Newmarket Era, 19 May 1865, p. 2

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THE NEWMARKET ERA Sw AdTrUMBit BlrtkIey 8ftiit RatFui ivarlof WxiM CkrW HTwfc AnmsiHl DwtlhiCt UtoHv TItMim Tb CMbHo TimlB Tlii Vi Mtil Thftwih Mil EapiM I Handmee uktt gwTkt Frttoy May Iftb TM3 SPKCIAC DeSPATCU WIHD AH BA STORK- TORONTO MAllKFrs THE MILITARV 8CHCX5I I nn can har Mr C fur to hiwr on ili pUtfnrni vitbottt eomin lo ih eoncluion Ikai h em lil mora lo rca mi funny lilbtts in givra lim than any othar iniirne akr oo brfor th public Tb Mvebanka lall ia h pUe of rds voua and fre halfpa ena Ihraa p m ihay purpo aupplof all aini aua iry with tubaiBQiiala afttr whklt lh variova apaakaia will addroaa ih audi nca on th uljtei of lampranea an prohibnina Good ihuttc both oei and ioairsfMOial baa bM praidd for lha aceation Tba objaci of iba 8oi ii poraly ena of banavolcsea and iruat lo M iha maliar wall auauiaad by tha poopla ganarally Our SioM Will probably oel baeloaad aoow maf but oibara will not but lh fficM of lha vilUg will b eloaad Mn mara aappnalli eocclaaion haa barn ar 9 tha Irt pri Captara of JeE Davl Oor American Na tbia weak aentaina iIm ioteUiMe of tha capture of JurriR OK DAVia and ataff at IrwinmlU Qaor lha lOib net Tba rtballioo NEWS FROM MONTREAL 1 I may no be ooBidared played ot DMlh ff Mr Dutax BMI P- f eomneoeeffieot of the aliofgia earned forward foi Birth Dg i 7breo M IB 1895 Wa war viailad yaatarday by a vio- lant wiod and rain atorm aeeonpaniad by lurid laabaa of iigbtniof and mrai rriAc paala of tbonder bakf ibo glaaa to tba window li raiood all tha aflariM on and part of tha Bight At a cooaaqoanea vary litila wa doea ro Iba mark Fall Wbaat waa bald ynierday at from 4115 iel2-e- aecordiag to Oata 47 yaara with aaeh raleollaa Tigoor neiKhboring Hepablie be have nnifenBly maintained that lha North woold lit- ataly anereod in qieilinittt and tha raoent capture of tha rebel ebief be regarded m tba eloaing aoena In the drana True a few diaorganited bandi of goerillaa may eoniioue fr time U eommit darda of pillage for the tike of plaoder but vithoat a reengaixed bead and eootroiling Mer their e rear muit neeeaearily be ahort P90w0c FrK Kuir Tto Iji tlhra of lb IMxlli to 17e dona up io lb rulla io tuba frooii oomaa tha downfall o Aerican SlaTary 13e per lb Traaaon hu dona hia worat the i PT 1 will H pariM frem tin taebed o the aanetion of the peculiar Ur J tklby 8hi tamlnatioo for a 2id Claaa iry School About 4os Mtllaniao from difierent of ihaj and beooefortb gire lifing Troviaea alao obtained Claaa Cartifi offset lo the worda of tha Coealitatioo of eoontry which aniil tba praaent I hare renaioed a dead Utter thi era born free and eqoal fl BOW be aaid of Amerioa at of otir o Bera ia Mt ih Dr TumbMy hoj loted Britain formrly roaidad io Tvronio u baa bn ttav eaaaot Uatfc ihtr allad aod alae ataiaa that Crga N A Alexander Pope died Seed eta tba Souihora Agat arraofin f 7bo latograpb nawa to ibia morning Globe from Montraal announcoa th Ur Dlaekborn who aianda charged haring proeored peioord elotboa fro ia Ihi ProTDO Thi mt b i nd l P il may bo only a na aet adoat by biaj paa four yeara among oor netgbbort to allay euapicioo of bia apeody bst the folktwing linea froai hia VViadaof mon to other of tha globo Foreet u remarkably onrwtoa of the terday annooneea the death of Mr Ii Ur B U P P for eoeitiloeney i lha QaabM DiatrieC Ua bad bew lUi A proeiaion and feed atore oe thi ooroar of Rlehmood and Shepherd alreeia aa daatred by fira laat nigbl No in nranee loaa about 700 With lha exeeptioo of the MiBiary ar rangeneat there hu born ltW doni lovarda celebrating tbe Qoeana Birth Day Privala partif have been organii ad for a bit of hn and tkat b about all Il il tindemK exeortion traiaa will run on tbe Northera R R on the 34lh but partieoiara have not yet been an- Booneed Tbe ofioUla are a little be hind tho age about thu matter they doal let tbe eory people know BirthDay Foe lha rat lime io acme yetra iku vtHaga win Mt pobWIy caUbrata the Ao- itereory of Her Hajeely Ibe belevvd aad revered Quota of Briiaio iba ceaia 241b Il ia with feeliap of paia wa make Ibia aaoaaroemaal aod could weea elberwMa Wa regret i beeeM a believe il ie but due to ooe ef Ibe be Qoeena lhat ever iwayed a royal areplre aad becawe we alao beWva it becomiof aad proper thai aa a Prariaee wa aboaM maiotaio aad ebterva Iba everrecarriag Bktb iay of lhat dviragaiabed reyai per- anaafe aa a aatioaal holiday Tbe reMR for a depailura from ibe aaual eoarae wr are givea to oaderalaad ie ea aeeeuat el aoma vioialtoo good faith amoag am of our beiiaem mea latt yaar Iba breach bewever waa aot eo wide aa to preclude ibr pamibilily of aaaieaWe airaafemeal be our teadiog mea taken ibe metier ia haot Ibaaa wbo oadrrtook ibe labor of la Qaaeaa Birth- Day aad alao bad lo aub mil 40 tbo CMltiag ol tboae ever mdr t have a groal deal lo my but geoeraily want verj liitla lo do were aalarally vewiUiag to aanme tbe taak tbia yaar olbert Iboogbt tbai witbof t iboir aeaiet OMO be arrangamanla wold prove a fail ra aad booaa beltraaa tbo wootV and eante time waa dyod vnlil it waj too late to gel up a auoreeafnl vortbj aalabcalioB There U joet 04ber reaioa ad we may aa well wilb it tbo HotelKeopere fiakere and oob eeubUabola aa keep open and do boaineM on that day it waa ibougbl oogbt to do tbo big eod of Ibe wock is pfOTtdiog tbe a meaot loaf ao wiUiog baode were ready lo perform tbe boavj labor attaobod to making pre porataoaa for t daja oelebratioo Tbia tbo partiea a lo be iatereetad with ttpo or Cbra boooraUe exooptiow failed to peroetva aad botwoea all tbeoe iiotiag oireamataaoee added to b tremo atriagoaey of Ibe moaey market oar mtiaiae appear to bave ooaao qoietlj o Ibo ooaelaeioa not lo oav apoa tbrtr eeoa eelebc of fler Majealy Birtb J Tbal tbo opportaalty mey aot bo leel r a botidey bowovar ibe Soaa of Tom- poraoeo of tbia viJIefo bavo detmiaod ttptm belding a gra Tomforaaea 8oi rao aad aa a aooiel eaianeiomoai b taiended to oelipoo aaytbiag of Ibo kiadoeraileoBpiod bora Somo of ibo boat aad fuaaioet t Mrtta tbo Proviace bava beoa ioriied ddod M loeel telt lo eCtrd tbM wbo mey aaeooibio ao iaulloctual foaet Pni aooa mnr s mr f Kfnf I Ae iilbcr ba rart with irU Kxi W W i frMit ranh M Wl la hruab4Nll latWarclfd aa Giatic pride pl wrrr Thrr prptr nfeaiter Mhwi Is gora rrltraa Her tilaaiwl axl rtlinei lr flra Tbrf hauful iy her evn aaakaa abali M AMI prciitMH TTMMini broOra wbral ntrttmm ntir nifUiv 4na AaO fTMplac iUm ft btocd la vaia It now boeoaea a 4aeation of eooider able importaooe to koow what Ibe North will do wilb the fallen Soalbera Chief Tbe bdligcront right heretofore aceordoj the South aeeme to preclude tbe pooaibil ity of treating hia io any other way than a a priaeoer of war except inde the revelalione ooaaected with tbe tratb of the Linoolo aaaaaainalioo ia eoaM way prove him to bare oompliciiy with that horrible erime Preeideat Jonwov bM aonoanead hi purpoeo nuke treaaoa infamoaa and bo may oany eel tba aentiaeal of the war aoog Wall haaf Jfff PaTk Dot it may be regarded a queelionable whether be will poraoo a polioy of that kind toward a fallen foe TiaM will tell meaowhile the Rebellioo ie dead and Soathera yapathixers are eearoe HolUnd Landing CoandL The abore Council met eo 13ih May 1865 Preaent Roeve Maaara Bacnu CbapuMt aod Tberne Miaat of lat ineetieg ware read aad eeafirawd Coon eil formed itaelf iolo a Court of Rerieioo Mr Tborae ia Ibe cbair No appeal from tbo Aiie wen prcwned Tbe Aeameal Roll wa examined fouod quite ecrrrel end prooouneed mlie dacfHy Coaeeil ibea rraumeditaailiiag Tbo Reve prcarated a Uylaw u iiboriMaod rrquira Ibe ralepayen aub eaird by lae ebairmaa of tbe Commtltoe 0 be leviaed and wore reed a firt liaw Moved by Mr Tborae aoeoaded Mr Tbal il ia Ibe optaioa of Ibia that it ia etpedieal to call a met g of the ratepayer ef lae Corporatiea o take iato cooiMcraliaa Ibu larga ameaal if abeeulre latra dee Ibie Meeicipabty ird aet yet arailabW The mid meeliag 10 take place oa Ibe aecood day of Juoe Mil al 7 oclock pmH at tbe Couneil ind Ibe CHrb give aotice of tbe moM CerrWd fbe ef Alex Dickeeaefi ticaa a Ibe c ef I leapocter vertta G Oell wa ordered poHi Tbe eccuct of MeChn tor AtaeaMag ef 15 waa otderrd to be peid Tbe accouot o W Paraea for t quarleia belWriagiaf of 6ctf wm nrdeied lo be paid Tbe aceal ef Ibe belUiager for eitrea making fire dtc al be Couocii raem wi net lowd ibe CouKcil ceaiidered il a pArt of tbe duties I hi cCce On moiioo Coeacil adjournad lfwmarkt Meohaniea In- titote At a meeting of ibo Director of ihi above Inetiiuti held at tbo Railroad Ho tel pnraoaoi to aotiao and aaarly all the membere proaent the following oommiiieoe wore etnwk a Standing CommKieoe for ibe enouing yoar tho Proidooi Mr E JackaoD ia tbo chair- lkcTvat jino R Tho Proafatoal and Mraara MoMaaior and Louai FiHKcaFirpl Voo Pioaident Mi J J IVaraae aad Meeara Road and Lrtckard LiaaAarSonoad Vico PrUr T Kirk aad Meaara Diotorio aad Mo i waa alao deoidod lo bold a ReUaioo be Aral Friday in Juao aeai Mr WilkOQ beviog teet ia hie reeig- count of the preaaing damaoda of hie pi vuie buaioee Ibe BMrd acerptud k aad unaaimoualr appoiaied Mr W Ti wbo haa kindly cooaeeled lo fill tbat of fice during lha preaot year The Library Coniimiiee were roqoeet ed 10 rerl e eollectiwo of Booki their oarlioat coavraianco lo the am if 23 aa par report adopiad at Ibo oaal Moeung lo bo added fonbwii tbe Librery end tby wore elac queeted lo bring ibe eubjacl of en Union Catalugoo beforo the Boerd of School Truateea with Ibe view ef having the ilnguee of tho two librariee printed hie ouighbeur and if pige and oewe onb keeping al all iheyore wonb being ikaneaieef Tb aaiaenoe mual IbaNl ed and wo iruel ibo loapeeior will eou to lb MAX 19 1865 ay Juno 5 Aa aiaellenl fatm of aeraa will be aeU hy Aoeiiaaai t Eailruad Holei Newmrki oaoii heinff oempoewjef pact uf LoL Ne 4 inibeaihCeoKioc Far nanicoUia afrply ta A BmH beebeq aadeiaaalieitor Term Caah Thuraday May 2S A hefiffa aalo ef thi iiteaa Het ffawmathal Partica having their aale bilie piia Zdltoribi Boamarj- 0 A regaiar maeting ef ibe New ket Ceaneii laboe pUoeo Mowlay i lOg aezi ei ihe Ceon Huoee The Berlin TtUgrafA baa lately deoned a new dreoa aod added le ll ebaraeier and ability ii which i ieeoodoc ed new raok among ibo firat elaaaoeaati jeuinaleof ibe Previnee King Couocii aaoete ei ffebleteo eo Merday oexi ae a Cewrt ef Boviaieo Tbo poopla ef that Tewaebip abouM bear I miad Newotaibet Court ef Revia auU luoy Friday al 10 oleok nvATiou ar pi4x Tbie ie the ikle aeet liitlo pamphlet priotod GMa aBne aad iaaeod by Mr J A Dea- a giving emo praotieal hiaie e ih4 CahitaiiBO and TreuioMni at the Flai eipreealy for ibo oae of the Cano diaa PaiBer WeabailgivaeomeexiracM I ehortly ject t a lebor to de thereof Aw Tba ByLaw pataed Ihreugb tbe dtSar- cut tag aad beaae hw Mera4 by Mr UacAu aecoaded by Ur Cbapmea That tba Iapeter bedireclot lo order ibe removal of Ihe obalruclira lhat are ia tbe atreeU of tbe eerporatioi the mme lo be removed by Ihe brat dey of Juoe ant aed that the Clerk aolify tbe lnpveior thereof Carried Meved by Mr Thoroe eeceoded by Mr Decoo Tbal a ptilioi baviof beu prtaealed from Tbomaa Lae aM 6fly other aakiog lb Couooil to allow the lalate labor le be worked ioelaed of eom- uiiaf il Ibe aod pelitieo reproeeetiog anrly all the ratppeyer of tbe Muoieipel Ity tbia Coeoel felt ceoatraioed to pam a DyJw to that eflact but they caaael rraia from placii oa record a proteat aaiaat each a policy a ibey are oppoaed tu it Carried Moved by Mr Wdleoa aocewdod by Mr Boeoo Tbat the Clerk be ieetrucied lo coll tbe alleatwo of tbe leapeclor to tbe fact Ibol ao lieiuee hae boea lakeo out for a Baptalle beard for ibe eurreot year aad rvqaeal bm to aecerlaio whether aay aucb board le hetag oaod aod wbethvr lha porlie uaaallv keeping a lieoaaod beard have reuMved ibem from thair jiremiaoa Carried Mered by Mr Cbepmaa aesooded by Mr Bacoa Ibet whM Ihie Coooed ei jurw It etaad adjoorord till lha Ird day luM Mil at 9 odeck pau The Coaeobdoiod ByLaw vera pra- Tbe ifdAomior Coarieria iho Ibte 0 waekly aowapaput uf guod eite 1 YeungalowoObi by Maaara VCoanue a Boo formerly empla ia ihi eAeo It ia primed io go atylo and oeotaioi th intareetlog reodiog matter Terma MflA io edvaoce Wu wiah the pebiiah xoaa ia their oodertakiog Tat Tbao Icvicw Tbie ie Ibe title ef a vary aieellent commercial wtukly ie eoed al Meotreal al llOO per annam Wo hav itrquenlly had groat ploaauru la mahieg aelociieae from il to ley before eui reedeta It ia publiahod by Maaara W B Coaaiaa a Co aod prioiod ia goad atyla by Mr Jea Lovaifc Every buaii oua ia tho oeuairy abaotd lake iL Ne 19 VU It of the Coao farwur ie before ae aad aa oeool ie filled with nailer ef groat iatotoet lo the Agriook luriat aud Uydoar Tbo Jeeigoa repro aMiad by aortal cola for layinf aot pluoe ore groiiad gateae ao aru very goad Every Paratur aad- boniealiarlel aheald lake Ibe Camaia farmer Turau ealy llpuraaoom A Scaeofc UieToeT or Caa by J Geergo Uedgioe LL J FR08 ie tbo litle o a aew work joei ieeaed ivm i Proee oMr Jebo Level I Mealroal aad doaigaod apoctaSly far tbe aeo ef Cemawa Sebeola It oeotaiaaabrief btelery ef Caa- ada aad tbe other Britisb North Aawricaa Previnoee femiebiog ibepriacipal part of what may be regarded aa praoiiodly noefol far tbo yewb lo baee arqeaiolod with We aioia babied 10 the poblieherfaraoopy Ilieoaaab at Mr MtUor Beak btore Kiog Street Tereoio Cattle aad Pig ar BOW liable impeuoded far ruoaiog al large ia ibe at The iodelgeooe eooorded doriag tbo wialor bao iodoood aot a fow of the ewaora of ihoee ooimale lo be vary aogli about keepiag ihom ap aatil tbo BOO bae baeama aa ali koce A garloa gate oaaact be left opoa far aero tbaa a fow mlaatoe befare eomebodya uaauaaeily oow ec pig pro- I iiaaoee Tbo ibiag ie abemiaable aa abeald boep m aaiaMl la aaaey Taa 8waar kavtaw Thi iiho ii lie ef a ouw papar about la be iaaeod at th eAoeof Mr Min Lovell Uenireal aad publiahod by Meeera Coamaa Giaeea a Co at a eemlaoaual eubaeripiioa uf tl Tbe chjeet of the publiahere ie to oeiabliah a firal cUae liierary Wookly faraiah eotortaioinf and inatraeiiva raadiog lo ail claaaea lo the eicloaioo Il ia hoped oftbe cheap AmericaoJiloraii ae widely cirealalod io tbia Pruvioue Il will 00 deohl be ao exeellaoi periodical aod wheo we aay thet ibe publiaher h oemplid arrangeaeoia which will anable ibam lo five le ihe public the prodootion efeemeofthe beal Engllah wiHera of ihi age aiaultei in greet Biiii farm aoine id alowed on Iho Selordar Raviaw i make it aceepuble lo tbo people ef Cant b their Corrf0jiDnifnrp oiat Albart ConetpendeDoe M ALatar May 16 65 Bot vety liille of even loeol interoal li lianapirod bete aioeo my Uit latter aod I oppoo il aao b aooeunted for from ihu fact lhat all claaaea iho to taeilly aekewlodg lb alloibar reeaons ia iha c nuaaaaty to miod their ewo boaiAaaa The merchanta and abopkeapara of avarj deaetipiion have boa eajragad for aomi lima in repleniahiag lhair atock heial kfpara ia prepariBa to aapply be waul if iheir goeaia aod faruMra in aowing ihair Md traaiing io PiovHleoce for a foot ruiere end knowing lhat oa ihuir aooceai ihe wotid ovar dapeoda Ihe wellaie of ih if huBMoiiy All tbaea ihingi ikmg e Ther thai not maruly ef Meuoi Alban bei all Uppai Canada rarTia aa ef qriu aa much im portanre o the growth and pmMny of ihaee Colaniee aa aty qoeetioo of daioa roold poaaibly bo I allode le lha i pnaaeaaiau and opeoing ap lo eiviliu and imptuaeni of lhat vaat eo bnowa aa Ibe Valley eft ho Sakaichi Ihe advarK lha pnataa heirr ef ihia gru CMil we moat aink inie ulier Inaigni eempered with the Rapoblic on sr Soobem frentier Conaiatiag aa ii doe of hooodfaaa praifiee equal in fartility to Ihe boat in ibe and po the eoperior odvaoiago ef what wilb a cnmpa- raiivu alight etpeaee would boa paifoci aeahounJ Wu caanet but ihet Ihia region rich io mio ia poaiiioo and with cndieae ak fa vary iropclanl port af iba Empire lhat all Mfiou lha Greal BimUI pairieta wiah te aee b neni Soma people iheclimaie will be a Ihe realixaiioa ef ihi prMpvd but ihoi ahMld remamber that ihe laotbarmal tinea r lioM of equal lamparaiate recud for ibay I nd thai lha climai af ibe Pa- much warmai than ihal of iba aoM Uiiiodi eific CM Atlooiie Ibe eeaa Ihe cliiraie can aearoelv bceo aiderad ao ohjnciioa ard avan if it ivaa ii would be mere ihaa auiwaigbod by ihu au purier tartiliiy ef the oil and Ihu ineshae liblemina M prociuoa meiala that bava bm lately paorun te eaiat eo iho Eaetein aa wall aa Woatera elepe of tbe Rocky Mouniain i ie oeriaiaty ibeu lo ba hop ed lhat oer Mmialofa will at oppeilunily for ec I out by leetiog i I prepriuiur of Ibie newly CMpanf ef LwdM Ii aoauro taut Iho Hedaea Bay Caa- pan ahoutd bueilow4 le keep ibia vaat rugtoo filoaed up all aeiilera a Jy to praaoivo ibe for aMnopely and ib derivattlTa powar r itad by Cbaiiui I IO would hav ho fat tascra and by grantinf oonoeaa do I by hia ewo aatjaela thua have a revolaiioo ihot roihleaaly depriv of both bia life aod erawa If eer Govurnmeot ooty deiheir duiy end i aoce lake mvaauru lu oor ihia lerritoty iher ie oa dwibt bot thai in a very ehwi nme Iheir eflorta beeked up ae ibey would hu Ihe Imperial autberiiioa be lura fi laod Tbia ia a reeoli that oeroeetly duaWed by all irae Canadi ily traat naiiooal work haa alraudy lea too groat length ef limo Ily jire it eoomplifhmool Mioiara oat be alive le tbo imporianc of ihia uueatleo for George Brown aad Wm Deogali hav agiiated ii both iaaod out Pafliemratend thionch tbepraea with biliiy aod oatoeatnoaa eend only iheithie Miowtoriat viit I aexatioo ef thi regiw io layiog the fooodaiion of a Aaauncaa Naiionaliiy that dtmimrjf beao Aa exoalloat artiole oa tbo aabject ap peared in ibe obt of Noaday eatiafac torily abewli that annosalloo woald aot a some Ihiak deatroy tbe mid aao brlag wbeat ap to tea tbflUop a Mabel Rod it yo arooken IGNORAMUS eui He i oreign k CDlnnial Arrit Stzoala Nxw Yoas May 14 Tho itramkbip Sexeuu ba arrired from KoolhaBploo wbich port aba le ibe 3rd la Ibo lloeae of Lordi Earl B moved ao bamkla addrete to Ibe Qaeeo eipreiag ibe horror and iodigaatioo of the Hoeae prayiof III a Qwfeo bad a private lelUr le Mrs Liacela esprem- iaf her dcepaai aympatby Ut her ble lo Id Derby rceld ibe moti Iord Grey eoaarqMot oo Lord Pa meralea illaer moicd aod rcooded a Mmilar motioa Tba oer of PailieoMBt wai la Ibe hij gre imprfive Mr Adam pOHded alagnal meetiog of Aawricaai ia Loadoo eipreatire aro aad iodigttio Tbe abipmral ef Ihe Allaalic cable cooducted with lha grataat deapatrh- ta eiprotkd lo be boiabad aad Uw Gr Caatcra ready le kavu Sheera Public meeliog were bold ie Loodoo and aJI tbe chief citee of Ureal Di ipeaatng uoOMlmooaly Ibair bhor f lha fiightfal ciioM ogaiaet Prei liadola and Srcrelary Seward St JaaH llal Loodoo wai draped ia ooeinlag Tbe Pre of the Emaaclpa ioo SocMly prdd kupported by aa nembcra of Iarhameal who look part ba spoecbe which were eutbuiiaatie itpreaaioos of horror Btiaat be aiaaiaiar aod deep ympathy with America Tbe Tima bopav oer maaifeatalioe of iodigealioo aad aoriow will be receired by lb Amcricaa a BMaol- that ia apoou MOu gaauia eipreaaioaa ef feeliog wfuag from tbe natioas heart wfoeod 11 eal ohjecl aifle- luri better with aay polili Wc fetl confidaat lhat tbia iw ia whifch EUglaad aad Amar without ezaggeratioo be aude t canaol pam by wiibuu leaf iag Ibem quaiBled uith each olbe aal aM lo frieadthip aad mutual for each olbera faolU tbaa before idall dcclieed aa iavilalioo to altead f lb fuaoral Paria oa Mr Lwculaa dmlb atatieg it 00 ooe aoold frl greater bom I late crioM but be feared bia prcaetKe Ibe cerrmoay would load arpretaliooe FaaACB The Emperor Nepoleoo left 1V oa Ibe S9ih all for Algci le was receired caihuialieally at Lyoea lad Marcill Tbe Emprem wa a tlouber commuaicatad lo the Choi a dasflcb cnavyiag tba ajrmpatby of Fraoce oa aecosal of Lioeola loo to Ibe Amcricaa Miattler SaiUi iddreaaea were egrved te to Ibe 8eoole BaiCiUM Tbe King a oerteepooOei LONGIM i Aurora CorrMpondenot- Tmmpinf jjaaootfom Tnko H 176 Beiag at tbo praaaat aMaaeat ia board of Ibe ial Mail Staam Oreaiaa bMad fcr Moatraal ibie letter wl bo io ariat bofbro yoar Oomapoadoal Mtaraa boaao ao aboald aaytbiag cf mobetoaa Importaaoe ttaaopir aay tbo aetml dio oovory of Ooal Otl ibo odoptioa cf Daa- kiae BUI or a rfaa U tbo priaa of kaibor darlag ay abaaaco from tba vtUafo I at yaar raadpn wfll aot ebar ma wilb Bimaea ia aot obroatoltag tbeaama Qraal laioreat ia I tbiak fall all o Caaoda at tbia time lo bear tbe reemit of Ibe IMagatea mimioa from RagUad Wbatiait to be Coofedoratioa Aa- aozaUoa ar aoatiaaod tribalation f Whatever wa may bear te iba ooatrary Briii aoaaactloo ia tbo trao Mioc of tbo people Ii ia aataral tbat iboea Amerioaaa tibo liva aaMagt tu bva ia the a plmt tJtra ef aaaexaUoo to tbo Slatea eiiU tbaj are oalj a aaull miaor- ad it ie hui to tbiak tbat Caaa voold o Ibem ia tbair adroeaej Kiisau The Cxar bad givei beaedieiioa te tbe eew Curewiiehr 1be dl- Pelerabarg Jottrnai etpreeae lympethywiih Americ ie Mr LiU nurdor hOfag Mr Jobaoo will prove uorihy MKcueeor A trtrau- Tbe Reiebrab aaanimoatiy voud aa addrem lo America exf reaaiag lympeihy Ilw Ooreroawol expreeeed lo tba Americae MiaiaUr al lympjlkr Auatria raiaea ao oleciioo te the pr riaiooal taliootaf of Pramiaa abip ie Kiel bet caoaot allow pcra daiaite aoietioo of Ibe S Tbe rumou Pacaau Solema eervica io Ihe Germaa aed Eigliah hefoages waa per formed IB Berlia ea Ibe 2od ia memor if Mr Lioeola Nameiooa depulabon wre Biamark atieadad Tbe King waa rapreaeated by adiedecaap Tbe cbareb waa crowded LiVKaPOOl Mey 2 Eveeiag Cotlea aale ef two day 20000 bake iocludmg 7 000 to apecutotor aad xportra Market trm aod uaebaegd Breadatufa Flour qaiel aed irm Wheat firm aed bolder demaed aa advaoce of 3d which check buaoeia Coca leedy aHaed 99a 9J irhTftl af tba Coba N YoaK May 16 The aletmer Cebo bee arrived from Liv erpool oa the Mb vm Queoaaiewa oa tbe 7lb ioataal Bat DoTorra Flour quiet aad aleady Wheat quil aod eower aad partially Id lowur Cor dull aad d lewr Amoog Ibe Uteel dmoalralioa freal muatiag of workiag aea ia Loodoo a addilioo tu raolutioa of eoude they adopted uau rajaietuf al lha Federal aeceeea aod tbe dua of alavery Tho Leo Tw bee a frieodly aad bopOful edrtoeml upoo Ibe ifaeakm of Sir P Bruce eod Preaid Jobaea wbkb it regarda a a fraab earaeeC ef Miily It aaya Ibet Jobaaaaa laapege ie peeift aad atateemaehbo wilb a raapoaae ia Eitaad Tbe Timtt hope ihol the idle worde of prorocatioe which have beoa employed by wraapoaeibla pereeimoy be baied ia the graeu of lacota Tbe Quutaa reapoaee to aa ad dram froi Parliamat aaya that aba ealiraiy partei palee h the aea addreeeed palee h tbe aea addreeeed u her ea tbe aaaaaiaaiia aad haa givea diracliooe lo her Aliaialer et Waabiagioo lo make kaowa the foeliag oaiariaiaod by Parlmmeat ia oomaoa with beraeif aad tba wbafa ae Tbe Uoae of Cemmoas vat liag previateae of Gladalaaee Bi bat tbe redaciioa oftbe tea duty ie poaed till tbe 11 of Juoe lathe Houea of Lorda ia reply to aa eaeirj ratative to Ceaadiaa dofoacea 4o Grey aad Him aaid the Govara- meet Jaat eaaameooed acfotiatiaae wiib tba depatailoa from Caaada aad woM aa aao4 aa aegotiaHoae were Napefoeu waa eathusmlically receired ia Algiers Tbe Goverameal Bill fitin beadred iboataad awa a the eoaiiageat of 1866 p lha Corpe Lfilltf Beefc ef Fraeee pieed 9000000 fraae catb dariag iba week hit ramoared that the mimioa Siper Vesexxi to Room oa Ibe aabjeci of leligioaa mailer ia tbe Italiaa Rtagdom bad failed The health of tbe Kiag of the Belgiaae wa more aaaatiafaetory Tbe Spaaiah Govarameol Mbliabed d orderiaf Ibe evaouatioa ef Saa Domiago Tbe Proaatt Chamber Miliiary Bdl paragraph peteed by aa orerwbelmieg American Barolation oPflOIAu Waa DpaTMBf Waahingtoo Mey 13 To Goo Dix Tbe folloving deepetch juat rocoivol from Ooo Wilm eaaouncoe ibo ur pnee aad capiare uf ieiereoo Davie end bi atalT by Col B Priiobard aod ib Micbigaa Cavalry oo lh morning of the J0b iaetaoi at Irwioevillo la Irwio Coaoly Oa M G a May To Liool Geo 8 Groat aod Hoo Sao ef War I beve tbo boaor to roporl thai at day light ua the lOih iaet Col Priuberd ooaaMBdiag tba dih Mmhipa earalry caplarad Jeff Davie aad family with Regan PoataMMar Ofaaeral Cwl Her- rieoa Invpie Sacra la ry i CototMl Joho aoa Atddeflamp Uol Morria Col Tubbick Lkeol lialbaway aod others Col PMchard aufpriaad ibeif cpaip at tr- winaville io Irwia Coaoiy Georgia 7K mileo epHibeaet of ibie placa TMy will be bore lomorrow aigbt aid will warded uoder a atcung guard witboul do- 17 I wUl aend furiber patlioalaraal ooe Signed J H WILLSON Brevai Major Goo C4alfoaAr r riaaaa WAaaiMOToa May 12 Tbe Haxt ceo coagratioa boetaaaa attraeta little or Prcaidaat Jobaaooaad aeveral of tbe Cabtnot vieitad Soeretary Seward day Tbe S bopee to bo ot bia ofiee xl waak Tbe Govarataeat today paid t Ceatral Paoifio Railway Coapaoy aad ab miilioa dollar Mog ibe iret iaetaltaeat dae oa Ibe eomaletioo cf tbe firat eeorioo of thirty miJea Aaotbor aeotioB will aaoa be aompleted Tbo Navy Departaioot bae mode ia believed bore tbat bar will abaadoa bia eeterprieo aow tbal tbe rebellioo baa uollepesd Tbe TWbwaea Releirt rorrooadeei aaya that tbe people of North Carriiaa are aa rebeHiooa u ever iodocd are aMre baaghty aod aoaubdoed aad if peeaibte a doviliab ibaa they ever a Ooe oerad people aed aet tba rebda e eaatioaa tbe Nortb aot te lake oa half of wbat ibey beer of tbe faet reiara- log apiril of loydty ae geauioe tJk WAaHiMToa 1 Oea 8ber explaio aod apologiae for tbe laogaage be had aaed la bia deapalebee to Mr Suntoo Geaat Sbonaaa baa berolofere boeo iboat tbe oldeat ftiaad aad dcfeader Hal leek bad aaoog tbe oBce of tbe Oea Oraal aaid todav be waa ia ipeotalioa of baariag of tbo aarrooder olf Kirby Oe baa boea oAeially aetiled Smith waa aafOtiatiag mlb oar foreee wilb a view to mreoder Oooeral Oraoi talegmpba tbal be wiD remaio with bie troope aad majob witb tbam to Alaxaadria WabiiGTOM May 18 Tbe Coart oo ia tbe trial ef tbe ooaepiralora alieiM oae ef ita ralM today aa to admit tbe r for the preee Tba Heaorable Ueverdy Jobaaoa ap paarod a eoaaeolfor MraSarrattwbeiv- upoa aa otjeetioa waa raiaod to bim by CMoral Uarrie wbieb waa witb4raaa aAor aa ea 4ebaio oa both eidea Deto Loo aad tbe elerfc of Ibe Rirtiweod Boaae aad tbe preeeat pro prietor of tbo boaae betetofim oeeapt4 by tbe Sarratt fiAaOy aad aibara ware examiaed witb le to tbie boaae aad ia ralatioa to anaa having boea do poeitod tbora ia arder to faeilltaia tbo eo- I aatil a oftbe be Coan waa ia late boar BA Major OoMral Sir Cbariaa Bop- kiaaoa wbo dim vfrv reeootly left a leg- aey of fifty poaode daiy free to a late gamekeeper aow ia Caaada Peea pmekeeper roaad 0 Tbe Kew York JVtbme eaya that 1 order bad beea r at ay Mkee efaoej ia tbat oily from Preeooft Caoada Weet far aeveo tboaaaad doHera wortb of nveatbtfe aleo ao appKeo tioa waa roeeivwd from St Jobae New Braaewiefc fee aa epaey lo be atarted tbat ptaM L May 18 A break ie repertad ia tbe Brie Oaaal at Amity 8pcapAot midway betweea Coboea aad Seheaeetady A portioa ot Ibe aaaal baak boa lid iato lb Mwk River No boota have laeahid tba Bad river fbrn Iba aaaal aiaee yeaterday afteriMMa New Yeas May 16 Tbe CoaamtrciaT apeeial aaya i- Tba lidoaee of tba gaiU of tbe prieooere al tba coepirey trial appoora eo eooclo- eiveae te eomploioly ek tbe earraat of eyopetby ia tMr favwr pradoeed by eaarat trial ld that tbo priaoDora ara warn ed by tbe eooaaal lo abaadoa all bepa Tbay appear atiarly hrobaa dowa Revordy Jobeooo ukea bat Utile pert ia tbe ttiel Bo fa prepariog aa alebo- argaaMai abellaagi iba jaria of tbe eoart fa sow pro to eabetiiau a etraei parade of the retaraed armlea ia Waeb iagtoa befbra the Praaidaot for a fread Tbo AeCt epeatal aaya Jodp Bood of Baltimere yealardey oberged o graad jary that pareoiM eitto fa aailiury earn Mieai fbr tbe trfal ef of Maryla t eo witb iba oavi ara liable to iadie iOAKTIM 1 11 C V iviLtB May II It le believed io uOcial circl ibet JK Oafia will 6ri be tried on charp ef treeeoo W DtPAaniBivT WaaHiiiOTOH May liib To Mejer Geo Dis Tbe Mtowiag detaila of ibe captere ef iafcraoo Davia wbifa atleaipiiag to aake fa acapu ia hm wif clulha bar baea received from Major Gea U ilaoa Sigaed U STANTON M G May 1211am To E U Slaaloa Tbe folfowiag deapeteb aaaoaariag Ibe ceplure of Jeffiraoa Dati haa juat been baoded me by Gea Mealt oommaa Ibe Sedd viaioe H 4tk M COMSCBLAKDVl To Cap T W Seoti A G Sod Dir Sia I bava Ike beaor to report tbat at deyKgbt yelrdy al IrwiaaviU I urprieo eal capiered JcBcreoo Devi ad family tofetber wiih hie wiJee aietei aad moib hu poalaual Goo Rope hi pnvale ecretary Col Harriaoo Col Jabaeoo aidede camp oa Davis ataf Col Morria Lobboek aod Lieut Hatha eey 10 eferel imponal aame ad 1 f 0 of five wageae eed three ambulaacaa aukiog a moat perlrct a mol paiafel miifak occurred by the iih Mwhifaa aad 1I Wiacoaaia came ia hMhfedaaebclier Thi U as two kilted aod Lieatooei Boolfa wouoded through Ibe arm fa tbe 4ih Micbipe aad i mea wouoded m lb lal Wiaeoaaie Tba oocerrvd joal a dayll after we bad capiered the camp By tbe advaooe of be la Wiecoeeie tb rere mialakeo for ibe eoemy I retaraea a thi poit laal aighl aad bll aMV igbt oa le Macon without waitiag order rom you as dtrecied feebag tbal the bofa ohjecl ef fbe expedilioe i accom liabed It will take al faeat three dey reach M a w are 79 mifaa out aad our tck aaueb exboueUd 1 hope te racb iiawkiaaalfa lo aigbt hav the booer fcc Sigoed B D PRITCEURD Lioai4ih Micb Cavalry Tbe lat WiMoaaie beloap to Logaaa brigade ef McCooka diviaiea eod bad beea aeet due al by Gee Crextoa vw 1 Debhe- Col Meutx hed dislributed hie ali alogg the onlb beak of the imube Thi aceeouu ee perls of the lat ibow lb leal of ami 1 bate di igHeoee oa the pert of hope of calcbM the Oor diapoilioo of mee oe ef the Coefada- ibfa to pt throofb ara eptored the Wbaif ia tba WI rrrem lha FhOade Im ll fabery evidvel thel tbe yi regtoo of eeaotry keowa aa Meia a very caoaidarabfa ahaia ifa eral orgaaiatiooe ara haiaf tbia city ali appareatly ach a J There m mack mvulery eeaMM a moveawai bet Ihe ideaof t ima deidedly a lad fa Breckearidp night before I Wdl aaad farlbrr aa d e Siged JW WILPON Brevet Ma Gea MACOB G 13 980 1 To Hoa E M Blaalea Lieuujol Barda eommeodiDg Ibe ll Wtkcoatia baa jeal arrived et Irwfa- ille Me atreck the track of Davi el DuMia Iurva county oa tha eveeiag of Ibe 7th aad felfawed him cloaely eight ledday throagh Ibe greet witdaroeee of Allipter cre aod Greeaswaaip vm Cumberlaedavilk 1 IrwiaavifW Ai iboriaadaTttle CV Hrdae ami Col Pritchard with 150 picked aaee and beraee f the 4th Michigae Herdee felfawed Ibcre at madeight ef tbe Btb Jeff D hal act enived From a ciliaea Pritcb- rd faaraed thet hm perty war eacamped ifa oat of th Iowa H amd di MaiUooa 1 hm mea aad eorreaaded the mp Wore dey Hardee bad eamped at 9 pm aa be aflorwarde learaed fram Devi Tbe trail being iadiatiael lo f- I poebed 00 t 3 am eed hed goae but Kllfa laore ibea a mifa wheo hia ed- wa fired apoa by mea of the 4tb Michigae A fight eeeiwd both portie exbibHmg the greateet determmetiee Fifteea mfaele e before Ihe mtalafce I a diiecvered le firiog m Iba kir aaieb wa lb firat wvaiag that Devte re- Tbe caplor report Ibet he baei ily pi 00 ooe of hi wifo dreaaoa eed lUrted for Ibe wooda cloaely followed by oor mea who et firat ihht bim e we- bwt aeeieg bia beeta wbifa be was ruoamg Ibry leap hfa aex al eaa Tbe rae waa a abort ooe aad the CedM- arala P waa aeaa br He braadmbed a bewi4aifo igae of hatifa but vfaMed promptly to tbe ponoaMoa ef Cofia tva4vr witboet eaipa ibem to fire Ue expreeeed groat iodigoalroo at the eoergy with wbach I puraaed leyiag thai be bod believ ad oor goeeraamat loo megeaaiaiae le ewo wemeo oad abiWraa Davie remarked U Cat Hardee after the ewitemeat wee ever ihol tbe mea had betirr ael pravahe the Preeideat or he aright bort eoma ef them Geo Hepo behave hiaMlf wilb dig nity end regeotoa Ibe parly evideotly were amkiog for tbe cooal Sgaed Jf II WILSON Brevet MejorOeo New Y May 16 Tbe WaaUagtea eorreapoadaal of tbe Ve eaya tbat tbe iMXt great tlal will be tbat af Jefcaoa Devte wbo will eooa errivo here It k ramoaiad bare tbat be will bava to etaad ba trial ae aa a ia tbe mardcr of Mr Lioeola If tbat ebhrge bim aboald ba abaa doaod be will be tried for treaaoa Il ia diSaali te aee baw be wiD bo abU to tpo with bfa life aad bfampetbiaera bere abaadoa all beaea of a perdoa ae Preaideat Jofaaaaa baa repeatedly aa- aoa aaed ba ialeatiaa lo exemiia tba lewe apoa tba leadera Of aoataa if JtSmwom Davie gala a pardoa ao oeoelae ibe aubjeci but tbay wadd be I viait ihet plaee ea ly 1 that lb Nwvemaal iae Mgg koftcieet lo the dey fa tbe ei otM Tkieieequireceltaiuagaki aidhaed atgoificaot of 1 at Iba praeel le We hear of partea who deire Mexico by water iaoead ofoverlaa ilae hieied ht vaawla he Sued out at Ballimuru aad maagl ciea Oer farge ciiier- opufated end aa it a bkelj ber be awelkd to aa almeat txfool fa a few moaiba it per by lha ealerpriaiig pall ed fa tbe emigraat mevemeet tej oollet et ooce ihreogh wbicb popafatioa may to readily tbia mevemeet there will b mead for aoeee of the Ueitod i be eoM U tbe bigbeet 1 do pdpMO eootalo looj iaveeiipiiooe Georguu of tbo alt Willi mtod- Naw Y Mey 17 Tbe PaetV epoeial mye thel JeV Daea will prabaW aot be triad witb tha amemiae at tbe pe etealiary Itaaa tbe will ban a aarala trial Taa BoAaaaor AeatcDLToas Tbo Cewmla GaaMo of Setarday eoaaiae tbe followlM t Hm ExooUepoy tbo Gov- O bae beoa ploeeed to ap- lobb Roea Eeq H P P a mem tbo Boord of Agrteabara of Low er Ceoada ia Ifaia of tbo Hoo J Toraouo dieieeid Hfa BJtoeleoey the Govoraor Ooooral bae alao baeo pleaaed 10 oppeiat P W Staoo af iba Iowa of Gaelpb a member of tbo Boerd of AgrktUtara of Upper Caaada ia liaa of Colooai B W TbaeapooBde9eMMl Nbw The eleemor Ltberty ham delea ef tbe 61b ioal a T Ibe 2ed which eaafira the eam tiUe end Monterey by Ibe 152 It ia reperled Ihel JaerexB lieb kaa capital at Meafarey Maximilfae 00 r Cr ef the fall of Riebmood aod TX tioa ef lioe whereopAO be balJIc to Mexico aad derpelelMd katf cabioet M Efaie to ibe who arrived at Havaeaeb a 5 tbe Coraica Thare an Doe Joee Raaoe Packiea t of Stale died ia Mexico ee Ika Ij Tbe Eegltab Railroad Ce aubfat artioa of their read Crux to Mexico lo a Fteacb hae ginag Fraace aaotber alwa eo eembiai Eegliab aad Fraeek Tbe Jockee freed is eccepiarfiS aiilieo aad tbe 5000X100 are fa 000 aoaual iaetalmeeli The Ireritia bod ealered iaed all Ibe war mooitioaa haWS iraheela The iafeaaoue CoL Dapfa ii for the Stale of Tobaaeo with fuS aio A aeval expediliea ey SeMral of Meiimii a heee preoouuced apiaet Il ia aaid tbal rebel deaerfar Corlinaa- Tbera iMe a haS Mafamoraa 00 ihe BbwiWag Story frMB 1 Georguu o7 tboatieaopt of iS bara lo iairodoco yellow fover 1 k Pbiledelphi ead olbar I ehie Dr Plackbara viAad 1 oeimibly 00 0 pbilaatbropit with tbo I fever Thoevideaaa ebowe tbl ieat wbifa Ibefot bedJia eadi eheia from fover peiUeie lhalf hefd eod mfooted aew le paabf in uaok aad fatf la paraea whb New Yarb ba ibe epriag leeM eelf a ae the deoiruaaoo of the f ttwa alee eboara4lJ peraoiw eootMcted wiifa ibe agiai Coabda Stoteo wero alao aaa faote It fa eiafad I lea traoka throe of wbieb fowod eod their onamafa I Board of Hoeltb kaema ia iheee proviaaaa ea aad altra rebel Taa Pora to Vicrwa 1 Tba Pope ba wrko ler te King Vietor I bo eoye the be eddi ibe Kiog lhao 10 Hoiioeee expreeeee tha diep caai aad duee aot c le eee lb termfaMtieaf ihlap ao depfarehla A poapeat eaye TbofaUm bee prodae a pod aad Parfa et Porfa ihfa iaaporUnt atep fa a iaftaoaoe Tbejiuraeye 10 R fa c wit ead that pe wboae naeafa eod eaiigbiooed opW kaowo fa tbo boerer of 1 letfar from the Kiog 10 tbo f aegotfalioQe will porbepe I I roeolt bol dm pi Ufa Pope which ooght to baM ed Imviag a uudeaa le re d weald Mva i avea if it were BM it by a reoooelliaiioa- Il m Daderetead ihM l faetioa fa felt ia high qaartWM the oortftal raepeaee givear I G to tbe la aaporial Highooae Priaae eooporoie wub the Frvaeb ia promodag Ibe ia r ee df 1867- Higbae the PrtBOo ef Vii apted Ibe praeideaey of e Miee for eoo tbe f eee eoooeete wMb tba 1 ea aet eoarteey eaye as tba part ef tba beir epfi jMlieb Ca fcde proof of Ibo iatoreel wkMr moni of her BriaaaM tbo fraat iaterae wkdab Parfa will fir tba eiafl Tbb Latb Lbvii Tbe WeOaaa rfofnvi BarwaOM waaa maaef Iroa aaeat aad etraigblftii meat aad atraigbtftM iraaaaetioai Ufa advi aoagbt after aad bb eaay Ia 1869 be beg aa ibe writer ef afi 793 wilb mai ftrea be afged lee efir jsS of tbe aaa lbciJiM0W U jia Maedveoaladfc Uau roUigeeUeee Poor mee M I

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