Newmarket Era, 21 Apr 1865, p. 1

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AND NORTH YORK GENERAL INTELLIGENCE AND ADVERTISER OIVE ME THE LIBERTY TO KNOW TqajTrER AND TO ARGUE FREELY ACCORDING TO CONSCIENCE ABOVE ALL OTHER LIBERTY VOL XIV NO 10 NEWMARKET C W FRIDAY APRIL 21 1865 TERMS ll50 IN ADVANCE limiii iipc i g John T Stokes ASakBui T Bbhop Son BMCKLAfEIS PUMMff BoaltbdA B 1 f ifn TDIcfttor Dr McCallam 4 9o H Ttohunm 9lV ir ItRtTm aad Attornrr t L N B Mobft tA loan In oitWr Yrk OhsBWnoppMitrib tlofliKif Dtrrttorv HALLEN AND WiLLSONi civiT ENGINEERS Popfrn Xiolftmng 8plriU- Ito kntranl Mr raIrp Jprfolhar fa all wir beaia l aTfuai al fflaa TamnuJana S North Richardson qacai I n Inal OffirrTrtraalnC V gRRCR ARCHITECTS PrflKfal Laid Sirfcytn C- W Jaajr 9 11 If- rJ lSS Dr PyQCf PTTStC arillf iafornt phtie trUa PafUT hriir mT rnTTanr le Ac AreH f P- VawtoiMatallWr tPfpi lofciirmoCvnirany 0OD Vpefr prfrMaal lfBiBrlit Jrr UlMf tM ftoyritlor I IVewmarket Iron FoDndry I TAilFS AMA ihaak r J paMffir aMo Iwlii P nsnxi 8tTr SKkat K tllfk Vafnln aalthr rtkMnll7 rnirrtl rM ti r Lbt m bi narmatiaf aU ba inparMi TWkavpia HrtTco tha aoap f p7r aw H blr M tb lHi3ht iHai hv aur aid U Uil I my IMmr FaiW anil mv Kia 6uitfHi a aivard to a Wlflii Eirraity ptw mj tht line notil the afltntoon of th third dar when Majsi for tb Srtt lime ne hr father depcrtorr pid a trifil tn iLfir owa houae Sha fnand rarythinK Hglit and cHtiai a fmh fonak hU red ekildren bl vilt ne ibeir heula sd Mreittkea their ama that tbej can wield tMr tomabawka well a Uwt wepiMi8 of the biu mao It i atiecrtain how mndt kwfrer tb k CDlanial Th TViiUiui cpecial aaya t- Uetrl Grant lb i tilt en hi waj to MTathinftnn tbn ka demonetral to iba orrnnt ritfrntarc ippljr of wrk aSe rttarad Weeiona lo her hnrry boweTer abe fonrnt aoDelfaiofE that afae ennaidered of i tbat bsrriod on the dnetuwunt raieat iiDportsne lo reqaire her ro- Maxgie beard the foond of wacoe wbeela tora to the hot and withnot Mjinjr oo the KraM oataide and lookinp oat of anrtbiog toaoj of the fjmil ahaatarUd i tbe window eaw her who bad off joat retarned froiD York diivjog bjr 7 ht afteraooQ waa cearlj rone wheat He fidailf exprcied to find lia he alerted on ber aeond walk and the daughter at Mr Weatona hooae for thr ierj ditxi of the aatomn aoo wae already road being en tba oppoaita atde from Ibe becinain to atnk below the western hori- door ha coakl ton at with a lieht hrat and eheerful j With a iKk crjr of jjr and aarpriae leoantenanee ahe hurried alone the well- the sprang towarda ihe door aiclaiming kfiowo path wbolljr uneonociooa ofthepObf tbera ie roj father 1 nut goto daoeer bat ineaaee4 think- i nset bitn I ins of the joy nf meeting her father whtm j Alnwai howerer before tha worda I he waa eipecting every minuic and not japad bar lip ahe foaid heraall firml for an initant tbat daja ofieapad m ib arma of ib ehiaf who 1 aitaih and arrow orh at nhi had never Thiapered io bar ear in a voica of eofv known wnvld iarerrcne before be woofd cMratad paaeioo Never never 1 claap her in LU warm emtnace Ihe Flower of tba palefaeae itmii wbeth I BnI we are antieipating With brr jar ahe will or Dot go to be lodga of At mind filled with p eaant thMihta etir Uwauah i herrane did ant atoip t notiee that lUe tan t ain did the airuggle to fra beraelf had aank in the thai ovr military eipanaee mat anw b ra4Kadene millioa dotStra iibi iij I fringing at ail uo paenaafj eScwoejr Arrival of tba Snrept Haurti 14 The aieamaMp Eacp fem Liverpmil tfetWeiiaIhM baeo aait with b on IM v Q eo ih 3ml ar- 1 troop to Ialenborg ibiii fj Boa- I Amora yrg Matthews Maclean PRODlCE IERCIIAM- M InUmationl UFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF LONDON ClPlTlL Half aiitrtBr raONT STREET TOEONTO Jekn T Stokea i m nn FtVR CjrlSIOER fttakle Amdavit UHMS HOHS WlTTJKot otbei CIIAS BHEISFORn PtOMllETOa tharaartaflaBflVB- prwluc eha Hector h Sallivan Atton0T io Chancerr TOKO N r o irOETH AHEBICAJ HOTEL w O irt K MfLtnndr Co JVAnfrraf in Omiaiha rna tn a4 fntm fa Dm- 4Kn Iv4 HntIaA tlr amtaUad Traina iDarkrtyfog If3 tf9fc tiaadforaala The White Hunter THE IlONEER S UAUGnXER A TALE or S JRDEE LIFE I i had aank in tl iCraTt ideplht of tha Br LOiiCIMAKCS Wiliinm iTin A co Forwardint ifiirral AemL Davison Honse tealiag aoftly OTrr the ttna IIarebe triad to ahnek to ailraet her fatb min a favorite air ahe tripped along and alianitOR but ka rudely preaaed hM oped aot Qntil ahe had reached her owr her mooth ao firmly own dMr Paaiiing it gntly ahe incMt aufliicat bar Ooca however aba a erped lightly ia and to hr aarprtaa and maoaged to puab it aliibily aaide aid pi terror at4j face lo faea with Attawattab ar a acfeam tba faint aebo of whicb the toanz chief of tba Mieuaagnta reacbad bar etbare aara Completely overpowered by fear the Jamea yeniwonh eioppad hie boraea aank iotb a aeat near by withoot even id looked at the liMiaa but all retoming hia aalotatioo For Kveral 1 aa atill ia daaih j aad ibitiking i oaly It waa wilh airaiga ihnoghta filing mioie aha tt thera onaWa either to Incy he drove on ar l reei thai Margaret WeMoMh move o apeak in hopra he wotildeiplaio I Tba lodiaa ld held bar ao firmly dur eiiiered l houM thai inght allr iIm obiret of hia i Bat bo ing lhat one iiMianl that aba waa ineapa teaiful atorm Sha eouy ot be Mnrj thera ia tba centre of the room ole of makittg iba leeai eoiaa aid a ter fr iha apearance and CtHirfuet of thn rjotetly RMiog at her rur too graal fr worda to utter aetllad on iieig laihg iha mitenoua W hia Mitnlookartf ttnmiitakabie admiration her heart aa Ihie lati hrpa faiad her llui by upernatural meai i kijowlcda of her great peril and the I 8h coald aea bar faihar alowly drie- yei ahe waa nM 2 ckni eJga di warning of he White Han Og alrvng wholly utconwinoa of her tbta even f hrrif ler mini ibtnarb ber mindand knowing pent and uitaba lo bear thia drw- troubed by iiia waming aha lid recetv aafrty depanded on her firmaeaa ble blow he fell bak fainting into bar IAIN ST NEWMARKET anlch arfka I fBiarnbr liotfl JOHN DWISON Slrffh MaWrt guests Jtawmarkri Trb 6 Ill lfv5til 1 tfau h aiFBili il Thoni- Atliinoii rfniih fJffrJtCfAV Surfon FICKNSED A CTI KER I 0ea Waiaiir fo pOR ih raiiH ii Yurk aad Pi if ia r Cliaf rfc t J rrrvt Prompt It James McClure v r4- laloxxw9d ktxotloneosi pOK iJia Uilal Onrti af k and ri la U- Blfret with K aae ofaaa boi Prapar j W C Htunu She would I had aUaya ahiaiik rum diead ir Hannah Wa ma thai iight oarreaayfeeetvei A Liatn daapatch of iha 3It ef March aaB ihal ihe American Miniiir at Ltabon haa demanded airariKn of Ibe Poflagiiee rvernmni fe Aiig apon itie Niagara and bf the KkIuium turi Ha alao rrquaaia Ibe liimiM of ihe eemaan- had any lotaotionef aailing wben they of Maron aaya I i vinred iliai if RtchmrKMj ftU and Lee and Jobnatn ate duven from ihe field ii la bai I lima when every ben eiul atton in New Voik ef lb be betd by a Yankee ill etrbanged Utt aoberoe and nahi i S- reawK and wI It will iheclonng aranea of ihia laiwnatr drama will not be played The fferaJJ Waahiogtoo apecW enya Geo Grant rapraaaota Laa aagaafao in hie effirl lo atop further eOmioq of btoodi end ineiaad of conuog North k oonUdara hie work aa important aa Great did bia eoBiag lo VVahingtoo to redoca iba eipaoaaa 6f tba Govern It appaara that Jeff ljvh een a caea enger to enqaira of Oram whaihar the GoernneQt wrwid allow him lo leave Ibe cogairy never lo reiarn Graata reply Waa Ibai hia baeiaeae waa to fight diwn tha taballioD aad aot lo anawwr M Pnpe takirg ai hia raahUnce ia Eng ipd aa inUiee by eeme Meignjuoruaie Lord PalmetatoQ rapltad thai lb Ueveta leot leprted lUe Pupe prtonal1r vary 10 11 01 A bm to come t Eixiand woi ajHh an anarbroniam and a aotacMm I year Nalwiibai i tly five bandied i Tbe WaM India mat ai ef Mr GladslorM I five boadieJ Mwrlird rrkw Clirrd trtMtghi aeveral capiaina vfbtKkaJa ran Thn Fierteb gavommaui will pebahljr with iKe Giaai Eatern aCiMa tba iraiMrhed ihe village juet aa night with I Bible Depoaitory t BLFaaf rvvtamalvcae kr had a Sn- Teege Strrrt tfI fttiili Jfav K5 John J Landy Barrister aod iitfMyai u8ii taria thaBrary OxiTvyanrr John McNab Cnmphell Sc lotinf CTHoear aad Offiea aii t Raitiaed Jlolel J 1 irmer1 arc u pied by SlrTlMM BARRISTER AllMii ulicilr ia Cliea Oc reAc Dr FOSTES Snrgeon Dentist id1tLLbeittia Rilreat f Nawirrketec rheitih f aar Mdailt trWarl aa ibaKih efaarh nenlb tK of a irh nMHUh Ckarg4 Mddf TMlk FUle4 wUk Tare td TWkituirrerMeivMi raqaiml ae Wttbeeaibatvaiit first eleaa wark aead ap- David L Rogers H D Geo R Hoboom CLEIlK raarth C HiBr la R R ht Nawi A l4 THE RAILBOAD HOTEL DENTISTRY I W C ADAlis D D S C H ARTICtLAR aitaetieaglvFMr i for 1 hid IOCW lb ghnce ret in her by the chief prajtr calling on heavca fnr aanitti For aoma lima tha Indian aOfd ihara iiaa lai fn troae and UiHlf oonfronteJ wetting until Mr Waniworth ahould hito Kl4 thooht it beat to reach tha other houaa and ihen cUap- eonoliate him ifpnwtible and with thia ng bia prarinua burden mnre cloaely lo iibjeei in virw addreaacd liim in tie high i hia lreat he tiarted oal of the door and lie eno r oi jwn flowery Unnoage uf tbe Indiana awifily croed th clearing in Iba direc 8 8 arcejiod jiho nnrly alwaa uaed the third peraon iHn of iba linJiaa viUge ir he kie br pirenu- What de the greit chicf Atlawat- 1 Haing ued to carryipg hMvy bur- naa ai ivr auee tahwant in Ihehrvmeofhia while brolher i dan Airaaitah found no dillty f I and n bpl he Uiied Siataa irrreM at eeah a hand ot ever hlf miUiooa wt ftuea drpth of Ilia pa The war path 1 Frm iha lor had g iiie wa an uiaaayihai ejj j and the foreat ba bravea eod prearing to go m eaich of ihrm j rbarmt for ll Flower of tbe j proech it waa evideiit that Iha ab ejnced ai re urn aid j tbera lo brighten it by duction waa uniiramaottated lor nothing eottimenead qtiKtiitgL bad been prepa abuithrvliotheljdalr Weatwonh waa greatly j the fair caiiiva niiha a j nd at ihit paaeiooaia lancuateof tbe J Irepaiiog her oo a buiTBlo roba in n I ainrin Indiatt for fbe kaav he meant her when one of iKa wigwama actd leaving her Ihe care of ona of bar oa aat tba eaaembJed a ecDDcil of tbe principal of iba irib to eoDaolt upon iba coura lo be puraued A fierce debate BrKifd ihe crtundl fire ehowing at leaet that b BMjriiy of iba warriora were oppoead lo tha coodoci of their kiaf but thia efpreiiioa filially gave and braree f Ilia owa people r I Tbe heart of Atuwatiah ia ead aaid her maalle oi daikoaaa eettled over tna r- ibe chieflan in a oiee that reveakd tbe foraie I I drpth of Ilia pawoo The war path Frm iha lonka of eurpriea with which Pai greeted hh Afier changing tb ffry ona end takog Maggte r laird lo lii h iradnl to Ib f Ih l f I ovrreonjlag her agitattoa by a violcDt ar Ihe a tar- ge replied Why aboald Attawattab be aad lllooih Uoj tMKln Id Iid I j c i r miM ppnc f tiK hi H jJ Mr WnlnhbMhrd of 11 uri mo lb I db pol iih rept gj b iloa eoo OO aa thay were onfirtwdlri ty htadaughtere tiperiectce he had dotM of lit raaliiy He however very far Iom balieviiig ibat H wee thing aoparsaieral aid ac k V i difrn- cn li f if f rf the young chieftain gioomilT bat tbia fjklr fif I IA MM nf v lhrrflatiotie itnyih BY JAMKS WDODCOCKl 1 LmU ifn J J J I with fire by hef matehleae beauty Ad now he added ring after tt dangbtera ol Cj at Mr4a OMMif114 NcvnatkrU fvt anl ih bMl na filmK Coed Jyiiara1 Tarih tttauHUtl nn GM Teetk I neiier reiire and get Vel AprtB and Vulcaam much nerd for 1 Ihe inoriiiig to gel tedy te go to Yiik IlWh II IV On I ttb l Ac Cll 1 warraaird to givreatiraaaiiafartren again lnrtow aaid Maggie t I ifU laUtnta Roapital Vedieal CoUtfa T Spencer tb Spencer BARRIaTERS AND ATTORNEYS gOLlCtTOR- ia CUttij Ooevejea Uivwiea Ceurt Oflae 0 W tfM ta I SevaMrkrt IfewMbet Aapiafll IfM Dr Kartan PBTGIA5 8argMa aad i fcaanatati ef the Ret CWtoge af fkU ataejrLieedaa Eaftand Hawmaraai Itepi 3t I e44 JOHH COK VOTARY rak ic Ce ia I Oeel efQvaaea Brack Ac Ac orriCBi TaKkiniirftT orncs P V a IHiroc n 1 PnOE Worth AaaricftB EoU awmrkat C W DR UklClb UeMaa ai aar iW riurr at Ur J wle ar Backs and Lime llREaekaerir haa ne aa hand foi aa Charles Dnrantl- BARRIMEU AN ATTORNEY Orrica rercrtfdiaiiaead feafr Sltfli I TTiNlWtn aprrial I DIvMon laal Bt bn ail NwiA 300000 BRICKS ISAAC sTickwooi I The Aurora Hotel OffotiU fA Wttirft M OtmrtA YamffSl id lr3i EDWABD STtPHEHSON ROBEBT ARNOLD P of llamaj Uctnsw j irtla ika bar aad Larjar keiog aell auf plied Ood SlaUtH ami a Cartfal Hotlirr tereaKi VepliaWr Ii 1864 Blank Accoant Books lUMTRBCEITKD a aa aapplv at thi I J Sen iiiM Maneraedwa tfeaaa IVkai Ladcnra Ac JaB49 IfCS Cfcaaeaty CeavayaaeerB Ac Offfci Oenwf 0 e ad We Sfnttt Amnra JOB RMI E7 Cirpeiter Joiier OiUicU- TffOrHY ST NVMASXRT OtTRACTS takea far aay deeeripOw ef Carpiairaed Jataer Hork Kraetiei led tt4taadeitarairecuiree aad fer tL MBuCaciare af Sadi Bllads Deen Ac fcc itktpTimethy Hreet lately aacapie jaaySlM lfS Wrapping Paper rUlTT aiCCIVBD a gaadaapplyroia I JicUalUaaiapwarM atUe NFW ERA OFFICE Messrs Jarrls A dar BARKITEKS ATIUKNEVAr LAW ia Caaaoary aad Baakrapt OniceaXe 19 Teraate Street TerHite a a itav Bfiaa DaeBlHrtt iHi 1K THE CANADUN PVSCH THE PICK AK niaatratad kaawraaa jaaraaLaad paK- liakdiaTareie avary Marday Sah en sue S I fer annaoi FuraaleiB Kew oiaAel by Aeaacw HkeaeaaM Addraaatditnr Pick Teroate Jaaaar It IfM nr HACKETT uaM U rwuce ef hia p ae 0a Atbk laal OarbwttHflL ffewmarketMattbMlMl tf1 to aaaiat bar Tba maiden waa not hard hearted brighten bia Itda forever Attawaliab aet b pitrad iha condrtioo of tha white itaaepokcat 1 girl bi aba too mweb dreaded the engar I inauiit of Way before Attawaiube eiara dvternaina- tko and preperationa vera ataocamada to carry out bia plana Id iba inaan time ihmogb ibe 1 ing eiatKo of tbe Indian wotnac Uer- larat Weoiwonb regained bar eonieiuaa taea eod okad around bar Ai firat ele bad bo recoleeiioo of tba traoaaa- iioM of tbat night end aba gated wiib Iwiha of wander upna tha etaaga ikiega thai eurrouaded bar but aodiienly bote Ituih flMbad upon liar nind ibe frarful interview tita paaaioaata lao- gvage of iha chiaT aad laatly hie prevent tng bar by furea frota going to bar fiith rr and then aa a dread kaowladga of tba truth ibat aha waa a captive in bh fMnda dawaad vpoe her aha tbew bee- bojshta by day and like a Spirit if tbe great buotiag grounda Iroubica bia Ttsiona by aiht He ha all thia way to tell bar that be lovee ber and 1 ak hrr to oowte end dwell in hi lodge tf8 iHipra ibat iHW aa tita eumner arr i- he hia wife He will treat ber aa tbe I Jid hC ir lb morrow e rej 1 a P f do her bidding Will ahe not then lialCD b cfHIkiM Mr nrl0T nj Ji lb rk d rl o Ch ll- f rb I i f up hia dabta in York Thougu I ahell firobably re thr heroine Atiawatub 0 think for aa am cti e could aumnton auficteat enurage to reply laesating bar loaecape rro b- b b v Ti W f i V I k k tooMicniioM w ibink for in Ur liT ibiokij o ifpbpikibrf lkraoc pf I- r er oj a a tioaa tai do ber life tbaa ful eampinf groaad and move Northwatd- I All Ihen waa ceafueloo la ha village Attawattab kaowa aot whatbaaaya I the ladiaaa wara each eoliacting tiwir ahe replied ia a law voiea Tbe Flower 1 Miila ataouni of property agatbar lo take of the pale faere aa ha ber eoald aot wiih ibam la tWr aaeturaal joerrtay live away fr m ber own paoria aad eivil aad ia half aa boar all waa ready and itatioi abe wnald piae away aad die 1 Iba tribe undar iba enmmand of tbeir Her taaica and fwl ng are differel from cbiaf Atuwaite e tbair march tboae of her Indian frieada for thtu it through tha foraat baa baea decreed by tka Great Spirit and Magga ibougb coMpellad to walk waa we noai reoqtnUa Hia Uwa lovaenat bouid baoda or t4 bai a guard Attawalub aa a brother for ba baa alwan cooaiaiing ol ona warrior and tba lodMu baeo kiad ta bar but aba eaa aavar bf womao already naatioiMd waa plaead bn wila Will tlM great ebtef ibaa ra- over ber and vara told ibat Mr livaa tara to bia village a aeet a wife fioai muat anawar far bar aafaly ig tba fair malda af tba Miaaieaafeaa 8ba bed M aaao Attawattab aiua ber jernval among tbe ndaoa for Tiled by ibe ligbl af raaia ar damaed Ii iraowaltv eriia ibe framera Tbe Army sad raccMe eya thai tka woik el lb UuitvO vaiee oevy baa new been aceompliabed and 1 moi te cafaa ihai in the baoda el patragal aud For- c Iba high repaiaiMo on whKb th e0 n af that pnar eaiBbiibe1 iha ligitie or hie j A abort iiitia atarting he tild Maggw ha bad sndr arrabganeaia lor brr to atay at Mr Waatoaa uaill bie return Ha told her ba waeaorry la bava lo laava ber ao aooit eliar ber af iba uigbt before eod cauttoned bar uot to laava tba clear iiig bor acarceir tba buoea uuul be 1 aball ga ae farther tbaa our own beuea aba aaid in reply for it will be ketier for m to apetM muat ol tbe day iwwa tbera ow aerfUat oi my work Mr Waolaortb could ae ao danger ib IkM ae Iba biruaaa wara aaly a afctx 1 diaiatwa apari aad both near iba caoirn of Iba claariag Ha tberefure bd ker dia agaii caargad bar to ba earetal lor bia aaba aitd tiian roJe off koovuig ha bad duoa al la bia power to prwoMNa her aeietv Tbe firat two daya paeaad away awtfUy eftougb for the atory of tba appaaraioe of tba White HsaUr bad afwaad all over the bttla aatUcBaat aa aoab atoriaill asd eaearal ol tba seigbbovn Had ta lo iia ooafirBatiea Tbia balpad te waa making aoma impraaeina ber raaiilutwo aad it ta poBibla tha might hava a io tha aid bad an Indien an emMaay ef the chief too eonadentioaa to ibink for an juat ibaa entered the lidga and ordered nf eapiog by promtaea which aha tbm at once to prapera raibar lay di aad call hi- wblia friend atatarf ittJd ba tmpoaaibla for do- aabamad of hia ireacbery had atudiouaSy aeriba all tba cbaagiag asotioaa tbat iovoadad bar preaeceafd aha bad 00 awept over tba face vf the Indiaa aa be ebeooa ol iplonag btm to Ir liatauad to Marjarat Weatwortba rep Diaafatmcat aler aurrow and a for raveage wra dpietad oa bk aaoalty paaaioakaa eoaniaaaMa aa bar worda fell upon ber en bat ibeea vary tag emotioaa gave plaee te owe ef taJurM pride aad drawing bimaalf up to bia fUl bcighi ba aaid ia a baaghly tooa Tba pale faoa aaorae tba leva of tba red maa beeauaa be ia aol wbila like aba ia Her paopie rob tbe poor laaaa of their laada and drive ttM beak froat tbeir eU ateeked bntiog glBWOM bt tbn iriU be rera The Or Spirit will of atfef aM waapnf nei And eu ibey journeyed oo tbmugb ihat loag night goided eolely by tbe pale light of tbe otooa through tbe foreai Ueea never ooca alpptag to raat ibar wearied limbe till daylight appeared aad aa tbey thue rapidy left ibe aaule- mapt babiod tbe heart of ear betouM aank ber mod tba laat eaaiige of bopa died owt ae aba lemembered abe waa a aaptiae ar away froa baroaie is tbe fott of Nofib York TO Bs oomrvxp iiled arveo noutha abeance lu Iba ooan Tbe Epoen 1 Leocarohji bad teluaail to ri Wr hal tiderett bia migaa atid thai hai Gauarat Rivera baJ aaeaaJeJ 1 doo tlM eoarae upan whieh ha bait entered ami aaiiafy ibe jaM deairea of tbe Holy See Tha Pape ladbar ibanked ihe A privaia Calaaiia uUgrani tf Mareh 27 rapofia camfiarcia affut n LiraaPottL Aptil lat The Tawe afieday ba American BevolntioQ Frightfdl Scenes in Wash ington forricutJ Waa Dkraamar Waabgtto Aprd 13 6 pM TaGea Dts Thedepartioeni afiar malnra cooaid- attoa ai oneutatioa with the Lieut General upon Ihe reaalta of ibe raeeat eampegne bee come to ibe fellowing de lermination which will be earned into effect by appropriate ordera tu be ioMne- dietely leaued Frei To etp all drafUog aod re eruiing iit ibe loyal Sutra tjaeeed To euitail parchaeea for AM araiaoailloa and enrnmiaaery euppliee aiid red oca tbe es- pane of iha miliiary eetabliaboMOl w l aevefal braicta Third Te reduee iba aoatber afgen aral ad aiafi IBeeralo tba actual aaeae aitiae of the eervlca Fourh To reiiove all anlitary re atnctKHia apm trade and eommeix ao far aa nay be cooatatani ufa public aafa Aa aoon ae iheaa oteaaoraa ean be put ia opera i 0 it vill be aade kaowo by pablie ttrdare X rTANTON 8eeefWar apieara that Jeff Davie and other rebel oficialt wee iniaraeed pca aianly in the blockadauuning bnwiieaa Wassikoto 1 Aprfl 130 A To Mejor Geo lA Tbia evaai tbe Praardeat vbiU tH liait io bia private boA wilb Mre Liaeolo be atef Wabdiahiag a large dagger a katfa and made bia eaeapa io tbe rear ef iba theatre Tba piatol catered Cfia bark of tbe Preaideott bead aad paae- rated nearly through tba bead Tin WiMnd waa mortal The Freeideat baa been iaaetiatbU atnir aiooe it waa inflieied aad ia now dyiog Aboat tbe aame hour aa aaataia whether ibe taoe or not eatared Mr warda appirtoMOta and aaJer pre- tcttoa of baring a prcaeriptioa waa abown to tbe rrearya aiok chamber Tba aeeaaeia immediately puabed to tba bed aad iofiicied two or three ataha ov tbe throat and two rfi tbe face of tbe 3eara tary It hped that tbe woabJa uay wot be moruL My apprcbeaaiea ia thu lh Will prove fatal The aaraa warned Seward who waa ia aa adjoiaing room aad be haalanad lo tha door of hi father rooa wheo he met tbe aaaaaaia wbe itrfiated upoa bis one or Bore daagerooa weaada Tba rveavary of Fredek Reward m ddobtfaL It it aot probable Ibat tba Praaidaai will liva ibrougb the aigbl Oea Graat aad wife were adeertiaad to be at tbe theatre tbia eeeniag bot be atartad te Burlioa at ail eefeek tkie At a Cabinet eating toay tba Pn ideat waa ahearful and ae very kioft ly of OefMra Lea aad e4bert ef tiM Co Meraey aad of tba aatabKabmeat ef tbe Gor ia Viigiaia Ail tbe aaberaoT tbe Cabtaat tit- aept Mr Srward are bov ia atleadaaea apoo tba Praeideat I beve aaaa Mr Seward bat be aad FrederieU were both aaooaaeiotu Sigi EDWARD U STANTOX Seerrury ef War WAtaiiioroii April IS S1S a Tba Fraaideat ia aiitl aliva bat ba ta grewiag weaker Tbe baU ia lodged ia bia braia tbiaa incbaa fiaa wbare it eo tared Ibe akall He raaaaiae iaaaaaiUa aad bia eooditioa ie attariy beialaw Tbe VtePraatdant baa bm to eaa biai bat all eompaay axeapt tbe maaf bera of tba Cabinet aad U tbe family ia rigidly azoladed Lare erowda etill oeotlaoe ia tbe atreat m near to tba boaaa aa tba iiika af gurtla allow iKuaa or raa jaoaetA- aJer 0 aaa reaaivad laat week tbat tko r Georgia ty We Wara tbat beavj labriealiaf oil baa baea diweryd oa Lake Raroti Ibe great MeaitoaJia lalaed lowiaf from a apriat al Og a ilopa laeBeiag toward tba lka from Um aarfaea of wbieb it appaara it baa baea akimmed ia a pore atata aad foaad wben t lo be eaperior qaabtj Tbe fortaaale diaoorarara are Memra Baby af 8ead wieb La Grave of St Leai aad Bcr tbdot ef Uilakia ail CaaadiaM of high rarpeetabiiily wbe bare aeaared tbe aieMra privikga of workiag tbeaa oil apriaga aM an orgaaiiiBg a ebartarad eempaay for ibet ptvpeaa Ie eemataaoe oparauooa early ia tbe oaaaiag priag H Malbeya pUa fee pbetograpba h reported ia ibeAel grapM Arva aafellawa pUa U te baea a laee eerleta Kralcbtd aa a waadea frwae alaeae batwaaa tba amaeva aad tba eitler ibe farther Iha aartam ie from tbe model aad coavcaaaily tba aear ta tbe Wat tbe ealirr tbe talaret i tbe ihrvada of Ibe taaa give tba gram 4 a chak dravtag er eagraviag aad ibeafteta mndal are taodified ead aeAaaed IbM metba ia latd le predao otee reaalta aad btde Car to aame ate gvaeial aaa ia takiag Iba pertiaiU of

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