THE NEWMAHKET ERA NOVEMBER 17 1805 AdrtTtlMBtBU K Trml Wilhon Jr JrkMN 8 WiihdvU To UtAHn4 WtUka Jr CMMMB A- MM YatW ISmt tM rrri jif HpnjinorkftiBrfl warktt Fridaj Vot ITU IMS- LATEST FROM TOROSTO I Fenian Excitement CITY ASSITTRS VOLUNTEERS tXR TUB FRONT Bay Caoat MSBTlXrO orORAVOBMfiK istmrtTi AHftAMbicTTS coimtmrto Tioto NrfV16 65- TV m emMdercbU zeitetDnl in Um oitj 7Mrdj in eoaacqBtm of tb Adailiiutnlor of GoraniBient com iwtiag o Ota Kamt br that MM dcr M prsbenM fraa Mo leppewd le bt froa FaniaiM A nser vm kiMt t th effMt tbal Um Drill Sbci wm I b tPMktd- nM wind Tpoopi wrr pled la mdi- MM aad wera aader arts ill slgbt to gio a vara raeepdoe to Ibosaraoiim b4 tba altaaplod aajiUagof tba ktad Tbiapa ara Mora 4aiat to daj Tba Guad Jar bata fouad a tnw m WiDU Hcroa iba bel karyar of TborabUI for tba aordar of a boatkr 1m vack Ha la to ba trid to- 1 A Coapaay of Volnalaera froa tbt Qvaaaa Ca Biirilioa ia beiag aaroncd loday to do aetita rerric oa tbe froa- llar Tba 0ergiin Bay Caail Diraetota baa eoMtoded tbi oparaiioM for lat- tag tJM ridgaa aftd a raport aril ba iad ia a faw daya 71m prjt ia Mtd to ba laaaibla Tba Ortnga Lodgaa ara botdieg maat iaga avarj Digbi tabieg pracauuoMl agalaat iba Mppaaad Ft yffhn bjp tba Alabama iibl I aati Iba tapiiM up abort aod daei Wa faiMjr iba pablieatioo of aneb aaiH timeaia bjr iba avod argan of a party flofd kila aticoarafaaaw to eapturtau aod eowaiaraUJ bob lo aaitla ii Ubitad Siitaa and wa ara aara iboM angagrd ia trada of DHiub aai titnant and laaling bo baa largt inta aaii atika in thai eountrj falty appra- eiataMr Gouaii Btxarrra kidij It laaiiona to ibu eb tba of tbair ba Mrsad aaringa ltd irampta wpoa tba aivd ibaly ilia cAunlry guarantMd Soeb I ha tgraava raprMl pot- icji 2 but lha jitarnnl ia not dietator at Waaiiagioo Tha aditor ia a anaation van WutMot aeaatbtng of tba ktnd bia papar aroald aot pay haea bao avar an opforfiiali prtaama harff ba andaavoura to maka iba mtotH of it A praaani ha i ruoaiag iba War bb Bitglaod aeaaiio gam I If it doat pay nail aak bia raadra find parKapa trying ta eraaia a MasieanM rora and in loagiMlioa parching iba Amariean Eagia upon iba Ualla of Hon Ttd vith tha Troplei TTo of tba almaat aartain tarviaa tion of Iba ciitting Rteiprocity TrMiy batwm Canada aed tba UnitW innoaneaoieat that onr ProriMial bM daleriaad npoo tba polntBant of a Comaiiaaton to laqnira into and rort npoo tba ptaetiMbitity of axtaoding Iba tradt raUiloM of tba Brit- iab Protinoaa iib tba WmI Tndtaai Brtiil and parhipa with Maxko wttl ba raetiraJ ib aatiafaetion by tba oosn- try and abold tha practioal raMk M- lo of apaning np aataaaira t r- ioM M far M oar prodnoart ara oeneam- ed Iba abrogation of tba Amafioan Trta- 1 thnfaet ibat for vltb 300 aoaalrd Troopa and any amonat of aonrty Vagatabm of oaaitn ara oni of Iba qnaation in that rafion Al thte pnt tbart ara ttOO IVwodlj iioas Indiana who baaa wiaaly gttaa tbamMlraa op u priaonara of var Unaia Sam faoda tbatn balf ratiotw any of tban cat amiy wbi ia vary oAan tba mm aooM of tlM boTa g Stbar and aona of tbrir oarbinan atatly go o aod tbat ia tba and af tba Natt wack we will nva Mr Cbnat bra daaoription of a Boialo bnnl and ly wQ not ao nateriaUy affisel tba Brit ProTlnaaa Cnba and Jaaaian will af- ateallant arket for or Maonfao- Urca ndeod tbta may ba aald el nQ BellerilU and Marmora Railway Wa nation n vary uetaamly fnd bltMr paraonal oawtpapar eorraaposdtnea ia no baing wagad batwaae lla ll Walbridga H P ra and Uoa Billa Flint M L Ct about iba paaaiga raibar wo abould aay bnrkaga nT Bill lant Saaaion lor tba inoorporatioo oCaOaapaay to eanatrot a Railway frooi Baliavilla to Karnora In tba eutaaiba wrtMpundanM wm baaad pon tba aMrlta of tba but u Iba H FTinl and wa may alM add ilM UalUailla XUatfifnccr ibrongb eotoiannof whiab joirtu4 tbanharga I mada io affmi ibat Mr Wall bridfo M P P borfcad tb ViU la Iba Lowar HMaa tbrqugb aoMO paraMal noiva proaaad ha tbia obnrga lika ary naagbty baya at aaboot vbM nan lia ta MMbn n airaigbHorward dafaoM tbo Mr Wa dna lo eOing potty and indulging In ohokia npi ibnu laigaaga aUogatbnr baoMih in Iba 00100 valba of lifa aibing nf tbaliigb poaltinn of Parba- wan RapraMniatWaa In ona of Mr WnlVidgaa raeani rapliai tba 1 tMgtmtrk Mllnda Smat anehing in ibn nwOl l O patroMgn nt fratid wpOB tba cradnliiy of tba paopla Ite If paao- 1 Taallog bM grown to aoob i ainta of soiiamant abaady to wbm viU k raMb io Iba avaot of as alaeiion t Wa rafrat tba vera le ibla oormnpondanea from yMra paat iba ba Mppaaad Fanian raid IM m rw k biU a ridleniM it Flonr V bMi 1 ork Bnitar Lard tba OM Coaaidarabia fauli ia baing fuond wiib tba MaMgaia of tba Inaiituia bara tot baving Booapolizd tha liaa of Mr VaadaahoC trotting hiM nbooi iba ooaatry witb tha laadabUT httan- uoa af making monay Tbay will nanfcaly nitHnpt iba lika again Mebaica Inftitnta- Tbaapaaing afib Laciara SaMo io anoeetiM wiib iba Macbaiiir otitiola will ba raatianad tba Iwa lallowiMg flhta A larga aiiandanca ia aaiicipaifil Pattta niara bj Billa ibia aitatnaeo AilmiaaiMi MMaban frM far tba Moraa Ladir fiM lb firat nttht tOeta iba two torrd itf aigfaia Gtrta nootnamban JOcla The War Cloixd Tko Naw York Htratd of Sainrdy Mgxaata two raradiM ti bring iha BritUb Goaronrnt to tarwa wttb tha viaw of Crdn tba pajmani af loaww autuinod by tba rabal erviaar Alabama daring tba ktn war jCM lo Mixa Britlabproparty aoongb in ibn port and city of Naar York to ooaar all Icaaaa ar aonoadly to adapt iba maMura of Don iniareoana Tba adilar than gaa M 10 My tbal ibo Uniiad Simm am Eaglaada boat analomrfn t and by adopt ing tbia anOtBtareoarM policy a prra Mrn of e Inlaratia will ba brnwgbt la bMr nf awb nMgnKoda m te rMpnl Bal Rvmiia to pay tha Icdam- Bty daMandad Lat M axamina tba prnpoaiiion aa Ibn baaia thai iba danMid is lgal jmit TW Amarieaa Goaa bM iattiod Brttiab Caicalata to inaaft lhaii Mtw la fbnt eonniry wItb iba ia o daaaloping ila Mooreaa nny oaa whi bM aaOM tbaaa with ibair ibmm dii M wnb tba parftni aanomnca ibat ba Gnaaraaaet of that enwMfy wnnld pro tool iboM ia ibair paraon aod property Ta anfor tba aboa propoaiiioa would tbay ba ning in good aiib towmd pi vMiadiaidMkl 8oppoing tba Briih ttwaaraaMM bu daa wrong Mmly tba BwU 4am aot aniartain tba daeirtna tbat tbal wrong would bo rrdraMid by Iba Aaarienn Goaaniani cemmuting anatbar of lar grantar MgDiiudn npoa priata leditidMla aapanially wban rtMpnrtiaa wnrn raaoaafbU for tba act or apioioaa of tba Bfiiiab Gaaaraatant Tba icUa pnalaaaM and na rnllaetiBn wa abonM lUafe Mr Baiirtrr binwnir wotMfaal d of tba auggaaiion fact naat orerytbing ear fai bara baan wpplyiiHt AmariMn Mar- In ratnrn wa want tbair fisgar CoSao Giagn Arrowroot and 1 arlieUa of tbia claaa wa bava main If bMn pnrabating tbroagb tba ffnitad Slate Thay abo want onr Oak and Piaa Lamber khiogtea in mw autarial whiWin lornilnra and alaMt a deaeripiion f woodaa and iroa annafao- tnrM JaoaiM ia rtprawHad m baing Msparatinly draiiinte Hara ara aoan- trin witb wblob wa can intarabai oom- Mlilia and bara tba balanM of trada Tba Getie annonnoea pratty good an borily in MinUtcrit aattara ibat Hon Mr MrDoogall PratinainV B in ba at tba haad of tbo Comaiaaion With that ptenlleaan Hon- Tboa Ryan M L C of Montreal and Mr J W Daoteoaba of Qabr wHi ba aaaoaiata Tba Coaniarioaata will go araad lib laporiai aalbority la Nfoliala wli and fhxn tbair pcitkal abnity wn antiaipata grant tbingi fro ibaM nagottalioM la iba aaiant ara ean tba poof fbM Anaarlaaa Oavaramtat poaanaa tba agnl rifbt to ndopt n policy of tbia kind bat a faaey tbn Uaiiad SiatM wonld fcal 4a rMah of aaab aetioa qniu m hard M BriMla Traa Baglaad aaada AMnriana Cattoa Tn aad aaraala bal il la aonHr traa tbat tba Unitnd Stowa ara aaob la waot of Brisiab i afcataraat bnaidM Briaab abipa dn af tbair aneryiag trada jMaiapr tiia to Iba aura aoat of pradaaiog iba BMiftihifaa aow auppllad by Urftah An faofte 0f tb Onitad SiaiM wonldi haaa m add W tknir praaaat bigl aipaa ibBMfaabnd Maafcatora tbaa pay all tba iadaautriy aa diia upa iMr gptd a ry4af MadaaMotbar antiaaa Bm Iba OmMttlimly Malkal Iba adsplien afiMa paitapit Mag tba btaM l Oif IWM Am latmatliif lattar fran Ika Wait By ktad parmiaaioa wa ara aaablad lo lay bafara oar madara aa animal fm n R t fraa Mr N Cffirr- 1 well kaown to many in tbia part of tba oonntry gitinff a dcaoription of tba far VVmL Tbe Wuar wm addraaaad lo ibar of Mr BnoKn Painra faaW ly and wa daabt not wiB ba raad witb iataraat After dMiing witb mattara of prirata natnra ba Mya Fort Wadawortb ia n TiOn and Ua wunt poat on tba axtraaa foliar of aeotah 190 aiba Wart of Abarnraaa ia near iha Um of Stons and Blaokfool Indian Tcrritoriaa BatwOM tbia poal and Wadawortb ia n laM duin of aoan taiM or what ia ealladby iba tndiaM Goto lliik wbieb laa pnnflaTvitb tba Rocky HiMmtaiM TbaM bula ra a ptrftclbodof Mad and Ueonioaa Somn of tbaa am rary bi and wbal aaaaa atranva tbara ara bnndreda of aauU baan- tlfal Ukaa on ibam Croa 40 laat to 10 iUm in diaataiar Tbay ara aUalia atar aad aonuin no lab or liaiag ibiM Ut wa oonU aaa wild ibwb axnntad J bOa in Iba ralla will W fband qaii larga atrMna of para apring wUarM good M I arar draak Tba biOa ara abo dotted em witb aa patabM of Mk aim and mapb liabM wblob maka beaatifcl biding plnoM tm BnCalo and all kinda of gama TUa tiabar growa wbarcm tbcM banpaM ta ba a apriag of wanar bai Iba prtoafpal pari of tba bHb arabamnpraria nagalliMaf My kind balagrnd a aad fail tika tba a T wonld iaka a ImI harM bnlf a day to umf MU f hWoii TbtwHirfti rpt raneb tba top of Mn ba aaan aoaM of tba bandabaMf niclnrM n oalnmbardaof BaCkloa viilaM of tba Praicia Dog tba roaaon Blnok Bmmt aUaing ap mm appoaiia bill aad bnndrnda of An talopn and Caraboo n ipatito of Dnar and if 1 war to giM n ttaaaaalb aatinata of tba nnabar and kiada of wild fewb to baaaM IVoa tboMaaitofi of tbaM hHk noaa of na wnaM baBtva a Swana Cmnaa rabaaaa Brnan Eagbo Dwska Crowa aad milltoM o tbea and alaM fba TadhM baM baan drfvM away iej ir to tniM m bi tbatwaaodd go rigbt na baf nlnk iriMU 1 Waif a arete ibrMdm araaiaa tbb bflb aad arrfand ct tbd Tan aat ferinaai J jhaatod an a 4arphtda a bnattbajnm anOnibiciaMae Ibaat by way o diftiMiion froa M atow Moa lad e IVorib wiiMa n fc Ibal ef dft We Haaara WaJlbridp bate aaiad wiib iba party wtib wbiab tbe Hon Mr PUnt auada tdaatlAad A manly aaMi ing and frdMt eonlanloQ on bMb aidaa wonld do iba eootaiMfing pariiM credit bet jndging frocn iba Mrrnapondane wa are inelavd la tbe beltaf ibat Hon Mr FUat bMdiciiadly tba beat of h lata lagtatar Hora Ina TMaban m tba Wm End af Lat If in lba4Jb Can apaid af a al aa Aarai abarp Hy imad TbM Lmts Tha bos I aaMll dmijba af abamiaal wbiab ba mid omM ba mM in AmartMl dvaoiaca Ha bMod no Ibe ait ad bianabl u la ibw aity and pai apai ibe Wfaaiag Uaial Ha mmI badid nat kMW wbat WM in tba bai and m ioaaoaot af lira bfoka Mt in a m faetory in Bfaoktva an Bandajr wifht l anf diry nd pwpwny aalaad at Caity ibMcn I ileitar Upwanii nf twamy faailiM wra raadarad Sm TbafMby Na 10A mb afvalMbI bnn p tM plaM Miba Miaiiaca af 1 iBa ba iMniwd Tbaaly Km Hanry Sq af f Pm SMek LalNa IC tn tba dib Caaal that Tawatbip Term 13 BMalba atadit an alt afnaaf Ha bM bia farm arid b Mtili whbant rM Snb laaoamaaM at K aalMk a MitarUi futmary- Taa TiinMia GMnn An ndaartiM aaiaflbb iMmat WM laeelved im lata br iaday1 bane It wll appMi NiV Boasa Wa daaiaa to nail a baratoaMdlipaat bMlatolaadtaf ibwnwewley ftMblaaa bMawieeHeMaaHey bady SraMi 8a Mim Beaaaa We rafiaa bnta Mr Wa Caaa of Beat CwilUabery bM a ataaa Snw Mill by Wednaeday elgbiaf bat wnat t ire erignaied tbi m idMi If a ioMraaM Mr Cavaa I b Mtd M aaanad b40OO Wa aea a tba Taabip t wU af pnlbiMd w bia in thia laaa Radabertb Laataia ta ba datlaared by Dr IdrrLT tana Saperiataadeet af Sebaab thb Prtdayj aaaning b MMbMira Ball BapanbUy ibaM aandabildian a ba aad nil lata aa iatoreatM eanaiiaa baaU aadMi Sad ranaaatolaMl ilmpMyb m anaMni Iba paartiy nf niwednaaof bat fidaatfylM tbiire wflT be m raaaM aaaplaliinflbrtblaavvBMff Wa waal aaetbtHaTlwnrifilbd Laalaaa traa SmAT M TUa TatMbla aaetbljrparbdianl far AaffW aditad by Oemntn aad pnb by Maaara StmtbM AO ladaa a sAbbaigb bM bMa ra Mbaa tbaOonny nkitai aT illwWMlWiatPawtow Wa I dual aad iki awaea maetbly abaabda tbb MMnlMlMa aibbid w Am man I WMiataadtatbMQ M t ifc Viar wib aa MMratiM 1 Atf- faaiaa ilka la aM iba CmociI pm La re ta ba rated an nai f pay ibaatpaM of Nibi op Mrtain naMai by n diiadlapMinl M MibaTilbfO Krary aM Iba rqaiiably detoo paraoM wbo are M nd la baa hrga iniaatl oooiriinie boi aafyhtblnn vnlnntaiy wBywhib Mhi baring onapacetivaly litib ataakeM liibate Itrga Cnrrf0jionllpnrf Vow Tork CorreipondaaM Jtteiprecitf Trtatg Siltr Aua JeJ Ataaa TerrMe iMbs- JfAn Aniam Oomf OhuiUfftiUriAhttttd Ac NwYBaaIfeffVllca There b graal talk io eoaaataial aba abeal ibe ataafaliao af tba BaoiprMily Tfaaiy The 8eralaty ortba Tnaaoiy bi nelifiad tba aflleiab io ihu eiy that it XrMiy will n Ibe 17ih af Maial Ofei It dM Mrily falbv ibai a ebinga will lakasli iban br h b a dMidad fael aodaabia a tbal tba TraMBiy Dapnnn aaooui im MW lagaUtbaa geafoiog trada balw ibe Britiab CebaiM and ibia naMiry ni Coacreaa giM tbe pownr a raoMt ntMiioc of ibe Cbanbar of Ca in ibia aay a MMlaiion wi adoptad Mdorahig SMratary MeCalfodi Part WayM apaMh aod reeommaihlinf paedy rater a la a apMia baaia Bat wbi irar aay be tbe notbM ofiba Cbanbar af CamaetM paper b raibat I ptamifal lo ika ibair aagfaattM praclieal ai iha prM- 1 lima i ihia iba apMOlaidVa haa nwat iafluMM af My ta aooompliah tbia Vbe MTina of todby aaya lhat a dalrgaibn of bdiM fram Balitmnr baa pfoaMtad a peiniM aigMti byaMibMaaod lanOrM af ibew aet Mkinc far tb a af Jaff pavia Tba aama jaiMl rba asrabal PiMii bd bafota aoiri cMrt ill Ibia aity A larribb aipbioe aeoanad n front the VVyMiiny Haul in iblaaity anihafrl lawMU byiah iaiiy The atpeti ahnawn eompamd pbrd priaen nod m gaia lUaablia Gofaenmaat taial Tba WatW a iaflaaada ppata bfm le ibmk e haa fooa tar aeaofb aodeall iGoMroioMi airaat tba awind I bara if atit Iriih BaAla ami who aHvioi thamlrwJnf ainpl i kaJ af bara niaa moaay iy idlata wbn Itava M acta iplihic IbMf paipaa ibM eel af Gee f Tmin bM al bwtdmg Tba eittoai bonM ebrk who irieJ I jviatfb Iba Coramnaif Ml of tba daly a UtojWO of high wiflM baa ban arraW Hbaaiaw ityn Cw 100 wwm bead in ibMt paaaeaaiae afid ibaK apariana fwn- taMMd all ib naaatiary appnralM bra bMvy bacinnaa CaMdbn boraM ara na pbniifal inmr- kat bara jnai new Al n m WKliMa dav aintta readiiara biwefbi from 9fB0 la tSaO aarb and aaa bnniitma HMab btantbidAOO Famair baraaa Jafe atod rlMbMaaMmi fwa 010 lepD MI bar oi abalaM iaal eew bat tbe Ma baaebeenmm Tanra m emr Kaut Albert Carrwyealaiee- Maorr Abnur NoaiaMr IM 1866 S la my bat btler frrxn Moeni Atbarl natieaed tbat ibe wMtbar bad bMs raryeeld or aoaa time ihni io faci ly peopUangiaed wiatar bed alrM- dy na ia Tbb apiaiea wm etrMgiboa ed daring dM pnnt week ead tbe mny faranra arbn bnd oot got tbair r erdpe Mioly goibemd ia bbamd tbamMlfM ftK ibntr dHatprlnnan I ibiak bowevar dM wa aed wi giaa ep nit bepM of pbnneni VMtber- yat fM Mrtainly bad Vtlte or neon of ibef beavtiM aeaaoo kaown m lediM SuoMnar Tbe Cbippewa Chbf of Saebe labod Mya we will bare two wwAa af Ua eaber befare freaaai It aaey ba lbe bb nnaeatora prwaa be a tree propbet lib Moaat Albert Literary Aaeocb Iba baa rrgnnad after eomaei ition nad aow balda WMbly aaeetiagi naaof Monday eaeabg Tbe eteaiion of aSnnm far tbn aMaiag yMr tneb ploM a abart liate ego ead raanlted in tbe wliKtaa of tbe fallewtag gaaibman Dr MaCeWaa PreaMaal iUbert H ler Bm J P ViMPraaidaol R Hmi Baq Smrf aad Tmnaaror Tba A b nt prnaan la pfMpeaaM neadiiiaa aad ueidnr tbe nd bee and weaU like i meke appear 10 people f Upper Canada ara i intelligent to be lurned fram lb aoorM which rt b tbair intareat o pnraaa bj UmaMriag politiciaM of Iha John Sand field MaadMid atrrpb wbo wbib loud Mt in tbeir demaoda tbat ihrM titbnrab honld enter tfia Cabtnat haa ataoe than atranaeaaiy apfoaed tbam nttd bare dona all io tbeb power lo dnaaga ham in tba yea of Parliameni and iha paopla Thia at iMat wa ihe verjint of tha in leliigant alectora of North Waal May other CoMlitueoctM IfMlled npon follow bar aoWe asample And DOW Kr Hdiior a word aboM Orxfe K Quwao and bi Feoivne GiaU givaa Mr Gowan a grMl going or for wbat it lerma bb impudaoca ii calling opAO one elnm of iba eommanili lu arm aakiog wl 10 uaurp tha loaciiooa of Gi and ariada up wiib impetlng aronby BitiTM tbmgfaoot Now tbb infiaancad Mlaly by draw pablio aiiMtiM to bimaelf bol thb naad not biidar ua from com whether ibedaagar ba pemta oul Wa mufi all adi be Fenian organixtlien in tba Uwitad IM w noaiariMliy atroagand boapa- bl of doing a grMl amooat of miachiaf The badera of ibe organtstiin loo ara uriacrupoloua draigning an who oold not bMiiata a moraant in atiaeking C4n ada if io making thai atiMk ibay in Ibair opinien advanra tba auM IrH indapaiidenea Nowthedangi not that th new GovernmeDl of the par lUpublio ilh all ita money ra atibwripiiooa faira and other m id ita pretended army of iwo or IhrM indrod ihouiaod mno could avnr eodoger ibe eotnieotnf mihr l would itb iba Briiteh Mr Gowan aayi tbay conld fit oni filHbuatering eipiiioM ibat wonld do I amount of damage 10 proper bapa euM ibe Im of many Thla ihey do aod it would be acqai the inir ing iba rail for ouf naairo wiib of the Kenian badara dor- far M rrfulutionix Imbnd b onnMrnad tbe orxnitJii be corraiderrd by all aana mar periaeily hrmlaea and lhat too in of John OUehony nnd bia Coniutuii ihe Iriah Kephublic If they wruld only ke tbe Irouble to uk nur Minialer of Agriculture abfut it ba could tell ihem tbat it would ba impooaibl u gat np aa much of a rtibellion uow at ibe on b ilH OUrau loanguraiad in Iftdfi ended m ioglortoaaly ta n eabMp tardn LONGIMANtg Colrniial Amral tbe Belgian Fiarnn Petar Not 13 Th diM aaambip Balifiam ftam Ij a iheiiMi Ner ia LMnliiJenr rd pnaaad ibia peiol at 4 90 p m liMbM Tbe Bilib pMlaimni bM bMn RMMU aaiil tbi3d waunt Ttmu aaya Iha piOMot eat Vf CbanMnar iba D Tbe Siar poblUbM in larfo lyp fm CabMt will b mmfmetttj to bia paity hbb dwM not tMlMile Mr Brtfkl arwl MCwiirg bia appeioimaai ta ib baiata Opofwaie for IitJia The Chanealbr ol the BxBhqar wbila J a ebit to GHaw waa preartiad wiih ilw ftMtbm of Iba cHy M tb IM HWMin bwaJ by t ramery bet bade Tbe Mm Iba OMUUry U af gaad f RaaMll waa n pladgw ana pir p tba paoin Eail Rnaanll wa mi libaty lo ain a leaaon of Ufa eabMfo b caiM fMbii Iba ioberitusa be bad aMOioJ of ChanMlbr bapad ih4 iaa nlMlifbm d pallry ofibe leat ibiny yMra wMtd aiHlWineetobe bltotad byiwkw id Iba raapanibility af poblie aflhiin Adaraia Tbe ffaaetnaeni b4d baned I oAmI iatimWMM wbtab wdicatM a fitad raeelatbn te adept m br arpaea IrMimda pnliey Atetaa Tba Bay af Tanb baaram- H a wa amaaMy w all pataoM mi- pliMad in Ibe Ute releiba Oiber MMnrnnel eiemMTniKi ptoginM bad w piapamiJ o ibn Bay lftAtThe eboJiM taiatM abow ilm pMiibn and airaofihof ibapartlM m lb italiad parliamwt lo be aa fltaw s Modarao 3S6 coniitBiiaMl 101 aleriMi ibi H aod 44 imnTb n had b iMaa tba ediiaea iJ bawef ta giaa inyaMn luba palaaing iofakyax Mn ibaKiH 1 tbe Empetai of AMim 10 HoUain Advieoa nam Bm anoooocM ibat Iba inwn of UnnMy bod hean McondiiwaAlIf Hfiatterl- le iba WMlliMt and the aWonnd tbnt ibe PamgwyM gnmaen aMang bad bM aada pbmraol irriral at tkd Olij irashlait9B Bavor TIooic No 15 iw iba- bp iitr f Wbiagton from fiterflol en tbe lt fu Qaaaaelowa of Ua SaJ ba arritrdoV bti poiai- Uer Jataa ar fear da a birf li ia atadibet Spaia iatenda In Ukaea rrgdw aMMrM CH Iba aappreaaioa of ha tiade Tbara ia atiH aa oftslal ooMarwagmaaienal erranei Lord brndM ia eattaw t be foreign Tbe Ctte iblmi frbMraae f raenUdniUiTiryaaiaaMbiad before PaHinmaatn pfogTao apM Iba miabtraiba af iba abaaa ainw yaO miiActory aharMter al wticb ila eu peaeHHaedaabi aetofwllyriiad toe asMnMed apbera af weeMaaM TUe tMlt of tun Nordi Wbdrwbrft abbOoaCoMt aany people blMrpred We bean been aroMbly dulapaiintad nt ibadaAili dfllatmaaninni MaSkbtn for AletnttdlrSrown nr toibn eanlry Mtwhb iraadlal Pirtba being ao bal- aa Ibe nod IR Br be- 4at Werdea ef ibn Connir nnd bnlbg tbfhtn awsb a alMnll jajuiity Fab Ml ttnt tba tiOdiM aaMwiMMKed VwAaiaf Wy atpaeun forara- ant nfarjiVI Tba Bniii giTarnmant b orderall miripioaf moa rraab lebreft Taw ednrb UMjSd anya llfnl lUiawnd mtbdmwal afrrmh Iroo Im Maio buly a aorn dacMfd oLnracter ad tbn MauaiRaa wiild reernU mere mM Awuia BeiuMi- I iPWPW ftimi FrirMbefcen tainto tbc fcloeibeflbgiMstJto i ibpy mt Tht tbntaaatM rTni 0bi woaid wiib 10 rapUce Mcb a gorem meal for repabbcaa cowwiM aod anarchy pn tbe 28ih b rwpeclnbbJookiog maa flffinc bia Mme u Liaalronat BearySa ter nf tbn Conanut olentaa wm nrrMitd at DabUn on tbe immr fraa UferpooL Tbe prbooar wm bare in bb poaaaiM n Meabarrelbd reroreraOO rMd ofnflnd palaat ball cnriridgM aaid to be paiMt peraaMoo capa foef mdiwy dnP boeba fMr ooam amena bearing bb aaoa I MfVa b Iba CaaaMticat TolMtMrt m IdMt Coleeel and nbo tbe aa ie geld He aUled tA be relerMd to IreW to M an aaab aod intended tborlly lo relam to America lU wm re- mandrd for forlber enqeiry Two FftMk frigatea nmred oi Cito for tba troope noW tommaMiag the ernaa- aliM of Roaa LTtnFoa Nor lat a aTbi timI of Iba PriMe aad Princem ol Waba to Ltrerpool barieg tabM plaM on tba Slat boaioeaa wna lotntly aaipended on tbat day L5t MAnnm Braadataff all articba ia rrqwl at hardening priMa la to la td dearer birreb actrce foreiga wheat U to 2a bgber ladiao con M aad wiated al aa adnnca la lo la tn waak wgnra bol atMdy caf irm te eMbangad hm eaa J Ul- ArrlTAl tf tbe Persia the tniliury Ibe cirillian admitted on apeciat paaM- moat nrofonnd libnea Prroal Maraball RnaMi prooeede to rMdha order ofihe war dirtmeat feaededoo the verdict of the alHury eoartmarl whiob triad tba wiMaer Wben the rmdiM oflba order wm aompleled Captain WinfrMly conreraad with thorn on tbe platfodl with atoning aonfidenM and aelf poaaaoion and it wu lasarkad ibat ha bad ai nlmoat amSin eonoteaanM To bb ednaera b aid am innnra 1 know I baM to die bat yat I mo ii like a man I bare grMl hope in tb fntara I hare nothing more to My Hb 1 and arma j wera then aacnralr ibd tbe nooM plaood aroond bia nMk and tie blMk eap placed oaat bb bnnd Ho abod nreet wilbont Mrred hianalf hnein been Jhn MitcbaUU m AmM il 1 Nw Tuk e- Slljl wr rBl I U- on Mmlj kl hll Kl lb ririr wm trm J 3llli nil bm ictlmiud b of ffwntKfM raanlMck nl 10m eircuied A cirenlar ragnlatbg ikenu heiween Canada and tba UahadlL under ctioatderaiioB K ih oal Rat A brqoet ihrnwn ta Lea iin- It- at tha loaiaviUa ihaaira lerga dinmnnd pendania IroaTT email gild borM abOM faabioaadtaa ladye Mr altering eaideatly haiw fcr Iba aolemo eroot Tl on tbe plnform relied to tbe railiog iMTior tba doomed tan in the centre of tha atmctnra Afbi a few momenU of The tba moat profonod fibt a preeoocerlad ownot coum ignal WM ptan and Aa drop fell Tbe 20000 is aonnd tboi oooMionei baTiog reached ibe Mr of tbe promiaoonrerowd outride of tba OW Capitol Grcnndi bnt wbo were nof priribged ta whoeaftbeexwetion wm re afMaded to by replied aboU of apprc batioa TbeeonTbtdireetlyaflerrlliag WM cnaiderably oorolaad in hu lega hot tbe agooy waiaooa orer Ila bong aboat tflMo minttea and wm then dotm Hb by wm laid npoa Nrtr 15 Tbe traleberaedeonwyedtotbepriaon Perab Capt ToM wbieb N i ail ateamabip bft Lirarpool abaat om oclock a nf Iba dtb and Qweoato4n a tbe areaiag f Iba ab arrbad bora lntxHi Nee 5 Tba Daeiak aieb ry ha migoeJ Tbe prehaiMriM of n treaty nf com merce brtweM Eegbid and Aaatria bar There b ao oilier Mwa of iapoiUMe dey T PallMaU GateU al kf leiatenal arraegewMei are deferred ie eoeaeqacnce of there beiag ao Speaker la wbib I WMid broke by be fail All tba proceed ioga oocnpted aSoat tbrM qnartara of ao boor- Tbe Ibtbariam of llaTery- I tbe Mrlielara 1 of wbcbapoke m be prejadicbl lo ailiiag aKmbara aboald eonlevttake place Mr GiatioM b rieitiag ScolUad Tbo AViea aaya bb apeech at la0w Irarraee doabi af Ibe goeral aooMilied by e miftbbra wfl pnM iwiaiian who alwcya lbkikl na d hftbe aoMtry be will not be alow frwe Capr Parker PmeMl Marabalef Ibtipoat bi iraaabrret I Atbnla ibe ficod oalre of rteeat Mter I Tbay arf 0 bia apd bad tha powti frebVaadr- c but Abaliiioamtaeic spapUie Ihe work of rcfura The London correapofldeat of tbafj UaaebMrer 7itrtftM aaya j OMJohn M Iaraa a reWei Nolwtlbtaadeg tbe toM of Mr Sew eoMiy enbteen miWa I peh at Anbern it b ffyjCriflSa formerly ada yoMg 1 noderklOAd I rrgaidiag ll life Mtt apnag A apecial einiaiiaeion haa been laaw try Fvomm at Dabie witb poww American Newa- I in tieor- Waahiogfon aseebl e Mnienced te fire nl haa bMO reMtad by order af iha Seeralary of War for gallant MrvtcM dnnogtbe war Nbw Yoas Nov 11 A epncial deapaieh from Wajkingion Mya lhat the Praeidini b being roM reeeed u have JeSeraon Daru tried ir ihn indmlmenl pending ance eat I m Iba Sornme Judicial Conn of Dbtricl Kbw Voac Korrll be exMnlira ofieera of tba Fenian Brotherhood have engaged a epaciou tba npper aart of tbe oily m tbair hMdqnartem Im Praiadent and the different barMnx will aaave into it xt WMk The xprtm Mya tbat the praeant or ganitalifw b not iolendedforlbe govara Mot of tbe fotare Iriab RepabUct only 10 aid Ibe Irbbtpairbto a Ibe atrangb for adapeedenon by moaay atai be I WAaHiKCtOR Nov II Uertta n tba om of a row nf Ibe foRowiag order M re Snrratt PayM Harold AlMrei Wi Offiebl reporta received 1 Daaral lepraaMt ibat Ihe praaMi year baa IbM far proved diaatroM to fliyna agritelteany fer eearly every green devMred by ibe boeeta b naa parte ol iha aoeatry denag Ibe pnag I nod tbif avd wm foMewed by a ainrtnn wbwk cnrried ef la aeae heaa 79 per cMk d tbe eaitb I Ibe Stale tbe ehobra b atill at work at Dnan ina HorMnnd AtepfO The aoetoltly al Saanrb baa bM bnea lalianud 3000 nnd at Jaffa at 1000 The aabdy atdl iiagaia a BenI bnt baa loat iti epUbab foal CeoMf at Aria Mfa tber b begei My dMbt that Ibe cbobto baa enmaaa ia ratagMia that city Rep ftm PbreaM le iba Sinte DeMflfKnt ftprraeft tbat tbe cbobra he grMlb diaieiabed ie iba aora aH poitie ef tba llnliaa Kiagdoa M IbaidMliM b Ja tea nnd ti aba abntag Bn New yoBiifiInv 11 The Coaaeaer rtoTl Wubnton apMial aaya tbe Preat Ia rtgoTJaaly priiiaJ to bave JaffOa trwd aadtr tba iadetBeot pendiag e bat JeM b tbe SnpreoH Com tbe Dbtrbl aCalneiY KzMitloa of Capt Wlra WaauMVOB NovV 10 A epaeial deaMi lliKiot Tber j malml aliaobmeol between I wImW family aad be wa i regtfded oader ibe lave rrgtnr aa ibe j poc of boaor tbal witrvaa Jogtaa oecaaioMlly Mfed at which tiwe b woeld reqwra tbr WMiftv to breb tta ffjra away and fan biai while ba lpt Receelly be ed ahgblly under tha bfiaenM of haor and tbe aMl prograawK ifMapirnd ba afiar be bad falbn abep the gid for aonw argroi pvrpoM bflthe room tetaporanly vVbM aba w oat Tagram awoke 0 koovering bar abvMe be eaiird aa on bar apfroacb be fclbd her to Ibe fiMi wiib a blow At ib eetraca br reaaaifc ibat abe woold lell iba lafrkeea if he ed la bb abna lagram fl I and intlantly leckiag her lU ifped arety abred nf c froa her body and procered a long rape writ htcb be firmly lied her banda bebwd Mi ck He ibra pet the other Md tbrongb bMb n aM of tbn jobtt eMvo e few her anwa ap far aa poAe wifl- oat diaoealiag them form their aAckcta Ilia Mtt alep wm to gat ap ftntra aod r plaaka trea the aecoed ily over bar ii beiag looaly laid aad tbe cethng af the bat loer mi briag pbiiered m Soeibere banaea ab aftM coMliMlad afier wbcb be at firn te aea Igbl wead aed bl the aeatb eg roaiaoM drippiaga all ahlaM like bembg tnr IbU ibia tbe apertaie b had aade ea le tbe paor erMlarea bKk neck aad bead Tbe maaeer abe wna Iwd drew body ialoalop IM pntlwe Ibn vertcbrea recNaiag at an aiiHde ef abwt farty fire degea Wherever the MbaboM caae in cm with her peraM the flaab waa bnml lo a cnep ligbtwood w a btad of ptcbj nae wood aed barn for taecbea aad kindiag Her anmnaa eaanmed ha wb oed ail tba aetroH oa iba pbnialiM Bat la bbdUaolric paaMoa no MtrMiy avaibd He daaceadad iba ateirway aad toeMlieM bb beUiab wnik Ibengb ea- lirely aebered by the csaitaaMl be baa ed bar bga aed f eedr porta of bei body aot rrMbedby einaa of lieid fire from abofe Tben U tbreataM to aorder ber eetrigbi bai by tbb tiae bb w pab wfeb rbl had raa end brmbr aeae aeighbera among whoa waa a aiatei of tba deaM and abe bdMod bta U deaii froa ba horrid work Tbe girrawalMTit w fellf cor roborated Mt oaly by coapeteat leati- aMy bet by tbe yet aofperating aalJa euained by im Mptab Md otbara eeai aecled witb tba aftca ParnrMVH at Lonaoif It Meaa to be certaia tbat pelrebea bea beM alreck b a weN aboet IbrM aibairoa lb any of Londe A ilr atrMa of ariirr b now fawbg wbbb b aierf Wittj Ibe aora valMbb laid aof perbapa m very brga qaetity aa yet bet atlll aajkieat lo excite the liTelieil bopea of fatara aoccaaa Stome dMbt baa blely been ibrowa bf IbdpMtiatbl gaalogi en tbe qMon whether iba colder lianioae etbndad b brga m far enM Leadoe aalo afardlallMpplie ti of oil Tba bia dievry afforda atron ff ilM M Taaaa oa tbe Ath w mait al itMr o I reeeivad ibb 4U4 t Mmm tta 4lb bli 1 oibM u lib ui i IMtaor IMMtf Win WM Iniv Mwrn itliMlfclgh wnlc WbO oa Ih pDox k wq Biimtoo AccmmW tui Eti 1U FUi BojU 7 M did I of lb 6it OM f lb homl iftoJ- llutUiii UlliuMdilirtu0M2 Ik t lb pa oil ibo riS MJ oood aeeomfm bj rMt LutafAW 13 aanrtl aoOul nllw Mn muzj junf 1 Ik Hrr 4 U1 nolMbrb All Iha cailured ooum froa 3mS2 and CbnrleatM bM now been eflE 07 Tbe teUl ractipta af tha Mnaillea ef the Proneebl BiM rrat379 10 aad tbe 40 teaViag balaaM ef ftl fi reaaarara banda ll b ettimaled tbnt tba lakma crop in iba aalby of tbe Ceana Mr will be eaal to tba vabeafZ w o doll Urgt rmimmt ConnaciHui aaed are Mpofied ta ba k land of Cuba The LeadM Frtt Prmm there iagod aatborily far ba Mm tbat tta 4h btialin of the GOik eafived to LMdoe tkbwaakNa of prreaelioa in view af iba acnMlioa jy The llonolula publialiM a Ul of M habraeoapi the A rede fleet oMrly all AaariaEZ ThirtrJjrM of ibeaa bad Mm toradik heoeodMl he hMrd fi DonierfctUn are to aaaaail imilatioK ffreenbaoka ia Stabi in tbe ofioera in tbe Trtaaan BihIl at Waahington have baM daai3 In order lo deeraaaa tba auniilae bnd mmey it b pr poead la aibi w Icrfeitiega Mpilal oSrnee ty- A a Merb WM eabrbflU iioM a few day aco n boy affwadii lphaal aa appU wiiiA om ef tba biM ir prevraed tha aaiiMl takg llfa eiiJ the keeper da ban to rroend aad ndematad ta aofa bia 1 10 a alfmpted to crawl aMy brt4a iiB ari d by tba rbphnn aad UM ainal a wall ereral of the mmt db d an arm aad a bg ware frMtaad Tha grati nomeataad iM- Piibola Creek Peon bM ea ip by farmera aad otkera belwaaaK Klgia aad Kineardien aad Ibe iedafi foobah entag h le iktok ibar haNMlM IO held M 10 Iba woperty Ijpa0f will probahi aadeeeiva tbaa Froa Ibe LondM Prtm9 learn Umt oil w firaekM iwir ivtww by lb werbaen tmMlk ab liekaa weH aboat a wile rroi tba Ay rba dnil bed workPd ioio n henejr eiroMi of waier 9m tbe wrti na ibe andbca af aB Mteda ibckaMa ofeU TbbiMr m N regarded aa very eMiaayagM ft Tbo bacaa Captain Maflaban- trotted tweatf miba ia fifiyaa MMI M Iba Baton aatrau The fl M ifabik tioke far fSOOO acabfl l There bi aoae fk ibe xrennd It VaafeMl Otffl4 a ibtl bia pnbe wm eay bifiber ibaa whea be aarted andbtlb aot ibe U e aVe Hwawnift EmaeraM wm offered f3 000 la bat dMbned it Some fi tlOf dataib of noaa wh ch took pba bfitli tp bjnd bojwoa n groM MnmlOg bp HOi make tha tMjtrl fa Suta 37000 for Iha lUpa note for Secretary of Siaie eitf ooocedM that to b TbaioMhi wftilWei may be aomewbai aediwd I fat Mlculaiiai of lobpa- nain poini the eraat aao pailMaa pertyibi b a diapale The addilnaal referred to ef I poiat thai wi algiMt trhaaah bM bMa ia Jla GloU ScAncrrr or CATTLr Ai imMr ofcaMb befdpMrd being abip by ory Mtar The ooodition of t le lo moot cnaM onfil fr high prioM ara being pidd br Tbw eetile drain bM beeaafW advantage to Ibe nendy lanaea bnngtag nnaaidoraU aeaei oowtry We am infermed wbo have bMn throwgb tba Ti tba dieiriitb4h ooeairy Mf bare of aook and in nU hkdlibM Dd wUi reMb nbpBNBlil lich pricM darHig thb WI and 4 i wmtr The Hme wm bM rare aup to eat tbair bee eCC onr farmere will nfwb frorl Hop VIUW VsiifBrBlIETMAiSfn Brl Pooo 60e a Me Egfa lOo la Ulete per dai ti it MOTM U IV oeeaeMooM Of tko reatoeal Praa Im lovaaariieiM toa Wfl ft Uwletle tf R St Cm b iaapaeoUvaty The BMke a im ibe f terwetyand pbMal 1 oopwd by Ciataia IV ilMHata wll be au