Newmarket Era, 12 May 1865, p. 2

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THE NEWMARKET ERA MAY 12 1865 W AdVrtlMBlU- llinh Dt- R Pwti niWTrn n IfM B M SpMMIK II l S r niikoi CrAMi HAnMMr Riahftp fn Sni T R J S for FreiftyR JaekMQ nrt r Rwviamo E P imia iVcMidLak Lka I nf U nm LimoIa ift Fall A llndrMa Trmia Timt ITtwaiarket riim iMk pU Modai BiptM r a ThrMhMitl ll aB MmI IMpm 4Hn M pn tlf UB foUovt IfthU lUI of UiDftaooatixM fr nwr thaa a jar or two a newUrj eriaia la tba ranlt ommnUI il impnf iUa la Mat tbau oblifati aad tlia C OwtH tab U taU of intoltmcy If owad U dabt at borne h ioteraat aad prioet voM rtaaia ia iba eovntry for ra iavaatsMt Ubor weId ba otr waalUi aft4 a towar of nicht in tb dvlopett aad proaparitj of tha ootoof k abilitj to obuii maaat for tha aaUblUbaai of naavfto- tar woM aot ba limitod to tb amoi of perMt infloeoea ba ooatd briag bear speo tba Diraetora or battoo boU rdationa of tboaa haTing ebarira of tha Umitad toonctar inatitatioea of tba 000 Irj a ftald wmild ba opaead for tba a plojnani of ib toaviag tboQtaada o artiiaa and taehaniaa of the older Maotrira and tbia Canada of ora woold Hm to a prood poitioa anoftK tha great I nation of tba rartb Oar abitilj I Protioea to borrow in tba Rnfriiib Mar- I kat baa toox bean tba ooraa of tha trj Wa hara tberebj loot aelfraliaaee I and foatared or aaperiodaaed I abilitj to roaat tba eiea attending tba detalopmaot of tba r of aoaog ooantrj and tba Boldio of a jeaag A Canadian rarraaoy wotld alto pro tlona tha ailrer naiaaooe woald ba mnodied baiinaaa rtrira and asptoj meat at oooe be foond for tboaa noa preparing to laara na aaeking aooetbin legitittata to do Thia ia an iaiportai qaaatioo aad wall wortbj of tba fallaat eeaideratoa 6ra Viwmarktt Friday lUy IStb 1SC3 An Important Propocitioo Tba Leader of lat week aayar- Tbar ia an Inpreaaioo vbetler vail or kllfuttndMl tbat tha deUfralion of Ca nadiaa Mia wilt aak tha Imparial Ooramnaat to gotraatoa tha wfaolt of iha poblio debt tboi onabling oa to radaea tha ietareat froa fir par aaet to boat tbraandbaif If thia propoaal b aoeaadad to Canada woald ba abU to taka apon braalf tba eoat of tba oon- laaplsted foriifteationa witboal inar ring aajr additwaal bartbaa Tba ad- rantaga of tbia operattoa to Caaada woold oot ba eoaload to a rodaotioa of tba intoreat payable on oar debt of oaa- aoda bair paroeot for wa eoald aot DOW borrow witboat tba at antbiag hka fir per oaaL probablj nni at atx Ia tbia waj tha riawa of JiKpa Gorenment woald ba mnr than half isat wa ihoold andartaka tba defenair worka which tbaj daaa daatr- able at flor wa rot Bat Eoglaad wnaM ba mponMbIa u andoraera n onlj for tbii panirolar cxpendicarc bat fr iba wbla of tha pr cxiatingdebt of Canada Of eoarna thara ia alwataj aoaia rtak ia raaaaotiooa tbia kind JCDOta Mra Thffiaa Lawaofi bl Ibu nue II eoM nx b Bnj Holliipld Tho Rret Ifwaean nowpaj firaperoeoll Brjitm 00 the debt wa eoald as oaailj payl cta9 Men atrr 21 yrrtrli ihrofand a half on a proportiooateljr I Pria Thomaa Parcf do Richard TbaeontioMoej eftbi 31 do Wm Pfkr Im finimnalMl 2 CU OtTT 17 flflrf 2 1 ing Township Bprinf Show and Plowuf Ma Owing to oar unavoidabl abaanea froa Nawstarkaldariag moal oftho tiM aine tha abotaShow aad Plowing Match waa hald w wr anatl to laf iho prtxa lial bafer oor roadan aooaar Allhodgh tbo daj waa nnfavou on aeoooat of tha ineloaaoef of ih waalhor jra tba attoada waa fair and a good dral o iaiaroM aa foala It iaira ihe notohj of Spring Showa ra faat waaring awajr bot wiibtnding thia iba Townahip of King ha enntinoed to nainiain lhair annual tpring gmthringr with etMtilrabla vi The followtng prixaa wara a Unrai ibriij powibU arant will ba fallj eanvaaaed 1 Eaglaad and erae tba will what i wiU 1 eiMa Aboattwantjrainioaaofpnaoda atarliag woald ha tha anoonl for wbieh a gaaraataa woald ba rqaiila 7 propoaitton aet forth in tbaaa re- marka of rodaeing tha tatarrat on oar rntir paUic dabt to threa aodahalf per rent ia oaa of raat inportane npaaial- Ij takaa ia eonaaotjoo with tba etull7 ivportaat faai tbat tba Canadian OoTcro mnt b aboat iaetnring a Kabtlily of not Wm Pnnfta 3rd rtn Wm Ireland 9rrf Ciatt timUr 17 la Phf Jobn Irrlaitd 3nd do aorga Pringla 3rd do Georg i Prtagle To tW lit Prix in tW cUta tha villagara nf Notlaton added a pqraa of 4 nrerand abor tba antoanl ilTared bjr iha Soeiatj little tDagnilflda fr tha daKenoa of tba moatry Bat this propoaitioo alao in TAlraa borrowiag the di between what wa new pay a iatoraal aad tba aar ing p to ba rfilratad bj tba gnar anter Follrvwing ap tba lina of ar to wbieb wa adrartad tbraa or foar weeks acfl and baSiering tba principal of bor rowing year after yaar oalj tooda to ineraaae the barthena of tba pec either diraetlj or iadiracti we oinaot look with faror on tbat part of the aebame By sD taaana gat tba gaarsatea wa aboald aaj thereby ladaeing onr aaaaal llabtlitiw to tba Loedon Bankera and gir th Jlonw Aatboritiaa in retara a gaaraatae far ttM ooaatraotioa of tba aaataaiplatad fortifieationa bat iaataad of borrowiag Iba ma raqairad for the oonotraatioa of the fortifieattooa aeataiBplatdUt oor owa vOTcroBaat iaaa a mtttionJ aurcMy maka tbat iaaaa a lagal taader ar aa- pliymaat at bona ea oar owa eapttal- tharebj aava aanding tba iolafeat wa woald hare to pay ta Londoa oa tha earn ra froai going oat of tba ooaatry A natioaal Canadian aarrenay woold not oaly hara tba teadanay l ra the groat mooaiary praa of tba ooaatry Btka the tioMs batter bar bat voald tbaraby araata mployaaal Jbr tba thooaaada af oaryaaag aea wbo ara aow Mkiag ia Uta Uatiod Suiaa to bolter their ctcaaaiaaaaa aad at tha aaina tkaa ooatribata to tKa stability of tba goraraoiaet and iastitatieu of tba ooaatry Vo woadar wa hara wWt la oata padaaoa ia dawwiaalad bard UtMs apoa tba bilara af oararopa aad h will afway ba so wUU poa braiga oapital for atarytbii aad while wa ooatiaao to rma to tba Lfa doa Raakara wbaoarer oar exebaqaer geta low Look at tha faeU as ara tad tbeai Noarly aU oar atoaotaiy iaatitatioao la ooraaoa Compaaho fta ova tbair aaub liihaoent aaoogat w to foraiga oapital aad tb profita arising froaa tba iavaal- awita free tbaarbaseaaaBoparaiiaaa ara seal boaM Tbaaa abaaaak of oatlot added ta oar larga drafts to at tbo ta taraat oa tbo pabiia daU form U grand nadaot la drata U ooaatry of tba Tary aapita oar lMaiaaa aMa a aoah repair to develop hs raa aad baild ap waaafoataraa aapabla of oapplyiaf tbo doaaad af laaal aoasaaipttaa Krary dattars Mrtb a goods iaportad iao tbo aoaatry tbat with iba raqafaita aapltal geald bo aaaafeotarad ban aa abaaply aad as vaD ia jaot ao aaoh a dtavback la Caaadiaa btarrota boaoa abaa wa bata Uxbt aropa or prioaa rala low br ftf w prwdooa tJio WatMe of iiado la apioat aaaad laaaeial imi which tho lt Prito Ha ia owaod by Rohort Ferri Cnnadian ZmirAl let PrisoWat- on di McOmatd Yoong Lioo tod dA Jm0m Gilt Canarfiaa Fanwer CoMn Om PipyottltH Pr John GowlanSnd do Joba Jobaotun Casidiaa Msaaaagac B wwrfer yan lat Priaa Simoon Lofnnn t 9n4 Ooorg Ireland Thora war ahagaihf nina aotriM in tho aarKHw olaea of Horaao aixt fire eoirta in tho differont cloaa of Baits The SoemarT Infarma oa that can- idariag ttM dioagraaaHIa waaibar tha The Qnoont BlrthDaj As the tiae ie faal approachiog oor a thoritiaa aod leaJiag aMa abooU taka tha initiatira io aMfctog the aeceaaary prapar- atioas for ceiebratiaf ia a becoaiag asa- nar tho aaaiveraary BWtbDay of oor bo laved aad rerefod Qaeea Let a SMetiag be held at the Coart Hoow to aorraw evtatof aad aaaa a eoaait- lea to aak the aeceoMry arrangeaeata Soaahiag ahMld bo doao aad doaa at mm Let oot the iagrititod af Iba pal preaeat oar kniag cibaeaa froa patting ahoaldrr to tba wbaalaad oor ward for it ao bo tana wiQ a far flKat what ia do to the ftaliag af iha tbair lofoKty to Eaglaoda Qaora and faaltr Io tha Britiab Throoa br a do abarraoca af tba day ta a baitaf claiog ibeir mpoetire bMoaw tihiihaMal aitd all joiaag brt4y ia on giaod ealebratioo HowaaAet 7ir Brifado At tbo roooal aaaaal slsotisa of oC- oar for tbo a Brigade Iba foUowiag g woro alaatod ottoo boarara ht tba otirraal yaar Fiat OOKOARr Mr J Ailaa CoCain JaaMs Rodga 1 C J BaraM la4 Ja Wa Traal 5nejr7Vaa J Cbaatlor AwcAaiea JT Jaoka 1st Xanrfanaal Ooo KlndgOSaif d f WanisSarrstaif Well Donei Tba Mear PATftaaoNt Agrieataral Taplaaeat Mannfactarera at Rkbnond Iliil bare aalhariied at to atala tbat io the ereat of the North Yrk Agricallarat Society boUiag a Fafl Plmrrng Match they will doMla oae of their tarerlor Steel Moeld Boord Plow for ooo of the pnsea ta be coapeled for Aoether capital ofer coara to n frtm Mr Htaar THOMrson Saddirr and Haraa Maker ef thn plaaawho ha kiadly proai a snparb Geollenaaa Sad dle oa a prica Tor the aett PlowiDg Match Wa hpa Iha famiof cMnaaaity will aal evrltk vach akcn atbe ahova One Aid lam dwTee anoikr andifthry forward fieety aod lib ally i rrfratlf Mtified they 4o rftalio frMB aay aoch BKirr and ara til aware of iho rraatki wt bar joat Newmarket ConnoU Bdltorial Ssmaary- A aootinc of tho mambon of the law comahtaa the Mochaaiee laiiiM leipocifallyfeqeoafod ihie Friday line at Iho Railroad Hatei ooaaoa it 8 eeUbk A new pant oOlae hoa rooeatly boon opened at TinlifMa Coroor Townahip of King oalloti MSvralof Tbo paap aooommadatad ohirflft hy thia chango bad t rwoeire lhair aailahlo aaitor at Kiag P 0 baretofor PMTaaa antv an and after Monday m npan bia aamnMr arrsn ailk It Mr coata per qaart aod aflar iho bllowiag bontoy daliaariog Iwioa daily Soo adre Icco lioD Waraa- la a coal ro fraabiog bovoraga an1 may ba had ia fea r aaaU qaantitiee at Mr Sbwrcas H baa recaMly porrbaaod i Mam Street Newmarkai Soma af iha yoonf won and hopOf tha ritlaga hava hrra gniliy of sy aa Miraly pranka of lata anaoylng fa triana inaolliof akl man and hahavini ary rodaty ta the nppoaita ear Tha mat ler waa diacoaaod ai tho laio Coareil aoet tngard atapa are aaw being taken to mak iVe gira iham a ntla hioian4 hapa H rill Head thia admanalion halaia hara ntn tr roaoriad to by ihoaaihwiiWi Cnrrfsjjonifnrf 4aaville Coneepondenoa The ehnre coaacil atel al Ihe Coart ilooae ea Mooday eraoiag latt AH the meabrr prraaat the Reare ia Iha chair After tha aaal roaliaa Mr Trent pre- enlad a Rprt froa the Road aad Bridge CaaaMltce aeltiag farth tbat imtaoch aa tha priparty hoMera draondrd a high price tor their prenMsea and a it iarolrtd raoHtviag two dwelUag hoaaoa to open op TecaraMih Steot M ptavvd far ther eoald oot roe Iha grsatiag af the prr r Ik PwillM fr tal OKri hfmt lrert thia yaar The report reemaead- 1 fmUcI cftlutJttrf 04 repair oo rariooa atrretoew aida Thia aillag waa thrawn inionolittle nik it d Ilrd t ft lUl i eiint I Irrponoflhbxiyolam8n hamrfcarti froa Ik rj Mtar f Ik wnk 1 k i Mr Wm Uc in perfotaed lhay fooad it iapoaeifca to lot i raar of 1K No If Sd reneaaeMW of I k b Tb per srrisirjrAN tptrd giawaoaaly Oo aotioo the fnnar wba owaod Ibo fronidf of CooMcil then decided to bold the Coart of aame lot Frfcr Ik I9k Cooft lloaM aod tbrn adjoarnrd had n driaki Wa hope Ihe peoala will hear this Cn I h at1 i J d d I lb Eic ttoa with long facet becaav ily ere ol the roll dee aad wa afao lMpa the Coae a iora who aid tho aad ao oaght to hati heeo dane lat year will aow aeo loo il hat tta araMaeat not oaeqaal hy aaknc a tiwely appeal Bgvat aoy irrrga iaritia ia rave there ba loch Sow ii the tiae for acfta aod aot oeit Jaoaary Townihip of Georgina- 7ha Cooneil of iho Municipeliy of a above Townahip OMI puraoaai load- pornnMni at Barnias loiai on Satar- day the flth iiMtaot IMamhars all pra- nutea nf laat mooting read and coe- firmed On motlnn of Mr Breihnur the Cooa- il reanUed itaelf inta a Coart of Boti- ion frr tho raaiaaaaat of tho AaaoM Mnt Rill for 186S Tho Clerk inform d tho frt that ho bod roeeirod aotiea of appl frnm throa aeaaral partla aia John MrPhoraon Aleteoder Xcnenald lod Nail McDonald Sabject of appeal 0 aoch onao ovor ehargo ia the aaaooa- mont of al property la the eaao of he two ftKmor appollanta do rodoctieo leda Iha aaoaracK hetog toauin- 1 that of Mr Nwl McDald the Caart oonaidared hh propony oaaeeood hghor ihan that af orbor pariiaa in hia ierMty holdMg pmpany of a alailar ualMy and ordered that bis saaaamant IN rloa tSOOOO Moaod by Mr Traloar secnaded hy r Brahnr that tho Aaaaaamant Roll or IMA he aow eomiderod ftaally re taad and eorraeted Carried- Tbo Cowri thea rooe aitd tha Coooeil pmeaad d to the tranaeton of other Mnnieipal hnwofoe tha first being an ipplieatloe from a oMn named Gray fix id to enable hia tn purehaao o eow Mnvod Hy Mr Traloar eeeied by r Breihr that from tba inVermatioa n poaaiiiiftn of the Cooneil they are of opinion that it woold ba highly irjodi- ctnoa if not iaprepar to grattt tbo ep- pHeoiina of Gray for aid ao long ea tha graoiioua oupport rocotved by him from pnble eourcoo la applied toward the eoppodi of parfM who hy indaetry ire rWi able to maiarsio tboroeolrea Car- Moaed hy Mr Traloar aocoadod by Mr Kll ihei a Committoo eoaaiating of Neara Greer and RrMbnar be pointed 10 onqoiro iniA aad rapori on eaaaa nf th 4aaroetion of the Bridga r the eoaiorn Black River oe tho 3nd CoaeeaaMMi oppoeit Lote 90 and 41 aod that aoch report bo mod in wrhiog the Roeea withia tea- dya Carried Moted by Mr Greer aeeowded by rood rwnaing tb of Lot No St ia tM eib Coo to he r irdanea with i requi On motion of Mr Treloer aecoaded hy Mr Riddoll aha Coi cil odfMmed to meat at Metoaalda I Swttoo tha Are Baiarday ia June Lot Na 13 in the tOlh Coo of Wt Gwiiiwa af ara laple- BMaia Carpeatera Tl Lathe lu Teraaall aaaa of M caab oter ikat a 9 MMothe crod- iL Sal ta coaaeace at 1 oclock Stewart aad Taraar Aact Partia ha viog their aala htlla pi iotad lalaa oot iced 1 A fo voalUiy gaatleaNa af New York erty bare pordiaaed a haad aoaa oarriag and a fine pair of bafgeai which UMy deaign praaoatlag ta Praaideai ihaaoa A Waebiagtoa aorraapoadaal ye that a waa raeaived ia that ly aa Fnday froai Porte Eioo dated April IS acaoaacMg tbat Jeff Deaia b already a booaa there foraaorly eapiad hy a proMtaaot foraiga oQoiat asfoa inqiM a hoM all p m ir bni aroo after midniiht ha awoke in hi mind evitlenily wbrKtMMi aod maelleololihe hack of ool 30 yaaia af ag leavee ve ta aaar hie aattaily end aa af I vf4tct which atMald I who diiak i I AUiandef Neteon eama M hi aih by dfowaiagdaiiaalaaparary A fliowinff gaottamaa coapaaad the Jay H 0 ilaa R foreman ad ra Jamoa 8lvaf C S ftfliiih Aram Jamaa W Fogf Lowta im iaho Fcnlwt Thea Cnnningkaa alfrey Jvho Moore Wa Hullidayi andJaaoa Abba Aurora Qtetpondenea ExetUwunt aicitt M SprgIIg ExpttotPrtparpttmt or lAa Birtk Dof Ctbrmtio Aeaaaa May ltd tfCW I nid Iwo weeks ago tbl thaa bed an aa aseaorira oil asaiteaant hara bot that atoitaaanl bad been far aora abaodaat thaa oil Witboat ororatep- pirg tba beaads of voraaity it taay IM aid that the sitaaUoa roaains tba saaM prbpa with rathar la itasaL eartaialy weee ladiaaiinat- abo foond good ganaina roe- fiad Coal Oil bat il sppaars that soao wag saaiag fair gaaa ia tba sloois alors pareba aooM oil aad pear- the farorad looaiioaa For a w days erery fco ta Aaroea bora a saile Coaataaaaoea tbat aavar in tba sHaMry I appeared gaatal hiAre wore now- happy io tbo aipootatioa of tba good tiaM ooaing VulagarBMa who St ordinary parods ara scW well eoadoat od fathers of oaiiiaa wr ootieod raab- ing frantieally towards tba Oil Spriags 7 Smll boul ooataitriaf saapla eoald be saea poapiac ool of tbair ooot peokata Dooteia Morobaata EailwaT OAsiala Bakacs aad Batabara were all eolored witb tba aaaa oil Alaat tha aell at laagtb broke poa aa I Jfu- ttrtihU Jietm All il Taaity aad rax a I I etoearaly hope tbat there aay im oaly b iadiaalMaa bat tbat tha farar wbMb eoaaeaaed ao a aay t raatlt ia the lading af oil Pteparatioaa ara bet aad for Um proper oboertanae of Her Majanly Birth Day Aarora wiD as of rora tMtify bar Vty to U Qaa aaJ fcalty to tboflj ligbioaod fioedoai IGNORAMUS This letter sboald bovo sppard lart Xout Albart CorraOBdw- Meant AtaaaTi May I 5 What airaage idaaa people aoaaiioM kavo of diatom oooatrMO I baa heat Aaartcaae oitisaae of the groai Itapabii ao oor Solbafn frooiwr esproM the iea that Caaada was nethiof bat a rr wiljertMoawilh a aw inhahitaou acattai ed oror aa acrfaoowbo if they dfd not bt that aim af baaaoMy baeara i baxbarioaa were aaaoct hatr arilaed ThM irfoa of a Canoda Eoglaoda grootoat Cloayi Mloa of ear loval lotoat Calaayoia m iba peaaaoi day that it aaat na ly ba onioruioed ooly by tho aery igoofani aod Ka aap famiahoa faod Sf aaaaoaoot toatoM of roaeiog the anger biiiii oieiltSa- al iapo ofiaoooftb Bet aa lidioeleae oe ia tha epaioa ootar laia al aa by aeao Iwaifaora wbo took gsigraphical kaawMge il ia atranga M ayt aero thaa aarpaaaod by tbat farated by aaoM oor owa people of noighhwrisg leoaJilioa I koaw iharo are atany poraoaa io ood aooad Newaarket waa fmy iltal Ma aot Albert i a baikwiwli aot af the way ptooe aSiatoally eat aff awaapi aad wildorooaa froai tho ro afeieUiaatioa Tbao agaia ibaca ara tbaao wbo prateod lo thiok that rt olists oaly la aaaea i Mr fil hat thw aptn aeknawtadfa adafCanaithy ttoceAt af ihaao I will aajr that ihiaMrt af RaM Gwillimhory haa baon eotllad aboa SOyaat laarad ap r rally eq North fit part eftha Coaoty aiiber in aito boai- tiM paMie apirit aiKl ontorptiao af iia ciii- Mfla Witb all ihaae adaftagoa in addiiMr i a rapidly lacraaaing pepulatieo aod tM poaaitNltiy 1 iraal prabahilily he die- oovery ol petroliem ihara ia iilhiBc in tha world to praaant Moant Albert from im- proving ao rapidly that in a vary foa aaara it may baHmf a aoparaie Moniripal ity Aa a proafof Iha inllnee ihatthii tin of onqntry ha already in tewnvhip affair I nfl only monitM Iha faat iha LGNGIMANUS foreign c Colcnial ArrlTtU of tba Hiboraiaa- tAndcrry iba paad ibia prnnl ai 80 p m ra rvtg Qfihie She haa iliiiiy five cabin and lfar harkdred i later ihan par ataamihip America whit left oo the 31 h The a4amhip Neva Scotiao froa Pm rVoik Soaihampiaa an iha 9lih In iha Etlh Hoaaoal Lardaoa day niglii Earl Rawell and in the nt ComrnM Sir Gaorga Cray oo behalf of Lord PTiaaraton rave no thai Uy waold on Iho 11 af May IO thaQMiwn eipair naiinn oi iho aaaaaaina L il pirj b atproaaMM of faalioga I hnitf of Loudoo ahptad ant likewiMthe Ibial ewna and praainrX ifa London awambw In an tha inaitaiion of Mr F Wood Tha aaatiot wtjnmrmd lilt Iha M y whan Miniitar Alama will pre iMIa hia finanoial fear ailliana af ie nff she iaciMM tat ni panoa lr iha lao datr aM rJnea tha Ara inawanoa do ty la l at aihar mmar ehangaa Th Mwpapara genotally apprava af the ThKialian rhamher of dapaia odnfviPi iho altiria eiprma grief at PraHfait Tha cbaabar ra ririnlar reparta iha aalaa af iha weak 106000 haU nf which 18000 ware M apaeulalar and 3S OnO ta aipodor tonow April Sa SWl 0 Waaib fiae wiih a I belie ELI gliah f adralMe feeding ataff hai- raatrtatad awiog to forlea aaking I mofo Only ene aarga af whaal caaai for which 7 id par 4M Ida haa bMO rlaaMl The maiae erapa are afl ia valaa Barley ai daarar Aoaiher rapart soya ihara ia oo altoraiioo io either foraiga or Eagiiah wheel OaU aeat fair aaiea al Mondays rataa sa nawa by iha Nra Seotlan af iba laiaaiHwi at PraeidaM Linooln and Sea y Baword wao pabliahad England an iha SBih oH oo aaai prafoand aaaaiian Th faalioc of ayapoihr iodignoiM ef Iho Seaih aainca qai vaioa ihrao the oooaiiy incaqaiia aa naoeh rndig- w friaodo af iba Nartb Io ell ptaaaa il waa iho all pareadiag wpie baaioaat panicalarly WaaahaeMr On Wadueday there Ueaipeol aad nhara be Thay all aigoad tha fallaw If Adaaai eodervi otaahora af the have learned wrih reftat aad harrec ihat tho Praa- dent af iha Uoiiod 5iaioo haa booo dwiv ila by ao act af vialaftca aad we do- espraae oar ayapaihy at the sad to the Ammi Mmiatar aow ia oa watt aa wdealara aor hape aad neafal lelaiwoa wub ibis aad ovary ibei oeoiKry The ef the 3Tib aoya vooing ti aay be eipeoiad thai iho leod- ra of the gtoai parttea in tba Hoaaa af CMaaooa will take the oppenooity of o- Tba Laodea aad proaiaeialjcarnalaalikt leaa apoo Mr Liooela aad b tiatiooa of lOd jootioi otoa ea Hijeet TIM aaeoo o a Liaerpeal will lfOO i bo fargaiiao Tbo a fiy il ever baoa exaoodad J day a reqaeat was aoot M the Mayer a poblio taoatiag w aiproea iho i eod iodignatiofi el the pio Haatfnade igood It aod the lsyar laaaed aifroala- aalMa lor a aaatiag at St Gearge Hell- Ml Iha aftamoea ef ifto 37ib w bo oaara Hi M tbo oaaatog ad ha aaaM dayv taat tbo ararktog alasasa aight likowiae bvaa ppatteaity ojaugaag Tbe ea tha Towa euW baildioga aad oo tbe abipoiug at Literpooi wwe dtaplyd ball aiaaL All AaMriooo raaidfau in Lo do bo Uoiea aad eoaeipiN Beaaay lOd tbo paa of M a Biratag- laa ao woeo to noi aa iM STtb la RiLtieH May 9 Tha with Jyocb Ferrett aod the retire Coofadorale aaey is iocloded force aarraedorvd by JohoMao 100 ia cooranatiAO said be ihoogbt it tbe doty of the 8oob to grscefolly aab- ait Daria waa wilhto Johoataos Km aetri lbcclroa af 8heranae trac aad left witb s aaralry oacol mmg f tbeceoal ef Ploridt Geo Jabatoa i enaaonalina atpreaeed a rofret th Booth wa at lakea alir so lt ibeceo- spwalora aight be diacoeered Ho deep ly deplored the toar of ihe Praa a iolrmal aad horrNH crime aod rd tbat be did oot belitre it ia ai the work of Soolberaorsi wbo by lbtr boat friaod New You May ft Tbo fJrraVt Ricbaood doapalcha ahA of iapevehabaeat io which the paope ef Vlrgioia ar aow fnaod ta ba aod whkh bore boea redored by the droHa of the rebel ailitary ealableharet aoarcoa of sJi kiada Tbooada of the lahahitaats of Riehaaood Pfterabarg aod the ee ceoatry are preaerved from slonntiaa aaly hy th aappliea feed which iba Uaitcd taraieb thaa Tbe Ttma Rkhaetd cerrcspeadi Th aetafiaet chief of tbe rebel delec tire aqaad Saa McCahhto baa aor render hianelf McCabhio left Ricb aood oa Saaday April ia charg ef tha trcaara which i rrb Secretary Trtahala Led reoairod far asy that aight Biie lie left JaC Dvis Trbalia Ba jaaia with Bitra Blly Saiith aad a ho of elher leadiog CoofedOatea at Grei boro N C Thy wcr detained ifeeaboro threo doya aad dotieg thot tiiea ate draak sad alapl the iahabilaata refaaad lo they migbt ha held rafooaibifor harbMpng reb Mr Treabala waa takaa vrry sick Graaaabara aad eiwiod Iho b of o al Iha leodtag aMa ibera who ahed hia ta rtoboaga gald for Coafrderate i Th acreUry rafoaed oa tha pWa Nartb CaraSiaa bad aot fanmhed aay of rt thot it halooged to tbe Stale of Vir- Before they left for the SMth Ibey diftiihated a eoaedrahla qaantily gold aotofg tba pty aa a preraalioasry a r I lb erral of hetag hard phad C Mar 0 Tba train oo the Ohio and Miaaipp Rallied laat aight waa robbed bn0 Harft Band foortan nvlra froni ihi ciiy by a gang of aboot iweaiy garl iaa Tba aafa of AdtOM Bxpraes Ctm paay wra hiewn open by gaopowdrr anl the cmtaota ulten Psaaengar were roliorod ef iboir otchoa and mnner The aobbere I akifb Sr Lovte May B J I Rlacbbora aioi nrTumhlaiy targed with oompltcby wuh Harmid in aoaaaainatioo aod ornivpieey waa aaiad hara in eeordane wiib aped aeroar iba rlv rder from th War Daparti C Mays General Merediih onmmonding ih opoa htllity agaiaat the OoaernaMat o Ihe United State aperating within hi Jiatriet In aqrrendaf- before the SOh of May on th trAf grtd t Uo or mbwvian tho ahafd ha regarded oo ool law N T May 6 Th ComiTMre Waahingma apo- al aaya Tho Motion Lrgairon ia iiuUiing printed paiaphlats eootaining raa ol amigratioa sad load boaoiies ivaa to theea who go there pAiLSaavrata May B Tbo aaheeriMioaa lo preaeat a home uoad to Mr L aoofa are rnt to escaed bllar each ee that all aay have a Tba I they I hoodred dollars eeeb ao aoatianed a proriooa doepaish ws Incorrect Caian May 7 TbaVMkaharg IIr ad aaya that tbe arrftw btiae Gea Daaa aad Ih C Gea llodga i May 3rd sad bMlihtira ba re aay OMaKat Jodga Baraell the poopto af Miwoori ia brtag I U aad trg oeaher ef Coa fodaral paroUed priaoaa are aiririag ai Ntckabarg ly hadia froa lb wrek of lb r Soltaa ar Boafag ia iho rirer telegraphio raed betwea Cir aod Naabvilk afur a loafaoatna ef oeorly a yeor oo ac osal of goenlla oprratiaaa N Y May a The Bradt N C deapetche gir variooa roa art of leraabaaU ofJrff Daeia hoi oaoe later or more dafiaile thaa that laat wHc which reprated bia m lght a df d ef Stoaeaae Tbe rap that ho abHfod to ahaaaa hi apocio Iraio w cootradMlod N YoaK Hay BTbe rraapoodaot givaa faiiber delaiia nf ihe aotreor of Johoataa Over 30000 onO rreadored A lorfa oooArr of thoa did ool waJl farthor parotea hot alariad of oo aoea a fVt hi ard of th cpiialloo sad ar aow eagaged pilllag- lag aad rehbtag tha dliti peopl Orer 100 p f artilkry wr sarrea- dared Niw Yoas May 8 The Tnbtuut Wabmloa ayecal aaya Ar baiag aad lo pof a troopa whaob landaooa ahool Ws lo atriog oot T and othar deapaicho wo rebel telrsph liuo din lo WaohingtK froai Maeoa Goo Wileoa ia atill in Maoon Tbo aoeapo of Devi ia lhrefure aoii poaeible It if eoid that Dovte after leering Torkviile 8 C reached Waahington Qa ea tbe 4tb From hare bo woa driven the adeartea rf Goaarsl Stono- man The diroetian taken iodieatra aileapi to eroaa iha M aMippi River tMN ha will Bnd WiWa in hie path Tho advanoa of Howards oorpo roaeb- ed Black and White Slaiioa on the Sootb- aide RailrrMd on Setorday lael hoviog mercbed about tMt nilee ia fi half doye Preaidont Jors nfih Meilaaa Re public hsi laeoad latiere of aarqoo aad iprieal agaiaat the Preach coamorco Naw Toas May 0 Tbo Riebnkoad Whig of the Bib r Id the pesaaire thmgh the city oa Satgrday ef the iod and 6ih oorpaoftho PntomooeaiirBaiad a froa 45 000 to OOtXK etroog They oceo pied lire botiro and three quarters ic pasaiog a givaa poiot They hivooacked 10 oileo eaat of Richnaood 00 Salorday night Th I4h Corp of Sherman army irrivod at Richmond on Sjaday Wal- iitiiB divlatna ia advanea 71m 30ih I9h and 17ib Corp wer iihln one days aerch Tho 14ib Corps marched lOOmilaaio day Trainaare now raaning from Rch need lo DanoaviUa BALTiMOBg May 9 A gaallamiB who haa jat arrived here oa North Csroliaa reprtatbal the rebri oopa aarreaderrd by Geoeral Johaatae re greatly demoralised ad aaarly beyood M coatral of iheir oftcera who ar alrie- ig to march them la their rcvpeeftee aiea The nficera bare hecnae tha cia of iat haired aad it i a aach their lirea are wartb to reetor avaf iheliM nanber havabeen aordered by their addim wbo sea to be tapted to mordef thea to get paaasaian of tb saalj inias of apcoi b lb oSors an idntood to po sss Tb rbt siMcrs expraai iatMa ftcl iag agaiaat JHersoa Darts aad tbe var i aMabera of his Cabrool sad tbor 0 doobt that if be or aoy of the leod of be rabsUina fall iato tbair baada tbey win fare badly At laat aeooaata oor esralry wre ia igoroas paraoit of Jc Naw Y May 9 The Cem- maviait pecial Mya Tbe Mdtlarycoaaiaaioe fnrtba trail of I a caaaptratora haa heeo paipofd ia eaaqeaca el the ahaaoce iwn nfterra alil Wadaaaday Th lredeat is aboat la iee a pro antiAa defiaiag aad rgakaliag Mr Lincalfla aaoly eaih aod ather aaltera laiiag lo Ihe alaadiag of rctaraiag r New YoaK Mar B Secretary Mo- Callach aaaoaace that the three par cast gaoda goiaf to iavarreclinoa7 I aholaM Sech traeaporalioa lar free taawa ie Rateigh that Prewdeat will aot recngaiaa Get Vsace rrhal legitlatare of North Caro- The Crllowing odrertleeaaai in the Woahiagtoa Cbpjp Govommofrt organ of Fridaat Mbsioo l1o allnfllaaraHi Now that ear wer is naar aQ i3 to oiHigraM to Meaiea in aem wiib the Metic daoaa wlB 52 Ponaeylvania aveneo a aamos sod adiroM or addrSwJ Col siraei ion D C OOcee will ho opened ia PbilaAlpbia Baltimore aad or Ofiea hMr at Pe arenoo between 0 ard 4 The Metio Decree i allodea wse pat forth aoaa uttdar tbe aoihuriiy oftho frtj Juares inrite mrgrsBM oeiutioa is e ia s Irlfiab CalaabU X7poa the bar of tbe Fraser bott abor and below Lytoa a good deal of aioiag is being aarriad oa aad larg aabm of Cbloao ar raping a rieb irveet Oo Mormon ber Bt ailee MTO Lytloo thr ar a aaaber of white n at work aaking one baadtad iollan day to the roker Owing to tb aaaa- illy low atag of tbe rirer tieh groaad is being fon4 oa aany of tba baia wbiab d oot beea praneaaly reaehed Mr Conway started np th ooaatry ea th ISlb of Mareb last with a party to iplor for tbe bsat roaio for tbe ColUns liee The proposed telegraphic aabl waa laid t7 lb eteaT Lriatbaaoa Taaa day the Slat day of Mareb Isal Tbe fullowing despot waa i sbortly Firatli i well kanwa iboij ihraefaurth of the seed ia all the eaatai Uoited Sutee ie reeeiaod from C the romaiser heieg prioclpaMy I Ponnaynia aad Mtebigna w 1 qtMniltiara froa Maiae aid Now Ta Seooad The aopy ia dialael throughoat New York aad Ibsl Eaglaad Btaiao New Joreay vaaia aid fartbr Sooth ie 01 ediy aoall ihe eilio of Nw Albany haing the oaly seoptiseel Third Th reeoat flaods bll ia hav awept alT larga 1 toga aod ready laads lumber aad M a aills and dame tbat Iba t daficmney of supply fra aad Lock Havaa aloae wiil ast ihaa alsly niHiooa af aec foroe Philadlphia aad aoaa pe Albany aad Naw Tork far eepj Poanh Tbe Geaeaao Yai Blael Kiear caaala fnm wMsb t rhl aipplioa rweb Afboay aeo a arrayad that hitla if aaj oaa 1 aa of thaa iWa PulbTbe W a StaMe will aad the aarl lioa froai all poiata w of0 ead the lorgwat part of ihat- eoppliaa aaodr doriag tha baildtha dvaiad SoolheraA from eoaiara airhsia rill ihua ba eeaa thot fro poiaia of eiew f aaiMipal a grwi peaB labia h Iha yar TVaib Rtntm Vww Marab 21 f fnrc lo I IM 000 aad lbee wiR ho OMStly eeloor- ed troopa Tba recrgaeiaed aray wUI oeeaia M fear caipa of 40000 cacboaa regalar eoe ef whit Tolootra aod tw of oolced aoleoloara Each wQt hare ita earalry arttilen aad lafaatry ia proper prepotlMoa Sad aad fttb erpa war r ia Ricbaoad 00 Satatday prvparaiery ta aarchiag i Waabiagte It appoora tbat latter a U rieiiiaa ia Bisbaaad ara detaiood ii WetbiatioB aad a hrg aaaber bat sa AperioltoUe TIaaea WaaaiMOTOM May 7 laforaatioa was raeaived al anay boadqaartara taday ef iba Boal aad aftrwarda OrrostTB Kaw Waanmiiafai Marab 18BA 1145 To tbe Editor ef tba Nortb PaeiBe Tiaaa We bate to aaaoaaea that ibo eabla laid aad worklog It wai bid ia sevi 7 aiaaia TtLtOKAni COWART Tbe ebl has bn laid along froat tb Albert Craaeaal to Browaa fara ea tb ofpooil side of tb ritr aad aa aitra irir has eoaatad witb tba wire ia tbe towti Tho Netada Coaipeny ia Cariboo be tow tba Caledvaka alaia atraek gold oa tb 28tb of Pbraary laat taking oot ap watiis of Ira dollars to lb pn Thar boat iwalr cUIas at work Moffat Calodoaia aad Netada aaoagst Oa Rip Vaa Wiakla Creek thr sa nw atrikaa bat oar iaforaaat dae 4 raaabr tb aaaa of the elaiaa Chraaaan bate doaa remarkably waO oiaiag at tba Forka ef Qaaoalle dar ieg tb tHnicr Tb diggiagi ar oa tbe Nertb Fork Wlag vr pat la aad tba dirt rooked oat Mr Edward Wsdbaa af Brady A Oow IS oterwb by aa atalaaoba afi near tb twty oa Mile Hoaaa oa tb YaleLyiioa Baad aad van beaeaib tba saow for Ire boar whan ba was dag oat aoa aot aay tbe worn fcr bis b At LUIooet ea tbe SOtb dsy of Mareb last tbe taow waa rapidly aatiag away aadar tb gaatal rays of im saa Obarls Kawaatra a poekor bad Ufk witb a loaded traia tbe first oae ef tbe aeasoa Miaera ea roata to Oarihoo bad bsgaa ta arrive IVariy aad basit ooaaoqaently iapeoaing Coasidarabla aiaiag vaa ggiaf aa be- tvaaa Liliocet aad Oaaa Craek aad ia aaay iaataaaes food pay ia abtsiaad low water aaark A eoatpaat of tbe Big 8earCrk had straok groaad p tea dollars a day to the baad A Frahaa wbo anitad at Lilloat fraa WilUama Crk rspeeted thedoatbof Mrs Wiaaard Tban ia ao later aawr sf iataraat f Iba aoU laid Upaa tbe baia of tha Fraas bath abota aad below Lyttoa a good aiatog haa baoa eairiad aa aad large aaabata of flslsatish are roapiag a fih barrssi Oa Manaoa bar Bta ailsa abate Lyttoa tWe ars a Baabr of white ea al work aakiaf oaa baarcd dollafa per day to tbo loakar- Owiaf ukaUafael that thia aawa lb halisf thai araota will he rami wekoai PngliA Joarrs waata a hn aaod Yankee aoaigreats lo k pal th French end rorgai aJ pahtie Aod if blf of what a J b p many anetbsL Tbo oavii goiof ea etsa aoa York Eapr Tf- Tiaia 0r largest Itom af eaport ad Statoa la Tjmhar and La IMS die valoe rf ebipaena k an aad a half mdlion of d itbetaadiog s very largo it laaaractar daring the early 1 IBB4 IhabBporta of thai year ha aiderahly ehort of I8IS parhapa lo ooo eod a half Tbe fhiling off waa a Ihe high rate of gold la ales aad ih fbcl thai priovifll d neeef eppraeialed the aaajj Tbe eoeaeqooaco etnek earried ovr was aery larga aoosaggersliontosnythata ihr ia ia Canals 1 millioa M dItra worth af 1 mher prapered for tbe Daiad il aorket Tbia Is a very la np of oapital aad b ao I acatrihatee la 11 aot fell to impart anaak PorlaaeiBlyl prjepocte of a good d table pnoo are aioHeat aet aoly e tha bw rata of gr4d aow pre W P ma Ai PaaavBJit Ltaceui feraeHy employed b tha Mm aeat at Raoad bot who Car 4 or ether left that eliy IsM Ie toihe Now York March Itib ItBi that baa be faat tba4Col Margrafa kaO ted s pba whereby Iba PresUl ba kiAaepped by a party al l9y were lo go mrsfly ta GrowB Baliiaer aad Ala that per pew The tehel tt War ibeagM the pba fis iitliB led With Jrff Datie aad Im I aboat it aod dfrof th a a cJab ar aeiety ef weaMf Rk baaed waa faraed br ir aiaiag a faad far Iba a Bra af Merry li Co baabefiJ aoad aobaerihad BIBOOO aall Areata Anctlaoeera aa I hare bear aa good 1 there were aever b tbo s d ereo aore liboraBy tkwl tiea aiaed hoi who Ihe One aMa ef I aobaifihH nOOOO aoik hiaaetf ae a caadidai br fl aaaast ibe aarty ahavobM b the graad aeaMdy ertr 07 ItwaaUeesalroatboA bar Btb was aprd by A J New York cavalry eoaaoadsi r adtaa wba jataod Iba FMarfvl braikiag aai af db war aai J ara aaeeidarabis vertiaa aadrr J Pap aad Meade bat asacipl 8bridaa b IBtb Saw Tork 4 Mr Dnachertr Il a aative of Ft iiaa was a law atadaat b tba Icadiag praeiiiioaer b M iboa raiaed t the r lakea priaeoor at Um Brat af MaaaaaaabyaSeetbC beiH privala b tba Yeck bet l b aab tWee or tear daya aflar t reported biaarif to Sacreatrf ih War OAs Tbo FfM was aot thaa aware f ba f Jiipoaiiaa af the fl uU M tbrafm gbdiy aeaded loferaalba wbab Mr lasecs aod beea pwis f I ambbd bia to by Ueeabeallsdae Mr Oiasiy Oeocberty was asrralbt W JR a Seatbsra prieeosr aad 8taJ Iho bisrriew pee baWsHi hoald beta a 100 af ahaaa TV ba sab n i BrvdMS abarpaborbr I ihabib Pia m waaikWqaeoUy airy araaad isa r Mtb Nov York

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