TUE NEWMARKii ERA MARCH fl 1866 AdTeriMaDt- R k- J Cln hknr I I- I Ch4rftr TlWiafi pn jiv hiihAOi In him llim I tit KrTtDl ibt ttxy ut Tunnto rwpreled oiiiitn anl lb clriauao eharch a tnia rritad asd ttp- To Ihe poar bia hand waa opo vlila lo tbt eUiaia of tb varioa b oaTolcDl ImI laiosa of ha golj ba m Ub al r- KiaTBatMm plaM hy a To an MooJ Ui ctIaii y A drtat Wetlern Sitai art Ike appliosala for lha iTljf b fttM A apecial navtiag of tbo Nairmarjeot Friday- Xarcb 9lh 1SC Conijr Coiil ia oJtad for ihia dar lo Bitka Ibo appoialwaBl iliroiild Ibm- iWivr TOKOXW f b oui of plc in 10 ipcocUlt CofdertioProgrng XX rULICE SIAUISTRATE APrOINTEn bll be filU bcfura llii lleno lod Dl to llM Coit- a o ofporto nit o prao Ibia artieU- Ont tbiof ia Trraaorer ba saj br naod ex- Jtumfrvn ApptennU for tht pct ao larj a uUrj a tba lata iaena- beul bsi late ibarcipifDt of bat at lha i Tt tp limj do no jjpet lha Ceaocil panincoioM ia ihtir arowADCO TotfsTO March S W Tho paa of ibo bjr Oli Hon B4r Gait brtitribiLpllroNioaiJ I or ofTmire who lul lnd of th QMboe aehomo CooW- cJaacar oft DiplumaiMi artMa haa bn iTiuclijQ Waihinjiao hu bai playing iho Miiiiaeiwn in ihia 617 bjf blb p of an odrocalo ai Comirall pariiaa li waa earriad ia ib 1 csnwl fopfaiulalo him apon bia aNC- ligwa by 19 to 7 and la iha Uar r ChamMr uDaDiuwijtlj Hopoa art an- hti ba ofitwod a dua tariaioaJ lUi ilo irt will ba algur lUi daftort- upuQ ita Hhar Maniimo Frovircaa I I jjmUJ of lad a bcot of lari New Hrvbiwict haa aigcifiaJ aariota deao to bo dtfaifiod WI Jo ai utiCf I by tbal litJ ia ia parftet kopipg wiih J ha UuJer ia ry iadignart at ibr 1 il arakt to tuatain Tboy Mr AUi McNkb W j 1V wak 1 oaaaliauclory tba Maia offico of PoUo Malraia ii q otfar i or igMr- ibia eiiy Th fact of Mr MeXabS a eharaciar and laaor of public aid aok iuvSa Mpma to ih oat al cireloa Pfotitcf Ounohr auppoai ia cm Tho i wog f lb GrMt eonduci in ibo lato oagiiiaiiooa or Saliio Uabta al ia fout of njc hia dafaieo of Ibat condwet at Cornwall Siraai iaooa of ho QiHwaba ba asplaiatd A wiaa man ovarlabon ia Itiii wak tf itloiaa 10 tba trarallit f J a fau wr ud bardty hata rcaiad bia yM- ubUc If iha OMBagaraof Ih Nriiar liieaiion oc urh Appant aiaaritoDa and U K wiil now arrarft lo occupy ih tllrxical fgumBia a ihaoa icdalod i aanto prmia boo will ba cbfatr by Mr Ct to hi ireont ior dinner opoa aaMogara by thai lino aproch O wrtuiJ naioraliy haa Tha aaMan dioio of J 5 llowarrf ihovghi ihat ha would bao coma bofr Utq CoubiK Traaur nfCoaaiiala ti ulic ib ighiy raoauM loaibvd ft apocfal toUg bf lha CuuAcil ll la leaiy arrasvd anJ wall d grad lojwi caltod or f motrow ai tho Cturjtfy lb Mocaitoo eODCoaaiooo ho ftAd llw Tberaaro abiei 30 aUai hia rwlloaiea war praparod lo mtkr lo fdr Iht offica li la aaKJ Mr McUnnld aacra rU rfnaal Troiiy I al proML aiiwaJ in iho ifica la a dci tce nach o aiact of him a caodidai atS it i aaid wib fair frva- tha cbiaf of ibo CaiiaJiaa dalrgaboa a p ot Muece I cUar aitl fwil asplaijaiioa of ba policy Ur Barrtmaa haa boon Iaia4 b aud ha irourbda fon whcb bo praram Ibo Iluard Iho Uniforatiy u Vtcirf f 5 b coijjDi inmOi WatiVM- Kihar ib Tloamig fllio Ciiny C- u f j rpr lJ bo gfaai injiaiico or bit iSa Unmly ol tW Ctiy of Tmoi9 eni feamig pnwora aia n ueb oaa pr with bcoJ on Taaioy Uai iiin S HU iIipUi aUIitioa Kagrr tj d- irrrrz bJtn cr i -i-trr- 1 M lir Uka Kp ina eaira OKpcria cf bia counlry wara Oa Ltulrr Wadnaadny eonfaisao in iho ia1 aavan ipuAtba aoma ten a raHri ul tlia ewifaraoco fcowooij ia u tlullara woilh ia tXcrtt tlht ihw f Bailig uQ CoffwiiiM an J iti imanrts W trui6 bo tooaka ol oii CwUxwal totaata ca iba tlociwrbcit 1 1 i 1 tr Ia ib Iho 8c l w I ibac wlifo c ba tho jiutte of aub SBiOSD DESrATCIC Untir 10 ba our pKducii oawrini tho 1iiiod Siaiea tiod at a liko ra Feman Excitement ihiboia ra ihoir peria lo ita and ym will bava jaieo GeorgUn Bay Canai 1 iba by hia kiiDilcd with angry d wbiob grociad ha cloao of hia diplomatio pcrformanoa muit hara affaelad hit narm trieODly and weanJad hi vaai ty ortMlly If tbo approbaVton of bii fellow ocMiatryaea ia to tha atalaanoa the appumao of Ibo aptctattra ia tc lOflOO VOLUNTEEB CALLED OUT Match 8 I laiiliooa of doliara wanb Caa thi i iiraatKO bo jMai to aa wboioby Ibo Aa ioraRa fio a ravonoo oo tea aiiliioo I doltara at oor rtpauoa f If ibo raJo ol gJlihoiwo eoonirioa woro oraa thon is of u aiaka asi Um boco iat daJ wowd Ur UUa propooal bo portaot aideraiioa of tba protection of aiH wo bo that ooafidaaeo to fa boaoc oil rlfc bU I0S lb ftMlio a rxMrynm ftliiak lhl aooad o tba ntraodias oparaiiona oij V it waa raaoJfad to o at wU bo raiaci aoa ItfjCOO Vilalera ftr tba defencr affjogamooi Bui iba aod protioa of tha Canadian froalicr j tl if irailo aad vtcbaogo baiog aocb aa TroabU i atidaatly biaiB5fewaaiey 1 hioalf dajUoa rt lo bo wa caan t roo ru7pi r o rk I fiibibir b Utaa that Hon Mr MaLMiiU ia ci peetcd at tbai city on Satarday nx j ol oc od ou Ian millioo dolara Mayor Medcatf ha wtibirawn fron In act a boetea ia ibo laak of dofrnd- tba dirrotory of tba fjaercian Uay Caaa biiaolf ibai Mr alt irtoo iw atiiik Coapaoy Tbo KWUOO oparsiion i ia iwiifiJual rHttaihiliy of bia pro S oclock Tbo of thia atoroing ooatai pMQt liMpateh froia tba aaatol rrnaieet ortiia forb tbatia ruvid i iKwal by of h G wbbod bata ptiiBi aiu ap Tbo lufiiai I idoaiiScd aad aOcr 1 upon bo abrn di of which bo la but tnocnCar Tba UvvoraiBoai r Uali tbougbl It bottor l okowal of tba Toaiy on aa all iiniaary uaaiaaiion at tha rolioc wnrJa ibia moaat aacrtfioa oaaryil ing irt luuriaj fully ooBaitioj ihao ioo ibo pairoaop of iko UUL i iUpuULe iUet pauo ag fwr ft YoloatMra Fonmd J iLt itidi Th Zzeitemtat Icereaaing oireaod Of iba aa uro of tbia proporad ti ka- of tha poopo tboy if grrtod or tba 01- Tbo orrvftg Irti at tba Nortboro Rj loit aod lu f ibo irado earriod oa by R rarrid iLo UartM tkadrfd aod Aaj tbo iwo cooolrioa ibajf roia Nolaolccia to TofMlo obrdi maoctoia loraittd ylarday 65 5 aad Ao d MioiMcrofFi cocacb aaoea and Cfciaf Cmrotal to iWpwpliiado ta thai marehins Waabiontoa l bo Uagbt tbo valoo ol forward wnb ooly a f boara ial Ita ooaalty tboy raptaaa aad ta 8 virtby of aU ooaaMadUtion Aaiicipo t procuto tbo wortb of tbo pooplc tboy ralod tod Faaiotiiaida aboat tbo l7tb ioaunt or Jaditiaj from tbdr ooodaot oa ia uiJ iu bo iIm caoao of tbi aoddaaj ibcir arrtral Iben Iboy bata MioTcaical- I tboagbt tbowaolao ibo to el DMtb of the cotmti orn tbo prifiWto of bawkiag tbm paliry TU J Soorr I Caq TrMMror of tbo United CuaI id opproaaivo H ia a ewedor tboa tUa of York 4td PoI oa TbaroUbat 4r OaUwaa agreoablj aaryifodj dayoi Ut weak waa botb aaddoa aad eaairary wmm mzfffi 11 u u 11 u Ma11 V sfUy prllt Uwiriu U Mi- i aoa lU wshf of tbu d but in uUe ml Tbo woalor h lb1 U ft few h0ra Utf witboat aay peonoa aa aoi aware of ibia before Bo bow ayiaploaM waa aatcod wttb aa apoplrotiol lUport baa mI It aad ikd obortly aAcr- He bao ooce 1 oiiliatios It awy bretill it leoftlaUrY ea pd lb Pduop rf Twrr of j J un tnm o Culi fcr iJ ymn- imimd pc- Qf lb piJo of ConwaU n aau tioea to tbeiatrtdeotioe ef Coaety Ooae- iUt iLoy doaerro aooM orediL Tber elU aa a part of oar tjtum of leaal pn ehariiabM daty ia Bwtewonbj tboagb eraawat aad aodr ibo rtoimtoT Di- fpedJeai aa well e U- c iV2rTZLrsi3i5Sdi UfJllluol Jo ul 1 lU icoepuo bU people of Corawalt of bia wrelebed that we fear they nuat have betrayed tbeir beoofoieat ihoogb not very latter- by ibeit prMaiaottoaa tat Mr Oalt did aot proeare tbeir d aiaat tbal woaM bava boaa tbo aa kindest eat of aU Krary bey kaowa that Ibo diaeppoiatewat atteadaat apei Ibe loaa of tbo Ce priee ta aotbiag ii eaiperieon with the bitlerneae of tba niockcry aod tbo cmalty of the iaeelti contained in tba gaodaatared aympaiby aad laTiab eipreaeiona of ceaSaoa bia ftbililiea wiUt wbieb bio maid Aaala aad dotioc Ktad aotber aoek ooeaoU bim oar jnoaooo Miaiatarci make tbo applicahor rarmera Olab Avery oterllent aoetiagof tbo abofe Clab look plaeo at the BoyaJ Hotel SaiarJay laal Ibo aabjoet of diaoaaaii WBf oaeofTaat iBpertaooe tii T1 beat aad nuMt ecoaoBioal ayataa of farts aaoagenftac MoHra John IrooMdao J W CilHaa B P Irwin Jafoeo Bolloa P W Playler Wb Bob- iiftoa B W Hniard AlfHd Siemi and olbera took pari in tbo diaeaaaion Osbraaiait lOUge of tbo Ktlfoedi aloekaiatktting ka Not a famer Ibo boanda of tbo Soeiaty bat aigbt baTa fCalbcred iafbrmatioa by being praaaar Wbcra OKO aaaenUo lo diacsaa qaee tiona ofialoifeltiig their praettoals potieneei with regard thereto a large ataBi of aaaful koootodge oootBaai Mted to eaeb otber After apeadiag ibreo or foar boan tlB pleaaaotly togeiber the Cab did od oa boldlaf another meoting oa ibe teal Satardajr la March next at tbo MNie placeto 000100000 at 3 p ai Sab fr diKaaeion fara maaageiaoal ia elaJiag tbo fatlhcr qaeation of ibe portaaoe aad oeceaaity of eelabliabiog a Cbeeao Paory ia ibia neighboarbood Mabera of tbo Nortb York Ag Society ara rMpectfaily ineilod lo altead Heehaiiiei InttitaU Prof C V BiKiTMAif of Violorle Medical College Toioato bad boaa ie eared by tU Leetar Conmittoo of be above Inalilaie for ihia ereaing bat in ooBarfioeaae of the apecial meei of the Coanliea Coancil aalled for tbt day of wbicb Dr Berrynaa ie a bm- ber be ia aaablo lo allead Tha Lec- tare Uurefbre wiU be pnaiponed till aexi Friday CTCcia 8tthjec Sosepieei- ariticeof be Blod Froai tbe abiliiy of ibe loaraaJ to iaveetitc and elaeidata bia aabjoet ead tba goaer al iaoetoBiioa be wil be able to oonmit- oue lo Iii aadilory a aatitpate a foil boaao niflflaaka aaoaeal Llojdtown Circuit A aceial tea party aa beld at Moak ataaa Cbapsl W 9J Teeacaaetb o tbe SStb alt ta aid of tbe Pataoaago Food Lloydtowo HefreebBMata were arved ia tba Urge aad coaodioaa Or- ane Hall eloae by where betveea tOO aod 300 partook of the edibtaa aaaipta oaiAy provided by tbe fair aez of tbat o oaltty Indeed ta tbia raepeet 00 aiaeb praie can aoaroaly beatowed spoa tbeai fvr tbeir Ubaralty aol good taate Afer tbo waata of tbe eater bob bad boea aatiaflad tU aaaeably repeired to the ebarab Tbe neetiag na tbca eall edlo order by appointiag Janiei Uaa- atag Eaq fbr the aaMioa who aade aone my approprieU reaerta Oaring tbe efettisg apceelaa were Bade by Kevi MeBKB CaopUll Soaadlia Uepear aod JdorriaoniatererMd by appropriau pieeae of Boaia by aa exod iMt CbairMre Agoow of Ldlwva leader aod Mra Maaning of Sefcooi berip preaidiac at tbe Malodooa Prrvioafl to ibo OMeiiag eoaiag to 1 eleee tbe CbairBaa oa habalf of be friea at MakBaaa Cbarob raee aod paMoted ta lUv Mr Caapbatt tbe pro eeodaof ibe eveaiafooasaoaatiag ia aU to 4325 lo belp Tiraidata Iba baUaee aiill da oa tbo parMoaga Ber Mr CaaipbeU replied aad ia daiag ao took acaaaiao lo refer ta tbe aaifara aaod will be bad twr ex fraa tbo oaeai beaa aad fnkada of Ua eborKo Tbe Cbofrlfcea aaa God Save tbo Qaoea aad ibe aaaeBMy diaper well pkaaed aitb t taa aUaadiag ibe aaat ta Hand landing Tbe above Cvwocil OMt oo tbe Srd iaat- AU tbo laoBbere paaeal- llaoo tbo reiiriBg Raove look tba ebeir Miautaa of laat naetfog vara raad ad Muad by Vr Baeoa aad eaooaJaJ by M Tbal B J Tberaa ba tba Beava af iba Maoietpaiity tor iba r- Bftiader of iba carraai yar Carried Mr 1 butiM ibes Bade hia dedaraiiM of ofige aad lowk tba abatr Ieadaee or ealloeUag vera opaood fro MeCSaro aa 1 4ft por drodfraB Akx Diebaatt aa 140 per bocdred Moved by Ur Raobi aad eeaaoded by Mr Kvtae liMt Aiis Oicfceeaa laar ar coileamg al 1 per eeat aroeptod aad ibai tko claik la lit- atraoiad la take iha naeeiaary fr bia aaearti Catncd Tba dert wa laatroeiad ta dlraet Ibe Couaty Traaearar to rka aff tka uaee aBaw4tMaraitt tbo leada of Aagtta Great ibrra batag aa tint ia tbe Tboe- R 10 lea eeria 1 ireou m iba C woi W lie Uwi stfO Uridgo CotMa lita Road a I the ayileo lliidge nmiiieo oera proper remedte lo tpn a Oirtciei 10 ctult With aI OwiKini nitiiuat aKgnvanng ibe fluaaii anaei bary CfMaeil ftboui oroing oal a ereea whieb be ia esflerinj troit lo an atri raining tAwarfla QoooMville bin again abortly takiag bia paoilioo The Kepori of ibe Aiaditora waa laid eaoagat oa In tbe active aeeaea oInIlioBof Mr WllMo mmM Rlrl eiUll wa by Mr be report woe adipted to oar advertialn oolaBSi it vil Moeed by Mr- Wdlaon end aeeoodeJ be aeea ibia Baak will opaa tbe Kear by lr That wheii ihia Caaaail kat Ageaayoa Wednaaday oeti Joaeph AJimiina H Mfw llii itkA Krai Cawtbra Kaq will ba aMbier fu whom we learn everytbiag ia eaw it readiaee for baainaaa etoek Boeki will be aleaed 00 Wedseaday aflcr which date depoatta aad etoek eabaoriptiott for Ibia Branoh eaa be paid at t Beak taataad of ibia oBa The follbwiog CoffiBilloea Roia Ana Datana Mewa WtlU aon Lane aod tSvaDa PiNANca MoBra Tborae Willaaa aad Daaoa RrLAwe Ueeara Thorae Willaoa end Evana Tbe Billa f Woi Caae of ftO for ener and C f Soiaervilla oifasas hr uaiia aero ordered lo ba peid 6 A publio diruier wea given to tba Mia- iilry ai on ihe lit iaal H Maear McDoMld Oalt Howland Car- tier arid McGee were ia aileadaeoe Tbaie wore between 500 10 000 people preaeol oa ihe oeoeaoa Spaecbev mede by Metera McDoaald and Gall tad alao by Mr MtOWain M P P for Liooaln Ur Aall M P P fr Siornsom and otbere Altogether leara to bave been a aucceaafu do moaatrBtioti 7b ojari of ibegaibar- ig aa eel Iwnb in ao addreaa praaeaied ppeara lo befe boea to eaik ibe epra latioa of iba people of ibnl ii lu- ko oa Ltt oombei tiin ibefib Cooceeaionef ih Tov hpafK iBMlhe uedit ea a Six Dolleta 5aa 10 conBoi eeteek aeea Tbeotaa Aociloaeer WeirMiMlay Marab iha aSb wbeld Paraliere- lie baa brB Teraa ea all aacai Tea Dellftta oreJM till Ja ft n Loncb a prJ Aeelieoee Cr Pattieaberji bep i ibelr aala billa prtatad el a Ibair mU Mitced aa i Bdltorial Somoary- ty lUgelar Boetiof of Newaiaike J I lb Ton pt rftli by lb Colilloo to KCor Ciirlrlloq Dor I Ci iDg Ih SpMcbM lit AllofMj CMtwll 07 W r NMll 10 call Ih il Weal apblieaUy deUred tbal tbe ree- iMilaa ef Ill4t le e atieia ia Oh Hon Ui Bo l- IIC bl l A lbCkioMu oa inoool of f diSereaea of aaniiieit eo Iba Recfpro O A trd Ceaeett ttkea plaoe et Mt city queetioa Tbe Mr Notb McDuMlda apeecb ia tboe reported ibe Moaireai OantU j The nexi toeat wee oor Geta end I Her Majeitya Ceaadian Uliilalefa Ii A meoiing af the Suaid of ibe Kerh ia an aliqwobt apeeeb by Yerk Agiieekeral 5wteiy lekee pleoe lo J A McDonald reepoaded He jjl bed bped lr Bellaeu oid beeLj 1 r reaponded to ihe kind magalffcvnt da i J r i nolltoo llloo prud ilollbbhlpUuol He Mr M recognised U detaooalra- j ftfof Ibe andaivoor on thai la ef demeatle efflie lien we were enable le eiiaad Kib Ceaa eil meeting at Nwbteien on Maoiay laei Oefiog ibe weak len oopwa of Taeahi Acceeata were laaiteil lo each Ceeneillot W auie Ibia ia efJar ibat i deatrMa of eeeing ike JalaiieJ Ftrat baeaoee tha old loyal Kaaiera die irict aaw cnaa on rit aod left ebed btood in lha war of 1912 and aorae now hera aa reedy to ebed ibelr blood io imeCBUte in 1S68 He did aot leek on ibia aa a mare party demooelra 1 00 Dot meio Cooeerrattva nor Refora lot an approval of ibe Calitioa for ibe great parpoaee fwr ehicb it waa foria- lod which waa aot aitly to pal a life but for maeb 1 to party i t great perpoae waa lo ai peiiy eolnolca inlo t etowgb to bat M elf and lu ibe ewipir J relerreJ Ibe deepctcfc f46S aad Mr Brbe niiieeot ISdt He dli 00 tbe lie of ibe eeparaiieo of ibe celgaiee leti 00 longer able to carry oo the virniMot aaJ be eppaelad ta ilr own who tl ft rraakfmnty tad peiri- o apnt reeptded end the raaali wm tba Coelilloa Govarantani He had left iaply beeeuae of dieegraeoteal o4 lha Reeproeity queetloB He ibougiM tbe OttveranMbi la error ead be eoa- fcieaioualy Ibougbi be eld retire Il waa rwly doe to Mr Brown to ley tbie He Mr M believed ba wowM pve bw earietaaoe aad is rry CaMerelio and tbei tain in e faa weaka He leih to tbe embftaay to efarred iSiiglakd ea ibo aaicL Tbey a aireagib of Catiade ea I dee ae CeoaeilWr hi ibe Waid ia wliiob ibey loatde Rav Or ArLcawuerti At of VKioiie College peaaej ibeofb Newaat- ket eo WeileoMlay laa ew raac Nlb He baa aeereeJaJ in ibe fMerprtae of bee- ieg Ibe Cvliege fiaa iOilebieJi jmd Ibe xpeeiaiiona efuaOMMi fiiaada ami ia aeknewUircBeai of hia aet- vioea ibe Cboch alwold preeent Itii a aabataaiial teetiaeoil Ii ia wiiS aeiia faciioa we ennvenea thai ell ibe aubaciij ite tA Ibia Circeil hav been pi I- Meaara Hacciaa fc ifar ibe Pre prietore of b aaw janraal lately eetablialMd al Lurowtt C Vi ander tbe title of tbe Llatowel Penner were efed ai e paUic dieaer far ibeir eoierpriae eo Toeaday f leal wMk Seeb ae appteeiaiien of ibe Kaigkia ef ibe Cieill by ibe poeple e Lie dMoe ibai Ibry kaew bave prixeib odvaalasw ef a leeal ieeraai bat liboral adrenlaiag pata will ke ntim aa eab 13- A rV beloagiag to Mr rnar af BairfOilaakory aaw in Ibe iiai attbe Oapet ad rm Mgi Main 8ual n WwUaeday CniifSjHJniifnrf 11 pod or lb bliillr WUt boa I I rf t Unuia loanl u aC ib i u j M-ui- u Ir fcr iWrlin Mtid wd pn Uct M bf u a 1 fT I- eiikj 10 tiaio a 00I0I17 11 cooli4- b l ailb iMWt oa Iba ailiu Jaoi 1 aHunuJ aim bMb4 b pMwr lb bn Mr Ith utiiAotioa tfa aoto hi lapaa 11 01 O- A Sabtalb Sbl Aool t Sb Ih UlnJaMoa of Mr ik c- J Ptb CMCltK B1 Um 80 fu 1 tbt ptaM ain b bU we eaa leara tbo peapU geseraHy era well lo m Macbaniea Hell ea Meaday eran- pleeeed witb ibe obasge cSaoted bylbelbgaexL VMiuiioae aad Diala tril Board aad Baay eaoeaiaBe bava al be leodered l7tbecbMrea aod aporcbea ready beaa beetawad apoa tbe patlaBan delivered by Revenod Dr Baraa Rev 8 lb rftlK laMkatioe W wo I T A B Tbia ljh crataUU lb Boar4 pM tWr lioia Mrwl d ban mrj Utl Uio WI- Ij ul Urt prMliol npariam d IZTitJUTcM illli iblark iU dnla lU oiW la Ui i ptni IWaolioa 11 Mgkl lo omt aaoatU faoa AdMaiM lOnaM Wk Tb pplaor Iba Coaaljooa aaa a rll lau will Mad tbeir cbUraa la ibe foil eaaoraaea Sckeet that all a teaebar eaa da wjl be doae by tbe pr aueier ta advaaaa tboee oob BtitW ta ble abarga ta tba bcaa ebea iaagbi la tbe laatitalloa ACCMmL We I a la laara tbat aa Moaday aeeaiag ef laat week Mr W McMAfTcm Jr aareluai of ible plaae bm witb a aailoaa aeatdeal wUeb boi eoataed bia ta hk bad ever eiw It eppearB tbal ia etlaapliaf to Jaa ilei wbila tba boraa aitaflbed tUreto were aoriag alea tbe Make ia tbe ilaigb rack pva way aad be Ml ever beokwarde Camber leaa iaaadiatily apea bia Ibe alah alrik i tba bcal of bie fcet Tieleailj aad gaeiag to tba kaea terioally iflrjaiad tbat part of bia liab It ie tbooght bia aargaoa tbti wreke Buy ekipee befote be will be able to attead I bia Hanrn rn0UlTbe aeaj frteade of Ir i JIIvirrxaUtlaara witb ngrtbat aariMBly ill labotmag aader a gmwiag iawnrd taawar aad altboogb bie aera tba rerarBe ef fatora- bla tbe bagiaaia af tbk week we ara ftad to bara tbat for tbe paal twa daye baa boea laprariag aad bopaa are r aalertftiocd tbat by greet aaia aad be will xiea aBferior ta ba aC imim AtpnaaalbaiaawbMM I tba dtftoalijr vf applieg tba Aturont CorrMpondonoo- Tba Stera Oal at lM AraoaA Marab 7 1M6 Mr K MeKoBs delivered a vary i weeatiag teete bare ewe eveeieg ieai veeb eao e Ifeo vUUga pwiitiaii pretead to kaew tbat ba wae breogbl bere by a eeftaia party ae preHwiaeiy iiep to eoMoatiag ibe Nertb liilieg ef Vk at cast oieetioaa Tbie la aeaicwiy p ibo eleciara weald aot eae laagiae awelle an elaoal aakaewn afta aed TVrewto at tbat Tbe leamM ef ibo peat are tee vivid i ibe aiude i eleeiera Aa a rale aeaaiiy aaaaitiei aie aet dAeaK a ptaaaa bat tbn ll eaaily eeweet wbieb I eaw e eenisf ieapU a liilto to abilter evea iar Heb Yoik Tke ifaa wara oaeHy alt af tbe MB brdeaaMee aeoey P TbM ie elegtapb ifft tepettaf a great Feeiaa Meatiag ie New Yerka Tbe aaae bMtaa will likely be ebtwie w tbe eaJ beMr Tkal poet leaalie Ueetce ibMei4 peuMl Perbepe be beia in fopiiaeiiomil- ar1 rya A a noon aa an naonlheRrpblaellafyJrte ap I will aain nilaae in a ph laflenlly Jvlv I EJiaborf aeil thai Ia W W I fliciai u fliaaaaie ileggeral apprera in ike C spaaking af ibi it baboev yen Ibe Uieatea di iaAnre ie or ilnwa year aaa e and p v riobhaelly been No eae toaly SeoieO ib ael i Well recently a aale lotdi pL aatbaiietaaf a JeaJt in paifJe atd jpn4fi af ibegeoJi taid atiunX j bare abaiained fled ia telling the abovi Vtw York Crrapdtaea Vatan zeiVrBriU Cotrif Sul- Tmtry Drpotit Tie Citkill HtnttnetdAUrmHo Brtnk Jail Pruulmt oAneoii 5pr EWteU of Atroyatimt dU SitifrocUif Trtaijf NftW Y March 3 1868 Tbe Faaiea exeiteaeai it all be mgi joat new OMahuney twi Sweeeey end a beet of eiber amaller fy who make aoapieeea living eel of ibe awioJIe ar ireaxMleoa pettioie keie in tb Uaite 5iaiea bot daoa aey eae eeppeee ibey wil aoeot Ibe biiia ef Ktllatoay or aaell gon pow oa tbe aoMi ef lietaad f Hei a bi af it Tbay laagh at Ibe aecceaa of ibei artioae to nie ibe wipiJ while ibei ilvfreiHlod depea nerae ihir wralh anaa John Bell by patebadO liub Baoilaeni pMtmg auiar inveetivea againai ib liberal govainaeei ic Earepe What bog I Hie eaah balance to im credit of ih Naiioael Mvaraaeai in ihe SnbTieaaur ifiee in ibiaciy ia now ep to tbe eaire dieaiy aam of tlOl 030000 in cvin aivi mreiMy Thie ia anpreca 5I0 lOU ware pai4 at eiiaitB4 leiiM ta o lay Fietootioa eoau ea in iMa ciiy jot el the uae waa eoovieied eo the 291 MiaaeaiMl iwnt le Ibe Staled Piiaoo tr lf He oegbi lo bava weo bant Ae atiemptto jail waa receoll ewfid ibu bfe pii wbea i Fitefj Ihe midrer of RoN baJ awifaieiaied luyvtbcr aod bad brae Mpplted ebtaela ffraMliax baeka ud Utaa fc fiea their iitaotU bicb a atKi ibott eaeape- A diaagi tbepf a Mio faauoaiiaitpa at airuv bf li Fieerf maaa 01 it CMiBaod to RoWa ami ppeilaKwbehave avrrjwey etin ibeff kfoti ie biMe daptcK4ble eiiar Faory Her Biitanie Maiy ivraegi funaiii I f Ie laaaed I aad all Katope noablet b omiox freflktbe chief aaa ie ihta Bb te it ta airop ntaat ea iudkiom 3 ar eeeeiry while there nveb a be pial ofttaaotibeewe awtMonUa ibera e ihinga aal alaeaateaaea aacb to be Ifcira ia en edraooe in ell ad lite ateek eteaed by a d eaae ia tba eeppy Oievera eoaaing a The TVifaoa y t t world appfoaoli of tbo lerai pMolatM ara boldiog Riaeipreeiiy Treeiy ia aaaigned KtiU after tba lib naottiaftBB Camnpaadaaaa 7a Oa Mar Tawerial Bf D i 0aving a little leaaaa aad balieviag tket a few Uaau loaal waMd adC te aainiaregto away of yaw raaderv 1 aad ywa a fcw para- rapba ftaa tba aoaib pact af 4be Towt- abip Toa ara awara af coarae tbat we bm eeUbrated pMple here t toaat eoaa af oa j aad aa we bave baeaae ao aoted id oaaapy ao eoaepiaaoaa a poailaa ia dto Twwaabip by year p 1 wQI atldeivor to keep Bp aa ooeaaioaal aorrea powdoMa ailb yona I tbe ira pieee yoo kaaw we Uka to bave geedToade hi ear aaigbbewr bt aoaprdlat to poblie aplaioa we bave e very far abort of bavta aw if ly ivpmreaawl aaade aa ibM tb peat r Tbe e af Iba paapb ie tbet tha read or by ey of wtaeaea Ifea bee beaw Mry badly apMled by repair etotlar pwtirn by ao aaeea bad Bat H e 9tfmni I bt repeired tbia year aUlah il ia ratber loo bad ie Iakp4be lab r af aaa year to repair tbe defeM of Tbe prtaeipal oljeat of iaiera Ibe peat Mak baa baaa tba tea aaati by tba Blooaia Uaiaa SebWtbi Beboai aw tbe evaaiag of the let ioat Notwitbelaadiag the bed eteiRbiaa aad tbe dWewlty ef fatHar aboot vWlorf aaaapoariagieftMeildireetioaa Tbe acatiaff wae beld U ibe Flatt lately areet- ad by J M PArraaanv wbcii la of tbe largcet aad beet Baildiaf for Ibe parpeae ia iba Towaabip It ie 80 by 50 feet weeetbeku il wea arowded Rrefytblaywat off well aad ell wall kwaa bow to provide ltr a of tbia ktad M waa amfit deaoa rated by ibe vevioiy af tba ediklee aoppUed Tbe Sioa Chair frea Markbaa waa alao pteeeai bo aloew witb tbalr Uadei Waltor Miller w praddad at tbe Me- bdaea aoatribated vary aaeb to the eayaaat af tbe aaaaatoa Tbe reaitaiiaaa bf tbe ebUdraa well deae Tbay aeqaitted i Boat creditaUa Take togetbar tbe eat hln- worth wftUe wrie jon If italMna lOgb 1 ihink wi trark a d tarn aoaetbiaf oat go ap l Toara adraacaawol PONTIMJ Blecaiagten Mireb 2 18SV- Xcply to Xr AlklaMn 7b Ua iimmhrer4 9ir ibaence Irom iba villaga am oiWe piaaaing HagagonMnia Breaniel my doing oibetwiae than bold ny peace iaiiead ef teplyinx to ihe eiceetitngly Bgiat apiaile ef Mr Aibinaon I aball net rewrt to Ratling palty wamaa no goad- eeji fam aaeb a oaotM but ceateat atf b aying ibat f wootd aoern a mean ec- 1 end deaire lillle le do with a man oa- pftble of vilifying a fellow towneman rithont jeat aeae- wbew the aw cleerly pointed eot lo rao e remedy t nattera aot to tbe general publie wbo I ni I ataied inooalrovefiible facta and living er wilbholdinx ffly namCi eanoo lterAa tfMr Alkiwaoawaaewtretbat ehea were dapoeiled eonlrary le taw by properly of ing hi ladeiy Ibe Inapeeii Atenl hiadely woold bave been hat cfficer failed lo J bi duty lo catri leoiioa lo hi Jireleeiion throogh ihe pra r lo ihe Cooocil Hiia i my paeio e ie righi a ply beeaoe of an eqoaCy dtatreni I ema iirbing foe a liiile e mde B ale ahew I 100 lreib fren cbtier In be I7ib ay tbe peM waa d bet laad ita eppearaaea ia Ooa Naw Vonr Maah9 Tbo rtHAV Wabiegiow aaya that ia ordr iif pt a iraaptery to tbr traaaaebla eiieraeceeriba Via i prra ktiil peraiated a Ibe eea iag fficer f tbe deartBai f V ba haaad aa erdar reqwieg aU pabt af nawepper i ih md d copy af evej iaaae to kit altera by aad ea ibe day of pebbw Tbe goreraaeet it npf rial aia IBM eea froa tbe aaie af aaaaaa A Fi rrbl aaaad R B Maddb Htly a tb eaplof of averal eitia eopfiat waa yeaterdey arreated ga af lareaay Ie bia peaeeaaevaB ibciof leilaa wtiltaa ia Frvnch tingeege addretaed teadeat Keeeedf 8ir Frederick Orilitb Minuter al aad Jeet Joboaa Tbe priaooer wm aea iKted fornalead wiHeadarga aaM laaieiiiea lo deiaraira if he la aaaa Nat Yoax Marab I el bia irreBtat eaala ry ejo opoo ba YoetMu- PHNIX enaikai March 1868 nrpign Colonial Arrirl of iba City of Var Tm Naw Yoaa March 7 Tha ateemer Cnr ol New Yxrb frooi Liverpool Oft ihe 21l and Qurea i the 22nd haa arrived BaaTw Kby 10 Tba Ml of lha Jfjimj CikjMit Ai Irrlatnl ie received with amveraal appri in iMgleod and vary general lafaajion ia IreUud Tbe Irat rl a uoeeiaeM enH depraakn but tbe igoor ahgwn by the Goveraaeot reetor- J eonieoce bod a favooraWe ef et Tbo Aet paaod aothri iKe rrtai aod deunrioa in etMody uiuil iLi iM f Marcb ISdf of any peraon a4ip led of eoaepireey The chof otjeei if the mMaare ta be eved to be to ilhrttiaa tu dral wiib tba oete Tbe police oio aotibg vigor- ire Baking a large naaber ol be ailMary force m Ireltod II beeg alroogfy reinlwrcad fiom lig oportoil tbal Boai oanaoder i tr aal bd sMBidt nhar liU rue For eagt MR tba dot Linwiok wfralWl OudeAa lOg ibe lataet arreei weip QUaarai Jobo H Oleeaea and bl bnr Juwh Gleeobt of the Federal trmy paiica ware fired on loa a hooea to Tipperary wore ii waa aeppooed drflhag aa in progreae Ooa oSioer waa ooriueely wowadad 8a ef iba 000 weta erreetod 1 J MaOonaell aop paaad Heed Ceaua w Dabba wae er roated A Bill p Ihw HwWaa 01 fda autberisiag tbelriab GovMamenl poaaea bf lha telegraph wirea ry Tbe Qeeea witf bed Ive raea ai Beakiegkea Paace ba rag alar ooa eadlavei bibl Paase effd Priecaa of A amage fioallM Qe waepreaat le beib Heetee ef Parbaiifcel aakiag It pr be aada for tbe Prtacew ilOM oa tbe day e aer eaniaga aadCit Pnaoe Alfred ea eeaae ef oge fa Ike llcooe rf Cawea Mf Oay edai a Rejara Ihil asaadag tbe faacba ta all welof etar St faifly ode Air Wadalewe drcbaad le abed aaJ e what tbe OeTafaaaeC prepoal Amarioan Veirt Nxw Yoaic Mevcb I Tbe MfnUdi Fart MMrea eo rapae at utae tbet Jrff Dvr pieteedel to be lairfriead that tha aaioal twla la tbe baibar ia iww aeU adete ee bfib Jay Wad go fa icb ef tbe tiaim iaetodiSg tbe lately ibHIiee oea Tbe ex lebel eWef aya- I wtvrinioney e eeaaUvrifiagm Uaoaptee Uaadi aatib caaaak lfe- oj ebaaee er Jef e rtieaaa by Ue rtea4u Tbe Tritun WaaLiegiaa leiefraa aya Taa tor aflaat Mr Jaae 8vtebeta w ber fiHipae ae ckrk la ibe Qetr Gaeeian eftce ea M aiday QMrtatMBlflr Geaetai witb tbe apptetat ef be Steietery f War 0f draft leagBfte ageiaal the Predeet ef the UeUed Statea ia Salwdaye edit a f Ibe tpirabe adit too Hecxmmufiit- w too aecead diaauaal Irea that oAce fer fcolttiy to tbe lUeoacr liigje fi Jb he arrirad Tw Frrecb tveaer Laawev had broei Vi to tbe 13ib aed ciy id bxa ttbe lOtb ISOOa iaa rcpoitad 10 bale boea delteledia Micboa- aaay ki lad ead MO capterakk ead ca dipemd Uartiars oae da- eied a ae eliecfc ea too iqeadrvaa ef tbe Kapioea legiai I tdlOv 000 iaaqpnti were deleulod tfin wlb alae of 120 kdted eed aded Ceata eilb 400 aeaaeCii wferely a Tsaaaaibea Naboaeaa ba laat letetkl ktad tad 9b pvtaoaet Tbeee aeeeaaa ara aX raportodaala aeib my The Wortit See Frtaeiwo lale y tbal B erti a Meiicea eflTairt Paobe cotkt ia laaiaeat Tbe Fr wp ia tbe Noflhera aod Weetera A Stale lave beta dfivaaigaoaate Ihe cnatl ted era beaaea lb bi a bere ibey 1 barricaHed Iba bberal preieiag cleee Ilia Ibe rwr Fightieg be a which Ibe liberal aided by Aa ceatly elittd have beeo vtetoriew aatipelky of ibe Freeab aod latpetial icaea le Aaetiaaaa i ara Mifaace al Aaeiiaeaa beriaf Ibrowa caataUfly ielo pete ad all Mibfreied lo growiog ia4lta Tbrealt tbe iadacnaiaaio eleegbler of Aa are boldly aade by eae taperiel tboi iiira 1 actaeily accexaiy that war reateia b eptlebad Wie bjp tba Uaited wee 10 preveot irowklaaad teocnapeat for te adSb tbe AaKrioaa tag It mtf bat Inief tarry- Trlehiaa D i Tbe aew drtetto caaad by liiebiaa- iea to caaa great aoaleraetlMlii aeay Freab ibtaeka bevt tolbe aerie effaulc where aofte boodnda ef paraewt ead 8ay died by aetag daaaeed ttiofent aefwea beib oa tbe pari nf tbaMled to arateopa iaee aweklbae bee been coeiplaefy a aeo IMS ead ia Iadwltd by oadtcal wKa appealed fat lha perpoaa Aa Eegbab paper aye ba aod h Mileaaly 41 wbibl be laibaad far whoa lia fped tha eaa aeiejeia A aeat if afly beiad or roaeied of aoea xe It aay eaiiy kept a ibi tba la aey aot rieb be reoMred toeapaaae Pifaaer Hnwj aade aoae vr eeaola va eibenoMrala la prouf ef btaHe e plbcea of Ir abiaowa perk ewab ixe of oeea tbaaab la aoM iratai raiaod it to beffbf paatT be baled twaoty two oiioatoe other iwaaly Ir lad ba baod ibU turn pace aiill caotai bviaf I wbilt ia tbe 8 prica tbey ware 1 rie talroca af ibe aatbreeb b ltd Kdtlebea aat doebladi InbeUd to the peacbaat aflbe iahafeilala w or ieaoAcaaily aae aMIltfslk ha beee erraareity aiated by ai i dificali ta kd Uabiui a- bie la Bt Ibe com bita Babi aa to daleat Ibo patiwi of aaa witb the aahMl m aad wtib b bttla fva I ibe oa of tbo aareacapa tbay aaa he fcoaaed a a ft w aiiiaito aM rt a by e aaaes ae ahw iiitb eadgraafalgyifttiOoe it lifaBs rerel wctka eW evea aaaalj lMllaoareal wwewag 1 apea iiatfagBiBo Pro Uonwig ia eeai Miof retoacbea abawad wjrb a Wbiag rapidity tbaa paraMi xate He exaaaW tear r aakiof a aaaH roeliaa aod he BoUi rnddred awdgrtba tJdtaa f it WM aertaly ree frofi tilabiea ToJit fi a be gate aaa Utb af ihabiyae eid 1 toiteaeaauhreftad totbeiM tftraai ead lo tbo foartb fear aed Ibaa aiCi he eiai TLay beesaa dl oa tba 0 day i dMrbaa aad a gaaral atiCaea ef lha labeiiba paaopala Hd aeafika died a all aal oaly tbd aaa faicii dad bi ibe atbaf Ihrae at ibooaada bt aiiliaae ef tviabiaa wfrw pfmmt lUfoie ib wea fciHod a4 etiaaaai piewM lap aal e of ibeao panaito weffBB aea ta ebt day ibair loU wae ea to ipeafc tikt wHb Ibaa Xlki VaUtl ttatai Wa Mwgaa tbat af tba ITtliaf- Mereb tbe ptaaeat Uaited SlalaitWMr will oBr aa all tnielea bitbarto ftaa aa drr tbe lta Treaty itekaelC t el praaaat axtato teapeaa tba Mtaa dliaaa Uediieil fcafwi t1era Wbea tOe par beabaL Cora IXe par b Oaialte per baaboL By I5a per baabaL Ber 15 pr boahoL Baaaa aad Peaa lU aowt al faL 2lear9 per aeat ad vaL Aabaa 15 per aaa ad 1 Laaber 20 per eaal ad eaL Stevea 10 per aaaA ad ftL HidaalO poreoot ad vat VUxflb par laa ibadaiyaatMaliaaafeOaaa Whia eoatlag 12o a le tr paaad Saparft wbta aotlog oeer 12 eeato airf art 3b aeatf 60 par lb wba aaalaf 34 Mate aad aab avar S3 aaia par tb ead tO per eeat ad vol owtia over 3ie 18a par lb aal 1 Ml ad reL ai tba eiua 20 pec aiU eaUraa liewee oa weal laagbt ia wbieb bee of loto yoaw baeawatb 3U par peaad tba daty iMaU ha i iMr cebl ad valarea ar aeaHylCa