THE NEWMARKET ERA JANUARY 13 1865 W9W AdTVrtiMMK Nw W Tnnlu RfeitfffMni I Th pMkArflmw NMdffvtn Hrramorkft Iria Our Ttrrmto SftricU Drtfatck THE YORK ROADS IN CHANCERY SI Aiban Raiders BtTRLCV THE LARE ERIE lUlDKa STILL BEFORE IDE KECOUDEK T JIB 12 186V Ro ptnon named Tatlob ha fited bill i CbBwrj pniog tbat U Cor- poraiioB oClhe Uoliod Coaatwoof Tork od Pl aboald b mlraiacd fna fkbostOTM Tor ann thao t0000 for tbc of th York Roada onta a Bj- Law for bat porpoot aboold lint be tab fDittfd 0 ad oblaia tb aaaeot of iLa KWeion aa reqnired b Msokip Act Ok Wedaeadaj lut the ea eat ibc bctriog Meoara 0C0i0ft and Bttrtxi for p awl Mr E Blakx for tbe defesoa 0 BOioo Ibe hearing vaa defmad till Uosdaj Mxt opoa thi vndmtabdinf ibatoo dcbcnlam aha iaaoe UBI Ar ba UM is dUpooed of by th Court Tba Loaticrof tbu morniog WTi it ia oloar tba Cooaiiai CoooeO bar omatoppad tbw pown Singnlar rer aingalar tbat vbero a bod of nCQ like a Cooalj CottBcil ooBpoaed of Baeraa and Dptwabood make ao awkward a blan dr and expnaa bcir waat of kaowledfte of Maaieipal Law Altboagb tb Zm- er nan t doiog all he ean to frastrate tb CooaeH aad ao doobi for a pvrpoa jel b bia right ia bb law ihta tine Tb Mwa froo Moatraal in regard to the St Albani Raidera ta to the cffwt tbat en Wedaeadaj laat Joi SjiiTn ommted to as adjMniDeot till ibe lOib uf Fab aarj to allow iba priaoeera an op- portaoiij to proeure oeruia taatioiooj friB RieboMnt Hr B O Boilxt one of tbe parliea charted with beiax ooanaetod witb tbe Lake Krie P broogbt befbae tba Citj Ureorder today TH AMERICAir WAB I Proposition for Peace COUillSSIONERS ArrOlNTBDI Kkw Yoaa Jan 1865 Th Hortdg Whrffii rortevpnadent aafs Gm SiMficlae of Illwuia baagMia Ml a MMo AuaioQ wUb tba aaaciioa of ib imnnr it lha man aia Mwan Oir StMib Caialma iiaar Nottb C ai A H Siapbraa li ia alaa aoHf rM Ciant tu ivUrap ibai Si- wM baa thriiil a ibrMgh hi M ITair Kaa aha i Rkkwi4 vkb iwifSitMaMlrciac iba Wi IM AvMatf btallaaaMttvrwhallkejM Im iiMa tk war bfM fWd TW OaarttialiM aa l k aad I W Uimi MMlpritikfaa M IhalMalWt bat wiitiU I It U m i Ifimttj tar fae ItM flar7 all IxrMy iWl Dark BMnUei of the Fauport System Tbe adoptioQ of a Pawpnn Syatem bj Boj eooairy ie alwaja atleadad by mor or loa iaeoavebiaoee aiid in aiwjr io- latie of atara barJabipa to pivata eiisiM M welt aa eoiiarcial man Rapaelallj U ibia the ewa la ennaequaacr ftbe raoaot orlar of tba WariiiBgtoa Oormweet Tbroagb iba advaaiagea flbrdad by tba Raelproeity Traatyeom leraUt rtlalkce batvaaa Canada aad tlw State bra baeoma larfotjr iBler- vovra iraeaaaitailof nftaatimea apea- if and frcoebt MiarooaMBankaiion Iba adopiioo of any reglatioo iberelora oalewUtad to ifitarrept aad iapada tbaaa rttetioot mult prove taimieal to iba eae eaaa of tba aBlerpriaaa la wlJcb aocb aa aro aogtfad Bat wbaa to tbaat Meahiat wa ajd tba deUya and bia- oeeeatoMd by iba looopiaocy ud blaadariaK of aotborisad oAeiala Bfpototad to aeforce aurh a ayatem h ba- eomm an ioiotarabia naiaaaea reaatiing iw diraet ad poaiUTa loaa Wa bava a eaaa la poHit A faaUaoMB forarly iMidiiif at Nawmrfcat now livla ia oea of tba Waatara Siaiaa lafi bome laai vaak to pf friaodt bore aad alao ia Loekport N T Coeaiof iovQ by way of iba Oraat Waaiam ftallrwd ba aaaayad to paaa over tbe Brife bt wae not altow for waat af a Pwaport Applioatioo wae Ibaa Bsada l iba prapaf tMbaritiaaba Uaitad Sdtaa Ooffiwant Agaoi for iba aa- aaaaary papen b la eooaroaBca el tba laebriatad ooaditkio of ibat olBetal i tot aararal boora How r aar Mch troabU aad artaot ao uwaty tba ppr baadad ovar a vitb tba aaed aat daiaaDd of 6 tbia tee b ia fraao- haclu bet Caaad faade er leid a vaUal la fit eerraal Ma of tba arr Oefnmmt aad aowtrr af Iba Aai iraa iba aartaai fa vaia tba Iba lajMliea aad axber- la vale bapoM- d oat tbat at Port Kria aad etbarpoiaif koac tba freotiar Paaai wncktHo- oHftf 9m iaaxarabia aad iba aai a bad la ba paM TWe aoaurrad air hm waabaad Ie bat aaa illara lioe of tba muty bwdabipe tnvgUan u la m ronaeqimira of tha adop n nl th araiatn hich ivw obiaina Wa rrHinir fr hQi OOO tn nwiit- ain tba volimiair fore rerily etHad vit and Manored along iba Canadian frmiUar a an attdanea of lha giod IWiih tit lovamnwet toward tba United Siaie aod wa may iban forir Mm what 11 radaraaodayin itVblMra Ivava enal tbia coQniry Ru htia railing out of vnlonira raaj be Juwifiad wa opine thai wiib a Uaa frimiiar aitartding OTar eataaal hontrd inila the atilny or edTaniagaa of a Paaa- Mrt ayatam may ba gravaly qoaiioned Indeed wa raganl ii aaly ei1i andtbat eoMiBaliy for whilaH prova a aoa of dflkaU lo raraooa jlwly enlillad lo pmeara thm it dnea not prevaoi ibair being irbtainabia far ib lawlaaa end tel- ligrant lhrmih thair frianda aubaiMul inff fla natrot The iraM oflha Unit- ai wall aa Canada loudly ralli fnr lha abnlitioD of iha order and wi iroti Iba Waabinglon Govrrnmatit will iba propriety of dmng at South Ontario Election Tb nottiaation Ib Sooth OaUrio foi tbe ieeiioa of a repreaentatlTe to Mpply IiO raeanej oecwiooed by the rttiraieni of Hon 0 Nowat tonk pUea at Wbi by o Moaday laaL The lalbeiiag ap- peara to have been lar and rery groat iotemt waa Baaifted hj the frieoda of tba rtapeetire candidate to aeeai ibowofbandf Mr A PAtltLL the aoainae of the ReforB CeaTentioB wm propoead flrat then fullowed bia oppe Beat Mr TK jtBia Both geatlemen ar regarded aa qotle well qoalified repreaeBttbe Ridinc but the lalter bu not alwaya been a trae friend to tbe Ri brm cisse ladoed in more thaa oe initaBoe be haa taken decidedly boatile groaoda in oppoaitioa to the party Both geallemen pronoBnoe in faror ol tbe MiBiatiy and both daelare adbauon 10 tb Confederalion abeae the rlee- tion iberefore ia faat narrowing itaelf down to one of a peraonal natare a re- aU Tary mneb to be deplored aa it ia likely to bring abotit diaaeaaiona in tbe ReA raaka aad throw the eonatitoeney ia tbe banda of eoBacrTatiree aeoner or later Tbe Coorentioa baring aeinina- tad Mr pARCWttL arthe atandird bearer of tbe pirty Reformera ahoald forego their prirata or peraooal feellnga Toto on principia The Ridiag tially libml and ao long as Ibe party remain nniied oppoaitlon ia tue- lea lenoa tba ModeraloConaerTaliroa at tb Leader atyles tha party ba reaortrd to the expient of potting fu ward a qnaailtbe hoping thereby to far he wink the eUelora aa to obtain rietory When tbe TOting take place werer we believe tha eood n and le of Soatb Ontario will be funnd lo re eatUiDw tbe former repnUiion oi ihe Riding by tbe alotiooof Mr Faac- Elaewbra in loaa pnprr we row plat lh name of the pertnna drafied h North York ee fnilijn- OflSalo- day ai a andeavorad to obtain lafor the oSee o tba Clark of the Peace and alaewbere aa to future aeim be to gain aaytbing beynarf ae li it bought bowerar tbat Tory ahorlly Iho aiao drafted will ba maetared into battaluMta aimply lo aattar hal afraoftb tha paaol call will not forihopvrpoaa of drHK Many people ara unlar lha apprebetnion tbat ihe partiae drafted ba required lo r n for ha nati ibraa year wiibia tha liaiita of tbair raapaetiva diatrieta Thia ia aol tha eaaa and the draft in ly interferaa with tba fraadoro o Iba aal jaei lo travel at will By iboea pretty wall poetad ia Ibe affwr tba wboU thing ia eottaidarad naa and 111 prove ibortiva tbe liats from which tba men ire aeleclad baing ia oiany raapaeu do- feetira Indeed ao earala bava the eturaa bMn madofrom aoma of tba Mu- lictpalitiae that even clrgjrwien aad large aambera of aaeond claae man have bB placed in the Sratelata aooa of horn have baaa draarn ie lha ballot Perhapa tha notion to roaaiaf ia aefply to correct thit Wurder with tha view to aalaet othara and thaa AH ap iba baiial W tha above aa iba rmli atHpiry it ia aimply gi Do Many of ibe eorraetly oopied from lh rolh aad ibia alao will lead to no liitlaoonftiaian tha priatad liel la I aad it I oclock a Agneoltal Society Meetings The aaaaal ineliag of the Nlb York Agncalivrnt Snciiy will be baW ta lb Coart lloaee Newaurkaf ea 8atarUy lb 2Ut coBBcaeiag at 1 eelack Bedialaly ifUi the aaaaal baaiaaaa i IraaBcted by reqaaat of Ibe Board Prof BocKLAiro of Taroate Uaivaraity ba kiadty eeaaeated to dehver a Leclera ei sabject partaiaiag lo agricaltar- llaviag visited at aa previoat oceasioaa Ibe rralitwallkawBit islbmfareaaeleaa Car aa le aay an iag A Ba ef tba extatiag Board af Dirvctort takra place aaltk aeCaiabed b Riaf Tawaibip Society BeatJag take tea lo Barraw Satflroay 1 Mebleloa BifBiirtu at 1 aelaak pB Wbilebarcb Sacialy taaaaJ Baeliag take pboe te Borrow alo it Leaaa vilie eoBiwaciag at 10 aaleck a Eaat Gwi Sacial aaaaal Beat- a take pUa tbia 4ay FnUy at QaaaaaviA esBiaaa at aaa aalecT pai W regret ta laara tbat Hr SMtoi Sewtarr of tbe Whiiebareb Socirtf aad alaa Mr Edaaada Secratary U East GwOhabary Society ar taOuag af declia iag lb etfaa iWy aaw bal ia fetara Tbe daliaa prtaai U tbe eitaatioa are diSedl aad iatriaaie- rtciaiM aad eiaaey af ib Saaretary varr iargaly depada tba aatiUaory wotk ofibabaUKbiatrr Tba ftaite- wilboai aa eflteenl oAcer ia ibe Rera lary tbear po nt ara apt lo b owrlooktd InHiag 10 coawq ewbarraieaaeal Jat lake a Towabip Cierk Ibe loafer tby ara with the oJBce tba belter qimi ttd tbey ara to dicbargai diMira pertaaaiag 10 iHe nSee end i pbl be rrtaiard a loeg as Ibay aiva aaiiWatirR Wa oierraid and tbat ibey will agaia coa ert ift be re appoioied OeTgiM Shirty we aaderataad t atain re orgaaised wiib every prapet of fatara tareeta Ia all prolub lily if wi claiM and oblaia a portion of iba carrei years Coaaly aod rovetaaieBt Graau Wa merey Ihro ot lht bmt ao tbat other Socieliei ia Iba Ridiag may makt tbeir calealalitn acrordingly as 1 mast aecemrily afiect Ibam BoaeUrily ia Ibi aool tbey will likely receive aa grsal An Important Despatch We pwbltah elsewhere to day an in pottant daefntch from tbe Ilooie Govern sent bearing apoa tba Cooladeratto aehoma It wa erowded oat of laat woeka Era by Ibe preaaare of local mi tor apon onr apaee hot will naverthe- Icaa be raid with inlcreel by all who have not u yet had the opportanity of pemting it Tbe deWgatee eopoaing the Conference at which tbe aebene devised may raaaooably oongTaloUta Ihcmsolvee opon tbe favor with which the pmjaet has been received by Ibe Brilub OovemiBcnt aod allhoonh ex ception ia taken lo ooo point in the pro po ooaatilalion we rather rard thia an evidence of the deep inlereat aad earefal oooaidcraMon of tbe Home Aa iboritiea than otherwise Tbe preper eonatilBlion of Ibe Upper llooae u an important matter as that body holds a diaiiagaialiod poitioB between tbe Crown and people Tba angigeaiiona of the Home Seeretary are of vital intereat wbila tba remoral of tbe poaaibla cootin ffeney of a dead lock between tbe Upper Hoaae and tbe Popolar Branch la a point tbat oogbt not le be overlooked io the new eonatitation Tba aame oljao- tfOB was Bred te tbe schema by a por tioB of tbe Upper Canada prcM when tbe reaoiBtiooa adopted by the Coafer eoce were first pablttbcd on the groond tbat iU of relo woold ncBtralixc all the adrastaget gained by tbe adop- lioe of lha principl of repreaenulton ac cording to popolaiion we regard tbe removal of thia objection therefore aa very important and oalcaUted lo give lo Canada the power ber namber wealth and intelligence entitle ber te W comntcnd tbe daptli pabliabed elaewbeta to day to tbe careful aad caa did consideration of osr raadcra Election of Trustees be anansl Kbool maeting for New market fur the reception and adoption of Ihe Annual Report and tbe election of Trasleea to sopply tbe vaeancica oe easioncd by retirement In regnlar order of Mcaers E Jaekaon and W V Soatb- ard waa held in tbe Meebaatca Hall on Wedncaday last Rather more Iban the Btait nofflber were prraeat aoaeiadeed net Kco at a arlteol ufoUng befor for years and taking all Ihinga lale 0 eoont the meetiog was coodtMled att faetotily and orrly Tbe proceedings conmenred calling Mr Maraden 19 tbe obair and appoint- ig Mr Trent aocretary Thei ifteraet lal report i Uttl diaeoa a then reed and Tbe Chairman then eaRed Bpeo lite meeting lo aominalc eandidalsa to enppty tba vacanciea in the Board when the following genlleatcB were nataed Mer E Jackaoa 8 Sykea J W Maraden J Allan 8 Roedhottra andW V Soothard- A ahow of bands waa then Uken and after torn liula Mrfeyteg as to tbe prpriely of demanding a poll i Msi Jacksoa aed Sykea were deelared aleeted Thia being Um inpertaal part of tbe maeting qnila a lar nnmbOT Ibaa laft tbe Kat Aa ordtsarily fair preportioe remained bowerer and SBbaaqaaatly daetdad lo rtoommead tbat tba Board Sk the rata bill tba enrraat year at 15 oanla per BKtotb Aaotbar raaelalion waa adopted approviag of the aetioa of tba Board laat vaar aad the aasasUy isparaed We do Bot giv tbe paecbaa delivtrad oa tbe oeoaaiea u va weald ralber allay than aieite an perseaal feelinga in the fotaTa coadeetioa ef tba btuioeaa of tbe Board yire at EavenshoeOo Saiar day afUnooa last wbila Mr Wit Ksstch aad bit wife ware away from boma acd the atora lefl ia obarga of a Clark tba premiae look Ire il is aappoaed throogb aotaa dafeet la tbe ebimay ia tbe garret aad wu apaedily borat to tba groasd Ravaaabo i aitaatod ia Eaat Gwillim- bary fcrmeriy kaowa aa tba Eagltdi SotUeoMat aad tba ktcalii aat betng varj tbiakly popalatad a waa oaobtaiaable axeapt to a liBttad axleBt Wa aadentaad aboat half tba atora gooda aed a taall portloa ef Iba boaaa- forUaataiy all or aaariy aU tba mailable paper eaaaaatai vitb bta oAce wara saved The preaim wr owaad In Mr J B OUver wbe parpotea labaild i at oaae aad opaa wiib a fireab ato ef gpe Aa iaaaraaaa wu r in tba BMvar Mataal for 1350 ea Ihe boildiag aad Mr Kaataba stock wu iaaarad r 11000 ia tba BoyaL ConntiM ConneUProa Te loato wa laara tbat aaotbcr sp iag af tba Coaatiaa CoaaaC i eaUad for today Friday maktag ae kaa two ragalar aad Ibraa apeeUl BMetiagt foe tba Maaiaipal year 186d Tba wla- alaaa will aiMMBi to aaMtUag aad a trite em Tba abjaat ef tba ptaaaal maeting va aadarataad b la ra to tba aaparatloa of tb Coaatiaa W Paat a have prebabfy takaa aadtW fit wbalber tbey will aaea aay batUr tUa tlaaa thaa oa a forvar auiaa tba apal viB vrov Be far aa Terk k aeaea wa liava littla te caia er leaa ki tba eaaa go u it win If a Bjori of Iba Baevaa aad Dapaly BaavB of Paal ara feoad lo ba favorable to Bramptoa aaparatiaa wuy eaaa aof etbanrisa Toronto Corrtspondanco ja 10 ias The axeiiemenl over Ib mnaieipal Wtteaa bare haa preliy well aobded aappoa it baa ia Nawmarkei ar elvamonib at leaai Hr Joba Caawron taking bia defeat qoietly eaah and a cartainly a powarfal c ia ih paapfi ontar of the AaMriean Ooram wilt make hta il raotiaaea ia forea He oeanoi eapity paopla fal eoovgh Uafoflaaaialy wi bava not bean able le make maeh cbanga in itie Cammob Caoneit anJ oniananaie ibey have dona ae io Nawmacket Wbi o gml a man as Mr MeMaatet wu d ranted i yoor village Il ia ant anrpriaioi thai Iwa ef lb oppoaitioa were aladed Tbmfi paaal off teipelad Ii poltiioa betwonn Orangamai Faniana Thara wu an va raw on Iba Arat day no Chare waa one of tbaaa real Iriah wbirh evaiy man aotiitib bia aetfbbori beaJ aiking no qoeetiona 1 Tbia diMarb atea oeeorr in front ef tha Machaniea tapetvlaM hat lailwl I at kneoked iba Am ill ba was bimaall la ona elae who Kslons ht lite t of ama eibar ralij AltlOOf h wa ara a imani otBaJ im all aU lor a partieaiar paipaaa wa OAi not fotgat thai when ibat poipoao t bean aeeomplitb and Upper Canada a a pailiatneni of bar own tba old party lea will io the natora ef thifig be pra- rved Thara will aiMI ba ih liberal pMfrMaiva prtr and the party wbe op poaa raferm Wlib a view le prevent re- tormera from fatgaitiog Ibair piineiples and oljeia il baa baen daaaud idviubla by Iba taadi men af that party in Teran- uJSItidk neaiinff before ibe aai Mt tba 19b I nmbaraoftba legi Ireaaa Fet lha f bia plan Mr Gord rlaioBany appeiniad Praaidaot and Mr J D Etgar 2teerUrv le i bneha Iba rUb may ba fKad in dilTarant riaef Uppar Caaatia ih eammon ab- la Rafutmara abaald lake warning by faetioBa eppeaition oH by iba eac rvativea io elmoal every eonMltuenry tare an alertioo bu bean beUainratba htion anl nH neglaet la keep inrawt- plate orgaaiziiiaa far every eontingaaey Editorial Ssmmary Several oomBanlestiooa reoeatly eeivad bearing an qeaMions of a ganaral atnro will appaar at aoan a wa ean iifl The eelehraled Sharee Bead par poao giving a grand mnaieal enleitalniaanl UibittgA vtMaa aa Thrday cvehing XI and on FiUiy evening ai 5ioanlle Oat fiienda in tbaaa loealitiet may reckon ieb real tsf Sbaron moticianaara bard lo heal Tbe Board ef Seboel Trasleaa are iking landers far twenty Corda af Green Wood Mapte end Baecbikliverad at Iba Sebaal Haeaa Tba loDdera auy b for tba naaal ear feal sraairCf f long aawn atKl apliL For partiealart see Bu Tbe new Caaneilora alrd in tbe irioas Maoieipalitiea will meet ea Mon ij neit for Iba election of Raevee end Dapniita and tbe iraaMCtioe af general aa Wa hpe Iba vatioat Tovnabip CUtka ibroobooi iba Riding will favor ns i I copy af ba mioaiae of ibe firai Beating ia time far inaenioa naxt Friday W nndaraUad Mr Mosmi af Nabtawn wu alaalad u Caaneiltor or iba aaeaod Ward ef King wtikeal appaeitieo Iba Caaaail tbaratMa aiaada tbe aane ea leal year witb tbe tabaiiiBiie af Mr Maoaia tar Mr Smeker wbe daaliaad r and ara u fallowe A Webb 8 Muball A TboBpeea J Pbilipa ead Meoala la ear aagarseee la give Hanieifal aewa fraai all pane af lha Ridinglaat weak wa qaita forget to ea errar la ear ikt ae tba Cegien tar Iba paar wbiefa red tb wekHvieo Inaieed ef anyiog a eeopi valBatear aeega wer tivaa by Miee Baaaa aod Miae Daaaie it abeaM bava read tbat after tba flrat eong tbary foappMred n ao rwoarr and aang a aaeond aoa wbieb waa wall raeeived Fana ptadaea aaab a SorBlt pO taaa batter ebaaaa tup ie aaw ia da- msnd at ibie ofllaa ar eabeeriptlans aver- de aad u peyment ia adtaaea lerlba 7ra n alvetieae ta cub bawaver pre- idad iiWaa u eaBvaaiaai HoBraal Mlara aio now dae and aliboogb lo tfarb ua Iba asm ia af litti aceoont N if af iraat raoarqannaa ta aa Nai weak we warn aal teaa ibaa ibraa baadaed Ba lapay ap ibeir arrveraaaa and if poaaibla la r BOW Ibair aobeartpiiane for 1 Vf foreign k CDIIHIUII ArrlTsl ef tba KorsTiaa- Lendaaaarry ea ib lOib ah arrived beta ie aasB I eanna Dae 10 Tb Caaadiaa difl- ealiy ee iba eaMaet af eaBBoai bj acliab jaafaala It bu eaaaad eligbi MMreily diaeaaaiaaaooa iim Maa at aatng drivaa wo aafriaadly ralaiiaas wiib iba UnHad Waiaa aad iba Tlau atataa ibar Ceafadsiaias oaatd daaiaa aetbiaf bat- Livaaraat Dea SOLCitaaMalaa of Cmc day UfiOO balaa iaeadiag ItOOO Ut apeaalala aad aspenara Baikal opensil firmer bat cleead aaaiar witb Mrtial advaaaa af a Ataarieaa Braadoi8irqateaadaiaady Pwviaieae qaiei Lord laada apwaad Tba detaa jar tba Meraviaa ara fiaa day aaaeeaed la ba lb Hiboraiaa ia ktitade MJeg 55 aira laaffitada 93dagbaaad t new fiem Ameriea of Iba aneeaa of Oanarala Sbarman aod 7bomaa eaoaM maeli gratifiratmn afnang iba friend ol tfai North end the Canfedaralo laen daetiaed ihraa par oani while ihara waa a alight itaB af newa boravarwhieb claim ad moat aiteaiiae waa the atdin af General Dix la paraoa Ceofedraia laiden Canada il naoaaary Tb Loedaa 7ae ramarkt that if lh Amariaan cavammeoi iaao ill adviaad u ta aead Ita iraepa aeraaa tba Canadian fiao- liar a vary aeriooa miaadratandin nd wih ngtonand New Yot lay ba tl 7lw ment cave nciiee lo Ociaber af ita inten tioo la ineraaaa a arfsamani an iba Ukaa aad it wilt iberefore ba able lang balora tba opaaihg af oavigaiian ia tba til Law renea la bava u many warahipaan tba in tiMiniaanibtiaBritTb gmra Blent nnlaea H ahooU bare malatial for boilding abipa aod arming and rqapnieg Ibam oniba Cetieian sboie will flc it iboaltbalSib ef April wiib aaly w Hw each lake lo oppoae ibred RedoetiMM ef iha army are la ba eflae n a giaod aeata ty Aaairia and lialy raa Mio ibo luliao redDatioo will be fl 00 men An efliciel talegram dated Calcntta t 12 annaaneea that iba or ttkokbawbam waa eaptarad by lha H ritb lha amali of 9 olftoart ai inn ThakaMiMm waa vry Tkirt Saapanatona were ennonnt of Ihrre gar rtfiieiy hooaea in filagn vix JoliB Rail i fc Co BiMt aijiecfl and Bairtl Nalaoo A Co lor aboBl SBi- American RoTolotion New Yosk Jaa 0 Tba Wilmiagton Joornal uya Bragg s wiitieo a latter breathing tba epirtt of Cbriatiao hope He uye there la no of alarm bo eaamy bat Wii mingtoB and Fri Fiaber With tba pra- nt fnroa h thaV ba will baahla tore iat aoy faribor ailimpi on Wilmington lod elMoa by akiag the prayera el Chriatian for bimaalf and Iba armr Tb RicbmtrdtMM of the 0h ays reports of bharman having rruaa- Tba Richmond fPAtg of tb 6h uya A Isrg oambar of raiMd daeertcre aod nen ara roaming over tbe oppar of Georgia coumtlliBg depra- daiioBs on the iah4biiana Tba Richmond Dftpauk aays lisee Sbermao lefl Milledgatilla iw hu clwBgad his policy lo that town Atlsnta ha wet all bardBca and bratslity At Saranaab h haa been all enndlintioo 7 Drspatck firgati mduel Tba Mobfia Tribune leama lhat on tha 8th prty nf Yankee ridera nam bering about lSOO reached Waat Pua- eagoala aod were ambeked oa lavacbee TlMy diroyad aeveral ferries SBd did itber damage CutCIXHATt Jaa 0 P llydane etleaaifa rolliag tnill at Porlamoaih Obin wu daatrayH by fire n Tburaday wUh a larg aiock of man- ifartunng iroa No toaoresea 71m eorrepoadertee of the ComtMr- elel Mlimates thai Hood tank croaa ihe Teeaan Rlvtr from 5000 1 t8 000 I eaptariag eempany of Teoi Pedval eavalry He then croaud tha Cbeluoonga railway balow TBilaboma tore ap a few ra4e and ibao WMved oa hie way tojtiD Perrtl HoeeellviUe Naw Teas Dc 9 Tb Timnf Hoatovill errpee dot dsUag 4tb snm op tb kaaat aiaea Hod atauoMd tb offnaiva agaiiMl Tboiw w follows Hoode loea la killed weaaded abd aiiiag aOU4 rbeuae total le 0100 Ia rbla loac ia gaaaraia kilird S i wawoiad and captured 5 Tbay alao iW loreea al ibat tiaia oewbered aly 17 OOOflSab A aw campaign i pr aod the army k in moUoa tba aaw baaa ef which will be near Coriotb Mma ihcD NeslivHI 0a TbooMe baadnartara will ba od the Taaa Bivar Dr Easiport la Um day Riebmood ppr of ib6tby a Mia- aouri brigade rbl waat irle baltla at PraakHa 658 aroag aad kiat 100 kill- ad 343 wouaded mod 06 epiored This wa a baile Iba rabolt clum m a ielory Tba leralde off CberUalM eorroe- poodeut Jao laiaayatbu Coaaataader Prabiae oaval brigad haa beet dteband- ed aad otet baek to tb vaaaats t which ibay beleeg Ntw TWk Jaoaery 10 Lt rebel pepers sbow Ul Davis haa aow ea bw bead qaarrele with tbe Goveraars of MiaiaMfp Gaaegia aad Akbaaw Tbe Riebmood Wb tbtaks tb alldgd pace mieaiaa ef tb two Blaira eailM Che Uaitad Sialaalo bacaaMdered I exielcaee Tba Cbarlaatoa Coarier aaya Hood has baieberad hie treop u rc vt Graaldid Tba BicbBad Whig prtaU lt- aab eWnpwaHea- Margailbat tb r pen atreeitiu abargad apea B MilWdgeviUa ara wbally aafoaad diu af MdladgvilU alt write that ae aaeb vila waa cvor aaad er vei atHBBiat TW RM af tb 8th By evac f Ib by Pfidai frai tb tf f lb ArBy f tb Jamaa aad iba Departaaat Vwgiaia aad Nartb Oroliaa aad erdrd to report at LewN Haaa Tb a daeaaMi Iba eaaa dirctd bia t tara far ha eewaaad le Iba paraea aaead by 6a Gtaat at bia laap ry iMar Geo ON lately la charr af tba Siib corpa bat tMceedcd ItmpoiarBy to this laipotlaat potitio New Tofk Jaa 11 A Norfolk Itfttsr of tb lOtb to tb PhiUdelpbi Vn aays lhat two heavy exploaioa ware beard at Kewbcn oa tb nint oflb4lb aad bliv4 to b at WiloBgtea Tb Sleigh CntderaU of tb 20ih Mv Tb Pedrrala after ceostdcrsbl aklnaiahieg bad advaaoad to within mil of the 0afdrat works al Kioga- tea Ib fora Tb reaslt wu awaited with maab anxiety CmcotrrtMl- Mr P A TrenWsy b beea elected for Chienvtimi by aujority of aboat 950 over tb oppoaag etiidate Mr- Kaee Caiso Jaa 11 Advice frnm Nei Orkaoi stale Ibat Gea T W Sberaia aad tiaffarrircd al that city ea tbe mers iag Star Tbe goaboal Battle wu dettreyrd by gwenllat wbila aUtere where ie watdrir- ea by Ibe ttera bettwua Vichaberg sad Natcbet A letier froB Mobile le a cilizea New Orleau seyt fifltiag wet going i a tbtt viciwiy ea the 31t all Tbe tieamer Dallia frOB Nataaa wi eel ot aad caplared from Gelrettoa c tbe aigbt of ibe 80b leraibr 6bc bad 130 balea ef celtoa oa bwrd Saitot ITook Jaa li Tbe tleam AmtraUMn boad oat it atbon helfway between Ibe lonibwaat spit sai ibe west bsak Sb ia aot Heir lo gti off aatil hgb water loBibt TIm wia it aortbwaki aad Mowing frrahly Tlia CoBfedaratioa 8cbem The filtwing it a ropy afa tcptlch aldreaaed br ibe Rtb ilo K Cerdell M P tecciary Af 8aie for Ibe Col- llii Kxtelleoey Ibe Gorer Gnnada Ko 93 Iowvi5c SraxcTSrd Dre 1864 Mr Loao Her Majotiya G itb the a xdtal wderalioa Iba Reflet Repreaeatativea of tb wveral Preiiaci ol llritih North Amatiea wbtch ei attembed al Qaebec IFlb Ibe aercliaa af tba Crowa ai apoa Ibe iavitaiioB ol tbe Gorereor Gn eral mea of every IVovinee rbotea I the reapeelira Jyeaieaaat Qntcaor vitboat ditiiectioa of parly ateMbkd i coafder qaetlMet of le al aoet ialeretl i every tahjitt of ibe Qaaaa of abatvi aiprtaal ialiieace Bp- oa tba fatal welfara ef tb bol com aoity Aaimaled by the wtraw trntiineoti if Igyaltr aad dveti lo ibair acvereigt eemeally deairoaa la aecdra lor tbeii pleriiy ibrrkBKboat aM ratare laM tbd b tbey aejoy a sabjectt of tbe BiitM Crowi4ieadmlly attaehe be iilBtiooa aader which tbey live ratieai rived at Rg miny diffiivlliet and calcalaied onder a favoarable aatic lo kav girts iu to awny d frreaces ti opiakta Sach aa cvel it i Iba bibet degrei baarahte la Ibote who bava lakea pari ibaa dliberalioaa It mal iapin loafideace ia tbe men by ba jadmeBl ladwill avi ridc ill bu of the flfary ieflM by lb iaMilatiQaa aadar which tber qnl- btva beea ao aiagally developed Her Majetlfa gnverameat have vea te yoar despatch aa totbreoa uCl cf lb confcrcace their aMf dIbe iJeraliea TWy have rearded 1 whole sad a batisg beea design ed by lbe who have fraad ibem tc et labi a complete aad perfect a aaioa of Ibe whole iato oae garrrameat tbe tsaeea of the exitiag inUrrala idmit Thy aerrpi ibem there fore u beiag ta Iba deLbcrate jadgmeet oflbate beat qatlified lo decde apoa Ihe aaMct Ibe iKtt ftaoHwork of a matare i be ptted bj the Itapenal ParKaeMat ilfaiaiag ibat mott deirabla reaalt Tba potal of principal uapotlaac lo tbe praclical wll workiag of ib efbem it tb aecarai drtaraNUtioa af the limits betweea Iba lharily of the caalral aad tbat of Ibe lecal leialatrra ie ibier- btioa to each elber It baa aotbaea pa ixclada from the raaoialiaee aaati which apprar lo be liwa aa eitleat thaa asigbt perhapa have beea do tired with Ibe sMity aad aaily af tbe lyttem Bl apoa Iba vrbata it ppei 10 llr Majays gnverameat that prt atioaa have bM takea wbh tr obvi omly iateadcd t tacre to ibe ceatn govervtaeal lb meu ef eleeiir actie ibre lb aaveral Prari aad I Bird agjiaal thcu evilt irbieb watt it itabty arit if say doobt wera parmilled cxiM aa I Ib rpetir tral aad local aetbotliy Tbey tre glad t e thai allboagb large power m legitlalioa ar iaieadcd t b reeled ia lecal bdiac yet tbe pnaeiple ef cealrel eealrol bat bua atJidly ke I ia View Tbe imporltac ef tbs priacipl caaaot b vrrald lit nMiteaBe i meBlial to tb peactcal cftaMBcy af tb tyalam aad lo ila fearomiieoa epmtioa bitb ia tb genral adauattie aad ia Ibe goveraoMata ef tbe severBl proviacei A very imparUat part af ibie aabject 1 lb expea wbieb may allaad Ib work mg af tbe ceatral aad Ibe lecal gover aeata tier Uaaslys gaveraarat esa aat bat expraa tb areat bof that lb arraageaMBts wbieb auy b cdapled Ibia rapt any aol b aaeb Mlar iaeraau al laaal ia aay uawderabk degree tbe whale expeadtlare ar la aaka say mataeial addiiioa ta tbe tatatiaa and thereby rtant tb iatereal iadulry or t leiapeu aaw brdas ea tba asarc of lb caaatry liar Msalye gnvaraawat ar ieas t a tiata m ceavayiag to yea Ibetr gvaeral approval of tba proeeedmgs af tb eoaferiie Tber ar bowvr two prviiiaa f grl iaipariaaea whMb taaa ta raqatr rvaioa TW firti of ibcM it tb proritiea caataieed m ib 44h reeltioa tlb rpect to tb tb prerogativ of pardoa It Hr Hsjetls geveraa t tbat thit dly baloagt to lb rcprtsUtiv af ibe 8evr- rig aad eeald aet with p b d vted epoa tb lMlaaet Gtvanort wb winaet dr tb pratacba b appiBid dirui by tb Crawa bat by tb ccatral govt of Ib Uaitad Pro- Tba aaaead peiet wbieb Her UaMf I ent wbwa bava ioflgaoced Ih Coafsrau ia determiaiag tbt aMde ia which ibit body to icDportshI lo Ibe Caastiiatioa ef the Lgitlalara tbald be compoted flal il appaera a Ibem la reqaira briber coaeid- rslioa wbeiUr if ibe atambert be ap pointed for hfe aad ibatr aamber fixed Ibere wiN be say tflkil auat ef r- loriag baraony balweaa tb Igitlaiira Coeil ad ih popilar Amembly if it abatl ever wefrrtsnataly bappaa tbat a de cided dftrBce of opiaioa Ml ariu be twraea Ibem Tbet Iwo poials rltiag le tb pr rnptiv of lb Crwa aad t th Coaati tatioa ef tbe Upper Jbaaber have ep- paared lo reqalre ditliaet and separate ao- iice Qjcaliou of aieor conseqoeaes aod BMtlert of dolssled arraagcmeat may properly be reterred for a fatere licM wbea Ihe porttioat ef lb bill iaieaded I be tabmilled le tb Imperitl PsrUaMai alall cocM iato ceaaideralioa Ua Ma jaatyt Goveraaeat aaiicipelet ao scriaat difieulty ia ibit part of lb cte aaac lb reteltiet will geeerally foead aafieieatly explicit lo gat ibote whe will b ea tratled wiib lb preparatie of Ibe bill ft appeart lo them therefore tbet yoc tbtold now lake iaatdiele measarea in concert with Ib Iaeul faovernor ef nf tbe MVeral Proviaci for bqilltiw to Ibe arvertl leitlalret ibia prrject of lb coafefeacc aad if u I bcpe yo ar abV lo report Ibtl Ibeu lagialaieret taeclioa aad adept tbaacbeaw Her MtjatfyaCev- emmeat will reader yev all tbe swtlaoce ia Ibeir power forcarryiag il iaio eSecL Il will probably b foaad lo b ib moil coavtnieal eerM thai ia coicerl wiib tb TeteuDl Goreraort yot iboalJ wleet a drpataioa of Ibe pertoat Mlilid t Ibat c irfit of their c bb- vpna any 8etlioo which mcy ria rinn ibe patrage of the roraare Ibrooefa two Uoef of ParUmrat I bare r Signed E CARUWELU Gv Vta Monck 8u Tbe York Beads vr cuw it aro whaihar ffome eily of erima or ihe tarvoillaaaa af police or Ihe aeiBey of tb ey Aad It wagratifylBg aia i thai io Ibia coenty oe praia haaa iocliiied WW ander the ntoaalty af iflg te raaort to erioa for a lltlhJ for b blivd tbat la tbaaa d CooBiiu there woo aw peepb aaaaalM ed at pruaai Not having batU lb Coaoty Atieroer who aafcne iiaiely U III Aod ao CreWn efllear a W wbe wu eweia btvlng baaa apptM la bie Mead be did Dot kaow lfibw wore aay persons oat for bailable eia- au who aigbl ba broaghl bafar daring tbe Aaisa H MgaBliL lhrfore ibst iboy ehoald edjoora fm day or two and ia tha meaatia ha would u ihCoaBty Atteray Crowa nfier who eoaM giv eaal ormatioa u woald aaabl the Jury to proeetd witb botin w hlro ditcberge tbem frea farther m Tb Civil dockot ie anuaaly laaa Car tba Wiatar Aaeisea laara baiag sim defended aad twratyevea nitiTiadid eaaeu ut dowa or trial A large portioB blog for eater Coaarie wbit ceoorle for ibe largeee of ih deki A nombr of tb oodftidad ea were diepoeed of doring the afterac snd th Coart adjogra till halfaai Bin oclock thit moraiBg Tbe plaiatiria Ibia caaewl payer sad ekclor of tbe Uaiied Caaatiev filed a bill prayirg that ibe defeadai Ibt Wardea aeiieg for litem ahoald be re trained from iiag debaiili ibao 20000 for tbe parchae of theta oed from Ibt Goterameaf aal a By Uw for thel rrpeec aboald be fint fb- nitted lo Ihe electoraof Ibe Uaiied Coa ie at reqaired by tee 234 ef lha Mei iipl Iwtitatioaa Aei Ia Moadav kt Mr OConaor for Ibe blained pecial leava from iba CbaarelW i lioa for yetlrrday Wedoetday iff sod Mr Edward Blake ft dcfdaalt aliffs eoaasel coaaieaud to ap t wbea Mr Blake ftr daeadsi id tisted ibet be rat aol Ibeo pt pared te raiat ibe matioo aed be tba re eaked aa enlargeawnl til Moay xt apoa bia nadertakieg at eoatl lbi I dWalret ahoald b ralie aor aatil Ibe moiiAa ahoald ba ipoaed af by the Coart- Upoa tbia an- derataadiag which iaeqai t iranted iba calarg baa I taa qail clear LI lb Coaacil powert lo iaae debMiterae ia the rred bf Ibem al tbair apei ia Nevember latt for aa amo ibtaSSOOOO Tbeasuataf ekcton abtaiaed ia Iba regalar way bulely aeeeanry aader aa 934 t loet tee 235 laterfer witb tbt aeeetaily DcatrvetxT Fire ia KlBgitdft- KfQiTO JIB 11 1865 A lf took pla la tba City Ilill laaC evaoijig origiactiog in a printing oftea in Ib iwr part ef lb mlding By Ibe exsrtioa ef tb firemen tb mala bonding waa uvd bat tb leu by tb portioa diroyed will otiiBi te 10 000 laat vennt tb Bd fVealiag oe Klag 8ut direy tbaaelioa room of Mr Cbark MeMillaa aod boalb tb eloek lowr t raged witb great fury bbID it Tb peetloa baiMd wu earapM by tb Cemaaea Sebeol Librarr- TMDra iau ef Naaara MeMillaa straiten i Co Wray aoetioBr Ligbtfbot Job pria lag D- Corrigaa D- Flvaa faoay storw E Garvia P CaapbalT previsiM deal- art twaiyix baieb eiafla witb tbair eooletsi incladiag asay of tbr boi aad all lb bakiUrt atall and cdltra 0oatBiaiBf tbair ctaek wera d- atro Tbe teul teu of parttaa eel iodndiag balabers or backftra ili BBlad at aboat 112000 witb iasaraaea aBoaeting to aboat 4000 Tbe Towa Hall Cacrelal Naw Rooats Britieb 8aak City Ueetry fie Coaaeil Tbaabara and tb Citv CW aad ChaBbarlaiaa Oftea wr al cleared ready Ar TrUrapl Tork sad Paal iris Tha Winter Ause af ib Unltd CoHBliu of York aad Pul war o yelerdy ia tbie dly hi lordaMpi Ju Morriaoe pridiBg fb foIlowiM petleaaa wera twora u lb Oread Jary Meeera Bartboloaew i Ball Pore- aaa J Aadrew Philip Araatroag Lyasa Creebr Robert Clarke Tboau W CoWard Jeba PairbaUa Wa Fab or Vf 0 Gwyoaa Joba O Howard Magb8aTboaMa Keaaady Cbarl S Lawranca Jaatu Lawraoea JeoMa Maaaiag Arab Riddall Albert Webb dWa Wrigbl Tb Oraad Jary bavieg bea hk lordship ald ba bad aacb pler ia aoagraialatiag thaa oa ib 6 ibal lead of a e b bad i a reel lb 8briff aadeaiar eccerd- 4oaoeieat aaga wbaa tMra war peear la gapl Ibe trial a pair of ita glavaa It aeaM aei bat be a oat- of pride to tbe gaatlaaMa af tlw Graad ry atd to avry praa Uvkig lelbeaeeeeatiae ta fiad ibaiaa erioa had raaaatly ba eaoMaitied wilhie tbeir llmM of sacb a aaiar u le raqatra aa Ait trial Oae before ia lb oeigh- Mrteg eoaaty of OaUrio aboat yai igo baJad raoaivd ib wbit Faniaaa aad Sealpla A eorrepeedal writing ftea BrfU e lb Haailtoa Spenottr aay a told tb FaiaB bav 3000 ai bera ber aad tbay bav a vary lara io wbieb lo lbir priaaU ing Aboat tb tia ef tbtV I midnight prad a naabar f thaa mi frota bar Boa f ib mmber of tb ordr la talkiag wki OB aoother ai ibeir daily werk if terrapted by a paa sf stsddsaly aaa talking I will aot oe do I haBa aav Caaadiaa will be tbe laal alaradia if tb 8000 with tbir piku era A lin I am ioclinod to tbiak tbsyvl be in a deeidad harry te gai baek Mia to Bjfi4lo Iba BaCtiopaad aalvu ara io great dreed er a raid Every bank eM bu a mvr a bb dak evry third or fotirtb eiliata Iba is abl la srmod witb a revelvar Tbi polio whether free ellah or elba tivca whcpr amoag tba waahby ibra ar a grat nnmbar ef Miaagsn a ibe eitv wbM tbey dont kaewi ea what wsiBaa tbay doal kaaw TW wealthy ar ia eoaaaqaaa aiMd if tfalr boasea baiag firad aad atk tbp jampera lld aealpen Two a Ma of tbem joio togatW oae er tva af whom bav polio stara aeda tbira VbB tby fi good aibj ald a greeney tby obarga him arltb paatia eeaaiarMt BMoev aed drag bia aaay la tba diraetioa of IM priaea m Ibey aWa Oa tbeir way a coafadria ateea Ibao who p Ib prisoaer lo liakl4 the MBty aad wyi to Ua tla4i Abes aoldier will mt be liabU a h prceeeeted crieiaally Tbe vioiba aab Weh CouRTT JoDci or Gair by special lekgraa froa labae caatrary lo prerinat report H PWrtAB ba baaw faaiA4 1 if tb Coaaly ef Grey 7fa6 Tba Qaabee cVat etalaa lb of tb bi iee bridgaa I ty Ur Stwveaeea ef Otawa bii bee appointed C of ib Qi Biiak la Quabac ia plue ef Mr W Daaa wb hu rga A aaw oSee 1 ea hnuraed baa beat eraetad ia tbe Coarl of Cbiaasry illad Ibe Accoantaat bat what Ms duiie are 1 caaaoi laara 0 JadM Sheet ef tha SaperiaCMrt SbarW gir dBlta ia tradrfaeauiaadifreattay le lb Jdg af Bs ia Maalraal Ha dlare dittiectly thai be did aet fa eider a praclaatiea acary U 24tb Vie chap lia forta SrairtET Towmair No Paoazsi Tion Iba By Law te briag tba pi UbiietT previiteaa f tba TBptraaa Act iato operaliea ia tba taOTn a 8Ub1t eoaaty ef Hatea baa baaa 4 TbevaUeieadlMftrlaa aad 153 for ao U Aa Qtraerdiaan sail k tm fora lb Coarta ia Breouya YoA ItialbatefayoaagpeeNM wbe aaiar prteaed la a laaaHa aalaa m iaM iba feO la lav wiib Hearj Wai Beher aad wb aow briagi aa a Bovrtmoir W DASttsere W gM a laara tbat the Teapaa lae h aD prebabOiiy baaa aiW la Drllgioa Oa Fridey algb U bad a mmimitj U aboat 100 vota aba w Salary waa laaaaasi to idt W Jwiiy WMU tll heomttW lit of Moai poBUg wU U dt J of Ik OA JOKm Buunt on Jtmo Ooul- Tb MMtl d tlrt Jl Bh rf tW Comrt n Q Coir imimrn l Hi Blaek c B to 11 thai to J tb rv of Ibat Itnkyd tb ahova paragraph W haa nmli ilk Mr Cthri 2 ll Ml iacoT Jl 0uil BaancrT Act Oa iag laat two ycaag tkiaeslrss ever vilhg f Batb 4a aMtmrb i rtite Umv it 1IJ Jjrjl M il It Ma wiU O Ikn IM boa fcl ho abol at Tb r ACTOa 7t IrTbeSlT 7135 aa a PiaMitM