THE NEWMARKET ERA FEBRUARY 17 1863 4 TMB TtaM Vfirmrkit UMI MisJ tM aii tiM ttl Atrni Cljf Jifujinnrlift Bra HBvaarktt FrUtr fb IM Indamnity to fmben ol Par Uamat TREY VOTE FOR THGA USUAL PAY THE RAILWAY POSTAL SUBSIDY t rA JVfMy f W Om W Mtrrtft QvtKC Feb 16 1865 Mr McCotcr Bill tor ih rnJue itM of itM ia4cmniy pid of th LfitlMoro ttomfti it quwioa Ui n flrt Tba foto oa ItM wond roHlint tind jMO 44 Dftjr 48 but in eni iiiifM iMO Uio 4uttkn cam up f Itjriog 14 diom intuad of iho TTiood by voU of ftO le fwmrtlM i roM vhltMt roportinf Uhttcror tba i doo Mpfrtj of lb prMoal HMiaWfa tro dttnniiied la look aAor ibweeoltw Mr McKiLLAta Rill to batt R od IWpMjRcAfM olKiod bjr a dirtt vott of ih ptof lo paaai a aeond rMd inn aiwl wu rofarrod le a eoaiHt QBoabor ara uodar bo imi roMioa It ondoratrod that iba Pool Maata Oanoral baa aubmiltad a aHrflimontar argamool agtiaat iaeroaaod avbaidjr lo raiiwaTO for poatai aorvko It b atao ufidorvtooO that iho pajrmoni of Uw na br iHmio Hbibiu nor m i aowidaraWj abovo iho aom oaitmtlad art Coaaty MaKiattaln lliej ara raai dooUoTToroato Boiof aoaraaitat to be Coart t it an aaa Ihlnji for iboti bo la attattdaaoo aad thj aro rttt ia a to Toto for tba eipaatara of atwj ilbeBt baviof aajr poitioa of it atfttawjilAa tba rwa and progroaa of our vflUgA diiing ihoaa aomt two or akro and porhaiH aa many fnteaiiM ariib oaa o who kal a Tiw gafloral arlco and eallad It a ahoplrgalhar itli a liniaJ aowbar of Mwchanira aod aribtM ora all Iho ptaco eoaU boat SI jroara ago Now wr bao aovtral morcartiJa rrtaUwhmani OJlrivalliog I qtvaiky atvl eomplotanoM ofaloek DdailaMofbaamoMOporaiinoa aSI ibo etbar piaeaa In iho Riding eom bifod probaklji wiUi modtanica aod ar litaoa ootWacing iho chier eallinga in lifo Aa oack nw onar roiorad tbo liat of gowfaliton aa a endidaia far rublte faror prtdletioea of apoedjr eel Upaing woro indulgod io and alikoogh in aocno fow laolaicd eaaaa lha prodie tioaa provod iroojrai at arulo moai of tbo goeikrman bao aoceoodad quiu lo iboir antfoiiuaa and iho fiilago bar gnno 00 iaraiag oniil a irado ha bcon davalopod lUl faw mon onaa- wiib tba ailaot tharaof haw Iho atigbiaot eoneaplwa Oar pnpola lion haa eonaidorabijr mnro lhaa dooblod and ibo vMlago liaa riaao Irom a mora poc hamlof 10 M Ineooralad MonW- palitj of DO hm tmpofiao oly aooqpH iadood ao Car aa waolih popula lioo and trado ia eooeorMd io ibo Con XT nf Tork ArraBgameDla are eo batag mdoTor loeal eorroapoodealaTroni rartoaa aootioaa of iho Ridiog ia addition o thooa ro- eonlljr acoorod at Aarora and Toroolo aAd ao effrta will bo wanting oa oor lrl lo iik lb Era k finilj A HudoatU baa lolrodaead ad loci joaro1 ibro a good dl To Iboa wh ban aiforoly pidllo Labor pon Ton Lino Hoai iaidTaoo daira lo luka oar bel lb incladm loeorporMod Villa bow aad 10 Iboaa ia arrearr whita ihink- binb b naa loo far aoM To fol foe their palroaaga wb bopa rpaedil o o facjr arill bava raaaon 10 ba ablo lo bind a Kccipl io fa i- ladinx adranro pajownt for tbo jear ooatribato aad wiiboo tho Mooiioa of tbooa who biTO tba aoirej to raiao or iho Uxea to paj It fa thia body of Mon ot roponail to tka Poopio wbo oppoiat a Hich Coaatable lad TOto htai a aaUfy of t4nO a yoar Hia dottoa to far aa woooold loam ara oooCood ehioly to a Ktoeral aaportatoadeaot of ibo obor Cooatabloa eo daiy dariog tbo timo oar Coarlt aro io Stititoo Vot wo partioolar dalirt ara aaaigMd tbia famliooarr that aoold aot bo dioebargad bj tbcw otbor wiaa oaployod Wo bara ao fkvH wM tha genlWmaa appolalod bat wo ooo plain of Ibo ajatooa oreaiiog aa oftotr I Tolriog the atpoodilara of tbo pooploa noaay to aoatain it that might bo dio- ptna with aad wb wo laalt tbo-Sao- aioat iiboeaaat wa boUavt tbty ordtr tba pajoent of a aalary too bigb for tba aorriot roaderod If ihty rrta proridod for iho paont of a raaaoaabia allow- aao per dtcm for tbo tiao ooiplojod it woald bo tolorabU aoder tbo aiiaiine lya- toa bat wbaa a roaad tan it roicd aot propioood to tbo tiao eapkod or aartieo rradorod tbo aattor btwaw rioTaneo Wo aigbt tnaawralo olbor rtana of erptwdiioro wbora tbo Coaatiat Coaaoil aro set ra btl tbia oao oerraa 19 iltaaCrato tbo lyatoa Ia fataro arlMaa wa iatoad lo giro tbo igaraa abowlag wbi North York ooinbta towarda Coonlr atpaaaea and what oar oooooetloa wllb tbo aity iavoirM PropotM AmendmaHU U th Mnnieipal Law apoa which wi A Cbaogtf B A eoapU of werfci ago Miy of farther Wgitliii lt w Proai ibo aeiion tbo llouaa 1 aigbt on a oaotioo majo by ibo lloo J Ba HicooKAL it ia cnoro lhaa likoly rtm of rTKMMy will bo oiod by Pariia onl far tbo oroctt of a aiabo mon oaaal lo tbo noMry of tbo laio llor W Ha biaaaiTT Mr CovAMa Agrteoliaral R lt wa roforiod to aeowiattoo yoauray Ill Moro ibaa lAaly tkoy will wM ropoi YOZJSKZTXV AVitb to daya iaaac we entrr apon Ihi Foanototb Volaao of Ibo Era aad wiih tbo oxooplioa of a yaor aod a baf of pabiioatioa it bw bota aadot tbo obargt and aoolrol of ita prat editor aod pro- priotor Io Cakiag a ratroopoctiro view of th pool Dotwitbataading tha aiy triali diHirtgomaU and perpWiitica iooideat It a life and altboogh at tlaoa plaood In oppooition to tbooa fron wM Wa had aaeb to oipoot by iboir fkvDr aad frioadabip yat wo hart r- toa to rijeieo at tlM nasrt of aooeeaa atteadiag oor eSbrta Ia ooaaeqaaooe of botag gofcraod aad iaiaareod hj tbo nig- oaoiaa aad doaaada of party wo aro freo t aoafaaa lo boiag obliged toparaao a policy aod writa la a atraia which nader atbor eiroaaataaeca wo woald aot ba aad bava tboraby iooarrad tba diaploaa- ra of tbooo towaida whom poraoaally o oalortaia aoao bat tbo kiodliaat fatl iaga i yot at tbo aaoM tiao wa can look book otar tbo paat wilb a pardooatU de- groo of prido aod tattafaelioo at tba re- at atloadiog oar effxrla aa a looal joar- aaliat Eapootally ia tbia tbo oaoa wbea o reaeabar tbat aot only bavt a laifo proportioa of tbooo wbo wtra aab- aeribca to tbo Era wboa wo aodortook Ita ooadaotioa aoatioaod to bo aod boarty aapportora bat oar tioa liM bao goao oe iaoraaiiag tiil awra tbaa twiao tbo aaabar wa bad at lb toaaoaataaot baro U oar patrooi Tbo Mb of aa editor i parhapa oao of the aMOt tfyiog and porplating of aay ciQiag ia tbo ooaBBBiiy So maoy dtf ioroat toataa to pteaooao aaoj liitta prajadiota to llgbt agaioot aad ovtreoa Froa Ibo Tory aeaaiilatioB of oar loeal waD at goaonl gortromoal acw iaao ara aaatiaaafly ariaiag aad lo rtfaaa to tabo part ia tbooa varied airaggioa woald iaoar Ibdiapprobaiioa of party wbtta oa tbo other baad to boeoat idca- titad wilb otiber aaetioo of tba iaata aallo forth tbo wralhfal veagoanoo of bigota aad partisaoa wbo difw fma biai Whb Ibo oioat alira of tbia oUaa iCop ay papor ia porhapa tbo Of ooarao tbio ia iboir pnrogaiivo bat aaU aS tw aoaaM aad party Uifo ia tbii Bidiag tbc loeal aad oao- tioaal aa well aa pi tip e ia waatyaaaa f rafboak to gratUy prlvtio plqoe or radrt i or prirato griovaaaat wilb vbiab w bavt bad to oooIomI aad battle iaiMtit ia a eoatea of prtlt tm4 aat- iafrotioo tbat wa bavo booa taoUod aeC oaly lo rotaia tbo ooaidoaoe aad patioa ap of a larga proportioa of tbaw wbo frti wt tba oatorprito bat add budrada of aa geod aoa aad tra aa tbora ara ia Ibo Moatry to oar ari UaC It a wifK taiiafatine too wo can k boak tar ibo Uewy o tba poot aod ckangiag and l labred aodvr dWli of lbir eoaaeclioo wilffToroato Il lid by aoBH bat iaaaaack aa lb Gorera pafi for Iho AdoMitfratioa of Joa art are iried before tba t of Ibe Coaaty ibo Cooalte Trraa- will oaly rective ibit aaeh aore froa ibe public Ifeaaaty of ibo Provioetf it tbi ia only part of I caw ly paMially Ira Tbo ftflveraawni fipai f tIpOM bt the viinci ly for Ibe payoMit of Jarora CoaMabiea atd elbrr rtetlerat allDdo ibea caaea La year tbro Couatioa kod to pay oot of Ibo Ut eoIWeiod froa ibe rate pay era Iberrof tbo aoa of 49930cia ler Witnema what proportioo ol ibta IBM wa iacorred for City caaea aad Ciiy pritoaers we aro aol ia a piitiA la deleraiae bol whatever tba aaaooot waa lock at by Ibo caaoclioo Tbo Greeawood Irial lo abicb allaam 0 weekt age oeopted aoae daya Now aappoo we kod bO jeryaKO aod eooatablfO atlendwg Coort datiog Ibel rial ibrir pay tf It aay be ealled aaoeated to 330 Add to tbia ilea tbo fe allowed F roll ealliog tad 6 cbargid f board to joryaro who were faratabed wi lU priraUly at the tapenae ft iboM mti aod we have orer 900 baaide pleaiy ol eitraa thai ordwary peoplo d M aedwsUad TUa ia for ooo ca iply tkea add Tbo ftral clauao providoe that ibo Me nieial Corporaiioa of ovary Townahip or Ineorpotaltd VilUgo ia Upper Cona dn adjacent lo any pvUio travalted Cxiniy Ruod not eahjoci to 111 eholl ia every yeer direct thai ooo half of ell Ibe Siaiole Labor for which aay poreoa re aiding wiihio ooo aiio and a hf of euoh Rood aball bo liahlo wbiKor in poraon or for iaode tying within ibo aoid die tanco aod one half of all oMDoy paid in m of aoch Siaiule Labor aball bo apporboaed and opplied oe ooeh Couo- Tbo eeeond elaooo impoooo 0 posally of 30 opAo Iho polh aaator or port ivo the fonda to lay out wbo dooe ot pond the labor or eonamuiaiioa raoaey ttpOQ Mid County Roada aeorvrdtog to tba pmviaioo laid down ia Ibe firat claoao Ciattae 3rd givoo power lo Coonly Coobcile le nako appruprialiiMM oa auch County Roode oa a Uylaw eiiaoding over a period ol yeara witbcai rofarriog lo the people Claeao 4th givee power to auko ip prnriatieaa for ooo of a Uaioa of Coao tia and ibai part of ibe toioa beaedi od ibrreby to be laaed oaly far aaeb ia provenMta Tbo Iret claooe of lUa Bill ia eiaply rodicwioaa ao far oe ibia Villege ie eon- oernod at ioaai ttr if adopted ooo half of ail be yoang mona tat and onobalf of all tb looal improvoaoal tat after dedueting espeoaea of aanagiag ibe Cor poratioii weald have to bo eapeaded apna ibe Town Lice ibal ia aboaU iba Town Liae be regarded aa a Cuaafy Rol aad not u do il woeld be to eab eet oar Road ead Bridge Coaaiitee to tbo liability of a Saa of 20 Wa bope oar Kidiag Meabora will eae to it tbet Viilegea at loeot ara arwck oat before the moeoare beeomeo law Ea ried eaber ef at or eoart aad we raa tbea fetpi ao coocoptMO of tie prtci FCtioa wrtb Trroalo Ia Irvaliog thb qaea wa are fa a of tbo diiltiea atteadiog i free diaeaaaioo AlSaaioa j to be Dode to tba aea at preacat holding tbefeais Mr Wallbrklgo boo ioifodaeod a Bill to eBrorage tbo plaatiftg of Treea opoa the roblie bigbwaya Claoao lel previdet ibat Treea pleated oa bigbwaya owtaido of Chioe Tovaa aod locorporated Villagea abafl beloftg o the owaera of laad adjaeaoi ea aide Claeao 9ad providea ibat afUr planted iWy can oaly be removed by order of ibe Uuaidpa Coooeti ibe prpritor howeror aoal ba paid Uwm Ibej aiapl laka bat tbo 8ia- po tba niaa of lb tro IIM alio or jd rameod lor poWic improaoaMla beace ao reaaoaaUe aaa oao faalt then bat bal a oomaad i tba alknraaoaa Cl proaidaa Ibal tM ao for work parforaod ia altogether dipra- ia nwa aad itoe tbo dUDee opart portiooate ia aoaa eaea to ihe aervieo they matt be planted Oaoae 4ib ia a poaal ofio providlag I wbA aaliaieaaly ia aa planied If tha daaaga oSoe bat whiU we aiMBO oaaaa diapropoclioeate vioe perfbfaed we by oo oaoaBa daei lo 6od C wilb ibe geotleaeB reoeiviag todered aod indeed the atatatoa i qaiO wo done that atebt ba diepeaaad Jilb iiho1 lojarj lo ailon or ktril Pokol ol ar pa aeat to pablle Idtererite Take the jary 117 eeeordieg to tbia law jurat aateloraorjarmialba ario Ml i fbiboiieally tbo of be VoMe n j I bove tbat eaa oeived over t50o Wbetber tbb aaa ie aKNt go before tbo Cooaty t Ibe aaof liltla or too groat we are not bow ia a poaitioa to ay there ie a aab labor la arraagiog tbea alpbabett eally ia tba inf iaaea bat wboa a aiiar ehaixa Jp Made ht tpoh of tbo other two oopioa tbo Btatalei rtijairt wt Uave ao braautioa in ataUag tioa tbat tbo foM ara es good oopyiof Chi will perfora tbia let tor aarvwt La tao or three daya ai tbo oviaide yel fcr ibia work we bava tiOO W- e ioiiaated aboTO a ta per oeatago of tUa labor ia aaelaaa to aukbg ibe two aaberooeal oopiaa froa iba alftubctioal roll all tbat it rtqaired for praetieal par- pooM are tbo aaaea drawa for aMoal froa tba geaeral lie Aa Aa laportfaot ia Ibia aoa wt now take the opportaaity to allade lo ia order to oorrtal a vraag iaprtaeioa awtartaiaed by aaay ratepaytrt It ia morally eappoatd tbat CoMty Caaaeil great auatata Qwilo a brge aaoowt aiptoded by tbo Qaarler Boaioe- bo of IMO Ml dirroUr i la Ibe people aad aol tbo laaat aafwrtiaate part of iba aaUw fa that tbaj TWO MOtUt Mr J 8 Boa baa iatredaeed b Bil affatiag laoorparatod Villagaa eoiy Claatt lal givte povtr to levy a Uj for the eappon of reaideal poor Claaet Sad providea Ibai ViU Coaa- oOa aay paa By4awa ooapolUag poraoaa to raoaove aaow iea aad dirt froa iba aldewalka ia fbat of Ibe praaiaa owaed oraaaapiad tbea aad fee ramooiag tbo aasM at tbo aipeoea of tbo oaer of aotli property ia aaaa of daCMli By- Love aay be ao fraaed aa to apply aidowatka U the vtUana ar oaly to Iboee of partteoUr otnota bo tbo Oouafl aaj tblak advitabU Tbii le a my vbab aotaeUwJ LOOECP BOOSCt Mr Biggar baa iatrodooad aa taosd aaat to tba Xaaiaipal Law giviag to Tovaabtpa p ta artel LoekUp Hooaa aaoM aa C5ita Tovaa aad Yii Ufta Bov bcra It Miy Mtaiaa tbt OF fttcrw Nr Bigftr bat daa ioirodwed B pRrvUag tbal oB tkalW i poaitia tf ftaoTte ar Diytj fteora ig ia the tapoeliy of a of tbo Peaat aball be reqa to tbo taae property qaUlo4too and to take aad aabebe the wae natho reqairad of otber Jaatioea of tbo Pi ao Reeve aball bo eepabte of oetlag Jaaliet witbeat toaplyiog tritb tbo proviaioaa of tUt AoC It atrikea Bif tba potplt tbiak a aOB qtalMed aai art williag lo eUet hla to tbo potition ao aaert property qaalilea ofqaalKoaiioa of Maaiei pal votert at a gaaranlee for good govera- aeai and proMMfoa lo ptopenyJ Mr Powell baa iairodaoad Bill tbiel rtlaiiag to Citita it ooataioa oar provialoa bowtvtr relaliag to payoHOi of Coooflort of Tovaabip and Cpaaly Coaaeila aa followa The Coaaofl of even Townahipaftd Coaniy may paa Bylava for Hpyiog aemberi of tbo Covndl for tboir alten- daoee in Coaaeil at a rale BOt etboodlog 1250 eta per dfaa ad ia tear of aom beraofCoaaty Coaaoib only tea oeota per each Ktlc of tbo diataaoo between the plaoe of reeideaoo ot eaob aoDiber aad tbo place at whiob tbo ataion of laob CoBBoil aoetiag b b St4tCT10M m TOVMSHIN DtTlOtflltTO Mr AaMO Wright baa again lalrodao od hie bill givioit poww to tboeleelera ia Towaahipo divided iaio Warde lo vote for ivo Coaaeillort iaatead of ooo aa preeaot A aoaiaatioa day ia to be Id oa tbo laet Moaday bat oao ia Do- ooabcr at which all the eendidaia aval tcd Ia coao awte tban five aab are plaeed ia aoaiaatioa a poll la to bo opoaed in eaob Ward aad even elee- bee iba privilege of votitg or Ire idtdalM ioatead tf oao aa at praeeot Tbia BUI giva tbo aaeaaer of ooadaotiog the eleetioa daly of Rotoraiag OSoer wbea a eaating vote ia to be nvea aod r boa Ao A very good bill and we Id Itko to 000 il beeoae law Maoy ipoble aaa eaa get eleetod by a Ward wbo aroald be reeied bv the Towaip wilboot Ibo aligbtoat dobt Aaotber adtaataft wlU ba eaob Coao eillor wiH eel an iaterat in all paru of tbo Tewaabip iaatood of bu partieaUr Ward WASTB LAXIM Mr McKallar baa iotrodaoed a Bill to provide that any Townabip Coaaeil aav parehaaa froa ibe Ooveraaeet aay or all tbo wet labde at the diapooal ibe CrowB ia any taefa Toiraabip Tbo parehaaa or drainage ofeb laada abell be ooo of the parpoaea for which Ibe Coaaoit nay raiao aoaey by looa or ntberwiae AfWr beiog drained the Coaaoit aav all aid Iaode ia tbo ordi- ry way eo aort aball bo charged tborafor tliaa waa paid ibe Oovemaent with the addition of the eoat of draiaagt aad otber aeoeeaary cipewaa 8o laada ao parebaatd aaat agala rebld ij the Corporaiioa vitbia ivo yaare or t win revert back to tbo Crowa Tbe proowAi of Ibe ale of any aaeh laada while ia tbe haada of tbe CoentU aball bra pMi of tbe general faade of tbe Tovsabtp BLtCTt0 BnTS We bare teoetred a Bill neking anotb- eraaeadaaat bai it baa been ataUid 10 tbe ef tbal Brevee aad Pepatr Reewa bo eeolod direot by ibe peo iaatead of being Mpotalad by tbeCoaa 011 aa at preant11 will probably lam ap by aaotber aak Tbe above are of tbe aeidaeata aaggated b a lo oar ataliog Mania pal law aoae ot tba are vaigood oibcrv are worae tbaa aaalra Tbm are otber DiUe Cor aaMadaieata lirke Ma- upal A aflaetiag oiliee UH aoat of ear laadera are atore iaterated ia what facta tbe ooaairy nrMBABB or et emaix Hoa B FHat kti iatrodaoed a Bill iato be Upper Ifodee to aa power Coaa- ty CoaaoDa to paa a Bylaw for raiaiop ey aot t io bo ex dM ia tbe partbM of ared graia afli tbe rtlief of peraohe nfartag the failitta of the Mope bt for ao otber parpoee bo aa raieiag it aoder tbe powen 10 tbia Aot eoataiaed Claao 3rd of tbU Btll eapowen Coaa- ty Coaaoib to Wod tbe aoaey eo borrow- eJ to Towaebio Coaaeila reqaeetiag tbe aaoM a epaotal nte to be levied la eodi yer aoeordiag lo tbe terou oa which tbe aoaey ia ebtaiaed- to cover aaoaat ao b orer and above a8 otber ratea Claaaa 4th eaaUea Towaalup Cooaetb is tare to lead tba looaey m oUaiaed lo pereoae rvqahriag H for tbo parobaae of aeed or M ia lvalbe Coaa eil aay parehaaa tbe aeod aad deliver tbe aaM to poraoaa reqairiag it Claaaa 6tb farabbee aecarttT lo tbe Towaabip for it givte power to my aad orloct tbe Eatate of Ibe borrow er tbe aoBM aa for otber latet tbe ro- qairod yeorly iaatalaaeati lo cove oat borrowrd or graia oblaiood No aooey raiaed aador tbb Act cob be applied to aay other parpoBt tbaa for tbe objeel bcroia etaled aad o aoaey leal or aeed delivarod aader tbb Aot taa ba teiaod oe garatabood or aitatLod for debta of tbe borrower Tbe powa of thb Aet are eoly givea for tbo year IMS OfooataeeitbevoroaboWvoBi1le are liable aod Ukely wtU be aara or ba aaaoaded before poaatog tbroa Farlia- aoat Towaabip Coait iateraated aow bava tbe opportaaiy to eoamaat- eaia witb tbeir ropreteatalivea argiog aawdawata wbora they enneelW It to be Kkatinf CmrniTtL Tbo Koyal Skating Rink baa oew boaoaae a ioaiiiaiioa of oar Villege aod tbe eoooeet tttoodiog the firat akM- iag Cenweal of tbo eoaoon m Monday etoaiag leal clearly ovidoneed be ap- jinrdBiiBOoftbepobtig ia iu eaubiiab- moot It waeaeeeaooed ia loMpridoy itaoo ibat on ibe oveeieg oboveoeaed akaiiof Caraival wotd bo bold aad aoaao ibrea baadred aaeeabled to j4a ia tbe DoUe aod baalthy esoraito it aBbrd odWf eod little eid ld yoag aalo aod faaela a right beppy aod bliikanaa tbraof Tbo proprioton of ria Risk ooMreti tbo oervieoa af tbe SberM Braa Beod if oootrlboia la iba ioloraal and albrd aaaatarnt oo tbe mdam aad ahbeagb ibe olgbt woe aoM riodailai it e SeeIt to ftt- era they Mooriad B ooMbar of aaiabaa waltaa aad aapkal atyle Terry Finncgmn Mr J M tbe well kaowii hnaoriit aad aatbor of tba eele bratod letiora le Hon Mr McQii orer the aoa fc plmatt of Terry Fiaaegaa win delirer a Haaieal and SerioCoaio Leetare io tbe Heohaniea Hall tbb Friday evealag Tbe ia be leading Citia aod Towea of tbe provtooe ipeak of tbe Leetare aaooaoeod for tbe j Tbe llooa that Jack Bailt ia moat glowing lerma Saya Ibe Ilarail- rinca The II lhai Jock Ballt waa delivered with a fioeaen of eloca- tioa which proved tbe epeaker to be a aad edooalioo tbe effort pe t by aa elegaaoe Iniab aod briUiaaey Abb at oooe prepoeeea ethoee wbo iteed aodtb oMet eovdial applaoae greeted every aoaleaee Hb rxqaiite Isle rote- wilb eae haad an elaborate aod diSealt aeleeton wu loadljr enoored It b to aveh BKb aa Mr M Uut Iboee who love whal b pore and wjliy ia litera lore and elevating aod legiltaale ia mtwie aboold lora tbeir alleoiioa Io apeabing of tbe ame leetare dqivrr ed ia Goelph a abort liae aiaoe ibe AJpertit of that town ara The leo- lart waaa ipleodid prodoclion aloqaoat witty and oooaaiooally pbilooopbic and aya tha GoU Tbo Leetare aay be called a medly being part nami pert haaoar and waa frrqoeally aad heartily applaoded Proa aaay yearv of peraooal aoqaaiotaaee with Mr No C we oea fnly eadorta tbe fol- lowiag ezlrael froa the 404- la the walka of literatare be iinwiaa a kigh order of ability aod etpecially aa baaoriat whoee wriiiega affjrd ooo- Baal food for aerrinent and pleaa- re Aa a wit puet and aoaiMl eel- ebril Mr N ataoda high io poblK ECU of Newmarket eveoiag Ticketa aay bo had 1 Aliogelber ibo CaruiVal waa a decided aiKcea oad waa not ooly etiended by oarrilisna kl afao by raidama of ihe letghbourieg villagoe aod aermuoding ooaairy Haviig aoeeoodod ibua far Ibe qtfoelloale now aooted boV wnaid 1 MaaqucfBilo dfaplay bo aaetainedl Ni doobi Ibe tj oovally of il abd of ibe ciere Hkely lo bo frprvaeotd I vecttra a larp aiaodooce oa iha Rink Oiir Qeeona BiriDey Boye ooold then lorn out aad get a hdla prac tice for ibe oext S4ih Dtnaiaa TkoTownahip ef Lobe Mttidleaax Co aoti ibe Towaabip of Cav- paibaa Co peaaoJ piMiecy lly Lawa The Tewaahipe of Reaeb ami Thorab ia fferib Oaaria and be teora of St Maye C W hove rfiecJ bo Bill pichering Towaabip Jlaolh Ontario ibere ajority o eoe We beer a proleal haa beea onlered ea tbe greoeJa ef illegal kh aoaao iafaiaality of preaeedioffc aad we tnut tba e rill Howourket Coaneil F U tM1 Coeocil net Ihia eventog AH the aabera prtaenl iho Reeve A recLTBKs Bq In Ihe chair Minotea of previoaa moelig read and ati6mvd after which eome three ae I were preeented and referred lu Pinaneo Commliiee A eemawaieaiiw wn reed froa Mr P W Pleyief leerotery to oomaitlee ippoioted to aaoertain whether lulBrial fuode oeald ooi be obtaload to purcbaae piece of land in ibe ooighboorbood ol owaarkt auilable for axhibiliooa of Ibe North Tork Ag Boeieiy oa wbtrh Kt buiWinga dee aad aiking a gram froa tka Village Coaaeil In aid of the prtject On aKMioii tbo comttooicaiioo waa rdfetrad le a eoaoailleo rooieting ot the Reeve aad Maaera Trent and 9a- iherlaijd lo report exi Moodey evea- A repoil WW received aod reed frrm be vtllago Inepector froa which we loAfn Ibal aoAo of the proviaione of ihe By law for the preroolion of firee are aet Birielly obeervada Tbe loepector w ioetrocted to eoe tbat ibo law wae eo forced Tbe Coaaril tben adjoaioed till aexi OttmrnAr School Preaeatstloo Aa iatertatiitg eeraaoay took pUoe 01 tbe eooaoa of S A M M A iag farewaQ lo lb4 popib of Newaar ket Graaaar Sebooi 00 Wedaeaday leal Aa a aark of etteea aad appratfiatioa Mr J Ha HcoflKa ea Ubaif of tba pa- pib of that iaetitalioa praated a baod- Pbotograpb Alboa witb Ibe Mlew- iag iaaoriptioa Prtteoled to 8 A H Eaq Mo A u a tokea of teea by tbe PapQa of Newaarket Oraaaar Miool Feby Ifttb 169 ipaaied bj tbe fcUowiag AObBMB rcBMco Tacca Tbb tloe which trawa ae aear ia eoe which btiaga I ataag wtoh iu eodtieo ep- aleaiiagaof regret ia eai eaexpoetod 1 ptooch ewal beuta We are oew ealled yea faiewelt Tbe corda wbbb ia lia aniiad ee eeeapyiag ibe peaiiiea popila tod yee lhat el ear teaeber aj new a be Mvered aad bore oa aeie ai wa a owet MMber to peibra ear aapei livedaiiee 3eeh baiag ear poaitioa 1 pteaool we oeaaei botoxperieacea leelii f eadaeea ea we ihiok ever be peat of aaay ple8a boera we have aB tegetl iaga yaor aailiag laoo will ae leof MOO aaeh aa jMilr elaii or love tad rape veer redioea en I eleotdaie ihe aaay dark patair aad hat rillingoeee le aaaiai ea ia evoreoaieg kiadlieat faeliafa aod yai frieotliy aatle will waMB wa were waw a be greeted oMni felly ibal whbh we feolily boaiow oaj hif beat admiraiiea aad eataea aebebvra aay leek back wiih ro Jirel ever ibe gvkim i ol aa have albwed u yee we weakl aak yea ia kiadi to evaleok beae atuibaiiag tbea le be tbeogtolaaaaia of yevtb wbbb iaw we doea bat Irtiiog bet a of be bb eeloyiirwWeb we i iMftfteatl yeor eSMla aodil J II HroMKa UltOTiol lomary- A Coaeerl aod Ball b to be held al HallBad Leading en he trd of March wiih Ibe view al railing feade w iiqoidaie ihe debt reaainingee tbe Orange Hal in lhat village Tbe Ceaeert b a ooe at T eeleek p a A good Braw Band bH beea eagaged far iba eO Arranfeaeaa aie now beioc oaade for heUinii a grand Re Voieo in teaoeeii a wiih ibe Newaaiket Meehanica laaitaie eo Friday eveoiag of nest week ibeSiib Already be aeivioea of eeverel ve ealiita have beea aeooraJ Bill aanoaoe iflg bll partiealara will bo iaaeJ ia a day We deaire to eall aieotieo lethe ing the calebaiioa ot ibe fenheeaing Aa- itaeiy of he Canadiaa Preebyterbo Sabbeth Sobeel eo Teeaday eveatng oeit Seeiialieoe 5peoohee end aoaio are ao- Ipaiad Kb abated ibe fiieadaof ttebbatb Sahoota Ul bo preeoBt to tba aa- t Tbe worda Uwb ett ler qtalla nay be oood ia ao advetiiaeaeal ia aneib pf coioan elaewbere 10 dey li b earreni ly raaaoored ibal ibe adveitiaer refptrod a ta aetling goede decidedly ebeap be bav ing dfteraiood al all haxarJa M clear ihe preaeot elock in order le nuke reea kr iaaoeoM aplag iaponaJieoa L far be advefliaemenl aad wad it Aa aeeideot eooerred ea the Oraod Trank Railroad abeoi eoe alio eaet of Goelph oa MaiHlay eight lael ia aeaee- qeence of aooM lefeet ia ihe taila Apaa- eagr ear waatbrowa dowa aa eabenk- MMoeoty feet aod laroed bettea da Tbea wereabeol Ibirty poeaea- gera en beard aoae of wbea wore a ly btrt aaaog the naaber ibe olegraphl M Heo M PeleyWa Phin Eaq Mr Leiooo Mr CbaJwbk aad eihera T Scnavaxao CoacaaT Tbe Ceac iBoeonced far Ibe 19b iaet at Schwa beigj laa been poKpoood till tlooday next the anib laa ia cooaeqaenco af aoae onfar- diappolotaeot Oar fneodi ia ibat Incalily nay aatieipalea rich aaaieal Ireel the erodaies aa quite a Urge preponioo f litaeo we eadettiaad are lo lake pail W atMiAiaaienif laak high aa vooaii nl 00 aean eider to pptat il aad naiiealakiii ogelbef aH to tbea to take ap eaa aaeb Kbeaa hot they bad gooe ee laa rapidly ta grrooao aeiaara of lach ataie ekoractrr wa tbe ceeatry a right 10 expect IVrkopo it wa aa goj at eeold be expected eoeaideriog ibadjB cohiet to be eocooatered lb tboaga aod be holered othen agreed wiib b a that the reaoletioae BiigCi be aaeaded ie ly p9iota wilboot eodaageriag ihe whale iae It waa aid oe chaaga cev aalo bat he tared Ibe ieteraiaati tbe Govcfoaeat wu falbtr to tbe wiah waa thetr pet Kbeaa Bed ibcy wiahed adopted What raeoe waa there Ibat Kodaacti aCKtiag Caaada alooe eoeld oot be adopted aad ihea coaHoaairaled to Ibo other Pioriacea t There were ether I to which be objeciad bet be kow eooM l ba aaterad iata wtboai iarelviag a roteeeideratiea of tbe whole quitioa Hoe Mr McCrea aTledieg le Ihe ob- jectiOB Ibet tbe pnt waa oot koowa or aadertUod by ibt coealry aeiaaiaed it waa aOi at leaat ia ao far u hb experbaec Mr Oliver foltawed eppaaiag the tebeaa lie doebted lhat tbe aaioe weald bribgaboot Ibe aditarv atreaglh it wu K it woeld eod dd aot ibtBk be latereoleaiat Railway wm be ike QoVttC Feb IS Mr Shaaby preaeted petitiOM fera I CdrbprciiOa the Iowa M rreaccR tod bitceae law Hoe Mr MeDoogaTI broaglit dova lera reblive le tbe Medieai Board of tr Caoada MrMacFarbao aahedifit be tbe io eotiee of the OoveraaBoet le pey tbia aee- ia Upper taaada ia fnraerly alletled from tbe la proveaaat Feed m ratabliebad aader tbe proviatMa of Seciioa H of Id Fio Chap 159 Coeeelidaled Statalea by T Cbayler 36 of tbe Coeeoiidate Sutatea of Caaada Mr Gait aid the Goveraoaat bad ilready paid a pertiea of lhe aaat Wllb refrreece to the reaaioder et tbe Ibere wu aa aeaoaa a4 by ihe goveraaeal bat Karoe Ibat il waa ia le iooMe ia it Ibe ettiaalu for Ibia aeaeioe Ir Ppe atked welbrr too of Ibe Geveraaeat Regietrara ia Lower Caoada or tbe rork peiforBwd by Ihea ia dralting aader the Mrlitia Aat aad tf u how oaocli Heo J A MaeDould aoMi ibere waa I provitaoe ia be bw for tbeir poyaeot Soae ef tbea bad alreadr aeat la aoat exerbilaat accoeeta The Gewraauat bad aader coaai ibe deairabdity of pfacieg a aaaall aaaooot b I eliaatea for tbt parptu of poyiog for eh aertkea Mr A MuKare aoved for b cor rtepoodeue wiih Ibe Ottawa ceatrutara rebtieo to the altlaaaat ef ucotalt the appoiotbf of arbilralora appoiatad oe behalf of Ibe Goveraaeal Carried Mr Wiight EUt Yak aoved thai tbe lleeu go ale coaaMttee ea a falare darW the lax oa dogoared The Order for ihe aecnod roadieg of 0 BiH io a of Mr M C Cai 1 legalise tbe agretj belweeo railwaya for tbo kbcatioe of their Iracka oe Anrora OorrMpontlene Aeaoei febT 1Kb IW la foot reaarba loat waok raliv o Ibe ilMBC the preprMoillp ef tbo J apfrebead tlw eeabHabweat did aat a Ivetative aa Mr Mavaawa aatioipol frvi4 daty fella oa the pewerwthet ba t tt duly II to be bapad lb ay wIM peribra AM Meaoit a wo a ay wMhoet ftar livof or a A bigo qaaoiiiy of whoal ia woily per- cbadfi Ibia poini aod a oiilt larger aneoli ia boeriy pMlag Oe le Toreelo fl b evideel ibe Nenb aaal bare beea favoerod WHh aooh betler orepa thao bit itioa ef the eoeotry I b aloeoiely a booed ibet oor eeoeoa ef bed oropa b a ew aed ha itebatveal af IMd will tw 0 belbr roioB w be farereoil aeaae a beaaerebea aad alee a Al Will edtth IlLoe are very herd oad ffooey Vety eearoe 1 1 b aad a ootbo u one Mooat avoid iMbiag eeiooeriooa idle ia Atrora at i liou 1 ia 1 ooaclode tbe uae Newaarket bow- we aaat hope we aball be Moao- ed with a boaotifai hvoei bt ihe ua aor of hia yur wit ebao the era blod7 airoggle ta iboBialea aod leal bat aet leW wnoooa tbe rmaaaaiaB of be Coofederobaof BiMiNwih Aaoriea In all three eveata Caada b deeply ia- ICNORAMDS Q Feb 19 Hi Mf deapbell ioirodooed a E le aeyarato AabeM Ubad froa Ieoox ad Addafleorfod laaaez the aaaao to Froatoeoe Tbe Bdl letaiag to the plootiaf ei fiait Bad aruaulai treea from tbe Letrer Uoeab waa alee reed a firat time followiaf Bilb aero reod 1 liat Bdl reblive to AgrkaltMal iaetbtitu HM Mr Pricto Ba rofaiira to peetiag arabirt of both H4 Rea Sir E P Tecbe broegbt dowo a retara reblive to Ihe exiraditioo treaty Heo Mr Boctor aorod aeceodod by Heo Mr Moer tbat tbodeboio eo Cea tederalioo bo ptpa aaiil Tbortday week ea Ibe groeod ef the iapotlaua of be aoijoct aod ibe aaceaaity ef oxplaoa tioM oa tla reUtioM betweea ibe local aod goaeral goreraaeota Tbe aetieo wu loot ayu 19 oaya 37 ibaiy aaid ba awre bol io ooae of the detaila He lad for aooy yeara looked forward ta the aaieo ef Ibo Previa co aad bopod le au it cetHoted 00 Miogrowio aueagib aad preaperiiy There aigbt be raauoa why iba chaago abaald take plaee bol be aw ao reoaeo why it abeald be baal He iheo ro ferl to tbe Miaiilorbl rhaagea wbiab I pfaM Eveata aaoood to gtee aifht by 7 to 31 100 guoe I pa lb Mr Sailb fToeoote ao tbal Ibo city efToreotOhM a vary ceae ia- Ufaet in tha aaller aM w Ibe Corpora- lioo of lhat oily bad aot yet p elaad ever tin tbe cooaeat of tba Corpera wu obtaioed Ilr Soitb Toroare oaetod Ibat ba I tboogb aarked prated wu oel die- tiibed Tbe akieedu wu aUaioed aod tbe Bin bed Mcadiofly le etood Mr Wallbndga aoved for the eerreo piiodaiWB betweea tbe Goveroaaoat ef Co aada aod Ifew Drwuwbk ee Ibt aoao af Ibe Provtooea Mr Wallbridga aid ia aakiaglhb aaotiea be wat utaatod by a deaireMp peoaed rea ear prea- eot b ecoditieo late 0 orate of rove lalieo leoghirr tbal ell tbo ioleiao ro Ihe petttoaioaofibe Uoe ikoeld be bid before Ihe Hoeae Tbe BWtioa vu caned Mr Dofreeee OKVed la odd Metara Dtaia ArcbaabaoH Seatchord oad Mor rioom to Ibe CeoMiiiuo ea the odaiaiHra- tioo of tbo Sa of Sort Catrbd Mr Ma C Caairoa autod for a ro era of the receipte aad axpeodilore of Whiibf read aod harboor wbib aid worka ware eoder the ceotrel of tbe Govera aeoto Ouried k CoUnial AnlTlcrtto VM imtTtaii PoBTtABO Feb IS Tbe flteaaablp Ifatb laeiaoe Capt la Kerr wbbb loA Lieorpeel eo ibo ev tbo od end O 00 ibo fc livod ot Niibad 01 tM tbb ovooiBg with 131 aaaeoogera Too wewe breoftbt by be Noeo Seolai af eaet aeed Fodoral eoooeeeea oeoplei aBikoto or Aao auarilae aod pre iriiioa uaeod by ropiM BOO aod tbo rtoid dulioo a New Yak ofoold iol Tbe Liverpool eo 00 ouikot bod orod froa ibo dapraaiao oeoaed by ibe wa aad waa qaho boe prior The Leodoo TImot city artblo poWbh- ua loBgthT opiaio of Mr Ifillba kl Cvoeota ef New Yak tbe poerer ef Et lioh aiodilare to rowvw doMe ia a Federal oeort eo a epoeto bub Tbo tpiaba wiode ap u fatlewa i- FeaeigB tra aro lily aaado aod exproaaed ia aroigo oanoocbo a petaH tbetr diaebaige by aa eqaivalettia Amaioea oortoiiey Ii weoW iatredoeiog aeoeiiooa ieeqealiti athopiv jodioe ef anica rraditera wbicb aigbt jaotly iee eCwo Iadood ear eeorta ooCl be proetiuily obeod agaiaat li fMoeaeat of eeoiga debo oad ia 1 qaeoeot eeaaorebl eredit wilboot which The Idaro eete ciiy ertbb uyat- Tbo loat adeieee fioa Moxae allada to tbo roaurod caalao of fooora to Fraooo u gaaraaioo fa French Mexbaa dob protiaioary ireoiy tbo loiior oad of Nl veabeTo Tbo Mexiooa Ooeeraaeat i laweeer ta keep be uvorolgniy ef Sonera Tbe laaodiaie uaapMba ef Seoora by tbo Faeoob raopo b autiooed a efiboaooubaeioffit baaid lolt lorifefd dOttiBBtbO before coaing le t d e ioteroeu ef Ihoeei B qieaib The Vwnaa papere pobliob 0 of ito Pteeoba lOfMy toihe bat ooe ifjL boqtOifaeftbeOoehiu wail ihoolaaoofihebgtle ereefbeXtwn bofr ieo oeooeWog the ii iriu aad Iho Livorpeol Feb JJjjjdatolTa euier and inuiive ibi afJtnSTtol irJIz k Cora cai iii 12 3J lr I Ainaieu i To j The Peieraborg Eaprtu u r uea pioof by bofia a groond wu fooght oi ooiaequonco of the arrival of roiM iota IO oitber aide be ehergo oko he Yankee linoa late io Mid 10 havd been otto vl tbo aou I miHtary eBOola Tbo loot boiweeo I MO 1000 kdlod ood wooodad oad 200 3 Ifaw VoBB F 1J The THftaMire Waabiagtoo taiJ uya lhat il ie geeerally ro ie3 in omoel ciroTu ibat Oranehvilb i Sberowae pee and ibei lea b being ovdetoatod id it io expeotod tbal Riahaoad Wdaingtoo wW be eracoalod tW m Ba raMa wiH moho a deaportle leapt lo coooeotraa ibeir Mtiro fcrd aod endeavor to eraebMoraua while I b io iho iniorior There b no doebt W bat tbo etoroo 4o reaueed Bt froa BiobAood loiely look to ia aka Ml at oo dieuat day jioraRaroiMFob 1 ooolotioa eodoroiag tbo otofreo iooel ameodaol iib ware UiMki 4d boUeie5 fired at tbo ilioto IL hooor Ot i C Feb Il he aieoaur Miueori froa Boe ow tbe 6b h aeod liag ef Paaeagoula b ooeiredaeod plaM hu beea evoewaied bj iroope uverol gojibeata reoMin off oooet however Neerly o tbneaa of oottoai arrived otawe Suerdoy pMioBLraiA Feb 14 Tba W I bat ibe followiag doopeicb fi Weobirgioo- Riebmood popotoafi 13h inatani anroonee ho ilroodo by Gen Bhoraea ao Braochville and belweeo KiegvaTi Braoobnile ihua dootroyiag ootfm enioring ai Branohvine New Toek Feb Id Tbe Uri Sutw BtuaoeFleg wiib J ooo or looded witb eaU uptoM by Oooeral Shuoua al 8a irrired hero tbb moraiag Tba i bria aa aewa New Yoas Fab I Copt Jai Y Booll eooviotod Salorday Mfniag oa Ooverore 1 New York borbuur ibo aoote beea felly approved by Geo tbi WAOOIIIOTO Fak Il b otoiod Ibal the aobalaoti aff apbteh froa Ooo Graat to r of Mond- bWd line hold by Niv Y Feb ti Tbe Akrada Wuoftoo i uya- OAero from ibe lorcoao iag ofoioet Mobilo wbo urivod bora adrad of d baft Ibo any aod the flvet ood ooi tgrea in iHo euieaaeot tboi oeorip obal troop beao kft tb plaoe m will be oerroodered wbf uu t sood for il obeli be a lora by which it bbe a eery lorgo owe The cottoo hoe ell baoo roroortdt Ibe city iot the lotera 0r fleet aw baity oofaftd I oviog obetfaeiiooi ood expoet I able lo roacb tba ity by iJb Marab Niw foot Eob I5Tbai Waibiagiao opeetoi iiapa Rbbaeod ptptrt ef Moodof Goo Sb bu flaaked bath above oad bobw it aod fervea hare evuwiad ibal pfaa oko ttao tboi a Uaioa ed 0agvbef oa tbt C al raiireed cooMMoieolWM vkb CM too b eat ef rtooit by Ibe read aiattea M C wfl aeoo hope at wdlaiaglaa By thou oporoliaH ratlread o betweea Vbg aod the Booth b eoHray eat oC xod I faderate awkorily oeer Btoira eaa oe l hoaa Kiv TowcrBktf Tbe MMterciara WaaUliaM aayo OAaaf fba tbe laM oM M report greol aetfrfty hi Ibe t toipodo aod otbar abibiiMi baraoor It vu oomUtuj tbat tbaiobalB vooM J on ie iati io ateUog iU HfVj iH- fj Xbo PruiooiBf Greed a Loyal Oreogt Aio wiM Braolforti oo Toeiday Slat Bab joo There wiM be 4 lo 9 prueot aad Ibey wdl be eegagod Ike buioew of lU IoatUlioa kj few daya Ohibe aeeo the brottoea oill BOicbtel OBitwFloaerofcai wWd iho glid 10 boor tbal o apltfidM i I b ahMi boiog aoid at orito ptoo of eatcaar rtPftL hailt i tk Swbe atyb viik Mdent laproaiaiaiB bMog tb- y bdrooae buiduHrWa ooaedko Alltbe oloooiof laou will havo perim attaobod itog will fMB Lok C od da facado fonaf tbe lok J viiaafc balar Tbe ploae by the a aad doruor il g viia laawBwi it for the rooepiiaa of 1 ood oAe darioa Xjodrr