Newmarket Era, 19 Jan 1866, p. 2

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THE NEWMARKET ERA JANUARY J9 1866 Sfv 4dTTtiMairBU- IV Timi R D lUhi nln A k HSiBpm ifwi Of inlrUJ II lnM rtiq Siaiil t Ut ot MkR MeC4i1 Tnli Time Vtimrket I tM pUc lwlr m rti If a v RitXM Cljf iifiuinorkft Era Htwvarkflt Friday I8C6 LATKSr FROy TOtOXTO f BoMd of 4rU Asoial MtiBg UAirUNO DISTILLERY CASE Hon- Mr HcOee Coming Da RODERT HUNTER IN ENGLAND TeaoNTO Juay 18 66 Tbaaaav meUDg of th tkad of Arttaad Manalctiir for Uppr Can da waa hM in Iht Mfehanic Tnl tata DLiMinc no ba lOih iaM Dr Baaitr of Coborg wm agaia aieeiad Praaidant aod Ur Ewardi of To- ronta Saeraiarjr Prof BuckUnd of Toronto Uaiferailj a tba Viea Pi daat ta tbogtaai MaithedLDiatinafy eaar to wbkh atloiinn wat mada io laat ra port tba jury from oma alvoit onae ontablacaoaa failod to igroa Tbo Hon T I MeCca h to dalitai a iaetura bafora iba Masbantea Inaii uia in ibia eiiy on Wcdaatda afaniogaaal 8act a bfirf vhnt to Otford Thaanaual rolling of iba Taroai JtaToraiattba Soeiatr at betd laat aigbl wbra Hon- Robrt Spaoea wm raalaet- ad Praaidnt for iho aoawag jraar Tba dfoit 1 bit BMrai ttaln Ibal Dr Robrrt Ilaatrr 1Mraa la tbe aigbbBtboiJ af Naraarkat ba fm- aaal a lba afaiml tba pabtbar af tbo Pan Mall Gotttu Ladao Eag- laad fnr bi a dtnr Voar bif eatsparvy of Iba Gk baa takaa a kaf faa iba of laal ck fnr ia tday ppr a a lengibf rdimpal Ukiag Iba M8M ria aabMaatiaTly rftba akaagat propotrd ia tba ool la by Or Rjcnoa a ya fii Tliat 600000 Vote- Soma obaeora aad aiaoat ooknown erooaga samac PovLia baa awad a flybM io dalanc of iba 40000 Tola of tba taorgiaa Ray Caaat Proriaioaal Diractora ia of Mr fArtaoL to wheb a alladad hat iwb bat notbiog ho baa adaaaead al at1 joatifiAa lha aitnordinary aeiia of iba Uoard Lat oa aiaaiiio a Uitla aaoaoaloaalv iba proeaadinga wbicb tba aooraa Tba aiiaiad coat of ba oadarlakini ia aet doa a ovar fany nllliona nf dollara to aipact a pri vato eompaiiy coald ba orgaaiaad viib tbia ifnoMoaa capital froa pritata aoor- eaa ia aiaiply oat of tba How ba eaa iba work bo pro wiib t Oaa of two coaraaa ara opaa aitbar h rmt ba rearie a Gnvamaiaol work and Iba aioaaa raiiad opoa tbo eradh of lb rtoolry or iba Lagilaioro maka a graft of a ory larga tarritoiy of oar paUie landa towarda iba oaiorpriaa Wboa iba Bill waa bafora iba Hoaaa laai aar fur ba rroawal of tba Coaipaay ebartar tba eliiof pUa in iia faitoar put Cvtb it proawiara waa tbat tbay da irad to toat tba praeiicabilliy of tba fMta by boring tba Kidgaa aad if foaod faaaltia iban iu proavlara fanciad tbajr easIJ daomaaUaa tba adraatafaa of tbia root oar tba Ottawa aeba aod witb a fair abow of aocAaaa praaa 11 Ibo ataBiinn of nor GTaranaat and LafWalvra tba propriaty of atepi iaf oa of tba two waya abota alJodad Io for ila ooaairocttAD Biiiiaa tba abartor aipraaaly aiataa tbat tba daly el Iba Proatiioaal Board will ba to opaa Hiaefc Boeki aod aftar ooo aillioB ia aabaeribod aod Unpwtni paid tboraoe Ibo aio b ba eall togatbar aad aiopa takaa lor tba eoataiaceawaBt of tba work Tbo dotioi of Pratiafaaal Dfc weald tbaa eaaaa aad tboaa iaraatfag tboir aMaca woald otoet Oira IM 10 BMBaga lU oadortakiag- llMoa to TOta KO 000 of pfafaraetiai Daada Ibaraby iraaMnoliiag tbo ebanar boVara aay daliatto aobaiao bad baoo nalaid by wbieb le raw tba large aai- oA of Stock raairad for tbo work waa tbo Board bad oe rigbt le iak aQ bayood all qsaalioa Xa al- ltlVag to tbta rate laat weak we wara adar tka apprahaaaiaa tbat H aaaal iiaply aa alkhaeot of aa aioeb aioek i btf wa aaw mr9 k hvotaed 60000 of pWbraatial Boeda ba iatoreai fotisg moMj tbe Board aeaer bal had ae aa e ha to gif a aMrtpge pea a aaaa trak Mo woadar tka Boa Mr HcHAarta oeaU aol aMotlaa aaek proardare weakoaldbaae if baked MrPavLta Ui iykeat pata ia a ward far ki- at mi vkal Aa kaa daaa for Ike eaiar- pifca mi aappoae k too waato aaear iRf or aktty tkeaaaod Bead AH aaak aaika toada Io ereato Vif iitr- la tka pakUa aiad ead mm Itfmt tte preyaat at ita laaif ky piralyaiaf tka aCwia of trae friaada td 14 Oabrgiw Bay Caaal aoUrprba rati OwUlimbary CoanoU The OMDcit alaet for the Townahip of Katt Gwilltaibory va Jamoi Pattv ham Jraaa Doaa Qorge tlolbura Wit- ham laid aod tmod Siiutiawortb aa- aoabad allbaMlaioa llouao Sbaroo oo Moodajr laat- od after tbay bd mada the aa ary drclarationa iba Ctark J T Eaq look iba rbi aad eallad npoo ibam to alact a Raai Moed by Mr Itoafi aoadad by Mr Ilulbora That Jaioaa Paralti be Reave for tbe eurreai ear- Carried Moved by Mr Sbattlawerib aaoMidad by Mr Ilolbia that Jaaaa Doan be DapfltjKoave for tba earreelyaar Carried Jhe Kfee aad DapolJ tlaa caada lb icaaaary deelaratioiia of ofiee aid lha CooDCil edjoanad for ooa bour reeaivad and of Townabip va Harriaon froM Mr Ed FHsgerald ibe Attorory in Ibo eaao requirmg aA- Tit from Jubo eiar Tbe Raate islroduced a Oy law ia blaDk providiag for the appointseat nf artaia Tnwnvhip OfBoera wbicb waa iftd a rat lime Tlia ituneil iboa raaolvad nio C iba hilie oi tbe aame Mr In CoMRiiie the Manka wara fitoH op a f4liwa J lyk by tha Coeacil ind J W Kdmaad by ih Reara a For Aaaaor Abram D Jb Wilaxo end Mr Graham waf mad Init m ibe vuie beng taka it la finally dwidad tn tijr the 4d A raaiBabd Ur Ab Hewngtrktt CoanoU Tha mmbara alaet i Maai Traill Roadbooaa MaraJ and Jnckan mat at the Gou t lloui on Mnitday U o organ s tha b Cmincil for 1066 Aftar making aod HibacribinK lo iha naconafy daelnrailona tha Clark took he oba lha mambara lit aleet i Movad by Mr Tenl aeaomled by Mr RoadknaaaTbat A Poatbea Kq be Kaaaa fur lb Carriad Tbe laae aUet than laada thanaeaa Mrjr deelaration o office and pn le name the fbilolig Staoding Com- millaaa Inr iba year R amo tUtoos Maeara Treat Rnadbou and Uovlibeo F Matr Roadhouae Jack aoo ainl Maradan Hr lawaHaara Jackeon Ooolt bee atid Marfan Fiaa Axo WAxaa Maeara Traoi Rnadtx uaa andJackaon Mr Jackam akad taava to iairndi lUlaw providii g fur tba apiHitbtiBeat Roll tbe ehai inird riai a thud i Sokea and tba ed Mmrad by Mr SbJitlawnk aaeeedrd by Mr IlolboraThat iba Reee aal Clark he a Cummiitaa t oondaet lha aoit ofSiokaa va Ilarriaon Carried 00 notioo of Mr ihitUwortb le- coodad by Mr Doao The whole Cooa- foraiad iaio a Rad dc Bridge CooKuiitaa Darieta uf Boparviatoit to 1 haraaftar detarain d On BMKioa of Mr Raid aaeoeded by Mr Duaa Tbe tine lor tbe Coller make a fiaal raera of bia Rail waa Headed till tbeib of February oett TbeCoaaeil atoorned to maet agaia oo ike Ibird Seiarday ia Paby King Oonnoil M aewly aleelad CoaaoQ for tbe Towaabip of Kiag Bet at tbe Teatper- Hatl Keltlaby oa tba day of Jaaaary 1866 Tke Clerk bariag takea tka ekair tka foUoviag aaBod paratoa atibi to Ibe ifeaaary qaaHBeatioa aad deartieo of oftoe aa CoooeiBora ileeted for tke praa t year Saaioai Maoball Ward V I Wa Maaaia Ward No t Albert Webb Ward No 3 Joel PbilUpe Ward No 4 aod Alexaadar Tboaaoa for Ward No Nr miUpo BOfed aaioaded by Mr Maaeie tbat Albert Webb Kaq be aleeted Raera for tbe Towaabip Kiag for tbe earraat year Carried Mr Maaate Boatd aeeoaded by Mr PUUtpa Ikat AUsaadar lovaea Kaq ke riaeted Depaiy Beere ibr tke Towa abip of Kiog tke oarrtat year Carried Tke Reere aad tke Depaty Reeaa ihaa Bade aad eakaoribed tte aeeeanry dadaratioa ofoAee Tbe Beare tkea took tba ekair aad Tke dark Ud apoa Iba UUe tke foi- lowiag Bilie aod Petitioae Tke Petitioa of L Liaptof X D witk two aartiieatea froa tke Be JaBea MiUlgaa aad tke Bet Wiffiaa Loaaa eeak argiag tke itreat aaeoMty of gtaatiag peaaaiary aid to Jeka BeaM tat tka aafpert of Ua wife wko kaa keaa laalBii to kar ked fcr tke pMl tkree yeara ftoa a y iUaeM Aka tba kiU froB P L S 0 Me PkiDipa fer tke earrey Aa tbe Baae Uae of tbia Tevaakip la tka Irat Oca eaBioa a4aaiaf tka Tovaakip of Vavgk Tke Padtioa oi Ike Traataee af Bakael Saaiiaa Ko 4 aaUag Ika Coaaail to aatkeriaa Ike Traaaarer to pay tka aaB of aaraa doflara aad aiaatyoae eeala kaUaaa ef apaaial rato kriad aa Mid Baetioo alao froa tka Searetary Tianr eT Sekaal Baatiaa Ne 1 Mldag tka OaaaaB to iaatraat tke Ti star to pay Ibe aaaef avaatyto da aad um aaaia aaa aaaUaal f raeaaii8aedee Mr Maohall praaenlad tba bill of Mr Jamoa RoparaInapaotorfor extra aarricaa BinooalinK to 93 Mr Thomaon ibati pratealrd tba PatitioR of Mr Jataea Staba and libera aakinc aid for tba aapport of tba W idow OBrien Mr Pbiltipe nored aceooded by Mr Thomana that thia Coaneil do reaotr itaalf Into a Cominittae of tbe tha PeiitioBa Uilia aad T moniearinna oow preaealed Carried Coanei ia eooipiitlae Mr Maaaia la the ehair CooiBiiitae roee and Ibe chairman raporled a raprt alan a raao- letion rreoBiBMnding tbe payiaeot of tba aaveral auint aa followa via To JaoMa Reia tha ion of 93 to the Traati of School itba No 4 the aam 9791o to Ibe Searatary of Sebooi See lioa No 19 Ike aaa f922le aed Jobs Uaana the raaiof930 aaid aa aa a laat aid for relatf alao the aam 9112 to Pater Dodda tbat aam batog ebaritad him for Statete Laboor he haTioff perfonoed tba work ondar iba Pathmaatcr the bill from Mr Me Phillipe aa raeomaiandcd to be laid over ill iwit aireting avaitioK cxplaaatioDa reapeatiag aaid bill BKHioB of Mr Phillipa a By La itrodoeed in btaek lo appoii Aaditora lor the year codiog tbe Slat of laoo that thia Cnoaeil do olra into Cooaitue of tha Whole oo tba Uy Law oo raad Carried Coaoei ia Coaalttae Mr Tbi tba ehatr Conmiltca roae and tha airtaao rrported tba By Iai the Reaaa dircetiag Ibe flmt Uaak to ba filled op witb aaoa of Aadrae l tba aeoond blank wu filWd with aana of Ira Webb Tbe By Iia I thro raad a aeeood aad tbird tiaa Oo aotioo tha Coaooil tbaa raeolrad laclf into Comaitlea of the Whole tbera B Mr Phillipe ia ibe ehair Coaaittad tbe blank waa filled with tba name of Jamaa Roffrra 1he BrLi raa then read a aooood and tbirj tine Mr Phillipa iotrodaeed a By Law to ppoiot Aaaaaaora for lha earreat On notioa of Mr Maeball tba ibca raaotred iteeif iato Coamiitee of the hole Ibcreea Mr MaebaUiatbeeair tamiMae roee and tba reported tba Oj Law u aateoded tbe blank being filled witb tha Tboaaoo that tbe Treaaarar be aad ia f rcqairad to refaad to W Boddy a of Tea Dwilara beiag tbe aatoaat of fiaa paid by bia for aellia liaor itboat lioeaaa be bariag paid bia lioeaaa Carried Phillipa eMTed aaeonded Mr Maehelt that whan thia Coaooil adjovraa it do aland adjoaraed aalU Iba tkird Monday in Pabraary aetl tbaa to meat al Oarrett Bloogba Ilolal Kiagbora Catried Tbe Coaoei ibea adjoaroed Holland riandiny Coaacil Tba above Co4ncl met at the Cova I room oo Monday the l5b ioei at 12 oVock tMOQ Mr Kanedy ibealerk k the diair R T Willeeo 8 J iore il Dacoa Jamea D Evaoa aad T Lane mada their daclaratiooa ol lualifieauoo aod of o8ke aod took tboir It waa tbao OMTed by B J Tbeme ltd eeeoodad by J B Evao Tbat A T Williaa be tke Roeae for tbe eaeaiag aa novad la amaadoMOt by H Paeoo eecoitded by T Laoo TbM B J Tborae be tbe Raove for tbe eoeoiog Th3roetboogh aireagly arged to aee tba ofiee deoUoed to lake It ta oooeequaace of preeaing beeiaeea ofr- gagemODla wbtck OMHle II i ot t Blaad the Ceaoty Cooaen Tbe aoieudmaai wee tbeo wiikdrawo aad tbe iciaal moiioe riet Mr Willaoa tboa aade Ibe deelara- a of oftce aa Reara aod took ibe ekair 1865 and far Ibe erpoial lut of a Lweoae awl Police loapaeter The Audimra are Wm H Tborae and JanMB B WiHowa iba laapector appoiated by tbeae ByLaa wlkb ware paaaad tbrowgb Iba BiVMai lgea arjl beetOM law A peliiiua of Roben Seroggy ralatiag hie aiatata Uber wea preeeaiedby Mr B J Tborae aad laid ovar fla anoioa the Coaaeil orfjnuroed till reaiag at 7 odiMk Fire in arora Aeelber aarlein ra oecarred al Aarora aa Boraiag laat braakieg eat ie the proBtea oeaapied by Mr Taggart baker aad cee Tbe partiealara of abieb bare reeebed a ara aa followa Aboat 3 eeleek tbe firan gare Ibe arai aad ibe eagiae waa apeediy ea tba apet reedy far aetioe 0 tka waat of wator aad Iba eeafeaioe ia loaarqaaaea added to Ibe reagbaoM of be weatbar it wu aiBe I bafora ii waa got iaio werkiag order Froa Mr Tafgartk tka SeaMa apread rapidly te Iba Nankera ilelal iataly eieapiid by Mr C C aad botk preBtaea were looe barat tbegraaad tegetker witk akeda aad ataklra attoakad to tke UaiaL Tke tn bower er laecaeded ia Mriag Mr Mertaoaa Brewery aad tbe alablea of Hr G Moore Tba iletal we aader- itaad waa evaed by Mr Ri aad wee iMated for 1200 bat tk Mr Caaa bad ae iaar a larp pertiea ef wbieb a aared ia daBagad He aleo toat aboat 60 baabela potoloea aad atber aCerea Mr Lapperawaad tbe PieBieae eeeapted by Mr Tanart aad had aa efcetod of 000 Ika toaaaC alee bad 900 iaaaraaca oa h Bloek Bow ike ire erigiaatad ia aat detallely kaowa a kaliera el leaat aa iw aa w aeall Ooolna OoniMlt The aewly elected Coaaeil mat t Mataaalda Hotel Suiioo Afier Ibe oaaat prelimtaariae ef anal lot ihe deelarailon of quallAoaiieo and affiee Mr Batbgata aaooadad by M Uraihnor moved that Mr RidMI be Raee for Ihe Currant aar Carried The Reave baving mada aad aokaerib ed to the declratias of oAoo at each haokad lha Council Ibr tbe booori aoa farrad Tbe Cooocil hen proceeded to bael neea by eppolnting Meaara C il ilow ardandR O Hall aaditora and Mr Bgo Aaaeaeor aod Colleetor for tbe pre em rear attar wbkh Iba Council ad j HirUd to meel al Wiodfialde Hotol Paflarlaw oo tbe eeoond Seiurday lo Faby oett Aaron CoonoU Tha aiat al aoon on Mooday Jany 16th ail lha membera preeeoU The Clerk called tbe meeiiog loordi whan the mambara Bade their declare- Oo oioikio o Janee Aodrewa aeoead- ed by Joeepb Pleary Seib Aakion waa elarlad Reve Capbaa Good aod Kafaa 8 Peek were appointed Aoditora Tbe folloiiig Cwanilieaa were ap pointed oaa Baiooa Plaury Aadra Aahton iiAaca Lrpper Aodrewaaod Hil lary U L Hillary Pleary and Aah R W Hillary gna aotice ibat at tbe rxt meeting he woeld introduee e By AW for Bppoiiiog offcera The Couacil ibao adiooroed to meet I the call nf the Reeve Agrionltnral Hooting Tba aaaaal BMeteg of tba OeargiBa aad ettb Gwitliabary Ag 8ciely leek plaee at McDaoalda Hotel Satioa oo Jaay 13 1866 Tae Prtai leat Joba Boyd Ee aceapied tbe ebair J R 8lereoea Ba tbe Secretary preetad tbe bbma report atee a de- taearal of tbe fteaacial eeodilioa of tbe Society wkeb ea aoiioe of Hy Tralear Ea eeeaded by Aagaa Egn Eq waa received aad adopted Ibe Traeteera atataaMat ibowad a balaaca of ftftyatx datlara to Ibe credit ef I ae- lio ibaa prKedad te Ibe alee lioa of oBeara for tbe raeelag year witb tbe fafloiviflg raaoH PratdalJeba Bofd Eaq Vice Preaidaat- Mr Biaaitt 9rlary Mr J R Stereeaea Tr aar Mr Aagaa Ego DiarCToaa Maatra A Riddh 3 E Livioa J Wiliiau J Ilaadtea J Sbepiard Jwha MeDoaaM J Daeald Ji aad A Batbpte AtrviTofta Meaara Boealiaaad II Teloer Tbia aociaiy baa a vary efieeat Board Whitoharoh Ag Soolety The aaaaal ataoHag of Ike abora 8o eiety waa betd oo Satarday laat at Bo gart Toa and altboagb tbe atUodaaoe ool 00 large aa we aotieipated yet tbere waa eooaideraUe b traaaaet P W Playter tbe Preetdoai oeeapied tlie ebiir Tbe aoatul report waa tbea preae aod read wUak we leera tke 8e eiety aoakared laat year 18t aiabara Tbe Treaaarar alao reeeired 98070eaa for eoiraaoa to Teot oa tbe day of Ezbibitioa wbieb added to tba balaaee oo baad frooi tbe yeer p of91S468eta aod tbe OoreraBeat and Oeaaty Graata Boeaaea for taala oa groao Aa aawmoted altogetber to 9617880 Tkey aspeaded 201 Sfio ia priaae aet oae tkird of tke grOB re eeipta expeaeaa ef atfoaKaateat 967 0 leeriag a balaaee oa kaad ef 931333i TU Direatora fWrtker ra- pert aa abaadaat yieU ef tbe earaale of peat year- Bare partiealaHy af tba Spriag graia toget witb aa abaa daat bay erop ao that apoo tbe wkoie tbe Diraetore eoaaider the pott year a bariag baea Tery farerable to agriool Oo Botioa of Mr J WOkta aa ooeded by Mr D Baker tke report waa reeeired B Uttle diaanaMoa feUew- tbea a red by Mr J Baadall aeeoedad by Mr W Uoyd tbat tke iBajtWojiort u preaealed be adoptod Meetiag tkea prooeadad to tbe eieaiiea Of OIBeara for tke eoBiag year reaaltiag aa fwa Praeideat Maxoa Vcat do B Siddoo SeaTraaa TkoBaa Llayd Diraoni 8 Wtlkia DarM Be- kar C Brodie P W Playter J Lead BMa Jarad Lloy Wat Sailtk Joka Irwio aod 0 W QrakaB Tke rotiriag Preaidaat tkea raaated e ebair aad Mr Joaea tbe Prerideat took tbe aaBe Motad W Mr W Phyter aaaoaded Mr F Tbat a aoBaltiea ef raa W appeiatad to reriee tbe ByLaaa ead Jadgto Report ef tlM Boot Crop witb tbe view ef kario fte aaae priat Jared Lld aad tka Boter- Carried Morad by Mr W Plartar aaeaal by Mr RaadaO tkat aU eskiUtora ef fCoota la tke iaid Mr a fta ef tO eaati for eeeb eataaid to be dlalHba tod aBOag tba Ja4pa for their labor la jadi Carrial A rMadea wai able diaaBfa kad opoa itbat aftanrarda witbdrawa to tbe o tbat all roola eaierad for wmfttitiem la tbaakMa ef Md ealtara Baat ba grova aol Uaa tbaa 16 iaekee batwrea tbe rova XoTod Mr W Uoji aaaoadadby Mr P BalWt tkat tba qoaatity Ibr at- ktbitioa iatbe eiaaaofield aaltoraef tooto be doablad- Carried Mated Mr WPIaylariaaBidadby Mr Aka Hiafcll tbal tbia Beadat aa Uaioa HiAn tba ilMMlaaa formed of oae or oore Tewoablpe with Wbiiobarob to loin tbe Coaoty Soeletr ia boldioK a Spring Sboa tbat oo aaeh abov be bold dariog tba praaeat rear Carried Mr Fraak Playter aad Mr LaBbart Paaraoo were tbao appoiated Aaditora od the laeetiag adjoaroed At a aakeaqaeot aeatiag of tbe Board the lreaideat Seeratary aad Mr P W Playter vera appialed a aoaaittee eonf witb ibe Oooely Directora wi rrgard to aarrying oat tbe raaolotfoo io reTeteooe to Ibe Uaioo Spriog Show Re-Union- Reaeaber tbe Re Uatoa tbia Friday ereaiag aoder the aapieet of tba laiti- lete MoUc aiU be faraiabad by tb Bradford Glee Clab white Ibe reederi aaoaaeed for tbe oceaaiea are aaflkimt 10 draw a full booee fix Maaara 8la- pbeaM aad Jardiae of Bradford Rev Mr MeCallacb aad Dr Gaike of Aeroraj Mr Aikaakaad aad perhapa oiban of Navaarkat Adweaioa Maabara wiili ooe tikily free acoBeabera tO cla Ckldrae oeder I3yeera aolaae aeeoapa wed by ibeir paraata will be ebared fall Sieee the foregoing waa pal la type I are glad to leara arrao bare beea aadeby which Mr MeMarray ao oooooed to delirar a Tamperafloe Lee ire in tbe 8 S Room tbia ereaiog iH take perl io tbe ReUoioe ioatead- thereby BToidioc a aeaaing diriaion bo- taeeo two aaaoMtiooa of toe nltage Bkit fiwlJlaktiT Ag ScioCy a Uoaw Sboroa oa Satarday laat The Saerelary Mr T W Edaaad preaealed tba Aaaaal Report fma wbKh we Uore they bad lit aMabara teal yeer Tba tolal reeeipia of ibe Society for 1866 lied to 9UOK3 ioelediog tbe e 00 baad froa tbe prefaa year Tba Pirettoraaip l63g6a Mile orer half the total racripta io imtea ei I of tbe year 913 aad learieg a balaaee oo baad of 103U Tbe followiog geaileioea were aleeted offeera tot tbe year 1866 Mr Jaaea Silver Preeideot Reabea Powan Viae do J W EJaaad SeeyTraaa DiRBcroia DarU Arotiiage Jaoob Laody Jubo Daon Jaaee Karaoagb David Boer John Fentoo WUUaa KoMoeoa Beojaaio Lepard aad Hoory Wataoo Whitchurch and If GwiUim- btuy Cotincili Tba prooeodiagi of tbe firat taeetlog of Ibe abora Coaoeila have beaa aaaaoida- biy arowded oal They will be givoo aeit weak la Wbilefearek Joba Raa- dafl Raq waa aleeted Roere aod Pbilip Moeklea Eaq Depaty Reere Ia North QwiUiabary Hoory Draper Eeq wea eleetid ReeW Every Rem aad Depaty la North York witk ooe cxoeplioo io both TowMhipa and Vitlagea are Relbr- aara Ibu jraar We do not allade to tbia viib tba view to lead aor penoo to be- liete pitlea bad aay thfog to do wiib tba adeetiooa bol merely atatlog a faot PiroMtl We regret to leara tbat r D W of Sbaroa aad foaadrr ef the deaooiioaliae kaowa as tke Cildrea of Peace ia ao lyiag daoger- eoaly iR No kopaa ere ee W oevery Dariog tbe weak ba kaa called lo aeiar the leaa of tbe perteer uf bia tile abieb legatbar with hie loraer alreaM waokoee aod deeepiieda ia faat akiog kie eoee atreog eed rigeiooa CraBe caaaot aay poailiraly kot if oar bob iry aerrea aa Mr WiLaoa ia aew abore 00 yeara af age For aeao yeara Ibe pvtial ioB af bia eeoae ef beeriag baa aiktaled agaiaal free eoerereatiae feai bia powera of aiiad aad of per a are qaito aa good ee wbee we firat bee aaa aaaaialed aitk bia aeao Ikirteee Bala maftotar Jaaooiy 39 1996Mr Darid 8 Phillipa Yonge Ihreoi baa a aala ef Sleek laplmaaia ke The llai of artictaa abaw B heavy BBaeot le beealJ Tenaa all aoou of Five Dollara XdUarltl nuury- RegaloT aeeiMg ef Newaaarkat aaaell ea Meadey eveoiag aesi at tka Coait Heoaa Or m Taaar baa ea eieariag m to aako roe geeda OeeedrertiaaBoet tm eptiag Aa esaaroetiee of ibe pela of tbe 8kee laogbt by Mr F Playter Piae Or- ibard takea ptooe to Borrow weoki aad a eeaaaellaa wa aaderataad b ia iaiead- td to keldA aoeiat aoieoo Tke Barrio ddeaaoa aeye Ikore 0 er ais eapiraau far tke Wardeaa ebair ef SioMoo Ceaaty tte aetioe eeaM ebeoflea ia tbe Raavieaaod Depetiee bet wbetbor tbeee will aSeoi Mr Faa peeitiea boarrtaia A klad frtoad at Ereraiey P O T ef Kiog wriee far tke Eaa aiyfira oeata io aiaBpa lea to appiad tke i Plaaaa larwaid aaae a ppr will ke B abo loaoaAaea C lUe iaibelkle ofa oOAt waeklj iaaead ie qearto arat by Mr J J W PDaooboo Cbieoge tka aaaaad aaBbar of wktek befiiia aa Aatka title iBpliee it deretodehtefly to Baakiag aad jae ability Tka liadlng Btteto to ike Wo ba lao aa ea Ike Ceataatiea ef tke Catroa aad kew Mr MoCaRoekB eaaaoiatiao ef kia peliey wiik regard tboroto afca Wafl Street eperatara ia rary gaed poioi- ad aad Iwaikto Wa wlak tka fakliaber B ia kia aatorpriaa UaMW RiaaMr J McBreo haa laaaed Mr Setbolaeda Pood bb prepared upao the loe an eioallaoi Riok for tbe aeaaamodatiea of tbe poblie Tiekei aay be proaerad of bia Mr MeBrtoo baa alee added to hie Livery aoreral apteadU riga aapad to pieaaaie paitiea gaiag ea ot atolghrdee partiea The Coanoil oitbe United Ooaaiiaa raoei 00 Toeaday neat at ihe Cooit Houae TWio Piea all we ean Uaro there will be oooppoahiaQ to ibe late Waideoa ra aleetioo ptoviUiog be will accept thepeai 1101 Mr Howlead ia aotiiled te credit fe the naonar in wbieb ihe affaira of tba Coooiy have been eoodaeied doriog tbe yoAroapeelally with regard to ibe Yeik Reoda Tbe Anoeal Maaiiog of the North York 4rieaheral Soaieiy lakea ptaoe ie tbe Meebaoica Hall Newmarket to Bor- row SaiarJay al ooe aeloek p la A maeiiog of tbe Directora takaa plaoe a a al lha Royal Hoial We troai nambera of lha Board aill be pooetna tbat aofBeiam tiae may be taken te ei loe Towaabip Seeieiy Repotta aad traj Mber aoAaitdiod boaiaaee Tba PabUo BcTODtta- It will be eeea ky tbe talea of apeeial oorreepondeat at Ottawa tbat tbe rereooe ef tbelroTiBee for Ihe half year aadiog tka Slat of Deeember laat foota ap very aatiafaotorily Tba followiog ia a atateaieal ef the rereoae aad eipe- tare ia tka aaveral departBOou Bareflostoma 9347S24S9e Eseiae 69420248 Poat Ofiee 24627419 Orown Laada 46149160 Bin Sunpa 4369074 MiMollaoaoaa 66379Sc99 Sarplaa 9118822643 Tbe esbibil for tbe half year eodiog 3Iat Daoeaber 1864 waa a followa Berenae for half year 96706967 Expeoditare do 6695 717 0 of Bra DMoo- Al day avaoiogaboot aeveo oeleekaad ibi Fire Biigade ware aeon in atlaodaoce Fertanainly their aarvioea ware oet noodat aa it lorooJ eot te be aimply a ehi fire in tbe Cooimareial Btnek yoe moayi I Wn CnrrfBponifnff Aurora Corroopondonco- AcaooA Jaa 171866 Toa kava I ballere tbe perticolara of a oorortaaato fire wbiok oeoarred bere yeatarday eooipletoly daatroylog a abop aid t ibe StA 0000 atyled tbe galleloea Aabtoe wu elee ted Reere of ibla aalabriou rUlage on Mooday Igooraaaa greeia yea Seth Aabloo Beqairat Hopee tbat yoa will be aagikterially a terror to all aril doera aBd ooatioae to be aa aodoabl- edly yoa are the eablea of all tbe kooao aod ookoowo I as iocliood lo aw ay pen throagb tbia laat aeoleoee tbet ivorxby Indltidaal aay iategiae by be flattery tbat year baable eerraot la a eaadidato for tbe laeralire oftoe of Poaad Keeper Bellaaa or Clerk 3y rarioaa pereooa aod le direra pla- era we bare been led to believe tbal bb Betaate Majeaty ia aot of tbe dorp aable wbieb Boat artiaia bare paisted hla Wl aow 1 bclirre H even Joha Bright tbe httr of ibe Waihiagtoa Oovemnent tbe ardeot adatrer of repobliea oall lotly at Bimiagbaa ia wbieb 1 eologiaed Coaetiiotioaal Mnaarobiea geo aod Qaero Victoria la partie ar Tbe aerld aarely laoraa So Brigbaa Yoaaga doaeatie eareaity aed plorality of better bairaa ara ow likely to be awept aay God tbe brooa tbal aweepa polygamy aod lie be- lieveraibe faoa Of ctrilisalioa Wbr it haa boeo allowed to eeotloae ao loog owtino fur aome to aaewar yottog moo who left lut year tbia portioe of poor Caoada to qaiekly ocaaolato fortoaae in ibe Slatee have loeatly retoraedoot witb tke i ealtb aatiaipatad bat witk tke oeri ooarietioo tbal are aqaaUy if better ol io Britiah Aaa IGNORAMUS Cfllanid Amorioan Vows Naw YoajL Jaa 13 Tbo oearl haa dootod tbo aotioe atnkeoat tkejuiifyiogpira of tke ao- ia 1 caae by Joapb II Madoa agaioot Saereury of War Sueotoa Gold WM footed ibie aftoruooo al ISOJ WuBio tbe tut tbroo daya twalva ptek poeketo kere bopa arraotod oa tbe iiy aore Tke osamioeiiea ef Robert Mertta tka allagad ooefedorate of K waa reeuBod beCxo Uoitod Statee Comiaia- aiooer Oaboro to day Joeepb MBUbewawbo wea ooavlclad tbia week ia ike coort of eyar aod lor- miaer of tbeoaardof ef Jebo Keery ea tbe 9lM of Deeember waa taay aeataa d to be hong oo tbo Oib of Marab Tbo Poata Waahiogt4m apaoial dea patob aaya i Itie rej Soaibora leaa botb U aad Cea- Mereto for the psrpoee of eaamtaiag folly iato Ika ooadiiioo af tbe BoMbora Siaua Tke proepoet of odaieatoa of tke iBBiaii aoogreeaiooat dalegatee b eligbl bat privato adrtoea ato Ibat ike Teaaaeaae Ijogialatoro will iawodlatoly ooafer oqoal ngbta apea freadaea Tbe triel of the Aloaaodria ia pra- greeeiag tod Colored witaeeeoe are admitiod to ibe aaaw privilegoe aa ore ike wkiiae ia ukiag tke leeiiaooy JeCirwa Savia Tke New York iZcraUa Fed Mearee totegraa Bye tka rtoilaat driectire aeae- roa 00 tbe pert of Ike ari ilary at Fart Meerae ioalHoted k e af tka raBoera ef a piei to raeeee Jaf Daria bare aot beea ralaied aad tbe aeareb of all artiriag raaeela la atill carried Tbeogb aa poaitire eridaaaa baa yet baee faraiabod tbat tbe plot rtaMy eiiata it k ceaeidered beat to be prepared er it is it doea A ataaa tag witb aeldier uBiaed tkaa farBwHy bavlog to i go Iba laraday of two tola a aeatriaa ia- ateodafeaa leffebeaMkeealiaaeekaei aed ke kaa all ibo eoaforta aBowed bia wbaab bb ttailod wiR perBit trade ia aboat w ba atort- ad ia Gaelpbf ibat will reaaova for i daogar of a fonbar rodoetloe ato A coBfaoy io akao being organised for tbo parebaae of aa lie baeOi to ba killed oa tkia aada af tke lakeo aod lekeo over aad eaU ia If aotkiof uttaaual preroatar tke lay be ka ap darlaa tke ar r or aatfl tbo ropael o tbe Ra procity Treaty Sarploa 9 111 240 Large u b tha rereoaa fVoffl tbe Cor- tootr doriag tbe put nx Booibai it b not ao large u tbat doriog tbe oorreapondiog period of 1864 wbeo it wu 93 6200 The rereoae froa exciae dariog ibe year 1865 hu boeo ooaaiderably larger tbao ever before Dariag tbe firat aix noalba it u 9795950 doriog tba lut half 69420248 or altogether 1490 15S- 4a laporUat if True Tbe Qaabee MtM of Tbaradey taiaa tbe foUowiag A maor waa ie eireabtien yealerJay tbet a coanaoicatioe bad beae reeetred by tba bt Baglitb mail fraa Lord Mooek aBDoenciag thai Her Majaaty bad appiat ed Hb Royal liigberaa ibe Dake of Oaa- bridga ft riait feaada io May oexl to open Ilia Pariiaaieat Baitdioga at Ottawa ia riee rrgal aiyb We be tbere aaay be aaa needatira for tbe rumor i magaificeoce ef Ibe beiWiaga d aoaa peblw cekbraiiee Noee eeeld be aceeptaUe tkaa ibat propoaad Tte ir aeaau to be el bael reaeooabb 9 Cooaol I boratea at T tN 2nd inalaot ratairad ioetreell2iv m createa Boag Caaadi an marketa bat feanag g Uahed tradera By Aatnmm ao rai i lo that marka It b eatiaatad Uaiii tbooiaod dollara worth of Uvo laady perritaaed ia tbat oaifWCZi 111 he tbaa cat of froa tbeUS which Ib wara intended ar I Weallbl riecli afrr bia oat iaporlaal peragrapk te Ike aleclora of the Brock DiviS tare cMwdmtieii of the peat paealbr aad cntical poMttoe ai pebb aflur tod I m baaf KT Brigbaa Yaaag baa I3i wivetlke lUeat beiag 49 aed ibe yoeeget 14 raBty eight iviTea be baa beried Ttia year Aab Wadaeaday falb en S Vaealiaaa day aad uler Saaday oa tbe firat ef April OT Tbe UaiQ Pacific Ratlread haa beea coapkted te Topeka Kaaaaa TW rt paaieagar Iran arnved at Ibat place M tba 2ed froB Wyaadette A releroed Rebel oaaad EJea na lyacb at Leareawertb rvcraliy for itabbiag a Uaioo bmb who bad reproved bia for aaiog dialoyal begaaga 1 Tke Feobea ie praoa ia Dable re racb lapplieil with a aebataatial cake Cbrietaa day by Mra Ste aifa ef Iba eacaped bwd caalre Gea Gideaa J PtROw bea writtco eitf r aaaoaactag tbat la baa boeo aeeceax I beyead bta aeal aa eTprclatieaa Ibe experiawal of free bboar ee bia pbataiioaa ia Teaaeaeee aad Arkaaa Tke receat Coareelioa of tbe Cea- aeeitcat Tobacco Crowera paand a re favoriag be pteaeel Goveroacoi tbaaiaabetarl article bat op- poaiag ita cbeoge to Ibe raw aaterial Notioa appaara in tbe Taaefir that Parllaoteol next aurfoq will be agaia ukad le oaBOtioa the analgamalioe of tbe Baffalo aod Lake Horoo Railway vilk tke Oread Troak 1 We leani by telegraph fVom Ol a ikai Pariiaaeat bae beea farter Morogaed till ike 16th of Febraary aod froia Qaebee tbat ten baildinga ware baraed dowa tbere oa Setorday atom iog fffor QT A aeet eaperiaal ae aada Ibe etbr day ea ibe New York Ceatral bare paet aa Aimwnirr Miaa Tbe DrJriAfur ye ibel he ebtkaony mine of Mr Ru- II Haah b betog ectivaly wrked Teaty Are Bioara are empMyed aad the alaeral coeiaiae 90 per oeot of ea tiouay It b takaa oat in eolid blocka aod traaaferred to ibe atatioa at Aribar baeka HoaoLAaT at CooxrrowK SoBa miacreeot oaiered Ike atore of Mr C Cook Cookaiowa aa Friday olght bat aad ebetracied froui tbe till aome 00 abo two or three piecee of oloth It w aa yet kaowa wko tke partiee are be ooiaBitted tbe robbery Tba pirate Seaewa haa bad bb cbeaaid froa Ibe Nary Yard le Mariee Barraeka e i greeler wety He win be laeMdiately pat epee bia ral aada deokllee eearictad altbaagb bb alliauto pardea b aaid to ba already aared Tbe Britiab preaa baa begaa to eg le tbe qaeatioe wbetbor lee aaaeb aeat b aot ealea ia EegHad For eee poeed ef meal tbe peopb ef SeoUaad coeeeae tbe Eiab eaaaa aa tea yet fbera m u aeeb bealib aai laaeaalar riger aertb a bare b aoatk ef tba Fwead Tba Deceabar aeaber ef Ibe OmMaana ifsgonaa girea aa eograr- fakfaaaa Baaaaa akbU eircelar ia abape abiek aaa btelf baebad ep by a aaea rm tbe battoB ef ibe Tbeaea b laaaa Haapioaaad Weitoe abere it pra baMy bed laia for a buU aara tkaa eigk- jfiaiaatifia Bea kere keea teffiaget tbat Ibe saw firawerka kaowa u Pbaraoba aaoea if their aoxieaa ra pea are iabated We aew fiad tbet tbey re aore diaaalfy dBtraci Ive ef life A bee ia Laadea ia wbcb tbaa ertiab ere beiag aaaBfaelerad aaddealy etpled- d two aaa were lHed na tbe apH aad tkird wba bapl oat af tke wiadaw fraa fiigkt waa daabad ta pieaea ia tba Call Eda Bootb iba Aatorieaa Ira dee Tbeetre NewYark He reeeired awel OMkaaaaiia walaaewi a deMly er beaae ia wbbb abaara for tbe ee- tar ware aaaglad witb greaaa far Bae- aett aad tie New York EtnU kr abea BeaU bad beea aeat altaaked Aa iHiaaia paper atatoe ibai tk4 people af Wanrao aod towoe ia the era part of ibe aoeBtry are aai Ibr faeU Wa bad e coaaeraatioa with aa iBiallifaoi fa wko kae kaei boroiog 1 tad oeAiUeta h Mael abeaper tlwa weoj Bare of aora cai ba boagbt far tea oaaia per bel by rely coariaeed ibat ay i iu AdaiobtralioB b eaia advaBtage lo Ibe Pravieee el Bate the Pobitaal P ibwUBb hare ao long beea tdeaofiad Ottaaa Evnig Pmt OrTAWA Jaa 18 1866Tba fijQaw I appoiotaeaa are aaaeaaea la ib CaMda Gtutu to day The Baa Adaa tTohoaloo Pargoaoa Blair to ha a member ef Ibe boaorabie tbe Eueaihi Coaooil of Ibe proriea ef Caoada A Qon Adan Johnttoa PargQaoa- Blb be Praaidant of be booori tke Saaa- tire Coaoeil of Ibe prorioea Mr Eraatoa Jaekaoa of NewawkaLia be ao aoMMiato ooroeer far tbe Ualjl Coaotiea of York aad Peal Mr bS Aoja Richard Herbert Mr Loob Joteph Anedea Papiaeaa aad K Joba Sleep Hooey to be joiatly Tng oly of Ibe Sepe Co aad ebfk f Cireait Coort for ibe diatriel ef Mea- irael the Hoo Loab Aotoiae DaM Ira aod Mr WillUar Ermatiaga to ha joiatly elerk ef tke erowo aad af Aa ptooe for tbe dbiriel ef Moatieel v fa Sbarae ae tba liili I fmmam Wiix tba baiavad wtfaaf MrOavM WUb uba advaeaad mra llaV- wan tuafiacia t a I wba kaaar ban mii Ubaatb at yaara pMt froa barraatailiile iM taklac w aaliva a paata to aarTia af Iba laMpla afliiaiilj la Ifc a allele afralalva aad Mwiaaa aaa Satvrdar manttaa tba alba a laailaaca la HollaaJXaeabgaldk af ia btart Marr Jmm Brfwaafd 14 yaara f aaa aW daya Tbe aabtaM af thia noilea tbe rtaigbC JaaaaW doB Bran waa hBbill2Sb Hare waa wedbraaiiMad oMitiflg mannar greatly aihiearod Uca al bar eompanleoa anc ttivnda TeAtol parenta ahe waa aa anly datiful aadlit 4iaat bet ia avaiy aay araidad aaakiag ibam traabla Ta hr laeabere aba aaa inifwaly vaty aiMorlva to ibair 1 aoaaed eabmiMive to ibvir aelbi Te bar eawpaabna aba waa kind aa wcrijlrinf alwaya ahrra prinelp Ml icvalr yiaMing te ihalr whbefcj boaah bar miad waa cbihed wHb a beaaiy and bar lile axhibttail a Idem aarpaaaaJ yet like aee Bdar flower ike mere bvely f li lie farm aba waa paaaewad af I MMiieiiaa dalieeta aed raaHy 1 ban aaieilad by diaeaaa Oa friand wall koaw that a cad i d ao axampfary liAi waa net fber f liao far aoothar awld bteh length aaed She beliarad Ik be tbe aalr aaida la iba way af aalvate antf tbrlbra laaad aW mmiilL atodiad Oada Word anJ aoer ta ever way la k ataaa aeMakaled wtk Iba jaib lite Wbaibar aba ItataaJ lebar e tha BiJe Claaa m tka ba abbalh Nehaol ar baerd tbH of Ufa ia tba Haaae of 3 ake MRM aaraaat atlaqiiv liaMaar laa waa bar daligb aaa le the bal alg W aepwaabB Oa ibaaiiaba death wbaa akad if aba ea to 1 1 i Bf replied 1 abaM aeee be M raaa IW noiber aba aaid laat oatalraMtof far death Ilka bar nCa wa eata ead r qail Her raaaiBa arate eeeaayed tt Cberehyard far iateraeal ea Seekak 966 wbieb b 150 Bore tbaa tbe ooat of a ord of aara beaidea ibe laat tkat tka faibw eoeeeeraaf fiMaJa deeffy aA baa of eae e aaaHbaJ Far weai reaairaaiitia aeJ fiiead I bed whVfiau Ou Zioo beppy akeeaT Oer frieod aod Sitter b I ia d Aeetdacd lifabai Uu aaade la deal b A loog aed etpeetod priae Farawall dear rrbet Baiafa era abaU riaeieibea I Hew graat ear iay abaiTCr WhUken t WkMiero I L 0 yaa aaat WUakaia er I OarOraelaa Caapaavlll 1 ta grew aa tba aa laOiat Awaarelrie ae M haaaejB Bli Waaka rrka ipaakagwfarOIM tealbyaaUBi ebaale saad aa reeajpt af prbe AddrvB ABBaa 4k Oa Bea 11 Bow Taar Aeroaiaaiaa- Tkat k wpto aaeeally die wah Da yae knew tbM e aliabt aa feecMiea ef tbb InaMoeea ai a aiagto bettia ef Dewa lixir wkrean riadaeibl tbiafil ba aai auy ba aeaBd by ikatlBaB Blixir Keep a beittoea Joba f Haary ItCaT I Pae Si MeeiiepJ C S A Faraarrai AcaiaavT 1 A kart Uia iajeriae araee gaee SB5fS Will aore be aiikeal k ec to preeare it to keve reedy a i aijaltor eaeWeai He eae kaa farekaad HaatlaTerBe gtea Paio Killer Priaa 95 Jake f Haorylt Co Preprieiew 8 Ml btoueal C B NBWMARXBT MAUCm Newaarka Jaa 19 rteer bSOOeaflOq- Oaia 97e Baiter 17eta per Ik BcielBa a tOojimm Faiateae99e elDe psjlmotorjoperewt

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