Newmarket Era, 3 Feb 1865, p. 2

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THE NEWMABKET ERA FEBRDAR 8 1865 Vw AdvrUMBtoU- N- Mhjfat K lVilQhoch Train Tim HirmAriiet K o tM thai ih Cojnty Trosrarfr hi oveberfor ttierxpesdilar rAi ad lhal the wdcr fr pjaink H n by be tnthoritj So fur as hart bfo able o jide tbe riprndi andr he itimrdiaia dirrelioii aad rol of lh Cojnj Coaneil Tor moat baa Lrcn jadieioi and ccoaoatl bat 1 eaonnoo aanaa tspcQMa of thi Toobij are molulied aad tgcrejrated bjr fee eharjset eta and be ponbaM Ot ianiiriea om vbioh the Coascil bare t jartadieifta lo Ihia e eoneie oi MBaidfaI teai b vms Taka Ii qscala for iaalanee tlif im is a m iare coe and by Uw Coonm ao diapo- el can ftvell ibcir fea o an amaiii amflno band in heir areoania o t ScainB baiie paiMii bt boae t Fra i Nfwntrket Friday Feb 3rd 835 A Change Required Tbe more vr examine into the iiinae- ment of our Manieipal affjira tbe niore we are aatiafied of le occoacitj fathr leyiaUliao is otder to Mcarf be eoriac tiM of many bti atleadiox be prmiM workiag of the ayatcn Fo 1 aa iboM orer the CooBtiea Coaneil baa no cootro poaaeaa power to inenr exfvnae and orJaf tbe payoicat of thoouaJa of dltia withoat tlia eonaeot of be peof4a repreaeaUlim it ia uaelMa to talk of eoOBOBiy or find fault with nur provin aaitaal azpanilitnte A little cbeee p iag in tbcir ova aataxiea or of tbe nai dpalofioeraaotlertbeirireaediaUeonlrol faiia to reaeb tbe fraitfal acroree of th obirf dUabilitie aoder vhieb we labour ha reat erll liei la tbe want of control by booa isBMdialely rcaponMlle to the people orer tba etpenditare i the aJtalnikiratioa of otTil and crirbinal Jutice aod bia bas been rendered doably opprcuiva by our c ewneetion wiih tbe City of Toronto- Ta order reaiore to a certain extent tbae diiabitiiiea anl U lesaen oar aanaal expeaditare the Cbuntita Caneil repeatedly petitioned Parlij- BMnt for An Aei o duaolre tbe Boonc- tioB altOjether finally a Bill wat paaaed oatetuibly foe thai parpoae bat Toronto iaflaenee oo fr ptcriled aa to procat ibe ioacrtiiM of a elatue rirtoaliy rcaJerinir tba neaaarc of litHe or ao practical raloe inatmncb ai it allowa partiea reidio in be City lo eater tbeir cuea for trial bcfcrc tbe Conrla of tbe Coanty if tbey cHooae asd thereby aaddle apos ua b pxpaaae cofioeeted therewith Take ht lAKXiiVooD trial last year aa aa in ataace Tbe crloia with wbieh he wai charged woa oonotilled ia tba Ciytl Coroner aeadiag bifi up for trial be longed to the City but for all tbit L was tried bef re Coaaty Cnrt and County JaryMea and tbe Uoited Cvan tlva hare had tbe ezpenaas auoontini to lioadred of dollar to par Tbit bringa oi to tbe reeoad crll cod- netted wiih oar present lysteo In tU AdoaaUtnttoa of our critainal jUktics thuuaBBda of dolUrt arc expended annual ly orer wbiob tbe Cuanties Cuaudl baa no eon tr I but yet are auppoMd VfiB a eoatrollia ibflueuce Not tbal men ia oSes take more ban tbe law al lows b aO exeeedisgly Ligb not to aay exorbiUat are the fees ia many cues tbal when tbe eoata cf each aeper ata trial are traced out and added togetb er Queena eases of Utt oioacut swell t4 aloMSt ioeredible aoMUnts Tl roBia are eerUSd le by Jud eostin aally aarrounded wiib iboae wbnee pock ta are directly latereatcd oAentioies wilboot tbe aligbtcat apparent regard to eaormoua ebargea nude in tarn beac nne accoanta audited by tbe Oorernmeot Aaditora and ao order dnwa upoa the Treasurer for tbe amount wbo mutt pay tba aam demanded TLis wa regard as one of tlte evila of tbe ys tern of MBBteipal maaiBent andci whieb we labour for wbile there ia an apparent abow of a raoedy agiinat ex- ccoaire charges or aneootrolUble aratiee tbo eoapiiealed aatare of the BuchiMiy throogb wbiefa tUa deweiiptiea ofobarie and aeTaata are mmipalated before r4ebiag tboaa wbo hare tbe money to raiae tbat tba Coaaeila are pi eorrett or tren aitigate tbo aril aad it ia allowed pasa For years tbe Coaaeil of tbeae Unltod CouatiM bare eougbt to bring aboat a reform in tbts respect bat with ao many Bca ropreMBtiog either direetly or Udi rectly tbe afal aad Ueal iateraata W ToroBto tbal all tbeir efcrta neutralltad or abortire Tbe waaU ebaagBg aad 0 aocoanta should be paid aatil afier paaaiag tbe Fiaao CosatUoa of the CiMiUy CoubcU Ui lil qaite raeeatly we wor oader tbe to prcaaioa tbat a large proportioa of tbe expooaeaof Crinioal Juatice ao fa tb Coaatiaa were ooaoeraed in cob ties with tbo oSoaa of Clerk the Pi aod CoQnty Attorsey Sheriff Cobb tables Coroatra bad to be audited aod al loved by tba Covaty Aadilon bat I tbia wB werB miaiakea We maiatAiaod tbia riew la b disesaie tbroogb the OAlsmss of lb ra aboat b ytar ago with Mr X we howerer atatod par opioioa waa baaed poa ioforiBatioa ebteii fro others whoa tboBfht eaepBteet to girt it rather tbaa upo koBvUdg Frots perBooal aaiaatios isto tbe matter wb bow ihia idoB M only errooeow but tbe CMty Aaditon aro poworkaa to eorroot TBB eaeaBsiTB BxpeaditBtB for tbo eotata to a Urga aosovBt ar aoditod bf GoforaBOBl Aaditora or poMBd by tbe MagistraieB it Qaarter Sa aad as osidBr draw spoa Iba Coaaty Traaaarer aad aotaally paid before boiag exaaiaBd by tbe FiaaaM Ceamitiea of ib CoaaeiL AH that th Coaatf Aaditora eaa do u Jircctly rrvponsible to he people the Cotialy Trrasfirrr and y Iske tbe oSce of Hich Cnnstal le an ICcr appointed and sal y fixed by be Qaarler casiona ia lli caac of llce CoBntiee be el fuur bna- drtd dollars prr annan Of vhat real practical aiilily is Ibis cScer If be bni duty to in moet cases there in special psy allowed tbo aaie aa fvr an ordinary Conatabla I is ia many ol lbe binga be asehicety of lieal iv eramcat wants orerhiuling and clearing f uticaa lumber ay tboM wbo have dual Krvice to peiforn and who dis charge their duiiea faithfoliy and pay them well lot the system wants simpli I tying and brought more immediately un der tbe ewntro of iKe mea dircclly retpoo- ilte to tbe people and wbo bare to fur nbb most of tbe money Hhort of thi nur czpeDsra will iocrrue rsther thD di- miaiab from year toyear aod oar taxation grow more bardenaome aod unbearable Tbaae Coaotiea eapeeially want furtbrr tegialstioa AH eonneetioa with ihe City nait eease for jadicial parposea be fore any reductioa ia our aanaal expco diture for erimlnal jostl ably anticipated Why aboald tbeae United Cuantic be taxed handredii upon huadrcds of dollan for bringing tojoi lioa soeh a man aa OtKKitwcKiD was purely a City eaaa but tbeae Com ties were cran ehargod for aummonin witneases for tbe trial and we rental to sssert without fear rf sueeeasful coii tradklioa tbat our oosBcetion wilb Tt ronto for eriainal and ciril jaatiee awclla oar annual expenditure thoeaaads ofdol lars witbout power or authority to secun redreaa or proeare abatcseot not tbat the cfieera of law take more tbaB tba StatuloB allow bot we are called upon to piy expenas that abould properly be brne by the City We shall ibis aabject again id of ihe latlrr and s think the ooo- elaaioa arrired at Ibe most wise aud ju- If lha ProvinoB be dirided iato large Iritl ihej nnnuti mint b delegates will bare to trsrel long disianors to mcrt raeb other from lha aereni sri cieti mtly in elect one man ihis sys lero would prote bordensome and ibe matter niltol or if the other mode- be adopted of Daaiiog men al the at aceiing he aam difficolty now pldined of will be caperiene aa at em and a miaotity man selected It itrikes aa a being the mol feasible plan lect tbo Board at th annual meeting of the Prsrincial Assoeiatioa aad we maintain ifihat meeting ia coirpetent to select a President it surely slould be eoiu- potent to aelcel Oireetors The pUa pro- toBod by Mr Cowan will fail to oraats ilw increased inlereat drsirrd while al the some time bis system will prort lur- A TBy rxesllent lecture wa td itai Pndy evening beforB imiied aidiinry by Ur nCMaao Lawta r Tufiatj iBdeal wiilnil aisgera ly asy it was smong tlio bosi Zrr tbo s ig IIIBO aelectioas ilood Taonysoo oilir pneis wore fiisKlaBa while dooHpiioaa of tbe power BDd iuflu- ef poetry were ekcolient Srry we iliai ao few tbo reembois com- pvativoly war proaont on lha occa- This Ling CLaaKB odhor of Ibe CuHoJa Farmtr t tbo iBStityie Tbo eubjeci cbooei of gfOBt ioiereM le BwnyTh losGis of North America Of iho biUuea of Mr Ciiixi as a leciurer we aiiool speak from peraanal knowledge but be Itas ibo repuiatioo of boog aU botb itilertei and inairoel bieaBditory w ihst tho Inatitute ConimilieB Br ug all bay caq to awaken an iiicroee ed iotereei in tho ateooiaiion we tfosl it nembers fll eecond tkoir onUrla by at eadBg largoly tbo pute locturoa Amendmenta to the Muni cipal Law- The Ilcjn Mr Aikina bu introdBced I bill io tbo Upper IIoaaB proridiog for reatrietiag ibe claa of roloiif oo By- Laws for the ercalioB of debt Jt ii a rery inportaat Bill aad girca power to be proper parlies luee 1 proridea that no HyLaw of any Maaieipeliiy for tbo oraatioa of a or liability or for raising money BpoB tbo credit of a MuniripBlily other than tbo ordinary expendiluro aad aot payabU within tbe awao Muuicipal year shall be faUd aaloBB before tbe final paastBg tberaof it rooeiveB tho aaaeot of raers of roal rstale wttbia tbo limits of tba Muoicipalhy and of ancb real fistale fur a term of years then aeyct unexpired at Ieat eua to the period ocr sibicb peymeals oa accoant ot su debt or riabiltiy will extend Tbia claaae should read ao u to pro- ride for tbe asMeat of a majority instoad of all Ibe owaert and lasoBS as th read- iag now soeaa to imoty Koj Claaae 2ad proridcB the manoer ofob- laiaiog tbe saaaat of tbe qualified rotera io the osba way by a roto oa tho By Clauso 3rd deteralaoa the iDode of pro of to TOte aa ofraal Mtate Tbia Bill if eeaotod will cat off thooe too ready to cmte paolio debts for the loero aako of eaploaeat The Hew Agriealtaral Bill- From a prirato esaaaaioatioa rcoeir ad from Qaabeo wo asdacstand a atroag ooatOBt b aatidpaled oo tbo aa Agri- oaJtural Bill boforo tbe Legislatsra Oaa party waat ha Board of Agriealtaro alao- l tha aaoM tima that tho Preaidoot of tbo U selaatsd rk at ihn at the ttbibhioQ Tbo other party want the Prorinoe dlridod iato twoifoiiatcieU Bodaa diatriat to AAor girtag tba oattor tamdi i tbo Ni York Agrionliaral So etotj doesdod lo faror tbo fonaer aodo Matontc Ball at Hewmarket The Glefft of yesterday eontains Ihe followtBg Bctioe of Hie Maaonia Ball held in this pitoe oft Tortday erening Iset Ball at niwmaaxxr Masonic entertainments are prorerbially rrspeetablr snd the Hal wVteb took plaoe in tbe Mechanics ITall Newmarket oo Tnesday cTesin- under tha auspices of the officers and menbcS of Tosoan Lodge Was no exception to the general rule For some days prerioarly the coo miitoe of luanagcment Jisd been boty u r in sdrning tjie aparti wbieh tbe festifHies were to be btid and in otbcrwise making the necessary prelim inary arraBewcota and it must do eon fcMed that ia erery rcspeet thry aoeceed cd ercn beyond tlM aniicipalions of the moti aanguino Banners Hags mirrors and suitable derieca were rery tastefully ditplaed all arnuod tha hal a Ibis 0 n by a faabic able sseembly tho principal wbieh is about M large as 8t Lawrence llsll kwlcd really splendid The atten- daioe wae rary reepectable eonsiating chiefly of Ihe inlelHgenoa and beauty of that gay Tillage About nine oclock tlto members of he craft eaicted tlis HUl ia prooesaioa iujBtcdialsIy after which daao- ing was commeooed snd spart for re- frahmenu ibo tableo were laden ailb del ioBciea to abundaneo The saceea of he affiir is ia a great measure allribulsUe tbeesertionsufMcMrs Oamble Uouhbao and McMaaier who tbroughoi defatipible ia ibeir efforts lo reader ererytbing plasanl aod sgroaable There were aereral visitors from Toronto many of wbom were not a little aarpriaed at wilDcaing ao creditable an ealerUiO meat ia a rillige ofao little pretension SUrtrj Dy iho rota in bo Lower of tho Uuitod Siaies Coogreu on tbo Slst ult wo loora Uto ameiidineht or tbo eouetitutional oboli iioo of Stafery waa adopted by two thirds insjoriiy It was ao passod by tbo Souato year but lo give it of feci ibia aoMnjinoel must sill be votod oa and approvod by Ibe poople or by broofooriha of tbo Logiilnturoe of tbr iloua Vui Tbe ic Cougrese oo tbia cotailutiooal cbaoge stood 110 IO M This aciibO will lei wilb enraidrablo effecl upon iho South ern CoQodefacfor a it they will ae the uDCootpromieing apd unyiolding do- lorminatioa of ibo North to aweop ala- vory from iho ooDlinont before tbe wai shall eoeea Parson Brownlow- Tbii gsatleaaa ba been aontaaled for Goreraor by tbe Union State Coarentioo laioly held ta NaabttiU llis repi oa riaf Ibe iatiaaiioa ciesIy sbowe bis feeling wtih regard lo ihe war aiteAea I setiU i eoalrorersy bf tmnimf jmt Ibal I aiU accpl Af plaese 1 caoMt be oxpreted lodtaay- tbiog more aad I cerlairly oegbt to de bo n tbu lar M je i cniM mf Mcsro aad oafeigaed tbaaks fur ibo hooor lod dwiioelioo yoe bare eoaferred opoa bm Hit what 1 lack m aposking if tbo people tboBld ralifj the aaaiMtioa aade by you will try lo aake ap ta deeds aod aets ed Go4 betBg ay helper if yoa will send ip a logloro to reorgasise tbe mikiie led pSM otbor aeceaaary bsoiaoaa I will aa end to tbie inferaal aytem of guer nlla fisbliog n tbo Stale ia East Hiddis saJ West Teaaesses U wa bars lo sbool aaa coataaed ta lha busisas Sala Beyixtar lat7ebr Atb LaaU iir9vek Im eU asd r ta Wito neffiM4ba prefMlT at Mt Bleleyw al C ef Janea IS newt erter jaaspbaWp Psnioe bevMg thoii silo bills pointed 1 ibia oflloe will bsro ibeir aaloa aeii iruogb Ibe culuaaa of this paper Editorial Bamnary- O toaTO odeed to ibe Hoo Mr KcMatm SI L C for a supply of Pat- liamentary popoiejalee to J P Watu M P P for stmilisr fators Tbey will pleaao aeoopt oar Ibanks ia the Ch ufcb ea Tbersday aeat tbettkhaM at eoo oVUek Weadmad aweber ef apeokers a eipetied leaddraaa tbe vti aa lalii Cbeir win ceatrtb- 010 la tbe iaiast of lb w by faraleb la eecal aaaie Tiekeie Sfetfc ty- A aorioe of waekolght Mrrlooe weio oomoMocod in tbo Weeleyaa Cbapal Pieepoet Street oo Wodaoeday oreaiag lasi Wa BodotsiaDd it is iaioa to ooo itaoe tboeo sorvwee eo loag as ihoy piero iaioreeiiag sod prefiiablo to tbo boarora Tto ftogalM Sotriaaa a tbo Ciroait will ho bobl oa Sabbaih boxi roaaoociag al 10 ooloek o la wbon Bov Hr Piieo af Kleinbarg is ei pooled a ooodoci Ib exeretsoa of ibo oooa to oar report of the Cosaly Cooooil ptoeowtflage laei woek M waa aiaiod tbal Ml Bell SMved aad Mr Pkrabaa eaooad 4 tbo noaiaailoB of U 8 Howtaatf Eeq fer Warden Tbe oamoeeboald barobeeol tiantpoeod i tbo eaao atror waa nado both Ibo Toreoie Daily papers Aleo ia leal Mondays iM it vaa roported that a potitiun wss poaeniad liom sod others fsr the sppeintmsni ef Mrrii W Kiiigb ae Suparinteolent of the Yolk Rood TMs waa on oiror ll sbootJ bate load Depf Corrfgjjonlifnrf Temporaaea Keetag at Xattlebj- T Ikt f lU XtwmkH Erm la Ktriartke febewiag aecpwal ef a pnbtie meeiiaff 1 olUge rww la ibe Townibipef King wae beU el Kslilefy ee Ailnnlay 9lat eh fer ibe per peae ef erfaalsleg a Tewnahip 8erit to an ia coimaciiMi wilb tbe Ceoair SMkly A ooaihierabW BBaibvr ef laflaeaUal geolWoMa Tbe I orfMisad by caltieg Mr irowe le tba ebair and appeinling Mr A Praetor Seerttaty Tba foUewlai Jwepb Klbfa Pq PrtdJtnl Jeeaikan Bimen if fCi db IharWe HaatMr B q 94 Vkt Mr j Brows H drbata tkm tbifewrd whh laapeM la Iba adfiaahitUy erf awtsaot twiswr W ih Tewaatiin wilb ihe view M aaeuft tb dbpliva af llta TaiBpraire Acl af 14 It a J A faocrea 8 U i prm la wmk ej jForrign k Colunifll Arrival of the Ametioa- The ilaamabip Ameileb from tooib iiitononihe lileriirml ibis morning The TYairs aaye ihat ean the moai e Afiicaa intei o Coiifetleralai or Engfai s in Ibe Hhrmaeti oiiiale Rotopo by ftoi tInyleniJ weald rejtire in any acheme c miieipaiMn Eiy FOfepaan ac brwwtetlseJ ilw Republie when il wa Siiserowd by ibe onijtoima pormitiinj larecy aa fully aa tbe Coufcdeiaey peimil il imw Why atwolil ataoJonmeoi by tb legniiion tbat i p lb vffai o Pietawtufaie The iJea f ptepi at ig Spain ibe noat ebaiinate fot laeiy la a- ecceniiw aa lo ibiew doubi Ibe toeltir of ibe wbote Jiaeoaaien Ilolhead Flelcbaifc Celimbora tra era bare- failed LiaUliiiea beavy Lqiilailon prospects aiifavoteWe Thempaon It To Aaeiniiisn morcbants faiUj Liabiliiira tO Cenfetleraie Imk 66 lo 67 Frenob renia 7r Se 000 Ainral ef the Caba NawYoiK Ji Tbe aieamhip Cuta from I ind Pioaeia ilialoo paiiieipaiion ia ibi ulee repi bo gikMod ol Federal ligbi Ilk 11 raae Puaaia aboud d lien fbrmorty otTared lo ibo effeel lha i7 ifia wouhj only coneeni to eonesailMi epon boiof oompenoated by aa oolargemoot of bet iermao border Leapoii Jan IS tj telegraph la 1 taaaatewn The Viof ef Piuaeia baa opeted iba Cbaatiera lo hie apeeeb tbe King eoye ibai atepe are to IM taken io fora a Pineaian naty Piehminaiy aaireyaate being made fei a oanai between ibe Baltic aotftbeNortb Sea aod the Ducbioe are lo be acqelred LirarMi Jan IS The sleamer Llia a blookaJe rnnner hence from Wilmtngion ria Beraada wu letaily loat ibia aortiing off the bar of tbe Mefaey Tbo Iwae of lile is froa eigbioon Tho sleamer Afiina frea Boeloo arrired aiQjeooiwn Aniral of tbe Porarlaa loniibofrom Liverpool BitiJ0paaOBbo lhhaeeniodh Puieer Biewoo repwta thai she was do tained off Loajb Feyte by a fog aiileea hours aihl did aot eail fiem Loaodeiiy until Saiarday rbe itld al 9 a a and ar ned bere at 6eoteeh p a lo dey brim ao iapertw aewe laior tbao Fidey Meaara SebeiftoM aad BiigbCbod boon oddreMiOK ibelreooaiiieoateaiBuaiaakBa spieeeod rogrwt at ibe the Ukee ion be said ho waaM prepared lojoia io tbo peiicy wbieh smuld atosetberereileofc Ibo iatii ooe oatoo mlgbi tbiak tolofiicl Mr Bright expwietod oa ibe Iriompb of tho aoaiatorreaiioo pwiioy In Briiiah ooli iMO la regard lo Parliaaanury itiitm be said it oMld b RMta bo pot to iboa oeotd Ibo fiogto Baatioe lo ibe Aaer ieaa Coogrese for tbeogb it wae alwaya voted a groat aaisaaoe aa4 aot to bo talL od abool Aaarioa io now ia doodly aaa fliet with tho negae suadiag fenh ia largt PropMtiooe and dally gaining fioodoa Mr Biigbt aeod aaoy sueng atgamoote io seppoft of tbo otlonaioo of Ibo fraiMblee He poiBted lo tbo order aod trtsqaility with wbieh ailliooe retod al tba rooeat PreaKleaitat eloolioe ia Aaefioa Ae r gar Aaeiiaaa affaiia ho aaii ho parpooo- ryobaaiBod frea any obeerrataoaoa tho ajul aad Bworatal rorolBlioa whioh wae lahiag Plaoe M P had boeo delireriog a BOaiBisiniiooasd waaoapbai ieoliy ia fcveat of tbo Nonh Ua hod I CHoldaaao i bftthiaqi aotoiy aeloiioo Tbo Liverpool Fatt oars lhal oxieosiro erdeis lor aiay oleibiag lor bo rabola hare booaesocBtadiaUrortatoy Tweo 1 dool II Illy at Ibo Bolsdo Bonlongooy betwoon Count Talleyranri Pe Doke ie Monimoroaoy LarocbafuoeeBkl Oeko tbo plaintiff in a peo- ai the uraor aasoalng wiibMwL Ibeil Mm Oodevtl e Cooni do Pertgatd aUo reooir lifbt woonlo i1m Bouiiebsed firmer Betttos Uf a rbst Ibe iola I Is do iiained lo wiibdraw fma tbo alliaoco alher than permit Prsaeta to anoex tbo Dcbiee Pcosaia lesaid toeeek piineipat- f a diroet aiiiaooo agaioat rerolulienary Tte Caiholie teptaaontattvoe in itio Proa ian Chamber ef Dapwieo baro been tbo IM to endorao ibe deciaratiooeof PreeiJent on Giabeo Msioei tbo oolraea oo tbo ofleliietinn rffacled doring Ibe laat ihieo Ma They say ioeatidreaa ihai recon ran only take place wbeo ibe rovernment farmaily aeknowletlgea tbe ooalilutiaoalrigfal lo rdteoo bo Bsdget The MadiUt SalicUit a isnd from Pei a ctacily Mr Blsira imas brace Ibe substance of bis net ia ho least risggeraio II ia which be rermy coocrde o o If will oaly retorn to Ibe Uaioa bat these terms caool psrahaae oer bberly We are aolfihtiag forslarery oeilhtr fei froteclioB or cfteosion We aro wit to give ep alavery for oor bborty 0 iaicad to be iadeadeol aad free ot bo eiterainalod Tbo aoemy aigbt well aboodon tbe rffrt lo hi iba for savery as lo eel ibsrty We adail there are a creaat peopo ia lbs Stalos tbat wonid fell iboir liberty for tlieir aegroes bat tbey i Btteily cnotoMpiiblr Reoo Italioos are boiag talrodaeod ioto he Vir- giaia LegialatarBloobiagtoreooaatrocliOB el ibey will be reject wilb gaaaimtiy bicb will ferlbor the wretcbca and bailors wbo woold hove ibo aw ood dis grace wriiteo oo tho fair oaae of ibeir Slate It woebl bo most aortifyiog to b rosolotioos iotrodoeod aod we do ttly hope Ibat good msm may pre- tbeir beisg olbred This aecoad a of Mr Blair ia Ibe bot orideoca aa give tbat vtr poyU bare on y lo be Iroo to ibeaelres aad we ahall sson ejoice io Ibe eejoyoMal ofojr liberty iodopoodencs There is ao com troBiiso Ibat aay yet opra ihe way to sa It ba5 bNa seggsd tbal be bailed Stales will aekoowtedj Tbe Corrrapoodroea snnonooee ihst the joveitimeot will act onergetieally il tbe ncyelieal leiior la pobliahed wilboot Ibe laiboriiy of tbo Coaaoil ol Siate ibo letter ceofied botwen i Ppo Tbe Ueiled Stales will aekoowtedjs ear isdo peadence provided a realy of ceouaeree lod s kagwe defeokive aad oSaaaive lor be recogailioo of ibo Mooroe doctrioe 0 all Ibe Stales of North Anserioa caa be igreed apoo Wbea ibat propoeiiieo is aade ii will be tine eaoegb to diacass il 1 ia BOt ioproboble ibat it inaj becoae a iring tsagibls propositioa befoie maay noaths Tie Sentinfl ba ao article ia tbe ooa as llie Enfuira It ayt ibe lety raspoDSS gtrea to Boir was to laslir lis proposilion formally oftcial aad be 28 Tbe resalt oC Mr Blsirs vcdonteer rUita o Rich That Jeffrrsoa Davis is Pan had dec ile ijoeiy Tbe rll I decUiiog a top- Lobtloo blooay Maiket Fonctadolt bnl tlfliHualirtn Tbodiaeognl ingrl al 6 le 6 fer boai billa Oing ia a aommarf of tlie newa by Ihe Ciir ef Cork which laamor itet pot enivod Tbe LondeO Timea editorially leleta 10 Ihe lomor Oat Ibe rebel cmtenlase emancipalion aa a meaoe of eacvring Ento peso recogniitoo aad poiata oot lbs fniilliy ut anch a atp As to Ihe idoa ofaroeptiog a pmieetoralo of any Kuroposii Govetnmeni raibor tbao aubmii to Ibe Neilh Ibe TTairs cecsrda lha ideaaa vitionaiy aodlbiokaoo Euiopeeo power ia likely lo aceepi each ao impiobe bU idler In anber article it eipeMef ho hope thai for ihe aake of Ibe Uniied Siale a nd Caniriaihe lleciprooiiy Treaty gteaily injmod wble oe appieeiable mis- rbief will be daoe lo klogtand Tbe gale pevaleoi wbon ibe Cobo aeil ar abipmbey wea born- rilling to Is ofarparatioB- Tbo Praaideal of tho United StalcB oti tlio oUior haad ta wil- ling to giro a bearing to aay peraoo of ifiucooo wbo may ooom from tne Stalea I rebellion with or wilboot Uaria Tbe Pjpoa enoydieal 1 eoio lood fw tbo now lialiao loer Tbo spooob of tba King af Ps Tba Chamber rooleetod Horr Grabon Preaideni wbo in bisepoeeb Oonevneed lito CooAe of tbe Goveinmeni aad aaiJ It eoogi1 by ailiury eooooes to siiMoo pab- opioioO bol Ibo people weald eiwadfaal- f lenaic ae ibfbi aa over lo the oooeii- Urge redaetwoewore qude la tbo mili- tspoo ef iltceas Liverpool Jso 30 Csptoia Corbeii who commandod tbo label piiaia 5ea Kiu afios Sbooendosb has boeo committed m trial oo Ibo eharge of wlirully violaiiag tba Foreign Ealtot It ia aaeorted thai the Emperor Napeloon haa oomiaoied Prtaoo Nefrlooo aa Rageni ef the Frooob Epiiola tbe ovool oi bia doaib Tbo aieamer Colombia from Liverpool or tbe Weat Indioa was sunk oil Breel NoOeto Tbirtyono lives wore eoi ood 00 ly ibieo were aavod American BeTelation IlaAiQrAaTtaa AaMrorTMa TiRiiaaanTtMU Miaa Jaoaary 99 IMS SounxM At ay reasot I hare his day bora roKered from coaaaad of tbia aray Ib takiag leare of yoe accept sty thanks for be patieaeo with which yoe have eodared bsrdahps doriog the rseeal caapaigo I am atom reapoovible far its ptioaand I strere bard to do my iitoa I ergo apoo yoa hi importaace of giving yoi day your faora ope iab aod rrjiica at yoar aoceoaa Sigaed J B HOOD Goo IXck Taylor socaads hia io eom- maad Tba War Departaeat baa ao iafcraa tioB of oay saovs of Sbaraaas col- aaaa w tho dmetioo of AagastOjiK ol the reported raid lotrarda Woldoa TiMy a Be roou laksa ia tbo aoat ditocl by laad bat there is ao daabt of aaple preporatioa bariM boeo aade Tm Bichaood Enquirer of the ya Ihe aeeoad risit of S P Blair Risbaood is eoded by the retera of that gsaUeasa to Waahiagtoa aad Mtbiof bos boeo BccaapiiahBd towardo iaaaitjaie pooeo Wo lool joaliiod ia aoaeiiag oai readsrs tbat tba ooeay are wdliag to per- ail as to dtalato oor owa tara provided a will aotdiaaolva the Ui lharaatoe for alavery or aai al pforiaiaas for ita Moteotioo or otbor- wios bay wUI giro tall coapeasalioa ia greoobachs for all ho aegrooa ha hare haoa carried of doriop bo war Boytbiag aad osorythuic we caa Ibiok of Ut bo fraaly gTaatod if wo Miy to reaata with thoa- Theee aey aot hare iees of tbe CoBolidaltd Stalpics of Up per CaaadSfCbsp 55 we IM aod that Ibe eleik do aoiify Ua lo tbat cffcci Bowmoo moved secoadrd by M Gonaley hot William Lais aad David eolleeton of towaship of Msrk baa be aolborixed by ibis Cooacil to oe ibo levy ao colleciioa of eupaid 10 aad for ibe aaid lowasbip af Nkbaa to aceorilaace with tbo U mode sad provided for tbp aid- parpoM lad that bo Clerk do Bottfy them to ibet ifecl abich wat carried Mr Graham of VaegkaB moved seconded Mr Hartley bat Messrs iiertley full Parker Graham of the I aad ho mover be a soUcI co 10 proparo a peiliioa o bo pro arliameol for tbe eacourageni ifaclorioa tbroegboat Ibe coBbiy- Carried After which he Cooacil adjaracd oal aorrow aoroiog at 10 oclock SATtraiUT Jaa 8 The CooDcil met tbe Wardea ia Ib After tbe aiaelas of Friday had bee id aad adopted ibe Wardea laid oa th table tbo folMwieg 0 Wa MeMavter aad ooe boodrad and voly others prayiag that Enock D Rogera ouy rrcelva t appoiotaeet of of tbo 7iik Roadt Br ilr Iarnbam Of K Jseksos of Newtaarkat aod wtety etht others prayiag Ibe appoiat sent of Richard Wlliom Koibt for Iba ficeof Drpety Soieriatsodeol Br Mr Of tbe Sccretaiy of the Mogdaleo tij lea for pecoaiary aid to Ibe lasiila ioBBy 1T Bvrrymao the baeta of the Lnioo J Jan SlA apocial lubaiaaioa Philaob doepaicb lo iha Eftning Tetefraph saya OTOH Jao 31 Il is inforntod circloe bore CooMoiosion fhw Jeff lavii if YiooProaidat Stophftna Iuitar aod Gon G W Smith havs irived at Annapolis with full power ir rrango e aeiiioment of oqr notionol diffi uliios it is believod front bo oodor- tandiDg between Mr Ilsir snd Mr 3ais that tho iUint will be eoiirely thfaeiory to ihe AdmioiauatioD and Ij Congroee and will chivAy consist of an iiioety le oil oBeudare and a with iwal of lha coDfieestioa proclamaiioo bullstlo Naw Yubk Jan 31 The lleralda eorreepoodent aoys hat iho total ceeueltiss I Oea Terrys rny in tbo ithi ot Fort Fislior wore 10 li of iboeo 11 wfitcensitd 77 moo were tiled 30 ufiScere Aid 473 citoo weandotf od M nien tnieaing Tbo lieralda Waabingtoo spicisl ays Ihst lbs Wur Dopsrtment at Weeh- iiglon bas boeo notified uf the arrival of ijo rebel Cuograes Hoiry S Fi iiibio tbo lioea of Genoral Sbortda rmy at Virgioia ConntieB Cooncil TmjaaDAr Jan 1M4 Tbe CooncM mt ot 10 a a Tbe VYerdoa ia tba chair From Rev N Patiereoo aekiog the ippoiaioMol of oohool auporiotoodooi of lork riwnablp Froai Ihe Riehnsood Hill Oraai Sebool for pecoaiary aid t tbot inotiti From Mr J B MeGaao of lha Deaf aod Damb Aayloa Hamiitoo aocloaiog itatiatioal report Frea Moaore Blake Krr k Walla Toraupg the Couiil tbot ibo okhioo r ao iiijunoion in ibo York Rnade liter id iho Coon of Cbaoeory bad been refuaed Tho following wore by iotha op poiolod clloolora of La aroars ef taioa in oorlnio towosbips ria Witliam Taylor for lha towosbip ol iho Gore of Torooto i Daniel Ferguaon tor tbo loariv ship of Scorboro Joba Loigb of the towDihIp of King I Willton U Archer for tbo riilego ofYorhville and Wll lien Greydoo Jaomr Ibr tbo Tillage of SirooisriUo fr Ikrrymaa OMved arcoaded by Mr Bealibre- j Ibsi a cMSSBitlee canaiatiag of the Howing aember lr Barabart Tbos oraley Parker Ego BowassGr8bsal fore aod Ibe Mover be aod are bare- by appoiBied to draft a patitiea to the Lislstera akiog ferae iacraaae ofgn Hospiial Ci ied Mr rarabsa aosed eecoi by Mr Wellis That Ibe Wardea be ioalraclaJ Id ob a tha optaiOD of Ueaers Blake Kerr I Wella Bolicilort ia Chancery a lo wbelher tbe CiHitKil can legallr damaad lUMk patl ipplrit ft Ijetk Chaocary to prevaet ibe ptirchae of e York Roods ceo be raqatrad to eerily for cie alao as lo wbst mesat n be sdopled to lecover costs already io- iried Carried 7bo council then went iolo ooan if tbe wbule Mr Stork ia tbo ebaii iho first report of tiio oiandiog aom oo priaoag Tho report referred ti priotiDg 01 tbo I By Dr Berrynbo for a eeloet ooen- iiM o drafl a petltioa to the Logsa ISO for iereaaed aid lo tho Torosio OenoraJ HoopiisL Tbo Coucoii tboQ adioisraad ootil tbie oraiog tea ooloch FaiDAT Ja 37 The CeoBC I of Ibe Uoked Coaolies of Ysik aad Prel met at lea ocloc amoiog tha Wardea is Ibo chair the members praaeal The Wardeo road coaaaoN froa Mr W Jackee Mr Jeaee Bad Mr Jaa klaComt aolicitiog Ibo appoialiaeet of tbe Y orb BLeods also a coetaaolsatloe frea tbe aeeretariee of the la aad Boya Uoae aoQcitiag pecaai- ary id for IbM iostitatiaM Baary awred aeoeaded by Mr Ego or Wave to iotrodaca a Byiw o coora ByLaw No 141 ef tbe Maei ipal CoaBail of tho be towapMa of North iwiUiabory ia rablioa to m aale of I of tbe origiaal ailowaae ef rood oa third coocesatoa Uoo ol tbe said Iowa sliip whiah waa oarriod Mr R T Wdaoo aoved aeeooded by Mr Ego ttet Jaaaa UaOara coUeor ef uxes for the riHap of BelUod Laod- iag bo aetborixad by tbia CAmdl lo eea- tiooe the kry aad collectioo of ihe iapoa ad taxes lo aod for the said rUlsga for the yoer iMi ia accosdaaco with tie pfefk Froa Msssrs N Allso Gaabte laa UateroCbiBoaooayaod Mr Eom D Rogers of Nswmarksl fer tbe a poiatment of Seperiateadcot of Ihe Yor Roads the latter with a rocommendelio tbo iloD W McMatter MLC pntlioinrnldfi I tbe Toroate Get laculatitx COlHCl t QcfSfC Jae2T Hob Mr Carrie ialrodae specliag Coooly Coail Jaalie Caasda A call of tbe House wa aade wbea Iba nllowUg laemben ware fooad to be tW MBlrHoa Mesra Qiesoal fitk leave RooaaJ llamiltoo lakeraaao Leonard A J Dacbeaoey Reid Malbeot Fhal Goodboe Morria Gordoe Farrier Wilsoo bmI Seyaoor The Coaacil odjvrned al a tjearler to LtCieLATlTB ASIIMBLr QvxbBC Jaa S7 A aessage was recsived from Hit Eical lacj communicating for tbe ieforaaiieo r tbo H a copy of the rssolatioos adopted al ibr Coofereaee with rsfereaca Ibe propo oaioa of Ihe Coleaies aad pies of correpaadence oa tbe sobjaet ith Her Maeiys GoreiamsBl aod tbo fovarsl Celeoial Crtverameel Tbe following blts wsre ialrodaced aad read a firal lime Mr Powell lo aBsaad tbe Ma 0al Act ef Upper Canada Mr A MackeatieBiN to repeal eleae e 147 aod I4t of tba act reepootiog ahip I Ida hem tbe trewa Mr Amos WnghtBall to acaead tba loicipalact of Upper Caosda m tbal townships dividad iato Ward sloclors ly have ss saany votes ao there are coua lora lo be elerled Mr Abmo Hligbl Bill to tmpoee a I oo do tod to provide fr tba batter steelioB of akeep ia Upper Canada Mr Dkson Bib toamaod Ibe Uppor Canada act mpsciiag Ibe Bareaa of Agrieoltare and agricallnral societiee Mr ScatcberoJBill tOfXirad Ibejerio dietioo of Diviaioo Coarts ia Upper Caa da Mr Btggsr BII lo ainsad tbe maaici- pel Isw ofUpper anade rataliva to lock p beos IO lownsVipi Mr Biggsf BII to amend the liow reepeoliag Im q of lleeves Mr J A MacDoaald movsd Ibat 3 000 copies in Eaglisb aod 1600 ia French of His Eicellestys measep oo abject of Conredaratioo with Ibo ompaiiyinc poorrs be priated fsr tbe I ol be Dsnbers Carried Motioo of Mr Gait the HosM taeft coaaiderstion lli Etceliaacfasoscb Ihe opening of tbe aemiOB aad pBed aeolution tbat a sepply b granted to ller MajSly aaid sepply be coosidarad of lbs wbols 00 raesday bill for presantinf of c H oo tbe frontiar and bad Ihoaal a oaabld le have il printed io tios Oo s loa of Mr Pke Mchl Craw mpowered lo coaliowe ss collei art of taxes is tbe above lowt edacatii Mr J A MacDooeld garo ootioe that Tovsday Belt be would inlrodece o bdl pecUog police aagitttatss ab ta re- galate the cnt of arbitrators a bill ta alter Ibe law of dower aad to rrgelaaa tbo Voceedioga is aaliea fer tbe rocavary of lA io Upper Caom d Tbe Hoaas ajoained al 4 oclock B M EoTUt be will mow fir I select committee le diafi a potlioa to ibe Legialataro praying for amendmeats to Aiesmsat Iiw ai far as rtlales ta aoa- rtaideal laoda By Dr iMrnbart That he will oa Paey asxt otovs fer the appoialmoet ol I commitiae of tbia CoaociJ to droll a pc litioa o be Legiaanre prayiag lhal a Special Act laoy bo poaeed eaactiag bat be CoBaty of Feel ilmil be relaatad from ha rcsposibiliy of paymeal of aay portioa f the pttrhao aoaey of tbe York Rood kat lhal the soii pmnoae meoer ahall be I debt solely opoo ibe Cuety of York Oo BftOtioB of Mr Bowaea tba Coi Moxoat Jan 30 Tho Cowocil Ro at twi oclock tha Wardoo ia tbo ebair Pbo mlnutoo of Satardtya asootiag log boeo rend tho Wanleti laid be fore tho Council the following Proa Meeara Dooaio 4i Goosnn glnaore ead ourroyoro spplyiag lor tha appointment of soperiatoei of tbo York Roods From Moi m reply t I Blsko Kerr Wolls CouDcils ooquiry aa to eolleci of Owta ia tbo oooo of Taylor York ard Pool aod otaiing thai auoh Is eoold oaly bo recovorod by the ie eooofaa exeeulioa agaioal tbe pli of tho oMtioa for iojuocdon ifbieb baa olroady boeo ia bowarer hove lo bo paid before cnoiVoQ COD ta efaia vaaowad by eiotiff Froa Mr Wol Ilolllwell applying r tbo oAoo of soporiatoodoot of i lo of tho York Roodv From Ibe trusteoe of Ibo Woolon Couaiy GraoHaor Sebool prayiog for aid preeeatad by Mr Wallia Hoo Mr CoeAm Hob Mr Carrie for ihoaaleof aoet Hoo Mr Aikina rolsra oo ByLawa r the creation of debt Hob Mr Carrie Dower aaoieaeat Renlatioae to Vpptr Csoada The Iloaso odjooroad atfiraoekMfc LBOtBLATlTK AlBalfSUr Mordat Jaa 30 Mr MeOaoWiAoa iho uUo tho ro port of tho MloLiter of Agricoliare fer tbo half year asdiog 3uib Jaae 1844 Mr McDoogan laid oo the tabb tbe report of lbs Minister of MUilU for Ibe aaoia period Tha fblfowiog Bill wae iotrodsoed aod rsad a first liaw Mr A A Dorion to ameed Iho Ael reepocting tbe electioo of aeabare ef tho Loglalatoro In aply to Mr Joly AUrOe Mo- Dcoald aUlod that ii wu lateatioa of the OereraaMol lo lotrodoeo a Moa- are thb aeneioa fer the parpooe ef eorreet- tag aetBO of tho defoota aod irrdgalefMaa which the experieoce of tbe draft hod ahova to cxiet rapij to Mr BooraaoaAlly Geii Morad by Mr Ego eoooodod by Mr Oormloy thai a aatoct eomaitioo coo aistiog of Uoosra Prieo Dr Barobart Henry ood tbo asorar bo aad ia baroby appotoiod to drafl a potilioo to ibe Leg lelature prayiog Car aa atoeodnMOt lo Ibe assiamsnt law ao far aa rslataa to OM lands Carried lhe iuocil tboa airtiod ualill too ooSoek today TuKBOAr Jaa 91 Tha Coaacil met yesurdsy aoraing at Ua oclecktbo Wardea ia he chair of Moodaya Maodooald eaid it was Ibe iaieotioa ef tba Govarameat to reaors the Seot of Gorrramoot to Ottawa- Mr Dunkin moved for au oddreBS pray i5 Hii EicJIcj lo Uj bifor Houaa ibe eorreoodanee rslattre to Ihe atabliahmeot of the paaspart ayatem io the Uoited Sutoa Attyrea MeDooald aAed tho aofee to allow Ihe aotioo to ataod orer The BsedoB waa allowed to Kaod OTor Mr J B E Dorioa aoved that tbo oac or Q Pciw b OM onlr k BMompeaMd by a coaespoad aal la- aediato radootioa ia Ibe tarif of cbaj for adveniacaeaU poUtahod la the CSsa- aJa Geuflt Zi Atiy Geo Maodooald wae ooe wbieh had alreody eogafod tha atleoiioa of tbe Ooferoacat Tbe notioa waa witbdravB Thb extbaomosf CAoa Oer rood Will be erabfitd lo leara that Barkjlje be givee op Tbe cbaracter of Cna Ik Ia iwa akiaat viodi BarkjJe Tbe cbaracter of Caaa- thus to SOB caud aad tbe ill sUkI of the atrocioao misceodaal of aorlaia eHm ia rsfarSBce le Ibe St Alboas raiders ta to a grsM de- loapeaeated for by tbe aialiy re BBd adopted the Wardeoj with which Iba Jodiciary bavwcarrwd eat aai7 and tba IsMi belera the Ceaaeil lbs followiag COMMlIMCATlOia Froa R W lUigbt askiag for tbe appoialaeit of depaty saperiateodeal of s York Roads Fma lobo T Stokes of Sbaroe ssk iag far tha aapoiataeat of soperiaUadBat ef tba York EUada MOfncta r motmii Mr Playtsr gave aotiee of a awtioe that ha will oo loeaorrow aove thsi tbe Coaacil go tale Ceaesitiea of the Whole to take talo aoosideratioo tha propriety of ratiof oid to Ibe wveral Electoral Di viaioa Agricaltofal Seoietiee ia the coae The Cooacil thea adjooraed eatd tea oclock to day ia order to allei ni Siaadiag Doaattfaaa tiaa to prapan their aaoal refana la law of Ceaada ia of BorWy While we coMrala- lata oor fellow celoaists of Upper CMda 00 the coodact of Jodge Draper aod bia bretWeo wa aosi also elaia W aerii dae to ihe Gor fsr lbe argatk aad eiectaal way i wbicbiy have sappofted ha beoor aad praiseiod the aaatraUiy of the aoooUr aad c4a- ially the wiadoa aod jeslice of tbeir io coapeoso tbe bookers of Sc Ayaa or the looses sasiaioed by ibea tbe bod coodact of a aabofdieais oBtsf tba Praviaoial Uw al Moatreal A vole oa lU Prohibitory uko la Ih

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