THE NEWMAKKliT ERA SEPTEMBER 1 1863 Vtv AivvrtiMVCiU i0 M HM nr J VurtfiJ H D LwMlar r ThMh Trtim TU VtwAMkit A fclwln an tt f4 tMk pUte IMft Mail RtpM M4 m ra pn A5I r- naltand taifl 6rQ Mrfcitrr LATJSST FROM TOROS10 BillifiMMl f tk iktylm Isteniallonal Cricket ILitoh Vat ladsM for Terk Pm SMOV TBB PSSBSTRZAK AXTORNEY8 ADMITTUD nVie in the CryiUl Falact TOBOXTO Toiniro Aog SI 185 TW O Bt kaviBfE pUd UM lb af 35 000 for Um to k the Prorinoial LaMie Aa I aftjrd Btteb aaliafMtioa Tbo pwt laternatiooa CriekoC Match ti Caaada va Vaited Sta m pUyad iIm Toraate Oraaad tba bt pan of Htk aak OTwam Caaada foi liakad iba Taakaa btrioK voa tbegaoMvilti few wiakala to Thia bowaw faaaU aol bv bMa tba caaa bad tood iiaa boos Mieetad on tbo grovad of abil hy aal Caaada would aadoabledlj bart bM Tktonoa u it waa blaod get iaiiilii iaatoad of oad ariekatan TW nt AMtM Omh tor York and takca pfM la tbii dty 0 tb 9lh oTNafaabfrMii Tatn tba PoUca Magiatrata diapo 4rS Mfa ior eaao two wm M S0 aaA S wtra ial 10 aah toehaed aad ibraa laM over Tba Oarpwatioa tba pookticd 240 tawtida lodwwan Uzatioa aad at the aa tiaa Imtbt atroak of wbo law Wb tba aaa who waa atabbed Uat wafk fa raeoiarioy aad will anoa b abta It attad to bit ordiaary avoeatioaa- Tba fnt of walkiaft 60 niica par daj tar aLs daja waa eo bj Kfan Iba padaathaa jttUriaj- Ha baa bad hot UaM U day AaKwaVorriaoa M P P baa barti 1 Prandemi of tha Toroato Rowio Ui Chh Twaatyatx at AUomoja diuad le praatwa Tba aUaaef Ukaa tha pUat ti tba Spartam atWy ctraadcd la lb lirtT Mar Matr Tba Briliah Ordar af Good Teaplara iMOd a Pi Xie ia tha Crystal Paiaoa and Owaadi oa tha IStb Thirty par aaat ia tba aaUwnicd di tby tha Caatoat Dcpartbaot danaf lUa waak Markataara Tify aora ataff ooaia fai raagn froai 5 SO Bptfiof aslra Fail Wbrat l0e A llSa oa t atiaaC itaricy Mttaa at Aa 0 74 Pta Ue- aoe OaM SO w Appka ara offninfc at too bU aad PoUtoea 30e bafal BailH froM 8o 2S V P4S lOfr do toe Mckad aad 13a for hbeia laarasteed fwb flmttlUn TUnk Tba Caaawrinaa appoiaiad at a mia f fwr Uidiny baainaaa aaan Uat wrk t aaafer with lb Aafbontia of lb hAa laaUtatlon caHad opna Mr Wood ridra Iba Maaagar at Toroato om day IM wwk ed bad a vary aotiafaelery MafcrMoa Of ooara it wnH not b ia pUaa Ibr a ta aatar iae fali pankO br bar bat aoAoa it to aaytbr Mwigar of lb Rayal ara ot otly ley I aiabiib a Brnb Hi NaW wafkw tipaa iba rrqMta anwont at mrntk baiag baerfUd for 1 M ar ft5000 bat wiU pUoa iba Bwdl fai aeh a poaiiiea aa I aSurd Maaaandatiwi to dowbl tba acnoant of Blaak abaoribad ira Mm aIR- jdioioaaly diairibaid la m at rti p of lb lelity aad at iba mm daa fir to ibfa etkB of aouairy lb eaary capital ao a rird faf lb f of iti maebafiietl aod HMiMiariag ilarau Mid iba fall alapmal af ita agriauhsral raaoure Taar it i a happy- fimara Ihfa Bak that al im taba Cap- Ml 1 a wa fa Canada i awd iIm Kfillg fraa tb aa of thai caal will I ba aarrtad vet of ib ooaatry Ibr tba of iediridval of otbr taafa II win b raiainad bar aad Taad wbr eapaai fa ao aiaab aaa lar tha daaalopaMaai of oar Proaia- lb ti taibT lot tba gaad af tba rfftafT tmi ia propartioa aa w araaa acr laeal pewr by eaairalisaiiea te that y wtU w ba aU to rtaaabaa aa b aa toaaliuaaby naaatMtiaa af trad AIT friaadly to a aawpiieB tbaraiara wkbaat dime iaaf abaaar party ara raqaaatad to aal at ih EaSvaad Hot tbia Friday aaaaiaf la baar ifaa rapart af iba Caa- inaak aad taba aaab ttopa a my ba to aaaara a Braaab amk la vtlba fibwkb Tha waar paywn aa aiaak ara aai aM Mt by afary aMahiha iMa Btrika whOa tha iroa fa hot Firemea7ounuunent I To oor iwae a caopla of wwka upo w aotrd the Caat thai a wr ia progreaa far tnd FimMna Tovmt awnU It w with pfaMr w now re aoad lb ftl that Ihoa irraoKmeoli ar rBiirly eompletH and tb 8th in atant fifd epoo aa lb gala day Dy rrferwM to ear adroflitinK eol- aniM it willbcMva lh Newmarket Fire- owfl ofCo No I are to b joined by thoae of Anrira Bradford Barrie Hoi- land Ifandinj and Markbam aad bi liiaa ii aalioipaled Each Company wQlprohebly brfei Its enfina and a trial wRI Vak pae at ib TarMW lanka lii tba Tillag or at tb Rlrer of the reli eapaeily and power pf maebrn- Tbta ia to b foiWed w nndertland by albletie field apoHa and eamcs Dnrio tiio aflaraooa pabiia dianar will b pir to tb firanrn fro a diatase al riiethr tlla ojtared that tb abora oceaaioo will p oa nf the ayi Nwnaikl baa Men for a loog U aton froia tba amaaadtoK aoaai will fiad the abor oeeaeiea oa of pi aarablareeroalioa aad ansannrnt and m orr and banm plaee will ba kqtt open ioatead of eloaiof a Cirparabla op- portanily will b afforded to are tlae by eoabting Tiritora to make neer parahaaea for wbiob tbey woald bara to the placa apreially for ander other eireaaataaon 8e adreniaewet Fir in Hewmftrket A fit broke t aboat halfpa tea n oa Batvrday in tb roof of tbo jt- Riian oeapid by Mrs Powelt on Mill Street adjoiaiog tb CoisDieralal Ildtel Shortly afUr the alarm wasciren Kagia Co No S and tb Hook Laddar Co arrifcd and cnaainred oferalioai as- aisted by a goodly ntiiuber of dliteoi bat to be Unoka we anderatand beioag the arodii biry of ciliataiahi tha flaaa W apeak from rrport in thia nattr aa were abeent on the ezeartion aroand Lake Stmco at the lima bal it i aaid tba toembera of tba Hooka aminlcd th roof and lilfally aot tb fr oat ad tbrew tb baming enber frocn tb baiU- itg Kogin Co No- 2 waa not idl by irana bat woald bare een ofaoob praetieal atilily bad il bea i a proper atat of repair As it ia lii Ea- gia ia alnaat aaeieto baria the factihy of leaking oat the wster aa fat aa bard labor can throw it la At tb Station fir ibia eagin waa rcry inrff elent on ihia aeoooai- and we bad boprd the experi- of that abt woald hare led ihe Fire and Water Coainiiiiea to look after it Nqtleet of thia kad oa the part of tb Engineer Coamittr or whoever fa responaiUe fa alaost eriaiaal aad we ill never oenir ayain tb tin th flr was dtsorered till it waa ettiofaifhed bat rerr few lea elapsed ind it was an oat befor the afar bell ben le loll tbfa aeooanls for ihe Bonarriral of Kario No 1 ia liBM to rder SMtrtsaoa Tb baildiapa in th loeatity abere the fire Itnaled are all wooM and had the flantr got headway before beiog diaoov- erad it fa bat than likely ifa low of property woald bar bee very ooaaider- ablo A it waa with the eeeplioo of a boi in th roof aom ten or twelr feet liqnare no fatthvr damage of oonaooeno SftBt QwiUimliir7 CounciL The abr Coaneit oMt at th Maniion Uoa Sbaraa oa Friday iaet All tb Bbra prcaeatth Rr ia th tthair After reading and eelrig tb aia- of preriova aMtlnr a oonoaaioa was reeeired and read from th Clerk of Yorkrilla roapeeting Dcbatar9a i alao froai tha CWrk of Wbithareh reap iag great a Towa Lia b that Towaalilp GwSRnbary also froiB Wb Doan aq raaigniag tb of- Ae of CUetoroa aaeoaat of hfa eaatan- plald roaoral afa petiiioa frwa 8 Traataes of 8eioa No- lprayiaglh Coaaeil to lery aad elat M fbr Mheoi irpoaas Boer rpQrtd rarbafly thai tb work of onnatraetiag a Bridg orer th Hollaad Birer aaar Laadya MifU bad ba let by eoairset to Mrs Webstar 4 Johnston for 75 aad that tb work eew ia a eabataatial Ha also reported that aaieatio had baea reeeired froai Had Qaartar that tha apportioai Clergy Baserr Moay to thfaTowaship asiotd to 27866 else that a D beatar f lb Viliaie Terkrfll had ba parb8d fbt iS00 afao that tha Trarr had raoeiaed tlM payMnI of Toroato Doheetara aatoaatiay 1000 A patitioa was praia froto Is R aad etbers prayiag for aid for M Kalistf a dtitai prea praaaatad by Mr Sbattlawofth Tha Ceaasal waat iato aoainitlaa of th wbaU oa tba vartooa doasmonU pra- sealsdMr lUid ia th btr AAer Bpdiag aoaa tiaM tha oonmitta rpartd pkapa aad aakad faar agaiag La graatad Tha Baar tfasa lft th iwtr hoar tat diaaar AwrwKKooM nanoti Basineaa raaaaad aboat tn eekek aO th CeaadSon pn Tha Clark laid apoa tha Uble a oapis af aaafad tdara far tha oAoa of CoO a asiag opa Abraaa Da agiaeii ta parfc ThM tadra war ra to tba itto of th whole of tb Boraiax lioa sad said aoattaa tbra rt tfasM ba sittiifa Mr B ia the I aad rapertad aa fl- lews lai Baspaatlag Patftioa af Tn tof8 No 1 aakii tb leryiag of Mtool tat thy redVBidd ib pnr- r tbref be gimatad aad harawitb aa toil a ByLaw ftr that parpoaa Vaar aoaaittaa hava aarsMIy asaaiaed th asoaata of th BtaniiaK Olbr aad Pofl CM aad t iPith reg to Um potitloa tt Isaaa Koaa ftr raKsf to a pa Kflfa year aoweitiae oaaaot th prayw tharaof ha graatad 4th Tear aotoaHtsa bare tiiMi Ihe tendera for Coltceiing Tateath pre- Bl rar and reeoaimended that of iienj Danhaa ba aooeptodit being the tow- Bepnrt adopted and Iba Br La ra ferrod to waa read end paand ibroagb iia Mreral aUna Mored by Jea Doaa eonoded Geo Holborn thai Chaa Ooana Statnta Labor perfortned ander Mr Lateabie i atiafaetorr to tbfa Cooneil Carripd Mored by Mr Ioan seooaded by Mr ShultlMorih that Job Wilfaoa ba credit ed wilfi throe days slstoto labor 00 bfa neit years work on soeoant of labor performed for AiUa Roftrrs th aaid vAllaa lloRers hariDg peomied thrs work la Wo Elaers diriaiaD Crrid Th Coaneil then sJoareodlo meet sgaia tb laat Satarday ia Noreaber ProTiiMial Flnaneei ITaderoarPsrliaaeatary beadiag will be foand the Finaae Miniatars state of th krs of th ProriBOs aoa atarily daring th put year aad blo will bo found th antieipated rereaae aac catiauiod eependitaro for ih ooniog twcJr meahi Qf eoars ho ficara sarplos aboftspaaea of fSOOO W bof it nin b reaHied hot like ererr other eatimate fiir years of the aatne geatlenan w noat ooafeaa oar pro Maa to soapieioai aboat tha lasalt realii lag ha SBtiaipatioa aaniiATBD ftamttrct CaatoBS 6166 000 Exeiae 1550000 Poet ofBoe 470000 Pablie Worla 4M 000 Ooaaa Poatage 70000 Territorial C50000 Stsapa J3000i Other aoaroea 1650600 Total Bereaae 411136 000 The IbUowiagara the estiaatad ipa- ditar 1 laterest aad Kaaesacat of Debt tS 890000 CWInary ebargia 4634000 Oiril Q 1 860 000 Befonds lOOOOO Miliiia 00000 PaUfa Works 600000 Total Ezpaaditara 11074000 Leariag tb earplas ia the yaar 63 000 The Qeorfian Baj Canftl 80a progreai baa beea aada thfa year towards the eoeiaanatioa of tbfa aatlon- al work w say aoaw progreaa for do CeraraaMat till th prreent woaU em bear the opease of asarroy Pcriiaaent has dedar in fkror of its inportie aad it fa ao doobt das to the geatlaa who bar takea ap the q that ao aaob baa baaa aoaeadad W giT bow tb rsaarks of Tloa Mr McMAfTBK wHht asaaadiag tb ieel rgig tb Q to bear the sesaa expeaa of a sar for two fiiat it ahaaa hii astiea fa right and aaaoadly gt oealradiotion to tha aba s aioat bfa oppo- ia the Soab Bidiag of Siaeoe with ngaid to Ua poKey oa thfa tk- Mr Faaovaotf plisa aake a aote He Mr MiTEAsaidjhal vary t etfi du wth Imo aember for fa fMlh atofaanerm ahKh tie bad plas b iba lla tb iapor- lant labtMt a wbtdftna Moti nfoimd erry peiaan wb b4 giren lb aabjeet proper aiieotien waa prepared le admit Uiai ty and ety great advantam woatd ro le lb prtoc geneiallyifon ibe pre peeedeeooeeiieo efib waiaraof tb Gr aiM lay by meona f a ahlp Canal with Lak Onuri Tbfa Mi nlwiibeiniing nrihmg ibal aicht h aid waa ooafiaae- lb aaat diffM of any yet prieid iMw lb Upper Laka aa4 Jfaw Yrfc nd ceufame all Ib bb aiaodiaf and laineneeinibe eiril Migiaoaring prefee- ioa ha giren it aa fbeir eeinwn tbal if odfod Ttr aoaMrod by aailiag tlao It nealae ibotbetieai bf agraat dMl Tba ely laraidaMe ebateel ia tb way waa Ml at Iba iii0h ridM few aifae arb 4 Taraai and aatil ib wee deUJ by ooapetMM aaibafiiy m i wblbr m bi ibal bataal oeW b reieeme by ofi- rhif akR lb psapfa of Weeietn CsMila waM noteoeei ia w OMuent t ib adep liea of eay etbcr rt Naarly 960000 bad baa expended la zptafwfaa sad ear- y af lb Ottawa reef aad ia rlw f tb ibat lee ibaa oa qeaiter of lb ea b aadsd to aak th prepewd ey of tb Oeorgiaa Bey and Ooiwie raoia be did bop tb GovoraaMoi wald rfaw lb aattor faeoarably aad b iaJoeed a uk eech atope a weaM b oeeary I Iberaogliiy lb praiaabifky of ibet prejve HeSlawilwe riewe h eSerded him ffreat pleaeefcto Mead ib ae lb ba aBabf laataaa Criiat A retora ratah batwaeo h Aarora aad Hollaad Laftitag Claha was played oa tha 0th altiaaa aad resaltad ia laror of tha bttar with Ibar wikt to i waa tfrsi ar it aroald bar be giraa hat wek The Matah piayad oa tha Aarora greaad aad wiuMsaad by hrga awd of pators wb apperd to Uk a Imly iatoroat In th daya proaasdiagS It fa hardly worth whlk giring tha seer at thU Uto dato bat we aMy BMatiee tha raaa aade Aataaafctlalin 1 Sad iaaiaga SO total 81 liQaad Laadi Ist la- elaga 84 tad iaria with fbar wi kata 48 tatal 8t Ia th lit laoiag of Aaraca 31 jljb aada 13 raaa aad ia tha tad iaataof HoUaad Lad iag Mr Ayaeada SI tU raaa d aoaa of the bft sjesdd th ararag AMtkor A Hr BoBsar Limoaroai blaeksaith la th aaploy f Mr H 9Xvtar af Aarara at withasarioaa iiiHiai ae tha 80th ak a sbotgaa It appears ba had baaa oat aheetiag daring lbs day aad oa fotara ia gattiag fr a fe haaat barrel af bfa gaa batweea raifa Whaa jaapiaf dewa oa tb epp lid af tb fcaa th gaa ia aa aeooaatahl Baaardisahaipd blwiog itato thfoa th fraat part af bfa AOildir aad aarariag tha aaaelaa Dr ffuXAKT was iaaadiataly aDd who drsaaad tha woaad aad Hr Uriagstoa fa dfllag aa wafl aa aoeM ka apetd bat tha Daslo Ihiaka k wiil peabaMy ka tha aaaaf U arm Haw FniiL Mr T L- IIkacock hat laid on oar table a bakclfaU of eboiee Raaaier Appl called ihe Ihicbeaa of Oldenburg larK a ncflow sad jaiey Ufa orchard fa qaits yang bat if the ample faft as be a fair apeci af the frait of the whole hia seieeion of trees be soperior to aoat orebarda in thw aeelion of ooantry Mr HtiOoCK has gralefal aeknowledents 8ala Bagistar Tbofeday De KMaf Ska- tm hm a mI ef HaoMMH eraitaM Dn Gaeda Ae ceMMaHac at I orWkei Aa Mr Doaa ia abMii raaMviof fr thh aertina ef eoeaity bafvloa aiaT ba had at tha ahova aa TariM cfedii till tat ma eK annMorer Jaa Kafiragb iae- Editorial Sonmary- A aseetinr of the Pirroten of the tertk Tark Ag SacMy lakn em Maa- lay ant at 9 ia Ihe Konlag reactaaUl i ibotei aiffwary CoKS Mr Joatrn BooAitT has mr tkaaha Car a kaakatfall ef Oara Ib bM ve have aeea tbia aeaaea Far Uhta eaah laaepanef lo aay eikar kind itrawa In Ibe CMaty AkbeafH Ihe graiea are wtB Md the ear la atili Under aed eoed F AccMaBt We regrel in kern that Mfaobaariia of nmdrod and afa toinlaw t tba Rev Mr Drnva 0 thfa placa whit on a tiul oarHnafrieada la tnaUfil oa SabbaiS Ua mat with en eeodni wMch toraimiird iialiy fb folliwing Taedey It appaare that iR- adiately after eburch to eompaoy with afrfandabawas fng far drivia twohe1d nbici confoionly cslfad gigrs Sbortly nfir being sealed and wbiU her catnpaovoQ wm gitTg in lb vablcl tbo horee became frlghleoed and unmaeabte ran swsy throwing U Brooks with rioleoe to tb grouad Hr injari wr iataraal and alibougb mdicl aid ws promptly ia atiandaae sh lngrd till in following TudAy moraiog whn dah rHvd hr ef saf friig Mia Baonaa was an amtaMa woman and raspeld by sll who ko lr CfBCMt W eali ttontioe to th Cooeort aoiKnod to tak ptoo ia tba nstl on Tnesday ereaiAg next Good Biuio and exealleot peebes nsy ho aa- twripatsd As the adalasioa fa fixed at tb low priof Uneeta and aa th h jeet fa onparelbrSetMvolenoe w trust the friends of tb Sabbth School In- iatioQ will find tbsir way to the llaUoin tb abor ooension W eat it dowtt n foot fally eastained past experiaaos that oar rilfaga hse nem been sppnkd rat oa behalf of Sabbath Sebaols A Saercd Coaoerl in aid t4 the BiUiaKraBtrih Meeai Alhat niarcb will bo gtvaa aa Taii era- ateflha 19th iMtat the afaraaaid rillafOhy I aaeibar ef aaiateer fra and feewhMe Tkkata M ca Aa tha I feral a baaaralrai ae wa wake ae 4mU ba allandaara will be larfe OAn awnt af ibe liUai CwiUimbery Ag Soeieij Exearaion areoml Lake Si I Seiertiay leal fa anavoklably erwiP- Soflio it to eay ibere weie abl 376 on Ibe trip ibe Caifjr Afoy all rigjb- lad with Iba aid af tbo ibsroe Baod he dey waa happily apeat Per favor of hia friends at Brad- fari wa have reeakrd a eef 7 ef the WaaU OrmiA pobiiahed at Victoria Taaoaevf lakMlea whieb Mr Dwerr nbeMU abeva vilkce twe er thrae yean ae r ll faM eoMtry la the Waat ia aew aofafrd- Il aftwda oa aneb aalWatia to ha able itbaMtXmmleteagwatl aad th will be ratilyiac aa t aaay el ibe war friaadaafihat gaetiaaiea Corrf0 liiwnrrATioi ft a lha ff ir JSee A varf ptoaaaal aad agrae ag wne bald to ibe Diviefaa Raea Ib 8 vf T ia Ibfa village oa ToMday evaalaf iba 23ad last Tb abject of b aMeting waa le preeeol an addraes M Rev Mr E Baaiaa The Cbair vras oeapfad by lb W P Mr E P Irwio who ah briefly eiaUag the parpeee fat whieh the kMy waa aeaveaed aaJled apaa the Chair who eaag Brigblly baa Tapf dawBod Mr Jeha Ck was reqoeated to presaat tb Addra witfab b rM I lw ad ftibl aaaaaer whieb lb Rev Mr BAataa raade able and fllag toply Tb addree iooapADMd whb a pars of aMay tWe an awaJhd t laaveever the ad raaa aa raelr till oer aeit iaeae aa the ra artlela at alabUd aad waa aa Wand a wereaaka rwid To thefea- cyhMe Mhtm M lthaeatasieewaaaet Wa have had t o part al aw at i ihle aMMh of M aiuala C J J d4t waa than aaf by Mlaa Priidi Miaa Oaefe eatitlei He eae to Leva redto lhji dtoeea aeaadaet eepplfef wbiab bed besa FwvUed bytbe Meodsaf ihaeaaaa batfae hear wm ambt very p i di aoeatoftb aeriieef ibe ai4 Ihiacs wbbar- aUj pie vt tod aad ta aacial enaiwaa Triiilai was sailed to ei4er aw waa daftaered br P P Pt JtaBev lBvheraadJaaJPearaCsq TW iMr haiac eaUed apea aag pfaee Wbaa aball we aeet agaia Jtev Mr Iirill tbea dahvand aa abia addnaa mi WM bllewed by Aev Mi Praear ptaMaal and happy atrafa Aber aa ptaaa by the ehatr Bev Mr Bwkar ai aed Aebawdklia A ll wm a JUnt Albart Oamepeadaiei MoorrAuaar Aigast 66 Adar aa abssaaa eeveral vreeka fraa Ibfa pan East GwiirMabary I bar larod aad again laeaaa my pea to wrhe ay fa aegltod wkly ir Ia faek- rar back aaabea f tba fro tha ay baa na aeopaeed I iad that I aa ladbtd a ay HMd Al- fsaqai tha raa Ceaaepaodaai ia wnticbereh lor a raiber pi neticw in eoeh bUrw anieW 1 aaaare jroa1 et HH ytr ej Ifta leplyiog ill th aa ait hot whw i bla lliiy I wa pi id paion of bis ni Wins ihai b wa mUak in tb praen of yoer Cerroepeadenl 1 lhagbi b upeflfi0s Peibape be expeoiad a re ply in faei freo wbal I bare larBd I aappoe be did bol L bare the ptoM of inlbraiag bia thai I ibiek U wbelty ry aflor being ioferatod of hls AfA ioo It ia an eld aieoea I ibere- lore five him a friendly warning lo bewara ant paaoa toeiber antjaefa 1e farmers in aaifbbo Barly deoe hefveiiMMitekapiag qoiie fiiiiaheiL Thd fxeifbatrfley ardonibfa yeer ao mocb earlier ibao enaal li owing le lb An bsrvt weather tbsl w bai ia part e it baa bee dityeed efw ibe the yld for il very mocb ezeeeda ibe timate wmed earlier in the aeaaoo bav heard ef one man a abort diataaee batond that People bare of alt ahadea of poHlieadoT inf the iaat few weeks hava been wateb- in witl a keen iniereat tb procweiJinga ef ibe aaaembird wiadem of Ibe Proaioee i Ibe Lecivelve Halls of Qabao Ni eems lo bae bea do lUceeMfnt petaaje of the cfiaia by ibe Coeiitioa Miniatir and the elevatiMitothe piemieriblp of Sir N F Balleai Il aeema 10 be ibe fate ef Can lerial erii The praaieai wtbra havs a sort of diroalo enhetxlement 4i4Bia bot aU ihU asy be regarded but tbo baaias af tb end Th wonder fa vary ofea ex hen What has bewni of tbo thirty forty iron clad wbiob were going to Ra- rop Th World says ihe Oorem ment has not half a doiM opbfa of ven taring beyond the prteiceU of Ihe dock yards anatteniled by wooden feaesfa The New York Herald aan it has reeeired privatoiofonaatloo frea Kagaad whieh clearly lead to the sapieion that the defecU in the Atlantic Cable were the reenlt of rivalry and joakmay on tb part of soiD firms who put in ooatraets r its manafaetare Tbcae aamo firm nployod men to drive aail throagh tlM cable btwe England and Hoilaa bo oanse tbsy were dtasppointed So aoeh for tb Heralds auepaeiens amongst hia Eteellatwya 1 Cartiei fcCo Tbfa aoeatineas iboogh loa aeemed lo hsa vary nech dwapaied by th reading P Tarh Theae pepara ahowed Reform- great leaders of tbe Liberal party nd acrnuwiedted by bim lo be the poliey bia Admimrtnitwa- I thW war oo agh le prove le diaaaiifid people tb iiberJobn A Maedooald or Gaorg E- ll wonld certainly a the Caaarivaiive leadera had poi ig iheir own way and will no a fflOMore alrenfihen lb eonll- dencw ef the pablie in Mt Brown Let na leaat hApa that it aay be ae aad lhal ibe eel Liberal ledbc ouy prve biaaelf renby ol ikat cooloAce by jaaloaaly LOSOIMANCS Saw Tark Carraepoadanaa Denottnetd a jrrriNm DeftdcckHont over Four New Toac Aag 26 65 Tha derision redtd last wek by Baffaio Jary ia die eslratsd Ceiriie ter ease has set Q the SpirilasUsts af thfa elty in a great tarry Th Jary deid ibat sptritoalfaa fa aotbing aiore aer lea thaa Jagglery aad that thoae who praatia It tsaat tak eat a Baaaea the uae as oter aoaatehanka and ilaightofbiifd oeerotaaooeri By thfa saddea strok ta lb ibrtoaa of tha sya- tea thfa daktiaafaaBt off froa the liat f rKaa to r aa a jtiry aaa da M aad pUaad ataaa the liM of haabofS whr all saaaibla paopfa hav piaaad it b Ketefaaa defiileatfaa bara has lad tha alosisc ap of orvaral aaallar apara- m a ptoasfaaat ina ia Chiaaga lUi eia havi farg fiaaaial coaaaetioaa withKatekaafcSoa havab obUgad to taspad Th fall extent of the awia- dfa fa aot yi folly asaertaioed Ifoaag Ketehaas kaowa dsfslaatioas foot op to evar bar aiUieaa a doUaa aad olbsr aaH itnM yi ta aaM Oar hotsis ars fiUod with Soatbra who hT takaa part ia tbe reballioa sra aow aaxtaaaiy wskia goad barit opportaaitfaa hara 8om are operanag oa tha Stoak Eashaaies ethan jetaiag Stoara Pasltaa Caapwiks aad aaaaroaa other avoaati Thay abhor tb id f living ia tba Saath oa soatal and pa litil qaaU9 with tba who have bae thir sarvaats lb gaa haaea theiriafiaxhara Aa aetwa at Uw has ha tiklarad tb aaaa of Mit Jaaas Gregory for oflMai afaaoadajM th prt f Mayor Ganthar CoatrolBr Braonaa laspaator Book aad vetif other Strai Coaiaia- aiaarr af thfa oHf Th ehaigs reii that tha aoatraets hara hsa let foe tas of year laager thaa thay hara aay powr to dosaid ooatraeto haviag bn M to reUttTs dpeodaatt ftad aasocia af saaa af tks Cuasaiaioncn at prioas raryiag fraa 300000 to 81466 000 aora tha savaral leepoosiUe parties hava aSsrsd to do th saaa labor It fa BMr thaa UkIy aaladniaiitratioa will ldfMnta fit took plsoe hr th 80th iaetaat Baaday and all u it WM betwaa No 6 aad 41 Eir- Coapaaiei wbea gotng to a fire Clal pwloK sto tnuopata sod othr kind of weapoaa war rrl asd Saverai pfsoa war eavefT iarad two of whoa hav siao dd A eocoars jary reooaaeaded dfabaodiag th eoapaeie bat ao eiaa aoold be got aa to tha derars Saeh fa Ufa hm la th aato of Wlkr th aardctad peUaaa to whom I nfrrd ia a pr- vioa fattar th Jarf ratantod a vardiet of wilfal aarte agaiast of th row- dioa wb ara now la aOBflaantoOt await iag thair tri Tha Naw Terk TVA Ooaaa oat to day iMwasaillin retired Barahaats aad fcraata wtdm aad Traataaa to loTMt la like National Loan the only Jnstlrn 9 tit T sAtaV IK t afgas ioa if I aay so ajJoak abora reaeb of fraad and peahk Great fa Wall 8trat hat the Matioaal Kxchang fa llill graater HaBread 8toek PetrolMa Oil Caapaoice aad WiU Cat Banks eiptnde bat the Natioaal Paper 1 still traa i ttooftiai I ayfbalfav that reaeh beter thto dpeeiUeg with sot tha Katehaaa af Wall Street Tb FeaUa hara held ano NIc and got tba axaal amoont c hing oa tb old story oflKUaui emeacipetion aad Ragiandr bomihatioa Tha PeaUns are not allowed at Coafra- lion here Sine I eommenosd this fattter defeieatioas have beea disoovecad i- ei Th flt of saothor hsak toBsr with 00 handrad and fifty Ibaosand dd lar in hit poeaiion fa reeordcd sad ii a third insiitati a BookKeper haj decamped with aboat ten thousand dot Ian alw an Erie Railway Freight Col lottor has absoonded with a largo amoani of pionder Tbfa modem Sodom appears Atirorm CorrMpondano- Tk Vwiaer Cberfrrosoa Coartf OMd Ifnrmnntf AtirraFWl Wktnt a Partial FtliinPoiomimg Iog dx ArraoBA Aag 10 A gcQtlemao daring tb late wir io be serrioe of the United Statee remark d lately in my hearing Too people in Caaada apper lo hare no idea of the rrelloasstreagth or perfect orgaaisatio of the Feaiaa movement Tb ry IS that fVoa whit w bad rd eartaialy feeliag of ridicala pKdaieatd over boih far aad afarm aad thai w blfaTd th am brdy to h namcrically aowll poiitiaally weakaid aorailypaetlUnimeas we were alao nnable to andaad how it oonld obtoia tha objaot it was eeppoeed 10 have in view a witbeat the eogn ef the Ameriean Govammentitnoald neither bnild or eqaip a firat to carry aeroa th Allanlie evea a portion of the thooaaads of rrpated membm What are its o be gained Doi tb regcDcration that when thm Fensnswith their Head Ceatr mak th promiaed attack thai tho good Ben and trae both r4 the PrntesUats and Catbeliewill b wdl abfa to prov that D va jjrui dtHuntat t By tb Uto ton of Ihe Toroato OUbt Cenndralioa aeeja for th preeent at oat to be deepairvd ot It pfrs that thestatHdity atM jealoasy of tliM down below i th IfOwrr Proriooav bar Briy datroyed so aagaifioeat a sebeme Yea I Tfa tro tfa pity and pity tis fa tnP Twparagnphs already and yet after fortnits eilooae ao Marlling locafa froa Aarora 1 We have been Viviog io saeh a scene of oonliaoed axcitetDent aad taraMul that nuttirs wbiob woald shake ordiaary town to their very foaadatlona traos here withoat a remark- With lite exeeptioo ef an occasional ripple on th Mgitrial WBtn Aarora fa pqrani tb ra tonor of her way T who 0 NwBarkt hav ia years goae by paaa thnagh thfa ordlt grav aat aa oar littfa xtaak Aa it wer with yea 0 with aa Many at th nton threwa bit Ibw th head brke Oof gall asr b Try lMttr bat aatar Uiag libaral Poiroit Id Cartfar moved tbe recaplia of tb report of tb cnmfflitt el lb wblc lb act respecting lb tiril ood e Caaada Tbe reaaioder Af tb day was spat ilisetaiag tb report Metvt Carticr at Uerion apeaking at great length Tbe debate wai alaett perety tacbmeal ad wholly asfatoraatiiig to tia geral readei Tbe report wsi fiaally eoacrred ia a the third readiog of tbe Bill fixed f Tbarsdiy wtt Tbe ITosie adjooroed at 11 oclock LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL Qocaao Angutt 28 Th 8pkr took ib abar t ihr oclock Ilea Hr Prk introdied bill incorpor th Tadoosac Hotel and Sea Bathing Coanpaay tloa Mr Olira eel iha villag ol Hon Mr BMltoa OMvod an sddraM r retarna raepeng ell exeeaiieni placed in ih hand of tb Sbrlff 01 whkh poundage had been chergad tl though ao eale inok placa Crrid Tb followicg bilfa wr rd cood ina lloa Mr Ciipb Geldminiog modmnt Hon Mr Proolx Towns aod vilfagas eroTitinn rgoUtion Hen Hr Carri Lineola bylawa egallxeiioa The Houm then adjoarood al foar Tel ek LEGISLATIVe ASSEMBLY Qoaaao Aug S8 Th Spkr look ih chair at thr I Th following privato biUa d through commlti of th whole and ordered to be rd third tia toaaor M Derina To ineorporale tha Tern- prnn Baafii Socioty etioa ef 8l Mr Cerlieg To Ineorporal th LerwIon Collogiate Ineiilnle Tb follawisg bdl were reed laeend Lt an oatader impaga ear fair oaaM fbr iissssfiilnia sohrktr or aay of tb ethr ardlaal rirtae aad aD Aurora s oae saaa wtS vary bddly atoet tbe foal da- biaerl Thoae who have already thrtahed ia thfa aaboarhaed find that thair Fall Wheat erop wa alaoal a total itilara yteldiag ia 00 ta oaly fraa iv to ta baAifa per aara Of eooia tha ar a bw rxceptloaa OflhBidgproof w hav a yet baard nothiag 8oae person probably aii that Mr Aasoa Wrighta propeeed tax oa docs woald paaa lat Uw aiiv batd the ooaatry by poueaiag several la thfa vil lain reoontly How oaimptjbl aad oowardly fa tha p who tthar to gratify a fariiB if rveg or in wanto Biakief ptaM pakoa for another dog What wd yoa do to saeh aa aaa hang hia T Ay a high a Hamaa IGNOBAMUS LEGISLATIVE COUNCVLT Qoaatt Ag 35 1869 Tha 8pakr tAk tb chair at thrae elecit Th PaUewiag biU war atfodsd Mnl Ibnii rafatiag to tb Ictcraatioaal Dridg a paay Oa Mfiea af the Hea Mr Rm the I to iaaerpaato th St Brldgia Asylea Melrl w rad ihird tiM H Mr Cmi Ik kill arpBrat tb St Cthariae Garal Uaapital waa rd a saaaad tia Tb Hoae the adjaarned LEGISLATIVE A98BMBLT Qatsac Awg 89 189 The Speaker toek tbe chair at thr aclock Tb Falwiaf Mia wet alradc4 aad read a firet ttae Mr Scateberd T anthorta tha ad afaaiaa f Hary Hart Cya aa aa attar- y ad oHciter k Upper Canada Mr trviaa To kcorporste the Uaka Beak ciT Ijwr Osaada Mr Cockbara To iaeorparato tb Nortbaabrka Baak Mr Morris To aetbariard tb iw af ertak praparty bckkg to Cbrift Charcb Itiawa fnr tb eiretii threon of a paroMga bAH Mr Walh- r ootmct a railwi from pert En to WindAr Mr J A MecdtnaldTo aaih alifis 1 lrnmit aad tak rsl proerlr a thia prariaei by d to and with reprd to works aaeessary for the dcfrace m tbe provincae Tbe bin a ritead tbe time for the aonplelioa f tb Brockrilk and Ottawa railway contpsay was read a third aad psvesd Mr Mecdoepll broeght down rctera to T B Pergaaoo To icteorprate Simeo Coaaty Bank Dunsford to legnlia eortain by od dsbaoter of tb ootinty ef Victoria Mr Maefarlano To aoMod th el iaeerporailng tba vtUaga of Mitchell M Caasbon To amend lb cbartor f the Derry gold miee eompany Hr Magill moved aa eddr for ell Mrrespocukne fce retotiv tolh kvy- rsg and colkcling of tolla t0 tb Barling- a Bay canal 7h motieo wm earriad Mr Cowao laovod addM for ra- om of tb vo caat fee ae ef tbe Boerd of Agriaalnir In th yar 1865 stating lb name of the person ly voted for The motion ws carried Mr Btirton taoved an addreea for vn- rioo psprs with rfcriio to tbdW du by tb town of Braallbrd en aeeount of tha UuDieipal Loan Fund Carried Mr A Neckaosa amvad that 0 Wdoday the Hoa rolv iietf late ceianiiuea of the whok to eonsider asr- lin reeolatkns r th aal aad mnretura ef spiriiaoue liqaort iaa the laUnd of Meniiouiio Crrid In rrpiv to M- Prralt Mr Mef said im dspieh were yl retvd from tb Coloaki Rerstry boot tb lnieratkel sbibilioa 1867 to b hld at Pari Oa saotka of Mr Aawa Wright th He weal iMO Cammltt oa ih bill aaad tb Uppar Caaada Act raspse log OMetar and sarveDt At rix oclock lb aoaaiitea reported aad obtslaad lasva to sit agaltt Whaa tha Speeher feaai tha ahair at halfpast sava tba Haaaawaa aeaated aad tbera baing ealy sixta aaiiibra praaaati H adjowraed or waat af a LEGISLATIVE OOUNCIU Qcsaxc Aag 29 Tba Speaker teak tha chair at thr Th felkw bills wera read a lUrd iae aad To graat eertaia additioaal powers to Iba Ceaada West Paraers Mtal baar- aac Coapaay Uo Mr Chrntfa Retiag h plaatiog aad protecti af frit aad thr trs Be Mr Ffat- T sfrto Laaark fraa BMfiaw Ha Mr Sksad Hoa Hr HIair alrdcd a bM ra- apactag shrt rra f aartgag k Uppr Tb follewiag bdfa wr rad a Mead BrockriDe aad Ottawa Railway tiaa ex- MUaa Hr Shaw latercoloekl Btidp Hoa MrRoae Tte HoaM dr at haifpast fear LEGISLATIVE A8SEBLY Qoaaao Aag 29 Tba Spker took th chaw at thrae deck H Oartier prarad tha aeaead rapat of Railway ci reported with coafirai aa egreeawat between tbe Graad Trt krfflnte ihe Leedeea Mr WaMi aared be laaarf of lh bl 10 a Fnrt pna lo Wiada epa bat arovA Obectoa aijkM Mer Saadfild MaedJifSflS tbet tbe wer aaay AtientJO was afao drawa t thafcL iy Mtitioa wa preaated Mr Magill oppotod the hdl laa lyiagoparatoawUeh wm eatirS ad After reeeet Oa notion of Ir Gait ty OMtoiai 0 ceaaittee of ways mI assa reet in tb chair Mr Gsit tbea laid before the H idgetgiviag the trade stry after which he proceeW b far to lU selaal raaltaad wadl lbs coamilt Ibe realt coaawS the eatiaats Tb espaditar half year wm 4991495 U ihTaT 11 941939 tetoll6 5MTMl3 for the half year 5464069 MrS rear total tt1J J Ths deficienay as coaparad ilbi lay wa M0823 aost a ssm drficieecy fr tbe sigblaea aoav 000 tb difertMa being B6Ua I reftrrace to tb deitr 823 h tboegbt h aigbt b vrrSNT drawing tb attio ef la ceaa 10 th fct that ieldd k thsal tih iteaa that coaM scarcely b aida4 belogkg to ordkary expM referred t tb first pkd t ths afa rd a4 th prMt t Ih GaMTM tor postal rvice of 10 ISO that beisg a debt which wae wi wo aaoeBl to 442758 aad If wi ider this as apert fron the ordise peaditsre of the cneatry it weeH r be defickocy te 898065 Uadic peaditare were iacleded itcaete plated by tbe covatry er Ibe Heeatf begionieg of the year 0 ibftab aeetioced for froatfar plkeead ks site draw stteatioa to th ket thai Otuwa batldiags wbkh were a p weik ia eigbieen mMithe we Ma breattei8715000 Hs wa HP edtoabow bow th drficteacy wati provided for d weald refer lat k balance Tbet wr tb 1st Jap I8C0 83810000 ad ea the la I 1865 3U0531 iacrcaa e paid off 8406745 aold Q 539 item blaa 988 M 8M0S23 ai tia diflere batwar iMoaM and the total oatlay Is stiajr ib Ihe expcsditw 0 Ibfa as very thisg wai broeght ap t tba 30ll N itrasf were allbwtd to atsad sv whok cssse ie within Ihe fiaseisl 11 wav well I knew that tb talai coflrpreheeda 11 tb iacoM f thi sain to tb SOtb Jeae He ibaMV igbt crnTtalato Ibe coaarttatliBV Mtry tbet aotwilbataadkg that wAP Main a ant Mrkov falhag aCa6i laoon rrre ad icraM ipo lb rereaae we bad hes dificaiti ik Railway sad tba B8slo Lak Ura RaUway coapaaka aad lb bill to acorprst th OiUwa Strl Rvlay Th fnwi bilfa wr pad tbreagh loaaitta of tb whak Far Mwtiag Aik I ra ato k er Caaada Mriaedoald or abolisbieg Ibdtiahat cf death a certak eases H Cbrtier T irpr4 ad adfa asiig eeapyMr Irvk The foUawiif bilMre read a 1 firaso k Upper Cad dld T jbk slieae to traaeait aad take ml property k Iks proviaca by deseot Mr J A Hdld Th Mkwkg balk war rad a tk tiaa aad pa To iacorporat tha ttaperaaee beaeit ciety of tha Mctioa of St iasas Derioa sffaaift sdj M k Cnlmq ArilYal of Uta Cl of Waj New Yoac AsfSl Tb ateemahip Ciiy of Wabafi from Livrpool Ittth sad laMia lib arrived thfa f Tte cattle pkgu eontiiKiad th pfW ent topk ia lgfaad Tb dls3 sfljpradiog It kdfapatdlhti4 intiodaesd by forJga eauk g Sir J Hkrth liat fa dd It 1 atatod aa arietly privataa aubacriptkn for loatimoakl 1 Cobdoa alrdy sds X270i Tb Baglish Chaatal flt It ivd at uhsrbarg on lb UtfealY wa aikiiad a placa af hoaear teiball boor BriUiaat Th Lrd of lb Admiraly ai ofolBdkdeafltpoiedtblil6r fw day tb fll praods to Th Bmpror lat day was aMM 1 as ual PAta A A rportd undvrstaadkg fa twa Auirk aad Praawa rakltrtJ the Dtfcbiaa aad ihai oootogMiiy j o Sovrigaa will hav aa Sakaboig beat ite 19th Th cbokr continiMd it rl Aaeoaa aad i CnaaiaatlDopIa iacreaeed to 384 deaihv la oaa 4iy A daera wto iaeaad ordarkIb j dueaea of th Rualan my fi adwriik to aa ordkary f Sv Aearieaa Ceaaal at F4I dawadd ib rl of G Ba s was rsfiMd BrMdstaffsTha wahr anattlad atxi bvy rala bav t d whb hrvt opratkiM PMt I at 6d pr brrl darr WhallBM alaiive daoMnd and prion gi pr eat dearer wiatr rd 8 d tr 9d whito 10 to 10 6d Cm J nd prk rthr ia faror af 1 flad 81s 8d to 8S1 par 480 Iba BT TKLiaBAra TO gtr LivaaMot Aag i Tba stoaosahip Gr aira p at Creek Havoa thfa awraing M rifl dosbtkas hava re f liar ia rgtrd to th cbia h lb war atawr Trrifa for St Johns immodiato afar ihe fenitaa whkh baf aabk btokaaatha aay bvttdrad yrd wba rca hrok Wha tf th ba sxbawstod tb saU Ww aad th Grl Er rtarBd Ort Eatni babd ia tb nwj airbk awaaer aadwill sail fraa Havaa to 8hraa Aninl U thaTorth pATaia PeiirT l 5 ry lk 18Uh irriwd or tUi MorsiDg n fwtf Tor QabM rkx r olf w Uy yf lb Osj ol Wmktor Tb UltmiH i North AatoriAO A LiruMoii Aaf av Ttaaa to Lareol The Atlak Cahk arslly rgarid ts bopikl ika of bar bar p rwiiW- of M j ral bt th ffoeto of