Newmarket Era, 15 Dec 1865, p. 2

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THE NEWMARKET EKA DEChMBER 15 1865 Vw ATrtlMaaU ruiM H orgixt4 lUi OinMm R T OrMM V U riiTuw vMi VumtitW TM triMhinir H imllK Di tiiim MiliMiT R B PmUk Tra TiM Mtwmarktt I Wat 19 n and duead in partj tpirit inittrtJ of vuuW t aiicr ttM eompUiion of mallrt with it on ita merilf Ii had M In n tk Ui rMli t nmUvr of apcu j Cnaooil darisfc lh wliola aiion 7r both Riant danj th italeniMl ibal Ar ajmd hat th Ho io qantin IIOLLAM Lillfty haar tlwoM b adjuted Tb wh matter f AT ieof lWUCbuoeilArrni spos lb intrNvitiii bj tb ooi 10 rsii bi h i too aonn lo aaj bihr iWy will Of set Wo Itotr of o Mw eaWtlH blf aMoiioood 10 obtaioed II daoied proaiM Tirtbar thas to eoMtli viiti tb Bonvjor No inatreetiona ver glita by lb Cotoeil for him to ieatri tb Somjor aid aar cm eqaaiotd vilb ihiaobarMiar woofd know i t aatbofilr of prtviotM moaUng rood iid i tboofcbl tber vu nelbing wroog oSr4 ofir wbiob orral irmuMa rarliaaeot to power lo adji Xlnf OraaeU Th abevo ComkII aot on Monday laai 1 BloggV Hot Kiog Horn All ih ownWra proilbo Raov j dMr Pki I I 1 k half tb reapooaibiliif larTai itlioot aatboilr H rTf 8 of lb 4tb olaoa Mr J ho aoa look difrreot Tinr of thU oUim from othor aembm of th Coaaeil and wiih lb legal opfo Hfraradrkft 6ra lt Wiih rp m wro pranld I On moiioo of Mr Wbb by I Coooeil roolrod ioio Km of lb bol oa bill froBt Lntd ardibfiaiabd buainota Mr Macball rK jg ebuf Aftor saminiog tb docasent laid brfsiro th tbo ooowtiuo roa and wma Pritoy J 16tb IMA- LATEST FROM TOKtTO I The Olfood Boiaiy I CITY AS8IZS FIRE IN YORKVtLLE I niL IN I TIE ommniL KLCOTIMS THE TORK RUADSi Toboxto io Uift TbJcpaty Ropatrv tt lb Cerl of No injoatio nad follow- and U waa iha oty esar that had boa broofht to the ooiio of ibla Covoefl of matiiriat eemplainl Mr Webb aaid thrwrr other par tia Mmilariy niaatad and tbea wonid fnllow aaking for power to adjaM tbir line and thay oould sot ll vbcra tba difically WMlj cod Mr Mqaaiaaatd tbr war no lioiilar ma for by the odneDia hld oat to Maaar Caitoa and Siwari they had not oogbt rvdrea in law J P Wall E M P P being praaetl mad aom rmarka opon lb wbol qaaaiioa abowiog that ai tbottsb thero mijhl b private eaaa of bardabi u tba Aet eonltmpUlad eb your eooimmoo i Sikd Wib rogard lo ibo ecoont of II MHebll for board sod cWMbing of jhn to tb gm of 93B4e your commillo I aaviag of tb iiMa anMnI of 8iatt alao rrcAmaMod bo pi Labor ctro4d b ibooght it would ba a 3rd With regard to indr for mtt- VII r laiiona Many otbtra f t lb nimy lo h lb nn li bo ibilr U lilni dr ubfnitid and bag to roommtd Tba a bad eqoal rkbu for redrm liwt lb loodor of Mr Watab far 100 M Mr Cairoa and Mr 8u Aarora Couadl Wt ar indbld to th Clrrk of Aq ton Coaacil for the following aiaatea of noatUg bld on lb ISth iMi All Iha Moalra praaenl tb Rom M Lepper- aj i tb ebtir Afler fadiig and oonSrning iWtoin- i lb Fiuaa Conmiu riprrtd is faTor of lb fenowing MSMita vis C H York 13090 T Bmia 796 Rod iMMotor I- Waloa 13600 M MeOefN A91 Mr Henry 24 T Todd Tie J Todd bo oeooptad sod thi ihe Plk b ppotouj 10 0I low lb AJCiifimbrdiiiiiooJd pl- Cbanmy Mr WN IUdnbrl ha for tb da pie talking on both tideo b rola- bo arrefiodehargeJwitbbdngeooncel fMC of ibo work BKd by Mr Thomaoo for f- 105e C n York 79fta Oiyfidlioo 01 Mr Aahlon aeeoBdd by r Marbell th aboteaocoentaweraor dcrad lo b paid Mr Aabio iatrDdaod two By Law on for the paynial of monielpal oft oert and tba other providing for holding tb nesl aieetjon Thy waro rad iboofth ibeir varioaa atagrs and fieally pM A aoaiBaaioatioa waa raoivd from Dr Geikinakiag an ofar of aom moaoy hieh aevral rale pyra wrr aappOMd 0 pay in onnneelioa with an loqaaet ic lo iavrat eaoi of 8r on lb prwniaeaofR P Irwin E Mr Maobcll moved aeeonded by Mr that Ihia Cooneil having had mder oooaideratioa tb oowBonicalion if Dr Oaiki offering th Cooneil tlO doe him aa bia fee from rale pyra in iiofl with an Inqaet held by bim at R Jrwtni Hq ibeool j of vbiA h a eaoaed moeb diMil- i iafatioa Iberefor the Coaneil delinai tA tak any aeioo in tb mallr Car- 5 Sdltortal Satfmary- Whllelinreh Cooneil lo Satartaybekl Iheir I mevtiei jaer u 8miU delrl 6ib Oaa e inf al lOaMaeka m HoartniAUiia III Maov MortI oTBradfafd bad a valaaWe botaa taddle id bridle frm bi aiaMe en ibt of the bih inal Tbe animal erib 150 Peeple ahooid took wel iibli School Paktt Da CbriM 8il baik S T Panjr will k bM U Ik Ueilx EpN Clierek en We H in iha 3fd Ctie KlefPee I UiatefUM and SiiieBB will tliMred b ll eWMrea m ttjrfafniMM Ctatfymee TMrvdM ae p bal U et LL0nT0A tea parly ia aid of IW Lle4a w M Peeaa Pa4 wl I K Id la tkal pkea en ChiHmw Dav die1iafeiehedepeekefill la enneeeeed vil prveMii tm tha eeraalen The LUydlewi tM B aed ea eseeneal ChaivlueW b RepuUr May el ak ibie qoeiea arioi4y td tbe aaaver will be ibat h Tver even is tb braina of tbe e UnM SMre It ba evoa a eewlier rMndMwn Jeba OMaboov and hl thereie Irelacdibet tba aieiiyhe boi believe i and I ai e mibe U ihi- nnmr lthami8 I afiaiJ Ibair pettoiiiB woal1 be ef hi Il ie noea ibai heir pe- ltf xianctheea ihi eiMeiea an l 1 I eroviit and ho ha aubided into aeeni eeoi are not waniiflio pmve apathy and plieni waitine for wbi crarbMi- vjrzr American Newi fW 12 udare ill ent be regtrdad untaai approved by himeolf iv TORK DM ISTha Tltroitt Fortraaa Monroe eorreot Dee 10 ya Jaft Davia enjoya good health It haa dily wka ibo parapal mm- Ibrtabla apertnenla a genleel wsrdreb good uWe and den of reading maWer He thought the Preaidera meaaage wa in lefneral a wiae and ood doeameai bot aa diappotat1 bat it waa nnrapefi ia relaitoa lb nliimat diepWtioa ia to b mada of bimaalf Hia eye bav loaltli coniemploiui look tbey doc hj ana iber ia Wa kauuyr of BUT ONCEaTEAB The iMslth of Cleiaeni C Clai npiy iiihy if tbe tniua o John Law r and AIM ibei pncbela ib nf iia tnpM fh btbMe will t M Iciab tepublie win relUpM aniime ibe eiriiesMni moi H wbvre reolJ ihev i a belter a leiemeiil iban iamea C NY ty- TKt vasMg Pott ity tMaedaiOuewa Mew C FJ it It Co prapialara Terms 4Kn riM j pi anoem It ia foi op ia gned yle Mr Aahloe moved aaoondrd by Mr pointed Tbe P will edrat Wbll bl lb K b lid br CMWfrU ud Mppl lb pii C Prii Kt J P for nan d lb CorMfilioa tiidootlMtd blBU lanaoTpiibl LLml W mil other lending qei Dr Bbrt Banter- Tbe fncnda ef lbi gratUmaa will be ef bia arqeiltal ef lb cbargc d wilb lb Oiiiood 1111 baislrj 1 O motioa ik Coaiuil tiofUi lb P f tip nhtrd plu b bf wo lieed laat wtck AfUr two eamttiona P- eeotBpBld by reMlutioaa I esnieTM Mtin nay and f boni b wa boforaib Pelioe Maciatrate be baa been tborixing ib Treaeurar lo pay tb ftOlMMar Tboia Mall and Wbb ibe medird atiendaat Tb Irial latrd lactatrate oommtued lo aUad ba trial for tbe ariaie In the CoMly Coart yeatetday Jane Roatle aad Martba Graagar ebaried with having atoUn aertaia gooda from Dr Porter at HaUaad Laadjng oa Iba t7ib triad and acqaitted A portion of Mr Savors a brwry at Trkvillaad a ooaptoof ta heaa tdjoialag were baraed Ut ntgbL No e Not MtU lb ily egiMa I aabdaod ebair lor 0 al of tba Act for tb re eurva of tbia Townahip ba reedoded Mr- I Cbompooa eeid he ibnogbl by petiiiooiag A eompaay hu bo formed lo bor PniUeaneoi ea tba raeoluiwn adfiptad Uei forOUi lhToibiprfbro Itor eld b Tu MWH Ku-i- talk jaal ow aad aJmoet vry day aome eonrndofod wbeo iboy mad tbe tor aicw aadidat make bia bo bofaro tb ey tb yaar ail the aidolino of lb peopb for Aidermaa or Coasmlmaa TowMbip and aidaroftda wora foraver TW M in b d ilbot oppomiio eboud bava wailed till ibo eommiiteo H Arwe Kiagabory ia aow 1 pgied riag it at tb Lyoram 8b playa vail Tb Reove rld Mr Tbemooa i sod b tail a favorit 1 r Tb Awi Tor U Com of lb j- T- thai four momber of the Coaneil agreed Cj rf T1U lU 00 lb I 3h iaat Motion adopl it waa aow anaghi Prom all I oaa baar tb Iaaifaa of tbe lo b ropoaled lie oavar eonevrred la Tbosaoift Mall aad Wbb Ivoiiog ya t I tboo laft tbo Two or tbre aeonaata wer then pre fantfd and ordered to bo paid aAerj twbiob Mr- MnoaioiarodoeJ a ByLaw toa iia blaak for tb paymeatof Mnniapel Afir eom litti rogiieo binaaa nofiam raeaming Mr Tbomeoo movod eeod- 1 Tbo Coaeil wRt lato Commitlee of ed by Mr Webb tbai ibe raaolotioo 1 b oa tbe aama Mr Thoi adopud at a proeiow aig ilh rolW- 1 P bet ibe I enb MAI ByAMtaer Seoth laeLa de IUib M Ja LhCUi AeUet JaaM ItoMra leeeener WtOO 0ba Prurler TrMeir I0a0 Joeeph Wed Clerk f4000 Coamitlaa roe and refrted the By Ibtn raid teney ef ibe ebarp wa have enly le ete iba eleaiog part lb trial brc aaid tb jery acqeilted bin after only e qnarler of ao kota cosaaliaiioa The jury tbn iird and ai aqua Tba irdiet of AW wt7y iQiaod il jved by il Tbe u abeot beara Oo from Homa for Vtvt TKeRne ATOaltand B 8 BeUi in rrf be Caadiee OevnimBt are trade refelaiitee le c j lanjf de4t awJ ilVvfaliM the Rrcipreaity Traaly ii Yark Uoada with parbapa one osoeptioa ara meetla tbeir reate pretty ragalarly- Th Coanty will make moaey oat of tbea Mmaieipal Elections Municipal oMtlara remain vary qoiei up to tbo praaaui ti auy ba tbo mill- precodiag lb berating of oai arehargl thiindrlood ioe paaaibJy eroftuing by ib eiporioneo of the paat thane berelofere tekiag aa active pert in he otodwelio of efiira bava eoacteded Iba time ba arrived 10 ceaeo work- ag fora ibtng and paying for tbo priv- Wo gtvo tbt followiag aa tv- bor did ba vote for or vaa wall knowB ibai bo bad miaonty daring tba wbolo year and he knew tbor waelittlo aae In doing aayibiog aod be toM Mr Maeboll aom lime ataee ibat be did not eoeeor in any aeiioQ lakeo Ho aover favored ay ittdw being held ool Kal ibe Cooocil wagtd do aaytbiog baeida abd irg hy th aarvoy Mr Monai aaid b did Bolsadervtaod ibe eooIiiet of Mr Webb i bera waa no role takes on the reeoiatlon adopted t a previow meeting bt It waa paritet- ly anderatood tbat for of lb Coasdl war in favor of lb action tbea takee Tbe member for tb Stb Wardao andr atond it for n bit kllr to tbe Ea b ly tb foar anpportod tb raaololio KisAn tb oU ak ro etioa aod ao far aa w rMsda cba bear bo oppeaidn ia talked af ead tb Bsl tim tars Mitring aahaUBiial roaaoa tbarafer anythiac haa traapirad more than WaiTtacsai- Tbinp raibor unaot- 90 th praviou oeeaaioo tby aboold tl iWd SoMof tbe preeeal Cowoeillof il bat aiaply lo wbeol rtaa4 and do er doair of mifint provkbsg oiber i ad lit Ik it lu i partiaa injarnd woald bav good m iB thr Mitwa wtll sUow eejdiftroat poaitioa loy t ameelvoe to be broegbi forward if reginl lo tbia matter had sot tbia VMM H ia aaiteipetad alt the preaet men Coaneil held oat damBU tba tbe win eeek re eleaiioe We beve board wouli ba adjaatad Ala meet lb r o 1 k i lb Ij Irt of kj T I Reeve alaicd b wU aaa tba aarvoyor aad ample jaatie wodd badooa reliable I il tbaaa kind of Moaiiac tbal kept urea I Meaar Steward- and Ualrsa iroa bring- lUn GwiLUiclW bMr of Ml I jaatiee from tba Covrta wbiab tbe Coaa- Law a ameoded a third time and peaaed 1 1 After aome farther roalin bwainaaa the Coandl adjoomed aiiir du It waa I faaey it wITI ba sewa to lb peo decided alao ibal be firt aMelinc of ibe pie of Canada to learn tbat Mr R S new Covocil aboaU be bold at Keukby bowwaW OMsbcr of tb Canadian Qeveramt Bat the Sew Heinnurket Mechaniea In York Tnimnt nj it ia titnte altboogh in error ao far aa rearda Mr S a poailios we ara glad to learn aimtih A BalVwo onder tba aopi- of Ihc temporary that the Ftnanoa above laautaU wtU b held la tb Hall andeavooring to Mgotial tbU Friday eresi eommaociog al8 tff dntUa and modify trad Corrf0ponlifnrp Aurora Correspondence AraonA Deo 12 IMS to O Mi ffatl IM- dieafionOtgoodf tiuytary Hard OH thtZawytii NelwiibeianJing my Iaat rigmarale at thai iiaM afflietJ wiib Dankia en iba Brain an exeeedigty baimleae eom- pieini i eaMaoi onderacaoJ wbai Obeer- ver meena by pepoler rree and eida itiag Ibe vtllafo eleetien He ia ev dtoily 1 paper and h ai PotUical e aproptiaie LivBBPOot DVr 2 Tbe F ale at Dublin are aiill prngreeini Ltby iKe propi fU haa been Ibiiod guilly ible weatJ be deai lock pciH7 Fran tb rriifa MilM mM ulofof lb Ulboiof nJMt iotetl I eeMltOn Tbundjt of li ik a Mr D LiTixarrokS waa pro- eoadiag nloog ibe Railway track from Aarora to bia hoaae in iba Siid Coo of King he Ml into a oaiile gwrd ebea iwetve feet doep whore he laid till fouad by a pereon pMiig lo diiBer nfl day Wbeo taken up it wea found hia akoll wee fiaulmeil lighl abouldor dtUocated and both feel fnrsee Conaldermg ihl Mr L had beeu lying etpoeed lor feUy 15 hoar doriwg one of tbe enlrft nighia eiperiooood tffa aoAaon tbe wonder ia bdid not perieb akogetbor Dr Ilii Laar of Aorore aaeietod by Dr Rawaae of Nwmrkol after baviag him con veyod homa fogoJ it n to iropbio tbe akall aBd ramevo aeveral Urg piecoa boM logeaber with a quaetiiy ef dotted Mood which wa by tb dialarbaaoe of boy not gard d I pfing braiapng Pf byparat1 raatraist w are tbe rf be bote of ib ngbi wde In georal pabUc wUl a wiib lb eoo W be cam upon a abarp atona tbal tbey bava aUd wtaaly iiieb prodocod ver aorioM ii-ry- I pjUr ibCi tbaa aJUnng tb irm of aimiaaioa j Tbal lb Ra Unloa ibt veig will aaticipaU a fall boa Mia Malock Miaa BeoUey Miaa Jamca aaaialed by otbera will faraiab Iba voaal aad tutrs maalal maaie ad Maaarc Stepbcoa aad Dofaeon of Bradford Mr J W Ed- edSbaro asd Maoara Trent aad Loaatof Xewcfcarket will give raadinga In order to correct aboac of privilepta b a aad a ao iodoce- meol to beoome m lb aaeocia lion aa Imprtast eUange baa been made u tb pric of admiaaion To prevent iaaBdrUadifl w pn tbe particolan bara Xambart wiib privilegofbriag- lag on lady fVea soa mcmbm lOoi andcr 13 yan of age anao- by tbeir parcata beta When it ia reaoUeated tb iaooaventeaoa dtl BOW dM tbai ibcaa BMB bad baea ieopardtaod by tbe Coaeil and for foar waaka ago aad now cbang eertleiiifteted It ie HMre ihen J4ely all tb praaoct moa wtU ak re- lectioa NOBTB OwiLLiMMar CcMMarabU faa and atci Miiioipaiad Wiib lb aanepiioa af Mr Haary iba Reova we andcraiaad all iba piaaoot aMmbera wtU aerk raekctioa We ako bear ibat D Vaa Nerraa Eq- Piiaad Mor- V and ewe throe or tu9 eiber III W lodMd Il bu bM XUij u ppul ud nbal Hlod that aol leaa thaa eleea caodi- teeolllPto which waa afterwarda eioCtnl Mr Vftkh SMd Mr Maama aoald not abow from tbe minataa aa iaalaaea where tb Coaoob bad dea tbeae diridtal mem might have doae ao aad on tbam reatad II roapoeaibility He badaoocofil Mr Maaaia aaid at tbe mcetiag i be prepared aad CBbmitt t bo utJCiaidaraWa iolofeel maai 0oftaiiiaProaB tba TowaabJp wa Imar ihal boib tba Raovo and Mr Tre loar bave refueed to baeeaM emmiMtm tbm eleettoa Wbetber thay 9 prwvailod apew to altar tUa de lerrwinatioe mrnaioe to be aooB We atao beer e ibrro or foar aew eaadidaiea ia tbe field i ht we eipect mof de deM are already ia tba Catd Of oourM 1 A oa be diatiaol gvoaada Ibat tba Reeve alatad ba woatd aaa tbat jasiioo woaM ba dooe- Mr Tboma bad been eonaiataslt tboagb wroa nil tba way tbroagb u b aurtod from a wroM baaia Mr HwmaoB aaM be diftred with Mr Mnawoia reapaat totba woiddeoep Una Mr CairsaWoaly Ibe hope bald oat to bim of a fbvorabta iatarpretatioa of tba 4tb Ckva of tba A s4 ibi wh aQ be asdaralood tba Bacvaa to amoaat to Mr MMbDaBidbtudrslMdeartaia isdaiamtata war held oat to Mr 8tew- an aad Mr Caira tl a maotiag of lU CoaBiO bald wbde ba wee ia iba 8tata ad il waa dri ariaa tbat iBdaoad bim to vota frr goiBf islo aoawitiac oa tbe rstiot two c sgo- Bat ba did boi Ibra awrw of Iha matter ad ai aO dWed to mm tba ae maata after bariaf baoa plastad Whb viN aac bo y gtm daenand 1 regard to tbia parUoakr mm ba tboat A aoigfi Md Iwaltbo CoaaaU wwa Wad hmum f f dr mfm doeM f 1 w CHM b iM0lH0fc ti All Ik oM CoMdltor ill ffoii lb mU ctlt sMluf t I arM 1 kUiiB 14 bo waa tmrj lo mo NcwHAKrrPorfoeiy iranuUe kB who will bo ceaMaiee aa yti OfoooroitiaaBdoraioedibatMr SaiborUod will B0 ooak rao bat bob i ramaiaa lo Uador aay oireaeaisaeae aqoare fifhi aad aa we itM preaeal lime le bate eo io ib Ceeacil hope bia HKSWre at between the obampieA OMr and a TeaPanya oyMera apeecbe hWi I i a a neaal i eeplieg M Iheae inereM- ed the tMMglary ai 6foiN Hall I doni ihiflk ihe ajrmpaiby of tba goeral pabtie will be very teep Sbenkl ine perpetcatftia be aeceied will ibey in iheir tU fertee lake advaaiage ef ibe oM aong wbieh aeye Par le ret a lawrar ii ee ale T Sa Ibe fiai Preaideni ef ibe bnpyaa IfMb tUpoblie baa been aeeked IUpi Xoast Albert Cornapoadaaeo MumMxiI ajitin tn Jfomnl Ain jVoC naacA Bxntemfnt Tkt Vn- iarns la VorkTkfir Htad Qwuien la VmioH SquanOM Torirr Mouirr AiaiaT 7 IWr llib 6SS k Tbo appteaehiflf Meoieipei e are etiraeiinf lilile er no aiienlioa br If tbi pvoMMi RMmbafa of Ibe Twnbip il iir ibemalvee or reeleeiion I aDlieipaie meeh Jippnaiiiea te ihelr fom Ibe eleer bf tbia pert ef Beat prove a daeidad aacoaaa wo have not the abadow of doabL Tb programme ia wamat tbia Qo early if yea want a good aaak Vorth OwilUabttry ConnoU Wo are mdtM to ibeClerk af Sorth Uwilliabory Mr J B Liirron for the followiag ayoopaia of baaiBoae uanaectao at Iaat ieg oi Iha abeo Coancit held al Plog Meant on tbe Stb inot- CoaoeUlora all preaoottb Roete in Minataa of pravW moHiog fmd and ooofirmed after which a ooomonica- reoeivod aad road frowi B W Ooowge Eaq rapc tiaaepo I Ibe aaalam part of Towb Line Aao from Thoa Hoot ley reopciieg the removal of foooaa and othor i oo Ua betwooo loia 10 and 11 ia tka Cooeaaala With regard to ibaa letter oommuitieatioa tbe Clerk WM ioairueied toaolify all parliee eaacoraod lo roMve foMea aaid otbi obairaetia forthwith aa tbo rood wi roqolrod or pchiw nee A ctimninainaiitm waa ako roaaiva fro Utram Meora Beq inuaiatiaf Ibat bo bed BO JarMieiieo is t oeao iborofore diim it Tbo lommhi apfoiaiad io oxaariaa ta ooatiwci of Bi 8bofpard ea Side Lane boiwoea loulOeadll LekoCaa Maaloo reported tboy dM BOt e ibo wo doao aeeurdisg lo epeoificaiioci therefore 4id aol allow bia tb fall I Mr L ie progroning bw modtcel elleedania NNild deetrir cooaiderisg tho great amoeel of lojery auatained We aio oorvly bopo ibal hie eoavaUaeeno may ooouMa faeoureWo ee il ia al pre- Farvert CtlA Tbia Clab held a BMOtiog at tbe Railroad Hotel oo T day laet Tb moahen is aiiedM wv BOt larg i bat tbe diactuaioo waa aa etoaaJisKly iotcraatiag oo oa ib Breed and Maaattoaaeal of H IO Ibe puiebaae ban rieoee changed aew thai h waa a ihia pen ef the T im Ibe Ceaail by Mr Depaty Reeve e goMieman bae giveo tooerel m- he ayaia bMomea eiprhAer will andenbtediy b We ere free hwever rram eeti eil and ihe pmbatMliiiea ai pa ef tbe neci Maaieipat Piv PeflMnie alill aUraeta a irl deel ef jy p T tetieiMioo peopie Willtelk abeoi il bei I P Irwin P MorrioJ ihinky many are i4ad X ihe flac of ihe wooldle Irtb Ironiidc T L Uaaook P W PUyter It btog lee Ute to do ibo Cooneil adjwraad to ncel agaiu tho Ifiib itosl the mm piaeiw isd others took part io the daaewa Tbe maetiag adomedtiU tbe let 8atar day ia Janaary ozt when lb aaiM ab Jcelwni agais be diacaoeed WiTbepe geevraOy will approeial tbai ia atilalaoit by a Urge atleedaeee Sal JUfiitar WedeoMUr Dec 37Mr WaioKT ef Qeeeeevilke bae a aale al Tber Hill ef real oat eomprieinc iklf ao Aero el Laod ea wbieh a Sion Siaro beoae Dwelluag Seddler Shop and eel baildiaga bave beea oteoted Teme eoo half oaab belanee in Iwe inataiBMOia Sale le eemmeoee ai one eeleek p m Jamee Kavaaagh Aaeiieneov Tboredayi IS Meeew Jewn aad Sale Sale a m amea Germiey Aoodeoeoc Tboradey Deo SI Aa nooitM aale lakee Btaee al Mr Tbea AikiowA AacHoo Keama ffewmarhei of Heeaos Wag eM Ttaigba MeoaebaM Parwtoto TevmeCaab faleloiiBB i ot 10 oalaak a m Tho a kmeaa Aaeiiaoaa trrertiMhaviactboiraole bapriolod i thi aifov will bove their alaeeieeriaaabe ijmmgb Ibe w ef ibla poprv Mw been hoiafed no bcildinsa iMilher beve we beer iiereil t da hi lo Jeba OMaheny ihe Preeiie Hi Esoeileneye brivb ie U tee Sqeere ia evideoMiHy lee aamliabia 10 be ecebeafed let Ibe Oancere aad pnva lieMofiboeafap eve tbeegh ibe latter weald be penially overeeme by moana of Ibe pleader wbieb be weolo gel frem Aaeerdiof to tbe pepora there be mai aiiiy io Nw Tevk il ihaeoch private I paragr with Uiely reoeived f Speakiag of Fen n I werolo ena my ftpiaioa ef limee in Caia fo ihe eelemaa ef Ihe New Tetk Heteld I ebeoM iMak iba yea Ceoodiooe weco badly fii at iba praepoet of a Peoiao wvaaaeo 1 am hap- pyieaoyibeogh 1 do eetaad kaowiag Ihe CuiMiaM ae well aa I do eaa Jerm a prelty geed eetioMle el ihe etieot of the irighl h t iho I wiU finiahihia OMOgb IO hotaovo tho MeeeHale maai aay 1 eieoerwly pby tbMaj I leatg a ioha OMabMy a ibe real ef ibe 0 Canadian l n I for a F tnuld be tbi eihih wnndr ol ihe werld ie mwH Mr Eliff for Foniiim- Newmaket wnbher 101 membe of iha hroihrhtint haa ne eau fur aafffl b riiixao aeldiary ahoekl in luinri be pleeel rxNtiMANU ifDrpign k ColaniQl ArrirsI of tbe Java Nrw Y Dee 19 Lirorpon The I inbin Java frn New Yosk Dec 12- Tho Hnn Piti Ihe pueiii General KilMriek wilt not viail Ru- re aaentemplaied owing lo a change in Chilian nlfajra- He aeile for Vafpa The Caiiadiftii Governmeot olTera aa an exchsnge for ihe prii logo of eelliBg preaeiii Reeipncriy Treaty lo enlarge deoiien Ihe WVIIand anid 9i I CKIttTMII FRUITg I lh 2rKl D the lal via QueenOoe iM arrived here at 5S0 Ihiiaflrm The Knglwh paper niblieh a drepi om SecrMarv Coward cnmmuoieaiing ihem ibfoogh tbe American lofstiMn I MB general aknftwldgeinrM of many jflrea af cnndolec from Grt Br- Dn in Prraident Jnhnaon en the aaM iiaiion of Preaideot Lincoln The doc menl ahowa a cordial and hearty ap- recMiion of ihe good feeling which die fruA Pm- Tbe J deUbemii Tbe pneotjer ad- freaad lb coort before aertnee wa d Bpon bim lU mphaiically d- an1 rpulialltbollegBiioM ol U nation which had been urjcod ageinat He edmiflad hia gnlli ee ng lo Ihe interpretation of Brtih but believed hiamelf Innocent ac cording tho tiigber ctatdeH of elerpal righi aad thai a naorllv oflii ooentry- nrn would ao decide If ihe qanelinn were rat to a vnio lie wai iWn aeotOAced o twenty year pooal aervilude The flmrt prUoner bnttit brf re the ipecial CAmmiaalor wai Jin 0Lary i new jury haa hers awnr In hia cae ind he trial i prreeiog Thers In the Coort of Qrteena Bench ih iai of Cafiaia Cnboii oo tbo charge ff ilhiig ihe Sbenandoeh m the fMifrd eraioa and oalii g men for her reaalt- in hi ecqiiitial- Mr J4iirigM M P had made a rnng refill pech at Brkborn 1a aleo deioue in onmered ierm he mBaera io Ume flo hld ihe OovantAr and hie eceompll ronon l- r Ih inerdor rfonudd eod pre dcid that they wowtdjMoppear al the nfjooire The iesih ef Or Banh the African irareller and rsporer ia aot0uierd in ho paper Looh Dee lXorreepiideor frrtm Madrid denize ihM fhe 8panie fiv- ainmrni haa eool Admilbl Pervji ordeM 10 auapeod hnatilitiee ainai Chili Cootineaial joarnaSi apeak of Bng nd ea a prnbabe aiedMlor baiweu Spain and CbHi The of the 2od re porw aldtuiiil aoaifty for ihe Kiag I the llalgian who id alfcHig from dya lary rawing greet wraknrae LivtarooL Saiarday afiarBnoo Dee 2 Tho hrridaiiifT circnlara report Ihe ki firmer Plour aivancod 6d tr Wbrat 14 14 2J liigber red lOi olOSi Cm advanced 0J i imii HOieSOftl prriH0UDA7 JLIQUORS adnii What a aolace il ia le know ibai when diaaee Riak a andden and nnfnr- TNRaahecriWr bae Jeal Haaahad avaa- een attack feo have a remedy ar hamt a Uelidiya i efceiee t amis Eliiir that oeght lo b kept alwaya like ifSel anlare oilbe COgllH I f aiiarkaofan 01 feit ilyfiSrta iVadVfc moihar e lomn John P BoOth Coa- Old Tom Wl HeoiyACo PrpiMTa SC3 St- Paoi 9i CAtTLie cp CORDIAL OLD T0a Whisker UWhUkcn I lUli rrtara rl til II MOk cr A I Vf laiB I 11 CROCries ArriTsl of tbe City of Boataa New Yoa Doe 13 Tb Slaamrr Oly of IVMoa frmo Ieenw N i9lb eod Qeeeaawwe o- tbe tOlb arirrd at I030 Ihl moraieg Feaia Head Oalre ati large li waa ibat Le bed get rt f h eeooif llKea eape wea Srair by ale krya tad ami ace o aaei peva m tb prlaeo C efih Wardaaa it aeder arrval aod two ethem from daty Tb miliary had the poftce tr bo emr Wfi Qecewat oa k eoMlialaiy oo hoard aakaeww bet aed ta be coaoeetod wilb tbe aaarch of pbeae Tb apecial the Foeiaa Tb JnMg HmUd aoya that tbe eehog m tb city rIat to Amencae aSaira m aei aliogelber aaiKfaclery Tbe Priocea HelaM f Eeflaad buobed loPrtocoCbiaiaarAagsi berg brotser to iho Daka ef Aagsi berg Adytees Fropi Speia tM Chifiw yiie aa cooiredalory S oa Tai FBomsa The Eaaipl mya Tiy4vr banaf piekM bornarro etemoH tm board Ibe aioawr Nm Bntntwkk oo Meadey toaiaod a tea gall kg wa fooed ia eeek ef tbom Where You Can u chase Prise Vew ssrTHivsiiiasaajj hu aovuriitg iranapAriaiion from Chi eagn lb Allaiitir and giving ibe wime Iajer Vakd lfMONCITIIONIUIOOIWKE li 1 o 1 bi 1 aeme botier Memya Termetil Li- ii beeeaae il eeree l pein hel 1 Lower rlier for bm braifoa lameneaa a riping a ac John F Heary It Co Proprita S aalfSt MeatralC E OriN Vera C the THAH XLSEWBZUL wMMAtraa Newmarket Docr 14 65 if4 torontoblaavkts I tVhval SirM IIJM NRWMARKET MAKtm Neuarkei Dee U IS9 Mr S Mi a a n Wha ttOOa t OO in Wheal tVallOS USOaCOc OftaelAraeu NewaMrbecOa 1 baad all of wkteh win ba I pleea eypealle iha la 1 F JACKSoa- CHNSfMAS AW NEW YCAll Millinery and Glotinog S fob etebtbodt j Al B H SMITH S AMEBXTCHaiSriitt A happt year TO A 1 I SU3AR TOYS AND CONFECnMOr holiday Aod Ib rbape axedaeat e t SWESTf Ster ered I Ibe Pobba ilidl Iced and Fruit Cakaafr Par Uw Ueiday auda te erder fcb ComttanthonhatUalnrttotktf IS FIGS ORANGEi LEMOJMt 21188 CURRANTS FOK A SlOO I iw h dee At TREHTS 1 eeJust aa Cheap e aAROiNie to irCRd Aah r l Wedding ud Holiday Putlli Svppltrd eeehen iw Chiistmas Tree WITH an kioda artkWa eekaUe er CHeM Previa wtM be rabbiied H R H SMITHS MILLINERT Show Booms On VVeduceday Thursday and Kewmaiket Bakery DeeeMbrr I41IU Friday next and in the evenings until 9 oclock MASONIC BALLf Ifewmarki Dre I4ll w44 V rTUwlewmhelMaaeoie ao 99 1 lafcoptoaa l In tbe Meclianics HaH CHA8 E Toscan Lodg Cvaaieg p iDOEs sa-ia- 1- PROCEION Freah Fnuta CAVDIXD Fl SPICES TICKETS EACBt At Cheap a tWChepMt at jk flcinrE SaeH RH SMITHS CHEAP CAdIi STORE Newmarket Deet 14 3w Hll Kewmaiket 0

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