOO loaeBAKC AB broogbl tpaet a aagiatrBlo Mad AM iag retidag at ColdwBter ler a baijA IW ctao caae ap MaMJV Hoaof Jadte Gewaa at Barrio oo W day Ibt ISib ietBad tbe eTdeaetB ed thai Mr DarSM bad aetaaly ae t proeeealorB aaa aaaed Ceaoj oa a warraat wilheat kavaf fcal kB jritd aa tbe tbtrge prall tflMt bia 1 alee a that lk baioaly retly beoo appoiaied a e aad Ct beiag tbt fi btfart Ua bo d4 oel aadtrttaad ba I witb H Tbe yery faoad bf Jiel that Mr DartBf t MW fraa aay wiWtl or aabsiaei bed araply enod fraa iberefae braoabl io dtaocnMil efUm cotlfc- Beadrd Tbaaet J rraaa w i at St Jaba Nov fitii dwitba mM pUjJ aecWaita A la ttbt paij palpH It two ae artral pUa parMI J fdeafpertooB TbeCal kfUrimm y i wbe wed Ibe tpparvlaa UX that be regarded the diKaerao W eQV ed dirtctly IB baaeiC aal a very oiaata expafideW bearrr It fhl vsal le hart tocb B teaUWiv rweb Ibe ear ef Biaay ia aar ctogrrpjj btrt tra toe aMy of bear ar eraoro i 2 ifit ten lb Ih imk i

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