Newmarket Era, 22 Sep 1865, p. 4

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lORK NSWfV M1 Um talicar iitl ovrr fijrJbiit rfo 2riOQi Society M i r H u ri rhifij Ajpi Hiii iia AH i tot Show pen 10 jrcirling Kwr lnbl Cm Iaiu 1 IIiM anjr Plhcf kihtl of JfnQeli 2 Attkiim do Jo d 1 hic ytn i Klii JliMrrihMurr IrUrt willlw tnrfc r lrKUfMc nul tuebtioosil 6cl ir llartanK Wood GROUNDS- Et Sheep i ll L vr 111- Itw Mtirto l Flrp 1 2 1 I 3ij Wi do d 1 1 Bnoe It- Tuesday WodneadyJildhH7 lOth llth of 0CT1S6S jnDfrig8o THE NEWMARKET ERA SEPTEMBER 22 1865 Dai AUSMAN 1 Whu t IVit Praoshl IIui do do 8rd bl do d IWst RrmdMire whTifbi or eriJenoe uf havia thit wwoo 2nd bc do 3pl bci in Hrtt tjcitveid BoHre Cat do do nl 2 jert old Getdini or 2ad brl do do K Vcirlinc Kotiro Colt nij hot do do Vrariini Filly 2nl lrt do do Km irmg Col ic lioi R SwineSmall BrMd I lioar aued 4 ti Brcedirife accd 32adbeit do dn 2 Bit Uoar Pi for 1 65 3 2nd bmi do do IWt Sow Pig fur 19C5 2nii beat do div FowU lVt pair Poland tBt2b Snd bert 3rd beak 4id kl do Ort Bnet Cutler 2nd beat do tot Improved Panoiag Mill Jnd lrt do do IVrt Ucapini Maebiao Sinjlo bW do do j IkU Mowing Muhioe nd nt do do Wt Ortio Dntl tnd brflt da lt Turoip DriU 2d It ftair IXtrkin 2nd tmt do It pir tnjr other breed do du UuM Bantam lnd do Ikt tir G 00 0 V 1 mi HOUSE AND LOT FOR SAii OJt Tu KKtlT AH0U8F A fOT M i Wtra rjlrtUJaaymhrrtv nusT riiizK i rkM 2Qd bat do Gtneral Pnrpote Horiet v 2nd boat da Bi Sfn kIort IB lUrMW nVnt pair Docki 2i I do do bM do do rt Brwd Mr with foal bj her Mils or evideoee of biriag bad a foal tbit aoo Snd bait do do do 3rd do do do IWat 2 old Entirt Colt Sod do do do M net 2 jean oU ieldinc or Filij 2n4 bcft do do do Bai yenrCns Knliro Coll 2ni boft do do Tovrliog Killr 3 d 2 C 3 2iJ bni do 1 ITilljt S d 1 Carriage Horses Bet Carriage U id IlaroeM 3 do Snd bt do n kM oft tf Qem Bb froa ibei llnnitaer U 00 2ad biat do do d V 6 1 Furnitnre 0 54i Itnl barrel of Hoar Millm 00 lOUtndbcat do do i0 0 50 I neat act Fartnpra Dovble Ilamm 300 Turkeja 1 00 1 2nd beat do do do JOO do 0 50l lleet Carriaff IlarocM either f OralQ- i or DooWt SOO baibeU Fail WbMt 93 003ndbtt do do 2 00 2 00 Icat Saddle atBrdto 2 00 1 00 2nlbet do 100 babIf Sprit WbeaT 3 00 1 Bt Tadie8UU i Too Mdo iroaf WbMt 3 VU do dc Btrfey od be rd brat B4to1 2Qd bl IM buahfU ilaak Oali 3nd do do Uet two baabela Tiarpe Pea 2od beat r Leather giJe oiTTyeier 3rl bMt do do do 2 2ad bci J tt SingU H or Maro in Harnw 3 Knit do do do 2 3rd Vt do do do 1 MDgU Uorae or Mare io Saddle ii Hut two bttalibU Snail P WbitoOstf 150 fVat wo boaheli Uuckwbeat Sod beat 3il baU dw do Honemanship IW Kider 2id bt do lVt Lai Kider 2kd do Beat r r Uid jdj eal twelre Kai iiid Ut do 2 U M barbel Ti l2ndUt d ck Ccjc ilodiaoCora 0 60 3odbMt dp Bert Finiabed Calf Skio 2nd beat dn do Bet pair Calf mn TViota 2d bl dt do lat piir Sing BoQta tiH do Bs Ileat Carpet Ilug Sod brat Jo Ua pair Wool IlUoketa hoe ore And AlttypTYPES REMOVAL 1 rpHK iMij MirrouBfKeaiitr that h baa rntiT hfei nCTDKG Oflt BudratlT occLpirti bv 0rK Wal tare Bar W a tiavinj rrAiia4 lb plara aeiaUj lor iKr nirMr k iiw pnrr4 to Fbotogiaplu LetUrocraphs ambro types Ae vOt iiaprh an4 la iba Ulaal atyl ol Lowciit RemanrraliTe Price- Jual BareiTaJ a atidompUia auppy DCSICIS la PHOTOCKAPB GOODS LOCKETS AC rirtarM of rrivala f f lavaMa j TAKN AT MODERATE CHARGES Ranmbrr ilw MW fbmr Dut Smik fkit Old Stad HAW nxn XKWrAnKKT R PITZPATKICK Artikt Kfnvkai Haieb W IHi tf- REMOVED B THCmPSON Saddle and Harneas Maker WOULD rrptAillr ibtinata that h raaaorad liiabMiMaalvtbabp 1 poAite the N Amerlcnu Hotel Whaiwli la ballaprrparad tbaa aar la I ihew b want avtblat to hia Ua XriM wllba fiwHlaM aftHrt aud aa I dadtl Ilamm aod Cailatm bare alvaya Taken First Trixe narhMAprillO t8G9 TeeihEiCracled Wiihoit Pain- DR N J PECK SUtUJEON DKNTIST ruHy aooaan j tbe lobaWlanta p rem all wark MfiaianiK lo ba ptofeaaic a a Ft bat a4 8ra- allaafMlalaUMitiottlM aiiafo T ValMaiaMi tVnrmara finnl tbM by any atbarnatbod Tka airuUfaa of rihTelb LilMasal MaunaltWin af Jm lUUarta tboaa tUendwa of ta aHjjw of tba whkh prawta Iba call a of hawarar tiaaaraa U coa m7 ba aai It will ba at tha foUoloi plaeaa oo lb uat happy to NEWMAfiKKTfm ha la of oaeh 5HAR0V aUBKNSVIULE Farm for ggCRfUad FALL VnET far aalablha U HaHwa CoaraCr7 W MOLD FOR rwo H tk uwIZiZ Affij 4o JAMBd tiiee 11804 IVecks M Coaa twill ba aiuad far Ikat Moatb aMl wil ba bal ha ia do aprrd adwii iaOxltiaa attraeiiaf tatb Vky ariib tfea paia mikaT ad to aaf IM ashalhix wt fer tha o of ltb M a aaw iliiafary aad form bnt anv oaa caa taka I Mfaiy lri ack wiJi U at lafaabiDOBtli ratBrl M 4o Oa SIrd it la KKvSWICK PTNEORCIIARI IDih ot Kaair Mcwlb HICIIMONDIIILL 26h Itfih do do KKTTIKBy h JOih do do MOUNT AfBERT 30b PER I raCAMZgD ROBBER lb fiUiop of Teoib ao to preoerw Ibdr oolor tod or a poactbio to tbdr fbrmer treofb aod tNafnlar Eapecial attotA giren reaioro Koar a The Rtinlnoi of Cbfldreos Ttelli eirefiliy Allcaded to Orden rropU Exooated Partiea waited oti at tbeir owo rendooot f foqosred aay baiaaaa panaia ns LOW AITD STRICTLY CASH CtIFICATI 4wi llib 1IK4 rartUal I iabalad tba NIiio Df SJ Vtfl rxiraatad wiihtxtl any pal 1 inbaW lha If MapW April IMi tM4 t Uspla Om aad ha i laiiMMj by Pr J Ner Spring Goods THOMAS MICKS I Rpriog aad Ramiper Stock of DRT doODS AND MILLINEBT Ilia Straw Gooda reoaifod direolfrotn tbe Maitcfaetana la offered iotbiaCUy Torvmto aijfiimng r Oahfn Bonnet traw and Ttiaeaxi Uonoela CleaDod and Altered I tbe eboieeit a d Cbeapcat e OT- IIT Kin 2nd b Bet Piece Workoi Qoilt 2nd beat do do 1 00 IWt Cowlid 0 50 2ndbrt 1 50 Boat am jrardi Wat Carpet 2nd Uai 0 n- HR DEFIES COMPETITION raai7 rod b- trt Grf niJer c Jcr IG year ierl6y 1 Seeds Vegetables- Fruits c 2 neathlfbi 1 Sod bt 2 lKt isirbuUl ThnAthj Seed 2 00 I- a 1 ni 23d Ut d b Dtuham Cattlo npt tlb 2nd lt do UcU i yeart old Heifer 2ad beat do do fVl TMUax Hufer LnJ Vt d lioab Boll Calf dropped iiie Jaottiry lSd5 2nd bvt di do lt Ucifor Calf droppd iae JaoftaO 11 2ai U9t do do d4 Devons Boft MiUi Cow 2ad bet do Beat 2 yeara od ITeifer tnithm do do Uwrt lauUoK Heifer 2nT do do Beat Bull Calf dropped ainet t ef Jaatury 1866 2ad beat do do Beat TTeifar Calf droppod of January 1G5 1 2tJst do Vdo 2 Bi 4 lb Scrdhli Tiuroip Seed 1 oo Beat tro yarla Fan vl f t dfv 2 DO Btft jreitnf0 of Tailor Work 2M 2nlieto do d IKat pjlr W tika iod bat do do Rfat pair Wnoleo Ktoekinga nd beat do do iWt baihel any oibor kfnd Pota MitU id lt I pnod Wodfla faro tlofoe 0 50 buabel Piiikr PoUtoea btt do do I Beat buabal Cap Polatoea Ddbt alhel oiborM pJtVt 20dt d do Voot o Bfl oUeeiloa of diffrreat rarieuaa I 1 do 1 of Pototoaa not ka tbaa thrM pceiadDi eaeb 2nd beat Beat tea Garden Carr ta 1 2Dd beat do do Bea tea BeeU od bnt Dett two potioda Dreaard Flx 3od be4t 2 Beat twelve Saerdiib Toi 22nd beot 1 I Beat t 2 5od 11 BfrMoTDnio THo do do TabU 2odb do 1 Oftlloways Beat ineb Cow 2od bolt do i Beat 2 yean old ITeifer i 2ad botl do do 1 Beet Yearlinj Haifcr 2odbel do do 1 Beat Bull Calf droppod lioea tbe la ef January 18U 2ad beat do do do 1 Boat Heifrr Calf droppe Hooa tlU lat of Jaotury 1665 2 3nd Uat do do do 1 Any Otber Breeds or Grades Beat Fat Ox or StMT Sod beat do t Bft Mileb Cow 2od beat Beat 2 yrlflU Haifcr 2ad do Boat MarXog Mailer 2ad httt do Beat Bui CltVi droppod atnoo tbo li fiaaMry 1805 2nd Loal do do do liost Hlffrr Cilf dropped ainea lit Jatuuzy liiC5 2od beat do do Beat Yo O Sod bBt c Sheep Leicester- Beat A two Sbear aod over Sod beat d do Beat Qoi om Sboor 3ed beat do Beat am Uab Snd bet Jkat peo two Rwaa aRod beat do do poo two Beitf pea two Lamba 2ad boat do do Cotswolds iieat Rata two Sbou aod orer Sad bdat A do Boat Kaa ooe SbooTj 2sd boet do Boat km U 2adb do Boat Kwe aped 3ad bMl do do BeM pcB 0 vearUai Sod Beat pen two Kv ZAbe Snd beo 40 tbo While Taroip lea Field C iodbeat do do Beat twelve Maoir4d Wortce Sad beat do do do Boat two Maamotb Panpkiaa Snd beat do do Beat two Yellow Popkioa 2nd beat do M Beat two Sqaiiboi 2nd beat do Beat aix poooda Hopa Snd beat do do BMt ail Cabbao 2ad bMt do Beat 6 Capaici nd be t do Beat iweSraTotfiCloea Snd bftt do do Beat 3 Koota Celery Snj beat do Bea 4 beada Cwliflww Sod brat do U Brat peek Oaiorj iod beat do Heat twelve Panui b do Beat fttk AppUa 2nd beat do do Be pMk FaU Apsloa BeatBorMt BeLaiiCliitiSiog BoUooa Ikatiix Windaor ChM Beat Pasel Door 2ad beel do Beat Sefhig UsobiM for ftailj Maobloo hr Mmo ph Specimeoa waffoa Habba Real pair Wndov Saab indbeat Ito dO Boa apoeiiaw Wtirk 2nd bnt Beot aptnaeo cftTinaout Worb ooC laM li Jl lbra Icoii 9 00 d d Beot apoeiman Sa Pin ber oot leaa tVo tuO foat d baol Beat eolleetion of different rf Appleo oot kai tbaa 3 apoei- mena of eaeb vatktjr 2od best do do do Boat eollecttonof diflertat vahatioa oriafaleM Ihaa 3 apoti 2ad beot do Beat three poaada Orapet Snd beat do do Beot too powoda Uoaey Sad beat d do Beat 10 iba Mapla Siagar beat lt apeeiiDae Velvet Pala tod beot do Beat apeeicaoa llaio Berl I 00 0 50 Kaiaod Botlia Wdbl 1 00 OSO AatiM 0 50 Croobet Work 1 00 0 50 of Tattiaf Beat CUoetioa ot Kaforal Carioai BoatSCitroaa Sod boat do Dairy Prodnoe Beat tweatygb poaada of Battor ia firkina orocka or tBba93 00 Sad beot do do do 2 00 3rd boat do do do 1 00 Rrat lii poanda Batter io roll- S 00 12 Sod beat do do do 1 00 3rd boat do do do 0 50 Boat Cboeae oot leaattbaa ISlbo 3 00 Sadbnt do do 100 i3rict do do do 0 50 ij Implements eto I Boat Pteaaure DoaUa Carriage 94 00 do do 3 00 2lBeatDBCsT 8 00 Msodbeot do i 3 00 Beot Farerl WaoM fSOO tfadbtatfdip 2 00 Sad bert do I ol Wax Work do BMtio Work Sod baa do do Beat tpeeiiBca Featbor Flovora Sad beat do do Beat Band- Beat Band Baoda to aako aatriao 6 i before tbo da at trial DiacrationAry Frlxes Diaorotioaary Prt Diaaaf far Uaaibea oai TUm of IbaSOal DR P IL PECK i surgeon dentist m n aaBHieibi La will UU I Ut Bad of rab moatk laat day of racbmMiik Brairliii of ills Profession- k gM4 aay eparaiioa praiwiaSy war n 5 i t ga Jii si s Irhi- I s If eril 1 ill m a f the Bronze Mortar OIIJVnlTLEY a iiO to tlia STORK directly oppoaite Ibo Railroad Hotel wbero be ia i a Ntw Stock of ai d Winter Dry Goods BOC ITS AND SHOES For loo WooMB aod Cbildrea Alao Cboioo HEM DYE STirFFS DlUUa MKniClNES STATIOHKUY and SCHOOL BOOKS Wines and liquors fo Medicinal Purposes only The wbolo uf isIl will b loUl 1 terjr Low Pucu for CASH mi Pioixnn Oct 4lh 1K64 Tmu Inaorted Gold Fato or Taloft I oised Babber- TmAi zirart willi tb Inal rMlblepalD rf n paM tn ih KmnIalloa of Obildrens Teeth NEWUARKET 4bar 1M4 lfS4 PUBLIC h adrenbMtotke PahU thai all dafcUi aSibar by Vta ot Bnoh Areoeat ai tatied batwaaa Dra S A P 8 Pan aa anAr k Uw Daattat Du kf I be patd m be haa petcbMari tba ratbad for iba aal n boaa waatiag aay Oeatiai m arMBMBtfDr PIPecs eooMtaat Daotiai S N PECK Sgrcaaa Dantlat SewMfbal April 90 leS 0- STILL ALIVE AND Boimd to Win flgnilibrlnm Restored TUESDBfltlBER baTinrpetaUaedtbe lllMkteTrN4 aad UiMea of Mr Caaa UaiaBaaiibe C Main Street Newnarket M ee tbe aboitm boots shoes GATTESS c AT PRicjes to surr xite times ad aa be baa beaa aayagatt tha trad aaf taatlj Waf aaaegb U ibw plaea la aeabta tba QUALITY AND STYLE Of bia warfc be eaaSdaatly aMaa te ihaaa ta waatafBayiUaff ia bia uaa af baawiaa to IN biffi a call 1 Abwe But Fint Clatt Werkmm mgatd Afl Wrk ITarranled SlBra Baola eaa bvar ao cneipalaoa Bat will ba repaired Terms or Farm Prodace rulcliau tht PLACK Tvo Doort towtb of Dt ITaaha R PREST Hawsarhat March St IsCi Western Assurance Cimpany VKnttf4 bjr Act of Parliamtnt Capit MOO 000 HOME OFFICE TORONTO PrttUtnl OaaaeaMicaia rWatUcaf M4anaiLMai9 htptOtr BaaBAaa Hai TJB Sabaeribar Agat laAavM Mayaadwillriva para tiaadaairaaaol alWiiai I dafy appelated H WOALDWELL the newhabket in Carriasro Factory I a t place la bay a OOOP MBJT Durable Carriage Ofalmnet aav daarrlptiaa au4eel Ua baet ia a wurkaaatike etyle Tbe BOr B0T GHKAF FOR OASH s A- J MeCKACKEN IfavBMrhet April StlM4 iMt FABM FOB SALE WJCXMM d e Ui So 8 IB I rOR AL1 r betageMMoed eeaoBBaieaaf wbhetwek fer pancatarasf 41 br jQg5JgPjyom Baatfcrd POSen Oetoberlien tl Tlie Qaeei liiirtiee C fire lm annuities Capital500000ster With pewarlo htraaeeliteaVRUoD OPFICL ia alttha flaalOUloa aad Towaa iaXarepeaad AiMrica HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL CmrmaHVtLUAl MoLaoK Eaq Hna J Yovmo I Thomai Kat Ht Tuonaa I DToiiaaaciEaq Atmttr Molaooa Baek Mtdieal Rrfrrta Wm Satboriand Eaq M D Lfyal Atinte Meawa Tornado Anditortyiismtt Graeoihlatdaft Jobo CUiiaeaailiedwUhoMaay ral Bene Ofleaa The Itataa ef Prewiaai vary aaeefdiafta the aatara ef Ih rtek aad will be fooad aa awderaia aa tbeee f aay eibar tvapamaWe EafUah Cewpany delac I la aada The Caaadai Board ara ampovarad te daUr- iaaaiiqaaaiioaa brtMifhi Ware ihtta aad iaUwMbeelrafareaea Uthe Hove aa WII MenAmif Jr iaaaaiyttJM ISO I EiK AgnX at Aeaaatfral FACT HODGE IT IS J COOKINC PLOR IMlliSgBMCfl IfffiS c lower t Toronto Prlce No b io iW W SltlvES 8TOV Copper Tin Sheet Iron Japan Ware At frit tkal will ASTONISH YOO A eU will alirfr Ital tto u drianalnad te aall at zzixoaifli mj oMsr saa xalAvi EAiVE TROUGHraGr DM ia wartta tkair- 377VG WAHRAJnED GENUIJE fV Fam Prodaoe Bbeepaktaa Raga takea ia axohaago for Qoodo Don Foaacr Piacc be Firat Brick Slora North of tbo P O J k i HOOOR IWi IS M Assurance Company I HIS oUaat efcartarad Mda CaaaeauTM afalaet LOBBKB r fi MIIXS MACIIINEKY STORES DWELLINrS FAItM BUILD INGS AND STOCK 0- AT SEASONABLE KATSB losses by Fire Settled with Promptness A fo nrtvmaact Newmarket April S8 1864 TilOMAS A HABTON y ALUAfBlE PROPERTllORSALE A TILLAGE Lataa tafa ia the ACKe with Brick CoUigt Si Aarf other aeitM Ft Sqmrf taiMlsp tharaea AN ISXCBLLBWt FARM the Tovaabip tt Sydeaai Oe of Orey 100 ACRES Beraciheaartbbalfaf LdNa I9la tha lai Ceoeeeaioa 1 SO Acrcs Cleared rWt ClM Lead aad aMMlarad x n ft JMT m iiAmT For pertieakra aipty la iW ewatf W UOSLEY Laal Ageal Aanca AagaatN 16U ITU eMmwm REMOVAL PariiUre Vliolciilc k ReUii- TBR aahacriberla retaraiac ihaakafertha libmlaa4n hithane reeoivad tMga KEMOVCD TO NEW PREMISES block A K aloMBt oerar aillac A diaeofaredlartheem 3 May be had betOe Urj Ml parbettle JTehava kaawa cm A ket u ba aloioal oared with tba tla Preparedby WOBaonCl Vew bmha SepU i Ml OUTFITlji pOR anyl la iba abapaertOla Pants TT DO BEha I OR ES Aa bia ateek 1 welt natal Md fiteha hjuir of foer rAo Aoaa OF1A1L iereraJpH If Import mt to laihi Mioa SMILT BURnp rS oow prepi ad lo BomeddlaiClia Raidaroo Mill 8traet SrnahatTilr I Bllnd BUnJil Veiilian Widov fbleV ihay offai rdera fiUid aa lha k WERS lkR kJOfOM KamarkatJue0 IS64 Jl BNOLISH t I General Drugsl BR aaiTilif Paraaaafaoelrlaf KadMaei whtekaali raHed oowOldewaAiaaallaa t iaclraahVud a4a Jt reasonable prick PURE COD LM azrSudiB e MajkKeSt posfMli aITeiaa Tmuot dyriaffaa SposfM PhyaieUaaaad IeaW 7irMr flerr Cbraer a Farm for Salait BALI lluMk HiU r U lIUl the 7thOael Bm TT Hw1nir SO Acres Rlre r OfOMd Laadwith abaelOS AM te axcelleaialataaf ehvatiaawq awi there ia alaa ae eaaatatlV ralrr thaaa tT Far lanhrr paniralan epplyMV eeerelhe pwprlBNf ea thep JACOB TllOJiW fabTMry Sad IMA Farm for IK THQ T0W OF Krto Isaac ahipefiCier c 00 OfwhiehFarty AvraaeBa efcewlwlhairf aad aader foad eetttratle 1 H Ji DweUiat Hmm Fmmm BaraTiUlfW Alee a aevOT aUiac well aT VBlarMl a THODMwSvilk AararaPf KlacievtA Ma WMvkat ban tj aiaadtrata E ON N0THIK9 LJKE UEAffdl OiPOaTam TO Hneta Kaken Shoe I And LoatlMr Saalm- The aaien lha ary t urrrTr Stopk ofilieathajii3 abr tapper aad pabiaa Ae ef vary a 8PAV18H BOll Caat ha haat whRa m ilaHaadwhihheiadia SMALL ADVAN4- t eatt TvanaetlWnT aalMled fre MtaaaaeMlareliawMf lOall eeryeppealleH5erthAerfa jrrT- FULIT ewarhata IBS For Sale Maiadiraet eoMaiaiac at half eft with abeet 7 tm fraBM BI p1 lbyHrPledar TWelaealhei DWBLUINO ThiaaadairahUfafOt FariJWey Mliaa apply If t iua CewcBaasltLS LlaydUa 1 tc JCTijetBPe THE MEWMAIKET EU FCaUHID BRASTOS JAOIMJjJ ChcapCKt Pipw ll A uatks of advebt1si16 llaeaaadaader drat iaaertJa- trr biewiUaellat AworicA Defy CowUio Parthalar AtleaOoa wUlhe paid lothe Uad UhiacDaparuaaev 4llOrleralarPlalf PrBF rhaaheaoaaBl coRd fa which lha uraia wUIe eaai CALI aaoftcmiLtT aoWCrraD i igr adrartlmwre ewer joseph millaedisij f uktOd 6 18U

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