fTrT If THE NEWMAKKET I RA FEBRUARY 24 1865 Kl IfflW AdTcrtiMmtolt- m 5ww Wallif Iook Bt TNii- Wni Tirat anplr A Tmio Time Hewoirket Miil Himnsh MJ Lctl MitJ M S a m 646 f tn nt Hobnd Lni frM tli tliwte I i RMr Tljf 5 g of bi oita hi Rihd anl tle aikti wil ted gaiu f IMC pefir III mtlcil icutire ilie I nt nf Sunmrr in i a bf rwli ard mtledina ra- ie cc or tW net livclj klaei bf Oue IWIU t f SrAilanJ Kistl rr be to rtptirai pnf wliii tibririsDl ipca of more k aJ t a-ktir- Bi air if d MT lb Qh nh t at flnh t rn iW ilrilamBiril out f aupipoi rii aid calmatd lo Irata a Uiipf The Coiifcileralijn QocsUon Ii Irnntrrd It ptee lh trkri a Ibt la fridny Feb Sith 83 rtou Queldoc OUR MEMBERS AT WORE AENOMKT TO THE MUMCI- PAL LW boaif lok lha aiawibl by U thtl a iW f brrgU tloNR tb bK Mr Mc CitHbLl arlltalcJfrj to b ika brl in Arira lt rata tnd trace irrutr tbv dSKali picca of cfotitiea irovei lu bmcd- drr ia tlu ret wriiiAf tW forPSon w iba ItMliiulf rwtaitrr bare rcrrd Mr VciKOLLi kfTttM frr Ffiaj rrea- if firtt riH low ipre f aJnitM will in dnalit fT a fal b v Iadpd il tucb tnaa Mr McCannoli aflfr kr vtrrta kfiJ cnlrrlain o liclara of trM iika ll cmKtlt not In makr Imlfarr F rt iUl dirrctn fi ll til labjrl Kf riqti i ill aiie a drirrrrd ib ftjbr efHtnf n 1 lo 7 ihr 8ihI rlraclrr nf oiir l Jt is i jfttf iSvrvd r ill t KitrB in lo in ihr iha lrte ilikl ability ai I lh BilTaMie nf STRiworj or the uixisthy llbogl riJieu- Subbath School AoDiversary- of 3et 10 rocuiribr and we i of NwiiMtkri w II fi 1 tlw OTTAWA AhBirtATIOK I 111 MrHibfie InhvU 8liiiitlin t I 1 and OrBteiiao way b Qfinrc FKy 23 1 P15 IbjdaHhedoor Both metibrtj for Nerlb Vork altb lltrj liari ooi luaJe ihei loaa bj btiniofc in bilU ai petty aaicnj tinia to iUe Vunicipal Inw hare thnlMJ anertedeil in cirrjring one rtrj important ehutei in th lgnlelfjl AmemliocDiit Bill bal lo Lo ubiuitlcd i I bllwr rwarded tbe ngmberiB itten- bftEt oiBiBtUcc auMAs utben niaj I Unco or llie ultkfaeiorf manner in l nUOJ 1 Pr rr th clrr ofn H riTATj of tha Canada Pret- bjteri in Cliarch SehotlannoQi ced Ul weak took U in Mela Tb CmnMil ibD oMiMdrfrd i earn- aiapiraiioii fio Mr VV P Plajler biI Snallj Iecidtd sot lo aiike giant fr Ibt b moinn ibe prarr of Ike tlllio of l Vnfal axdnlWr wa H granint On M too f Mr MeCnrtaHk eeL d bj Mr llairitna iba tntrtiei o0erri by i ariM arljin f r Ultra intiiMt a aecrtled aactirj Fifiren dlla a ajpMprnid lo far- aih limber at lie IJill on Ibt 8ib Ci o A ippair tbt ume and Mttarn Maeklen McoriBiek and JMf appiol- pd einmiaioBrrt lo aopcriatQd tbt ex leiidlure Ite Oaitcil ibeB jnrna lo meet at fcr Holland Landing Council Fcftt It t8G5 reanei met lbi daf AM lh rberi pre Reera ia lla cbair Mmaiet ol iati mraiief read aad eet Mr Qaeoo reeDlel tbe peiilioa of C D Mo tea aaJ 3J olbr akia fwr rarcra Lica lo ba gtaleJ to JaaK MeClara for Mr Chapinaa prt- enled a ftethioa in of R 0 C PUj ter aigoed bj G W Tobtj and 40elbeni Mr Villo prcteiiied a palilitHi gb bj W Tobc ad S3 otbara pesjiaf for rateta Lietnvafor J o i Thomat Tbotapo for Sbop TiceOM k i UtMc Tilt Iiikeeloa llefotl of Jtmj 10 IRC wa rrrrifcd and road Alto cinnnraiiAB from the AdjqtaBl Gereral of Milila ealiiiijc Ike alieBUiB of Ibt C li tba laM of AeMor AIo frnn Coaalf Treaarer arcoMpaoied wiik lii ol liad lubic to ba eid for tata i ib tr lftiS 1 1 lUvrt penej a Uj Law i 3ljnk to Bpoil TaX lEcrra for It jear ThIJLiw wb paed n dae cottrwtlc bUok beiag lilcd pnaer lo enforce the elearla of anow anl dirt fromuJ wJki alf altcrin ibc hmJo of iwcaraienl ao at lo aaible tUIj U b aaauMtl opOB tb actiul T aaiue a ia Towntbips iaieil AHho Reatal Tht Adlri 01 Couftdmiioii ha ieJ tbe noue aol ordered to be wiittea eo rHuji to ta forvrJed b lUa Gofarowr Gaerat Ia Her li ia BOW ftiilr aMrtained nn nialter what tha dtbaN mj elieii thai Ihe Lower IlbOM Kill ai pt tie dJrti on ConrcicratisD wiibvot aineaJmoDi TLU 1m Itaaeuod ibo istcrctt ia the dUv T nbl The arbiintlon bftT9T lie Giterfl- ncBt aod tbe eonlrjctori of tbe Oiiava nauJifgi U now a lUujbiira tuea ara Jude Oowan ad F V OtfnbehnJ Kfcffcre it Tlie rcdtalion ofdialoniea acd aftpre- prita fiiecM of proc eomiyMition inter- pervcd oith tiajins Seiool ode and ctoe bjr thn childrea formed lite ehUf fatar of Jlh anttrtilnntoi bal whero all aeaitlcd- thenitelrea ao well cjispariwnt or ipcd il referee lo one more than anotlter wnold be ot of ftlace Bwi iLe chiUrea and tboaa lo wboni entratted ibe task of Iben foi ibo oceaaiofl rtcliljr daarred ttd well merited theliib rncomiama keatowed hj llie vaKuoi apeakera Al interral dttrio the ereni ig abort yoflcrialrieoilieditlaj ere delirered Ij j Mr Friatr of Torooto J J IaaraoB Fq Rct Thornae Baket D Satbetland K Mr Jaekioa tad Rev V7r- Mr Janes McClaie Jamet Hr Jtupttlor Ftct Vii Men GeofRt Tucadaj eTentajt laat and I V H hrdAn Jnlia McKea Jifba Sbepiard aad Cba ikfaeior lcr Dickon fr NoribrB D bsundatr lioe bi b lUtlasJ i Tbe Pafir f il prliltoa of 1 Tbom Q flr bp Leeae W4a graaled ibe Clerk a latracled lo roliff tie la prclur lo TMt Ibe pailwt efptjidg for acern iieBte aad renrl aMa tbcir a oniioJalitn dee BTit meelMgt Aoditor Reporl wit iheo reeeiredaod 8iied aoJ oa taniM of Mr IhfiAt oerondcd bj Mr Cbapi alifkclnrf R II Smith Ka- oceoped Ibe ehair ao liia amiibfe dnihter Miai Smith preaidad at tbe msiodton aith tnjcb tat- ifaciiQ 0r Tortmlv Splint The Eossin House NEW REFORM CLUB Tniio Feb 21 65 Oar Citj Coincil have relilined J We era glad l bole iba CaBada PreabjterijB Sabbatb 8boo aa one of tue fifed iuatim ijDB cf tbe Village td tral ih tticeets allandia their fint tn- trerfiTj la bnt Ibe lo higher and uore mjrktd diatioeiton Uurinc the eeni aa i qqita anez- rjrltjtnenl to perxi iiea to eseaspt the neeledly to Miaa Pniib on wbon the iHiw Roain frwni taxation fr i chief laboir of qoilifjlnj the tohool de- Thi ta tbrt th pUcy whj I volred bolh ia aiBgta and reeitaliofl alild Bt itie Rxin IIoiV arn pij the ackolars preaenled ber with a baaoli- toses aa wall aa lb Q iMna or Vacrioi or otbcr bbtcla of tba eitj If it wa auoM Muufelarin etahlUhflKni tlrtrv mislit bx a aho of reaaon bat aol Tffl oew of Ihe fall of Fort ndton Bad ila ccataua by tba Fedrala oe laat baa eauacd rrjoieiog aaioBy th frmida of the Nmlh her A Rfrrrn Clab hia reoently Vwn or- jnnitrd in Toronto Tbe Lfoder alraadj farB aad fcelf ilt inflweneo Tbomu Cliod of Vrhitebareh a bmojlit op ytatcrday on a wril of JltUtt Crpu aod after a alirt bcarin wa diacbarped ftom cBtody lie wa icn Ij a eooflo cf lagittratca if Aorora It apar aooie time anCita- old IM niM proir ti d of the occnion and UlIculCacd- htm ibr ip ftftly bojod copy of a work eatllled Tbe Lind and the Book eontaiains the follAwins inaeription PreMnted to Miaa Smitii by the tBenobers of the Can d Prwbytenaa Chareh Sabbath 9ehool Newsarkel oa ibe oooaatoa f their Fint Aanireraary a a en ill token of their etiaeta and appreeiatioo of all ber kiod- oeaa and laboar for oar improrescBt Inaamqch a ya bare doBa il to oiaa of tbe leul of thee ye bar doa it mbO lae MtM Ak etaadint within a temi cirei formed by tbe aebotan oa the platfurm made ibe prracBtalioa oa bebal of the eSoot and Rer Tou OvKrit rpid 0 behalf of Mtaa SMrrn Thia featore formed a tcry picinns pirl in the Xal fiodio hia property the pariy eea- peeled bad Claeaold aomiiioned lo appr Dcfura one or more migiktraiea ia Aurora aider the Petty Treapae Ael who fined bim 10S0o Tbit aau CltrarId refgacd to pay aad wa acnt to jjttl Afplieation wia lliea made by bia Atloroey for hia rlea en tbii eruaod tbal the magtflraie had Bojarbdiaiion and il waa itraoied aOQOrdiOfcly Il ia bow aid Ofiaaold la ItoiBn to prnaeeaU for falaa ioipriooiueBt T appUealinn for a writ uf errvnri afaisat Jared Lloyd and Jolta Pereb K in tbe eaa of Sbiik ri Briliinicer lsaah convMiien mm refuted oa ibc tnwod aanl of proper notioe The House that Jack Bnllt Tli t Ibe avbjeel aBBooMed by lr rTviry kaowa cHr ibt wojia de of Itfry Fbb for Lie llkie Ut Friday crrBiag aad tirbl vH did b tLlvrtaU ht atleel iWacfOtatMg Ml ra a clear aad diaitnei Baaocr raiioat Jaekt of e cialy eooifetiag tbe toeral aad oMnil ab lie uf tbt Uw iLal Jack Bil dtd 1h dtj aaalioM nf cbaartar froM Ibe Ja lo iba Jack of alLTrad Wiediaf vp with tome well dieled ikMgklt e Jck Ball aad payiBg Irtbute of welWeaeired faait aad ei rodatiaa la Eaad aob Qoaeall id lfib kwd Bd eMbatianie pliadl rm th aiMwUy Tbe leeltr wa ia 4ffened with laawcal epcliao oa Ibe ite prrfiwca in a aa terf annter and mtn tit biU lit aoo est- proeiiioB of aelfdytn laWiar aad Tbe prrtecoilingt terminated by R Jr Biker peonooBelajt the beaadiotion and le Jnreatla Choir einpin God ihe Qneen Il w a hfppy aad eteniBp and lil re acabred by thoe preaeit oa ibe ceea Whitcbaroh CoaneiL Fas 17 18C3 The abore Tovaeil met ibia dy Sapgtera Hall SloaffrilU A1 ib awHbtra preaewlibe Reert id bt cbair UtBtilea y pretioaa ctlMg lead awi eo fiined Petitioaa wert praled ii faror of graatiaf lieeaaee to tbe fnHoMiaj pi i Aa Sinjler Wm Brow Fred Salllr Gen beiHaitb Jae Cpe aad Jaotra Pkitipa Aiao oaa fica R Wrgbtaitd 17 olbert afaiat graaiiaj lKea to Jaa Pbihpt tf Leoraaeille A eemmankatin waa reeeired aad read froat Mr P U Ptayier aakBg for graat t aid Noflb Vork Ag SocHrly lo prcltai taad and treet permaatat baild- tw foe il aae Ate aa aeeawit fnta II IbofMberger for plaak laid o brtdi al iafwoedTowB Lioe Sawlb 370 aad f 8 Rroa for plaak aaed ibe 8lb 0300 TIm Clerk apoa tbe table lb Aa ditcra IUpoilktb wat reeatrrd read ad fioaCy aeditW Oa iba rrtapawr vaa iMtracl I keep ib U nftd j reMibdcd aad Ibt Clark raeled It mike 1 lt cie one In i pniej in ib Poat OSea aid Ibt olbet i Mttiicipal oeneil mom aid pab litk tbe AbMiaoi the Eru i he Btvai graol ot lUU wat Ibea pude tie Coaimoa MoreJ by Mr Dteta aecosJrdby Mr CLjpmaa that lU CSk be ditecled to aHretlke tm lendia for Ibe cnleciiM n fiir Ibe prent yarleo5er to r driiTered by tbe 4lb of Mareb Carried Tbe fol vw bIU were ordered lo be paid Bra aSit for Pnalia atd Slati- ery Cltik lor aeriic a B- rtiaf Ufteer 250 and W Paroaa w aeeoaal far belliBgiHg 962 Ibe Joaneil lOea ajotrBtd Eat Owilllmbary CooneiL Shbo Feb 19 186S 7h tb v Council met Ib day ai ih Mnion liooae Al lb locnibtr prtaaat the Reeva in Iba chair Minui of previooe fTweing read and eenfirirail Alto a eommankatioa fron Mr P V Playiar on bahalf of a eom- mitlea atking a gBnt toward aaantioit tha Nonh York Ag driaiy lo purcbaae pi of tad ract paraaBtnl fur tha PliiionB war preaeoted by diOeren imhara uf ih Coaaetl ia favor of vraoiiiig urarn lena to aach of be iloelkaepera ouw kewpiog pwWie lioaaea in the Townabip Alao Irom iuoatba and Chtrlee Doao praying lo b exempt fron CmoMUUoa io Qeniil aod from J dbUi mJ otberaM road otai Th Clerk laid npnti th labia ih Att dhnra RHtrl of CwwitiMp Aeentitt On laniina Ue lNeil ibea ielrd talf tafa Cvmiaillt of Ika wkli aa ibt rarioiM diwuaitiil prattaed Mr bbat lewaribia lb cbair After eitting utm tae be entamtt e rHe reported prgia aa aCed lave lo til again IejTe granted Tbe Rtete Ibea Uft tbe cbair far CnaBcil retancd abal 2 p la all Ibe iBrmber present Oa moHna after a little rnallae bi- na Ihe Caaaeif rrtolred o earn taliee nf ibe wboe te eoaiplete ibe beM ftctabrfira tbem from tbe moraing tea ioB Mr Sbillieenh ia Ibe cbair Coainitlre rote aad reported a fnijtwa ll ibat they hare examtaed tl Re- Mrt ibearrer oflbaSib 0a 1ie from Li tf l ibe Nanbera Taw Iae aad reenwoead Htal Miraf b adapl n and ikat tbe aect Uedaw b part ed foe ibat prpoe abieb lby berewitb CMwaiweeara of Sda watka Qwei tille tbey rKmawtad iba earn be fteeir td a Miifaciay 8rd Voar C kara eaidered lb comaMaett tram Mr P W Ilay Irr askiag foe gaat ia aid of lb fao of Ibe North York Af Seity fitr ibe of parchaaiac rnand aad erect iag baildtaga lo be aaed far bodf fair bat caaoot reoMitMad aay apprpiatw for lhal parpea 4lb Yiar eoaiaiinr raeead iba 6aal pat of lb Aaditora rrpart aad Ibat ibt rotpeelift elaim af ibe Aodilori for acrrieea bt pd by tbe Treai Sib Voar aoiniie raeaoweed alan lht lb petilioa of U UeCarly aod otb oa road Mllera ba rrlored lo ibe Road aad Bridge ultae 6ib Wiib eeiei 14 Iba paliitaa of iooalbaa aad Hurler Daa yar eooMoit lic etaaioed be u M etaoei raeemmraJ ibe ganliaj ot tV Irfe Ibrreof b Year omaiitiee bare rxaminel ive riota pelitt preenled pfynj hr gtaailng Mri fiealaii for lafera Jrr d reeomvend tb Simt btfiancf i U laac jba K Dv d tUBbOr Jaaea Kafanab liy WaifB RUbrd IMder DanJ AriHageaid JH 5litrn Cilifieatta l b iMJ oo b farorbi rvpnrl of lb lafeoe aad lb p7l Ibt aeceaeaijcfeet and foealdbiog aaf lira at reqclted by lb ByUwa of tbe Maaicpalii Tbta report wat ad pted ia roatcjl Tbe naw wat tbeo iairodaecif by ibe Reeee aod adopted ia atcordaace wilk Iba recnmioealio of Iba 6r elaaa ia Iba aboee report Mr Iftd meeH add by Mr bMewrril Ibat W lUlaad be alo- ri Ill Ibn I t f April I8 to rrwee the liHilc fnia Ibe idelu brlweef lot W and 2d ikt 7lb Cna taid fmHer lata beta parlated by km frm tbie Mr llnlboB mred fecneded by Mr OoBi tUl Jftvepli Ttariat be aUwed td d lrf lataie Ubvr no Ihe Mdrtiat iitf 6b yoa between lot 20aid 21 fortne ral year Camed The Retra pretefied b By Iw ia bak proeidmK for Ibe appatnlmeBl ruWHb HSert for ibt carraat year whCh wat read a Crt and aecucd tiiBe and laid orer liFI oefi nesting Th Coaacti iboa ailjMiBil lo meel apia oa SaUrdiy aeil ibe 9ftib iBtaat King CoonoU KKTTLOT Faby 20 iWi Th above Council oMt ibie day 4i Keiilaby At lb mMibi prem tia Rnere in iho chirr After ih minute of Utl mcoling hid nn toad and cnilirind Mr Mun preeiiid petition lii aid ot John lleana of Lakr t alao an applicaiin from Mr J li Riw olTaring to pei farm ih doliaa uf Twthip Clerk f 200 Alan an acfODDl frnm Jni Mir foi kp bf llaswuuda pja Tlinnptnn preaeated an naenuflf from Dr SclMffieW fnr mrleagn a medal nmnaiion of Ann Siwpann iunaiic alto from be Dmner u0Ma of Mr Wabb protenuJ a petition from Rihird Ktrion and mhnra pryieg aid for Mary Sward an lidgenl perairn Tha Reave prnd By liw which waa received and read a firtt Ilut io ragutaa tha iaawing of Caiiifieatea of licoMt lo He iaeeer iuilw Eienain irMt Aic Ol moion af Mr Muatia aemdeJ by Mr TeWi ih Ctucil raaiilved iteH Contaiine of ilio whole oa tbt Uy4aw all va reftrcad lo llr Thrinjt After nakitiganm progrtaalb Com niH e ra Mtd aakd leave tu ait agnia Utva gi Buaineta rrauW abtul 2 p m aid Cuoitcii again raivetj into Coiamit r of ihe hulon tha Ltcenta by law Mr rbinipn in the clieir th q KCtin vf filling ih lb bUob fifing he aiaHan ti i paid lor Ort6- uf Licue a ahori diiC0iii ana haH Mr Webh moved ihn bank bn Ailed with lie did ei Larnu he eon adrred h uld lly law fKH ol of lb ay Tbta waa for he in lli pritdi pal botiaeta pata ef lb Tuwiihp la Bpaliyi it aaUtttear llr laii ibm ihn Meak he Ailed whh I- r SIM clest biteU The fftie duly on whia k imfxiMJ lati year had iocreaaad the pric ut iha ariict atM u er barrel ilti addi i nel duly wav ju to murli ad dtiHl etna lo Iba iMiel keeper lU did nM oioatder an cscrafcive lieti fa bani hed ihaartwo but rathr led to evaNN tnd lit lhoiKhl n much bet- a velltr ooder ih whd if a Mrugeiii lcenr law lltafi l4aitr avviva drinliiuK plaea There oa nut a btiiae lemparBnca man in th Towiitbip than bimnolf lie waa in favor el whlon and alringnni Saw end of hating lhn enforerd l iha ittlar but to cualinwe Iht Itcaaaet at Ih otaal raita withogi takhig lrl aceouni iht rcaai enaclmenl iiiereil4 tb iclat datta be did ont thick wwtd b Cling fair wwarda lboa who hepi decht aod reepaatabio noyaae of accoo Mr Pbiip oald thi w qaeeiieB alCwting dply tb rBria of tb com iMViiilya qiaaiia ao aOeeting tna rtgbt aod pnviiege rf iavrn kepre I wee a queeiwt very dileit to hda and on Ibat ad taxed th iirgia ol th bait nn tfb in ibia aod oibae unirtre ti deal aufaetirtly wnb and lailad Tbot aogagad in iha trafllc bd rigbta tid ao h ilia peoilt and ae rtafti of ih 11 rby ahauld pri wet iftaM Tl lower ll liCna Ihay would tt erKoaraging Utv grogganot lU fl woe vf hKb would be fal lar and iar II bad lotb aro aiJ lalt tb aril uf Ih Irafl end cno tl bia duly to leaaen ita fowar A V fatored rcdaeiiea bw A r Philip Y laat year tb li balk of tb prMhtc waa ebatgd tro tb taul cbaiiuel uf tha 0ii Iim and el uvar Ibo naarab tn Nawioarket and iboieby very iNAWriBlly Uaatad ibe btreiioaa alottg lb fuetMr miH om iliai t BOt lb c0 ibw year a lb traf fic baa agaie ratarnad down th 9 b Mr Pttibpa eatd h b bI aa onihu ai on ltor aide witb regard to ibia qitioa I her wr ihot ready te de all lhay owild to pleaao aod eMiJit th tavern fcefe and iLec war utbere wwM du all hy eowW to njuf ibaoa ii did not with lo go wiiti khar uf ib arm aud would oppea a TwwtNbip Pohibitory Buacl moat So far aa ba judgonaeat woulJ nBbI bmi lo leeM carreot apmioiia b would odavar o do jo8iicjw all H eooid itut voio fur Iha amaDdma lb cwiBHtuoiiy bo r oi bot Mvaviald to ideto6 Tba aniedntit wee ibe pt and lt aod iboorigl moImia far 40 Iwr hutala ia LloydiewvSobouibarg Qtk Ls Kwg Sailoa and Yunga ltrri waa 0riid other part of tb Twwo abif wa 6xd 1 tfbof Li tn ixod at 30 witb- ow diMintoik On moodn lb ouacil roeolved itieU into a R itrd of Lcae ItapocUre A WaUb Itaq Mf aptohilad CbalrMan iheroof Peiiti aa In fiavnr ofyrBOng UMoeaa tPilM foiloalM finiet wero iboo fre- itd by AVtrcni maiiibra ol Ih Hoard vx Klcharo Vail Johit tlo can ierret BlntgliWm ftiwa Jamea Uiljar Wm Iliwman Jemea Buaby Alunso Weller Walter B ll Juepb iluiler Joaph Manderaon Wm Bnddy 4idml CaterU Jebo Ikwla Ciharit JlaMOar MorAa Qairk atti Uaorga Roat On OAtion of Mr Menei ooDdd by Mr IbnTipaoa lb pryra of tb abort pniiiiii warn graai and Car- liflcAtea urJared to b laaJMfod tbeep- plicaei Cmolfing wiih ih law and piy tug lit auMuul requud lu ibe Tre d thf Twiihip ill Board tb jarnd TKa butiMea 01 tre ih Hod of 1 apectora li tvuif bea compleied ih Reev atin ok the chair rn CtlDeil Mirad lv Mr Webb and aeeodii by mr MacbH ibat wh Ibia CulkCiI djitarm thia day It doBiaud adyrnad idt MiMiday the 6 b of March iMXiibn to meat at Ulougba Ilotl Ktug Horn I r ii sf appobtting Tiawoahip OfKtra Bi d il irausattiou of giirl Moved by Mr MuQi aeeoadad bji Mr hompen that lae Millar I pM Ihe eum nl 0 bb e full dicbfe of hi ctdlht 10 the 2nt ini for board atd lodgiag tr nnt Joha Mtwod a peir tjarr ied Tlie Treaaurcr jai upon iha Inble ihe iidilora Reji rt of Towaahip Aceoubia fur he year 1064 Afar reading it carefully ever Ik Reort woe rcivl amandtd and Ub nviiioo th Cleik waa inairaeied procur 00 priiied cnfte of lb Lt eera Hylaw eo that eoch llotnl kcear aud Magttiraie in the 1 ownehtp might ba fuVnbed with it Th Ck wha alao ihalruclad lo lalrvrtia for leudera for ih heap of Ilaxlewuol a lu report lieit nieeliir of CaiKil On nfriUm of Mr- Maoball 6oo4d by Mr Wbb thClrerk waa iiiatrucied lo procure lOlt c plot of th Audilura Report priad lu prDpbtt form for diairibulion On morim nf lir Utooipann aeond d by Mr MwnaiIO waa graoied for th rlf of J din Urn to prchxae Ttaaarina fnr hia eid family ilM Cuaei lho aiflrMraed Newmarket CoanclL rEiT20 ld5 Council PKir Ibf ereDg All tbe loeBi- beia prcaeal Ibt Reeve Li Ike cbiir Miauiet ef Uat oiectiag read aad co fiMKd Tbe Reera 0 btltalf f pfeal com Her to tibom wa refeicd Ibc eaimaai itO t Mr Planter atkiog graotto ait iba Norib York Ag Society I parcba groaid fur eabibiloo parpovea reparted prngre aad atked laa t re N fal aext iiaJay avcoiag Leavt MrTfcal from tbe Rnad aad Brldfr Cottmiltee aked leT t preaekt a re poil etlig ferib ibe leadere reired for lumber itqnired and reeaeBdiag tbe r ol Metert ilarrtaoa 6t iyktbe pld lba Iraiart rtcufed wer a Ullltoa per 1000 IWl JM JD rb da M A Cryell do 600 R MCeriaick do 650 VVuuCaa do 60 llarion d Sykea da bK0 Oa motiuo tb abor repart wat adopt ed thereby awardmg the eoalroct la Meaf8 Ilarriaoft Sykaa Mr Sotberla by leare of Coooeil iairedcd a UfL previJiag for Ibe apfOMtieat ol Tbe Coaaeil weat iat Cooimitle nf Ike Wbola for tbe prpMe f fill ag io the amended wbicb waa wat md a ibitd time aad paad The folUwiag geatle ma were appelated Eagiaera by tbta By La Chief EojreeMr Tboe Bitbaf A J MeCracke E ElMj I Mr Mara ceqfired of ibe Treaaaer ibe aaounl ef aauti ailree oa ttaad He thnaglit they ahaM net altew ailrer teac- camatale t a effort wxi bow baiag made t drccSale ita ralae The Reeve ibgbt tb Trraaarer 4ind b guided pretty mach the aaara at etberbaiaeit wen and net reeeire beyond a retnatbe amoaot from aay ob peeaoa be auhjeet the drvfped bi tbe Caaactl akntoed St Paixlt Hwmarket By reftrea te tt xdrortbiog 9laaia It will b aaeo that Rt L c8tiji Tat boi D D well known u the Iat Al rfUf Brilih awd Fiireign Bibl Soeioty ia Cad aad aaer rawatly a tbe Ageot ef that beoereWat Biiith Colombia will dlirer a lctare is tb Msebaaiaa 1111 oe Friday lag March lOtb proztca U i qatU aaaaeteiry for te de taoe than ary Motioa Ur Tajler ttame t aear fall heo- lit ioljest U da of palir iaiMwt lo Canxdiaae jaat aow rtx Vaa eoarera lalaad Britieh Colaabia arid FiokU of Cariboo Tb Uaraed ketarer com to NM4rkt oa tb re qoeat ef Rer MfrKAMSAT aad tH pr eeda vfll be apptid la liqaidatiar a debt iretrrdthnUrneatof8t Paar Cboreh Adaittiea 20 ft ebildiaa lOato 8Adrrlimal A Waantao ie Uy aa a bmaier lafaaed to fiv a pii ef ib II tod wb matting coapl of CMtieiMa dtiviaa alMif ia a roeahiog ia be avottora iag of tbe laiiee On antving a Nawtaar kat oamplBo vie iBala bafar a J ef the Peae aod lb imttr waa fluad aeM 9S and roaia We bav ooi giroa tht naoMa aad aiaply ailed i tb aa waiaiag iaiaaiaira wbappa t laacy ibyaiv M4ild i Ib loodway A alMUiy laaat lik M abee waold tnbaaa i tba cataM ef ttavelera bb i ib public geomly BditorUl Sttanary- A mteliag of iba NawmaiklC il lakea plao nax Mti4y tvraiaf ijCuwt dty at Ndkmrkti ib I3ib ef Mch at lea daya pravicoa la ihi date viM ba tb tat tlayofeervtoo The Tonbi Glandfaid nei llanSion C Wi baa Khiakin Taaiperanoa Ai ihee4 nin TboratbiQ Aaaatt ba adelad tl Tbe maarity a agairMi the bill tn Giandrerd while ia AacBtter it waa carried by 103 To CoBatrBotxia On aecooni of late oiw eelamnaiafooarqueoce tb Iviieta i tatr Carfeepoitni aad alao ia re laiiein 10 Ihe lai Royal Rik Carnreal haa bB Boaveidabiy crowded est Ibi A taetiiHg lb mtmbnrt ef tb Norib Yjik A Scieiy will b heU at the Cmrt lloute Newmarkeloa Salutday 4 h ef March to rafive Ibe Repeal oflh paeial oomminee appoiated to mak Ib oeceeaary nqulriaa regaidiof ihe pri of biljiap 10 Altictb miig uk pUc UBiidwilf aheir pooetaaliiy will b aeeaaiy in occlel Ibai rli Agricuhural mteliof may not iDicrlere with tb Club S Advoiiiaemeat A fruatMawrade Catorral U an noaneil to lake plae oe he Riyal Rink ezt Taoeday oBniagt rtcb ecan ia 8lieipid TW bapa Braa Aefd tea beta engaged foifbtocrea we hear of maaq ieradera makiog prpta rallaAtf lo aammth the croVd llt1y to aa- lembte le wiaa ih dieplay For in and patiicalaia aee billa A maraeraJe rarmal I a new ibHit be aol many CBliiBt to kaow bow il taill be auatain On Fijiay evening blareh iid be UUnville Elodorion Caa bolda a Re jMon ibeScbuol llwove rtear ihai place 7ba enlenaltimtnt wHl conitl of apeochre dit legooa lacbaiacler itanaliwt and vooal maia Admieaioo fete A eollectiM will h taken op t ibe clo lo aid In defraying expenaea Jlr J Hawxiaa ia annm Ibt htanaffer and Mr E C Parcaiu eeitiaiy Dore open at 7 aeloak t pco- tdinga 10 coimea at balfp at DiaaiBt rjB I86S Evaiy bai mrtirbani iratlaaaiaa or KaohtalB beold uaa a diary tberabf nfi avingiioieaivlmoaey Mr UaaMtioa iat laid opoueti ubl aample a ikeM reiy aaaful anielta bow on tale ai hie boA aiore i ie well badia leather eaeer and eoniaiae a peg nf rated paper far each lay in th week thrMhwi the year A taoe It it iavaaatl to botineat meu- Mr Ileodtraoo baa ouly a fjw Itfl oeiv U ha lime to boy t 3 B McUnn Eq Plnclpil ot the Upper Caaada Inatitaltoa for Ib Deaf Dimband for the Blind 11 imihea C tV baakindJy fitwetddaeopy ofibii b An naal Report of tba Inatiiaiinn I it 4 vt intrrewin docoment auJ eviro ihe dplitniible ef hti gvotluaian on tabhll Wnied petiiaN l Ibe rom nuoiiy Dariitg be pai yey Iber wttu 3 pupik atianifanee C7 d m blind and Mr Matno adil loeieate added lo ihe eqaally pUaaii bal we are fre fo deb ar w ihemlv cenvineMp proof ibal nor in M ia tn a vtiy pOtptmn mnliioo r glad I hev vf Mr MvCaaaa aoe- pnrlininfniari Quxatw Feb 16 Ho Mr MrDoaldaeodd Atet oMat Act uf IM wat rtvorled Iroai the MauHiio witbtt aad4aalt aad read llHrd time and pitted Ilou Mr Ctrri from tb aelect com lilte fpfled With nia aligbtasead meal th Bll to eaabi tb cbacb acct atd worporated ayaode of tba Cback if Engtaal dinetaet Caaada t tbeir rrcior Uadt r adipted aad th Bt a ibird time aad patted ilia Sf E P Tacbe mared the teawoa of tbe period foe reeeiviag petilioaa Lt rivM Bdia to iki 4 Jdtrcb- Can A B it Iloa Mr Ferrvcra to ble trttea M Ibt Wealeyaa Melbodial Cbarcb ia Caaada I ao frel m ag aei dnpra of tbeif traM pro x reail a aeod tiow aad rflierd t tbt prirat Billa Commitlee Tbe debate oa Coalederxlioa wax ibes lioa Mr Heerpialed eatekjecilear to lb aebem AHboegb bd k from lima to time talked ol il waa ubmitted lo the peofle at lb electioa 1SS3 Tbe peopl ot drcided oa It uor wat tb raitamcal pUcied i proaoaaee any opialo Caaada bad bei oaiaeiabared It Ibe Coiafereoc bariag oaly I i oM afM 81 lint Mr McMatler oppo d tb dt taila cf ibt tebcme priacipally o ibe ore ef dt probtble eiptaaa ataaeia be hitercolOMal Uadway aad Ibe Mlpfrt af ibe loeai Geertjocai oal ef tb gmw ril revcaee IS objectioajble fetitrea bet b aatd Ibat i Che abaeard tf aaylbtag belter beaag abmiiled for lb car uf tbe tril oaidet wbicb wa coaeatedly laboared bd did alfNbtMt jtd lied V voiMg agataal tb raolaliooa Ho Mr Stotpao took arag grad agait tb rouuoaa denviag IbAl tbej waa dt t by tbe eoeotty aod leytng Ibat a kbe lecoat vlaelm lo 8oib Oa larMbolb eaadidatct pledged tbemtlr la favor of lb qMali beiag aaboiilied lo tbe penple Sr E 1 Twbe repM a lb aaiead meat of Mr Saabira dwelliag atfHigy aad faly aa lb piia that a Lower Cao- adj wbe Uit bad pwer aleaya deai I berally d fairly wiib tbe Eagth tpeok eg Prletaal mianrtty ia that aeciaa 1 be INoeiac aa tb weelJ coatiau le da a tb prnpod local Legitlatar aadtr Ooalederal foroi of tieeerawtea Mr 6bead tpoke ie lavur of the Cee federtlina kcbetoe lie bad deabtadfor 01 tioie wbetbtr tM prelnaeiMde with regard to tbe luotber trad mHaoi rlt prrjad daily I Ibat trade but be had raeiiad aMirud Utm tb Oorof- aeal aa t tin awaaiag nf tbae peovitiaw wb wee aiirlf taiiifaclnry I b Ha Mr Saaba repbed brity t Cel Teebet rmarb Tbe llae ibea dtvided a Mr berieaeaadmeel wbiek it aibtttacr wxi full t UpP Canaia ti bo repreatiied tha IgUlalivn Counril by aWciirr Membora Lo or Caaa la by 84 olc tire mmtibere and ib Ataiilim IVoen oet bv 24 elnber orrfbcid i with tb 24 vlaatiro mnbert la avetioo ef Canadanf whicb Nova Sctit aWl bare 10 New nriiaili 10 aod Priirce Edward Utnnd thoil have foar atX ihepiewai membervof tie Legu lf ike firat Ltlaiive Ceuneil of Ih Faderal IHiiiMiMnl Th ap Htinld mmbra to remain for life aod ih leeliva mmbra for eight yeara from the date ofiheir eloction unla oynd by Ieaih or olhar caut iir xeaan It be lcicd by lb aan dlviajboa tnd tlwtore ta bare aloctad lhm and it ahall b prmitied Maiitim Prorincet tn appoint 10 addi tirmal nmbera for lif Itv fur New Uunawiek luot for Nora Sco two for Prince Edward Itland to pond with till prraent life mentkera Iroa and ihtt tfMr th firvt tppotnt mnl tif MeiDbtra iu tbn Maritiae Pro vinet no new appQlatmaot ahall be mad exrepl to dlyth pleet aeaiiiei by deaih or oherwiaa in tlio 24 membera appoimed t eirreapiod llih with ill elective membera from he teciinna tf CaaeJa ani Ibat in it eoclion aAer the word Coorctl in ihe firet tme the foflowlng wohia b added Mu til Manti Putlac4 acd tbli eiion 14 b alruck nut To amendMat ihta tttirad by a r9t 10 ya te 42 aay The fellowtag ia the divieion YcIewrx Aikiaa Arebarabaali 18 N Mcaar Aleziojor Allaa Arttand Brileat Bcfltiti Blair Blake BooltoaBoaaaaa BullBarnliimChriatie CaipbellCraword VBaja Dtckea A JDaehetnay E J II Docheenxy UaiooasboUe Ferncr Foalcr Uinrat OoevremoQ Ilarnilton Kingttoa llamilioa lakerman Lacoite MeCrca MoDoiMld McMaaior McPberaon Matbeion NilU Paaet Pradbomm Prie Rad Boat Ryan Bbaw Skcad Taehc Vidal 52 lion 3 r Cirri Ihea roa to nwve tha ameftdment of whih h badRivaa ootloe u It tb proprletjof rtainia laofe 4rly tb niel uf publie opinion on the aabject befor Confcdaratioa waa finally dad aooA Ue aaftvottej tiwl a aarerxl mrmbm wlahcd to aprak mi U ft weald b belter to po poa tbe diacoMion alii lo aorrow Th adj3aramot was reaiaud by tb Gorerameot loi wa eariicd oa a difia- ion 36 to 25 Tbe Home adjoorned at a raartr pMt wbuh u Miheih 1 iln Mr Rom ii liavo Ih Rovfa ii trom th paytBont of tax bill IO Btitborisa Ibe Cbarcb ly flf d UidpBM of Toronto lo aa4 Iin felnQt of lend In DirliatiM fr olhr mtHB wsa rra I a tbirdIaa and patrd m uS lion M Carri mnt That upon a importance tbe proptJU tion of thia and certain oCSffi Province ihia Houan is onvb aatum lb rcponabili of eaeeoJp a nieiure involving no many conwderaiioaa wiihool funbM atMUi talion of th public will Uiaa Wa teen dactered Hon Mr Diekton apok of ibe cumtinnee which etiiied prior formtlMft of th prni govm Prlie were ei nearly balaocad liiical airif bed run ao high that governmeat efWr anmliee hd be bto carry on Ibe adintaiairatlo af licnfTiiira Al laal oil tt itrewaJ the troubled waters All eoamog cattd and tbe wair became iraafi Tnie wa nul surpritiaf wbeo b aataS lained th oil Mm frb from the wM of Bothwell Laughter Ililri3 advocaltd nn appeal to tbe peopla aa UoDMeerB Campbell UurcM qifM iver eabeequentlj apoke Mr Q rlee aswadmeat waa then pat aad li2S by a rnie of U lo 3L M follew CoNTXMT Carrt CbtlTira 8eftw etmptoa Malhmi Heeok UMJ nnrd Flint Aikln K Duekamy AiB uchanay Armtrong IXckaoe Ptritkl flliver ViJal Arcbatebaali Raad Proulx19 No- CosrcuT namitloe S in Tach Campiotl RootCrxef Cbrtejie Aexaoder Maedooald pherttm Merea Bull Gmgra Ai Guevrnioil lltak NeMi Wilson Renntit Roultoni kliloi I Da lloaaau MalheaM LacL Stiaw Skead I urnhfua DamiUea t karman Domorchel and Fotie Mr J C Akena aild h bad l amtnlmenl lo move aed it wa eut a quawioB to expect n fair dieusak be floeee da aowatijowen CarrtlL ill llooee adjHirueJ i five awnatsill Mr T 0 WLbridfte Btll te aotMwIxe impnsonmeflt upon t eoavlction la car- lain ciN for rending splrllou and mant factacil liqiwrx KitSiooi lUcoKin Upper Caned and amcndmeats pasdibrvi CbNNmtie of tb boU Mr llila t lok occano to tk lb GotremrBt wbea llie Bitl on edalio to be d0 Hkotwofoo ivcdita a wh4b ao mnck UlerttI was bare tlH f ee a ne it tnbil t In e buforr e pat it oul f uue pntr by the 0 mi- tedti acb to ler the Uw Mr r polled a foroir Stat- at Ikat tb Givtrenfat woahl nbait tb iare but bee adaol aay wifo Il wat tbert tad at t permaeat attleioftll el lb qnettin ty of eatrrf woud be dised m Um Uooc Tbefjllow Bill wart read scod Mr Maefalawi To dccaen l OKan- Igef ttctinat23 24 aed 33 ol eoafier 93 of tbe CBiolidad Utelea of Upper Cautda Mr iatebed amead tb Act retprctinf Couoir Crt Mr WaUi To aistod the Mtaicifat Act of Upper taada by retirtcUag Ibt cl4 ef fouit oa by- for be crtiOt ef dbl Mr TlaeBil rdreling weighiaj tatMg aod pugag certaia srtclea ni geoeral e auaiitioa Mr D roa To ameod Ibe Act la- litaed on Act eoataiatng nel provieto eeehrdeblb llMtif llM Piotiatial Porkameet After Ibt dNvaer reee tbe order of tbe day wat called for rttaaiiflg tb de bale c Mr JJn A MxedeaaUe laoltoa for ae address te tier Maety Ibe Qeeea oa ihe tabjocl of Coaftdtratioa Air A A- Poro spcakmg ia Eagli aoid he tM oa ibit oecaaioe to edditt tb Hoay OB a iaptrtoat qwilOt teb Billed ataal brtmb aM dtly ou acfoatt of tbt imponsnt qtioa tttbaU led for deliberaimt tat siil ainre o ec eoual erjbe seitbst hf bad tfdtCf f y wilb irbeai at li acled ver b hod eiireJ poklietl life Slill vbea be ooasbkrcd tb qvestioa ralead by the reatioM tb Hoot be fooBd that whether it wif t portly potitieal propaaiyit alkriet and coalrol tho iodae oftb pMp of Canada in tb LvUUiarcV uymg io Mti4 lxiutdmeneil Vn wbetbM St W9 portl eomm qodtlion laroWn larjd oatlaya iir tH eoatlrae of tb groti IatreoIoaUl Bailvay or whether it vaa a lirg qtMia arCeAftdeniion he stiU btld tbL4ta vis that b bad bld M tekb Iboaa wiib wheoi k Mttd wkea tb abjet waa tM oMoiad aad at b had beard aething ia tb affatMoi dariofcabitdaboMio favor of aabettteUax a aomtatd for o lasttd LefiaUu Oeaoil of pitdgtog ear n tbe ocaatracion of the Intcrooloaia Ktilway or adoptMK the oolbdttelioa peiocipU that ha bad iwt board wbtn these qaeatioa were first ttrodeerd ht did not see sny rea Vbr tb sLeuId b eonidcffd mora faybarahly bo thaa at that time when iby riarded as of littla im- porlae td aloMnl onlrextjlly repu lia tod by IM Hepl oTlbla eotalry As b did ot Csu tb b vat booad to bta si oa tbeaa qatioaa b eta otbar had tUae aeaad withoataay proapect ef adraaug to th oomi b eooatdarfl ha tatiiUdto viaiotain th riB he had aUaja eaUrUtoed BearlHir Qoxttc F 17 Tb 8pakff leok the ehir ai Ibre Hoe Mr Blair nm deet miinerfeeiedf relBtlhf teW laerece CeinhnW iFofpigtt k Cfllonii American ReTolntiOB NtwYoac Fab 21 FHerya GU Ut fatlea er Ckiraion frm 200 ik pric bl to 11 tb lwl prii A dpetei frm 8cfelary Statta Major General Dit aononeea Ike iioa of tU elfieial repxt of MsjirGfl re nf lb eajure of CbMleelsti mkaiet report ia at foUitt CHaKLIUTOM 8 C Reb 18 I NetYKkSl H4eefe Ckirf ef 8 larTllT laXTTlff mm H4eefe Tbe cly iTCbarTSir fencet came iat- ear norwag wtik abetit pcea of g jrtiNere teppy f fi aaitaliaa Tb eoeuiy cnmoieueed eracnlW be works lait aitlt aed Mxtr Macs iiira dered tbt ctf lo the trape f G Jkbeiamviriag at 9 eVIock tbn mmd wbkb tiMK It was tcpitd by r 1 K Oir adrsac e tk Edial tff Oati Biy l4itaed tbe relrral IV eelta warrbMtearaaVa lenaattera tiore railroad brtdga oadl iroa cladt were boraed by tbe coetay vetsela la fbe sbipytrd war i barited Nesry att ib iuhabils msianig bekioi bcloej I lb ftt GILLMORG Ucaersl Commiadiag Catto February 2i Tbe MMb fiaffdta tsaraa frwm eaUani wbk klma Al ot tbt 24b 11 M tbrougK MetJia J Jackiot Ifk thai Ditk IVylnr Itat VoawdiraMtq ttelmi aad alto Mertdiaa I lb Ceirderales were udfaHJ aad turoiay eat lerg qaatiti aitioce f war FrflAaiiaa oMad arooad tb ftj bt tbey ae forDldab ilyi ef IIos artoy I to operate epiat Sbs They were arfr krd aed wboRy pinldj aad- btd loet all hopes of cetsfal resiMaee agsiaal Federal iMi Ltrge aembera were berefoeled ad It ataied lUt lea lha9d f H aitiy bad ibeir feet frost bilt a tb fiem Natkeill ia wldb lby mtw tb drig lb fr4iMr y4rB Af tbe war Tbd aareheldert I greatly divtfid witb lb eeaatr of alaret aed fr aegroas ier sarvitt tb ary btt ibe work waaaeliraij frea 1 TOST Feb ilsi 81 To faorOeo Diz Tbt folloia ip erderbat beta iseaad Yua will aa tku Ititj ccaied iftyoar Papartvtai Signed B M STAXTOT Ordored Thai a astieaol sahsltl fifod tomerrca at atoo Fab 23 al Wt Faint aad vTory fort arsreil b m haadqaarttf of th Uailtd SlattL I honour rttoratloa of the fiti 4 Uaioa apoa Fort Ssmptsr Sd K H 8TANT0H Sea tf aACMaaaed la oeatieliii of 4 pataoat baabaad stftiW snd child abilt atltmf Kiagxra risar Uttly fhias Niagara YotiAxtiot efTil oat b tba lt iolo Uk Oalui 1 drownded or frgiea I daotb TM bediee baraaet jei beee reeeetiai Sl family had c Toaagsltwt It Niasxft aaddralaUd U laabiHiJ inrn trip eotfry la Iht idrltt a yi ferrytataot tbw