Newmarket Era, 1 Dec 1865, p. 2

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w AdrtrtiMBHU lirMl tMj DV Uknaiia M w Canpbtll It I AMtwn Trait Tlat Vtwrnarkct fKh tn foor MM berad iilik ftf Ih record f Wliitchvreh era bt bnej is Mdhha m4 SfM iNa ttraith of wfcieH ilr nofbai NMtad kit faoea taking in portta of iha road ia ika Baal of bu raaiaiMa will atand iba laat tTocdinp Tbw la Iftwmarket ConU Nov IT 1B6 Tba Maokipil C of ihU I laat Moodajr traniof bst Mr 8aterlaad tba Raataia iba ebatr Miautca md and ooDfiroMd ter vbieb a aaBioaaieatioo was raad rafmcd to tba Kiaaaoa Cooaitlaa nm THE NEWMARKET ERA DECEMBER 1 1805 aifaat la of vroag lio iaading tborowgVaroo m iba j of Rjraa Katalt I Mr ebiifiMB of Rood aad Ooataiiiite Mkad laoTt to maka fraaiad vbao tba i oofkod p i lb Vl beem foUooiog raport waa praaaolad aad raad wg iaeorperaied tbora no lioo iaodingtbarowgbfaroo m baj placoara praeiaaljr io ibaaUa rdwioft aad if ibapriooipla bf admitiad of JIoteJBnJg Pf aharaimtia in aliaau aataWialMd MMT iaal ra if jftpratnorlipl Cm tw Fritoy Dac lat IMS LATEST FROM TokoSTO TAKBIMrF tm WlMT ACill KOJtTBtMH kHWJT TMAFnC TBIAL P JEFF DATI9 BT AHJREWy BALL m UW SOY LEClUAai SCTIREMENT OK Mn nonAID T0a05T0 Xorr 30 1866 Mr VaxDMiovr will Rira bk ll roadinci bafora tba loHitol b Moadav Taaad j asd araa iafa CnnittM hart ooi oom m at Ibaj aniieiptod bjr tbair arraii eat oflttiag ll aarrieca of Mr T DkiBorr Tba Nortbera nailway Repta for 8aptanKr anl October tbU jaar aa abt fort J per ccai lo adranea if tba waa otba Uat par Totil rcoafpia ffrjW two mofithi t9640 bi tbiac owrdtffetiliiaa vitl and WS Ia maa tbaaa diSaiia an tbiy My aa wail eoaia firai aa laat f ibo vMlaga baa to raaort lo law to maintaia lla rigbia la iwtba aiajraB 7 f Kiof Oooaell Wa ara iodUad lo iba CWb Joaopb Kiiq or iho Mkowiagiaaf la atiag af tba abova CoaoeM bald at Noblatoa oa thr SOib Nofoatkaf MamWra all praaaol lt BaTk i- ia Iba ttmit iag aad eeelrwag4be aw Room Ud aa iho laMa aa aee Dr Pla jtar aadiear fjjnaTln of aa Suapaoo a luaatia wSMf Muaaia prfaaaiad M aqoAajit fraat Wt C Sloka r bia miV Mr- Tboispaon praaaaiad a potllioa from Ra B lr aad M tbai aid far iba raliaf of Widow Uood aad Patnok AlCgaa emnpoioing of MiooMHiCaNonb m bya road Poliliaaa vara alan praaaniad frAm R P Sraai Uanial McLaoH and Joaash Maadaraoo fur oarliGoataof Tatars Li- caDaa l aaeh TbaCHiAcil lb raaolirod iaio Caa- liiiaa af ife Mbata on iha Patttion BilH Itt praaaatadHr Maebail ia t part of bb roar CawsitiM ba to abaiil a final Report of work perforoiad alao tcoHat ia datail ot iba etpaadltora bj yoar Coamittco for iba jraar taariag a bat aaoa itill aapaid of19323o to liqai wbiob tbay raeoaiaiaad a draft ba apoa tba Traaaarm ia farorof Cbairaiaa for tba laai aapaid l Toor CoMaitica bara bad work doaa aa follova A rw aidawalk ail aet P arioibjr Straat frem tba Proaaaa Straat aad Tnt foot waJk fnxa tU Ratlwaj la tba boaaa8lroa A aaw aida- alk mx aida oa L Biraat A tvo feet valk aa Cbarab Btraaa froa Cfrnar of Lei Simt lo Coraar of VVatcr 8tet ibaaae akng Watar iOK aidavalk laadia lo Maia St Tba aida walk oa Kagta Siraat baa boaa ra laid aiib aa aad aU tiabar asd taadad a ooaaidafabla diataaca iMaaalk oa Prospoal Straat aoam Srid7 StrM aloan aab aida of Proapaot 8uet to tba aad of tba walk laMiag ta Jarad IrviaX baa baaa ra4aid rapairad wiib saw asd old Issbar tim walk oa Gorbasi Straat haa baaa ra- pairod aad part laid aav Tba lida valk roai Iba Catbdio Cbarob to iba Coraar ot Mais Straat baa baoa laid saw aa wall aa oartaia ropaira ada oa Maia Mill aad hm Htraal laadia lo tba Slatioa Vaidaa a c gida walk froa Railroad paai MrSjkoa Foaadrf V ibiu Ibrj ba ebair J Cfiannilia mM and raportad ia fi of graausg 110 lowada iKa ralief o Tba takph from New ToriT to tbia Wjtfo Dlad and ramilv and far p atj laat aihl aanoanead thai itrr Png Mr 350 Ibr aaring rtM ia to ba triad alaoat immadialal bjr bridga Alao raennunaading an asiaa S ahrfl ooart atoa of tiaia for racoiviag laira for iba A saw Riga Cespaay bu Wa f aurvay aod pUn of Lloydtova- It Iha profaaoM aad aadrmadaataa of Rapri raeairad aad adopad Valeria Coltaga SMdlaal departaaat On aoiioo af Mr aoeondad TorfcTiHa I by Mr Maeball caniSeataa for Uoaaaa tMt baar at tha propar pint tha baaai baeoiaat galUd and oat aorrioily por iJary lagieiad No eoaaldmia aa will aaa or allw lo ba oaaJ col lar oot wiada far and ptoparly fiitad lo bi boraa by oaa whi andrrataada bit baainaaa Socb a oourM ia far cbaapar ia ibo and arta if ibr eallar eoau a iri- a mora Tha aama rawMrha will apply hbacaraaly laaa paniaaaay to otbw ana of iba brnaaa Thara ara gnod boraoatao in ib ailUga and orrokiadiog eowntry wba know ibat ia Nawaarki wa baa as aalabltthmant wbara Saddli lad HaraMo ara aiado by adopia opoa bo rghi priadpla and wbara asking ia a apaeialiiy a rafar Hr Ta7MraAa oppcaiu iba Norib Aetanean Hoial Ha haa bsUt ap larga irads daiing tba pott aigbt yaai and ao far aa wo baaa boon ablo ta 4aara giaaa rary gaaoral aailtfaotloa Saa bia idwortiaasiasi alaowbara loday Doutioa to Mr Wm- Can Wa ara plMad lo laars lhat ayaipatby far Mr Wai Cans ia tba 1b of bia Mill by ira raeaaily taok s ptKtioti SalsAsglitsr 1 Taaay Daa A laa aodar a CiMttI Ha b Mavteegv lakfapbeaat ltttltiy kt 8a s larS Hoitii pnprty at Remajaa arrf tBn rS Hoiot Ik pprty af ftnw4ea i il ambrsciac Haa OMIIa I ha aiagMtiaaii i a ttsM la b Itbiakii aiMtar wbtcb ba li a if iba h4l a iba fiaadwaa Tbia dja I aqaal Da yaa HMoca al IS aVek ROOM TtfM Mfc iiKan y eial Ur gMrN tWrl haa a t f ni I rmh ini la J Umt 10 Ama af Woo4 Tlai ar m tiVlIk TiwWr JJJ btik ika btia I oora t wn m tbanMcht tatmbwukaawatwariou aUpt A i T0la sod s raiilra apfuialad lo cssaaa far aabKriiioa ia Eal Gwilliiabarj aad NawanrWi Oa Iba 18lb latl iba roa- Isrs aad Iba raaoit atawi ia Iba fvUowisg siAew acktbtl Iba profar kiad of ayapatby for a aaa afariagssdar adrarta icBBi4aM t Wn T Sia I At a paMia irMt bin prid M IfMlaacOaaHMsr flhh Edittrlsj flomaary- OCA A taking of Iba Isatltats Coa UilMwiU baM tkia FiUaj artalag at ba AaibtMl Haul at aaaak t Tba Asaaal Maaaaw Ball Uadar ba aoipioas of Taaean Ladga Na 99 fawarkat will ba bald an Tboraday Tba Sabbalb Sobool Assiraiaa- Ml Bwart o avaafaf I Kiaat aaaiwa Tka baKdisf u Kiar a ralialiwaaliaMalWoi tai4 aid all pmmti af iatwtictarj lUport I irpoaaaf dvtB rilla tar I baOdiOf Iba Mill yaa wan 04 darirayad by fira 0 safari aa tba nifbi a iba 8ih Hilt Jaiaa Silfaf Jatnaa Ki Dariwr Jaba Saala snl Mi apfoiaiail aaaaMiao la aaaa aa yasr f fall diiaiti J lo baad ibaoi Ur ibat paipaaa Wo hava yraai Craek opporila Kiebard 8rig lay Tba bridga oa Proapaet Straat bM boaa raoorerrd wilb saw planks aad otberwiaa repairrd A aoalt aaw brid haa beea placed at tba foot of Nisgan Su Tba bridga ao Straat bfa baa rrpairtd aaw ealrart oa Qotaford 8tral baa bras pot ia taadiof to Mr Mitlardi Factory bIo a oalrert lar of Water aad Cbareh f 900 la a aabMilMioo witbint yoa ana yooi haahb aad praapafty Oa baif af ii altacatbar banitod ai Dab wbieb wa now i of tlOO Straat beaidaa bii lUaa r dona a oonaidar A BotrdofTnda Mraiiar railed fcraara gramad la tba applioaota abora htt aigbt waa aol tar wall aftandad- saC It waagot op by OapTJ to paab bia Oa fDMia of Mr Thoflipaoo aoeond- Bay Casa enierpfia bat Iha d by Mr Muiwia a radueitoo waaaadai iisaey ii all apaat aad Captaol it abevt m lbs fara of iKaaaa eariieaiaa in prt jum iSBatr ii all tpaat aad Captaol it abevt m lbs fara of Ik played oot aalcaa ha raa eal ap anr I dodge il asid tbct bad noted tar tU lie bad ya I MaawaJktafarrSubrpMTaiOa Mi JsrgabalMisg for oCoaabilt for wbaiMeLaod IV Xaph Maiuiar and TaiaJ gf7M Mwa aaaas s liDia C0roloss B- P Siraat oscb II abora aaoasl ara aboot iba wbola St Aadrawa Ball lo eoma off tbii Uoad by Mr Tbicnpaoa aoeoadad Pra of tba Consillso for Iba araaisg proaiaei lo ba a briliiaat affiir by Mr Mini ibai ibo Troaaarfr baj yr aad lo ba largely alrsded aad ia bar bj authonxad artd rMisdloj aoaaiittaa fartbar report tbi A aaw eottraa of Law Leclarrt aa pay tba followiag l amii poranna aa baa carafaHy axaained tM BalN braasg wad teal jsrtaprsdoa ia aboal vix in flubart Iarkar SSleia j Gorbaa aonsK bia faaoa o Uasg dclieared Ufoir tba Law Soeiaty Parkar 79ita Jaa Kiiobaa 3 Siraai and ara f aaiaios tbi Ws by PrBsurnAX for iaTasyaantaiB ronaruaaeoof llta Mid parttaa bo tba of atraat fasood is b Mi s IsMarrr oa ibia BraooL ia iba Victoria tag aaia lo iba wroog Sebool Sao i Gorbaa bar baoa dadioatad lo tba pablia Msdioal CoOega iirriod sa a atraat for aprda of Iwealyyaara A navbar of pCTSirae wera aaoaoaedi Mr Webb islrodarod a ByUw ia norooter iW portion of Iba atrsai asatarday before tka IoUoa Magiilralo btask to provlda for boidnig ikw aaii aadoaad by Ma waa astabCabad aa t by ibe llealib taapaetor aad flaad ll i Monlalpal B djc a bW wsa raad j aaeb It ia aaar elaetwo tiaa now and a firat ucno Corporaltoa of Wbiiahofvb btiora tbia a graat abow of iauraat ia city welfare j Tho OouLcil iha roenlrod into Coat- waa ioaorporaiod aad that aaab tifibe wbolo as ibawmo Mr By Law waa eaaetad oa tba applioatioa Afer Siting op ika m aaJ roponad iba It waa tboa rood tod Tb bti fisibg w asal b aasifeatcd Tba Bank of Toronto baa daeUred a Mauais ia iba ebaii iietdaod of foar par esat for iba aarraat blaaka Coaiautao Half year payable oa ud after tba Sad ByLaw aa saifida Jsas next jstbird liaa and paaeatf Ikia earraatly reported bare Ibat Iba i wore blld up a folJowi presaat Wardes of York asd P vinjibs tilactmua will be bsld M b be Miiieip1 booon Wv No 1 Tlll CtniJtmm bia yaarwasi of lias 10 attaad lotbe Tialiao Rotaraiag Oftear Mi of CmkUIoc it CITM n ilMtK i Wut No a Ull NoU Fit IbakaBiM laiUtata Ksirrs leeloeee b tba KewaaHst Maabaaita laabtaeefartbrea Ward Na 4 TeeparaecaUattSdaw sg laat woek iHaetrated by vary eaeeoeefel eiperiaeata wara largely sWssde Tba pragraa asde eaee af Bleetraiey iu pawsr lie ssd biadrad pbaaaaraa I it sbaalaialy beMd tba reacb aftba amal rasdor lo kttf pace sad beare wbaa aaa bka ProfKtsTaffMd apfaH aitiaa la ibo pabHe la ablaia iafarasiii taprd ta ibeaa la s gessraJ baaail is aasforrsd Hw batorea a Htbrr al Iba prsclieal tbas aaieeti wbile Ml exparesta were aada plaMassia sad ciki as alasrly iUeatrat- lad lbst panose af ordtaarj wtligasci ssM rasdly aoderalaad Ibtw foM farci Mftrtb Tba liaple pmiicsl tseli eoleed wilb rprd ta aatiog Ueepisg t faaMsliaa dw s weH sa dasgai s wbes mmitg ia caalaat wilb pi gam protsslioa froa ibb ssSa wbieb p tbe f jbeaoaess of tbsadar itorae im wai rat wartby sU tbe eipeacea atlsadiag d akalseaarsa wbds tba iatsreal asaffoaa- ad by tba paapla clasrfy d air spftaaialios af Iba sakjosit ducaii Stf ssd tNoalratad Not tba Uaal reasrb sMs eipenaeat gtres wsa ibs wMie tigH pradsaod by kaaii tba gaaa of Maafsssd water fraa bacsaa if dSafaea sf wbitoabaNi tba pradea asiirsly laipi sbaat s daaaoSsd a Mf larga CasI Ofl Lsap bsrmiif ia lbs Usll Altagsilwr tbs oaans U lbs asa aapiaa asiiaipatiaa aftbspaMiesed w3 asi aaaaba fof- MM tad Bridf CoBimlttM X tba p of Nowswrkai 0 III pabbabod elaswbara lay will h foaad s Iwgtby rapsH froa lbs Rosd Mi BHdga COaaltM abewfsg ibo ss MiWiks work prrforaMdby ibaa a4 aaepsWiiere ieralwad Wbaa U k fsasUasiod ftbsi tbia Isrgo sawaai of par- Mpal labvbasM ba i jiifca assiiirr afiioss sad parMsal aarvtaf af lbs tbsabs of ViH Tbs Mir refSfd s Owbfaura Metal Caabas tba l iaat Burnkdrntly atslod tadihs 4seiiifa titje BfliaiaaksWy aanas tbst bargJola W UgbsaRata iagOfloor Ward No ft Marabou WoaTa Sbof IJoydtowa Marabsll Waod Ra- lyraiif Oflhor VoTsd Mr Maaais saeoaM by Mr Tboatpana tbst ibo aaa of 40 ba apfroprietad fw tbo parpnaa of oaiilag dtfwa a bit baiweon Lo lftsad 16 al tbo rear of tba 8b 0a aad tba Wiliwai B sad Joha ORsifly bo Ceasniawaart la- bo sspettdttare of tbo aaaw aid aum bo dadueted fraa spaeopristioo ta Wsrd No S natt yasrCarrtsd Uovad by Mf Mssria aoooadsd by Nr MaeboH Ibat it bo tbo oplaiaa M ibM CoatKft tbet tba fosrtb isatln af tbe Aet S7ib and B Vir Cbapar T0 sa iborfadag a ra aMreaa of tba eida Iwaabi tba Tondbip ol tklag wstrsstad sM rsasirad a aaw aarray ta bvawdswbori aiM liaaa wees aadardtafwtSfMor tatba pssrfMaf asd tbsi 5n6se asiat ralieo k flM boiwasa lota Ma 1ft aad 1ft a tbe ofe TWeabip aadba- tiavtaf tba aervayar aapdiyad aaM m viaw It sad aa oortast ilisiaaao read ilMa ia diapata bat so trMb i appear s4 tbo aaraapar abaU sosapi aa dk patad imt mf lAda faa4a asapoai d Mil fliH was WllWl fsiitog Tlst if ih bad aoi lb IMag larat aatad H weald oarisMj bMbaa paad- M M ikla CMCMA dH talmd lhat tba aaid i lata woald ba aaatad asd baei aa iati aatad a tba oggrioeod sad ibiraby praeeaiod a ssh fkaa b tbaa psadtogrseaaaary ia tbo eareayor opis ioo tw osaatitais s diapatsd bra wbieb barsby an injaaiss baa bsiii aaaMiebid Tboro Ibo IagiaUtora bo rsaeelad to grsat satbsrity w tba Gaaaoil lo bare tha aaid injaeti aarfiaed aad tba tba Reaia tba CaaasUaoe for Ward N 1 sad lbs Clarb ba s soa ta da s palhioa ta dapiiosls baasd oa tl foragnlag ta bo plaead ta tba beads of lbs Lsgtiars a tba apss of ibo asst flaains of PiarHsMat Carried Moeod by Mr Msebafl iiia by Mr Webb Ibst wkm Ms Ceaa sd joaraa N ds auad b tfU Moadey Ibo lltb of Dsswabsr asat tbsa a aeai al Bts Boisl Klaf HaraCsrti 1 Tie Coaasfl ifcse Wbiwbsasb Ceeaal aeoie a of tba aaid EliCorbsa aal oibera VoarooaniOae bare bad as isiarriew wilb Ur Uorbaa oa tba aabfcot wbo nitariy refsaae lo raaMve tbe feaae ooa piais of 4aayiBg that aaeb portioa af atrcal tbsl ba iim esikeed as erer dad ioatad lo tba poblie aad sartiag that Iba ByLaw of Wbitebsreb l was oaaotod is Voar soaaitaa aabail s oopy of tba asid ByLaw barewitb sad respeet faUy reooaaesd ibat ibo Cutporatioa aboMdlaka lauaodiaM atape lo bare Ibe eboraMioa arestad by Mr Oorbaa re astaiiaDy sa pnrais rits sa waU sa tboao of tbs sorporatioa ToarsoaaiUao wotild fsrtbar report tbst Ibo ewaassioelioa of Mr Loasta is aiA a aosiidarsiiss ssd will be f apoa bsforo tbsir tara of oSse axpjres ntb tbia report joar ooaalltse bg to aabsut T Bwk Tsadere wbieb ao besaas tbs pro party of tba Corporstioa Raapeotfalb oabfiittsd Wa TRENT Cbainus Ooaasfl wssi iaia sooMiiUss of iba bole sa tbia ragort sad passed It wilb- lbs Oak aotil Mr Oocbaa tbst aslsa tbe obalraotioaa eraoted by bba oa Oor baa Strsa be aotreawfed legal prooeed iaa aill be Isatitatsd agsisai bisi Carried Oa asTios of Mr Boadbosea aaoadad by Mr Marsdas draftaoa tbe Tra veto ofdsred lo sorer saeasu Is Rd sad Bridge Coaaittea report sad to pay Mr Sykas Tba Coassil tbaa sdorsed BpeUl Tbaro is la baaaa aatara tea ead redaod by eiiHsiiioa s asiaral sb borreaoe to eranlly a amsMta asd as- paaially ia tbia tbo osas wiib regard to tba aobla bsaa lbs borssa ss it doo tbo bitbesi pises la awss re gard belnuaoof ta grrM aeefirfasee Tbs psraoa wbo bosta ataivas dnrss sad trttt isaka s borss is da by bis follows sad aay ba psniabad by law Iba iefor graa ar wiUfal abass aball we y of tbaea baelag Is lelligeaee ead oleiaiog retniaiwl who ibmsgb e weal of joJgmeai lofliet greet Budanag spoa ibotr boress Wo absll ssll tbsa IS seoeust sad ia doisg aa si v as o espreas lbs ssari ibai aDsJairofibebsat fod bsreaa swaad by iboaa wbo wooU acora a illirast so aajasl aalTar las gresier or loa attaai wbaa ia ase in eooaeooaeo of beraoai oa adapaed a tbee panieJsrly eollsa Bpo wUeb lbs dr oMisly aaass Msa parebsaa ehssp a elap eolfof sds wiibout regfrd la tbo ooafwrt tg Miaa i ireiy gralel wode wba beee taken pan ini net M louoeaa Oa tbe oibar haad I foiW HWanby af ao aeob poMio avisg daae seibtaf of a pobM oalora anb ofewab a wata iMartad moa Genileaem I Ihlok ol ibe aany liaoa I it SMt wilb yea when eyapaiky anl Ip weio rMiird In ilffiM gooo bjr- I ooooaa mm ooen oarMN sii vee baraiMoied se ar utmod ihat I thall alwaye lpeaod ta render ibe aaaa aaieianoe lAaber Trade Ia apeakiag af tba laaber depot etiab- iitbsieel derisg Iba paa year ia Dslroli by Maasra Psckham li Uoao of ibn I tba Dttnit Dnfatik bar ibe fof lawiog wksb it afford m pleaaare beth ihe CMc wd LtadnUr a wbol i Tbs apfliealieo were aaBerM be liatalaritf waa tba aaeb aaa aCaied ibey had a naOae for Mrtier la tbe OUl Thrab a aieoDJaratanding ibe liae labia fat ihe Itaine wr pabUbd ta eerreetly laat wook A ebanga i iha bMteof paaenfwe iraine fook rffwt ib befinniag af laai week tim labia wa pablwk alaeaboro today ia oorrsri ibal I fa bsoaoaa if thry ehl Is aaolber pUos Mr B oa tbs iBesBkeatMyt I do not beltwea tbia saioo waaUpai Zin inia ibe bawla of osn hondraJ ami fly ibaaaod segiaea aad tlan deny daa Ibe right 10 vole I believa whb Sberaab that a aao wbo bae earriod a aueket baaa tiatoeaity aballot Is of Praoideot Jobaaoo be fa Let laa atproee my gliiode a OoJ ihai ba hal appointed wiihoal oar foro- ibaogb and aioMM wiibool ooi koowrodge a man eiagolarly Aiisd ta lakt wkwa hie auilytaJ pradteH Thea far f oanoet llo ay h an whieb done noteoeni apt filiiug and iMiiathaod of Iha Siaiae el ih Is asotbrr plaos bo ays there dibnrxM io greater or Ira nasalilia from all th welh wftcrs Oil ia mod and it anTiaiiaiee dieharvaa iih Ihe Krea wbich a yar Aarora Oorw ACMA Novra Ilj rr l tji k in or iniik f bi 8 U boi op ill dirclin Aaimj mem 10 oioibr of Ibo nMt Cowlb eomoHdrat Holl bioh whoo oooipU MKbril mil proUM iC M ill foroioh ojlUi b Mooioipil hooJJIIiilS t of whieb b 00 onoh felt Tbi oo hoaiil opoa bia Ibo j cuj jodo ftom Ibo fut tbt KID Sftj mmtlifc I koo fcirt pereoaa ayaelf of the naabsr had lo go the enmloff mao a mka a I by train to lo aleea Joat fancy fifth of the ROTeraigwifo ICOiag froa Bndford to T Ml Walla are being annk lona aroQod Bothwell About two hso dred aad forty walla are aow either ooa pietrd or is progreaf within s radioi of thrss miia ukin Boibwell sa I oeairaltis gcsat nity of wbloh lia Ibe Soadtof tbe ViOif ooatiguotu the Rirer iThaaaa At ooe point oa tba Miobrslad Pepper Waif wbi WM rtMUd to yield two handred at forty barrola per day I ooaotad thirt local bebiutian lo d4y aome one ihoaund inbaUtasta New Inildla eKoreraiigwwloa u i bat I all diroe likely that tba DanUs eJ to aa a irsV Aoeraaa i lieks Kaowtn 1 ahall be wxHtd for briw I aad Tolfra I iritf add ahodi noetiesiiMi prore eorreet eeruin ran s aerterl o av that wbaiera opiaias mmZ Bbe besefteniisiaattij It naiiena Pilnt I H er Ibe t A aaeliog of Netib UwilJiabary itlaekeaaoihavoil Cesseiltakw plaoa al Pleg MmhI en the ibopeepte of ibe Slh fthioM Thie wilt probably be the laat iag for Ibe yoor If ihe raxfe iljltpTirraUlttCir fffa 7foi- paMabla aor fiieode aay etp lo mmi ami imitrfit a ibe Gawemmfi ami let nec6aaii a laaglb nod I ia oerremiy aw Efa Ei of Ceetgina reft a eandklaie lor Muni wraacesoofvff ffAey nneriM and aawaaesafe tlU r bsi Aaisalbr Stmtk Oalbe and oMifi afaia ba belp iha satiar and if Proeii t- i waiiiig far tbe adepiioa af ibea plaoe by I tfeMNpta oftbe Soatb be ieastisff wiib y ebarnotwritio ptadesee aad aacaetiy inu baakGoHthePrOMIaBiIaSeoiberaa baV aat tbe aaa wa wani if wa a a aa yea oao biiek asd aedaf- CngUnd man eU do wall aa M He ie wilt ba taiio Tbe winier eeetea af Lariaroe ia nioa wilb Iba Aurora feebaefoa K ta will onmaanoe with a gtaotlioAi ReUnion in ibo Teiaperanoe Hi WorineMlay ofonia Dec 4hai8 rhe vHi Mibo lb ai by aflMiiea oo tbe wbete eopy Oea teaai TsassBv rfcrMe toeer As Tbasanaal sMotiog iskeptaeeei Ibo 3d iisiotday is seat bwsiaea eotnaos eer rvedere wiN see tbe ad- D Hinagobt lar Poekbaoi A Haas laaW Jasbf Iba 4 HtUa areoS- ToCr sawTaKeai wook w are now doiac a tbriric baeioeae Msiegaple ibb dao aoWaie iba of oaHy Sfty Ibiaawd doltofs ago Tho artlelo bna baaa hi ibo eAet aoese liao bat boisg ofdoeoriptire ehs raetw b jeal w good aew aa w wiiitos Until alior Ibe MosieipsI EUoiioue are I5w Wboho cueiaseiio naaVorc aad other poiaSi aad every 2av ew warkele MOe ep flie eoergy vf tbie tra bae na eoiy boan ptadoeilre ef pragi le aeIC ba to iW neigbbortog Iry wbaa Brio ia ia wosy isefiusi a beita tawber port sa brief m ibey poaaifciv ess whoibef iboy Host sf Meaioipst loe2 or genera tbaa Bafcli a Clevabad aad sow iba ttw san ia gfvea by tbeso goalenieo wo leak to soe tbea eia saiwriiTid kj aar ows is Iksl psnissbr S efiapecu eeeoaMedais all wbo aay deaia to aa wrwigs nrlMftaiMWeobsarTabyef fbniga e asi tbs Ororsr 4 Baksr Sswisg CoapsayorNotr Tcrk bsT boea swsrdsd tbe btssi priss si tbs gresl Dsblia Siblbiiioa for asAI Faaiiy Bewisg Mtebiss TPaksef Lelasierptssisisdtbe priar vUob wsi STsry bsa4sBf SOrer Msdst Tbo Csapssy bsd to ooapele sgsJaat tbeaaaafostarera of Ibaladisg Maobii of B sad tba Usitsd Sisiss asd tbsir saseaa aasi bs biiy Is tksaaalffa ss well w sdditioaal ert dsasa of tbs sapsriority sf iMr M esbiass ssapotiiors iMsg tbe yssr tbb coapssy were sleo laooeasM la ba- lag swsrdsd s saabsr af prisa of idsrsMs nJas sA botb Ststs asd OsaslyFsirs TbekMssbiaa ia araMBftsesily sdtjaatsd sad tbeir sibod of opsrstlag rssdny ssqaiiai Tbe Maeblia of tUe Coapssj are aasd sll over tbo world sis espaUe f s grasl rsriay ti work sad for asa sre a as a adapted Ii b aitb pfoasars we bsvs also lo sdd tbsl Mr Samcsl Roocss of Newaarka ie tbs Ageat e ibk Ooapeay IVoa whoa Maoblsa asy slways be b Isteadisg parwhtars almid eul st bb 8bop ia tbb plaos and sxsaisa tbea before going ebewbers by so doisg bstb tlae sad aoaey oaa bs Mod mH sf tsa Isr do ratal AccliMiA from Geurgiaa writee ae tbal s very peiefal aactdtal eceorrsd lo a INtle girl tbraa yean aid tbe dangbwr of Mr Wa Assasaaa af North UwilliaMMiry wbieb aad foially oa Iba tia alt Ii appsara lla foibsr bad gaaa m Ms erark and tbs aotbor loA tbo liitia girl viib bar grssdfalber wbDs abs want la salt aoigbbor Sbortly afUr ibe old sat oat ia tba ysid la abop s Irwwosd t bal prass ba bosf4 a af lbs ebiM ssd barryisg lata aa a bis laaaiiraetiaa ba foaad bar slatba sU sa Ira 8e aoverair was As barasd tbsl dsstb aasasd ssrly aasi aralag Aaotbsr psMU vsraiaf a i tnm Ibe tas Um R Hael 14 lb Briek fenlWiif w e Mr T A Uatea aad parfMai a aaaibar ai S Htbi r periamew Aa pkae ia Ibe Jfarhaaiee f aa Adrettieri a tbaaveaiaf RoviLCabAMab etpoMad iwa work dae asd payIM be m Th igbeenbei Tb ftral I l ia aearly all paM for Beak and Ihe ineiiieiiaa ba oponed in beeinaea will k Beak iaaiill opwo Tbe above sre a fow axiraeta fVoa Mr baea wholly assspseted asd sol Kksd b lbs Redieal atsa of tbe Capab Keas paily Tbo New York Oemapoa- dast ot s ooasuy ioaraal lo apoakis of It aye ia aabetanoe Wm albl have arpeetrd eothing ebe froa Mr Baeoha for be b aura iw be foond on U ol erery qneaiioa that bia frMods wooid lesit etpoet It basicot to be 1 aync ia New York tbat is tU be gisning God ereaied tbe hearensaad tbi sartb aaa troasa and tba Beeobera LONOIMANUS wtia baa rarealy Jeelad alaered N U right af naffrac- ilMeeitDgaf Ibe Soeiely Tho Wettam OU Bgions sriciALCoatispososMOi TuakbiviixSt Kaai Co SovY 27tb 1805 f My deer Bra t aow addraa yoa aot froa tbe Oil Dtngiags ef Ceatral Caasds as I pro- abed is ay lat letter bal froa tboa of ibf Westera Peniaeola of tbe Pioviase Aboat tbrss weeks ago I viaisd lbs for- is tbs viUaga of Nortb Aagaals ftftoeo aila bart of Prsaootl asd foaad ibors s wall belag aaalc by the Ceatral Casads OU Coapssyf wbo Kai aet wiib s vary bi tapare Liaaa Took si twsaty fosi firoa tbe sacfiwe sad were gettieg ia ordsr tbe aaobinary for drUlisg Tbb teal wdQ b at t aarida sf tbs Seatb BrsaebeflbeRiaRirar wbfob psssa t Attsrt Cmwpaadiaea Wrd Bttekr oa AoMatrac la A w t ParJom tToa LmU ta Fanr of iVe Movirr Atoscar i Horeabar 27A ISM Bavbg soibiag of lapsrisaos a aead M tbb wesk U tbs way of Maaal AU bsrtaows Itbsagbi parbsp itsatsad fow estrsets tbe roeosi pnlitieal asnass of tbo grsst Aaerissa Pslpit Orator to bb ooagraNatisa is Brsoklys wabM prove saaaaiabla Heary Wsrd bsr bse atisUed s poaitioa a fltaa of eraars aarirsllsd aa tbia asat sad batfov asa iatbaUsilad 9was eaareia m a sob isisasie la tbe adTaiisef Oaaaraasslse bs Hb paliti- ss ibey sro ssUsd sra tbatefors i ss bbbfsUy ss lbs peasbasftbs Cabiset Misaters dikita ia tbs Ospito si WasU It b ffoa oae raeaal dMivsrsd oo ia Braoklya ta wbiob bs MIy ssdsraa lbs laaaitrsabs paUey ef PrvOdeot Jobssss thai 1 p 10 fake s fow extnsts Spakisg Oea Lss Ways pained by tbe aany eritieiaaa I papsea apes UaeotsJ Las wboo ije Paatdea of a H Col ea heal of giest troaknaa be biaMlllo llMraeee al Robel- toe ihei lisM however bo ba aeted aa Wolf boeama bin Ibo fsoi rsoted ba ba eeaieioKioeiiy bolaeod ia af tbe boab we tdaead bta wadi vboSMti ba at aaro baaaarablo ibatt haf ea be wsa mliad a tbe PieaMeooy of Coiletr 1 waa gisd a aee bia lake 1 nadad a 4e eeaatbinf to atport bus pSod Ibe aawieiM aada by aar p4poi latbstpsrtofbbsddrsaO saaasl ssll U a arsaa sUaAai Is tbs ftasiasa Mr Bsssbersaya Bs aboald bsvs tbe p sf ibs iwpssd bsvoaa assooeaaibwsasrte sa asy stlar laas 1 baW aWo tba bs bars bad tbe ae8age bsasaw it b nl tigbl Ho ka s rigbi to asko tbre tbo wsa is belsg eeptieal by tbe Nortb Oowa la tbe Fna be qaiu si I have slrssdy boMaa qaite oootiaoed Ibat Petrolssa axisU tbsre is Ite ioff bot wbetba il will be fosad psytsg b a qaasttos for lla aMstisn of we aaet ver patieatly awsil lbs rsports from tbe lai well referred to Ooe ibisg woald eeaa qdts sertais tbst if Oil bs foasd at enj puist to tbo Bsaiwsrd of tbs Biiskville sad Otisws Raiitray wbab assHr do- Ises tbo waisrty liM ifas mA lo ibb Ofl say rasaoasbb bs looked for wBl be foaad ia sU lbs soaatry lylag betwesa tbs Otiaws ssd Si Lswrsaos Rivers aod Kaat of tbe BrosUk ssd Ottsws Bsiiway Al Torsato ny dsatlnatisa bsisg Betbwell tbe mat 011 Osstro of Cassda St tbs 0Mt tia t took lbs Orssi Wastsra Railway to Haailtoa TbbsMebsfwy sWit 1 osa osly tepmj Can are aot lo indaoe aortsb to in of forgetfolBea si ibotboOiosi Waters batreielsa Railasy ssd its ssra ssparb Arrived a laadea tbe Fersst C ity I aaos fosad ats gJ qasfisrad ia tbs TtemrnmtA Jjosae ose of tbe lerxsat ssd bal sss daeted bossaia Caasde TbuBotelb tbe Badqtartera of tbe Oil apssali ssd borara froa sB pais af CMads Ibe Usitedjuiea Tbe Tbasaa River OtlCttapaV- Ho sot Lotbar Oil Coapasba ftrst floor Oroai sse prrvalest is Iioodon Over tbe dis- ooJtTj of OU sboat I wo nvibs below tbe City oa tbe left bsek of tbe Tbsast Nsxi aoraifig I took the opportavby ef asalsg tbo taw aoaawbsi faiaoas Hieks WsU st tbs plass sbovo ioJi ilsd Oil bsd bees etraek isdred asd asvsst foci froo faes bat driUisjt bed bees kept iwbQSr lowisg fosa tbe Well wiik s Isrga stcoaa of watsr trUeii bad bM Isgfsd st sbat two baadred asd thirty foMftaa tbaasifass looaldaoi bal aoM tbe aiailsrtly ia asu asd saell wbaa thb water bssiau ibaS i the Srris before joaraey belsg I reaark that ere or dameks witbia 1 tpaa of fifoa ra Is faet the thing u overdonr- That on sxiata la aaby plaoa ihr oot the CooDtia of Kent Laibkra Middlesex and KIgin ia as oosetioo- abb faet bat of ibe prrmnM of Ihe iopply I fir one am by no neasa aativ fied- I have aeen the bee welb betwssn JxHidoo and Cbatbaa aod bavisg a good ehook in tbe abipnieat of Oil from tbe Railway Sialiooa I ap ailiSod thai bi ooe of tbea tbe leppa Well nei Bothwell ba p iba intorat of Iba aotay isveate id Ibea Tbey night be nade lo ay bot for tbe esomwoa prioee paid ot 1 toey eite ofM loeusee li Well wae reponod lo ybid asly barU per day end wm aolX wiib al asrs of load for ooe baedrad aod s Ihoaasd doilart workiog aboai It b eotwtaotly igh varioaa woaae rkhig- OeaersUy that wUeh Ib tbe Bothwell Chi divided Uh to iU rMf yitld oeiog barrab per di brakiag down tbi asd joat aow b sot ibe peportsd yield will give a airaot WeUs ouy ssfrl PperWaU yields only abootftfty bar- rob per dsy bal ao other aa yet eon anywhere aear Ibat All ofUwa ba to be pamped There b net et preee a ftowiog ra Canada Tboa fiftwing imb In Knnbkillen have bt rbybe imaena nsvberof poaped isnk aroaad tboa that their yield has beeo deeiaaled asd all bk to b pamped Cosid the Oil baaiae be ooadaeted in an boaest Iraichlfor- ward atesdy wsy s gresl deal aooey ooold be aade not of it aetbisg bst s caablio epoeablisg ooneera ibros and I aa in ao wsy afraid oT a dspial wbaa I uy that tbe oorreapoodeaU of tbe Ofoit Ltudrr 1 other pspen atrosUiiag Is the Wat lergelv rcepoeeibb for tbe praeeal atate of ihioga Aa a dea they noat be eitber aaily tiaffoJ or aa saaiiy bri arepreant fact sa tbey d rary eradiUy inforaed Ibat good erffuy artiob baa its prioe baeka Stooka a GoU Ofooon I good tbiog for tbe ooaslry aosay oireaUia fraaly ireat soabera of sao are oooeteatly eapfoyed asd si kuda of fbraprodsoa brlsgm p bat wbib I ipeoelatora aay auke t it u at least doabtfol Ibst the aaeant of oil obiaiaed tVow tba treb will pay tbe large ooat its pro dootioo I praaoae 1 have now given yoa Oil labioaM yoor Proa for Teaperanes iT tu7 dilforei foelings of tho aajorily ef sabkr and 1 believQ ebe aa pivXUUy lata oae ki ftorely aver thai Ibe bwa Ibenba oiaed s ooral er eoeial isIsM b fo adrMUgeof asy WisCMfohZ freadoa of ap ftiidia 100 ao is tbe iliose to have fVssdea efl Dankii rapondesi wiOewsartbtM benab the tra nsda whjob est Ticumsu h bs ato bb laet assMipt before the battb is wbieb be fell d atood spoa tbe iet readeiad essrsd lo Cassdiasa by the blood of tbst brsvsasd loyal ladiaa Cbiaf Tbs Dsttls groand b aboat s aib ssd s half fraa ttiu vil lags oa tbs North bask of tbs Tbaaa Aa old aaa tbes s boy liiisgos ao sdJotsisK fara piaisd oat to ea all tbe aUeesof iaierat aad isuUigestly sipleasd tbs dMpoaitioe of tbe forM snder Ptoetor Tssaawsb ssd Jobsaoa- Tbf Isad b qstle level is foot b pert f plaio ssd sow trbera tbe aword dedt diaib ssd deatraetioa plsaab absrs sloae bolda away Balia ef ibe is tbe shape of brokos ftraanas swords and bssr of the alsis sre ysl osdsrioasHy ploagbed sp by lla foraas My old gsida Miatod Shi a cenais apal wbsrs bs ssid ba aw two asforlaasis Ksstaekiass barisd alda bf lide Oa Agglfig dows s very abort tra foond tte akaletosa eatlre is pal siflspi tbat tbs bead of ooe M Tlie booa trere is s teaark ably solid Msa bavisg lain tbsre asdii iSfM s little over ftfty yesn Soas aaall irea trere growioK ever tbea Dr Rsibrsa wbo seoaaps I bas sas of Uts akiietooa aiasa rib spproprisisdby Your luiabb aemst VOYAOBUR Cbsvva- It b wilb feeiiatsof a- giahwl hirato Infomyoa wbsi took pbia u Isat aaatlag ef Kiag Casasd spplissiieo was aade by Jaaa Swwat Sd Jaae biinalilbeCaseii l Potiiioo rlk a granP aotbofiif to tbe Ceea- aesMce lbs Mo Baad beiwes Lqi No 1ft awd 14 is tbs tib Cea ef Kisffasd fu ef Ibo Cosoeil ipreaaod a witliHr- Id 6ary ea Ibe wtb lbs aaid sppli- a A roeolaliea wm iSea paaaod ap- pmniinf a Ceaaiiiee le draw sp peiiliona for aaid pnrpasa is be Mbailieil to Ibe isi aeeting tor sdepiioo be beJ at ICiac bom eo bo Ui ef Dooeaber nexl li eooaod to ae to ft a very iiafie p for ibe CoMail of ia la aar Piliasafli tt do 9 ttiOO of tbe fenda M tbe Totesbip IS ber weftle ileatroy ib Aet ef Voy wbiab 004 tbst aaa Ob wbaa I wwitfM eSMe i Had tbero boon a e ohwiiea and a fcMb aol ef aeo aeni ibe CowMil 1 wenid mtt beee wosdaed aseb bat tbo aery aee ibM sked poM ibo Aet it rfy FlMllHirirdTId SooM ay Ibat bsd wa tbb paUl law that Ibe vilbge wosld bsawsia fni Klyrisiwe its isbabbaaii igeb wiihoat wings HaitisMMi other paru of Casads r Baifo of liqnor beeo eatirely Mespad U ia plaora Uavs tbe Taaaaa bakasr oftodootod when aader tba ewHih aslhoritia than wheo arifilgOMMirif Tbe aleetors aboald be iilbm gb astisr bsforo givlsg s eli b aa bowarer aiiaa pledged la aayftb Ptrtommilj I do sm traw whetba DaakisM vieariaivM or wbo eosstiiata tbe fta at ii CooDell Matisgs lONORilOl i Colmiii ArrtTsloftbsJisTaftiHla PoanasD Must N vssAir M- Tbe klaaisabip Neva Wat patnoibs I6b b L iaiaiwiia I7lb baasrrtfrdatibepMl an five days bur ibas ibea ibesVa cwted Tb Brilib govoaaeni folsial ftl Wot iMka aad iesar a la allow tbf csaafaibod to oMs iforAiia eoela bt- nwwtsUsd atsMsl Ibt iJS liaeleaaat ef Ibsd is U- aAaU afs f la Ib4 Lby caa Jat 8tpaee Ibs Head Casta d Iba Feaas i an eaad with MsenI elbaa Ibe TmKg Myi ibere sa be se doabi d tbe fieaaoe of ibe flrod aad III leeoMplicrs asd itosU Sim a II rxiiasab PraiaaiMs aliollb All tba Ldia ioiKaU pob bb ibi s asboadescebetweoeMr Adeassadlad Beaaal ie refereaae le tbe Alabaas slasi Tm lmft ays Wa areaatly bipa the bseeesdeeba oAaas aed aes asa ail brraied witbost f siaa aiattes ttt tti idaaa At preassi mm dabaa ts ssaifl Cspt Wsddelle autoeasi as Iras V UeH 10 ISO eaaisi ef sse blatal wesiy fesr tkisai paadi tari Astfalia Jaacs aad CbOi Mwa esasd stalft ae os Cbase F Tbe Bapersr Eapaasrf PriMe lapsral bate gnse a CeaMlfc The Eapet sr ba ordered Ibe gaal tos in aray af 1 800 sS a4 41 000 ars avisg tbrrebr M mm Ose iboesMd inad Htdwwe bad aatirf Iroa Itsly I Tbe sbelea al3 prsvsMll Naples Tbsrs waa so sppSMP d B Tk Utb riMI M U ri Tbe Kieg ef EWtigol kseamredsl MAa AosTUATbs Easa ail eroWBod kisg ef liagary sedXMC LtvsnretL Bjuaoarurrs Mssnik Nev It p a Flear ssM si prieea WbesI esaar sod fSSWba bssly aaisuiasd Cevssssetibdasa 31s bd Pimienai liAi asd ftMqafiiieaiaproeed Lovavibbt NoetL Fraode la Ibo Qoartiiaasr jaat bora ssaoaatisg Is s if 100000 bsvs bsoa diseaveesi hb lupioasd tbsy aill grssily smssI i MSMVMB NSV A seMdaeS sarred test sight kstaiss ibt jWsfVft isd Ibe PmAf OS tbe MiaMppilMI lbs abeeo Hrtaaa TbsJVMVVI twasiy fost e4 watsr Oss b poseeagcn asd srew si avsd Ta Ktagta wa vsleed attlMi00 wa est isasfod 8la bed iOSP ioa of frsigU ss bssrd Tbs Nrw Yoaa Noe 7 Tbs tpeads of tb Btrxtd ays essa lofs ef the DeWa M lO bsadrsd elbst Irbb w asaW iSst eity Tbey asefl ibsl aa 9m tee ef lU Fersasb to rstspjb Nsw Toss Nor tft rested fer tbe aerdor ef Oiere yfWN odyaisdsy ssd gara Ud io ibedHOSvoy ssdsraot efOasaei sad tba other Mrdersr Tbe roeavortd saeearisg to abeet Iboa ad dolkn- Niv Yo Nav gf AWil nOf n OottT of Pib i jilZ wtloral OS ef bi bw bbrary I Ibe Cosasil will aoe il to be ihoir drop lbs OMaierjif set we will set a eottaisr poiMios asd aat bitb qasnera 1 atMld jaai ay ideaod by lbs eel for tbo Ro of this Tewaip tbst eer Side Bssda sr foavsf ssd fonva saubliabed Yoarsyla ALEXo TQOMSOR iMty tboaend doHsrib ssw i rii od Ibst her babss4 rsssol ba hot wHI be bald far tnal icNn r Otford fVaa bsafcalslL

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