Newmarket Era, 28 Dec 1866, p. 2

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THE N eka D 28 isee Vew AdTrtlMmDti pUct Iiaa boI a ai ran if fh dteil wm ntifM itilb ibUaaU of ptoitrri j1 rvi J i and efieicAe bt tookad for iha r aupport acratiKei P f loj flon8dnee bat if tbe ibovzht otH If Atffijr JltWidar4 crvba ha aboald boi ih ibaai abeti the maUr NTbaa a CoaaeU bad Trtin Tint Vtvnwket dont arcll bowcraf bt tbooKht it mlglit ba oonaiderv I nol prud kingoppoaa U Dr aad ba aijb add llul fxr cLat Wiih rcfani l liia futara aouraa tbaj bad lhitiaaraDlc that all ba bad waa aipandcd her aad lhat Ibeir isltf Dr UuRit Woodcock u lalkad of iha ouljr told ihn Mr Ta lid ha haJ prMaot an iimaD could b mi nrd ha wbuU abiJa by whal Mr int would rgrMlo Mr Traai old irfon atrirad at bui d if a Mliifacury idectieal- Allbiabi hatnonejr be had mada waa ripradrd ihair chUr aupiirMra and friandt ha aaid Bint then No man in th Hall had ihajr wuold r greater iolertat at atakc than ba lud mani Mr Tran M Kipieti Mipm and hovfTcr Ibttaeetiofl nih ereoluale refervt did nwei iho foUoi tVlaMafrii Aararaer IlalUarf lasO- be voald do ootbing lo mar jrood feeling evening bul Ur Haniara inf marreekea abenl wisaic 4iltter Ar dittarb the harmon of the TUbge Inot ibere TT- Apfli I sir AIIiiiHhilid notn or lh f Pr Hotbm wai the neil to addrMi rurpoa aaled When he heard of the the electora He aaid that daring the irnpoelikn ha taieti draiinciljr ha had U IJD rn CtrrorErh 1J ppcrri no o d Id no i trf re then KKueiiiure at reat peraontl -m- r -i- irifico la auitain three ho hai Wen larneJ to IheCoaoc 1 bcut beat to oppoM been a l0g irieJ friend lie tlioajbt aa TORONTO ASSIZES wr t urT jdp beivrefl them Had tbj been alraaeer TH YORE ROADS j op lo tbe ffeaeot aCed Veimtrket Friday Dec S8iblb66 LATEST FROM TOKOSTO 1 ipont ItaetloB is Torkvillt tod York C0RIST1A IX TOKOKIX e ke laJ leDrH Mr Itoolibce had aa Reere for three bad done ihe Mini I therefore in a position o Jfldj betees ihem Mgcb penmaal fVclinK bad bees ttseited and an attempt had been made of the people Tea Def 7iS 1M4 j i real merit rf ihe rooleat and TWiiaai fcr Twao Cujr opeMl 7Mrpce It oa perooal rrrnnd If the Akj Wfcn Bo Mr aMic Maniaae Tkm heliered Ir B bad done more fer an MlyivvOTikieaeriaaiaaJcMMfK trial al be beat ioercata of ibe rillagcdooe akeet a 4aaw aa lha ril nsort to apLreu d KfJer in bit eapacitj laaatMtarrannb ra LWri rleb aa Kecre iban wbat he Dr H hd mUi vaa wtara4 te doae ihejabonld aapport tbat entle n Mraf tedaj kaa aa artMt aa tJ Tarfc man bot if 0 the eoatrary tbejr fotnd lank laiUU Ueuiadlkeraawptafcrllei it OCberwiae be thagbt he aboald look aptotka sntk Kav kat aaaooaud ufts- ith eoafiienea Ar ihtir aalTrage- rw reada vtll paj fcr tkaalTa ia I When be oane home a aliort time asw be abeat 111 ar a bnkit bad BO idea of Lecominz a caodidate St OaatffaSpdftj iHatribaUil te Ua paaraal bot Mr Bosllbc called OB him lad do MaaJaf laa7T0e Iba af baaf I airtd ibat be ahoald rno atatin tbat n p fTfiml aa pMlir be wiabrd to retire Immcdiaielj afier aad pteab paJrfiaf aa CbrtMaay Pa ibia he va met bj olber frirada of tbe iilitiianhiliiolarUaaCmBffj P b whcai he had alvaj FkUbckk ftppeaaa Dr Btrrymt tb pjmu aDd tbejr alao Dred him lo popalarBacra af TerkrUle far tbatft Mxt eallcd t bia miad that Mr Booltbee had ataiei he waaraad to UM Mr BI1 tU rl J l aferbMbBaT In daciiJa ur lha elccto a wenled ihe nmtler put tlraight Mr Uoultbra aaid he uoderatood ih alter aa ha had aiated It and o fa iig bound by at Wuidcocka Hlal ha J on tiich tba4 arbitraiora ei to daeida ltean theoi nr IIumeriplirdibat wa r of lha lleiaihr He r foar I Ike of fH dafi befoi B9ltbr lelit W be did aot floa if tbey eod 4ai aaalbr at at graat pefaovn aaer6ae be beld Mr DoiilTC Speak for roaraelf Mr Jo errr aiiad m L eoafeetop wo or ibifa partiM ailampiiffg lo addreu Ihe Rtlerniag OfBeer and the eircioia at iba aane Una j 0der btiai teatcKed Mr Joy etarUdcii bf ujiag il eleeird be woald aree ibe ralbfall Mr CoRTcia uid he wae aot a eaadi data tbat be went for the loam tBd hre Great laegbler Air Rjkea and Mr Harrifon were aot eaent to addreaa tbe eleeiora Mr daeliaed baiag i etadi data and atatad be wu oalj propoaadKl gira him ao opportaalty lorpeak ia be Oorbam Street dtfioabj ihoBld be alladed e in aaeb a oiaBner a to de and it Mr TRcr followed by atatiog he wa t a eandidrt for Moeicipal bonora and piobaUj nevar wond be agaia la tbi filUite He iraated ba elaetorr woold retcot npon tba remark made bjp Mi ibeirfraMlrtae UoealaaBleo had bean a bindraoea lo the proe mplfd to fjieak j peril of the place alwaya doaa miacblef created encmiea withoat reeaaioB for la reference lo tbe reaaoa Ur Joy natlf again for ibe Coeacit aoiiciiattoo of bia frleadebad t prearni biaclf fr rrelee lid obJj af bii pat eoarte lalJ offer foi in for being a candidate that of r tatberi I bia I BaaAipa MrTrmMUi a4 Dapaltr TWt fcrtba tva Cuaarilaea raalnJ WiU Tarkaja an laiaji breibl to ibia aur- 1 kat la krfa aaabn frm tba Waat bj rail CbriMwaa n aaifmaU abamtd aa a Mila IHia vorahip Uok pUm ia ataat af iba cbwafca AlUfatbrr tba dty aaj eadatljr hr CbrialMt Daf for tba SleeTaabip boar aAer be told Mr Boalibce bia determioatioD vbo hat gemli pearcd aoDcwbat alanlad and aiBteiJ be thatht of rvoBiBg for obo of tbi llraaeliea of the Leeiaalarej and tha it wod f rvbabl belp bim o be ktp before the people bat be woalJ eoBaul a few of bia peraoaal frienda ia ik matter and on bia gifiog bim Dr H lb namra cf ibe pariiet la be refrrred lo 1 rf u II ij BoolilCT tb1 thru Tn MJ J a b4 lrJj poko W liin lo U U Ij I bwwi cinJidl Wr Uoolttm r f tba Chy 4a- piiej then b auppaeed there wa aouae aoeiaic farther aboat the matter and eoneloded bj aayin ha would noteppoae bim Dr H TU meetiBKaa friend- I f and Mr B aU9 aakad btia to do what lhaeoalJ towjrda gltin the Coaniy ir Manicipil Elec- i Tli JV i Holland Iaodioj and Bradford aa it p apaa tba ratara of aartai Ur Oa WalaaM bteiy aaaadaetar Vanban K baa bata aactaii Ma CiOiawwd by aaclawtiee woald brin trade hen djj Tillagtwu bU i tbe Mecbiaica Hall OB M Midaj iaat qtu a mjerity of the learned that i aleetcra beiaj preeeni The Clerk aeliojr taadinz wbai IUnriogOBrr4 lb Elli X J i 11 v i ha would nol oppoae him f Dr H Ha aad baa aallad apoatboae preeent cbSw to makiaa cot to Bowiaate tntienwa for tbe ofieea of 1 belwuB HaiaeU aod Mr Boalibre Reert aod foar Coaaeillora He allowed be then aoagbt to get hotMrabljr aae bjarfor aomiaationi darinj which maetioi of tba priwipal frienda here propii li A Bolik E od Dr e tera waa iben eatiod and the wbole arUad rUoiddl Keen aad Mer RosdLc i date waa laid before the eleetora On r t K JaeiwBJ V Martdea R B- JbJ tbat oecaalud oU ben lUt La did wV i aot deaire lo epp 5j BuIwealfjbad If Ibfj faiare afia if alecled waiilcd Ui Ibvy naa if cot be woad at feel diapfMioiid b thrir aaiyoriirg otbera la iliaDked b fiwodi far Ibcir tofport in ibe pai alo ior Ibe egprattjaa of reaeited bf acaiapropoaiagbiaa Appi Mr jACKat a He aau t addrr 1 Ibe el oalj ai iBJidale far Maaicipal boat Ha appeare of mmj warm lad tried fiiea alan to jaitiff bia roper lo ak Tba ckKf d for bi pan be deplored I bad I Hri I W bad alMafa laki aa llae occaaioaa la iaet be leemei le bf pan bet be rrrinrd ib4 e af lEic prraeat cooteat Uia owi n CIW Blllgoll Wire warm peraoaal fieada oei Iw bad icrn Ihe fwl rf II I Iba pai- a be bad IW frail ago aad taken opea aed bottile eppoai- I or Ttj for Iidrrd aticn tbaa impliad agaisat the Coaaeti waa oofair a tbe largdTl prar tion of Iba expeaditare waa mada ia lb aouibrra aad aaatera part of tba Tillage He concluded by tbaakiag tbaelMtora for tbe confidenae aad geaeroai aapport heretofore aecorded bin Mr McMABTca atatad ha waa a liar iba Coaacil aad waa propoaod ao tbal ia eaaa ba waa ealli qiieaiton to be able toaake a repljr- BOtbiag had traaapired to warraat Tba ahow af banda waa tben takea aad a poll baviag bees denaaded ibe proeeedinja were adjoorad till the flral Moodaj in Jaaaar next wbea a poll ill be opeaed at t4e flail Three ebeera were bea given for ih Qoeen and tbre for tbe Ueiaraipg Ofieer and tbe crowd qaietlj aeparaed Townihip of King We bava oot roceivati aceturieJ aeeoenl op 10 the b aor gotog to preae of King Numinalm in King nd i6vif gifv heb infein anon IB baniJ Fm Reeva T W Tyeon F and J P WelU naiJbat by ro lerenca lo be eleciof from the laller ing eolomiia to Jay il wil baeeeo M Wella waa prep e el cooiraiy lo hia wiabe aanddoaaool in lend 10 be a candHlaie Thia Townabip reloriia two Depoiiea arl A1raia Joel kea nbaa Ibe Ettluraiag Mieer doelared bad anl yet befn abte lo enUect row ib ritorofA RJdk Eilror R Bol rrdiori Ifc Tokip R d nptkfcij J R s I Br1 bsor d Tbo Wir tr UoMillor I rrdd lo W A poll being denaaded oe behalf of lbaSimpoa arraara of laxea erroaeoaaJf elber eaadidalra Ibe procccdiajt were ad- jwraad tll ibe lit Moadajr Ia Jaaaary a Poll will be opeaed a Iba School refSeclioa No Wear aarpria Gtorglaa Eolltnd landiof charged a hi It Tbe Treerr waa aalborisad to aettle oe It moat adraaiagaiaa term tbe ae- eoealof Ara Paiterioa Haniioa fli Palleraoa anl of Coart b tbe caaae of Koiaety va U hiiebvreb Tbe lerk waa dlractcd to adify Metara Wm Macbeyand Samuel Wiltoa to re mere ibe feneet cacloMeg ibe aidelwe for tlH Coieil i UU lKi 16 fc 11 n ib 3id iJle took place ia tbe CeaicilIloom Coaeeaaioa fQitbwiib o Mod7 lllb Clerk Mr Km A BfU pd lbrok tb KTri J lioi H iuiri olfor Tb aadidalea propoaed aKa a followa r fer 04 Aaaear for aelretiag Ji leere Meaira W H TbrB7ad B J ter lieacbitolba Clark To iWr FrOooeillorMe Tbo i CUrVt i Aur 4o Cllclor 80 Pbpi AlldrBiln Alfrd Pbolp I CiotiIlor II JO O r II B t J per day each Clerk and lrraMirrt3UI eorga Sweety Doaald Beatoa Jotbia g ja for Priaijeg tu 3b W Cbapnan B Thome W H Thorae c lbaweli 6t Co 758 5 S W Hal Jnba Ough aad Jama Bleylwo for Ian P L S 10 CUrk aod Tretierer for Cotmeil will ba Poataga ad tber expcac iForfijn k Colonial 87 th Atlantio Cable boik geaitemea prpied fortki Raareabip are laanjog for be Coaaeil ilta a are glad Co leara bal ibeta I not maeb angry frelinf dipayedal ib Ibcfe b a aajer abuadjtce of cao didal Ni limaafrom VV H Tbon praaent a tbe aomioi poaed wilhOKt bii at iaiead reaaiag for aaed at ibe foribcom iag particalar iceived aa a r tbat be w iibai be wau OK aad doaij her Kaevi Tbe CoaaeU bea adjoareediiae dU EditorUl Bommary- Deraaaaa Tba ptoeeedingi Tte Commod SAo la Wedneaiiay aesi and ihe eleeiio Tioaiaea to aoppty tba eaeancta I followiag WeJoeaday ia ibe Maehi Aurora Corporation Tba roliowiog ia lha liat of Candi di ihia Monieipaliiy nomiaaied on RvafaMaiihew Up Chailea Doan EiV For Com Fleaty fi flilaif 11 D CbarM a John FieM Beijar lliabaty Aiiealiaral So eiing lakea plaea at Fal nevUleoa ihe 7h of Jan Bencingat aeiock fv ling for appwr aangame irbapeof Id deaite May hio 1 it aptw ihrea on many Cbi I full of aplamtid applei many happy ThIIbipl foi aod iht W1iaee p that Ihe Bav Jok Poi apopol Dvsua Da TlLar 7nu loai lu cTrninani la ollr awa e of hia mofemen aa- ihai hoolil he land in any port of the Briliah lilee he woaM hava liiiia lioia fer mia ebtef Tba TAfgraf alan aaya lb lepoda lha acoraa of cotfirta bav been bnrietl in lie lend filled wiib the beat breaehloadera an wild bul iiteapable of immadiaia Jiipieot Paaia Dee 3IAa a manifaaiaiiao ol upon lb mw dfc r7 Mr T r tjina Iliiherio iba pol 1 ib b Jiedain a probl p 10 ld M 33 rl l ibooojl 11 r hll oor rKord iHiimonr lif iKil iljrjr nd Cooo 2 Joln Surrul orlrn ih i ehaaca n repair iha aeil hieb rf i iir he lately owned C It ia reported tbal tba 31yd inr onmw i fluiag am Mfol affair Mr Kellogg ii h on ibal occaaioA declaiad ba aladloatphaliho traJilionl rnanJahlp betwaea lha iwo naiiooa bad tea rai Tha Aral eonfeieoee el ib lalaiHna beiwe n KinUoffl ol flaly I Rm Jaaciai Baaut H AdfKM aon Jeaepb Sinkea Jai rbataptey Oar old fiiad Mr Tbia Toa ably I tiled with tbi He thea aiid be woald pat tbe matter in tbeir baaaif tbay ddad tinJcraU tbeetrcanutaacea to carry tb coaiaat ta lb polla tbejr t agree S Ska A Coryell Maj r Ricbarda Nalaoa Oorham Wm Trent Wm Mc- Maater aad Heary liarnaoa aomiaaladl for Coaaeillora SabaerBeBtlj Meaer Coryatl Biabardaoa Gorbam Trent aad MeHuter decUaad being aodidalc Fift miaalaa war tbaa allowed for befurebaad tba probable re acb eaadidaia It addreaa tba elacora Tboiur- oa- nd po ki w tbe order iq vbiob Ibay war propo- 1 opoa at which tbe old friend aod lap I pirter ia fornier cuataata were to bo ia A BrtTsc Eq ibea aame f tod aad tba quiee of eandidaU for ward aad raid tba oaeaaioo of tba elec lleereahip deeiM bai tbi tor bteg called tepetber at tbia iim waa ia eoaaaqaeaM of a cbaoge ia tba law ragaidiag tbe prooadare at alaatioo by wbieb tbe paoc were allowed lo cbooae f direat ote Ibeir chief magialrate in- elected froia tbe Coaacil la eomiag before them aad wfnge a Raare ba did ao f degr of daliaae for il f aaj ma toapaakcf a bia peraoaal alaim TbU tbeaa oibiujI Crieada were fuOowiag Moaday ereaiig atood tbe elaeien mmI tbal wu ba did sat talaad lAtaa Pra aaataaa bot tbej met act aa drad by tkB tbat ba wu iaaeaiibia le tbair peeferaBoa aad kiad regard fer aotbi woald make bim feel BMra pnmd tbaa to raaatee tba boBor ba loogbi at tbair baada Tbaf bad Head togetber for Biay eara u aeigbboara aad he woald aot uiali tbeir good aoa or ia lalligtBM hj makiag peraoaal appeal for tbeir aamrt It wu aot a plaoaaai tbiag to do ia fact aaeb a eoaraa m proea dare waabubaapleaaaaltotbaciadidate aad ta tba alcetora Tbaj dUliked to gtH a maa aa opaa refaaal to bis fa wbBa ta raaatra it was aqoally paiafal t tte BMdldata for Ibaa rauoa ba Itl ad tbay westd sot ask biai to malu a par- eaal aaaTaac Wbat ibej bad ta aoa idar tba obkf Bottra tbat aboald gorara tba aleatora ia makiag tbair aataetiea aad tba prwelaaat fact tbey bad lo datarmiM waa aa to wbetbar tbi porao oaakiag tbdr aA wu a 6 aad p paraoa lo be tbair raaraaaata tiva H aoald oalj aay ba bad baaa tbair Baara kr iba past few yaaia aod tby vara ia a poaittae to ja of bia abuiij aad tba naaaar to wbiao iba da tiaafiaiag ta tbaoAoa bai abai- la rariawiag tba paat ba tbbt tba lata OaaaoiJ Mld poial aitb pardaaabla prida to iIm aaaaeaafol mi aar tba aSiiraof tbariUagabad baeaaot ifimri aad tba taproreiaaota mad Tbof bad daM maQ towards patliag ti TiUiM ia a gaod abapa bad aeatritatad Urgy tavwda aatabliabiag a perauaaat aad aoafaaiaat plaM ibr tha Agrieoltaral Seeiaty aibibiiiaoa A aeat aM aemoM diottaBagia Hosa bad alao baaa are ta4 aad ite roads aad sidaaalks waia i fciiit rapair aad all tbia witbost salariaUy olaatiag tba awtieo of ib le tha goiBg 10 law dapatrted Mr Marsdea to make a propoaitioa to Mr Oorbam to ra qaalified legal foUowtag Mr Baeltbae iaaoad a ty abaet aaooaociog bia caodidatare aod tbat ba woald go to tba polU Soen a betrayal of oonUenoa ba coold aot oeeooat for AU tbat eoatd ba doaa by biin bad been fer tbe irbola 1 doaa to beoid tba aeoeaaitr of tbia onn trbitratnr Tina Mr Oorbam dedio teat aad ba bad cvea offered to giva way I Then followed tha Fenian aieitameBl if Mr Boaltlbee woald and let a third tnd tbe matur wu left ia abeyanea for a Mead be pboaaa ia faet ba waa prapar j eoapla of moatba Sabaeqasail Ibe to parane aay booorable aoorae to areid qBcatioo wu btoot ap asd the Raare tparaooal eoafliei with tbat ceotlemaa order4 to vbuia a aopy of Whitebarcb Hera tba Rataraig Ofiear daclarod tba Ooacil reoordk hi wriUag and rtfer the tioH ap fiflea tioataa oaly being allow- faoa aiatter U Ial eoao TbU wu ad eaeb Caadidata Maaowbila th u arraaKed o leave tba a aniiaal frteada ob aaeb aidr aad a fiAh be aelec ed by iba foar u afoa a Satarday ereaiag and Bat I iday Tbef a acble perpoae aad ahaald edftoaaio coilrit a tbe pi I prpilr of lb plac A w aboald b aaited We airaabl a tbe pol aabiataed by prejediee at oar taHrage aa thiakiag reapoaa- ieltigeti mea and aalgire carrea- be bfiefia ibe esMty areaad tbal r d ttdfd aad dialraebd Tbaimr nirrd wttra we akeald take a awre i iiauu JJo for bia ileterniaed bat ia all faiare ccd- r might be ibe diffrrrace iip iblPMda f aboald idalged ia by bim be lead bia paper fer aay aaeb parpote IjTgiliiMte parly waa devirable oppai lioa ea princtpla w io be eipetdbet peraabta aboWd be abaodoaed He ibaaked tbem fer tbe keaosr tbey badeoa woald make bo differeeee ta bim paUaae Mr naehe aakd vbataclioB badbeea takes with regard 10 lorbam Street Mr Jaekaon ataled that abortly after the Raera bad retaro fiom tba Uaanly Coaacil in tba beginning of tb yar action waa takra by making enqairj into tb reoord of tba Wbitebarcb CoaaeU Thta enqairy aoafirmed tba belief tbat Ibia Cerpmtioa waa entitled to tb laad ia diapata TlM Coaoeil beiag dedroos ifpoeoible to aattle the matter whboot Tba B BovLTssa aioppab frwi plaoatina Aa Dr Hooiar bad tba place batwaen tbam ba waniad to maa hia reraioo alao Confuaot Tba ReturBiagOIRear dfaidad ba tnight gi an iplaaaiKKi aimply Mr Booltbae then aatd ba mat Dr Huoter oa bi ra tara froai iba Steiu and aakad bim if hi intandfd lo bacooa a eAodidata or tba Raavip at iba approaching aloetioa Ur nuBtar ropltad ba dal oot tbat ba bad forat a bjaa ia aod ioiaedad moving ihatr at ooco Ha Mr B tbea coaaulird a few friaodaictd iham wbat Dr Hut adataad to roa U daaidad to aiaod gavi d aaid aod iadaraabd ao Tbe day of his friaada aiar Dr Hoeiar ibat biro aad atatad b bad Ranged bia mind aad bnd cooelodaJ loramaiD Ha Mr B tbaa totd Dr Haatar ba bad oooaulied bia frianda aod tbT had datarmiaad to bring bia oa After ibm iba OMatipg alludad to by Di Uantar wa prupuaad bat inaiead bf il beiag eompoead of tbe old frtandaoftha partyi i oumbarad iboaa cbiafly who had bot loitg beaa idaotified with aa aod coald aot ba eooaidarad aa any iadieatioo f tba viowa or aaliaga af tba party ltd eooeeaaaily tb irga fritod af bmb ealtad re the froBt with his mpany to go iato Camp Tborold- On IS retarn M reported Tcrbally oa the alter aad ib Coaacil by raaolatioa istraetad bim to procare a writtao opia 1 hat writiaa opiaioo bad aot yet bee Uid bafota ibt CobikU Mr J W MatADSN uid two waeks 0 be did aot iaiead 10 oflr bimaelf for elaetion bat eireomitaooee bad alter ad bia delermiaatioa Ha bad tbe ioter et of tba Tillage beart aad tba ooarae be bad pataaad la tbe paM wu the oaly goaraotea ba ooold offw for tba fatare If tbey approoad of tbat coarse ba looked for tb aappart sad be aspactod to be Mr- Marda was aaked tb sam u Mr Jaokaoa waa aiib rfr eaoe lo Oorbam Street aad Mr M replied tbat Mr Jackaoa bad aabsuatial ly detaikd tb facts Mr B B J aaid ba appeared before tbem aa a oew caadi apoo Iba aohei latioa af maay frieada He kad camder able iaureal m tbe ttllage aad as prelly maeb all ibe alber eaadidaiae bvad to C Nartb ead of tbe vittage be bed coaaesl to ataad lo repraat tbe SAatb ead af I pleas Mr Jay tbea ia reply lo a laaa tii from Dr Heater aaid ba had beard Mr BMdibaaatate ibat ba oaly bald Iba oftca a a traatee till Cr Haater raiara aad lo lately taW Um tbat ba aboald aot oainaiioa lovk place al 68llealre Ihe fdlowing gf nilemra wrra pro end aecooJed For Reeeluhc ill ani E Wh4r Eq Fw Depoiy Beeae Mciwa Pbilip Macklrra and P W Ptayiar For Cooneiilorw Maaar R MeCotmick M Jooea 1 Cle- bina aad Jael Baker Il willaa ba aaen Maeaia Racnlall awi Maektem are rnmieg ea one aide ead MMia Wb4e and Play ler oa iha oiber far ibe Reeve aad fepoiy- abip Tbe enei poaitionaftbe CanltJaie lo Caaneil we de not knew bal of one hift we caaioa ihe clota not to be led ly ly pfajttdiee oreleciitpur ifoBBTed fppotta are ISth Battalion Proapacl jMreei The laat GnulU oAeial 1 neii Satieeco ntaina ihe following with regard to tbe j Hettoa Vaaaa ibo Blllioo TO iMioo ooU aeam ic owm that Newmeikat will ba tieelient 1 id bJood dipl ll nJ loy 1 H Di i Iblbi Mni N Wob bMnthiilpbr frala CaapM aBrkM to ba iiea iwaM lawparan EMlya CbarWa MeraTJaa II ft am Cawtbn appoiatad rajrnaaUr day areai at 7 oVlec ding porehi reenta Whitchurch Council be tbere Coeacil mat at Seaii oflSalacday ibe ISib laataat i All Ibe membri peaeat rxeept Mr JnaMlbe Reere la the cbeir Muiutea of lal meeiiag laad approved and agd by ibe Reere Tbe Patiiioaof Uarria ailareaad es praytag fer an ailiwarce fer tbe ftf Jai I Ht ofJoka Aalboey and elber atkiag Coaacil t about tba qaealioa of aarray eg aad eatablibieg tbe ideliae Roada ii the Towebp to a vote bf tbe ratepayrn at Ike aril aaaual elrctioe Said peti Uon were laid iver for farlber coaaidera ir I Iiifol Betiet e the ma fac ibrengh prjndiee Eaat GwiUimbnry I Townabip aciad with maeh pta ipreaaion it eoflJeoee will im doubi poeaibla to aa OMMlMt Iba afl4iia of tba lonieipaldy aa lo give ceeiiaoed geneial North Owillimbur niaaiioa in ihia Townabip rllriew ar Reave and mi ooea i Malay laei whee Heory Da E lha preaeat Reeve abd Capt Bayley ware avarally prupaeed and aati d for be Reeveabip and Meaara U liBpB D Milloughby T Gtiovin aad roaMr eld neilmen E Aldraa i Siepban Mann K MoCwiliek Tbowp ibeld S4etheo Wiicb and W Veaof Tbe iad fer tbe Coeil t ferniabiag i abovi aaaaahip aa Ibay bava pleaty a eama ioiwaid aod aerv tba Mi pality at a dollar a day Ha genily biwa iratera aie ia demand lo ihat 1 abip jaat aew aod great fea antieipar Meoday the 7ih of Janury will tell tba pepolar men are oo databt Oeorna Caalrary to oar aaiicipalieav ba Ma ipal ElaciMB ia tbi Towaabip did ead oa ibe day of Nemiaatioa A aa 00 array ofaapiraatspreaaated ibcmaelro at tba baatiags For Baave Arc Riddle Em aad a aaw csudidale ia tbe fanoo of Mr Hegb Oeopar wer aoai aated aad are before Iba people F CeaaedMaas Tba SibbaM J R Staveaeaa Semael Bretboar Taea Weir A Maodoaald Hagb Cooper Wm Baraia Cbarlea Lavelette Ueary Treloar George Evaa aod Daaald McDeasM Aa op porlaaity wu allowed tba Caadidalt asd tbarr aoaMaaera aad leeoadera to addraaa alcatots after wbieb a tbaw af baada 1- A Tea Meeting takee pli Aarara ea Itaw Tmra Da Utbe W K Cbarab a aU af tbe Paraaaaa Traat Pead T ba aarrad at t p m aftr wblab Rav Mr FoUa t TaraaU aad aibar will adJraaatba aadiaaeo riekata M aia aaeb Ta Cnaadaaf tbeCbarab ea Ike Kavaarkrt aad A arera CtraaU aapa liaHy PcHOOL KxA5ATtu Tbe papila aUeadiactbeCawaeaSebaalertUaplMa arv amwiai I ia tbair aavaaal braaotaa aa Tbaraday aM Prtday Ualaad aaialtud ibaaJfaa aabJy Tba ataeedaaee a aiaika la tba aAetaaee waa aet aa laria aa a aaaU bava wiabad I bat rrUay evaaiatbe vialtoaa vara awema Tbeaaea- ma ml tWaka M tb taaeban wtn mil mtt- vbat tbey vttaaaaad aCtba p aad A Dlspiit Settled A gMd maat paapl kaa gat tba iwpnaaUa tUt tba ac Ifaaidyal Act rakliaf ta aad die af rataaa aal ia aev ia fcrca TbU ia a laka Tbe mm law tbat appUad kat yaar ia Iba aaJy la ia tb eaaa la tbaaa parttoalara fcr tba praaaat alaatiaa Claaaa 4S7 af tba Va Art mya Tbia Aat UtakarfKtaatbeintafuaary IMt aad txeapt aa aaeb tbaraaf aa rdataa ta tb rlaatlaa af aailidaUa aad tba paadag af By- tava fer dlvidaf a snaiaipaliiy iala alaetecal pertiia of ibe Taw Lim Eaat of tkia Towrsbip st Ln No 39 of ibe TuwatLip kf Utbrtlfi be report ei ibe ap poatrd a batid a B dg at Lot No IS ibe 3d Coaeeaaioa waa read aad adop ted alti tbe report of be Cowm lire ippoialed le rxioMaa la adelioe Road rwea LU Nra 10 aad II ia ibe 3d Coeceioa aad take aaeb proceediaga a I9aidial praoiieable aad aecary to be eficct tbat it waa adviiabi to be Road opeaed aad lbdy bad em- poycd a SrryorJ W llallea Eq P L S to ma Ibe liae aad oImi ibai ibey bad lotd tbe iiber ibeioa fo iba m of 933 Tbe Clerk preaealed tbe Certificate of tbe Clerk of be Peace bewi tbal tbe Report of Iba Selectoraof Jaora bad beaa fied araard eg to law af J W H H- p L S for aerrryag aMie lae Ue paaiUaa m weea L Nm 10 II ia lae I Tbe ittwdaaee iviaiian dria kbaaAeroeaa Sd Cab f 10 alao la accoeat frem naaatUcBe bat la tbe eveabig the beeee na E Jaekaao for priaiiag atatieaaryfcc iea wa tba aam- i W r bar tbat a waaida partiea af tba et laatiag lo alH fom W C ikm m tmm u Piaia Da 30- In ihe llni Dim tlay M Fafetmea annoanc Baaub 2LVae Prualar ibaMae Piuaaia LDii De 3naraBing Th M ai per 001 Ltvaaraoi Oac 31 ova ngl fn lufl btil been lif apt rk bul piraa aa am iloiiad ai aSa per 4J bbla in CM10II ode 4tJ a D iiaianii nave eailraly abated T J la irar qiii aad cenfidence baa l lite papie aeoa Dm h ia rrpnfied i inaoi ih iba Fieneb a xica aeiteJ ihe ba3aaal iimiitan whieb bad beei aCe ltwaaallegadih ware eeroied a aun tnfMnwe Ibe fiiwperar Uniied SiatM Covarnmeni It bad haufhdly tefal t ira wbeu ihej we u a atteve aiaiedf aad ba hnaaetf belJ Kpo Corrf0ionknrf fa 04 SiHtr fA Sf Pxaa Sn GeaU yee bad a pkea to y vJeabie paper fcr tbto mmmaalmilae yea a byMrKaaaadyaaPriaajpal wbabaaaMreiifa- Itiieal elaa b of r coaiicy hat Tbe erbalaia faaaraUy aaitted tbew ealvaa ar ilvbHavideavreCaMb dieaei ea tbeir part wd af giae eafe aad lbeeebaaa taaebof Tbe laa tf raaltitii iJagae M Cbewett Co fer b adiag rolls eery 768 Appbcaiieaa war tbaa pretaated fr Bertbolomew ad veeteea oiber ikd for daip Mlod kf doibillujlhirdpnollo27 lb Milili TUiIh- A penoaal sppliealiee from George Walk- waa ead Tba aiagle pieem aad diaUfaaa aet off from Soboel Sacioa No 3 U ebeeaa aad vaU idiaarad wilbKiag Bad eaaaxed In Bboi Aa part af Jaaavbiae by Mim M Aran al- No 1 A ByLaw taa p Ieed tb Wagtby ia adertrably pert giaatiag tb afaycof iM applxaat Aa ordaT wa laaaed by tbe Coaacd for Iba payaMai of diawga doaa ta sbaap by dega viJoba BanbolooMw ft Ja SbhI Aadrew Jobaaoa Praa- eia 6larr 4 Jaba Peleb J S Wilfcia Jnaa Grabam Mra Willaoo i30 Jote 0baraa Nar maa Jaaaa t24i WiRum bealoa 3 Cbriattaa Lehmaa 29 Jeaapb Elltoti t6 David beker 5 Morge Walker 10 Edwia Calibam 8 8 Sddoi a i e3 Joba Taylor 22 Ueaolatioaa ware paieed exieadkag tb tba tioM far tba paymaat of araaay eipea dad oa Roada aad Bdgea to ibe 25ib ef Deeambar laat for graaiiag a fertbar aam of oa tbe Tt wa Liaa Eaat at Lota from 38 to W aatbaisiag Robert Mc Ormick Eq to adveitiae aad aell tbe Timbar oa tbe aidaiee load belwrea Lta 25 de 26 la tbe Bib Coa sad eipaad tba proceada opeaiag tba aama Tba CaUactar rsprrtad tba Dag Tax celkctad u amoealmg to 43ft aad 17 laat fram partia btfiag left Iba Taa abip aad af ib albar Ball Ha byMimO Heia ae waU w tbaee ef tMeaad by MSmM Dabarty waa sir U a elw dktiaet alyle bat vbaa Him PbUpa appaatad aa QaeaaBUabaUaurad iaa aplmiilqaaealy aad megaiiaaet creva vitb a atately aiaa ew eeaU bardty believa bat It aa tbe variu ble Qaeaa Bam baee Tbe eemte dialafoe Tbe Vaa aad tba Kaaay Ceed mder a ebeerved TW csareiBm ai rlediil by tbe Ratieaal Aatbam bii played by aim yb aad eei by aO I ebemvad ever tbe pialfcrm Olaca witktte Mr Keaaady vUab ia prmaive af tba MaUamto ealartaiaed by tbe wMe aamwaaity teawrde Nr Eammdy wbaw bdaetry iaUfrity aadgaaeral aaiftlaam la i pabUa mraar aia UgMypyradiaM A TtSITOt Beujj Lurataa Dmr S4 Balwar joaKat aoa ProeUmatioD by XsslaiilUa Tho following proamalloo wa la- aiiaJ by Matimiiiao sn4 protwagaed ib e miv of Mexico oo ibe HM mr piaaMBo Dec IMaiieA8 t Ircmuataucea of great magnitude relet g trt lha wrifara of our ctMMilry and hich iorrauea io Xrength by oar d eeiic diScultie have prodwrad in oi eeonder tha power cvnfidet lu ea ur ceaDCil uf miitiatersby ui ooavntted Iveo ai horopisijs bit iba wal- arf 9 Meti- rqMu pfa afic t ibe head of affaira arvd wa titva cwti- idarad It our duly to cdoosda to tbair qoaei aoooaactog at tba aaoaa lima of aaaen eball aaet ii freming the nitrt Iowa lo eWiJaa ibe e ineritoiooe of ihe ooofitry To 1 hie reeuli our eoanmllor era ai at engaged In daviaiogtbnreaary re D each a mennar ihat ell pairoa aaaiet lo ao arraogmeat ou that n tbe moon time Mexioeoa eoaa- og baao placod lo ebarga MAXIMILIAN Sorrttl ttad tbe Asaasolostiee Tb H4 Advartiaar n Iba arren aid Baaeaq9 Dbo H Surratt one irf eooapiraiora t e eeaaaaiiiatlHi of PretdanI ee ibe filowing aigniBcni remnikai If aver American haJ agi Mitrol of iba liie of John Siu I Ibat the eaaa may ba a blwksda r aiaa parpoacs A Macon dior know of a CW luloa printer who hu arade 2S0Qt sine Ibe war eloaed Tbe Pint Picsbytariaa CharA Boaton bt called Kev Dr Ormiitaa Hamiltoa Caoada at a IerjeftOQ 0 A gill ia mala attire reWkal a Catbolic prie io PhiladalpbiawkBaU wBmiatiierio to tbewaoU of rliS F pertojs bava died at nb Orchard Ktotaeky from eatiaw fr fStepben J Meeaey tbe PeajM Seaafbr lately mived fiom Mew Tife bad baao eomnittad for iril io Dakk I a ebirg of eoBpiraey A marriage ia oampalad b Iwe Priuea Albraobt npliaw af tba KingofPoaaia aod Pnaa Mark lod eoaia of Kiog William III- ty A Jmdi Stock Compaof has l formed ta Meoraal for tbe oooatroatlia if an Hotel ia Montreal oa a aeala tf nagoiloaaaa before aakaowa io ibalaily O A herd of blooded oatile wa rw nily aold la England for I0 000 aa Toraga of 9330 per bead Tbe E gliah parer eay tbrs priec were bb asily bigb Tbo Gturt Jtmnuil aaaoaosM that theaeeoaeheaealAfber Royal laae the Priootaa of Walee ia eipaifc4 rljr lo lb oiuloii jnr d ibiloTlh nooe llelcoaio April 99 1la flupreme Coan of KUbWaa u decided that perBt whb jrSU oae foarlh Afrieen bio d la tbeir vai are white within the meaaiax of tb Ui and therefore aa ttla I lo tbeteoUfraa A Waaurn man rakiatQrft fi Paeile railroad aayB il i oaa af l7 fonaieat coiooidaoa ia tba world lbs almoet every alteraaia aaetioB of laad t eilber aide of ib roadVlooi lo mM41 C meoibei ofCoKre C ty Tha Uwer H oae of tb KoA Carolina Leaialaiara have rejaetad Coott laiioaal Atziendmrnt by a Tola 93 to 10 and the Senate by 44 yas taT 1 nay By a imilw overwbelmiw Alabama hu diimiaad Iba AmaadoMlb p 17 Qaa i very abatdaat ia Cm- ral Illiaoia hie yaar Tb IaagbtriiM prairie cbiakea wild hnutin i aapreoedealed Dasidae loaal iparV mea thraar aevtral pnia from Kaal and from Canada aampioc la looatiiieo U S C Wa era aoery M I Mr VVa Parriak baa raeigoad a a U 8 Coaaal fvr Ottawa His affable aod xeatlomaalf maaaara bUe roaidint here woo far blai a beat af ftienda and bia drpartara aaivaraally ticd Mr MnhB if Albany 1 ba bissaccaeeor ia tb oAoe c If tbe intllitaoe Voa racivd by way ef Ciooiaatti la to la If credited tha mtsaioa of Mr CampMi aad Oea Sbarmaa ia likalj to be allea4 ed with BO amall difioulty aad maab pleauataea Maxiauiaaa datarmli OB lo remaia la Mexiao aeam to be ipird tba Impriaiiata with fraab b ty Tb Nw To k Worfd sys la raoeat oaraer uf Canada is eaa ia aot prograaaiv aad iatreet- Mwa IB history Tba Worid b rlM r oaea aod tb moat importaat iarafcl oowhiebCaBadianehavederifed ftw U to sbaa aod abriak froea aaylUig hwti of deoioaratit form it govcramaal Tbo laiaal aaw from Iba seal dl Paraay straagtbeM tba balWil SSf ithdrawp fro tba aoaiaat sad Snm aloaa csa raiu naitbar tba maa aor Ibl mooy rqairad for a aaatlaaatka ef tbe M G Reoioii TW ri BelUvila ItUHHgmetr aaya Ibat hvg lambera ef peraaaa from a aiilaaae aae free tn viait tbe Madr gold ria aal iroapactwg go oa a bvaly aa rfr Tie pailr ef tb Rtebardaea mia was I BaiUnta lat weak aad braogiM wit m a geatteoMa of exteawva ntfarieeaaia I ged iegoa ef Celarade lad CeMkrsls i Mspd kiiatatfwcllaaiiafcd witkA bvw aad M M cderalaod Ibat ibT t ara M a few day to pay avar Iba baaa mnay aad aomoaeace werbag il lUe Nbiag poailiva baabaearece lib reiJad ta Mber miwea bat ram ibe diaaevary ioM ainb managed ll kiirally lan at ma Kiel of hi Ha aiaade aa tba oaly ki iva of a euuepiracy w ibMgb it waa Coriood aod cmIom wiihiM tha last jiro laar tbongh i van ol It raeinbora bava bren an d aad convicted tbnwgh ihe oMet aeaio legal mita bava boon emptojod toalli to tba bottom ia todey wrapped m I and aDfaibomabla myrary la aey aiaiiar plot la thadimoea oiiddla gaa Tb exteol of t gaoeral igaoranea about it isay wall be guagd by tb- knowo tnil obrp ol iba caae by iba govei J etodiad it long clooay I tUl declare t cbtaf outwptrai bw repoiatioo eroditdo aeet Prasileat of a Jobn Sarratt and i I waa tba r wbila the utbar tke a tb ahtickip attd ia- I aod witb bi peraoe lo p tba tiatioa ooald w rd lo offer bim bia life bia hbariy f oiaar priea wbieb migbt aa aaShent il to obtaio frtMS bis hps 1 ipaadr and of tba wai aa of tbo Iaragaeyar mada OMra formidaUa Tbo Ai Rapablio aad Vragiuiy bava il metal io elber i York Towanip Tba iMMiiaadM ir N uilepal boours in ibU towaeUp aa baM at Pmopani Hoaa Yaiife aira on UJoday Tbo foOvm tariee wer pnpoaad fnr tba oAoO rro vs i B Bull jr praoo rtev W Tyr i aod Joba P BulL Pw detmt laaveibo ollowtag ptuai pro Wilimm Cleko WM Jaeq Jaaaee Duooaa jr Pbilip Al alfoeg K E Plytr praaaat dap reevrT WilLam MaibulUBd Jnfca Haflfr Ml Ktfbert Ooway William TyrrA Williem Jama Jama HeMallaa Jamea Duoeaa aea Par eooofli fnllowiog war aoiiDatsd Conwav II 8 Hubailaa aod J Duncan Mr A L VV ileoa clarlr iT tba towaabip waaroiaraiBgoffioer Tm atlaodaoca wu large and mocb latar aaemod to ba takea la tba procaadM Lfdtr On the 45 b iaat at tba raaWeawefJ Wella E ofAaieiaby tM ReVg iwenewmaikel Dav ft Em4 GwitUmbaiy ta Maa Walla of Aami On tbe 5r7ib ioat- at tbo MaoWt laikei by ibe aame Mr Jab Oiaeja to Mia Aooe Rotllf C

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