niifnffUifri f w AdrtrtiMatat ilH Ori ilwnkMtiS pWlMfV nRsWn TMkiliianii Tria Time RinnTkrt khMl l7XinBir To Shuon SobenbTt 1Vw mt aWriWr at miamn I 8wf HlMf ih alitBK U pqMWv tt Mr Omq btiag aUwi m tku THE NEWMARKET EKA JUL 28 186 fjlpUpDJinorkft ra VvaarctFridj JolySSUt 1865 TORONTO SPECIAL HBSrATCU 110M of the Premier BZCUBSION TO THB FALLS bOAT UPSET IN TUB BAY I MUUary Ftntni y tht Ettetr KiUtd OR th Sortktn R R OorporaUoo fixe ors Ion T 27 I85 Tlwre U natoar io th city of lb Mnotu illseM of iba Preaur aobad thai kia tttoxtrj u contidertd doaVtftl Tka Q papara to ba jctterdij apeak of hia aertra iodiapoai lite alaamef City of Toronto ia lo Bake as eicoraioo irip fron Ihia City to liaftara FaOa oo ba 3rd proi wiiiMM lk woodcrfttl fsali of Ilart Laalia tbo top vaUar lie ia o carry amaa viib hiia eookiafc atAve aod bak paa oaka orer tba aiiddla of tk rirar Fare totbe Faa and bak oaly tl aod tkketaisood for tvo daya Ivo yoeg oeo ot botiit ia tKe bay yaaterday one be aoa of Dr Ryeraoo were eapiced isio be water fortanatdy aaotker bt vm near at baad and tlwy vera raaeaad aeae Uie vorae exoept daakiay Taft the eagioeer who aa killed at Lefrey Suttoa oa be Noribern R waa bariad ia ibe aeoxtery greater 4ay mib ailitary booor be bariog be liDced to a Tolotieir ooaHoy The baad of tba battaUtoa played tbe Dead areb 8aa aa tKe feaerai proeaMoa lo tbe plaoa of iateraMat The Cily Falbera are off lo the Waal- arn Siaie on a iitlii6catka iha Orrai Wtern R K MaaaKer beving placed a ear ai tbair dUpoaai Jbay arere ia Cbteagn eeoinr Tbm ia DM bkir ao imteb aaid abnui aaneaa4iaa in ibia city oow aa ibnte nontha a Gd cmpa and fair buii Mvt oparMioDa ill hill the thing dead Upardt of fifty pereaoa are no charged ba be iuliee Magiatraie with tiolaHoM of ibe ltfanr law Tbay are to be Friday aod Seiarday hrot nira ia raU baahnw aod profii- fioo iho iaicd Siatea eoalJ aend fMh an Ihia niiioa if aatktaal inirreat and inipertane They vera men flra oi purpoeo aad atrwiic of wiU and wiihai oranely impreaaad with the idea ibat th Liiaa afiare of adrsnUce snder lb prMt Treaty had areraed lo tbe Cao adsa They aiet and for aoreral daya debated tba qactiona aad iatereaa in Txlrcd ander erefj ah pe and aepcct with umt eoartray allowinK the Cinidian IVliiiHt a Urpe rhare of tba lima finally deapita the many prrjudieca to ahich aa bmb and aa tnea of Ibe Uated ialra ibey were liable by a niled TOti delarmiaad that a Treaty feraaaloal trade aad oomaieroe between the two eoontriea woaM be for ttia adrantage of bntb Cunariag ail iheee ibioga oo maa nr aei of men can well aay ibat the ob jeetiona ao loudly urged the r flawing of iba 1reaty by iho umbiiiking tnaM nf the people wbo take op tbe cry in the Siaiee are valid ll i tr thel it ia naaerlad by a porilon of ihe Pre in the Siaiea and not in tha moat liberal pirii thai ihe bmq of tba Detroit Coo- eniien by no mraaa reprraeut Iba aiod tr feeing of iha people wha era dipoa- 0 oppoea ibe negociaiieD of any oh- imilar Treaty ui ibat at preaaal ei- ialing baiweea tbe two coontnee It ia dooMlrea a fact to ba deplored that ia tb iiheactioaoftba few wbotbink ia often overiddn iha inaea wbo do not Tbb if the iwitaral reeult of ibe astenaion of defflocratia irkaiitulioe and iha tea deocy ie atil Were tbe aa lo tba renewal of iha Treaty te depend oe be ection of tha Legialative bodiae there isooairwlled by ouiaide preaaure we otad tae liule Mr o ibe reeult Aay eet of tbiakiag smo eppraaebing ibe eahject I a apirit of calia iDteetigaiioQ aoald lareely dler fraoiibe aoectucwa arHr- I at io Drtroiu Yai we oanuot abet ir eyaa lo the fact tbat botb tbe Co- graia and ba Seaate are apt to be very largely iaflveoeadty the diracioB takes by popflbir faeliog at the lime im matter iw erroaeotia i may bak However we auy reat laiiafied with tiM gaoeral prmcipla tbet mettera like re for tbe mott part aattled on tbeir final aHjualmeot accorditig to Ibe dicialea of common aenee and muioal Intereal It ia nl likely ihet tha SiataameD oeighbnura would b aetioii e tiken in nor eowmerclal retailoa rruM avrWaly Irjore themelea for the aak nf eaun aa inoooeniMce D tbmigh auch a policy arere atrony aed be ignonwi medlera of the Poder Khool ladead ao faai do we pro In Ihougbi OQ Ihia cnQitoenl that it i probable era maoy yaereelapee waabail ih coonlriea have atad to a great atieot the wia aod liberel policy f Bjiglaod raiainr the tModfol mean ar oar waata aa Car aa poaaible from igr ioieroaf reeoureee aod recogntxiag to tba loll the great principle of traJe hat Ibe chief proapenty of ibe two neif h- boring counir iea ta foood lo tbair ireairieled ibtereouraf The Detroit ConTentioxL We bad iBleaded treatiag Ibia lab briely ia oar laat iava bat for want of apace ta obtigod to liefer oar resarka atil Ua weak baee wa loat by ibe debf aa wa bare bed o tbr aaiag bow tba dtaettaateo and iaaoe of tbat Caeteetioo bave laea oonaidarad by tba Preaa of the Uaited Stalaa Firvt aa to tbapcooaadiaga of the Cen Toatioa itaalt Altboagb oompoeed of tbe abrevdeat aad wiaeat of caaaiercial aad buiaeaa Boa fioia aeary aaatiaa of thai Uaioa dartag tbe early beara of Ita aaa aioa a atrong aad eetaewkal aareaaooable dtiyaitioa waa leaailaaled ta go for tbe abtog at tba Rceiprociiy Treaty vhb tLia eooatry 4mapaottTd of raaaoa or arjtaaeai Tbat a aotfa waa Mt paraaed U daa la Ibe aalttoaa aad pradeat eeadaat ct tbeDelegaliea froai Oaaada Kaowiag tbe fleTiai tbat bad beea carefblly fostered Jfor jfthito tbe prajadioa cf tbe Treatyfar aa tbe Rtatei are eooeeraed aad alio Caeling that 00 doabt eoald or aboold cxiat Iba aUad af aay raaaoaing aua aa to graal atalaal adeaataga af tbai Treaty to botb aoaatriaa Ibey bided tbeitlaae aad icply aoogbt to proaote opeoJwlda aad fair diaeaaaioa witboat aaekio j anforee tbeir ova particalac view Tbia wiaa acUoa epeedQy borefvit Tbe iala af b peejadiee Mi Dkaly la laag obaoota tba miada of aeb Maa aa aoBpaaed tbe CoaTcatloa Nor were tbay Boa to aUfk free diaoaa aioa or to tTold aotiag oa tbeir ooavic lioaa wbaa fairiy eoaeiaaed ad aa tbe dabaia pt it bcaame appareal aad a fisad aeaTfatien grew apaa Iba aaiada of tba laiga majarity ef tboae eo Mt ealy that ibe preaaat Trraty bad aot aafairiy aitainat tbe latar- aaia of tba Uaited Sutea bat Ibat aorn aaeh Treaty iaaoialaly aaaaaaa la tbe fall devekpeaieal of tbe aataral r aaa of eitbar ooaatry Aa a raealt a bare a aaaaiaoaa fote of tbe Cooreaiioa ia favor of a aaotbar Treaty la taka cfcl oe tba opiry of Ibe praa aal Ktba Sulaaare to treat tbe qwatioa iaaapiritcfordiaaryatateeeaa Kka w aad fbrrtteaa too great weight aaa aaarnaj ba attaebad to tbe prooeed aaga of ibe Oooraatioa Tboaa traatiag Ibaaaljeel witb oay a aaraoay aaeaaa af ad Ibaqaaaliaai aad hitaraata laeolvad woaM do weQ to pooder deeply bafore fliey act oa tbe Baterial of wbioh tba CoaTcatioa waa aoapoaad tbe aptr U bj wbM U waold aatarally U aatoat ad Iba Ml djaannM tbare aanW aat aaj tba aod at wUab H atrired Hew WM tbia Tba Caaaataa waa aa we bam bafure m oif tba very Newmarket Conncil Tba above Council met at tba Coart 4oua laet Monday evening Preeeoi Uaaara tferadea Roadboaaa asit Saiberiead Nr Ilafedeo waa called to ihe cbeir After the uaeal routine boai- laae e rewJutiofi wae adnpicd paeiag i50 to the ehairaua of the koad k Bridge CMMiUae lo pey leboorara aad I oriar drawe oo tbe Treaearer for tbe la oooaeoence of aoe diolty al- lending tbe eecoring of proper penoea w aa ae Fire tngieaare aod of eeSoiag tba reepeetive daiiee of eacb ae well aa iba trouble ooetiaeied witb getilag tba Bgerd lcgeihr Um every liule mauer rtag tbatr ooaaaei ibe Ceuoeil bare lo tba coaclwawo la repeal iba Oy M prwet ib force a beteafier a bm oe Bagiaeer it ia eapeot RyLaw Cor tkie parpoee wdl be prepared or aest meeliag Tba Covacil tbao adraed Septration Taxitlon be aioQtea of laat iaadoa of oar Coaotira CoaaaH aoataia dirart aod poailive iatomalioa aa tbe qaeatioe of aaeb eaah Maaieipality aoat tHbata lowarda tba avaaal eteaaca of tbeee Coaatiea aad afiorda aa aa opi taoity to agaia rariaw aad praotkaUy feroe tbe aeperatioa owreeeat Far be H fom aa te art tba people of Nortb Torlt tbe tax payera aad prerty bold lo aspport Or evea ooaBteoaaoe tbe projcot aaiaH it aaa ba traty aad eieariy demoaaiiatad tbat aaeb a eeoraa prove decidedly advaat to them botb ta tbe aariog of time aad BOacy taaa two poiata we ahall direel atteotiea of oaf taadera briefly pra aaatiag aaab data aa we ba ta baad ae a eia By applyittg to the Cottadllon of any t Maoicipalittaa ia tbia Biding tboae iateraeted eaa abuia gratia eopy of tbe niaatea of laat aaBa ir Coaatiea Coaactl wbfeb wa extnel tbe foOowto abowtag wkat eaab Corporation ia aow uUed apoB to oa tribotay for 1865 ia tbe ab af Street oa peta IM Kog 3STI9C tAHm umm eio 4tt9D 2UOO 17100 Hellaad Laadiagi ISS W M1MM MMOO FroB tbana figaraa ii will be eaao ibat wa are payiai tbia year tbe aa of S15iMo for tbe general parpoeai of the Coaa aed fiZS Car Iba peyBNit of Taaabrra We abopay 8aJbvba Mt of Looai S aek- gnad total of 18 79a4e Wa aball aow lay before oar reedera tba PL aaa of Haltoa Cemaiy Coeaoi pabUiM io tbair taiattlaa abaaii the rMimaitd Ptnditara fur ihe half of Ihe year 1813 and he firat balfof tlie yrar 18r4 he iateai dau wa bare to band al prceent It hcold be atated here that he aceoaota of Halloa are ap tt ibo aiiddla and nt to ibe oloee of year aa we do in llicee Couollaa The folloain Rrpoft it tken froa lbef pohlilnd minatra pete Sland al Iboaith nnt ia a tabalar form tbe aaaM aa ihiwc which are pen above yet ta clear and diatiiiet eeoh ilea being The Commiiiee en Fn b9 fftnef ihaCooaiv el llaltea bwf inaebitiii ib iatlawipgimaie being rffquiietl lor ihe a of the earroM jraai Mieeelttaenoe laiiooo 300 00 IMOO Bnarii af iabltc Im MiMel i03aml 18M UC7 9 All of whieb la reapeeifully eabciiUed Kow fVoro thb ll7f59e we maat dedaet tt6752c aa that amenat aa eel forth above waa payable to tbe Coao- y Weatwortb for llaUlitiea iaaarrad aot beloogiag to tbe general porpoaaa of tbe CoaOtyobeingfor Dvbentarea laaeed oa accoant of Rail cad macadaaiued RMda Slock and property by tbia de daetioa we Sad tbe actaal general work iag expeoeea of tbe Coanty of Halton for tbe year anooatcd to 5002K7o or tlI5i39o laaa thaa tbe tax levied on Nortb York Tbe tou anoaat icried for the payaeal of Teacbera aad Loaal Sapetiataadenta See pege 27 waa 239 while North To pnya a will be aoea by referriag to tbe extract firat givea froB tbe auaatce of oar own Coaaty We baee atao before a be pabliabed iinatee of t Coootf of Laabioa em bracing Klarea Uaoicipalitiea fron which we have exirecled the followiog fma the DyLaw pa levyiag rataa for the gaoeral parpeaB of tbe Coaaty page 20 Be it eaaeted by Ihe Nfanicipel Coancil of llie Couoly of Lanbtoa tbat tbe auw of 8ix Tbooaand DolUra be raiacd levied and OMlkced apoo ali of tbe raleeble prorerty ia the aaid Coaaty for tbe geaanl parpoaea of tbe Coaaty Aai tbia anoaat iaatadea Oaa Tboat- aad IMlara of a apeeial graat aade tbat year 1863 lo the Laaoaabire Relief Fand Ibaa radaeiog Ib ae- taal vol king expeoaca lo Fire Tboaaaad Dollare Tba total aaaaaaad vaiae of tbe Cova of Kaaex ia aot givea io tbe aiaatea BOW before aa aed wa are therefore to give tbe reUtive taxation per dollar ia that Coaaty aad la tbe Uaited Coaatiea of York aad Peel bat we bave tboae flooraa la tbe aiaatea of Tliltoa Coaaty Coaaoil and ftad Ibaai b aa foQowe qualifd Tetal ecMliaad a valae Toik 47D2389 00 alaaef Helion 6M4 00 Differeoee ra faver ef Raltea 00 8o tbat while wa on 605256 lea iabU Ibe gaoeral parpeaaa ef tbe Oeaaty l1M3e aoretbaa tbe people aaaand al tbe larger amoaat We oiigbl qaote Prince Edward Coaaty aad otbara la tbe Pfgfiaaa to fartbar iMoetreteoar ailioa bat for Ibe preaeat Ibe above aafioe Oa a fbtara oeeerioa aad aa a ve caa ebtaia tbe laat pabliabod tee of otber Coaatiea a wiU gire fartlier detaila Tbe Ciata above gieaa bowemare b eaeii aad faSy eorab crat wbat wa bavo bereiefbra pabliabed oa tbia a Fartberawv it ia oar iapraaioa aad tbe pablia gaaerally will eckaewledge Ue troiafaloee fea tbia data tbat ia a paeaaiary aoiat of view we baee aaaatbiag to gala w aapara Ibat in poiat of fact oar direal tata- a waold tbaraby bediaUaiabed pre- aaaii ofaoaraa tbe geatl fimy te ba eieet to aaaega oar moaieipel aaifa eoaU de ao viib eqaal ability a aeoaoay ae Ibaae lo abiob re Itaa a aade Aa lo Iba aaooad part af tba oaeatioa ris aariag of tlM wa tbtak tbia ia pfeigaaarally aaaaadad North lork aallad apoa ta ael ia Iba aa- paeity ef Jatyaaa at Taroaio wbare waaka are apeat attaediaff Coart bot la fally aaavia of Ibia loepl ia ai Couatiea aa are attaabad to Citiaa o of tbe Aaaiae Coarte ia tba aaaatry a tiaae b a weak oaly oa aba oaaiooe very oAn only tbrae ar foar dayal aad tba aaae ay ba aaid ef tbe Coaaty Coarta Wbal a uviag tbia aaai taaey aoUuag ef tbe tiae aad expeaae aarad lo aoataa Two tbiae for aad aoaatiaa flra waaka tall bat loo piaSaly tba tUM Joal to erary jaryaiea aa wall ae diapataata al Toroato DiicrAceAd Ccftdact Oa Saadi aigbl laal aeae wtekaily dtapoaad paraoa ar p aatecad Ibe yaakaaitba abof of Mr H Lossr Aarara aad matoaly aot aad daattayad hro pain of beUowa attacbad to Ua leaa Tba gsUty aboaU be diaeorerad if poaaible aad aa exaaiple aaada of IbM Tba tafcaa i eoiaexiaa witb bare- Ifeg af Mr lavfyii bara tba aaaH eveaiag to ay aotbiag of the prevloaa ajatariooa Irw la tbai nHaga woald to iadiaaia Ibat Aarara ia boapd o gat p tba cbeneiar af Iba pbea abortly Ilir anility aa tbeir Bra vfettoa tbat tbaU depredatioaa an laaato of a aotioa fur tbe taaeatliqaor proaaoattoM ia tbat pUoa bat tlija riac fioTj prrjailiee ortrIy pf Ibc Jtriipa peoeecotcd would ron the riak of iMurery aad detrctioa for to triCag ia hia laaaea woald al tow hii feehnga to set tba bett of bia adgatent ao for ae to be eepable of aala like tboea reoeatly eamaiited to Aarera lor he eaoae alatal eapaoiely hf aaa of faniliee f pierty aad rapatioB la Ibe loaaUty Meohmnioe Institute Be- Union Ilandhille beve been ieaed daring tbe wuk annoaoeiog n Ranoioo for ibia aeeoinf ia tba Mecbaoiea Hall Tbe programoM ia aa exeelleoi oke aod welt calcalaled to aecora a large atiaad- ance A qnartatta band will reetare while the kOcfDeee of Or Hit- tary io giviag a tlolin aolo wkb earia tioM will ba dvty iluteberoft wbo haa been ever reedy to lead a helping hatMl to tba Ittatitaia will alee aing a coapla of favoorlte plecaa The gepiiemea who bara ao readily eoo- aeaied to entertain tba awdiaooa with reediege witb oae exeeptioa bave beea before tbe loatilate oo previoae o aod were well reeeived Tbia part of the programae therefore wa are fully perauaded will ba well amlained Aa it will probably ba the lea ftaUoioo prior to tbe iaaoiog of raoawal tick eta we aotlcipete a large eeaembly Cbair to be takeo at 8 oclock proaapt Scheel EiamiaUeiWe reaiod the pareata aad gaardiaaa ofpapileat taadifig tbe C Seboo tbet the Biidaaaiaw exaaiaatlea taka plaae oa Thareday aflecaooa aext aod will be eoa tianed on Friday aftrraooa aod cveaiag each afteraooo aad aarea ia the ereaiog It wu to be regretted at laat exaniaatioa that ibe pareata of eoeae of tbe papila al lowed tbm to be abeeat aad wa are told laae iodiCareaee waa aarked al tbe reeaat Qraaaar Sebool exaaioatioa Tbia ia Tery wroag towarda botb tbe taaeber aad Ike aebr aa well aa to tbe aebool gaaerally aad we traet tbia gaatle reaaiader will bave Ibe deairad effeet It ia qaite aaacoeaary for aa to arge a gene ral atteodaaee aa pareata maat be aware td ita beocftt aad iaportaaoa Fire ia Aoiora Tba fiera aad ether eatbaUdiag beleagiag to R P laww Seq of Aarora were eoaeaaed by firr ea Saaday tight bet Beaidte a large of bay aoae 40 teaa a rrapii BMcbiBe carlai wagoaa plowa aad bar- rowa wera all beraed Tbe total loae i eatiaated at abeat Frea all ap pearaaee it waa aadeabtedfy ibe work of beartlea vilteia wbo to gratify bh aalke or a pety fliag af re- veage raikUaly a tba torch Aa iaqeeat wat bold wa aadernaad before Dr Gxtxia Careaar wiib tbe new to aeoertaia tba eaeewbea a verdict wa r ed lo Ike efeel that tbe preaitae had bMa Sred by eoaa pereea or pereoa eakaawa A pWal iawcarily pervade Ibe peb aaaad we aadarataad ia aaaaa- XditacUJ iammMtj- ty W diiaal atieatios to the adeer- aiiat fraa M Bmm la aaadwr eelaaa day Haralaah Sewewaed ahrakeia VMy lag a Wie eeOeeHae ef we Oaa Weaedaaatheat- 19 Aa Searetary of tbe Kortb York Afrleekaral SeeMy we kee Motived Waaka r tbe oae af aay aae dtairiaf Ie aaka aatria r caaipliHaa at tke PiwIaeUI Pair Wa ate received aeeaaal eepMaaf Aa Pilae ty- Yetatae I Mo S of a aew papar prfetad al OMa CW fey 1 HMMa A Oe Ad aBed tbe Aaw Mn km baan feaaivad h la prielad la gaed aiyb ef MadhMB aad jeli frea ka preaeet ad- rartirieg peueeeta il be waM aeeuteed Mr J Qoajtoa of tUa nUaga bad hi efaiba lea atrippiiea WedMeday M HeaaakeepeiB aboeid raaiabertbto laei aad raMve tbe teaptatiea a lueaay by lakiageaie af Ibak aMba tbaaaeha laatail leartag Uwe fcr attaagera ll7Mr Taoi baa kiadly H wepaeieaeeef wbat blagwdaa paedaaei talhoabaefcMwbarfc Oae af tbaa aa- Ii iaela faagtb aad dtoebaeiadr- Htnr AMM Tov TtATtixam t Mr a r Reateeea d la etara aad ttawara taek bli dapartare frea KewaaAai aaddaaly beweea twa dei darleglUa wbaalesa- k grMd ariafcat ttalah vitt be piayad at Aatan ea Wadaeatey aaat lU flwd pnmo batweea Taaawie aad Aaara CMa ThtawUlbeCaiaetabaf iheeaeaa MdwilUdtbe Waeef Iba aeUeaae aa ippataaltp day eaa hataaUaa eiia lUaaeatlaa afeeaairy Several leltera racetred yaterday aarelag bat lee laM fer latiia Wbat wJU ev we fiad it laaaatbla to attaad a tbe leuen af eatbaari liaa Thiabaa haaa ew aeial aaaee- v wiibial paa kaa Oaa of 9B W E wkfla eibriig a aiwpt tbe edaaee priee a pay ftr kla ppa tirea aeeb a weeld pey ep datiag ibe aealb Mt be MWwiH VBThe abate eflbr k eel letaadad rya BTba Meaan liaaor ia aiakJ waB a apply tbawiihawltb waar wbllaee aealiag Iba brtakwerk eT Mr L Steaa Mil aaa KawaaAA Sailaa Ibedaplb ar ti Cat eirak e opHaTaaak aae D tba water Nee a ibe wifaaa af eevtlR OaMaaday haltUewal wa aar inelediag abeat leer fcet aheta tbe graaad ba Be wawr eeedewa te Sew ar Ibe Wp ef aarMeg If we eeat baaat af a tawi etiepriacibereiaplaaiy efwa ea artkta dBiaii a bap hew wWaei onople of iadiee drivtag fhroagh Ui4 Saierilay aae aaar bavlaf aa bala eMiaeea of tbair borwi baeoai lag Mglaad ai aaa baye reOtoff beape ae bwalkelairlbaairaal Tbiapraaiiaa P roliiag be baeiHBa a mate with Ibaabaatialagbaya bet b a a ladaibta liaauea a pedeatriaaa eaeialy to i PlffB ORCUAtO Aa Eagioar raaoiag a Traiii a Ibe ganbaraaUidwwbIlladetLafny 00 Madar iMrBiagtwt Waaep gbra faa Iba OUU la apether celei aaa af ibk aacvlwt tbe bereiag a Kawaerket fret Hoaaepheiag e raiJ Iba tnwk Mar Bradlbfd Ae appara te ei iba diraciiaff baad ef eaa evil peard pareae wbOa propa ptaw weald be ia I aMnatka at ibe Tbe eeevidla- ilbaiafora Cacead apae a ef tba alnoat iaper araaaaily ef a aigbtwalebaeo balag ea at tba priadpel atatiaaa alei tbe Iba TbaiyaKJb Md praparty eUkedaaaad Mr Jotani Booan baa aaat aa aapWef wbeB ladaar peDed by bin die poat week IVmb tbe Ivaa ef Mr Raaar Maeaaa awl Mr Aaeaiatbo Me- CaAcaaabrelbar a AJ HeCaacxn af ibia ytiiit Jn beTewaaMp oi OtaahreekCai af Saraoat bi iba aaatata pert ef Caaada Waal lalbalpaneftbaeeeelrytkefaraera abaadeead tba Ida ef frewteff tbll wbeM kr of tbe mktga aad etba peata led aaly ratnread a plaatlag Thare h Wile a ea altea tba aai aatba Mdaara laoctKy karaala brigblaad if a ibUk apoa iba greaao a t crbara w alae uiu 96 boabi CnrrfJiionipnrf Vaw York Cerreepea4ende The Dttnii ConpaUionDettntetiom Bammmt Afaamm Raatiion t UtuiMt MatWt Mtxicam Sgwpa tkiMtn Vaiu of CanatUoH Henta New YeaxJely331865 Tbe vuioaa ealjecia dUeaaaii at tb greet Detreii Ceaveaiiea oeatioae te ea gage tbe atieaiioe tJ ibe Kew Teik praa oaai ef ibea eeaa a appnive ef etrired at tbay very iogeler e Coaaal G Pawr ll b BMre ikeiy lba ba will be raealiad ebonly Tbe deMfeeiiea ef Beraeme Ma by fir whMever aey aid ef iba bagger ibat oer il b a pablie ieea ill be eefieey frli ia Ihia city aef r I fat betiei The ralsaMe aod eaiqsa ooilecteo ef ra lea aecamaUiietl daiiog oeerly half ry wbib farniahiag aneeemeatAa pleaaare le ibe mae algbtgaaera ebo affefdad aatneeu for ihoaglu elady a Ibe aladiooafy dbpoead aad weoieaptauva Meaey ia aet nearly a plAifal aa aoiba ago aod tba laarc ef Midiera ceafciag eapleeaaat bee led w e redaoion io the prioe et Uboar whib tbe beery tixea iwpoaeJ epoa baea aaen aod aaaofaciearf teed le keep ap tbe Mice el living te war prioee A rOr beginaiag a e fait bat ta wbei wifi aiaad raaeiae a be laaliied Tbe THbumt eeaa eel wgiog aidiea a ecai- sraa weatward aod aeiUe apeo pobUo laii reiiwr tbaa tiy le iva apM fba fia- wsployawal ibey will be likely a a it ie ealledwa held la tbe C r tla eppeala afibaMezi- ea 4a tbie aiiy M ia icarbaa eaadiibeW tbeir iaaf iha preaeat peeariaaa aentry Several dbdoyeiabed aeteoaa telive addieeaea orgutg the Meoree leetriaa and eaptaaieg eireag oeodemoa MaxiBMliaB i taat eppaitiea a hia daelared Tbe pra- iteog wiib Ibe Slara and Stripee PMbty fe iHtbere af Beeiban aldba have raeeatly aaliated la Meiiailiaaa aray eraaae e Caaiaa beraee briw goad prirea bora At ea aoetiea tbb week a floe bay beree bai oMbiog a bragef ae a t raeelter Moaghi end a pelf e Caaediaa poalae 100 tbe letier trera prebably paaabeaad ia Caaada br abaet 60 eaeb ia goW ibad tiay beraee briag faa tlSO a 900 eaob Mewy befoaa aad eieellaBi travaUere raage frea MOO a ftOOO eaeb Retoraed oemaueieaed efllcaia all waat flae beraee id pay large prieee wr are livlof hi a hat aga beta Uea af meeaa will aet iaveat eapi ia aay bai atOeli daea net preata iMaierae Tbebaeertaie elgetd ef alBeeaaa are the prioei ioaecura ah for ay firat ebitcbat with Iha Plae Orekard Oemiaieaoe AepCaaa IfettfAar Jbaa Barwtt Ltetmro feaaaca A SinpUar Cotiotmof Pna OacaAaa Jaly M 1Mb Afta bar week af eociaany dry waaih wa wera bbeaed yeatarday witb a Boe dalightfal raintbe baavieal ef tbe aaaee whbbf af a teog a draatb baa aaada weadatlal ebaaga ia iba appaaraneaof the cape pertiaabrl tba Taraip aap UAwaaaaab taaaadafiu Tba Fall Wheat aaep jaat babg oi paeaaleaa a ba ybid tbaa tar ta Mr T ba agaat ef the Ca idiaa TaBseanaa Alliaaoau deiirarad i atara ii the Teaperaaea Ball ia bb plaae aa Maoday aveaiag laet to a lek- aWy well ilbd beaea Tba laetara vaa geod eoe aod fraa freai thai aataaeB ai barab aagaage wbiab b aaBitlaai baaiid ae tbaaa who taapa whb iaaxiaetiag liqaaa by Taaperaeee advaaalee Argaiag eaaalaaivat ibat aucS a eeaalwiM af ba lactora a btaaak eld reatdaMa lioatifyiag paa aat vitb ibeir prefMneoa rraUaing a grieve vary aaab il aiaoy ef lbe acMlevili efear ilaeet keapag aierftoai eeery aweeent e rafona a lb Cb fdtler r Mr Ediew- I waa gbd e readjrear ar tMe laet Friday ea be Norib Weet par ptapareii a aaTocaa aa party ba deoe ia tbf pa or iaiii ad all iW tiawe aar aany leedera aai ctfAtain M Mre potttbat geapel Cea fadaaiiea aa nra ooderaiood by iha coaa iry 1 aboold like a aee aacempliabed t the laera I leara of ile detaila aoJ ef diffieahtaennoaodiog in aoeompliabmeQi Ibe ba Mognioe I beeome o ita ol blaaiiedneaa Wbra tha lata Cpelilii f all pniae lai iiPiiiJ t aiaor matiere end in tbb I heartily i party bad alwaya ba abaadaad il baa bt yeen beeo argad Ibat Ibe North Woat wh oeld by an m- validated ebarter aod ear oeaapaper heaped oooaiderabb abaa opoo ibe Simile itb Caolitbn br not gettii paay ebarta b oaHd by efiiriag a aega- iaie far tbe earaoderieg of ibeirig- Tbb a aaa like abaodooiog oar bra aliba Ma party ll aay light leeka atrante to ma kfav be tbe o aeaioo of ParW wililbrow aaa An Old Befermer OfHalfaCeatary Eaal Gwillimbary Joly 34 Aurora Correspondenee- Anod Fir i jiawa 5woaa oa iHttndiarjf CneM AtnetaiioH Ptayed ChU Atraoa Jaly SSih 1865 I regret to inform yon Ibat oo Suoday aigbl aat tbe bara aad ataWa ef Mr of tbb village were oompletely A Corocwre loqaaat ta et pi deavouring to aaeenala ihaorigia of tbb eeeoH geuerally to be aoppoaed the damnable work of aa ioeeodiery for tbe arlil of tha Tillage aod to relieve iba ibooeetrt froa aoepWen h b aiaaarely be deairad tbat tbe otaereaot aabe Holladay b hlraaoir again I iba last two Cricket Matcbea agaiiMt Hollaad fftg aod iha hoatberg elevaa pieked from Ho Hood aod Uoyid- towa have edded iwavioloriea a Aarara All boaor to thb eaihoaiaalic cricketer Tba Btubor Gaorp Aotlroey oppeera ia ba abarad k a botcbarl Poor oofortanala ioooaa Potur Now be b down oU ardbaviag a kick at Ua 9eareely as AomieaaaaparaTao aao be foaod to eirpport bia to hi Im podaiMa Lat m hope wa have heard the laat groao frtwi ibe Aooexatiooiata if ae the nwveaaai will have expired t appropriaiely lONOBAMOS Ifotat Albert OorraipoBdiaea A BotmtyfiJ iarM AMaei at Mommt Albort Wkat tho fttfU think eereiiae bleorr Auaar Jely 34 5 Ia ay ietiai af twa waaka ago 1 Baatian ed tbe bot ibat barreai had already oaa- Baead ta tbb part ef aet OwitUoibory ibat the Meeara Tael praprietera of tte Fraaklla Miliet bad witb tbair ebaraateria- fb eoergy aod pereevaraaoet greaad jaw u priar le ite 23Ui dey ef tbb aoafb tyiag tbia tbaegh 1 did aet wiab year readeraa laagine ibat baneeifa aa a gaaeral tbiag bad wiaiBannetl at Uwl Mry daa iec tbe Bajarity ef tbe braere dU t eo aatiiag ibair bll wheal aa- iba btter pert ef laal week aad eeme ef baa bava left it till the bra part ef tbb week kaewa ibat the Bidge bwdeae bat littb damage tbb aaeaa iea 1 ibiak thai waa geneially expected aad biaeM aatbipce aa ezireardfaary yield TIta epriag crepe loo of all kioda are bekiag aeeb teuer ibaja at tbb time taat yeer Md faroaa eoaotaoaaeee are baia tbair glaay axpaaeetaa aa bard tiaaa feaada tivae rMorsed Tbe Llberala bad loat 16 eaata agaiaet a gain of 34 ao tbM tba odioelioaa aootioao ibai tbe goveroaaoi will have iocraaaed eirangtb in tba twa parlbaaet Foar taaaabara of tba af- miniatratioQ bad bean debated rii Lord Bury fo Dover Coi Wbiu io jCiddermioeier Ird A FagatiD Litch field aikd Mr Frariolt Peel fn Bory Aa a role tbe oooieeia bed gooa off atie- factoaily aad whb little rbMif Nu- Boro aleotioee ware prograaatog wbaa tba Ferirviea eailed aod it wo be eaoiber week before tba eoutRy teata odd be deaiJa4 Faaaex Tbe rosorad OMoiiaaioQa ir a Baropeas eoograaa aiiU uok aoy aigo of eatheoiiciiy AbddaKadar bed an iMarrbw with Napoleoa aad mmor again ooooa bla witb tbe laiare goveraaaat of Al geria SpAiit Tbe Seoele bad paaaad a bill Bodlfylog tba praa law by 177 agalaat le On Smo 17ib Merabal ODoaodl reed tbe royel decree clueiog the CortM iwltbaiatidiag atroag densaj a irly oa aad lhegb II aeeenbaba aat bll abert ef i average of b yaare Tbe obaf ei laiera le be tbe reealt of ef Ihe Caaediaa Debgaa to tbe laperial GovaroBenl iTbib oeerly all regM tbe great eddiiioa a ear lodabl rdaea Ibai bitK iba apariaiaad CebabI Miaietriaa aaaa M iblak aaeeeaary tba aerity beleae thai ibe vieil ef the dab gaia bae been ptedaeiive ef A feed aoderaiaaeg aew ex Goveraalate eod tbb ef iaalf if gaad aoderaii a two Govera ae wMb te retaa ear praaeiit prafitabb I the Barber eeaairy b Oo the qeeeiic eipreeiiy Treaiy eaeofibaaUatbataia ftea tiao ef tbe debgatpablia epiaiao baa t be bet U tl eaa be renawad eo emilabb baaie let aa bave it by W if Baiif Iba Aaarieaaa eeaa at paaaai frea tbe leae ef tbeir preaa are deeireaa to take an aadae advaotage of ae then it woald be betier to ibM tbat we aaa get abag wUbeat eoel trade aa wall m ibey can W bave IB ear paaeeaiiiB aateaa graat bigb- 0B the oeoiral part ef ibb COotioaai Allaata eeabeard aad witb Ibe ax- peaditaraafa lewBilMQaefBoeeyebipi ef eaaJhaeiftad toaebafdaa eeoldaail di rect iiroB aay pert ef ear ialaad aeea a i eiew ae I eaa if lae Taaty eheald ba wbaify ebragated- tbay ay a poaiab aa for ear ayapaiby with the keballM for ear ba weald aoly batea porart fra vary ebert time eleeieaaa trade with tba eeaai ef tba XM Waid uea Id take iba plaae ei tbat nbieh wa M bat t aad ear ex aeigbbeara woiid lad wbaa it wm aa lata ibat ia trytag to reeoM iboBMlveaea Canada tbay bad iVbatdirided Seaepee pb ibiokioit ibbf tt tl be BOaey tbrawa aany wbaia eibaa kaliaea ibat awar only a tp i JO Ihe irnfarring m Nath Wm TaiX I he Caoadiae OevarniMBU Tbia ef e awaei awepi away by Mae or aoU be gtMi aad fortib prairwa al tbe vaSlay of the Saikalehei MUba from all para ef Wbeo thia petby b oace ioaogaraied then eod oet till ibeo will BritiM AsMri- 04 take iu trae plaee amoog the oatiooj the New Werkl I ihiik tbao tak eeerytbiog iolo aaaaii1atatiaihet tbe b iacity of ibe paepte hea wbo are laierei io politiw feel very wall Mliajlad witb reealt wiihthelBperbl Govereaeai aod ibiok that for oooe ibe araiiiade ei ite eeaairy b doe to MMra Brawn Maeo ilh Dowoiog Sireel Caaadi eaa oet bet pread ef the aagorftom reoeptiaa Mea to tbeir Miaiaiem by ell CnluniiiL AniTxl of tba Fanrlaa P Pdfjrr Joly The eteaaehip Paroviao from Lirer- ol at 3 p BB of the iBibi vix Oraae- eaatle ibe taxi day paaaad ibb poiat at ao early boar lay It b floally eetiled tbat tba Great Eaatroe learee tbe Nora early ob the ISih aad Valaoeia aboat the llhb Tebgraph oomooBicaltoo with lodla raotaioaauapeoded It b baUeved there b a Caalt or break In tbe Peniao Gotf Cable Tba Engliab political nawa b aniiraly oaatered in tbe parliameatary aiacUotw feoL PoaTooAu Tbe goveraaaat eoa trary to gaaeral expeotaioo carried the electiooe by a email anjority throoghout tba oowatry Ia Liaboo aod Oporto however tte oppoeiiioa obtained a aa joriiy lvwtrTbera bad beea raaaora of a obelera at raaataaitoapla aad 8aiyr lhay are oofeandad bat a abort qaofoadoa bad beaa eetablbba batw Tbe follewiog le the aewe eaat by be City of Lottdon wbieb left Lieerp on tbe 19tb aad Qaeeealowa oa tba iM teat Tba Parllameatary atectloaa eoa- oaooed aa tbe lltb laet 101 aaabara retoraed on that day of whoa 80 Coaorrfaiivaa and 71 Libarala- 71w ooataat waa ao favoorabla to tbe Libert fbat Iba lodloatfooi are that Lord Pal woold have aa loema ad majority ia tbe oow Hoaaa Tbe Coaeervaivo jeanab wara aat d by da Aral daya prooeed ien bet atBl bopafal of aoaaeaa TTaLoadoa a lae b rataroed ia all 16 Libmla taehidlog Btoart Milb Tbooaa HagbM tba aa- ibcr i Sir Cbarlaa Brifbt i aad Baroo Rotbabilda Naaaeroee aoeieeu prngraaaieg wboe tbe City of Leo- don left LivarpeaL Tbe ooovtrt Or PrUebard bad eoo- feaaed ihaiba poiaaaid bb wifo ho Moiea tba raaa f argo- liatwaa for a Farppaan eoograaa Tba Spdobfa Ooaarsaaet bae aodfied tbe Pope of Ha reeogoltka of tba kiag- a of Italy Tba Papal aaiabiry bariog d to attaad a bdai at tba Mexieaa aa a b rapo Ibat tba aaboaay aiU aaortly withdraw Crpa Booaa prirete tole b reported aa- Biog tbat tbe Pope baa exooaaaaai- eatad Maxiailiaa Fcry LaUd Totogr via OrotmatU Loaooa Jaly 14 Politioal aowa to by b geoerelly oniapoftaAt The BcUab alaotiooa ara tba aS lagroaaiag lo Tba rataaaa tbaa far raeaivada a sal Ubaral pia of aat Tba ataaaahlp Mareary wUeb ba rived a Hrn froa New Yedi ra- porto bai piakad op ea Ibo SSib of Jeoa 8 p froa a boat af tba baraad vbip WjljbB J9eboa aad five otber paaaaagara ftpa piaoaa of Aoailog reek io iba vicinity A bark wa aeea Bar bp wbieb k b axpaoiad w is aaviog oaore Uvea Ltderpaai Breebta MaakM-aiaad- aaaftiMd Ara Walaaflald Naab fit Co and BiohardBee8paeeefcCore- aOfi Iter aad aaiady Wbiai ira bet oabt at 8a 84 t9a for red winter Core fir ad teodiag apwaida aalaa of ai al Sta to Arinl af fki foelia Teaa Jaly 26 The alM Meroary alere froa JIew York oa tbe S8ih Joae pidL sp froa a bMl f he baraad aliip Nelaoo 8 additisael e Caafoderaiea laka place gtvea at aW be pteauae ef the laperial aatiafttwa to praa tba adeptiea et thai eebwae apea ell the Cebaieewhiebitbexpaaiad aeeaprbe r- oboM afi wreck A bark Tbera wae however eaa Ihiag aebiefad 1 a hj ibo Caaediaa daiwa fbito The Or wm e H y I Careliia r fnr Valaatia with iba ihora AiUbtie CeUa pal into Fataa I3ih Aa AMwerp paper rrjba erp la to bqpome e poraaaatoijt for Amriaaa ar vaaaaia Tbe electboa eograaaef iba of tSoglaad 431 cooiaoti wJa pletad Tbe Uberela bad S63 ead aa MrvailvM 168 a Libera gai Tbe CnaaervatieM eoly a 4 Aaotbar wMk woald abae all tbe oooteeta woold bb aaar The i of a York ed io the Qaaaa Be a rerdbi giaat Cbaaa who lately abeOood Tbe Swla Federal Caaaal ba m ooived totioe ol the recall of Mc the AmericM Mioiater aadibaakc lioa of Mr Harriogtoa CoHHaxciAL Braodi eiMdy rroTiatooa doll larffef i4 a aaia3 Amval of the Ooau Nsw YoaCfJII- TheaiaaaMrOeaeaQaaaa rived from AoftawtU aW kr Al GoagBil Bfoadaa iba Oiroea Moraoa oohioi an er of ihe Pacific Staea Navigat paay loadiog at be Moloi drota th A eera aod craw aaliore el iba af be ooet placed taepa caaeaae aad oitiooa war aboard aed aaaaal fet ibe mootb of tba ria where tbi lioobta wera lyiog at aoc ti ila a eeiard froa tba OooeroBaM of ibMa a tbe waiera log I otMra aorreodered tbe pie aboard iooladiog lito badar otaking their eeeape ioto tba fc H priaooan wera broagbi to Gtatt aed 37 of tbaa loauatly aUl After tbb Moreoe aurtad ea where ho expecied to eapiara iciima if be aeccaeded tbay al aiailw fate Mar bia to i tba Praaidaat fatwaad tbe a totbaaaptain wbo racaivad bar prelaat aod goi a tbe aaoa tiato OOe for Ibe dme daya eaeiaa vaaMl Tba ainra ta aiill ai bavlag beea referrad to maoeger of ibe ooaaaaay m CalM T Praaidmt bedde iW aer awwai law apobeo of by tiittet to bid a Mf to taba ibar eaaal aad tBa PrMafr A aa appMraif to agree witb blai Tbe United Stetae doabto eadarfi boat Suarae arrived at Fbaaiaa ri nawerrooBCaKaotoibeeib Tbe reballka io Ferv Mpeara grooad tbe M a Hoedy ncm occorred aix aibe frea L weee lS080 rebeb aad 6000 awot troopa iibicb ibJaiif 48 oAoara k A few deye piaitoaaly a alb f iboard M filp A Woekadiog Ariaa 7m aatia aaatoo of iha aba aarft of the oBaa Of that db J Admiral Geo Paoiao i brb aod aftarwarda biag fbra i Tha naiioMn afiawaiv deaayai Ceptaia of tbe America ea boaf4- captared bb vaaaef Tba ta tbel raeaoily aeot oat fraia Eagtaad aieo oepiared the T leaaa Gorerooaai arMimiy IW a nrvtoe Chili b edU In troable whb i Ika AUaatio OtUa oa tbe ebvaaib aod Yaiaalia Bar 16tfa of iah n AU tbrauaairraf af iitm Eada J fill la aaB WfmU eataJy aaahded ftoa Ibe One era Mmm Iha lay ef titoa Telegraph Ooaairaotioa Oea aharga of Ibe aadartakiag b to ba afaaolaiely aeaaa nef Ibo PiaaaakbftMl aatjaa with Iba aiMaaai aat dlitraat tbaif attoatfa fSw IhiU iaoortaai dalla A aarad at Iba Ma aed I aaba will be waver be fbniahad i aooiatod Praa iaaadUMiy aafo arrival of tba Oraatl Heaiia Ooataat Bay aad tbaa ba aaida tritk tha it tf- aSthaHea Wa ara rafiabh laH Ail I MudiVjjMeaibMlMka tbe Tdagrapb Ceaay bba 7aahliw guiaoaahvr Mrpoaa of prooaadlag witb Mr B Bvarott aad a pwyar t aaaiatania to tha Oascf a repair tbe aabauHaa a Kewtooadiaad to Cape Breaoa tiae tbe Qreat Baitaca ef Hean Oaatoai e wbh avvly to tba Ooa TtLiotaM Gaafi bm lb qt b Ml W MM riMllkafk MikMl Un MiMee WoirfT la iu iG i boald be iatba beade ef i Tba idM of a raga heea at tbe heed of o ead of oar abeieaat Lwi- Aitortiit gaptit AaCe daaaat apirli of preferaaital la leaa ia aaah taiporMitoaiM oadaoatat aaibtstty tba tbe i- Iavia aad ef Caaaiaa C aaiaaat ap4 wrfWaowa ariy Mibe aidib pa af Mag appear a the OoeaaiaNM SET ftoftr to aaJhr lhi ta Slate prieeoera- Tl dsn fMt M bktfof lkK