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hlYsrciAN SHROEN ke MAii aTAKKT IBWKBT hN tka lUitroAd lioifL T JM Spencer Spencer IttBldTERS AND ATTOBSEIS LICITOUA CbaM7 TwMa Br Marten TflCIAir SarcB aad AMMbar lUmtUU af Um lUf al Ootteg af f bw tU3 r V R Dafoe n VflCE Vdrtb Aacra Eotal WBMlfc C W IfcAVOH 0rlCBJI QaMwrilU aa W A tb crca af Ir ba mmj wweliad a eawl OrmBAt tb Maida af Hr ir MoMi Aibart wWa aM tt mMj ba MMsltad aa DAT AND rtlOAT li arMk XOHH COOK lE p a iti iri Thomim AtklBson LICENSED AUCTIONEER For tba Uail CotiaUaa ot York aad Paal Charpa AU rdfft Pvmptlif AtUnded to tr Parltva wanilnc an Ane4lM caa m ACCOMOPATJOU OF GUESTS THOMAS ATKINSON ffaarhat Bt Arit7ib IS3 BibU DepMttory Bibles aodTaUaiaaUeaB be bad aS- tiaiya pricra apaa applkatioa la R U Smith 1 lha Bibia UapaaUarT VewmaritalMarnlVSS tMO Campbell Jc liOaaf Jon DAVISON 8frlled Kecks Cured par HmiI Ta baa han ia Kcwaar bH la b- alraoi eorJ with ika aaa ufMia bM BOBT ABLIMUXON DO C T E R IN MKDICINR of ihf lWfaii7afRliaUrgb MexWerth Raral CalWnl 8anrrBi KatUndAa THOHUHILL V W tTRooaa aad Omea tl daf l iba tag- Iib Cbarch iriar1 avcap by MrTbnnM Kil l George A Wallace arcaraitu e BARBER HARDRESibK Cu c Kawwarkfl April 7 IWi4 if ti bta a kop daan il Soalh nf V Baatara Slrat aMrhM IUafaSaorefiaaadai April 7 l4 RAe Kai THE BAILBOAD HOTSL Commercial Hotel I ItJLL STREET NE BY JAMES WOODCOCK c BELU rPiFi fuu 1 fWlnvailan Ooad abota aauWiahweai tor ifca acenwi atiaaOAla iTrarrlkpn Parara ba 111 iad aa aU Iba ronUla a Bricks and Lime BEabanhar biMMw m bd tor mW a 300000 1 UMH u WOOD rrwMUkrt JVar IS IW4 tll E1 STEFHENSOV Istocr of Uirriage LicHsc Bull A Boyd BARRI4TJIB lliar7 M Law Solki Itra ta Chtmernj tlaUriaa PaUt Ac- Ofnc Ontario Hatl Ckmrek Strtd Tbitd Duor rartli af ICiag SiraiH ttaprabar 14 ISM Blevint A Seven llHTEiMAi Cbanaary Cai Orrici Cbnur Wt Unglom StrotU Amnra NarambarS lfK4 IfW Wrapping Paper I JUST aECEIVED flpply- I SJeu Kaaa ardattbr NEW ERA OFFICE ikrrllK JOaMBROME Carpenler Jtiier Oitraelo TIMOTHY ST NEWMARKET ay daaariptia afCaryaWraed Jaia4 ark IraMlas BUaiiy Deen 4e kc DENTISTRY I W C ADS D B Mmrftoa 99 Kif 8trtt JIfmH rtfraafaC W can aapply Um pfnfcaata Kb Tartb Oatd Vale8ad Appanlaa aad ValcMltr aad Um baat Haa MaaralTawb Maalad aa Oald 5rrar Vnkaatvd Rbbr ilb UaaUaaan Oaau Jayt8 M Charles Burand BARRISTER AND ATTORNEY Ornct ifJdtUU4 4 raff BtrtM TTKlfM la apaeUl emm bt tba tHrWaa Ofaal Ka b a N aldataa lUab awad XjH HIsb E Barns BEOS ta latora iba JUdiaa tbai aba ia pr parad la REMODOa fr REPAIR fkyta a iba Iba aoat r The Aurora Hotel OffmtU lAr WmUfm M Okmtk Ym ROBERT ARNOLD Ptomsto THIS HaUlk MV iRadap ia Iba lataM ir a tor ib aawtort aad MMMMiMlMi nfpli i Um Bar aW Lardar bftiag eaM Mp i Oar CQat77 aod Our Qomil Is atbar landa tba brifkt aabaaa I aoa lat r daatia of mar aBduinf laa Tbaa iaahcoda might Vaa daoa Fraai brdly tavar bim priacal kaU Wkta bar frnil aajr datb all Har branfati priaa maa CtoamiiibidalJgfct aipraaa Ard atlil pray la Uravaa to Maaa Oar Cvgatry aod ar Qaaco Tkaagb graat bar gWy and naavB M Al wrMrraft OMtoM lltprnttirf The Lost Bank Notes faitoa then old id Kdwardra o me I Tta ait- BT dk IB ay eullcM reotn baDk aolc Tb7 the eotovr Mruisl did 8B to bb fae 1 UMtabt I woold bn4rd anotber bit Tb MTTBot dU die Uiit b Mw 701 at BIT dailc wttb i ptao of papar bat 1 eootd not fiad jrear bumt b uid bat I tboagbt T bad battrtpMk to ro B7 tbt- I look lb Ubrtj of BblratfDil a HeM of ppar frea jonr dck fof tb purpOM of wntiojc I aaspMt Ibal 70a ht bMB abtnet- ie plooea of ppr with a nflgmae I uid to tDTwlf A lfl tbo ball b wid-7- What t had iomdod to Wrtlo Itad thotiglt I bad belter M7 aa tbia 7or all- I aoawered a little etifllj for to eaj the Uaat be had takea a Ubert7 to opeo- iDg 017 deak Vm bTe protibl7 tTieoeeded in ob taiain tbe mone7 700 waoied Yet I bare I obtained Mraral fir- era ioatead of tbe ooe I aaked 709 for To do to it wu neoeaar7 for toe to take r7 paiafol atep Bowerer I took il aod bare ot tbe moocj Too moat ex- BOW I bare got an eneBieDt Dibt 1 nroed orer tbe mttler eartfal7 ia 1117 miad I wu verj Drr7 aorpcet to eqoaiataaee aod fellow tUvgiaa bot circamtaeoet poiated 1 traKl7 ia a pertioalar direetios Ed- wardw kaew of 07 bat ia tbia 00007 appewad 00 Edwardeae fM Ilia oobr oaae aod weat ta faarfbl alteraatioe- Tben bla liaa IreiaUad vitb paanoa Doee Mr Mertoa dare to attar neb aVier 1 epraag ap iBatisetivelj Tbo tator oMtioM ate 0 keeatW Aa4 fbaa addreeeiag Edwardaa be aaid UBbapD7 dtklh7oraUe 70af aaa Tbia brarw will do nu ao good Tbe erideooa of jroor AJoaj ia ooaploted Yoar 0017 bo of er7 Ue ia ooofea Tbe 6rat tliiag after breakfaat fooraio I went lo Ibe two beak aad tr of poood neb f- P l Thr lb J liT hi lit tod emp not J I loloiind lockuanU okjicu Nrlbl I KquMlrf lbn lo ilq lhD if lkj lad Tcr7 litileaeose ofowoerabip Tbe7 rrre 00I7 teioporaril7 ia nv poeeeaaioa TLey Lad ariirtd 17 mail inat moraia nd were to be paid awa tbat rerj after- Thoee bila of paper onnliaaed Ed- rardd are iiioat iodiapcnaable at litBC 007 wiab eottid gladdea m7 70 with Aa tbii ireoehed upoa tbe pri lira of Mr EdwarJea a abjel of which koew Bbtbing I did aot fcl m7aelf iud ap tutodioer 107 iberralion Coald 70a lead dm a firtr ei ued Edwardca I am Ter7 bard pi JBI Tbe I did B of Edwardea koew waa bo altocetbar ia le waa eareleae iodoleBtaBd bejoad tLia be wu both a plnaaat aad gentlemaol7 ftllow tkere wu botliing odd ia tbe reaoeet We rt3UB luen at colleKe oftea Mligcd each ihcr ia iboaa matoal sood oScea Ia 117 time I bad beeo glad to bwrow aad iMrtfote foond mecif boead to lead Ia tbu em I reall7 wu oot able 10 apare tbe lOBry I waa pairted at tbia bcnoae I u afraid Kdwardca would rooider nch plea u a mere ahallow ezcoae I wu therefore aiieat Bearl7 a miaato TU I eaid BcdiutiTel7 lead 700 jiut 16e if that wootd be of aa7 oae lo 700 Yoar frieadabip replied Edwardea Utile aalirie8ll7 ia boi worth 5 It joat worth 1 ISe That I tnppoee ta what 700 mcaa f What I meao I rrpliad with a lit tle warmth ia joat tbia I bara ooU X25 ifj coletce bill for laat term ia ei- aetl7 X33 Sa There will be a iorploe uf l 1 5a which I doat waot m7eef aad which ia rcr7 moeh at 7oar aerTioa if 70a Uke lo Uke it No thaok 70a m7 dear nrad wu I aoewer- 5 ia tbe amalleat aam I at What 70a meotioB woald aot be of tbe alibteet eaxlbl7 OM lo me Oovd moTBiog I prrpercd lo lake a walk I pUecd earfall7 iaaide m7 dak T dooe aoeb a tbiag befare ad I had I bad a aotioo that it woold So baaineaaUka Thia dooe aj Mzi pro- eacdibc wu nrj atapid aad aaboaioeea like 1 Mflected to iMk m7 deak I ratora froo mT walk that aAenwoe iboatitfar Tbe ooIkgediBBer boot wu ke 1 inteodcd lo pa7 m7 bill at tbe Of dooru t wu la a atate of peal ooa- ersalioB 1 acerebod the wboio dcak ircfollj 1 took oat ever7 picoe of peper Mb7 0Ba Tbe aoUa were otearl7 coat Roallj air if too wiU exeow tbo old faabtoood eipraaeioa 70a are talkiait what to no ia eomplete gfbberiah Biaoe 700 ban made a ehBrite 700 wiH U good oBoo lobtor ma with aome of the Yoa aaw Hr Mertoa aomi lioM 700 terda7 moroiag with Cto tr poaod baak ootuia hia poeaeaeioa eadwMtod to be row aotDO moBe7 from him He wu BOC able to lead them to me aad ao I hare obtaioad Weot7iTe poaade Yu botwbWet That I aball ontat aertaial7 darliBe meationieff Edwardea aaid tbia with beighleoed color It ia a myttry wUeh wo art vcr7 11 aUe to expUio aaid the tator ibarBl7 1 obtaioed it from a peraoe who woold proTt tha traaaaotioo bot 1 deoUae prodooe him If 700 prodeeedWm it wootd 1 Edwardea bad bua eeca la m7 roomaod prove 7oor iBoooaoae thoogli 7oor beai- at 07 deak Edwardea bavia bcee with- 1 tatiOB io prodoeiag him adda to tbe im moaf7 ia nofr 3ddbt7 io the poe- pnuioo of yo9r goilt Liateo 1 After eeeiog tbe aotca ia Mr Mertooa f aioB 70a paid aaotber netl to bia 1 dBriag bia abaeata aad were tbct at bU deak It wa nrj improdeat aad alaaTer7 improper I wiabod lo leare a like fo Mr MertoB aBd tbe dk aoi bdag i an7 wa7 fueM 1 took a piece af writ- log paper oat of it aatd Edwardea rtry calmU It BOW beoooMa a atgaiSeaot ataaoe that ia effMt 70a did aot ItaTt 1 writtea sieauge koch u 700 apwk of hot at aoflu lime lo tbe eoorw of the lowiag moroiag 700 uka lo tbe matof- Aea baak aoiea of wbiob tba aamUra an koowo whieb were ia 31r Mertooa deak the da7 befor tbe deek at whieb 700 were 1 aceo nilheml7 paiaaaJ tW worib7 tolor I can eaail7 diprik tbia abord charge- 1 hart tbe oombera of mj awa aotea ie m7 pocket aooMwbara tbWgb I biTt not at them Tet aaid Ed- wanM He tbeo re to a peper ia bia pee ketbook aod qawkl7 niad oot tbe aom- bera The oombere bj aa mWal corra- epond aaid the tolor I baTt etiil CM of tbe aotea bert aeid Edwardaa peodoeiag it troaa hie habdi Ten oaxt afteraooo a Otcrk froo tbe poetofioe called Oae of tbe eotca of whieb 700 gave 01 tbe DOfflWrs air wu prearntad at tbe poet oSoe balf aaboor ago The geatte mao wanted a poatoliee oider I had lakea bia aama aad addreae Joha Ed- wardi Biaifaea Coil before 1 Whet haa 700 dooe f IfitbadbcoBB7 0BeeUe weaboold haTt gireo him into eoaod7 j bot we d not lika to do ibat with eoUege geatlemei 3oida we kaew where we ooold Ia7 01 banda apon him Wa lold bim tha do wu aiopfiad and giving him a mript for it detirad bim to eall agaia a liula befera Ab7 poorible doobt aoearoieg Ed wardea guilt bad DOW Taoiabod Tba qacatitfa wu oow too grare for me to aet IM 00 mj owa reepooaibilitj 1 deter niaed to apeak to m7 ooUege talw He liateaad to me graTcl7 Tbe grar it7 dupeaad u I weat tbrwob all of m7 pnKfa There eao be ao doobt aboc Moat priaooera who are coaTictad ar leaaotroog Aud the rioted 0 iTidca AaTbod7 called T Oofj Mr- Edwardea op tbia afteraooo aad I told pre 7a tbat 1 Hat the caae ia foita oompteie Wan 700 tbtakiog of him loto 0001007 70 r I wu 00I7 tbioiiog of rteeteri m7 ooee7- NatarBll7 it moat ba aa object to 700 Of cotuae 700 will oot giro bim io 0 ctutod7 r It woold ba aa ioaopport ible diagraca to the 04101 WewUltat bin off oa oooditioo tbat be refaoda bt we muat moat cattaio7 aesd bim awa7 from the placa Tbia laagoage gaTa me iooiprairibU peia It wu woru ibaa loaiag tba moa- 7 to caOM tba attar roia of Edwardea for to compel bim lo eara iba colleKe for each a raaaoo woold be to dealro7 all hie ftttara ebaatoea ia life I u iadceerib abl7 loib lo giro bim op to college joa liea M7 laior aetmd aoryrioed at m7 dele7 lo BBawtriiY bin I the firtt placa air wa ooght aoi 1 ooadema him oobaerd Ha ma7 bare de Ia tba aaxt pUca be 07 bare ao eieou We do aot kaow ia wkat diScll7 or temptatioa b 007 hava beea iamTod Tbeo thiok of the Biaar7 10 wbiob hie frieada will be as0- aad He owgkt ootto bebat IW a eiagla crime I replied A crioa like tbit iararet7eoomitid Boleu there bare beao other aatacedeat criokco Bot 70k bi ttU ma hie aaata Too bitata If 700 do aot tell ma tba aoiboritica tt at tba p eflea WW do to ntiooad aomelbiag of bia frieada 1 hai looked opoo bim at a clover gatlameal7 fdlow wboM 00I7 aolu weraaaieleaaneta id h wo 0 Uxioeaa Bat tbe cau i too aUar Bat tbe n I and laava 700 a liar 1 1 wUl aead for Wm Jamea ba added DidhalaaTameaUBer kafcre to hie earraal whom ha joat I doot know iir I eaw bim at 70or j dank with a blip of paper ia bia baad I fell Tar7 oaoomlbrtaUe It wU With OBpieaaaat feeliog I went ioto ihe hail to diuoer- It wu with ao oa pkaaaat faeltag ibit I omitted pajiog m7 UUe Hitherto I bd beeo ftrj poBatoal ia thair pa7flaot Howatef 1 bM beetd great ihiage of tbe forbearaaoe of tba ad- Ufa ofioera I reaolvad to pot It to tbe It lodaed I bad oo allaroatira I ut aeat to Edwardea at diooar 1 atarad vary bard at him Edwardupra- awTcd aa ty eoaoiaiit7 j ia faot arm- badjr oodaratood tbat ba wu ao axorad iagj7 aool haad Tbere wal Bot Ibe leoat WDMiiniignnu or bamtatioo ia hldpUaaaat wa7 0fpeakiBC I ooderataod rw vara op at m7 roooe agaio to da7 eaid I 1 looM at bim Tcr bard 1 ooa oot I to Mr Edwardu aad deaira blaa with 17 aompUaaeota reM7 If ba ia aet laava word vitb tba urvaBt that ba ia to ba bere at eight itb iUvardea oMda bia appaaraaea et tbe totorg toome I laaoiad lofliad a liula pak aad diatorbed Tbe lotar gratd7 pMBiad bio to a obair aad ra- qoeatad me alao to be eaa Mr Edwardea ba begaa noral7 I am obligad la eirf 700 abrobtlj a vaij paiafBl aaeatioa Bava 700 ahatraoted aoT baakaotaa from Mr Mertooa daokf If arar genoioa aataoiebmeot wu paiatad 00 a bomaa aottakaaaao it tkea pooketbooL TOl k CnliraiaL Arrtval ef tka Aftlae turax Fab 2 Hw kaamahib Affira mm Uvaipeol ea iba Slat rw Qoaanataa ao ibe 9id afiaa UrfVad at ita laitar lhaa tloa lrcBd7 racaiad The poJiiicaJ aawa k7 tba Alrtea ia aa- Londaa GUbt aaiharitatlraly aiatee aalMinf ai daah Faf addnoad a ik kail Tbe oomowadat ef tbe Paraviaa war bipUaieewlowu airaaied for a tie a- liMiag bri raatad en iba arnval W 1 m abipm PI71 AdceBe7d iaeMaiad7tauadea H barfed with repaaliM tba eAaaaa vrr- Tba abippiaf Ceble fiom ib Eliiel k Ce i the reaaal wbtao ie la aoo- w iba ataaMbip Oraai CaalarB ib7 ea t Atlaaiie TaUcraph r M Olaae oMBradaa tba label iaaaad M Prrtadliav ie daad Tba London Dmitf Stu of Ibe aaooil ka laa e bia awa daalh der monty ef tba Pnoee ihat iba Cmpetar made Pnaaa Napo- IMO V Pr aalvad tkai ti in Ibe parted af iba ai ImptaCibat ibaFr1 ragaotaatibi Ika laealeiiaa wutakaa th ibe aaeaaat ef Ibe Smpiaea Ai a moatiat af liw Halataia lakd praprla- u taeolead M tiaual aa addrwt la aad PraaaU deaaaaatag Jba tWmar aildraaa drawn ap bf Barea Taa l arfHtlif rvqiiaaiief a eao- of ibe aaiBiae abd iamaatiiig tbat Oa nob aod daaira f ScbaUwig aad riatwa TI Aaatika favaramaM ba afaaeri M raaatT4 eiibaref iba addiOaaaa aOaabiad rty A whale waa eaagkt i Oap ia D Straita oad M tte b7 waa feaaa wbeidad a large pieck ef a barpaei aa whieb u aagrBTM TratalWf UatarbaadlSSS Tbid waa the aame vaiaal laal abeat akt 7cer oga li Qeoloriaad Siraka Coontiee OoancU TatrmaDirr The CoonoU met at tao ooloak todaj Iba Wardn I tha obair Tbe ef Mr SamU Brethoaer aod olhtra prag far the ereetkxi of bridge betwaeo the towaipa of Gaorgia aad Scott wu read aod roferrad to the CommitiM OB Rosda aad Bridea O reotioa of Mr Platter aeooaded b7 Mr Wallia the Cooaeil weot ioto Com mittee of tbe Whole to eoorider tha pro pnei7 of grtBtiiq a aom of 010007 of the aawal Eleetoral Diviaioa Agriool- toral Botka of tbe Cooattee Mr Graham Gort io lb dtair The CoomittM roae bariag adopted a raaoijtloB whioh wu carried la Ccmactl grtBtiag tba om of ICOO to the Tartooa eoeietiaa to be divided uiolSU aod raqoeetiag tbe PiaaBCe Committee to re port b7 Bill ppoiated to draft a patilioa to the Ledatore rtlteriog tbe 000017 from m ItaUlin io the porebau of the draft a petiltoo to tbe Lqialatore above eubjecl brought 10 e draft of tha peiitioe which wu adopted b7 ibeCiwB- ml Tbe Commlttaa eppoiated to eelrs iha oeeeaemeDi breast m the bllowiDg Report of tha Slendrof Commlttaa Eq4aliatioa ef Aaeaaemenia Tb Ua romMif Uu Carparatw Ae Umiud Cotmtu f fvk md retl lat Tbe 6aidiBg Comttn oo of Aaeaiemeola repott u W hava evaminad the Aeeaae- Itf of Iba variola mohielpaUtiea eoaetiioilBg ibe Uuivd Cniiae eb fiod them nerell7 g e VBr7 credlabi cooditioo Yoor Commltiaa ai iba earn lima obearvad ibai oa aoow few ef ibe Rollaibe gaoerBl rocapiiulaiba ie gvao each e maoaer u to aak H diCcolt dmiogaiab betwaao the diflerei eeripliiHM of propart7 wbcb tbay ill ba avoided to faM 2od Tlwt u eomparad with Inei year there hea bean a ot tM- It 00 tbe lot ereiaed veloatioQ while it tba tama time ibara bu baan ia lb aambar of ocraa a fa 0e Yr CooKniiiee find tbat ihe failiag mtf bu baao bt7 in coo- il propatrj ingt baviaf bra laad aad adnplad tbe Wardca toid bvfare iba Coaaeil Ibe talUw ab treaaarer of eehoo aMBaya From Jaka SMdoat Aarora epfticatiaa aa Sapenat of Yarfc R Fiom U P Diekaoa RteUoad Hill oa a hk appikatiea Drafia of ta grast aU ta lh4 Tareaie Ccral UaapMal aad far tke ap poUtmeat of a earv7or lo re aorvel Tewa Liae Wlwcra North etd E GillikBr7 wcra read aad adopUa A BjLw to graat aid Jo the aeiml Agricailwral Sociaiiea ia tbe Uwted Caaa- I waa raad a Hrd lime e ibia doecrtMioo 01 prwfarlf The da- erea ia Harkbam emnaata e neerly 94U000 I uverel otbar towoehipe eriee from Mno 10 13 000 white ia Oaorjioe Kag and T raMo ibaiaraaee venu from HOO t tN OOO Iha ibrae la nAiaae baag ttte oaly towBabipe m whieb ihare ku kaeo raaaa Tba deoreaaa in Caledoa la to oaari7 ooa Ibird of ihf wbole ia tbie deealipiioD ef pmpert7 ea eea- perad with laei vaor Tbea bu baao e afS 05i aaraa 10 tbe iBDde ra- toNed aa aaa reaideat In iba eooatiaa abd ab taetaaea ef 149 ia tba oomber of ratapayero u compared with iaat yedr yoor 8rd Ae ea ftrwiar Oemmiiiea arita ibet omoc ut the vaaltby lowaahlpa raiura ae lexebte ie- oma aod bat Iva rMara aoy vrx Bobieka Merkbam VaOfben AMoo aad CWofooeoa Your Comeiitlae ef apiitikNi tbat Iba ettaoiioa of Ibe men of iba earioee mooicipalitiee ia Iba ooooiiae abewld be partirafariy call ed by tba Ceoooile of ibeir raaiiva ONiateipeliiia le tba aaeeeett7 Ubaiag guided etrietly by ibaraqairemaeiaeftbe Ameum ia ardar that a ootferm yalam wf aaeaeaiag may pravail aad bat tha heribea of uxaliuv amy be eiaiably boraa 4ih Year C peroeiree thai Ibe eyeae of ameiiiag torn io m aix perabae epparaatly fertbare aad aeae ot the aame paaea of preperty euU pra- reile la Toroeia tovaebip ihoogb gea- arally dieBoc y otbar uumMii- Mk Tovr CeawwItHk bave to tha be af their jad eijeelixed Iba aeeau maatabf tba eevermi wooioipelitiae ea thai ihey bear a jaet reUiioa ooa to tbr other aad have prepared the aaoAl ocba- duka which ihay barowkb eebmiu All ef vhkb ttbedX W A WALLI8 Choirmaa rofort earrkd Tha Committee aa Ceoeiy Pfoparty nogbi IO ibar Report No 1 aboartog a eipaadrtura ooi iaiproamaoti of 1894 lo n oo tha repmt Mr Kaaaall 10 iba cfcalr the fullowlog rteo laiioBe were adoptM ead rvpertad 10 tba Coauei acrf earriaj lai Tbat the Treaaarer be aatbeht- ed aod reqoeeted to pav tbe uveral per- tke oemed 1 tba acheok to tba report aooBtiM lo 0794 Sad Thai tba Wardaa be ioetrdctbd eommoBieata with the Ourarwuatii atgiag apoa them tba aacedaity of lleea- lag iba paiaat for tba gaol proparty Mtb tba kaet poaeikte daky ead tbat ba ka Kartbar bmirwawd to reqyaai tba eaveral atsbare rapraaamiBg the iihad eodetiaa aaa their Ipffueabe vitb Cba Goven rat ta tbat end Tba Ceooell irffoaread at 8 SO oatil la mtadey FDr Feb S Tbe Cieoiil mH taday ai S alkak tba Wardra m the ehoir no mmmet af WadMiaye prsoaad Mr Skallkwonh ate aotca af p- oa to take iate coamdefaltoe tbe praerie- oaktp tf WkiUharch it beief the dividieg Uae batwtea York aad OataiM Berrymaa gave aoiiM of a melic4 dnft of pctitioB te Legiafttart ea prvrentioa of amall pax Mr tiartky gave aeika af a OMtka for tmeadawaa to tbe Haaidpal Lea to pkee tbe divtdrag Koe bekwera k aed cmliu aader ibe eatira eoatrak ef Ibe local amwiMlitiw to be maiataiaed aad rapaired jiatly bf them Hored by Dr Barabart wcaedrd by Mr Parnkam That in tbe ertal of Ihe York Roada paaaiag tele tbe heada ef theae caaalm tke Coaaeil wiU paUtioa tbe Legiaklle to aa Aet rvieviBg the Coaaiy at Peel from uy lbili for pafawat oi the parebau moaey far iad roadi ead ta ea aak tbe coaaty of York te eaaaem the aek eoatrol aad aMnagvoMel aad the eemmil- trt tlrudy appvMtad lo prepare apelikf do aot repori mUI the umI roada beaoM ibe ptopeny el Ibau coaaiiet Dr Bernhert w mavieg iki abowod Ika eetioa ef I parakau ef tke York Bead and e d as Pvei daaircd to have aethiai that be bad aaderatoad that eame of tbe lay membera af Ybik were ijaite wilbog paa a raeoiatioa lo ihal rfnU Mr Boiillbee objected to the oatiiM it atood i il d4 aot go far ehoatL la km 4tfba the retoliitica fave the whole ceph trol aad mAeegemeat aot did aot aUta tke eoaaty tf York abeoJd raeeiva tba loe drrived from ibem Barbbart amaedid bk aieekp by addikg eaid raeda beiag the propar ef ihr eoadty ef Yaf Dr Bemaa t tbe aa pramdlare the Ceeaett 1 atil ibvy got p af the roada i baj akMtd weti aad ae what aelioa tbe outy of Peel look at tbe ekctita af Mrck oa the arparatioa Ega tbaezht if Pael u reWva aacwipeliif k Ywk who ratij aiaiaU tba percbau of tbe Roada Med alu be relietrd Mr Wahe waa af apSaka that tbe a wa preatatara aad atbl kad ladA calty u tbe reaall af the eieetiaa af Pa4 M ael kaawa and tba reade ware aet ae et m tbe bead af ibe C Savaial aaembtri elpeaaaed aa epkia that ibera wu ab deaara to farce aaflhiae I Peal Oa tba motioa bai pat tbi Caeacil divided ea tba otkwwg vale t YxAaMomra Dkabart Grakto tQ- r Hartley Hary H Mdle Pb4l4Patkar Prka Parabam RaaeaU dtabba Ste SbeUkworlb Tbamaaaa ad Vaaee N Meaere Boaltbu Barfymia Bawaaa Cbaater Eg Grab Vaaghaa GeirmWy Lappor Meektem tieyiar RaadeS Siataeaaa Taykr WleaBaad WiSkie Tbe diftaka beta e itk rated yea atfd tbe laeelBtioa waa urri Tbe Caoaeil ibea edjoaritd aetil If cLiek m Iba afuroooa At twa ackcll bewtver oboe tbe Caaaeil awi there ba- kaaawae te be braa brfera beo iky adjoaraad aatd ka aYlck t motata OreaeberaGiaek aad Cbaik Bkl Maaar tak a bee ae wrfk a bebkive beae kiU keet an petnAad Tbe remakkg par liea af Ibe trra m wbwb Ibe bee btve wu faaed k 3 eel la dNaMar aad 40 feet kag Cbew It Ca Milk aipkf thfir elmme feaad tbe pHrtlal fah 79 eel beaeaih ibe krfaM The boa M aa matter of laaey bat af port dr eoMrttioa TWra k aa aM Freadb pravarb wbiab mja Wbeo ibe beau m lakit rd death eatera Tbia k partly irae ef Baroa Rolbckld Tba mikoaaira grul manloa k Peieadilly k aearly feaiebed Ila uda k tbe oMot ekgui ef alt Ibe hoaaae i Pcadiiy Badt af e Wecke of aioaa aad ataadiag aeal a Ap Hoau it dvaifa aH ila aaigkbora T dauratora aad ap la are aaw at wark aad wbea thef iaiibrd tbir laboii the kterior eflbe maaiea wUt ba wertby cfa page k the Arabida Nhk Bat ibe tibapfy moater af ka ptkee althoagb be k riMler tbdd Uibwa 2a aot 0 ha kavkd Like ly atbar tbiap wbkk eaSbel lie par ted Barao LkM da Pmfcmkil wbe k aaw at Brightea k mMuhg ea that be ia ae ahiU He coo anther aceWy from rhrmi m bkb ktriU liil Ilia kiag of the oaaey mariei waaW gkdiy aicbaagt pkcaa wtt aaa ef bk ekrkx be caald ikarebr aaeara baaltb aad fraadam pak Vet il k tbat tha faaraa will ataad agak kl Iba eMfwdw geaacal akaUaa