Miiiiwinmiiumiii THK NEWMARKET EBA FEBBUABX W ISflS O WLol llwl I1 wli Tii HO itinab Ur aotlKr u tlwa Meirini 1 Why it Kit nag lo pAiturr hieVutt foinc lo Ntw Z laJ i Smma graiiitg O werJ of o ijllablc it bil w tr Cjkn aw l firl li I wcrJ ef two yllbe1 pup An fillinir on bir loU ilttt i koJ of Nrr Mfc balf lUr trlil IflJrIc Wo ni Uke Iwo of Rer Milk Trifloo of Ne OcJ- fjrJ Iftbrprnon whoMolcnf orercutl froa mf UC on Sabbath tToiB nti be beb mt I ABC nf tbe rcckcit b w4l Irarn tooe- tbir lo b aOrantlf KriTvpii o a Locovonriv0 lie servitor of dorblc tecHlepl o bhrar lo be alltebrd lo aa ol lb Mr- TkLti of lite CcBpaflj ColltiioM foar Or firt 1e bore Ttewoali er in Taia Crows oU aed mtirJ Now IB the Tune yOUmDOBSTTER fnqninttlmffhokarfUfn Iktr 0 F MOORK REMOVAL 1 NEWMARKET MOtKD to i premkee rteoBllj oeonpW hy MiM 011 Two Doofi Xori ofOtt Daeitvn 2 MAIN STREET kp roManily a aen- jArir UM Uvimd7 ccUbntW The York Botda Cam- Im re 0 N rf- tmr C Y mho i Dle oarly part of HHarr Torni obiniofd rula calliog 00 ib dafendanta to aho cauM hr tb hy law paaaod by Ibo Cr unty Conoeil ahwid noi b quaalied Htfning rarioua greapd far lb iotei- vebro of tbo court Tb by law in reria wu nuaod a t apdal crafteg At tlio Council f hict Mr Tjrrall waa tliS Wtrdan od movinf ipdao- lliz d Ibo itwD Wardeu Mr Tyrrall fe arjitraia wUh th to aei tia the price to b pid by iba corpora- rou for ih York roods and lo iaauo do Iffnfjrra ia payment for tha aaoo paa be itv twamy yrara Afier h wat panrd t bill iQ rhaicry waa Aled OBbeWfofMr Talor to rttreio ib u4ue of thA dcbcfliurea which wo uodar- atad w will pnHnr Hr OConnor in an able arpii Oppoi M Adapu lor be irml vatk Shoemakers Tailon Dress Mtknt Asd PriTftU ftailio- Intesdiiic prba will Ui H lo lkir ad- TtnUcfi to civ the MbMriWr a n bCbr Wbw u li I u Pnnlih aiv Kla4 tf HachlM 0 letitr Wrrae than otdioary iUn 17 Ofara kft al l1i Sbvp promptly attended tasd UackinM AdjMUd iirrmlnd SAMUEL ROGKltS dl Acnl CiT iW Uaile CMSlie Tork REMOVED Hi THOMPSON Saddls aitd HamMs Itakar 6ppoiitc the N American Hotel U batter ppar lhaawtsaap hartmrm tad cvim hato alti Taken First Trisei Wbmm exhibited Wckk Mfalj Bk iaii aiiieatiaakMwhUeat HEDEFIESCOMPETITION A cboteeMMrtaeotolejerytbiaf ia Uh DR P B PECK stmoEoir DEimsT RUPCOTPULLT aaaMMoalktt bevitl be I tba faUowiog placM KevMrkrt lt aad Sd afe BroaM Brdrord4i KMMaerill BoBd Head i Ik Ih BHAroaM 14ih rrille Stb aid thh 8lwiltertTlli WbM be il b kappj to wail enea t rotriaf kia aertoM tn asy efibe Braichei kia PrafcstiM- Md aay eferaiVeo preieay vai Excellent Farm for 9ji Or to Let TMthlaMrted TMHb nd bbr 10 0 A OR E S GOefwkkrbareelearod wfvaeed SmrMerahiraiioe TWata a gf laiC iifHtne nd mr JtfR ermed vlhellroibiMhr and eelleet Orekard pUnied nd Mr I aoddeHjhifaHyi icmtland Mr IL A Harrl oB op- 1 ca ht ruo eoolardlng lUi l a otn thUcSre pwpid oVt yucil hid right lo Uw the deben the aedertifeedonike OJ aopporiin ibair right ch3f nUhoogh a portie of iha nmi Its byood lh liniiia of the eorpnra- tirin lA Mr OCimDr eorsploiei tnarored lb arguroU of boib ilMv TOUleiwD We lr beoo adriwd ba ito by law in qoMtiuo it bnd 00 boili t grutkda oC objoetion and tit court to b wMoimowaly of ofiiaioa lhat tho rule to quaeh iho by law fntut b maia abaoiuia tbua c tmpelliog ibe Coutcit lo aobmit their ly law to ihe raufayera for dnptioo LtoJer Tn Navr op iELAxTb offi cial returna of ha numbr aame ton ng ormaaieot and Wsepowrr ot earera Md aaijiug ahipa compoeinit tia Brtiitb Nivy pUialid oo tlo lat f January 166S iindor iW atiiborily of the Adniably tlaiea hat tbo total renih of ib aavy of Gngfand nuin- bert TG abipa of li eaaat ol wiieh thara nr mw g ai rsfioD dockyard i29 oUma wbicb will aoutil from 1 to 8t gwa ech aad otaoy of which ore far advaacd lowarda coispit tioD or tha abora nombtr of vaoaali SAO lisaofbaiilo ibipe frigMaa cor- ctia sloops ite are ready to put lo ses at a ahon nniics csclatir of about 100 gun bats Tha ouiobar at praseoi n comoiisJoo sad doiog duly in variouf paits of tha goba anrunta to 324 bs- fide 49 gunlts asd theis ars alao in Aomiaisaioo 4S coast goard crttiora aod 3d Vttcbrsasala Ttis abors tlal nsy bs summarixad ibua stlMtivs litw- ofbsttlo ships frigatea eovan aloopc dfci nountiag from I to I3l guna raeb 114 seraw gunboat from lo 370 Da socb 109 sailiog shirs nony ol which srsia comBiuwo 115 sffiployed in htrbor sarvko ss recstving ahip boa- pital ships powdsr dspois eosl dSots fcCn 1 coit guard eroiaert sod 34 coastguird watcb veaastf Dy Mr Wrigbt Cast York a bill 10 ionpots a lax upon svary bich oftbrss mootbs oU or upwarda kept by soy oos parson or fsnily tuo daUart apo Ofsry sdditiotial iHteh kept by ths Cedar Fos For ReUdisfjutd IeBrinrparpneMlbrMTi I iKe SuhKriber Let am 9 Cun u Bwi Ovilhinbery Aprtj to JOSErii Sept S7l4 sod opwsrda othsr thsa bitchH kept by oospsrsOB or faniy nt doUar f upos Sfsey SQch dog mors tbsn two kot by S pcPSOD or fsdulytArM Um nuiking owoars of dogt lisbls foi or Isaba killed by thsm or Mk ia tilt township couoell llabis if tbe ossr csBoot bs diseoTsrfd sod rrquir- irg owners tofkiH their iff il fiuod cbuiog or wording tifpOuardian Tks sew s iMtal lately iorrtt ed io Abtrts by UaroArofl Roeibors k slM tlee1ostsl sUti coapMed of coQer apelter res ssd tiii is proportiosa tlwt my be ahgbUy rsricd wiibast aseb sSlitg lbs reWt Is eolor il ieeeablea brtss rsibrr tbss gtfs attal n tery clos io ita grais sad fres fron poroehy It il pMd of cositderabis hsneaa aad Will take s very fise poiiak SerenI caiseal Viesoa rsgiosers bats tried il for lbs sylisdc of by JrssUe prtaaca wtik grsat eaeewaa it n Uid tpr Tb report of Iks Poastta GcMnI kai eceo Mbaited lo IslisaeBt lbe toll cktiaaltd eipesditsrs for tbe siss Boalbt csdisg lU SOibJass ws f35797i71 9T abosi 3700 is escew of lbs sroM period ol IMS To lha et- pesdttsrs Iwwaver aa bs aMed for rsitay liIily of tbs smm aos sad oeia prlagssoas 4000 BtAbW orhltars carried froa Cassda bf tks Csssdiss swil ate NdVeaber 1863 U NoewWr I8tf ws 430000 froa CsMds is Bvope i50 000 tTbs Ardhbl of Toledo bis foiMbt wsaes to awg is Cksrsbrsss fsr llSeir tslkisg ks ksows prsbibiLes wM bs Mc TW coaditio sf Mm soatrsbd is Wasfciss is Mssi dsploraWs D ia mtmfItU teros aaoog iboasd tbay r Iswslw aad bssfrj Stoves I StoTes TIIEfuWnberia rMerwir itssksfer psat rir bp reepetfallf to aaaocsee tkst LDST here he ot ft Farltr li Hall U4 CMkli STOVES Wbiek b le prepared la aril at TORONTO PRICES Coastaally as head a gterl atoek oreualteil Tin il Japsmned Ware ASTOMSmSO LOW PRICES lalrsrfinf pereuMta will SeO it deeidedlr to ir edvaMtaf I ffito liia a eall beSuceaec- If eleewbere a he ia doterninsd HOT TO BE mrSEBSOLD SpeeUt ailestke Vi dlraelfd to kb Pntent Rojral Co0ec Fot Xhf beet doaeHptkM aranieW sow Is aae tke r4lit eiTiis a soafaetar haviat hm er brtheftsbeeriberferihiaCcsaty t ikU OeSee Pet asekalT ot Uw OoSea rify uacd csa W eSf ed aod CetTee ras be ftde Is three nisstes Irsria sedte elkqaid It it a Good TkitTrg it Eave Tronghing d emy other dn csted preapOr ODDRRS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED Shteptkint Jhft d Frm Product Ziateit Btyle from NEW YORK Mrs rtAVinOjaat n New York crsfdL bekloa aodlseiadtsf all Hilliierj Hif tie Fauf G artiela tewMted CALL Iiaas auxxHsTnxE lACHINB SHOP W D UCATMAN tsflMsr XMUsbl QsoeasrUa DseMIIM 4 TRY Mr W H Claytons cebebratel WORM CANDY OR WORM P0WDEK5 tirARRAKTEDte er etbrHi Uvd in prkagr Tbry are p b thsftlMlt rare uid uey tw re Mlle folkwtof nded t ily It ia worthy a be n wK aeed a Wera Boaed Yoaratroly J MALTMJir Terwe Jmtf 1M4 re Ibe asderMfMd bao BMd Dr W H lyiasa Wera Reaediee fw by 9 illiaa aed bave Mt pteeem w oafUjr- r It U be eM of the bMt riwi aseMd 11 werth tbe eieidaooe ef 11 wbe weed a ra Reeeeie aifad CWllo i Mre Pe MkkMl Tl Oeorg BelLQwaae ds da W Toresto L Etuor JJJJ2 stay bavaitrMMTed a m awdiw roaa- AapW dirct to J wiuAtaTMsea tf eAahetwer of Claytaoa Wera Pewdiii 9l ht CkytosN aad be awn rnteit 0r Pswders sre pst p is good abtle pHstrd is bloa isb asd tia aigsatsra a 15 cnUa tiek vrfmr far i Cfoyton Worm Pavdtn ttldim tf MM fesm 2S ffUt tawBMikst MarekS 1W4 B00T8 AHB 8H0B8 1 wholesale and retail f tbaakereeibe apoa Ua wbite bega TeeMclteU Ij a laiaat tkat bo baa RemTa to Ve ft East Karkft Sianb T Wbero be keepe eeaatastly m kaod a leaersl BOOTS SttmliAITRt Aed wbih will be ayU as law sf by aay Uom his sUltioadiiesaiyest W eAlLTlfS Esat Market Saearf Teroata jfttium tf- etber beee is ika Oablnet Furnltiira TIJOUAS WARNER WILL aell Catdoet rerMtare at bis Skap m Wstw snssi Ht k tbs N Chasper than th Cheaptft He kas w OS koad s larps Waak lakwilig UUREAUij CUr0OARJ8 teTrReTAULEs DfNINO TABLES BREAKFASTS COMMON Da CUAiaS 8IDGBOARD0 BOOK CASBa BEtOOFVRMltUBE farrWare aa J to ordet oa isat tjik abe Vew4iaa Bliad OMbiaos lae wBBd caa- seal Ppbahiarti T- Aasr SHsiM e hf- fmtr 8wl waarksi Oris ISM TAVU rOR BUM Fir SALS a fara aaliiafagHjeMJEa bafeoapeeef Lat Ro It la tbe T saaoaoaeaof wirttebarek Far pwtisakws sf ply by lettaef JOUN aroPFORD Mr4P0lBaft ua Waia alrMSf fS JIa W DKACpK Rewaaafftat AprlHOStt TelkExtnt4 ftii- DR Nir PECK StiRGEON DKNTWr WtTN nCTN Hl wttnout Ttcnt reparedto adiBi4OT jti w k f Wines and Idqnors fo- Medicinal Purposes only KltfMS OXde Gas V7noliMfTl VMUorwKek illTie kU tetj Low Pucn r CASH to Pwnio dow awy with Ihe paia entire y ami I per foeUy mU Tbe aahakog a isa I 3 iraause sT ISSib la s aew dIaBWaf Wd wwN nblasaew Ma aa be fillowbifleaiiMi tibew Jt ha u tbe daacervaa aibeti eVWralbta bt letofeaek aoi re Or AupnAprilt7 llf ettraeied wWla the ps fSlopoMtaaey aay U Asiara Aptfl lliKlSfU Tkh hi to eerttfr tbal 1 iskslad Iba lllnaa Oshte Oaa sdninWered ky Or V J Peeks ber af bad leeih OKt raf by Dr K J dac aay pate 1 esa eaay wishiag ts lafe Or Peek haa lately reeafred fioa He Tark a larp atoek of tke aoat basatlTel Toetk a wdl ha prnmpily arteodad ts Mi IREMOVAL Boots and Shoe CHEAPER THAN EVFR r I HE Sbciilm larKllllr ioliaiilv iksi ha baa raeaaead labia IDMFW 8H0PJ3 North of FleiQiata Saiddlaryt Main Siraet Xewnaikoi andTe eaw pfafararf ta aiaeaie 11 arda oa lbs ahaflast aatiea aod at pri- M whWb totslly DEFY COPBTITJON t N B Aa ba bsa Istaly ioearrad aooM liabWtiaewaiWiwiihisi iaiibiid tibia ill sMiiN b calling aad sattliag tbsii esaots Tstthwitb JOHK WIUJOM Nswastlral Marcrb 1 1 ISO Sipprt Htae Mnirietirr SAVMONEY I THEaadaaeigaadta retaraiafflksaka for tbstlbars palraaac bUbartabasaowed bafata aaaaaaeotbat bakas aaw aabaad s larfe sa ratlod aasortawi af Cabraaiaf alltbe aiaat tftprarad pMtara ad daicneat preaaatla aaatogetberwltl affea- ersi atoek af Agriooltmal Xmmenta ftflmdim Wofom Cmttery Plows CmJhvatvn Striw Ctritm Sradlrra Rocl Cdtten Sitfar MMlm tfrc aUcA ts prtpartd to ssO Below Toronto Prices FAJIMERS AHP MECHAmCS Wf1ISa4nia tbstradrsaucs ta gies aaBalifeislariiMilaswhraaaaU M aiaed sat ta be oMersald SIX oaSaas roa Stun BofliiM Cutiag So- aseatodsatksabststaatkswak asslaaai id daaoMck 8 8VKE8 rewasrkst0ett41MI tfK ml varuommui niBI aSlJbiHii fiH pK la ttW sbaat bar i baadiad eat Paapa la lbs peat alz roan artdackieoa tkat laa kwt ta pawpsbsrs bSa ratara ad HeahllaaatkiaeetoasaaSaraftsaal bisFsswryla Vewaafksaadls preMradu pat Aaa Waa tril li l I sadla fce say tlsMtas Paa Bay asky writlagta JOHN DENins RMIBIIIOWO VavsMrksJalylStt tfB of the Bronze Morter JOHJyBEJTLEY HAeiBnOTEW I lb 8T0RI Jii4l7 0iK Ik HoUl wbcra In b cpsaUif a Maw S of Fall and Winter Dry Ce4 BCOXS AND SHOE ror Mei yfamm n4 CUMm AIn CM TEAS ft SROCeitlCl DYE STUFFS DRUGS MEDICINES STATIONERY and SCHOOI BOOKS KnmukM C U 1S Bargains Bargans I THOS McCORMICK RKSPIOrnJLbT k atfbr Ms aak sf albe isksMtaots af IVevaarket tkat ka atltl eoatiaaea la myaii lioii w UDM at k SAOBirXCE Ts aaka raaa tar kla BPRIMO STOCK lf7 East Tb odJoiHiMf lis Otldtit ToreeleJMiaarytklM IT IS A FACT il J Si HODaE J COOKING PARLQR eiiLLatBiBoee STOYII v Lower t Toron Prices Nsw is year tias Is bay yoar 6T06S sad S1XVEPIPES slao Copper Tin Sheet Irii Jpan Ware At prkn that wiH AtTTONISH YOV A eatt wflT istisfy yoa that tbey are deleialiwd lo afl el BVI aBSDAT EAYE TROUHIN ia aasMrfor aaaai sad emiry deaenrtiaa af watts tbair laa aaaatetarad ider aw he 2enat aalica aad aoat re taraa EVKHY THING WAHftAJTrSD GENUrfE Fsna Proddca Sbaapskias Rsgs 4a tskaa ia esebsoga fsc Goods D F ms P Tbs Ftnt Drick Stota North of P 0 J k 3 H0tGR KswmarkeU Ortnbsr I3ih 1864 xwtssai iiutasotoiv Aflsuradikoe Company 1 1 ityilshietehaiteivdoeiaaaceapeaj aaweeaaeelmt lodlfta 1 sj nLGS HACBINEBY STOaES DtVELLINRS FAAH BUILO- INQS AND STOCK tm AT BEASOS XATXSai Lonsea by Fire Settled with Promptneaa 17 Aonrr ob NtwMARsrr THOMAS A HARTON Newnsarkstt Ap 3B IB64 if 8 iraxiautiiats celebrated j Melodeons Harmdnimns FIRST PRIZE AND DIPLOMA UNION EXHIBITION lUI TWO FIRST PRIZES PROVINCIAL EXHIMTJON IMl FIRST PRIZE AND DIPUMA ONION EXHIBITiON IMi FIRBT PRIZE II DlPtOMA PROVINCIAL EXHIBITION 81 PTharteeverT eeae warraatea 6w Ifiyalfi S saber la Baaawaadae iVsbataaaa aeak tko parabaaae T inaTsmcTiaif a FWEBiai JHEOWEKinPO AprflrHS aU 1864 SFRlH A SUM 11864 WWb JDoal FmI I tTiait GRAHAMS TEMPLE OF FASHION AOmaaaM aagsWB Wab af Dry Oaada aad Jfilftaary Baaaeis Msatlaa aad The Clothing Department tbdeia Oa rap wfci Srscalaabaalaaiasdsstaiblsf ky Csttensr wsn kaowasbUliy sod aade sp aadar tha laaadiata Tafriaier Wa parebaae ear gaade diraet ftoa Karopa lar Oaab aaht mq cbasper tbss aay ecbiir koaao ia tba asrfcst CaBsad ass lae to yat paaeaal iataa PbACt OtAHASIS TEMPLE OF FASHION Ibsraby eaabHag aais yaarasfres yoa vis fa tUMsii a wa PbACt rsiswipm7h Hewntail t Steam TBE nWHARKST ny Carriage Faetoiy TBAaylaaslsbaya BOOfi MtJf 1 aad DnraUe Carriage OTafaMl sariaaiptHa s basi astarWsM a Tba baatefhfe sM wm onu Kdft OAIB A J MeOKACKBir favMfbeAprtlBStA w BN0LI8H CHBMICAL8 Getural Drugs and Afedicintsi BB BTITLBT TTAB slwaya la atoek a eaaplat JLA atboaaovs sQ afwbasb an REASONABLE PRICE PURE CODLmi OIL TbeHrpopbMfkirsssf LlasBodasad Iroa Qaiaiae IbtsesJodlaa Root sad s aapply sf oeieod Itm farm for Oale IN TBB TOWNSHIP OF KINO I Mn liuc amitnTi OPPCas 0 aaietke Boot weea qaarteraf LoXaSSiotlM Srd Csa ef tM towa arilsg Oiwkiab Party Acres sad aader good eaM e ilawd wsllfaaaed iiiaa tkors is gaad I Bora Stabls d Or TUOS DMmtMVMr RlagJVoelilNa Wastem Aasnranoa CoaapAny Ckaiifd hf Act of PaHiammU Capital MOOyOOOI HOME OFFICE TORONTO Frtddml Oaosoa Mieais rin PraKdiet Maacva Raais 0c7Veat Baoaaaa Bsioas MHlar Aaosa Moaaieaa TaS Saboorlber baa boaa daly sppolsted Agoat la sbaee Cbsa paay awd will giea peraaasl attastiaa to pi iWdeoiroaaeibetlng laaataara II W CALDWELL SewarketDecll6Cl tf Hotel Sal THK DAVISON SiimUtd oa jvat5t mLAO OP 1 II tbo aieatcoatral P bar reeoatly heaa i doatsboavb IW Awew Aewaiwa uir Blind Tiflleaheerihere sea mw X Isrp qaaatiiy af VtltliH Wlljiw ixtreaely law LL parttee pafcbasiag lay Meelfallr waroed ajiaiaa pai ntie at Wotaeat pat n MiaM Ibat beta avf staupmoond imMuoXMt tbera Is aa tiaaty kotwaaa S BtaaaeawdtkeBaaa Aaaataaaauap AaaoasS p lioao Tbera we a aiaaae txjU aTPUIsa Oiataasoa Uaited Stotea I rely owly lbs water aMrfc la tbe haoh a seek Bet or Pel Bodpra too aae thai TBEgK JMir itbuTt lbs bt af PUIa a Ointaaaf Pa bst bsTe tbo OaMed Btotsa aaap8 T hollowi 244 StrMd Aagwst MIIS4 REJMOVAL Pinilire Wkdenle k BcUll The aakeeriber i rraiag tkaaha tm the Vkmi patrvoaca kbbano raoateed bega laiaimie ikatbarlwg REMOVED TO HIJ SEW PREMISES BLOOX Street kaa aewos af Boaeabatd far- iHaia wMab be will aaM at Prict Wkh Drfy Cempetitie KILLAR1 Reeeirtly arrrlrd owMai Partkalar A will ba pM to tbe Uador- For He an Cheap HOUSEHOLD Of every drseriptioa alaa fce HU Fmrlor and Ceekia STOVES AGRliiL IMPLEMENTS JHIrwins A4Molog tbe Coaoiaial Bleak Mala St NEWMARKETT TMt Not to b Un I A Vtv Ui af ttorn JTart Iwtr HTOaeaall Uotba 8VBlffh PlACct J A U IRWIN Kewaerkat Vee SllSI 1 thlitaaatwytbepab nasTram Newairktt Pkuit G Mr niTBICH IN letaraiag tbssks far tba libarai palfoa age roeaiead aioeo easaaosisg ba praetwa of bis Art ia Nawiaarkat wiebaa tasaaaasss ibai be Laalauiy raasirsd nm awlffi la rMnfc eaMt pispatad la do an kisdsaf uiMtm T Beat Style of tbe Art s TUB Lownr aaifUBcaATit patoaa Ftataiaa af Priests BawdsD lara laksa at Mactofslo Cbarfoa B hUttfOttrMr Jfcrfsas Swn ukai tfdO bat Mi pmiiTuli Cnair r MU M Mil Kmti I tAMKL nmMn oa baa4 a daeral aaaset FUaNITXTEE laalvdl Boao Msaafcotarsd sad er IMPORTED CHA1B5 Wbiabbsvinssn Iswbr CASS OA 8B0Ht GABVIT i caOiatatMStM ssitad ka Wai WmtlL coffms HOLLAND LANDI aiLSJPOBTffl BaE nEK 1 PartoanMp aa Browesm ai HOLLAND LANDING Beg ratpeetfefly to latlaals bey a paM to aapply all erdete er Ale and Po Of tbe keal tbeaSefteet a bag eapertawee tbef SalHr iNaad ta aafta aa afrt tb W oamb j chapm HalWod Loodia Pot I Ii I E D I C A L H Hz Ds HASHbarlarreeeatWr Barepa aod tbe Vniied op KaaitT of f hie tlaai babtaala af Kewitsrket ryrrtbetrkkadpr ia fee tbe laat TwcatyTaara stiaasMearibe aaas h tUtba kaslwportod a eb m Drnga and Olie Wbkb be will dU ties HabaaavrrerUBalTa Traaa Bbaaldrr Braeta 9 tao a ara af Sot iVr Cod iiw W atmgi 2 Ueeemker 1SM- NfTllMi im UAT Aad liMtbsr Deahn TBK aadewiga rd 1 re tba rory Bhaeal pawoasga reofl I balarea ia Rewaarb Ihatbabasaa aa ba Stock of Lea Cabraotv Upfor mi Bale Vni Kipkiaa Aa af very aapactoe SFAHIBE SOLS L Caat be beat wbOebU aollraa a aad wki bs W drtaaaiasd small advance on sell raapaetlbPy wOeitod f fere MlaMiag slaawhwi tatkpaidhrffidmmdZ Tssarty appeebo tbe IfejUiM Vearawkotasftt IBfa BJirkpati FRONT AND STAia i sAvasaur SBOPVsia Btrsst oas dears Aairtaaa HotsL AU Ordtrt fimttntdlf flowaatbaiayBI IML Fer fale mBBsfoafaeeoallala troatk I af Pswaeebst laaadiiiily PatbeaBeaaa asd at pfoaaat he whaariba Ttaarearieas immr votnnmEo i iSlba leaad aoiable lae abafBaa dwelung hoj Ltleehedwhb SoUas Weed 0 faaaaiia aaa U cieea i- JOHMVr BewaaibH Aog 1IISC4 Haeistratat Haa OF alldsrlptlaaaB kaadfoi eia MKW IB ivaaarkstJ SS For Sale WtbeTlflstaaf Jfewaarfcat eaatra Mala Street seetslaii wilbsbeain ftet freawe fat Assissa dwelling HOUt TbUlaadaaiiablsrnvofty- Ms Otoe apply if k rn ISIS TM NEWMAIKH pimjnisa sTsar I amasTiis lAoatoS klaOaaoooraarsfOslarfesad VEWMABKA TaSMSBltSSpsryaar iaAdtaai oefaa paid OinfMt Pirr ti ilt rates or advertisik Adaadsb arst iaaM tabseaeat iaiMrtisa fereaulboabefeua Bwbsdbaieesliiitruea j iCTOrt a