THE NEWMARKET ERA i NOVEMBER 2 1866 Itv AdTerUMBDt A ffartiiiyK Jffcw NaNni 1 W TTMI Tt liw TailMA Somitt Oif Kdvar4 OiOa TraM OiBfar WiM A CmuITlrw lycr TMM V TraaU m4 OMdW Tnt Tri Trmi Tnin Tim Kirmrkt cIjf lifiDinorlift Pra Ttewmrc9t FridiT Mer 8 3866 L from TORoyrx The Fenian Trial I MONTREAL DANK DlVIDESnS The Peel ConserratlTM M Amfiean eitittfit Thej mant bo ha n or tb olhtr bot bolh tby oinnatbe Mr StWAIOthftQid trj Rinin th bibMt eonnidfrKion of dlpiilj dtr tnd hoBovr to which be allodo ahottld indaw biw lo nirppi hia Utt tffHt lad tbe FVnikn prii Ua4d to iib ebr yet to be Hied been tdnt ofCanadsi lo eooalilated aatboriij ber could tbenanderetend ho tbej mijtht be elamd poKiieal offeodert bt or awei horde froa a eoaotrj with whieb we ai opon terma of tnitj to tioIsIo oar nrn irilii V Uwe mnrder tad rob oor peaeefi eiliirna lod eeak to ovenhrew or allet aoceto be dcaigaatrd pAlilieal offender ia an abierditjr Wa eao looic opon tbei onlj aa briaede aad QlUirotdeaarTto be eilreiDe peaaltj of tbe ricbieoaa nriwvthej violated as a dawrred pinibiset dar i I for their temerity and blo ibiratineaa aabile and ealeolated iodirretij toeneooraee tbe Feaian eaaae raniaieiiatioD ofeleneney barnwfljr beaaja witb the prnceedinp wVieb thi OoTprDQieBt baa thoubt it jai wiM and pradenl to pqmte io retard to tbe violaiien of its own aentralitj U whieb are inrotted lo Iheie ajigreaaiooa Of oixirae bfcaae the DrnoerBtie party wanted the Fenian toi determin 0 allow the oflendera afpinat their la to anpoaihed and now elaia a firtse a eovrae of aetioa delermioed up- a a political czijrroc As we alaled tbe Mtaet Mr ScWAito nay be Th Gkftnd Flowlaf Vfttch T Nbv 1 ISM The Fenian Tiiala oeoiinae le liM a tbe UaiiaJ State Geeraaiat ei ate atteng pepoiar feeling Tbeee n aaiiea fer anaetaiiM a ew abort mcei afOt are new Ade ia bitter debnneiair feeryiblnf Amefiian Li Fenian pttaeoera Cl Lyoch miah Priew lt J McMahon wera tab lioe ta diraeiing affjira ibe latter alei aa oeeaaellor anJ aid aod remfert lAe laod ptraiea aod brtgaoJa at Erit Applieaiiea ia beiog aMe te bare lb triaa ef a larfa oanber ef tbe Fenlec ptM era fi sell Ase Sleio iet b irM te nerrew and lb Rev Mi Lamedea ea SaioriiBy The aBnoeiMeiBeni of a daetared dii dead of fle per oent open the atoek of ihe Uoatreal EUnk ia caoatng eoaeiderabteatir la cennMratal eirelee aa itgieea rtaele eMpiateaa ateni ib raeeni Goeenaent lank laaae erheme No deebt ibe oaaarry pakl aweetly for alt tbe aeeeaene datl btaioed Tbe taeeiiog held the oher tby In BraiapiMi ht the parpo of nnninf a iMien waa adopted eeiting fonb thai aacb eeilee wa onneeewty wiibevt 6ri eeu eelling the Hoa J H Cameron diti net meet the eipeciaeAa ef ihe Rapreaeota iieaefibat oaoaiitaeney Tba above ree- atoiiaa wae aeved anJ earriad bytheee eppeeel te the Hen feailewin aodaleo ppMel le any erfai ary iaiended t nbioa white- waahiog a Boafd ot Trade will hnid eeMeetia feada ia aid ef tlie Qeebee eaf- The iMderef Wedaeeiay baa an ee aMi ef a featful aeandal uaee whetwia aa M D aaraed CteoiMil ef 8raJlard i ehatgfcl with aeJaetiee aod Ihea ailampi Ibf M hirt h edaced vieiia leeoaait wekinf an afflUvti rbargiog aWiiiena ar ibe pfrjected aaoaaaeoi le the TeleBieera Thegtead ptwinf faaieh yeatenlay ea Mr Caepi ram Deveapen Raad a faff N eireadKl het ihere waa net eeA- ieal eeeapatiiiAa la carr off ell th Wra 45 pcisee wara efted aad only Jl aMprad tor k ewapetiier fiea Ilr JebaBobmeeaefSiiareo TVe Ciif tf Tkreiate makea h teie trff af the aeaiea te Lawteteaea Sat- aday pen elerrr taaa bat bia letter to iba Uriiiab doea aot esbibitmtieb utateneea dtflplay Dtieb of tha caMOtial qaalioa- ioae of 4 diploaatut CrossThinkers I BLrNDERER COnUECTED I For wbal end detigoed wo eaooot tell boi the faol ia oeilaia every eoBmanity eroae ibiaker on all qneaioaa reat aad Miali ptibUe and private aod if beta ia a wrong aide lo the argQiaeat weak tide to tbe qaeetioa m aatler Me noi I iaportaat or iaugoiBeaBt tbe taaae i mceiha your iDodero eroea thinker ia nre 0 br aneiaiioa I foQad apoa the falae a de An almort eek Ihe aaperbimaD eoapieiooaoeea alleodt tbia the R cf be body aocial aad poUtie eT read to org aotao faroorite iaprobabtl ty rcfrding any matter of which Mbe wtah ii father to tbe tboagbt with mneb ado wbiU a great broad piincipe wbiob reeoamenda itieif to tbe oeotaoa eaia of tbe balk of aaokiad or a dadao tion irrauatibly logieal etcitM io them Ibe emtpicioa of aotae profoaoder error Tbia MiapieioaiDeM leada lo jealooay aod from tbaneefortb tb objret of tbeir die- like beeo at oaoa tbe target for tbeir ire aod tbe aabjet of tbeir eentaaely Tratb furma no part of ibetr eoapoailion aad one bavio aaaaaaJ a poaitios ar aatbiakly prafarml a groaadieaa ebar they eeek perteaaeiotialy to oaintais tbeir a let tbe proof to tbe eoolKry be never fO eoaviaetag or self eridcat Riflbnood UitI ia oafortaaatly lrob led with owe of ibe kind of apirtle ago be made as iatinaatton ealcalatod to lead tboaa nnaoqaaioed b the faeta to believe tbaL the Ae eottnU u aaditad by Merara Oraham II aod pabKabad tbe Coaneil of thcaa Cooatiea for tbe year 18Ci did not gi a tre atateneat witb regard to the rtoeipte aad diaborMaenta of tbe Corporation pointed oot bia blan- at tbe liiw bot troe lo bia oroee- ikiog natare aad eoimatewt witb tbe prev of btl dlapoettioo he baa not bad ibe frankaraalo own biafanlt Nay ti laet iaaae be baa tbe effroel iilicin hn d Ih MqniHHr lira If the 6ore were tboae of ibe Cnnntire mijr why ahAoVi the worda teaii be before aad le lexu allnded to in tbe irn aa poblihed over tbe oviacia Anditor laeladea lira of tbe Coanty bat lotnl lameof tbe V lOt only the t ilan of the W vhile tbe aeoo T apd we qoole froa rbo heading of the teble from which Iba llrmld man obtained hia Sguree to prove it On a previoita ooeaaion we aleooaot ed that portion of the Coaotiee UrLaw reliing to tbe Wvying of Coanty Katca ao that the repetition of the eharge not only makea a mean iannation itte Coaikty Aoditorabnt It iafMiei a dirert eharge of awindling oo ibe pari ef tha Coonliee Wardeo Clerk and Treaa Oer apd makea Ibe verlooa Reevea and Drputiee appear a partira Ibereto or rlae 0 toaaly isrnorant ae to be ineapableof adding the 8uree together to aaeartaia iheir total ae roeereainded by the Fi nanee Coinaiittea tbe Coaatiea Coaa eiti ary t He trnl oor teadera wilt pardon na fur the apace we have Oocspied wiih tbta aalter the cbaraetera ofaboot Aft men are involved io lb aeea inaifloatiOB of Ihe Ricbmoad IIiU editor and it did ap pear to aa neeeatary to raai A A aa it deserved that henocfortb a proper ralae nay ba pltcfd apon bia atteraoocw 1he fact ia be appeara to be ia the wbole- aale aod retail boaineae ia his way lie began playing ibe saoM gaesoae yean afo aad ibortly after was aoapellvd U and oeaae pobtiblog NV hope be will take waraiag by tbe past ar aa a Drill Shed is ooooeraed Rieh- d Mill woald oarlaialy have atood 1 each better ehaooe wiib a more diaereet BOatbpieee tbaa its praaeat orgao grindi of tha iltrald Whitchurch Council A special atecting of the abova Coaoell ts beld at Mr Qiixs Hoel Leaon- ville oa the 18tb altino All tbe aea- bers preaPBt After ealliog tbe roll tbe Roeve stated St a Dew ebane to the Maaieipal Eleelioa Law pawed Ibis year bad in- dtcd hia to eall this neetingso thai dirisioB of tbe Towaabip iato elaatoral distriola sbonld be desasd eeoe aary by tbe Coaaatt Ibar voald be pUo ty of tiae lo give the reqaisile aotioe ao tbsl tbe Electors aigbl Baderataod all A Oy Law was Ibea iairodaead by tbe Rieevs and paaead tbroogb iteeevrral ait gea dividing the Toanablp iato foar elso- JdirUtoas as fellows la fcar ladaaivat JLala fraa M tea tU- S Ta be eBapnwi tt Ceoaaaaiaae iMiaaif Dmma Ta ha ppwj af CaaaaaaleM Iva ta tia fairlaBi aad Lala A vwM Xa 4Ta ba Mwpa ut Ciaaiwln eijbiiie I Uirtylf laclaalva By these Divisioaa it will be observed the Townabip is qiurtered tbe liae North aod Setb being batweea be foarth and 8Ah Ceaecaaioes aad ibe line Eaat and Wrst being betweeo Lot 17 aad IS A ByLaw was alao parsed appoialin Polling Haeea aad ReCaraing Ofteera fir th reapeetve DivietoM ae follows For oa No 1 aee neu Mr 8 Sid reeideaae llwe Lloyd Rietaraiag Ofieer For Diviaion No t plaea Ilatl Boffarl Towa J W Collioa Relnrning Ofieer For Bivisioa No 3 plce inrs Hall LeflwnviQei SMaael T Dowgheriy Relnmtog Ofioer For I Diviaioo No 4 plaoe Sesaaiths Coraarr U injgrj bj nuM Rlgniii OfiMT llie plaee for bodit tbe Noaioatioa anderataad was fised at Bogart Town The Ceaneil the adjonraed the raitnard fot probably K wi rrarh f I 900 or 2000 Tba Uaaari Bihp ar dmiig the naiaw work Mr Wa IVat bai completed a dwell g haa 00 Niagara Street aad Mr fogbaaSbarpe aaoibfroa DArcy Street EagiiliCbareb Both aeaaatial tdiAre W Joaea h Th American Ghyrcmiaent and U fcniani Ta aaotbar aolaaa of lodaya paper we pdbUeb aa iaportaat dosMeat fnm Hew W n SaWAtDSaarwUryorStaU aftbaiAaakaa Ooveraaieat to tha Hoa 1 8tr FatoitiCK Bircs BriiUb Miniitar at Wasbiagtea raUUag ta Iba Feaiaa priaaMn laMtiy aoaviMad at tba Asaaae ia asaaoa at Toroato aad alao lo tbaaa ya lo be preeoied Jfr gWAi ay ba a very alcver asa by soaa ba say ba regarded u a diploaatial aod auiaaM bat ta tba doeaaaal alladed ea aabaH ba bas sbova grast vaaki csa aad aKaiaated a Suta Paptr Ibal even bu waramt adtairara bava Uula raaaoa le feal pfvM of la Iba trat plaaa ba aau Ml by aUaiag tbat tba aoavlata Ltjicb aadlfeMaoiiaraAaerioaaaibaas aad fV ibis staadpoial aats h fenii as tba af tba Aaw GetaraaaM iaiir kta tba kgtlkf aad vagalariijpof tbejadiaial pcoeaadiaga vfaiab 8efsrveUae be ovad with lUs partiealarly J fovaraaaai ta wm ibat Iha4 af its s ara pcataataJ ia noasodjil bat aafertaaaely fcf Mr flsw8Bt repvtalioa ba doaa mA nstraaUibaBritisbHiaiMr to a bo aa beaatolsoaa ttaifaraaa aaaaatj aad forgivaMa aad taaly isaihiia by aaaartiaj ibat tba eibaaa af tba priaeoaw ia wboas iatsraais ha write iaaataaaUypatiUaal latbabaabowB Ua iaabjliiy vaal af aipaa If AaariaBa aitiaaa hevaaa Ibay be aaaaiderad potitiaal edhaden BfitisbTatiiioijT Or ifibejbapatiiioa bis ferwMT ebargt aad insioaatiag tbai failed to show bis error or poial bia faolt Now a aaa who koowiog- ly aad wittiogly makoa aa ioaiaaatioa taWatad to daifa oibera wilfaUy aad praoMdilattBgly gtvea nttarsaoe to a slaa- der aad jost as wickedly telb aa aatratb if be had aade aa open daalaraiioo af Cnatog bis conaealad saotiaeaU This ia preaiaely tba poaiiioB with tbe modem Herealea who direets Iba tbaader of tbe Riobaoad Hid pop fna bat beaaaae be is powerleaa lo affect mneb bara abovt noaa tbe leaa the aaas vilL I a tbe laat of bis paper while iadiraotlyadait tiag bis iD ia advaaatiag tba penditareof Coanty faada to bnilda Drill 8bad alaewbare wbea praaiasa bad baea oflered fof obarga la Newearket ba jaapa to bia old bot tbriea rafaled flory aboal tbe Couaty aoeatats aad re- Oer Ma vfll raambar tbet e calW aa the Oaaa Aedltara fcr amaia aiyhaa a la rfatd le a dtervfaaahieh exiata W Now for tba foartb tim wa deay ror xiatsbetwaaa tba Ceaaty aad Pr vtaaisi Aadiiars aaaoania aad tba Riab aoad Hill aaa aided by a spdg ia a eity ofiee we wot o who bas bad oooaaloa to reaswTur iba Coaaty Aaditora aad aball agaia eaaaof oal a MfU Ae- errpMe Tba Hin aaa ia bia bltad MI to M oktilwa WW of K w M J r n i w f Maaieipaiitiaa ia Upper sad Lovrr Village IiirTemenU Dariag tbia preMat year oar village baa sMde eaailarabte rea aad baildnga teat af between eighteea aad tweety theaiMl dolta have beea erected Mr Saaiael Sjkea ba baltl a large aad eoaaedieaa brick dwelltag at a oot ef early tbraa UieaaaaJs dWVa It ia aalad oa Maia Street dtreelly eppoeite tha Era Oflee aad i a aradil to ib Village Tba aMtoa werk waa eaecniad tbe Mera DtriHtp aad iba Crpaa r work hy Mraar Marfara Cbaalier N A Faabte baa rebilt hia PB Oatarip jlreet It ia coa etracted of Briek aad every way adopted U tba baaiaeaa The baildara ware tbe wtae aa employed by Ur Sfkee Wa aaderaiead ibe aairact price ef thie iraatara was ISflO Tbe North Yeik Agriealtaral Soeiely baa baill a coaaodieta baiidiag dfigaed by Mr J T 8ekea Arebttaet a caet cf abeal 000 It ie t orei the Soctely aad aa oraeaeat to ib groaada Miaara Bttfjrd di White were tha eoalraelara Tbe viftsge af Newaaifet bae baiti 1 sabataalial briek eagiaebeaae with cr pacily ia tbe aecoad amry lor taadiags of Caaaeil ke o Uaia Silrwit adjaiaieg tbe North York RegiMry OAca It designed by Nr J T Stakes arliecl Canada tor tbe year 1864 aad tamiag to paga 29 of tbal retara nader Iba batdlag ot Reveaaa aoUaatad aader tba yaar s lasea ba ftmad 63 853 tbaa lam iag ta tba Ooaaty Aaaaaala ba fraad Ibe total tazas did aot aaeaat lo oaly about ob of tbia saa flerea a iae ebaaaa said ba ia bis ova aiad te bare a slap al Jaakao I la bis aral le say lassa Magbty ba did not atop to aaaira what tba Provtaohl Ha tart bad riSoa labet nm tbiakar Uka jaapad at ooaaioaa aad asde biaaalf appaar tidicalaoaiy inoraai ia thaayaa of all wba Uka Iba siigbteat ia- taraat ia Maaidpal affairs of iba Coaaty Tba vary Brndtrng af tha Baofc froa wbiab ba aada bk ectraeta waU sag- gaat ta bia bia error bad aat p ataiaoas Us bauar jadgaaai wbiali raada Swaaary af tba Aasata Ltabtfi- Baaoa dc Phelps wm lbs inaiore Tka bcUf 1 aeet aboat 1000 A aeal sad eabetsettsi bilca Ckarcb baea erected aa AlB Straet capable of aacoaawdaiiag a Caagregaliaa af fraa 00 la iOO wa aaJsralsad has erected by tha B MetboAats aoaleraoat810 Tba Ueeara Bub pa aaaeaa j aad ll J H Jabasei tbe iCarpealar A BoaltbaaBoq baa p te Mi daelkag baasa aad alsa a Iba Boyal hotel at a cost of Ikraa tbeaaad dallirs Maaarv Balsbrd k Wluia aiaaaled tbe earpaaier wark aad Mr Baeaa tba mum wark Mr iaeepb MMard is aae afber larga briek Hare aHJoiaiai tba blaei baill by bia a caapk af yaara aga aa ly n tba Nailb AMrieaa H Wa bate sal keyaad Royal aad North Amf sdjiliofls beaueh a ihaBMk Baildinga aad tboaa owned by Mr K Walln on Uaii Street Taken aliegelber we have reeao to be proad of tba pOtree tbe village bai mada dertag the ynr 1866 m ihe way al heildiag What waaew waati mtj9 pri vale reideaeea with larga airy rooaa adepted to large fsmiliee aad for aaa aeae retiriag from beaiaeee Dariag th patt year acrvral geatlraea of tbe latter etSN aougbt pnmiaea adapted to then eircaaiteacea but eowld aot ad tbea Tbe nest tsiay we waat is laarket aed have ealablitbed e regalar maiket day each wrak doat waat aa etpaest fStahtMbmeat readariag the eiaetiaa of ftat froa faraera far driving opoi nartrrt iqaare aeeaary bat a free kal oa aal deyi in each week wbea ibe faiwer caa aae wiih hia prodaca haviag a rfaOAhle hope af aelling aad tbe trade- waa aad dealer cao atieatf ilb alaoat cerieiaty af beiag ahe la bay Botb boyvr aid aaller woald thereby be aeea ladated aad a aore aatfora price eati lithed for everytbbig Ihe araar bas dnpoie of to aay aaihiagof the vahiable tiaaa aaved which ia aow lost lo both bayei aad aelirr haetiag ooa another Thankful for Small FaTora Ia the latt iaie of tba York Utraii ia an article allediag te a loiter over tha aig- rnlare of Ihe nenhar for iWa Ridiag amtnt the Drill 8bd ia which Ibe editor aayi 1 aa abroad aeawaiag it Vrl aow whai doaa Mr Wells ay to the Btraid aiaa that givea bM aacb pace- liai pleaavrer Let a lakeaa ettracl Thatv la aridaallj a daabt thfwa eat ia year fZrrtid anielaabatbe leraHjerMewearhas ikkh u aawrrt We woald advtee ttw editor efter that 0 hoial a a board over hii door with hia iBcriptioa chaali ravoralhaakfatiy eceirrd Urge oaea ia proportiea erlsaly sotnr paople caa lake pleaaare lat of abart allowaaae Uaworihy af lOtiee Rathar e tigbt fit By tha Atlantic Cable LavtaPvil Oeiobar 25h Tha atei MonV arav baa 1 I the baaJa of l be Tycoon baa ia nonaeqoeoe Tid that the Britiah Govemmefll i aak Parliaaantfor an increaM of 000000 aletiinf in addition to ih votod fer the army aad a large ad amoont to ihM appraprtaled in for e far iha navy aatd that the relaiiona betwoe Aaaina and Piaaata ara aaeominf a nana tialoo Ttaice aaya that iha Praa vernmoflt la Miuigoiag for a farthe diaistagraiioa ef Aoatiia lata October 77 The prajaet aabmii by Franoa anrt England ii Stla BagUtar Wiawiay lvaWr 7th ia astaMlva aalaaf B Pataiiara wiO aha plMa a tha lartiM Biiwe e Mr Thamaa Alkiaaaia Tirmi mA Ma leaaai- maaoe al 19 aderht aaaa Aa Mr4laat boeaakaapare Theaaa At- PrMar VaraAbarS Via BlaabHh kw KMU OaUliU au IIIiImmI af loch laapUaaaarla AllMaatA Taaadiiaet Whiiahereh aria Oraia Tvaw aradit at- OfWa bM wiU U MeaaIOalaekam aaa M falliaaaa Aaa- Uaaday Karaahar I Mr Waldaa Taaahir aawa aT 0 aad Uaeha aata ef taek Iwplaaiiata k 9 mial avadll aa ayyrarad JaiaS beiaata bilti prbi ri aalaaalicaaa IditoriAl StBMry- Be-VnloD- 71m Ra Jaien in ent A aaaMing of tha Board of Scfioel Traalam aTthk TOkga teha yhae al Iha laU- d aa Maadar avialag aaxt Tbe evamor Geaeral hes ited ISlh er DaeiaW hr hk 4ayarare Haglaad IheOalaatelDalnSaawmpiwdaya t Oar oM friend Mr J HAWSTva iiliraaal haa aaaaiad the paaMaa aT pria alpal ia tha Aarara Canaa BahaaL Wa towal rava wataally ade W A ala Skaoiiag Hatch ta to take laa at tha TfavaDiaa Baaae BaaL Oataa SUiat laal OwOBahaeT aa tha lath leat tbr taaa thaa Satwiy TaahcT Oeaea aad Daeka iag tha iarthaaalag jfaalaipel Bwali niaiilieM with tha wahawaa ef the m Maaieipal Aac fl7 Mr J B Mc baa baa afvoialad dark af AaranCaaaafl ia plaee Taa Wa aMiMar tha aalaatiaa ad aM aad If Mr McJTAtr aaa pialktj a the tiae wa sheaU he la thai vfllfaahaaa la pat of Ceaaril thn ear aalaa 11 The Ralar Qeerterly Meetrag la faaaaittw vfth tbe W K Chnvh m tha ITavwarkat aad Aarara Clra tahaa plaea aa BjAtetb aett a lanaa Mrlaa Sorrlae aaa- aMaa a Xa a a aad lAer praaeblag the Wacraaaet arUl be adalaialarad- Tha BafaMa MaaUag hgr tha Qasitariy Baari 01 be h4d tha faUawlag dayaeawaeaaiag at S p a CaaplaMits reaeh ae aa all eida e hafly aAMlai ha p hae haea heaeed the deajkM etaaaiva The eatlia aeey haa a npid a itiiif the peesa aaae yMrr la ge asaie a tb We abarra ibera has beaa aaotbar eheage la Iba paaprWasahtp af tbe OHfpvMl OheaaMk Ur 9m Samt laaarlr f tbe MrtMll aad the feed peepte af 00 aay ra aaarad thai ha haa haU t aMttly aad caagyta apply thaa a jaenri afwbkhthala- aalMy aay M preaA Weaaa Mr Bam hack le tta Paasth iMaia Tba iVAdi bmuw of Friday Uat la naeklig cf Ihe f Oppa Oaaada giaa eamaer le ha raaaa thai Mr fiiaai iaa thael he a aviieed af el last M aeea ia thi 4lietheaaehyWeaag aUMa If he raa aeea need la par- dinner now Sinea eor laei Ca9Ceileiaiic Dalegat reiaieit at fiaatlionat im Mt Honirml Bigt e all ihe rag jiwt ioe the Caaadi I Ih England THaSoaaJA Miassias- Tbe Oatabe No- Pan Aral veionte 3rd af thie pepota aoniMy haa been leid on enr lebla It cooleoia aia iavUlag oaoagb ThaHa goenot Faaily in ihe Cogtiah Titlaga Maiaphora af 5i Psal Ao Unptefii able Sanday t l Laka anrf hia Qii OceopaOane ef a Cripple Girt kr tu aied with ihrea eftgra Hendetaoaa Book Sio Onr Ghammar School Thie ia elilBlieB a new aadar the charge af Or Moatat iwelian every vay aaUAad tw tha ul alihoagh hia aaaaartioa viU Ihla aafaaity aat baa pabUai aaaaai jat a aaa a laam hia eaaia U aaka tba Sahoal a aradJt a the plaaa aad le tha Bidiag ia mia vith feaaval tv The atladiaii ef papila la laeraadag aad maah allAii hai aipraaaad hp thaaa patraaWag it la the p papOa are makiag aadr hii aitiea Mow IM beih Taaehar aad Traatea re Mag what thay caa ta make tha iaatitaUaa a awaa a traat the aaaaaaity gaaanllr UI apprariala lhair afarta hy Mpportlag tha M it ahaaU be CeaHdaialiaaa ef tha khaal a win I Colonial Oereber 37ih k- Tha Graek a that aaotbar graat haul Naw reaa Oat 3B I ateaiaeraaMhland sad Allaaeaii fiea Soatbaaptfa airirad here thie evM Orael Reform Jainorteiraiiooa are te ba a Itoadan Tifalee Mya tbe Rmparer J rabfGwadral Meoabrea baa r to ihM Adatriaa OovainnM liea ef livraa baaag ihe Italiai and at Ibo aame nma ba 1 CaanI Meadadeiff tbe iraa 1 MOTgante have aiM prneeCBila I Marlboroagh Hooae Ihraagbewt EnglatMl argtag Ihea a devot ipacial aitaatioa w tba naw regieter aa an ppaalwiha oaaatty will he aade neu aaa lea Fire aillkw paamla ie etpaetori in Lm oa froa AoMtella at ibe end ef he wok Oae ibaacend fear handled CngHah oBBiaaa naw ia Braaaelf aa being Mod ia a aaai prinaely meaae Tha iavitad tbaa a a grand hanqaet teaiaawia At a maaiing ol ibara- praeeniaiivee from ell parte ef aoithafa Sahlawig a raoalotioa waa adopted for ihe lamediair aatebltahaetil af an aaeoeialiaa for eppoeing any diviaioo ef Schlaewig TtU eabaenptiaa la iha laltsn naiMoai aan haa baea raeai aaoeaaafal RatiBoatMMef the traaty of paaaa ha weaa Aaarra aad liaJy baea baea ax- ihanged el Ttenna Tha Iiahane will eaUr Vereoa oa the 16 h aod Teoica oa tha lah The Piaaeian Oevwaai af Kehlaawig hai prohibiiad the raiaang ef feada by the faa IHPOATAKT Tba fbllowiag important letiai nt lothapohlia praa ef tba Uoiird eiaa 9a Saiarday lat by Mi SMratary ef S In iha AtwarioaD L Lirrga aoK 1 DeraarMiKT or Utat WAeBtawToa Oai S4 1864 8 For yoor inforwiaiien I ottcii eopy of a teia nf ihie deta wMeh I ave addraeaad to 8ir Pradarie Iraea BrHieh Mlnietar hate nhteet eftba aoaviettoft and 1 I Robt B Lynch end John MeMabon by a Cobwal Cewn of Oaaata on ibe abarfaof aompliehv ea4 panidpetioQ m ibe lata alack on Port Bra la aeeord wMb fba parpoaa la ibai eeaau- Bieetiaa yaw araetpeeiad in proeara wnboatdalay for tba ueaaftbia Dapevt- a aepy o4baracord ef ibe iriei nvliiiWoef Lynch aad MeMaHon Iae af all farther riala an coavic liooe of a eiaMlar cberaaiar wbleh laka pleM ia Caeada witb ba laaet peeatMa delay after fbair lavalaetleo I aviir year obadlaat aarvant WHIl SeWARD 0 Tatraarei Esq U 8 C Ta- W tarrta aov w aewata vo 1 siecLLtKCT art aoc aamaa AaaaaaAaag vaMRorea DsrATaurT or 8 V WAawaoTtpp Oet 27 18M j 8ib It ia aadaaioed tbat Eabt Lyaait aod Jaba HaMeboa baea baaa raea akavteled ia a Celoaiel Oon of Mead tadaatbape I aitisaae of tba Uaiiod aaeiora ia iba I tba arntb af Jaaa laauatPort eolo7 U fact that ihr Uitvaromeni of ibe United Staiae ie required by the higheai a- aidarslioae of nation dignity dtitv end hooovr to irqiira loiu the jeatfea aad regoUrity af tba jiwieial preeaedinga which have ihua take plaea acd that aftar makiog euch a earafgl eeraiioy wa aball expect to mska knowa 10 ha Maiaiya Ouvarameni euch opin- loea as tba Praetdent upon dye eon aidaraiioD ebsli adopt With Iha vie tbeCuneal of tha United Stataa al Tih melD w ihie day imrueted to proeoc for he inforaMiitin of thiedepai onpv ef tha raeord ot the trial end eon victton of Lyneh sod MeMabon and ateo of all further irisle aod corvietiiaa of a aimiler eharaeier which shell take plaea in Ceaads While no aaneeaeeary delay in iha asaaMeaiioQ ef tha eaaae which ara thus eipacied 10 eome bafura thk Oovarnmaot is inteodad it mey nevartbeleae happen hreefier ibM daieye may tinaeidably raealt froa paai A Doctor ia DiAealiy ineidat from fuiore events which be foraaaan I have now ibe honour to requaet tbal you take each proeaddinge aa yeo may think proper to the aod thst aieh spplictlions of the Cooeul ehtHild ba piaaipily granted Tba President directs aa to aanra yoa f hie ernfienl hope thai far Uajeetya will noi onlychverfuliy com- oly with tbe requaet I have ihoe mad Wt that they will ihiok it proper slaoto egsmioa ihe judical procaedingeeforeaaid with a eereful regaw to tba of tlii Uoiied State and the maiotenance n gnod ralstiooe beaan the two coantriea sh raiatione ara ifwaya diRewtt and dalicata in Sutee that ara adjecant Mieb other without being separated by iapeasabia boendariaa- rar tbie reae t wotild ba very gratifylag to the Pi idi if yoa should ba abli the I nf tha nihe c if Aoculon for delay aball arieein tha ionea to make deeirabte Finally im it prnper to say ihei tbaofieaca ed in ih triele ara in ihair naiura acntnanily pditicsl It ie tbf fte opinion of thii Guvernment ihat setiod peliev coincidee wiih the brst intpuli oSent nelure ia recoatmendiag lendarneae amneety sad forg This euggaalion ie fDineota end ptiblieiats of Eumpa end lynonaeftham wih graeter frankoeee lod kirvdaaea ibeo liy iha Oove nd iiateamaa of Great Briain ary sra that yau will find thai coremendaiiooa of a policy nfclemaney tad forgivenaao ia ihe eaea ef the partia neenwdara in attiira berroony wid lit the auggeoa aid rapraaantaiioni leh thi Majety eggreei the Caniaa fi alhe I mede to Her egard been made 00 aai that they ere with tbe proceadag whach thie Goaronaol ha tbowght it jaet we aad prudani to puraua m regard lo Ihe violation of ir own neotralrty lawa which ware involved in thoae aggreaaiuna ar to be wiih ibe r Tor WV ILSKWARD To tJu Bon Sir Frodk W A Brmet higheai coneideratioo 1 FaaiAii Daparatka laHiMTOi Oct 3 Gee Mar- Saprtwor W Roach Jeda Hagaa Jedge baaUy aad SeMtar Bradley tbe aittee recealy appemled by Ta lay Hall Geaeral Coamtiae errived s aoraiag aad beiweea 1 sad IS oalMk aoHad epM Ibe Prrwd ef Iba Uanad Siatea la caafoaMty with tkdy whtcb ibay were dsHgaed le lelfil Tbay iird to hia a copy af Ibe procaediaga nf the OeaersI Coaaiitca ia relaiiea lo laaary ceavKtiaa aad aeatraca EUbert Bloaa Lyach by the Caeedia a and daeUnag ibat the Prtd aboald proaf sad leaojnuly iaibrreae aiil lhat Lyacbaad all etbeAaar citiaeaa held ea tbe aae charge aboald be dekrarad ap te av astioaa aa Sraalor Bradley epoke ia babsif ef Ibe aaittea clearly bai brwfy eiatiag tba l ef the cotMBtewaa- The Preaideet iaforaed ibea that be had raeetved a capy ef ibe Teaaeay Hall proeeediag tareegh tbe Mayer Mr Hef- aao of New Yrk aad be seid theaaa iiee woald percrive fiea tbe correa- powdeace with oar aeaaol at Troato aad Biitiah MiaHler pbll4ed ia ta dapa pepera Ibel be bed saticipated tba ebjact of tbe reaelaiioaa He esprvsaed bis pre foaad ayitby fer tba seadsmaa priaoa I aad woBd accerdiagly do ail that ley bia power for tbeir waJfare pad relatf Ntw Yoag Get 29Neariy s4M0 peraw aabtad yeaterday far ihe per- if iisieaiag ta aa addre Jsaea at Joaaa Wood It aader iftd tbia to he ba laat aperch prerloa depatiag fer Irvkad wbrre he aad be wiM atrika a blow for Iraiead before ibe He reiMhed tba rach had atrdr SoM ia Iretiad aa aray 90100 aa bad beea orpaiaed A dqtarbaaca occarrad at be rloaa af the leratag by tba appod dicevery ef Britiah apy wbo wa badly eat aad beet I before be wa rrseard A aeatiag of Femea circles Ul albi aolved te eveage tbe desth af ih coa ie Paiee w Caaads aboald tbay bx lacalrd aad dared ibe Ceeadiao t iny thaw ibrvais iato exrcatMO Mat tra la Caaada ara beaamiag ef gave ia Mtaace aad il i the wub of ibe Prewdvet al Iha reprvaealatiae af thWyotrmaMal loald be there at Iha eadieei practicable period Gee dwerney it la a wiQ ad ta ba foraer rsak ia tba Uatted Sutra aray aa h ewa appUcaliea Rodicaraa N Y Oct 77 TW IVaoerata aad Natmtal laiea bf tbie cnaeeatiaa paiaed raaolatioai eadorwag be Feaia aaveaMa deaoaacag Grca llriiaa aad pledg ilavK aad party li eetaa tbe Federal Gorsraasiil a what aay do far ibe Prataaa oa trwl al Tereat- rea aa abeelete deaaad lei tbair releaee Buttalo Oct At the Praat Meiiagfhat abf- b-50- were preaeat Speecbea wvra aada by Seaatof Marriaaa aad atbara Reaaia- I ware sdoptad ihreataaiag rslslbliaa ia af rsecalMa ef if mm priaeai aaae and repntalioa ef a Brtdford mrd eo Dr Lsaa Clrnrol wt ieraittgaied befora tbe Police Magietratgis tbeCoa ly baildiaga by viriae of bia oftee as Jaalice of Iba Peace of tba Uatted Coaa- liee Tbe charge was aaa of aabornatlea of perjary laid by a pri aaaed Fraaca Clarke a reaident oT Bealisck i the coanty of Gray bat for a while a arvaet ia Ibe saily of tba defeadaals father Afterward while caployrd with Mr Sautb ef Bradford tbf girl il appear hsd recoera lo the doctor for apical advice aad daiag t iaiervtew tbaa ob d a caaaeclioa af aa iNicit astara ig ap whtcb reaaltedia tbe pregaaecy of Ike girl To aroid tbe aeaadsl likely follow Cleaaat are ibe girl aioaey to brjeg her te Teroato aad s for g tine foaad eaployoaat at Mr Baattys Ade ida Street bat wat evrniaaUy delivered f a feaaU ahtld w ihe Lf iegaUoapttal this citp oa the 31st Jsaaary laat Letiere freqqeatly pstaed ia Ibe aeaetiae bclwere ibe parties CleoKel ia cicb ea- ioeiag a Ibree er foar doVar bill aa a olsce for the disirracefal poaitioa ia which he haa placed tbe roiaed woaaa wbo appears to bsre plaeed a grat deal of oa6deace ia bia The care ef Ibe cbiM aaa it appears givea fjr a while lo a eoaue rciidiog ia tbe eoaalry tb doctor fooiiag Ibe bill for eomiag irkaoaa be lately wrela the moibar offsrtag e40 lo swear tbe paterailv ef the lafsal apon a rciNlent of Ilradford Elbrrl Walkers aaa who waa geaerall repated ia ibe villsga le be tbe lather of thecbild IWaa terai were aot accapicd tbe doctor beiag coaaidered too good mark by tbe girls parrala to tkrow swi fer the Him of IMaad Ihe bare poawbiUty of receiving aaythtnf Irom the aewlyfeaad pereai wha poatima was aot at al ae fa voarable ai ihat ot the other CeBtcaeat ly falling to obtsia aaylbing fariar lo wsida Ibe aapport of ibe child the defaad- eat waa arrested aad yaaterdey broaght trial Walker oa whom the rpoosbliiy cf Ibe asiairnsara of tba cbld waa a deavowrd 10 be pltOd appMred ie ci aa a wiiars for tba drfeace and volaati ily made Ibe adiMOa thai ha loo b freqarally bad erimail iaierceera ni th yoaag womao The csa reveals ban a rsMality all aroaad Gkit Lattar frem Xr Walla C- p P b Uu Edttr etia Iark Htmli DaAa Sit Soma kiod friend bas for srded te aa a copy ef tba laat lane ol Iba Btraid aad has marked eal for ny special ediSealioa aa arttale beaded l1ie Diill bad agaia wberaia yoa ay tbat yoa bare baM iafermed that Nawmar ket is indebted to Mr Wells for the removal af Ibe Drill Sbed fiom Aoro New Mr Bditor yaar iafermant who aver bris ieatirely miatakea tba oaly reeoataeadaiion I avor aade on tbia eaeet was one ta leave iba saleotion la the head bf tba CoaatiM Coaneil tbia of eoaraa T atraagly raaoaaeaded to Bri gada Mam DeonU sad I bed tbe ssaar of uat gaailaaaa tbal seb would ta aaae I believed at tba tiie aad opiaiea still Ibst if tbie dopted tbe aapleaeaal fiiagMbal have beea eag ea tba saeet pariieelarly le the volaa- leera woald have been avoided as 1 aa fally eoavinoad Ibal say reUction Ihi be ta aaae m SM I laiabball b roald have beea aada tba Cowalie Oaannl woald have beea aeqaiaaaad ia wilb a aarmar I aaaaol tluak Mr Kditor tbat tbe Brigade Major la vary aaab le blsM get bsesaaa ba ba aleated NawasrkV Aarora or Ricboond Bll bat boesaa bs pioalaed two of al leaat that tbey aboald bava tbe of beiag tbe Head Qaartera ef tba ioa Ibeteby enaoaragiag iba tpirh of rivalry aot oaly beiweea tba viU iag tbcaa difK leave tba aottla- a Ceoaail aad after A agaia aakiag aaaleatioa Myopia It ia eUtad tbal 8l Jeba ia at aeal leaded witb Nova Seetia paper daaeftbepsparaaay Ibat aaoe of tbe Beaks will reeatve tbeea aolaa oa dapoait aader 34 par eaat diaaocai yet la tbe aitvaa they paaad at 8 diaaoaat aa tk wbea a aetirfMat b obllgad taelode tbea ia bis dapoaita be aaai aaka ap Ua miai to oea par aaai A Lookport N T j i Co preeariptioi r preeeriptioi Pi in I Mr Merray a ieO gate kasar ilea f oa Orstaa rrigaa la one yaar TORONTO MABIIctb Teaeavo Neveaber L BaileJ fiS 10 bk ily eoaraa le a adhered to it tbe airaightrerwatd aad weald have beea to have eo ia tbe first iaala aad er otberwisa to baW kfk i Btativaa of tba Ceeoty la ibted So DBOb M r Editor I have lafcaa aod wbal I think ef tbe whole affair There ia evideatly a doabt thrown etsi In year article aboat tbe loyalty of ibe good pee pie of HewaMrkai wkM is aawortby of aotioa ss I aaa aseora yoa tbat la every tbeir loyally Is fWlly eqaal to ibat of the iaperuat village of KdiiDead Hill la 1 eappoa aodeabtel Tear obv 8ervaat J- P Walls M P P Kiag Get 17 60 iviL VaaThe Loedoa a tbe Uaitrd Stales aa c bKh bas far a of diaeaawee Sympathiaiag the probabiuiy ol the Al nth Ihts Uaied fafiag ia lbs Market e tbet order to prchae aolw tbtaadiag ssyceediiioaof6a ilirely t aaltrely ci d D S ft SO ftS A aoaib ag bad brea redaced wheb II ae staeda 4i Hlheg 1 74 The aeary mkiket ba giv tadaatfo he btti prevaihag party deebi fe atiH held by Ihe a Nonh aad the itN ittdrratoed datereMeettee af tbe Soath t bide its tiaw Il may eccar bewtvei Ihat the avJ war fwa aaytM sasaaa thai geegraphical dtiwcisea tfeat earbed ibr last oee aed that U wUI aelade aab Nertbera tsmlery It ia t avoid ach a eewed calamiiy tbal aoaa peUlt ciaa adfisa foieiga coaptieaiieea GaAND Dintitfii S er TMrat Aiioa At a aaatiag ef ibis divieioa aow beiag batdie LaMeo tbe followiag cCeera ware aa Wedaeaday last eleeiad Cor ibe year- 6 Rev W Pirritie Wlvtby G W A Rev Cbaatar Powera DarUagtoe U 1 B SiaMy KiagaiM 0- T- 8 W Bbsr raid Bruagbaa G Cbap Rev L- B CaidwaU biibji 0 C J- P- Wrisbi Vieaaa G feiM IniM Lobo A taolioa to adait fsaalaa te aMabarsbip ia aecordaaee with tbe aetioa of tbe Naioaal CMviaoo si Moatreal ib Jane Iti66 waa raeated ea a vela af le S9 Tba pm m lox waa Vo fcr 10 aa aeata tba iaa la ba da TMed as a aea for a faad te defr tbe axpsaas of leeiaraa- Lmdtr Oa Teeay Mlaaie 8rayo9 or aa iboabiid maad ueall baraalf Migaia Tea Tbamb- tba talbat dsagblaref OenenI aad Mrs Tea Tbtb died M haul norkb MEWMARprC MABKKTI Ifewmarket Novtabei Fioar efi0eat7Sa Fall Wheal- 1140 jilljg Spring Wheaf5aIJ7 Brley60e a 62 Oais3e Peas Mo a C3a Cheea lOe a II Butler- 15e KfgaHo At the Ifanh Amerlcw BelaL aa Brewa OrLO BdJt Oa tha 7 h atL Jl r John W Beg ei yaoira 9 aeetia aed MRS BONDS MOiUNBRT sm IM3 Opened for tbe On Wdnaaitt NovT CALL ANcisEETtUI NEW SpTLESi Niutl Norp 18U Ia K Auction Sale OP 3 im tb Ranal Hat la ii Vllli of NEWMARKET la ihe Ceeaty ef Terbea Satnrday Dae Ut A koerofTveeelMkiaihe ar ki hy virtae ef a fawa afSala aaa a a eeruia ladaaare ef Ma will be pradeed at ihe ate b thv m day A AD r Caai OwMtabar la tha Cewat ef Tt Teomaa ef Ibe Firat Part i 8a4a Lm eftheSaaadPartu of the TiHege af y afcraa id gea I lemat I by ladeataaefAt f dau ila Wth dey el May AAi brtM the aaid Kewis Prtaea fae iN Pia Pari aad Jaaaa lavta tf ihi Vi hfo of Oeatieaaa ef Bi e fart- 1 Wbitehetch la titeaaid CeaMvefMSS Ihe Eighty- Sevfn Jtemi P hoiag rampiid ef aidjr U Tratfla Btraol towaahtp ef Whi ArToabthaoaae taagiag w ane Oaoaae Laeavlyl MlMeaee er Bead fmeel mad to aw tha Waai VillagaUt I Allawn wUeh madia aideefOMU WaeitfdeeCMdM lh lloRh aUitf age La Tweety ai 5tae am f aeea m the asUb a itwt perl imer2lieyvar aMe ef Teaga air eel ii Leewv by ewe Load Barreyer Ala a ambar liaatyaigea the Kaai aids afflM UMl the fiiatCeaeaaiae ef Tew ef Baal OtUibaryeartjBii TwentySami Ae la the aaa aete a leea femtH bAl ilhaaald Oaaeee terr Ki Wasi S e U eaabertblftrhre Jbrlhsd id wae ia iha pait ef the eaM vftia Mrt laid eat apaa Ha Aeerb I f bal aamhfr Blayatx ea Teaaa Bueet ia iW dm Tawadwpaf Baet Owlffia jpef Baet OwlMahay arihe IM Oaaawa la bf Oiaeaaa PraeMal iMd e a a ka ipi Makaiatwaadihba aiaahalaadsig bakaaaaarlaa ia leaatb aed s aialadirai iMh dayef Al Oaaaaa Laraeaf ja Mauaaak art aadragielarad ia lb OaetymTM Saeihdayialy ADIK7 Terms tad OMtdlcfoBa ofidQa Tte Mfahaaer ahaU lliVaiiarbiap eplwfleeefZ die every flBaTI Suwa aeaav aad steB wItMa eee Iko ef ia pM Iha halaa aeei M toa the af aalBb IN be rayalrrd le Hga ea agraeaaal B hwaaader darabevaaaodltkpe edMl aa campletSaa af the p iHs pai i wM he entitled taa caaveyaaeeaadkaBIv laiaalM ra4rpaiMaieiH9 tha U oaea elMeaaea CaaeaauB i JjirlVh MPJ C01UELL k LOUBT Koaayl LsvraBR Ceealalsd BIB lhaj Whtbara levj T BlewwrtaiW 8T BOOiC rvabehjg MtheBuC PETEiZJ