Newmarket Era, 23 Nov 1866, p. 2

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THE NEWMARKET ERA NOVEMBER 23 1806 Vtw AdmUMmtsU- RAhwWTrvat N U Riiu mr R Hr4etw PrrntaW TrBt Tk fdiM OtnaWII A LMM A4MUmiforVderRJ Tan tMiiairaffir TrM Trtrkfr WaiW i Cu4Utl Train Tim Nwbrket AliMCaftiirnrtrrl1 tp4 iw r iran Mk pUc 4 llajrt lliC4 Seaarenwa wonder how iLpj erer eoo- cfltcci to illott ibt tinitr of AgHottl tare to fora part of lha Daltion or- laini it looka tlraB Tha Sherbrook Mr O organ rercrnag to iba prtireiDenI doe about 10 ba ivovd oflberoaraa to ba panaed obaerrea Wke Ik lUMVMt kiniMn iturt VMm W Mwrt Ikil it Vill U W UMt tU frntmumu M UVW CMb W MnaWd ku M an MjajM by 1M EMMB UpiMT CMada CBI ikai lk UMI vill liar U ri U m c IUU Ik Mkjwt tt ctfMtloa Amert Tljp Mfuimorkpt Bra HowrktFi1dtj VoT- 83rd 1866- lATSr rROM TOROXTO I The Fenian Frisonera 2 Hod 0o Browa a Doleyate to Laodoo- CHANGE op TIMK ON THE KOBTnfcRN BrefcchLoading Bifles I nrF ALRR Ao Ao Tam NatVtS 1M TUtfU t tka F friwn acuul vkw tk OfMd Jnrj CuM ta laJ im kill m pM M bafl ut lk Omt Wara m Md Ml to TMkdai ria kk taBrW TkC8 Cailkr byaaikritj t kia 0nrat flmirifd mci mtk a aJaU kill TWrt an MiU S Ml CMiTWtad aa4 a Bahkiaf knraMto ii a faati ia tk aarUtra pan al ikaail Ta tkwaa4 kaaM Mkr kaa kraa aaat ky tki Ciljr ia aU ika Qatk tmUr Mr rnak lUr U tka aUr ai tka tajU Lyaaaa a4 pTMaat Tk i Owiae Saciaty Caarart ia aU t ita akahiakla fattla iU laka flmet tWa artaiag la lM Mmmt QJi It iU ka pad al a daakt latti7 aUaMlaJ IWa ia MM talk if MiiaC tka Baa arft fnwa aa a il la npnaaat ka Bdbf fainr ia Bttial 4aria tka paaMa af tka Caylaia ArMtraag r ti Uajrdlaaa liuUa astailaatiM aiiliury ackaai krt aa4 i ifM la Cir Ctmjrdf To lh firft part of ihia piratriph io lb abtuaat vak no objaetkia bat in prineipta U violalot iba Qnrbae aebeiaa ich ridi I Local Qgn a Ul iroaf eteeptiooa to tha Utter oontrviflalaa allovinf lha risht of appeal an adataiionai Io tba Conradar- ala PariiaoMiit Ona feat reaaoa why Upper Canada baf snbmiited ao to aU that haa been asiJ and done dttrtoc tha piat ihrea both hj Rcfcrmera and Torira io tha Miniatrj and oot f il haa bn the fact that beo lha efacm rrora of aioai mardareiu 0 Mf that tka altilada t D that oeaao b iba Uni I ibf did bafnra rfdia Ml not a art of men ha 1 Canada boaid I iktM fikbMi thrtll ceaiMaaiij a iba bara idta af Df linag i aaj lb Saeral ikca il upaa btaiMlf Io adti ibd atef ted when a arrfvrd Io that peaiiion ai to bava a roet LailalBralbc people vosld be abia to oorrect taaajr rib op tJnJer lh aiiiiiag ayi- iia bat Wt iba loop Kola of aa appfl b allowrd with rejtard to loeil qntationf aod tl will be bol lha rirlni wed to Tba raUb further eDcroaehnaotf Qotil erentsallj il I dmad lo dtalb wiB prof like the isirodootino of Sep ba probablj bi arale Sehoola to our nallooal Tileiii ai I the witdom nf nodar arda Mere polixicai foi tmrif erachj niik wbkfa ibr ha ru iJ cfleaders a Ilia mm caiegorjyi ikMllb lk7 ir oun lililljt liul bUlaal iitnUace of ae AoMrieaa Beib bor eali ba aiMatrfr waf il aoi ao traraleHlj diagatttaf Wbat ou be Tbal the f tf j f iP Jtal with laeri true Wa Irvit Meatri TI and iik afa aad proper aclioe we Joabi bai McDoruALl will nercr oonMnl to aoeb I Vil we rerj aaebfea ibj mif b iacUaed a ahanea ia tba Qaabee ickent as tba tai lh adtwa of tUe above exiraet impliea Tb Uefrtrn party 1 lOfeiaaeal ibe leer believe Ibal aiber tke peoble aor ibe wm dnisnd lboh mael din lul tKld ioa on ihe proaod ofeipiercj ralber kowkde of ibe oiolivea or aianaer f than loAa Coafederalion bol tha lut Uie Aaancaa pple Thrf are Ifalf a brobe the CatBel a baek aod anotb- j fi oedepiocraef aad Ibe raU ibal appij Dof the aerew at ihia psrticolir jiaetore oia fisd ihem abandoned b by tUi5MeciMe of fea aad tka parlj and without followlojrl wald produce on broefioal foiati VI w idcr the new ettem thej are now ta- i woald aol uj there i ao bonerable Malw aliujy mo iiinju j htlv of have been made ienfieee reeohiag in H al aa ailioo j Uick Ibeaeihitpalierlj Inquest Ao Inqoeal waa hald beforo J Bora Bq Cortfaer of GaorKiiia aad ao io- iiliani jurr on lb 14ib inaleBia of lha body of b femaia lying or lb ihora of Laka Sinteoe la tba above Towtithip She waa firtt diaoovered by wo young man wbi had foae dova to lha Lh intending Io eroaa over lo Goorgioa lalaad lo parehaa Aah Praia II eircumataneae it li auppoaad the body had drifiad lo lha plaea fourtd No idenee waa adduced bafor iha jury ileulaiad 10 lead to lha idaniily of lha oman indead ao HrcumpoMit waa iba dy ai to reader il neaediogljr dooblful aen her oearrat ralaia ormid have dune ao aor waa anvihiig found about bar peraoii Rateuated to prova who aha r where ahe balnngad Whan foond id on a black vrk dreaa laeed eali oete aod bSaok amekiaga llai- hair ia of lijht browa otlor and naaily plaiiad VerdOl Faod Dfowaad The bodr waa interred in ibo Preeby- byryn g gr S Bala EegUtor Satardar Datmakar lit Tk Cwpoivliaa tt CavMrkft vfil aHl kv PaUia Aaetiae tka Bia UaM aad Ucak aad Iwi kair aak iJawa Uiaaat ia Ntka Bek aid Udder U VB Tkwaii Atklatoa Aeetleaaar r kavjaf lba4 bale bill priniarf at wtt hare iWir ka n aa Bkera iHrMfli tka enlafaaaaiiliia r Editorial Sominary Mr A Dealing of Nawaiarket Coaa tokai plaa aa Meoda araalaf aaxi at b Mi kor la tka Caart UaM Mr A ItMDCRioa ia preparia fae BaU7 Uia atack aa raplata IwaUwwtkjaalaipeetiae SaetkaaaaaJaaa- t ia todaii paper aad praAt by U 16 refereace to aer adfartiaiag col aa il Will ka aeaa ea aaiaaaed lawaeiin r 8 Vr Hallae baa atarad lata partaaiahlt Ilk Mr Marakall a Prwlaelal Lead Darvajr- la aa tke ITMtkaea lailtaad Tke fa beat U aav keiag baoaNl hi at tkit part fce viateriv- Bka la lyiac ia tbe lay ippiri the Taiea Matiaa Bnark laadiaf rtM are keiag dietrikated la Ik TeiaaMe Ikrva Tke cHy Cawpaaiae viQ tr receive tkeai aad aAervarda eaaatr aevpaafee Eiafrtaaaktaiaad a fartUaaftaeir faaU laia afer TI Chy Caaaeil ia cvttia rakdy Ikr tke Ahegilker tke rellea Miate kae Mleted Ibe deataei iaiaakaat 4400 ia aaalMaalrkii ikcniflg ofRefaro iafioenee aad power ia Parliaiaefit and which will Snalij ev4nlaate ia plantiog tboee who gained poliiiaal diitinetiooi bj tba aid of lha Ilefonn party in iba raok of iboae yw leraed bj tbe gilded appellation ef Liberal Cooaervative and bobnob wilb the Morrieoaa Snilh Speaee Bn of that ilk Aa a aanarqaenea riioald ihia new projeel foraahadowed bj Iba above extract be conaammated we ill have tbe aane atniglir for aaoan- daoey and power oo often witneaed on- ar prcaeot anion wiib Lower Cana- Better that wa had Diaaolatioo and aimplethaa that the righta profeaaed to ba gaaraalaed aodcr Coo- ferttion wiih regard to mtttara of local iiaport be thaa iranpled opoo igaorad Tbe Feaian Iriala aie over for the lie alibatb wa beiiefa a apeeial Coaiiatwoa Will be t8el Haaedialely after term to t remader ef ibe priaoaere Witb reei proper we bava litlte cao- fl bad bat tw eleaeola of oipert- aaca So far a Ititbiaea were coeceraed I k nib I k aoplaafkarflai la tab 4ke ffiwliw af Mra C ft Braake Ce Ta Meart laat ajgkt kl ware ea tatkeaei Tba Ckiaf Jartiaa la tbe Ceart tt Omm PW yMterday rebakai a yaaat Baerielar aat bbMrelaf prvpar etiaetl ta drbc had aa a drab iartaad eTa kWk i A Cavart tatm ika aaaptwa al lb T favMkip AncttBi faeitty lakee ptaea 4k Taaa Ball TerkriO aa tba avealaf eTtka Stk tt Dmaikir T Cmdiae Alaeaii fce 117 haevpeiat- Confedention and the School Tba aeeeiaeeeaet tbat Uaaan Galt aad McOk font part of ibe Coafedar- au MagaUoa ta Dovaiog will ba naaivai by 4b people tX Upper C with aiaed fcaliaga of diaaatiafaalioo ad diatraal Coaaidariag Ibe ooapo- iitioa oftba Uinialrjtbe diffcrnl iaereeta tbe fact of politiaal aoabiaalioo aad inpliea il ia bat aataral aappoee ibat two froa eak of the t great pariiea Miaiatcra raprtaaal ia I ahiot voakl ba aeleoled bat e fail Ha aaa tba proprietj of wiados ef adding la tha oaaibcr two Lover Caaadiai avewcdtf to oarrj late iba diacoaaion aaauriaa ateaeat vkiob tba LgiaUu baa aoleaaly avowed ae the repreaanla tivaa of the people abooM aol form pot ef oar Coafaderatioa acbeoM Meaar Gaif aad Uct it ia aaid are to ra TOMat apeeial iatareota tie Ibrmaf i tbe ebaapioa of tbe Prataatant aitao4tj af Loar Caaada aad tba Utter tbe aalf dabbad rapraeaatatira of be Boaan Catb alia siaerity af Upper Caaada aad aow bavo it aaaii eiially proaalgated ibat ia a lev daa a doeaaeat ba iaauad lailb ibal Miaiataia bave Kdvcd la pertiailj abaadoa tba Qaebee abaaa vitb regard lo Kdaealtoa iatrodaaa a ae fcatara ae oaataapUtad bf iW Qaitii Reaalatiaaa aad cowiiand bf tba Legialalara of tbe Praviaaa aad tbia ba il kaowa aoder tk of raapoaeibie goeerameal f Tba vboU a a aQ aa if ia vWeb il ia faaa abe laob lika a plot lo ibwart tba boaaal cspeauiioa af tbe at aad give aadae adraalafe or gaanataa Urge aaiiiw la Boritj wbiab ibey bava aa jael rnfm ar rb la ablaia C Mama Howiavd aa4 HcDooaAU r Bizxa BOJ M Manicipl Matters Riao The Nenmaiioa lor tbia Town hip will be held al Ketileby All of ih raerabera ef ibe preaeoi Taaneil ill pteb aVy teak ro eleciieR Mr Webb and Mr Pbilipe wilUikely roe for ibe Reeveibip ad a ibe Mankipaliiy will be euilllad ta two Depoty Reeeee It ia probable Meaar Thaaipaen Monaie and Macbali will all ihrea be eandidatee for Depoty Reeve We alao bear ibe naiaea of J P Weila C- Tttoaiaa Tyaon Eq aod Georie llacbea a lilieiy letoe oendklalea ler ceriain eireanaiaacea lor tba RMva Oepaly Raeveehipa MaMra TKamae Ht lobn ParOMo Jiaea Sollen Tbae IWyaon aod J Baldwin are oamea we bai heard epokeo of aaCaooeillora bet wbelh Correction Wadeafre to ealigefi era aneatiaata tke t af Stack A adrartiMd br Mr Peat ia ear aaM taday laelaad rtke SU a italad lait ttk it ekaaU be tke Uik af Xoraaikar Oar raaden ni tkerebre tba atla takaa plaae aait Wedaeeday 8ead F8SXAH181C- there war render- adlg eoaB k aad vaia Al any r ettte ia like tag tbair aclioa diifereat froa Ibeir il coaieeived aad aboitiva i Tba Uadete tt awia wei lol of pore or lea crafly d wb played oa the gfarioaa paMroaa of tbe Oekie rare foi bke aad aardid eade wbili ibeir fotlewert were aarakalled fraa ibi wd af idi tw dapea eerr creppng fertb ao plealifally aaoeg Ibe tb Uoaaa Caibolie pepaUtia il aaraaileeyci a irae bo ai breitrB knara fletlber who wi l below load eaoagb Ib4l ba eiaiecraie biaaf le lb ie f redrevMOg IreUodt wroo wH elway aacceed ia repeaibiag b eiLeeal- beaer fraa Ibe aH lao el 6MeJ la of bii credaloai eaoalryaen uaciify Ibe Ui Feaiaa aoreaeat laliag ia Ibe raid of Jaae Uti ibrrv of at their oa abew og Ibe tbadow of a raatee or even a aottveaatvH ii aad rapioe of aa aaof- teadiag peeple atlcH aaeooaeclcd wiib tba aCeira of Iielaad yet ibe eaergiet ef the whole Iriah popalatioa of be Stilea ware frety eebklad ia lha eaeie aad a pteale tlnraa cf wealib gUddeaed tbe betrU of tbe wily erclorcf lite aehcw A tenai of dfiMcfal tipofae deaa raied lb aaaillipted ntcaltj af Ibe leaden yet ibe coaSieace of ibe eai reaeiced babahcp Tbii pertittasee it erti drove iba leaden to alleapt aa aclioe aaJ aceoniegly tbe Iberatioa o cUad waa bgae a iea bet by tbe eotfy of aoow Sfleea beodred oa oar aoiK Tba aaJ wi a it oaly cotiU aad oaly aaved froa a ibeaa rulcaie bj Ibe death of aaver coairyaea Thaa far we we aeibteg Mxlge or aew it bai arer been ibe ku i littbaea le ba iaciled lo evil b tbiir leader aad aotbag bai iroeble leeae to rcaatt frea aay eeaaeelioa jvttb tfca Bat Iba grave pertiaa af the aai Ibe aclioa lakee b ibe Statea in rclaltoa lo Ibe aoveaeal We we lb that I iaeeptioa t yet the Feaian rvf d Ibe aoal epea aad aaeqai oeal eaeaarageaeal aad rappert Tl Pteaa leeaed with apea approval af tl aeewed abject af tbe ergaaitatioa aa aeoM ef iba chief aea af tbe Suiea eca evaa aeabera ef tbe Goveraaei liave acUaliy idaaufied ibaaaali a opea aeetiaga Tba loo wbea the tpreawd object wot Iba iavaaioa af aebbowag aaoairf ilb wbea ibey wei aa leran ef coapleie aaitj oaj wbea ii i begae ao Mept wei takea by Ita dooli be largely aiteoded WhTchobch All it aereoe ia Ihie M oieipalny op a h preeaal Tbe eiHtii marabere of ibe Coeoeil will likely all eartdidaie again Mr RaodaM for Reev awl probably Maaart Maeklaa aad Joae or Whaler for Dapoly We bave beard of no aew eaadtdaiea aa yet If any ef ubecfiber in the Townahip an aware aity new aan likely loiffer wa will ihank ibaa for tbe oaffloa Tbe noniaaiioo lake pUce al Bailaairaa Caer Qw44uMoaT Tbia Tewnabip ppeera perfoeily aalieAad artth iba praaani coeo wbo ce deebt will all aeok reelee lien Moei likely they will be ortoppoaed Wa paaead tbroogh a portion of iha aont- eipoiiy laat Salefdayod eeoM bear oeth ing regatdiogtbe awiier pro orooi oebip aUgbt go fniiher eoJ are OU I Noam OwtLLiiiBVBT We anderMaod ibat Tealinaao Willooghby Proaaer intend la letite alter ihit year praaent Rear H fhepar E- will probably aeek raeloetioa aod M baa I whieperad lo at ibal be will be typoaed by D VaoNomao Eeq wo only give it ai a rataonr however Several new caadi- daiea will oCer aa Cooooillara and aaooi ihea we baer iha oainae of John Merlon C Robert JdcCordicki Ceplaia WyDdbam DavU Spcague CUq aad iiooil wbofeibaaee ea Wabai aalien will ba boM oeiibar ate wbeiber ibe Ceaoeil baa laka a ter yet We thooM ibiak bew will pravide far at leaM iwe polKag pUoee in Ibe Townabip a all lha Ao fiiaadljr raUtoa aKaocei had Iba iavad- farrt lo reach Caaada Far tbe gpiwdji diaaaeSiere ef the piratical barde btra aal ta tbaak tho iaWcHi GBoaoiBA We have Ml beard free Townehip op to Ibe preaent Peibap kiid friend wUl favor of by aaoiber weak wilb lha plaoa where tbe ooaiaaiiea it t be held aod Ibe aamea ef probable caadi Jatea NtwuAOaw Ko aew oeadidalaa bav been epokea of ae yet Twe d set thro af Ihe praaaal Coaaoit will not aeak la aleotioe ia all prababtlily We have b evec heard whether tbe praiaai Reeve A Boolibae Em porpoae offering agai It waa ibeoghi at one time ibai pnaaibly Dr Honlar weald be a eaadidaie fer ibe iiAee af Reeve bai we ate ia i eiaie tbal ibia ta ael irae Proa ibleCarporaiioii welaam that Moeara Aabtea aad fepper aad pet hap aaoiber wiU be eaonldalaa Ibe rbe Reveabip Oaa of ihe Mr Irwina ta ipo- kea of ae a prabablo eaadidaie fee ibe Ceaaeil ia addiliea a tbe pri her Mr Cbaa Daao hae ala lieitad bai ap a iha week baa deelifad ibe Insea boner Vfbeibar ba aaj be peavailed apaa reaaiaa to be Oaa ar two oibm bava baea biated ef bat aoibiof definite ta kaewa ap ta HeLuaa Lamn Tbta plaoe ti i liet abool eleatiaa aaiier lodaed id iHe diflkaliy wilt be a et m4 lake Iba eAcea B J Tbama Ceq tbe preeaai Raeve will piobably eaek a eloe BMy el Iba estaiiag Ceaa ail will ia ae a Uvf aei baaa abU M 5thiing pnnemifliaiorefthe lialtaa devernmeal haa oal a elreolar dienottiaging aiiaiiae the niimo fiaJy ha ttjt li be naairal and awail ibe aerlaia iri ph ef bei rigbie The Fenian Trials Trial of Donohoe HI la Acqorrm PaTMcC DokohuI wa placed io t dock aod ibe fillowiag Jary awore bn McKeaoa Wui Alkiaaoo Da MeOneald Matbaw Mrroa Kbt Bil Jbe Clarke Wa Siory laac Powrl W Coroer liaerf Wdaea Maube e aad enAiber r J McNab eddraaed Ibe jerf ia Apeaiog Ibe oe Licat Kown Diatfos of the York Cavalry etanaad bj Mr HAaaiaot Siw tiM prisoner at Flebae bold For Rh Jaoe 3 lie d rt wa a pity lb ian bad beeo dnvaa beek bat nev IUiey wprairoBg enuogb lo tak CatMda yet aed woeUI do il Ha aaid be ae froa Baffalo ibat aoraiag H eat uearad be wet eligfcily en ler Ibe raleaee ol Imjuov ebeuld jadgr bat b kavw what b oaa Myiog piivale oflWe47lh eiaiaiaed by Mr Hakriso Arretted pptoaer al Fort Erie oa tbe 8rd aad whra bnagiag a p to Ibe camp be offered at aoary IH bia of 1 refaeed When we goi Ibe canp aad weie iba volaa iii toae of i boa aid I ibai eaotbet FeeiaB rriaoeer aaid be wa a Feaiaa Rd woeM die Aoe Th4t at Ibe eaae ty- A ebiHaint match takea plai Fdlleia HmoI Q ooivilleoe Frhlay tncing al 9 oclock wbeo 900 CeoM 100 Teikeye aad AO dock will be for The bilie for Whiiehurcb Moni ipal naeOoa ar aa pretd Tka aMti to taka at Ballaafaa m tka lltk Daraakeeaait aadtkepuU a ia aat It ibat aadtd U tk Mvaral Bartaral Diriiiaoe aliWy aaaeeaeadi a tk Int MeoJay la laaaary Bzi Tka Dwlanttaa viU lake piaea MUairaej aa tka Wadaakfey lbabig PaaTPoeaiTBarAi a aMiing of ibe romaiiie appointed to eeneider ibe qtea tan of a poblta dmaer to oar Rpreaeola ivae beU ai Qiaenvilleon Saiorday laai I wa d to delay the aaiier liar e lae aa tbe roada are bad at ibt aeaaen ind ether cireaaMneee pMreat aakiog neb a demaoalrattoa jeal what rboeatater Med woold like loeee il la caaa il wo proceedeJ witb MlMlttnary Mttng Pamant I aiBaatfiwal lb aaaaal Waieoary SCTvleM I eewtie witk lb Wtaliyaa M Cbaiab af 1 piaca vaa bald M Wrdateday vreoiag kit b atliaiaara aaa r Vr W Auaaa eapld tbt ebair aad tk wwllBg wm aihiiMid by teva VBea Aeaami Br ava aod Maaw At tbt pea- ereeaWnbedtaaideftkahadt TkeektOr did 0101 Mevica ia eaalrikatiac l tareai ef lb atetiaf iiHy Yoearelbeieft e offer yoa a litte adriee Yoa are a liiea of llM Ooiied Staieta coanlr bere a mab etn da we if be pleaict lai at a caf do here Sorely it t not nHial witfc yoer good laita or coinaoe bee there Ua good deal ef esetleaMal baa wteag wa beag dooe ahd pal toif i l a powiioe la which yoa did I wovW ott bava goaa over oaly I pi ia wttb eaae feUri who wrrr idwg ia Iba cart aad tber aotted 00 aad Ibad beea riokag I weal wiib Ibn His LoROetHPlt a very foolith la o to act a Ibal way aod rpeak at joe dKi rmseta Idoaijbiak I ever uid ibe ordt tken off Hia LoiHiP Tbere ia no doabt yoa aid tbea Bat go bone anw aad learn pie beva ngbit Savmarket Steam KUIa It 81 ba tka aaely laat v aatiaad i tba apakilitiee aad ata adaaaa ef Ik rew fltariBc Mille trial t A aaapleef vkat tke will laeapaklaef da- tac ta tk ibop ef kaHabunl af ton a wiOaet beahatiee wd tbe weed ef ear keW kel e peaaieaei tk artidt liriiiey aerii inattt wka eaa uka tkia pita eeia- I lod it la tkdradvtalffataktl a tka lfwarkt ftaaa MOW a B ka N a M k Cnlanial Bj the Atlantic Cable olaedwiiiai ie folly 111 bifher Lard ototeil 1 LoNBnM Novmr I6b naea StaiM Coae Mofae in ibe ne- lo rfy pobtHhee a letier io whkh ptaiaaibeagioaant MweKn ibe Ai Oovetoaoni end Ptaer TrrMhAla a Co He taiae ibal iba iKta af iba Uoiod Siai Gaveoaanl W all Cnnfaderaie pfopeny therein fully lactgaiMil and tbal ibe aa roperiy i tot joel lo legal lietM far advai Novenber 17 h roon Tbt oodeo in laayi ibe Alabeaa elai whtah are aiill eildei OAoaKleratioa tMi4 Cranwanb il wa ileoght waold boeboeoa praeideoi ef ihi Raaeien feetivit eieppad Haveaber IfthTbe I bava baea eatdealy ef Iba earaaa illaoee ifee Dogaer Loaaen Hevoaber IBtb Telegrapbi deepatehaa froa Raaboff rapwt tbetraii- fyiof iaielligeaoa that tbe faaiaa ia India Maeata feabtr ihaieih 18M Tbe Cafooaeoi a 5pati loaaep Neveabar lb evealag It i lid ihai Iba Gavenaeat i alive letb feet ibei large naabeea af Feaiaa hav amviof la Iraleod weakly aad ai eapared w aoal aay taballaaa aove davaauiiag iba Maaater U m lofi b7 dffwaiog aod ae CeaMieeef York a LeiMaaater live bave beaa lepi peaparTj dfairaTpd 1 of ibe govoT fMlJ are repone in rrdct of Not Gpiltt i The right PauoiKii lo ao earaetl Inae Il re Ill oetrr btber jna agaiaLaagbter Hie LoaoamrNew yao are ai bbeny Ga aad behove yoof Paiaonen Tbaob yea ead ibaok yea geoHeaea lo tbe jer aod aay Uod fraa QalUlo to Fnrt Eie wbea Ploec of Walet WB brra to fera a body gaard for Hi H The Cderl ihea aoaraed Departnra of Faaiaa nig1i betweet oli On Saturdi in ochiek 1 horn lha graod atid Peniana tyiinai jarv failed to bring In hen frnm tbe oU jail iiy and aMeayail In a tpaciat train I apanion BrMgo aei ioaii aide and ordor 10 r eide of the border la fatui dapariure of ihe priaooere wm kap eomparaiivaljr Dtal ia order thai crowd ntigbi eamblo or any onteanlt ondoci be induUed lA by tboee wbi affeetirm forihe Frteoe at a twdv a for tha ldgewT Peniana in particular t very graai The Hoo J I amoron iba Sheriff Col McMinBti ifi 17ih raci and a fewninar rt iaonteiifoe of the Dertimei pencealad rith ibe Iraia friMfl the Uoicia depot lo J Ihe be train ooaeiata ol nra In ona of wbich tree a airoftg gaar of tba 17th Ragiaeai w praaenea had a eluarj edeet in keeping ib pritoriare fiom decaaping and remainiag in the ctMairy Tha prtmara called into the hall in the jail and plaeal in line of iwer arainerffi aatf ihen enndaeted by e a faciei ooneta blealbroogh lha Bald in raer of tbe Jail and plae in tbe imia whoea tbo aaualog to lieiea to the remirka of enae of tbe priBoaere who ware dolighed proapect of regaining tbra litany of ih in anewer to a fr epacietor at 10 wboi iHeir waa any poaoMiHiiy flhoir return repliedi ibm bafad wbenUae back hen lha floor will be aarpeted lor m praooarB received ft goodeapper bly deriioa wl hot bed ef Peijaaiaa end apreadegli Thamonaj ofcKuree waa ptuvided b lha Afflariean Cetreel They eppearart very ihai-jpat- fee the kindn abi Ibam bpfM 0ilartff and nftciala 1be followiag it a Itai iif the aaoMt a llie dwcharged prionera tBt Batlnw Mania MeUurnitek Pa Coanore Jrtha Mayfteld O T Morley JamevQuinli John eadhya PatGarvey Jamaa faatry Micbael SbantMm Jeaai Lynch Tboaae Gahaghan Theaai Wilkee Jantee Rlll Joba Dineaa Andrew Fienabargh ieanae Walter Uicbaal Kilfeether Jtaaa Eart Juha Mabooey reiii Laeet Fraoei Nilae Michael Pr Jaaae Hogw Pa John A Marphv Thoa Tiorielt John Wm Madigi J Peter M Morrti Tiuie Uooday JdiB Red ThoniM Doom M wbael Otreoraa PtOXallev Mtcbael iUrt Jaa A lUhaaa W friigaa Xew AaHTNT Joirace Sis Aetieiant fodgee to ofllmte io eooniioa wl Ibe loealJadga are aver worked I fer Ceaede Tr Ttha eouatiae sad lha Bej deisrao will sbortlj ba laado pablio Aoeldaat oa the Grand fniak- Nov 16 Tba awrni etprne from Torto M Daroil rao off the tfok at 1131 acti Brealao eig nUca waet of thia plaae kllliag Mr Week the Bxpreea areon on the apot an l faull injiirW two iraaitara wbM aaoHa I waa anatde ear Mteen olbera are lojored bat a eeriaaaly Tbe aeoideBt waa oaOMd I a brokea raiL The enfpne and bfggaee d over aafely the et preee eai irot off tha traok aod toaWod down iht enbaakaent aboat twelve or fifeee feel orathieg tlie Bspree meeeeniii ia aappo jumped t of the door- cnokin ear I taabled ibe ambtahmenl aad ia a oomplete wreck The next ear a fliateUa paa- watVao iBto by the one ba hiad iilike a uleeoope eraalied all be aenrs op to the end of it It ia 1 looa h aay of the eteapad aa it wee oeaHy fell bai it U aeppaaed the cawion jerked iheta to ibe forward and that tbey iha eeaped baingcnubed bj ihe one whieh raa ibto it There wera alX peaeeoiter Mre iu4 iboot 300 paaenitera oa the traia- One ifthiiee falallj injorad U here and had bit tag apauted He ie a Freoohnan froa Qnebeo where be ha a wife aod children kit the dnetora In iatipb were proapl lot op by a epeeial train and tbe inded ere here now aod every alien lioa ta beiejc paid tbewTaf to Giobt leeae Ji American Hews Y Novr 10 A New Ci apatoh sayi I bere are feara I ippeoaehii 1 etraiee of lootal crtab owia 10 the failaro of ihe 4tea eop ead tiie aeareilj aoiMj Private advieee from the Rio Grande lie that a antiooaa apirit ia amrent the Liberal araj owiag to OrtOfCa a prwenaa oa tha froatier aod ihat hia titarioa are geiiiag ap a powcrfol par 10 ha favoar New York Nor 13 The ffrrmiiti Masiainaiit abjatia waa ai- iha riad He met 0ii Cateianu only mada e paavu g ealuie ahd gld L tt ihnoghi ba would reiurn nal but til Ihai eae Marahei Bataii iniended 10 eertd him underguari I 0 CruK Cneilaoeg aaa Mwg traa rart ceeliary by Uaxaiae wba jr makmg naw cmiiraeia for K pliea and ior a length ef ilme whic not loot to a upaarfy daptara r Mai have left ibe coouiry DatUne leiil Oaelare hinal drdalor nABH KCroN Nov 16 The folln ng froa tla Diiib Mieaer wa recntarf la day by ilk dreriary afSiat WAOHIROTUII N It 1 bav ibe boaour la aekaowVdt Iba receipt a rrvar oMe rtie 27ib all rrliig to llir CBteM of ileaib pvd Mt J LyfiH a ni J McMaba a Caasl telia ih- iww eaiertiiaedbylb Gveraaml o ibe U di aad lb e4riMa enndriaUw f aw pixy aad baainilf wliiek Mbt be rtpcled It ana w lb caar of tbr m el ibe iadTOBl caeerard a Ibr iM eeaaHiled aa Caaada lal tpriag aaedaty tba recipi af b M CaadN ea hrfr- Iba regata tnbatai of jaHee tha a lanec f lha pntAoara tba lall praieeti lha law alr te the aeoed aad ib- readtaea tbnwa by ihea to caaattarst II cacb dnHata ta Ibo caOHtl of Ibr ble the aalboriltet do aat aadael iba eatite le aay viadxtive or barb hta ef ibe dtpoal f Ibe prieaee a aav be aeticlrd ba ha refvrcd for Ibe dcleii wh wdl et be aaaaird by tbe drkir ae at lare paoe aad bi adil I of H- ally and vpaiaied by a iOai I have Ibe bONr 10 be with lb bih at caeatdarataa Sir yoer aoat vbedeat ed beabW eeat KRB08RICK W OROCE Te Wa ii eward ae ke ke A CaUapoe Faaral Onuad Biaiee Tha N y Sim aa Toaiy Ihai trade ia dali convev bai a poor idea uf ibeaae Wttb ibi exeptin tf iwa or Ihrea wpaka 10 lb tnoai a Bpieabei whan tkawai aaemoda inflas of beyr the irada 0 Saw Yo h hfl bean aloit aiafinn tunng lha Fall Ann It It duOifal wbberUMb leaianerehen- nl Iba city a a elaa ba pad tiia darii ibe iaat ai lanpiba Tbi IBde Ibal waa hae aot appaared aadsh Waaiern btera haee Miles Ti uaual tiaodard 8etanaan 1 biva b out eolietliog ordara hae doiw notbag CiHinirjr aarcheeiia hal g ade are a drg epog Ibeir hanla iHat ibairald atrteka reaiin eiii lha the pruapeet dnot not warraai llom in baying aore than ihay naad to baral kaap af thair eMritianl Ttie fict ia iKat trade ie tlnei si a aiandei I eiat there i an avidanan that il will ver eooo change fut th bailor Ni ona can lall wlui ttaa praaent aapl nf tiiinM m faireb da and wa iha papia to laha Ihe enfe aida by peaetiaiog ainomy and frugality loiHatr aspaadt- load t I Oca itbority bol hU picaeaae there and ihe object f il b tnc kaown will save aa aa effeetual ebeek ii ie ihaKht apoa thoee who aisht ibarwiM bd diapoaed to rmiti the retan- ptioa of the GoveraaeAl by Preaideat ai o4i popuUiive of Iwn thoo- eard in tilbyiUe Tea only aix hoodrod remained the ral btving ief thrrwghl a fear if cholera HtuPAX V- 2 The military hoepiial hre and netrlv all iiB cmtente were deatriyed by fire on 8aerdv iniKh Areroeo were injured b esplova aitopunda Tbe 100 Ragiment errlved at ning leet Il Heiiooed there i 07- The Pin rxher at Otuw 6 K f Novamtar will aoiie 10 ettend ibe larriage W Pfiiicaar Dagmar wiih ihe Zamwix g There ie e reiart thai aa aner liic afT rt wtll b maila reit aeaton by ie laadera of faehirm h Para 10 revii tMTpactiee of powdering the hair Nov 12 There bo vtga I that the tiinpfor Matmlia rrad ih croim of Pelaad flo Tbe S pctaaaukc No rernavat af Kaaaa ba revlred tOap pre Ibe aafsl atatioe at Kaitcb in lb BBidTagaftreg tta tbe bea of hztf Lnxooy kv- 14 eveaiag Io tbe eaa of tbe esrrbei creiter Rappabaanoak iKd for tbe Uatled ijlaltt lla Adair ty eaart ha decided tbal Coleaia it ealitird 10 ber peB nateatu N v HTha Kieg oeael the lirlKito eiabar elrday Ie b apb be took occaioe lo allede le Ibe j 11 Ik Ihat a tticl aeeirafilg aboald b obarved Loiionv oe 15 eoon TV Co- fMrtaa boadlijldrt are abut blagiag Ibeir eaa bafre Ibe bhiob of b Britb eaml a tl a tbe Ataba sa cUiia of be UaiUd Stalra Tla Kmguoa tFAayi ibsl a t8lial wiM be hu o a Mijar of lUOib riaal a H ibM wk ii iiiBt all lb Loloael in Caaada bave n aaaanaed lo etteed ty Biron Hin Juan hijtbei I pentaTiirt ty si vieihyoFph7 lor lha pmeaeatiia rf the PaaiB tf at Toronu reeetHlr ining lettere from the Bta p The 81 Cttharioa r Buffalo ha halted raol ihare and atd aprituid yetrniega by htatiU iiKl slll on gregaiion worhtppng m tbHT churob in tla viltage ef Wait rhev were m the habtt rf irouod ihe kuiiding 00 Soaday 2 and making ali eorU of oairIJ t- Tha Benevilleztiatfiai r ihi Mr Joha RickefJ Madc 00 whoae land gold hTlx been dMovered ha wild bii la he mine for 0000 id aa hmtH epeeoletor Mr Kahardot hattav miereet ta the pmeeede ef tla aelU in eddii 1 it ta Mid ihi a 16 aresefli rnti P I kj rM L which are rotuag mty beeaved Spiir flMr which muet be drr p layer of potttoee epriokta ania fcadiJLtituwt Mr Chaaveee Seperiateadek eatioa for Lower Cawda has get lantf abarce fer aii aeaibt Mr bit place TaatATUiisG Tbe New Tid IForfd ilaiea ibal ia tptle ef iba Ibe Frvech goveraaeel the Aaia goveraaeat be perebaaed the idkltf lo a lha Greciae AckteMiiM t mf 20 000000 aed iareadkUaM ielo a aavaleeiiee Melaljj Ibe fioei horbort ie ihe a and wt ba in potiike le nrtaet pert ie the alelaa af lke e qlieD if M ba tree m il baHa the Federal Ctbiatlialata tbe RoewaaMdawka The Lrd Koaall tat Xitat including ty- The ocret police of tha RmMror Napnlaon are itavae far awav frea ha wit itf iheii quiet looking men in ran dreaa- lolow him at e litil s Biea whew he g aa ou to walk iV Geo McManua e Werfen nf iinetajsouf t ceniii tate for lha rn- faftiton id itva new Cnuaty of Card all in th- rwMarair ty Mr Jiriae aditnrof tha Rahmnod Omartfum t natng tbe eMintae of Anhibatke Mr O TaliMM arfvoeeta f Quabae ta alwt aniinnod aa a prubabie ceifiideta Graal 4ianiiiiae iTlaad pencil ra ihiw made in hngUiid of a eom- atiNHi formed of aawrfuet end email Uh la wab ara grtMivMl v an iie 1 bep ladar mxad wiheoMenhalte iiadium In Katak 150 OOO paafiU remade a weak or ISOUOOOO a Mr and 12 000 eelMC faet of cadar iBterveo oa tbe Reeiaa aida wka diiatb tba Rrpaaa NfiWMAKXIbl Newmarket Novnabiidr Palk WbaitlU a IIJI Spfini Wheaigl39alK Batay44ea4B OaiS5e Peea65 CbeeaeIOe a II Biuvle Kffalia PerkftMa60a rorojtl markicts Pen- 74 OaIOa RyaaOo 1 Raiirl3cal4prlb Teb iewerljo MJJv EgtMISrt oarl PaialoevSSea 41 e Pork ISfta I30 rhiakaa 25 a Sle Gmdty 00- Tarby50e a7So Dck Va 10 My c la LroAL ttirsiaa Nartt Th Coaaereial Ruytl Canadian Oeiari d Briliab North Aeariren Baaka have eoapleied arranceaeoia with ibe Baok uf Moatraal to hold a peetiaa of tbair re aerea in W1 teedera Two other Ineti ioae are atao ouKOiutinff ia rafarenot ihu ae BMbjeet Tbe firat bateh ol 1 new aoiea wee delivered te the bank the Itt Nov aad ill al onoa take thi plaoe ef tboee aow ia eireaiaiioa ty The 81 Caihariae aeya thai oa Friday laat a ceotleata goiajr foa the 2aaptaeioe Bridge the Whirlpool ie bi baiuy waaakd by a pedetrin o ibe mad 10 Kive bin a ride Tha Waa ehevrfelly dM bat hfi two bid lied a short diatanre itrther whei traaer epplid hie haadkerehta whieh efleea took the liberty ef hlin hU peek eftiair eoateahaviag eeeared ia I Banner irvld waleh aad waUat latnlair a Urxe eaa of oioaey ja aat aad allewaJ tba barea to eerry OLItdTMAir trkr Aarte aa a Miaiei aad raaedy fcr tba ikaa briy Iay Dtataai aaiaal Orgaae aad tka vbalt w m kwagbt w ky baatal a kakita Ortat awakBrt kwa kata mi Bi r ady Praapted ky a lad aod aafcrtaaoli I aed br p aad adeg tkl sMdUi J0dEPilTIfMA1V a aaeoadioaaavaa wherem be At fiAatiA Nov 16 Aboat 630 odoek ibU laeralac a I waa diteoverei io oaa of the Grtad Traek railway ooapanyt freight aiddl of the taildiag The lake hd aad ibe brick freight booa iaeladina hair eeataote eiibieen Uadei eera all iSe booka and paper of the ftvight eka a we4 aa tbe araa beloaciac to tbo lw oiapieaof Graad T aak railvay vol Bote are iMally lost The tre oriitfWed in a lot of exeel ior aad arraad ee rapidly that it wai lapoeaibU to olkak tbe laaee Tbi Gret eaipaaB iie ongiai aad Ibe Oraad Traak eoapeays Ire en gine with the aaitiaa belueging lo Ibe town did ll that euald be dooe ia the way of preveaCiBg tbe exteasoa of tbe ftra f bo f ra U Maeraity believed lo bave beea tba eet of aa iaaendiary Tha loes hae aot bora arttiaad bai wll JoabiUa prov 10 be very heavy ty Every Caaadiao oil a4 re wilb befolowiagfroa the Marral Tegrab Bd Oi lb recHaaeadaiiaa ibat l lreF lad piaer arv ppeiated agaat Caa by 4b Fatdao averel aa Ualtsd States m4 llaxlo- Kcw YotK Nov B fffnlt telega ayi Gea Shar aan gnn to Mesieo it U aoderalood to renaiB tboie oaty aatil tba latret Oov eraaeat ia eaae OMreooaplouly raattab liabed so that ia aaae it aboaU b foaad aeeoaaery ta aa Uaited tatcs troopa to eoforoe the eapraaaey of ibe Mesioaa Repabtie aa ofletr aay be preteat of aaSoieai praaiaae tee der ibeeairaaoe of Jailed Sittee troope into Uetiao aad to diaute their aovaoMata wbap thera Tbe UtaM advlaae feaairid by the Go rsM flrea Mazioa era of soeh iremariedie Tbe refefmph Bay aiirapt m aade by Foai r Aawaa all reio carry ooi Iraal tba cnaaaedi fabea bIi be aa anet and ibe eai iih lacaeaofa Bad iWlb Ha for Ibe akart ireAiaeal a tbe gedl Tl eaotNloalioa kbwa lo fortper effadei w dae to poicy aiaa aad wbae aere aiall bave bee peea Mr aaw oelrtga b tba Irrataaai ba laitad of it objecr ibeee wtl be ao tamgee aay e o f rrfaoiag le pi ia feeee the tsiraaa aea teraa ef rrpmtira aad peaabavsl pro- VKad by law A CARD TO IKAlllWa WhUkars I Whlakn n in umtTioii inw kaa yaa tk rigkt ka H i yaanatf aad a VMakl ttkf d awdWa ae aae Barya Taraeat Uaiaaal ka baaa way a pake kaar tto laa tea ytai OdBot fciWaiiwIii kaaiiil I tba a Hr CsAwa Saita afa aa le VewaatbBi aa tba 1Mb ii fiJbeVJisem Take Biaoiumimt d i lb aai ffotios i j Uoal R i Paevkaea Maay al a Mt1pMlkvtkra itad fayH aaaii yHb latatat riaaaaiM aal rnirarl aod 4 Twat f fb ba aad kaaa a tk JeytfMt CA2pBELI di LOOVT auhat Xev rl itolUn aMmnl j PKOTISCIAL LASD SDT TEACHER Wi lak Il ba CtrtMaaaadr ry Oea be aadereaw rv By Older af tk Treaaa flakry CaetiAali k- w b sfTftmt A a bjy Shee Ast Stratbd frea ut la f laa OwiUiakety 17th aa SEVEN S H 6 Aoi fraa raaalaf ta akPJJ JAS KAV fiiMr- Vav U Vi

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