Newmarket Era, 29 Dec 1865, p. 2

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THE NEWMARKET ERA DECEMBER 29 I86 V AivmiMMBU PwtafflfirhlMa- Raff HwlMfl TWtaMVlMV HmtimW Miir J fVMaenck Tr Hb Vwtrket lIiiDlalpal Eleetioni We IT spyfwehiBg tU Matm fitr WciiAg Mt vilkigc rprHutirM with on iban ordiMrj qvittad LilUe or Mkiog baa Wa aitbar aaM or doM tad U ia probabia tbal ib akaliofl of iba jMr will paaa off siih far laaa of diMord Ibao in frnar yaara laal aa tbal we rrjoirtrMllj k tbit fcr thoof a uodarato riralr ht lba KBilrra may aoar Ibat lb bvMnm of Iba illa ba vail dooa yet aaeb a u- k feeltope u waa foalerad at tba laal aleetioa 1 diHici Rav Kaibar Chriaty had agreiid la mali th nceaaary raluro bl ihorily aftar briA lakaa til aitd rMnnag lb manor M negloeiad or forg- ttan by iho olbar Truataaa Mr DfwiiaMoadd Ibo fwv lion and tha ranluiioa waa adnpud Tba atari itmounl waa lMrmiuad from Iho roll iba rbairman of ili FiiMM Commilira Mr RoAdhtwa boring ainrd lb matiar rarafuHjr Afirpaaaing afMMWr raMlutifHi ig lha Reava in eontav iho ortioi riaw oBill Tte CUb parpoaa IwMfng ibair Afloa Boiotlsinma TaMly lany iod in iha TWwn Hall OMifiMiAg afRMJinp 8ciUliaa Taaal ami lMloamtal Moie ato ka M ImU aoatal aod bafipy araaWtg il bo tpool iagalb an bo fell ISola Thaanlw- riod trjp ilframnrkft 6rQ ifawin FridftT Boe Mth IWA lArssr FJto rofioyro i The Vacancy in the Cabinet CITY EIKtTIONH ARMIVO otH police BUSINESS BBISC Toaovro Doe 2d 6 Tbo raalfttaiioii nf ibo Proaidoet of ibo Cawil and pfrnlaliona aa lo bia p bio aoccaanr are ibo ebitf lopicf of da riwairn io political eirrlat It bow kror aCrwod Ibat Mr Huwlood bo MidortAkra Ibo look ol filling ibo o fvory witb a Raformar Ronof aaya ibo noitMfi waa oflorod lo Hoo Mr McMaatr nnd daclined iboa laodorod w Mr MeKonxio of Laobeo ood oUo deiiBd Il Mr Ilowiand coi got a olrorg mon it ia probobJo bo will tondor bta ponRJm atao City eeiMMa aro eieiling eooaidora- h ronvrtfiMOCo of tho nui aa aoN laoly rmmitied no PolkoaiM iboy bo oah born aopptwd iib 0 firai riaoa Colta roolor Now for abool- a l hof n briak tbo pool arook Seeifnation ef Hon- Oeor Brown ff Ibo qoootii I brnefil none Than a bitlor peraon al feaiioK and alrifa waa oogeadrred agaioal ibo Ooooeil of 1864 witboat a faoU boiofc ileged ogaioat tbeir adninta iralioo By Bowonby artifteea a vbnia I waa iodoord lo rola aainat a art of froa wbo Iboy had reoaivod nothing bol good and who wra ebargrrd wilb no wroni By Ibeao soan Moaara Mc- VlABTta and JacKSOM vera defeatod by a aoull awjorily bat ibey may wall oon aoU Ibemaoiroa with ibo reSccttoo thai ibay wart aopporlod by tobida of iba i iolalligtooo of tbo rlUtgo Al tho eoaoioK oUetion Ihn I iciniy and UoydtowB T Party Tba ChrioliiiKa Tra Party la oiJ ol tho WMloyon Mothndhi Paraonago Pond ai Lloydiowa waa grand auo bara In all ihal preaant Opaoeillora Meaara BocLTBrc Tttar and RoADlincai win offer Ibeai aelraa for rtloeUonand with ibem will j 8 Stk and E I lorga I ami eifiotad odood aaya corraapoi dent it wo piratani and aooiaWo onlarlalomOtiaa bo plaoauro TA rdtbloa woro iho volualary oonii il ibo fair aas of Lloydiowa aa Cnrrfsponiifnrf iy bo bauowad in e liboralily and good indal of ihoi Bar oU faol proud of bia 11 O iated M jACKtOM wbo baro boon roqooatad by largo ntmber of tba ralo payara to allow I lbaae to ba pt in nomination Ofl Mr Jacksjn wo for obvtona raaona aay j thiaglel bia aela and ibo inlerotl bo I forik prpm tkrt br bin lt o Ur lun Fo ib of h STict t woold ny Ibat bo iaoftbay rijbt aon A moehaDio who by hia in- dnatry and iolegrily hu raiaod himaalf lo poailion of ooo of tbo laraat proporly t had born oarvad lo 1 Baq waa eallod to iho cbai k faw wary appropritto ronark eaiiad HpoQ ibo rboir with Mr Tbo Lloyd- boldert in tbo plaoo ahoald maka a Rood Connoilman With rogard lo tho othora it ia pretly ttitorally ooneoded that tboir agemool of the riUaga affaita baa boan exenent and it ia not saying loo noeh irt Ibat Ibey eoald aoarcely hare done better Tbe work of inprore i- 1 plaooon nxt hgoo o lhol bor danaoma tuot baring boon icpoaaJ Osr rillago for paUio ivprortoeol evening ahoii aproehoa by Bo Mi CAMroaLL and Ro MrCHaboT with vooal and inairumooial muaie Allod ap fbo liato Il waa indood a happy and aneiablo oeeotion Fiaanelally wa ban Bl loarnod ibo roauli bol proauoio i Newmarket CouneiL A aaetiog of the abo Council took lag Uot All priM will nopiT fyoormU with J t follo1 1 A ByLaw waa inlrodaood and paaaed proridiog for tbo poymoBt of Municipal At tho iaat pfnaeh tho diaeo Mr Banirtt r net at ibio joaotaro of affair dw aod of Iho probobio ooaaaa and effpoi with tropidttiAn KopooUUy is Ibia tbe ta0 ai4K0 e bare tbo diatiol an- Boart0eot ia tho Gtolm tbal Mr BaoTX rotirea oa ioatoad of poiitieal ad thai ho will orMitinoo to aop- tbo Miaialory in their Coofodoralioo At the tin the CoaUlioa waa froMd tbo oriran of tho liwroro oollod apoa bnoo preTHtaaly aeting with Mr Blt0W5 asd who aewned tiepowd not lo aot pefct harmony wiih tbo arrangeoeni that thoy oacM to aiok all poraoaal ooo ridaratwoo ia order to tho attaiaoMot of tbo great aaiieml fond offered ia Ibo ooafoderiion eooe bat wo bow ftaj bim 0 pTmnt groaada doiag tbo rtry thiagbo eoooaeled othort aoi todo Tbon ia aOBoihiof atrikiafly aiagalar in Ihiaaad Mr Btowt with all bbgraat ability aad toot will iad it osooodtagly diftoolt we appraboad to aatiafy tbo aomry that tbo oo bo baa paroaod N fhhor wioo or adioa It wao aaid at tho UoM Ibo Coalitioa vao braMd tbal Mr Baova bad doo Batorial daa- aco io tba Bofcra ooarao aa j wa ata of Ibo opiaioa bo baa oarriod oiroagtb to tbo Mhintry girto power to tbo Coaorrva- tlrobodera that aoy ruptart iaoiiating rtlalioDO win fail to det Tbo effect will mob Ibo oooatiiaeadoa and Ooa- fadaratioa if aUainod at all wiU ba ooa aidorod aa a parly adrantage ratber tbaa aa an nailed aad bararaaioaa pabUo good o tbo Proriaooe Of eoaraa dariaratioa that Mr BaowK roUiaa fcoa paiiOBal ooatideratiooa it ospiodea tbe Twaoar Iral pt forth that il aroaa oat k of the polioy of tbo Cabinet oa ibo Be oipraaily astioa aad ahboagb oar laioro oK bat aMro idlo opooalalioaa at Leot yet InotioK atrawe bo Ukoa aa oa iadoi to tbo eorrtnL Both Mr B aad Mr M woro fally oaittod ia tboir prograuso that io tbo oooat of tbo failaro to attoia tbo Ur- or Coafcdoratioa aoboaaa Iboy woald brii dowa a rtaaort fijr Ibo OMlkr in tbe year of graea 1066 That tbo f it iapoaaablo to adaiUod oa baado bat M foMl Ibo plodgo vitb Kord 0 tbo lattor ia aaid to bo tbo real diSoalty It Mboeavaeof tbia o blaao Mr B for reliriag Ha baa boes aaaaaoiad wilb tUa acboso fnm iaofttoa aad wo hare bio doalaralioa oa raaofd Ibat tbo ioMor aebomo eaa bo wrrfcd al eroa leaa ezpoaao jvoaeat geeoraaioot U otrrtad 0 aad bo aghi ta bare laaaiaad ia Ua poiitioa to pavfoot tbo pro tbo aooaaaity ftr wbidi bo laiy oontribatod to aako Dal parhape it wera wrong to apeoalau IMO br iibot a defotto kaowiodgo of aU ponioalare yot ae tbo Party loofcod la Ur Brown at tbo groat loader ia tbio mMoi W oagbl aot to bavo aUoved par aoaal eoaidoratOfa to drift bin fro Uo port al tbia jaaolaro of afluri LmI ridoy aad ftatofday vara Ibo Ymkrn dayo NovaMrfcwi bee 000a far O iilaai Tkaa af eoilaaa ofgoodavoroooMt aadoabMy wa Mitr tbo ihow abopo had lobe kept afoa ht a coapio of bora boyoad tbo Canada We belioro ibey h rard in Ibo oeteen ef tbeir fellow rnaven Wo aro able lo aay that the iwa of Moaara STKta and J aa Ihe pidiey to bo porraed to eondoeting the affair of the Tillage aro idaniioal in I great aiaaure with tbal pnraoed for tho two yrara and aboold tbeae fro froo lb Cbi- blineor ilain wiUi difi j carried oa with hamooy and iotiafaetien to tbo whflo tilla Ho coeflioliag aa to whether aoy other eaadidaloa will offer Wiibrefertaoo 0 aarronodiog Mont- laliiioa eteepliag tbo eoiioo taken al Aarora wor of nothing farther than ilroody paWiM iMpocior and Colloelet Cloik and Ttoaaorer Bell I 3 tI4 arod Bunyi 100 othrr Oi It 1 aero wo immo that tho a atwra Insiiioio hae a caKTa Zgraphieon ef ima Progrrea and nearly I Rami wolatioa waa thon adopted aotbor ibo payment of am aoae eta the Trotieea of the Separate Sebool in aeeorJaaoo wilb a raaoloiion adopted al a poUio Boeliog beld 00 Tnroday evooing taal After poytog all rtpooaoe ibo ehainuao reported that tho Tiaaaorer alill bad bo twaen fiQ and 930 in band Several atualler aeooaola were paaaed and ordered lo bo paul and tbe Coooeil adjoomod Aurora CoanclL y Siiirkr h placo AcRonA Deo 18lb 1865 Tbo above Coooeil omI at tbo call of the Il0eT0preBeat tbe Boova B lUeb- eU 8 Aabton aod J Aadrewa Mioateoof preriooa ooetlng read aad R Miehall mored ao ton that tbe Rocre bo 0 oii Pinifj fiuk J MOO Tho roeommendatKma Mr llyd Kan and other Jaalioo of the o Qororoor on loaro iio lital t lb PHora I 1 goorantao to Iba poblie neiflthonilMMd ibat ib4wgia Cawpany bateeitlami aa iaa lla tar Ih aif iba Pn CapAolw aervicM paai a I if 0bon Mr d dattaia fw Mr Capieol t bai lb r parampiaftly lafaaod hai aaoamti ebie ii lOf Ibo ebarier arovaMiily opi of Ibo my aaat HapA Ibat Ibo abafo etpiaoaliaa wil eatiaf yoat ooctaa 1 an yoor obdl Jioreant WM McMASTll ToaiAIo ISih 1865 k Colonial IrriTtief tho Ctly of Vihiagtoa Tbe Steaoikhip Citf f VoaibiMglOM froa Literptnl 00 Ibe 12th via tarrn B h litb iat bat pawed tbi poiat I oMie t Iba cly wbrie be will arnva vut bae bclook ihit alioranoo UiD0i Dee U Tbo Fraiaa ODooovan oaiag t a iil8r OAavieliort it jfar afo bia beeo aeoteoced l proal viiada for kp Ilia iiat aoir rt England aad Faora prApHog rrriaio tta far Ibo rtUeaeat rCblaB d wio rrcoirrd at Ha- liid AO iba I9ib lott Tlio rtaull it a Tbe Lnadoa Tatri berravet ia tbe oacefal drMnaa cf iba Auieitean peple if nrory Sloik Sir Hdioaod llrad Mr rbarlea Liiataa are iiadertod o be tbe eoaoHMion of eaqairy lor Ja- A Faaiao aaed Hillao waa eoovwU rocoivod in Liverpool Tba Maoehoairr market waaquiol bol Irm RriMdMalCi Flaor inaeiiro and iochaBgl Wbrai in limitad tfoaantl nd oncbanged tura llu an4 in eoire nalaioot SJ lowor iwted 80 to SO1 t HniaMD IWMnro demnn ttr old prima tiO motaai 140i to 12e 0 Ixporta of Wool Tbe maaalbclare of wortled goeda ba Oirrd a groat imptM ia lha JoMrd Sulr dariog Ibe fat ew yrora aad a Urge pnriioa ef Ibo wnot wbwb baa oap IUd ibf ir ailla ha bern obtaNrd ia tbia rroTata Siat I860 w tpott of woat to Ibo Uold have laaro lhaa dahledSo 1863 having hem of ibe ralae of 074153 and darmg lb prrri t yrar we aappoM tbe AoMfwaxa will hr- baugbtavMAao nilliAO ef daliara oorih from 04 Jadrtbe Rrcifroe I7 Trray tbo Aortcaa iMaafaotaror gr1 tbta free of doty aad bo it jtly brceiaiaii at ibe propect nf a beavy daty bving lered apoa it The Nw Y EeotomitI rroeotly bad aa antcU db I tabjoet from wbieb we make tbe follow mtfrel af ibe eaaatry Oha Caaadaa wool are araily all adapted to woralril i io ooe hair of th aalKcieal to krep eae irill ort twae tbo Reetproeilf Treolf a rrpetlcd wbeo oor torled aan rrr will have tn inpnri woo4aobjr daiy eqaal lo aboat Si per ceal a 0B or eoovderably aore iban i daly apea aaay fwina wofled wan orot It It qaile doer tbat U r bracb of dooMtlic lodatlrf t I torHMiJr daaMol beo Ibe Rec oly Irraly i abrngalrd TbH pre t eibbia at once ito mjory nf tl irot opprrive taiiff 00 wool and tl Inet rf ibo poie of trraiotting II m of free eieUage of coamdi ar Colooial aeigbboora TzSila THaro a romor that tho Ooveroor K chMoiMt tlMfwoil hw otophntad onr cvro 1iad beon euapoodoil oodedbjrS4Ah- II iwaOiaioly ura bia arrifal oa- i bmbr in 1 TV Haw Gold Diaoovorioa Fioo Tdaho territory in Franeiaoo ttya etpoet yoo htvo not heard of Ibo raooot rioh liiaoov Ihit eamp A parly that were proapeeting on the War Kaglo Moontain aiie tooth of the tre Fioo e of the rieheot gold aod ailrer or foond anywhm or at Ihey aay it ia rleber than anythin we read of io the biatoiy of rainaa il ia oiooo lo Ibe Empire kedgt it iatoppoaed lo erooa The Knpiro belooga to Colottel Fo- Tbo now diOBOvery ia aaaiod the Poor Mantoil ia from OQe lo ihreo fMt wide Tho Stata Coopany have got into il and bave taken five tona of tbo ore to tba Sinker Mill and worked there the fire tooa yielded over ooe 0 of bollioa A man that alopo io the booao with me crt for poooda of the rock and oroahed It Ho get eighteen iMooaa of doat after rrlnniog They get bloeka of oatire ulrer at large at oandle boxea and baaaer it oot like a wagjcoo tire aod leave it ail ahiaiog wiib fror gold Three parlirt elaini tbia diaoo very and a battle it expeetod at any time iho NarigBtien Company hold tho rroond at and have three forte of broaatworkt thrown op where men lie in their arma aiybl and day 0 protect the working party Tbev pack off tbe pt mam beai wbicb tVtey bava loaded Betenleoa oxteaca tereral Ooe of tbe other pariiea ia biek ed by RoWaeeo of the New Vork Com pany t they aro tbrowiaj ap worka aW inl preparing for tba Tho Navi gaitoB mto drftre Ihetn of oooe but ihry baek 00 tho groaoi an Tby ExrrrfiirtTWe f hHr merit aed wo mtke no doobt lha oSkU of tbo Coamiuoo io tbaa 00 earing ibia eibibtion far tho InoiKule atill bo apprreiatad by full houeeo Al- ibMgb etiidcd wtih additioool espeaoe e eoinparod with tho ongagooieat of PreC K yot the eooMmuoa being airooa of affdrdiog aa atany privilee poiaiblo lo loeabore of the Inttimio doioraMOod l plaeo tbe admiaaioa eo ae tbla terma aa tbo catoro of tho fondo at tboir diopoeol would permit and ihoreforo eoao to ibo coocloaioa to adnii membore for all tbreo algbia of the eibibitioQ alao lo allow oim lady free if aceoapeeying a member oa tho Srai Dight neo mombora lOe Afior the firat night lOeia will bo chargod to all oi- copt nwmbora Childroa ooeompaniod by tbeir parooia onler 12 yoara froo uiiaceofapoMod byAboir paroou beta M intorteted aro reqaaod to ro member tbo lormo and tboa proreoi confaaton and troobU Fur paruculara aa to ibo aatare of lha ecoooa proaontad aoo prtraaemee Carried d aoeooBt of Jeoeph Floarya waa proBeoted aad ordond lo be paid C n Yo CWk 8al Kefiftor jraalafilay aad will ba oaatioawd tbla rraAiac aad taiarm aftimMaa aad rvefrfngarShawlii lfiiraatkaCraHi wry tu A good artaaky U aka belilay perefcw Taraaewb Tbaa Aihkaaaa Aueiiaaear irraptiMlwvtac ibHr tala bilk priaiad M thta wUI bava Ibair aataBaaedaaaWe bmigb ile eiaiaa af ibh papar FtM BAltoriAl BomoArj- Mr HABvcaaaanoalaaortl aaaem br gatemc takoa plaeo eo Friday even- g nest Ibe Srh px at ibo Egle Hotel Or A HMting tho Chanb SaetolJ will bo haU in St P4aia Choieb Scbaol Koom ea Wtlnfaday ovoaing nexi ihe 3rd proximo camflMooiog ai hall paat SilOfki who a fri il Governor Malio Iraitan nf Jamaica Amerioan Vewe Jrroa ia lioo aara tbaa ever la tb eaacar af bi aoai lie ba reeeoily beea iiied by bt old epintaal advioer paMor of tbo bi Paalt ebortb Riebaead wbo paawd the eatire day at b priM la and ada biatl Public Meeting A pablic maatleg waa called forToea doy evoMOg laat by reqaaitioo to the oovo to looaider tbo propriety of baad Ig over eertata fwide i all t3444ett e believe eelloctod from be aopporti of the Roman CatboUe Soparaio School of ibio place ia eooacqaonco of the nogUct of tbo Troateea of lhat inatitution Iba rotarnt required by law to ibe Oerk Tlie meeting organised by ealliag ibo Reeve A BooUboo Beq to Ibe chair aad appoialing Mr J j Laody Seer lary Tbe Reeve aiated tbo diSeoity jual at it olood aad boar that tbe Tmetoeo of the Soparaie S bad peiitioeod ibe Cood- il far tbla m bat wbila be boUev ad tbe other two mombera of tbo Finonee Commiueo woro d to 1 poyiag it eewr be eoald do acb procerdara aa tbo law ic Heeo tbia tateting bad beea oalled o obtaia tbe eodoraaiioa tif tbe rale-pay- era ae that If p Dot lo ttadar ibe mombera of Coooeil peraoaally UaWe for tbe amoont Tbe meoUag area epoo for etieb aetioa aa aiigbi be caiidarai pro Billa aie laaoeJ hr tbo annoal aiing of Eaat Gwillimbary Agrlcalieral Sacaiy te lake plaeo at Sbamo on ibo aaeand Sainrday ia Jansaiy aett oom eociog i 2 oelock Mr Hcxoaaaoa haa lahi oa oei table Dtekeaa New Cbrieimaa SloryOf MarigoMa Pieaoiipiiaaa Gail at bit Book Store aod gel a oopy aad oibet boli day reading mailer Nxw Mimic HaLUfbTbom ef Riaing Sao Lodge Aarora dwlieaied new Hall 00 Wedaeadajr taal ibe D D G M Bre DeGratti offiaiailog aa Wiowed by eepper apoeeboa Ite A all Nr Waltia the 1 affU end by fear raaaarira aettiag farfb bow ilM Tl At a poblio meeting bold a ooWa Hell Aarora 00 tbo 17ih iaa the parpeae ar oomtaa aaadidaiee Car Monieipai beoera ibo Mlowiof ifcket wai aolocied vix Moaara Lafpof AaliioA Andiewa Craibera of tbe oM Ceoaeil aad Dr UiUary aad Jeoopb Ploary ae Oo Friday aoxt oor aeapoootr vili preaoal ibe vUlao oobaeiibera wiib oopy of bia Now Yeore Addroa aad aUim ftaaa ibeaa eemo oempei et delieeriag tbo Eaa to tbe paat year Baidee aad Addraaa il will eoatain aa eteoUoat weed eat aagratiag of tbe Pari BoiWwfa Ottava N Y cloak thi aftoraeAO He wa 1 i the aarder of lleary Dei ea tbe l6ibof aM He weet to tbe with tbe aoae caUea thai be bed abowa tiaco bia coavirtM and ed with cooiemat upoo tbe aeeae it ob be wat the aeol proaiaaal He deated that be kiDad Devoa Oai adahled that be kacw wbo waa be gadty petty He refoaed lo emortaio aay cliHgyMOi receive aay apirilMal adrice 8beriA aa bad eoat bw pbotograpb to at bo wa eo b way frua tl u Ibe plleva agaiaet lav prearal tbit be told tba aa ba atoad with tho rope aboat bit aeok ibtt be weald take bia tbe rClaie daM qi if bo bed tbe piwer He died hki bratr wiibeal embieg ayapoiby frooi aay aa preeaat Wilaoa eeeled tbot be dtd not bear bie troa aaar aa rafaod u diaeoM it or tell bit bwtory to avea bit cnaee He dd bMever eea thai be kM tbe Hoe Barr Barlea at yr eaM a May laat aie Ik be ktM 1 Mr Leva at liaeater Ette Coaaiy N v ebool ooe yar aa He btai at aaay olber ariao bol dteeloerd b periiealaia He gave ba bedy ceooael who told it to a targeoa at Noa da N Y WAaatxenN Doe 20 m of Preaidar Juart expired 134b of Nuvomber lael AoMiig poblieaa Tbeti ibould cooliaue of M rbelbor be il oaolbi ioui the Preaideoey into the baoda of Got Ortega the vice proaidont J uo Max eana ae onasimoua ia ibe fii iipiaieo Oeoeral Ortega deemed it duly to bo t tho capitd o lb ropuVie at tbe exlratioa oi ibe eonetilotiooal term with a via of aatuniiug charge of pobla affaire aboold Praaideat Jtuiras eiuibwiMbwi lMrfir tb lib com b Aarara At the eofat b te raiae faitda to elrewloed the fHettde of Moxioo in the liqcMate a dobt an the partMago a an eiiy day that Pro ideei Joarax aad Ooo tieipate a larta alloodaoeo The tpeakofe fVtaga baea qaorrolled and aay bat tbe miihe oeaaaiaa aro ea trail knovt aad ol latter vBl ati M Ibe daterauaetioatf liladelphit illoatraii g hile priaonor 0 Ihrnugli lha Wi rtiibero Sialeo boild they bauc Frcmi l6dlbMl The Strtckmn and Darlington 10 oma of the wniera papera- ft i Railway wto opOMd forty yaam agn yet ramnrod lhat tbr Maatorial depeitmrat aI ire haa ftot been a fatal accident t a ibe Feoianibere deiermoed on a Oaaadi igia paaaenger The Roanu f iba an war iaiiaedrairly Mratire of com Cotnpany haa iocraaaed from 15 000 promae betwera tbe Cab al aad the 0 iM0eO0 atPr- art aow aader debaia Tbataffel m Atmbl iploion wok pl I I lb teih 1 lb WMbinilon O -J- 1 W UArl in buiWinr k mi I at work ooninc nrnmunitinu pwtl eovoy froa Iho Haed Cei of ih mpluji hilled and teveral tofarely woundel to- Hi leoo ba adJrrmd a letlireet ft lary of 8iale al oar Giti ly Kobini rill Uy tiaa ai ib iiveiaiaeatffeio Tbe icrviary ef Sltr iaeagaieJa praparioi repJylA y Tfiunt Oy Room baa been greatly aoaodal- lacd by flight of five naat from the joovent of ibo Oeod Sbeptiord One of ihea fell aod broke bor let Tbe other four wbo were Moiparaiively joaacmria made gotd their eaoape aad tbo polioo 0 fiad no Iraoa af ibem O A Caaadiaa lady er iioflalo IB bidal throe laiiUona of d4Ura ea thom then eomea litigation Theio ia another dia covery oa tbo eiat aoaataio of a gold bearing leilie four faet wide they have taken oot two paaa of deeorapoaed qaarlx twelve Cttl down aad wathM oot eigh lollart te Ibo pan and there are atraaka of gold ia Ibe bard rock balf aa a thick Cokml Fogaa baa jaat pat ea o tbe Kapira aad ttraek it riah aa 1 Poor Maaa a the Kapire bia ia 00 extgperated atateoieattt it II Irae I aa foreman ef tbo Naviga- tion Company on tba ftrti north extan tioo of Ihe Ore Ftoo whre I have tank thafU one haodred feet apart 00 ba ldt Boding it rioh from iva to ten feet Railboao rtox New Yobk to Moirraitt Cainodore Vaaderbilt of Saw York T R Parke of Beonlngfui ratlroad Uoo from New York Moatreal By ldioti a braoeh road of aittht milea from tw Iloonlonio railmad ef Kent Ct to tbolIeHem road at Dover Plaiaa N Y a daatiaaoae Hoe from Mew York to Mootrtatwill be teearod with tbe eseeptinn of a thort dicanee bolwten Honaio K Y and tbe Waetern Vermoot lailro Tbe prop roote ta at follow Proa New ork to Do ver plaint on tbe Harlem road Ihenoa to Ktol by the aew bnach from Kent to PititAald 00 tba Hotiaaloaie road frotn Pittafteld to Adama on tbe Sorth Adi railroad from Adima to Ilooeie on Troy aad Greeafteld road then lliere waa a aaaaioa of tbe Feaiai Seaaia in tbia ly oe tbo 16th iaeiaat Vary imporUnt mt tara wbieh it ia not deemed detirabU lo oMke pUe are te bo on tbo taria Two aewly arr Seaalort D OSolUean ttf Albany B B Daly of ladiaaa wero ap haarioje tbe Jaioaaqaara aide of tba ea tbe 16lb Tbe old military depart- awat baTiaggoaa with tba 8ml Mr OMabooey ia raported tobecoiiieg op a aew aee for Uaioaeqeert Tbe Knigbia of Su PairiA bate paaaed raaoiatioaa vC neo iawrvoatiea in Itia Faataa difiaolty Seaalor Daly be framed Iba Cooatita tiea aapporta Prawdent Bobotta aad Soaater Maott geaa with Mr OMi bony Beraral Cmlaa bare aant i tbeir dbeaea te Praaiidtai B aad etbaca liirwarded raaoiatioMiaoraiag Piaaidaat OMabeoy Tbe waa again Pnaideal Bobarta ravokiog PraadoQi UiaWofB aail fee a Cuayaai of tba Faaiaa Hoaaa of Dalagale rr Mr AlUy Cbairman of the Poet OCce CtMuaittee will offir 0 raeolottou 10 ibe aflaet lhat tbe Ooverarneot abait lake po af tbo telagrapb liaea el the euontry aad ooa Ibem aa H doaa the poaiBl aarvfee aaa- fiiaocellor Vaakoegttaat ha brea graaltd fire aOBh Uava of abteaee la eoaavqwraea of ill LaaNh tif If t Mnw hat tCOOOO a voar for reala ia the tMate ha bat to pny f29 000 ef It la diCbroat kiade of taira ty- Petroleum oil weN htvo h4- dieeoverod in lUrbadjeo and trrnga menia are in prngreea for working them 0 Tb Prince of Walea ihrrugb Omoral Knollve haa oni twontv fio gutneaa loward tbe Working WenaCol lege Ituiidrag Fund fgf Tbe reigaatioo of tbe Ha Mr roB wa ao uaetpeeled lbl it ereaed a protaaad escileoMat ia Moatreal Tbe Wilnm rrjiiora over tbe erewt Tb farnilare of tilrphra th eetped Ffoiati taa aold by aocunniiii Dabtia lately Il ii mhJ to btva beta tlylib aod aMgnilkeat 87 Mr Steveot a jeatice of Ibe peae I irr40 nilea nfih M chain Al Ukaa and Ihe Hia- Il would hkely fa uod ty half t pp in tbo tnion thrnugb dl The menn of laiuriooa exlravi- ace era raohing over from Fi Mfriea l aaanitl rae The eiporti PratM tba oowtar etiig t 90ib of tho pretOM year hae beoo eaiar Iban during any provioua period f tbe arnq time wiihin the menory of oldiit inbtbiii Tha I iiarr Cbrii Maxio Taatoor RaarRcrtaLi Tho Ladiet of Leiiegtoo Va appeal to the Ladiet of Beliunoro lo oMitt ihem a building and furnithing a boete fur Gen R E Le t- Oar readert will do well lo reeel lect Ibat tbe e Slawp Act cowpeKlaf ioo oa Ibt it of Jaaeary Tba tekfrtA trriverl al Fraacii far til Wrtera Uaioa p exptoMOo of a krroaeae b iDt One ff the cbiUre a 7ih aud tba M ber u o in ruund nambara ia 48 000000 franca lOOOOINI A- An iiflintial New Yorlc papei adfitoa iHt 10 buy Itrgely of gnoHa Jit now a tho priro mi t the p hall thotr pry eni prieoa aod alill make baodMm 07 Tbe wild eat in Iba Towabip of Era tfeylbe Gulpb diereury are be etaieg ratbar fvrociout aad lapadeat A Mr John Wtlkr faraer w drivia along tbe road orar Otpiioge with a loec of pwik oaa aeraiog ltt week oae of takiag bit breakratl off ooe of tbe bogt L Very eieiling tcene involviag oa of properly occurred Ibe 15th iael Tbe we which iud heeamo dtaawd apjat beow roHb Hag Slarery Ibtn noOXK ckaxty Aooordini lo a tn i Paria joornal the total pomin tbe Uai- tircotlh of the armio of Eorope it foi Tb ol Uor million Ten biodxHl d Ibirt Bi Ika e iitaiioMl aaead- ihoaatnd aoren hondrw and eighty ta bb b o b ri6d b i f oo of lb bodnd Mllicini br r SUlu u ink il lb 1 I o I i IV of Ibe laod ia fatare j aboat eve aerentyive inbibitan I At tha minimum eoat of ais bandred The Airaonville prreoaara who franca per aun tha total aowant woald ha baan ffiviMR eolerlainmaila in billion ait buadrad and fnrtyooe ve ef thr wffr laiUiiofli foor boBdrei aod aixtyoine are to K choatnd two handrad aod tbiityooe itrd by d bf PiVtidOl OMabeitar ibtl be tl oe oidertd tbea brfore Geeeral Sweeo Napo- 1 rep raool hat a called R NoilbSeld coaaty ef SuiS jBt prtra Coaaiy of friMa Kd4i pbyr coaaty ef OaUrie N r tme ef Ibe Lippiaeott Real nm f York VV R baa beealS Bfocktrni Tba townabip et BiaWaak In bo lb mn una wiw U appaart that tbe 800a of TeaoaM era la the habit of boidtag tbeie 4gt io tbe townebip ball wtiA aa Sited ap by them for tba porpeat fti erildiapoaad paraoot eoterad tbaMta the niht of Thnraday aad atrtaai it ot ta furaittire aad eeeieaia ibiw Mo a heap oataida af tbe boildlH a iraad Ibem The eaaaa ef tbe ei uppo 10 b lb b nSi J Dakn ma b lb rim rf A OWlblp By hia aettU r liqnora ia forbidden biab ef aaaaa woold offend the dieeontaelad iBaia who wra deprived of tbeir bMabMalw orgiea laaa 11 eorra ibe paia ib J will fail to da A eiagle baillariM abol iwenry 6re oeart auy avaM De lore Bl of 6v ery family aboald have a bailto al biad of accnieoi Ii will qaetl tMafag baeheioirnmiaot TberaiaaiM tbe Senate with a view lo have heir re qxiremaii coaplied wilb Tbeaatoreof ibe deapatcbet n aol made pabie Coal Oii pnaiptcra at Owrn SouNfl Wa caned aiiratiMi a few he lael ef Cnal 0l btiag ldmirWhai gUd I tbip ef Kprel cteaea bavtag goaa lo 0- ake iaqa ry a lo tbe coat ol al witb rxprieacrd l- hr rirer iJeUtid Ufr ganlh tod 0 A Craaoi bare rlaiel id tba gxod furiaae It Meet the leadiug oil aoa foN iopectr eaofiealrd ber wrddiag eetfii j reoeyvaaia aad OLio a alto with that aba wat a MaaggVr Tbe Salitn btt oade 8r tieary r la Briir MmMaral CeaMa pie a prteat of a ptiace aa ibe U4raa aad Iaacf Wilt eke ap hit rvaidcace ia t Tarki apiloi ty Tbe WmWs Ottawa C W cor iodrat tart Mr Gail wbo waa VVBbiBta ibe ethtr day oaa mitea eee obat ceuld be doaa to raaai IL oipoeily ia trada ba giiaa hi cntieagara 1 that ibay aoti lofk eeb far Ceiled There it rtbelKoa in New York ibe dreet aakera drtrra fraatic by I ebarna I Iba labai lba praprei bore wate p4 rd lo ba gortdaach bettrr ia lliaa pravwatly toppaaed IWrr eiioa will be hood OMtb SOHtif Ttatrr Ai Waclebaa a little I tkia Btigbboi hnodrad aod fifty otber peraooa taliea ill tome mora tt ia feared will oot aarviya many days It appear lhat the atrfeh- niae etme all of ooe awine and that ite fleah bad beea mixed vitb that of otber aoimala for Hoaogca Tba tafiMioga of tiok tra deeeribed aa borrftile Tbe axprr ceaL ant nny r ibelabar aad firrt yBp ih malady ia aort of fhaaaliepain whieb Ihe piicnUy wbeh bat bra fuiaiahed by tbeir patron k il d daiy 00 uaportatioa Tha 7060 tayt Tbere iniciag ia th oer the fi ae of ibe wheal tfecaUior ra Cbtcago who it ia deetaied fro telSah taotite bave dnoe great daaega to Ibe coaairy by rating ibe ktaff ol hfe br ahoe it larjt aod legitiatia price thereby pre- rating tbe oaifiew of grtia to rope nd aabng the peer aaa poorer 1 la aix BMath theLoadoa onder erooad railtrar oarriod near eight mil of people at a tpae of nearly thirty I ao hour white tia traiea aia to q witheat en aaBiJeai te ooe ef oempoay baa been fon ia New York to boild a iailar railway ao der Breedway fioai Ibe Battery to Cea- tral Park Miobaet Marphy tba sotorioaa Fealaa ageat wbo wat lately aarryia oa operaliuna at Tomato f and hia vay bora a eoopte of daa ago bol b wa wiitrd apoa by a drputatioo of Iriab Caibuliet aad informed that bia p ia OtUwa waa aoc deeirabh id that if be did aei laaTa tbe nlaca at ea tba aoittoqueeaca arfiHit U airaeable to bimWr Ha took the btat left lowo by tbe firat iralnTUe from OHoia to ik LmUr Fua T PaHiTairTiAaT By the ilfpBM tevan oclock traia laat uiehl SkarUr Smith o Uarrie arrived bora m rout to ICingaitMi where he ia akmg a Bean named Andrew GooghcoaviotH oi iiealiag a cab box aad etbor property bilobgieg IO Aieaaader Suffird a uv arokeoper rmWiag ia Orftlla t ea peara ibat eae ftalard Klog a bvieiler in the employ ofduffird waa tred oa lha eeme dtarge bm waa ItberiUad for ideitce The loel property wao fiMhd ia the hoaaa ef pnoaaf Utgb to whom the eriaM He I all c Mr Smith get permiaaiMi freaa ib CbMf ol Police bare to l bia praer atlbaCiiy Hall 8tatiea TSey left the city by tbe four edok iraia t mora- ia OUa fxga peadily taeeaeded by tbeb Ibey tvtre being gcawed by var- ap alive Tbe patieata Rioaaneaa to tbe Um and tbe iaalaaeaa are frKoeal wbeo Ibey bave iplortd the phydeua to aboriea tbeir lihnagtby immediately dcauoying them wiih poiaoa Bfih braecbea of tbe Wgiaia are bave iaed a laoviag efaH alfK while voieia of the Siala aa coataad a lha ibwd artMie ef tbe Caaiilutiea bi wiMch aoae are aew biearrvd f oa refag or botdiax nftce who bavv bee aeabcr tbe RrbrI Coegreat or af the SUU trpfeawal 4vnag ila atale af tbe Re belhee aelibrr art volera rrqarrrd la lake Ibe alb prrxrtbiaf ibair aapporl 1 tba CetitiMa of ibe Uaitrd Staie a alo ibat af tbe Alexandria Legaur aad ef repadiaiiag the actioa of tW SeeetaiM CavraliHI aflMl A re- eletMa wa laltedend lo tbr rirct ibat fav agrn Biw liviag epoe iIm pi IB ibe noaity of Wtllaaibar aad lewa be were aot rridrita ib V out to Ibe wtr tbeN be rva fallow a of f Georgia A L F In Baroaa Coaaty III Ibete ia a farmer wbo Lu 8000 aeiea aader oltiratiei emplora eighty beraea IO ibc orkhUoae fialdefwbeal t3M aorta aova every aere of wLieh aeea fWa a eertaio point aad iMKbtaff hardly ia morebeaailfal than tba fatlioic over that vaat fieid of wheat aa il ripeaa iato golden oobMrt aad wevea ba fore the wia of tbe prairie Tbe owt er ef tUa farai ramo frosilecriataa aear NaabvUla N H bat be ia ao Weeteraia ed that ankaa ba told il ao eM voald taeaa ha aame Aom New Raiaad There ia aaotber farm owaed fey J P Alexaader io Mocgaa aeoaty ill It eaoaaaraafSOOOO aartaaalaei ef waau or poor lead ea tbe whole pre aiaaa Tbia year be bd 18000 mm ia oom IftOOO bead of bofa aad 33 000 bead of eattle feedlag la hie pataraa He made tt7 0K lart year o bia atook M Hayea Hae the appoinimaat af Ceaaiy AnJm the Cnonty of Perth a Two cattle Ibiera mraat Ja and Wll RjJJ maultad for trral ia HaarfiaaJlT 1 There ia much wiadeai Ib a t tjrdi epoken by en Eoglnh ko Bdiaed to fred land befc ftsry to real bea H h wearyJJ rrd before M foul Ill S A boiler In the Illiaafa Railroed freight depot at Ctiia2S tbe IS b of Dwaiaber loet SS iiog the aoginear Rolen Hi large piaoa of tbe bailer ighi loo waa foroed rard throartrtTTj aereral haodred and ell IvtkJZj ft frcm iia original poaitiaa ihroagh tbe parement TbteaaaBtf exploaioo ia nakaown In a reonl iaterview wUl PrradeBl Geaeral Graal pvaiai that the pepte of the SJeajJ llr uaeera IB their demawmJ ilty aad that Ibey alaett eeiaSaBJ OB J oe eegroet are all ceaaaMM idleeeat aad rrfea to reeew thaw bLI coatraet beag appereatly ishtmi4 tba idea ihit a geaeral dulribBtieeWw r will lake place iaatcAatale Cbrita Nxw Poar OrrtcxtTha foHa w Petiofieef were ettabli pj oa tbe Irl Deoeaber 1665B iBty iiaroB j Bergyae rrallr ley Cuvagby coaaiy af WtKMT R J Cotawold coaaiy of WeiC tredeiag aave aaadii at peoplieaie wiWa Srb i N H Dewot Teteiabia M mie Elixir that oaght a be kept alaip at hand 10 beit in n aaa aod eaiaF llmiy4Ca Prepraiet BoS St fMlb IVIilakersl WUalcerel Ml Wklakam ar Malaeet OerOraeiee CiiwpaBl iiaid bt4aii All Ifael ekaiafir4M Vm vl aaatad an raf eT prlra lye M7 eattBulliatwbafB rlpierp 00 fee iMBmak f Aprill IPCS lyf NEWMARKET MABKKTS NeivvMrfat Oea 99 1 PW ISOOoaMOO PaJI Wheal II 05 a glQi 5pflni Wheat lOOatlJI B7rle8ea6ee ImI lb iOa Oaia Bailer ISeia per Eg Iffo a Pork t00 wM7 I TORONTO MA Pail WbeallH a liJi Wbaat IliOOa tida Tab Better- 15a a IBe Cbeee ebalraale lie a Ue iBaK leih iaa 1MB lae weaad dacaNeraf Mr ChartMir ibe ira af Malej Bra Oo aenhaaia ef village UaydMWB Der Mih IM by tbe Bae laa tm Him iwB Mr WbHabareb law ftawBMrbet Mc Hima awaatkn U Jfia ItapMa Deaaia ef fk laeh At NawBMrtet by Ibe Bee B T hmah I A ao tbe b Mr Katl TawaebijP af Ofry U Mlai BtaVlKi ChBpaaa al flalUed Laadieg Bint bohafawB ea the l iaauAe albar b M r r a I U Ceeaty e Ihaeae e a ma t 0 TbeadaylaartlletjaBPa tie te IiOBt 0 K Kewaarkelea 1 tieelah Ony ribaaaaa rbena af rarM mi Kbepraaee Paat Stolen faiarday lae a Tarriar Aateae tr Cha aBM berfig t C

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