THE NEWMARKliT ERA OCTOBER 20 1805 AdTerttienentfr tlH fft CtaiUitc f T rvvrl lUm IM BWVWT rmirrtaHR W Cljf lirminflrliftiFro Stwarkt VriitT Oetr SOtb iBBA E Mordent itfl iiltmtPi WcA PBMI fbk eBihf fr and rrirdicg W ri on tlif N rth TC conio lo fuNt fiftr Tirklira of Ail J iVir and sis rarniiei of hntiird fril by Mr CrfbT of Mirk ham V e Kr rvrvb1j attack hd fU plriKd iih lb ahow thia vnlWman nad i and if auch fniit aa bo eiKibiird ai ihe privaek of hi NaraMj and wo aM aalifBcd ibry acre we ace no rjor why our pmpW abooJ wk to obtaia frait iris abmJ- Arr1iaaiiad trwa ctpa lU of pndnrinr lb frah br ahoa mual br niorb batter and more adran- iatara rr nor cipi lo porchaaa W ooniBienJ lha rnideraiton ol thia fael In lioni tUn aliui rUntin orrlarda Had Mr roijr bra prrtfnlilic firat day in liM Tar tv ciitcT hia euUtrtt nn doitb bawnai rcfn Hirr iha Grat ie Ihb cli 6nd a numbrr of domaMia laaaafaetBrM and Brt a piaea work QiuU aboaa by Oaorjra Oarrow aad tbrar by Abraai lan now ooaa ta two eovtrlida abnwn by Jnhn Laady Taariag en wa to a Pifea Work Qailt by Broote llowardand two ComlMa by Mra Atnni Ia Paaaini en wt eoma o a Corar- liJ by Mra lodah Laady aad a littia fanhar aloae anoibrr by Miaa BarlbAlo maw Faaia on w aoM to VeMair Blanket by eeeral tibibitera and b weo th eanraaa and tba North fanira Table wa ethibitad tba variooa deaerip Kl llltl 8 ihibiiri 0 fir and In f R 8trlg R I Jk J lirOf 0 Kn d E B I Ow H Hijtk i nd E MM VnAlk m mu pWjHW Horn of Or I laeladinjc tbeai i iioiiaad iba Irtai day 0 me Tartariw Oata lo wkieb wa pmiiaaU bawrai rcfmad aboan by Franna 8ntlb aod M Abore of Black Barit abowa bj 8ak of Crochet 0fuial hierarf tah w JV bj Mi IWaK akAvr tba mtira kofctb of tba tl of t Taat aad part efiba j t T waliod atbibitad tbaTarioaa loteginy and IfamM of Competitors l Willi rrLt ihe rable Knitted Scarf by Mra Trrni to lerhis lJu Mr Ibilip Boeart ai okgilt b Mi Hrrr tildrplrw m nbibilon twl or liil- U BM iliow M to lata ivrLmMiitT Mv Urooka Wakeflold Abraoi Doae Weldn 1 roooda t tba fnwt aad Eaat IlaTtera loiefdofretiemaooraeiarea r ha Uat wara thw inOM ImpJa- I jod Cotton Socka Hoith York Fall 8how7fc ljTu daaenptQa RnoUTaftataMaa e aoiM I uiapUa of wbiab wcraof aa aaetOKMU aiaa I In thia dcpartoent tbaa waa a rtrj tna 11 botl cillibr lolh iliibilot Mr BtilHWuiew nlilil Eik- pccinco of l I f h Sida of tha cenira table IJrooka Wakefield K U Moriiaea P AbramDal Knurin tba Tent to lh Cat tba iral ariiela wa find on aihibition Ij iCloih and Abraml n ai well uade Ifea Coil pot jp I tha UuMt atyle aUo a Sarloat wtrk Quiit On Coal both cradilabl Kli Ho r abia eiltibiled John Ferpywi by Mr Itoadfevu aa artlela admiied piece of Flanacl in ibe b many who ezaaioed paitiealarly a Uorrin aUo eibibitf few ltda and I aaiea about lo enter the picea from DanKi I iki roaaabial atale Imimdialely under ie laiur w ibaaa Harriaon Proctor Leala ionbaai hlaiikctinf We now Jaeb Lnody Abram and ena or Yarn lMwa by K B Moi I we olhen exhibited tbo bandiwork of Terry John LunJy tbeir Udiet in muv and ag carpet wiU or dusllrt if to miD I Ualaioral Skirt and Mn Ver- Steal Moald Board riowf NViiius We hoild 1 5 IL V I tilt Polb nd ik XMCis oosli 10 U pl io lb lil I fTjlJ b priWo TH in r lof dr r Matt akbibiTrd a Brood Mare and dpring parpnaa Horaea T L Haaeoak o Kwc Killy Binrai Hirpoa Praow 8mtiaad B Lamb Smiihdevn ajBoai Oraagbt Horaf aod two bread pair of Wild Geaa aatffair email bred Jafemtah HttMofBantanie AUtandtr McDonald tn Pair Baniuma Ptiilip Boffart Uuar of fde Horae in hareeM Heary Harfieoa awMli breed Calvin Wedtlel had a pair jalao aiayU lleraa la baraaaa RaeeyHai tif Jobo Rgara aihibi Pe CBUra Colt two yean old leidaod BaniumKowia W McMa parpoao D StkibtfUad Mddla Uom tar jr Sitifle Muraa in Hanma aidjbatid Bpag jearii aatir Colt Siagle Hore io Saddle Joha Randal paroae and yoke ofOxeo Wmiliaoa eeoinbuted YnkeefOsaa 8prlitt Cdi aaddia herae Wv Howard tpir Car- gaoaral purpMe laaaa P Armnaga I riafca Horaaa Araatrotw aad I 4 abewad Single Iforaa in llamaaa Bmod Beer aai f and Sow Pif eoalt breed Kv P Colt il Irwin eihibiied brond Mare year ld O Brood Mare aprtag C aad Pilly and Spring Colt lathe gaaeral FiPy general parpo a ftaal pnrpoaa claaa alao Span Carriage j reUad yaiartlag Bam Kan Laisb Kwe HoreeaMilehCow Yeerlieg Haifer and j Lattba lioaater aad Haai Laaba Ewe iielfer Calf grade aad Aged R Lei jOaaika Cotaweld John Colly abowed ewser Ueorge L PeereiB eibibiied i At d Ram Laaib Cotawold two Urood Harea draught Spring Fitly iie Rai Lanba aged Ran aced Rwaa general porpoa S Kan Larnbe Agerlj YMrlioic Uwea Kwe Lioiba and yeerlini Bwea Yearling Bwae Leieaeter aud i Kan Lcleeetar and two FatyiJha Mr Raa Lamb and Ba Lamba iieuihdown QSauMKB Ko bad two Ram Lanba Lai- Jeeeph W CoUioa aihlbiiad a Brood of Full dceka in iraw Caltaaa and Ianoi K AUiva Mill Theac IiopleiBeata wara highly recomniendcd Stephen Wabaar and T Ibilifl took pritaa in Bee Hire afaetara aueb artiilva u 4 credit to any Oq Mae A little funber eattwaid Mr Ko ahoi Tbompeon of tbia rlae eshibited mt ral aaia cf llaraeM Genu and Lady Saddle and BriJIe Many were the ct a be receired for tba id br4m Doan lUbiuMn abowed BuvU tliey were eiafio md pronotineed firat claaa a Carpel M Charn an article y I which appeared to attract ooaHdorable rPUi C of aMther an eieelleot Ilorae Raka and Bar- I Icy Fork Mr RiehanUoa aihibitad piaea I apeclmena of Praia Tile Wejliei little fortl byJIJ Ay aoBie rcrco or eibl diffsreat ra f Applrf from the orchard ofMr of Notawaeaga Maaj priacd at thia diaplay of eeaiama be receired for tba neatneaa aad rati from ihe North Ieraontly wa are etyla of work bcre eabibiied Iaaaioff injebtJ to Mr for bb kindlr a we nest eaawi to a eolkctiol of eari reflculranc of the Prlncr AboTC tbi ieeeed by Mr F B Morriaon f Bek Jown by Mr v V TbcaloreeompklcalbaScath VT Aeink Ub Us aay barm bat if b abotild be called to abift off tbia BMrta cod before tba editor of ibe fra wa trail he will bia labU Tbei the Norb aide of ihe tent cot nti Seeda Irodeoe end eoo inciO at the Kaat end and proeeedfo y bj Saturday laa alaOf aem errors aad omtaiou Ibat oecerred i laat weekapnie liat Farlat prisAM icaneral pprpoae dtaa aaaiead of daMteaf read rbomaaAtBiitaea Tcailiai Katiit Coll tbe erite waa iwardtd 10 A PbU ipa inatead of Vaa Ragera Colt drauftht in the oid of nana read Cba Traviaa Baatam Foiila fur Jaabaa WilUonread Jn Davtaon 2d prise in Tare awarded to Ptl Bartholo Qiw Bena otatUed from pKiiooa pabliahed ll lit pHu T L lleaeoek 2ad Woolea Soka the j prixe 10 thik ctaaa aboald be Joabaa WU- j kon acnior inatead of jaaior In Bee lilre Srd ptis- 1 L lleecoek iaatcadof J I lbilii leatber Work wrowg j name pub iaited leal week It aboald are a eellecttoa cf which he may cU feel road In front of this Mit MiiUrd esbibtled a taalcfully wrouht bead waub pcekat abd l- Ibilip Uogari aa elaborate foottol Here too Miia S Cdcloa We net t coma l la ibe appeaU tbe Wlnirie deeieieea Oldwdl Mbibi rf bJ pio rp b bj rirr Tm Id I piu Bid ptkd ia and a cclecuon of Taruiiea by tbe acakit oa tbe ef aot betag ealee- I wop along we to Berlin oolg A litile fartlicr enee cd Aa Tbia appeal waa eaeUiBed lat ork abowa by Mti V enaa aad Man etiibiii In the aaae cUw lao Cw ippiilyl tb b4aid alao a Hair Wreath both arltelea eiu laatc P VrmifaCT JthsiiH Ilili Itnj mal haa not tberewsb bfd pedisfe ted with taate Neit waa bead work Rr J Piaicoo Lenton dwdtl that pretaiam be wttblield Lillf hw V An A aamplea in tbe umc elatf I o be produoed to TraaaaTvr wuf n I JamtaBrlion ethlitd a eol Aped Ram Uieeaer appealed oa tbe liltl rrtW Joof Ur Aomn J IV rrriliorfrit iorfaior Mow rod Ibl tk btrla clmd ax N J Peck exhibited pecittteaa rf den Winter Pear IhTid Phillipe cfnac i aniaial at a pret naa abow of tbe a tiMry To pweaoa who had to cna it I next wiih a Mleetion of Tariitiw i f Ap t tuok prin far yeara we aboald tbiak either geatle H b Iffefcot kind f Winier wa that the oa A amUh I Painf n we eoma to Fall Kp er ibat tha Ra lae J- 1JL111 P by Joba L ekard and Jhn learyaapablaofaaandia tbe dealbknall e old Dyapepaia and adding comf rt ter Frait Pauin oa we come to Pcra e the toothleaa We next coaie to Wacsbibicd by Abraa Duaa with aercral wColorriiivbyMiHrpr- d y wa bere take oeeaaioa to tay that naek rradit ia due thia family for the tiest in eontribolin to make Fi aad lBestie Manafaetarea t auceaa lay neiJo PUjtfr Fd Kejnolda T L WeU e Arlf ohn Rcra Benj cppard aad Vn and ia to Mr Abram Dot eabead exhiUta Pewdl Drawingbowing 4at ffeaiaa aad corrtet deaign A little I by Mr Ilawklnaa pad aaople fkrlknlo Miu Ilunln Uo Ao B rv awirdcd A little farther aloas waeome Pl Drii ibbiio grl f i rf jiaolbj idlbr and care In front if theae Mr Jeblftf Sweed Turnip SeeJand twelre of Slagbaa and Mr 4ubn Uir eibibil Flax ioed On a Ihtb farther we eone apedaeaa of Gtapea dcliciowa lookiopl 27 ia buaa here tbey were la fact ao far as tboaa belo fagtd Mr Hajthea ware eooocned aoate link mcd jtnirj coU ool rrt lb j Kjlod oHjioUj from A HApCatioo of taattag tbcm till tbe whole expecta lo a repart at the Jet wara eootamd Proeeediag Ikt Viea Veraon Sad Freab Butter Judab eead vf Jutek Laadj I for Cotawotd ceiaM ner bad lo aatiafy Triiati n waa iware thaa 0Mb2 nt moMy to be withheld A boar Breed appealed tba I aniBilubuiaiaflatpmewaatteltbe heat Bi terfere where there The Direeore eennoi alter the deeiaaon ef baiatuapty Lambe anid Pai Abaep 4 Laic a tar tward Tren Baalwn Sebe Armttaga Mileb Ovw grade aad 8uw Pig een bread aleo tewr diflerant paireof Fowla Oaorge W raham exhibited Breiod Mara aad 9fn Fitly Maral aad a Yetrlinfr Pillf draught Jaflaa Bolton pair of Ueeee aad liicba JnHo Bibia on BrtMid Mare Spring PiUy niad Yearling Filly diavght and 9 yar old gat eral purpoee RcHard ia Lnari abaarllng Marino Laaob aad YeTltac Heifer Dwrbaa T L Webb tire Cow cradr aadYM liatf HailW Dwrham CaaTyrwSitt abowed an Aged Ram Leieeatari two Reauj twoyeiag BaaaCoCaweU and oiMb Ham one ahaarliag Ram8otatb doVB P W PUytar two Ram Laabe kCetawitld and oae Ram Lnb Leiaeatar ICdwanU Yoke of Oxen Alfred apan general purpoae Boraed Ototble Cbapaia alao apaa gea Nee and We bare here giren tbe prindpal btbttera of Sleek aad from tbU ataiamcat the pablie ean fens aoatbiqgofaa idea of the extent of tbe Exbibitioo in tbe ra- riosa rlaaaaa la tha theroegb bred elaaaca of Cattle there waa acffeaty potion enb to make i Uty tha Shoi rbetter Whitchurch Towathfp Show mg CoH in general pui Rtcbar SrigUy artared le jfair IVirhiDi aad two pair ack Lo nerd Morion etwwed a Brood Mara and Spring Coti geaerel pofpe Jo eeph Bogart bad one Mileb Cow Af Br and Buar Pig amall breed nne peir Ducka aitd pair Fowla Erkiiie Irwin exhibited Aged Ewea Ewe Iambc Sknitbiown Aged Ewee Yeerltng Ei Ewe Leinb Yeariiag Ram Lfaeii alee two Ram LamtM ia thoM tfi claaa The Fall Exhibitiea of Whitehoreb Oi and a Siaga Horae lo Urneaa Agricaharal Society wu held aioalf- Jn Uxaon pair Ihijunn J I i 3 ioi Tb dj wu and Sbaarting Ram Leieaacr i aiiea I l I tlean exhitated a Mile Cow aod Yaar- 1 bled ta Urya nambera roa liog Heifer grade alao a pair Habile- jail parta of tbe Towaabip aad aiaa froa Dr Rogera Sddla Hor HarioOiba adaag Maaieipalitiea ta rPAU nr f Ui ria opili lllb We here pia the reaaU oT tbe appaah R Ofawold beiag aaarly WO w iofcBiCalfaiHTba abowa thia aeaam baee wiiaaad Haifrr Celf grade and eir Powla falling off in cattle aad tbe fffiehua Willaoe Jr Ball Olf trade wbitebareh Exhibition waa net aa ex bVrlae Tiaviii ewatribuicd a eeptioo in thia particular Akw in ber- thcrt waa aeartely tbi igbi HtreeeaDd two kmde ol Fol Joeenb Mllard Siugleilorae in Mar neae- W Waltia 8a Hora and 2 year old Filley taaerai piirp Jn- aeph Stnkea brood Sow ent fuur ti y fj pebe of Kwe Laa I Roger PRIZE LIST Mare and Spring FiHy draoght aud Brod 8 f lb rfuil larat and intercat to abowa of thia kind Ibat in heep there waa a finadiaplay leiabracinc aoiue of tbe let aniaiala ia ihe Towathip In doaeitte manafao a JirbVSw rrd Southdown and pair Pwand J S VVetherell pair Dorkin Fowla Moaaa Veraout 2 aar W FiUy eS two j Mewra S Jamea Sil piir Fiil Mama Kbinai So j Canning P gon Drght lIotM 11 pn Tbo LId i 2od lDbi Arntroti Enur Tr P 0SjjroUWpmTh0 i 1 F C 21 Jph Hor Bprioj Ml or STJ 1 1 a u FUIlIl pri G Sbrpr ommd IHbewed Upaa Dtaafbl Harew BroaM KOitaBa Br r aid72od Jb Br brd Bk W Bokl fl Colt S Jr oW 1 pfji riMr iwo jSi m oi Spriw UoK r rr Fnij 11 pH G LBO illd4 riio llir ivy aoyri flir gtade Uwll Calf lbirbM akO two ym i old Colt draught Jaab Lu axbi I anit Spring Pily n iage Horaea 1st prise Wa o I Laney Slid Daniel Pike Saddle Uoraa J Pipher 2ad J R Browr aaeig tale oftbe Society Heraa Shea afeeled that tbe aboaa oblaiaing tbe iM prise were not worthy Coert eotild ao II lurino- t ui jtiuinuD cxiiuiw aoiue iatcrferw with the dectiiea of Jadgea aid tiere tw Mr Aik Kopiih Leeka and Celery T L Webb i ba appeal wa- not anaulaed atiMa xeeadinjtly laaty i qd Woj Ncwtoa alao exhibited Celry aaaaar appaW ibat tbe artiele waa aoi 1- e catered by the aaaafaetsrer Coan de eided that tbe pristaker iiwt aatiafy tbe Treaaarer that tbe rale of tbe Society ia thta reepeet bad aot been iafriagrd be fere tbe pteaioa traa paid lronidM exhibited a bottle of baat 1 new kind prowa fioa need aent Ihe I Society from tbe WotI Ia Fair in IdOndon cll Dra aiderabie aerit by Dr Rogera and a littU fartler oa Mia Varnoa aliowa a Crayoa lhawing witb a IjCather Work Fraaaa of beauty and taate Ifaeginp abore tbaaa Mra Maebel abowa a eoople of apaeiBani of EabroiJery aad on the table in front Mr Aylward exbibitad a 8oCa Pi lew both artielea a credit to tba rsbibttora Is froet of ibeae B Ilo- ard and luba Luady abowed aoae Sac aaapla of Maple Abore tbeae aag apeciibeBf of enbr iJery by Mra Maebell and aBa other peraoa wboao t ane wa did not Wain Oa a iue far bar ire eoae to Tomato Caaap Caoli- iswer Picklea ahowa by Mra Cald well and Mrs Janilbaa Widdtfteld Abore tbeae bang a piee of Tatting by Mia Planter a little further oo wa come t a Toilet Mat by Mia CaldwcU On a Utile farther wc 0me to three aamplea of Maple Molaaaea exhibited by F idapability t of wha reral by Reuben Povell Ab Bollon and rtli d of ita id anil We in Capaeian I loae 50c Corn J D Phillipe 5 Benjamin Leppard eeata Toaato Caiaop and Toaato itaatard i B Cald well 60 eenta Bleak Barley Setb IleectMk SI Scotch Kla Williaa ilobiaaoo gardeaer 25 eenu Chiaory did llawkin 50 oaata Uiatera initweMuM lo 79 ceatiL Glor M h Batirr 15inP KaBKnitItigMraHar Tab Belter aad n ia cbeeee In tbia 2ad prise 25 eeaU Kaitted Wool claae there waa a fine display ereditable Searf Mra Treat 60 eeata Balmoral to the aembera of tbe Society and to the r Mra Howard 75 eaate prodaecra Toder hia table Robert He- pnia Mra Mot riaon 50 eeata ftJa- Cortuick Aiuoa Rogira J D phillipa biiia QaiftiagHrid bUUpa 50 eeaU Alfred Sietna Utae Willaoa laeobp SUppaa atial Rogaa J5ela Laady W L Lloyd Fraaeia Sattb Flowm Joha Rgara 50 eeata Seneca loan Reuben Powell and others Ond Work la pdae Miaa Caldwell 29 exbiWcd tjorn some of theaaapla were 2nd J HAytwtrdSM NeuiafL ibeflnrat wcereracwi itanyabowoflbei Mra Harje 50 eeata Bofa Pillow J goctety I Aylward eeatr Cat Flwai 36 wauo ukit cntrsncc of tbe taat and turnii to it ribt proceed around by tbe csnraa Tbe firat exhibitor i Haary Thompaon I wryatu with a lot of Doublv llainea got ap ia Thera waa a floe diaplay ia aioek ia oeb a style aa to U- a credit to bioi fact the Society eerer bald a betiei Vr HodfCe cjiiica nest with Stotea aad in ihiadapartment Weahallooa Tin Ware on tbe latter article be prooaed to gire a raeaing account of tba WU awarded a prise Wa neat come to I raioua rxbibiion t Jarad Loyd eniei Work aad Family Sewing a two yeer old lieldtog draugh aod 50 cent Macbiae QailUag Saml Bcfara ja Benjamin Jpprd abd Abri Doaa ail exeelleat Behind tbeae Mrs exhibited by Mr Darid Phil aged Couwold Ra N A Oambli Ilaraar Mr Iltnry Tbospaoa aod 3Jra 1 a little farther aloag Saaoel I oae yearling Colt John aa end Iillipa exhibited apecioteaa Rogers exhibited both Family and Maoa a Spring Fillr and aa Agd Work- wcUesectited together witb Rant E M Pal entered a Broed la froet of tbaaa Mia Varnoe aad Uiaa bia wuk Tbeae gentleaen Vara for general perpoae Spriag Colt Hat abowed apeeimena of Wax VVork be mscbiaea raaniug daring tbej Mull Calf Ram Lamb aod Ducke Seib bigbly mkan of Behind tbaaa Miaa cf both daya and attracted the at Haaeuck aa Aged Laieaater Raa AU Vrraea exhibitd a Crayoa Drawinc and i of the ladies pretty largalr 3tb Ian Rtgera two year old FifUy Wa Jtber Werk Fraaie alao aome Velret vbtataed prises and jadlng Uenae pair Tarkaya Joeboa Will Paintiag very good Hera too Miaa eharacter of the work cxeeated ton eotvtributed to tbabow on Fat Cow Harper esbibtled a apecinien of tba aaae ware dceerriag It ia aot for oa toi 1 Milcb Cw 3 Ramr 1 Ram Latob kiad of wark lo Iroui of thaaa alood a comparitona betveen tbe reapactire aod pau uf Ewea of Menno Breed i ala boqaet of Cat Flowrraby Mr J M Ayl BacbiBea but lo purebaaers we aayaayj I pair Geeae Bei Bgera bd SingU ward ai Joba Rogers a raae of Paper before yoti boy Horee in Haraaaa Laiaea Ram ag Flowers Paaaiagon weeome to iba firat We aov paaa tba aland oeaapted by UMry Jeauioga a MiJHi Cov iwo year prixa Wool Y arn abowa by John Terry I tbe Jaaior SharM Braa Bead who ooa j W ifeifr Tearflng Hafar aid IJaifar nd ia ibebackgrotiadapaeiBieastfpliiii iribatad to tba ple of ibe Agriealta- Calf la iba claaa aa Durham aod 3 Bariia Wool Morkby Uba Harper aleol ral Soeiaty for tiro days at a a aiael I Beaa pB Aged Eaa aad aaapla oT AatiMacsaaar Crtcbat aod I charge aad wboa wa trast will aot be rn Shaerliaf Uier A heiciag bj tba aaipc lady foruoitea bereaftar aad praaaaii ioB 1 Ftk alao eoatribwiad a Yaarllag and Tarata roiad ike t t tbe Kt I iba Nortk sida of tba aaaraii Qar wa 1 J Haifar io tba Oallovay Yrli Eiir CII for irl p P 0 M Urk D lUbilnl l ROMMAirinr Onr1 Purpa B U I GUaii RiJ lu pnu Aodm dirgta lloraa in Haroaae SDiingFilIy Hayar- Geean atid two pair Ptdaod FoU George Platter abowed Sfaa Carriage lloraae Broid Mara Spring Cob Milab Jew Oerhaia 2 Mi grade Hafer 3 year oU Taerlii Ifailer Butt ealf sad two llafer Calsaa grade Ha fee Calf Durbaa and Aged Ram b Fat Celtlf two SbeerliAg Raa ooa Laioeeter tbe abar Sowtbdnwn Pe Fat Sheep aad Aged Boar Taprge R Ingsbooa Single Hirae ia Hamea- Osniei Pike Seddle Hora and YaUag Filly general purpuee F B MirrBii Single llorae in Harsaaa Aaa Philipa Yearling Eoiira Colt gmral purpoee Tboniae Moure Spaa Praagbt Ho see 8 Luody Span Diaught Horaea Heifer two jeer aid eno YMarliag Heifer grade end Sow Pi large breed nee Willoa Y ke Edward Saaderaoa 2 Sbeerliog Raa Laab Aged Ewea and SbaMUng Ewe 11 Leioaater- Thoa Martin Yaeriiag Ram 9 Raa Lembe Laieeatar alao Eniira Colt tS yra old Frank Ruaaall Sibeta Horae m Harnee awl Fat Saer Wa Willeon Yk Oxen R P Irwin Yearling tlafe aad Heifer Clf grad J McNair Aged Ran tbrae Raw Lamba aid Pi Ewe Laiaba LeiaaUar Ewa Lasiba Coiewold aod Br Pig aaell breed Lewie ihiaham Celt two yaara old gaaerel purpoae A J Mreket siagle Horae io Haraaaa Joaepb Hoi Vliigabeed Brood Mara Taarlia Piflf and Spriag Cl in tha gaoeraf parfoae elaaa aod Single Horaa io ITaraaaa Juaeph Hunter Entire Colt Iwo year Id draught Japb Bell Aged Hem aad Ram Lamb Laiceeier Aged Ewo iitd Yaarlieg Raa 8Mtiidowa Job lisoa Sdd Hxraa Aged Raa South- kiwii aid Pair Fowla J eaeh Pipher Saddle Horse and t year old Filly fed eral parpoee Hwgbea it VaaAlaa Spaa Draught Horaea Benjaatia Lep perd Fiily 2 yaara od gaoeral pcrpoae WiddifieU SingU Horaa ia U irteaa and 3 yaar old Filly or aaieral puipoae AikiboBT Sinuh Brnod Mara SHg Colt aod Yearling Cult draught Jaa Boac Speit tiaeard Parpoee Hiwaa 8iaa LaofOa 8ten Carrag Horaaa Yaerlw Entire Cli draught Ram Laotb I F 8iwp aod Qaaae AUaa Too Agad Ram aad Raa Laaah Lai J ioan Span Gaoeral Purpoaa Bore aad Sedda Uoraa Daaial Pika Spaa Oawaral Parpoea Horeaa attd Yaarliag Botira Cab la ibagtwaral pvrpoaa elaaa Lady Rider lat prln Miaa Wbalar 3ad Uiaa Williaaa CAfTLI JiMia Maatr Jobn Randall Thoaiat Robtaaoa aad lltoeaa Bnriaa TBoaooca aaco rrocK Uilcb Cow la prise Haary Jenaiac Sad Wbaiar Two year old HaOer lt pnM Haary Jaeaiaga- ead Yaariing Hetfar la priaa Hy Jaaafagsj aaeood MiM Cow la prise A II Fea- wiek 2ad R Arautroec Itro yaar old JTaifer la prise A H Feawick 2nd R Annstroag Yaarliag Haifa ls prise R Armstrong no saoond Fat Cattle 1st prise A H Feawick 2od R Am atfoug awiMK LaoB nsBSjx JtrDOca sua aa for Celtic Boar PicJa nrtae it Wbalar Sow Pig lal prm S Wbakf iMAtl aaxXD A Boar la prise P Widemaa Brood la ftrisa E Whelar 2ad P Widemaa Sow Pig la prixa Tliaotby Millard Snd J Loadmsa NoTi Allboogb tba eompetioa la Swiaa waa small yet the soiiaak abova Borabaa Acd Ram la prise Wm Storey 2d I C RieherdaM- Yaeriiag Rem la prise Tbaaaa Martta 2d K Sanderaoa Ram Lamb laariaa Tbomaa Martia no aeeoad Ased BwM ta prtsa Heary Jeaaiags 2ad B SeaUarsoa Yaarliag EwM la prise Heary Jenaiaga Zed K Saadereoa Ew Lamba 1st prisa R Araatroag 2ad T Martla COTSWOltl Agad Raa la prise J loadaaa ao aeeoad Yeariiag Ewa lat raa Wa Agad Raa la prtsa A H Faaviak ao aaaaied YearKag Raa la prise b Wbeler 2nd A H Faawiek Raa Laaba la prise K Wbelar 2ad J Loadtaaa A H Feawiak ao iiaad Kwe LMiba la prise A H Feawiok ao aaooad oaAui Mwra arc JtroocMaaara Tbea Irwia J Moak- ho aad T L Haaaoak- Fall Wbntal yrin Joaepb Haatar Wheat lit prilaOaorga Pipberjlad Heary Qarrow BarUy la prise Ilean Garrow tad J altb Saall Peas lai prisJoaatban Baker laS laow Ptka OaUlM prisa Datai fika lad P Bartboloaew Cora la prisa Jseob Lemva 2d E Saaderaoa Tlaotby Saad la priae Beory Oarrow 2ad P Bartbotooiew Taraip Saad IM prisa WilUaa SwaUi ao aaeond IM prtsa P Baloaew 2aa D Baker Wiata- Appiaa lal Jaam Bagic 2adJaaaalWwM- FU Applaa lat prisa M a 2od laoob Barkey- Tarolpa lsiorb diiaU2ada laalr FieU Cari rota la prise Beojeaio Lepperf 2ad A Grabem WTartgal Ort pnsa Bioij Brolbw 1 2od Umrd 0r u ib d dea Carrots la prtsa B MoCormiak W u Bk BS7 I p Br Brolbx d 0 H P I brlom Kp i btp l gditorial O- Oar pine Orebard CerreipeodBt Witei baa beeo anavaidably erewdad eat ef tbU iielDgeiher with ether aitinal mat lar Tba holiday oo Wedaeaday laat ia iba 0 Newly t400 waa taka at thegsie of tbe Nertb Yek Af Soeiay FalKsbew dwing the two daya of tbe Xsbibitioo Tba expeneea bowera4 mtaagemeai ware aeeaaaarily very baary bet noeb can be earei another year by prefiiiiog by tha experienee thia aa eScHjeJ ftfeme iieie between Saletday oight aod Monday mlntnf Iwi for labia oae lal aBd2ad prixa fTilliam Aadaraon Potatoaa for fcadifkga prixa M Jooea Oeiooa 1st prixa J Lejioas 2nd Brwa k Brother lomatoea lai prise J Iqmaa Cabb lat prise H KoUl 2ofJ Baker Paapkioa lat prise M Joaaa 2ad Tiaotby Millard oatualMa prise Tiaaothr Millard Sad joaatbaaiirufflMl Citroaavia priia M Jaoadrt ifca SAtax raoovof JtnKCa8aii aa above Buitar Ia pyise Uaj Leppard tod T Mania tb Pfi T LUd 21T f JuaotwMeaers Wat Kobtoaoa Are9l enod Iron Plow lat pnse AWs D caa Plow acy kiitd lat and JeJ Tl Hendry Harrow tel T Hendrv 2 T0 Morgym II R8II iad T Furaytff nflTalSr IM aod3nd T O M organ Faoniog Mll I N Croaaiv Horaa Hake G Ftiai Straw Cutter L N Croetlv Carrif lUrneai It TboofMfJ IhwWa Har ieaa 11 ThompwejJdie 11 Thontp an Shiuglea lal prise D Baker iod J Pipher JtJaaaa Miaa Vec Mrs Stokeaaad Mra E P ir Home ada Cloth lat prise Mr Peatoa 2od J Lsmuna Fianal for Orwaaaa la Mrd A illanvliori Snd J aiaetia Olankela Beij Levprd 3nd Mrs Fiii4tSiSV1tg la MlaN SproxiaQ 3o vtbdar- Qptsr lid la P BariboliHQew 3id laaiei Pike Sock IaMiab Banboiomaw 3nd Barj Lepoar Mute lit Mta A Hanuliitii ifd rf Jantiio Piecr Work Qeili la Saipe Lea 3 Je epb Walker Bad 2jpred li Mia bale Ohilda DreM 1t and Std WmLaoay Ebraidery lai aod 3mt Uiaa Alioe Mneoelij- llair Flowera li S Lee lantea Bung Berli Frame Jtfe Atlehae Wheler Wreah csbibttot aoi knowa leana D Baker Tooaaioe f J R Bni AT We I ligbi finaered i a d ie 4be WeaUfi n Sabbath avialai It 8 ectoek try the Mr Wu The fileeda atke laaliMloa aie eerdiaUy ta fitad Altbecloaaefiheaarvteaa eallaeliee willbetakeaeloaid laparebadag efBeeka tbe ate af Ihe Itobeet i aa eharch Wa take tbia opportaaky of aa ooeeiet te thaaa wke ven prbae at ihe laae Psli aaew er the North Terh ArbaHeral flb eWy Ikat the Treaearer vill maka k a rale te be ia hi elSre Tharadaja aa4 Ffldaya t each veak fcrtha Mtl iwa tBealh whou ha will be able M anaa4 panoeally ie prag pHaaa aad aiteedief te auch aher beaiatet ef tha aoeiaty aa laay prceaa liealC lartiaa frooi a Car ihair priei meary vill eblifa by I aUhia hiaACl altiag ceameata whieb tbeiiJkiT apai Miciaal falaebeode liral e Na raambaS law real lar levity whWh f paeiiien an ihe reaeral theme efaflied i r-rrr- oiMiain e bill for lemtiernf ibe Fenlaa ecu exammeiiea tU fSf a waa enelOled leikaa Iliad far trial iar hwh122 Iba tf Moaeka Tbe Freack kava i ebda and are glad i ihiak tka tuT eartaiary beat h ia apaad Wa kwi tbairs a ars coafidaol Ikat a tratik raifaat bel vpeed ira arc aari oateb or ibaa Tba aas a Rabby YsB orked aa tbeMormoae appaa OtMl geief there Serersl mae batt bsasM ad three lately bf ladiaaa it ti ait Ihe Gentitea balieee that tbe SaliM rbt botta of theae ahardar Tht SaJt toAeVaaef Sam r 13 I I Sktarday bear anew atar vloea ta hat rtlaj led rait Ie FWt Laritt eow oe Ibi Sah Wl Soma pereMiOT pareeoa dwalliBg ef Mr Two G Jwtllimttary ao Friday mornii loitara fai ll arM e the n Ibe far I cheat ef d a peftie I U- in the 6ta malea milking No itoebl the iheft wa aaaauled by eame peraoa whe knew the pramiaea peiieelly well aod alee aware el Ibe faci lhai Mr Gturer had reeeotly beet reoeiving eedaiderahle aama at meaay Popki ilUcfonlioK GIJ II ll C ip fw J lI J l Tb IV- WiMnar Raapbiirr- Viaepr Btij laioee Beat anJ Canoia may hw Lappa rd Cotlaaiua of Frai laHy ul raiaad h b Croaby iUark hanJNursary OsYVke A Grimaa- Barley Kurk G FtiaL- dy Saddle hy 1 hcunpaoM Neffla Work A Jfacbell Yeariiag Cult D Pika do P Wideaaaa V Pria awarded for aeUiag tickaa ol Niamherabip la irts ifasaon Jwea 2od Ww Smith Srd Syi4 Baker 4ih a la eootrianttaa ta tba afljijatesi uJ Mcoaa oftbajilHIo Georfin Bay Canal- Tba raewal rfj ar of tbe Gear gaa B Ship Caik laat aaaeMa haiieaaaew iapdtaa to ibeaadartakieg Bariag ia Rtlgea teat the aatere a tba aai aad akrfUa tba aagiaaariag diSbeltisa to ba eeaaaae Tba Preaideal of tbo aew Board Mr F C Capraol baa ftfrwaded to the Ltadtr SaQt fraa tba reparl of Mr Wa Sykes tbe geatlaypariaieadiaf tba berag oprtiKfistet aada ia tba eeaeaaaloa road st tba rear of Lot No 4 oriba 7b Coe Kaf aad the fetlowiag iribar nfbar 8oraaeaa I 0 BtevedaTtadaamBaeeaa i 0 Brewa atayeeaaafciteaedy i f Braa eley aHmeahaady 4 Krewa etey t ft BrMrealkyeay S K 0ayih altiy elay 1 a Blee gray aMirr etey t 4 Blae giaj plaala II 4- baa w adrpih e iai faat That Mr Cap9h4- deaarvea credit Mr the aaaaer a whicbbe baa pwshed tha prejrat aebedy wMI bet we n- grwtbe raaeat actiaa albe Legtatatwe Ibrawa thia tndy work apoa SaifalB eaUrprna Ta Goraraaaal estt tabahald pf fing Towdp Show- The Fall EsbibHloQOf King Agriaol- loral Socay took place at Katlaby oo faeadayjaet and waa yerj a bat owing loWadMadae being a bollidar obarvad aa a day of Tb lakagivieg n ubodieaoe to the Govamora Pruelama- tioa wa have lodlid it impaaaibia to get our fpof lata type la liau for thia ia aba abafl pabbeb it aext witb aoae gaaa raasarka ant tba MM Tbaeatriaa rad OOS w tba crawd ef paopla preaeat aa tha oa werw we to oU aad wnnw- haartad friattda Sitm pU parta of tba Towaa SalatagMar TVaraiaj oa tha laatan aCiha taae leeah Tyaea talw pleae lieeadfr- fc Oaiebarla MWi aataa Ketttabyefateaa laataaaebsAa Oato a iiiiwadM u ra eeek Ht MmMB Aiilisaiii Cuaaetn M MaaLST ef oi- Tbie wa aetion apitWl tare MiSgiraeaat Aero ar falie impriaoumenl Hied a ihe A- laa laat week in Taonio Wiib the ai a af tha eaae atoat of ear readara are al realy ariUai Plamiiff aeatained biaec- lioe and reeaed daageaie ib ameuiiL uf 41910 Tbia sum ia to be paul by ih- eiiDg Migilralea Metari Mapbeli ami Mualey aad wiih ihe coaia wiJIiwI coaa far hat af AppliaiuM will br- will begraniedt aod ihe verJiet aa aaide DoaaTwaa Wa are iodebiH le iboae kiol IrieuJa who reaeaheaJ ine Prlniet aiheciaae ef ibe Fail Show v s Mr J D Ncrfiavaeaga a bax ef liai realainiof 7 diffaient vwietiea very ax fwHeci Ha locality moai bt a apleidid Wedlel for Cbbef Rwa Pe itaon Pia Oti Phiti I Wm I S WlllM Pampki J iqeaabaa J D Ptiitipa e he aole rt from the tent J Saa I ot Bia Wm Wiraea lar Swede dipt We iball era bear tbeae gaaile Corrfgjionllrnrf Aorora CorrespoooBoe AuaoaA Oar 18 JaJge Draper ia repiwtal le have onee aaid ihai wnlteei Aaiora A Q ianr 8Nna and Low Cewta ta ih taniy weelif ba on n faer one i alaaei led te believe ihal if tbia village e prone lo letiaUWMO paaaeJ Hall iiMlf wei U be gwie- H live ef hireaiiag aeiM Lal werk twi iaatoea efAoierabada vaidwt el raarfeiad againa them Thia waek tw aiha havatepaove their ere Aaai jMi a lalara a de aa head aea u WU aiOO aad eeata Vaily lUaaOeaai J P a rather ue espeaeive lasay Ii ta ptMy irwa tha yeer aaraapea dea ieiia laeiy los We ha eai atwondad in inietaxiag loeala bat will the laeJaa ef your paper ic Aurora kioJly hew ia mind tba what baa iaiereal teihea auy heoniapoiiaat a the feoral leidr ii ma ta of iha greWeai moaeot ta ibow hera te Ware thai Mta Wasaod iheabaa mahTawtahMttaataiSat vtc Luck- aiiieh the iaior baa recei tare oaveua siiaek eader Rslvay All rbarvwdeirea hoaUtryaraaew elatefl heyofwl Ihe ladaanee efihe kiad a ef vat imporlaooe w pereaM li Ihe tra haa i arill aa aiew ibie a Thawkagivin le aeyioa ie 0 oreapeodn of laai weA- May bar abedew neer bm lea May ahe eiaee te rack tbe Olive Braaeh ia a wfoal aemhera aad ler yeaa le ceae receive ihaae preaiaaa fH Aer iniluaiiy which bare Wo beertlvaal ridaahMl by a chiaia giamMar oamed 1GNORAM08 k Cfllanial Arriral af tha Vara SaatUa P4BT8BB PatST Oqi IS Tb Maaa- ship Neva Seaiau Um Lverpoe a 2J0 p mbo Ihe ftib and tMdewdarTy oa the riing had t ioteraeaa m a Seeariiiaaaa hai lelled a Q SeeatHieaaa save oea whb a vaaie ef eraing a ctMiiainee TW aaaoruaa la reapea ef whirh tba agaaiM laeeaaenoed ae beodaef Vigiaw Laaia iaae Teooeaea Natbaod Sieib Camliaa OeacM and Mieaieaipjj The Daily Newachy artiele eayet H tbaialehej aheaM atpnlwe fa an airaageea- fa iaadiiit 11 M a praieMe tbe be dapeiad a aea ibaa baUway aniale aa pal ferth The Tiaaeafia aiaadlag ariiela i iaspbaare By Uw leariag a foot nd aix ielaa ee tirrra i niiNKis Acr QiAaHBDnBT ale fspers ef Teeedey merakf aaihb le following laconic aaeeoaawM Re Walieea rs corporaliea af iba if Halloa Rele abeoleU te Wftee the Hotel keeper a tha pia ragaraal the ByLaw Tba akiih waa groeeied ea tba f BMiev In Miltofl lae haveSaMa lod three liqaor atom oee aaa Ma thaa the law coaaaacad nH ty Hia Exceileecy Ibe GevefaaQi aral ha haen eleaed la greet h Rober Remaof CarletM Place 1 Jaara F Dealer of adea I Frel of SloaSla Richard Joat of Praea Albert M beaader Har fey of Glayalbly toenahfe theai to praciiea Phi lie and Midwifary aader tbe proeiaiaakai Act W cap no latiiatrd epectiag the Eelrcitc Syitcai J tr A a ia StLoeia wio trw p 10 ba id aroaa io hia asA ring the faneral eertoKNiy aad aet ia rai all faialiag Ibe men to ahrU id the peraoa In hyiteriaa MN aBot enlirely aigbtlaa orba iroWbd ira bra eby IbaA iihiWe ihe ether wftfld TbadatraMed el ofiha ronm ad otoftb- tolhiag eoeld indwce her le re Ibi day aotwiihataad ha doctw lhoh An infaotoas I aidaaiaa agh ba rteai i Moaiaa mm r MMtvfortsialSir oecepiad hy eheh tbe ponr people oeaii aot iba btifsad eoeaeetal to aeeept b ga tapper Wbiie be wa aauag It li pre4aoee af the lernAed farnar ael I wife iber eWei daeghter appraafM IM uM aa if IO airaaga tba ditbea lal ila i JeaJy plaaged a petaerd blo lha bnpadV iieak biiiac bia aa ihe pet P an dead tb yoeng wraaa rt ifce rvwarJ offarad by ihe prvfal i ig to 42tO frenca A Fcanrtn FAURefr ia ai recent aecieat oa tta Maltarhe 1 Fradcar of ilie i grailac i000 laalj b bffSfeMf Paefa Hed il beaa a abeer daiaillr hay woald have faliaa lhat iiiMj A aeoadt If they reached tba greeaf lily ailribatad to fahag boAaa ibaf li aaa fallea at lha rata SM mU aa bag it als liroaa tba peed af ear svMNMIP wonder lhai tbe r were b ibat tgm rl eoaditiea deacribad la iba JlhSiO CAaiaoaiJUS or that aa traaa af Laa Frmoaa Doagba kM haoa faaadi Mrsrsiioua A ajrioaaafoawlM took pboa oa ot of tba esprasa Irsai oa Saturday laat A little three old of iniaUgeat mW g appearance aUrarted the ataa ma of tba paaangera aa bafttg It a pritaetor oa hoard A aMffff eraple of Hamilton loek the waif la fK harge aad iueatioiMd har cocoavMp aitMn aad aba aanagad la aketti ihat abe aertad frooi Wlidp riihafMaie guanJae waobediaft raia at artma watiea aa tba way iro Tbara appaasaMa iavelved in ihb iMr may lead to aapbasaH J We haUeva lha ebS b Mai heoda wh wOl gtMfdil4faM eaia pmparly aotil iba raal gea era ap or aoae ebaitoa apeaa aanrl advabtageeia dapoaal U Free Praaa F om rfta NoaS RAiLWATOa Salary eaeeagsa a dat reeattad a I tha Narlhera aad Kag by ahiAa aaa Kraaifaa4 d ihkag draib Tha the leet haU reatada r Bacha ai S Biheii aad Kag traaw alb waa partly acrMsial or of tbe traa waa to the etaettbtfiM Accaatoa to aad Keamy te aa a jp fiABi sra wbta teppag fraa aa4 tajw othar be aiard b faelbg md M Ikr tt b irKt mi baviag beaa atopiad lCraay faaad aa the tracb wilh baakaS aader tbe teti ear ha rgbl ara aiaa eel of ita socket sad ba bit ieal below the keea Whaa ka oa t U na ealy wwd he etured were that aaha wa 10 bbMaad ibst be aahad I k4J aabered la ba fathar aad aoth ea Bracia the ea4badnve eorijaaJ tba etideoee ef tba aaadaeW Tto tare a verbal ia acta da ars J abere fsata Atctdeetal daa hodg wa exaaaad by Dr Bada tbacfear j