Newmarket Era, 3 Nov 1865, p. 1

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YORK NORTH GENERAL INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER GIVE HE THE LIBERTY TO KNOW TO UTTEa AND TO AKGUB FBEELY ACCOaOlNO TO CONSCIENCE ABOVE ALL OTHER LIBSSTY fiijrxivr NJ NKWMARKET C W FRIDAY NOVEMBER 3 1888 TERMS 8150 IN ADVANCE 18 Jlp ri Btoket tCinTKOTe T Bishop ft Son Md SIM A Boaltbrt XttiktOrL9iVIM0 ifOI E Moore ChnerT At- lluffiicaa OCccftocy H ioiit M 1 apd Acm C W TAT9IC1AN8i B nittliT tww niSTSTAtCKR ItSlTTsUaJ Ptotp Dr Pyne ielrOneil wiLUiH ucirr ARR18TERi Jiuara LwSoIk- tur in Ofcujttry i arrMr Ac Jittsfiitii Bicicuts S JAckson 188VI1 OP HAiaiiCE LICEIins bf eeyld i OetUrlMIK9 HALLEN AND WIUSQN CIVn EN0IHEEB8 BtnJ pMnon COMyiSiiONBR in th Qhms Cenvfavr vinrUl IimnBCCuapa7 4 St co Forwirdinj General Agls lfwmRrkt Iron Foondry tflll TAMEfl ALUAWbeMUritolhMhif erdta PMi Sakr Jtfaenif n St ORTTS W JTMUPMI r whMi ruxir J NORTH AMCRICAH HOTL Vij IVeHiWra IMS Internatiooal Thomas AtkiasoD m assurance SOCIETY OF LONOON MC E N S E D AUCTIONEER niPlTALIUW Milli BuHinc rioR ih Titsl CwmUM of York mJ Pol A C ROBimT H SMtTH Aft- T Chrfr MKUrne MW l4 Jck T StolM CiyyTStONERfortklnJ MrTwkitdrICmr7at Ae3k- lMI CHAS BREL8F0RD PtorRitro MO V THOMAS ATKtNSON A 1MJ I aQtcbcTtfl 1 Bibl BtpMitoij WTAOOX Crtite MkT Mii fiHRSaH 9wyMrkl AlUr- D eiHy ptMro p i R J kliKi a Smiifc t ih RibU lbvtfkIPbCIAS wrk Mr atilPM Campbrll A liOunt Daviflon J31L Hotue 1 I MAIST NKWMARKET ibr rrtpwctfally lafonn Ih nj llMl k bM B ap til tin Mt M UoUl witb Dr Bentlej PBTSiriAX 8urB a4 t IR5T 1 Wm Ifoilej 0OfrviTACFRad LMd i rr9Sl- IM John J Landjr a3 Q TPICC Otioiw i ACCOMODATION OF GUESTS w ifwUihiiliyullM loU WM JOHN DAVISON o rT Ifr KI9f3 iMfi D E N T I 8 T R Y 1 THE RAILROAD John HcNab kRUTKR Bdrlfl Qm f aW April 7 IM4 Geo R Hogaboom inTi W C ADAMS D BC BY JAMKS ViODOCK UUUrt Dr PORTER j Snrgeon DentUt Bricks ad Lime Irtdbnl M rari motflk m4 Ik rwl mtmih AIpmMa iD rcKalA mMhMk MrITMb lUMvitd 0M 5il uiMd Rkker wllk CmUsi TofMlo JatyS- SO The Aurora Hotel OronUtkt M Ckmrk Im 9mmiei t9 ti9t Stititfaclim or Ckfg4 Mait fMk PlIM wlife Pvre M4 P Ckttf hiftauwMt firtleUM rkMd apj tuiidd t tMI David L Rojrors H 0 300000 BRICKS hinlLarL ROBERT ARNOLD PlOPtlBTOB ISAAC STICKWOOD iy 19 IMI mills Hti w ftrtd ap ia tk lalM t Mjr br lb enirnrt aiid aiodlii James McClure StnUing and a CanMl IlMlltr I MkTMEopiUllfdielCoUfeHT I Tktoria Medical College TIC FHYSICIAX SI RGEON he HlK STaSCT KBWXUBT I SMii k Bftitrvftd HauL MrklJy7 IM4 Spencer k Spencer UBRISTERS AND ATTOKJIBYS gQLtCtTOR lCbMty Ctafucr lwr I8C4 tf3 Wrapplnt Paper I fOST aiCEIVED fMdappl7lrei I tteu ipwKfte tvkr NEW ERA UFFICE- y BEAR QUN SMI BAKK BTSBST EDWARD STEPHENSON Issser of Uarriage Liceoiie Messrs Jarrls ft Edgrar BARRiaTEK ATTORNEYATLA W ia ChaactrytMl BBkrpl OrmMK 19 TMyal 8trMl Trat IT iWi Ball ft Boyd BARRtSTERB Alom7i at Ltw BolUi- tbra IB Ckaaeary Koiari pBkliedie Orrict 0ar Hall CArrA Bf Tkiid Door Swtb af Kiaff xonoixo T eaves Btl twTt trmtj A aiLi i totaViB L MScpuathar 14 1864 f Tra H 1 TatMkwiWrvtliStMkaadiUpurO V Jl Mk 0 Barrvl bMk CofliAlBi I TttU AU arM pr liMadtaaatka UWBT TERMS FOR CAI MB The Qneens Eotel Iau Ewar HM4 Vnozao aiiViW IDMASDICI tifritltf- JkwJeaeelW ALEX- THOMPSO IlCENSDD AUCTIONEER Conntl or York A TmL ALLariwipeeetaaiif aUeadedl mU ttt- MatM KUMiMd OwfMtaaua Umd la Matt Uk P 0 JV 141 if4 KacUUiUi Blaaks Mtiaadfcraata Apph jfa tMj yrnci aUMnpUMBM ik Jtl Mattk Aeoonnt Boekf ICBOEIVEO K M pplr u ly AUaMUiUaad llUrdB BCbitnwrj CavrjTBM Ac Orfict Corner of Vongr and HV- j CARD- ri DrBiFliETI JUH brodie HIic n Cirptiler Jtlier CoitraeU j iAiki TIMOTHY ST NEWHASKET I UIMi IM Contracts tk foriy dwthrtfcwi HOOQINS Se CH ofCaatara BARRISTERS ATTORNEYS eUoltor in Chj Bliadi jNerif Ac kc 8koTiBMktrtUuly eapted yilHt tf5 T 0E I J Ttfk Paai ad EEsioENCK SCHOMBERG Wrl91K5 JOHN COOK Notary PbWIc u tk ONrt af Qaaaa BMk A Ac orrtcB ut TBI BBuisTtT orncB jrMWMAHKBT C W NcvMrkat iStklM 1749 Robert Snlliyan Attora7tLaw SaUdtMr laCkaaeery BOTABT rcaucAO KiacRvaft ifMt Tacaato Onr Safnm N TO ClEROVJHKiV t JUST paiMTBDia aMMdaMiM tor KaniH Cftiaaalai Mtufcti fer mm by lcbrur If 19IS rJLOAMriO hHckarfaartkaJla nrkM OAea rOa BIUiBMd raiacparpeaafMMb r kv Im BakMnUr Lai 9 Bd C aM avlUlakarj Applfto JOSEPH BR 8pt IM4 diaaavatadiaf ed wybead Swelled Cared fatliM fidjr kaa k oSka- Prte 100 raeMallawr- ar4 whk tk wafffMckal Important to Ladies 1 UiM EXILT DVRN8 IS oow prprl lo RiiiMU ClM Bnw STRAW HATS AND BONNBTS To iba Lauat 9y4 tb mum 0 d- RaaidAM Mill 8rM nSt dl Mt TrMl rwidiM NwirkAprUf186S tfl OM Aatiao Hka i Wamaaar Ika Tk dad Wave oc Tka avaafaf air to aold a avaat Moat iTvmbtiM raaa Ika roWa tj Tk cloadUbaHiriugMi noaatate i wkfaytti hi tka Md M krd- Tky Wal alMB ikf rfra aUa TK ttiatadlvavaa ar Mlmd Tbo tiMTftM flew itk I TV ftaMa ao Viwar ttarrd Leak karTM ia tk mb Tka Uaf r ara viikariaf Lika aigka tka vtada IkrMfk kadfaa bWv Whh fUAj aid ka fraita ar Ma Tka rrpa ia parpi elaator tviaf t Wkara maal Itaaalj km ka kaaa Ho mun tka apaektod tknaka taaf Rd krria ki lkekdfraa kang Lik rakiaa iwraa aar flattartof laavaa Tk Umb ara ba vara blaakMrda aanf Wbaa vank aa Baabad viUi faldaa avai Tka akia iaria ff aartj koara 0r baak ai vaIm omm iTaafd Smrai nateBra ripanrd ftaka Ka wkiu alaad atamkar aar lha rill Aad aarlh Uea wiHaa Ub tka taia Tka tkrinaaiaaf Ika rabia atarta Aad braaka lb altoaca aftba bmoo llaa I lib kafwaaf kaauo karta Tba iraadtaad baaaiiaa da M aooa Tka ah latikaaald aa ratiioff diaa Tk vtnda ar nnaaiaf m tka iMor Tk paa lb valVj li Lika akraad m Mnara life la ar r lA fmmwrtt JEra Anglut Ramblingfl Harriabafit U plnMStly sitaatad oa Ih rihl bask of SaaqtMhteaa lad tboBKh sot by taj mna a lan eitj friB iu Mnutioa a raihar altraetiTe oaa Th Suta bslldiog ara th out pablio edifiaat whiefa attract atfeaiioe tboacb aoitcad aocM ioa viUta iloog tba river oa either aide ofU if From tba eoatiilj of tbU plaea toaoma of tba crcal battlailda of tba tata ar tisybava at dffareat tiaaa baea nfijp tba wildaat ataia of aieita- tbmojtb raporla of tba rebeb aurch i on tba eity that atpaetiag bofj to badriraa fron tbdr boBM ntarciajat lmbU aomber of troopaatatioacd and tba tong rov of vbita taala dottiai tba biU b of tba eitj praaeni nite a ptraaqoe appearaooa Tba eity is forittod to tbe roatbward bj aartb Oaa of tbaaa Fort Waabingtoe look qnita forraidabU and ai if capaUa of do lag ecendmbia daasaga to tba raakt of in approadbiaf aoeaay Goiag natvard from Harriabarg i diataoof of 37 nilea waeoma to tba towi laMMtcT ati old maaafactaribg tows iUlrd DriMtpallr by Gcnaaai aa avi- daneed eonbar of Lii jl exeloMTaly BaoMCring placaa Pajaiog aloog aaatvard fVom Laoaaatar a eoiDa to tba nrdao apot of Peanal init ao far aaaratDg waatry ia eon oarad Tba CbaaUr eoaalr tmm kan for a long tiaa ati iba repots- on of being Kodal farwen aod nab idead we foond tbem Tbdr farm boQsea and ostbaildingi war modela tral part of tba lUla Tba apkfididly fitted tip arerrlbiDg battg aappliad Ibat ooohl kdd to tba aomfort of paaaaogera aad tba apaad at wbieb wa together with tba eiaaariea hatt of tba weather waa alnoat taftcient to naka aa believe we were ia thaebariol of old wilb Phietoa fer a driver Aa wa ap- ptoaebed the wa eoud bagia to aaa igbta of tba great waahb for wbieb it bu long beeit raarkabla Hera ia tba illey of tbaSebayftil river were eoantry of tbaae wa fonnd OQiaalvaa ia Waat Pbiladalphia aa tba weat bank of tba 8hojIkiI The great earioaiiy wa Aotieed bera waa a large aplril lowar bailt to atipplj tbia part of tbe aity with water tba waiar fron Iba rim being foraad to tka lup of it by meatM of aiT Tba eaabratad PairtDoaat orks are aitnated on the oppoaite of iba river Tba eiiy of adjeat at tba ianatioo of tba Sebajkill and Delaware Rivera tba Delaware lo tbe eaat beiag wida eooocb dnlt sbipa of tbe Urgett aisa Tt baildinga lortDiaf tbe eily poaacaa degree of aameneae nntitoal fbr ao larga place being Mtrlj all boilt of the aati natarial and aimilar IB fore Of ooan tbo great pablie adiSoa are exoeplioai ly all tba batldioga id eonnoti 4weiliagi are bailt of red briek aad aoaisilar are ibey in fom tbat wa ahoold tbink tba citisaa woald to refer to tbe door natabera to find wn dwelliog Tba dtj baa aartaia an very prperly namod tba Qaaker of beaidea tba large aBskar of frateraitj witbia ita Uniu iU whole appearaaae ia tbat of aBbatantiaJ ainpliei- 17 great wealth being tvarvwbara waai- faat bat none of ihoMgaadydeaorationa iper wbiab wbiW ibey mav nark tba poaacaaioa of a toler ably well filled pnrae are a nra aigo of ntaUeelwl aballowoea and aa astira ibaeaee of wbat eoniititoai real wortb Tba people eeoi to have prepared tbaa- aeivca and their boildinga to battle with tbe raalitiee of life rtthn Ibaa lo ereate aetiaalioB by laperflooas ahow Tba merehant prineea of Cbaaaat Street taaka leaa ado ovef thooMnda of poonda worlh ofgooda in their bop wiadowa than nanj coanirj merehsAl over a abow caae Mnntiag to a few bandreda- Troe it the great wealih of tbe former is nssai It hj ibi greal value of tbair eqaip- oeota silver plate boraea aarriagaa bnt tk Ihoagb all of iN beat qaalllv hiaiory for bowavar aaob wa nay laad of what baa paiaed ia aneiaot tiea wa eaa fora a better idea of tbe aooditionaof a people aeeiog tbe real work of tbeir btadh Hare are eoitta aad pepar ear- raaey Avid all aarte of tbe worM aad froci Ibe tiata 01 tba Pbaioabs of ligypt down to tba last iaaoa of poeta eorren by SearetaiT Cbaaa Soom cf the Orko tal money u indeed a Meat CBriodlv That ofibaObiaaas aonaiata of quite wg lella of angnvad ia a Boat grotaaqiM fam aad aovarad witii tbaaa odd looktag ebaraatatt wUab ooottitate IbeUtiars of tbair alphabet Tbeanoaai of writipg u w aa ita ebaraeter aeeta ia a manner todatarsiaa itavaha Hera wm ooioa porportiag to have baen In oae ia be tiasa of tba Qraat Alaxaa- der Cofae repraaenting tba aomplete liae of tbe Caaara fron JoUas to Dm tian Others bearing Iba iman of tbe Great Constantine while eleoe ware iatereatiog reUea of tbe Celtk tribea of owaers oaasiag aa it daas aa alaoat and laaa a9at of litlgatioa raapaetiitg- boBodary Uaea Tba aoil for nilea aronad tbe aity ia poor aad would ia North York be ooasiderM almoet worth leaa bat here it ia nale to prodnea large wepa of hay graia and ve by the oaa of fertiliiera whiab from its ooalig- aity to tba CiT are aaUy sappUad n V v LeyaPita Probably as Heasiaa Ay I mdf weavft aad devlroy the wiar s uakoawn hare ibiny yriada of bbrei orchards sod beat unknown to oerly ptaMara One petiiariy atiarhs llelf to iba daeeendants of K Loynlhn AW ihoogh by ao means ao enlhutiaatieally Mlaabad la Criiitb conAaaiioa a tfieir ferefalbera were or preianded 10 be ibey araaliiAAVNuiflplMadd toeia lion W the Uoirtd Siatos A rtcnecB ibraaoe These are the United Em j brstwa ot Ibe eaoaa ibet tad ta heir fbra pJre Loyallala batter koowa br tbe faibera eipatrialioo ia etill innlenled in abbreviatieii of 0 R fjoyalists At r the eloae of tbe Anerina Mixtion ia 1783 Canada still reoaioed sltaebed lo the British Crown a home was feaod for sll boae who cboae to remaio British Satiate ia tbe opper pert of this Prov aaa Free grants of land ware afbrded to tbe imnugraela aad Ibeir ablldrea to the fisrcaal advoeaiaa Tor tbe ebi tbe third gtneratioa Proclamations Although I dnni giro the U E Iysl were made shortly after the war sod re tsts ihe whole of tha eradii ihey demeod datsrmTnid opponents 1 But wbeo ike lijna aomaa Cor Cafda lo beenme a nation aboald it be twentyfive or a hondred yaerv banea depead wpon it lha progeny of tbe U E Loyelisis will be foond foremoal in tha is of Northern Earope both Briton aad Cepi 1789 aad ta 1792 wbea Vp atlli look opon ibm aa smongiba vary tiberiao bng repreeenled Nor wre pw Oaaada was aM off as a aeparala beet aetUera of Upper Can Bai tbooe of 01U owa eooiioenl Isea iaereet i Aaaeker PtooUnatio was is- jtbey are faiUog tway sod will xa b reliM shoeing in ad Greet nombera availed tbamves hesrd of no tbe mUiaataoft of this proffered beoevoleaee Some Cir BAtg thoae who lived in obedience lo the de 00 sttaebmeat to British role I 1 J ereea issaed from tbe HsUs of Mootao- thedeoondeaieofSir VTa John- j American NeWf ma andoftboae wbo re railed wsidst wa aad tboaa of Beoediot Arnold sad tbe enormoas weellh of the mines of Pa Mab Beverley Robioaon veiy disaimilar New YoitKOct 21 Tha koraeiaad ro ere they were dlatorbed by ibe baad tboogh Otber beoaaas of tbesresnucee of Ckarlea Orabaa be was of the eondnefiog Earopesa Coalrast- tba loeiag side bad made rictimiied by KeUba were eeld today He eoaelaslons based 00 tbe ralia wilb then Uailad Sistee loo hot to bold Tbe rpea f blooded bay boma krwb nA e- I- the present eoadiltoo of tbe people ibem- Bat by far Ibe greater portion of fabant tbe eoantriea wbleh wre onaa tbei C E IsHro eeme o Upper Osada smta of eiriliaatioB ef tba red bmb we OB Mooaat ef tbe Free graata of fiae 9an bnt tbink that 1UU has been gained oradTbe ahorea af by the great absage of rae wbioh has he Bsy of Qointo were aoon lined wilb taken pl Comiag aearcr oar owa MttemenU of Germaae aad Dotcb from time we fiad eooapyiag a aoespieooos beoka of tbe Mobawk Others from sitioa Ibe first attempt at taoeey mekiag by tbe AoMrieaa ColMiea after deetariag Ihemselves iodepeodeat ia 1776 Tbeee ate srraagad si by side with their pr miaaa to pay iaeoed dttriag tbe lale dvit straggle bat we Irost for tbe eredit af tbe eooatry thst tbe latar Isaaaa will btra the tama fata aa ibair pradeatai bat that ibM will torn ool real promi ad ot be lorgoitaa nowitbat tlie eb for wbieb they ware t has baea tjJisbed Tbe etty boosts of many pablie ptaeea of gmt iniarcat to a stranger In mk ing tbe eireait throegfa tbeee we were favored wilb the aomay ef a friend wbo Ihrongh familiarity witb tbe plsi the ai lailed sdded moob to oor enjoiasent vy be Thirtaen Sutea lem Startiag from tba ocatraj psrt of ta cily op Girard Aveaoe to tbe Korth West aHrr riding boat two mil daep mooraing iba larn Catafalqae te with drapery on It to tba half utisAed witb visit the bell rang noting the time for vmtora to leave aad we leA siaeara regretting that oar tisM weotd act allow Bs to make another We next visitod tbe State HoBse and ladependenee HsU sitaatad at the aa- Iranea to Franklin Sqoare fhm Cbeeaal Stiaal Tba bnildiBg ia wilb tbe exaap- m of very aligbt rawrae aa it waa 76 aad of coarse is ratte antiqaatad okiw Tbera bsa been no aliaratJoa the ball stoee the meoMrable 4tb semblad bdoa ol determined hemsalvaa Oom Ivrannieal raairaiat Wbea we visited tbe Hall it waa draped imr at Girard CoUegpasaing oa ibe eentte way ajolly eompaay of aboi Iwo haodred Geroana marebiagbehinda hage baaner and manhallad by two portly aqoaatriaas snse sasMS markiu tksir ofteial Tbey were boaod wt Fairuooat Iark on aPtoNieaXeornon aadeMpUad as Ibey were wilb an abandaoae of Lager Ik Colllg Mt putj etotaining neilber prteets aor probers aaeoeedad ia obuiniag paaeee to viait tbe grooBa and boildioKS By soma atranga th nih ii u n uw OimJ i teifawiiitlU- iiiuifr growing in their fieldsl Comparatirely elermen aractly pribitad nw epeaking we neverssw com aatil we saw Ug tU College The hiag growing IB the valley of 1 SosqiM i T one soohl ao aad ia Laaaaater and Chrstrr Sooibara PaansjTiBl Sneb stalks 12 aod 15 feet high aad soofc mamstoth ears haogisg jost within raaehiiw diataace oa tiptoe were indeed a earMat And this year it weald seem aa If Ceraa had eroaned the laboref tba Soatbera Peantylvaala far tnar iritb altnoat oaparallaled saeessa for badea ibe eplandid great fields of eora their baras were aarroaaded by rowa of nieely formed ria ready for tbe threaber doriag the eoming winter Neitber tbe appearsaee of tbe ooontiy here aor tbe demea of tbe inbabitsnta woald give tbe atraeger tbe kaai idea that la within a few mllea ef tbooaands of o land laid waata aad bomea ma deeolate by tbat deafroyer of ao many paaoefal snd bapOT firesides ibe put eivil war Tba byal bere oSeera darfag tMir expaditiona imong their eopparbead joat to be aoBtb ef tirta plaee Many of theee tboBgbt OB Leaa briagiag bia army la tbelr midat tbat by giving him a beartv greetiag and alaiming eoaaeetioa with tbe staveoeraey ibey woald tberoby aave being stripped cf tbelr farm stock to sap- part tbe army Tbe reply of tbe ofioera to tbeae wbo ctsioMd ezemnlioo oa tbe groaad cf attaebmeai to m libera eaaae waa Tbat if tbey were aot sineera ia tbat atlaebmeat tb of aoaraa dcaei to loaa tbair prert v sad if tbey ware riaeera ibej oertaialy sboald be wiQlag to do that maA to aid tbair ftianda aaeb belnc eaaa tb sboald Ma all alike snd taba all Ibey com get 8 aa argaaaaot waa of eoaraa aoiMa- kbe aad ttey not oaly bad to laaa their oeerty bat bava yal to wlibataad Imde of tbeir mort loyal aaigbborv A rida aarOBS Cheater aad Delaware Ooaataaa by way ef tbe Paaasylvsaia Oeatral Railway broagbt os to th4 eatara praainete of tha City of Broh- pTiy Leva This Uaa of Rajlwsy Sa by aU aaaaa tba aoM aomplaia ia lis I amweeeb ef aay wa bava yet seen aad S aa maah aBparior la aaytbiag wa CBaboaal efb Oaaada aaomara bat- iterlbaa tboaa wa paead er la tb gnad aad yet ao sabslantial It is baiU of solid BsrbU evea to tbe graat luasaiip eetraace doora floora and root Tba leal aBlioned ia naerly flat aad from it a graad view of the wbolo Qaaker City aad pmjectionaat the front of tbe bailding are towar of oooaidarsbla beigb new adly diafigored by the neiMe of inBOBatiag tba baiHiafi aod from b earvittg namea Hera are miauled lo getber tbe namea and adinaaaa palo dviliaed aatioe oa tbe g AM of all raaka from tba hard worUag paaa- aai to tboaa wbo bava alatmod tha bigbeeb boaors beatowad by tbair eooatry Tbe inetitottoa seems to be admirably eoodoo led everything bain managed ia firstrate orte ample means baiag at tbe diaeoeat of its 0Boagers 2000 OOO havioe been for its eaitbabmeat aad sappaet by ilabeaavoUotaadebarilabUfoaadar it a plee sight to aee aocae 200 erphen ehildreo ao wail eared Ibr and s tbs dra aiik aad every owe kaowiag aad keepiagbia plaaa The gnmads are aeatly laid ost bat aot sapplUd witb aay g abaaM af aad fiowera Tbe bailding la one wbieb maat remain a BMoameat of ita fonader ia fatare ages for we eanaol imsaa aay ealamitf wbM woald aa- riooaly affaet it m eampieta and Mb il ia Ihia noble atrwetara ia all ita parts Wa aaat visited tba Uailad Sutai Uiatt sitoated oa Cbaaaat Straek wbera tbrooib tbe fciadoaM of tbe gMikBMa attaaded oar party wa bad tba ap- porloaiiy of aaeiag aad kaowiag tbe vbole proceaaef maaafaetariag tbe raw malarial into bsMttfal aad weD dsa United SUIM ooinsge the oaucdisbasent is sJloga4bar tba caosl uel aad pMSisi ia ita bo bj far tbe aseat intaiaeUaf aad iaetraetiva part of tbe aaiabOsu Wa aoald bava a weak ban vitb- Qt itritg aad ooa dvisf arary ooraars of tbe room ioat m prepared last spring whea Ihe Hall waa osad for Ibe raoeptioa of tha body of Iba mviA IaaMB ted rresideak Liaaala A wall axacatad portrait of ib Ute President life is plaeed aloai tbat ofOera George WashiagtOB while Oltboaekibo idntM aav of tba has ef tba Revdotionaiy wtr and many itbdM who bava IWim ia bottliag ftr against their Sootbera bretban doriag tbe lata war Among tba lal we saw ao faM aseta strikiac tbaa tWt of Oaa Lyoa lha bote of Miasoari wbo led early in tba straggk aad wbo gm mo- miM of doing M moon for bis eooatry aad bis life been eparad ne Uble aad diair made om ef Tbooiaa Jsffsisea aad Ua UlowpttrioUoffiaraatUl la be aaa while oa oae aUe of tbe rooo eeawaed irith a la is tbe beB wbieb was roHc to spread tbe g aawa of iba 6 r 1 nrsoaatiag tfa ceatral pesSca had af tbe oily m aW a fioa nav of tbe sbtM oa tba Dwara The Exabaaga to tbe Kaatera part f Iba City ia a aobla baildiag bailt py of marble sad eoatwaiot a spamcme rMdiag r oe to asee tbe waats of the bosinesa mea af tba Cilf Tbi baiUing turm a biad of a OMlra for tha aamerooa atraet railwav liaMf Ibe mty u tbey aeam le laa from bare ia almoet every direatioa While Pbda dripYr bM not ite Vail Straei it bM aa laak af brokM aad fald speeatslara ia kU paru ef ibe eily bat tbey saam to baaaot aBBMoas IP the ae ef tbe KxeUafs We visited ibeeftMofJay Oaaka tba great Qoearamaat BaabM vba bMbaea m vary aaaasMfal iafafr liag aobaerifttoaa to tbe 730 Oovar meat Loaa aad tbaa aait i amy el jrtBeAns ana ajM a way laraisa ad Aeadamy of Nataral B Wa BOM facaisbad witb a mm to visit ibaai by a frtMd of tba PbOadalpbu Uaatial booi bait tisM did aot allow aa la taba advaotafs d bia kiadneMi While peasiag tbroagb tbeei wa aaald aat Ut ateira tba p witb Wbisb h bM bMB laid eat it NiBgaaa thtag ramirkBhla fee fa aU a ptaaa It adda Monab ta tba beaaty aad appeal aaM of a ai to aM aose regalaa ia tbeatfaataaadpabliaaqaaBaa BBtwbaa wa nasaad into tbe OMatry aenhward wa baad aeM aflhk Mgalarity tlw aaada wladiag aboak ia all H bsiag aa imposMhalily to iad a road rBa- aiaa aay diaUaM ia atraigbl liae Haay of tbe kadtag eoeattyiBadafcUa tbe aasawiadfaMS m tba eU ladlaa IBtba ibrmad by tbaaa ia Ibair attly trada wilb tba fint set ef tbs City Ik i a aoam of graai oaaojaMa lo Ubd tba Eastrra CoaatlM Msav of Amari can deeeent settled ia tbe old Jobastowo District aad a laige nanber of Gleagarty mea Mma into the CoantiM of 01enga ry and Stnnaont from the far away Siste of SoBtb Carolina Bat no wbaaM tbeM people MBr ibe tbey eame into Canada tbey took apoa IbelvM airs snd talked their Icmm tbeir saSsrlnn and Iheir DI raqaitled at- taehaaeni to ibe British Crowa Many doobtWsa were iroly hnrsl end did 1 greatly from tbeir laly bat by far Ibe hind them and tbay got lands ber TbsM U E Loyaliata prior to tbe war of 1812 15 roled tbe ProviaM and bad it all tb hot wbea imBigraats set in frocQ GrMt Baitaio and Ireland tbey foon tbammlvta no longtr lor of tbe a Tbey hd to coop with sn iadastrioas and eoergetk raoa and grad ally tbey weat to tte wall aad made way for the new eomeea Tbie wm be atate of the aoontry forty eaae hither Tbe L tbelr eons were still powerfbl but they ware aot all powarfal Tbe town and viJIafM of Uppsr Osaada beaaaM filled op wilb oideantr men wbo tboat tbey bad m moeb right to wbai was go m tboM wbo etna before tben sod tb generslly msnsged toget it Tbia s tbe anada of rba U E mb and aianlar to m wbaa par- feads grw aaabOMBM vtoleat tjUr osoAlly stdad wftb Ibe Oppoeitioa sod some of iben gM dioaAed sad weat m fkr m to join Wm Maekaaiie ta bis loasoe attempt ai iMorraatioo ia U37 Ai tbe praM lime probably do lingle U B Iyaliet is ative aad e ew of ibeir aoas aad daughlert Toalr nomerooa daeeen deals bsva mixed with iba goaerst popa- leiioa ef the asd Mn tow en ly ba disiinguiabad by tbak oeoMe mi Bot alwaya by tha Aboot iweoiy yMrssKowbea Land 8jpi wm first reeeiveo m ciab lo the Crown Lands Oflloa certain apaeolating moo wmi tbroagh the Previace baymg Bp U B Rigbia Tbeaa eouaiaied af the pMgM made by 0 graot 200 or 100 aerM Of land to every cblld sod every amndekUd of s U E Loyal iaC As wiu land eould net ba Mid for iDociay thM lattda bad bet bsao edt eaJ m every lee aerM were worth 80 la Scrip it becaoia qoiia apeeNU- ttua te fiad oi tbe claimasly and pur ohaM tbeir Rights for a Mog if peaaiWe or or as liiile aa tbay eeald get them Many ntoB trbe M bold ibetr beadi vaay high aaada 4 deal af their eoey 10 tbia way loob oat 6r iba beat eeloeated Lota aad Piag for tam In U R Rigbia Script I mtghi men- tioQ tbe Mob Franela Hhieke M one of tba fertanaM geellemaen iboagb ba did aot do Ibe work bliwMlf eM trav elliag agenu ioeiaad- Speaking ef tbe namai of tbe U 6 LovaJlaia not alariya dbtlncnUbhig tlBa tlat Id aeeoantad hrby raoaee tbat saaoy af iba Doieb aad Germaae iraasiatad Ihek fcraiga BaaMB iaio lliah snd abaadoged tlvir MthoayBiies Tbaa ibe Smidva beesiae Smiiha ibe Jsnana beeaitM Johnenoa tba tfcbiaeUata Taylors tba kfll1iHfeT MNlere tba Bakkars Sakera ibe Saktfio- 4000 Nxw Vou Oct 21 The Pos special Ufa ibsi ft M T Heotar aa st Ibe White llooM U d App tyief for gBr psaicd by bis brother WaamjwTOJiOeiSliAlexaader f StcnbeM tbeaiVe rreaidaatof tbeiab el left WBahiegiaa ia tba aarly this asoraiag for ma bame ia Oeargia r SKpbrM while la ibie city m prted his dalermiMtioa to om bM beat cforts ta iadece the pe ef be Seotb accept ba coaeiUatory paltey af Praai WaHngtaa aical says tba matder a llarrwl WaUa by her paramoar Levi h Farwati whieh oeearrad yMiertey boi tag oa I3 atreft prma to have bMB a Bwre dieboiical deed tbaa was at tnH aap- Tbs evideace before tbe Coroaar Jary toy abows tbet tbs mardarer dsiW ataly adsataialered chhrahrm lo bis vietfa wbiis aalMf tbaa airMglad bar to dMtb brew her bcdjr ielokar claaet rebbed bM of bar watch and jaweUary k Uea Aal Ur bM aat yal baea arrested WaniixaToii Oct 3d Mr He- Eersoe clerk of Ibe Hobm cfRepraaaa ittmiaji be win net pi OB tLe Rst f members tbs oame of aay farsoa aiaiA to bd elected from a Ststa that hap baaa ia rebeltea To do s ba says weoM la d om of tbe moot impnrlut iteoO before CoafraM aad let ia wbty SoatherB OKmberft st tba oatset to vota ipaa tba Mbject oc ibeir aaa rccogaitlo aad woald rd bs cimtrerer ia IbaU firear a oake fyitiMj Utu BffU WatuinQTOK Oct 26 It m MW kaowaberc that the rial of Ja Daviv ba bera decided apoa sod tka arrkotamcaU have bMa naarty aoamklod Tbe rial W for ba eihm afMiMa aad will lake place either ia ibit aUy b Rkbmood aad brfora ibe Uahed Slati Soprema Coart Tbe eooadbl Ik lha GsveraaMat iM bMa ariMted bf 4le Altoray Gcarral aad tba Crieada afdC Oavia bav atifcled aad reUiaed eaoi ferkim thai tbe Wertx rial b eompletad it is soppoaed tkat f DatIi in laiiaediaMy forew It is sd iLiI lb SMreUry ef Iba Staff k directed lt sH Iba atatla lr farevaotasM la My k directed Ut sH Iba atatlabla Mmm ves1a of warabail inmediaitly kBjpk ready ft it sappeeed tbat iTW sappesed t a of the GeverveMattO M Tlie War Is SonU AmetUs real e Tbe HeraWt cerreepoBdeot snd newtr Kier fihe givlag details ef tba raasBt lie at Yaiay sbOv tbe MaariaBiy ebAraitar wbieb tba atraggla ia lUMiytd assBSM Oa ibs 17h AagaaitU lied foroe 8500 strong ttoder Osasbis FWm aad PeiMMtd attaoaolHoil Paragoyaaa Bodhr Hor DoamaB M right haab af Iba Uragoay tieoa Kka Paragaejaat warraaKovided witb aBlfti ler sad ootaambarad two la awk A cbaaga in tba creed ef ibay E Loyal jiuui inta the Proviaea rtgM Lukarana wblla tbair deaaeatanmrara aMrly all Metho di abtaflf af iba Bpiaaopal d p lU origlMl aattlera ivabeae etcallent famara aod wara m wall elMrad fenaa aad targe axeelfaat orohards ladteata it tba praaaaiday I adasd ft bM oAaa strwek aa wftb BBrpraaa whea 1 tbair or- abaide tbat IraoiroM fUaiad bow dya M raraty do weiU fi is a dlSeuk ibiag to BMka ap iraM grow bi Caa- ada thoB etmbet Merybodv la over- MMbgfy pltg Ibasa J MW ay or eighty yaara an waw tba awny large orebaroe aiill extaal tbara aaald bava baea ao dKBMHy wbauvar to tbe river pwrsaad Vf Here a ataagbtM took pkM aWab aaa of tba viotorioaa Gaoartre shsrastw isM w a iBfolas batobaty Scaiaalj MM of fbe denatad army eeMped beiyWk 1400 daad M be dsld aad ealy IM asa a u pceaf ef tba Ibm fU aotOM of be alr TbafefamdVi Daazta and LtOO oi Ue treape Ml lale tba baada ef m BtaftiUana aad til storM mh4 Mprarad Tb aIDm lUM iMlr loM OBI IM ktlM aad nniilri 10 Harry Lasba wMt ap ia a beikan

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