Newmarket Era, 18 May 1866, p. 2

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THE NEWMARKET ERA MAY 18 w AdTtrllMaciU- 3uUn k JrtW tablai K Ml Tma Tine Vwairket Will Cbese FMtorlet Fay f kng Mft lo h McUoa bMD of Ut of ilftbllahlng Udorjr ia thi nfibbouriHod for iIm ftarpot of UifonMlioa la thoM iouretted h coliettd ft TmU lo th prtM of mImi tinilir tr dwing lod b moJtit operaiuii o ihoir aiMioat To our Amerkan couvint perhapc bolong tb rU of inlroduciag cbtoM faetorioi lo ibt nolieo of iho eounirj whori ihaj 4 Lattj b brQ carriod en with Much auecoM ffarvM pfofit In coaoiao id nwr I Canada during iha pat yaar ainiltr boan onarad im and matiH can gaihaf I appaat with fry Mtitfaciorj rnuSia Hrirturket Fridar M7 18th 18C6 Thii a larga amoant o ebaaaa ia an LATEST FKOM TOROXTO I jkbor j bood and throghou lb Ridiog ao aoa HEWS FROM OTTAWA arqofliaiad with iba facta wilt pra auma lo dtoy but ibagraai difiielr m j much of it ia below iha aaodard of A Gang of Borglart Arrested j elabla anicla and aoM panahai of ad 0 on ral proparlj Job Riddall 100 on parMaal propcrtj Uiohard Dalles tlK OA ponoaal prepartj Hogfa Cooper tlOO on paraooal prepertjr and Waat tlOO on raai propertj Oar- Tbe Roll WM tbaa daeUrad fioailj ro- ffieed for 1864 The Reave btTing Ukan iha chair tbe Ceaaeil proeeadad to make rone ninor akeralioM in ibe diatribaiioaof ibeSiat la laboor of Road Diriaioa No 9 aHar hib ib Coaneil oa Dottoo of Mr Bmboor weoedad b Mr Otthgaie ad jonrecd to aMei al the aame plao o Ihi third Satuiday of Jane it Ibe boar of 10 fom iheiifif DAKUIft A7KBTK0 AT THE Jill COUNTERFEIT AMERICAN COIN rite froi Tk Xjfor VetP ta th Grand Trunk j ihe Df Salt OterrMen by CoHHal ualforn Gfttharing on tfa 24th May TCKONTO May 17 C6 Tbr Bt tht aorairg Tram Ottawa it te ibe cfecl tbat ta cat be NtwlktM arick elcelioaa rcaalt trorabto te Coe- drlie Ibe Caeediae Parliamit will rnetiaee Ibe aeaaioD eth tbat aeattra ia n rtedaad Ibe ptMage of iba Mbeara or ocftlgererMoat There wee great atarai ie ibe Jail flef frea frar of ae rsploti Alha withogrral riilone erdrr doe not naral macufaetere bat ralbar aat of meibod esparieoee and laarjr appliineea lo prodeeea good Brtie Beaidea wbere akibg ia eurtad oa to oaiy a iirai iba jodgoMOl ia oftenlinMa healing preeaiog aalueg and manjr oiber lifite ibinga Trot ibair gallon o toeh ebfcfe to wiigil ai if carried i tbe factory but many fail to produce X fault ii VolontMr Spread at Aurora AvallinK aunalreaofa kind icaitalion I lied much plraaera in ailendtng a peblie giren by Cap PciL tc ihe Aurora Voiinieera at ihe Walling ton Hotel in tbat tillage on Tboradaj evening laii Rraldra Ihe Vouaie tUare wore peihapa a doaeo ioviied guetia among Uen we obeerved S Aaiuen Baq Raeve a Auror Lt Cl McLeed N A eimbla Km Mr W Trani of Newtnarltf Dr HiUary Mr Eniign TrrJiu of 6r4ford Mr Severs Mr York Cerk of Aaroi Coeneil Campbell sod oihrra Diaaer wet aared in good aiyle i tlioogh an aborl notice we underaiand by roiae boatuf the VVellngloo UrGro ibe Chair being oeeepted and rkatibU Vice- r ilk MlciiT L1C0L MrL n laving bran aastafied ibe eloib vai ad i afar whieb in a fw well aalaable art cle and after a aeeaon apeni in rtperimeailng they gu back lo beltermskiog at a aecrifice of prrhapi one ibird of the actuil profit of ibeir 4iry Two kioda of factorri sre being aa- iallihrd j iol ftiock and propriaisry I la tUe ftirner Uio elockboldera provide co prerrntcd dialreaa eome- eapial erect ibe factory ard r esbyraabieg dowe le tbe ibroegb clwaea iNreetora traaead all ibe Mdvogtbeaafelynire recetery tuainee employe foremia IVrctive ArBtttorg baf weoadeJ ia other help aa nay be aeedrd I tbe red of Mskiig aaelber dKrai epoe a gaag of at CeekariUc Ilafirg diac Hbeirtaleatioa of relhteg a prrn there be laid bte pteoa for takiag ibea tbe rrr att Feer Ma have br arr d iMScla Cnveferfcit AaMrtcaa cjie ie r tifl aad govd it ibo that pept frAr rootry bet ft fn paywat aUKfiHIier Toreete again apprare is a fiir way g u4 Rtilroed pcuttioe A rrqs ttea wa prrecalcd to tbe Mayor caK fire pable eweiieg of ili ruisrra eeeaidW Ibe npriiy of sidieg ibe pi ihe Cbaii d a he firat rrgubr toaat o The Quean and ai reapondrd 10 by thrre linrtei ibree Netl ia order came The INieeeaBd Irineeva of Wslea and waa duly hneored fullowrd by an approprtale ewg from Mr C York The VteeChair iben gave The Gov ernor Grueral of Caeeda a geatleiMn be aeiJ b bed ibe ioiereeta ofthe Vol- aateera and Ihe laieraala of Briilah Am erica at heart Drank with all ibe hon fotlowrd by an excellesi aoog from bear all expenaev dcc I and at tbe red of k rkl l elm ilM I CfWl u Ih ik of k J I pro ih Id eiarprite rf a eHy to OwM Tbe Mayor bat niM Ibe aeeiir fr tbe S3rd iat Tbe City Ceeecil a Maday ebl 1p I aacd a rraeleiiMi enkriag tU rba nberlata lo aSs iLe aral of tbe Corp oraiioa le ibe agtremrai fc ibe aale ol rTte ty I tbe Ged Trek tbe Major nfi te lija oa tbe grcead of i1Uiy Pr Trspt bM brffl apeieted Mdictl llraitb oSirrr for Troato by tfte Local Oaad ef Health Air Robt Caveeli bit bera appoiaird by the Ciiy CnMit te fill be taraatf oeaifed by tbe rrlieaot ib Mayer from tbe drrrriory of tbe Ileroa and Oetarie Skip Catai Co What a a O my Caprfo t Tbe faea of tbe Lay alraw eatlU sad fib Mrkela were vod e Tertdey Utt by ivrtiea for 2S9i Mr Goy tbe foroi- er lefwe wu Ibe parchaaer TW tecreaae m the price of flaar bat e ear bekera lo sgaia make aa edraeet ie ibe prce ef bread Tbe rale Cxti h sew 81 sod Cd per dozea aad 01 pir few lb loaf Tbe Meeal gtlbariag of tbe Toreale Onagettea for tbe bearfit of the Orpbaa ITnae win take place en Ibe Qei Urthtay ia Ibe CryKal Palace rroeada at 12 oclock A grand mtkal fale biaBeat ia t lake ia tbe Drill Sbcd e tbe eveS of Ibe Qeeeea Dirtb Day fer tbi beirti ef Ike Veleatrer the City win o doebl be a big affiir the factory an accurst Navy aa ibe artt lon anJ in iccool of hieh Woi krl by lb r I o Ik jlrj nM or m ih riiAl and diid riwli of rn by m tod b prd I my b poo i nob lib ibrM tlion lkr- I rt ipndiior tf llari Spbmon rnpooM In fo I bvk I Cinij nd Ih UoiUd MI h I tknowldiiog lb bindran iofur diiolrll T ijnnBribicblk bno r p lb ill I- I p 10 Ill f r olli Sddiir DHd peoaaa and froa an to eevea per eeat e upon tbe capita inrated ia twiWog and j neciaaary apparalir lo proprietary fa ibe Chairmen 1 I them the rtere ith ail iLf liorora a Kft Tyrwbrtt Gsable Treat aad ly be agrrrd gprin which ie weigi boiog Ibe qoaniily L Ceuf The haadnr rwoek or meib aei theee tickete aod At tbe etid of e bicb tbev ponded 1 milk delivered lected end the emou paid for el from 7 li Frn b aloeg e eoncraeioti deliver Ibr each oibcr The eoet of a firit elata factory ia- cledirg boildinga vaia aiid all the arcee aary rrqjirrmeata for ucceefuly carry ing 0 Ike rcceal call wae alke eredivkU to tbe force and to pf nlloo I I i h Col Me I tirtti and approprijite Mr Yoik on call from iba ehair aang The Bcfjiafcmea Tbe Chairman aeit propoead tbe Cor- hbiifckkio I I Aor cplri hb lb J name of ibe Tbie loeel wae en- ae Ibe eeuKle lally at 000 a eece Aa tho object ia aiisply to aaaiat tbe Newmarket Cbareb U a prtaaing oUigattoo we lrvtttbe of tbe village generally will land a help- lag band Fenber partiealera will be anrtoaoead bv billa in a few deya hir- SriVKitaoi eetaree ibeereaiag prerloea la bia iall bere at Anrura Sabjeet Money a pleee aod power Car Aarors friendi iU do donbt give blai a fall boofe Hewmarket CotmoiL Rcgalar meeiiog of tbe above CoaocU waa beld leal Moaday evening All tbe memben prtaent the Reeve A Ikolt- bee Eaq la Ibe ebair AfUr the ofosl roattBeMr Rodbooaei from tbe FiaaDCi Committee raported favdreblj en Ibe ae conot of Agrienltitra Society ofHSrSe and 00 motion tbe amoaat wu order ed lo be paid Commaateatloa from Dr nanler re signing bia poeitlon aa a member of the Board of Ilealtboa aeooaat ofilUbealUi praeeoted by the Reeve and read On moiioa of Mr Jackaoo eecondati br Mr Trent the rf8alloe ofDr lionler as a member of the Board 0 lealtb waa aeccpted and tbe By Law Committee iaatrueled toinlrodaee anoll rr ByLaw ant meetiitg of Cosaeil f tbe appeiolmeot of a awmber to fill Ihe vacaaey in the Boerd ol Health Mr- Roadbotiae from the Fii Committee aabmitted a atatenieni of tbe probeble revonne of tbe village for Ibe I aed Water Baildia t 4U B Uariw Baadj Bridfva 4 8idka Mirilevea TataL S Ofeonrae whatever amoant may ao be eipeaded ol the miaoellaoeens iieta wfll joat ao much lo the credit of aaotber ya Mr ataled be bad bea arged lo eall tbe atteatioa of tbe Read Bridfe Committee te ibe faet tbt aolbiag bad ae yet been doae towards opeaieg ap Gorhem Street end aoqatred wbat aare of the Committee repitad the lload Si Bridge Commiiiee wooid report next BMeiiag ateaswbUe be woald aoqraat tbe Raeve rite Mr Gorbam oa Ibo sabjeet aeeordiBRly le would writ I tbe To Local Contrlbutori To OUI oa frireda who hive lakea ao iatereat ia the oewaooumna of ihe ra and eapocially toowohi nd Vrflege Clerk aapplyiifg oe idi Cmmcil procaedingt 4c we beg to draw tbeir aiienlioB lo the following per igrspb tsken from Ibe Be lare aad poat the mailer fur pubfieaiioit la directed and otMcaat will eaaally pay ibe poelag lo aee of the queation of paiage bring dieled clip ooi ibie par- graph attd abow it le your Poet Mae iWMciiibaParfOliMH ag1 lo nuoy tti MUlikmml jCTSilrfllT biT bMO rctl nd put in mcure illll Mr Abioo Illy cpd I y a kwb ml J wm od 5oo Iif Tb- cor A nllo of oxlk wU lkpld ofl O nemo tf Mr Treat aad waa draak With A No 1 cbeeaa aad one man aed a bey 1 Trent aekoow Qneens Birth Bay in NEUMARKBi SHOPS TO BE CLOSED Grand Colebrationl 17 p r Iset year tbet iboea ia tbie aaoikM af coaatry wbo lived to sea tO QTaeoa Birtb Day in ibe year el frace 1866 weald be able to wiineaa a dipey traaeeendiag all former celebra- tiBMSa lUa aaetien ef ib rouoiy aad lb programaM advertiead ia t iay gives praaaiee ef tbe elfillmeet ol lite Beeidea ihe oaaal prixae fnr rtiral tbe addkiooal eltractiot of rtm one to ibre Compeoiaa of Vei UBieeraiB fell aaiform mea too wbc d tJwtr daty Mbly atd basnily on 1 rrcaM ac will add largely to tb iQlerMi ef the oeeamon la ptblie meeiiag oa Wadeeedey ateaiag Mr Riedbovae ia tbe cbeir was edipied ealliag upon tbe ilaeva la iaoM a Fraelamaliea requeet- 4 aercfaaats end tueee meo ol tbeikliege tealoaa tbeir reepectiva ahopi aa4 atoerve tbe day ae a biie kobdey A resolatiaa wae alao adopted addiag ibe Craned te iba general rr- Im Mvaaaary errangeinenta aad carry tbe progrsmme lubmilted aoielehere aaacoa B rhi ihie venlag ihejr wn lake place jvlileg Iba Agrtcaltaral Fair G Tbe eaierteiewrai ia ibe paeiake largely f ibe ehs eae Ra Oelew irgiegepeaking reed iof lediatloee ira ef a peaaaeoede b4gdeyr ilk of from SCO lo 400 cows Factory Cheese a wbolaaale price dtirieg ibo peal yeer two bee been worth Oe 1 le and tScta pr lb Boawiiaiea more A linle arfih- OMtical celceleiien will raadily give ib oel proceeda of ibo proCtsbleoees of tbe Bat seya oaa if wa beva a ehaeeo factory or two ia eecb Towaabip wbi will become wiib it all ibe market w be overstocked 1 No danger ef ibia tboweanda ef dollars are imw aooaally seal out of te eeaatry to bay ao a we ovgbl to maouCiaeture at borne oihera are reaploga proCt from batieets ibst aioeld be kept ia Ihe e Mtairy addiag to oar wealth and developing Ibe raaoar ceeef Iba Cwbey Ueaidas tba Caatam Provinces and Oritaia open up lo na a Bwrkol al payitig prieea for alt ibeaur pies orar botne c ww cee poeaibiy meOBfeCure and is retarc tbarefor swaey will be broegbt back into Iba cecatry thereby eoatrtbating aao to tbe oaaterial wealth of tbe Prov- lUce by ioeraasifg oar etportaiwoe ever oar imports We Iroat ibe fai ibie part of ibe coeotry will take ap tka Blatter baartily aad ael a fMtory live oferaiioa at an early day G0Tgina Conneil Tbe above Coaactl met pnrsaast 1 jotirameat at tbe Simeea Tom Sev Itee arday tbe 6tb iaaii Members preeeot tba Raara Neaars Dretboar aad Betbgale Tbe Reeve beviag taken tbe ehair aad tbe Bsaal roattae of rtadiag tbe miaatee fte baviag beea goae tbroab witb a Miiiioa wee p aad r from A- DadfO ad others piayiaKteraMtloopea ibe 6b Ceaeaaatoa ro Wear from Let Na 13 to tbe side lead betwasa lot aa 6Jc7- Oa motiaa of Mr Batbgate aeeoadad by Mr Bretheor tbe iartbar aeaaidira- tioa ol iS petitioa wae deterred la tbe etiag ef tbe CeaaeU BalLgate awTedaeeaaded by Mr 10 boTwIlow j Bretr tbet tbe Cowaail do aow teaalve Almber iiaetf iaia a Ccrt el Beviaiea for tbe airy 6 aeiaed la the iebe el tbie vd- bfi k eereug iba aaul day ef liht Wat eavrreigM that ildad I oliba IL-Car- Tbe Ceart baviaf ebaaas Mr Bftb- ir ebatrmaa pi iriilft O baar aad da- ewayed I lermiaa tba aefml apfMla wbia afW ramaka ledid tbe aAiMplimeai Mr Cempbell in a ft and aaaid loud eppUuaa propoaed tbe health of Cept Peel Thia loeM wae draak wiib all tbe booors Cet Peel icepoodad agMr York SwofU Co4 McLeod wbo eea- rltfded by propeaing Tba Free aaeompeaied by tbe Mne of Mr Jeek- aoB ef ihe Nawmerket Eaa Tbe loaei wea well received eUarly avindng tbe epprectetioa of ibe eeaemly of a local preae Mr Jeckaoa acknowledged the romplimaaU ead gave Tbe Cavalry ef Canada Received witb three timee ihree Lt CeL McLeod aaiiably repii el Mr Gambia gave the Asrora Vol aaieere and wae drenk wltb all tba bonra Koaig Fliutoff duly reapead ed- Song Mr Irtlaad mpbeli ga Mr Ci Lieut Pea received aod to wUi ably lepbeH HiiWy iba beelib af hnaieatioally I geoih ballh wea ad VoliMHrwr loepte fllei otemter the Japtaiaa ebread le ibeAa rera Vr4aiera Oar Iwmied apace pre clnJi ibe peeatbiiity ef giviag tbe pairi rie and diMriitg apaeefees delivered ea Iha wecaaioe 5od wa OMike m duaW will be tbe rettiti af Ibe gtberiagfar by ii nmny falea impreaeoaa reprdi i Ibe reeoli ic fuuire W wMi tba Capuia OfReere and Men of Aarera Volaa leers a brilltoai feiera aatiefiad tbet if called lo ective aarviee tba boaer ef tbe eorpe will aoi by a aiitgla mambar ever be temiebfd Ii0ttir It ie witb pleavBia we waaaee that tbe friea of tba W M Cbareb ia Ibie pleae bave aarared Ree- Mr SrtTgjitov of Taroato a gentle oMn wbose ooarse af leetorea gave on beaoded aatisfeatiaa ta Toroato aadi aaa danag tbe peal winter aad aa favorabU comaMted npoa by tbe deie aod LeaAr U leetara bsAre Iba paaale ef Newaaarkat oa tbe irat Fridaf arsaiM Wa make ae Mr Stbtkmoii apart fiam tbe beaavalaat ak afUe leMva wiU draw bm el the largaat aaii we bava Bia aalMu haNi mi lOtt aited enqairy aod we bad ael as oppt aity to irare farther particalara lill t le to make Ibe foregoiag corrcrtieoa SditrUI StiBaary Cy Wr are lodebted lo Mr H G VRvaaa fevMrir of thia plaaa tala ilaa af inriMeli pepora ta hi aby Im baa IsUljr Mre R H Smiti br af aparlai bnci a tifal Sam 07 Kine Cooocil will meet f se at Balia Ratal Ptb Cae aaaCaert afBivUiB Wa p piml tmlanw vill ba traeaartaU aAr tbaadjaeraMaetafUaCaut A Temperance lecture aili be do wad br Mr R P naeaeed Pror D O W C Tfivplar ia tba D 8 Baeoi a tba 2 alaek Tba paUia flMrl 7000 bal af oOtla vara bmcbl fcr ahafilar darief iba atk ad viaaa ara aia- taiMd aatilWwUH maay of ibM era wM aab Uum Iku fraae W- Abatiiiae ot tba Baatitr Traeir aad ievaaad datj laeaaicaad ae Iba raaaen CkaadtaM baa at tbe laadittf atriaaUtbaireawhamheev aedbvbaldiTf tbam tiffhUy iU laaks a Blaa tbieg by atehtlaa a tba Treaty Tlwaa are fniaf twabwaiwi bar le amaaaaM t aad tba ae- aMTeea Mfthaa rwUf ara bet lediaatieae afae lapaadi aaarw eeUaa aowatUacsM appaarisg tvea ep aa aval YoorsdcO NED k Colonial ArriTBl of tba KoraTlan- nisa PoiHT May I4The nan frem Livaipnol NiwYoiK Mat 12A large bar ef Fanisni called 00 Ilesd Cere Stepheos to day at tba Metropeliian IIo- al It bas bMO aaaartaiacd from Mr Stepherte tbie afteraeon tbet he will not remove bia beadqaarlers teUaioa Spaara St any time The Ceatre spcdte sa empbatiaaUj oa tbe aab tbat b ted tba imprtaatoo that ne sa f abte to the saggeatioo It buid tbp espra bioiaelf atreaKlj sgai aitraTagaaaa involved la biriog tbe Uaioa Sqaare bldtng It is aot known ootaide of tbe Circle of Ibe Ceglrl Cooweil aad Ibe otraekea of the polsoe in Uaion wbat amoant Hw t for OMbM aeof Co A prominaat Feniao aUied today ll the whole sam aw reeerred to aid 1 canae oftrib liberty la leea Ibao I H hundred dollars aad that beside there Ihe ind tasaod dollara which u JeaaaaaaJ adaitU ealu ipta vlll ctHa Peaat first Saturday in aCaot Srrriaaaftba kt 11 A a aftrr hicb ad ietbaMaatiafbaw Newmarket Coaocil will meet ti 3aciack aaaCawt aflatWae tl we af aey a at laM thaCtai eat bare faeirvJ ta cira aatiee al bae I btar tbara ara aa lapi appiU at asj rat Boakd or ifKALTif Newmarket Hoard a tlaaith aruilaad aa Wrdaradav ippoiatiif Dr Raekatt Cbairvae aad rcaraae Baq Sarratarf Tbay tb dad I tba Mebr af mitary rapilaljssa vUrk 11 ba bead la aor advertiaiaf eldeaa We nadertiand from a rrliable irrr tbat Capt Pact af tba Aaron taara aM day laat vatfc raeairad taatr a tba atlilary Mtbaiiiiaa ta prarani a ifeey te Ctiftaa Kiafara FaUa iba ardar aa aabaarBU eaataraaadad Ktnaeqaetiee On Setarday bat iraraicbl bf aaa af tha Oaadeet baliara aa ap frriciit rw lata a trais ae tbi XawBMrkrt OapM Ahbanh brtb rafiaaa m jawMil p mMliliiillj aa- ed aftr tluaa ar taer baera daJay aU na fat ta rifbu aed tba iriaa pra- idadaatbairsy 07 We rail iprcial ailretian to ihe iapwuat taJa af Aork Ae adrartiaH ia aar oiaaaa la day balaiMte Mr W naWioe ifPottae Oaarfiae Saraair bad af Pat CatUa xoaaeu a appatinity te Baiabwa ad Onvai tbay da eat aAao fal for aaaartaf ataek fcr tKa Baa partirolara ii L We are ii paHilef laviait betva aad Mr Wiueai da if iatarait Is tblaaaigbfaaarbaH aad vticb aTtval tiaaabaiuratbaCaerta btiat iMftb Was darUtad ae a rtUnmto ta J Marly0alaM Tbal ttd 1m Mr Pamt by A DaCLvan Ean d Sir WttLtae I7 B A Oiaataas Ea ty- Number toofiheCntira Km igriim Cajtfa iwoad fraaa iba CaMdiea Bai Cratiae OAa bac laa baa raaaivaJ It i witb aatur ot ppaeial iaapart l aiajrMt aaklaff a Waatm Haiaa aad ra OMlia aa daaht aaeaafWiesiac jraaleiilty batMV tba a ti tbaaa lmrle tba aU caMtiy br tbia BW Maeb at tba be aaka inabta I Oa Monday last tba 14tb ioi Or HflLxaTpef Aemsaariataiby Ira Baei aad ILkCsm af Hrvaaikat ii horn tba parses efMra JaaiXsas af Wbiiabetvb aallcMat TaoMW af tba vlfrbw vwiaty aaaepied tbe Ma af U laA oMwaary fkai f a tba raaeh b faaae vary ratiliaf D Bisiw af Uta plaaa baa tW pfaeaara cT ad dawi iTaarbU aaatemy ffael aallaallee Wabapatbdli CoiuJfOnlipnrf ew York CerTatpo4 Sm jirim lew FrftrUt a AfMt laOnv Bmadht JrrMrf KM lnmtm JtM Pmmo JtJ Jferl Ksv Taex May It IIM Tba Ckalaa Lav aersty adapted casteiaa p pnblbitfai tbr apasiaf afaalaaaa aad paUia baMS aa Sander It IWbkatb ei aa Ibr aa aeU bi aaaUy MIy abamad aeiyll br oiatias a aedi laa aHidtad P ladaad Id tba day tariaa aaaU daana AjricultBrai- to iaviu tbe frieoda of the Agricoliaral Society ta attaada aeebbriaibeiybepaafi Bee on tbe Sbow Grosade of the Sectety oa Monday tbe S9th laataat It U in leaded to be an aUday Bee commeoe- ing at 9 oclock p bat tboaa who canaot aoma ia tba Boraiag ara reqoestad lo attend ia tba afternoon Moat larmen sre aware wbo lake an ialeret in tbe Sodely tbal tbe objeat in view ia to ler el tbe groands aad beace will be able to jod tba kind of impUawnls required to perform tbe work aeb aa plows acra- pars harrows saltivstors atoooboali sad aseb like with teaau to work Ibem Diaaet aad eapper will be provided A Board nteeliaB will take plaee ia tbe af- teraooe to decide oa plaaa aabmitted for tbe propoaed Baildiog and tbe traaaeo tioa of bimiaesa Aa tbie eall ia a gaaral 00a wa hope no one will exaaee himafby aayiag b did not reoetve a tpeoial iavitatioa Tweaty five lease eaa beaaoaeeafaUy employed tbe Direo- tars bewevar ara etpealed to aaaka pe cforts lo aeaara all tbe belp poeai Oaa good deya work ead tb groBad will be levelled and aaaded end everytbiag pat ta apple order Let aa aaa now wbo are tbe troe frieBds of tbe aoeaaty Mr JoKATaaK Tanar Caa Ktag awae aa ewa wbiek drop ped a lamb aa tbe Slal alt baviag ait legs Il it aliR alive and doteg well Five leg ere aicd ia wslkieg tbe ilitk a a eoaple of iatbea abort bl every way perfect aad ie ated ia liag dewa or ritiag ap Faer limba are apea eaa aide aad two epoe the elbrr Dae ferelrg ap pears to twial aroend tbe elber a thai oae feot is tarard apaide dowa Mr Tbbkt hea Wea afered 30 fer ibe lamb if it lives liU Iha Slat iaat Il appesrt beahby sad alreeg aad will no doabt Gve lo be abowa by aoate Baream as a aateral aa aarty imiihI af OoirvCtloa or aot of Mr Lokbb M in last week far ibe aame a Ibe Hill Wright itabaald have red Mr Cur ieetrad of Mr J It sbaaM have brea statrd tbal Meaers Wia rru di JoMMoa bed ihe caalract aad ited the Carpealer work el ibe BaildMg We make this eerraeiiaa ia jaatiaa la Ibe partiaa caae telaad a par tutiia tbaa 1 I tW dnakan adjaeraad la Panihaa TVeaaat Marriaaaii Jmay wbara Uqaara v ibtataatli is Maay aW prararaJ ae adiHtiaeal aepply aa Bateirky erretaf bet tba ki daeMda caad aaWallBtfvH r Jabs Ba 1 l Uib ba baa labata atadad ertbapaliar Uf II ahbmrb MM tiM tba la af Mr Jabs Baa aad Dm fal aadwar l ba bai tba riiteae tt tba paliea iiahbab it jWora Tba teUl aeia t aewaepta Imr bndrad tiamad dalUn Pita tba daUara bave Uaa tba aftba te pdaatel Baste wbS viatiiiiead by tW anaat af Baiiamia wHd sjTjeUMw 1 vltb a frv atbar araataaBt m iw tbati eaaMatiae wl4h s fiaed lattary awisdta 3Vy isra Wl ftr flOOO aadb sMiMipaapta ara tuaal ibiriashlj iliilii ilb tba PteJaa aviedU B Ceatra Btapbaea bea arrlrad aod arill da as partaMS ta srmaca tba diaatvdaat firtlaea ae KUUu hi bia Uaitr mya tba Iriab paapie Iwimisf aaratatbadaifMrftba virepaU Wa thwahy vary aalariaJly laiiaiat tba Caaridmtda ardaar ti TCAUaaaarOaoatal af tbia fltj yrtlutLjIbZluS pnbiaitt Bailraad Caapaaiei baa laaeU 6a paaaa arar raopaetiva raada aseaft to aaplyiaa af tba I brtbaRa rasd pataaaaiajerad aa tkt r ad alak aad disa Mad aaUlm aalaa a apaaiel tia iaraafcrlV iiiiawidatia af aeiA fraa rwaa Tba al ia ta pravaM Baibaad Camosaiaa ro baybwae ieSwaaa la tba eeeetry wbiab win aeatda tbaa U aeeito adaMaa tbiy abtak Tba fritaaiaaseaaa llaaa Cbtfiw O aad tlaaqia Sbia d ty ha baa rafcUiil aa aaoearf far iaf- Davi aad titt bb aaaa aew raata ia tbair ha Tba d ht bis laaaiiali trial ar I abasU my far bb uumUm ia aad a faad May peapl riiaatlj aaJtMkeUaaaaapetolaaaaa Ifbb artl ba aayad aaatbar ait aaaih It wffl W raay flaeailteaHolaeJeaylikalyieepaeeyae d wifaa Loacfoarfrrry Th from Liverpft haa put paik ro daaiha Qeeenaownl Palriok ORoarke wbo aabed when reqaired lo do ao- awaaeolifhleaod on thiaetalt day when he had aa iaier Mb Mr Grifia tbe OMahoney directed t I leiJcteti bv aineleeo hav them I Mr Stepbi 46 1 f iliSoj NYokIJ Tb Intwtl I knowa lo bare bad eielaaive lo the diapaaition ol tba monia Car- reoeived In tJnton Sqaare rinixraiifln ihroorh ibeir vaaacla j II is well known thsl Mr B Dorai lofoumiiihtaoideieJafuliexainin jKilUsn Irwtk tbe leaaa of the Fenisi f all Giman r before ihair pUes in Uaioa 0 bis own aaaa ii 10 Eiljl 1hcblinil j CIOI OVI hooey nd lb odMr jt ImfUi ifier lb dianllj r ilallM biMllM Jirijibiob roootoftbepdittfMi loCW nd paper amJ piepnaea ea j po kal Mr KiUtea woald efect all cat I parties from Ihe baildinff Tbeir spprs henaione bowerer were aafoaadcd fer 1 Mr Ktllisa cava op Ibe leaee the book ia papers sad other artielre ia hie obanse lo Ibe repreaentativee of James Stepbena Tle bead ooartera la Ualna Sqaare are now eloeed aod Col Kelly the pHvale erereta ef Hr Stepbeas ti iacbargeof a the building Tenibla Bntebari Mvfihec Ilr ThapltliM ray woBW be omor had tem crtrraril bat rslae thai Puiau traopa had aclaal laiahM irletran lo ihe Pari 1 potilifely hai Get La Marm be eerceeJed Mild etfer le medi- f Tbe Btlie oorreapeof metaeeger arrived yetlrrday al Ixi Aa- de galea briegiag a dpaleb from tbe om fovad maoder ef Fort Grsat lo Geaeral Maaea T aaaosaciag tbal Fort Goedais Arisosa Vmp takea by two iboviaed Iadia era Ibe garriaoa asabrrteg rae bssdred a my twcslyfeer meo msucred with ose ry by eteeplioa snd Ihe fori beracJ Tbe ana wb efcspad waa at kaaing lad wttoeeed ibe eiametioa cf He taw the fort bareiac sad brsrd firtag of gasa deiiag tba fight which latled nearly eaa bear It it aep poed ibe ladtaa gsiaed adaiatioo le Ibe fori aader Iba pretetl of eatarisg iato a treaty of peace abicb Geaefsl Maaoa bad ieairMled the cemaasder of Ibe ort lo make Sa FaAKCiace May S Ibe read ta Ibe alerter are aew paaaaUe sed Urge qeeelitie of frogh srs briag ferwerdJ A ktf r dated Msricnpa Welia Aritoaa Aprd tSataIca tkal kevelMajr Jaae F Mailer Capteia Cempaay B Fnar leeaib lafsatry aad Aelieg Alaet Sargrea Tappaa U 8 A wae firrd epoo bv Apsebea at Caileawnod Spriegs March M aad ibe former kil ed aod ibe American Nws llrad Oratre Slepbraa with lb etrcalire coaaittf lapertaat mallei He also rrca aeay fiMtor amHi whim wrre Ji bicf beaiaesi of ie day iba comiag irlfbratioa al Jota od A aenaoaa ns beee iaaaed le aM iba Fenaa cirUaa ta be el Maabetian lo be in ittradaaee For rrjtiairala wJIslao tsia el Strfbeoa wiU be tbr pribcipaJ aprBk r Tbe pfAapact of a reaaciliioa be eoaira clearer bdwree rval faction al Ibe ealire od saff have rrgafd aad Col Kalry bai beea afpoistad drpaty te ba atartad BS Tbe Mo looiag anoern ai ara le be prepeeed From the 111 of f April laal tbera 3000 12 2 peaed le ibe Chy of November loiku liera waa aa actarf 2 NCWMAHKIiTHABKll NewrasrkalMey lm Floor b6fiOoab00 Pall Wheal 60 a tl90 Spriof WbeaiiilSSatl SS BarlejSOe 55 a Pe 55e a 60 a TORONTO MARKKT8 T Msy 17 IM Floor15 30 s 9 00 T Pell WneaiIIMa 105 SprintWhsillOatiS S5c a S60 Psa68e a 70j Oaiam a 3S e tL Tab Bflliail7oi Chaeee whevaal Egg- 9 a a 10 e per del nediriaa bttee 1 J tbat aey Pbyatds eaa ma la bU d Wltb parfwt aaalJ iaiseia V- leBlixirT I baa sari K ayawitfcZ baat maotm far ceeffba caU vWahJ id map 1 mm attMad U ia a nQ B Taadaard- Md all Dretlata Jbbe F Haary k Cb PrapeietaHi Paal St 0 B i Oeae Bsaeivrtos Wba yae k atbm Mva ya fia lad tbat Uaarya faad taaady far iba 1 rrliava daolffra ep tba eaa eTItferM alaa aay aat aarra yea aa wall Il baerb 1 mill ki iitmbii Jabe P ilAry k Ca P MIA Paal at MMtml c r day 1Mb iaat day rratiad by a firia Taae WATuae linaab jrew Aa a aitlaM aad a ailakbii dH I Praapeat gtraat Bawaarka May lltk IIM aTLeaf Diawa AaM fbtarafM aeaMUaaflM Ba- U aaaMl t1 2idbeHi3ehe9 cy Aeh iwsr Qaelpfa Oy The Prinaaoa of Wala k afsla reported le be ia aa intercatiagaoodiiioa Pox Ibe Prvtotfpe rrrl tkal vrcral eaaea ef amall pes bare occarred la Leadee C W Qeeea Vietaria ba beea prayed fer far ibe firat tias al a Mabmmea fetlival IB lodie t Tba Hon Mr Campbell bea KAoe V QU BIRTl 24th NEWM ABD PJBXD4 t eadT IXI t 1896 RKE moath abaeot ty- Aa applicaliea will ba made la ibaCeart afQereaa Uaaeb ta gtaet e writ of JIaims CtTftu IB tba caae ai tbe FeaUas betd i eailudy at Corawsll ty Tba award f aad wMi the Fen iaa prisooers wheo srreeied at Cornwall has diaappcared la a myaterioos maoaar There are qaeer ramora afieat with re gard to ita wbarasbaiHa 07 The llaiifat pepera have Nan- feeedUad dates to tbe 9ud laataat Tbe be bead eeatre Igi4ltare waa prereged ea Ibe ll dariag taibwey robbrry waa n be apercb at tbe rKagaliea it wa perpelniied ia Ibta riiy yftrrdy Mr J isiHnated taat ibc CeefeitralMB qaraie H Mgias ws precrrtfiag ibn ugbjd j may b cewidarrd sgaw aest avaatea 07 Tbe XTao Pert Mesroe eor rspeadrat say tbat Jrff Datis reeeired brr Tne rebber thee sailed tbe bag wnb prt I fl nd pl f wil beecdoBlbepreregaltegraaledefe y Mar 16 JaaH8lpbsiJcilla te seatais tbe Seial bcIiob of arpel bat 400 wbra be wsa baeaked lb B biV- ilaisi aeoftba Re wsde 1 ry oflbe F I thai I V Ill afieraeoa abte bria eel la a amal iinelmrly a ialaflbe lii jiar be h4 b htle meay frm tbe eeaatry I d lb blbrd edl b f beodw PDBUC HOI aaaedJoMKlbeBayalBl Jtartb Amiriaw He til Rtiral kaardedeai prim mi THE FIRET brig Win i t tba aralt tfl i lab a aa aaiMTt riaitan I tbefr day prsiiidiap Hi be U Tba Aornm Br dibrl aad TOILTffS laril to t ke part a t ttaltaefr adatbma pa ara aew b las taka B Imtlaa af awtiw Biwia teaTNapak Pbantazmagpa a aaiab I pr tat m Aa R Braaa Band haa bo Hw vbele to aaaaMa 1 hb a BeUMaat d etrtuniviei oeg Iba bareiBg ciadcra baaad la a enep Sece blila boys aay ibey aa bta ptayia wiib BMiebes itymg le bgbl a p wbteb wa deabllraa Iba caa af the accidcai Trffgrwp4 fa OUe NBWMAUST BOARD of HEALTH br Iriab hbrratioa IXey aaer Irelasd bs doas tea ilaesaa Kb at Aaerka ia ibia wsy II Great is a bad become anSgrd 10 tba Daetab ir it WIS tbvir parpoae lo have then WAfiincTON May IS Tba Prest deal till afleraoea rrtaraed the Colore the Seaaia with bia oltioae lie does aot fMosidcrabe aetaUiabmeat of Stale OeerraBewt ia Coleradrt al pree- Bl aeeeaaary for tb wvlfaia of tba nao pie there Tba popalation is small I n a 26000 whia Saiutary RegiilatioiiB the adrooatos of Ibe Bi t reckon the nam- 4 rio 35oofl u Mooo II 01 TV Of aatiafaeterily oatabiisbed lhat a majority aftjgt w aa lba Va a I of Ibe citttena desire or are prepered for raaidiag i ibia UaakiaaHiy wU telrapa Ibe exehaoca of a tcrritariai for a SiMa la order tbet ibe TtnaaMy be pi U waaMaaggeattbe feBowUf RDLE0 Tbatall cellera yarda sad praaiaae be eirarad ef eav matlar UabIa craau atarb Tket ea few vetatablaa m peeetbW be kapt le eallaracsrafellyraaeviaf ell tbeee dacay- Government Tbe fiaal objeetiui ibe adaiaaioB of Colarsdo at this State iato the Uaiao sppasra ba iaoempatibU witb tbe pnblie intereata of tbe coaatry laataad of iacrramag Colorado bas ditniatabed in popalation New Ymts May Ifi Aa tmmeaa body of mea and women attrndad the Joars Wood That eJI Drsia pllae be reaMved fiem a be eUeead ilKsf ep ail 1 ldy 8liUoolylkO MbooyfMio IT iteretaaeti t aeee pertie- tbe apaeial attethw ef efibeiralsaib raeealbtl thai iioaat bewiaf hi vWwa yet sund aloof Theee mea namber Bairbor ta tbe tbottaanda and tbere ia sgppoasd to bal but itule proapaot of a perfaet naion hare imltirifif even apon tbe q ef aalwaal wr- 1 aod aipaaaa aaeb partia eretfaly I Apart fraa any frerf The eumiaatiea ef tbe Traaswry of T- Impyaaea al by aii8 5rTi2viSsr4i pbena sap tbe Poti aboa tbat enly hiua Ibrewa aot wiH materiaBy ualat 9500 reaaia bat by aalUng Ibe lease it Um LmI Beard erUealtb lia eaeaw tbe Union s baadqaartan tba asm ByLa efibe MelrfptHy ia a deficit of 30000 wbteb nena ta a r no wbo eojiil 10 kMW lb fMU JAM rKlMon P I CnrlMjltKI iU MEGHAN ICS HAI tJW d Graid Prta siiile J af wbUb aerabv aftba 34tb iM Saaaaltlsb Talmt U tba 1 eai ly eia abe farm Ml aaeied fcr t b Ciatali Awltowbiabai iiiil if I adiia lytoaemeivM b IteariMlMt Maylll WAHED Another Million ofl l the jfiaaarbat I ytr 1MB Sunday 1 agasiBj GOOD W0UU5 BOW DEI sLisnwo aadblltbnEBrlUb laptiMSli A RENDSB Beraarkat May 17 M PlaiU YcgcUblet I FOR TUB MILLION I THB aeVaadkar takaa tbb aatbad tba lilwa af ltiaat aaaatry Ibr tbe likeaal aappan yoer aad b reartAity to i wiU ba ail baiac wall to aid amtoaw ad tba pUw 1 oseaUael aoaaetaeat af Plants Koots AalMwl tbb amaan Aod ba I

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