Newmarket Era , August 10, 1866, p. 2

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THE NEWMARKET ERA AUGUST 10 AdTtrUMmaoU- or T1wfr olich rtutimrtai chm rUUrUJaHiviu aW UV VtU MrCtftMy- A IUMlfn tcbocJrarbm Fula4iu Juha Urn- Tma TitBt lmarkct 4 jVrfriwV VurjLiJi rijD iirojinarkft i Jlarket lOtb lUA 1 rtoy Toioxro of Hon Mr Gait Hi nr wUiii kts BREWERY BURNED I Zmpt Bd SCaptir of h PriMMr I seizmu of flour azxzxsv zojbfl AKornu riouxADa cojrtfntT tllf or in ToMvm Aar- IM TbHiirftotferwMilM Uikltii4 wMrrci itti u4 t dif nht tetW rRMi Mr a4h I Ua iliMMttftel Buk at luha itfcawi ikn W a fiorrkl fnUai af aMlactia tt tW molt ud a cciTWfaadlaf fnliai et Aaap- icMt tKat ilM Oovrafkl akat pMft t 1 1 Ua rratUal alaaflky f M Ciatii u r framqu E Vr Bakl Taat- Umift Onanl ill ba cmDad pn la III Baa Uah pUn u Flauc MiaiaWr fka brrtry ct Mnara Tkwejaae A Baraa Aaa fllraal wa iatryi by Cn Uat aifhL LuaWat fltOOO lawad rr raXka aaJ JUzaiM an tU arte of iW 7 it a Tka Odi FaOova an uklac a Ovsrxa Hafvaid taalaai la JUl fw karaa- talig easpad aa Saadx aAwaaaa UaL H aa ft aftliiJ at fiaeha tavan a Twfv tV f istli Aaaaal Caarwiiaa tt ika TMilim Maalaliaa Mt ia tW Taapacaaea Bait im ihia iraTaMdajtlartM4iaaiUiaMrf Tba 4 aaaaaaiakna rv Cily waieaelar Mr TWwr aad bfir a 4aa laeiaiSeeree Tway la ta dtatm ia 8t lvraM Markal aa aaaaaat af ickt vrifM TW ailr paarUaiaa p iim jwait na iniilbraaaaiaaTaMtaaMaffaa Ika 5k flU aaJ Tik flaptaaWr aW tW ri TlacM at TK lha t4A U AaatW pnAMda raaM Ukai b thai nartirvhanl Oanlaaa Ihb eraalac adwiwiaa tfa Tiaaa aaaawta m Tary F af iW kiad tatfkt ba at tt- MMlft aadcr tba aatfuea t tbt MachaaWs I lojCtata Vy tW aid afAaSWaalfead Tu tbAOaU Wta Aaw tcij I vHb lW hall lar wf jaatly mfuac tiw ppiatan oi Xortkn latlraai Caaifaay aa jaalar- a Taa IhiafB dai atKil aatiea ia iba rt- jatt Mbailttfd t tka jaat jaar UaraUdbaMaaadrMaaanipwcMl TOM aarsiaca tt Ika rati aad aaioafljtW aH rma a ti apvaHa af 81 par Willctw Jit Ua fck on tha qaiHi bcca mada io lb Oatkiag tehtwa of tba atd- h balwird ihia flill oIJ fur Uorarasaol aad Utara ia U farl rtar MtU tba qwaalian II Mr propaet Ihil llo Mr Uowland will w MclofaI ban wtKiD i timaa paat a aalM apoa U aaaaoo iba poaitioa of Fi- nora dclmlsfd oppuaant uf i5rparkia naaea Miilatara abaoga Uppar Canada shoolt cMid Kareijr ba foutid adilila rrjoioad to aaa tffeetad Aa a thai iba Mill voyld aaiiia iba Saaoeicr Mr Gall la a traaaadooa ba andbaiwlii iLarafota tatfif for bta Blapasdoma failaraicoranad Urga il Oatba Mbar baid had iball bj cifiaeey isalaad of Siad prio iM DAfajr Mcira en- iha fljor ercipln and bu alvaja Wft ftea viib a Pailtamrnt declatiag bat if iba ftil dpatad Iraaaary It ia bigb lioM a paiaad ka ouU ta aniSrd lh li- rtiaiia look plaea aid tba inUrcaia oT If nrd ii wuuU aiHia a Intig af4tat tba eaati j voold not aCerUlly td poliieal un Aa nrvrrlira few U bU aoIUagaaa foliovad bia tamld vmwit Io in I itg rrwWL czaoipU And ataMJ tbia BiJ ootd pro at 1 igiuimi iQtown 01eiiwIUUiiu now i iba jearofuraca 1808 aid ba Wbila on a racanl trip waalward for Iba Ula law baa bad iimm i U i i rilaed ever a daj at iba abeta tbririat aoai bafora tba lyk idfyiiu OaorRatw ia qaiia itb wbicb ii ia prlatH an ai ba aiiaiad tba Oraad kn wada to fotat uj Ujr CVada j K R Dother Oil aaao awir dumaicr rtiau Toroaio It baa a popaktloa of parbapa ay of Ha piadaeaaaora awd diroeUj ea j sqqo flaa beiidlasa caUtad lo raio oar pa aat Kbool aia j aonibf cxoaUaat atom aod drim lam NolaMlfidwhhmoahanafaVueoif Naar tbia filUga hart of public Oraota Io Jfair ralif oua a Meaara Barbar Oroa bara tWr pap HtaiiibtMaa ow daabJ ar now nMi ad vooUa Milk Uaaricetowa alaa poa- adacaliOMl aod rrlgi ua privilrgaa j daoiad othar elaaaaa of raligianUt At toaoaraatKea- Boeaallj a papar bM Iwes ar to raacb iba jl of ihiatiatlibed ibara aallad iba and Or ma iba ropl oiap abviild aa wilb a fair preapaet of awe lOg tba majmty of Upier Caaada rr Ueai From tba aara1 appaaraaoa af patting wetf otbtr taaua fr tba time ib Jaea it ia 0l vareaaoaabta to eoo ria p in ibeir migi and awarp iba lecd thai 0WKaUVB oajcb t to aupport a Sebool Law fBliralx Troto tbr j 4 leeal papar UbaraUjr Wa Ballad at tba Jftook Wall do a aiDebr MaeiBa of ot eotaporarj bftt CBd b Iba firat afiiaiKM is far oT abaett aed bad IV Urrfti atoodi OLCMrtlLlAlia atbaddrFrancialliicLa fUtias mora tiaa at tbt plaaa wa o bia parijr iba couitlt jr bad kiaara to aiaaiaa tba cxtee w be labtiuiiig nadar iba oire caaBaraetorica bara Itiaeoapara 4dvaataa ibe 8aaraia aaie ba tivrl a iBiall viila aitBatad o iba b Aad bii wa rtmamber thnt Kier Credit ia tba Towsabip of Eaqua Cnnradaraliofi fiiida ua a tl eoaiiti ainfr Coaitly of lUltea aboot oaa aiU tbe prawliar iiBiuuiiiM i4 aiipporjaad b balf from Qaorgataara witb a a of Separata Scboola waBa Baiavr ipopuJiioa of parbapa 300 or 400 A priaed at Iba daieraiord ktnd ukarn bjjdailj mail aoaavau al OcoricatewB Upper Caoada to rratat ihM new aifjobaa Wiilian Ka haa a Urge Flor frbmala Biibougb mwUifi ialMatngaad Saw Hila doiaf tba eaatoa b Protaataiti inofity of of iba Bctbbovbooi aod abippin Caaada aid eaoairg Iba raiignaiinn oraoaaaidaraUa qBaatitiaa lr B Wil prnmlnaat meotber of Iha alHi4B liaaia baaaaastaBaiveCardtagaBd Weol Iber woBld we aea CoBfadrraiiue da- las Paetor aod apparaatlj kvp4 boaj rfd tba Minry kauckcd into a eaoogb witb aa atlooMra eaatoa trade eoektd bat and be rAi try aompellad Uara too Mr C Bradabaw foraaarlj af e paaa ibroBgb iba ordeel uf a grnrral 1 Yorkrille in tbia CoBotj ia an laetioa than aee a tfieaiBa paa i np I iiaaee bmintm ia iba MOBfaetara of pod U Ik of Inp c 1 r fcH J niWoii J I ordm fraa all partt of tba Upfer Pror- ioea 1ba xiet aad aocaeMaa af bia aaolMaer enablaa bia to appij Urjta Another Separato Sohool Bill Again Upper Caaada Lae bren ibreai- oed wilb fortber lefialat io faror al Saprme Sefcoola Tba pteigea end trJema aeaarfattooaoT tbe paat ba beB mtiraly forgoltm and owiwitlHtaodutg ha aaaarannea girea In 196S wbao tHa cifire known aa Seona UiB wa de manded a a to tbia aar vexed of Caaada we find BDOlber Otlava naa afaio kefcra Par Mi a Bill ofon nnretfreiaaiaful atid aakiBg fcr greater eoocwtioiia anf lrttttega ibao tba aociKat of I8Q iWfcded We do aat ep Separsie SyboeU frt aaf CwUng ef vmbarliableiMM or rroaadrepeettvietia ibai tikeir lendaecj i ta widen the breaeb be- twea arct and largely ostrilKte Io decile tbe riaief geweratkia toBnlo antiMaala ef dtalffce to aae tbe eiildaai lerm toward eacb olbar ProleaiaAt ecd Koman Ceiboiiea aod sltboagb ibr feople of Urper Ceaada Mt atraoglj wben ibe Diaia MajoH Qoiefweeui f SandCdd Maedeoeld agreed ts ap- port Mr Seona Dill la I6S3 jat May agardiag it aa a JUtaHtt wtre dtapoaed 10 llo iba IMl Io ptea is ibe bape U an end woatd be poi ta a fraMM eew of agtuiioa aad dneord ia iba Aald tobtiaa Bat avea tbra tba fall iporl of tbe weaaare waa iAJperfecily knowa or nMcb atronfar oppoaitiea wovid bat been Jtiaea ta It ibea il raeeived Tba firat Separate Soboot vua tlii Biding rr ge la Pariiaaaat waa oa Soou Bill tbroagb be flon AJa Wltleoa aed b ic tbe Ridtii waa aotd beyeaid quaatio Wa ao ragafdad ii at tba bd aabaeqaaot eteau baee eaal the euriaeiaaaa af that view 80 at fro ibat maaasra provbga JbiMj we tt bea bat pat iba way fwr mw daada oaora aiiaadad aanaaaa m4 Mr Bctxa BUI raaaaily before Ibe Lrfi4aarr la aaa a baefcaWd pbraae leuk ibaragoff Iba batb Wa oMiuber difiaaaly tba laalaf dewa trqeirai to iadoaa Reforiaera e Mfport IM Macitfoald Durioa Qoiwtumm la cbe paaa of icaua Bill ad a vwber tbe tba labr to ea e Mba ta pari aokarft preeaaa ibruw wbirb tbe lea wpfe ibtA M that tiaa d aod eo aalceJatad to dary ibe pra tnt acbool ayaaa of tba PrbviiiM Tw lay ibal tbia Bill ia only iilvbded 10 ei and Io iba ttomaa Caiteie Mieoriy af Uppar Caaada ainHlar and rqval priti- lag wilb Iboao graoird to tbe PtfHae- Jieofity of Liwer CanaU la oly brggiog Ibe qimiiuo li doea mw Lower Canada Scbeot are prae icallt Biaian Caibjlke Sebjol and Poiaiani attending tbem are eomiM lied 10 learn tbe cboreb eafchtHa aod othrr dugvaa bf ibeir retigiua tolh iia ia not ao Ui Upper Caoedt aad fierce 11 raiee are em perallrl Itui Mr UellV Dill deatende ibe rafabiitbrneci fa nw enpleie and enliie Sjiatat Sjratean ftota a Noratal Scb Cuucil of Teblie Inatraeiiua dte aed aoBieaiatea aa aanwal dia e II fenda gfaaiad by tbe Lagibiere to- aardi be nMinteaanee of tbat aytiem rea more Ibe payaaral of a dueUe aai ef cfieera roia Cbiaf SporiitrBdeBi dawn to Iba leweat eterka witb Bodt- oSaaa 10 Better wipe IrgKla- edaeaknal gattia eniiraly fre tba ef gralnilla ibao tat tbe peole anaariMarity for ao aanbly good tbe fettling af a rw aaore o ieboUa ia Ike eoantry No iwl fa bd eoMgb of Srparaie Scboel UfWWtioa aud altboogb we would baveu iuehM m r p th 1 Meat aiiiortiy Croai beJng eotwpei 1 KvabwB f ert aa te paying for ibe laKbiBg ef ika BeaMO Catholic faiib In Lower Cen- ade yel tbe eaiieo daaitbded of U pec Caoodn waa toe greec Wilb regard to iba retlgnaiiofl of Mr Gall we candidly rajiiea ai ibe eveot inaifb ea i baa led le nradtieaiieM ia bia Daaking acbese aad atay par- tpe bed to k a ahofeiber We bar never eoaiidered hi a aae- eeaafal Fnaoce Hiuiiter never belie- ed btai aory deetad or loyal to ibe bati nureate of Caaada- aitd felt irmly parvaded ibei tbe eoaniry had aafiir boc om to eonSde ita finaaeiel ttiiereaa Ila ia loraaer Iryiag now aaperiakenia s geiliflg Bp big idaBa in ibMry bot aev- reBlbBg fn praeliee bhanticpaiad re Mr JoHa H lelod alarve Flas MiU i rxpawu to be in a B for tba praeeel year other Biiaar tradca earricd ea Mceea water power ef tbe leaaKiy veU com to nark oat iUawiUiM bb dra ioed at ou ditant day to ba a place ef vreat aiaBfaetrhi mporfaaea Tbe vUlape baa ertral Hiora Hotela Cbareb pablie aeboola ita We abafl not aoow fort tbe pteaaara of tba day epeat at Uaretowa and Gleail Criekot Aeeordidl to aaaoaaeeseBl a Mredly KBQte ef Cricket waa played oa Iba Hol liad Laadiag grovad Uat waek batateo the SattjB aad UoUaad Laadiag Oaba A Urge BBwibfr af apaeaiara iaeladiaf neoy ladtaa wkoaaaad tbe aleb Tbe fbtVrting ia tba aeoe reaahiag deaidaJly ia faterofBltoB Clab Z 1 IbmS Basignation of Xr Gait 80 Iba Fiaaaea Miaiater baamigiud Batabataaorry pretast irbat able doableaba ta aaid tkaooBaf qaaaca oTprairiag mpraetlahUe Tatal Prrrieaa to tka aoaiwaaaaatat of be aeaood ineiaga Diaaer wa provided ea tba grooad doobtlaM aaa biat for tba CrUkatara to act tbair griadan at work After tba eeipteeea rapaai provided by llie lloUaad Laadiag Chb w af axpeoaa iaaaiBaeb aa tba OorBUBe vera aRowtd the prifflafca of payiaK tMr owe laat taktlMa ao led br Al tbeeooclaaioa ef bagai the aermt pBrtiea lelt far tbe Tillaf ba wendtaapfoietad la BaetlBjaaly fearaf orptBaeiag tipraiato BKaaarcaj Htavtr wa aaBOOt poB Iba Lrgyatcre OnaDily Mf Moclada ibeaa remark wiiboat plviaf Gait baa raaigaed baaaaaa tba OoTart Mit Bifaaad ta aarvy iba proouead 4eboei BiH aa pretaat tlie Pcataataat ti- oritj af Lover Caoada aad ibe Hoa Atloraay Gaaeral my graTty aaaoas- aaa thai tba Miaiatry bad arrircd at ib aiaalaaUa ta abaadoa a ptailive pfedge giM Io dto eeaatry wWa tbe Co ioa fbrtaad they wara aoatloeed tba Boaaa wtU aot eaoatloa a toratare ia tbe baada of a pttrljf aarioa ly aiiatiag tba edaaatiuMl taiaraata of JSfpm CaMd I Wkai baa I U ia Iba oM gaaa over af loTOtaia osm at tbaaaarifea of prleaipt aid plodfa rallMT tbaa raa tba rkk dafi a ia aa way raapan Tbe O errdit to Mr Jamaa MeClare ot iW arkamaba Itbtbe fttr iba kind aad iaiproiaptB Inrllatloa riffa tba Satloaara IB Sapper 80 bat i Bidlaad Laadiaf ia BOl altatSar Vat aa tbera a Boud oTiiuUu Al a Btoaiiag af Ike Heard af Traateae baM at lU Baifreed IM m Meodey evaemf Isatba Cbalrmaa Mr E Jack- aea aad Mtara Treat Hanidr aad Sfkaa wcra rtol Aflar rcadiag aad tbe aiiaat ea pravieoa iag Oaaed by aa a tba CeBarii le Way iba eiaeaawB a leet yta is 99O0 Tba Baard baa lpaA tbat 1 ayaivaa 4aa for Mr Ball a Separata Babaol BM iag fate bdl advaMo warba M a akarai fee Waatar Caaada aai ba4 m oaatitoa aad praea a aaaiidaaabli aaviag to I0 8aaift j Iba of ibr acbeet Wa aedataiaad Uia uh aMd M Iku Mr Oill fcmmmi um ram v jelica mj lalc1aM MlallM fcm J W I Feufal ZzplMloo A terrible Mploeloa foak plaaa on Wadoeaday aftarooon al tbe Sieam Sew Mill owned by Tbompaoa Smiib Eaq BIO loeaitdjual Svoib of tbe Brad- ird llrxlga killing ooe man aemed JoBH MtLuOAH the firvnae end hjur- ng other Iwo awn bui iwt aerioaely Tba baUdinga atd maaluiMiy ara a tutal wreck tbe aoeth aide of tbe mill furnace au by ibe foree of the eipIcK having tMBu biwwn oat end tbe dettii piled aoma yarda friHn the build- Oua boiler ia tore le pieeoe and ra aoata diatanca from the Mill lh ia atandiog io an aptigbl poaitiwn aver whore tbe furneoe waa loeaiad Carfner JACsaox of Newmarket bald inqueat on view of the body of iha Areman killed but noihiex waa ei- oMed eakulated le eoonaot aeiiafaetor ily fur tbe eaete of the ellophe Jlhugti a numbar ef the emplojdi of ihe mill aid olhera ware etaminad tKifore the jury Some ait or eight lianda war employed about the premiea when the aoetdeiM oeeurrl j aed ai ihugb moat of tbem were pUeed io eri- itcai poaiiiooa appaar to baa miracu nA may be bad aa apptiaatlaBtelbeeeibar Adari TUrnmrUt rwt irnm Aurora CotmoU Tbe aUrra Coaaeil met oa tbe 19h t All be meiabara praaaat tba era ia tba abair After readiBg aad floaCriDtag tba mia Btaa a report waa praeaatad from ibe Fioaoea Committee roaonjoMadiBg tbe payBMat of erooaala af Mr 0- H York lad Read aapeetor Keporia wara aiao praeanled and adopted from tbe Eoed aad Bridge Committee alae tbe Fire laapea led NaiaaMO laapeetor tiiiaalVom Her J MaCaUam aod iT Oaraeit Kjq alaofrom J d ware raeaivad aad oa motioa laid or for farther eooaideraiiea A petitioa waa praeaated aad read by Mr Love peayieg tbe Coeaeil to graat aam of moaay over aad above bia coalraet prioa for gradiag dowa tba bill Eatt of Rail Rood Dr HUlary movad eeaoaded by Mr Fleary tbat aa additional aamofllO ba graated to Mr LovaWLoet Oa motioa ef Mr Aadrewa aaeoadd by Mr Leppar oae dollar eeeb waa r dMcd to be peid 10 G Kaowlaa aad J Cade aitd fS to D Daabrook tor work a oa tbe Eaat aide of ibe Rail Road Oa mo ef r FUory maoa by r Aadrewa aa order waa drawa apea e Treeaarar tbe aam of fSO ia fa e ef Mr Lm batag tbe ameoatof Tbe fayaa aapeetora aoeoaa for 18SS w racetvW aad oa m referred to tbe Fi Committee Oaaaetioaef Mr Lepper aaoo ad Real ef t3orpeBiioa aroparty for be earreat year waa rareiaM Tbe Coaneil tbaa adjearaed to aaeet at tba call of Reeve Mltartal tnMry- A meatieg ef tbe Newi OamJ takaa plam aa MaeAay aimlH tba Ceaft Baeaa tWB IB Ibe eard ef Mr af Kie Afta fwtba Agriaalta- al Mrteal Mldinami Matwl Aa MmmI d an aen tba pabUe viB led Mi ae abBsi Afmi Tmb Caaea Wa rrgrat to leani II baa Fan aed 0pri Wbml km naarad att iiaaly in ibi aaaOaa td aaeatiy 1 iadaad mi ami plaat tba mtimma kr Wa tba aran la mm aaaa at abt w iaa km par a Fan wbaal aiM fram vlalar UUac r tba widtv It i smtUlrliW baaw beaaaa ttet atbar gmim aed laata Wd fair hr aa axtraardlaary yWd W bitebareb Coeeeil will aaeet at oaarilb Said aa Iba IM Imlaet OvilOsbery Oaoaail a tba Mamlm Bama Aarae aa tba tlcb bwtaat aad Kiaf CaeaA at Frima BaMi Ki ae tba tTtb lemiat At ifataaiahlpa mmi make appUmtSae iftbay mim tba TavmWp OaUaam a le aaOaat aabaal UM fir tbaa A w wa ba aifaad by Miarity af tba Tiii aad bat tba g Srraat PantMr J W Eejiaiiv gpa htoi Ibr tba bmt Arkia ar maak af Vetwr af aat lam tbaa tbii paaa addUtad a taa lam 0llUmhBf7 PaU fbev le ba bald at QaaaM Oate Wahevf tread ia vbat tba prim aheU aaaafa be kaaa deebil n ba artbaaaapatiiw MAve iimrrw tba rlfbt ta ban ipadal Jwigmiytyairiia adaya km BoaidlagawlDaySebaelfaryeeBcladMa m Aeiera kj Mba MoCaaracr frem naviedel rvpetaHee wbieb tbe Miaem CMtreafaeatAMiabmeetia Temete pmei dMd bat Mtm MeCaaran af Aarara Mafibe tedimwbe m aeaeaeMy ame td Ibe w raraete we prWici tbat prmmt eaAertablef ieear a toare P baaeeew ee agrallaet a ei waedabaata beahby teen I CMv we are Wyb adiUiMAa- HeCarr- Tk PtrA lattoaal firauw aa tanadealiee te Aaiilmm af tfaaawe r Ibe em ef tba yeea aaea le tba Oami aedOraamrAeahiarMiiab imavM h a aaw weeb jam pdittbad bf Mr Bai kfaeaf iiaiHinilli mart aad wartby tba aWai tiaaeataelyfmiiiiiai taaabtaa bm aim tba Om 1 a fabib Imweatlm tikaibarmm- af iaahacfaaMaftha mdammat Haaeiw lawmiia Mm iMdaadwetag Iba aitaiMaa aaaaatatad- i liptllHy tetba V i m Migaf Iblldma bate U aam aa and aampnbaaaiTa wlbe ibiUela waib tba bee aew Iba pBUie AaeBliMltaaByaaaaBtad la tbatraaiBMl 4w aadaaeUld vttb rtf Conf0iuiiiifaff fb U r w Ktae Aacaatt 1M D luiraea ba read Iba pOrlatia maaly ad atatOaatapaai af tba lav Mi tbt Talaalaar flappar ia Jiavmarfcat aa Taaa aaaU biaaoaiddMbtbiaTiaaarbiaUyalty Ill ad bar mara cbarMy laaarla them vba dii tbam ia tbair riawa llbabOHlaftbaaectbaram apaaly m aai idly ettaraaea U bia apiaiMa by ar to bat iaatim ma ea daaU Uaarb aak i P ba aM aay tba Faaiaaa aaat aa Iba rallia to vbiab ba biaeaar Aptim tba fceaJ kaarOat al tba altv af bia Oad aaafcli I rawaT al U aa ae tba baaila af tba a rllagfeea laradaai af tba aaaatrya rirtta a Pwtaalaa I taa aporadala baai BM wba H apmaaaad tblakk I bald difaraat raUfiaa riaa Tho VolooUor Sapper- Aac tad IV Aa dtlar f0mmrkl grm a tia Tba abtaat af tba waatiag la 5ai marbai aa Taaaday araaiag mm a faad aaa ai tbiak tba Talaalaa baa auda a Md al iCeai aad abiaid tbair mrt bare- tailed tbay wlU iad tbam ie tba 6 mylH OaaMalaef r aW aat la tbi Oa aloag Tbara b a tIaSavm wtby la ba rmpaatad MaPaydaa jrt tba wkata Ctapaay iaa arad t li Tbair ami ta driBi at artaA ia tbt mvrag laaiatiiilytaa faaraateeaf tbair detmeiaatl ta ba aeaiaet Iw aataal aTiek if mauad Taera Wety JKBl DOAir OljLATTa aaaMBtY Ottawa Aag- 3 TWt afleaB- Hee Ur MeOefaU broagbt dswa eae fram Hi EsedUeay aigeed by whei wa rrad aa felleat Tba Gtraraar leeerel iraaMBl fr Ibe tafMmaliee of Ibe Legislative Amc- eoff et a taWgrapb mveiga wbcl tbia ef fr iba Celuaia baa Bat 10 bm by eommaad e4 Hvr Majeaty tbaQeaae OAWa Ssd Aag 1B08 By talrerapbfrom Loadea EagUad laly 28 T Vi Moack- am ctmrnaaded by Ibe Qarea to aeevay to be Gavareei Gasaralefbar Narib Amerieaa Pro Tieca Bar Majayt enxralalatioet ae tbe empleliae ef ibe AllaaliC Telrgrapb aed tbe ktreegibeaiag iberrby ol tba Bntitb Empia liar Majaaiy ieelede bar caet ealeey ef NaefeeadUad m IB Ibai4 coa to a21 ber Cailh- fal tabjrai Sigaed CARSAVOX The laadinc of tbe daapatab dialted a roaad af ratbariaatia obaaia witb alap- ptas ef beada ko Hoa- Mr HeOoagall ibai Hia BseeUaay bed elraady IWwaided iver tbe AUaaiie aabU a fry to ibb yaaa aaid ba tboait aomethieK raa dae fram ihia Hoaaa to llw Majmiy lad ba aboald be giad to lad tbe Gov- irameat aaaiaetiflg a eomaaieiiien rem lUa Hoaaa aaapprapriato aader tbe Uoaae lie weald le aa aarly Hrtaaily of pviag AM Ibe eag- mtioa Uhmn Tba foliewiBc BiUa ware a third ma aad paaand To amead ibe Aet raapaatiag tba V ataar Militia Foree To amead be Pe I OOHAai Tbe Uoaae ibea raaaiead tba eoaaid- ratiea of tba raaolatiea aa the aact of Ibe Loeal Goveraataata pad Liyu taiaa ef Upper aad Lettor Oaaada Hea Mr Browa eaid tbat witb raprd aoBM of tbeaa raaalalwaa tbara minbt be graee deabia wbetbe tba ooeraa pro poa by iba O waa tbe beet it waa to be rKretted tbat tbey bad ved eo little diaaeaa aaeiag tbat wa bed r tba lael d oa wbieb tbey aeald ba debated b mt4bt be dif- iaalt aader tbaaa eiiaama to ia daea tba boa geatlamiB to abaatn ibatr ataa SiiU be aoald aot belp eCariag a lew ramarka ea tbe aab He tbaagbt tbat il waa asaaedingly to be rarratted tbai a reepoaeible Geverafceat Britiab Pariiameaiary Geraraaaaat ta Ibe aaaae arbiab wa bad eeeyd it ia tbia aoaa- aboald ba appliad to tbe laat biea Ilia idea ia raKard to tbaaa Lo eel Govaramaaia waa tbat tbay aboald ba kept aa ioBipeaaiv aa poaalbie tba par- pa far wbieb tbey were eraatad belai eery eUarly dedBod aad little ef Ibet Uiiiada aUewed from wbieb wa bed aaf aomaeb ia tbie aoaairy It waa it weald ba impamtbl lo eaub dtbar Leael tleeeraawau or a Oca ef4 Uorerameat wbieb woald be 1 rf a 7 fb giviac a popoiar eaairal evei L eaaaativB aad Imtialve aalioa Be ad aad iaKtalve tet g oa IM T bed a diOcait teak to determiaa alaUiabiag tba Laaal GovBra bm waa to ba a moro raatrtatod ipfad wilb tbat papain ealaal ow vxaoaiive amioa wbiab wm 0 very deairba He agreed wilb tbe boa gaailamaa appoiiie ta it weald be ebaard to bava twa I igi da bodiaa aa far ai laeat aa Uppar Caaada M aaaaaraad aad be tbbt if it vere poaidble to daviaa bobm pUa hj wbiab witb tbe kviaUtire body ate Car a dsftaha peod atjr tbrae year aad witb tba bada af Dapartmaau beiaft aembara ef Ibat bady tbaea weald be popalar aeatral e ttwir BBtifaa Saab a aabeae waald be maab better mace aaaaomiaaL aad mtm aaiialaatery to Ibe panpl af Uppar Ceaade tbaa tbat aow bBCma iba Haoaa Of eovraa it weald aat do far Ibe Uaetaaaat Qwer- aor to baaa tba wb4a eoatrei f tba pa tfoaM aad it weald ba aaaaaaary to aay bawr tboaa iiii iiki 1 eleated lor tbrae jmn abaald aeatrol Ua aaiM k aU aai be wall iiimiiil baaa eiaiwaf tba aaaaaae Am wragalat a aaiaa l Mlawad a wbM aarcnl eBbcn took part ae to Iba iatarptetalioa to be put spoa tb aolation Tbe Brat raaolatioa waa tbaa aarriad eaadivWoa it beieg aear lx aaloek oa MOli tbe Attoraey Gaiaral Wat tbe ri tiooa wara mada ibe f rat order of tbe day at tbe aeentag ittiag Afur tbe noaea Mr Ball moved for leave to ialrodoae tbe Bill of wbieb be bad ivea aetioa paapeelieg i etieaaioo to Iha CaihoUea of Upper Caaada of tba pttvilqiae granted to tbe Proieatanta of Lower Caaada by acbnol Bill Hob Mr Browo objeeled that aa tbi waa a OovarsKMat day no Bill bol a lioveronaBt oae ahaold ba introdaoed Tba people of Upper Canada ahonld batre betidae aa oppurtaaity of eoaaidaring Ihia before it wa poed tbroub Ibe Boaaa Mr Bril aald he laoved for leave to introdaoe a Bill whiah iavolvad ootbieg of what waa apprabaodad Hoif Mr Brown Tbe Bill ia prlnleJ Mr Bdl mdved that it be read a tiiM now ead a aeeaed lima to mon Mr sieateherd tben aaovad in an neol Ibat il be read a aeeood tin morrow tlx moatha Hoa Mr Drowa tben adranoed to tbe taM aad peroeivin tbe Bill waa only ia Uaak aaid tbat there waa ao Bill be fitre tbe I loaae aad be obeoted to ii firat readioK- Thia objeetioa prevaated tbe firat reeding Atioreey Gaaeral Maodonald moved atiwMided by Boo J S Maodoaeld tbat in aower to the meaace rraoived by Atlaatie Telecraph from Ber Mty to aead tbe folluwiag- To the Right Honorable tbe Earl ol Caraavoa So3rtry of StaafMibe Coloniea We tbe LeKilativa AaaanWy of Caaada bambly tbaak Ber Maipaty for ber fraeioB neeae to tbe Governor GeiMral We warmly that by tbia Krsat eaerpriae we are draws ooarar to tbe been el oar MotSer OoaBiry Cirriad abeera On tbe aeeoad raailatioB belat pat Hea Browa objected ibal the firai aenienee reaoiatioQ mibl lead to rror aa to tbe power iaiandeJ to be iciv en to tbe GHifederaU Leatora over the Lool leUtaree Ibe wvrdiaii oBbt to be altuwd ae ae to reaiae tba power s4ely to tbe apaeial proviaiea oa tbat baad of th Qoebeo reaolatiiBa Tiie GvrBmoat aoaepted tbt tnrtm rioB aai tbe reealatioa waa earried aa amaded Jbe tbtrd raaolatioo waa carried ob a O iba foartb revolaiiod lloB Mr DHm aaid Jadniog from ibe Qaebec raatioa aad tbd oaerTa tioad of Attoraey Gaaeral Macdeoald himaatf be eaaladed ibal ibcdtftiea ef tbe Uml Leiialataraa wnald ba ef a na- lietpal aataraaely AU imperUBt mat lan were to be diapoaei of by tae Geeertl Ovarameat Ia that aaee tbera wa no lily lor a aceoad Lojialatire Cbtm ber for Lower Caaada lloB Mr MctJee aaid Ibat dariag Iba woyearaaiaea tbe Coafederalioa afbaaM iru aaaamvd a dfieito ebape be BMmtter for fiaeheiatcB asd bt frieada btd reeor ted to erery nteaaa to dafaat It aad baviat beea beilea oa everr oeeaioB tbey ao me to aibUa at it ia detail Mr Laframboita avpporiad tba amead laat Be aaid Mi icGeer argawenu a MiBted to little Tbat gratlema bad luwa bimaelfeapableofergBiBg ia faeor Bfaiiber aide of a qaaBtioa tbai aaitod bia Caaaboa repiad to Mr Le frawbotaa- He enlarired oa the good fueliaj aow exiaiiBK between all aeeiioaa af Ibe popaUtioa of Lewei Caaada a tba At 1 c Cimmbr gle Chamber mgbt b rtird If we loead tbat we bad sam milted a matake it e eld ba ameedvd Tke llnwae didrd oa Mr Drie endmeat yeat 31 aaya 69 aa ot Ytaa Rcf Bearaam Brewa rwli Cemeroa Nartb Oatane Jeraa Ceapal Cewaa Deriea Anbebea a Deree il eb4ga Dafreaae laeviMe Ferliar Geyaea Oeofriee Hoitee Heade LeWehaVfrr Lefram- bMaae Laje4 Mecdeaald CArawei QTAMonm Paqa rarker Perne t PofMi Ieel Rtakm Reaa Ptaee Kd ward Ryawl Trrmbtay Wrabtl Nara Abb 11 Atrya ArcUmbaaBlt ieaebW B ikrM Utaecbet Uma Braaa ea Gamrroa Peel Carhng Car iier Sartwngbt Caeb Cbaraa Cckbr Coreeiier Carrtrr OeBmrbrr- DrNiterviMe Dchaea Deekrt le Maeieaba DaiAm DaMafvrd Fergoa Fieataaae FergatoB oc Gat GaaebrrGaadet bbo eoed Uigaiaeoe lleot Irvme Jeae Soetb LiBgena LvbaeiitMf klaedoaald AtiyGaa varrj MagtM McCvskey MeJuegan Mctaea Mclaiyre I4ma WoriMe Oivcr Pmieeamelt PHiUa Peefrr Uaymaad RamiUard RbtiailW II ttamle ltea Dead a Seaiebard Bely bmiib ferMie El Suaei vBle dlirtea Soaet TabereaB Ibaaip WallbJ Nerib Baat Wal Wbie Wa4 A rijtkl Oataea Ce WnM Yorte9 Whaa tbo Vwie w fii takea Meaar Browe M C Camaraa Peiker A M a A lfeleeed aed Gtbba dd It veto Tbe aiicatiee af tbe Speakrr wt called tbe leel tbat tbe member Cer 6eatb Oaiard bed eel ead Hwa Ml B acid be bpad tk lieeea waald aae km Me Ne I 1 ibee be waa bofed le veto eo tbia matlei iCaatmg Iwer Caeade aloae ba me lete aeidag le ba cneerienre for lb Mea Cametaa aad Parker alto veted yeae aad Iba atber ibrav graikmet Tba fvet lb raieJatioe wa aprcad Uaa J 11 Camfa mefcd ia aeMad aat la Ibe ftt raatM tbat 10 taiara Uppar ada be amp te cbambeia tie apike at tome iaagtb a ta ot lb avHdmret aad lal tbat ba wedd deawa Ibe Upper Heeae be Boawealad Mr M C Caatorea apebe ia iatoer of Hea 4 Ci MacdeiaM teU be op p IB a aamiaatad CMacit ia mbalevei fora ttmqbprupaad Ue referred to raneaa evaate m C balary tbe gvaaad be bed I ibw view Iba Boaee diriM ea M miadmat wbieb waa egatired yraa IS i aay M Tbe a awa tIet J tt CanerigM Carrier Daakm Frai Jiimeor UaaclMr Gibba llaai Mar IMlia Smith PereeU lel 1 WUbi Yoik Tba wb rraoleltoB wa tbaa arreJ lion A A Dortoe moved w aiaaad to tba 9b realuiioe ibat ibe owiebara if be prnpaard Legiiatra Ceaecil of Lawe Caaada abaH be electoi by tba prOila m atead ef bag appoaaled for life by bp Crowe Nvgaovedyea 81 aayaf3 Tbe 6tb rrtelaloa wat agrrdn Ilea A A Oonoe aaovrd i amaJmaai to Iba 7lb rraotetioB Ibal Lgiaialitr Ooeacilloi ftf fjowar Caaada abad aet hold aay ufice of rmilaaMeat aadfr tW Fdartl ar Local Goraiaotraia aui ibat Ibar tbABld rtfaiva ae aalari for Ibrii errwe Nr-gilved-ye- 27 nay 67 Tba atveaib ralBtee wet ibea agiecil Tbe eigbtb reaolelioa waa alae agraed lloi A A Dorioe mtad ia aaModiaet to Ibe 9ib reaeletioB tbet tbe SprBker t Ibe Lxulal va Coeeen be etedled by lb eebrr Ibereef al tbe peaeg ef eie PailiaaMBt aod liMd Sea denug tbe di tlioa of ifial Parliamaat Loal Yai 2 NayaOS Tbe fkh redelioB wt lbn agreed le Tbe lOih waa aleo agrard lo- Th I Ilk aed rewaiaiof reilulieaa aad aebrdale A wre agrard Sate 1haetiiig forth Ibe aow diOribetioe ef Upper Cee Tbe eoaitry will fai a xraai ratify the aveata that have iranapired bmS dty Had both School Bilt bcfbre Ibe Boaaa ialetd of ikaig nf oae b ivia to eecamb tatry woald have teac by Ibe br trMiolaa ia ibe Cableet and ibealar5 MiBUtera w praily waU dpiaj 2 their coaateaaaeea aftareem 0 woe begeaa and aotama laekiw u it waa ivpeenble toeoaaaiva aoleot defliot tone la oae aad tbaa been brooxbt 10 aaritaad ibat mmbery of tbe Jejcialatare caaaet W I by tbe crack the whip I oiEMe y Tbe ileaea adjoaiBod a lalymieal k Colonial Ardral of the Morarian PaTaaa pMTAag4 The eteamtbip Moraoium fram Lirarpool Jaly itih via Leedeodetf y Itib ha a fi ihia point LnaauB Jely 37 a m Tbe arir hetwraoProMaaaaJ Aawiiaaipmak il will IfotMblf rnwd bei ilha Setytm iom Act in he tthifftAciuCor SeNuiira haajMwn ha eseftcil e ib afirm iaae Iw failiuir ray way ihlr nbuinmg a p W eiih4r im Par wmeni m le a e bi i I air itahi le bld peblit meetihui fara aod hai entii ntratoB habalk eedel ee eiher wiltMbeKI Wtrapi eoo iihat1anMa af ibamh by rrngeH with iha GvVjp i maietp pieeMae i ipiMeuJmiliuiyeaihe eu ibai ae aitmpi wiakbe OMiia epue lb aappoaad riabi le boM Tne 7Bie eaya tba aimiaiie 4i4 p em e Baialrepb Oea Adf ma ul ihe haliav Woeld have foemi iham of ihe eeetberu ind wcm t By the Atlantic Cable Mbw Yout A 6Tbe bllawiat dee- peicbee wre reaeived Ibroaxb the Ailao- lie Cable yierday by tbe aemctafed preaa LoaiM Aac 3 Jartial lew ba beea pricUiatrd ia lower Aaatraaadal 0 Venioa Pranta aad Wartambar he peeaa aoafeieaee la lu be hald al Pracaa I be parhmiaMiM Iberete aa igreed apoa are aa follow Aeatria ia lb aitbdraa from the Qarmaa UoeMeratioe led ta to laae Veaetia and ber pert af Sahleeig BiUimn Aaria ia tho to y tea millioae of doll ra 10 ber adver raea ea etp ef ibe war The German Sutea aotib of Mia a form a Beioa Beder the Kaidtoee g Praeaie Tle German Sialae aeotb tbu Maia are to form aa iadepeedel eiAa Tbe Ilaliaa patriot Carte Lal Fariai I dead Ia the Goodwood raee tba Goodwood akaa were woa ty peaial aad Ibe Qo dwood ep by tbe Deke Lesvots Smarday Angaai d The have dacrtol him oa ibe tcbool cbwim It I fceaorally believed here tbi ihU aoaia Yoor raaera wiH Ocatiooa bare ben letde is ibe ohema in Ibe diraetioo aamtadlTC Liberal perty A larx amooat of m ia to be held fur the redtimptiea ab notes aid debeaiorea fr whieb leadM are lo be oeffotiareij the ReoaivSTl eraleofiee iesteatf of the baek fSm M t k t k 1 1 inKreat lo ba paid ei aonainy will etill however be b aeheiBe mai by the Baek of Moolretl The binaa ef tbe aeMteewilld le be got ihroab tbia wek b4 Ot tbe Kehovl Bill have eeB raraonj eai Tw pnriaarc lemaiB to ba diaemed- ibadk iribatioa aebeeM for Upper Caaa new KIcctioB Law 1OioU Kr Oae Browaa Speaob oa tba Babf Xaiia- m- I eeaatry li U- wel I I grrel Wgiti Haa Mr Brewe tbee aJtrai ilnaM al cHMdwabW tetb lU iradad Ibtl iba alatameel of Mr GA auiiraly emlaftrylbt it M eaar Ikal aik ike ad ef Ihe Bad Moilral aaU Iba Lmd e aadm 20000 of a1 Bot be had A WBN lhai be waatad to maCt alw tM ooMeal theoeive wilb ibatuM jret bad aed w ti1 talK ihcik lett operatioebr a rlayigbi greep ielo ibair aaedi tb ecy ef iW eeaatry lr iWir fatW M OM annaa loe to iba cMif afWl9 oa aad Ikei Ibe u00000 wbwb ib GoeeBmaei wald ebiem BaJeriiiMlk b- brrewd al mae par real par mm He abiwad 4 weetd ealeil a ro-hwatt- iia deeala aew giwe by the beeci raiy great etiM aed be prmaad trily that Uw ebama wMitdadii ae awar wf atpaaewe for Iba perpom ba rem ival nf ib ernr f iba He lemmdhd ibe H ae ibil Mr Gi adietUrd ibiaad tbet it waa eeee1 irilcr to make ibe wort albieg aboald be addad le 1 J refaed iit aed appearad Hd 10 refaM In aef wbat ibit ramb eU ba There wa bat ooe x4aiaiag be be g liiee aed il wbieh bet aaid heiaafiar to pet a eparetma abb oeld eat bee deiKMta aWbeaald aat paaMbly laaet iba t ik Hoee aid tbe eaeatry taMbar Bead diiaM Ibal tba echeaia e give ihe pawer to deel wiik tba rm IKBB to luaa et aeitad tb a oace wf the Guveraaiee for tbei CBrTrerB tyatvm wbcb Btailoa the Pmvioae I iLea raCane to Mt apiJutide tuy aenn llml iLe aebaM te a etptad f iW Whole ef the baeb r for eredil t be wet alirey to tae Uat e M Ibaa p6Aeaded t abow abal Tbe bill for ivwwai lawMiynaivia i of tbe irrit af ibeftwt roKe la Irataadi kcoad tioM IB tbe Hvtae a Coamoaa leal aibl Mr Oiadetoae la a apeeb- eapperted tbe awerameat aad warmly prai the teeetmaat eeceeded la tba Feaieaaby tbe U S Koverameai Mr Magairea reao laiioae egaiM tbe bill were aoyetived by I ou of 105 aicaiaaiSl There iaauth- ag ia the putitieel new to day of iptertel LfOMDCa Aag SII Mvicee from te BMt ef wer wtato that tbe Pfemtaa roepa bavcaBtared Maaabcimand ilaid elber Latait from Octawa- TBR SCUOOL BILLS DROPPED 1 Besifnatioa Kr Oalt Ottawa Atur 7 1866 AttyvGaB Maaloaald aaaoeneed thai ta Bnaaaqaraee ef tbe Opoajtioa iciea lbs Upper Canada majoriiy to Mr Bell a liiU it bad beed Mad tbat tbe Lov Caaada maMiy wealJ aat eeiry tbroavb tbe Lower Caeade Sabool BiU U Qoveraetaal bad apee daiermii ad to drop tbat FMMirvel I db waaad rada 33 laar maOJOflml Ibay wld wip Adace af Brceaat ecr S 1090 waali baad ver thaw apa a Kaxied ler i7MOaO- ll97t3d 000 11a calied apea jb wan what Mr Ctii preped 1 Ibe Beak a la rala 6ri pbKB be prmd to g ef tlSOjlte the dmeaaal WId aadf H karipr ba takmx a falee ef tbam wat ealy 75 laad iba beak frei aubaf aacw far ibe Ueek aed ba reUarr ibem from ibe He ferfbareMie pra t eary Lwa ead afaeJ le pj etiy io eatb a a bmae for tiW tl ir efcalali rZMSlS alUatiaa to ibe fael tM to b Naka alt three i of tbia determioalioa tbe Miaiefarff aeaoe bad reaiaad aad bia r aijtiuiioa bed beea aeeep Be bad eoeaeeted h earn ear i avtiai i earryisK tba tvaa eial meaawta ba bad ieniatad Ha la tieuiad ia Boarlamaa tbat if tbe aiala id paWia hiatal perilled Hb Kiaal leacy woald praae Paritameai a Sefardey Eoa Mr Gait alae aada a aiataaaeflt 14 Ibe ffftot tbat be oa tdero4 tba aparae takea the Oerefewet waa wiia aad pauiaiM bt abudiaf la tbe peapliir pe Mtioa ba did ba bad ao atbor altetMiive tbaa to nHgabia paeiiwa Iba Miaia irjr- Hs feeOfad the riht tifcodaaliiit wilb tbe Lower Caaada mambara of Bni id arii aa ta tlm aaaraa tbey ahoaU peraea aa tba aabaal teaatiee paeay ef the aaeeriw r kim tbet wideb wee aeemy Ivgal taadrr a M iptaia at awy mtmt pmaiad aet that aa all Iba bank a darad 1 waa tbair rht to ia I V ameaei at 3 10 OtM 1 aed rce4va tbarvfr gS26 330 per a ba GrBtal tree m lac la wy bek 7 pr eaot oe avery Bata ibaf kad afital Mr Orpwa 1 ua lb iwpeidae f tbe acWtae a iba ioo It wcbu bare ea oa f ibeeeeeity Jl at qaiu IM if tbrae grt prviWgat wril ed 0 Ibe Baek ef MBlre i waeMl maet etjeu to drprte iim aibr b the cme adraeugaa ead 4 waa 1 tucee tl pat ialo aprnUOb le tbe amah ealreyi rood wilhaet boidwg oat tampiatia to pebh ewe to a lit byrlAaodiig 4 maey meeari a4 the pe ae ilma e Ue mrel aa to dw aa t ql Ibe acbrme ar previdief far ibe p aiad removal el tbr crop aad bnjl it tveel leto efctaliea a rrmedy fi VaMBl be fewid ftad to lbivaa racMy caetd at be fat slmMt eeeoairetWd pwrr 1 Iba 0vareml le deal wiib Ibc aa arJ wbmb be laeM tey emj lily of tba mambr a tW mam ef ihe pafe tbr eealry moml regad with lae t dtJevoer He aeeld eeeratae ae mifetea ea ibePip ad liaa that Iba Gavaramrel 1 aalrestod wMb pamer to eeatrsel al Ibe aarteecy ae taited Ibair veaicMe Cba

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