Newmarket Era, 30 Jun 1865, p. 2

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THE NEWMARKET EIU JUNE 80 1865 Itw AdrartlMmMU- Faravoll to NowairkHT A lUrtoe rhiitT J Tiirnr UlaP W Jartw Tm IartiM lM KIm kr W Tm t H W1 I A Kl W tfVKI Tnia TIim Htvmarket rrinl ft4 4f r trahM Mk plkr 11 MoadaT rQ gtw ttiday- J 80th r TOtOfTO rOLZOB IWS8TIOATIOVI WMfm HAm THROWERS CITV TAXATION KIrcIlM I Ward MAfonc nsnrAL Joitt 30 1865 ScrgrMt Mjr tMBjilictly WTtk tW of brlaft bit iriM tl iWir w l riom eiim Cu4 i now baf lifvttJ bcTort iW r Cwwr IV ftcU etitM It lb trial rtUrdif wrt Ttrj A of ewnf WiiM 10 tm4 lb pebU TW lekfrtfh bM Mflil Mned lte llGa nra 4HMAT Wli trnveJ M N Torfc b Ibe CVL TW 0cl r Ihm njt Mr BrMT will be M Tormilo ioaj Je m eweweil tkot fW cWapM Tbrewtrt Me Jtrwy McLeoMD vUl eoiplt tbW CitJ M lb Cneket QroB4 ia ibr Qwn Parit at S oclock p m ifr mfrrcw N iwH it wiU j ro4 of tbt teocy MtJ tportiot fob Im Ciij Ctrcil bare deUnoind sp ktia 6 iilafor 64 Bort Cbao foor liom at aiacb ibc Art of iMOfpaali allowt NewMckel l be itied fcH local Tbe valo ofi of CitJ properlf oo bigbor is eofortiM o i4 retl or acatat riloe baa Mr R J GriSib la been eeled AMotimo for St Jebo Ward to fill ibe vecoMf n ih Coaaeil occaHoecd b the dnib of AM Meoie 11m Fteal of Si Jri tbe tUpl wat cclebraCeilia ail i Mv3ic Lodgt ril etar o Mefniijr In eooeloaion we wnoKi etpree oar taraoet wjMa for rair faiora fimtprhj ind happmen and miy boo ahd beopiboo Tm I aoo tobio pon lhoo at inio ih Tbo L liti op H lancM aptf ibo aoU givo Ihoo poeo Ofl boblfof ibo Cla Sinod bjr ibo Comniiloo KWMairr Joaa33 186J IUJ tod Doot Sir Wo ibo moabora of jrnsr 8in ClaM foor ooeepratwo of thi m CboM ami Saofd a nail loben of eeteeni and bey may lAard pfB plof wbeo Mokiof rolata Iroaa fi4foo mod wmtumoo WoootdialljrjalB wHh iho Biblo C In heir wiahao lor looi loioro Co Orammar Schools- Tko looohor of tho Nowmorkal Oram- MOT 8dK haa fotf eot of his wr as wr orrich low wooh modo no alluvion lo bwi wboioTor 10 tako upoa himeolf ibo Godfaibrrahip at tho Bnord tt Edoeo- lioD owd likowiae lb opoiMorablp of Ihe of Trwstooo of Nowiworkol Graa- WMr dcbonl of wbeoo oes bo pro tntat If MMK Wboa bo yaia a litilo aMor porbopo bis owm eqeikbriwa vRI Ml bo ifoiia ao oasily Aoiarbed Mr Vak on Saissa skos issoo with as wiib rogard le tho efloet of iIm Now tUgulsiioos upon OramiBor B So for as ikw optoioB gno bo is owtidod to it bat wo Muai eonfoao ibo looid ortielo giveo olaowboro Im fsls to OMivIaco tta of iho CArroeinow of bi coMcjasieas Mora oporwUuoa eaimioi 40 irnlo or oetbiag Lot m look al tbo hm Om of tbo rogakiioai rood Ibaa ATMtlMlofJaoj IMI aoOraaoiOf Ail ke aoimd l lecelt aotSlo itaasoof apidawls eioepiedi at IM holog Oreak or uuta mw ahall ai9aftSCeoi7 Oramur Seboela AsBoedtaf lo this ralo poor aMS ro- hi tbo riolahy of a Ortmmar Brfioal md dooirovs of qaifjria bie M fee an engineer far iostsDeo is poo Itioeljr froeladod from tbo sdeseugso of ffco hMtffoieo tWMvgb pyfpg W pro rato ef CoeBtj Taiatoo to msiats Bsaidas adaiiltiflg tbal khdj of those SebooU bsvo lilUo aaoro tboa tbo lo distiagoioh iboa from Coaaaaon IfehBali aiUi hoy mfplf l tbe deoisod far eleeeoiary aod eJsasieal odoeaiioa hi tbsir rsapsee locaUtioo and aty rognlatioQ oalcaUiod to koo iboa op eeoB Ibo pooreal of thai wiU ooose as toaaeaoc Waafc Wo beo Moti the tfaaa vbofi o if orsa the Now Morkot SdMo would a dailgat- Umdame of toe for lo soctiro ihia wo bowM jdgo tbo register sboold ha noi Wo tbas finooa or aiitooo ppiU Oroek or Latis AgiBthefloo oftbooa w rg- latlooa to esleslaiod to Dcroooo tbo Jta r Ibe toolbar st ibo aftnm ct maar a tpiv wanu to qoolifT Bsefbl ceninc la iile aeer aoo who an Ms ao tor soon vboro bio Greek or LstiD woaU be Irt 1 Itktog Bp bia tiM le tbe par- sail of sies el do rod or proetieol ad vmitUge la ibe fstaro j and aaloss bo io to do tkia be ii owladod abO Cber Sopbistrr eaaaot ebonga iboas Ii b tbe caM or awko bad rale good Tbe letter e paWisb aloowbore today tbrovs do do ligbl vpoa tbo solqoet aod if tbe wrtlor bod kept bb feaM wKiidaoi to bioasIC be wooU bsee eiblMiod leas of ibe aebooUboy aad or of tbe gMtlenoa Beaidaa It valid bare beea lar aeeier for tbe Beard a aiau wbetber tboy spfroved oi at mw raloi tbaa a pmtoa pto Umtmw iotel igDer of ibsir iei to Bible ClaM PioNio A aofwl rieNk ofa ehsrar- r was bold oo Thandajr el laal week io Mr Irwias bosallfI ffreea near lh rcAideaoo of Hr J W CoIIIo aoalh of Ncvntrkti aoder tbo aoipioof of Rot Mr Kralers Bible CW and Ibo Csas da Irelerisa Sobbath Sabool A aoiaber of awings won ofoeted to Ilie do litht of those wbo eijAja bat kind af rxcTciiewMkober amawmeoU oeeBH d lbs afteeUoa of thoos who AoeiM plsjs iaoiead thorcof Towardi sreoinc tbo wboW eonpaoj partook of tbo reij exeeUstit odiblos the ladioa had taitpliod la grtal sbaadaasead ill pa wad oif liapplj aad ploanDllj u eoald bo de Id tho vreoinjt hs wtib their friooda aaoeaiUed in the naH R H Smith Esq in tbe chair when a fee abort spoecbaa wcro dsUverod and a amber of pieoos sanx bj tlio Sabbath 9obool obildroQ Mini 8 praaiding Ibo aloJaoa wilb bar asaal ability and gTMO Tbo funovttkg PraaaatatioAS aad M- drcsofo wm tboa aisdo aad doiitorod Rof Mr FaAsia aAor whiob the i aeaibly joiaod la aoelsl gaMo aod play aatil tba boar of rotiriag NKWHAaBBT Jooo33ia Ree and Doaj 8ir Wo Ibo aiaabocs of ibo Bible Cisai lodof jmt rbarce baviag aodertiewl ibai jrno aro abosi to reoMve o another Seid d labfllnoX allow iho roiaiieo wkwR et iaie bolwoen m la be brokeo wiibottl ring of lbs isgTst wo feoi at IIm preepeei epontiea Pufing Ihe lime we haeo had iho benefl I inairooiteaa we haee detHori yor orbaniiy ano nmiofn ktodne ai rail oa te jroor laiibfoiNeea and aMidaii y impelling lo oe lbi koewUdgo wbiob rben po fei ibo liiolbaJ Allow nate nreaent joo lht velame Tbe Land aod the at a mtwten ippiv Oobebalfsfibeelaie Signed by ihe Cntnmiilool 9iaeo hie roaidonoo anongat aa Rot Mr Faazci haa woo for Liiusif tbe ce teooi aad rospeol of all wbo koev bia ideod tho aore be beeaaM ktMnra the beUer he haf been liked and wo aro oaly aorry to Usm of hu oootempUtod retDOTa from the rilUgs The V 8 730 Loan- Msay poroaa who boTt am peid iirM sitemion to ihe fieaneial sBeira of if tho rnghbourbig RepuWic froqueoily lak What ia ihs aaeoaiog of ihia 7 loeat WbyiaKeoeeMt la rey J mj k limiij nrniM tb ll U 8 OoT ore oookiog to borrow wo hundred and thirty anirtioiw of dot- at bnoae afon Uailod Staioo aeiso boade booriag and SOda iaieiM r annon oa each 9100 Tboiaiorest payable bolfyeorly and eoapona aro atiaehed to oseb aoto loproeeeting Iho lerosit which esa be eut od oad wiU onabed by aay Nslioaoi or otber Bnok ihe ooantry so aooa ae iboy boeooM dae An importosl sdvastoffa eoonodad itb iavMing ai ibaaa 7aO aaiao la faot ibat tbey era aol Istable by Ibo Sisio Cewnly or Cky ibos ofEwting a eatlag of from two lo faar per coot to ibe iitroator Tbeae Betes are re 1868 I h tba Jaw gitoa tbe boUor tbe prMJoga lo traas tbe la st that period to an eqtial aib ibe famooa aad popvler 5tO lloJdbooiog 6 per eool Joea or I mad Ibe OMkaoy Tbio looa Moy bo egarded oo a f rei mortgage soys Fat Cook h Co tho great Pbiladelpbia Bankaia 00 all ibo Isoda aQ iacoartoe all aloekt aod Doodi apalfroai tbe 7M I IB tba oooBiry The lloiuroe Doetrin vitb tbe oataUiabiMM of MaxMailisa oa tbe Tbreooaf Hesiee lore ihsnera aretalring esleulsU eoaplieaio diAculUoe be Fraaeo Moiieo aad the Uolied Suiea we bear a great deal saM aboal the HoBroe Doctrion Soim pocl hat ia ibia doctrine f What prio- dpU doea it eaondaUT What doM it propooo 1 la reply lo tbeoo queciea wa tmi oKebaagaa aa fe Tbia doe- iHae is oootieiaiad ia two dWirtf aiiioaa pot fortb io Prao Mooi Beaaoge of IBttS Tbo 6rst deeUreo it as a priadple ia wbteh tbe rigbta aad ioteraaia of tbe United Siateo are iorolr tbe Aaiarieao Coaiiaeeia by ib free and iadapeadeat eoodiiioa wUeb tbey bste eaoaaMd aad awiataiB are baeeeforib oM to be eoaaldored aa sab jeale far faiore oolooisatioa by any Ea ropaaa Power Tbe eeaead raaa tbaa We eve li le caadeat aad 1 ffr-1r- rtkiloBo exiiiiaf betvaa Uoitetf SiBias aod Corofoeo Powi declare tbat ve eboald oaaaidir ai loapi ca ibaiv part te axiead tbeir Byaj MB to aay partiea of lUa bwaiap ad daageraaaiooer peeaa aad asfaiy m iaipaciBat ibai the preriooa abeaM bo kepi dieiinct The first was mefsly a praleai simod at Kuaaia egtlosl ihe or- ganiaatMin by Kuropean Powers of eay new aocielteo io ihii hemisphere eeoond was a deer aBtHHincemeni he Untied Stales wouiJ eonaider any Kuropein Power interfering in ihe Ooe- ernmeot of an raiifing American State aa a hoetile act h Ibis point ia Ibe doctrine tbal ia Ibe Important ope llo The Hon Kr MoGm The Moaireal correpoadeiH of Iba fifaie aod iriepa aiagalar circeaHtaeci lsiy bfttb cmacids ia alaliog Ibat ibe lloa Mr HcObb iiKamd lbs di dare f a largt ponina of Mt Irish 1 tieeBi bj bit rvakarkc al Wexfnrd Secltag apoo Ibe cUeracter of IribaKn ia llw Ueitrd Slate Ws t Uf tle fslUi frnm tbe report 10 tbe Lftder at giriag a cnociaa Mateweot of ibe poallio aialtera at preeal To all appearance ihra ii nie tratb ra the aaeirli Terry Kinaegaa ia ooa of y Idler to Iba okibt Mr McGii ie a garded as Ibe aweeteal ptaeb oat of OriftalewB sad thai bt bad better look ell to bi asrels or tbe boys vlgbt pea bly gifa bia Ibe oold abealder oae af kass be waraiaga wbea aaikiag ibair boo Mffrege Howeeer Ibat iy be bert is Ibe dtfieally aa dMrfbd by Ibe Hnnlreai cerreapoodcal ConwdersbU eieilaaMat waa craaled at Wrkferd eigaed by of ba waraMal fiieadaaad tapporler li taya that Uting read ia Iba sfeech at pbliebed rAclioa ibe cbereeler aocfl steial aad pokiical of Iriabaea ia ibe Usted they beliefe it sot noty ihlaaotltooM aed eegeMroo bii asjosi ind Ihey pblicly ditelaHa ail yaiby nth Mcb iAciteoB aod bg aieeibefv of tbe ceeeiiaory of vbich Mr HcGee revroaootatiTc Ibey feel it iocaaWal oe Ibea to aaba lb UlaMaer aad lo ateare Iboir fellow aoetaen ood Iboir deaeeodsals fW C io Ihe Uaied Siftlae thai Mr Mc- oadoel a apenief tbeir ebaracler wa iadiTidaal act aed dertves ao wsmity freai either ward or wiMi arar Ured by ibt Irish body of Mwrtreel reaped ihey aay aa wdl a reaped or Iboir faUow cooairyaeo faMs ibrir wticiaf fa detod tin aaaiif ofpawre ilaleiaeals wheb awrk Mr BeGoa peerb hot tbey 00 ledeelortbai Mf Mctiea 14 el a nfa poblie gotde and i ttrodor bol ralber what biKb eorletwii- aolboriiy ooee decribed ba a Ibror M irea lo wntisg elnqoefit iaipodeAce lod ia Iho habit of Mberdaatiog ibo facts f 0 caaa lo tbe faocte of bfa arisd IVa atfoog dadaiaar end isogoacc are eery aoggeMive sad oaiaooa if lbs tide waa laroiog sgaioel po and I bae beard it poblidy h will eot aitoin otfrr h4atf for iW ropre of Moflireal Tbo faelag of Ihe try atrooff apioM bia sod be IW eteoae biaaelf oa tbo g of yooibfal foUy Misfl Hillarye Coneert rbs eoaeart oa Monday aicht Urt was oatire soenes both u rtgarda tbe porfonnaiMa aod tbo Bomber of tbe aa dlotMO eepeeially ooiwidcriDg tbo abort ETory oiM proeaat vaa dotighted with Miaa lliiUrya aiapajt aad wo are aboald aha again viaii oar rilbge abe win be greeted by a fall booae Tba opBoeri opened vitb aa initnisea- lal pfaoe by Miaa E Sponoer aad wm deeerrodly applaadod Miaa UUlan fol lowed ailh II Baeio aod waa loadly leerad Next oaae Mrs CaapboU Wboa tbe Swattowa Hoaeward VYy- Stag viib aaaa aad grsee aad vaa la ll Measra Jcbaasn Jt Wslfis A daa by tba Miases Oaleer raa tbe dx pl oe tbe p aa raptaroaaly leeeited Hfsaw by Mia r HlUsfy aaag vitb good taste ooaeladad the ftrM part of tbe pCognsBO la pan aeewl eoeh p vae eaeere Mra Kobert Raaosy beieg added to ibe M of vocaUta ia a do wiJi Mra baH no Lmt JUre of flaaaaf by Mia lliUary Te af Ihe lWtMra UapbeN f Bed While aod Biaa Um CaltorwoQ Tbe Ur- board WaicbMoMr Jobosoa aad Walla sod tba aoieotwa fiwa Nerw by Mhm Hdiery ooeb fa tara raoeiTed tbe ae pfaadile of tba large aa oaaMy It wh a eoAoort faag u M re- erod aod to ear afad Ibe bel ia Newaaiket for yoara WlHle we do aol for eee aiaaal d to de ffm Ibe artwe of Mm iUhry we aoy aay thai oar local lafafct aeror aboae ceospicaoaaly Ibaa aa ibe abore MU Defi Wo Dotiee by oor oi ohingea from theeoonlry both oatt and veal Ihat hydrophobia h prevalent imong Ibe eaniae epecfa le Lwndon C W fearfel batoe bae boon mnde laong Iheia by tho police As this ia be seoooB wboa dsnger is to bo sppre bended our sulboritioo woold do well lo the uaasl proefaaation ao ounce of preveoiioB ie b iter then a p of Sboaid tbe lifa of eeea one per be eedangered the Qegleci woold be aloMot erimiaal Ai tbia aeaaoa of tbe yesr dogs ahoald aol be allowod to rev at Urge eapeclaUy im Titl4gea and towna whore large aumbera of persoos eootiBoally opoo ibeatreela Ba2 XefUter SalBfday Jsly 8h Mr Thnaaa Aikioami ha ao AaetMa Sale at hia ronat ad jotpiog tbe Foeiflfa of Vemiisre ite Cooda Beet Sbooe lUady Made Clotbiaf fee tlalo to coa- oTe iheaarae ttiJpeaad flethe finraafao Tbomaa AikMaen Tan Bik Cod Oil Tanawa eemmanoe et ISoclor Per fall peiiMolari Ma ihe oc neoi lo aoeiber eolsan of Common School Pie Mio- Oae of tbe bmoI sgreeabfa Ceaiaoa Sobool lie Nioa ve here bed tbe plee- aore of attoidtng tbio aeaaoa took place Mrs Roger woods near tbe reaidi of Mr Brook Dopaii Wbitcbarch na Setarday Uac h ombraasd ive safaaols tho Loioo School of Whiichareb sad Rhig sod No 1 of Baat Gwljllmbury both tfehools wore situated 00 Yoago Street ibe oraar berii iba Mi HitL far Tea ibe re aod the Utter Mia RoBiiteoir Swioge were ereeied far Ibe amtiaeiMnt of some vbile other joiaod is eariega fteid sporteiDd playa Derieg Ibe eftertooa tbe vbefa paoy eaibrsoiag eeer oae hv aobars aad Cfty or tlBiy adalts sat dova apoo the graeo avard ia tbe abade of tbe beaotifal grove la vbieb tbey ae- esaiblad aad pertaofc of tbe very excel- loM sdAlea abaadaatly aopplied by tbe ladae of tbe tva Sectiooo after vbfab tbe vbofa aaeaabtybig aad little W aod young taale aad faoMle agda Jotaad ia field tfom till be bebiad tbe Weaiem btHe Tbe SeotloBe above alladed to rejolea la bavlag aeeared teeebora to vaUqaali Aed to fire attivereel eetielaatioo aod tbe vaity ead bartBoay prerailifl leaebara pareoia and aebolsra biied oe Srday last deaae of baraMOT aad ae of ffaiual prafaraei vaa a Pa Nm of aore tbea ordiaary iotereM AoMog be raaidwrtr of tbe ike aa eel tiood Mra John Roger P P Pear- ion llrook nennia Aea PMIIp S toa6 Oridgland 8 Apgers D Phil ips O PhWpe J Arallag John Clii bine O- Rogers and otbera Wo are gad 10 lesra f Ihs proeprilf of Iheee chnoli under their preeent iweber and trust iha aonaon will prove adveni- geoiM to both lie teeebera and tba Seo- Dlfflealty Anonf the Oraafaua Tbe Teroelo Watettman orgaa of nee aecliee of the Oraageaea el Caaada hot a bitter oppeaeal of the Graad Maaler appearas le Ibe eleclioa of Ilea J IT CaaMroa rery lerjoee to baert We ar aol pialcd wdi reprd to tbe it- fanliy t bet ibe llaftAaiaM bai proaiard partie4ars tba work Maeewbile be lke wilbboMiag of Graad Xodge Jsee If thi fiieg b aaeb ayapalby with tbe order geaerally it wdl iargHf ITfft the celebralioa of tbe coaSag IStb el July That wt aay aet be alioader tood v clip the foBiwiag axlacl froa iaat iee of tbo WeUkman fobliabed at foroalo Mr Caewroa ia agva eteetad Graal Maaler A FViaiag mad8eeralaryaad Aaderona ssd J Bcaeell Greed rmta or If Hibop Lyaeb wai eledod Graad Cbaplata tbe ret weeM be eotiprete e will give expretMoa te ear viewa be tbia eokjoct ia oor eett I la iM BWealiaie all the lodge wbo do aet ap prove of the Caaeroo profaiab pedy iltagos of tractieo of tbe Order I far tbe des- MooMTALaiaT Jane There aeema te bo a Iteat deal of ei af ffoYettTeerBiat a oa M ia Ibe Cooaly Ceaasil for Committee 10 eoeire4oia the adViMbility efeeleoting a more eonuat CooBly Tewi 7 of Toronto- Now I do no lroo aoriooaly expooi Iba there will bo ao immediate chaage ia lUi Mftiolar bni far feat ibere arifbt be iy litito villyge ii the Ceonty ihs ean at of a Mel and wore have ibought it air doty to make koown tbe aeporior ad- niafee ibey poaoaa over aU tiTtks as a loeatSoo lot a Coonty aost SSoote ntle illagea 1 tieHere nn the eHMao hordora ff ihenCaty ere reiog abnoef ora ever ttdoflwiog in itefianoe of Loola Ceoorai C ibai tbey soeopy tbe aMat eea w eer vilUto Moont Albert b net thai hod I tbe people are not ao eery I eieiied yet tor all tbal wbv haa u it aa aoM a to tbe moeh oerot tteor e eeoroe of other wbo are aiak iag eoob a faea aboa It r Wbf beeoN Irf aak tbe ooeeiion eoadidly far aay petapo rtMaaya Meem Albert woeU tal make a pied Coeety Tewa dot know anything itMMM it lo eeying this tboogh 1 de noi vaot penole lo think tbat we noM ttw pab ie boiMing ihe gsol very far eor eiiixtoa geoerally ate law- ibidiog t but evrn thit boilJini woold 1 uppaea be ooovtoioai oe aeae eee anah far innea aa the little oxeile- iopraaeniing 0 do it aitiy and Bbpvbbard i if failaro be oar pnMa we will ehow I world bow le dMr liwapfamtaent thoot lewermc oor flta M half ma aring crape on mtr haia er baoiflg oor poblw boililinf wilh cypreea Thia i the aoeann of ihe year abne ai rherefar Trt Perta Pie Wire and K- arioo Paiiie Ws bear of them oo every and There ia to bo a great Tie Party tear oor village on tVodnaaday whicli howtTor will to ever ore tbia appeera ia TV annssl Pic Nio f tbs Hanman Sab iih Srheof rams fllT lal SaluiUay wmfc 0M srial Proparatiosa had been geieg 1 ftr week baCijnhaad lo make if aa see iaial aa poaible and I ihiok tbe roaolt OM bare fatly anweiOl Ibe Mxhet ix of the ettergelie manaaing cea iitee fiTerytbing went oil ptoaaanily be afieioooB vaa apeot aa la oaoaleol Kta ioie whieti att of the larfe eempsny 04 to enter with a xel and then abooi re ocleckaiirod aod wary of play tbey It down oo the greavl Uig or eny ooo- imeol pleee sod psneok of a deliciowe poM Towariaeveoiiig ibe whoU eom my abandaood Ibe Pie Nio gmonda hieh wae 00 the farm ef Joho Thirak and rpirod to ibe Bapiiat Chsl poken odaya Editorial Soaiaary- IKingCoaadl will aieat at Ilcbeaa Beial8eheeeWfgee Maada Um it J ef Jalj Tbo Agnealtaral Rxeanioa on e toaffnikMNi larity May araand Lake Sinwaa eeaee wg dey Warfi Obh ef thoi plaee ja Wadoeeday KMMtbJaly Rev T nouiT brr faakeia wli sdreae tha aeatiw the elsiae ef the eectatf The ehrtaiao poMe ate levlled to allead The Aaaivsfwry ef tbe Irak aoU MMaf Ihla Pravlaoe win be eaktiralel ea day sea bi a giova oaw Ihe villas of Olaafwr eo iW Tew Use baaeen irWa ifcerrb and Udwldfo by hatlleg a oMoelae ne 1 wbleh Tbe Ueion flieet Uaiaa Sabbath Sebeel parpea boMlBf their fihb aoaHar t 9etarday tbe 19th of Jely ie a beaslirni Oove en Lot No 11 ia tbo trd Coa ef Eat CwilUabory oe ibo rood faodiflg from Sbaroa lo Meeai Albert A proeeaeloe vlH take ptaoe at 13 oclock preoeedod by ibe ooMralod Sharoo Brta aad refreshtsoala served at 1 ooloek aftw vbioh addreaeea will be dot by raieeo epaeke Tfaketf oaly 35 ate aed aaybe had ea tbe freeo Tbe ebjael ie te ralee feade far tba betMlti oftbeSabbeih Sebool- Next Moaday ovooiag arlll b regstar uteorhly taeetiog of tbe Newaar kef Board bf Sobool Tresiisi wboa tbo laaiea ef the year wilt prebabty be ted and the aasooat ef taxes to bo faviad far tbe year detormioed opoo It latbero- foro deetrabte that all io arrears fm bill aboald aettU iboMiM vitb tbe tooeba en Moaday aext so a le aaabfa h report at that neotiog Tboeo indebted far raubiH aboald toaeabor that ia ca Board eeeda a Colfaeler a heavy porooatafe vUt be aded oaeab bill aod Ibe rafa vili be Made abaefate t everybody vill beaorvod alike Wa give tbfa gee waiadw le aeve diMeelty aad greaMlag T CoaVKDCBATB Pasaa It eaaee ovt la tba evUeaee oa the Maa iiaatioa Irfal tbal Jeeofa Tbeapeoa tbe ftaaaolal ageat of the eoafaderau Slataa aeal hj draft ti tbe Beak af Oatorw b 1000 la Beajaaia Wood eliier aad p ti tbe Nev Yock Dmig Anas a paper vbfab vae tba ombI faatlar aad tiaaaaaabli of aQ tbe oopfarbaad papaw of tbe If ortb Tbia Iraaaaeliea mty faniab a olme to tbe atfar poreec itiaa of laela aad a vbfab ba beea m aoawoa aad p ia aaav qaartera ooaearaiag tbe Aiarheaa avu var Tbera vaa doabilaaK aaay taady aae lo lead tbe Seatb aad abaao tbe mm laatily at a omA Cnrrf0jioMfnrp Voftiat Albart CamapooAaAoe- Comnif TWn reiBMaf Afaaaf AOtrt Evno after tbe aaartfagi abe waa net elfawd t vitb aay elber faf ar friende tbMfh she peak pivateiy ide tbMfh she retaeat h Her paraMOiet Joobtleae aeed w faree her te aoeh a diaiaaefa bafare befag sent r avay fbe deybefareabe left abe nw a frfaad paasfaf an lo tbe leaoo and eald t I wiab 1 wtd die bsfor ip preveating aay- Ibica BMre being aeid A oeasie oloda few beora before abe wae te leave Caoada Sbeclasi bia eroned theneek and wept ntoit biiiorty wblfa her asnte aad aether stood 1 aad faMbed at ibeirvietia What abali wo wy SI aoeh agraaa ootrageand kind of a eoel ia ihe aan ie paiiaaiae el vta lasrried Iho yeeng aroiBaa f Tbe poblHi aa left to jodga Iiileaes eieliement exists In the eemmo iny lity and yoo wilt cofef e hvi Markbaaee96 1865 lUvaa tbe proeeedinge- be Rar Mr Lrg after whicb aeverel nieinf aod appropriate dialegoea were ipnken The eMkere of the difliareci neooaaaoy of whem wea ysng men loJ weaew did exoeodinffly well sod vera Nwdly applauded Thw reoutk i parliealarly etoablo if it bo rightwbeia II did ao well o make any dietiactioo M ae engaed ib apeakli and aetiag the pie a pay of aix acta eaiaied effeetlofl ortheMaid of Mooator ia ptMoe tbeoch el eoited a the oeee nwae raher aaaainc aod drew deaf lani obeer eed beany eel barsM el lehier freta tbe aaembled headrede o ehetr aaaa between tbe pisoa aad ao- iied iheouelvoa oreditabiy ia fact ihe whale affair waa a ooaplete redacted great credit oe the aansfomoot The ooapany diaperaed ebeitly afiw ofavea an I am eate thai all who were ibeio iaolodiag yeer eaii I vent home veil Mtiefied aad vitb ly good wiabe io their bear fat tbe Old Blue Beard Oatdone Tk tU UUm a VtmmmtM tn Sta A Mr B aad faaily reaidingoa ibe lOtb C af ilthaa hava breaeht epeo ibeaaelvea tWlodtgnaKen ef all tbe paipla fa ibsi vieiebyi by tbe fal fawiag eaiBuefal eairago ea olnltaod ao ifaiy Tbeir paeelaritias are aaeb aa eoald DM ovea de eredit to tbo daikeragae If anythiog bappeoa ea their ptaa a w Kicks boo erowa er a daebter la ck it fatthwlth aitribated lo ew 1 a word they are btwUektd Olt rda aro at etwo employed aod iWI lam atriotly falloved Ilaae abaes ate hoag over tbo daa eeataia fauiea are astls and after daa eeraoieoy ewaiited the lUmeawiib other ihinga MO ridie MM to deeertbe- Tboe Saiaa cm oo tkn aroog tbea with a vaBgeaiwo Tbe old man balievae edoeaiioo a hambog aad nary a Mroak ef beamy The family bow ooaeiau ef tbe eM oeap ie throe etd naids oe ihe shady aide of fnrty sod a wkfawed daogbier with oae rhild a gilt lhal has lived with a neigbor- iag aaotreoelved a fair edocatfae bet netoa partaking eeaw fairwr aaaant beoooao ealifhteaed fa of kiad diepaahiaw aobsiitieg a aaytbag far peaoeMke moeh eepaeted Pm aeae tiaM peat aba baa reoeived tbe addreaeoe of aa iadaatrioe aad moeh readied 00 ef a farmer la tbe lecaliiy to Joe lime an eegageaMet eraa made kitowa betweaa tbem bat en tbe maber UnefaatKl Oraodfotner heeriagef M ttay deteralBod to aiabaa aaiA aii of the oenoara aod aaoved bw boae oeder tho ptetonoo ef aeadieg her a aebool where abe woet far e faw daya eeJr vbea ebo fatuid abe was ia ibe groep of doaigaiag aad atrstagem and fioaliy feree Her owi aw aed oae ef her aaidea Aaaia dioii ad aad faroed Iwr a vriia a lata a bi etaal ireataMaL Ry obaaoe he eSected aa oaeapo a a aoigbboarieg beaea bet vaa sees fallewed by aaotb- a etwfa and graadfatbert tbe fatter takfag 0 1 ead th la triad atwl fafoe her did ebe aol reeera Of eoaree etoeaeldaalyeabiDiL Aber tbio ave of her peraeaainri vore aaaataaly bt bar aide I abe get aa eppertaaiiy lo apaaic a eee her foraer frfaa they W a hear all a aeid Tbfa aeoaed al t alaioa diatraol berwiib grief Tbiags veal ea la tbfa vay tR vhbfa fav days ef tbe liaae Ibe eaep bod sgresd a be aarrad vbea a frieed ef Mr B eae fwa tbe State ef fatra briagiaf yeaag aua vith hlat vba vaa iBiadaoe 10 tbe yeaag lady Fma tbia liaoe farth her pareacatera aeed all ayaUabfa Aurorm Correspoiideiie ABoaaJaMlhl86K Wodheodif IbeSftrefiteas laariaeer- lafaly nMtttitba iohabiiiaU o Barrio may voM leawahel wiih aeiiafa The opaniog ef tbe Swaeh waa abr ootBaetaoraied by ibe fiias of Rifle antllbe iBera oxbileraiimr dUnaiga Cbaoipegia oerfca Tbe fievfaw wae oe the loneh gieeo hy Ibe Railw ip4By end Ibe dinner In tho evrnio tded by ibe Colebratiea Committt e oqaally aaeoeeefol ei which latti year Irtqaaeieea and aaiabfa Reevedeli erid one ef hi very happy apeerhee Mr T R Fergoaae M P P fat Soalh Sioiooa Sad the nppirtioniiy of makio a few re- nak anma three or cFOr iinea believv ne he did not nogtao it Too aorh ere ill esnnot be given le the peepfa of Barrio ibJ too Ibe Railway Company lieraliiy oo Ibe eccvioo The fera Keeper brre sre new er iag It hot sod heavy Fa the peat famight it hsa beea a dally eecerrenee fer or iwe le be hreaghl woe te faoe wilh nded ioatioo Yae rvawikod iaai weak the LioeBo Inapeeter had beea doing ilety by irti ap the oflindera Wiiboot aiiemMiega jeke if may bo aeid at bo allowed ihoa to well tUU proper ary w the ttining aa eeato e the ohargea iranaplred aa Ions ago ae tbe early pert ol May Cvibomar Why ooo voadera so moh delay r Heaveo knowa ther iaoo aeaietty af MagtMntea Waiaall village ever ao bleet hefare by a oonfrliog Govera aMot f Nearfy ae BUoy Jeetiooo aa vacsw a ladiaaao diaiploe ofDenkfn io coetndy tbogrooier part el Sater day Tbe Magiatraiee oodeavoerad hard te eicil foa them when ard where tbey prooared the vhiakey onder iho infloenee of which Ihey appeared lo be laboriog tbe iiaminatiena the toteriogsiirna ef tbe ebofa were aaslew They voold idmil to aa vodloa qnantity ef Ioomo eyr Ip bet oa aloothng oH a oanvict tlw endore of Hreaier iheir ehivalnaa lort tha Iboy did prncere Uqno io Aorora The efiala auppe ao oik tried lo gaia ihe icferaatioe boi with noaoceoa lONORAMUB bat piioea dra Aavrk ihanged Tea la fai higher rstoa Sitgara qoiet boi aioady ailb 1864 Ma EoiToa A yoar ariirfa ef laat Fridy pertieelarly coocara Ibe Grsmmai School I fael booM o wy a fiw werdi lib regard lo the taw rvgabtioea which appear lo hv stigblly dialrorbcd yoei of aa le tba fa pface yea aik whether Ihe rvceal regotetloet aro calcefaivd to at twotbirdk of hr Grsaaar Scboof fa t Proviece a qoealioe aet to ba aniwari at faaet by ae Except that 1 feef warraaled fa aeorief yea aad yoer rvadvn thet ibere fa en danger fr the NaiVBartat firaaaar School eo faea it reaeives ba very liaited aepport it recetviagai praaeai Ia defaaeo of tba regafattoea 1 veald oaly ay Ibat tbey will aol cioM aay acboola that do aet rwWy deaerve lo ba cfaaad For ibero aro a I aaay aaah Behoala that era dofaf ock bat what i befaotiMfa kaaiaaa of C Sfebooha Now H wi he gfaaco that each fafeifere with preiaeeea The graat ebyeet of tba rap farioa fa to jnfa a elaefaal adaeafcea tc tba aaprtfar JCegKab Edocaiioa a by Ibe Gtaaaar B Seae kaow fadga iaJar of fbe afaa fa at faeat aa radapsaaibfa te a gaed EegHab Edecatiea aa titt rafaa ef algebr aad aaeb aero oe far a vary faifa prepert ef tba OMei faailar vo to eaa are of Lalfa arigie aad aet trofa Eogliab a pr eppreca- tfaa ef tbia I what is aech aeoded a Ihia Proviece te diapol tbe abaard preisdier apiaat the etady af the daad faaga m Steely Yae aek whether nar Board reaaiaed iaactrve aed aUeat ea tbe aatl That tbt have reaaieed ioactiTc ao ibbi haa aay ngbt te praae aad aa te thei rifaace ihw deliberatioaa are ao far fM betog pabfic ibal ovea he Heed Mastsi baa ae fc af theat aacept fa as far a ba fa iadtvidaally coaceraed Thirdly Aa lo the aoilea tbat the Eogelatioe qootid by vm m iatee eeaef peopfa te soad ebi te the fVoviaeiai CoHegaa aa far aa I caa aoe tbey wiB rather have tha oppeoMe eCut for as Ibea pfacea where Ike Graaatr Scboefa fail te get tbe raqeiaiie aaaber ef Claaiial papifa eeeb aa aigbl bafare tbn avaded of tbea fee preyenag lb cbildrea far tba Uaveraiiy will be drprivod ef iba etpafteaitf ef d aok Bet it fa te be hoped thet aaay of iboee popils wbo have hiiherte eely atodied Kegt b raa he will have each appracfatioe cJ tbe faioeefiia forded by Graiaaar Sabod Ibat ibay will taba Ibe ifaaaaal braaehea fa additfai raiber tbaa tbrayiap Aa adsaata ef t birter Eegiieb fidaeatiM LaatfaAa te tbeir oaly aoataaWy lakfag lU cfaaafaal braaehea it ia tbetely ef tba Master le aaa bat hfa paptia de aet aegfaet ady part of tbeir atadaa aad if ba fails to do bia ba fa aet werthy te boW bitbane reeanad aad te 1 abaU do av beat te deaerve it aad aera exteaM Mppert fa tbe aeon tbe aav year vhfab vilt begia ea tbo 14tb Aiuroet aaxt aapfag thai tba aew ragalatioea teai lead te tba boaaAt af aO Oraaaar Saboala aad partfaalirly ef ear ova nrpiga k CnUnial itfi iVai of City of Boetoa Nav Tea ion Tbe steamahip CUw ef faefoa from Uveraool en the I4ib via Queeootova en tbe lab arrived this evening Tto rmoorplaied fleet on Ibt invitBtfae ef Napeleoa I ireaad Ibe French oa EnlSlZ TbooeabioedAeel vilt be abool Iho middle of Jolv Lord Broagbam io hia i al the bonqoet given to tho Pritwo of Wals a Fiehaaeogofe Hall oarrweiiy eailod on th Aaaicaa nevefoment te e Iheir vhn ihey reoenily iroeied aa wsrri In the Hooae of Lords Earl Daby aiienlioa te Rri RovaonV letter wiit ng belligerent righta Imm tbe Confedi aleebrforo Ihe Federal Gover3mant ceaaa to exoreiae tboeo right and to JohtMon ptoclamalioo denoeneing tbe penahiae t piracy agaioat veeaoh vtoltiog iaCetdiclod porta Ear f boHlgereaia iihrfra iibdrai He said Sir ght explanetlaa ef Praaideat that tba ibiaet vaa 1 lely of Coataona Mr Layard wM aoveral TeprewataneiM bad beea aude Ibo Federal Goveraiaeat w obtala ee eaoiiiioa far Ibe sheMiag of Mr Oay by Lioeleoaot IXaaevw U oaval offleer at Ibe Ope of Good bet tbey pive- ly doelined a make aoy ooapeo ParlaaMot voold bo diaeolvod oo tbe Oih Jaly Tho Morning Pod ay nogoefatiaaa be- eeeo England aod Canada are abaat to be itfafonly ootModotf Csoais ia ex pected te oadertake tbo whole ef the WMt era dofeane Tbe eae wMlbedeapened HKrieet mililfa maiawioed The al Gevemment vill fomiah tbo en Maeery armament and gaaranieo a eeasUacl tbe laioaeoloaial Rail- Lineola eont a reply lo Ihe EBe Regeoie loiter ef eendelence ihat the Rmi agreed le 1 ell bia ru ia ottt of hi roiam from Maxioe I Coefoderalee by a dwed JOMdtb eooaplracy agefaet tbe Oovannaem ai ocia waa diaoeror and thwarted Arriral ef tie Calt New Yoaa Jaae ST The Royal il atoamahip Caba whfab left Lira pool at 2 D tB ea tbe 17th aod Qaeona M tM ISft arrived bore at pm he Paris Joaraafa qtMfe Lord Broaghams apeaeh argiBg a poUoy of etaaMBoy apoa ibe Aaeifaaa Govera BMBl aad gaoeraliy praise it Sevaral aa blw that IM bamaaa ta faot inay be aUeaded to tm tbe etber aide of the Atlaatfa The Par Wrfa ny that the apol made for the iaaalt to the Amerioan Conaala Aac at Honolala by tba Eng liab Captala vbeaa aidAipotea offrred itoit laat April not beiBg Mtixfao- o the Waabiojrtoa govaataeat do- vaaaudefor fartW aatiafaetfaa which the Saglfab gtnarnawat hae jast giveo in a daob to Prcaidcat Ja aon gj regret at tha oeearreooa la the IToBae f Commoaa Mr Card well ufd that tbs ooofhrcBOO vitb tbe CanadiaB depatalioa raatire to tha Ca- aadiaa ftc cloaed oa tbe 16th Tbe pepera votild ba laid before Parlia- lat oa tbe 19b Mr Hadfiald made enqairy ae to tbe re ca of Britiao coaaata at Boatbere porta Mr Lavard eald eooaafa vare plaead at abort tatervafa at the priaoipal po Tbe Oov ael vitb a teapo- pxj dofaai br tape of a ny aa be qaestfaa of goiag into oomaittea of rafH ea the aaaagaoieat ofdoekyarda bat 1 rarerea vaaepaedily o Mr Berkein xaade bia aaaaal tnotloa joritT Tke FMeeb iaai vaa act to Tiait tbe EogllA perta tin Aagoet oviag to tba daad teM vitb Gaa Peal Tba Jfawlwiri rwaoan of large raiafcceaaaeale far MaKfao ai expire h tht daU Tbe o of tbe aovaiuaat fa te aalatala a laair tbe atraab ef tbe tray Tbe foram aatbaaadora bad aaagiat- alalad Wa da hfa aafe retara tbe Baak of Praooe tbe eaal bad Juaaaaad ibirteea a af fVaaca ia Tbe PraaaliB Uppaa Chaabar reaoted tbo badM af tbe taver HaMi aad faft Oag 0 ftx its ova badgeC for far aa early ba Flear aatlva and aaobaM vaeiara oaaal aad extra stale Slf to Ra 6d Wbaat very qtdet winter red 8a 6d to 8a lOd vile to 9a 3d par 100 Ibe Cocv firai bat qaki AntTBleftba Pear Baaqtra Jeae S5 1 Va Apy Bay 26 Tbs staaiaabip Aoiaaaeaa vbfab iafi Liivapooi al 230 p a of Jeae IStb aed Loadoaderry oa tba lOtb peaaad bare today fer QaeUo The aew ia aaagre Im oftcfal cerreapeedeec tU BrWab aad Aaerfaaa oa tba tiiMiiBifaa at Pioaidrai Lfacola pwh6eb Earl Beaair fatter eoavey tfacoTv expteaaleaa ef regret oe habalf ef ibeQaaea Parhaaeat aad peopfa ActiegSecreury UeeUr etpreaaaa tbi iively faahag of aatiafaatfaa aad gratefei apprecfatioe with whfab the Geveraaeat sad pa Aaariea raeave aaeb ea- phata a sararal aaaifsstalina af f ibip aed ayapaihy freta a great aad kfadred aaltea Tbe Loadea TUm pahliaba a fatter froa Ike weQ kaowa corriayaadaat Htalariaaa the hardaa of whfab ia that North bee ae right la treat iba eaaaiahad ae aeyibiag elae bal aea vbea tbey heva fbiHy baetaa fa baiifa He vriiea atroef ly Md argea tba poti of aarey a tbe Ueae of Ceaaeeaea the lith the bin wa for the abohtioe of teat rrqaired of apyTicaals for tba deerae of H A at Oilord llMvenity va deheted aad paaaed to a aecead raadhit nporiaat diviaiee of thTp The Jjirevr af ih iSa raaner that ibe Oereraaai a3 ta MBil iffge re nferfeaeato a a niiHy iaareasta rrrparetoa waa laakiw fer the trial ef a aev clactiM 2 machba by whfab it is atMad id vesaela eaa be faM la Ihe Pnaiq prepoaltiea vae carri jonty apiaU the aiatMera reraaMat aboeld beioj forward ridieg thai ib me af I t n iioosbfa eiprOMjtoaa dsriegdil2 be liable lo poBitbaaai by ifa S fawa of thr had NBWYomc il re V P tith 1 OKK jaae 2 FieU dated at UiS I hat ilv all froa fW prabebiy ait froai tba Ifs 6tb Jalyaad froa Valaaafaalii of Jely All ia gefag aa a aad iba grvairet c ii thet the cebfa wiH be Meaae iiaMI aeoceMU baiBM aialM Amerioaii WaaUagfeKJi The Prerfdeet eaedoaai lie iOu BaabsrofCoiBaafaatii Franoia L Saitb of ViigHi431 Hyana of Mfabigaaeaaefthviifa aUoa trfal vhiS OM Si taeot vitb Dr Blackbara broagbt te bfa oify aad Aogost aavaral oyaea of al iafeeted wilh jeHow favar fer wbieb dUbnlie vorkbe m bave beeo peid one haadia4 4n dolUra by tbe CoBfedar afar WasniKOTOir Jooa Om Wild of MamaohtisottL bar asainrd to daty onder Geo Hm the Refbgas and Freedaeas Bw will be la ehaip of tbe Staiai gia with ordara to report to Tha 4th of Jaly fa eelebrtt at Raligb N C Thera vere 81 ptioaa for Jifad vitb tbe preetdeat io day There vore thrt day vfa Philip 1 R Davfa of Tew Setrard IWaieijy netaba ef Coama fHmt Iwrgta 1 Soatb CerolTaa dsligtli ra tOdav end bad a vith tha rresideat ai the Seorctary ef War aak thai Ibeir Sfate be pfaead 1 aae fbottac ae the otbar faatera and tbas a be appointed Tbe doegatea are ef 1 pravery elaoa ee far a e by tbe demoBBtralioBa at l Mo ihU affaraooa aad M e Ihe datioy of the Stale ii lacks graosfaloeaa aad faa retariMd bora loday and vV 1 cioe demeat of Soatb C Prepare Hag eel beiwena iOMO aad 1 ireopa roa Ue artafaa ef Baacock bimI Legaa Aboat 18000 of thet oe teraa of aervfaa I Mtered eat of tbe army af Ibia by rmrotal orgeaixtttoaa tf abeeateea befaagfaf to J ta wilt ba fa addiiMa te ttijiB d 7000 fbe aray efTa here tbfa eveaing by ipccial a delpha aad eapeet ta ba a tbM day I1n GcamPa report will bkil early a slated aad it ar it lo the Wav aotaa exigeacy There wtU prWy ba PfflsM ifa defay fa the a mWz faaaTveraaaat far Seh T Tbe dea here 44 a4 M UaiaaiNa ef the 8atelha ft Oae vbs aiaa ka ba tba givar af la PrMiiaal Jwhmm m Ch that be wished d bat aaa lbeat iM ha Aaethrr deefarad thai ha IBM rather iha lhal a oeM pelfate U aad w a tiralM It fa Idtaly thorafer ibat e wiB he aier to li for the praaeal Nf w Yoas Jaae J Rfahaaead aad reteraberf t Terry thatalavery baneeoewad W State Ihe aMicpal fawa lai praa ttartybav bsaadk that bereeAer iho c peepfa vM jay tba aaaa paaaa ibertf aaa4P aad be aabieci e eaty Ibe wj ufatioaa aod paaiabaaafa hevefar vill aet be paraiUed of the aigraa eay oara mm hita citiaeaa The leaHaaaf eared peraoaa he alee alalee eetvad fa en eeeee before Aa iH ceartt if ba dacartaapk GVHaM coaoaadfaftat Veleraberg Va IwgJ biddaa l aa ofteial ardar Iba biMMV aay taora aaaetfan ef the labhah a M pree toe the faNfjl raaa ar te oaks dirtiaetfaas their faiareal aad po ddbreaae I a ofeeeipeeaaiiata fai by wbiiM a hfaeka talebe Tba Virgfafa Ugiafatara a dfa aa Friaay aveefaf leal tSm fivaday Wearlr all the qairad by Qavaraor norpefaUBWjK fa tbe vaab of recoaatraattaglto gareraaeat varaaaad efisMaf that aaeag oWr rafaabfa epoB by Crieael Loe tba Ttaaaary Departaeat Uat af tbe aiMnry iailf Daavdfa le Greeeebare40 aiaavj bailt by lbs Coafat vill ba raa eader tba bflW eoart aad ii y BnlM eoMd il IhfUf W

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