Newmarket Era , April 7, 1865, p. 2

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AdTtrtSMmtot w J4 1 W WallM Tniin Time Hewmirkct irni ir f- ih ciiri xtd HMC eoaifMii fairhM pulilUlinl it doM nol thai mach fifihiing occvrrvd fi iiijtM till lb Uisa i rn armjr Microd lh ctaeMttd city Hy nctl morniog daring hieh ti Un Lr cppfon le ktv iihdran mtin body o hit commatid both fr IVleriburg and llebmotd Gtn W tal antfrad iha laltar eily about f boiira afiar tha oceupatiou of Pelarahij IDoffciai Mtidutc of Iba priaoaer captured darins tfaa fare day fix Ibe aboalSOOOO iy eonfliclin fcn Grant bid ILOOOoq Snnday afkcri J lo llieae tbc priaoorra taken in tha tmburi and Richmond an nlo tha kiiUd wpunded and deafrtii and MtMlhin of an tdra can ba fomlad of iba eriona laaMa tba Krbefa aaSmd in tbia batik It ij rappnacd by pnaoa io a tulrrably fair pnaiti f jf pmiiiorlif i l rn j Vawviarket Friday- AprI 7ib 166 LA TiiT riOXf TOROXTO t The St Albans Baiders TB YOBE EOABS Volunteers for the Front tbra ia m doabt tba and ia kot fiir 41- t Davta and Laa vaald oppoaa praaona a RMrilU atnincb ad do I ibey ac tba raaalt by iIwib dcairad loncer toaacriS buan hfa or aaak Ic pirpataaia a eonfliet that BtuM ba rficmrd d by tbeui as bopalaa in arary aaoM ol tha ord Irakident Linenla waa at City Point duriuK tba atQxl brfora Riehmond and on Tuesday Ut ral a drpaleb uianaii ti ocoapicd on ianday by tba Frvaidttat qf tba ao eallcd Soatltarn Con faderacy Tba citiiena oi Uichmandap pr lo bava fcceiraU iha NonUcrtt army witb great jay and titended a Learty AMII C I8G5 Tba priaooen isiplicatad tba Si Albana raid baTins baan aeqaittad on tba jrraood of infoSeieney of tba law to paalih tbeni They were handed ofr to tba Torooto aatboritiea cn a warrant ia I Gra Loa appara It Irara ralrraiad aoed froa tbia city Tba prlaonaia ar- ewd ib lSi lue of a riicJ bwe lhi morninf ia Inini 1 Jf from Mootrcal and ara now qaarlercdi r i T- inicvt Uriiltl kuecarJ in nuwiliiPC ilh GoTtiior Allan Tlej ra lo r inxublr llj tried ban fjr Iha Tiolation of oar nea- mflit b woefally nMakea for if Tiaat trality law It ia nodaralend brra tbat tba York Rotda bare paaed into tha handa of the Coantiaa at any rate iftbey hara iioti ibry will tbia wfek Two dioinaiira hanaa boinri arcn If i fUlir Ihi l orn TUirf I Mi Wtitn r no 0 Mbibilioo P V lb Wtik ot b IB Si Lawrrnee Hall 1 i ud aboili pMttbla efnlia In lln Drill SlitdltnliHtolrflhf prokm lb Tmlb Bllion lh on Jrill oo h b b rd J eall of llia majnr for Voluataen lo laLci cha plaea of the Volontem now dosagl aarriea ononr frootier 09ismftad tbeirl Railway TrftTelUng mdiofaa toco at onea leaving only SO 0 mke Bp Iha reiaired qqnia i 0l of iba fryiaf paa iilo Iba Khl fibd tbrnrlia bclwren Ibe f o bna id and Graat rriJan on Iba olber Ibat iba It orarl ctbantrd as military rrry few prrtona at all itetiaa Uovad by lr Uaeliell atowdad by Mr PowaU tbai a 8pnng Shew ol lloraaa and Bulla ba hll la connaeiloB witk lhia8iyoB Wpdnaaday iba 2tf b ofApMl Id65Carriad Tha Hoard then prccaadad to prpara a priaa lit but ia eonaaquanca of nak ing iba pnrehaaa of a piaea of latid war not abia to olTar aa larga monay prr miuma aa ibay daairad Ip Had iba do- eiaiiaaur ail bar una 0 two Townahipa jiJurd auffieiroi isducamant enuld bava boon olTarad le aeeura tba aarvteaa of lraUM aniwtala bul h ia loe laia bow Tha followiug ia iba lii of pr Dnmght Uort Gf Hvftft TkommfBrd Jhrtet Vrona ow 2 jrora 7ufoirfjr wnirr 2 jrrara Uf an la way of lMprai rrnaat af a Oawilj Rulea Ut aama 1 2t yMr All igh brad Slock fitioa tha Saeretary a authnr procure iha nanaaaary madaU ay praoiiuB lu ba paid lill aCtar too Madala awarded may bf bad of iba Saeraiary aa aooi at ihay cab ba piaparid by tha parliaa to whom they ara awarded oiakiug a danait of Iha lua tberaof aa a guaraelea ibat iheu aoiaala aillba kepi foraarTwaaecorilibg 10 tba rulaa of the 8oeiayaaid dapoaiij P moaay to ba drawo at iba eloaa of ibe Mr WbtUr haa 1 lUrab MkiH a inf ataflf ararythlaf ibat ran 1 ooi aaeeft atwbt aail halnaf baauly aad varkataaablp of lhair j jmi will ba abta lo JadRa at ika h cialfalr ShalWy lua baa ba nth rfMiaaadliUleftilka Halarali claptk ar 40 i1 wilb pafail tliKafhi aa wti ik iaaBry tWy ara baa alrady laritej aal two tm cf il k Colonial TH NEWMARKET ERA APR 7 1865 CorrfBponknr tMtb CorrMpoodnMi Qrt llmaiKmrnte vWraani mitlff Dua Raa Paarli tkal jtm may larga Ikia laaalitjr I bara plaead bfara bm cm rarialywlieahairabaM of papw en whiat ac bea a aot Utiy la aaa aatU I ban paiWtl II SlMiffTilia haa frwwa fiaat a tyrifbily aBrpaWnt nMfaatleouiaaaid lag American BeTolation EVACUATION oFpETEBlBUnO Bichmond Taken I X THE SXIEUJOH IXiTIVO 0JT TUBEE DAYS PIGnTING PRESIDENT UWCOLH H RICHMOND 11 Wab OaPABrMBNT Waahintoo April 2 1 1 a m To Can Dii t Tiia following daapateb from tha Praa idani datad SSJ a n givaa Iba Utaat iniallixanoa from tha from wbara a fu rnua UUla waa ragiBg wilb eeoiiouad Hiecaaf lu tha Union aisa SiBBd BM STANTON CiTI PHT VB April 2 6S0 a m Hon E M SiahWti Lat aighi Get Grant lalagraphad hat Sharalan with hia eairy and tba 5lh rpa had captured thraa brigadaa ofio- 4b Wrighl and Parka gel Ihrovgb natnya liuaa Tba laitia ww rg aridtn with hia caTalry tha Kih 1 and Mil diviioi eb wat aant bin iw awaaing dow engaged but 1 hai r loka highly fa of Iba 2 j Hia and Ika if vlih aaI raaiaarf bear iha and aAar kI aa rraa apfearad ta ira wbih caiild ba aa aMily taBilr ar J P- ada tbtii I auaviea ibalr f rrat Tha lfder of ih that the Barrie Switch will ba f daya plaledli Cnlliocood report Ibcir Pienni lo be plcntitul ii The wet weather nf lai momin haa left tbo ati deplorably randdy Struck He An otd and cipericnccd oil dlCr froo Iha Weat lately pid markat with tba Ttaw of icating tha proof of eertain iadiealioBa ba bad beard of rally regarded aa pratly troleDn aad althoa w lirty to gira to tba poblie tha reaalt of Ibeaa iaTeaiitioBr ifoll jai wa eai aay tba aboa alluded le eon aidara il eertaia that oil aboaodaiaaev ara loealitiea about aa ib larga qBaatiliea Wa wera alao ieforaied daiiojE ih waak tbat anoiber Proapactor Titilec Aarora a abort lima ainea and after pa tient iareaiitioQ and doe trial reptni tbat abuodanec of tha precvona Uqid can la had tbera for tba digiag Who kaowa bBt Norlb York aay ya b tbo caatra of a larja and pmfiiabli bofiaeaa io tbaoi trade Wa eao faney a piolBre vf oar fatara Rath ofdii- gr8 and apeeilatoraeracti tnaBaa eil refiiMriaaPirolcaiB Bank monay fraaly diaeoaaled Newnarki pracltioad Cooaty Towa aod tba City of Tonata aoaraiag the tafaluai thai poBiiaati tban ia attamptiBg te poaa aa aodoa bprdett apoa tbe ratapay an of Iba Cooaly b 00d ope The American Behellion- Siaea ear laat iaaua h coniaoding ar niaa in Virgisia bava mrawrad alrtngth an afiar ihraa daa bard fighting ib Nenbara foreaa bava baea aft OMaiar of tba aifiHtiun Patertbart aat Rich moud bava fallan and tba Rabal Pi daot wilb bia army bad to lavaai qaariaia awra tafa from Graat aod Sbar- idaB Tba atrafgla cataieBced oa BiriDg Wbea Gb Warrea allea abtaia poaWoa al a locality kai Farfctaa aaoMd fro tba 6i creaka ibal aaite tbara aad far b alrea caHad Ualcbert Raa Tba Fedaral fr faa wara twice rrpaltad wbea Genei gara tba aatire e inaa4 wilb iaatraeiieaa la carry tba Oa Salanday be ik Iboagb at waa rapalaaJ yet before Bgbt ba aot oaty bad poaaeattoa of ib9 eaelHted 6ld bal roatrd tba eaeay i caa aad capiarad aboBt 5 000 priao- oara beaidea amy atoraa aad a ItMie Aa aoaa aa Gaa Graai beard of bari taeeaaa aboal twa baara afirr Ibe BtrBfgta waa ofar be a aaea ordered atlack to ba aada oa tha dafeaeea of Pelarabarg botb iafcairy aaJ artillery ba- iageagaged Tba coaibat waa daaperata ad tba igbt ia away plaeea baad le kaad Tbe battle ragad with varied au n Saaday aod tale hi tba afiamoo Caeo Graat telegraphed Ihat lie bad a eaelinMBa bne of troopa eotracebed frooi iheAppntnettoB below Peiaraburg lo river aboa The weat ieferiMiioo bava ia that ib Pcdaral foreaa aniared tliatoiy ai 9 ecloek oa Uotiday luoru ing Tba rebel gaorrat aecoeaded ia iibdawing ibe greaier periioo of bia ted thi iking aow ire itdr gbtl aM of great liona oceatiooany ra fa 10 rtiy grtat e f eka aga ia oba- imaada of a feir lly a we bigkly prlx reo to Ibe Maaager o ay ragardiag tba sa a ihaB appointed and alto rangei iva dapoti lad of Iba I bicb to pack tbe Tba Mai oBtall tba wtb- Baailytba la Miadry iodalgera of iha we of tba iravelliag diea atpecially actiag apoa tba biat aaj ettid by oar carreapoadaal at OBce bei htuMcIf ta Iba tatk of ttadyiag oal a rea edy aad afier daa eaqiiry aad carefi coptideraiioa Iba fol1owg praclaitlc waa ia d prialed ia bold lypafai warded la Ibe vaiioaa Sutiosa aad peated ableiy appropiataO ta tba naa af iba Leilie lendaou Ry ardar af F W IP Manaf iof Diiaolor ao happaei that with woat of tbe paaaeBXr faiat tbera ia bal eaa rager car allaebed InMadiately of ibia ia Iba baggie cv aad ia Ibia Iba traveler jaaipa wbea to bia dt My Iba poUte Caadaetar ar Baggagi Matter ealla bia alieatwe to fidur m fue ported ia a coaafwaoea place ia Ik car- No paacgan aiawadia dii cai Ry arderF W Caaberbed Maaa inf Dmclor Wbal i ba to do f Foi buIilcB ta aaler tbr biad car at be i drd to leave tbe bacKaga car becaae i It contrary to tba raka of Iba Cotapaay fvr paMfagera to ba allowrd ta ridt ll Now it it plata to alt armlbag ai be wroag bare aad tba Sapariaiaadei la bit awaicly la aeonaiodala tbe tadiat ivoid tba Becetatiy Scil have coBinwIIrd will be aperddy f aiiag Iba D n mckiu c wbicb wa bnpa ecled by aacb ari le praviag caBcaclva to tba caaifoi Iha lady pataagcrt ca tba Railway tbe baipiaaaa of bonio a well Arait lai tSeS Purauant le adjoarBment the Board raetora vf tba Norlb York Electoral Ag Society net Ibia day at iba Coart Hooea The Praaideot Mr T L fleBcoek Uembera of tbe Boerd preaaot- Uaatra J Iroeaidea 8 Uaebell R all Joba Wiltana Wm Robioaoo J Soula Selb Haacock aod B Jaekeoo Afier reading aad eoeraiieg ibe mio- H of prevwua meetieg camiMBica- 01 ware reeeivad and read froei ibe Seeratariet of Kiag aad Wbitebureb Soeiatiaa deelioiBg for variooa raaaoria fro aaitieg witk tbe Cooety Soeiaty io boldljig a Spring Sbear At ibia itaga of tbe proeeedioga aav- irel Membara from Wbileboreb Board italed tbey bad sol beaa cooattlied apon be aafajaet Wa tbea learaad ibat ia lamueb aa tbe aaoBal caeallng bad re oiniMMi bOl lo bold a Spring 8bow ibaSMratary tliowgbt il woald be iecer lOg trwoble aid etpaaea for ootbD lo calf tba Board logeibar Judgea of Maaare John Willtoo John 1 R Powell Joaapb Bart J S Wilkin John Rogera aul ibe Praaident Tba Board then acljoarned Feeling Very Bad Tba New Yaik TMmmt fecit verj toie aad lalka aigbly large bevauae lb iioaMy banded over l Iba Uailed Stall luibMitiat law or ae law Tbreaieaiei f iadcaaiiy aad all tbat aort of ga Bight do at boaw bat wbea lalkivg iifitaia it rcaada aa of iba old adage bewiBg teatb witbaBt power lo bill la a apeciBmi of bm Iba Tttufi la a give tba folliwiag Bat we May aa well reMiad Iba Canadi Mtberilieatbi Farmer Clab Aa intaretliag diacaaaioa oa iba tab cel of Flat Cetlere leak pbca laat Saiar day before Iba aenbata of tba abovr Clab tba Pratideat Jvba Randall Eq ia Iba cbair 0iag te iba Jloada baiag bad tbara wara aol taaay Btawbara pr aat bBaa tbara appeared to b toati erabla iaierval aiaaifcated ia Iba aaljei Uwy decided lo adjoara Iba diacaaatfta I aeii oMiiagla ba beld ee lbeafieraa f tbe aBM dey at tba Caaaly Ag Seel Iy Sbow Wa bepe Ibia nalt ill be beraa ia aiad aad tbat iba em- ra of tha Ag Society at well i Clab will Mka il a peiat le allr larga aabera Salt RajUtar aigbt mvnjha ciadii m apptaved Saturday Apiil IS Mr Jahn Paniaa baviagtbai u Sditorltl SuiBtry- Wabaf raapaeifally to ratara e ibanka te Mr Jeaa GotJia af Eaat Gwi labery ar a qaaatiiy of Hapta HalaaM ad aUe te Mr Joawaa Davia for li good tiaad cakaa of Maple Safar lafi ibiafflee Frenallveean learn tba raa baa baaa aoe of atora ibaa erdiaary laractai Ibe of aap baviag ai Tlie King Xcwaabip ipiiag Sbaw iBd Ptewioc Maiab will be baUeotba arm af Mr OanaLO MaKtBBoa tib Ceo wv NeMetoB Tbe Seriaty effata tba aoM manay pramlaaa aa arera aarardad an year wiib tbe additiea ef iwe bmb prisae in tba Baya Ctaaa We aadarataad iirsanaaf Nvbbtan have alee added Iba Baya lit Prise Wa bafia te eea apirited eeapeiMien ia all the tlaaeea and large atnedaoee ef Unaer gaaerally ler praSseil t JMMicaa aama wLlcb eaacrtad t praeeediap iniaabMX Oar afiaiara ara eanBntiV wa I hava aaaa wbbkay fraaea aar ow but are liava no wvallMr of auch aevc fiaalftll I Paai OSaa cald llaianw eaa alraadjr boaai of ikraa r oMiiboWa 10 Iba vbapur ankal4fa Iy rraahtsl aifh I watlakt ibii Mr- Bll par fail aa eaoclodad I tawyart bal may llul ri Apri lack af Dooioi Aurora Correspondence 74 Mecimifi lutitnU Clom e tkt iimiSprutio from Tonmto Nortktm Hailwo AaaaaaAprM lh INV Tba laat RaUniee ef tba aaaaae ia aoc naetioa wiib Iba Macbaniea InMiiata bare I bald on Fiiilay aaaniog laat It waa ill iba oibera bare been aocafi iba eaoi eipfaMwn ef tba day Hwai e of hw Hy a gaud taadar 11a atonihi uU WbyhouUieiahi la virtaa when piobably I iiding brad al Igiwramaaf I iba Ka Dflien perbaitad t tba waedar ia be i tba Vos Pefuti bai of igbt IbrwmHl agaiaat tba jaaitea e laiiat le biing fartb rbat T paibapa aeetdiaga parbapeaappii- iwoa wilb vAgae piamMaa af leipiave Tba Nanbarfa Railway Maaagiag Oirea- ler in aaraly val tain a deaf ear le tba ia appaaS ibiaugb yeni ealamoa for a ing oar ao avay paaeaogai train I1 It ia gfaniad all panakara al iba weed will ihimi bin and afftr apaaciifieeaef pare auggaatet uBoeaaugly ia beeer ef tba aii IGNORAMUS Aa oar aaxt pcbUealioa day vUI M OB Good Friday a ahall mm tba pa tba day praviooa Adrartlaera will plaaaa make a Bda of tUa aa b ritall go to praaa 12 ealoak dooc l liuM of w rka in front nf Patera- g by Wriglii Paka and Ordawbo e jMod IB iha Abl Ia cavalry tha Vib corpa ara coming in from I anamya flank VnoTw j April t30 p n j t Lineoln in Ihe aubjoined I tba Signed E MSTANTON CiTT Potar April J1 a B J ipatcbva are frequeotly eoMing ta giiig on finely rarala Parka Wrighl and Ordi ire etteodiig from ibe Appomaitni inhara Raa Tbey bae all brn- ihmugh Ihe anamya roirenebed lakifg aorae furu guataud priaoo ary ol Soutbaro railroad Crrr Poitt March 31 8 30 p Te Ilea E M Slaatoa Secta War At ri30 p loday Gea Giaai talecrapbed aaTollewt la hat baea mecb bard gbtiag ibii maraiag Ibe aBy drove ear left froa tear Dubaayt Uaaaa beak wall towardi Iba BtyJiowa plaak read Wa ara bow Iba etftaaiva at tbat peial ad I I I Ibaa r Dydta Laiiar be telagrapbed agaia aa ful ftar baiag drivea back lo pla r ralliad aad y m tara aad leolc tbe White Oak raad wbKb wa aew have Itra givea aa Iba graaad ocaaptad by tba aaeiy tbia anraiag I wUI tcad yea tbr vbel 4g capiarad by oar Iroapa ia dnv- ag tba eaemy back Ibert bava beta oar flap captarad lay Jadgiag by Iba two from wbicb Great talegrapba 1 isMr tbat he Bioved heailoaartefi abeal eea bmIb aiaca be I tba irat of be ABHAHAX LINCOLN Wab PapABTMairr 1 abhixotok Aprd 1 II To Major Gea 0i Tbe followiag deapalab frem tbe Praai at reeeivad lwaifhi ahowa tbat tbe deiper alrwagle batwaea aar farcea aad ey coaiiaaea aade eltbeagb tbe adraatage appeaia to ba ea ear atda CrTT Pourr April I aa R M Staaloa Seey af War A daapaleli w jaat received abowiaf that Warrea badat2pNi the eaeay back ao at la raiyte tbe ira Parkt aad b tn bia own baadqaar a ap f Fart Uoraaeaaa Ta Five Farka barrieadd by tba aaeiay waa car nrd by a divwiaa af cavalry Tbia pari eaefliy re ba aow trying to wrk ala iba Wbila QJt load to are force ia froat of Graat b Saeridae aa Warrea ara preteieg tbea at iloaely aa poaaihia Sigaed A lInOOLN AaB DgrABTMtlVT 1 WABHtiieToii Apni 3 9 aB J Te Major Gro Pit A datpaub jaal raceived from Grasfa Adjataat Geaeral at Ctty Petal aaaoaae- I triuapbaat aecceaa of oar arBM afwr Ihraa daya bard igbiiag dariag ibicb tba loreea ea bolb atdea etbibttad aaarpaaaed valor Aprd S 5A0 a A deapalcb from Gaa raal aiatea ibat SberidaB comaaadiag cavalry aad lafMiry baa aariiel avarylbiag befera him CBflartag three brigadea of iaCaatry a waggae uaia aad aaveral batlariet af ar- tilWfy Tbii pnaaaara captarad will let te aevard tboaaaad Sigaed TS BOWERS BAfttJAaTBaa Abut or Ta Pero April 1 A ooartar tmm Major fteneral Sbendaa bee jatt arrtved with tbe mo newe The eombioed foroea of eavalry and lfBjGeral Warreaa lofaairy adaaaead agaluat Ibe Boemy tbia afteevoea driaiftg tbem aav- ar sllaa aad oaptoriAg aba at 4000 prieoDere aad a oaar plaeat ef ar bllary Tbajr ratreaiBd to Fira Porka where ibey were fi lakad by a part u ibe 61b eorpat whtob bad moved dowo th White Oak roed It waa bare that iKe larp iiamber of prianoen wereiakan Tlie CoiifadarBiee tbeo ratreatad autb loax Ibe White Ctek road and wera vigorooely paraod hy Oeaaral ShtHdaa wMa MeKaBiaa oavalry frem th army of tbe Jamae advanoed o iha Pird Rnad tovarda the Sooth tide road hB tbe roaaeagar leA ware only Tbue Confedarataa have lo aetiply ibelr capii and Laaa armv by ia alwut lo be aeva and II U fimly believed ibat tbay will laMnadiately leave tbeir poanioaa It Pataraburg anJ Richrnoad Sharp la oow going 00 eeira of tbe liiM bald by the lefi of tba 0ib aorpe Ctrr PoiMT Virgiaia 1 Apnl 3 3 pm J Ion R M Staoieo Al 10 45 a m Graat telagrapha 1 fdlewa Bvervtbiog bae bean cerriad froi the lafl 0 tbe Olh orrpa Tb 0th enr alDe eaplured mire than 3 000 priaoi art The 3rrf Bid 34ih eorpae eaptari fiirta guoa aiid prlaonare Irom tha em ny iMii I eaannl tell tha oumbara W ire BOW aloawg aroaod tha wotka of tha ne iouneJiataly eoveliping Patarabi All looka renwrkay well 1 have yai quai r Ihe Boydtnwn ntad aboat ibree milaa aoatbweat ofPeteraburg Signed A LINCOLN Crrr Poiax Virgiola I April 2 6 90 p m J 90 B M Hiaaieo Al 4 30 p m tby Gen Grant tele grapbd aa lollowa t are now op and ba ita af itiittjm and lib will b halow Paiarabarg to the nvaalMVa Tba wbola eapiaiaa arnca theiny atari- nei will nu nmoaiit l lee II OOOoao and probably 50 piece uliary I di tKM know tbe nui and man aoearalaiy bojrai laat ntgbl towanja PWl ta ling n ih vBflnity of tSe other Cifelrai rka rfn whh li wet iafar ed Lee waa abniidnrg ha work ao i iraatieg from bia toag Mablihrd Aa imatanaa number of pliaonrra h been capiBiedverioaiy aefimaiad at fro IftOOU tulSOJO PrienaerB ara eoi iBtally arrUig at City Poinfand it wi ihara were IS 000 ihei Whaothe Dieiator lei aluia waa being fired by eetiiiated thil tbia a ng Io eorpa roada a mnet gali afUrnrvo aad eaptuied a furl frwa Ibe enew All aaama wall wi iaqaiaijiat oow Sigoed with ry knpurtBDi A LINCOLN orptciAu Wab fcpAaTiicST WaahiBgioe Apiil 3 oooo j Maj Gen Dii i Tba following ofieial eonfiraiaiirn of tbe capture of Kiebmuod and the ao BlurteeiMoi that ibe city 00 fire baa beau retired Signed EU STANTON Seay of War CiTT Polar Virginia Apnl 3 11 a m loa E M Sianioo Geo Weitael talegrapha aa fullowa W look tticbmoad el 8 Id ihie isuraing eapered maey cuaa Tbe enamy Ian io great haate liia city la on 11 place I am mahing every elTi It ewt Tbe people raeeive uaiaalie eaprawiuoa of j y ieoaral bl aiartad early tbia moiing puaaibla Praaidaot Liooola baa giae tbe frool Sigoed TS BOWERS A A G To B M Stanton Sac of War Naw Yobk April 3- New York la agalo draaaed m aalional lora Both puulie aad private build loga are gaily decked and ibe wboe city ia alive wiib jy aod eoibwaiaam for tbe n of oar arma io froot of the Cb federate eapital Boaaa tao tboaaaod people aMembleJ apootaaaottaly m lrot of the cuaiomboate ibia moroiag far coo- aratulaiioa ob tbe capture ol the city ol Kietimood Nb Yobs April 3- The CommereuU 1 Waabtngioa epeeial raeeivad from hadquar- ira of our forBa warraota the aaaoraooa that Mobtle M oow ia oar pomiiiitB- Iflnportaat potitiooa bad been ukeo wkaeh promiaed to place tba ety at our osarey aaid that a great battle ramaioa M be Igoght in Virgieia and tbat Ganaral Lee bae aitll the taaaoa of maki lidable ratiateoee bet It ie babeaed the ar ia eubatantMlly aoded aod thai bu aoity will indoce tbe eeemy to abeadoo f eooiaat Majten Robert Paitoa waa danger- itly woamiad It ia believed Weablngtoa that ibe Tba prograame of icipaiaa all powdble He did 1114 nerely provide Rehmnad aod uaira tba ooniin ly and Lee will fant ill poiBta Graat SberMan Tbo Sherama aad Hao- eock ara cluatog arouod tba fragmanit d tbe Coofadarata aray Tba military or gauistiioo of tbe Coofederaey wilt oeaae to exia during Iba pretaol week Sbar baa yat 10 ba beard from He a aot iaaetivB duriag tfaa gi operatHMr iw pending Peace thruogb war a ibe pbjact of edauuiairaljoo aad il aeecoa be BOW wiihia leaeh The C remerka ibal tbe aewa of Geoeral Oraoia aoooem baa al moat aaapanded bine ia ail the mar keta aod aa yet it ia diflcoli to ealimete tbe efft opoa prioaa uati of ibe fata uf Leea araiy and tbe proa ef Ua aflSKUag a jaoaioa wnb to ed baula et aome ether poaaibly te fall eoDjaiotly opoa The ataan today wnb priaenara ioeludiag Geo McLaughlin brigade eai him by tba Confederal on Port Sieadmao IPitTOji STABro Va April To Hob 1 M Staoioa The paafatag forward ta tba bope of ovartakiag ar dupraiag tba remaiadar of Lae army Sbaftdae witb bta cavalry aod tbe tb earpa tabaiwaaa Ibitaad tha Appnaa 01 Gea Meade wnb tba Sod aad Oib folewiag Gee Old K felowiag ib line af tba Souibaila railroad All of tbe eaeay thai relaiaa aayibtag Nbe orgaaaa- lioa lava goae aorth ef fba Appoaaios aad are appareally beadiag for Lyucbbaig Tbeir lotMa have heavy Hoataa tbraagb tba ceaatry ara aeaHy all etad a bopiaa for woandrdj atea Ia avarr directioa J bear of Coafedarata aoldar patbiag for borne aoma m brtc aoBM la laall qad aad gaaeially wiibeet iraa Tba gavalry have peraed ae aloaely bal Ibe eaeay have been forced lo daalriy probably tbe graater part of tUir traa- lamber of prikiBra captared yatar- daywill eicred2 000 Froa tbe 28ih b to Iba l ar iaa io woeaded aad captared will aui bly reacb 7000 of who from I o 2000 wafB capared aad maay La Gei April 4 Thai ha tUUwaul tbit tW ra lakm by Graat Danag Saa Waiuimcto ilaalbarity fc fadrraU priera lai y will aamber 20000 day aifbl tba Caedata ip Iba boildiagf is avdareead Rwb aad At City Paial the br ef ia geaeral ibal Lea a rvliealiac apae iba Uaavile read lad Ibal Sberidaa it epon bia A etaaager from Goldibora briaa oewa bat JehaatoD bat twaag areaad le a law poailma betwaea Galdboro aad Wtldcw Sbertaaa will take cara of kia IA AaniNCTon April 4ib II aa To Geaeral Dii Tbe followiag aSeial particalara dated Cly Paiht April 4tb A am giving leb lefegrapbt from Rich- e ha bevi IB aUria K U STANro- WAt PtPAtrMcirr Waab iatOB April S If 20 To Gea Diz The followtBg daaila napeatiag ptora of Riehmond aad its 0 by the Union foreev hu been l Ihudeparicoeatfroa tbat oily Sigaed E M STiNTOS Gea Wetiiel laamed at tbrae oili the BioriBg of Monday tbat T tooad Baa beisj avaeaated ant libt BMved forward firal lakiei give hia mee breakfaat ia tbea thai tbay mtiibl have lo iihi We ag 00 oppoeitioe aad oa caleri tba cila waa greeted wilb a bearty weleoaa fa e mam of Ibe people Jba Mayer weal oat 1 Brreoder tba eily bat mtaaed bim tba road Geaeral Waitaal fiafa mah i ad poverty amoo the pppalalioa nch aa wall aa tbe poor are tiiliiatai food tm loppIiaB to lit ESj ra Sbaridaa picked a 1 day aad froa SC bees pirkrl ap by oar tro aVv fall 0 al N marfce aed er char ragglvra Tba liae al rrtn lib arldlary aaaaoilimba Sigaed STANTON oi War PHLtDitPHiA April 4Tbe BuU H of ibw cilT baa raeeivad Iha fjllowiag perial deapalcb iit0T0 April 4 Mra Lie d a deapatcb fra tba Preta- 10 day dale Uavia I CoTaapAadeala froa City Pi tbat Lea haa dindcd Ibe reaa ray Bed ia rairaetiBg ia two mmII col wet Oar praaBera a aooa yeataiday leeeded 21000 lbe CoefedaraU dea- aciiae ef property oa thaw ralraat beg- ira all deriptiam SirBCgera aad d I of bw ipalad a of what wai BltT fvl OWMIU WAB DBPABTKBItT Wajbisotov April 5 8 p Major Geaeral Joba A Diz Tba followiag lalag givaa all of the ilaib ree by tbia DepartmaatiB r lalioa le tbe taililary oparaiioaa at Ricb- i baretelbre pttWiabed E MSTANTON Seeralarj of War Aikbkb Labbiho Va April 6 1130 am Hoa K M Slaeiofl Seey ef War Little ia koowa at Ciiy Peiat Tbara a bat few ofioara left aad ibeae are erwbelBMd with woik Lee teleicrapbad to Davia at 330 oa Saoday thai be waa drivea back aad ThU I Divia bad aolJ hia faruitara previoaaly aaation aad vaa ready to leave All ef tlMleaiiag rnea gol away tbataveaiag River above tbe ebairaetiooa EcU art tba eity oa Ire- AQ tba baaiaeaa povtioa of Itaia to tbe river wu deatroTod Tka bridgaa aeroaa tbe rivar were auo daetroyed Maay of be familiaa remaia Mra Lee tema al Peteraborg Tba bridgaa there wcr abo daalroyed I will report mora folly from Riebaioed 1 aaoBot gal a akar idB of oar loaa Tba oaly geaeral killed ia Wiabrop bat pMiar IB vary daagarooaly woasded is tba groia Geaeral Graat baa eomaaaded tbe miaa paraoo aioea tba begiaaiag ol Fobtbbbb UoBMe April 3 via BIliaaore April 4 Tbe iatelligBDce tbe capiare of Peterahwrg aad RiehmoAd raaehad bate wdey at Ua oeloek hy a deapatch frem Gea Wetsrldeteda815 thieaMroiag bicb aonooDcaa the torioBa aveat Tbe nail aieBmerDkuior arnvad mCity Petal at 430 lUa aHerBeoa eod hetaga addilieoal imcalara cf tbe hoaiB VBTB bM wall ap aad K BTBa tbeafht Uialk figbt bad takoB placa with iba Coafade troeeUda tba opeHttoaa Sigaed orriciALj WB OBPABTMgtT Wabhuiotvji April 5 10 pja Te MajacGeaeral Dix t A leWgram ja recaivad by Ilia depar meet from BbeBl ataiea Ibat tni Wriigel captarvd w Richmoad 1000 weN priaeeara aad 5000 rebel woaadtd fraBd ia tbe Loafitab 500 parcaa ef artdbry aad 5000 ataad af arBH ware eaptared Tka Praadaat weot te Richmoad yea- laaday aad rataraad U Chy Peiat taday before Uariag boaae where I am new wntlaw Bab al 7 t m by the Danrilla Hatlraad All tha nMiobara of Coajam eaa aod tlunlar haa Eoaa bboM CaraoQ Smith went with tSia aai Gea Wciisal took bora 1000 I beaiJea ibo wounded Tbaaa ber 0000 ia aiae bopitaU I eaptared caoBOB to tba aambarefi leaat 5i pieeea 0U0 muakeu have baea foaad ia Ml lot 30 locoootivca aad Si70 u wera bera I be Pelerabarjr Railroad bridge i uHy deatroyad tbat of the DaaviHe real pa tially 10 Tbat coaaenioB with IV larabarg eaa eaatiy ba made All tba rabal vaa ara destroyed ai oepl ao Bafiniatted ram wkAah m maebiom ia bar porfaal Tbe leirar wvrka are aabani and ibe macbiaery bare todat ia ai Geaeral Weitsala ordera Ltbbj priaoa aod CaaUe Tbaaderkai 10 eaeaped tba fire aad ara iiled triB rebel prtaoaera of war 9 tMoal of tha editoi have fled aaaBalH ly John Mticbcll- Th0 WUtg appeared yeatardav Ma UoioB paper with tbe aaua of Ibe wvil pcwiawr at tba bead- Tba ibeaira opana bara tooigbt Geo Weiiael deaeribaa the reeai of the Praaidanl yeateiday aa of tha Ktah Nbw Yokk April i The ateaaebip iaa frxim Ueerpei I tha 23od via QieeiMtewa aa Irl baa arrived Maeara A Jaehnav k Sea af Lae ivarKil and New York have HMf Ltabihue jClOOOJO aier4iogM r wara Uw lUBBBh portaaaa ef tha vbib aabjaet ofCeiaiaq riilcmtiaaa In tha livuae of com ia repljrj be enqairy by Mr Gegwry aa M Hrtiiah prwpy ia ubera Siatae Mr Lavard aerf ppoard the quBaiioa refamd le toe A a regarda hat deatreyed bf ifaderatea te prevent it Mhag k Ntirthara baitdi ika ai hava B the aama liow they have Bve baaaio itheoiio re ef PoralGaveroHiMI b ighi to remove il to t Irituh CUrge d Arira aa baao operty North hi rge d Arira at WaahM loatrweied lo pri that ae ohataiclp wtlni tMMed to iha claima of Briiiah airiM apect lo aueb attea Thai b BJ every facUity will he given ta pt aelaitna lo the eottaa th remai by he levadiog army Mr H Uarkaley agaia aaladMI o to Iha prohabiltty af war ttM Ami ns aod aomplaload of tba aegUflpM the Govar to Boi mekiaSip preperatloaa ibe Marqeli HertiagtBa 1 raply to avb ramarka marefy pail Mg to tbe apea of raapoaaMa life ara ia tba previoea dahalB ae p al tha probability of war waa my 8r H Willoeghby aad Vr Pag dapreoated tbe remarka of Maaeia k aley and Peaooche Sir P 8milb urgad pladog m the lakea Breadiafla Uiardaoa 8fei aod mbera repnrt a gonM fbuyara and a firiwar markm oiat bwt ateady Whaal ftnaafairi air damBOd m Id to 4d per aaal dvaoce fir rad Waatara red iaMM I e loSa OJ Cora firm at Si lal per quarter eaaier Dm St Albaa MMTBKAI AprRlw There wet great eg tba day it I wnald ba takea away- la aigbt uaid reaciK that aH tba ireeya Ur r 4 ttf fK were beiag made it a bebawd iw tad Wa afteraeoa it waa aaeereiaei the raidera will aat be lam iredtil drauad far enraditim ia deSailaIr deeed that ia Caet there m a hes from Secretary Seward iaelariilM Iha actioa takea by iha Ui dtaa geverameal agaiaal Cha railM cnaaf iracy aad a breaah af aiaimMft Uaiied Statea ptiramiat wa t with Iha demaaa far egtradMifl 1 avaertaiaed thai tha elarr m hetag eadar araa ia aaig Wbea Ibe Jimaad er ettraditiee aly wjibdrama tba GormMaa pwf I precard with tha pieeeeetiee firll f oar ewa lawa al tha L aiV laiaaa tha alleged aeeaiarsey ikea pbaa ia that caaaly etaitetaeai b aa Bl Iba movrmaal te preiaat reme ittaad af Imr play- g The aeiaa ef Iba 9 till hereafiar hear the tBOtlB

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