uLtiiimiL nnii V i THE NEWMARKET ERA FEBRUARY 10 1863 Kew AdrniMmesi S Olf W Tin VlnJ Nuui KMk wmt Ririi I i7UinNVfnii Tym ft M Iibi Hlxkfi I- Mtnt Traia Time Newaaikct 646 f m chif itrliiins nrt rocci elCrMmiikint nf from or third biir tuore frura ilie mirc of oiillc Chww eonlJ I D nn k Ka ila add an article of m ood qailitf at in a rMtorr bul ihia was h fxcption aoi not ih rule- In 10311 daiiiM much Itpen JeH upoa Itie akiil of lhie npied in raakini Ihe rh while Id larj rietorien the had all the j neeMr appliance ith akillrU pet cmked thmenaUinK lb protlociioif nf elM of uniform good I There wsa qniie a much difforence be I leen be rT liioec entped thmnKb jAut iho eoanir io tnaLia cbrcae aj here a difTrircflee in the Banufaoture I nf fabrlca A few will lacMCil bu the j Urye majority Tail in makini aDythins anirrm pxd arficle fH for irrw 1 f kill r J p life I E5j eotMmuniii ctwnbinifff- l ani iheir luilk mide into rbtc at V r f I I f thcMlar fjctur e much liu anJ ac- 1 If jUrujintukfi jrn i i- J I of he farmert family who at the rerj J I Ktmn fr nunufaeiutini are oftentimca JfiwruarKft fndeb 10th J8JMotcrwrulit with other nfOKMry duties Xtot Irooi ejxiotooor Ubo otpjiii Ih llrlioi I or one or two tn a larjre oumoer of fjmi- PAYMFNT op crown YITNKSi iea oao bo prrviaiM by ix or eijht per ona in factory wilb the nccemry ap CQNFErERATMM DISCUSSICN for mnarctutus oo irpe at tlic txtoe tiD ftrodaoo aa Amocdmsnt too Licenflc airurnjly better article for tuarket Law Qi ac 9 ISI5 tn rr1y 10 M ftl C Ijnrwn the At- ttaiy Wei aai I ii 4i nni itm m- pinn cf winaM m etimnl rap in Ut ataU The rinul Crn in Yfk ao P latt yat oof lha Ceeniiea aloat The Chief ihemecf tracGiin brfor the lliue i the great ConfeieraiiDn chrme ll will cariio1 by an imifienae majwity ihe more the ptan 2a ibe bfiicr iembe recaril ii Mr iirovn tnU a wecb if four bcui 0 Ut nifhi Iln many minbri foi ihe dipt4i- Jtfr Wallbfila hat inliiiirpJ a I pivfiJe fur ihe pooUbmint 4 f partir I lb ptitrner Crawrvl mmiKtnl to Shbiok j iit fwi nuaJiiHi I ib AlirP Otr TuroHto SpecuU DtsiniCek Confederation la tho City OUNTIES COUNCIL TUE von K ROADS Toaiiro Pb I8j At a meeting ia ihii Ciy ihi wrk ihe eilitn deeiietl Uuvprnnaeil iu ihetr actiru bi I by a larg mjtiiy Iff Ufahan if Vasbai tnoei a rco Iniiuu in ibe Cvooika Counril acitir lutb ihat CHifdetaiioa lKtM Mikk piM nrtil after the pMipla lati ciptaMo- lhintflra at ita polla with trgarl thtrco I waa vet ty an iiaoirnie m j ity Mr Fj nvtimi tn rh i ih n of pireliaHi of thrt Vnk RMJtaa rf ilu people af tabled by vvtf f 1 1 w Dte Mmitiee afivtwaMa lorHxioJ j wj bettrr adapted to grjio crowinjj tbao tioQ with btm whether fara ofvoffi clvot nambera 9uold be iodueed to enter npii thia laatter to make tbe eoterpi Vnothcr aJrantage and aaTing eoold aIo be ffetcd in the porehaae of articlca re rjuireJ tor cheeac maLinr at a wholcaale iftcail of rutiil price b the ara ten but uf coura there were otao dis- ftlrantAfcra U afforded an cppirtuniiy rf anMrapnlotia to Krpclrse frautl by Jilulion and tbeie wa alo tlie time anj truuUe of coortin the uilk to the factory but ibcM were nut inurmoaiilatU diucultica Cjtryia BiUb Uowmr a an adianage fr the fact wis nnw etalUbej be be liercd thtl milk for tbe iDanafsciDrc oi clce waa a much itnprored thwby it would be injured for butter uaLin UitJi rcjprd to be neceuary bulidis they oaajlly coiilat of three where the curd ia nanufaetorcd 2nd ihe prei rom and 3rd tbe cuiinii Tbeee eoall be erected apparlcty oi tether cnarenicDce orcotm woslJ be an objft which ahculd be eooaidcred To make thr macafaetory oeeeMfnl ad JucTatiTe it weuU require the milk of from 400 to ri0 coirs It Ukca from 8 0 lOIbi of Biilk for one pound of cbec A aod aTcrae ecw will produce lullt that time The aoiuial tberefore would pty for itaelf in six montha Taking tLe auMrel in all tfa bearings be tboogbt b be to tloM ooHDccted witb the ucdcr taVIn Ve haTe sirea Mr Irwins fiews al enptideralle length aa b4 ope up the qncatioQ eoooected wilb tbe aab- jc KJ HeynoM aiJ did not but rather to rrexiro He however wiuld like to tuake an ohervairB or two upon tbe quntiun ao fully ealcrtd apnn bjf Mr Irin Alter rcftrrinjc to the Itasca nch asocijtion as ibe Far Club afftJid by affording as p Cut tbe tnlvrcban af tboUtil 1 the bsTins eommoB iolertsls 1 tuai tbis seettfro of coottlry iabiog the bi Upoii iriirJ for ara Te Coiiiteil Will aj iliia aftD0i prnbat lyl the fiil Tualay n Juue neii- Th Yok aie a24iu in liatriilinw a again it iMwaid Farmers Club- auceeeafui Bcaidra Mr Irwin had for eotten one impoitant faet io his aUtement uf prnSta in iTor of butterttakisg orer ehceo tnanufaetare and htX was tbe lots of oiilk for the production of perk ail itam uf no inoontiJerable aeeoont to tbe farmer Tbe whey of tbeebene waa aluoi Taloiicsa while the niik afer ex- traciiog tbe batter waa Taiualle Wilb three coaa be bad maoafactaredaod aotd 170 wiMth of batter made 60 or 7011 ehceac and made about 200 ewi of polk A regular meftinj r ihf N Yoik Parmpa Ckb WAS held at tU flailrtd xm equal to Mr Irwiasealealatioas fltn lt 1 Si Pf f I aavoJ himself the troaUs of taking bu oelok p m ruwnt t jvnneitt j rctoj i PieaUant Jobu Rydll it Ir P V Tlaytet uid bebad upeel- tl ed Mr Irwm would bare given tbem a AVr rnJini in I coiCriii Ihr pmlbl eol cfcttjing k- t be uetory to wbieb b referred 11 lOne eUabliabmeat to tbe pert of the rouiiie biaiieaa Mr rm Protioce such as be speek east ISOOO rafoktim of heh he bad gtvtn lice I to sat it in operation and be fartd if iih retad to tho time nf meiingof the I ihU was aUuit tbe amag eapital it OnS whib waa ad ptrd Aecrdiig lo 0 dlficuU to raiae i litis rerlufl the Club will hresrii In replr Mr Irwin said a aaa eta niel rn the firat Stutjay of eack 1 bniSd at eimoel any prfee in tbU eoaotry month at the b ur of io ocick p m by pat ap larpe aadcxpeasireboiU- from March to Daeemlter tncluiie I it wouM be an eavy matter to ewal- Any pereou becwni g a maibr of the j ine capital bui he tboaght baild Nlrih York Ag S eity j in tl eMCS auiiable fur tbr purpoee eoaU be Ciyb ft9 We hpe the farmin 3m Nrted and ali other nreneary apfnratua fiiubiiy will bear this faet in tniHj stitf for between 2000 and 98 00 utead lgely ai lh rext meeting not to eteeed tbe latier anosnt Tbe Th Cib Ib the du I Jw ion of lb oioUo n- t od r bM mnoriolant 1 1 bTT f ff Mr E P Irwia bia named al lat meetiag opened the quesiioa at ideraUe length Afer a few preli P J laty ramatb b obferrt that etuaiofc this qtettioa U u not inteadtd that tb sfiMers ehoald be ooafiacd etnetly to the point ead bat aboald be eumiaed is all its bearings It pr- btbly iaeladod tbe kind and qaality of milk pistara and braeda df cattle brt ajtpted for dairy perpoaca t bredi be euapoeM the Ayrablree a a eUas were probaUy tbe beat milker bat ia eooatry like tbia it was tx tremely dtSeult to eoUeet of tbta elaae aaiiKla It became theta tbcre- fur 10 eftdeeTOr to impmra tbe breedi they M bad tad fu tbia parpow be ooardered a eroM of oar gradca wiih tboiouh bred atwrt boras i1m aiost judi eloas tskieg speeial care to aotice botb tbe qaality aad quantity of mHk of breed la Mttle Tbe ktad fbod giTen nileb ewe voald czerdM ao iadiu ttee botb ea ly of tbe otber graaeee The number ef eows kept moat be regaUied by tbe qaaality of laaJ After detailing hia with regard to tbe atatem f roU tioaferfe abooldbe par- aeed opoa a dairy arm Mr Irwia aid fnaers aboaU eeendcr tbis qaee- tioa uoaeaf great iiaportaaee to tbem Tbey aboald satisfy tbrnaeUca wbctber it would pay beet to sake ebeasa or bot ter S staiisties oo bis foiaf be bed gathered fron what be eoaoeired pretty rdiable eoareee ba weald giro ttaea Tbe aaie qaaatlty of nilk oa aa am- z rrqdred for owe poosd of baiier iroold mei theory cf what an individQal luhed by tbe cloersf care aad eeofiomy Mr Irmsldn uid b v ftttnly of tbe opinion tbiM factories would pey aad he was a famr of be co operstiro priaciplf whether they raead pork or maaofaetarcd cfaeese If it eoald be made to pay on a amall saaie end there waa demand for tbe aapply it waa bat reasonable to sappole tt eeald be made laore proStaUe by a combioatioo of ef furtk and auaafaeturiagor prodaeinf ea a iar eaola Ur Irwin advaaeod oae idea about graaeea be eoald baldly eoia cide with ia regard to feeding elorer AU tipetieikct bad prated tbat old pas tare laada so loog as ibey prodaoed be feed requited wre better baa sew pastare fields of elorer- Perba not sane quantity of milk waa reslig this ssciioD of oouDtJ by eosibiaed saob as bad beea diseuMcd tbia af- ternooa migbi prera profitable to tbe farmiag eommaaity of tbis acctloa of Mr j D Philips was fuIy eoaTiaead of tbe adrsnUea of cbeeae taabla lo tbe Canadiaa Farmer aad vbile ova tboubt tbey eoold realise BMre from baiter maktag ba eoald tcU tbem fre praelieal esperieeoa bey were auatakea It took 16 qiurta of milk e aake lib of butlr idUvIy be bad beea eelUag bia milk at Seta per quart bat before dolog ao ba demmtrated tbe naatity raqaircd for a lb of batter uo foun aooordiag lo tbe prioe of milk tbat bia batter ooet him Dpwarda of 40eta per lb poaadj sad a balf gf qouiity of milk it took to mike one lb nf butter would hare made boat three ibe of eberte areording tbe statiflics Mr Irwin had rurniabed Mr Irontidn thooxbt there would be no difficulty alont ettin the milk to tbe factory as a few oeihboais could baea an ndemaBdiD2Di earry io lorn Mr A Starens corroborated the marks of Mr Itlipo thai on an aTerage lb quarts of milk would make lib of but ter white the same quantity would pro duce between 3 and 3 lU of ch sod by the csiablithment of a factory they would not only save the female por tion uf heir famim from much laborioua and tediouf work bu u a general thing eeure a better quality of cheese Quite a lapo number of famera wires i ftctureil mure or lesi eheese in hi tinn of coontiy but a great deal of it WIS of Infirtr Quality- in faet almott osrleMi a na article for market Mr Clubinc said be had been engaged aad foHy eormboraiel the retaarka of Mr Steven Cbeeee making if proper ly atlended o waa far more profitable than baiter makingthis be knew from experience Mr Irwia ssid that sapposiag a dairy nf 500 cows wuuld prodaoe in eix ontba 300 Ibe of oheeoa eaeh at 12 eta per lb it would realiie t879iO and sappoaittg 50 farmers are enjged in tbe aadertak- iitg they would thua reeeire a return of 373 for erery lea cows supplying milk I bis wts s mueb prealer sum than coald be realised frou butter making opinioa- further diaeouion followed with regard o details and tbe reUtire quali- ticaofmilk from eows fed differently the kind of psstarafre beat adapted for cheee wakinr e wben tbe following resolution was adopted as tbe seollmeot of tba Club on the sabjeet onder debate Jttoreif That in Ihe opinion of ibia Club eheee ean be maaofaotored at Icae eapenae and of more uniform good nualiiy by be establibmrnl of eoopera tire factories ibaa by indiTidaal enter prise as at pre eot and it is also eon- aider sueh aa enterprise would not only prove profitable but ahoald ba fostered sad irell suilaiaed by farmer io tbis see- iinn of country The rrsolarina harin been adopted it waa reaoired Ibat the sabjret for debate at be regular meeting in March ba What breeil of sbeep is best adafted for farmers of Ibb seetioa ofCaaada Tbe meetiog tbea adjouraed Fubllo Moting in Toronto THK GOVERNMENT SUSTAINED A public meeting wu beld in St Lawrence Ilall Toroolo on Moaday ereDing last ealled by ProcUmalloa of ba Mayr on a requiaition aad of sU ooisy atcrmy gatberinpi we ever attend ed that meeting ead thaelimaz T oljeet ita promctera had io Hew so far eoald uoderaland waa to eondemn be rerament for passing tbe Aliea Dill and fur granliag a sam of money lo make good what the St Albaas Banks lost in eoaacqueneo of tbe niitakea conduct ef fficer of the Crown Tbe assembly brge as tb Ilall was crowded Men cl different shades of polities took tbe dRooatriioa and sfter tbe malter bid bca diKussed for aearly three boarSratuii tlia intcrruptioaa bowt iog and whistling of a eolleetioa of Rooghs tbe rote was taken and de clared to be deeiJedly condemn ing the action of the Goreraaiat Tbe miootity patty were cxceadiacly rooble- soma sad crideatly tried to prereat fall aod fte dtKUSsioo 8la Bajfltter TueatUy Fhniary 3I A aaU ly Aoe ttMi will uk piae oa Lot No 9 in tbe XtiJ Con of King of9ioek Impi elJ Forniiure it Roet Mnftit Sa oclock Teima 14 and aitrfer Caab s oror thai amonot Tbiitean Montba Ciadil 8 Maebell Aaciioaeer Ptriita having tbeir sale bills printetl Aee Editorial Stimnary- CJ We beg 0 rslera oar tbaeks o tbe raprewalalieee of tbia Rkliaglaboili Hooaea f rwliaoMat lor a eofiew aapfly af Pariia laealary ppers We aodaraisnd tbat ha Rev Sir- Mrs F RaMAT ft A baa teeeoily pie aanied a vaJgable Cioek to ibe Cengregaii f S Pola Charebi A speeial meeting of tbe members er i Aewmarltei Mnehaaies Inaiiiaia wlD ilia aTtobgi at the Ball Aa MUers ofifMial itcraai 0 eeate op fee dfaettaai A Skating Caraival is annooneed in tr adverliiing eolgmat to lake pUca oo Moeday eveoTng nekf Tt aa ta bava coateoQ oaWedneaday aveaingtaat bat ia eonaeqiMBoa of U iaolemeney o U woailMr g was poetpooad till Moaday CJ Tbe Livaipoel and Leaden lasBr Me Cempaoy tbroagb their Agnt ia Ibia ptaee Mr Thomas Atkinaoo baa do- aaied 10 lewaida iba Faad fot auetaioing NigbiWaiebman There are ettll a few other Inaaranee Compeniee ia ibia wbe shoold follow ibe nobla exsmph tbem by iboae who bave altaaJy ooaitiba lad lo Ibis fafut Tba Aeta 0aaaer bae ehafad prapiiatorsbip Mr- MarfMBwa having tispeaed ef iba abola cooeern lo Mr S Hoaaa We apprehend ibe eMabliabmfal did not prate aa as Mr Msiibewa ilicipaiad and after oae yeisliial aban doas tba aalerpriae Tha oew prepiielar we aia almeet totally aaseqaalntail wiib bel ifoat be will ba equally aaecaaefal wiib Mr- Matibaws ia aaearing iba good epiaioo af tba aaoaity praee aad pt a sbaai a arall ealealaled ta plaaea tba gaoaral pab lie Coocnr AT ScireMsaaa- On Tbarsday Ereang next Pebraary IBib a Graad Va- eal and laatfamenisl Coaeert will be beU at Si Geergaa Half Scbamberg ia aid ef tbe Lbydiawa Praoaaga Foad Perfsra 4 Amaiear Singers will b praseat from Newmaikei Taroata UibriJgo aod Gieve ta take part iu tha aalertalu- laty be bad ofihe raanagitigrnmmiiiee Mr A AtmtlroTtg jr ta lb Keereiaiy andr Playierr Matiager Our frieoJa tbU s4KlioA of oonniiy nay antielpaie rirb muirl tiOMt The Coaceil will com mence al 71 Vicek fy- Wiiicbrcb Cuoucil meets l Siaf ville ao Kiiday nex iha I7h iusl E Gwillimba Cwaooil at Sbaroo on Ibe ib mai King Council at Kettleby oo ih inti Noih Uwillimbaiy Ceoacil i Viaw abd Geotgina Ceaneii at ppHilaw on lb Iftb inat On aeeasnt of ao many mealings and nearly all ef them on ibe aame day wa will feel obligeil by Tea bip Claika fuiaUbing oa wiib a eopfef minoies ef ibejr reepeeiive Couitcil pro- ceediitg Piaaonai- We trgnt to Issm ef ibe cooivmplaietl temoval Froia ammigal S AaTaoa Maauae Kq M A std Piioeipel ef ibe Newmarket Gramioar School Sioee bia cantectiua withal ed ocatioaal iasiiiatiM qoite ihe avorage nnmber piiilB have paeaad frun his eare and tuifmi lo enlei aooii Ihe PO- feaetene aad in every inaiaoee we be- tare their exaiaBalonfirepiraioty lo en- leiing opna a Collegiate eoorae of inairoe tion wai ervditable and aailraKtOfy The w field M Mailing has choeenla Cbal- ham C and we ate aoie we ooli fpeak ihe apniimenia of a large nnmber ol oorcitiJfns iu wiohing him and bia iatei- fating family future aitceeae Many elra wil miaa- ibeii kiuJly voioea wbeo ibey are gon T Ri Aaasai aao lloBTicOLTVaat Diaccroar is Ibe till of a ovai lit lie WKik it l20 pajea iaaeed each year ftncn Ihe efReeof the Geaesee Iarmer Hechetet New Yutk The volnme fo 1865 i juil ool ll CAoiaiiia a large amoin of inlormaiion for Ihe farmer fiuit glower and evaty oae iniereated in ihi ali n of the toil Amnng the piinci- pal lopica diteeel are Tba Par Tree Dhgbi Rairing Clover Seel Charring Old Soda New Method ef Tiaining Peai Tieee Pioniigi Chiceofy a iotlitute for Ctffee Tbe Golden Age of Fioit Ca1 tare Pouliiy aa KgProJuerra Experi- menlt in Feeding llg wiib Diffvieni Fooa i Fattening Caille in Winlei Crali ing Old Orebanla ArtiAeial Manaroa wiih many ether aitielea of gtpat inleieat The pcieeoftbe Naraf faaitu ta only twenty- five cefllt It will be eent prepaid by mail eeepl of ptiee Ad lreaa juairii HaB Pbliber Geiwece farmtr Rocber Srw Yrk True National Dignity Tb poMioa lake by GnveraaieBt ir rrUli b wiib tb Uaited Siale ia oreji sad dignified Tbataoiae oftbe aeendtariea and robber ab csbm bre to uadr atd auJer oar eibbar have Msptd ibe peaslty dee ibcir crimea waa iOteiiraly not tbeir rfaltbul ibe faali fan iecempteat iffiial Tlie prompt- cts wilb whicb bis bisader was reircdied od arooed for apeska well for tbsir wis dom and vigiaaee We eoufee lo a ktadliag of fairtet pride wbee we fieJ or Proviraal Gov erameal at Qaebec coiaped of ma of teaiimrata 10 drra traa to ibs IraJi- tioaal iiitiael of Briteas dealiag out baadrd jaliee to heir owa lw to eartricWB aetglibra oa tbe 8 a Tbera are aoaw few bowrer ever ready latlign ineapaVe ol pvifiraiag le aetino tbraarlvra sad by eonse- qaeeee aaable or aowilliag lo spfrecistv t wbra tbey aee it prrforoed who wU ibat nt baa diiv oar overaail ib Bet ao riagle fact will aataiB tbem Men under the tifiieaee of far act w prccipitalira Oer juttraiaeat pnmpfy bat aitb great calnaea Oer TeeaaHaary iiieaare were aesilr al in- pled iba Amerieaas felmiaatrd heir Irx orders Bet ibe calm d termmalioa wbieb oar Gavrraawal anteled to do o oar oeigbboar S iH be dra by he slresdy seted as oil apoa ba troebled ster Where aatioea violale ibe Uiviaa rale o do to tiiber a tbey woatd bava otbcta do to ibam Ibey lay Lemaelvea opea to all tbe eaamitom coaeqacaees which astarelly flw from tbe act jatt as tare as do tadividaala abea Ibey a vaaacr C H Anrorm Corretpondenoe- Ftaf 8 1865 a aonmencing this my fir remmsai ilion as Corraapondeoi from Aeiora I feet ibst I SB andertsking a tsak wbieb ptihapa invelva aoma diffloutiy opea Uowaveria my weekly jotUnga of ibe eayioga and doing la lliis villsga of I will eikdeavaar M give yoar raadera idea af tbiafs aa ibsf are faeis aa iHey tranepira and iudividuala aa liey appear 1 hope if at any tima 1 iraad apon Iba teas of aome af oor leaal eelebriiiea I ahall Jo N io a manoer wbteh will loKh ihem the error ef iheir waya wilbaoi boning Iheir faaliaga or raiaicrg heir ire I aball alao oocasienalty taaab apaa sob- jecis which bava a geaetal ioleteal glvitg kO viewa ihereaa aa tee aee them n faralib you wiib ao locals ibit week as iba bead of oat village widoai atteadipg ibe CoBOliea Caaneil i ia aoo- clioa wilb Ibis I msy asy bewavar 1 bepa all aad evaiy spplieaat may be np poiotad SaperintaMeai ef ibe Yeik RoaiU t IGNORAMUS LBOISLATiri COUKCIL THu0Ar Feb 3 Tba Speaker laak tba chair at tbrea ocleck Hoa Mr Carra tatrodaeed a bin rela te 0 samaiary eoDvictiaaa ta Upper Ca Oo Btoioa of Hea Mr Fiber Iba lUtU ly Ae BaMadaMBt bdi was read third ioM ad passed Oa ef Hea Mr Aikiaa tba rs ea bflaw far tba cresoa of a debt II wss read a third tima aad pamd The Cwaaaii adjaaraed at 4 oelaak LtOilLATtTI AtBIKILT T Feb 3 Tba Speaker took tba ahair al three aclock Oa Bioiat af Mr Morris leara wst gfMted ta tbe North Waterloo elaclioa coMitlea with ib coaeaiaaa of bo till Ibe 37tb rtit M Iahrresa prctealed Ibe fiaal re prt af Ibe Brockrille eleclioo committee ibat ibe oppoaitloa hatiag been wilbdrawn wilb tbe cuNeat of the sitog membrr ibf drclarei Mr Cbambcia lobtve been duly eleciid jad ibal nciibor ibe MiiiioB oor Ibs dafraia wss frtraloas or vsxa- I be following bi it wre iairodeccd aad read a fiitt tiiae Mr Abbott Bill reapeeting leare- boee lereiita sad war boasag M Uoarataa Bill To provide fir be inpcclioa of apirileooa hqeura aad to pre real tkcir adwIterBiioa Mr McFarlana To declare the meaa- ing of seclioos 23 24 sad 25 of chip 92 Icoatalidaied tiBisies of Upper Caoada In reply o M Tssibcrese Mr Gait aisled Ibat it was ibe ioteo tioa of Ibe goeernaMat to reetlabliah a caatom boute oa tba Keaaebee rotd la reply to M Alex Dofrerae Mr Gelt ssid ibe quealioa of sllowiag fsrniera who cellivsletibaeco to make it up ia rolls sad sell it wiiboel psyiag daty a now aader tbe eideralion of tbe lieeipccted lomettade ulslioa of gentlemeo iaterrsted ia tbe qwettioa naxt week Ia leply to Mr MeFailaaesad M Bow man wb- put ibe qtieiioa wilb refereaee 10 Ibe isauiag ol paaiporia to aaiaraliscd Biiih aebjeelt ia Caaada la asieralixrd eadr Iba laws of Canada be issued by tb Gveror Ueoeral eeable tbem lo travel ia foreiga parte that gave sil lbs proieciioa Ibst ecald be givea by a Colosial goveiatBeat Mr J A MicDonsM lanved a ibrd reading of Iba bill for Ibe reprevaira and pteventaroa of ealragrt oa the fiealier Mr Abbott mored s sobatitute for iba first clause by order aentmona or warcipi iald l p to bnay Wfore bim fr tiaogsroaa sfd afier hearing bim by bra telf or couMel and bit wiiaete ahall have power to order him lo leave tbe Provioee sad that if the parly cbirgd sbscnadi or e9csla biiaaelf to preveal a oa him of the warrant abal jol fjr tbe Gov croor in lakiag b tme aelion as if the peraoa bad beea bOwgfat befoie bim sod Ibe evidence foaad tefieieal to jattify hieooeleaon Tbe Hns divided wiib Ibe followieg eaU yea nsys 87 Mr M C Csiaeroo and M Perraall ho voted yea oo ibe previoiia amead- Slot voted niy oa tbi Metra PsqMl aad Trbb wbt voted aay eo the previous saaendmeBt vnted yea on lki Mr II Canwron mivcd si smeudiaeai Ihe effnt thai tbe mformatioa aboed ily be received from a person wbo ws I lahsbilsBtor s resident of tbit Proviace Negatfa on a div saa Mr J A MaeDiasI ststed that sfier be third resdiag be wold move a rider ihsl th act abuald aot spiIy aliint bq- dr yesrt of age of tb wbo bad re- kided wilbin ibe Iruvnee 5 yeaa before tbe pasing bf tU act Tlipllird rradiag wat carried oa the following diriii Ycaa 107 Bat7 The aa ere Mesar M C JamToa llJIyaid Csmerea Knrd JOaes J 9 Dsid MscFsrlaue Sealcberd aail Stanlr Tb bi I bad tbea adiled la il tbe rider moved by Mr J A MscDooaldaed Q Feb ti i8fi5 flen Mr FrrgaaoaBsir iotrodaccd s 1 lo amend tbe act rahtire o Mutea iDaaraaca CompsD Ilea M Lsteliier moved aa addret for eopiea ef all deapalebe and ctrreapoad betweea ibe Ispeml aad Proviaciai oa Ibe sobject of tbe pa fibesct 12 Vletoria cbsp 19 eo- I An aci for tbe better giving ef wilbia Ibit Province to a tresty be fween fitr Majetty aod tbe Uaiied Stale ol America for lb apprebeaaioa aad torrrader ef cettsia efieaderi aad ol tbe act 24 Vie chap 6 ealilled aa amend cbafler89 oftbe Cootoli dated Stalat a of CaMda repectiag Ibe eiiraditioa of fugitive frloas from Ibe Tacba oa Iba pert ef tbe sgrrad to lbs molioa bat aid Ibat witb rrfeteaoe to be ac 24 Vic there wat ao proclamstoa u Boaa wu ra- Hoa- Mr Carrie moved aa addreaa for abewiag tbe amoeal contribat- rmmia School fead created bf tbe set 19 Via chap 200 from be tales of Isnds ia Upper aad Lower Ceoadi repectiTely arried At half p8l 3 oclock His Eicelleocy me dowa ia Her Msjeatys aaaM sealed lo tbe Alien bill Tba followiag bills were load a teoood Uo Mr Bull laaaraacO Compaaiea latittical retura Ifoe Mr Currie Nisgera Dislrici Gsek aet4 aacadmee lioo Mr Campbell retaated b da iba coafederalioa acbims A coavenatinaal d teatMoa arose as lo of the fooMeeath daaie tbe nbether aomiaatioa was verlH bere frawal leesi goveraaiesi Of ta aew toeal goveramoata to ba forawd Hoa Mr Csmwbeil promised aatborita- live expleaatioa tomorrow tKClBlaTIVB aaSBHttT oi Feb 6 The folljwiag billt were lalrcdveed aad read a firat lime Mr CbamberaBill retprcliag Jomi flocks Cnmpaaiet for tbe coottractioa of rosdt aad other works ia Upper Caosda Mr T FergoaTo aetboriM Ihe CoBSialioa ofpersoos foe Hllug kqi Wilhoal Liceaae Mr WanBiidgs sMVtd be appoiatmaat of a select coauaitlea lo coasider the qaeslioo ef aaibtriiag be loeel atttborilie oftbe Cooolyof Rastiag l teka tba ae- ceeiary aleps lo afford relief le persoet residmg bsroia by a be law for raviag moaey to perchato seed graio Carhid Mr A Msckeasla moved aa addrea for a retarn of tbe amoeatt paid lo tbe pebliabers oftbaCaoo QatrUg for adreriiaiag tbe Ittt of laadt for tale fur taxes ia 1M4 aad also lbs ameont paid lo tba respective newapapers ta wbieb toeb lisu w advertised la eaeh eooaty m Upper Caaada Carried Mr Stirtoa moved aa addreaa for Ura ef talariea ef tbe couaiy Jodges aad olben ia Upper Caaada Carried Hr M Laframbaita moved aa addreaa for copies of ali deaaaadt made by tbe Amencaa aalbenlies for tba exlraditiaa ofpenoas soceaed of robbery from be Beaks of St Albaas- copies uf al aac reapoodeaca batweea tbe ProfWial gov eisaeatoraBj ofihaMsben with tba Imperial goverameat or with tb judicial la iLis Province ia reletion lo f Uenaelt Yeeag and otbert eeed of acb robbery together with coMaofan complaikl sgslatl Mr Jntiee Cuuratil of the eommiaiao dirreling qaiey islo it coedbci aad of Ibe latl iMt given io the commisoiort nppoioted to make taeb iaqiry Carried Cosntie Coancil Faioar Feb 3 Tha Coaoeil met yoaterdey et oclock tba Wardealn tho chair The mioutee of Tboradaye meeini beving beea reed andadopiod the War From Mr Joho LongatafT Tbornbin reeoremeading tbat ibatea of Super a teitdenl oftbe Yok Roods ba put up to public eorripaiitioo to ba gifoo to tba bigheat bidr From Mr J A Oooaldaoo on ihe culuvaiitB of flax- Moved by Ur- Rerrymsn aeconded by Ur Wilon thai Mr Houlibee IH Barrtbari Bell Graham Oore bo a se lect ermmiitea to drsfl a patitioo to the Legialalora for sn rnsetmeni tha betier to prevect tha epresJ oi smallpox by cnmpueory vocetaaiioa or oiherwiao wholo snd adopted by the Couoei Tho Sisndlng Commiuee on Fiuaace and Astemefil beg leave to report fiillnwe on ibo natier referred to ltei Your coaimitiae would reeomme Ibat tbe following sems bo pid to i rroovurers of the followipg chartlabW IiiXituiiooe via To tbe Magdalen Atylum tlOO 100 100 t00 of opinion that the claim ol Ihe Cii Ha Irom yourCoun- list of iereune liebie for Iho difTerent sorvioea in the militia m part of the dotiea of his office and that under the Act bo aliudee lo no renu- peifiad your Your ritferanco C aik for cil for aukiiig recommend pay iherefora e mem of the III refo cce to the demaal ofjame McLenaan Eeq Bsrrieter Toronto re quiting a part of Iho expaneos iocurred by the water lot owtera lu tending Mr Vsnkoognel to Queboc Iu prevent the passing uf e peial Aol by the city of Puroaio relaiivo lo ibo Ralansde you Commiitee oannol recommead tba pay- ihey ofannt aware that Mr Vaukougbnet waa aulhoriiM behalf of iboia oooxiios Goromitlro in referrenea to s of T n Ham P q ftsid All wai kept it sppesred to bia miseioier or Coaiiy Propfy To ibs Le was most decidedly oppd If tbe aaiier were aoi lakeo ep atwa tpeoal laeetieg wold bare to be called al cootHl- rrabk uiaeeetaaiy eiefle tu tbe Cou- liea lie ceatdcred ibai action tskea low would be no wnre premeture Ibaa bet eadord Ibe otber daf bf ibe Ceae- e1 by tbe catllg vie oftbe Warden wbieb wat to relate IVet fnm a debt ro yei ineerrrd Tbe Doctor wa klrfngly hvAT of ibe purcbaO n tbe roada feel- iag tbat at ibe lime proposed Ibey weebl proper maaageineot be a anarce u reveaue aad if oo Ibe other baad bey igrd Ibey woed be bet tberefcro rroomnead e to Mr Ilarria Your Commltoe would rocootrrond payment of ibe aeeouni of Jamea Blliut Ctotk at yMir Ziteii for compll furtmhing tba Clerk of te h a Cpv of Ihe Militia Hol t SBinantibg lo 449 33 Your Commitieo recommend that he oiwnis uf iho Gab f l8 34 Ltadtr 8fi67 aad Hramptoa n 46 be paid All of whkh dec dee Tbe followiag geotlemea were reeom- odrd aa Local Supenateadeata sad rrutteet reapeclieely 1 Towaabip of York W Walsna 3 Seaiboio Uev W Ikll 3 Msfkttsa Rev I S S llill 4 Wbitcbarcb Ij t Sixha 5 E Gwllimbary 6 N Gwilliabary Dr Mnatgomeiy Tbs bibbald Rev J Milligaa C McCotUm Rev H Coper W 8 Potaeroy I Co J FriU Rev II B Otier Iter A 7 Geergiaa 8 Kiag 9 Vaagbaa 10 Etubic he 1 1 Toroato IS CbiBgaacoosy 13 Gate ofToreate 14 Albion 15 Coledoa Ctly of Toroato Sear Grammar School Trwatoet- Rev Dr Barclay aad Di J ODea re appointed Richmeod IMl Grammar School Trva leea Amoe Wpgbi H PP reeppoiat ed aad Rev J Carry D D Tborabill place ol Dr Brdgeford Markbam Cramaur School Truacc lUv II H Aylworlh aod Thos Milaer sppoialed Slreasrte GramoMr School Troalrea Dr Barabarl reappoialed aad CbarVs Diagwall Eq Bramploa Grammar Sebaol- Tratiaet Wm Maraball raappoialed and J R Cemminga E ia plaa of R Arooid fcet Giammar School Treatee Rev 8 F Ramsay aad R H Smith reappeiated Weatoa Grammar Sebool Tratlees Henry Denai resppotaed aad Dr Ball ta place of Mr Mcae Yoarcommiltee bsve carefally iapeeid tbe fiesacial report faraibed by peetive Boards of Treateea of ibe Gram nwr Schools of Ibeae United CoaalM from wbich tbey are tatiafied tbat the feoda graated asl year hate baea ail jadicioati expeaded From tbe ptiBoaal koewleii ef roer commitlee at to the manageateal aod operatioa ef lbea aebools irom tbe lacis preaeated ia Ik titioaa laid before tbem tky are cm ed ba be aaaual aid givea by tbeae coatributed hrgely to of Ibo Boards af Trasleas would aot bo saSeieat adele salaries to traileea ef eompeteat ability to lake cbarga oi soab scb rbe groal olclt for which Iboae aehle alitetioaa have beea detigaed to aceota- pbtb woM be fratlrated Ia these cir cenntaacet year cammittee bare aa beai utioa ia rtcommeadiag lo Ibe Coaaeil tba tbe sum of 4 1 JSOO be appropriated e tho foliowiag Gr Schools Westoa Newmarket Bramploa Slreeta- ville Markbsja aod UkbasoadHill lo aachtSOO Toar oonittaa bad takaa iaio mdoratioo tba oetaaaaioatioa froc tbe Cbairmaa of tba Waatoo Oraataar Sool aakiog oMbtaoea towards tba li quidation of tba debt oa tba Oraamar Sobool Baildiag Tbey aicad tbat aay additiooal aid bo granted and at tba aaata tise act ooasiaUat viib aobooli sitaatad Storey for be adiuiision of bis daugbrrCeeacii ol 0lino ijrefereooa a dof and dumb mule into Mo i bridge over Uli Mr Kgogt dof Oaana iaatilulioa at Hamilton aod would reoommend that tbe prayer of tba uik Mtice that be weald aa Poiatoaefa rMa to J te tbe matter of purcbtae by tbeie eaM ef tba York iUadt lo tbe nuvann previoot o tbe award lately Ibat behalf beiog carried iaoefiMl Moved by Mr Graham VsaelMl nmAd kv FIP u for tbe a teUct committee to draft a Gbrsraor General ia Uowil Ibat lba Coaacil be empowered a t palitioner be granted Your oommlttae on iuveetigatlor ao reason for depoeing Rev Mr UiU from Local Soperinleodeot ofSehoc4s for tbe Township of Msrkhsm altboogb tbrea pelitiooa were preaented afainat bia ap i pointnent and twenty tlirca ia favor of it i The accoanu for inelieatal expeoeea Coaoty loaids of Yoik and Peel aere ecoaded by Dr Barahart Ti osrully exsaiifed by yoareoumitteo ia Or Bsrnbari Egj Plajier Bjwmaj all tbrir particulan the mover be e sehct committee la Your eomnittea eannol ctoae tbis ra peltiioa to tbe LegtUalara as le tbe ad poll vitbout eoogratulatiug tbera United vnabiTiiy of tbe peo heiag ceaealtedba- CoaatioB apoo the increaa efieieocy ofj fore tbe Coofederatjoa Kbeate cornea iaia tbeue Grammar Sebooia Tbe admirable efiiscl effecta of sieb superior eduoatioo ia daily msking itself uanifest io oor Universitiss and other capacitaca rcquiciog bVoetxaica ind eapacKy of our youtb All of which ia abmittrd- Adopted The Coancil iben adjouroad anil leo oclock tbia Dotoing M Jan 0 Tbe Coeacil met today al two oclock p m be Wara ia tbe er The mie ales of meetiag baviog beea read and adopted tba Waia Uid belore Ik Cil fro Mr FrH Trllit I tb Sc of Sr ir f- olion it waa malrrrt la to eoowder tbm qwoea tlOO to improve tbe Crooty boa beievn i proao aaifc if tb Couacit Wilb wt motiooa a oae now propoaed by Ibe Datf Rem of Vaughaa It would do ao gtwd aad might lead to tba iarrodactioa of pa to tha Coancil Chamber retuh aH would regret Dr Gnbsm Vaagbaa argued tbat be did aot introduce the rewetioa with Uj such iateatioa fw be dd aot regard it m poKtieal The admiastralioa I grealeat importaaaa abould c es asd Tbe AuoraeyGeaeral bad aaid i place ia PaHiaeseat that tbe Kbeme meat be odpied without aoy ameadmeats but Graham tboagbt it aeeded amemeel M Ur at Ibe people ef Upper Yeat 18 Nat 13 Movtd by Dr Berryman secsnded by Mr Wilton j That Mettrt Bntltbee Wsllis Graham Vsugbsn Bowmsn Psrafam Lepprr and tba mover be a select com- lee to daf a repoii at lo the atraet of ff lb bii 81 for lb I riioiDlnot of fat lb 1 b lb rd blll I lb lb of lb uiid I jd Ib bd b i f Ik PI SI beam was proposed ibe eaaddtea e sums lb older members af ibe C I ihe Iesent tine aiJered Ibe Altoraey Gewerol perCsetly ilKlrne aroaod Ibeir ack Mr n said ibal if be aaderttood ur qTMVu it wat for the purpae f appisting a cvBmiitie wbte datf l ibcald be to derite a aebewe for tbe maa igaoMAt nf he rouda aa i 1 riady BJHer be coatroi of Ibe Co eil rie Couacil bad acird m god faih wilb ibe Goverumeat sad losbtlcta the rod iviBd be in the C- uatw poteeuiea Ibe eoiumillie coald repoit oa ibe pto pod elrme of maoagrmeal aad tbe Coearil c uld approve of it oe alter the report and sa sooa st ibe roodt dd come ibeir poateaatoa the dirrd tcbeme could take eff ct wiiboat a special awet ig of the oacil Mr Ego oiHild not support tha reaolu oa t only aavaaoatad iba pgnhsae pftharnada Tha porehaso waa aol yoi cootpleied srd whtio Ibey were in Ibst position ba should oijeet to aay aelion tabon by tba Coutcil Mr Pernham wa favor ckf tba re- iluiion Ha andcraed the viows of Ur Barryiwan and aahi tbat be showd ad- Mr Grnbsm Goro stsiad thai sows of iha memtt- ra toobad upcm iba rsa fioa as boing ol a poliiio aberaaw Mowsvrr ha that ne if Baay tbe ruoela n waa now helbra Iho ehairaad bad bo dipied of lie iboogbt tbeqaes- ton 01 Confedemlioa wee in tba faoada of Iha tOet a an I tbev would dseida whaihr tt wouM bu odvaatagooas lo anada or ant Tboa repreisamissa uf Iha peopa mere all well pnetad ap ia i rtaoureat of ibo ProvMsoaa aad how sueh could bo bat dsvolpod aadthora- ba ibnughl tbe queatioD ebod ba lifi ib ibem for dacta Aa to i nppoel to the people he could aot aaa what good reeuta w aid 0w frooi 4 The raaolutione paaaed at ibo Qoebao Coof-ono- on CwnfMor C ro Ihe paiple aiwl tbrir r and it it fo the latiar ta docida ibeae ngeiiiai iban aad ihoy are u iu a food poaitioo to form corra e usi ina ioocoriiiog thaoi He coad aot ea wbat raasoira Iba ataioamea f Cmfda ould bava la aacriftmi the iniarastaof a Mr Graham tlafh ibat sMpb lima bad beea green ho repraaeaiOivae during the recaae to ateariaja tha foa iigs ol lite paopio eo lb aubiaot aad Ibe tbarofere they sreat lo Quaboa perlecti prepared le deal orith be question witbMt potting tba oeaatry to eiponoa of a gogara alacttaa Ai appaal 10 Ibo paotta would ho a aealaae axpeodiiura aad iharaloea i will Ofpoaa lb reeolulioa On batag put to iho Cwac ibo lion waa loai oa tho ollawtog voia t Ysaa Meaara Or Parol aii Barry own Kowifan BgOi QaHaqt VegMa Pisyter 6 Nsra Meaars Bouliboa Cbeaiar Oreham Gore Oeraoly Hartl Henry Heoderooa Upper tfilU Urn- loan Pbilipa Paiber Prtea Parobom Rumall Kaadell Stabba Stork Sbulslamortb Taylor Tlwepeee Vaoca Wilmw WallmSS arrKaooow aeaato Mr Payervad ooooodad bf Dr t tba Wardoa wilb tba eiooora of Publw Proforiy be auibaroad to riflbr tbe old gad groutt lo ib 47tb Regimaat DOW siaiio at Haaiiaalbr tWir acooaratodatMa ia eiaa of rOOMeal from thai aiatioo to iba otiy CanM Mr Qrsbaai laovod aa by Dr ladividual would do wKb properly ibat oMghlOe about lo coma into his poa- sessino and waa to take ataaos for ra- Several elhor membera spoke for atid igaiaet tbe motioo wbich waa carried by I voia of 30 to 10 Y Meetra Bsrnbart Boaliboe Berrymen Bull Cbeoler Graham fiore Orebem Vaughaa Harilay lUrkdersen Lopper Philife Plsyier Parohsot Rootell tabbe Sbuttlowolb Tbompeoo Teytor W ileow and Wallia 30 N Maar BgoGormley Hoary Milla Mseklem Parker Price Rendell Stork Vnoce 10 Tba followirg raport wee preoenied reooived read nod adopted by tho Cota- eil witb aeveral amanbrnontab Abttradi ef Bfpert tf Coowrstir on Coitnty pTDftrly Io raferaree to iba letloe of Mr- O D Allen rcquosiing tha uae of a abod on tbe G Groanits fur wbieb a ru Property Tbe Committee fund tba Coart Also tbat Mr deaarvaa maA Iwwaa in goodoeder and coeditioo credit for ibafaiaa be baa tskea ia e Year ComoMilM beg leave le re leinlng suttetios ia renrd lotbe auhiva- commend ibo appoiotmeut of brae Cora imm of tbie ankle bm ia socariay e miasMMiart oa County Property for 1805 a tariaiy of eamplae in ibo ooaraa m i wboio daty il aball be lo lekecara of Ibo ireosiiioD ibreogb tba differoat stofea eODiy buddings d lo aaperintead ro- from Ibe straw lo tbe awoafaeturad a pairs 4u lo have adrqtMla authority lo cla as well aa for tba epealmeoaof eU loeko eoetracu he oo behalf af the cake aod linsoad oil wbieb bobaape Coueliee and thai Neosra Dr Baroben daced Wa cooaldor thia oew braacbef Bgn aod bo Werdoa bo aaid oomnH- Caoadiaa iadiietry wall wonby la CowMoilWa of tba Whole aeveral amoodateatr were mode 1 Ta pay oondry aeoaota Tbat tha Commiasioiwre oa CooiK ly Property be lastraeiad to examis Asise and other Cearl drs aad tbat irnmeiitttt loeasnrae bo laken to Inprt Bgrieoltarist Carried Tbe Comeainee oa Bdaaatiaa ed a aopplaataotary report ia rafc to iuriiciioa ef local Saperioea rbo Coaaeil adjouraad et f uatil tea tbia nwraieg HonaiiLt D Tbe Mb Comrant tells beriba tljwy ir tba ms bell easta Ihrewaiaamoaglbesawa i Cb lbb b Wl iW lif lid lKkitf brr- i the sBwt sad a buoma betog Tbe Coaaeil met at tea oclock bs y acesi of beiac oraiai tba Wrde io Iha cbsir j ua ss iltteHy siapfedbat he teHerer was c Mr Graham Vaughsn gave ooilea that bo will on ta atorrow nwva for fteleel Commiliae to draft a poiiiioo ha LegMaVuta at to tba odvisabilhy o ibe peopla boiog roweuhed bsferath Confedaratioo eebeoie eoaiee into effisct i be Coaoeil adjoarood l41 ichday tt leo otfock Tuudat Ftb 7 aste tbe Wsrdea hid beiore Ibe Coeoail j y r ibit tbe maa iiiaBBieailoa fiom tba Cterk af Oaia I largest pitee bat