Newmarket Era, 19 May 1865, p. 4

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THE NEWMARKET ERA MAY 19 1865 ibtfilt lliink Ibit Ibc IHI 4 OMnf I Ibta Ibf rant of lb kiiclio HAnrBOitAi bf fur wifr to jror lift do it ay lU ult moH prl failfa ir ti bt Ibe pcit kiiutl objcci ii lid I nif kir btbil e e K II 10 bvc osr doubli miQ who to cnptj Uul Tltf uf h fscUiined Vaij nngQlar pH vKter vtlrr frectoa k dtjt nitt villi the tlipperj side Dp- fr Vtt tt yol gotoK to sit nr kCbriMnof prrveni T atkeil mtrrr but ood joai ma no Ibe c lOtW rrplii ihi bit bsnblo raUult be bi I Ttio Minf Udf tol Ttrr fnt lb Lapioif kah ol babr aott bop aflVctioutc iuizfiu Qii peiot T Tbo Yoy yon fot Joatbaa wbtr wercfoo f bo 1 w JOB to the niif I I was reinir to lb rall to b aor Well I Id freo rd ol to ttttj fril for ne did tee t joT bat Dt vBtil cleiD eat of PhUeiophen nj tliat abottiBg the rat akat the teoM of bcAriog ireftt dcftt mort acute A va anfijt iLal Ibu acooali for tb manjr eret ibat art tceo in ou chotebet bnndaj 3 6aja lb ioiiortU Artanaa Wi Vu tna differ M iLaeh aa piMxa ae Atit tieaiileofa jooog Udja bat IteltjQ koDSdeotUIIr iftbe bu thoaaaid poanda tb laabooi u oear rite a job will get A dandy witb more beattlj ibu bnio married ao beireaa wbo althonjcb tery aeeonfJiabed vaa by do meifia hiQtitoae Oa dtj b Mid to ber Mj dear aa sgljr as joa are I Ion jm ai rel aa tboagb jea were pretty Thank yon lore waa the reply I eao rctorn the eoopliaeat sr foo u are I lore yon ta well u Iboogb yon nfaal wearerf coagregalio when be lifted vf bie erea to ibe altery aad bebeld jounpter pell teg tbe pple belo ih ebeiuata Ooffiaie wm aboet t aJinioitcr n eafra a mrp aad annciil renoiasd for bit acl tap iy ad diarepeet but tbe yoatb tcipiiiog bin bawled ot at ibe top e b vriice Tow aiod yoer preaebtag daUr aaJ rUkerp en awake Princa Napoleoa it deteribed ai too ttt to rvprateat tbe Boay parte faaily Oy Stne laad bai beet told ia Let doe at 91 000 000 per acrt Tbe Mila of Booth t portrait bae heea prohibited by iht Federal ooo mndr at Ralumore It cauted ie rrucK admiration in that quarter Ifl Peuottum hae one to be kifif ITu iiily mtjfy bat detbroued eotloo Tb wella of PenmjrUanui ftlone ytetdad revenue in 1844 ofMCOUOOOefer Ihmppi ib rerenoe rem co and iron InMiwABD Bock Tbe llelibi rhronicU tajt ibe Canadian eteemer JUrml wbitih Uy in flalifax all winter Alontreal Wecargft dy The Cosfrderatfon teeen appeart to be working in tbe Lower Profinrvs Tho oppotiiion pepere are beginning lo aert tW ibaj wilt be forced into ibe febeme end lie coDeoMpatton doee not een to be far diaunt The renerabie premier of GrMt Britain hn reccied a marked token of honour at the harvda oftia cctiBlrynen A new eity to be ealW Palmenceo la in rapid pmee of forMtion in Nortlw Auetralta end will probeWy be the capital of Mw eoWny tJ Tbe cigar trade of New York direct aad indirect employment to in tbouaand men Tbe irad and baeco ie vary dull jot now owing to the high tax irapoeed on the weed for reveaoe parpoaM tad e large number of cigar makeri retnro- ing fromaereice In tbe ermy IA The Moetreal Ocean Steamahip CoMuy hive lowerei tbeir ratea ftrPive Canadlana an epportnalte of Best Advertising MEDIUM county of yoek IT IS ALSO THE liBest Office in thii Tm Cnera Fi eoMty we loeragief 0th ioat Tbia redoctibn rgely taken ndnotege of wrt ef tbi tbe MM ea- a ef tbe way tiMUeb Ibe Fall crept have Ueed tbe wiat There bat been coBpwitirely aoee mater kHted wbil the aprie frott bere M far peaaad harnleetly GaU Repsrla Hon John P Hale the Natbotl lican taya t Tbef ie iMt tbe alibte trnih in tbe atateiqt Booth atieopted to ree bte Hteatjone opon Miae Hale but ahe alwayi inenifeeted decided aferaiea to tbe bAodaocae tiUaiti a toM btd WM retler perfect ritioe la feer dayt by W AyeH bead Tba elbcl of her ierktM She had at fini ne trer of pertpeelrf She pet i tbe wiadow lo try ts Mich the trera on the other aide of ftd wte sttetl igaotaal aiao i tbiep what teh thing at a bMh of key uecer bet wbce be biH her eyL aad wat atlewec lo teech the tba edictlad tci8 he iol tben at oece JOB PRmTING nORSB BILLS SALE BILLS WERCHANTS BILLS HAND BILLS BLANK BILLS CHEQUE BOOKS BLANK NOTES BLANK DEEDS Magiftratfia Blanlu Aad every deaertydoa ef PLAIN OBNAMENTAL ProolanuiUoa Extraordinary I Q RffTS ir Jtte waat a StlUgKmr CUT MADE kewest KlikfLclefl rri llMKaa Bteadwa er IVm mOiNLKYS GALLEKY OF FASHION OVKB SIMISONS 8T0KR Mr Blork SlalAAairkipM8l4 U4 Western Assunmoe Company iy Aft nf Parixawmtl Capital 400000 nOMB CFFICK TOllONTO Prti4ft 0ti MireiB rnKinir RAWU sar- II w CALDWELL 5ewmar1iMTV- IC loAS tf The Queen lasiranee C- FIBE UFi ANNUITCES I Capital 500 OOOSterg nh rvrto ioemltlea QPFIceiaatllh and To HEAD 07Pirlv MONTREAL t UlttJAM M EM In i Yiitc IThomabKat lir Thomam R I lToiisA5cEtq itMolvnt Hank JlffJiml 8nthcrltnI Ew Mreirt Torrance k t ireenabielda Job- HOtSfc AHU ISig of the Bronze Morter w 0 lal Alci InKlbh Cemrtnv inipc lMtafwin CuMda iM all Mxieb tknn and wM McSHSTEK Jt Stoves I Stoves REMOVED a TBOMPSON Saddle ftod Eamess Maker w riMTedltkwiiiralliMllMp diracU OppoHite tbe N AiiKricftQ Hotel thu wiraTHimf inhii ieef lih flrMflaM ankl and hi daMU HaiMa ud CWlar ha alvaji Tken IIEDEFIKS COMPKTTTION A eheie menmebi f srj ibtaf tU bk ABOUSS a tOT d or nid vi uaaii rMiablfhaiWwiUba htrpartiealBrtiiiarTeaWa 1 Ma W DEACpJf kelAprilIO tasi TcelkBitracted Wilhol Pilii dr nx peck SURGEON DBNTIST JAKS KEUOM CUTTER SLEIGH MAKRU Tinnlhjf Sireel Newuiirkft BEASOXAUrE TERMS Htvipff hd manr virt pwnr ia k trad no rtla coaodealo Winf able taii rFe Y Mr W H Claytons C K I F B It A T K I worm candy OR WORM POWDER S WARRATtTED t eoelaro m C 7 vtWr droit Aa mild a4 IfMtjt la actien an la Ih iasW Ttrt Itamd Bog 30 If4 m dn5r a vha bwt iwmeily i Moded J 11 Herd a Wer wUiedT PRINTING EXECUTED WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH PwMM bevif 8ie BDIa prialad ai I Uueech Om eitaieaiat the Cre 6ea j SDBSCRIfTIONS TEBHB160 in Ad vance or 200 when not 80 paid JACKSON Sb Pro Parlr Box Hall and 0eklns STOVES Whwm- j TtarrdlrU at TORONTO PRICES CoeetaaiJ m Huil a lock afanei Tin it Japanned Ware Aarosisnmo low prwes MnJinit perinaMx vitt flrd ll nf laewtirr u tie t detwrntead NOT TO BE tmBEKSOLB SMlat ettoaiiea b direied te hie Patent Royal Coflee Pot tiehl atiu Imo aacvvd lT the elwnS y Urii id Caffra eaa W eliqiii It i I Gotfl TAing TVy it Save Tronghing And evrT mW dHptVm warbia hit line ORDERS RKSfKCTFULCY SOLICITED SMeeptietAM liigt Farm Iodure TafcA te aatbMfa or cuda U lurlil Fann for Sale ACRgi Lted 1 aCOTT TbewboUwl OLD I B iOOO daw aad the ru ia Ciur Aaaaalieala JAMES KLNSEY ah Coeerii 0v VALUPLE FARM lOB SAIX 1 TH MiWrihrt oSVra r aU tha Ikttth Kaai Qaanarr Let Da S8 b ihatod Car WhiiJiMrli Oontainiag 60 Acres Mare or baa ef tm rale Ud wiih a fOo4 HiHtv Itrw Bate aad eihar aailabta eat- 0culdiafa Aiaaw Yotmg and Tkritim Ordtard Of the beat eoalitT af frail Trave The ahora ta aaa iifthe hK wWet Kfevtac fanea ta WhlwhiKh ad ltaaal iUinilaeenawmarkHaad Aateraud ia a J aiteatlaa fee mj mtWiMM viihiBrio Mrcheae ia a faToerableloaalNy W Utm Liberal pflr te JOHN mONSlPES W MOSLEY Ued Agaet Asiora Or te the owner oa tba aranlw M Wbitcharehrab 89 tU tti FARM FOR SALE r bataffMnmaiiMlor Lot Xo Khiihe ewweiteeefWhKebeteh for psnielTaa ffaatferd POSot Oetehtrl 1611 tI rt V Thaa Wiliaoa L wm TECTN MirenaOi da Oaa fa dMwawy with thejiri ffcilyaara llta axhe ireeuMaftaail iaeaa WITHOUT TifTH wfcteh 1 aniirey ael ta par- IK n likaaehaneaaiha bl haw It hea e4 tk dareoa tWtttt of h aafaiy Dr Pael NvtTarhPrlafcrd KcbaMtd urn Mapta Btrvkk KMaitari Lakiy lal af eath teoeth ad drt At S3 da da 4ih de da Mh le do Mh de d- Vhk do do aoih e de Slat do dA joiijy bejytley SA8 REmOVED to Ih BTORK direoUj oppoiiu U Btilretd Uotol wbare ba U opening a Nsw Stock of Fall and Winter Dry Goods BOOTS AND SHOES Fof Men Women li CliUrM Ain CMu TSAS CUSSlSCSlSSc STATIONEKY imd SCHOOL BOOKS DYE 8T0FF8 DRUGS 4 MEDICINES Win48 and Liquors fo Medicinal Purposes only Tbe bola of wbick wiil b Kid ic tj low rlo for CASH ud PMDUcrt A vr yfcTm A -mmyrw- Kawnarket Ott itb 18C4 t aaj bach af hieytreelee xzizz3hkoxAjua 8 Ihavaarra UHhVtrard while iti al rre uadr tha oT Ki ijdaV- tiaW Nittf vriiVM iirhalinit K onawarv iW peto tl opeiae lsat mar Imp aedarfaiair V ts Otiaia M O Aaiwa Apil 7b IHU T h ta rcrtirr Ikat t lahld rtta NUtea sMeOAn adaiiaWeraid 6r lir N J Ph 4 bad my taeih nraetaJ wtthoet aav pais any i IIBf U 1i a larya atoek ofi neat baaatlfalTi latnra vrll h i ItanHaA 4 N 7BpNhiBlM RKMOTAJL Tinols and Shoes CHEArER TflAN KVFR pIH Saharribr rephillf intirsatef h f Flmin 5atlWy Main lret maikei aint i now prrparet iciecuie Newmarkoi Mai Omrfa Ball Whalaaalafaet ii aceaad H4r AIVTa Nrweu Mr Aenir dlraet MaiiBrurerrC- Casdv ciurroA SirintfiTvM TaiWMrm by a i aud ram- of Claytaea WTerw Peadara eed aaTtonaaad hranrt UWU nriatrdia hWeUk tad the aicMtaraoi 3 8 WlUUe- ae eli IQ Clttyttmt H orm Comfy Prie 19 antta mirk rfom- fit AO Worm Pfert ptdinfrJ Htonedften Jre2ietnt Nawiearlirt MefrbS UCi IS Cabinet Furnitnre THOMAS WARNER WILL aatt CeAM renhtera el hia aa Water joM belew the Poet OAee Cheaper than the Cheapest Ka baa nw am baed larfe Moek aetbracaef BUREADci CLPOOA RDS CENTUK TABLES DINING TABLES BREAKFASTS COMMON Do CHAIRS StDEDOARnS iMXK CAiieS BEDROOM FURNITURE fce kc b farekiir made le erdMee abert eHke atae VriMiaa Rliaa Oaahioea for PaaaMl cea- aral ty A9er Hanfimy tmtntitd tw a bi- prur Stgie M for ale IN THE TOWNSnrP OF KING Sirs Itaae IMwikaiT o tketewe Dwlh Iloea Fraaw HuLla a olikwssvxy Tpriwreea POK 0lWSBVMr REAlOVAli FurBilirt Wktlettle i Reltil The aheerlber In rilataif ihaekeMrthe tihmU petntaaffe haherta leeeivad beee leielBalathatMHeiy REMOVED TO 1119 NEW FRgHISBS r far PartkaW A ttnMkNi vlil ha peU tw the CTedar Ubiaur Dapenaaaai P Preetp tn- CALt itmecTrDLLT aoucrrsD I JOSEPH MILLARD ratrketOct 8 IMS ifM lUi I 1 S t igfi n IS- hfi J I li Ih fi s C tharvhj hlic 6 Mm SS 3 era cKr l 9 1 Q i O JK H IV JJM W MipELE Watch A Cl ik Maker hUlNSTRKST WhtARKEr deepaieb fromjHif XoHe 1 niider biii ewa on A superior aaiort lentofWatch- ofl Clockfi a 1 Jewelry TB HSWHAKZir nr Carriage Factory J8 place to boy ft OOOD KBAT Durable Carriage OfalmoiC aav daaarlpiiee Bde the haet nelarielaad Hi a werfcftaetihe tlyle Tbe roR oasr i A- J ileCKACK he AprU 8IIM4 FUrafTUBBi cmr BUI u4 lUbi U I SAMBEL lOAPNOISE JJAe MeaUaily ea haed a fOMral aeeeet- F liMlbdiaff BeiM IfaaeaeteMd eed tr IMPORTED CHAIRS Which ha wSltMll iew fcv CASH O SHORT CREDrP f A acHtd Bemeatar Wet kt UKiiiiitdi fe IT IS A FACT J J- m HODGE cookinc 8feS8 ffT Lower t Toronto Prices Now ia fow H to he year STOVES and STQVPIPES alto Copper Tin Sheet Iron Jmn Ware EAVE TRGH M fibeepekiaa Raga c takei Till P The Firat Brick Store North of the P 0 r latft 19A4 tarsal Assurance Compt y I BftfiifirBf f as 9- i T SEASOir BA Losses 1 Fire Settled with T to NXWHAKBtT THOMAS 36 itei I864JPRiNG lut Totoo crahvms temp The Clothing GUAllAll yoa that the t7V HOPOB- mpuiess IIARTON 11864 ashion Sotai fte THE DAVIS05 Sitaud om TOLAOX OF sssr7irr dew te ba ami with tS ImmsdiaU VeKwOe flkl ifJUimirmL For forlJiar peniealaia aeoaiiBiru prepeftheprepfialwMjhap KawwarKet July M Blind B TilStahaerihen targa eheiity VeBeliai Windtv Biii ffORTBT aTt2BV9 CM BE WARJIEOIVim All paHiea ffrhaaln tij Pnb m wnl far lhait MtfaUy verted trii PiAt er OlatmaM pern atiMH that hava VlflTn STJAfJMOViD TUB BOXKitJMtfi a te nn iraaiy hc4WM aedlhaUeaOaTi irleaaSitnif doM net prateciajrA I ThatearaeeataianaepeaarO I afPiikar Oiatneat ea4w Uuiled sum I rHr eily farT- liar laark le the boekVdIri toe f Pot Be ron fMw It THBagJKfiiO VH9TAM that have tha OeJtrdtatfaM T nOLLOWAY epartme it rtia witk ImclM rnivei mada tlethiat r IWMta f Rurape for rVah oaly t hauaa la lha aVat CaH aed aee kF FASHION Farm FOR SALS I ia the 7h C for Sale iK ef Let Ala IA r ralilratla waltlresl ENGLISU iHEMiCALS Be 1111 TLM fT faenhTrtkeliitppljaHhe J TTAS alwarilm ik a cemplataMaartweet le areftheprAriafar a tha Pfaia iA ef Iheabeva a ofwhich are warrwied OB TUOMPbON ffc d pS3 Peraontraaalriaf haitirfnafl which eaa 1 oBviudowlloeallaa they eiatdi peed eo abtainlay wttbay eed aad e J BEAK GUN SfVIITHj REA80NAflE PRICE T4iSSi PORB COD NVW OIL TheHfonhoephireaorLlaeSedaaadlrae Qaletee Heraeatedtai Reat PtllTervifoff ftjejfBotaala Madkioetjftat re- Uadad ia 0 LOWKaT TERMS FOR CASH Ban Xwert Mewh S I6is 174 REMOTALl flE aatrhr hi fe4eriaf haahelhe Hban peirenat hetawed heft tela NWMARKEr AA eftaewdtfif ra1yy thai ha Rft- HOfBD te lha prlwa reeentlf oeaepite by MkH Otit Tkw Doort Sofi Duion Sam MAIN 8TREBI 11 Adapiad fer the gtnl work 0 Tailors Ihreai Kakvn aadtau wiU iftd It to thaii Farabk aiy Ob Wtar CPOtdanJefli SotaAcaatfar Paal aed biM IfeaBerfcelKi iaprtperWA UM ef HacklM UlrW litea etdtauy delai aheiLpreepily attended Altie 8UEL ROGERS r iM Biperteece ifaUd TkiDrugSUrt rrraer e JTpa eed VALUABLE FARM For Sale THCUirDKUIOJtBO eihn fcraea ihe Aanh UaK of Ui Ke M le the 7th Cm ramiee el the Teveehip ef Vaafhae eemprit fifty acres Mareorbaa ThetaareaheetWaeraeaWftrod fceeedAed wedareeed eehWiea Tha hr b remkhed wHh Dwelling House Bam Aed ether eet ldMifcaad k tkeeied whlilaB Milaaef BahiK a ow ear lo U hftf tw kete m6 b pieMMily le patthBha epidy I dn ELIZ PALMER VeWBMthel Mt IMA FOI rmyro roD o Mjr96 ttktoV BALE TBAT rhiehldlrwepeiiT kaawj aa the RMW PJRt ike We heir Ut KfU the flru cMoeel TadrotftlpeT Owfltteibvr iwHegee Teaife Street iietec 100 Acrei 1 reoeired do ntwd by Hartfmp ifivrt Ni farther parti ilate mMlr le WelUBefMrJohe Lee Ben DeMttty NAANIEI BrAhlye reVnary 1 ieC3 I artiale that rf i taewed ew HOLLAND LANI EP0RTE1 BUB ffJE K rj TRC tehterlhtra heeiec atMeted let PaUoarahip a Breean at HOLLAND L B1t rMpactfiiny in intimate Ihey aie pafed It aayply atl ardara tor Ale and Porter OfthabwMqeaUiyae tent eipariaeee Thefe Ala eed Pert etispteaad llalialeiiieeie4te iVieoe Fmmiiif iSipW W GAMBLBm J CHARM UeHh Get IS 1 MEDICAL HAL NEWKABEET Dc l U UM UUBU p TtBBity eOrederie hto ihaehateih bab taata V Newner eeiittyror lhalrUnrfp er liMfortha taal T ef eiieaenreartha aa tl Ml ba hat I wperted e ehalee iiliUfcte ef DnigaaiMl phendo ttA Del Traaeea 1 a vaciaty t eifleele4 1 Pm Cd Livrr Oil aJmagi fmk I Uaoarabar IS NOTHMO im LEATKn IPOaTAT TO Hameas Xakert- Shoe 1 Aad Listotr rpilf eadnifead ie dei2r- ir MfbS baa h ihathe haeoMr ehadeciMral Stock of Leatiieri CtBliMef 0ppar eed ta Laalhte inpakieaA af vMy aepertar 4ee SPAinsH SOLS LEAI lal tjabaat whBehIt emirawdeh wa ead whteh he to diwitefeed ei SMALL ADVANCE ON eall ratpMlAtlly eeliclrel baCani Mkeila elaaathare IVCaJk paid fo Uiim a W Aiaikil iiry Mitatea the Bewh AwerWae H TUOS 9aemerhet8p7 1V4 SBOP Maht Mreei mm deeri Aeteriaee kloteK AU Or4M Pumeimllf Aomdtiti ReviMitat iBy M ia4 For Sale THBmiidtaaee Meta atfeelstke1C e HeivMrtiri iaietadi BafUtralei Blaakt raJIOeeerMeaeehasdrereere Ai La jrjtJT 1M4 A For Sale Vlkfa ef e I Mete diiwtt Meteietaf e helleen e I wiibebeei7ACM rraate etrMiif T by Mr PeOar There la ea Ihe dwelling HOtJ8l nialaedeelnbleeperlj rotithrl Mtlee tepi If b lettal pr iMtkei stBh tCtt THE NEWMAIKET Butnmv STiT TBtAAt KBASTirS hiaUSeeeanler HIWMAJUUT Taava lrSOperyeer le Adeaeet ee Cheipcit Ftfer it k RATES OF ADVEBTISIfO Siilleeiaadeedar tirvi leaett Kaeh aebaeaeaal leeanie 9iitetae Uara firat ieaettf Rarh aahaaqaaet leaante reraaehlieeaboMlr Each aeheMeeelieaeMiee par ye iiJlieaawin ba iaaai bid eed ehersedaeeardleflr

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