Newmarket Era, 2 Jun 1865, p. 1

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AND NORTH YORK GENERAL INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER VOlTXIV NO llVr GIVE ME THE LIDSRTY TO KNOW TO UTTER AND TO AROUE FREELY ACCORDING TO CONSCIENCE ABOVE ALLOTHER LIBERTY NEWMARKET C W FRIDAY JUNE 2 1865 TERMS l50 IN ADVANCE Ofrdtorfl JTohn T Stokes tsi T Bishop ft Son B Vf Ac A BouUben gmtJTKR C09VZT In I Dr pfTSICIA ljU3iiC9a OCccftory Dr HcCallmn Pbriiclan8arkenna afrowhw HodhI AlkrtTwiilip of KHnnimHr tru H WoM ICD pinriinASvrgMS AtMhar Pebajisoi v49 T H Tict BAaRt9TKR aiul Attmr at Lw Rllei- mwm YrkCltBBtkroppMitHlM R B Jy QRRER lUirJrMr ArMaU8t H B tftiglntsi DIrrctorif Jftokson ISSrKt OP HURIACE LlfETISES KnOAMKwMrhtl 0tbr li IKS i If TAUEN AND WILLiOMi CmT ENOINEEES RcvmarkM J r a 1 Bsaj PsanoB in ik gaMii Ri tiivefatr Ar Ar Afstfarikrl CvmpMy OAca Ye IntemAtional UFEASSUBANCC SOCIHY OF LONDON liflTAL Htf JV- William Mvin Forwardine irnrral Affntf M 5l KirMi JfniTtl Cjr- iiMrTTkap4r AdRXra or W Bullrrorkm fertk parrkiMoft 0 rrodar Alwv The Qneens Hotel Ul Rwr lOXVT Zl B XI V THOMAS DICK ropriHor TnraatJanS IMS ifM Ntwmsrktt Iron Fonndrj KhiIM 3 tMrvVh iii KHlWMoea4rloi M NOBTH AMERICAN HOTEL ciias brelsforp psoprhto Hector A SoUivan lawSclieitPrt la chaieery TORONTO Omcr riwsi si To J T r J T iknOMVk Inaay iirw roooi I adU4 Tk Houm ia cratnlljr U f49 Thomaa Atkinaon T uc e n s e d A II c T i o n k e r i Nnrukn jai i- ut rromftit Aundtd 10 Davlsoii House I r bjr pi I MAINST NKWMABKET Wl vkirb6i- Br Btntley ftTSIOIA Brn tad AtK Ofift WaWrStr Wm Kotlty QOXTITAXCKRaad Um4 ffti TfTmtiik Mmr 15 John J Landy IAtRtSTERaad at Ua tm M CkkAMry Cba9jart ti Orriet iUni Str rkM May IM John HcXab Hcrirl 1 ACCOMODATJOy OF GUESTS pWiccfaraJlyihatk-fca- al lilTUt J94 Bible Depoiitory glBtandTiUmealfakihaHaiPjj iMO DAVISON Cnmpbrll A loiint jwmarkh j h im SwrHcU rrkn Cured rPICOpfeai j to nrd om AriMld elu id Wiihwhair aror boldiaj Waek Rodolpb itood at iarforR tyt wnKo loio i q Ma I donl kriow f Jam tb hall doof fli oo horae wm bd J aWpa in tfc HMi rorm by JoMpb Boifc w Mbd wilb P gftll hrf Hoiiifg and ruhing io aniiotu ejrM tb opeoiaa f Uj bWTj hllr unlk b 11 I tuioC 01 door rluJhoh fc pl Ibm p h n hoiihy rl M bl blu I o i 1 f ki UJj- b I lo- moclinulj wbupurf It Jn n Alfl Lr h h rm 1 h j I hJ h n h dr Th otl bullr l of bi MI bi bh II ptiil I r I high piriiad and turning to Mfgrv ho ji hioj and th ring of rotiUd bel tdol of hi iAid Uihr ard pruJ foUoal doa th eotild u heard opon tbe ton itepi Eiger tvJ r 1 L V er and lowd iVtU g tSirf b 0- U01MTT aad way bhdl ihU IVtr il00 Bo B Hogaboom if CLFHK rth DtTiMnfi Wt Cai aifwr la R R At Htwmvkt MBbrolry V Ml thai girtfint ukd ik boy raiMcg hi Anir t- robt adunoton Dr porter Snrgeon Dentist 1 ILL U at IIM RilfM4 i llvH tkrSfik afaK m Baa4 Raii m tK tMk tkahiriaai VwroiKfd to fit Sniiifaeiicm or m CAdff Mud IWtfe PllM vHb Pire 6M hltbZal wut Sral elMa aaad ap L Eogen M S Mkrm SopiUl Kadieki CoUegt MY Medical College DC FHVtflCIAN kc M STKCrr Mk tf fUiittm HL it4 tf spencer A Spencer lfiBlTER8 AND ATT0RSET8 laCkMefiT OQaayaMra tka Uiviaiea CmK OAm iflaril8ap9liW4 tf99 WhiikenI Whiikcral Do ym mt Wbwkaia ar MnaalMHaat ow Ofaaan Caipaaad vill cMa baw aa Ik aaapMal faea or rhia or klr a kaMi Mi Waaka Prtn 10 Baat kaaail aafvktfra wVaaw Ca Bs IM Broak the eailhoad hotei BY IAMKS WOODCOCK wi- fUUifrtrrrfU IM Char marljr acaapiad by Tlomta i T I S T k V I to mii from the Cart Bdcks and Lime tvJ Ood W 0 ADAMS D D S Dflut t9 Kimr Strut Mil Trnl C ARTICULAR iiiaiiitiTil 300000 BRICKS I ISAAC Xawwafk l 14 tmd liia kaat IJUa James McClOre Valewilii lUkWwitk Cuaaaa Oama For ika Ounrt CmMttaa af York a4 Paal Tofaaln Jaly SO ifSS CkancM ntodarau Allffrarapranptly I ttuaiiadie i Charles Dnrand DABRIMKR and ATTORNEr Kanff Bltnl ATTlIiriMia afMtalraMia ika PitMn Cnaat NatnrkH1al4alnRieknwi4 edwaid stephenson j j Imier tf Hirrligc LieeistJ Jj o w The Aarora Hotel OjffMiU Ikt Wttlry jr CUrrA TirmffBt Bull ft Boyd BARRIfTCRS Atiamay at U Boliei- lurt la Ckaaeary Motariaa PuMm A OrriCK Onforio UaJI CAwreA Strtet TMrd Dmt Rank af Klag TORONTO iaraataBwWr li IBM irSl Straordiaary t it jm irwZimhaa fUUg irar CUT 1MADE iK LaUn rriJ brawlway ar iar CiaiiM V nOCIfEYfi CALLEW OF FASHION orte simpwts store Caiirriaf MUrk IHe 1 14 US4 Wrapping Paper I accttVSD tMdapplrra ciaSMapraUk NEW ERA OyPICE it Blevins ft Severs BARRISTIKM AUnwaalLM8oUeiiM hi Oh CaavarfS Orriot Oorner of J ai ITrf Ungton Amnra Varakaf3 IM4 JOHN BKODIK Crpeiter Jtiier OitracU TIMOTHY ST NEWMARKET COTRAOTB ukaa tr aay daaeriplU rCarpMlaraM Rractiaa ofBaildiactAadeibaratraeiaraa aad ar lk Dr Marte a PHTBlCtAS Brta ad AM f AaMCU af Iba RAyal CDaa c VLdEaidj john cook NOTART OaMMtaMr ik OMnaQuaaaa 6Mk Ae aaawTST OFFKB ROBERT ARNOLD PtortiBTOR Tims HII i mw iad ap ia tha ay a far li amfaif aad arMmtaotlaito nf fOMU lh Bkf aad liardaf kalaf anp Blank Account Books JUATRKOEIVCD a aa aapply ai ih Ofltoa AUa Mliaiaaad MaaarsiduB HMka Ladyrra c NaiarkiJafytSIf3 dni aVI gOLICITORB ia CkMcary ad Baakrapl THE CANADN PUNCH THE PICK AMIIinatmad kaaiora Mb aarjUT 6h Miptira S arMMin farMlala Nav- MfeM Awaaiv HaxMtM A4ra Kdilor Pkk TaiMta JtKMry S CARD- Dr HACKETT HAVtHO ratarard la Ikta plaea wPI a- tiaw tka pmfllea f kia prafaaalee aa Sabbftth Kofiag Praiacutka riKbiia avary I Diaprballcloadt ibii lo Raoetiarinf aatbt a SaMaeufkl batcMM 0 dnpal tk kIb af aifbl bchipd Sir Htnry noikwl har hiti lion pulling an arm arAQiwI hr waii and amnoihtng hr dark curling hair hi Day aHar to morrow AgnM I tbill moiiDt my good tietd and bai rirU nA oor hmna H I M a fiU I nay w ara bnmla Should aiy thing hnppen to prTDt ma froa mcrg iBg in ih eonOiet Ful Boihiog cm happen to prirn yov Calber ngarly iairrupid Agnra Noihing bui Mddao iilbM or dacth my child O father f Wa moat look at poiaibi child and I ira yn d ooi ahrink lay oytliitg huli pravani from engaging io iha fight t know you will do A liMl mom yo will find in the ebony cat boaid my bnl Wiib Ihat ynu mw our rataliiHie bebind he border I r mindmy childl feel ihat yna t la UVll look ob tbe bright aid ow good night Thu thy parted wiih one Tnnd brece At Agiwi etttetedhor chair f dMI Xitrrntttrf The Unknown Champion jd The fronl doer of Lvee Hall hut e lavily thai ii rhook ihe hnc Oung girl and boy wLo aat in iha p fobrxgr of in4o piritl tare wat irble and dapr in omana eid Agne apn her bd and liaa to dmaa at qi pntiile whila abe Mgarly wlh to aeeeal of pride aa tbe day jon father laA or it otariy forty yeara ago I loved ibe anoor ray yoaog pnpil wore d nctoaeapot ofdfltt delta tia brijcht wrfaw DO etay aoiooeed or oo dinted ker faltira1 ray good old Arnold all ia wall- To morrow at the break day be tmnelail at tbe kail door w the black Rodolpb my fatbera bw yonraef id armor reedy to Mcoopaoy the yoong kniRbC Yottr bidding ahall be done And Arnold aboald the young knigbt f the rnrioaa and ateady pate ioh followed her Old fntold looked er ber wilb wiaifol eyi irod ahod- Iroqd atep like hr fatbora et Isgbt a fairye Wbere fata ebe fouDd champi0 Jeaeie baa been riddei abary Ibm by ber recking flmlu and fady I ia Agnoagoi up Waka Arnold dear flkwcxelaid boerea Toioe dont botber joor otd bead bat obey ordre Tootorrow will aoire all ihn the doabl God and St Joeepb gram g tbat my poor maaUra caue may be tm ku AMMe JiHwph reepoDiled Ainold- id be turod and went alowly towaxd v I L 71 Whaliiihimaiir Mtrcfyr lib hall Ihe girl WM dark hairad dark yd and Sir llforv ref deer ajr la ill- J oU before daybreak oeit moroinj uml p1tr llth br lip oWit 10 nrdo old Arwia ol ither haughtily and an impeKHtaft 1 Air d rMd aloud while hi LuMd karMir with n V lV Prn itk b fiihrea lk wordaoly frifhined y Lyi e dimly ligbiibl chim I the bd wher Ut and fDotimlraa whili ellgUwiH d eatar Yea i think I nefr heai daacnbed mor beautifully Why Agio I gni long peat tbi d ii rl Tbe boy laugM gaily at be enewer- ed No ue Aggie year would b lfabering again before I bad reed Shall I talk to you ioeiead er Hld 1 be the rei akd m a I Ttw jnrl itifd e troebled feee and Daag Ung it waa tSe bll door iloMDg to hratily tbat ii inppfd her rurda atd eaMBd both ibe per Mioiw at lal aielaimed Agn Ud ahe roee Io her lt jul ae ib aiiiing a good kind r II h- courag d the bed At the firat ei iblad for ahe tbooghi hr lUndiug a ailai e of hf rrd Dr fho IICMi ipaon pemlytio eerdwi to bleed the patiaot llanry opened hla eyea and obciott8 of all tbai wa gotng OMdeavoured to epeak but that poaaitil paper atid pircil wre lolirolcbu ought bm rt be ecrawl Doctor will 1 be well wimi wgh I Witb wibfa eyee be watched tbe phy tieian aa be deotpberrd ibe cbaraetera aod ble faee wore an eipmaion of great deapeir aa Dr Tbompeoo etoarnfflly meet Mortimer DtidUy asd we ar loat Agnea Anea read tbe irregular writing ae difforcDl from bia iuul 8rm clear worda and abe ooald eearcely repreaa her leara but eouragooaaiy maaering bar faeliaae ahe aid a abe bent orer the tricken er Mlley would i Mttlrd I 111 matter ttanda joet aa H dld befoi ebai yo diatioeily beer end uader hat I tay T at aod wu tbe anawer io peace deer father for a aill be found a yoB aad Ood cr brare aad akiifeL o abei on inch of ground oor i nofally He ibiiika bie claim ae good aa i mioe aod day atier lomorrow wa meet ataiU v v h n lb 1MIU jrouod lid lib lb ok mir fuilirMd hi d loc ll th 1 1 T ol lib I I lrd yoo nihl b b blind bu dnjibit ipelled to yield eod I cuutda i bear nla ihi OU g oo W n f n J o ft op IMt ho d go A ruirii Iroo od npid log lb hu bl I jj j I i 1 14 f illo cti u cmn od Arnold bm ftht o md pud in lolil wiwg oo j Th old lon lnwd u dUMUd bio od Ih pd lUri 1 rf b of Ull dl b orlkton Aj r 1 bl flbr Dd my W od H i Ma gvide your wMpuaeo tbat jeu regpecifally aad waited for bia yoQM me off cooueror laiMroapik Tb old rMa aW and patlad tho y euppoee Arnold tbat it idea ebee of bit prely Pnid fiher a parpoee to rida forth to rireadwribhm daybreak to- Sir Heery Lyele wat abrl fifiyfi know 1 know UUtreea Ajtaee teodaoma eid bigh aprial en up ju dowa aod b ea ngbt booeraUe ead kind fether j Fur iww generatiuna btwMO lb bouMo voio of DodUj od L irf bo lo I k of bioioo od lb girti pale faee fleabed aa abe apoke e rathei izperiencod yoaib but oae wbo baa geof ly tweJkirda neitding Lyale eiaie 1he dipute had beee ned from ooun to couri witkoot any iiawn made iB fetor of ertbar party lely Robert Eerl of Dttdley bad died d nie aen a deaking youag man of iQlyfite tirad ef the otd iime quarrel propo Io eeiile tbe debaie by wagle dbeuol ter- niory ibeo in ibe fourteeetb eeoiary met bod of eettling d pgiee Hiua the matter atood afd with eoa oraeMoa aod readmg tbe ibree paeeed AAer Alfred retired Agnre liagered brave beart a keen eye aad ateady bead All tbat he hae bat no enoor aad my fatbera ta fall too wide for him Kaow yoa of any other T Up ia tba garret ia a aaitioaguBoaed It belong to jour father wb ill do wry wl I tbiak Rave it brigbUy piabed aad all s iba ooQcb ia tbe bed- aloeM PrIly allent ibe Unknown Knigbt iDoanlod be apirited war took Ihe lance end atartW off at a abaip trot cleae ly f41owed by Aiaold Tbe yeoman tbook hit beed aa be ea- aed afcr teo aad mattered while walobing than ill oat of aijbt amoog tbe Tie nobody I keow TTe moaated none too glibly ihoagh be ridee well A alender yoath be ia to oombat witb ihe 2cry yooa Eari ef Zhidley Soceeaa to bi r In perfect aiknce tbe knigbt tod he qaire mde the abort dietaoee o ibe field if combat e plain ia the fartbeat vaige if ti Lyale Aa tbej Beared tbe fteld tbe koit aaid You leed tbe way Sir Etqaire for 1 mow not bat I may go wrong Tbe Toioe waa deep aed etear but ia rtia did Arnold etrive to rvoeaber laviaf beard it before Silaotly be beyed At last tbe groaod wet reaped tad be etrangirr re into tbe Sdd on one tide et the aame moment tbet Mortimer Dudley oo tbe otber A few ef tbe people wi aaeembled to witeeaa be iruggle Tbe aoknowa koigbt aod Mof I Sir William UelonD gave tbe re- qnir about Oa an inaiaat both bor- apraag forward aod bora tbcir ridera Ooce bey met yet Daitber one waa ick tbe aaoood erge tbe Earl of Dudley toaebed the abouldw of tbe youag kiogbt who viaibiy reeUd Aiooid wu deepeir and muraared t All loet tbe next ebarge be will asrely fall r A bird time ibey raebed firwrd and in a cloud of duet ooe ef tbe eombetaata went dowa Arnold cl bia eyea and fairly groaoed wbeo a abeat aii btai lyale f rererl Lyale forererl Pare eooufb it waa ibe preud Earl of Dadly wbo wae onboraed aad ba bin knelt tbe atrance kaigbi Now yield ye Mertiaer Eari of Dudley Sir tieery i am aure Thi Irieadaofbotb partiaa mattered iloeely eround end Arnold eaiong tbe Kite ap Mortimer Ear ef Dadiey id yoa abati kaow wbo baa bee able to nonquer yo Tbe youoff Earl roee aad witb felded arme leied at tbe aleeder mailed igsre before bim Tbe ataya were ttaleoeed ted beltael women and deerade not heir manhood ao dninK- 1 badio for my home Sir Karl asd God guided my arm Ilervafier let n meet u frienda who hare prored each oihcra mettle Shall it be aoT Unable to rtaiat the tweet TOte and bewiiohing amile Mortioer aeiied the mailed hand and kiietng it whitpcrad ao low tbat none of he byatandere heard Yea a ihouaend time yee Hind from my fall I will riae and aoer higher than ever aeeking only for loTe and approbetion A bright b1ab apreed over tbe beeuti- fo ftoe and for a laomont the dark eyea were raited only for a moment then with a half murmnred ftrewrll Aiea mounted ber farihera borae and prepered e leave the 81d aa quielly at ahe came But thia wia not to be ao for all tbe peo ple preeent turned witb one aceord and in riomph aeeompenied ber borne She tried ia vain to remonttraU againet thia ber wodt ware naherded Atherbri ode the pmud Ear of Dudley lebed bta eara aad by aigna be The airanire knlgbt eiclaimed Margaret in dtligbt A Ifred wbo aat beeide the bed rone up exeUimIng while bia fraatefairiy trem Wait tlU you k lead tbe proud c dear father 7 aa bia lac oqueror to your bidc VVahikton Maf 23 Ofteie iaiel Itgrnca hat baea reecivrd ef tbe aMoadi tonal Breoder of tbe Coafedcrate ram lo be Spanish aelborilja at llataaa Tbe Sbeaandoah ia blered t be tbe lal rrmnaDt of Ibe Coafrderale aavy Wbea laet beard of tbe waa prowkag Ibe Iftdao Oeeaa Preidrat Johnton batrefnoredkia bev- net office from Ibe Treaaery DepertaMst 10 tbe Eieealirc Mannoa which for tba 6rl lare tiece Mr LincoleS death waa 10 dy tbrowa opee te viMlera Seward fvppartcd by two tertanit and aecompeaied by bit daagbler TiHtrd Ibe Prewdeal tkit moraiag b laitcrgiiag btm aa ayduce ia the bine room below ttaifa Tbe ofllcrt ef lb pymtteraare crowd rd A day witB oficeit of Ibe army aow rDcampd aroaad Watbiagloa drawing ibir back pay TLe i rtpeelir Kbirgedia Ibey wrre mtttred Major General Ceier bee beea awga d to ibe eomotaad of a aew depanmeat fonad of tbe Staica ef Arkeaten aad MiMnri n1r MejirGraeral Sberidaa HatkmfBt ef Tobellt I re to day oa a tpeeiel tamer aad baa cooiiaitlrd te ibe OTd tpiiol prieoa I wat dirtard la lb garb of a brmarat be time bf hi caplare Col lerntA Jeflitra Davie PHvat rotary baa ben brMgbt e Waabiag end trcitrtly lodged ta priaoa Ibe ctek ai abewl wgra by Jtffifaoa aM B tbe line of ktt caplere wae pre Wilb a atep leae firm aod varying ebeek Agnea led by ber brother entered I atry Tbe cloak Sir Hearya chamber ller viaor waaj ib thawl at a bood Tbe eelonri eloeed Orwiiog forwerd ebe knelt bende ia Bdr ibi female appai the bed At an eager aiftn from ber feih I atrove lo nnlooaa tbe etaya bat ber ilinr firtgert refueed to do ber bid ding J he Kari f Dudley wbo atill kept by ber aide uadid the faaienioga and Alfred threw bek tlie havy helmet di ckwing be lluabiog ejiut face of Ag m Lyale lhe eboek wae great and effeeted a re for Hary roee ap in bed and AgnM I Ae 1 my Agnea In a f drab lie aw transferred lo ibe De- tbe colovrt ef be lMtb P vovatMra foaad ia Ibe begje CoafrtUrae party lad w Bolb Mra drfiaat Tbe ofWar of ibe pecple altndy and e be paitait ufll emHlng Ibal apoi Preaideat Cel Piiirberd for tba ibibilcd by bim in apt ofb Yea fiiiber exclaimed Alfred it ia aorely Moritaier Dudley bi Geatlv Sir Hear your pilww Like a hero your daavLti onn armor and bravely eowball for our rbie and anboraod me I I tbo proudeet nobleman ta Englaad m here to aay it 1 yield to her all ly heart and fortune the devoted love of a lifotuue here ia TOur preneaee I lay at ber feet praymc bat alw may not give I my dMtb blow for refaad will kill Witb deep devoted love ebiaiof from biaeyce tba baaghty lortiaer Dodley lit her enpwer Rieiag from ber koeee al clad in inking armor aad ber faee bnlliant witb bappineee Aaee Lyele eame forward aad jItflVd tba tiay lian ao lately ineaaed in intlet i ibetrd ib e wbo wrrr properly eatilkd te it aad a ard il nf boaor awarM t each om Lie betk upoo I Nbn paciicpaied la ibe eaplar n May 24 There ie if trouble yoaag Eu aayiag witb a laaeiaatia If I have vaaquiehed yoa Mortiiaer yao bavn conquer me for all time Mortioter loided the yoaag giri in oae fond embraae tbe tarnieg to Sir Henry wbo lay apoo hlaptUow emiiiag but weak Tour blaeaing Sir Henry Lyile Tbia day yoar daughter ha won beck year inMritaaee aod rolbed lae of tbe tkinga moat valo ia ibia world beart aod liberty two feata Tbaa Agnea Lyale beaame tbe wife of oaa of tbe pd noUee of Eaglaod ind ihe memory ef ber feat ia atill eber- iabad Cer tbe eraal of the Dadleya iaout daa cornet of gold a womana boat bair diabeveled bseom bate a helmet on ber bead with alay or throatlateb down I manuacript io poette of tbe Dudleya of Northampiooahire praaervei tbe etory o Tat UaKXcnnt CBAartoii aderc Bprrlef fe HrraU moroM May SVTba Gni bit dMrKt here foaad a traa hilt rf ifiJicinMat for Ireaaoa agaiaat Jeliiaaa Davi Ibe cbiel of the lale rebelboa Ue be brongbt here aad pat afaa bb Nrw OaLraiii May Slvia CAiBOi6 J The Iaryumt baa reliaMe iaferaliea Ma tbe iranfUNeiaMfpi Departmeat lhal Cel Spragnet cfereaoe with Klby Smith retelicd m of wbar Cnlanial tbroagb I au the ea atreaming louda which had till tben been oUvnred ebone full spon tbe on- aovervd faoe Mortimer itarted Tbe yonng man fraxed io wonder and admira tion opon the delicate fane loog wavinc browB hair and beaviag boaom young Agoei Ljtle I A red flab mae to tbe brow of ibe baogbtr Earl aad b bit bia Upe with rH- Bf Agaca long dark labea droopad wbicb waa now paling aod abe expanded MTSUad btad Yo bate bat homoi to tbe fata deerved to all mankind From Ibe beginning te the end of tiaie bnTa meo will yi to tbe power of American ReT0lnti0n Fobt Motsoa 94 A etaatoer ained from bear tbia firenooa forSevtOBab ao der eaaM orderv Mra Davia ber four cbtldren brotber id aieter and Mre Clay go to Savao kb in tbe Clyde ea parmiaaion for tbem proeeed North bae been refueed by tbe War Departntent Yeeterday p m t guard waa aent oat to tbe Clyde and aaairebcd tba ateamer aod all tba bajage and effecte rf tbe Coo- federate party mnining on board A large am unt of g4d vaiaable Ae waa fuand in tbe baggage of tbe U diea but with tbe execiioo of aevaral were foand leftuamo- omoara flying about tbe eonfinemeut of Jeffemn Dai baa been oae o tbe tffaet tbat veeterday eveaing be wta manacled io order to prevent oo doabt any injary lo bta caH eboaid be aa Mra Di remarked beoome provoked a tbe et eurtfftlaaoe beld over bim Tbe trieteat rslatlea raapi peraona vintiag iba Fortiwae are atill ri gidly eoforeed by Oeoeral Hilea tbe maader eftba poet No paraoa either oSeer or civilian la alked to eeter tbi Furiraea ueleaa daly provided wiib tbi railtile paeeee Tbe laterteon ey Ki Qjferaor Letcher wai arrealed at bia borne io Lexlagteo Virginia oo Suoy laat and laat night tnived in Wtahiagf oday in regard I tried Jrfer iagton c nil he indicted by a grand jerj ia iebo wiihia a ew dayt fet treeaen be mimn be it iadicird bie parole ia of I rribir H Ie bim Jt it reported ihat the Eaperer Mexi- iiMa aad Ibe Confdrala Gee Ktrby ttb hare rrceaily been ia negNiatio bllet ia rrgard o the piepoevd Fed tl migratina e Mxwt 1 ta a ipceted ibat Smitk will give a good deal tailed ta aatbrag ia coafeqeaace ay w he rebel ceaaaiL Cimiih for hemaalvaa wbh iSrrrd la be Pridaaa proek- matioa Cel Spragae rerMd aaee laied by t Miaoart Celanet wba gaae lib him to Wahiafton te ooaf wilb aBtbarilei tbere If ihe Geaeraia ara It iaelaWd la tbe amaeaty bey p joia MafaidaB da ia great 1 W PMI gaerelly drtpon caa be bought very lew or geld Sararal beaU leaded wiih ena are reedy te come eat ef Red River m Aneiher lUg af Irace boat ie expected diwa ea tbe 3ith The ceaat ie oaa flwd from Alaxaadria ta tbe Booth e iha Rd Hiver Tbe ftleamthip Cliatoa froa Brtaoa I6ih Srinp coiifiimtrioa ef iba flb at Brece dr Chwn laa betwrn the Jailed SiaiM foreet eader Cofeael BaraeH aad Ihe rchelt eader Gee Slanghter bt which Ibe Tay were dnvn tweaty aMlea a wardt Brewotilte wbe ibe rehele wtre tatomrd aad Bameit retreated fifhtmc ad reached Braxot wiib be lew 72 iHH wotinded and mMieg ieelndttig Teiple aad Lieetennal Sewkk if be Sith Indiana eaptered Bengbieri eScial repwt ampiiee aar on and ctanne a big vietery He ad- ante lota of 40 mea Secretary Sewtrd ia BMHy oiity lenr yeara old Fredark Sewnrd bia toa it aboa 35 yvara oM A Hind celenred girl wae reatofed to Mgkt by fright canaed by ibe tenifie ptotm ef lb pnwder magbiiae at tba ivaceatioa ef Riebmond At a graad rntertammeat gives lo arit by the Aetitn ABbamJnrB iadiet appealed a baa aed in tba traae diagaiaa execnud a dance w4b greet lUU 1 Mr Dana US Atjita flea- lary ef War bna acrpid the ediMrie chair e the ChMage a aew paper with a aala of 910000 pwr as I i

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