Newmarket Era, 19 May 1865, p. 1

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AND NORTH YORK GENERAL INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER ME THE LIBERTY TO KNOW TO UTTER AND TO ARGUE FREEtY ACCORDING TO CONSCIENCE ABOVE ALL OTHER LIBERTY VOL XIV NO 14 NEWMARKfcT C W FRIDAY MAY 19 1865 TERMS Sl50 IN ADVANCE Ifuidtrti JohnT 8tokes ARCniTlOTAc T Biabop ftSon A Bonltben I iluafitc Oittttocp Dr McCftlium PHTIClA Acro-ehw- RdirrCK Meaot AlhvrlTawathir uf j AilUltMI IfS5 B Koble M D DuMntii Dfrrttors IS Jaokion ISSrSR OF IIRRIAGE LICE8 1 RRANrPMENTd tv A thi 7 jf- B Moore Du North Richardson COVBTACER Lint Arni Imom Dr Pyne PqrSinAC4 itfi1lTiBfiPin rtif pWic KraUlkKfvmirVH and wulson CIVIT ENGINEERS ARCHITKCTS ARD PrtTlieial Laai Bmrftyn jfWMiiKrr c w Nfwmtrkvl Jnr iMt rkttNot ISM WHUIH LOrST THOMAS DICK RRI9rKRn1 Allni7 Iw Bolirj TorontaJaneSS IK9 The Qnoen Hotel Uti- n RaiiM jRRI9rKRn1 Auni7 IVewmarket Iron Fonadry I jAVKS AMA WW 0rhtn8l lfllVRR in h lM FK 50 tM International i Mntthpwfl IffE ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF lONOON 1 I I myB SRT ft- S i TH S IPVNTRS rifiB tiHiiwn fQ irvufc Jobn T StokM Maclean NORTH AlIEBICAN HOTEL TORONTO flovr CTiAS nRKiMrtnn PIOPRHTOR ImVcV J K J rrir I JbmI CeT I n Hector Sullivan ltt8rae7stLwSolieit0n io Chpcery i Kr f Chtrr n i IJ T O U O N T O WilHam iviii A NnrmarklwroKf Fsrwjriliiie k fifrrl Awiils I 56 Strkal flrt Mrtnl Davison M House I MAIXSi NKWMARKET fif nv f FW AW Q 0tcB antchcfoit ft At j I aniTViliU LtCrNjKI AI TIKEn Jamce McClnre JAS VfCLURK Wa Motlty Prompv AlUmUA THOMAS ATKINSON jyrrovoiryov or CIESTS 70HN- DAVISON Vifrkrr Jn tf wrllti Ciirrd iiih iiiBT hii4 at ihU ndlrr Fnc pTVETAMCKal Uod Pam D k viMiaiialhaigaMiiaiieh Officm i riiuplicll hi atiltad I Geo R Hogaboom Fnh Ie ROBT ADLINliTON pkOPTKM IS JKIICTVE of Utr rWriirfFmWW NrWrnfllir RAval CaHrnl i4MrtrnRIattai4 Ac T H U h S H I L L r W CrHMMaMOfi in ha Rc- lUK ifcarph rirffrl rcDftrJ by U E N T I 8 T U V S PORTER Sargeon Dentist THE RAILROAD HOTEL by jamks W T lanalyh T maHh hi piltav i MifhI 4 nlr4t Tb Kldagbt 7uit of King SoIotnoB It plaiaf tntian in MawMrr iht M Bnlhl f kia4 lhtirnt afthair rp rocky tomb jmi Kiaf SaloMn SW up tin IhaJgrffpufnt rata np btebraut Ut liladinrty bl pUaniai rtidi from oar toil th hai eot uf diraetlj and ifidirrctlj nTr s mil of dollar and eama near dMtrojing relation with a fHendlj powrr f What ia it that nakM it nnocunai i for u if with to rttatn ear prawnt fibr- tjr and profitable eonnetion with Great Britain to take large fronr nar already flrerbardened ezeb 3aer to bild fortifeationa a rill a larie militia tone 7 What ia St that eaaaae to d oae lawtaita that are ood etipjiftft the attention of oar one yeate and to the other with oataaj proapeet of termination 7 What ia it that aroaaee neb t feeling betveeo neifrhboora that wbeo thej meet B the aidewalk they nerer look op iprak QDlcaa tbrj iaapBe that the hi in oeportanirj tc hamiliat eaeh rther7 ia it that indooee lawjm when enndaetinc a eae for a poor elietit to take a fee from hie more weilthj rinl ind thca adriae hii client to atav pro- cefdinita t ia it that make hard hearted tell tiio patient who perhapa hi beeii lanftuihiflp on a bed of riekneaa f jmany weary nrnha that be ia ear I i reeom wbfn he the doctor knowa thj I the cold litnd ofdath U alreadj en h jbrow and that perliape within an hoar I he majr be to tbe ttibaul bar I ef the Great Jgde 7 I ia it ihat indfteM a merahant with a imall eipital to laaneh oat into the crcat ea of trade wiihoat aaite or mdder in order that bia eetablithment may hare the aame ilxjwjr appeTi A he Ut r ibe U Cot the nifprdly i Tbe Oorfia Bay Ctatl nf l of Y ti of 00 ofihe lin Peal voted I Hi ihe Mirvejr rihe line of ih project We aer nijfcrdlT he- drop in th biirkoi erim- leunt whiflh will hf re tHit it would haa ault iehui quired fnr the til better had ty- Tbe Boihwll an beH Fifh ihe eKl all in nred In Tri itrd Gaelph had nothinir to do with a aeheme which I Oflly tnelll the trade of the end ih termini ColllniJ WMi wood and Toronin eofflpnny eemiolM will Thefia uJ1i pvhile work which orty milHrtna of mply iwolou iar bia wholly ai doll thy iifibboar and ndfal of the great eruh that the diatanee 7 aaoa that the Pabtieber n dan hia eubaeribeea al imea before be ireta the kerpe ba preaa I the tM plrii jaod pota bread into bia childrei oead i moQtlta And laat bat il that Harry Harlelrb doat atop pree ibera orinr and eommrnee to practice by oeer- pin Ihat pcrhafe no perwo I leeat Why linoai tiarry lJrfefHif the red UHU baa bakee I htra lit tlafMt hia late rlt 1 can only anawer ill tbeee by raying that thooth perkape eiber Jira tha j tiina may ha aome effect yet the mUB ri Low XII 1 avrry bean k Colonial American Revolation WafliRCToi May 10 Tbe aaofaiae hope of eafin in Jeff Datia are aet iffdalged ie In any eery reat eirant by iDlellt armjr nSeer Tbe Govera mBt e mtkK evry effort pAeaibe far auU may tecceed bet i m ihoeibt arrr be tbe latull aeei ind filebty if tMCoetrabaad ralhfi my aiUM whiek wdl b resderei by be aaiiTc wHit popeaiioB iltfrotiirf iCSa tha ar nrf I mm A AMwraiaB4 il iha brat Uiae fiHi iliTid L Sogers NStTM EoeptUl Vedietl CoUcft- VT Medical College TJC fHifslciAN siubn fcc Bricks and Lime 300000 BRICKS Ita d Kel a tarMoHaatiK ef aXcf it UMKMHik l8iA snCKWOOD Charles Darand BARRIMBR AND ATTORNEY I M1aUimn4 BlrrHf pr tVa FUlrat HxL 7 1B64 Spencer A Spencer AND ATTOHSFAS OltOTORA nChaMrtT Coawjttn TARD STEPHENSON tilyer of llarriage Liceoseii Bull ft Boyd Wirieiee Crt Ofle lion I Ariil Blevini ft Severt Sl5d VC RAti rUaiae Cataiid t W ta Oharry Coa waacarm Ac OrriCR rwr f ad HW j ZiMtoa Aurora rtaf ambrr 3 fK4 IfS ROBERT ARNOLD pBopttr rpiIIS 8iiaJr ie Iba nf Rii s ha Uar aad Lardar belatwel iowt StaLiny OMti a CiUtfnt HoUltr Blank Aocotint Booke JtrTRBCCIVEO aarelT a iAf Aka Ml laiaaarf Mamaraa 1 30 164 JOHN COO PAtT Pblie Ommmimk Cnaf4Maaa Beach Ac rncio TBt minieTRT mmtfmamkbt c k Ja lathm V K lafocrnD KUa aiaetoK KCB OFUCI Wikahl Hotel QaaMTllla in- JOHV DRODIE onici Cirpfiler Joiner tJilncU TIMOTHY ST NEWMARKET COTTRACTS lake for aaf 4aaeriptlw rCarpaauraatf Jeleer Wrk Kr ef Beitdiaad alberairaelarea aedft rmarkal JaajSmt Wrapping Paper i TURT aSOCIVRD a oidplyfrm I a Uaaiapwafiattba NW ERA OFFICE Meflsrs Jarris ft Edgar BARRITERS ATPORNKTA TLAW gOLlClTORS ia Cbaactry and Baakrapc OrneaK 19 Tereale Street Teta Da rjO 1A4 the CAHADIAN PUNCH THEPICK llVitnie amarMM Mradb anftM New oMTfeat Aibw Hiaoaaam AidMaKAtor PkH Teroele Jaimary if CARJP Dr HACKCTT HAnK reiereed i thia flaM wmeea- baB Ihe prake of b rfofaaaiee aa OrpKeAtbia rrMenee 9arbatlHIII VawMAevttevbMieei fT Ha MINOIMG out OWN tUSmCSS What a different world Ihia woald be if people wonid oaly loi n batineat aad by a ooa inlet- fercoee allow tbeir oeighboora to do the raroc In wyieg I do aot mean aoy OBO pirtiealar part of thecemmaoity not merely the Merchant Farmer Lawyer Doctora 1 hfn Mr KJilor Id eea of lb a pflBiiioiJ 10 warrant ihe re lively to be for many yi The Cnvrvil are ihr nj the way for other di Bd 47 000 Doctor TnmMly i Sooa after the nt of tbe rebellion ha 1ft I bera pat in the C The coratiiuiional a abAliKinK alaf ha Keen both braaebaa of the Cfinc ndinnl yean RetortHT Af the eenaaa takon laet I Iowa ao fir aa tbey baeo icone the popolalloo tb Oiate of over IO00M ainee I860 IV AndnKe i at preaent laflerinf ander oae of Ibe aarerM droafhts It haa been known for the laat tweWe yeafi Krerywher tbe cry now ia fgr rain The ITnitad Stalee Ooremment a rAW at hia araenaU at leut 800000 irely new never baeiof icted a aerseon to a Federal r Tbe New York papera aay Harrold Beotha ace6nipie tarnaont to hare bcn the ant aooompliee of the notrtriosa qeack and Ihat Tombleiy lately diiap- peared from BrwklTn in a moat myaten 00 toanner Goelph AdeBrtiaer PRoaritmrR D roa Cnan An eicltange aava ITte tarmere i ihii cuiiiry ahould put in all Ibe coi heery upon York whm aepa rated from thai iher poeihlT cm thii aprinc The County of Sime nted Larj prepnraiion are being made i Bufftlo by pariifH who nwn th ery of makiiir frn wo tvniftn- I jfacMir iarca quafliitiM of iho O Thomaa and JflnM Devle wwr coming vr whwb wil drew o5 eorn i Bramptoa en Friday U and a d it from iK tmal chaaieia I hi el Ihe rel Quarter S- a 10 inrreaae the demand and prio ol I Tomnm for atealmc twji ahep ihit atapJe Add to ihia the nw die- property of Mr David HoClarOi of coeerv of makinr ppw Irow eem huka 1 Chwjuooay and ate and thet iWI of iheee enirlea Tha New York ill lird readv aalani anr raiiwav depot I tvaka of Predet Tacola ia i 1 w u rkv which both c but we tniel thi York will have more eo deeply into a acbei merclally eed etrategically woald hem oor nalboora aerm the linev inflniti mora then nnralvee when completed Droptfton TSmn Twemj owe Sli I Teanoee aivl A oHh tbe Iiarfi New Havpahire CoaaeclcMt Iowa Ore tea aad Califorai wOl iallow tkei pie i dee teaea The aaaeat of bal member of i I Daioi of Ihe land provided Ioxi and ArkaaM are reronoid ai oran td 8m etSara Stale will tbt cae have tbe b- oor of ivinr lb tting vole for Freedoa Will il be ralBrkf Norih CarM aa or Florida 1- i to Dwar aad Nw Jery tbey ie a perpalgiljr of ihv ae- sd more ftlally affrced aboliti ad free meatala ef the Slav powr have e tBBarevercaabVy Tribunt WiiT oairr SrtATroRo We i dereaitd tbal eo Satarday laat the Sheriff i received a writ to eolleci the amount do bv Ihe town ef Siraiford for 1864 to ihe Manklpal Lean Fund aider tha five eenta la the dollar arrangement The eifa ihna in defeult Tbet lay ia tbe laixe TeaxanHj ba bern or will be offored dWiBK ibat liarrnid weal to Caaada aad wferrcd Wiib Ibe rebabot tbe a naiiBB nf Mr liaeola aioea Boetba n Frydr6ii irvleaiitK Her taoKMera do b have brea laplieated and will b aad kept M wilaeax Oae I very aiek aad ia reported to bava d bertelf powlivety kaown Ihat Sarvotl Canada aad ibcre i lillle doebt that be Tbe CoamiM ilb eloaed dot profoaaioB bat the whole eetabtsed all j behaved ibai tbe Sei Ijrtt IW tHi to GMrt D atlar lb mmT ef hia of lilted world from the SatMmaa politieiaa who away tb coaamU of tbe lo 10 Ih pot t iOr lUiTM bj lb ooM biDd p Boolbi l ofrtnlj Cowhcebtpil iihMlrPimd liot aaidbBloneoatroTertiWe U t preater or lea degree with tbia moral dia- ea Ihia deeire to pry ialo the aira of n the veteatr eavalry wboae time Mber people and thomgh no donU prior to October lt will be mn- wiBdon by bitter ezpericBce j iny go throogb tbe world from the payanat Goeerol i It ia evert peraoaa baaiaeae to mind bi own U Tbirwttht ordiMBce bareaa clerka we woald oaly apply oanelvaa individaal- dtKbaraed le dav wllrtirelj to lb uA of tftnutk i b bi ni- Ibil nri i rllkOWCilolrfCnoll r fc 0ldbiiciry bo ooob bMirb b borAixl oBcrv oM l All lb pllj ioo7io Tji a riirroldrbwi l not j f b Citl con- IliM lib U opkuDl o mnU Ilk plH bw mf bllo U i BlKkbn bu bm nd U mnld oolj I 1 I ib OM Cpiwl 1 b b did IbJt ofcr M be eooaned te py ad altowaeeea darief eaptir- tbeir Imeel raek atate ef aCiira vd inairidinl liooi It aad tbe grett gleete aad kng promieed day woali be apoa oa wbn the twerd ai ipear li le be faakimad to tbe baabaadinaa ad th sations abaU Oa tbe eiber band let w look or aa iBauat at a fe of the caaay eril that laty befaUa a atiaing Miely from tbe fact that we hae vtolated the prineiple eeatataed ia tbeee Ibor ebort ord mind year own bwieeea Wbat b it tbat lodneed tboea Seatb- ra Mfageea wbeui Caaad baa m gen- areoaly aftrded as aaylam hi tbeir lime of aeed to nebte every pnale of booor aad ootrage oar boetality iTOK May 10 Aa order ha beeit ieeoed to moeter t ef aerviee all eoldiera whne term of rvica eipiree oa or before tbe 31t ia- Nivr J May 11 Tbe nnjd aay that ib Meileafk smigratioa furore centinuae aaabated aeveral oew offieea have hee opeoed In ihie city Brooklyn Waabiogton aad PhlUdelphia The retarn of General Orten from Waehiegtoa ia aoxioMly lookecT for aa be i eipeeted lo bri a deCaile pri gramme of proceediag The n the It De teard of ba fail of Ricbntond and eeo- ratalaied the AmericfB Coeeol tV When the rtewe ef tbe earrweder r General Lee became kowo la and Ibe Coefederau loea waa qeoted at 1 10 174 A B Gnu There ti a ciH 13 yeera j od at ElUworth Maine who weibl 300 j poanda 55 Inchea hsgfa and meaaores aroand tbe waiat 4C iocbev troaad D iachee I Iba core crppe will ttei wilb ear Sevieer Other Aeiaricawe are lookAd 0 with more favor in the future aateat le kkea bim eeto Moaee Mr ihan in the pt Beecber apaaki of him u tba aoiited raeele Mra Jamea Hartiagiaa wtfe ef a 1oroeln aMtebaal wafBd deed lbr bed oa Teeeday moraing Iwe ckMrea Iflag bf her Her dieae wavpolmoaary apepieiy She midad w Aocaatvr id oar pr j A qnrret ha already ap my daya ao ern gratleneB I dolrated ye An AppALLitc ricToaaorSotrrntii DftTiTUT A em leader not im cempaay of NortS moadwMVe ar h be becoia poor bgar Oor aoii h bett ilA erniea lil llere sroand few h fit lo live le ao of Booth Bereral of them who d ao locomoiivet or relliag ttoek lively en In the eaptore aay tWr 9 cnboai no Sliier milh no cniine i an attempt on the part Mother to ereW aeeo n eo food ilai i available I them oat aad efm the lioea ahere- r y The record of Libby PriaoQ i Kht 0 crrency periled lo eommenenl to it el haveWea W P 9feJ by Gen Waiiiel aod will be are- I nerved for fatare refertaee Thy ioew the dale artd home of yef4n ll Wbl WOl al I koiw r ecomrfli Ibaak y her balfa iiiltioa nf ad nh the mode of proceeding la each aae a we unforlonaiely had occai y deaeribe It once befnr On reeeipl of be writ by tbe Sberid copy ef It h arved on the treaaurer with a demanc or payment and if ihie demand ie no c to wrthin 30 daya it beeomee duty of the ShenlT to eiHke a r ed aet ihe eolleeior m work to eellect Ihe aaaal mtilStrxUford Dfooon TapetHC Till Tncoaani We bar And ie fact il ha become ai Ihat tbe tategrapb bee reaed to aerreey aBeaa tbe iBa be i Wiih meMe repeated ib ei ry bnav bo nedartlaod tbe art of what i cared legraphr readag comcaaetealioaa by lOad llMre aerer ner good gearan- e for effidive privacy depite all pre eietioea taken benee ibe valee of tbe legraph b bit in a great meaore im- IMiirvd bel ao f4r b we aaow thi reg ytem ef Uppi t e aAinewhat modera iaeeatKw ef prymg ialo pee plea lecreta It la better tbat ibe facl boeld be well udreood Jfeureo OaUtU Litar Paiaoir Dick Temer the an i lareltey ef Libby Priaoa t aeearelf Ueked ap a ba moat thuBal doageoB ef thet place of lorUre Tberv pity fell er Wm ia Rehmod A eerruaieQl wbe aew the craalbearied deacribea bim to be pale aj leproey daicie rrd bf inl eaa bo formed nfaro uch ira4 aad htoeombe c iiiee ef a jeernal lent Jibaon4 Geard ee givn by Ibe Preidrat t the uR adjoining tb re e alao foand aolder ef gea- who remaia j lemfleJ apoa ibe Preaidenl ty- IV Lad Timrt myi Tbe end ha enme at laat aad iKe gretl Aowri- eaa war h tirlaafly elred by r- reader of Ihe Virginia Armf The toee ofcorra beiween Geaerala Graal and Iie i hoeorable lo brib Tbe oa the dale artd home of evtrr maa wbe M lercd there and the time be lived or aa ezcbaajred Thore are twenty three Iheatm IB Loedon which bMd tMnyeMt Ue and three hOAdred peraoea aB tbma an fortyone hall and plaeee ef entertaia- Amerie num I m whieb will aeeomiaodale e bia- nt aoal baraingldred and aeventy tboeaaad thret the Engtivb boadrad peraoQB by bamat honor 1 Ther at longer lo be achieved aad ibm tbef fetl w1b eight b aed bu eye foil ea aod eriegiaf ie hi brhavioar aa im wer be waa laaeleot ead creel When ikefbe tbol mee deed wth wrerolver caoM to the wiedewa for air aad light kicked aod keocked dowe olbera aed lo leligbt IB aagmeatiBg ibe eptold miaerie if the poor pritoeer aeder hi i le ha beard ia tua lttalbaeBe v- i the eoldier bave decreed hi deeth ooe ai ibey arc fellf aaaared o ideality ad bia peadtnp for oierey era presetted all wlw oome aear bim bet be plaod bearta of atoeeiitiaerieM Paftr The booee ia tudUo oceupied exPmaident Piltmore w tbe only e upoa the block en which ao em- ima nf moorolng were diaplayed oa receptioo of Ibe Preaident aeeeaw- Mtkw Tbe ootmged people eovered the boilding with Ink Tbe Bakera ef St Catharinea ve decided aaiil farther aotic tortiae th4ltt of breed Tbey 010 their for tbia i owing to aa advance in Ibe priee ef Hear aM there beiaf 00 likeliboedofe decrewe Matabae Tbe Sieptembar Nic ildett aM af A4Saadi ht wvta rKnf Evpcer aad Mnprea of all Iba Raaiae tiey teve ae thaa five ot ratmrnieg hia decee ie of comperaiively little impor laeee lo Ihe pabjic al large Bet bie approecbipg marnage to ibe Pimee the beaatifal aiater of ha PrtBceaa ef Wale leade aome ieierMi te the new of hi death Tbe mainege hai bee arraaged for aome lima a4 tbe yeeag ldf bed eeoeived tbe raatreet eea tbe Bbop f tbe Greek Cherch with a view to ht cbingi ef her retigtea Now her brilliaet peeped are cat off by band ef deiUk 8be wa preeet mlftv the Graad Dake d at Nice ia conpeBy with bcr melhere6 have ediertieed for teader for tbe coaatroetion ef wiat and aUltiowal boAdieca ta AMa Hall Ottaara for the intnle4 reeidcBoe of tbe Givamor General The tenders t1 be fvmived oatU Moaday tbe SSed ef Mej aext A mmor prevaite ie Saglesd Iket Lord PalmeratOB ewiag te advaaeiBg yeara and the phyaScaldradgery iaaepm We from leading the Roaae of ComBOM il aboat to be traaerrred at tbe eM ft the pteat aeaaien le the Howae ef Ideate Mr Gladatona will thea become Uedec of the Ueoae of Comow 1 A well known member of tbe French Corpe Legleatif waa at a bel tt Prfoee Mettemich in Parb and etery body amiled when the illaatrl aemter paeed tba roam In hm allk ateeki mid Ue tknagbt tb admiratiea I hie peri wbe eoddealy be k lookingcUm and alea I 1 braecbea waa paid u that the pada of ha leg bad ilMBinaag to the front Tbe Calilbmia ead of the PaeHU Railroad eew efoplere eomewbM atwt two thowaad three haadred aod ifty laboertns eight baodred ef whom ere whilea and the remainder Cbtoeee O will be rannieg thrtyis nfka fhrn 8 rameeto next week Fo1yt0 miaeef track will be laid by bcxI Seiityhnr One year from Jaly next i ie Miered tbe r will be ia nperatioa a diel eighty tix milea earryiatttwQ towarde tbeeamslt ofitM Siem Neiada A Tbe Mrylaa4 Lagiatetain heaf pealed aeariy ell ibe old eett of tbat Slate opp te tbe eolered popoMo Aawmg them were tbe lew priUtiag tbe BMctiag ef negroe for religiow per po anlem eocvdocted a while pema Prohibit the tredwitk trm Beg Prehibitiag tbe nvigtiiea ef eeewkby free segroe And Prvbibitiag JI rgoa vtb legroce from kceptag a dog 0 oot a lioBe C O FtLLowt Ain Lm It A deapeieb de tbe fatral ramoeiea ef Preaideel Leeeln e ibe ly lo Springfield Mid Ibat ae learii Celhx waa aiada e medioM for dnvapag to Prideet iU drew JobaaoB a brief addraan frtm be 1- depeedet Order ef Odd fallewBeff yuipelbixiag with the ealiea i it efte ioe aad teadenag tbeir wiabe te Ae iVeaideat for a teeeeaafal aed beeefciel idmieiatraiiee of tb geeerameel Mr CU wt aetectad c tbe mi eMabiga liitiiigiiibit aaMber of the order A S CAesTbeMaadai mm ra of Detrou are haviag a rieli eae er tha aborteomiap of a eertahi prieal that city who recently forget Wy celliBg aad datfea aad dope tbe yomg wife pkymeieBef tbeteMf The Moored heetiand pereaad lb gf lieir to New York broegbl tbeai Mb tad had Ihe Rev Faibcr lodfiJ b jail TTte faiihteae wilb and ber peramoer em 9 ehnrged with teklag weey m the heebead end H ia very Iftely

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